#but these people probably just thought it meant 'funny and weird' in this context
woozapooza · 9 months
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The original post is totally correct but it's so annoying when people act like simply not knowing something is a grievous intellectual failure. Most people probably don't google the name of every store they come across to make sure it's not offensive, not because they're lazy or stupid, but because it's neither common knowledge nor common sense that such a popular store would have such a tasteless name. I doubt the OP of this post googles every single new word or phrase they hear before adopting it either!
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anzulvr · 1 year
In which two friends like their other best friend.
COVE / DEREK X READER (head cannons might make a oneshot 🤞🤞)
— reaction
Cove is kinda confused, he never really expected Derek to like you in that way, he never really got any signs (Derek was trying to hide it) but he wouldn’t be upset or anything. You’re all friends in the end, besides Derek was being considerate trying to hide his feelings for everyone else’s sake.
Chalks it up to “Well who wouldn’t like MC?”
(Final warning for Derek dlc spoilers!!)
Derek has always been aware of Coves crush since it’s super obvious to everyone. In his DLC if you tell him you thought he was cute he admits his first impression of you was that you are cute too! So I think after he hangs out with you and Cove for the first time he realizes early on that Cove already likes you so he’d just try to act like nothing but the more you hang out the harder ignoring his feelings get. Derek’s reaction to Cove finding that out that he likes you would be worried cause he doesn’t want to make anything weird. Cove wouldn’t throw their friendship away just cause he’s got a crush on you. Derek would go down a spiral of “what if Cove hates me.” “What if they both never speak to me again.” So just make sure he knows you’re not going to ghost him over this😭
more in cut!!
Extra hcs for u!!🫶🫶
How would people figure out both derek and cove like you?
ft — Mr Holden, Moms, Elizabeth, Lee, Kyra! In that order!!
Derek was over for lunch with everyone and at the table it was just too obvious. They knew Cove liked you but they hadn’t really payed mind to how Derek acted until then. Cove still would have been completely oblivious to it. At home Mr. Holden would say something like “so, you have competition huh sport?” with zero context and wouldn’t further explain when coves all lost. Cliff decides not to break it to him💀Maybee if it comes up sometime he’d give cove advice like in the soirée DLC where he makes him to bring you a flower! He’d always be up to help out cove but cove would be too embarrassed to ask😭
For the moms they’d just tease you how they do with cove and they’d also just mess with Derek in the same manner. Probably not around Cove so he wouldn’t catch on😭 when they’re feeling out of pocket they’ll say something to you both like “I wonder what has him all nervous” once derek is out the room and just laugh while shushing eachother.
Elizabeth canonically knows and she doesn’t care who hears her when she says things lmfaoo
it’s not super regular she hangs out with you since she does her own thing but I feel like she’d be down to gossip about it all the time like. “ELIZABETH GUESS WHAT-” and that’s literally the only time she lets you in her room without arguing about knocking or telling you you’re being annoying 😭
Lee knows every detail she’s so invested lowkey she’d instigate just a little but nothing comes out of it because it’s Cove and Derek. You can’t leave this girl in a room with one of them because she’ll say somethingg 😓
“Hey Cove, didn’t derek ditch soccer’s practice to hang out with [MC]? It’s so unusual of him huh? To willingly SKIP a day to hang out with them..”
“Not really? I think it’s nice, he needs breaks once in a while.”
And then when Lee gets Derek alone for like 5 minutes;
“Hey Derek- do you think [MC] and Cove are cute?”
“Huh? Oh- well yeah [MC] is has the prettiest eyes and they’re so cool and funny and amazing- Coves a awesome guy too but I’m not interested like that ya know?”
“I meant cute.. like together. ”
“Oh. ”
Kyra time!! She’s the bestt
She noticed your little love triangle in that one trip to the mall while she was spying on all of you. The little drink share?? Derek blushing when you snuck up on him and Cove too freaked out to let you drink his smoothie?? She almost got caught by cove when he heard her laugh but he just wrote it off as him hearing things.
She TRIES to help Cove take you places because he drags you to the beach every other day 😭 like “Hey babyyy, you’re not hanging out with [MC] today?”
“Not today, they’re out helping Derek with his brothers today.”
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow? I can take you two out some place? Maybe the tropical place again.”
“yeah I guess? I’ll ask them if they can later! Thanks mom.”
426 notes · View notes
runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 7 - A jetBlue FaMintly ReBluenion - The Quest for the Bluest Plane
And now, for something completely different.
We're done with jetBlue. I said that and I meant it. But we're not done with this train of thought. This post might not be what you expect. This is a very long post (and I do mean very long), a journey through the history of the US low-cost airline, the cognitive dissonance of the everyman millionaire, the thinly-veiled cynicism of the start-up airline, human kindness squeezed through cracks of a soulless machine which can never stop churning, and above all one man's quest to make the bluest planes he can, and my quest to tell you all if they look bad or not.
Let's begin here: have you ever wondered how new airlines are started? Well, when a wealthy individual or group of individuals love making money very much, they get together and incorporate a publicly traded company, lease a few airplanes, buy some airport slots...
I'll get to the point. Readers, there's somebody I'd like you to meet.
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"Never speak to me or my daughter ever again." image: Rick Maiman
This is David G. Neeleman. He's jetBlue's dad. And jetBlue...has siblings.
David Neeleman is a Brazilian-American-Cypriot businessman I would best describe as a serial airline founder. Normally the description 'serial entrepreneur', to me at least, implies flakiness and perpetual failure to get anything properly off the ground, but that's not the case for Neeleman. He's very successful. He's probably some sort of pioneer. I've seen him compared to Howard Hughes. There's really only one stain on his record, one failure to speak of, and it's been over ten years. He has a net worth of 400 million dollars.
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image: bloomberg
He's an...interesting person. Very interesting. He was born in Brazil and raised in Utah by a wealthy Mormon family. There are many very funny images of him available through Google. He has ten children, an ADHD diagnosis, no university degree, a whole lot of money, and a weird, weird, weird personal philosophy.
This interview is hard to sum up, but there's clearly a lot going on here. This is a guy who wants so desperately to be down to earth and kind and generous, who thinks he is down to earth and kind and generous, but who just can't take the extra step to realize the implications of the truly obscene wealth involved in venture capital and the inherent contradiction of that with his own ostensible charity and drive towards a fair and comfortable experience for passengers. In a way he seems like he's just too wealthy to really understand what being wealthy means. (It's also an older interview, and I imagine any scrap of genuine convictions he held through cognitive dissonance are now long-gone, given the CoViD thing.) He's also clearly got a chip on his shoulder about being fired from jetBlue. To be fair, having seen what they've done with their livery...I get it.
What else...he's also been CEO of airline booking program Open Skies, was involved with bizjet charter airline Superior Air Charter (then known as JetSuite), is founder and chairman of security company Vizgul for some reason, and is a minority owner of TAP Air Portugal. His nephew Zach Wilson is quarterback for the New York Jets. Oh, and he funded a study to underestimate the prevalence of CoViD. Classy, David. Real classy.
This isn't about David Neeleman. Not really. Not yet, at least. At some point it becomes about him, about his journey, but even then it isn't. When you have 400 million dollars you cease to become a meaningful subject as a person and become a meaningful subject as a distilled effigy of the things which the money came from. I dislike the Tony-Starkification of real people and I refuse to approach him in a way that supports that view of him. His life only matters to me in the context of the airlines he makes, and in what the way he changed over time represents. There's at least one biography out there for anyone particularly interested in the lives of Mormon multimillionaires who take issue with making people die less because they want the line to go up more. He is worth 400 million dollars, which is roughly a million dollars times what I make in one paycheck, delivered every two weeks. He's a creature in a suit who owns an absurd amount of wristwatches, each of which could pay for some sort of surgery for someone out there. There's a bunch of those in the world and this one happens to have made something which eclipses him, and that something is what's been occupying me since Wednesday.
If you're a book-reader - and I recommend being one - I think you're probably better off reading Barbara S. Peterson's "Blue Streak: Inside jetBlue, the Upstart That Rocked an Industry", which talks specifically about jetBlue and the way it pioneered what we now consider normal for aviation in the US. Reading it brought back memories for me of seeing adverts for jetBlue's planes on television, guaranteed to have a TV screen on every seat, and having my little mind which was still scarred by hours upon hours of complete boredom flying all the way from Tokyo to the American Northeast completely blown. Air travel really is unrecognizable from what it was when I was a child, although 20 years feels a lot shorter than it really is when you've lived it. There was no one factor that changed aviation so much in my lifetime, but there were a lot that contributed. ETOPS, 9/11, the recession, geopolitics, gas prices, the internet, legacy airline mega-mergers, privatization...and the jetBlue way of doing things.
It's easy to forget from our current vantage point but low-cost air travel wasn't always like this. Southwest did a lot to pioneer the modern low-cost model but jetBlue is probably the second-biggest player in the airline industry's shift to a culture which tries less to be glamorous and tries more to be fun and approachable (they by no means invented the Fun Airline, but PSA had been gone for 20 years at that point and the market had a gaping hole). They were a huge player in the rise of in-flight entertainment as standard even on low-cost flights. They helped keep aviation going after 9/11, when it was one of the few airlines to actually make money. And jetBlue's story isn't Neeleman's story, even though he founded it. I literally just listed four other major involvements of his, and he hasn't been involved in the business side of jetBlue since 2008. His story involves the founding of four - count em! - other airlines. Let's take a look through them and see if we can spot any patterns.
Morris Air (1992-1994)
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sources and further reading: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
Never heard of Morris Air? Can't blame you. jetBlue's oldest sibling existed for two years in the 90s. Two years. That's pretty miserable. ValuJet was around for twice that. That said, you're actually probably more familiar with them under a different name: Southwest.
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No, Morris Air did not become Southwest. Southwest existed at the time, and it was in fact Southwest which gave birth to Morris Air.
Morris Air was named for its founder, June Morris, who operated one of Utah's largest travel agencies. In 1984 she partnered with a then 25-year-old David Neeleman to launch Morris Air Service. The two had realized something that was about to shake the airline industry: plane tickets were really expensive, and you could charge even less than major budget carriers like Southwest by just buying all the seats on a charter flight and selling them on to customers at an attractively low price. If you did this, even regular working-class people trying to book a trip to Hawai'i or Disneyland could actually afford a plane ticket. This worked successfully, enough that Morris sold off her travel agency, until they incurred a large fine from the DoT for pushing too far and fraudulently passing themselves off as a scheduled airline (which mattered because commercial charters are operated under Part 135 regulations while scheduled services are governed by the much more restrictive Part 121). In response, girlboss queen June Morris and her investie David Neeleman went and started up Morris Air as an actual, genuine, fully certified part 121 carrier, making June Morris the only female jet airline CEO in the US. They operated a fleet of 21 737-300s around the west coast on both scheduled and charter flights, pioneering such cost-cutting measures as e-tickets (wrongly attributed to Southwest, they were actually first used by Morris). This fleet included N75356/N764MA/N697SW, the airframe involved in the TACA 110 incident, which was successfully landed on a levee after losing power in both engines.
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image: Richard Silagi
Now, I don't know about you, but these planes don't scream 'vacation' to me. In fact, they don't scream anything. They barely whisper. They breathe lightly on my ear. There are a couple planes in their fleet with weird features, like multicolor painted noses or cheatlines, but these seem to be one-offs and I wouldn't even be surprised if they were just leftovers from previous paintjobs (the one with the cheatline does look suspiciously like the one used on Sierra Pacific planes, one of the operators Morris chartered from). So they don't count. What counts is this.
Maybe if Morris Air didn't want to be instantly forgotten they shouldn't have made their planes completely generic. I'm not sure they cared, though. They wanted to make money and they made money.
A D- for Morris Air.
In 1992, less than two years after gaining its air operator's certificate, Morris Air merged with Southwest and the brand was retired. Despite having posed a legitimate threat to the titan that was Southwest at the peak of its relevance, it's since largely been forgotten. June Morris and David Neeleman both worked in Southwest's upper management for some time, but it was only five months before Neeleman left Southwest for other ventures. Soon, something more familiar would spring up, fed by the dying rays of Morris Air's gargantuan profits.
WestJet (est. 1994, began operation 1996)
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Not exactly a deep cut, is it? WestJet is actually the second largest carrier in Canada and the ninth-largest in North America. They carry over 25 million passengers a year. I've never been one of them, but David Neeleman probably has, because he was one of the group of absurdly wealthy individuals who founded this incredibly successful airline in 1994.
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WestJet operates a primary fleet of over 100 Boeing 737s of various models and seven Boeing 787s; in the past they also operated the 757 and 767. They operate both scheduled passenger and charter flights, as well as having a cargo division, a fully-owned regional subsidiary, and a Delta Connection/United Express-style brand name under which Pacific Coastal Airlines operates.
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These all use more or less the same livery, which has only slightly changed since the beginning of operations in 1996. Pictured above is the original livery. I like the colors, I like the angularity on the tail, but I despise the style of livery with just the isolated tail colored in. This said, they introduced a new, updated livery in 2018.
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I am a very predictable person. Given a livery mostly seen on 737MAXes and Dreamliners, I will always pick the Dreamliner to use as a visual example. This is not a slight to the MAX. They are nice looking planes, but the Dreamliner's planform is just on another level. Look at that wing sweep. Immaculate.
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I like this color scheme a lot. I just happen to really like sea-green-adjacent colors, this is not the first time I've mentioned this. The font is nice, big, legible. I like the all-caps, I like the descender on the J. I think removing the logo mark on the wordmark and making it solid color was fine as a choice, makes the whole plane feel more balanced between the turquoise and the dark blue. The 'l'esprit du Canada' feels utterly pointless and is blocked by the wing and too small to be clearly read anyway. Tail design not limited to the tail, but mostly white fuselage regardless. Boring, but there's nothing here I can really call...bad? It's what they don't do that feels like the issue here, not what they do. Like, some sort of design on the nose and directly above or below, maybe? I didn't even realize there's any paint on the engines until I was editing my first draft and from most angles you just can't see it. Come on.
Grade: D+
Before I move on, there is something I have to mention. And that is WestJet's sub-brands. WestJet Encore is a fully-owned subsidiary which operates a respectable fleet of Bombardier Dash 8 Q400s, and WestJet Link is a brand name under which Pacific Coastal Airlines operates a couple Saab 340s. And that is...fine, normal, even, but...
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Is this a joke to you?!
Change your name to WestProp. Now.
Hey. Wait a minute.
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David! The large blue plane is coming! It has no engine power because it ran out of fuel and is about to hit you on the racetrack during family day! Oh no, he has airpods in! He can't hear us! image: Cean W Orrett
This guy. David Neeleman. Yeah, him. We were talking about him. I mean, it's been a minute since he came up because as far as I can tell after founding WestJet he did nothing of note related to it again, but...what's he been doing? Wait...wait a minute. This is becoming a habit, David. All your airlines are...well...they share a certain trait, in a very specific area.
David knows what I'm talking about. After all, his next move, in 1998, was to found NewAir, which would shortly become jetBlue.
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I have not stopped to count how many words I have written about jetBlue this week. It is a lot. I already delivered a verdict. We are moving on.
Because David didn't stop here. Why would he? It's 2008 and he just got fired from his own company because a winter storm went Southwest-holiday-scheduling levels of horrendous for the airline he raised from infancy. He's got time to kill and money to burn and he wants the line to go up, damn it! Well, maybe he can be in the right place at the right time again. Make a second jetBlue, win back what he's lost. After all, he's got something else up his sleeve - dual citizenship.
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Just your regular average Mormon, lurking in forests with a model plane. Nothing sinister about that. image: conde nast traveler
I did mention earlier he was born in Brazil, right? That's always been part of his life. When he was in charge, jetBlue was actually the launch customer for the Embraer E190, an incredibly popular mid-sized regional jet made by Brazilian manufacturer Embraer.
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Is it just me, or do the men in this picture somehow look like cardboard cutouts holding a real airplane? There is something very strange about this image. I would go so far as to call it unsettling. image: The Gainesville Sun
So, figuring he'd bled the US dry, I suppose, he moseyed on down to his birthplace with his millions of dollars and presumably a couple little blank model planes waiting to be painted and shown off at a press conference. If you've seen a pattern emerging, prepare to see it continue.
Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras (est. 2008)
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Mmm. Helvetica Neue Heavy. Not impressed.
Okay, sure. Technically there was a 'naming contest' and this name 'was the most popular'. But I think at this point I would believe that David Neeleman botted his own vote years before I would believe that Blue Airlines of Brazil just happened to be the winning name.
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Okay, all else aside, I would really love to gently hold a plane like this. There's a certain caressing nature to the way he's holding this plane's snout which I crave to someday replicate with a similarly sized model aircraft. image: Paulo Whitaker
Much like jetBlue, Azul began operating Embraer 190 and Embraer 195 aircraft before expanding its fleet to include Airbus models, a handful of ATR 72 tubroprops, and two Boeing 747s for cargo. They started with just five aircraft but grew rapidly, absorbing a bunch of other airlines and securing large investments from the likes of United and Hainan Airlines. Today they operate a fleet of over 150 planes to 161 destinations and are the third largest airline in Brazil. They have a set of crossover liveries with freaking Disney. (I might review those sometime.) They also have a crossover livery with John Deere for some reason. You know, the tractor company. In 2020 TripAdvisor named them the world's best airline.
In addition to the name of the company, they also name their airplanes. I do not speak Portuguese, but thankfully a close friend, @ametri-e, does. I asked him if the names were silly puns like jetBlue's are, and I got this response:
some of these are puns but not particularly funny, some of them just have the word blue in them, and one was funny
So there you have it!
Unlike Morris, which no longer exists; WestJet, which he seems to have minimally contributed to past its founding; and jetBlue, which tossed him unceremoniously on the tarmac with his bags, he remains the chairman of Azul at time of writing.
I find myself briefly wondering if this is all an attempt to recapture his lost glory. Is jetBlue, larger even than the impressive heights Azul has reached, the one that got away? Is he now forced to go forward modeling his work in the image of that which he was robbed of, that which he can never go back to?
I don't know and I don't care. I care about if the livery looks good or not.
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Well, I wasn't just going to leave the John Deere plane out. It's a bit underwhelming, though, isn't it?.
So Azul is pretty different from jetBlue at first glance. Mainly, it uses a much darker blue and has a logo to go with the wordmark - a cute little pixel Brazil that looks a bit like a heart to me because of the specific way it's drawn. Everything is scaled nicely so it looks pleasing on the turboprop and I think the dark underside and the way it curves around the ventral fairing actually looks really good with the ATR's airframe, which has a very pronounced ventral fairing relative to similarly-sized props. But, okay, let's look at a jet.
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This...is not terrible. I really like the highlights on the trailing edges of the winglets and the end of the rudder, and bordering the deep blue belly. Not crazy about the Helvetica Neue still. Why doesn't the 'u' being cyan carry over to the actual livery? Also, Detached Tail Syndrome. In fact, although it has features beyond this which make a further discussion worth having, the basic layout is what I call the 'Deltalike' because that's the airline I associate with it despite them certainly not being the first to use it - detached tail, painted engines, painted underside that's large enough to see from the sides. It avoids a lot of pitfalls of the other popular archetype, that of the very tail-heavy (which WestJet fell into), but has its own loathesome features. All said, though, I do think Azul is one of the better takes on the Deltalike.
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In the first picture the highlights look green, but in reality they're one line of green and one of yellow, for the Brazilian flag. I think they look really nice with this particular blue color, but I am exhausted of this man naming his airlines blue and then having the planes be majority white. They have such a nice shade of blue here, couldn't they make that the primary color of the body?
That aside, the way that the line curves up towards the middle of the plane combined with the tailing-edge highlights creates a sort of aerodynamic feeling. You even see them in other colors sometimes, like the pink ones on the E190s and blue ones on the E195.
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It also comes in pink! Were this not a one-off I would ask them to change their name to Rosa Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, but it is a promotion.
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It seems like reconnecting with his origin has given David Neeleman the creative push he needed to beat jetBlue in at least one way - livery. All said, Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras clocks in at a final grade of...
Aww, not quite a B for Brazil. Better luck next time! Though I'll admit I considered putting it there for a bit. This is a very high C+. Still, no cigar. Next time try putting less white on the plane. If you're all about blue, why are all your planes still so white? Come on, David. You are spreading blue paint on every airline you've ever touched but never letting it get past the tailfin. Who are you kidding? You know you're holding yourself back. There's a desire deep in you. You know it's there. I know you want to. It's just a matter of when. You are going to give in to your most animal urges. This isn't enough for you.
You need a bluer plane.
You can feel the thirst for a plane blue enough that you might as well own a piece of the sky straining against the bonds you've tried so hard to impose on it all these years. When will you finally unleash it?
Breeze Airways (commenced operations 2021)
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image: inc. usa
Here we are, David. Time has almost caught up to us. It's just you, me narrating, and a very, very blue plane indeed. We have finally reached jetBlue's youngest baby sibling.
"Together, we created Breeze as a new airline merging technology with kindness," David Neeleman said. ​"If you can just be nice, the people will be nice to you in return and your job will be more fun.”
This is an interesting pitch. When Cape Air, with its fleet of tiny airplanes and its founder who started the airline with himself as pilot just to fly one route that he found himself needing to travel regularly, makes their motto Make Our Customers Happy And Have A Good Time Doing It (Mocha Hagodti), it feels...well, it feels like the person who said that didn't understand yet what a company was. Cape Air is its own story with its own contradictions and the vicious cognitive dissonance of capital on stark display but you can sense the desire in its inception to provide a service before running a company. It is the opposite of cynical - it is naïve. It is hopeful and human and starry-eyed.
When a man on his fifth airline makes a pitch like that it's like trying to cloud-watch looking at the ceiling.
That's not the only pitch for Breeze. I mean, even if you've started four successful airlines already and it seems like everything you touch goes on to revolutionize some part of the industry I think that would be a hard sell to investors in 2021. There's a bit more going on here. I'm going to start with the bit that's boring and makes me roll my eyes.
Ever since JetBlue, Neeleman has, like the kid peering into the circus tent, longed to get back into the U.S. airline industry. 
Bill Saporito writes for Inc. USA. I let out one tepid physical laugh. Yeah, David. You've got something great going in Brazil right now, but you want more. You want jetBlue and you can't have it. So instead...you give us an app.
The Breeze app is designed to eliminate chokepoints between passengers and planes. That means fewer people on the ground and lower cost.
Is this revolutionary? Is this destined to end in a Southwest-tier scheduling catastrophe? I'm not sure. I think David Neeleman's history suggests he could make this work, and I think the history of apps being used for things that didn't have apps before suggests that this could horribly blow up in his face. It seems to have gone fine so far, as I haven't heard anything else about it. To be fair, I wasn't exactly invested in the idea, so I haven't been looking. There's always time for some situation to happen nobody had foreseen and it all to go belly-up. Saying you never cancel flights works fine until a blizzard hits and then you have to start all over again, but he didn't build jetBlue by being afraid to take risks.
More interesting is the service they offer. Breeze has a bit of an identity crisis. Breeze wants to be an ultra low cost carrier with a first class cabin. That sounds contradictory because it is. The ULCC model as used by airlines like Ryanair and Spirit fundamentally relies on charging a low fare upfront with the expectation that customers will not receive a crumb extra without paying for it. Everything from seat reservations to snacks to anything else you can think of, you can pay extra for or you can do without. Breeze also follows other trends common with ULCCs, like a lack of seatback screens (the very thing jetBlue pioneered!) and flying point-to-point to smaller airports located outside of major metropolitan areas rather than routing through hubs. Yet Breeze insists it wants to have a first class cabin!
It does have a first class cabin, apparently. The classes are called Nice, Nicer, and Nicest. I wish airlines wouldn't do this. Air travel is the floorboards of stand-up comedy. Everyone already hates flying except weirdoes like me who spend enough time looking at pictures of airplanes to write reviews of their paint jobs, and even I get pretty tired of it if I go too long sitting there without the plane doing some sort of plane thing. You can be honest. You can call the classes Bearable, Unpleasant, and Painful. We all understand. It's okay. I would rather buy a ticket for Miserable But Cheap class than Nice. It probably won't actually be that bad, since Breeze doesn't do long-haul, which makes the presence of first-class even more bizarre. If you want first-class short-haul and have that sort of money just charter a private jet! And David Neeleman has been involved with at least two private jet charter companies too, so...what is he doing?
In 2011, almost exactly 10 years before Breeze began operation, Neeleman was interviewed for Business Jet Traveler. I linked the interview above. It's a powerful display of the cognitive dissonance of a man who considers himself a regular everyday Mormon dad, who donates his salary to his employees, who insists on calling his employees crewmembers, even as the line goes up, and up, and up. I've heard anecdotes about him sitting in the backs of his own planes at jetBlue, observing what he could change to make the experience better for the cabin crew and passengers, noticing a lot of those things could even save money, and I have no reason to disbelieve them.
As the head of a company he is by necessity exploiting those under him, as a businessman he is providing a service not from altruism but because he knows that people need it enough they'll give him money, and the more comfortable the experience for both the less likely he'll lose their labor and their money. Conscious or not, altruism is a means to an end, but it is still startling surrounded by airlines which don't even go that far. 'Nice' as a name for economy class is a pretty good summary of the man David Neeleman was, and the one he still tries to present himself as. But there's a specific question, and a specific answer, which I feel the need to place here.
The airlines have been cutting back on frills and first class, which is driving more people to business aviation. Do they need to find ways to treat their high-end customers better? Well, JetBlue doesn't have first class. We treated everyone the same. Maybe it's funny I'm in the JetSuite market because it's so weird to me that on a plane with 150 seats, you give 12 people a great ride and you stick it to 138-squish them all back there because of 12 people. There's something about that that just feels wrong.
Does it still feel wrong, David? Did something change about you between the first million and the 400th? When did this transformation happen? Was it the Ship of Theseus effect? Or...was this what you inevitably were working towards all along? Was it a fool's errand to pretend that there is a difference between what you do and what you are? Aviation is not immune to the society which it is built to serve - it is shaped by it. It feels wrong for 12 people to have a nice ride while 138 are squished in the back, but if you think about the life that 5 million Americans live and the life the other 326 million have to live, all squished back there so the lucky few can have a nice ride, doesn't it feel a little less wrong? After all, you've got the reclining bed. You can just pull the curtain closed. You've probably known what you were all along.
The airlines are a tough business. Why start another after JetBlue? Well, I've done this three times. It's what I know. I've always made money at it, always been successful. I figured out a formula that works and Brazil really needed it. And I had this idealistic view of trying to make a difference. I've got 3,000 people in Brazil that work for us and love their jobs and we flew four million people this year and a lot of those people had never flown before.
Air travel is life-changing. It's not just for those of us who stand outside airports and take a picture of every airplane we see. It is a faster, safer, easier way of getting people and things from one place to another. There are people who live in the remotest places in the world, who deal with mountains and oceans and even just being so far away from anywhere else. They can travel now, and they can do more than that. They can visit their family. They can get places even if they're somewhere railroads don't run to. Cargo planes bring these remote communities necessities. They take their children to university and its sick to lifesaving treatment. It's a lifeline and a fundamental part of infrastructure. Once we invented it we stopped being able to go back.
It isn't an inherently cynical thing to start an airline - not more cynical than starting any other company, anyway. At least, it shouldn't be. But I think it's an inherently cynical thing to start five. To have your position at Azul, which is both massively successful and your own brainchild, which you think is doing good...and to say to yourself "I need more. I need America. I need what I was robbed of when I lost jetBlue."
Very few people have ever started one airline successfully. David Neeleman started four and sat at the helm of Brazil's third-largest airline and decided it wasn't enough for him. He's always made low-cost airlines. To a not-insignificant degree he made the low-cost airline what it is today. But he needs a first-class cabin.
The Inc. piece on Breeze continues to discuss the airline's planned operations. In 2011 Neeleman's employees were crewmembers.
Breeze is also introducing a program in which it will hire college interns from Utah Valley University and mold them into customer-service machines. In exchange for salary, free tuition, and housing, the students will undergo training and then work 15 or so days a month while taking their college courses online. "The big thing is we are going to provide a great service with kind people on a beautiful airplane with a fun atmosphere," says DePastino.
In 2021 they are customer-service machines. They will spend not just their days but their nights in Breeze's living spaces at one of the most vulnerable times in a person's life, learning how to be cogs in a machine right when they're transitioning from being students to entering the turbulent world of trying to find a job. And all of us want a job that makes us feel like we're still us, doing something that makes the world better and that helps us touch the tip of Maslow's pyramid. Almost none of us get it. Most of us slog through something utterly pointless that is entirely separate from our own self-identity to just keep our heads above water. Breeze turns this into a machine and it starts its cogs young.
Would I take this deal if it was offered to me? I'm a university student with barely enough money to keep myself afloat in a very expensive city while paying for university and for medicine and for anything else that may suddenly come up. I love aviation. I have customer service experience. I work in customer service right now and will probably continue to for a long time. I would hypothetically be an ideal candidate for this sort of program. Would I take this offer knowing that nobody, myself included, says to themself as a child that they want to be an airline customer service representative when they grow up? College is supposed to be the place you lay the groundwork for trying to start a career. Nobody wants their career to be 'customer service representative'. Nobody wants their obituary to say 'beloved son, husband, middle management at an airline's call center'. Sure, lots of people end up there, and plenty of them are happy and fulfilled and they have nothing to be ashamed of, but nobody's 18, going into college, and thinks that's what they want to live and breathe for years. They want to intern in the accounting departments, to shadow engineers, to see the sleek jets and peer in on the lifestyles of the people who built this. They want to be David Neeleman. But that's not an option for most of us.
So what would I do? Live this concession to the inevitability of automation which overtakes much more than the flight deck? I might, because at least it's a guarantee of shelter and stability that I don't have trying to stumble my way through an utterly shambolic job market caught between the price of school and the need to earn that money and the costs inherent to autoimmune disease and the number of hours there are in a week. I want to write, or even just to do something that involves words, because even a data entry job might let me pretend I'm still the person I thought I would grow up to be, and even that seems off the table. But it's one thing to know your dreams are never going to be realistic and another to say it out loud and yet another to commit to it in a place that even refers to you outright as a machine as if they don't understand the weight of that word when you provide someone's lodging and pay and everything else they rely on. This is a few steps short of being a company town populated exclusively by the young and vulnerable who think they're going to be entrepreneurs one day.
"When I started JetBlue, it was a customer service company that just happened to fly airplanes," Neeleman says. "Breeze is a technology company that just happens to fly airplanes."
He was talking about the app when he said this, but I think it comes through in a broader sense. jetBlue was a customer service company. Humans interfaced with humans. The idea was in nature lively, giving names to inanimate flying machines. It was a corporation, it made money, it did not actually care about people and it could not because it was not itself human, but it did not wear this fact proudly. It was a regrettable necessity of running an airline, and the CEO donated his salary to the employees. jetBlue under Neeleman and beyond clung to the human element, and to kindness and to making low-cost flight fun and comfortable even though there was nobody on the plane with a first-class ticket. You might be part of a fundamentally unethical system known for cutting corners and lying and sweetheart deals and never suffering consequences when something as simple as a jackscrew nobody lubricated kills 88 people, but you're going to at least try to dampen that impact. It might kill you just as dead but it can hurt less, maybe so much you never realize jetBlue occupies the same slice of the world as Pan Am and as ValuJet.
Breeze Airways lodges young individuals and molds them into machines. It is an ultra-low-cost carrier with a first class cabin. It presents a scenario where people are optimally herded by an app, served by employees who go home at night to the same place they work, and all of it can be reduced down to numbers so easily. It takes the human and it makes it technology. It makes it profit. The human element is gone. It doesn't matter how much it hurts you because if you aren't a person there's nothing to kill. It says the quiet parts out loud and makes you get on the phone and tell your family you're happy here with a gun to your head. It is a machine built of anonymized mannequins who, irrelevant to their role in it, happen to be alive, and it calmly tells you that this is a good thing, and that is a threat. The lowest category of experience you can have is 'nice'. Breeze Airways does not name their planes.
When I was a child I thought airlines were people and airplanes. I've flown many times in my life. There aren't many other ways to get from Japan to the East Coast these days. The world is huge but we can see it all so easily, assuming taking us there can make someone money. I remember being eight and having the pilot standing by the door to greet passengers, having him hand me a little pair of plastic pilot wings I still have now. I remember the stormy night I flew alone for the first time and the stewardess who let me sit next to her for a little bit and answered all my questions about the noises the plane was making. I remember the first time I flew on a propeller plane and the pilot who explained to me what all the gauges meant, and who insisted there was nothing to be afraid of and pointed out all the landmarks we flew past, who clearly knew this route by heart.
That's not what aviation always is. That's not what it usually is. People don't usually start airlines because they wish they could fly everyone around in their little single-engine plane on a commuter route from Boston to Provincetown, from Hyannis to Nantucket, provide that service to the people who don't have a plane and a license of their own, but they just can't do it all themselves. People who start airlines aren't usually intrepid pilots searching for new heights to push themselves to or flight instructors looking to fly people around in a single rented DC-3. They're businessmen. They want money. Juan Trippe was a businessman. Howard Hughes was a businessman.
The corporation is where passion goes to die if it existed to begin with. They build machines to suck the life out of pilots, exhaust them, put them in planes that are falling apart and let them take the blame when they fail to do things they failed to teach them. These people aren't your friends and they don't care about aviation, and if they do it's in the way an American child plays soldiers at the same time a school in Syria is being bombed. They're usually not even pilots. They're people with a lot of money who want even more money. jetBlue isn't unique in that sense and neither is Breeze. One just says it a lot louder.
Sometimes an airline is a technology company that happens to fly airplanes. That's true. Every single positive experience you have is with people, not airlines. I've never once spoken to jetBlue, just a matrix of pilots and flight attendants and customer service representatives who make up its many limbs. Maybe it should come as a relief, a sort of coming clean, that Breeze is tearing back the curtain and reminding you that the time a stewardess calmed you down during turbulence isn't really any different from the time a drugstore cashier let you off even though you were a few cents short of your total and said they'd take care of it. It's not CVS doing that. It's always people.
So many businessmen say they're here to do good, to make the world a better place, to reconcile kindness with venture capital. Any of them could build a tower that reaches all the way to the edge of the solar system and let us all know how many beautiful things there are that we can reach if they can find a profitable way to get us out there, and yet it's still the people who see your transit card is out of money and scan you in using theirs that make me remember that we are capable of kindness despite our surroundings. It is up to all of us whether we wish to be kind or not and it's not something anyone else can build for us.
Companies can't build a kinder, softer, funner, more human place. They can make money. They can provide a service. A service you need, at a cost you can afford, predicated on the fundamental question: whether they think you can make them money. Desperation, need, giving people a non-choice, that's how you make money and kill criticism. That isn't kindness. That's finding a gap in the market. Always has been.
I read that at JetBlue, you also didn't have your own parking spot and you donated your entire salary to a crewmember crisis fund, saying, "It seemed hoggish of me to have all this stuff when others didn't because every time I would get something someone else would have less." Yet then I read about your $14 million mansion in Connecticut. It's my wife's mansion. I never would have built that, ever. I think she's repentant. It was a project for her and it kind of got out of hand. But we all felt funny moving in. That's why we want to sell it.
I'd wondered how you reconciled the mansion with your philosophy. I don't.
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image: Bill Bernstein
Okay, Marx or Megatron or whoever you think you are, that's enough of that depressing schlock. You are a tumblr.com airline livery review blog. We're here to answer if the plane looks good or not.
It's not like Neeleman's only goals are money and vapid personal satisfaction. We've been with him from the start. It was just an unacknowledged bit of the tail. He probably didn't notice it at first, but we did, with the gift of hindsight. It germinated. It took root. It grew. It became identity. It became his white whale. Are the planes blue, though?
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Well, everyone, meet N206BZ. She's an Airbus A220-300. She's just a year and a half old and was delivered brand-new to Breeze Airways. She doesn't have a name, just a registration, but that's sure one blue plane if I've ever seen one!
The color scheme is visually pleasing. It's all over but it keeps visual interest with the darker tail and rear fuselage, the darker engines, the big white check-mark that serves as an instantly recognizable emblem for the airline. The repetition of it on the winglets is a nice touch.
I hate the wordmark, honestly. The text feels like it's located too low, the lightest blue blends in with the main fuselage until it borders on illegible. As far as I can tell, the typeface is custom. I hate it. It's ugly. The text is bad and it weighs down the rest of the plane.
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A lot of how a livery looks depends on the lighting. So let's look at another example. I'd like to introduce you to N140BZ. She's an Embraer E195-200 and she's coming up on 15 but she hasn't slowed down any. She flew for Air Europa for a long time, but from 2016 on she was in limbo, all sorts of holding groups leasing her to each other but nobody putting her into service. Now she's with Breeze. They'll retire their E190s somewhat soon, but for the moment they like to have them. It allows them to operate shorter routes and free up time for charters on other days, just to maximize productivity. She doesn't have a name either. I'd say she still looks pretty blue. A lot of the concept art has a very metallic and reflective feel which I'm glad isn't as present in the actual planes, because it looked a bit sci-fi movie and not in a campy way. It was very blue chalk marker.
I like these colors just as much in this sort of washed-out environment as I do in direct sunlight gleaming at full intensity. Maybe more, even, since the text of the wordmark is so much more legible now and you can even see that the checkmark itself is blue. There's almost nothing on this plane that isn't blue. The only thing not blue about this airplane is that she doesn't have a name to revel in it.
The Breeze livery gets a B-.
It is a competently executed version of the thing it wants to be. There's visual interest. There are choices made. It's more than a logo slapped on a tail and sent off to sit on the tarmac with hundreds of other primarily white airplanes. I like it, I think this is the best Neeleman livery. It's also the bluest.
I find myself thinking the checkmark is an apt logo. Azul wore the shape of Brazil - a country full of people. Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S/A is a company. It cannot have a soul. But its founder says it does. He wants to make something better for people. Breeze Airways is a checkmark. It satisfies a need. It is 'nice' but there is no pretense that it is people.
The pilots will be kind all the same, and the stewardesses. People will agree to swap seats so families aren't separated. People will compliment strangers' outfits and help the person in line in front of them who's fifty cents short for a bottle of water. We will hold the door for elderly men with canes and exhausted women with strollers. We will take every little chance we can to be kind. We do this because we are people, and not because of where we work, and it's definitely not the people with 400 million dollars to put down on a shiny new airline making that happen. Everything is scheduled through an app, minimizing contact with humans even as the ones we do talk to are 'molded into customer-service machines' over the course of years. N140BZ wears her blue colors well, and not having a name doesn't make her any uglier. So what is it that's changed?
David Neeleman can't make jetBlue a second time. But he doesn't know that. To a man with so much, maybe it makes sense how he could fail to realize that. When you're high enough in the air a thriving uptown and an area of condemned slums look more or less the same, just little blocks of color all the way down there. He doesn't even realize he's given up the ghost. This is only a tragedy if your definition of a happy ending was us believing someone is better than they are instead of being left no room to continue failing to recognize what money is and what money does. The corporation wears two masks - the mask that it wears when it is a corporation wearing a mask, and the mask it wears when it is so close to human that you mistake it for your friend. The businessman wears these masks too. To be sad they've taken them off is to invest more in the virtue of these men than they ever do in the life or death of the 138 people squeezed in the back.
There it is. Two decades, five attempts, the bluest plane. If you've kept reading all the way to the end let me know in the replies what your favorite Neeleman-proximate livery is. I'll see you all tomorrow for our regularly scheduled Runway Runway livery review, and I hope you all have a wonderful night.
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pizzatowerconfessions · 2 months
Ever since i finished up the game, ive always wondered why is that the tower has so many weird decisions when it comes to the structure, building or just decorations inside the tower.
let me elaborate on that a little further; lets first start with the fact that every level you play in the game is tecnically inside the tower (perhaps that is a little obvious but whatever). At first glance, it isnt that really surprising. But what about levels that are like.. huge and look like you're actually outside the tower? like Deep-Dish 9 for example. The structure of the level is already odd enough, but at somepoint in the background, there's a huge planet in the distance and also a space pizzamart, as the game refers it. And if we think about it, that means that the tower must be HUGE, like REALLY HUGE, because how do you fit a (probably way smaller than average) planet? And there is still all the other levels and bosses too! Ill talk about The Noise's battle section because he's stupid and he's probably one of my favorite bosses in the game. Once again, the room is HUGE! Peppino is obviously not allowed to roam around these places as this is a videogame and in this case he needs to fight The Noise but if you look at the background, you'll see that there is a literal building in the background (as well as huge Noise balloons and stuff). I personally believe thats just really nuts because, once again, that shows that the tower is really big!
But back to the important part of this rant, the point is that the tower is really big and has these huge rooms full of stuff with each room having a way different theme than the other. And if we think back to the intro of the game where they sort of explain the history and context behind Peppino being in the tower, i believe its implied that the tower was not there before the events of the game. So, considering the fact that Pizzahead had to build this whole tower by himself, this makes me really wonder why is it that there is so many rooms with really random stuff and everything is built in a really odd way.
Although we do not know fully what is the intention behind the actual tower building, we do know that the tower was probably meant to protect Pizzaface/Pizzahead as he was about to destroy Peppino's Pizzeria. But i then think, why does Pizzahead need a room that's full of bacon and has a menacing pig in the background? Why does Pizzahead need a secret tunnel that leads to a pumpkin grandpa on a chair? Why does Pizzahead even need a pig city in the first place? I could go on and on about this but i guess you get the point.
And at first i thought: "Oh well, all of these levels and other things are just meant to protect Pizzahead and distract Peppino for eternity!" And although i believe that is kinda true, (its never confirmed in the game but i guess its some sort of headcanon?), in the game its confirmed that it doesnt work and if you progress in the game it means that Peppino was strong enough to get through all of the tower's obstacles. But yet, i still think there are some rooms that are just unnecessary and dont even help Pizzahead in anyways (like the bacon room, as i mentioned it earlier if im not wrong).
The closest answer i ever had to these questions was the possibility that Pizzahead was just fascinated with the idea of having a tower, so he just had all sorts of stuff in it because he was messing around and he found it amusing. If this is even true at all, which probably not since it's a headcanon of mine, i still think its pretty funny to think about Pizzahead in this way.
(a quick side note to my rant, i believe that there isn't as much Pizzahead content in the Pizza Tower fandom despite him being one of the main antagonists of the game and it would be nice if people would start making more content about him as i believe he's a really interesting character, despite how little he appears in the game.)
I wanted to clarify that im aware that im probably thinking way too much about this silly pizza game and most things are probably just there because it was funny and its also a goofy videogame. But yet i still find entertaining to overanalyze it and make all sorts of theories because i love this game that much and im sure im not the only one who gets all nerdy over this but yeah you get my point.
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dullorangepulp · 5 months
Art tips for thinking of outfits/poses for fanart illustrations
I saw someone on reddit a while ago say they struggled to think up new poses/outfits for when they're drawing their favourite characters, and I gave them a whole bunch of tips to help. I thought maybe more people would like to hear my thoughts, so here you go! I hope this post helps!
My secret to thinking of new poses/outfits is one word: Pinterest (and google images, tho i'd recommend that one a bit less bcuz google's being finicky rn).
Just searching through certain aesthetics/moodboards for outfits ideas helps for when i genuinely just don't know what to make a character wear. And searching up swimsuit/underwear models, who may be modelling their clothes in a really dramatic and dynamic pose, helps too. (the models being specifically swimsuit/underwear models is a very important detail. it ensures that you can actually look at the human body without clothes blocking your view and understanding of the basic forms)
facial expressions are also important! it looks weird when the pose doesn't match up with the face, like with for example, a character pointing at something in the ace attorney 'objection!' style all dramatic and stuff, while their face is a completely blank smile. Of course, the best way to fix that would be to open their mouth and frown, while also scrunching up their eyebrows and nose. This is very important to remember when posing a character, because poses can only tell you so much, but the facial expression can completely change the mood and presentation of the character.
let's use my art as an example:
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Now, imagine that, instead of the drawing above having just a normal smile, it was instead haru looking sad/disappointed while looking down at the floor. picture this sprite
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the face, combined with the pose, could make it look like she was trying to say something important, but got cut off before she could speak (probably by her dad). It gives the drawing a completely different vibe! I could list many more examples but you get it.
Of course, poses, outifts, and faces are just one fraction of the process; you also have to take into consideration the character's personality. like take Haru for example. Haru is very kind-hearted, shy, reserved, and soft spoken. so for illustrations (original comics/animations follow different rules, this advice just applies to single standalone illustrations) you would want to pick a pose/outfit that best conveys those aspects of her personality. You wouldn't put Haru in like, a giant fursuit with a slouching pose, giving the camera the middle finger with a standoffish expression on her face (or maybe you would, idk how u roll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). But you could put Haru in a sundress, with her hands clasped at her midsection, and giving the camera a shy smile with her middle finger up.
ALSO! you can break these rules! you don't always have to put Haru in only outfits that suit her, a good exception to this is all the DLC costumes. some of those are... hilariously absurd, and something that Haru would never normally wear, BUT they're funny, and aren't meant to be taken as a serious outfit that conveys the character's personality, they're just meant to be for fun, so it's totally okay to draw original outfits with that idea behind them.
The same applies to poses/expressions. there's many scenes in the mangas/anime where Haru makes poses/expressions that she would never normally make. that's fine too! those scenes out of context aren't meant to capture the true essence of the character--- theyre just meant to be one-off drawing that you'll see for only a second before moving on (that's why i said they were an exception, it's because thered be so much you'd restrict yourself off from if you followed the rules to a T).
Idk what else to say so uh yeah. I hope this all helped!
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noeggets · 17 days
Ep 8 of batte netwoek is kinda like really needs to be rewritten
the first problem i have come to rewatching this series is that why are Lan/Megaman's friends around if they don't do anything? like they all keep saying they want to help but never do anything and then are the first people to shout "WE DID IT" when the only person who did anything is Megaman and Lan to some extent Maylu and the other kids but not their Navi's save for Gutsman sometimes
but Ep 8, im using English dub names but im watching the sub, the english names stuck with me so just deal with it
Anyway Mr Match is mad because he wants a rematch with Megaman, so he comes up with a plan to cause problems all over the city to get his attention. In doing so he melts all the icecream at the place it's being created, he heats up the stores so hot the places food are being stored boils like soda, he also makes the fishtanks in the petshop boil so hot it breaks the glass i know maverick activity.
one of the other things he does is he he heats up the salon and it messes up Maylu's hair while she's getting it done. Maylu is embarrassed about her hair but honestly it's really cute so she wears a hat to school to hide it
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Lan starts laughing at her and she gets really upset Dex can somewhat hold it in to not laugh at her and tell Lan he's being mean but ultimately he's laughing at her as well but he does a better job at not laughing at her, idk what their laughing at she looks really cute????
So Maylu feeling extremely embarrassed deletes Lan's homework off his computer and walks away.
Part of me is like "lol, he deserved it" cause it was funny but if your thinking of this from another stand point even if she was mad at him she really shouldn't have deleted his homework that was wrong of her. Megaman even says Lan shouldn't have laughed at Maylu and Roll says Maylu shouldn't have deleted Lan's homework cause both of those things were wrong of them
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While that's happening Megaman's worried about the fact the salon overheated for some reason and ask Rol if she noticed anything weird happening, Roll says she did not and Megaman says
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and she gets mad and says
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and Megaman's like "i did not say that" she then brings Gutsman into the fight for no reason and ask him who he thinks is "correct" and Gutsman says Roll is correct cause he's just agreeing with her to agree with her, i don't think he was even listening to the conversation he just doesn't want Roll to be mad at him.
This argument is stupid, Yes Megaman should not have said that like that but he probably just meant "in the end asking her wasn't going to help so that was a waste" and she didn't need to react this way idk what her problem is taking things out of context like that i guess she thought he was making fun of her for reason even though she should know Megaman wouldn't do that
ANYWAY Torchman he's still setting places on fire like the sauna and he also sets Lan's toaster on fire when Lan goes home and burns his toast but he still eats it like nothing is wrong and doesn't notice anything lol, Lan is rightfully upset Maylu deleted his homework and Megaman is like Roll is acting like a blockhead.
Maylu went to the arcade with Dex, Roll and Gutsman have a encounter with Torchman who's looking for Megaman, he gives them a message telling them to meet him somewhere.
Roll doesn't want to deliver the message because she's mad at Megaman so she tells Maylu instead, Maylu says she wants Roll to fight in Megaman's stead cause they can "Handle it on their own" and Dex just goes along with her, Gutsman the only sensible one here tells Megaman cause he's worried about Roll.
my problems with this whole situation is Roll knows she can't fight i honestly dont even think Roll is a fighting Navi Maylu just netbattles her sometimes but i don't think Roll's intended manufactures created her to fight, she probably could be used for fighting but Maylu doesn't train her to fight so she is bad at fighting but she's mad and wants to prove she can fight to i guess.
My next problem is where is the netpolice??? why is nobody calling the police Maylu should call the police instead of give the message to Lan that would be the sensible thing to do, ALSO WHY DOES THE NETPOLICE NOT ALREADY HAVE C HAUD ON THIS CASE???
anyway, Roll, she comes and Torchman's like "Where's Megaman?" and she's like im gonna fight you instead and gets beat up cause we all saw this coming. Megaman comes after she gets thrown around for a bit and they start fighting Torchman together, Roll doesn't move out of the way when he does a flame tower and Megaman saves her and gets hurt, Roll feels like this situation is her fault (It kinda is) and she uses a Aqua tower to propel Gutsman into Torchman and this injuries him greatly so Torchman retreats, Roll aplogizes to Megaman and they just stare at each other and laugh for no reason because i guess the implication is that they like each other but it just comes off looking stupid to me
Lan comes into where Maylu and Dex are and Lan and Maylu have the same moment of "i guess this is supposed to come off as they like eachother" but it's just weird to me and i don't like it and Lan "ruins" it by saying he only came because he had to save Maylu's butt and Maylu gets mad and Roll and Megaman are like "Haha things never change haha
I feel like this is how this Ep should have went even though a lot of things could have been avoided if they just called the netpolice or told an adult who knew what they were doing or somehow made this C haud's introduction
I do not think this Ep should have let Roll defeat Torchman cause that means shes winning and she didn't deserve to win anything in this EP because if she won it doesn't help her learn a lesson better if she lost cause Roll is the one who ultimately defeats Torchman in this EP, i also don't think Maylu should go unpunished this EP either because she wont learn anything from this either
I think Roll should have gotten hurt in a way that she needs to heal in the coming EP's, Maylu would be upset that this is all her fault for not delivering the message to Lan and Maylu will feel bad cause she let Roll get hurt, this opens the opportunity to maybe let Maylu have Roll learn to actually fight so she wont be on the battlefield getting her butt kicked and needing help all the time
I think Lan should apologize to Maylu in his own way and say something like "Im sorry for laughing at you but your hair did look really bad" and Maylu be over this so they can move on
im not hating on Roll i just think she needs better character development because her character doesn't grow in anyway from this and it keeps her as a damsel, if we want her to learn shes going to need moments like this in her life to teach her something, Maylu as well. AGAIN not hating on Roll but i just don't agree with a lot of things that happen in this EP and me personally don't ship Megaman Roll or Lan and Maylu, there could be ways to make them romantically involved in this EP but it's not handled in a way to make me care enough but i don't ship any of these people so i did not include ways to do so THIS IS JUST MY OPNINON. you are free to not agree with me. it sounds like im being hard on Roll but i want her to be more then what she is, she has her faults and her strengths and im complaining because i feel like her character was not done the best in this ep.
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aprilmarie · 2 months
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concept cer v1
it’s. probably obvious where this is going but regardless
the tldr of what’s in my head is basically what follows (in comparison to uni, since she’s fully meant as a sort of weird au replacement thing as a comfort (i’m going to be acting under the idea that this is like. a whole thing. so. sorry if this is like. weird. especially sorry if keeping barruni and carruni a thing in this is kinda odd but they’re both rather important so-))
demon dog thing. legally has four parents since all three heads of her cerberus parent are separate people (it’s actually two women and a guy, fun fact there. her dog parent is a guy too)
horns probably function similarly to uni’s in terms of lighting up, and the ethereal glow definitely stays for all three reactions
a pair of secondary, magic heads shows up near her own when she’s using magic. they don’t have proper sentience, and she calls them Leftie and Rightie
bi but extremely closed off to the idea of a relationship, which doesn’t exactly change by v4. she WANTS a relationship, she just doesn’t think she deserves one.
fucking HORRIFIED when the puppets start kissing. equally as mortified when. y’know. immediately after, since she’s trying to simultaneously grapple with her feelings on barry AND her self image when it comes to anything romantic at like, nearly all times (the barry part is mostly during late v3 / v4 though)
probably gonna edit this one to include a mention of an equivalent to the end of v4 since that’s not out yet
up until barry’s show and tell blow up, cer genuinely thinks his aggression towards her is just him teasing to some degree, since she does the exact same thing to people, just.. actually meant as teasing
after barry’s blow up, cer gets. fucking PISSED with him for a while. it’s more of a mutual not talking to eachother, since cer is rather insecure about her identity as a funny little demon hybrid anyway, and since she lacks the context to know why barry’s so insistent against magic, she just assumes he’s genuinely that stubborn on his own, and takes major offense to it.
she made junicer as a jab at barry, basically. in a way, going ‘what now, smart guy. i brought this fucking thing to LIFE. how’d i do that, huh? HUH??’
had two exes before winding up in sparklecare. a girl in middleschool and a boy in highschool. constantly blames herself for both ending.
carruni (ceroline?) probably would uh. mirror a better version of what i’m going through now. the two were close anyway, cer asked for physical comfort, received it, rapidly started majorly crushing.
NOT happy about the mere idea of crushing on barry at ALL since she uh. kinda realizes while she’s still mad at him for something small.
really uncomfortable with being addressed as just ‘Bernard’ (since barry addresses uni as just Cornelius, so i feel like the same thing would apply here) but stopped trying to fight it within like the first week
probably genuinely bonded with caroline over a shared love of chewing on things you really shouldn’t (the adhd..)
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fluxofthemouth · 11 months
oh my god, Mentat solidarity is real
I'm partway through Children of Dune. The Emperor's sister, the Emperor's wife, and Mentat Duncan Idaho are having a conversation. As part of the larger conversation, they're discussing possible reasons for an increased demand in 'twisted' Mentats. Mentat Duncan Idaho considers the question, and he considers that most people want to hire twisted Mentats out of an illusory expectation to have total control over them. He remembers that Piter used to work for the Harkonnens & still managed to maintain a measure of essential dignity and individuality, which he took to the grave.
Clearly this scene is functioning as the author reminding the reader about Piter and about twisted Mentats. But I thought about it a little more, and I feel like it's not a given that Duncan as a character should be expected to notice or care that Piter stayed quirky and annoying when he was meant to be convenient and obedient.
It's pretty central to Duncan's character that he hates the Harkonnens. I imagine when the news media reports about Harkonnen doings, they don't bring up Piter as this noble figure resisting being treated like furniture either. Surely he's just another viper in a pit of vipers, to the presses as well. This isn't how Duncan Idaho #1 ever thought about Piter, and it's not how people in general think about Piter either. Duncan's line of thought about Piter doesn't even include any caveats like, "What a terrible guy though" etc., it's just a flash of casual mild sympathy and approval with no qualifiers.
To give more context: the two most powerful people in the universe pulled Duncan away from another assignment, specifically so he could give input to their conversation as a Mentat, and they've spent the whole time talking to him like, Go Number Boy, Go.
It's interesting to me to learn that Piter's dynamic with Vladimir was public enough (or clear enough to the Atreides spy network) for Duncan to even have enough information to know that Piter put in work to maintain personhood while Vladimir was trying to treat him like a tool. And it's also really interesting to me to see Duncan go straight for sympathy and atta-boy. And the author himself is going there too, considering how the dialogue is meant to refresh the reader about 'the important stuff.' I've had this idea that Piter might feel solidarity with other Mentats & they might generally be like. Ok but you're weird though. And now that I really think about Duncan's completely unprompted empathy for Piter here, I wonder if maybe he fits in a little better than I thought initially. Like he's still probably the Mentat who doesn't get invited to things, but maybe other Mentats seriously do Get It that they're all just Number Boy to some rich asshole, and maybe on some level they think it's actually pretty funny and cool that he finds ways to stand up to Vladimir.
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cel-aerion · 1 year
Okay I feel like this is gonna get unwieldy if I try to send it as an ask so I'm just gonna tag @monty-glasses-roxy and start a new post (since reblogs with asks get weird, or at least they used to, and old habits die hard). Original post is here, but I'll also quote the relevant bits just for ease of reading.
"Yeah Chica being afraid of flying is really funny, especially if she's scared of literally nothing else. Not a single other thing has ever phased her but this one singular mode of transport makes her nervous."
"If we were meant to fly, we'd have wings." "Don't you technically have wings?" "Yeah and I can't fly with them so clearly evolution knew it had absolutely fucked up with that one."
"...they settle on meeting up at the local bowling alley that her brother (she calls Bonnie her brother) happens to run."
Others (Monty and Chica when they all meet up, yeah, but it's happened before and it will happen again) ask how a wolf and rabbit could be siblings. Bonnie eternally delights in giving absolutely ludicrous answers, usually involving an elaborate backstory and meandering plots. Roxy will too, sometimes, but she's more likely to just be annoyed at people for asking stupid questions - Monty and Chica are probably fine when they ask, because they're genuinely curious and want to know more about their new friend, but a lot of others are probably more judgemental or nosy about it. Anyways, the moment Bonnie knew he approved of Roxy's new friends was when he made up one of these explanations, as per, and Monty immediately replied with, "Oh, and here I thought maybe it was [insert equally lengthy and ridiculous explanation here]."
"And yeah, Roxy doesn't have a lot of friends so this was a shock to everyone that knew her lmao. "What do you mean you were dying on a plane and made two new friends??? What, did the Reaper and their wife take pity on you or what???""
"The Reaper" and "The Reaper's Wife" become Monty and Chica's nicknames as a result of this. Probably in that order. But possibly not.
"Actually, it would be kinda funny if none of them had a particularly large amount of friends and due to this one layover flight, their friendship group suddenly tripled in size."
I can see this being the case, but like, in different ways. Roxy is gruff, and awkward, and this combination probably makes those who don't know her think she's mean, or at least cold, so she mostly just withdraws instead of letting people see that she's upset about this perception, and over time she becomes hesitant to reach out to make friends because it's easier to not go through all that again, which of course just makes others thing she's even more distant, and it's a terrible cycle (and actually, maybe her being airsick unintentionally helped combat against this, because when you're feeling that awful, you're not really able to have any walls up, but I digress). And then on the other hand, I can see Chica being one of those... I don't want to say "popular girls," because that has a particular connotation, but like... she's one of those who's always friendly, she's pretty chill with a lot of people, she has friends she can hang out with for a day out shopping or something, but not Friends who she would feel comfortable spilling her guts out to or anything like that. And... unfortunatley I have no ideas for Monty at this moment, but you get the idea.
And slightly related, but I take back a bit of what I said in my original ask, or at least I'm changing the context: I don't think Roxy would be trying to play it cool when they meet in person just for the sake of her image. I think it's more likely she's just trying to not get her hopes up, what if this falls apart, what if she says the wrong thing, better to not get too emotionally invested until you're sure. But of course, as the outing goes on, that becomes less of a concern, and pretty soon she forgets to be anxious.
"Like, Monty and Chica clicked so fast and then all it takes is a little competition and almost getting kicked out of a bowling alley for bowling crimes for the pair of them to click with Roxy."
Not quite what's being said here, but it's sparked in me a mental image that while Monty and Chica are getting to know Roxy, and start to see that what they thought was indifference was just uncertainty and insecurities, they both independently come to the conclusion of "omg absolutely must protecc this puppy."
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guest-1-2-3 · 1 year
Thinking about casual internalized ableism
I was taking a trip down memory lane and remembered this one time in sixth grade. I have ✨asthma✨ right, so that does complicate running for me somewhat. But I could run. I could run just as well as my classmates. Granted, I was slower, but I stand by the fact that this wasn't a direct result of my asthma.
We had just run a mile in P.E. and I had done that in about 10:30 minutes (Average for girls was about 9:30 ish I think, and I had been running miles around the 10:30 area for a while). I remember I was trying to pace myself with one of my classmates who usually ran around the same time as I did. I was aiming to be faster than him that time, but he ended up beating me by around 15 seconds. So I felt a little oof about that, and I remember thinking that I probably could've run faster.
Asthma was not on my mind, because my asthma was never something that I thought too much about when running. I knew how to deal with my breathing, I practiced how to breathe so I didn't pass out when doing long-distance stuff. Asthma was something that I had learned to deal with from an early age.
But I was talking with my friend after the mile. They mentioned something about how slow the classmate I had paced myself with was (they were friends, so it was a teasing remark). They asked me what my time was, so I told them, and their reaction was, "Oh wow! That's fast, good job." So I thanked them, but I also mentioned how I was slower than the classmate she had just talked about.
"Yeah, but you have asthma. He's just slow."
I laughed a bit and we moved on, but I remember just how weird that statement made me feel. Because my asthma never played a part in the effort I put into a run. How come my 10:30 mile was amazing because I have asthma, but my classmate's 10:15 mile was slow? Why does my asthma play any part in how they judged my running when it doesn't play a part in my running in the first place? I never used my asthma as a crutch, or brought it up at all in context of running. So why are they treating me differently based on something that isn't relevant?
I never wanted to be "fast for someone with asthma," I just wanted to be fast. My improvement and effort had no relation to my disability. If they regarded that classmate as slow, then I was slow as well. I was, after all, below average in the mile. It is accurate to say I was slow. What mattered to me was the steady improvement, from the effort I was putting in to fix my running posture, fix my breathing, fix my stamina and pacing. I was slow at the time. Calling me fast just because I have asthma was weird. Especially when someone else with a faster time was seen as slow.
My friend wasn't trying to insult me, and they fully meant well. They were trying to be encouraging. But it was a backhanded compliment that didn't make any sense to me. I just thought about how odd it was the whole time. How my friend, without any influence from me, had this inherent belief in their mind that my asthma meant I was less good at running, that I was slower. Unknowingly, they were treating me differently because of my disability. They were holding me to a different standard because of my disability, and that bothered me.
What's especially interesting to me is that my friend was someone who was very anti-prejudice of every kind. They were very vocal about social issues, and was known as the feminist of the class. They talked about LGBTQ+ issues, issues with race, gender, and to a lesser degree, issues with prejudice against those with disabilities. And yet, while not particularly harmful or hateful, they still had internalized beliefs about people with disabilities. It's funny how that happens sometimes.
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jam don't you find weird vova's "no one cooks me breakfast" in the interview with olena? like i understand that he phrased it wrong and he kinda meant another thing, but since he said it he probably thought it, i don't understand why people are just joking about it and not making a bigger deal than i think it is, only because he's the president and he is at war doesn't mean that he has to have servants who makes things for him or that he's allowed to say sexist shits like this, i like him a lot and i genuinely support ukraine, but this is such an ick, i hope olena told him how disgusting that is and that he absolutely has to think before he speaks
I don't find it weird at all and I personally don't read that into it. I think, it was not one bit sexist.
People joke about it, because after all, it was a funny slip of tongue and Olena's side eyes made it even funnier. It was a pretty typical comedy moment and lots of people could identify with it. What Ze meant and what he actually wanted to say was clear with the context.
And if one person is aware about the fact that he has no servants, it's probably Ze himself. He's still the President and people work for him, so it's part of their job as assistants, secretaries, whatever to bring him a coffee or his jacket or make him something to eat. Doesn't mean btw that he takes advantage of this and lets people do stuff for him all the time or at all.
Besides all that - we don't know if Olena had a problem with it or not. Considering that she laughed about it after giving him the side eye and didn't appear to be pissed, my bet is - she was fine with it because she knows what he meant. And even if she was not happy with it - that's their private thing to discuss.
And, btw, if Olena is fine with being the one who usually makes breakfast, we have no place to judge her / them or decide how she's suppossed to feel about it.
In my relationship, I also make the breakfast and I bring him things. My relationship / boyfriend is now sexist too, with your logic?!
One last thing: he never said "no one cooks me breakfast". It was "no one brings / makes me breakfast" and he clearly meant that he can't have breakfasts right now with his fam and has no family life with them in general. Something both of them previously have already talked about (even though it was mostly about family life in general and dinners, but the point still stands).
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For a while, I was posting random high thoughts on my main account, but decided, why not make a dedicated page for that kind of content. So, this is my 🍃 account. I will never post or respond here if I am sober or think I am too sober. That way, it is authentic.
If you don’t follow me, call me the avocado bandit. if you do follow me, you must call me the avocado king. becoming a follower makes me your king.
I am an adult and I consume weed to help with my C-PTSD & depression. Also for silly time because silly brain is fun. I am a trans guy and I use He/It/Xe pronouns. I would prefer it if minors did not interact here, but I suppose I cannot be too mad if someone comes across a funny out-of-context post. This is under the assumption that I can be funny. I will try to avoid posting here while not high. This includes writing this pinned post.
We have DID and sometimes post about it. However, that is not what this blog is focused around.
If you are transphobic/TERF/trans-med or otherwise an obnoxious cisgender person (fuck it, especially the CISHETS) then you can go bye-bye.
If think you can be a system without childhood trauma, also bye bye. This account is not the place for this drama, but trust me I have a nuanced opinion on the topic. But I don't wanna deal with it on this account.
If you homophobic, good bye bitch. Also if you exclude asexuals or non-binary people, then fuck off. Go eat a used gym sock.
If you are racist or xenophobic, I hope that your teeth rot out of your mouth, leaving you to only eating bland soup, as you are no longer allowed to enjoy foods from other cultures.
If you are trans-id I would appreciated if you identified as blocked.
If you are pro ana or sh it would be cool if you got help instead of glorifying it online.
If you are a pedo, it would be pretty fucking cool if you got on a boat to the center of the ocean, tied cinder blocks to your feet, and entered the water.
Different types of posts will use the following tags for the following things. If you follow, feel free to block whichever ones you like. Don’t expect everyone to like everything, so here it is for your convenience.
#♻️ gilded profoundness -> These are posts which are meant to be meaningful, even though they probably are not.
#♻️ descriptions -> directly describe the experience of bring high
#♻️ weird -> weird things said while high that are probably stupid on purpose
#♻️ capitalism -> sometimes when i'm high i am thinking about capitalism too hard and confuse myself. should i put "we"??? we are a system but will not talk about it on this account much, so idk if it is relevant? should i add things to confuse? never mind
#♻️ realizations -> things i did not think about before
#♻️ realizations but traumatic -> tmw you have a ptsd flashback while high and then recover and you are still high and also kinda dissociating and you sit there and you think about what you just now realize was trauma cause you thought it was normal but no, it fucking was not, but you're high so you just write it down somewhere so you remember it, then you go back to thinking about silly high things, or consume strange media cause you're high and that's fun to do while high.
#♻️🍆 spicy -> horny posts. probably won't post much of that here as we have a separate blog for horny thoughts, but if it is here it'll be tagged
#♻️ reblog -> posts i reblogged
#♻️ memes -> usually have to do with venting but not always
#♻️ real time -> describing things as they are happening or just happened.
#♻️ free space -> Concepts to write about for entertainment.
#♻️ ask response -> if someone said something that would be nice but do not be mean please
#♻️ agere -> sometimes baby brain takes over. soft fuzzy high brain easily becomes little baby. sfw!!!! (note that this blog is not 100% sfw, though when i do regress, it is in a sfw way)
#♻️ paranoid -> will also be tagged with common tags just in case for filtering. i just realized that if someone follows, and the block some of these tags, this pinned post will be hidden cause i have those tags pinned for convenience
#♻️ neutral -> idk a specific label
#♻️ walmartposting - Its a place for stoners to exercise aimlessly.
#♻️ upset -> vent or something idk
#♻️ dissociative stuff -> stuff about DID. usually syscourse. figured i might as well make a tag for it since we get riled up while high on occasion.
#♻️ yeee 🍺 -> alcohol was involved
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
I'm glad you're doing this whole thing against Yuuna tbh, I remember I was scrolling through twst Tumblr when the ghost bride event first came out and basically immediately saw the boycott post, and since I wasn't too familiar with the twst fandom at the time (only passive scrolling/thirsting over Crewel & Leona) I thought maybe they were right about it. And I had already spent gems to get Ace and Epel because I liked their outfits. So, as weird as it felt, I felt kinda bad that I had rolled even though I already had Ace and Epel. (I got lucky and got both in a 10-pull)
I had no idea if the whole thing was getting blown out of proportion because sometimes that happens when people don't have the best reading comprehension and take things out of context so I read through the whole event and the vignettes and it was basically "yeah Idia is in danger but he's also being a condescending ass about being rescued that even Ortho tells him to cut the crap and be glad Ace and the others are helping him." so I just wrote it off as a bad take of someone who wasn't happy with the event.
But then I kept seeing them arguing with people (who I now realize was probably just them sending anon hate to themselves) so I just decided to ignore them. You know how you get the feeling of someone who is super intense and you just want them to chill and take a deep breath so they don't do something stupid? That's how I felt seeing them on twst Tumblr and genshin Tumblr except they had already done the stupid.
Sorry, this is a long-winded rant of me griping about how they just made me uncomfortable and how I'm glad I rolled on the ghost bride banner because I got lucky and got everyone in their pretty suits.
Hello anon, thank you for you message.
First off, you should NEVER feel guilty about spending a fake, in-game currency on something you want or enjoy. No matter what people on this site tell you, games are meant to be played and to have fun. You should be open to valid critique of the game, because there is no such thing as perfect, but it takes a bit of settling in before you can determine who has a point and who is off their rocker.
And this is coming from someone who will take any chance to slander Michael Mouse and his rat company. I adore this game with all my heart.
Idia is MEANT to be a dick. Ever since the game's inception, he has always been insufferable. And I love him for it. ALL of the characters suck on some level, that's the point of the story. The events all have this bait-and-switch formula where the "problem" is portrayed as something super serious but everything that leads up to the solution is played for laughs. It's funny. But some people don't know how to laugh or hate that others are able to enjoy things.
I'm glad that you were able to see for yourself that it was blown out of proportion and didn't abandon a game you enjoy because of one person with their head up their ass. Whatever Ray's deal is, they're getting upset that people aren't immediately agreeing with everything they keyboard smash and hit post on, they're a child with a chronic internet addiction, nothing more.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Me again, “wym we aren’t just here to be nice to each other” ME THOUGH!!! Like I get that other people have different kinks and I’m genuinely not here to shame in any way I promise, but I just can’t see the appeal in being mean or hurtful to a partner in any way, whether it’s physically, emotionally, or both, or a partner acting in such a way towards me. Like, it makes me feel bad just thinking about it, so of course I want them to be nice to me in a “traditional” sense :(
And I agree that when your whole job is fighting people, it makes sense that lots of characters in this universe wouldn’t want to bring that home! I never thought about that before but it makes so much sense! And I think some characters also have specific traumas that would make them averse to heavier stuff (though I know arguments have also been made to the contrary of that lol).
Again, I hope this doesn’t sound kinkshamey, I promise it’s not meant to be! I just wish there was more content that didn’t focus on heavy stuff and was more tame and vanilla sometimes lmao
sjdfkasdjk gonna try to not stress and keep this brief bc i actually spent a long time talking about some of these exact issues when the whole conversation of degradation came up a couple weeks ago... but also i am mad bc i don't think i properly tagged all my responses so now i can't find them to refer to u...
i really honestly don't even think it's an issue with like... kink shaming specifically (though u never now) but rather like... how soooo many people do not provide enough context when they write kinks to really... make them palatable to people outside of those specifically interested.
and it's. this whole dangerous thing (see: HERE)... but also it's really funny (in an annoying way) bc at the same time, it's been extremely popularized to the point of now, not being able to find ANYTHING vanilla anywhere.
so not all the time but a lot of it... either u get this weird, super shitty hard smut... or pretty much nothing else LOOOOL.
but that's just to say that I AGREE WITH U and also... don't think u should feel bad because it's NOT shaming others for their interests, it's recognizing the the faults of what's currently being put out. honestly, i'd say i'm even of the opinion that people who ARE into rough stuff are probably being disappointed by whats being put out rn too lmfaooooo skiddly bee boop da DAY!
anyway... LOL i was gonna talk more about hero work affecting this/trauma (WHICH SOOO TRUE BESTIE) but i have totally lost my train of thought and have probably kept you here long enough adsfkjajd...
but your honesty is both appreciated and recognized and i crave more vanilla stuff TOO! bye.
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LMAO thank you for the “I get why people shipped it” about samdean!!! Back in the day when I just started watching spn and everyone on tumblr was either samdean or deancas blogging I was like It’s Samdean For Me but I didn’t realize until a year or two later that it wasn’t some sexual aspect that interested me (I never even thought of them that way, but I didn’t realize that meant I didn’t exactly “ship” them until later as well). I was just instinctively aware that the relationship between Sam and Dean was much deeper and more complicated and more fucked up than anything deancas ever were (I didn’t like destiel so that was basically being public enemy No1 on tumblr lmao). To me, deancas never felt like they had too much chemistry or too much of an emotional bond and I honestly tried hard to get it because I really wanted to read THE deancas fic of all time (The Fic Of All Time according to some people) but I just couldn’t get into it 😩 Eventually I got so annoyed at everyone constantly making everything about deancas I deleted my account (lol ofc, but I was a Sam Girl so maybe understandable). And with samdean it was like, here’s brothers and they are Really fucked up about each other, but tumblr didn’t exactly give one the option to be like “This isn’t shipping, I’m just interested in their relationship.” (At least not if you were a teenager wanting to make friends on here a decade ago lol). Long story short, it took me quite some time to figure out why samdean was so interesting to me (and how it wasn’t the shipping aspect at all) and how it absolutely WAS because it’s rooted in the very narrative of spn, and I find it funny that you’re watching it so many years later and see it, too. There really was no need for them to write it Like That lol
woah hi anon thank you for the long message!
You see, I do feel weird watching it now because the first episode aired when I was in high school and now I'm in my 30s, so one hand it feels like being late to the party and on the other it's still fun - and I'm probably better off now actually, it's still popular but not like 10 years ago. I was here in superwholock times, it must've been much harder to have unpopular opinions at the time.
I do enjoy Castiel as a character and I can see why people see him with Dean - he seems obsessed with him, no personal space, etc. - but it's the Dean and Sam dynamic that is crucial to me. In storytelling I learned about stakes, used in the context of "what will the mc lose forever if they quit/fail at the end", and it's glaringly obvious how here it's family. You are right, it is the driving force of the show, specifically the family unit that Sam and Dean form together. I do think there is some form of emotional incest going on between those two, and nowhere in hell was I expecting the series to show they are aware of the undertones. I feel like these two would destroy the universe rather than kill each other and that is powerful and fascinating. Sorry for the parallelism, but Will leaving his fake family to reunite with Hannibal and Sam leaving his girlfriend and university to go back to Dean? They're the same to me. Different kinds of love, maybe, but the same absolute depth. Both Dean and Sam got tunnel vision when it comes to each other, there's an apocalypse coming and that's no reason enough for them to kill each other.
Btw I'm sorry you felt compelled to delete your account, though I am shaking your hand in Samgirl - to - Samgirl solidarity.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
I totally get your hang ups with writing and wanting it to be "accurate", but as a fan, I'm DROOLING to get my hands on those s3 inspired fics. People will absolutely read them and love them! Hell, there are so many s1 and s2 ideas left unexplored, id take any timeline. As a reader and fan, if the tag says it breaks canon after *event here*, I'm like okay, werk, I'm in, let's go! If anything, having had time between when a season aired and the posted fic helps to put characterization and actions in context and sometimes makes a more thoughtful fic. People go back and re-read old fic all the time and just accept it when new canon might differ a bit bc we all just want to be told a good story. I hope you feel encouraged to post and find your own joy in it, bc it means so much to ppl! It may be silly vampire stuff, but a good fanfic can absolutely give me a reason to get through the day. It means something!
Right, like... I guess the thing is, it's much harder for me to write for a canon I actually love because I feel this need to "honor" it, y'know? Most of the time when I get really into writing something, it's a canon that I feel fairly cavalier about so I don't mind if I throw out canon and get kind of creative. But damn, I love wwdits. It's one reason why I never wrote for it for so long. I didn't feel like I could add anything to what was already my favorite show on television.
s3 changed that because what I can add is LONGING but it has meant that I do a lot more canon review and try extra hard to make things "fit" with canon because... I don't really want to flout it! But I guess things have been complicated by lack of time and I'll admit somewhat shakier faith in the writers going forward.
This is why I usually don't write for things between seasons! lmao
I guess I just have to get in the mindset that I can write bizarre shit more often, even for a show that I love. This past 5+1 fic was kind of freeing at first because I was like "I'm just gonna write something fun and breezy and dumb" but then, as always, emotions happened... RIP. I am extremely predictable in that respect, lmao. I'm just too many words and too many emotions all the way down hahaha.
I'm trying to just let go and have more fun with it haha. It's dumb, I know, to feel such intense loyalty to the canon of a show that is so innately fun and silly. But I do! I want to write stuff that slides in seamlessly with the weird, funny, silly shit that I already love!
but I already know that I can't really replicate the vibes of the show (alas, I am just not funny enough and way too obsessed with Emotional Turmoil) so I should probably just do whatever I want haha.
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