#but they had to change domain and server a while ago and now everything runs slow and half of the pages don't even load sometimes
cacaitos · 3 years
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Dream SMP Recap (April 25/2021) - The Red Banquet
The day has finally come.
All the preparations have been completed. The invitations have been sent out. Everything has been leading up to this moment, and the Eggpire is ready to make their move.
It’s time for the Red Banquet.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- Puffy walks around on the surface. Everything is prepared, the armor is where it should be. She hopes everything will go well.
- Everyone is dressed up for the occasion (except George). Hannah, Niki, Fundy, Eret, George and HBomb are all there.
- Bad says hello to Ponk in the Egg Room. Ponk tells him that no one has arrived yet. Antfrost greets them by the entrance and they go up the stairs to find Niki waiting. 
- Puffy and the other guests soon enter the room as well. Antfrost points them towards a coat room where they can put all their items. Foolish arrives with the Rolexes. They drink some cider, head to the dance floor and play some tunes.
- Bad comes over and greets Puffy. Foolish informs Bad that he peed on the Egg. Sam also has a dumpy and HBomb has two of Fundy’s cocks. 
- Antfrost goes off to speak with Ponk alone and check for some last guests. They watch as George arrives.
Ant: “He looks sort of lost, but that’s okay -- we welcome everybody here.”
Ponk: “Hold up...I don’t know...hmm. Hmm...”
Ant: “I mean, he looks harmless enough.”
Ponk: “We need to get a real good look at him first. Quickly.”
Ponk: “I don’t know what that’s about.”
Ant: “I don’t know. Well, we’ll just keep an eye on him.”
Ponk: “Yeah...”
- They then go speak to HBomb and Niki. H hasn’t stopped dancing
HBomb: “I’m doing my best impersonation of a white dad.”
Ant: “Did you guys notice that the guy over there -- George -- just sort of wandered in? He seems sort of lost.”
Ponk: “I feel like he’s hiding something.”
- From the walls, Ranboo in a shadowy outfit can be seen watching. 
- HBomb is the DJ.
- Bad comes over to say that dinner is ready. Bad tells Puffy that they have shrimp cocktails and they all go to sit at the table. Some people are in jail and weren’t able to attend. Ponk cooked all the food.
- Bad welcomes the guests to give toasts to the meal.
First up is Foolish, who says that he hopes that after today, nobody has to say “turn a new leaf” or “let bygones be bygones” ever again. Everyone has come here in agreement in the hope of something new.
Next is Eret. 
Eret: “As the monarch of the SMP, it’s awesome to be able to maybe see the SMP going back to being reunified again, and seeing all of us not have to worry about fighting each other on different sides. I hope this is a new chapter of the entire community as a whole. Cheers to that.”
Then Ponk steps up. Long ago, an old, wise man told him “People change like the tides in the ocean.” Now he truly knows they do.
Puffy steps forward. Bad and Antfrost, she considers as friends, and the Egg has separated them. She hopes this brings them all together and makes the server more peaceful. 
George was asleep twenty minutes ago. He asks about the soup. Ponk says it’s made from organic, free-range beets.
Finally, Bad says he appreciates everyone coming. This is the perfect opportunity for everyone to come together and let bygones be bygones. To set aside past issues to grow and advance forward, even with the wrongs that have been done. 
- He nods to Antfrost, who breaks a block behind them, revealing a button. Antfrost presses it.
Bad: “I was very, very happy that we were able to gather everybody here together for what is, I’m sure, going to be a banquet that none of us are ever going...to...forget.”
- Lava starts pouring down from the ceiling, walling them in.
Bad: “Yep. Prepare to die.”
- Everyone panics. 
- Puffy tells Bad that she didn’t trust the Eggpire anyway, and planned for this. She removes the cover from the table and looks into the chest -- it’s empty.
- They watch as the Eggpire members all don the diamond armor that Puffy and Sam had prepared. Hannah says she had to do it, had to tell them. For the Egg.
- Sam says that he had another plan, because he didn’t trust the Eggpire. He’s tired of all this fighting, and it’s about time that they blow up the Egg for good this time.
- Sam flicks the TNT lever and the explosives rain down on the Egg. When they explode, though, the Egg turns into crying obsidian instead of getting destroyed, reverting back to normal Egg blocks after a few seconds.
- After Quackity’s attack, Bad and the others took preparations to make sure that the Egg wouldn’t be vulnerable to TNT anymore. Now, it’s time for the executions.
Bad: “You see, the Egg needs something, and it’s gonna get it from each of you. See, in order for the Egg to hatch, it needs energy. And it gets that energy by people dying near it. And that’s the role that you guys are gonna fill! We’re gonna kill you, one by one--”
Eret: “You’re a monster.”
Bad: “What’d you say, Eret?”
Eret: “You’re an absolute monster. How could you. We all trusted you, Bad!”
Ponk: “Trust! Okay, Eret. Keep talking. Keep talking about trust.”
Eret: “...That was a long time ago.”
- Bad says that Eret is the perfect person to sacrifice first! He leads Eret to a spot in front of the Egg lined with Netherite blocks.
- Foolish steps forward, saying he’s had enough. The Egg can shield itself against TNT, but can it withstand lightning?
- Nothing happens. Bad laughs.
Bad: “You really thought, Foolish? You thought you could enter the Egg’s domain and beat it in a battle of power? Come on...you’re in the Egg’s territory, Foolish.”
- The Egg is suppressing Foolish. Ant suggests they start with Foolish instead and take Eret’s life later.
- Puffy steps forward. She and Antfrost shout at each other. Puffy says she gave them chance after chance. Antfrost says that Puffy betrayed them first.
Ant: “Foolish, your own son, is about to be slaughtered because of you!”
Puffy: “I’m only one person!”
Foolish: “Puffy, Puffy, it’s okay, it’s not your fault--”
Puffy: “NO! It’s not alright!”
Ant: “Puffy, you could have stopped this if you had stayed with the Eggpire. But this is your fault.”
- Antfrost kills Foolish with a sword.
Cause: Sacrificed by Antfrost to the Egg
- Everyone screams in horror. The Eggpire wonders who to kill next.
- Suddenly, Quackity shouts at them to stop and drops into the room. He tells Bad to calm down. He puts on diamond armor.
- Quackity tells them they’ve just killed a man, asking if this is what they wanted. Bad tells him that he’s doing all this for the Egg, for what the Egg can give them.
Quackity: “I’m telling you, Bad, you’re a pawn to power. You’re nobody, Bad. You’re working for something that, quite frankly, doesn’t even care about you. I mean look at the Egg, look at the Egg! Look at what it means! It doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything, Bad. So how about...how about we just stop playing games.”
- As Quackity monologues, he subtly slips Puffy a Netherite axe, potion of strength and a golden apple.
- Bad can’t stop, or else he can’t get what he needs. 
Bad: “Guess what, Quackity. If you wanted to stop us, you should’ve brought more than just yourself. You should’ve brought an army.”
Quackity: “Guess what, Bad? I did! I did. In fact, I brought the next best thing...I brought my biggest enemy!”
- Technoblade logs on and drops into the room, his hoard of dogs following.
- Not only that...Quackity also went looking across the lands for the best mercenary he could find. Purpled drops into the room as well.
Bad: “We HIRED you to take out Puffy, and you join the enemy’s side?!”
Purpled: “Bad, to be frank with you, Quackity just had the better price.”
- Techno explains that he didn’t want to work with Quackity, but the Egg is too great a danger to the server and it’s against everything he stands for.
- Suddenly, Puffy jumps forward with her axe, attacking Ant. The Eggpire is shocked that she has a weapon.
Puffy: “You’ve taken my kindness for weakness, Antfrost!”
Cause: Killed by Puffy with an axe
- A fight breaks out. Bad shouts for the remaining Eggpire members to retreat. They run out. Quackity orders Purpled to go track them down.
- Bad leads the Eggpire out. They can regroup later. For now, they have to run. They have to split up. They can’t get caught, they have to stay safe and go as fast as they can.
- Alone, Bad thinks to himself.
Bad: “This is such a trainwreck. This whole plan...everything was for this moment! And it’s gone! They -- they have the Egg now...they have it. What can I do? I can’t do anything! I need to get out of here. I need resources...”
“Wait, I know where I can go. I know who I can see...but the Egg, the Egg is -- it’s in their possession right now. What can I do? What can I do against it? I can’t do anything, they have it! I needed the Egg, I needed...I needed what it was gonna give. It was gonna help me get what I wanted, but now they have it...they have it...I just...I just wanted what...I just wanted what it could give me.”
“I didn’t really -- I didn’t really want to hurt anybody. I just wanted what it could give me, but...I don’t know. Did I screw up? Am I in the wrong here? I don’t know...I just need to go. I need to get out of here.”
- Bad starts rowing away into the ocean.
- Quackity asks Sam what to do next. The Egg is invincible.
- Purpled lost them in the labyrinth. Sam says he’ll build a prison for the Egg if he has to. He wants to find a way to destroy it, but for now they need to lock it away where it can’t be accessed.
- Quackity makes sure everyone is alright. They then exit the room through the whole in the wall. Quackity tells Techno to come with him and Sam to talk. They leave the others to escape the rest of the way.
- They make it to the surface, relieved. HBomb hands them all soup to remember the event by.
- Puffy goes off on her own down the Prime Path. While she talks to herself, Ranboo walks down the path with potion particles coming off of him.
Puffy: “What did I do? What -- I...My son died! And I killed my best friend! I...I need to find Foolish. I...I don’t even know who I am anymore. The life I swore to protect, I didn’t at all, and then I took one myself! I don’t even...I...I can’t do this anymore. I just...can’t.”
- Eret mourns Foolish after the events of the Banquet. Foolish sacrificed his life for Eret, so at the very least he should be commemorated.
Eret: “I don’t even feel like I knew him that well...which makes things even harder. He’s helped me out with so many things, just from the kindness of his heart. He claimed to know me. He claimed to know a me which I don’t even remember... And he sacrificed himself for me.”
“At the very least, I need to commemorate his sacrifice, I...I should’ve been the one to die, not him.”
- Eret builds a Totem statue in his fortress. 
RIP Foolish I’ll miss you, old friend.
- Eret builds a replica of the Egg in their museum.
- Ranboo logs on in his house. He decides to go around the main area today and fix some stuff. His inventory is quite empty, so he grabs stacks of grass blocks from a chest and heads out.
- He heads over to the main area and remarks that the server is beginning to look okay now that the Blood Vines are gone.
- He notices some posters for the Red Banquet.
Ranboo: “Oh, that was today! ...Cool!”
- He carries on and runs into Sam near the Community House. They exchange some steak. Sam says he’s collecting materials for the bank, as people need it now more than ever. 
- Sam suggests Ranboo invest money and charge cash for his hotel. Ranboo points out that they already have currency in the form of emeralds and diamonds. Sam explains his waiver idea for the bank.
- Also, Sam needs to build a vault. People can come and rent a spot to lock away important items. 
- Ranboo asks if you can lock away people in the vault. Sam says that’s what Pandora’s Vault is for already.
- Sam mentions that they’ll put the Egg in there. Ranboo asks what makes this different from regular storage. Sam says it’s more secure.
- Sam and his associates will be there day and night to actively defend everyone’s belongings. Ranboo asks how many guards Sam has under his command. Sam says quite a few.
- Why now? Sam says there’s no time like right now and quotes Oogway.
- Sam doesn’t plan on charging interest. He just wants to establish a better system of trade on the server.
- Ranboo explains to chat that he can use this system to make infinite money by trading emeralds and diamond armor.
- What if someone is, say, already quite rich on the server? Sam says the trade and the guard of supplies is most important. 
- Ranboo asks how fragile the system would be. What would it take to bring it down?
- Sam says a whole nuke. Ranboo replies that he was thinking systematically. He asks how the Great Depression happened and Sam explains inflation and the circumstances for economic crises. 
- Sam gives Ranboo a “prototype Sam dollar.” (One iron ingot)
- They go to Hannah’s house to steal and then find an anvil in the spider spawner to name the ingot “Smollar.” They go down the tunnel and Sam says that Ranboo shouldn’t go down to the Egg Room. It’s under quarantine.
- He’s planning on moving the Egg and asks if Ranboo heard what happened. Ranboo didn’t. Sam fills him in in the Egg Room. Ranboo is curious about the Egg turning into obsidian and picks up a piece of the Blood Vines, suggesting Sam do some experiments.
- They exit the Egg Room and find some strange llamas. Ranboo shoves a chest in Drip Llama.
- Ranboo, Sam, and Foolish breed a ton of llamas to begin the Industrial Revolution.
- Bad comes over and becomes one with the llamas to cope. Foolish turns into a L’manburg Llama and is promptly slaughtered by Ranboo.
- Ranboo, Bad and Foolish create a gigantic llama train.
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Upcoming Events:
- Quackity’s business opening
- Tommy’s plan
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Dream’s lore video
- The Banquet aftermath
4/19 - Nothing much happens.
4/20 - Nothing much happens.
4/21 - HBomb makes a diamond game, Jack plans to open a pub sidechain for his hotel business
4/22 - Tubbo shows Tommy how to make TNT cannons
4/23 - Puffy, Foolish, Hannah and Sam meet on Cloud Prime to discuss the Banquet, Ranboo’s Enderwalk Saga: “The Lessons”
4/24 - HBomb’s diamond game, George’s anniversary dream, Bad hands out invitations
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lord-of-gender · 3 years
A Small Problem - Part 3
The Red Banquet
2761 words
As the 25th came Phil and Niki were having alot of trouble getting Tommy into something nice. He refused to wear the suit that was his years ago claiming it was 'too itchy'. So they resorted, with much protest from Techno, to making him a version of Techno's cape from some of his extra fabric and the old L'Manburg suit that once was Fundy's to be wore underneath.
"Oh my god, finally," Phil said as Techno grabbed Tommy from running out of the cabin.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Tommy chanted, giggling as he latched onto Techno's arm, he picked the boy off and handed him to Phil.
"Are you sure you're not coming," Niki asked.
"No, I don't trust that Eggpire, besides I have other things to do." Techno said.
During the trip through the Nether Niki and Phil politely chatted, but Tommy remained silent and huddled against them, as if they were the only things keeping him there. He never liked the Nether, he didn't know why, it was just scary and didn't sit right with him. When they neared the community portal Tommy sprinted to it, wanting, almost needing to get out.
"Niki!" Hannah said when they came out of the portal, "you look beautiful. Who's this little guy?"
Tommy looked to Sam who was behind her, he'd learned that there were certain people who couldn't know his name. "I'm Tommy," he said when Sam nodded.
"Ooh! Are you now," Hannah said, surprised.
"Yeah!" He said excitedly.
"We should probably get going so we're not late," Sam said as Tommy ran up to him and walked next to him.
"Sam, Sam," Tommy pulled on his suit, trying to get Sam's attention, "look what I can do."
"What is it," Sam said, looking down at him as Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.
"Oh you're going to be freaked out by this," Phil laughed and Niki giggled.
Slowly Tommy's features changed, he started sprouting fur and whiskers on his face. Tommy grinned up at Sam as his face looked like a raccoon.
"Okay, that's weird, how long has he been able to do that," Sam asked Phil.
"A few days, but Techno's discovered he can only do animals. We were in quite some shock when we found him fully transformed into a raccoon," Phil explained. "And of course Techno's first instinct was to exploit it."
"Ranboo didn't let him," Niki inputted when Sam started to look worried.
Soon they came up to the entrance of the banquet, everyone wore nice suits and dresses. They all stuck with the red theme of the banquet. Tommy morphed back to look normal as everyone fawned over him. Everyone had complied with the Eggpire's request of no weapons or armor, well except for Phil. Techno had insisted that he bring at least his bow and sword which could easily be hidden, a totem, and a few potions.
"Wow, you all look amazing," Antfrost greeted them. Not mentioning Tommy, who as soon as he saw Ant didn't budge from Sam's side.
"Thank you, you look very dapper yourself Ant," Puffy said, laughing.
"You okay buddy," Sam took Tommy to the side as they entered the basement where the Egg had taken over.
Tommy shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't like it. Something's wrong."
"Do you want to stay with Phil," Sam asked, thinking maybe Tommy would feel safer with someone he was more familiar with. Tommy thought about it then nodded, trying to stay as far away from the Egg as he could.
"You alright Tommy," Niki asked the boy as he came up to Phil and grabbed his pant's leg.
"I-I fink something is going to happen, I don't know if we should be here," Tommy said.
"I'm sure everything is going to be fine Tommy, you have so many people here who care about you." Phil said, "I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you. Okay?"
"Okay," Tommy nodded and the trio walked over to where the others had gone over to dance.
"Care to dance," Bad said, offering his hand to Puffy. She accepted, this could be a statement between the two leaders. One against the Egg, the other for. A symbol of unity and peace.
As Hbomb continued to play music Niki and Eret danced as well, Foolish swept up Tommy and started to dance with the kid, sending Tommy into a fit of giggles as he was spun around. The boy forgot about his uneasy feelings and started to enjoy the party.
"So who's ready for a feast," Ant announced and they were led to a large table. Tommy sat by Phil as he sat near the edge of the table.
"So toasts, speeches, does anyone have any," Bad said.
"I do actually," Foolish said, as he spoke Tommy's ears started ringing and he zoned out. Something was wrong, he didn't know what put something was happening. "But I'm willing to give you a 3rd- 4th chance."
"Phil, I want to go home," Tommy whispered, but Phil dismissed him. He wasn't going to be rude, the Eggpire seemed to have changed.
"I'd like to say something as well," Eret said and started speaking how he was glad the SMP was turning back into how it was.
"You know what I've learned over my time," Ponk said, "as a wise man once said, people do change." They expected him to elaborate but he just stopped there.
"You look beautiful tonight," Sam muttered.
"I would like to speak as well," Puffy said, breaking the silence and standing up. "Bad, I'm glad you hosted this party. We've been through alot together and this egg has separated us quite a bit. And I'm happy that I won't have to sacrifice anymore friendships. Thank you for today, and I hope this brings us all together. I also hope that after today we never have to hear the words 'a new neaf' or 'second chances' or 'bygones be bygones' because you will start doing what's right. And I'm glad that the fighting's finally over."
"I can agree with that," Eret said, raising his glass. Everyone copied saying cheers and raising their drinks.
"Would anyone else like to say some words," Bad asked, looking around.
"Well do you have anything to say, Bad," Puffy asked as she sat down.
"Why yes, I do actually," Bad said. "I would like to say I appreciate you all coming. This was a perfect opportunity for us as a community to come together and honestly, to let bygones be bygones. To set any past issues aside and to set things right, so we can grow and advance in the future."
"Phil," Tommy tugged on his jacket, starting to panic as lava poured from walls, trapping them in the room. "Phil, we need to go."
"Not now Tommy," Phil hissed, why was he so insistent on leaving? Realizing he wasn't going to get Phil's attention he got up and was going to Niki who wasn't sitting too far from them.
"And now," Bad said as the lava encased them, "prepare to die."
"What," Puffy exclaimed and the others started to panic as well. "What about turning over this leaf?!"
"No, the leaf is staying the way it is," Bad said.
"Tommy," Phil grabbed him, and gave him a potion as Puffy uncovered the armor she had hidden, but was gone. "Listen to me you take this fire resistance and get out of here. The entrance is just over there, you run, and you go find help. Okay?"
Tommy nodded, he looked at the lava nervously but Phil and everyone was counting on him, he had to do it. He gulped down the potion and sprinted where they had come in.
"Stop him," Hannah yelled, running after Tommy. "Tommy get back here!"
Phil pulled out his bow and shot the few arrows he had at Hannah. She whirled around to look where the arrows had come from. Unsheathing his sword he ran after Hannah, buying the time Tommy needed to escape. She had armor and Phil didn't so he was forced to throw his sword to the side in order to not be killed.
"There, I have nothing else," Phil said, putting his hands in the air. He'd done what he needed. He'd got Tommy out and soon he'll be back with help.
"Now Sam!" Puffy said, Sam flipped a hidden lever and tnt came pouring down onto the Egg. But as it blew up obsidian covered the Egg and vines surrounding it, protecting the Egg from the explosion.
"Did you really think that would work," Bad laughed with the others as Phil was forced back to the crowd. "After Quackity tried that, we took extra precautions. Now who should we execute first?"
"Execute?!" Eret exclaimed with the others freaking out as well. "You're a monster."
"You're one to speak," Ponk said, he was apart of the server when Eret had betrayed L'Manburg.
"I've changed, I have learned not to betray others trust in me," Eret said.
"Well maybe you could be our first sacrifice," Bad said, "we'll take care of Phil and Sam next."
"No, no, no," Eret said as he was forced up to the area in front of the Egg.
"Stop!" Foolish said, he couldn't let Eret be killed, not while he could still do something. "Enough. You know protecting itself from tnt, that was impressive. But can it survive a barrage of lightning?" He raised his hands and started to channel his power as a god, but nothing. Nothing happened. "I-I don't understand."
"You really think you can come into the Egg's domain and be able to defeat it," Bad said, "I have an even better idea. How about we sacrifice the totem first."
"No!" Puffy screamed as Eret was let go and Foolish forced up to the podium and forced down to his knees.
"You could have prevented this Puffy," Antfrost said, "you could have stayed with the Eggpire and none of this would be happening."
"We don't know that," Sam said.
"I left the Eggpire cause I realized we were hurting people," Puffy said.
"But look at where that got you, we're going to kill your son," Ant said.
"Puffy, it's okay," Foolish said, and Ant swung his sword down, a bright green light filling the room as the totem lost his first life.
"No!" Puffy cried, tears started to spill from her eyes, and there was nothing she could do.
"One down and so many more to go," Bad laughed, looking at all of them. "Now who do we kill next? Perhaps Sam for trying to blow up the Egg, or Philza for hiding Tommy from us or even-"
"You're not going to be killing anyone!" Quackity leaped down from a small opening in the basement. "Bad, this isn't you. This isn't you Bad, we both know this."
"Where did you come from," Bad demanded, pointing a crossbow in Quackity's direction. He had nothing and didn't seem to have any weapons.
"I know what you're doing here but you're going to stop right now," Quackity said, pulling out a sword. "Look at what you've done. This is impressive. But you have to stop. This whole Egg thing has gotten out of hand. You just killed a man. Was that your plan all along? To kill innocent people? This has gotten completely out of control and I'm not going to have it. You're going to stop, right now."
"Now why would we do that," Bad walked towards him as Quackity equipped armor. "You think putting on armor will help you? Why do you think we did all this, we did this for the Egg. You can't give us what the Egg can give us. Don't get in our way. Don't try and stop us."
"Bad, look what you've done," Quackity walked around the room. "You've trapped all these people here, all these innocent people. In what you've disguised as a party. What have they done to you?
"You are a pawn to power, something that doesn't care about you. I mean look at the Egg, it doesn't mean anything Bad." Quackity slipped a golden apple and axe to Puffy, "So how about he stop playing games. How 'bout that?"
"I can't, I can't stop and you know why," Bad said. "And you know what Quackity if you wanted to stop us, you should have brought an army."
"I did, in fact I brought the next best thing," Quackity laughed, "I brought my biggest enemy."
"Alright Quackity, where's this Egg you were talking about," Technoblade emerged from the same opening. Phil started laughing as dogs came in behind him, teeth bared and ready to attack at Techno's command.
"It's right here, Techno," Quackity grinned, putting his sword against his shoulder.
"Let's go!" Phil said as Niki whispered it, he wasn't afraid to show his support to his friend.
"And not only that, I went looking across the entire lands for the best mercenary I could find. Cause you're right, I can't take you alone. So I got two of the best fighters on the server, welcome him Bad," Quackity said and Purpled emerged as well.
"Purpled," Bad exclaimed, "we hired you to kill Puffy and you join the enemy's side!"
"Bad, to be frank with you," Purpled said, "Quackity just had the better price."
"And Techno," Bad said, thinking he could negotiate with him. "You and Quackity are enemies! Why would you side with him?"
"Did you really think Bad, that you could execute my closest friends." Techno said, "No, your biggest mistake here was inviting Phil and thinking you could attempt to kill him without me finding out. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. This Egg, it's warping peoples' minds, it's controlling them and has no plans of stopping. And this Egg is the epitome of everything I stand against as an anarchist. So yeah, you've given me enough reason to work with Quackity."
"We're not going to let you stop us," Bad said, his voice wavered though, could they taking on The Blade himself? Most of them had seen the destruction he brought upon L'Manburg. "We still out number you, four against three."
"Not for long," Puffy said, splashing a potion of strength on herself and ran at them with the axe she now had. "You're dead Antfrost!"
"Wait! When did Puffy get a weapon?!" Bad yelled as Puffy attacked Ant.
"You've taken my kindness for weakness," Puffy said, swinging the axe down and killing Ant before he was able to defend himself. She turned around, tears streaming down her face, ready to attack the others as well.
"Dogs attack!" Techno yelled, attacking Ponk. Quackity and Purpled followed, attacking Bad and Hannah.
The three did their best to fight off the dogs, able to kill and injure some of them. But is wasn't enough they would soon be overwhelmed.
"Retreat," Bad yelled, they were no match for them. He broke into a wall near the Egg that opened up into a maze of tunnels.
"Purpled, you follow them, we'll take care of things here," Quackity said, Purpled nodded and ran into the tunnels.
"Phil, are you alright," Techno went up to him and Niki. "Where's the kid?"
"I gave him a fire res and sent him out, I thought he would have ran into you," Phil said.
"And the Eggpire knows who he is," Niki added, "we have to find him."
"Got it, we should take care of this Egg though," Techno said.
"I-I'll build a prison for it if I have to,” Sam said.
“Okay, but will that contain this?” Quackity asked, “are we sure that’s going to be enough?”
“We need to leave,” Techno said, the only way out was the opening they had made in the wall. “Tommy’s out there, we have to make sure he’s okay.”
“I should come,” Sam said, he needed to prioritize Tommy, even if it ment pushing back trapping the Egg.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do here,” Quackity said, “Techno, you know the way out.”
Techno built a path up to the opening and handed Phil a weapon to defend himself with. When they got out of the basement Phil spotted someone wandering around, thinking it might be Tommy he ran in their direction, Niki following.
“Phil!” He exclaimed when he saw them, “boy am I glad to see you.”
“Wil-Wilbur,” Niki said, she couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t Ghostbur, but Wilbur himself, in the flesh.
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Reversiverse Master List
Updated December 21, 2019
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Unfortunately, the following links will not work on mobile; however, the list can act as a guide for reading through the blog. If you only have access through mobile, simply search the name of the story on the blog, and it should bring that up for you. Or you can ask for a mobile-friendly link, and I will send it to you personally!
The Main Stories:
Markiplier Manor: The Ipliers have been gathered together under one roof, but Amy discovers that doesn’t make them one big, happy family.
The Warfstache Affair: Amy wants to bring a little humanity to the Egos, and Wilford Warfstache, the infamous killer, might need it most of all.
Deviancy: Among this perfect unit of robots, anything “human” is looked down on, but when Google Oliver starts experiencing glitches, he might go deviant.
The Puppet: No one is quite sure where Natemare came from, but he’s determined to figure out who he is, even if it means putting up with the Googles.
The Looking Glass: In a hall of mirrors, the Host struggles to run away from his past while it continues to destroy everything around him. Including his dreams of a better future.
Playing With Fire: Marvin the Magnificent is a powerful magician, constantly playing with fire, but when Anti is released from the mirror, Marvin might get burned.
A Domain of Evil: Markiplier Manor is a source of evil, and the two darkest Egos are about to finally go toe to toe in a date with destiny to decide who is on top.
Error in the Code: Now that Anti is trapped in Markiplier Manor, many of the Ipliers are forced to stare their problems in the face and realize there’s an error in all their codes.
Magician and Moon: No one really knows how or why Marvin came to join Anti, but it might be about time to reveal this untold story once and for all.
One Man Show: Wilford Warfstache’s memory is a strange thing indeed, and when circumstances take a turn for the worse, it might just be his undoing.
Nine Lives: All three of the Ego families get tangled up in puppet strings when they try to face Anti and are met with quite the shock.
In the Night: In a world of masks and monsters, the line becomes blurry between the heroes and the villains as Mare and Anti struggle to find their place.
The Jack of Hearts: Marvin thinks that he’ll do anything to become more powerful, but that’s before he learned about the Trial by Fire.
Duality of Man: Everyone wears masks, and no one is who they appear to be. But the truth always comes out.
Thicker Than Water: Family ties are tested and forged when the Egos are threatened.
Waking Nightmare: The Author breaks everything that he touches, but will the Battles be able to survive this nightmare?
Rotten to the Core: The Septics might have a solution for what the Author did to Anti, but something’s up with Jack.
Pink Carnations: With the Author and Dark working together from the Forgotten, the Ipliers will have to work fast to find a way to beat them.
Danger in Fiction: Dr. Iplier’s life is on the line, and the only way the Host can save him is to revisit his memories of when he was the Author.
Masquerade: As the fight between the Egos and the Author reaches a fever pitch, Phantom seems to be acting strange. The final blow is coming swiftly.
Something Wicked: Now that the Author is defeated, the Septics face a new problem. Anti’s static is spreading.
A Demon’s Disgrace: Almost a century ago, Phantom lost his horns and was cast out of his Hoard, but now, he might have a chance to regain what he lost.
By Any Other Name: As more of Dark’s history is revealed, a long-lost Seer reappears to find out what her brother has been up to while she’s been sleeping.
Salvaged: The Googles have always thought themselves unique, as the sole survivors of the Google IRL company’s crash, but there are also the Salvaged.
Means to an End: Henrik has watched his family crumble for long enough, and now he’s willing to do anything to keep them safe.
Branded a Nightmare: When Google wants to learn the truth behind who Mare is, it leads to something bigger and scarier than anything you could’ve imagined.
The Monomyth: Every hero has a story, but who is the hero of this tale? And who are the villains?
Five Nights: Five nights, three stories, a Hoard of characters are being knit together as a family. But will they get their happy ending?
Homebrew: Jameson Jackson hasn’t had a lot of time since he appeared in this world to build a life for himself, and it turns out to be much harder than he expected.
Incorporated: As the Egos learn to band together in order to defeat their daunting enemies, the Actor makes a move that could sever the fresh alliance.
Lost and Found: Brothers have been lost, but maybe, with a little luck and a lot of magic, they might be found.
A Tale of Two Brothers: Marvin thinks he needs to change himself to be lovable. Chase is willing to risk it all to show him otherwise.
The World Tree: With the spread of the Void, Phantom opens a doorway to get back to the Retro. But doors go both ways.
Quicksilver: Jameson Jackson is unsure of his place among his brothers. He needs to find his own path in order to break the cycle.
Black Heart: With Legion trapped away in the Void, the villains are running wild, but will the hero’s heart turn black for good?
Take Me Anywhere: Sharper has the ability to bring back people’s most pleasant memories, but he has very few of his own. It might be time to find out why.
Fresh Faces: The enigmatic box from the Heist appears in Ego Inc. along with a few Fresh Face just before disaster strikes once again.
Bo and Yancy: Yancy and Professor Beauregard have a history, but can Yancy move them towards a better future?
Memento Mori: Dark, Anti, and Mad are missing after the Actor’s most recent assault.The Void tore them apart, but their families might just be able to bring them back together.
Talks: HC’s and drabbles that we discuss together on the blog.
Prompts: They are what the name implies...
Guardian of Lost Souls (AU): The Host’s new partner, the Doctor, is a fledgling Guardian not prepared to deal with the weight of protecting a lost soul, but he’ll have to learn quickly if he wants to stay alive.
Seance (AU): The most powerful of the Iplier Egos are shocked to find that there is new competition in town, and when they meet, chaos is going to fall.
311 notes · View notes
tap-tap-tap-im-in · 6 years
A Web Development Master Post
I’ve spent the last two years working as a professional developer. I didn’t go to college for this, and just about everything I know I’ve either taught myself or learned from looking through other people’s source code as we research if we want to pull a project into our code base. I love it, and I have done some things I never would have expected from myself at the start. But before we get into any of those, I wanted to put together a list of resources I wish I had or worked with more fully when I was sitting in my job interview two years ago. Think of this as part resources on how to learn some of these skills, some recommendations on applications to incorporate into your workflow, and a few opinions on some of the other common applications that you’re welcome to heartily disagree with.
First things first lets get a few resources together, and for those of you who are already familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, none of these will be a surprise. It might be worth your while to jump ahead.
Online Resources
Starting out, W3 schools will probably be pretty omnipresent for help. They have tutorials for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, and many other web technologies. They pride themselves in being the largest web developer site, and unfortunately that has a downside. They don’t always update all of their articles to the most current specifications. This is a wonderful resource, as they do a good job of explaining a lot of these concepts in a beginner friendly way, but when you’re ready for nitty-gritty details, it’s almost always best to go with a more specialized developer resource.
CSS is a powerful and flexible tool. Every day I see projects where developers have pushed it to new heights, but sometimes it’s a little arcane too. Well the wizards over at CSS-Tricks have collected a large number of articles and tutorials that explain everything from how z-index works to how to use newer layout-centric rules like Flexbox or Grid. If a CSS rule is misbehaving, 9 times out of 10, I can find a clear and concise reason on this site, and more importantly, I find many recommendations on how I can achieve the same effect differently.
Speaking of Flexbox, Flexbox Froggy is a one-note kind of resource, but it teaches all of the core concepts behind flexbox, and it can also teach CSS savvy managers why moving to a new layout methodology would benefit your work flow.
Created by the same developer as Flexbox Froggy, and it does the same thing with Grid concepts.
Mozilla’s developers have been at this game a long time, and their resources are next to none. In my opinion, this collection does not do much help a beginner understand, but the trade-off is that once you’re over that initial hurdle, the information you’re looking for is almost always only a few clicks away. This is the first, and often the last, place I go whenever I’m looking to solve a weird JavaScript bug that the rest of the internet is too clever to have encountered, (or to explain why only IE9 is seeing it).
I know PHP isn’t a popular language right now, but it’s powerful, it’s flexible, and it’s still the primary language of the largest and most popular CMS on the planet, for better or worse, WordPress. Especially if you’re going to work freelance, you owe it to yourself to at least be familiar with PHP, and this will be your best friend. It’s no nonsense, and not beginner friendly, but it’s clear, and the comments on the articles are often as helpful as the articles themselves.
Speaking of working in freelance (or even for a firm like I do), I have my own opinions about the way WordPress works, but you’re going to be doing projects in WordPress, and you aren’t going to be able to accomplish them without this. I have a small problem with the way functions and parameters are explained (it isn’t always easy to differentiate how one calls a function manually, or if it is called by filters, or how it is different from they three other functions named roughly the same thing), but I do know that the WordPress core developers work very hard, so there is always a method to the madness, even if you don’t have the key to see it.
When you get to the debugging stage, you’re going to become familiar with Stack Overflow pretty fast, as it almost always dominates the first few google results for a problem. Now, I’ve had developers try to scare me away from using Stack Overflow because it is open for beginners and experts, and sometimes it’s hard to tell quality of answers, but I strongly disagree with that. While it’s true you should always look cautiously at using someone else’s code right out of the box, there are a lot of members of the community that go out of their way to explain what the code is doing, and those are the answers you should be looking for. You don’t have to use their code, but if you can understand why you had the problem in the first place, you grow as a developer, and now have the tools to solve the problem. Stack Overflow is a big part of the Open Source community, so it’s always nice to give back at least as much as you take, so if you see a question you have the answer to, feel free to share.
Eventually, you’re going to run into a project where you need a plugin developed by someone else, either because you don’t yet have the knowledge or you don’t have the time, but the client needs the functionality. 9 times out of 10 you’ll find what you need on GitHub, and honestly, you should be getting together your own GitHub with plugins and projects of your own. No matter how single purpose they may be, you’d be surprised how useful things can be in very specific situations. GitHub, like Stack Overflow, is a big part of the Open Source community, so it’s always nice to give back when you can. Make suggestions or report problems you have with any projects you pull, and in doing so you’ll make the community a better place.
Applications for Windows Based Developers
Now, for the next section let’s get into some tools. I love gaming, so I have a Windows computer at home. I don’t really know why we’re wasting money on a Windows license at work, but we are so I can mirror the full stack in both locations. Here’s what I use.
When I first started, my boss insisted I use Dreamweaver for everything. I have nothing against Adobe, and their products are quality, but Dreamweaver was way more trouble than it was worth. Everything I cared about from Dreamweaver I can do in this free and Open Source program, with some extra functionality I find it extremely hard to mimic in Dreamweaver. Notepad++ is fast, stable, and hugely extendable. If you’re doing this as a full time job, I strongly recommend switching to a dark theme for the sake of your eyes. Blackboard is among my favorites (unless you’re trying to write Python). I also really love its macro functionality, I have a couple of re-used DOM structures programmed in there right now as well as my multi-line comment format.
Arguably, the best part of Dreamweaver is the built in FTP client that lets you push changes directly to the server, but set Notepad++ as your primary editor in this, and suddenly you even have that feature, as this will sync temp folders back to the server. This is probably the best FTP client I’ve seen on Windows, with full support for SFTP and SSH (built on PuTTY) with all sorts of encryption and authentication options. It’s also hugely configurable and fairly dependable. If you’re working on a remote server using a Windows machine, this is probably how you should be accessing the file system.
I hope that as a web developer you don’t have to learn to be a server administrator, but as a web developer I am telling you you’ll probably have to learn at least a little bit about Unix/Linux server administration, as they are by far the most popular web server stacks out there, and you’ll be controlling them with an SSH client at some points, even if a web interface is available. This is a great one, with all sorts of authentication options, so if (like us) you know you need root access to a server remotely, but you don’t like the idea of protecting that with just a simple password, you can set up Public/Private key pairs with encryption passphrases.
Let me be clear on this: WAMP, which stands for Windows Apache, PHP, MySQL, is great to have. It’s good for training, it’s good for prototyping tools without having to wait for a virtualized server to start up, but the differences in environments between running Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Windows versus Linux will bite you eventually. Don’t expect to be able to push anything you worked on in WAMP directly to your Linux based server without having to fix a few problems here and there. That said, I have a number of things I run in my WAMP server all the time (linting, IP geolocation, domain DIGs, and a few others). It’s a great tool, but it isn’t a replacement for a staging server.
You should be using a virtual machine for your staging server. That way you can simulate things like network communications and how your code will actually be run on Linux. Virtual Box is free and powerful. You’ll need to get ISOs for whatever operating system you intend to run, and you should be aware that at least some versions of Windows have it written into their License agreement that you can’t run them virtualized.
Gimp is powerful. I don’t really know how to use it well. It’s always been one of those things where I know I need to sit down and teach myself, but since I’ve fallen far into the trenches of server backend work, I haven’t ever had the motivation. Mostly, I use this to resize images when I notice that a website is loading a 14MB PNG on the homepage for some unknown reason. Please designers, think of the mobile phones, keep total page loads (Including all resources, pictures, scripts, and DOM structure) as close to or below 1MB as you can, especially if your site is supported by ad revenue, as there’s no telling how much the ads will need to load on top of that.
GrepWin is an implementation of Grep functionality on Windows. For those of you who aren’t aware, Grep is a terminal tool on Linux/Unix that uses a very efficient algorithm to search through large amounts of text for whatever you define, be it flat text, or something represented by a regular expression. It’s super useful for renaming an included document or global variable, and can really save your bacon if your error reporting is being vague. I like this particular implementation because it has context menu integration, so it’s as easy to use as right clicking in the directory you want to search in and telling it to search. It also supports text replacement with backups, so this simple tool is extremely useful more often than I’d like to admit.
The last tool is an implementation of Git for windows that also includes a Bash terminal. This is important because a lot of developers work in Linux, and so installation directions might only be available as Bash code, this makes it easy to move past that step without being bogged down translating that into Windows CMD code. This is a full implementation of Git, so it comes with all of the version control features and easy project building that Git provides. If you end up working with Electron or Node.JS in general, you’ll end up leaning on this pretty hard.
And that’s it. I’m hoping that later this week I can get into more interesting stuff, but I wanted to have a foundational post of the resources I might reference and the tools I’m using for people to fall back on. It’s the kind of thing I wish I had to reference when I was starting out, especially since all of the tools I’m using now are free and Open Source, and making that change has sped up my workflow significantly, as the only application I’ve listed here with any noticeable boot time is Gimp, something I hated about Dreamweaver every time I had to shut the computer down for whatever reason.
I plan on coming back to this post periodically and updating it as my opinions change, or I become aware of other resources that should be on here. Eventually I’ll also be lining out a software for Linux section, but I’m still shopping around for an affordable and stable Linux development machine.
Next time I think we’re going to dive right into some anecdotes about code commenting and design patterns, and why it pays to think about those from the beginning. Nothing glamorous, but I’d argue hugely important, and you get to laugh with me about some dumb things I’ve done.
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chromemuffin · 6 years
Quan Zhi Gao Shou / The King’s Avatar Novel (Vol. 1, Ch. 1-10)
How these liveblogs work: I read five chapters of the manhua at a time, then the equivalent chapters in the novel. This is probably going to take forever seeing as there are 800+ translated chapters available as of the time of writing this post and over 1000 chapters total, buuut at least each chapter is short.
Fair warning: I always sound as if I don’t like what I’m reading or I’m criticizing it (just read my captive prince liveblog lol...), but I am actually enjoying it immensely.
Volume 1: Banished Battle God
Chapter 1: The Banished Battle God
My first comment of the entire novels: What is with the “eccentrically-shaped ashtray”? It doesn’t specify what this ashtray looks like, only that it’s unusual. Why include this detail in the first place if you’re not going to tell us what it’s actually shaped like? Now I need to know!
This was also in the manhua, but I didn’t bother bringing it up then: Why was the first bit of dialogue translated as “Arrived”? I’m pretty sure it’s this character: 来. I never managed to learn enough Chinese to be worth a damn, but I do Japanese to English translations on the side and I’m pretty sure a loose translation would work better. idk, it just bothers me. Don’t mind me, though. I like nitpicking over translation stuff. And I won’t get to do much more of it.
“He gently removed the card from Glory’s dedicated log-in device.”
I love this description, a little throwaway word ‘gently’ tells so much about Ye Xiu as a guy who really loves and respects this game. I think he already know what is in store for him to some extent, but he doesn’t take it out on the game. In fact, he was playing right up until it was time for the meeting. The novel states that the manager didn’t even him any advanced notice, I’m assuming of their decision to remove him from the team, but that Yu Xiu also wasn’t surprised.
“Only they quickly recovered because there was another important person that deserved their attention.”
Hm, pretty girl or new team leader asshole? Tough decision indeed.
Ah, ok. So that’s the deal with his pseudonym. It’s so close to his real name (in English lettering at least) that I confuse the two. But it’s far easier to tell the difference when I look at the characters 叶修 / 叶秋.
It’s kind of confusing because (at least in the translation), he is referred to as his alias Ye Qiu in this chapter, whereas the summary and other places refer to him as Ye Xiu.
lol “Mine!” How shameless.
“After one year, even if he wanted to return again, for the elderly, without a year of intense competition to maintain his skills...”
‘for the elderly’ is just...hilarious because he’s only 25. that’s not old. (well, in this game’s context it is, but geez is that an early cut-off age)
Chapter 2: Area 3 Number 47
“As tactful as he is, he wouldn’t think to blame the club for retiring him.”
But that’s?? exactly?? what happened??? You’re already kicking him out after all he did for the team over the years. I mean, it’s a sound business decision, but no need to be so nasty about it. The stuff Ye Xiu pulls off in-game aside, he seems to be a relatively decent person, even going as far as helping out his friends to the point where he doesn’t have enough left to pay the penalty fee, whatever amount that is.
Ah, Su Mucheng, I like her the more times I read these opening scenes across the various media...She has a cute character design in the animation, which I watched when it came out, but she actually turns out to be quite mature and adorably worried/supportive.
Icicles also formed on his head. If he didn’t take shelter, he would die.
Seems a bit dramatic, but so is icicles forming on your head!! It must be really, really cold out, huh...
Su MuCheng was always gentle and serene. Even during in an intense PK confrontation, she always held a smile. Speaking about her, Ye Qiu sometimes watched as she smiled while causing her opponents to explode into pieces. When she then politely said sorry, he would always inexplicably tremble a bit.
ah, yes, I’m pretty sure the animation skips this observation, which builds a bit more character for Su Mucheng since we don’t see her again for a bit. Ye Xiu, also, seems a bit more “alive” in a sense in the manhua/novel, because of little comments like these.
Chen Guo is also a fun character ^.^ “She slammed the keyboard directly shutting down the game.” definition of a rage quit, huh.
Chapter 3: Special Duty: Night Shift
“My hands were frozen cold or else 30 seconds would’ve been enough.”
show off. Though he doesn’t really come off as showing off. The poor opponent must have been so confused, though. Wins 52 times in a row and suddenly gets beat in 40 seconds flat haha.
“Ye Xiu… … Ye Qiu? It really is him!” Chen Guo excitedly thought. It looked like she really had uncovered his hidden identity! This showed that he really was Ye Qiu. If she had seen the name Ye Qiu written, then she wouldn’t have believed it.
This part confused me a bit in the manhua, but it’s clearer here. At least the Ye Xiu/Qiu mess is clarified early on. Still don’t know why the narrative refers to him as Ye Qiu in the beginning if his name is actually Ye Xiu (and is the one used in the summary)...??
She had been prepared to use everything she owned to get his signature. Ye Qiu’s signature, ah! Who had it? No one!
Chen Guo’s thought process is just fun to go along with, haha she’s so dramatic. And also works well narrative-wise to show how popular Glory is. I mean, she works at an internet cafe but that doesn’t mean she has to be into Glory herself; but she is, played for a long time, and is up to date with the professional scene to some degree if she knows the names and faces of all of Excellent Era’s members.
...she [had] a strong urge to change the word Xiu into Qiu.
“Oh, so it’s like this… … how generous.” Chen Guo sighed with sorrow. This person’s strength was powerful, his account definitely wouldn’t be weak. Powerful accounts were extremely valuable. Gifting it away so easily was very valiant.
The irony in this part never fails to amuse me.
Later, in Glory’s fifth expansion, a lot of experts obtained the qualifications to complete the Challenge skill becoming the first ones possessing access to all servers.
This is an interesting tidbit. I like the novel, where it’s easier to absorb all the rules of the game/professional scene.
Ah, so the account card Ye Xiu uses is actually one from 10 years ago? And he held onto it for this whole time, not using it. That’s...pretty amazing, I would have lost mine after 10 years.
His hair looked as if it hadn’t been taken care of in at least half a month. His face didn’t look too healthy. Although it was white and clear, it was that sort of sickly pale. His two eyes gazed at her listlessly...The guy in front of her didn’t look too young, but was unexpectedly also so dejected and disdained.
I remember people being upset that he looked more handsome in his other appearances. He’s the sort to not care about appearances, and I guess he doesn’t get out much, stuck inside playing Glory all day. But, well, if he looks dejected and disdained it’s probably from what just happened.
“full-time night cat“ AH this is why the manhua drew him as a cat when he said he likes nights. I guess it’s an expression.
His approving attitude made Chen Guo feel very apologetic. This small storage room truly wasn’t a place for living.
lol not to mention Chen Guo drops a bucket of paint on top of the bed along with a whole shelf in the manhua. She didn’t seem as apologetic in the other mediums as she does here, though.
Even after all this, he had never asked for his boss’s name.
haha kind of important don’t you think.
Chapter 4: Mysterious Expert
“If you also want to go out and eat, don’t ask my employees to go on an errand for you.” Chen Guo said.
“Next time, could you tell us in advance? Can’t you help deliver it to us?” A person said.
“The Internet Cafe only has so many people. How could we deliver it all back? Enough of this nonsense, if you really want to eat so much but are too lazy to buy it, go ask for their phone number. Wouldn’t they be willing to deliver it?” Chen Guo said.
“Sister Chen do you have their number? Lend it to me so I can copy it down.” A person said.
“What would I do with their phone number? I have people to run errands for me. Why would I inconvenience the restaurant?” Chen Guo said.
Chen Guo is pleasantly vicious. I wasn’t overly fond of her in the animation, but she has great expressions in the manhua, and her dialogue is just great in the novel.
lol “it looks like I’m forcing him play.”
This Heavenly Domain wasn’t a single map. It was another world. The map was as big as the combined worlds of five other servers. This place had difficult instance dungeons, powerful equipment, precious materials, and also freedom. All experts would meet up there. The Heavenly Domain was a player’s final destination.
So that’s what the Heavenly Domain is...I don’t know if I ever quite figured it out casually watching the animation.
“Don’t fake it. You actually haven’t retired. It’s just that you were unable to win a seat, so you were kicked out right?” Chen Guo said.
Ye Xiu was speechless.
“No offense… …” Chen Guo realized that her words had somewhat stabbed at his sore spot.
Way to hit it where it hurts! Unintentionally, of course. I seem to like manhua Ye Xiu for his expressions, and novel Chen Guo because it actually gives some more depth to her character.
“Oh so it’s like this?” Tears streamed down Ye Xiu’s cheeks. Ye Qiu was currently chatting with you face to face, sister.
lol wait is this just an expression or- he’s not actually tearing up in this scene is he.
“Oh?” when Ye Xiu flipped to the last page and looked, a sudden wave of shame hit. Thinking about it, this hand guide hadn’t changed much over ten years. This was something players couldn’t update any further. For missions that veterans would choose, how could no one have come up with this type of strategy already? Right now, he needed this type of strategy. Just as Ye Xiu was ready to follow this strategy to take missions, tears immediately began streaming down his face. He was once regarded as textbook level figure! Now with a beginners guide in his hands, how could he endure this shame?
Ye Xiu’s a lot, ah, more expressive than the animation gives him credit for. I’m sorry, I laughed. He’s just so thrown off by having to start from scratch.
Chapter 5: Skill Match
But at this point everyone was still level 0. Their jumping abilities were too poor and there was no way they could jump high enough. Everyone repeatedly bouncing up and down was truly a cute and beautiful scene.
WHAT LOL Ok this wasn’t in the manhua was it, it’s indeed a glorious image. I like how the narrator even describes it as a ‘cute’ scene haha.
Aah, I appreciate the little break away to explain the mechanics of the game. It’s not terribly useful seeing as the game doesn’t actually exist in real life, but it’s decently interesting.
But if this skill set that had been picked by peak-level expert like him was seen by ordinary players, they would definitely laugh.
And an area where Ye Xiu doesn’t have to feel ashamed of, haha.
Chapter 6: Thousand Chance Umbrella
It’s not as if it wasn’t explained in other mediums, but the novel definitely has the time to go through all the details like the evolution of Glory’s class system and why no one would suspect anyone to play the ‘unspecialized class’ anymore.
Soon after, he directly headed to the storage chest in the warehouse and opened it. An equipment unexpectedly lay inside.
Accounts that transferred servers should be empty...
But Lord Grim, which had just transferred to the tenth server, unexpectedly had an equipment inside.
No one knew how this happened, but it seemed as if Ye Xiu had been expecting it. He knew that he would find an equipment here...
This, too, is interesting! Because it seems as if the warehouse pops up out of nowhere in the other mediums, and you’re not really sure if it’s something that everyone else can access or not if you weren’t paying attention to the fact that the umbrella is a ‘silver’ weapon and thus a unique item that no one else would be able to acquire.
...there wasn’t a trace of happiness in Ye Xiu’s expression. On the contrary, it was filled with grief. A rare tremble once again emerged on his right hand.
but then, there’s this. ;-;
The customizable/self-made weaponry is actually quite smart. Reminds me of the custom furniture you can make and add to the Sims... (look, I really am not a gamer haha, I have no clue how many real life games have similar features) I didn’t really understand what was so special about the umbrella before (I probably wasn’t paying 100% attention...).
Only, it could be a unique surpassing peak Epic equipment or it could also be a unique piece of trash.
Or it could be a unique piece of trash. hahaha 
Ye Xiu gently retrieved the Thousand Chance Umbrella and placed it in Lord Grim’s hands.
Also the fact that he, gently, places a bunch of pixels into his inventory/avatar’s hands is telling how much this game and this item in particular mean to him.
Damn, reading about playing a game really puts me in the mood to play a game, too. I don’t really play games like this one, though...
Chapter 7: Midnight Phantom Cat
You saw clearly, spoke well, planned well, but in the end because of a single unexpected accident, your dreams and hopes all disappeared into nothing leaving only this incomplete Thousand Chance Umbrella to me.
“You originally had talent in Glory, a successful talent… …” His fingers gently wiped over the keyboard. With a quiver, Lord Grim cast a heal onto Sleeping Moon’s body. When Sleeping Moon promptly praised him again, Ye Xiu’s mind was no longer in the game.
More sad hints of the past. .-. 
“It’s here.” Ye Xiu saw that typing might have been slow, so he immediately yelled vaguely. His mouth still held onto the cigarette!
Ooh! He spoke! Or, ahem, ‘yelled vaguely’.
He was even a little skeptical thinking that his healing might snatch away the enemy.
Don’t you hate it when you’re minding your own business, not even fighting, and the monster goes to attack you anyway? lol you know how many times my teammates died from that in Final Fantasy Type-0...the worst part is that you can only control one of the 3 party members at a time, so to save them you have to keep switching between characters. or deal with having no one to heal you and only bring 1 character. idk I really liked that game.
Beautiful! Ye Xiu couldn’t help but praise him.
lol lots of praise going around in-game. everyone’s still playing nice-nice. Well, in Ye Xiu’s case I guess he is genuinely praising him.
Ah, so Ye Xiu was actually going to warn the others, was he. He just didn’t get the chance. I wondered if he purposely didn’t say anything even if he knew Sleeping Moon’s plan, I can’t remember what happened in the animation.
Chapter 8:  A Life and Death Struggle
In these seven seconds, not only would the mage die but Fallen Sun would die too. He might as well try to save one of them.
Ye Xiu had lost faith in Sleeping Moon and directly abandoned the mage to heal Fallen Sun.
I do like how they handled the back and forth for the battle scene here, it doesn’t have too much of a lag between action while explaining Ye Xiu’s thought process.
He couldn’t tell if Fallen Sun had bad luck attached to him. Right when the Bleed status wore off, the Midnight Demon Cat swiped at him again causing him to Bleed yet again. These types of status inducing attacks only had a small probability to appear. But it seemed as if someone added a 100% percent probability halo around Fallen Sun.
Don’t you hate it when that happens. I don’t think anything fishy is up? He just had bad luck. It’s also totally relatable haha. 
Could it be that this guy had seen through his own own plan at that time?
Sleeping Moon sure manages to get a lot of musings into the space between attacks here. This is funny though, because the novel gives confirmation that Ye Xiu only realized this recently, when Sleeping Moon purposely let the others get attacked. He isn’t that godly that he realized it from the start.
“50%? I like 100%!” and “...be at ease and drop dead!”
lol and there the shamelessness comes out. Well, Ye Xiu also lost all respect for this guy so.
Furthermore, he opened it extremely exaggeratedly and the umbrella actually flipped the other way. He retracted the umbrella a bit...
Um, so this is possible with a real umbrella of course, but a virtual one too...?
Chapter 9: Ye Xiu’s Two Hands
A pair of hands that made people’s cheeks stream with tears appeared in front of her eyes — Ye Xiu’s two hands.
Those must be some pretty impressive hands.
The hands were beautiful hands.
And in case you didn’t get it the first time: Ye Xiu has beautiful hands. Well, that is in the chapter title after all.
lol and Chen Guo examining his speed, I guess he must be taking it easy since the boss isn’t a difficult one.
Their banter is also so fun to read~
Chapter 10: Shameless Novice
lol did you really get out of the dungeon just so you could switch computers to get a smoke. I don’t think he particularly cared about finishing it, since it just provides exp probably.
Haha “the shameless novice” but what does Sleeping Moon gain from labeling him a novice? Shameless, yes, to discredit him.
These identical messages mixed together with other anger and hate. Although the system automatically blocked profanities, people’s intelligence were boundless. They used same sounding words to complete their mission.
ah, yes, the ways people get past profanity blockers, particularly fun in languages with hanzi! (hanzi right? Chinese characters?)
“Just because I’m angry doesn’t mean I have to show it.” Ye Xiu didn’t look angry. He was even smiling. While doing so, he logged out of the game and shut down the computer. Changing over to the smoking area was still his current ambitious dream.
Ah, I love this series. He just really wants a smoke.
But I can relate, I’m fairly expressionless most of the time, even when I’m excited.
Only players over level 20 could leave the beginner area. When that happened, PK’ing would be opened up. In the meantime, those level 20 and under could only point fingers and argue.
lol just...lol
But now that he couldn’t form a team, his leveling speed would only increase.
HAHA joke’s on you, it apparently works out better for him, they can’t even start PKing so there’s really no use getting into a tizzy over it...not that that stops people from creating drama. ever.
Lord Grim was equivalent to three people. Furthermore, with Ye Xiu’s skills, he wouldn’t be slower in clearing a dungeon than a five man team. He might even be a bit faster.
The video game context really gives validity to Ye Xiu’s ability to breeze through the early stages of the story as well as his strength being far above the others. Plus, it’s true. There are some games where teammates slow you down, you might as well go at it solo.
“Hello hello.”
What a nice way to end this part! I’ll be bouncing back to the manhua now.
So, yeah, like I said. I’m actually having a lot of fun, the novels don’t linger on the mechanics long enough to become boring. Plus, Ye Xiu’s background - being 25 and already on the pro scene for 7 years - makes all of his overpowered-ness not just believable, but expected. Reading him go through the early stages of the game is sort of like watching a let’s play - relaxing.
37 notes · View notes
killfaeh · 5 years
Tumblr media
I'm leaving social networks
Hi everyone! I'm posting this news to let you know that I'm leaving social networks. I've been thinking about it for months and using them less and less. Today, I am making it official.
Ten years ago, I liked to share on the Internet. I had my own little blog that I could customize at will (it still exists) and that was all. No dispersion. There were some interactions with my family and friends from time to time. It was a pleasure. We were taking our time. Today it has become a chore. We have to chase after 50 different platforms, all more saturated than the others, not customizable and that decide for people what they want to see. We are submerged with more and more content. And to be visible, we are exhausted producing and posting more and more content that is less and less seen and with fewer and fewer interactions. The Internet at the beginning of the 2020s: everyone posts but nobody sees anything. A dialogue of the deaf. I may have bent over backwards to succeed in automating the publication of my news on social networks using the tools they make available to developers, it still remains a black hole of time and energy. We can't leave all this alone. It requires some maintenance. Twitter, Tumblr and Blogger are ok, their development tools work well. It's been running for two years without me having to do anything. Just check from time to time if there are any comments or not. DeviantArt worked well for 2 years, but they've broken everything recently with their new version. I have to develop it all over again and I don't have time for that. The prize for the most of troubles goes to Facebook, which is a headache black hole. Facebook's tools change all the time, it's often buggy and unstable and you always have to check if their service has worked well or not. You must constantly monitor to find out what is working or not, what has changed in terms of format, and undergo the removal of features that were very useful. Out of development tools, we are still more and more users to find that the basic features that made the platform successful are more and more buggy and that instead of repair them, Facebook's developpers are scattered on unnecessary gadgets that will be overused for 3 months and then forgotten. Their new 3D effect is nice, but I would like to be able to share a publication on my wall without systematically seeing it land on one of my pages instead or see an error popup... And then this slowness.... It's getting slower and slower to load. I feel like I have a rural connection while I am connected to the fibre optic in the middle of a big city. -_- In addition, their policy is increasingly hidding artist pages. Now we have to pay for our subscribers to see what we post. We are talking about subscribers, not just any stranger who might go through that. Facebook talks about refocusing on more family use, which says a lot about the relevance of this platform to share your art. Add to that the saturation of content. Let's not even talk about Instagram which is completely corrupted with bots and fake accounts. That's also painful. Facebook aside, on other platforms there is always a small feature here and there that is not available to automate. So there's always a little something to do by hand. In short, there are hundreds of hours of work to take care of your communication on social networks to have the impression of screaming in a cushion. I don't see a sign of evolution, on the contrary, I see a decrease in interaction. In the end, it's no use. This time and energy, I would like to devote them to focusing on my comics and other creations instead of giving me headaches with social networks. My morale and creativity will be much better, not to mention my productivity. After all, today almost all of my audience is made up of people I have met IRL and with whom I can maintain private contact. So in the end, it's not a big loss for me. So I decided to move away from all this to refocus and devote my time to what I like to do: comics and games. It will make me more productive. My automated systems for publishing my news, illustrations and comic pages will continue to run on their own, but I will hardly ever set foot in them again myself. I will no longer maintain them. And the day when some change causes these automatons to stop working, well, it won't work anymore. And it won't matter. From now on, when I write programs, it will only be to add content to my website or to develop games. How do we contact you and follow your news then? To begin, I would like to remind you that there was an Internet before social networks and that people were able to contact eachother. Good news! This Internet still exists! :D To follow the news of my comics or games, there is always my website and its newsletter or my Discord server or even Tipeee and Patreon and my Ulule projects. My old blog is also still running. To contact me there is the contact form of my website and Discord too. Here is the list of addresses to remember: My website : suiseipark.com (Come on, the content loads faster than Facebook! 8D ) My newsletter : suiseipark.com/Newsletter/ My blog (French) : suiseipark.blogspot.com Tipeee (French) : fr.tipeee.com/suisei Patreon : patreon.com/suisei My youtube channel with my process videos or game demos : youtube.com/channel/UCa5PWLnqA3g6dzg29cr2LpQ My Twitch channel for when I'm in the mood to work live : twitch.tv/suiseikillfaeh If you read this news from my Facebook page, please note that a link to my website is available on the page. Now, with all these links, the one who can't contact me or follow my news is someone who doesn't want to. :p (You have the right, but don't say you're fans. Be honest. It's all I want. ;) ) About my artist friends, I will no longer share their work via Facebook, but directly on suiseipark.com. It is the opportunity to write more consistent articles about their work. :p In fact, all these trendy social networking platforms do not stand the test of time, because they change according to their success, impose more or less restrictive rules on you and finally grow and fade with the times. So I think that in the long term, you don't just have to be present on these things, you have to have a little corner of your own web that stands the test of time. At least a blog, at best your own website with your own domain name. There are lots of tools to help you if you don't master the technical aspect. If you are only present on trendy platforms, you are like an idiot if this one falls apart while if you have a website, there will always be someone to find you in the storm. Trendy platforms are a rough sea where it is difficult to navigate and find your way around, your website is your little rock to keep you safe. On this little metaphor I am going to make all these links to social networks disappear on my website, my pages and my business cards and I will take the time to look after my little home that is suiseipark.com. :p Have a nice day and see you soon! Suisei PS: I invite all friends to put their links to their websites, blogs and newsletters in the comments so that I can follow their work elsewhere than on social networks. And if you don't have one, create one! :p
P.S. If you want miss no news and if you haven't already done so, you can subscribe to the newsletter here : suiseipark.com/User/SubscribeNewsletter/language/english/
Source : https://www.suiseipark.com/News/Entry/id/243/language/english/
0 notes
damonbation · 5 years
How to Make a Thousand Bucks an Hour
Another summer evening skate-n-scoot outing with Mini Me
It’s Back to School time here in Colorado, which means both my son and I will be hanging up the swim shorts and kayak paddles and getting back to more serious business for a while.
It has been a slow and endlessly sunny and leisurely summer, and a nice break for both of us, which has been very relaxing and a great time for bonding.
But relaxation has its limits. At some point all that Chilling Out fades its way into Complacency, and our natural Human nature starts to work against us, telling us to conserve energy and not really do much of anything. And laziness begets more laziness, and life actually becomes less fun.
You can see this effect in our activities. I’ve only completed two blog posts over the entire summer holidays, and together we have put out only two YouTube videos. Spending more time at home and less at the MMM Headquarters squat rack has caused me to lose at least five pounds of leg muscle that I had wanted to keep. Little MM has spent a lot less time practicing on the upright bass and putting out songs, and a lot more time playing video games and getting sucked into the “dank memes” and “Trove” channels on Reddit.
It has been a fun break, but as the freshly polished school buses awaken with the sunrise, it will be even more fun to get our own lives cranking into a higher gear as well. And if you’re reading this, it means I am off to a great start!
Complacency Is Expensive
This laziness was affecting my financial life, and your financial life too. I had let thousands of dollars of uninvested cash build up in my checking account, where it was sitting around earning nothing. My credit card bills had come in, been automatically paid, and filed themselves away without me even reviewing them for fraudulent transactions or wussypants spending on my part. And I had a growing mini-mountain of things I need to do regarding insurance, accounting, and legal stuff in both my personal and business domains.
And yet once I got my act together last week, I cleaned up the whole mess and set things straight in less than an hour.
It’s not Just Me, it’s You
When I talk to friends and family, I notice a common theme: they tend to set up certain “hassle” things once, and then ignore them as long as possible unless some absolute crisis comes along and forces them to make a change.
“Oh, I just do all my insurance stuff with Jim Schmidt’s Insurance office downtown, because my parents referred me to him when I first moved out for college.
Even better, his wife Jane runs a loan brokerage, so she handles all our family’s mortgage needs!”
On this surface, this sounds fun and folksy and like a nice way to do business. And that is exactly the way I like to live: keeping my business relationships as casual and fun as I can. But when it comes to money, complacency can come at a price, so at the bare minimum we should find out exactly what price we are paying.
For example, just recently a coworking member came to me and asked for some financial help. And as always, I suggested we start by looking at big recurring expenses. So we dug into the details of her insurance and other major bills streaming in from ol’ Jim and Jane, and found an interesting breakdown:
Required liability coverage on a 2010 Subaru Forester: $580 per year
Optional collision and comprehensive coverage ($500 deductuble): $360 per year
Home insurance on a 2000 square foot house ($500 deductible): $1450 per year
Mortgage interest on a $300,000 loan at 4.85%:  $14,550 per year
Student Loan interest on an old $35,000 student loan at 5.5%: $1925 per year
Total: $18,865 per year.
It’s no wonder my friend was having financial stress – she had interest and insurance costs that were soaking up half of a reasonable annual budget before she could even buy her first bit of groceries or clothing.
So, right there we did a quick round of phone calls and online quotes, and streamlined a bit of the insurance coverage by increasing the deductibles. Within 90 minutes (she did most of the work while I had a beer and swept the floors of the HQ), we had the following new set of options:
Subaru liability coverage: $380 per year ($200 savings) through Geico
Removal of collision and comprehensive (in the unlikely event of a crash, they could afford to replace the car with less than two months of income) ($360 savings)
Home insurance on a 2000 square foot house ($5000 deductible): $650 per year ($800 savings) through Safeco
Refinanced mortgage to 3.375% through Credible.com*: $10,125 per year ($4,425 savings)
Refinanced Student Loan (also Credible) to 3.85%: $1347 per year ($578 savings)
New total expenses: $12,502 ($6363 per year in savings!!)
It is hard to even express the importance of what just happened here.  My friend just did two hours of work in total while drinking a glass of wine,  and dropped her annual expenses by over $500 per month, or six thousand dollars per year. And she will of course invest these savings, which will then compound to about to about $86,000 every ten years. 
Even if she has to do this annual round of phone calls and websites once per year to maintain the best rates on everything, she will be earning about $3150 per hour for this work. Hence the bold title of this article, which you can now see is very conservative.
The Optimization Council
The first Optimization Council meeting at MMM HQ
So you’re convinced. $3150 is enough to get you to pick up the phone, but how do know who to call? Who is going to be your coach if you don’t live near Longmont and thus can’t just join the HQ and have Mr. Money Mustache tell you what to do?
The great news is that all of this knowledge already exists, right in your own circle of friends. To extract it, you just need to gather them together and get them to talk about it.
Earlier this month, I floated exactly this idea with the members of my coworking space, proposing that we form a group with the witty name “The Optimization Council.”
The Council would meet every now and then to talk through life’s biggest expenses and opportunities, and harvest the wisdom of the group so we can all benefit from the best ideas in each category.
The response to this idea was overwhelmingly positive. So we called a first “test” meeting earlier this month and a small group of us talked through the first few categories, sharing not just names like “I use Schmidt Insurance”, but details like, “We have $250,000 coverage with a $1,000 deductible and our premium is $589 per year.”
The meeting was so lively that we quickly ran out of time, but resolved to meet again soon to figure out more things together. I served as the scribe using a shared google doc – here’s a snapshot of that to give you an idea of our topics:
So Yes. There is some thinking and work involved. But there’s also an opportunity to drastically improve your short term cashflow and long-term wealth, and break your friends out of their cautious shell to help them get the same benefits.
As we learned long ago in Protecting your Money Mustache from Spendy Friends, most people tend towards complacency, and following along with the group. Which leaves a big gaping void at the top of the pyramid where the leadership role waits unfilled.
If you are bold enough to climb into this spot (which really means just sending a few emails and Facebook messages, procuring a box or two of wine, and making a large tray of high-end nachos for your guests), you can all reap the rewards for decades to come.
And instead of avoiding this little chore like a hassle, dive into it like a gigantic shower of fun and wealth. After all, this is pretty much the core attitude of Mustachianism Itself.
In the comments: we can start our own Optimization Council right here. If you have found a good deal on any of the categories of life, feel free to share a quick summary of your location (state), and details of the company and product/service/price that you found is the best. To avoid spam filtering, please use names but not direct links.
A Note about Credible:
Watchful readers may have noticed I also mentioned this company on Twitter recently. After a few months of skepticism that the world needed yet another financial company, I was convinced by some conversations with the people running it and a Zoom video of the customer experience from a senior employee, with some very candid commentary on their design choices.
I like it because they import the lending models from their large supply of hooked-up finance companies, then run the rate comparisons on their own server rather than farming out your personal information to each separate lender. It saves you from filling out multiple applications when collecting rates, and also saves you from getting on everyone’s spam list (they don’t sell your contact information, which is a rare thing among loan search engines).
It was a hard model for them to get going, because the banks naturally want to have your information so they can spam you.  But now that they have a growing presence in the market, lenders are forced to come through Credible to get access to this pool of qualified people. After enough testing with people I knew, I found the experience is worth recommending.
So I also signed this blog up with their referral program  – please see my Affiliates philosophy if you are curious or skeptical about how any of that works!
With all that said, if you want to try it out, here are the links:
Mortgages and Refis
Student Loan Refis – $300 bonus with this link
from Money 101 http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2019/08/22/1000-per-hour/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 5 years
How to Make a Thousand Bucks an Hour
Another summer evening skate-n-scoot outing with Mini Me
It’s Back to School time here in Colorado, which means both my son and I will be hanging up the swim shorts and kayak paddles and getting back to more serious business for a while.
It has been a slow and endlessly sunny and leisurely summer, and a nice break for both of us, which has been very relaxing and a great time for bonding.
But relaxation has its limits. At some point all that Chilling Out fades its way into Complacency, and our natural Human nature starts to work against us, telling us to conserve energy and not really do much of anything. And laziness begets more laziness, and life actually becomes less fun.
You can see this effect in our activities. I’ve only completed two blog posts over the entire summer holidays, and together we have put out only two YouTube videos. Spending more time at home and less at the MMM Headquarters squat rack has caused me to lose at least five pounds of leg muscle that I had wanted to keep. Little MM has spent a lot less time practicing on the upright bass and putting out songs, and a lot more time playing video games and getting sucked into the “dank memes” and “Trove” channels on Reddit.
It has been a fun break, but as the freshly polished school buses awaken with the sunrise, it will be even more fun to get our own lives cranking into a higher gear as well. And if you’re reading this, it means I am off to a great start!
Complacency Is Expensive
This laziness was affecting my financial life, and your financial life too. I had let thousands of dollars of uninvested cash build up in my checking account, where it was sitting around earning nothing. My credit card bills had come in, been automatically paid, and filed themselves away without me even reviewing them for fraudulent transactions or wussypants spending on my part. And I had a growing mini-mountain of things I need to do regarding insurance, accounting, and legal stuff in both my personal and business domains.
And yet once I got my act together last week, I cleaned up the whole mess and set things straight in less than an hour.
It’s not Just Me, it’s You
When I talk to friends and family, I notice a common theme: they tend to set up certain “hassle” things once, and then ignore them as long as possible unless some absolute crisis comes along and forces them to make a change.
“Oh, I just do all my insurance stuff with Jim Schmidt’s Insurance office downtown, because my parents referred me to him when I first moved out for college.
Even better, his wife Jane runs a loan brokerage, so she handles all our family’s mortgage needs!”
On this surface, this sounds fun and folksy and like a nice way to do business. And that is exactly the way I like to live: keeping my business relationships as casual and fun as I can. But when it comes to money, complacency can come at a price, so at the bare minimum we should find out exactly what price we are paying.
For example, just recently a coworking member came to me and asked for some financial help. And as always, I suggested we start by looking at big recurring expenses. So we dug into the details of her insurance and other major bills streaming in from ol’ Jim and Jane, and found an interesting breakdown:
Required liability coverage on a 2010 Subaru Forester: $580 per year
Optional collision and comprehensive coverage ($500 deductuble): $360 per year
Home insurance on a 2000 square foot house ($500 deductible): $1450 per year
Mortgage interest on a $300,000 loan at 4.85%:  $14,550 per year
Student Loan interest on an old $35,000 student loan at 5.5%: $1925 per year
Total: $18,865 per year.
It’s no wonder my friend was having financial stress – she had interest and insurance costs that were soaking up half of a reasonable annual budget before she could even buy her first bit of groceries or clothing.
So, right there we did a quick round of phone calls and online quotes, and streamlined a bit of the insurance coverage by increasing the deductibles. Within 90 minutes (she did most of the work while I had a beer and swept the floors of the HQ), we had the following new set of options:
Subaru liability coverage: $380 per year ($200 savings) through Geico
Removal of collision and comprehensive (in the unlikely event of a crash, they could afford to replace the car with less than two months of income) ($360 savings)
Home insurance on a 2000 square foot house ($5000 deductible): $650 per year ($800 savings) through Safeco
Refinanced mortgage to 3.375% through Credible.com*: $10,125 per year ($4,425 savings)
Refinanced Student Loan (also Credible) to 3.85%: $1347 per year ($578 savings)
New total expenses: $12,502 ($6363 per year in savings!!)
It is hard to even express the importance of what just happened here.  My friend just did two hours of work in total while drinking a glass of wine,  and dropped her annual expenses by over $500 per month, or six thousand dollars per year. And she will of course invest these savings, which will then compound to about to about $86,000 every ten years. 
Even if she has to do this annual round of phone calls and websites once per year to maintain the best rates on everything, she will be earning about $3150 per hour for this work. Hence the bold title of this article, which you can now see is very conservative.
The Optimization Council
The first Optimization Council meeting at MMM HQ
So you’re convinced. $3150 is enough to get you to pick up the phone, but how do know who to call? Who is going to be your coach if you don’t live near Longmont and thus can’t just join the HQ and have Mr. Money Mustache tell you what to do?
The great news is that all of this knowledge already exists, right in your own circle of friends. To extract it, you just need to gather them together and get them to talk about it.
Earlier this month, I floated exactly this idea with the members of my coworking space, proposing that we form a group with the witty name “The Optimization Council.”
The Council would meet every now and then to talk through life’s biggest expenses and opportunities, and harvest the wisdom of the group so we can all benefit from the best ideas in each category.
The response to this idea was overwhelmingly positive. So we called a first “test” meeting earlier this month and a small group of us talked through the first few categories, sharing not just names like “I use Schmidt Insurance”, but details like, “We have $250,000 coverage with a $1,000 deductible and our premium is $589 per year.”
The meeting was so lively that we quickly ran out of time, but resolved to meet again soon to figure out more things together. I served as the scribe using a shared google doc – here’s a snapshot of that to give you an idea of our topics:
So Yes. There is some thinking and work involved. But there’s also an opportunity to drastically improve your short term cashflow and long-term wealth, and break your friends out of their cautious shell to help them get the same benefits.
As we learned long ago in Protecting your Money Mustache from Spendy Friends, most people tend towards complacency, and following along with the group. Which leaves a big gaping void at the top of the pyramid where the leadership role waits unfilled.
If you are bold enough to climb into this spot (which really means just sending a few emails and Facebook messages, procuring a box or two of wine, and making a large tray of high-end nachos for your guests), you can all reap the rewards for decades to come.
And instead of avoiding this little chore like a hassle, dive into it like a gigantic shower of fun and wealth. After all, this is pretty much the core attitude of Mustachianism Itself.
In the comments: we can start our own Optimization Council right here. If you have found a good deal on any of the categories of life, feel free to share a quick summary of your location (state), and details of the company and product/service/price that you found is the best. To avoid spam filtering, please use names but not direct links.
A Note about Credible:
Watchful readers may have noticed I also mentioned this company on Twitter recently. After a few months of skepticism that the world needed yet another financial company, I was convinced by some conversations with the people running it and a Zoom video of the customer experience from a senior employee, with some very candid commentary on their design choices.
I like it because they import the lending models from their large supply of hooked-up finance companies, then run the rate comparisons on their own server rather than farming out your personal information to each separate lender. It saves you from filling out multiple applications when collecting rates, and also saves you from getting on everyone’s spam list (they don’t sell your contact information, which is a rare thing among loan search engines).
It was a hard model for them to get going, because the banks naturally want to have your information so they can spam you.  But now that they have a growing presence in the market, lenders are forced to come through Credible to get access to this pool of qualified people. After enough testing with people I knew, I found the experience is worth recommending.
So I also signed this blog up with their referral program  – please see my Affiliates philosophy if you are curious or skeptical about how any of that works!
With all that said, if you want to try it out, here are the links:
Mortgages and Refis
Student Loan Refis – $300 bonus with this link
from Finance http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2019/08/22/1000-per-hour/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
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First, we safeguard your applications, processes, architecture, and data accordingly.
Then, we devise a strategy and align it with your needs and requirements.
Lastly, we calculate and comb through for any potential risks and fix them beforehand.
We can even help you pick a dependable platform or hosting provider that fits your business or organization. If you want efficient and effective data migration to be done on time, give our team a call at 0800-826-366 or click the button below.
In technological years, if your website has already been around for even 2 years, a lot would have already changed. The most obvious is the visuals, website layout and design. This is followed by functionality – nobody fills out long online forms anymore – most data can simply be fetched. The tools you use to maintain your website – you may get better and even cheaper ones out there, some are even free, thanks to opensource.org.
Even your Content Management System (CMS) go through changes rapidly. But how do you know your website or application needs an update? Here’s how –
You want to add new features and functionality for the users or for yourself.
Your website had been under attack recently, causing a security breach.
It’s been too long since your last design and doesn’t fit in with the trend.
It has become harder to manage and keep up with the competition.
You have considerably changed the purpose of your website.
Some tasks in the process are too repetitive and monotonous.
Business-wise, it makes sense to keep up with the current trend, sort of like fashion. It’s always a good idea to invest in upgradation, and it doesn’t even have to be a large investment money-wise. Talk to us or drop in your requirements along with the URL and we’ll get back to you.
With a wide range of web hosting providers out there, it can be confusing picking the most suitable one for you. There are specific hosting provider tailor-made for your specific website depending on whether you are operating a personal website, a small business, an eCommerce, or running a large international organization. For personal websites, there are plenty of free hosting providers out there, but, they only really are suitable if you don’t plan on having heavy interaction. The downside of free host providers are numerous:
very low storage space
lack of a database
no customer help
bloated advertisements
search engines will pick it up
can’t get own domain
But if you’re serious, or you run a small online business, starting out with some of the cheapest (as low as $3/mo) is not a bad idea, these include A2 Hosting, SiteGround, Hostinger ($0.80/mo), Bluehost, InMotion, and HostMonster. But if you’re looking for hosting on a larger scale, you will have to opt for more expensive hosting plans with either of these same providers. Or, you can have a look for yourself from this comparison and pick the provider you think is most suitable for you.
If you’re still not sure which one to pick or how to even get started, pick up the phone and we’ll chat, else, drop in a brief mail about your requirements and end-goal and we’ll get back to you asap!
0 notes
krisggordon · 6 years
HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO?
Google has recently released version 68 of the Chrome Web Browser. In this version, websites that don’t run on HTTPS will be marked as Not Secure. This might lead to the following question: does Google value websites with SSL certificates more? Will they rank better? Is it worth to make the switch?
  In this article you’ll find out whether SSL certificates matter for SEO or not. You’ll also learn exactly how to migrate your website from HTTP to HTTPS without suffering any ranking drops. Yes, you heard that right. If you’re not careful, you can mess up your rankings!
    Warning: Switching a website from HTTP to HTTPS the wrong way can heavily mess up your search rankings! There are many things that must be taken into consideration. The guide at the end of the article will help, but if you’re not sure what you’re doing, please contact an SEO professional who can assist you with the migration. We can not be held responsible if things go wrong!
  SSL Certificates, HTTPS & Their Importance
How Does HTTPS Affect SEO?
HTTPS as a ranking factor
User’s trust
GDPR issues
How to Switch from HTTP to HTTPS
Acquire & Install an SSL Certificate
Add HTTPS Version to Search Console
Set up 301 redirects
Change All Internal Links
Make Sure Everything Works Properly
Resubmit Disavow File & Change Your Backlinks
  SSL Certificates, HTTPS & Their Importance
  I’ll try to keep it short. Cryptography isn’t something easy to digest, but without having a general idea of how it works and what problems it solves, we can’t really understand its importance. If you have any specific questions, ask them in the comments section and I’ll do my best to reply.
  HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. What you need to know is that it’s a protocol that web servers, data centers and browsers use to transfer information across the web.
The S at the ending of HTTPS just stands for Secure.
The security comes through the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Sometimes, it might also be referred to as TLS (Transport Layer Security). It’s a method of securing the data which need to be transported.
  The method through which the data are secured is called Cryptography. By encrypting a message, only the ones that know the decryption key will be able to read it. For example, if we both decided upfront that A = 1, B = 2, C =3 and so on, I could send you the message 8 5 12 12 15 and you would read it as Hello. This is called symmetric cryptography.
  The issue with symmetric cryptography is the fact that both parties must know the encryption / decryption key upfront in order to properly communicate, so at least one secret meeting must be arranged prior to messaging. Pretty difficult to do when you want to chat with someone across the Globe.
    So, to overcome this issue, we can use asymmetric cryptography. This type of cryptography uses 2 keys. A private one and a public one. They can both decipher each other. This means that any message encrypted with the public key can be read using the private key and vice versa. 
  What are SSL Certificates?
  Well, SSL certificates are only used to confirm the identity of a website. These certificates are emitted and signed by certificate authorities with their private keys. Before getting a certificate from them, you must somehow confirm your identity and prove you are the organization and website owner.
  There are different types of Secure Sockets Layer Certificates, but the most common ones are Domain Verified Certificates. These certificates can even be obtained for free these days (keep reading and I’ll tell you how). The verification process is pretty simple and very similar to the Google Search Console one. There are also other types of certificates, such as Organization Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) certificates. They are more expensive, but require further verification, which involves company documents and IDs.
  Web Browsers come packed up with a bunch of public keys from certificate authorities. They check if the certificates have been signed with the proper private keys, therefore confirming that their identity has been verified by a trusted authority and not by some random certificate generator. If the certificate is expired or not valid, a red warning will show up. 
    This will definitely turn the user down, so make sure that if you run through HTTPS, your certificate is valid and working properly!
  It’s better to run through HTTP than to run through HTTPS with an expired SSL certificate!
  After the identity of the website has been confirmed by the browser, the web server and the client then establish a secure communication channel. Asymmetric cryptography is used to send a symmetric key which only the server and the client know. Then, the communication channel is secure and any attempt to read the information which is passed between the server and client will require the decryption key.
  So why is this so important? Why are people so crazy about HTTPS?
  Well, when your users browse your website, they often send information, through contact forms for example. Without encryption, that information can be intercepted by what people call “Man in the middle.” Although contact forms only contain names and e-mails, things get worse when we’re talking credit card information or bank accounts and passwords.
  By using an SSL Certificate, webmasters can improve the security of their websites and better protect their users’ information.
  How Does HTTPS Affect SEO?
  Now that we better understand what HTTP is, we can take a glimpse at its importance. There are multiple ways in which SSL Certificates and HTTPS can impact search engine optimization and rankings. Some of them are strictly algorithmic, while others can be less direct, but very meaningful as well. Let’s start with what we know for sure:
  HTTPS as a ranking factor
  First, you have to know that, theoretically, SSL Certificates do affect SEO. This is actually an official Google statement from 2014. They are considered a ranking factor, out wide in the open.
  Why? Well, there are many reasons, but the main one is definitely security. If Google provides its users with better security, it provides better value and the users will be pleased. The fact that internet credit card fraud is on the rise definitely pushed Google into this direction.
    Google has tested its results with HTTPS as a ranking signal and has seen positive results. This could also mean that webmasters that take security seriously might generally present better websites. They care about the users.
  Although this impact is fairly small, affecting less than 1% of websites, many webmasters have adopted HTTPS. Not long ago, less than 10% of websites were secured with an SSL certificate. Now, more than half of all websites are probably secure.
    Why didn’t Google do this earlier? Well, to be honest, I think it’s because it would’ve been a little bit unfair. Back in the day, SSL Certificates were not so easy to obtain and some of them were quite expensive. Today, however, almost anyone can secure their website with a free one. This means that money won’t really have a say in this.
  Quick Tip: Basic SSL Certificates can be obtained for free. If you’re just starting out, don’t spend unnecessary money.
  User’s trust
  Another way in which SSL Certificates could affect SEO is related to the user experience. Some users might have no clue what’s happening, but others prefer to browse websites that are secure. This is where an Extended Validation SSL might come in handy. Here’s the difference between a regular, Domain Validated SSL Certificate and a more expensive Extended Validation SSL Certificate.
  Regular Domain Validated SSL Certificate (easily obtained for free)
Extended Validation SSL Certificate (more expensive)
  Starting with Chrome Version 68 (24th July 2018), the browser now shows the warning Not Secure when you access a website through HTTP. Users will now definitely ask themselves more questions when seeing that message instead of just the Information icon.
  Screenshot from the Chromium Blog
  Who knows, in the future you’ll probably going to see a red warning, just like the one with invalid SSL certificates.
  GDPR issues
  As of May 25th 2018, GDPR has also had a huge impact on websites. GDPR specifies that any personal data should be handled securely. This forces webmasters that have even the slightest contact form to switch their website from HTTP to HTTPS to ensure the security of their users’ personal data.
  So, not only can it benefit your rankings if you switch to HTTPS, but it might also get you a fat fine if you don’t. Although usually you will see some ranking boosts, if you mess up your redirects and don’t implement HTTPS correctly, your entire site can drop from the rankings. Make sure you know what you’re doing before you start.
  How to Swtich from HTTP to HTTPS
  Switching from HTTP to HTTPS can be a hassle, especially if you’re not running on a popular CMS, like WordPress. However, you can take a look at the following guide to make sure you don’t make some of the biggest mistakes.
  Acquire & Install an SSL Certificate
  The first step is to acquire an SSL Certificate and install it. You might already have one, even if your website isn’t already running on it. Some hosting providers also offer free SSL Certificates. To find out, just go to https://yourdomain.com instead of the regular HTTP. If you see a red warning, you probably don’t have one (or it has expired). Then, just click the Information icon:
    If the popup says Certificate: Valid then you have an SSL Certificate. Click it to see more details about it, such as for how long it is valid. If you don’t see the word Certificate there, then you probably don’t have one.
  You can get an SSL Certificate anywhere. Just search Google for SSL Certificate and you’ll find plenty of providers. Search for the best deal and also look at user reviews. However, if you want to get a free one, you can try Comodo or Let’s Encrypt via Zero SSL.
  You’ll have to provide some sort of verification, usually by uploading a file on your web servers (just like with Google Analytics or Google Search Console). They usually provide step by step guides on how to verify your identity. There’s more than one method, so pick the one that’s easiest for you.
  Once you get the certificates, you’ll have to install them in your cPanel in the SSL Certificates section (Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates). The process is pretty simple. Just scroll down and add the certificate. You should also be able to purchase certificates directly via the cPanel, if you’re looking for an EV Certificate, for instance.
  Add HTTPS Version to Search Console
  The next step is to go to your Google Search Console and add the HTTPS version of your website. You can also set the preferred version, but I highly recommend that you let Google choose for now and only do this after you’ve successfully implemented the HTTPS.
  You should also make sure that the Google Analytics or any other web analytics software you’re using are also able to track HTTPS from now on.
  Set up 301 redirects
  This is the crucial step. If you don’t redirect properly, your rankings will drop! Why? Because Google will have to deindex the old HTTP site and index the HTTPS one, without having any idea that they’re actually connected. Also, users that land on HTTP versions (from old backlinks for example) will never get to see the HTTPS version.
  To redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, you can either use a plugin or do it via the server. If you’re running on Apache Web Server, you can set the redirects via the .htaccess file. However, it’s a little technical and, depending on other functionalities, conflicts may occur.
  If you’re running on WordPress, you’re lucky! You can use the Really Simple SSL plugin and it will do everything for you (set up 301s, change main domain to HTTPS and change all the links from the database to HTTPS).
  So make sure that all HTTP versions will properly redirect to their HTTPS counterparts. Take into account www, non-www, slashed vs non-slashed and parameters.
  Here you should also change the main URL of your website to HTTPS. This is usually done in some sort of configuration file. In WordPress, it can be changed in the General Settings area. The Really Simple SSL plugin will do this for you, anyway.
  Change All Internal Links
  Even if you change your main URL to HTTPS, some static content might stay unsecured. You have to make sure you fix this, otherwise some issues may occur.
  Internal links: If don’t change the links from HTTP to HTTPS, you’ll get a mixed content warning; for instance, if you add one image on your homepage with HTTP (http://yoursite.com/image.jpg) but try to run the homepage through HTTPS (https://yourdomain.com). The mixed content warning shows the Information Bubble in the browser.
  If you have mixed content, the green lock and secure message won’t appear, even if you have a valid SSL certificate installed.
  The Really Simple SSL plugin should fix this on WordPress. However, if you ever added custom HTML into your site via a PHP file or HTML template, the links there won’t change. The plugin only changes the links that are found via the Database. You’ll have to search your website for internal HTTP URLs and Images and edit all those files to replace the HTTP with HTTPS.
  Canonical Tags: Canonical tags are often forgotten. If you’re running through HTTPS and your canonical tag points to the HTTP version, Google will think that it has to index HTTP. The problem is that if HTTP 301 redirects to HTTPS then Google will get into a loop and it won’t be very pleased.
  To find out if your canonical tags are properly set up to HTTPS, press CTRL + U while on your website in Google Chrome to view the site’s source, then search for canonical with CTRL + F.
  Hreflang: Same thing as with canonical tags, the hreflang tags should point to the correct HTTPS counterpart, even though 301 redirects are in place. Make sure you check that in the source of the site.
  Most of the times, this won’t happen when you’re using a popular Content Management System, but it can often happen on custom platforms and the effects can be devastating. Make sure everything is in order.
  Other things that should be taken into account are XML sitemaps, external tools and e-mail systems (that might’ve run through unsecured channels).
  Make Sure Everything Works Properly
  Switching to HTTPS can often cause issues with plugins, APIs and other functions within the website. Make sure you browse your website properly for a couple of hours and test every segment of it. Access every page to see if it loads and test if the contact forms, online orders and filtering/search features are working properly.
  You can also now set HTTP as your preferred version in Google Search Console. WWW vs. non-WWW is irrelevant, but non-WWW tends to be shorter, so there will be more space for the URL when it shows up in Google. However, if you’ve been running on WWW so far, it’s a good idea to keep the WWW even with HTTPS.
  Resubmit Disavow File & Change Your  Backlinks
  Many forget that they have to resubmit the disavow files. If you have ever suffered from a negative SEO attack you must download the disavow file from the HTTP version in Google Search Console and upload it into the HTTPS version. Although the 301 redirects are in place, it’s really important not to forget this step!
  A final step would be to change as many of your old backlinks as possible from HTTP to HTTPS. Even with the 301 redirects in place, a small percentage of the link equity might be lost. Start with your social media profiles and backlinks you know you can change for sure in very little time.
  It’s not worth it to spend countless hours and e-mail everyone to switch your URL from HTTP to HTTPS, but if you have some way of managing it faster, it’s worth a shot.
  Merging from HTTP to HTTPS can definitely help you improve your search rankings. Even if it doesn’t work right away, you’ll definitely see an improvement over time thanks to a better user experience. To be honest, the only downside of implementing HTTPS on your website is the fact that it’s a little bit of a tricky process. However, once you get over it and implement it correctly, nothing bad can happen.
  What’s your experience with HTTPS? Have you encountered problems when merging your domain? Have your rankings increased/decreased? I’m curious. Let’s talk about it in the comments section!
The post HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO? appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
from Marketing https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/19854/http-to-https/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
wjwilliams29 · 6 years
HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO?
Google has recently released version 68 of the Chrome Web Browser. In this version, websites that don’t run on HTTPS will be marked as Not Secure. This might lead to the following question: does Google value websites with SSL certificates more? Will they rank better? Is it worth to make the switch?
  In this article you’ll find out whether SSL certificates matter for SEO or not. You’ll also learn exactly how to migrate your website from HTTP to HTTPS without suffering any ranking drops. Yes, you heard that right. If you’re not careful, you can mess up your rankings!
    Warning: Switching a website from HTTP to HTTPS the wrong way can heavily mess up your search rankings! There are many things that must be taken into consideration. The guide at the end of the article will help, but if you’re not sure what you’re doing, please contact an SEO professional who can assist you with the migration. We can not be held responsible if things go wrong!
  SSL Certificates, HTTPS & Their Importance
How Does HTTPS Affect SEO?
HTTPS as a ranking factor
User’s trust
GDPR issues
How to Switch from HTTP to HTTPS
Acquire & Install an SSL Certificate
Add HTTPS Version to Search Console
Set up 301 redirects
Change All Internal Links
Make Sure Everything Works Properly
Resubmit Disavow File & Change Your Backlinks
  SSL Certificates, HTTPS & Their Importance
  I’ll try to keep it short. Cryptography isn’t something easy to digest, but without having a general idea of how it works and what problems it solves, we can’t really understand its importance. If you have any specific questions, ask them in the comments section and I’ll do my best to reply.
  HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. What you need to know is that it’s a protocol that web servers, data centers and browsers use to transfer information across the web.
The S at the ending of HTTPS just stands for Secure.
The security comes through the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Sometimes, it might also be referred to as TLS (Transport Layer Security). It’s a method of securing the data which need to be transported.
  The method through which the data are secured is called Cryptography. By encrypting a message, only the ones that know the decryption key will be able to read it. For example, if we both decided upfront that A = 1, B = 2, C =3 and so on, I could send you the message 8 5 12 12 15 and you would read it as Hello. This is called symmetric cryptography.
  The issue with symmetric cryptography is the fact that both parties must know the encryption / decryption key upfront in order to properly communicate, so at least one secret meeting must be arranged prior to messaging. Pretty difficult to do when you want to chat with someone across the Globe.
    So, to overcome this issue, we can use asymmetric cryptography. This type of cryptography uses 2 keys. A private one and a public one. They can both decipher each other. This means that any message encrypted with the public key can be read using the private key and vice versa. 
  What are SSL Certificates?
  Well, SSL certificates are only used to confirm the identity of a website. These certificates are emitted and signed by certificate authorities with their private keys. Before getting a certificate from them, you must somehow confirm your identity and prove you are the organization and website owner.
  There are different types of Secure Sockets Layer Certificates, but the most common ones are Domain Verified Certificates. These certificates can even be obtained for free these days (keep reading and I’ll tell you how). The verification process is pretty simple and very similar to the Google Search Console one. There are also other types of certificates, such as Organization Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) certificates. They are more expensive, but require further verification, which involves company documents and IDs.
  Web Browsers come packed up with a bunch of public keys from certificate authorities. They check if the certificates have been signed with the proper private keys, therefore confirming that their identity has been verified by a trusted authority and not by some random certificate generator. If the certificate is expired or not valid, a red warning will show up. 
    This will definitely turn the user down, so make sure that if you run through HTTPS, your certificate is valid and working properly!
  It’s better to run through HTTP than to run through HTTPS with an expired SSL certificate!
  After the identity of the website has been confirmed by the browser, the web server and the client then establish a secure communication channel. Asymmetric cryptography is used to send a symmetric key which only the server and the client know. Then, the communication channel is secure and any attempt to read the information which is passed between the server and client will require the decryption key.
  So why is this so important? Why are people so crazy about HTTPS?
  Well, when your users browse your website, they often send information, through contact forms for example. Without encryption, that information can be intercepted by what people call “Man in the middle.” Although contact forms only contain names and e-mails, things get worse when we’re talking credit card information or bank accounts and passwords.
  By using an SSL Certificate, webmasters can improve the security of their websites and better protect their users’ information.
  How Does HTTPS Affect SEO?
  Now that we better understand what HTTP is, we can take a glimpse at its importance. There are multiple ways in which SSL Certificates and HTTPS can impact search engine optimization and rankings. Some of them are strictly algorithmic, while others can be less direct, but very meaningful as well. Let’s start with what we know for sure:
  HTTPS as a ranking factor
  First, you have to know that, theoretically, SSL Certificates do affect SEO. This is actually an official Google statement from 2014. They are considered a ranking factor, out wide in the open.
  Why? Well, there are many reasons, but the main one is definitely security. If Google provides its users with better security, it provides better value and the users will be pleased. The fact that internet credit card fraud is on the rise definitely pushed Google into this direction.
    Google has tested its results with HTTPS as a ranking signal and has seen positive results. This could also mean that webmasters that take security seriously might generally present better websites. They care about the users.
  Although this impact is fairly small, affecting less than 1% of websites, many webmasters have adopted HTTPS. Not long ago, less than 10% of websites were secured with an SSL certificate. Now, more than half of all websites are probably secure.
    Why didn’t Google do this earlier? Well, to be honest, I think it’s because it would’ve been a little bit unfair. Back in the day, SSL Certificates were not so easy to obtain and some of them were quite expensive. Today, however, almost anyone can secure their website with a free one. This means that money won’t really have a say in this.
  Quick Tip: Basic SSL Certificates can be obtained for free. If you’re just starting out, don’t spend unnecessary money.
  User’s trust
  Another way in which SSL Certificates could affect SEO is related to the user experience. Some users might have no clue what’s happening, but others prefer to browse websites that are secure. This is where an Extended Validation SSL might come in handy. Here’s the difference between a regular, Domain Validated SSL Certificate and a more expensive Extended Validation SSL Certificate.
  Regular Domain Validated SSL Certificate (easily obtained for free)
Extended Validation SSL Certificate (more expensive)
  Starting with Chrome Version 68 (24th July 2018), the browser now shows the warning Not Secure when you access a website through HTTP. Users will now definitely ask themselves more questions when seeing that message instead of just the Information icon.
  Screenshot from the Chromium Blog
  Who knows, in the future you’ll probably going to see a red warning, just like the one with invalid SSL certificates.
  GDPR issues
  As of May 25th 2018, GDPR has also had a huge impact on websites. GDPR specifies that any personal data should be handled securely. This forces webmasters that have even the slightest contact form to switch their website from HTTP to HTTPS to ensure the security of their users’ personal data.
  So, not only can it benefit your rankings if you switch to HTTPS, but it might also get you a fat fine if you don’t. Although usually you will see some ranking boosts, if you mess up your redirects and don’t implement HTTPS correctly, your entire site can drop from the rankings. Make sure you know what you’re doing before you start.
  How to Swtich from HTTP to HTTPS
  Switching from HTTP to HTTPS can be a hassle, especially if you’re not running on a popular CMS, like WordPress. However, you can take a look at the following guide to make sure you don’t make some of the biggest mistakes.
  Acquire & Install an SSL Certificate
  The first step is to acquire an SSL Certificate and install it. You might already have one, even if your website isn’t already running on it. Some hosting providers also offer free SSL Certificates. To find out, just go to https://yourdomain.com instead of the regular HTTP. If you see a red warning, you probably don’t have one (or it has expired). Then, just click the Information icon:
    If the popup says Certificate: Valid then you have an SSL Certificate. Click it to see more details about it, such as for how long it is valid. If you don’t see the word Certificate there, then you probably don’t have one.
  You can get an SSL Certificate anywhere. Just search Google for SSL Certificate and you’ll find plenty of providers. Search for the best deal and also look at user reviews. However, if you want to get a free one, you can try Comodo or Let’s Encrypt via Zero SSL.
  You’ll have to provide some sort of verification, usually by uploading a file on your web servers (just like with Google Analytics or Google Search Console). They usually provide step by step guides on how to verify your identity. There’s more than one method, so pick the one that’s easiest for you.
  Once you get the certificates, you’ll have to install them in your cPanel in the SSL Certificates section (Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates). The process is pretty simple. Just scroll down and add the certificate. You should also be able to purchase certificates directly via the cPanel, if you’re looking for an EV Certificate, for instance.
  Add HTTPS Version to Search Console
  The next step is to go to your Google Search Console and add the HTTPS version of your website. You can also set the preferred version, but I highly recommend that you let Google choose for now and only do this after you’ve successfully implemented the HTTPS.
  You should also make sure that the Google Analytics or any other web analytics software you’re using are also able to track HTTPS from now on.
  Set up 301 redirects
  This is the crucial step. If you don’t redirect properly, your rankings will drop! Why? Because Google will have to deindex the old HTTP site and index the HTTPS one, without having any idea that they’re actually connected. Also, users that land on HTTP versions (from old backlinks for example) will never get to see the HTTPS version.
  To redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, you can either use a plugin or do it via the server. If you’re running on Apache Web Server, you can set the redirects via the .htaccess file. However, it’s a little technical and, depending on other functionalities, conflicts may occur.
  If you’re running on WordPress, you’re lucky! You can use the Really Simple SSL plugin and it will do everything for you (set up 301s, change main domain to HTTPS and change all the links from the database to HTTPS).
  So make sure that all HTTP versions will properly redirect to their HTTPS counterparts. Take into account www, non-www, slashed vs non-slashed and parameters.
  Here you should also change the main URL of your website to HTTPS. This is usually done in some sort of configuration file. In WordPress, it can be changed in the General Settings area. The Really Simple SSL plugin will do this for you, anyway.
  Change All Internal Links
  Even if you change your main URL to HTTPS, some static content might stay unsecured. You have to make sure you fix this, otherwise some issues may occur.
  Internal links: If don’t change the links from HTTP to HTTPS, you’ll get a mixed content warning; for instance, if you add one image on your homepage with HTTP (http://yoursite.com/image.jpg) but try to run the homepage through HTTPS (https://yourdomain.com). The mixed content warning shows the Information Bubble in the browser.
  If you have mixed content, the green lock and secure message won’t appear, even if you have a valid SSL certificate installed.
  The Really Simple SSL plugin should fix this on WordPress. However, if you ever added custom HTML into your site via a PHP file or HTML template, the links there won’t change. The plugin only changes the links that are found via the Database. You’ll have to search your website for internal HTTP URLs and Images and edit all those files to replace the HTTP with HTTPS.
  Canonical Tags: Canonical tags are often forgotten. If you’re running through HTTPS and your canonical tag points to the HTTP version, Google will think that it has to index HTTP. The problem is that if HTTP 301 redirects to HTTPS then Google will get into a loop and it won’t be very pleased.
  To find out if your canonical tags are properly set up to HTTPS, press CTRL + U while on your website in Google Chrome to view the site’s source, then search for canonical with CTRL + F.
  Hreflang: Same thing as with canonical tags, the hreflang tags should point to the correct HTTPS counterpart, even though 301 redirects are in place. Make sure you check that in the source of the site.
  Most of the times, this won’t happen when you’re using a popular Content Management System, but it can often happen on custom platforms and the effects can be devastating. Make sure everything is in order.
  Other things that should be taken into account are XML sitemaps, external tools and e-mail systems (that might’ve run through unsecured channels).
  Make Sure Everything Works Properly
  Switching to HTTPS can often cause issues with plugins, APIs and other functions within the website. Make sure you browse your website properly for a couple of hours and test every segment of it. Access every page to see if it loads and test if the contact forms, online orders and filtering/search features are working properly.
  You can also now set HTTP as your preferred version in Google Search Console. WWW vs. non-WWW is irrelevant, but non-WWW tends to be shorter, so there will be more space for the URL when it shows up in Google. However, if you’ve been running on WWW so far, it’s a good idea to keep the WWW even with HTTPS.
  Resubmit Disavow File & Change Your  Backlinks
  Many forget that they have to resubmit the disavow files. If you have ever suffered from a negative SEO attack you must download the disavow file from the HTTP version in Google Search Console and upload it into the HTTPS version. Although the 301 redirects are in place, it’s really important not to forget this step!
  A final step would be to change as many of your old backlinks as possible from HTTP to HTTPS. Even with the 301 redirects in place, a small percentage of the link equity might be lost. Start with your social media profiles and backlinks you know you can change for sure in very little time.
  It’s not worth it to spend countless hours and e-mail everyone to switch your URL from HTTP to HTTPS, but if you have some way of managing it faster, it’s worth a shot.
  Merging from HTTP to HTTPS can definitely help you improve your search rankings. Even if it doesn’t work right away, you’ll definitely see an improvement over time thanks to a better user experience. To be honest, the only downside of implementing HTTPS on your website is the fact that it’s a little bit of a tricky process. However, once you get over it and implement it correctly, nothing bad can happen.
  What’s your experience with HTTPS? Have you encountered problems when merging your domain? Have your rankings increased/decreased? I’m curious. Let’s talk about it in the comments section!
The post HTTP to HTTPS Migration Guide | Do SSL Certificates Affect SEO? appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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pcgamesdaily-blog1 · 6 years
Data Recovery: 10 Most Effective Computer Backup Tools
Donna GunterData Recovery: 10 highest Effective brain Backup ToolsComputers Articles | February 26, 2009How complete you continue to trial when your computer get-up-and-go down? in case that you have a backup computer that's synchronized to your initial computer, it becomes abundant easier to move forward. However, if you prohibition and have to harbor a different or borrowed computer in the time yours is being repaired, here are 10 adding machine backup apparatus to support you receive back up and functioning quickly: absorb (c) 2009 OnlineBizU.comDespite my best efforts, this previous week I lost the pair my constitutional and unimportant computer systems. After defeated my leading desktop considerable years ago, I declare I would never certify myself be caught out an driving PC. at the time that they say, "the road to h*ll is surface with acceptable intentions," and I already again was caught with my acknowledged pants sinking without an operating artificial intelligence when my desktop, which had last exhibiting part of problem light in the last month, died suddenly and would not turn on.I later went to my laptop, which I had certainly been lazy about protection updated, and turned it on. urgently the bay update proceeding started, and asked me install Service Pack 3 for aperture XP. get done that successfully on my desktop, I wasn't too perturbed about each installation dilemma on the laptop. However, upon execute the installation, the azure screen of death appeared, which is NEVER a good trace with a Windows-based system.After trying for about an hour after success to revive my laptop (which is only 8 generation old and still beneath warranty), I knew that I was in stress and starting looking for alternatives. Fortunately, my consort keeps a laptop on hand that he practice for match when we travel, and he handsomely offered to let me install my programs and files on it until I put up repair one of my computers.After lastly acknowledging that there was no means I keep have prepared for this situation, I distinct that I needed to s*ck it up, get over, and move on. So, i.e making do with a partially customized laptop that will complete until one or the other of my PCs is returned.Despite having ended through similar situations previously, I hushed learned a few unusual things onward the means about statistics recovery and computer backup. Here are the 10 most efficient tools that saved my bacon as my modern computer meltdown.1. Automatic backup software. dive been using 2 installed backups, Carbonite and Syncplicity. I have had to restore from Carbonite previously, and I found the process to be lengthy and fairly confusing. So, several second ago I began using Syncplicity because it overture online entrance to all backed up files as well as the capability to synchronize an unlimited number of computers. However, it enjoy taken a week to restore 20 GB of data with Syncplicity, and some of the evidence was wasn't really restored, despite what Syncplicity mention me in my account. However, I can regularly download this missing info to my computer from the accessible vault. separate process that makes this backup organization easier is that I store all of my data list in My Docs so I embargo have to hunt them down in Program Files, or anywhere they are typically stored.2. Email applicant software. I still value the dinosaur Eudora for my email client. Old habits drown hard, I suppose. However, somehow I missed noticing some indispensable Eudora folders to rearward up, and so I was initially using my webmail access providing by my hosting company to access e-mail because of this overlook with Eudora. I do to dishearten of that quickly, as I had no way to create watch free movies online now folders in the particular systems, so I again decided to manually configure Eudora and open folders and emails as I need them in the program. This experience acquire made me very tempted to diversity all of my coming in and communicative email servers on all domains to Gmail blameless to have access to everything online, come hurricane, flood, tornado, or calculator crash.3. Bookmark service. um an thirsty researcher and resource collector, so acquire access to my bookmarks, or choice file, is vital to my day-to-day operations. I had move using Spurl, but over of frequent periodic outages of their service, I've changed to Foxmarks. I like that this office offers me the strength to entrée all of these online, as sound as have them at my fingertips any turn I demand them from my Bookmarks menu as well as easily synchronize them to any computer.4. Contact management. Even nevertheless I don't use viewpoint for email, I move use it for list and meeting management. I had breathe using Plaxo as an online backup for my contacts, but it doesn't permit me to stock my report about exclusive contact. dive been testing Airset straightaway for different months, and it repeatedly syncs my contacts (with notes) and my diary to their online service. I found this scads more timely than trying to rescue a backup PST dossier to perspective and formerly repeating that again when my primary computer is returned. Instead, I blameless make development to contacts and my calendar on Airset, and I'll blameless sync that to vision on my desktop.5. Passwords. I've prevail using Roboform for agedness to use me regulate my passwords. I've receive my Roboform data in My Docs, so it was a breeze to reinstall Roboform and replica the evidence folder to the new computer and permit me to entry all of the spot requiring a password and username. Finally, something that worked seamlessly!6. Project Management. Smartsheet enjoy been my project board service for the crowning few months. I taste that it has the ability to create an item and allow you to adhere a script and exchange to that item. kind of than get to interrogation down knowledge about a project, all I had to complete was timber into my Smartsheet story and there it was.7. Software licenses. Roughly 99% of the new spreadsheet I plant is downloaded and I don't earn a natural copy on CD. Therefore, I compose sure that I have the downloaded version in a My Downloads folder that's a part of My Docs file, which is favored up regularly. And, I make a PDF photocopy of the software charter that I get by email and store in a spreadsheet folder, too in My Docs. Lastly, I pick up a very inexpensive program, Registration Vault, that authorize me stock all of my program license and purchase info and permission me to back increase my evidence to My Docs. during the time that I had to reinstall software on a unusual computer, it was clear to recover the Registration Vault files, get my software right number, and have a fully functioning piece of software in minutes.8. Accounting. I value Quickbooks for my auditing needs, and while they do bid an connected version, I haven't yet moved to that. Instead, I behind up Quickbooks after every use in the My Docs folder. When I needed to invoice consulting clients at the beginning of this month, all I had to do was reinstall Quickbooks and restore my latest backup. I forthwith had business I essential again at my fingertips.9. Alternate complimentary services. a little software I use, cognate CuteFTP and TraxTime, embargo permit evidence backups. So, I easily do have to dawn all bygone with my FTP info and my time apprehend info meanwhile my clone dies. comparatively than installing these programs on the new computer, I aloof used any free recourse to land me through. FireFTP, a Firefox add-on, has fashioned quite trim for me as my FTP client, and MyHours.com has rise in quite well for TraxTime, although it desire a petty more impression for use than TraxTime.10. Email marketing. While not a tool, I discovered that both text and HTML form of E-message broadcasts material in E-message marketing. I wasn't initially able to get my normal email client rise and running, so I was account my email from my webmail systems. I've pull 2 hosting accounts, and the state-of-the-art one receive a quite sophisticated webmail system and let me read HTML emails with no problem. The other, however, doesn't permit hetman viewing. So, those emails sent individual in HTML were masses that I was weak to read. If you're wise and your E-message marketing program permits you to shoot emails out in the couple plain theme and HTML, do it, even nonetheless it force seem cognate a excessive pain. You just nevermore know whence members of your file might be forced to ready your emails.As you might gather, I've opened that connected services have provided me with the greatest backup to service me over this calculator crisis. My lesson? Duplicate as full as you can in online systems. In this way, yowl have entry to your data during you travel, when you have a computer crash, or during you're risk with a natural disaster. Article Tags: Data Recovery, Most Effective, Computer Backup, Email Client, Software License, Email Marketing Internet Marketing Strategist & Boomer Biz Coach Donna Gunter helps baby boomers create profitable online fallback businesses that they taste by demystifying the means & strategies needed to market and grow their businesses online. To claim your FR*EE gift, TurboCharge Your wired Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at OnlineBizU.com. Ask Donna an Internet Marketing question at AskDonnaGunter.com
0 notes
cardassians-blog1 · 6 years
Data Recovery: 10 Most Effective Computer Backup Tools
down GunterData Recovery: 10 highest Effective clone Backup ToolsComputers Articles | February 26, 2009How do you extend to task when your computer animation down? conceding that you have a backup computer tatas synchronized to your dominant computer, it becomes abundant easier to move forward. However, if you restriction and have to hideaway a modern or rented computer at the same time yours is being repaired, here are 10 brain backup tools to advice you earn back rise and working quickly: engross (c) 2009 OnlineBizU.comDespite my best efforts, this previous week I lost both my constitutional and inferior computer systems. After doomed my prime desktop certain years ago, I assure I would never grant myself be caught after an managing PC. in the process of they say, "the roadway to h*ll is tar with good intentions," and I late again was caught with my accepted pants downward without an operating adding machine when my desktop, which had move exhibiting part of problem hint in the last month, died quickly and would not shift on.I again went to my laptop, which I had admittedly been lazy about preservation updated, and turned it on. promptly the Windows update development started, and asked me install Service Pack 3 for bay window XP. get done that successfully on my desktop, I wasn't too distracted about any installation question on the laptop. However, upon completing the installation, the blue screen of death appeared, which is NEVER a good sign with a Windows-based system.After trying for about an hour without success to revive my laptop (which is individual 8 months old and still beneath warranty), I knew that I was in pain and starting looking for alternatives. Fortunately, my groom keeps a laptop on hand that he value for game when we travel, and he abundantly offered to let me install my programs and files on it before the coming I keep repair one of my computers.After permanently acknowledging that there was no style I put up have foreseen this situation, I settled that I needed to s*ck it up, win over, and move on. So, i.e making do with a partially customized laptop that will accomplish until one or the other of my PCs is returned.Despite having moved through identical situations previously, I smooth learned a few new things on the fashion about statistics recovery and computer backup. Here are the 10 most efficient tools that saved my bacon as my novel computer meltdown.1. Automatic backup software. give been employing 2 connected backups, Carbonite and Syncplicity. I have had to restore from Carbonite previously, and I found the process to be long-winded and moderately confusing. So, several turn ago I began using Syncplicity as it action online access to all backed raise files as well as the capability to synchronize an unlimited number of computers. However, it get taken a week to restore 20 GB of data with Syncplicity, and some of the evidence was wasn't really restored, despite what Syncplicity reveal me in my account. However, I can well download this missing info to my computer from the linked vault. singular process that makes this backup rule easier is that I store all of my data case in My Docs so I restriction have to hunt them down in Program Files, or in whatever place they are typically stored.2. Email patron software. I still use the dinosaur Eudora for my e-mail client. Old habits drown hard, I suppose. However, somehow I missed marking some indispensable Eudora folders to rearward up, and so I was initially using my webmail entrance providing by my hosting company to access electronic mail because of this lapse with Eudora. I began to dishearten of that quickly, as I had no style to set up additional folders in the above-mentioned systems, so I then decided to manually configure Eudora and open folders and emails as I need them in the program. already stated experience acquire made me very inclined to adjustment all of my coming in and approachable email servers on all domains to Gmail equitable to have access to everything online, come hurricane, flood, tornado, or artificial intelligence crash.3. Bookmark service. p m an devoted researcher and resource collector, so include access to my bookmarks, or favorites file, is vital to my day-to-day operations. I had move using Spurl, but considering of commonplace periodic outages of their service, ice changed to Foxmarks. I like that this business offers me the strength to connection all of these online, as trim as have them at my fingertips any generation I use them from my Bookmarks menu as well as easily synchronize them to any computer.4. Contact management. Even nevertheless I prohibition use vision for email, I accomplish use it for diary and influence management. I had prevail using Plaxo as an online backup for my contacts, but it doesn't permit me to plethora my draft about each contact. ie been employing Airset now for considerable months, and it commonly syncs my contacts (with notes) and my diary to their online service. I form this abundant more helpful than trying to repair a backup PST notebook to direction and then repeating that again although my leading computer is returned. Instead, I equitable make shift to influence and my calendar on Airset, and I'll equitable sync that to Outlook on my online movies free Passwords. I've prevail using Roboform for agedness to service me regulate my passwords. I've win my Roboform data in My Docs, so it was a breeze to reinstall Roboform and photocopy the knowledge folder to the unusual computer and permit me to approach all of the spot requiring a password and username. Finally, something that worked seamlessly!6. Project Management. Smartsheet receive been my project head service for the crowning few months. I emotion that it has the ability to create an item and allow you to attach a certificate and exchange to that item. quite than receive to hunt down intelligence about a project, all I had to do was log into my Smartsheet explanation and there it was.7. Software licenses. Roughly 99% of the new program I install is downloaded and I don't land a physical copy on CD. Therefore, I prepare sure that I have the downloaded version in a My Downloads folder that's a part of My Docs file, which is upheld up regularly. And, I make a PDF photocopy of the software grant that I get by email and store in a operating system folder, again in My Docs. Lastly, I acquire a authentic inexpensive program, Registration Vault, that license me stock all of my software license and purchase info and permits me to back jump my picture to My Docs. just as I had to reinstall software on a late computer, it was accessible to repair the Registration Vault files, get my software grant number, and have a fully operating piece of software indoors minutes.8. Accounting. I help Quickbooks for my calculating needs, and while they do bid an linked version, I haven't still moved to that. Instead, I backward up Quickbooks after every use in the My Docs folder. When I needed to invoice consulting clients at the beginning of this month, all I had to accomplish was reinstall Quickbooks and restore my latest backup. I right away had complex I necessary again at my fingertips.9. Alternate free services. any software I use, alike CuteFTP and TraxTime, injunction permit dossier backups. So, I indeed do have to kickoff all over with my FTP info and my time capture info at my adding machine dies. quite than institute these curriculum on the new computer, I conscientious used any free option to win me through. FireFTP, a Firefox add-on, has worked quite together for me as my FTP client, and MyHours.com has stood in rather well for TraxTime, still it desire a slight more impression for affair than TraxTime.10. Email marketing. While not a tool, I invented that both text and HTML interpretation of email broadcasts element in electronic mail marketing. I wasn't initially able to get my normal chat message client up and running, so I was lesson my chat message from my webmail systems. I've receive 2 hosting accounts, and the different one enjoy a reasonably sophisticated webmail system and let me read hetman emails with no problem. The other, however, doesn't permit homely viewing. So, those emails sent exclusive in hetman were masses that I was unable to read. If you're wise and your E-message marketing plan permits you to express emails out in the pair plain passage and HTML, do it, even though it valor seem agnate a gratuitous pain. You just no way know whence members of your list might be forced to ready your emails.As you might gather, I've invented that installed services have provided me with the greatest backup to comfort me complete this adding machine crisis. My lesson? Duplicate as scads as you can in online systems. In this way, pull have entrée to your data meanwhile you travel, when you have a computer crash, or when you're faced with a natural disaster. Article Tags: Data Recovery, Most Effective, Computer Backup, Email Client, Software License, Email Marketing Internet Marketing Strategist & Boomer Biz Coach don Gunter comfort baby boomers create profitable online pullback businesses that they appreciation by demystifying the utensil & strategies needed to market and grow their businesses online. To interest your FR*EE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at OnlineBizU.com. challenge Donna an Internet Marketing question at AskDonnaGunter.com
0 notes
markhorrell-blog1 · 6 years
Data Recovery: 10 Most Effective Computer Backup Tools
Donna GunterData Recovery: 10 largest Effective artificial intelligence Backup ToolsComputers Articles | February 26, 2009How complete you linger to task when your computer force down? conceding that you have a backup computer hates synchronized to your leading computer, it becomes full easier to move forward. However, if you restriction 123movieshub have to spot a different or imitated computer during yours is being repaired, here are 10 calculator backup engine to support you earn back rise and running quickly: absorb (c) 2009 OnlineBizU.comDespite my best efforts, this spent week I lost the two my constitutional and secondary computer systems. After losing my constitutional desktop certain years ago, I affirm I would never certify myself be caught beyond an running PC. at the time that they say, "the course to h*ll is tar with great intentions," and I earlier again was caught with my archetypal pants descending without an operating calculator when my desktop, which had prevail exhibiting part of problem light in the last month, died quickly and would not trend on.I suddenly went to my laptop, which I had indeed been sleepy about charge updated, and turned it on. promptly the bay update proceeding started, and asked me install duty Pack 3 for bay XP. receive done that successfully on my desktop, I wasn't too worried about whatever installation trouble on the laptop. However, upon do the installation, the turquoise screen of death appeared, which is NEVER a good hint with a Windows-based system.After trying for about an hour without success to revive my laptop (which is individual 8 turn old and still downward warranty), I knew that I was in trouble and outset looking for alternatives. Fortunately, my consort keeps a laptop on hand that he handling for sport when we travel, and he abundantly offered to let me install my programs and files on it before I put up repair one of my computers.After definitely acknowledging that there was no form I put up have likely this situation, I decided that I needed to s*ck it up, receive over, and move on. So, um making do with a partially customized laptop that will move until one or the other of my PCs is returned.Despite having retired through similar situations previously, I hushed learned a few new things forth the way about dossier recovery and computer backup. Here are the 10 most impressive tools that saved my bacon midst my late computer meltdown.1. Automatic backup software. ice been working 2 installed backups, Carbonite and Syncplicity. I have had to restore from Carbonite previously, and I found the process to be tedious and considerably confusing. So, several past ago I began proving Syncplicity over it action online approach to all backed rise files as well as the strength to synchronize an limitless number of computers. However, it receive taken a week to restore 20 GB of data with Syncplicity, and some of the evidence was wasn't really restored, despite what Syncplicity disclose me in my account. However, I can handily download this missing info to my computer from the accessible vault. sole process that makes this backup system easier is that I store all of my data notebook in My Docs so I embargo have to hunt them down in Program Files, or whereabouts they are typically stored.2. Email patient software. I still practice the dinosaur Eudora for my E-message client. tired habits succumb hard, I suppose. However, somehow I missed denominating some crucial Eudora folders to back up, and so I was initially using my webmail entrée providing by my hosting company to access email because of this lapse with Eudora. I inaugurate to annoy of that quickly, as I had no way to set up additional folders in the above-mentioned systems, so I next decided to manually configure Eudora and open folders and emails as I need them in the program. already stated experience acquire made me very tempted to advance all of my approaching and communicative email servers on all domains to Gmail conscientious to have access to everything online, come hurricane, flood, tornado, or artificial intelligence crash.3. Bookmark service. ism an eager researcher and resource collector, so having access to my bookmarks, or choice file, is vital to my day-to-day operations. I had prevail using Spurl, but because of constant periodic outages of their service, dive changed to Foxmarks. I like that this duty offers me the intelligence to entry all of these online, as sound as have them at my fingertips any second I right them from my Bookmarks menu as well as easily synchronize them to any computer.4. Contact management. Even still I don't use attitude for email, I execute use it for calendar and unity management. I had prevail using Plaxo as an online backup for my contacts, but it doesn't permit me to cache my synopsis about all contact. ice been working Airset now for different months, and it repeatedly syncs my contacts (with notes) and my calendar to their online service. I organize this scads more good than arduous to restore a backup PST information to perspective and later repeating that again during my primary computer is returned. Instead, I just make adjustment to contacts and my calendar on Airset, and I'll decent sync that to perspective on my desktop.5. Passwords. I've breathe using Roboform for generation to use me dominate my passwords. I've land my Roboform data in My Docs, so it was a breeze to reinstall Roboform and photograph the dossier folder to the new computer and permit me to entrance all of the scene requiring a password and username. Finally, something that worked seamlessly!6. Project Management. Smartsheet acquire been my project authority service for the end few months. I taste that it has the ability to create an item and allow you to adhere a script and review to that item. comparatively than enjoy to interrogation down word about a project, all I had to execute was log into my Smartsheet explanation and there it was.7. Software licenses. Roughly 99% of the new software I invest is downloaded and I don't pull a substantial copy on CD. Therefore, I compose sure that I have the downloaded version in a My Downloads folder that's a part of My Docs file, which is backed up regularly. And, I make a PDF photograph of the software license that I get by email and store in a groupware folder, likewise in My Docs. Lastly, I pick up a bona fide inexpensive program, Registration Vault, that give me reservoir all of my software license and purchase info and charter me to back rise my dossier to My Docs. during the time that I had to reinstall software on a unusual computer, it was straightforward to restore the Registration Vault files, get my software right number, and have a fully functional piece of software within minutes.8. Accounting. I help Quickbooks for my accounting needs, and while they do action an connected version, I haven't yet moved to that. Instead, I rearward up Quickbooks after every use in the My Docs folder. When I needed to invoice consulting clients at the outset of this month, all I had to execute was reinstall Quickbooks and restore my latest backup. I right away had lot I desired again at my fingertips.9. Alternate paper services. Some software I use, agnate CuteFTP and TraxTime, injunction permit statistics backups. So, I well do have to dawn all by with my FTP info and my time capture info when my calculator dies. comparatively than invest these business on the new computer, I just used a few free recourse to get me through. FireFTP, a Firefox add-on, has fashioned quite trim for me as my FTP client, and MyHours.com has erect in rather well for TraxTime, supposing it miss a less more impression for use than TraxTime.10. Email marketing. While not a tool, I spotted that the two text and HTML variant of E-message broadcasts thing in E-message marketing. I wasn't initially able to get my normal electronic mail client jump and running, so I was knowledge my voice mail from my webmail systems. I've receive 2 hosting accounts, and the modern one include a quite sophisticated webmail system and let me read hotly emails with no problem. The other, however, doesn't permit HTML viewing. So, those emails sent only in homely were public that I was impotent to read. If you're wise and your voice mail marketing plan permits you to express emails out in the two plain content and HTML, do it, even nonetheless it potency seem agnate a pointless pain. You just nevermore know according to what members of your series might be forced to ready your emails.As you might gather, I've perceived that accessible services have provided me with the greatest backup to service me through this brain crisis. My lesson? Duplicate as abundant as you can in online systems. In this way, yowl have entry to your data during you travel, when you have a computer crash, or although you're risk with a natural disaster. Article Tags: Data Recovery, Most Effective, Computer Backup, Email Client, Software License, Email Marketing Internet Marketing Strategist & Boomer Biz Coach done Gunter support baby boomers create effective online retirement businesses that they taste by demystifying the tools & strategies needed to market and grow their businesses online. To plea your FR*EE gift, TurboCharge Your connected Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at OnlineBizU.com. request Donna an Internet Marketing question at AskDonnaGunter.com
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