#but rn she and the other characters are just living in my brain. taking up space
petricorah · 1 year
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quick oc sketch bc i can
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dadsbongos · 3 months
CAN U PLSSSS WRITE A CUTE DENJI FIC OR HEADCANON/DRABBLE?? honestly idrc care which it is (obvi longer is preferred but i understand and am open to whatevs u give)
like about reader (fem) has a journal and in it she wrote about her dream dude, but like perfectly described denji and accidentally left it out and while they were hanging out or something cuz they besties he sees it and realized like "dude, that's me!" or something and then like a fluffy confession or something IDK that's just what i have sprinting through my brain rn 🤓
also maybe a lil kiss 🙏
thank you for giving me a denji idea... been fiending to write for him and just had 0 ideas
word count - 1.5 K / warnings - fem reader, not proofread!!, au where makima dies and denji just gets to be happy with special division 4 and they are familycore
“And the point of this is…?”
“I dunno,” Himeno answers honestly, shrugging, “I read somewhere that you can tell a lot about someone from their partner.”
“None of us are dating,” Aki huffs, fingers itching over the protrusion of his lighter in his pocket.
“Their preference in a partner,” Himeno groans in annoyance, gesturing out to the collection of papers in front of each of you, “Besides, what else do we have to do right now?”
Fair question, no matter how junky the science behind Himeno's apparent reading, not one of you had anything better to do. A storm was raging outside the Hayakawa apartment, all of Special Division Four having pooled there before the clouds even rolled in. Before Kobeni could shyly crawl out from the rambunctious crowd, there was lightning and thunder and an ear-piercing flood warning blasting on the television. 
So, Aki swallows the rest of his complaints and puts his head down with the rest of your division. His pencil sprawling over the paper Himeno slammed in front of him to describe his ideal significant other. A tedious task he's all too eager to bullshit through as soon as Himeno is finished staring down at him.
Denji is tapping the eraser of his pencil against the kitchen island, eyes straying around the living room. He worried his bottom lip between knifepoint teeth; only stopping when he tastes iron. Even Power has started writing.
Even you have begun writing. He wonders what you're writing. He wishes he could stretch his neck and take a peek without being obvious. He wishes he could read it at all.
Denji draws a stick figure that takes up a quarter of the page, dragging the lead back over the chest to add breasts. He glances at you through the side of his eye before adding hair and a small smile. And the black hair tie snug around your wrist even though he's only ever seen you lend it to Kobeni and Angel. Now he really can't avoid it: Denji has no idea how to write. 
Hopefully he can just coast with a bland drawing and let everybody think he's as shallow as they probably already believe. But when he lifts his head to glimpse at everyone else's pages, Himeno is already freezing him solid with her icy glare. Denji tucks his chin to his chest and subtly twists in the island stool to look at your paper again. 
Bullet points go five lines down the page; and the only thing he can make out is one of the few characters Aki’s taught Denji at his request:
愚か. Stupid.
Denji's eyes bounce back up to your face, eyes a little gooey and smile all soft. He knows that goofy look well, it's how he finds himself everytime he thinks about you. Before he can lose himself in that, he's jealous. You're making that lovestruck face over some stupid guy that Denji can't even write a strongly worded letter to. 
Denji writes one of the other few things Aki has taught him. Your name with a bold arrow pointing down at the stick figure. 
Then he erases it. He scrubs the pink bud over your name so hard he tears the paper in half. A loud shirrr dragging every eye to his hunched form, shoulders hiking higher over his face at the increased attention.
“Hark! The fool cannot even spell!” Power cackles, “Show me his words! Show me his mistake!”
“Power,” you chide, as though she's a fitful toddler and not a horrific Fiend, “Be nice. You can't write either.”
“Liar!” she points at you with a shaking finger.
Kobeni shyly taps Power on the shoulder before pointing at the paper overflowing with Power's manic ideals of a partner, “Anything else…?”
“Honesty!” she glares at you sharply, “And unwavering devotion!”
“Right…” Kobeni mutters unsurely, neglecting her own paper as she continues to scribble on Power's.
“Ignore her,” you scoot your stool closer to Denji and he manages to flip his page over before you can see the drawing, “Do you need help?”
He’s nodding before his mouth can even pop open, eventually he manages to sputter alongside it, “Yeah, yeah!” taking full advantage of his new opportunity to squish right against you at the island, “Can you write…”
Patiently, you await his request and he can feel his heart pumping in his throat every time you bat your lashes at him all sweetly. Your pen leaves jet black dots as it dips in your weak grasp, Denji has lots of words to describe you and all of them knot together on the tip of his tongue, tangled and lashing to fall from his lips at once.
Ultimately, he settles for the least descriptive, “Nice.”
“Someone nice,” you nod and scratch that onto his paper, “I like that.”
Denji feels his whole body go junky with sparks of electricity, blood boiling hot at how you feel comfortable enough to drag your paper into his full view. You point at your top bullet point, nail tacking loudly into the surface when his eyes don’t immediately stray from your face to the words below. Your bottom lip is sucked between your teeth as you study his reaction, leaning your face even closer to his.
Though you’re blurry and jumbled in his peripherals, Denji can still make out the upturn of your lips. He looks over the rest of the page, desperately searching for any other words he can make out and mold himself to. That, or cope and make up some ways in which he’s at least comparable to your dream man.
He can make out: Pretty.
Do you think Denji is pretty?
He sees another one he recognizes: 歯 -- teeth -- but there’s two characters before that he’s useless against. 
Denji has teeth.
“Sharp,” you whisper into his ear, tingles raising along his pale flesh.
“Huh…?” Denji turns to look at you, heat rising far up to his ears.
An airy, almost delirious, giggle floats into his ears as you circle the two mysteries before teeth, “Sharp,” then you circle teeth, “Teeth. Sharp teeth.”
“You like guys with sharp teeth?”
“Love ‘em.”
Denji swallows harshly, shakily pointing to the next bullet point, “What’s that mean?”
You press ever closer towards Denji, leaning your chin on his shoulder, “‘Respects farmers.’”
“I respect farmers…” he mutters dumbly, “I love their work.”
“I know you do.”
Denji blinks down at you, his thick lashes beating on his rosying cheeks and spiky teeth punching back into his lip. His breaths are short and hard, red overtaking his cheeks like a flustered little Kewpie doll. So precious and sweet, ready to crack beneath your palms. He’d trust you wholly, and you know you’d treat him well. He knows, too. You’re nice.
You laugh at his stunned face, posture rigid. The sudden shock making his shoulder jab up into your jaw uncomfortably -- you find it terribly charming. 
“I like girls…” Denji sighs out in a tremble, eyes trailing down your face, “I like girls with soft lips.”
“Do you?” you inch closer, by now long forgetting the presence of your friends and colleagues in the apartment. Teasing is fun, but teasing Denji is just the best.
After an awkward pause, Denji follows the quiet hum with,
“Can I… kiss you?”
You nod against his shoulder, chin digging down into the bone. Denji stretches his neck to kiss you -- and your lips are even softer and more sugary than he imagined. His hands scratch out to cradle you to himself, continuously parched no matter how much of you he has to drink in. Warm hands and arms around you, clinging and wrapping and pulling. Wincing from the prickle of Denji’s teeth against your lip, you cinch a hand around the chest of his shirt and wrench it towards you -- pulling Denji closer along with it. 
“You like me?” he utters against your lips.
Pulling back, you flip around your paper and sear your index nail around a very recognizable word, “My ideal partner. I was a little scared to share at first…”
Denji almost jumps right off the stool, ready to coop you in his arms and swing you around fully in front of his roommates and coworkers. Instead he laughs in full disbelief to himself, reaching down to squeeze your other hand in both of his. You’re briefly concerned he’s cutting off blood flow before the joy of his pure excitement overtakes that concern. 
DENJI is big and plain over the very top of the page. 
“What changed your mind?”
You snicker right into his ear and reach out to flip over Denji’s paper, torn at the top, “I could tell you felt the same, pretty boy.”
Denji squeezes your hand even tighter, giggling almost feverishly before he’s sliding off the stool, “Wanna go make out in my room?”
“Thanks for having the decency to move now,” an unpleasant sneer breaks Denji’s cloudy dream-turned-reality.
“Fuck you,” Denji hisses at Aki.
“I think it’s cute!” Himeno pushes at the back of Aki’s head, “Focus on yourself!”
You let Denji drag you from the kitchen island and towards his (and Power’s, not that she’ll be allowed in for the next however many hours) room. 
“So, you really think ‘m pretty?” Denji’s voice teeters just on the edge of snarky, but his skittish, red frame speaks louder.
“Prettiest,” you coo, kissing his cheek.
The affection has him seconds away from blurting out an awkward, ill-timed: You’re really my dream girl.
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moonlightsolo · 1 year
nga yawne lu oer; i love you. 
summary: the rda murders a tulkun and dumps it for the metkayina to find. the village turns into a frenzy, wishing to fight for their brothers and sisters lives. lo’ak runs to warn payakan, but the creature is already marked for death. you and neteyam get split up, causing you to be captured by the avatar mercenaries. neteyam comes to your rescue, but is forced to help lo’ak save spider from the soldiers… 
pairing: neteyam sully x fem!na’vi/human reader
warnings: graphic depiction of character death, weapons, blood, ptsd, non-descriptive implied smut :p, & quaritch. 
note: pls leave feedback on this one. i put my heart n soul into it. i’m also not even listing the word count bc it’s embarrassing how long it is. (it’s 15k) yk it’s gonna be good so go read it rn
part one | part two | part three | part four
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the deafening sound of a conch horn mixes in with the storm rolling over the village. 
you, kiri, tuk, neteyam, and lo’ak all go silent. eyes worriedly dart to each other, staring in bewilderment as your brains ponder on what to do. 
“we should go.” neteyam breaks the silence, spinning on his heel. he ducks down under the entrance to the marui and disappears around the bend. lo’ak takes no time to follow his brother, sprinting after him through the rain. 
“come on. it’s okay.” you attempt to reassure the worried child. you grab tuk’s hand to walk outside with her and kiri, a few steps behind lo’ak and neteyam. your hand comes up to shield your eyes from the heavy rain falling from the ominous clouds. 
as you get closer to the center of the village, the growing crowd of metkayina becomes more dense- this is not good.
“my spirit sister and her baby have been murdered by the sky people!” ronal’s voice shouts from somewhere in the center of the irate group of villagers.
you grasp tuk’s hand so tight, afraid she might get lost in the crowd. you can barely make out neteyams head as he pushes through the metkayina, “i’m scared.” the girl whines from behind you. 
“it’s okay. just keep your head down, tuk.” you mumble, wincing as somebody’s sharp elbow collides with your ribs. 
you finally break free from the crowd, instantly spotting jake and neytiri standing in front of ronal and tonowari. neteyam and lo’ak are already standing behind their parents, so you quietly sneak over to them with kiri ahead of you. 
the chief and his wife are on an elevated surface as they speak to their village, “this war has come to us! we knew about this hunting of our tulkun people, but it was over the horizon. far away! now, it is here!” tonowari shouts, and hisses angrily as he delivers the news to his people. 
“you gotta understand how the sky people think! they don’t care about the great balance!” jake tries to calm down tonowari, but it just makes it worse. 
“we don’t answer to sky people!” a metkayina raspily screams from behind you, making you jump. 
“listen! listen to him!” neteyam urges them. 
“the sky people are not gonna stop! this is only the beginning! you gotta tell your tulkun to leave! you gotta tell them to go far away!” jake shouts as he talks with his hands. 
“leave?!” ronal shrieks, “you live among us and you learn nothing!” 
“we will fight to protect our brothers and sisters!” a metkayina man steps forward, slamming his fist roughly against his chest. 
the people yip and screech in agreement, and grow more wild by the second; howling and slamming the bottom of their weapons against the ground. 
“no, no! if you attack, if you fight, then they will destroy you. it would destroy everything that you love!” jake yells.
your eyes dart around nervously at everyone, heart pumping wildly against your ribs. 
the metkayina cry out as they stomp and grow even more furious. “hear my words!” jake desperately pleads the people.
“stay calm! stay calm!” neteyam tries to alleviate the chaos but it doesn’t do anything, “listen to my father! he speaks the truth!”
jake steps forward holding an orange spear-like beacon up to the crowd. the people go silent as they look at what he is holding. 
“you tell the tulkun that if they’re hit by one of these they’re marked for death.” he breathes heavily, “and call for me. i’ll silence it.” 
“saving their lives, that’s all that matters. right?” he looks around at the village, “saving your family.” 
tonowari looks down at his wife, before taking a step up next to jake, “tell the tulkun.” he orders. 
“go.” ronal urges, “go!” 
lo’ak is quick to blend in with the moving crowd, which neteyam takes notice to. you hand over tuk to kiri, “i’ll be right back.” you say to them, quickly sprinting in the direction neteyam took off in. 
just as you’re about to run past them, you spot the boys at the end of a dock arguing, “you gotta keep your skxawng ass here.” you overhear neteyam say to lo’ak. 
“he’s outcast. there’s nobody to warn him but me!” lo’ak argues. 
“bro.” neteyam sighs as he slaps his hand on top of his brothers head, “why do you always have to make things so hard?” 
lo’ak pushes his hand off of him with a grunt, “no. you mean why can’t i be the perfect son like you? the perfect little soldier?” 
neteyam takes a step back from him, chuckling angrily before stepping even closer to his brother- as if he is holding himself back from punching him. “i’m not you!” lo’ak shouts in his face. 
you need to stop this before it gets too heated. 
you run forward, out of breath as if you didn’t eavesdrop on everything that was said. just as you make it to them, lo’ak shoves neteyams arm off of his shoulder, “get off me.” 
“lo’ak!” tsireya calls from the water on her ilu, coming in fast with ao’nung and rotxo. 
before you know it, the youngest sully boy is diving in the water to his ilu and taking off. 
“come on! he’s going to payakan.” neteyam grips your arm to pull you forward, making you stumble. his arm protectively wraps around your waist before he jumps into the water. 
you suck in a sharp breath before the cool water envelopes around your bodies; one of his arms reaches back to he situate your body behind him. he grasps the reins of his ilu, and takes off in the direction of lo’aks trail. 
he breaches the surface, making you gasp as the rain hits the top of your head. you can see lo’ak in the distance, “come back!” you scream out to him which just makes him go even faster. 
kiri and tuk are off to the side, sat on an ilu in the water. “lo’ak!” both of them call after him. 
“he’s going to find payakan!” you and neteyam yell out to them in sync. 
“wait up!” kiri yells as neteyam dives back under the water to follow his brother. your arms tighten around his waist, trying your hardest to not fly off from the speed. 
he chases him all the way to three brothers rocks where payakan is. the creature breaches the water as lo’ak calls his name. 
the animal lets out a loud pained whine as it swims up to him. the tulkun turns in the water, revealing the same orange spear from earlier lodged into his back. this time, it’s beeping. 
the younger boy jumps off of his ilu and onto his back to try and pull the machine out of its skin. 
“oh shit! neteyam! they’re here!” you cry out when a huge ship appears from around one of the giant rocks. 
“we need to help him.” neteyam leaps off the ilu and onto the tulkuns back, leaving you behind on its saddle. you mentally punch him for leaving you behind, but you know that all he was thinking about was getting his brother.
you take control of his ilu, wrapping your hand around the leather handle on the saddle to dive under the belly of payakan. you pull up to breach the surface on the opposite side. 
your legs push up to leap off of the animal, and onto the back of the giant creature- just as tsireya, rotxo and ao’nung arrive and jump onto the creatures back. 
you scurry over to help them pull the machine out, your hands attempt to grip the slippery surface of the beacon. it’s really stuck in there. 
“call it in! call dad!” neteyam yells an order at his brother, who looks at neteyam as if his heart just fell out of his ass, “just go! do it!” 
lo’ak scurries to stand up on the top of the animal as his hand flies to his throat to talk to jake through their comms.
even with five people pulling, there’s absolutely no budge. you let out a frustrated yell when your hands slip off of the damp surface for the hundredth time. 
your eyes continue to glance behind you at the ship as you try to pull it out, “it’s getting closer!” you cry out in a panic. another harsh wave crashes against the side of the tulkuns body, sending a mist of sea water in everybody’s face. 
your mind goes through every possible way you could get this thing out of it, “a rope! does anyone have a rope?!” you yell out, eyes looking over the four na’vi around you. 
neteyam looks over at you, his chest heaving with exertion and terror, “a rope…” he breathes out, pausing for a moment to look around. 
he makes a clicking sound with his throat, summoning his ilu back over to him. he jumps into the water to search through the packs on its side, “hurry up, bro!” lo’ak screams as he comes back from talking to their father. 
neteyam unravels a long rope from inside, throwing the other end to you. it’s almost as if he read your mind when he wraps it around the ilu to utilize the animals strength to help. 
you quickly snatch the thrown rope out of the air and begin wrapping it around the tracking beacon with the help of ao’nung. 
“go, go, go!” the chiefs son tells neteyam, your head continues to check on the proximity of the ship. now they’ve discharged smaller boats into the water that are coming your way, “we have to hurry! they’re coming!”
neteyam gets on the back of his ilu, flapping it’s fins in the water to accelerate forward, now aiding in pulling out the beacon, “pull now!” he orders. 
the four of you muster up all of your strength to try to force the beacon out of its skin, “hurry! we need to hurry!” tsireya cries out.
“pull! harder!” you whine, your hands burn from the scraping of the metal against your palms.  
the beacon suddenly releases from the creatures skin, pulling the rest of you into the water along with it. payakan quickly takes off, the force pushes you even deeper into the rough ocean. you use all your might to swim up to the surface. 
the first thing you see beyond the waves is neteyam swimming away with the beacon in his hand. 
“no! neteyam! no!” you screech out for him as your stomach threatens to release the contents of your dinner. 
you begin to panic; you can’t lose him. you attempt to swim towards him, but he’s quick to dive under the water with his ilu. there’s absolutely no way you’ll be able to catch up to him.
“come!” lo’ak grips your upper arm to pull you towards his ilu that he summoned, “he’ll be okay! come on!”
you reluctantly climb onto the back of his animal, wrapping your arms around lo’aks waist as he dives after the rest of them- now going the opposite way of neteyam. you can’t help but look back, in attempt to find him in the open water. 
the boy halts underneath tall stalks of seaweed, hiding himself beneath the giant leaves as the boats pass by. you glance over at kiri and tuk hiding underneath the one beside you. 
the main ship releases more boats, but ones that can now dive under the water. you tap lo’ak’s arm to get his attention, pointing at the submarines. he quickly takes off, dodging in between the sea grass to try and out run them.
they’re quick to follow, their lights bright and menancing as they chase all of you through the underwater foliage. 
somehow, you and lo’ak get split up from the rest of the group. the boy quickens the pace of his ilu, causing you to tighten your grip around him and tuck your head into his back. he looks back for a moment at the ship, his panic growing from the enemies close proximity.
a second ship drops in front of you, making you scream out lo’aks name in the water. the boy sharply turns to the left to dodge the metal claws of the ship that reach out to grasp you. 
lo’ak signs for you to jump off with him into the thick seaweed. your eyes go wide, but he doesn’t wait for a response from you. he launches himself off his ilu, but not without grasping your hand to bring you with him.
you grab ahold of a thick stalk of grass, using them to hurl yourself forward through the water as the ilu draws the ships away. lo’ak leads you to a grass pod with an air pocket, looking up into it to see his little sister inside. 
he swims upward along with you, grabbing your hand to pull you up into the air bubble with him. “tuk!” you both shout in surprise. 
before you could ask where kiri is, the ships lights grow nearer as the sound of its engines gets louder. “we have to go! it’s coming.” you shriek. 
all three of you suck in a deep breath before plunging back into the water to swim in the opposite direction of them. 
the ships start to surround you, giving you no other way than forward to swim away and escape. they’re too fast, you’ll never be able to out swim them. 
one of the ships projectiles a net at all of you, catching only you and tuk inside of it. your limbs flail as you try to find a way out, pulling and tugging at the netted string but the material is too strong. 
two ikrans dive into the water, grasping the net with their talons to hoist you and tuk out of the water. lo’aks fingers latch onto the outside as the soldiers take off into the sky towards the mother ship. 
“no! let us out!” you grunt as your hands try to rip at the net. you take out the knife neteyam gave you, dragging the serrated blade over the strings. 
“hold on!” lo’ak yells as he unsheathes his blade from his hip to start cutting the material, “look out! move your hand! move your hand!”
“hurry, lo’ak!” tuk whimpers in fear. 
you and tuk scream as you’re dropped onto the hard pavement of the ship, now surrounded by armed avatars. 
lo’ak moves away from the net, standing with his back toward you and tuk in attempt to protect you. he snarls and growls at the soldiers with his knife still in his hand, ready to attack at any second. 
“drop the weapon!” “put the weapon down!” they shout at him. 
the boy steps forward, attempting to stab one of the men but they easily dodge his attack and shove him to the ground. two of them pin his arms beside him as he struggles under their grasp. 
“no!” you screech, seething at the aggressors. you kick and wiggle as you attempt to push the heavy net off of you and tuk. 
finally, you spot an opening. “come on.” you’re the first to emerge from the net, with tuk right behind you. 
both of you try to protect yourselves with your blades but the lab-made na’vi are too strong. 
one of them grips the back of your neck, forcing you to the ground, while another grabs tuks wrist for her to drop her knife. 
“hey! hey! what are you doing? stop!” someone shouts from behind you, “stop! don’t hurt them!”
tuk yelps from beside you as she is held hostage by a soldier, trying her hardest to wriggle out of their tight grip. 
your head turns on the wet pavement, looking behind you to see spider talking to lo’ak; the human boy is being held back by two men. 
you snarl at the man on top of you, his knee sitting painfully on your back to hold you down. “knock it off! stay still!” his knee presses harder into your spine, making you cry out in pain. 
“you’re hurting her! stop!” spider screams out at the man on top of you. 
one of the avatar men on the ikrans hops off of the animal, his heavy boots stomping on the damp ground. 
“get back to the bridge.” he points at spider, ordering the soldiers beside him to bring him back inside, “and keep ‘em there!” 
that man’s voice, that american twang sounds familiar. it’s the man from the forest, the one who held kiri, lo’ak, and tuk hostage- the one who stole spider; it’s quaritch. 
“yeah, i remember you.” he looks down at lo’ak, who hisses in reply. 
“cuff ‘em to the rail. all of ‘em.” he points. 
finally, the pain is alleviated from your back as you’re forced to your feet. you don’t dare to try and wiggle out of the grip, knowing the attempt would end up with you getting hurt somehow.
“get on your knees. on ‘em.” the soldier behind you kicks the back of your legs, making them give out so you would fall to the ground. you grimace as the pavement cuts open the skin on your knees, hissing at the man behind you. 
your hands are brought in front of you, and handcuffed to the rail along with tuk and lo’ak. 
“fuck you!” you seethe through your teeth, your slightly sharpened canines bare wildly at the men. the soldier behind you goes to back hand you, making you cower to prepare for the blow.
quaritch takes a step toward you, with a simple raise of his hand he stops the mercenary from hitting you. 
“this one’s red-hot.” he chuckles alongside his soldiers as he stares down at you with a cocky sneer.
“and where are you from?” he squats down to your level, looking over you intently. his gaze makes you uncomfortable, “you’re not blue like the rest of ‘em… yet you breathe our air.” he hums curiously. 
“i’m not telling you shit.” you spit out, your voice dripping with venom. 
tuk grunts beside you as she tries to pull the handcuffs off the railing. your eyes slightly glance over at her, your heart aching for her. 
“half human, half na’vi.” he unsheathes his combat knife, pressing the tip of it into your chin to angle your face up towards him. 
the sharp tip of the knife pricks at your skin, daring to slice into it even from the most subtle movement from you.
“let her go! don’t hurt her!” lo’ak barks out, earning a kick from a soldier next to him.
“mm, i’ve seen you. the forest right? you’re sully’s oldest sons girl, aren’t you?” the man tilts his knife to control your head as he examines you. 
“like i said… i’m not. telling. you. shit!” you hiss out, trying your hardest not to move your jaw from the knife being so close to cutting into you.
he finally pulls back when the loud yipping sounds of na’vi start to grow closer, stuffing his knife back into its cover on his hip, “na’vi inbound!” a soldier yells.  
your head turns toward the sound, watching them all fly in on their tsuraks. the soldiers around you ready up, aiming at them with their weapons. 
the na’vi in the water halt, sitting dormant in the water as if they’re examining the people onboard. 
“dad!” tuk calls out desperately. 
quaritch rips off lo’aks comm device from his neck, connecting it to himself to be able to talk to his father. 
“jake, tell your friends to stand down. you want your kids back, you come out alone.” he speaks to him, “you know better than to test my resolve.” he pulls a handgun from his side, cocking it and pressing the barrel against the back of lo’aks head. 
“no! lo’ak!” you gasp, grunting as you pull harder on your restraints.
“i took you under my wing, jake. you betrayed me. you killed your own,” he continues, “good men. good women. i will not hesitate to execute your kid.” 
you begin to weep, out of rage and fear. hot angry tears streak your salty face as you tug on the handcuffs that refuse to budge. “please.” you beg, “don’t hurt him.” 
your words earn a blow from a steel-toed boot against your ribs, “shut up, stupid girl.” the air punches out of your lungs as you keel over from the pain. 
“offers fixin’ to expire. what’s it gonna be?” quaritch speaks into the comm. 
in the distance, you watch a single tsurak start to swim forward away from the group of na’vi soldiers. it’s jake sully, he’s coming. but if he comes up here, he will die. you cannot let any of them die. 
your breathing is erratic as your brain goes into overdrive, thinking of every possible way to get out of this. to save jake, lo’ak, and tuk- not even worrying about yourself at this point. 
“easy shot.” a bald avatar says, but quaritch lowers the man’s weapon with his hand, “you hit them now, they attack. wait till he’s on board.” 
lo’ak growls loudly from his words, causing the gun to press harder into the back of his head. 
the next moments seemingly play out in slow motion. something you would have never assumed to be a possibility. 
lo’aks tulkun breaches the water, launching himself over the boat as it bellows loudly in the sky. the crew begin to scurry as payakan falls down, squashing multiple soldiers beneath its heavy body. 
water splashes all over the three of you, shrieking in surprise as the entire ship rocks and groans from the blow it just took. 
the crew begin to shoot at him, but payakan slides a fin across the ground to pummel them. lo’ak kicks a soldier to make him stumble forward, helping out payakan so he could slam his fin down onto the man. 
the tulkuns fluke rises into the air before crushing a crane and sending a smaller ship flying. 
your eyes dart towards the water, smiling wide as the metkayina and jake charge towards the boat. “they’re coming!” you yell to lo’ak and tuk. 
payakan dodges an incoming explosive spear, sending it somewhere onto the ship to detonate with a loud boom. the tulkun let’s out one last deafening roar before slipping back into the water, but not without taking down a few more men. 
“sully’s inbound! i want eyes on!” quaritch orders as he steps away from the three of you. 
a gunship is inbound in the sky, shooting multiple rounds into the water where the fleet of na’vi soldiers are underneath. 
an ikran drops out of the clouds, appearing out of no where. a banshee from the forest, it’s neytiri.
the aircraft is quickly taken down, exploding into pieces as it pummels into a bank of rocks. 
you watch the fight in the water, wincing at every person the na’vi brutally take down. “we need to get out of here.” you whine, pulling on your handcuffs with all of your strength. 
“come on! come on!” you cry out as your feet push against the railing, trying your hardest to free yourself.
an explosion rocks the ship as a boat flies from the water and catches an engine on fire as it revs up. the main ship that you’re on accelerates forward at a terrifying speed. 
“oh shit! oh shit! hold on!” you brace yourself as it runs over a bank of rocks, catapulting it into the sky, making it catch air underneath it’s belly. 
the three of you hover in the air, the handcuffs being the only thing keeping you from flying away. the ship roughly crashes into the water, sending all three of you hurling towards the ground. 
“you okay?” lo’ak asks you and tuk, before busying himself to try and pull at the restraints again. 
“this boat is going down, and we need to get off of it right now!” you screech in a panic, leaning forward to try and rip the handcuffs off with your teeth. 
in your peripheral vision, you see someone launch themselves out of the water and land on the pavement. your mouth pulls away from the material of the handcuffs, a giant smile pulling up on your face. 
“neteyam!” tuk yells in excitement. 
“i have never been so relieved to see you!” you cry out in happiness. 
“need some help?” he teasingly asks as he bends down and unsheathes his knife. the blade easily slices the fabric off of your wrists. you fight yourself from leaping forward to plant a big fat kiss on his perfect lips. 
“shut up. come on. get us loose.” lo’ak hurries his brother as he goes down the line of people, cutting the restraints. 
your wrists are sore as you pull them towards your body, but that’s the least of your worries right now. 
once tuk is loose, she throws herself at you for comfort. you quickly reciprocate by wrapping your arms around her to hold her close.
“it’s okay. get tuk out of here.” neteyam says to you as he steps over to lo’ak. 
“what? no! i’m not leaving you.” you protest, making him growl in annoyance and send you a sharp look. 
“bro, hurry up!” lo’ak complains, shaking his wrists against the metal railing. 
“just go! i’ll be right behind you!” he yells back at you, as the knife cuts through lo’aks handcuffs, “who’s the mighty warrior, huh?” you hear neteyam say to his brother. that would make you laugh if you weren’t so worried right now. 
you swiftly lift tuk up, running to the edge of the boat. you’re just about to jump, but tsireya pops up at the surface on her ilu. “here! bring her to me!” 
tuk unravels herself from around you to hop onto the back of tsireya’s animal. the little girl looks up at you worriedly, “it’s okay, tuk. we’ll be right behind you!” 
tsireya nods and shoots you a worried smile before diving under the water. you quickly turn on your heel to see lo’ak has been freed and snagged an assault rifle from a fallen soldier.
“come on. let’s go.” just as neteyam is about to run towards you, lo’ak goes the opposite way.
“they‘ve got spider. we’ve gotta get him. come on.” lo’ak motions with his head, “come on, bro! we can’t leave him.” 
neteyam grunts loudly in frustration, and slams a fist against the ground before standing to his feet. he takes a moment to acknowledge you, looking over your body. his eyes catch the bloody scuffs on your knees, and a few scratches and bruises that litter your skin. 
he steps forward, hands cupping your face. “are you alright?” he asks worriedly, his hands guide your body to turn in a three-sixty. his eyes look over your back for any sign of serious injury; like father like son. 
“i’m okay, i’m okay. i swear.” you breathe out, slightly in a bit of shock but otherwise you’re okay. 
your hands come up to rest against his rapidly rising chest, feeling his soft skin beneath your fingertips. you look up at him, his golden eyes are already staring down at you. 
“seriously, bro? this is not the time for a reunion!” lo’ak shouts with evident annoyance in his voice. 
neteyam chuckles from his brothers words, leaning down to swiftly peck your lips, “go find a weapon. any weapon.” he urges you. 
you smile up at him before scurrying around to try and scavenge anything from the soldiers that are scattered on the ground. you find the knife neteyam gifted you lodged under one of the dead soldiers bodies, you can’t help but feel the sharp blade with the pad of your thumb. 
thank eywa, you would hate yourself for eternity if you lost it. 
neteyam grabs your hand to pull you along with him and his brother through the many hallways of the boat, with lo’ak leading. 
“we have to climb.” neteyam whispers in your ear as your eyes follow lo’ak. the boy easily scales the wall by holding onto pipes. neteyam goes next, “watch me.” he climbs slowly for you. 
you watch the exact placement of his feet and how he grips the metal with his hands. he follows the pipes up the wall and onto the ceiling, hanging upside down. “come on, you’re next. you can do it.” 
you take a deep breath before hopping onto the pipes, copying his movements. until you’re hanging upside down and slowly climbing over an open room filled with the ships crew. 
“evacuating, people. come on! let’s go!” a human man runs by screaming underneath you.
you squeak when your grip slightly falters, making neteyam stop in his tracks to look down at you through his legs. 
“for the love of the great mother, please don’t fall.” he says to you, but it sounds as if he’s talking to himself. 
the three of you slowly inch forward once the soldiers pass until you finally reach another metal platform. lo’ak is the first one to fall down, landing easily on his feet and then neteyam. 
you’re still hanging on for dear life, not sure how you’re going to drop down that far without hurting yourself. especially your recently mended broken ankle. 
“just fall! i’ll catch you!” he quietly calls up to you.
“are you sure? will you actually catch me?” you cry out, your muscles shaking under the pressure of holding up your entire body weight.
“yes! trust me!” he whisper-yells up to you, “lo’ak, help!” neteyam hisses at his brother. 
before you could make the decision for yourself, your overworked muscles give out. you fall downward toward neteyam, your feet flail in the air. the scream that threatens to burst out from your lungs is held inside, scared it would give you away to the crew.
instead of feeling the pain of the pavement and metal coming in contact with your body, neteyam and lo’ak catch you. 
your eyes are wide as you look over their shocked faces, “i can’t believe i just fell.” you breathe out as they put you down on your feet. 
“gracefully, of course.” neteyam teases you with a wink, his hand pushes gently against your lower back to lead you in between him and his brother as they walk forward.
lo’ak slowly starts to creep forward until he reaches the end of the yellow platform you’re on. 
a few soldiers are walking by with spider, so the sully brothers take the opportunity to jump on top of them to attack. lo’ak uses his gun he found to swing and hit a few of the men, instead of actually pulling the trigger. neteyam punches a few of them and tosses one of them overboard. 
you can do this, you can do this. 
with a deep breath, you jump down from above. you land on top of the shoulders of one of the men, using the blunt handle of your knife to hit him across the face. your thighs suffocatingly squeeze around his head until he falls to the ground unconscious.
the man falls forward directly on his face after losing to your battle, giving you the opportunity to land gracefully on your feet.
you let out a gasp when gunshots go off behind your back, spinning around with wide eyes to see who was shot- but it’s thankfully just lo’ak using his gun on one of them. 
you stand up from your spot, panting as all of you look over the bodies of the men you just took out. 
“oh, hey!” spider huffs out towards you, his chest huffing. you awkwardly wave at him, giving him a small smile. “we should go.” the human boy says next.
“let’s go.” neteyam says to you, grabbing your hand and jumping off with you to the lower ground floor. 
“thanks, guys.” spider says breathlessly once all of you land safely. 
your mouth opens to reply, but across the room two avatar mercenaries emerge and spot the four of you, “oh no.” you breathe out. 
“go!” spider screams, his voice slightly cracks. 
lo’ak attempts to aim and shoot, but neteyam shoves his gun down and pushes him forward. 
“go, go, go!” neteyams hand tightly grips your wrist to pull you behind him as he runs forward, ducking his head to dodge the bullets. 
“oh fuck! oh shit!” you screech as you’re blindly lead by neteyam as the bullets fly past your head.
the four of you scurry behind a wall. neteyam pushes you towards spider, the force making you stumble into the boy. neteyam snatches lo’aks gun from his hands, “give me that!” 
he barely aims the gun at the men, and just starts pulling the trigger, “go, go, go!” he shouts, and points towards the open water. 
spider and lo’ak are the first to jump, but you refuse to leave neteyam behind, “go! what are you doing? get out of here!” he screams at you, hiding behind cover before going to shoot at them again. 
“screw that! i’m not leaving you, neteyam!” you argue with him, pressing your back farther into the wall as the bullets shoot into the concrete behind you. 
“aah fuck! why do you have to be so stubborn?” he grunts at you, continuing to shoot at them. his gun clicks, indicating he’s out of ammo. 
“come on!” he throws the gun to the side, extending his arm to grasp your hand tightly to run towards the water. 
the soldiers continue to shoot at you until you both leap over the yellow railing and into the ocean. something hard pelts your right shoulder, making you wince as you fall towards the ocean. 
the pressure of the water makes your hands separate, screaming out his name as he is sucked away from you. 
once your eyes open under the salty seawater, all you can see is bubbles and the usually blue water is slightly stained red. your arms lift to paddle under the boat, but an excruciatingly sharp pain shoots from your right side. 
using your left arm, you swim under the boat and pull yourself to the surface on the other side. gasping for air, you cry out hoarsely and cough as you bob under the water. the salty liquid fills your mouth whenever you try to speak. 
“come on!” you hear tsireya’s voice coming from somewhere, but the waves continue to knock roughly against your head. every time your head sinks under the water, the crimson color worsens. 
“neteyam!” you gargle out. every word you attempt to speak sparks at your nerve-endings, fueling the fire of the agony that ripples throughout your entire body. 
“oh shit. she’s shot!” lo’ak screams, the sound of rapid swimming grows louder as someone comes over to you. 
just as your body starts to sink again, an arm strongly slides under your arms from around your back. you gasp for air once you breach the surface, sputtering out the water inside of your mouth. 
“help me! someone help me!” neteyams voice is loud next to your head, making your ears ring. your breath rapidly puffs from your mouth as you seek for some sort of solace from your pain. 
another arm wraps around your body as you’re dragged forward in the water. you cough but instead it comes out like a wheeze. oh, that’s not good. 
your eyes slightly squint open, only being able to see flashes of blue as your limp body is tugged onto the saddle of an ilu. 
you let out a piercing cry as you’re forced to sit up on the animal. instinctively, you want to curl in on yourself, but the person behind you holds you up with their arms around your abdomen. 
“it hurts!” you sob out loudly, which crying just makes the pain even worse. it feels as if the right side of your body has been replaced with ice and electricity that is wired directly to your spine. 
you overhear spider say something along the lines of, “she’s bleeding really bad.” which makes the panic grow even more in your chest.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry! everything is gonna be okay. bro, go!” neteyam shouts from behind you, pulling you back against his chest. 
the ilu underneath you chirps as it takes off in the water, “it’s okay. we got you, i got you. hurry up!” his voice cracks as he desperately screams at his brother. 
“i’m trying!” lo’ak shouts back at him as the ilu picks up speed to rush forward. 
“they have kiri and tuk!” tsireya cries out from the fin of the ilu, making your eyes burst open from a rush of adrenaline. “we… have to go back!”
you attempt to sit up but instead you fall forward weakly onto lo’aks back in front of you. your cheek presses flat against his damp skin as you struggle to breathe, “we can’t! we can’t go back!” lo’ak yells out, continuing forward. 
“dad-! eagle eye! y/n is shot! we need help!” neteyam uses his comm to talk to his father. his voice is frantic as he speaks to him, making you think your wound is worse than you think. 
“hurry, lo’ak! dad is over there.” the boy behind you slightly moves, indicating that he’s pointing in a direction you can’t see. 
it seems like an eternity until the ilu slows down, the creature squaks loudly in the rough water as the waves crash over your bodies. 
“help!” neteyam shouts from behind you as he jumps into the water, “lo’ak, lower her to me!” 
you let out a hoarse cough, your breathing still coming out in short bursts. you can barely open your eyes as you’re lowered into the rough water by lo’ak. 
neteyam grabs ahold of your head, cradling you in his arms along with tsireya and spider holding onto your body so you wouldn’t float away. 
“hurry!” she yells over the sound of the waves breaking against the shore. 
“oh no.” you hear jake rush over to your side, opening your heavy eyelids to see him leaning over you from standing on the rock. 
“hurry, please!” neteyam cries out, holding onto you tight. 
“it’s gonna be okay, baby. i promise. my dads gonna help you.” his voice shakes as he speaks to you. 
you raspily cough as another wave pelts your bodies, gurgling out the water as your head lulls to the side. “no, no, my love. stay with me.” one of his wet hands cups your cheek to pull your face back up, “hurry up! pull us up!” he yells at his father. 
it seems like everybody’s hands are on you as you’re lifted out of the water and into the air. two different hands cradle your head, and others hoist your legs up. 
you’re gently laid down onto the surface of the rock, a sob wracks through your lungs as you wheeze.
your breath comes in short, ragged gasps as you struggle to calm your racing heart. your chest feels tight, as if an invisible noose is constricting around your lungs. 
your eyes finally open fully, tears clouding your vision. neteyam and jake are the ones directly beside you, their heads covering the cloudy sky. 
“hold on.” jake warns you as he lifts you up to inspect the exit wound on your shoulder. your wound throbs, exploding in your head with a blinding whiteness. 
the feeling makes you squirm, and gasp from the sheer amount of agony.
neteyams hand desperately holds onto yours, his watery eyes look down at you before glancing up at his dad. “do something! help her!” 
the air whips around your body, causing your wet skin to feel colder than it should. your hand grips neteyams tightly, practically crushing his fingers.
jake presses one of his large hands against your chest to create pressure on your bleeding wound. you hiccup out a weak cry from the tenderness of it, writhing under his hand. 
“it’s okay. it’s okay.” jake shooshes you gently, his eyes darting to his eldest son with a worried look. 
“nete...” you croak out between your rapid breaths, making the boy look down at you. 
“everything’s gonna be okay. i’m so sorry.” he repeats, making you shake your head. he goes to protest but neytiri arrives on her ikran, leaping off and rushing over to join the crowd gathered around you. 
she gasps in shock and drops to her knees beside neteyam, one of her hands comes up to rest on your knee for comfort. 
you give her a weak smile, your bottom lip quivering as you do so. you look over the people around you, seeing how they’re all crying for you. wow, it really seems like you’re dying right now. 
jake sits back, his hand still pressed firmly on your chest. he looks off in the distance as if he’s listening to something. 
“where are your sisters?” he questions neteyam and lo’ak, his eyes darting between them, “your sisters. where are they?” his voice grows louder. 
“they’re on the ship.” you groan out, sputtering out a wet cough. 
jake looks down at you, his eyes widening in fear. “neteyam, you stay here with her. keep pressure on it, it didn’t go all the way through. we’re gonna go get them.” jake transfers the job over to neteyam to keep you alive, and you can see the panic on the boys features. 
neytiri stands alongside jake, ready to fight for her daughters, “where exactly are they?” jake asks you, but you have no idea.  
“they’re.. they’re at the moon pool.” spider looks up at jake who’s face contorts in confusion, “at the well deck. midships?” he tries to simplify it, but somehow makes it more complicated. 
“come on, i’ll show you.” spider stands and motions to the water. 
“lo’ak, come!” neytiri calls her son, motioning towards her ikran for him to follow her.
the younger boy wipes his tears and taps your leg, “you better be all good by the time we get back.” he points at you as he was threatening you.
a shiver wracks your body, but you smile at him through the pain, “she will, yeah?” neteyam looks down at you with a watery smile, making you nod in response. 
jake crouches beside you one last time, his hand resting on the top of your head. “try to control your breathing, okay? i know it hurts, but hyperventilating will make it worse. we’ll come back for you.” he gives you a soft smile before standing up to walk away with spider towards the water.  
nausea starts to rise in your belly from the immense pain, making you feel as if you’re going to pass out. 
before anything happens, you have to let neteyam know how you truly feel about him. you don’t care that tsireya is beside you, the only thing that matters right now is him. 
“neteyam…” you cough roughly, forcing him to look down at you, “yes, yes, my love. i’m here.” his voice trembles. 
you admire his saddened features for a moment; how his skin crinkles between his eyebrows, how his perfect lips quiver… the streak of your blood that runs across his cheek from inevitablely tucking his unruly braids behind his ear, and his big round eyes that are glassy with tears. he’s trying his hardest to bottle in his emotions to stay strong for you, to keep you calm… your love for him is unconditional. 
“i love you. i always have.” your voice is almost like a whisper.
a sob escapes from his lips, dropping his head down onto your forehead softly before lifting back up to look down at you. 
“nga yawne lu oer.” you repeat, choking on a cough that burns at your throat. you can feel your head growing lighter and lighter from the amount of blood you’re losing. 
he can tell by the dim look in your eyes that your condition is worsening by the second, “i love you so much. more than anyone would ever know.” his voice cracks as his emotions finally spill over. 
his head hangs between his shoulders as he sobs, his body shakes with each one that tears through him. you muster up the rest of your strength to lift your arm to cup his cheek and tilt his head towards you.
and suddenly, once his eyes are on yours, the feeling of warmth spreads throughout your cold, damp body. the pain slowly starts to fade as your mind succumbs to the sleepiness tugging at your brain. his golden eyes lull you to sleep, your hand drops from his face and lands on your body with a thud. 
neteyam’s heart rate picks up as he watches you go limp and your hand intertwined within his loses it’s strength, “no, no, no, no!” his eyes frantically look over your face as your eyelids fall shut. 
“no!” he screeches in pain, it feels as if his heart has been ripped in two. he cries out your name as he lifts your upper body up to cradle you, “please no! great mother, please-!” he’s cut off when his voice cracks and goes an octave higher than it should have. 
tsireya cries silently next to you, her hand reaches out to rest on his shoulder for some sort of comfort to him. 
neteyam pulls your body close to his, tucking your head under his chin as he rocks you back and forth, “my love, you can’t leave me. i’m so sorry. i should have protected you.” 
the boy feels himself growing smaller as he holds your limp body in his arms. this heartbreak is different for him. it feels cold and weighs heavy in his chest like drying concrete. he should’ve put you in front of him- he should’ve taken the bullet for you. 
your body twitches in his grasp, making him pull back to look down at you. he leans down to bring his ear to your mouth, feeling the very subtle puffs of air leaving your nose. 
before he could rule out your death, his fingers find the pulse points scattered along your body. your heartbeat is weak, but still there underneath your skin. 
“she’s alive.” he whispers into the air in shock, his eyes look at tsireya, “she’s alive! she’s breathing!” he exclaims through his tears. 
“we can’t wait for them. we need to get her to the village right away.” tsireya stands to run to the water to summon her ilu with a few clicks emitting from her throat. 
the animal chitters as it’s head breaches the surface. neteyam picks you up to walk you to the edge, tsireya helps him into the water with you and onto the saddle with her before she takes off back towards awa’atlu. 
the sound of beeping is the first thing you hear when you wake up, and the sound of your own sluggish breathing. something is tightly wrapped around your right arm, your shoulder, and across your breasts; to replace your top. 
slowly, your eyes begin to flutter open, instantly being met with a pair of glowing yellow eyes belonging to norm. 
maybe you died and woke up back in the forest. 
“hey, good morning. how you feelin?” he asks you before glancing down at a tablet in his hand. 
your brain takes in everything around you, all the gear brought in by norm and most likely max too. the marui you’re in is tiny, definitely not the one you lived in with the sullys. the iv stand that holds a bag of fluids that’s connected to your good arm. the amount of mobility in your neck isn’t the greatest, forcing you to only be able to use your eyes. 
you can tell you’re laying on a cot with a blanket over your body; a familiarly weaved one. 
as you blink away the sleep from your eyes, your memories starting to flood back into your brain. panic settles in the deepest part of your chest, washing over your body like a tidal wave, “where’s neteyam?” your hoarse voice croaks nastily from your throat being tremendously dry. 
norm motions behind him with his head, “he’s sleeping over there. he’s been waiting for you to wake up for quite a bit now.” 
your head painfully turns to the side to look at your boy, who is sleeping sitting up. his arms are crossed over his chest, eyelashes fluttered shut over his cheeks. he looks so peaceful. 
“what happened?” you mumble softly, now turning your attention back to norm. 
“well…” he sighs, “you were shot and we had to get the bullet out that was lodged in your right lung. you’re honestly really lucky to be alive.” norm simplifies it with a pitiful smile as he looks at you, “now, let me wake your lover boy up.” 
norm stands to take a step towards neteyam, slightly shaking his shoulder to tell him that you’re awake. you notice how is arms are the first to fall, then his head. his body suddenly realizes it’s time to wake up, and then his eyes open. he blinks wildly as he attempts to understand what norm is saying to him. 
then his eyes are on yours, his golden-honey colored eyes you adore so much. 
neteyam practically shoves norm out of the way to crawl forward, sliding on his knees. before speaking any words to you, he leans down to press a gentle kiss against your lips which you gladly reciprocate; so soft it’s almost as if he’s afraid he would break you. 
“…and that’s my cue to leave.” norm shuffles out of the marui to give you two some privacy. 
“i can’t believe you’re awake. i thought i was going to lose you.” his eyes refuse to look at you as he stares at your heart rate on the monitor, his breathing hitches as he fights back tears. 
“neteyam… you know nothing could break us apart, not even a bullet.” you say jokingly, which he slightly chuckles at. 
you try to laugh along with him, but a cough replaces it instead. pain shoots through the right side of your body, but thankfully not as bad as it was before. he frowns at your discomfort, his hand on your upper arm rubs soft patterns into your skin. 
“i’m never going to let you out of my sight again. you know that right?” he lets out a breath, leaning down to lay his chin against your good shoulder. he looks up at you with his pretty smile. 
“wait, is everyone else okay? kiri? tuk?” worry settles in your chest. you didn’t even get to find out if they were rescued before you went unconscious. 
“don’t worry. everybody is okay. scratched up, but okay.” he breathes out, his eyes dance over your face before leaning down to kiss you once more. 
before your lips could even graze against each others, someone clears their throat from the entrance of the marui. 
neteyam lifts his head up, his ears pinning back in embarrassment when he sees his dad standing there. you can’t help but smile at jake sully, happy to see him in one piece. 
“hey, kid.” he ducks his head as he takes a step inside. as he grows closer, you notice the stitched cuts that litter his blue skin. 
“ouch. what happened to you?” you jokingly ask him, which makes the man laugh softly as he squats down to the level your cot. 
“could ask you the same thing. how ya feeling?” he briefly looks over at his son before back at you. 
“i’m alive… and probably on a bunch of pain meds so i’m feeling ppprrretty good.” you softly laugh out, slightly wincing from the dull pain. 
“alright, come on in.” he waves at doorway. 
you watch as two pairs of eyes emerge from the doorway, belonging to tuk and kiri. the little girl smiles when she makes eye contact with you, running over to your side. 
kiri takes her time to walk up to you, sitting beside her older brother as tuk pushes her dad out of the way to hug you. 
“gentle, gentle.” jake warns her. 
“i missed you.” she whispers. your free arm pats her back, before she pulls back and sits down next to her dad. 
your free hand is quickly taken away from tuk as kiri grabs it and holds onto you. “i thank the great mother everyday for keeping here you with us.” her serene voice speaks softly to you. 
“i’m so happy all of you are okay.” you feel your emotions starting to get the best of you, a small tear slides out of the corner of your eye. 
“we’re so happy that you’re okay.” jake says, smiling m down at you. 
“where’s neytiri and lo’ak?” you slightly clear your throat, your eyes darting over the sully’s surrounding you. 
almost divine timing as lo’ak slides through the entrance with his mother following, “we’re here.” neytiri gives you a soft smile as they tower over you from the end of your bed. 
norm peeks inside, his eyebrows furrowing. the sully family packed themselves so tight in here to visit you, “alright people. let her rest.” norm lectures, ushering them out one by one. 
“if he thinks i’m leaving you, he is very wrong.” neteyam whispers in your ear, making you grin.
“c’mon, neteyam.” jake says from the doorway, motioning with his hand for his son to follow. he sighs loudly as he presses a kiss to your temple and standing up. he can’t say no to his father, as much as he wish he could. 
“coming.” he grumbles as neteyam looks back at you to smile briefly before following his dad. 
your eyes roll back to stare at the ceiling, tracing every tight weave of the fabric that makes up the marui. norm checks a few things by your beside, marking down your current vitals and hooking up another bag of iv fluids. 
“you’ll be better in no time.” norm smiles down at you. 
the next few weeks go by terribly slow, you’re bed-ridden for most of the time; until norm or max decide it’s time for you to get up and stretch your legs. 
even the slightest movement is strenous. as if you just ran around awa’atlu and back, your stamina is just not the same as it was. you can barely make it past the marui outside before you have to turn back to lay down. 
today is the day that your stitches are being taken out, finally giving you free access to examine your wound. you crane your head down, bringing your chin to your chest to stare at it. it’s merely a discolored scar, no longer a hole, that is perfectly sealed. almost as if nothing has happened. 
you take a deep breath, looking up at norm and max with a smile, “thanks for everything. seriously.” 
they both nod and smile at you, “of course. anything for you. we couldn’t let anything happen to you, we promised your mom and you that.” max replies. 
the mention of your mother makes your heart tighten in your chest, but you push the thought to the back of your mind. “now, you have to follow our instructions. no exercise, no crazy swimming, you can get in the water but nothing more than slow wading and/or floating.” norm points out.
“oh, and when we say exercise, we mean nothing that will make your heart and respiration rate go up too much.” max adds, eyeing you suspiciously. 
your eyes look over them, a bit confused on what they are insinuating. finally it clicks, they mean sex. heat rises from your chest and settles onto your cheeks, slightly wiggling in your seat uncomfortably. 
“oh my god. shut up. i’m not doing any of whatever you’re saying.” you shamefully put your head in your left hand, still being wary on using your right one yet. 
“okay good.” norm nods with an awkward laugh, “alright, well the worlds waitin’ for you! go out and get it.” he motions to the door. 
“yeah, yeah.” you murmur and stand up from your sitting position on the bed. 
just as your mind ponders on where neteyam could be, his face peeks around the corner. a big smile forms on his face when he sees you standing up.
you wave at norm and max before walking outside into the sunshine, “ah there’s my girl.” his large hands consume your waist as he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips. you savor the feeling of properly being able to kiss him. 
he pulls back from you, his eyes glance down over your face with heavy eyelids. “i can’t believe you’re standing up right now.” his fingertips softly press into your fleshy waist out of excitement. 
the touch is so subtle but it sends a visceral jolt down your spine. all you can do is smile at him and lean into his chest for a hug. the boy wraps his arms gently around your shoulders, pulling you in closer. 
“i love you.” you mumble against his warm skin. being the first time you’ve said it to him since you were hurt. 
neteyam squeezes your frame under his muscular arms and kisses the top of your head. “i love you.” his voice rumbles deep in his chest; the sound comforts you. 
“i have something to show you.” he hums as he pulls away, “a little welcome back gift.” 
your eyebrows raise in curiosity, “oh really? what is it?” you attempt to pry, but by the looks of how his face scrunches up he isn’t going to budge on his secret. 
“lets go. i must show you.” he unravels his arms from around you to grab one of your hands. he’s gentle as he leads you towards the beach.
the warm sands sinks in between your toes, making you gasp in awe from the feeling. oh how you’ve missed this. the heat of the sun beats down on your head, enveloping your body in a euphoric state. 
the shells sitting at the shore rustle under the soft waves, creating natural music as they roll around. 
neteyam continues to lead you down to the water. you let out a happy cackle as the sea foam tickles your toes, “this is amazing.” 
he stares at you in awe from how excited you are to be with the sea again. the rays of the sun catch your features perfectly, making him want to melt into the sand. you’re ethereal to him. 
the clicking noise he makes takes your attention away from the water. you carefully watch the sea, taking notice to something stirring beneath the surface. you almost jump back in surprise when an ilu bursts from the water and squaks loudly at you both.  
“you could’ve given us a little bit of a warning, buddy!” neteyam laughs loudly as he steps farther into the water, now knee high. 
oh, how careful he is with you. his hand tightly grips yours as he approaches his bonded animal, “you ready?” he glances back at you. 
you give him a nod of approval, letting him pull you forward in the water. his hands grip your waist gently to lift you up to place you on the back of the saddle. 
has he been working out since you’ve been out of commission? the way he picks you up like you weigh nothing makes your belly burst with butterflies. it’s so attractive. 
he’s next to climb up, easily situating himself in front of you as he brings his kuru forward to make tsaheylu. your arms instinctively slither around his slender body, pressing yourself into his back. 
“hold on to me. i’m still gonna go slow, okay?” he says to you, slightly turning his head to the side to look behind him. 
“let’s go! let’s go!” you bounce excitedly as you look up at him. he chuckles in response as the ilu takes off, slower than its usual pace. 
instead of diving beneath the water, neteyam keeps both of you above the surface. the water splashes up on your legs, barely misting you in the face. 
you admire the village from this angle, feeling as if you’ve taken it all for granted before the accident. it’s always been beautiful to you, but now you take the time to look at every little detail; treasuring life.
the trip isn’t long, but it’s very secluded from the rest of the village. he follows a saltwater canal that runs between the large mangrove trees. soon the sun is taken away from you by their large branches and leaves. 
the darkness reveals the bioluminescence during the day, your eyes ogle over the side of the ilu. you’ve never seen anything like this before, not even in the forest. 
“neteyam. where are you taking me?” your voice is quiet, afraid any harsh or loud tone would disturb the peacefulness of it all. 
“tsireya showed lo’ak, kiri, and i this sort of cove,” your eyes continue to dart around the new environment, “it sits hidden somewhere amongst these trees.“ he mumbles as he searches for any familiar landmark. 
the canal splits off into two, his gut feeling is to take the right one. the water glows blue from the motion of the animal, indicating he has taken the correct path. 
the sound of running water grows louder as he continues forward, but the ilu slows down to a stop. “we have to swim the rest of the way. it is too shallow for him to swim.” 
neteyam climbs off the animal, standing up since his feet can touch the ground. he’s about chest high in the water as he reaches up for you, “here goes nothing.” you mumble to yourself, letting his hands carefully grab you to hoist you down to his level. 
the boy helps you float onto his back, “hold onto my neck. you can’t stand here and i don’t want you to swim too much.” 
you smile at his kindness, how he continues to worry about you. your legs wrap around his torso under the water, your arms drape around his neck loosely. you slightly cringe from the tightness in your right arm, huffing slightly from the pain. 
“you good?” he asks as he continues forward down the creek, “yep. all good.” you mumble quietly. 
your eyes can’t help but dance around. this place is magical, like something you would read from a human storybook. 
the soft flow of water that ripples from his movement sends serotonin chemicals to your brain. the sound of a waterfall grows louder by the second, but you see nothing in front of you. 
“here we are.” he stops for a moment, before pushing back the dense sea vines that hang from a thick branch. 
behind the leaves are brightly colored seawater pools that cascade down into a bigger one. each one is a slightly brighter blue, almost neon from the bioluminescent glow. 
you gasp in shock from the overwhelming amount of color as neteyam walks forward. he steps out of the water onto a bank, letting you down off of his back. “beautiful, right?” he’s almost breathless from the view, and he’s seen it once before. 
you take a hesitant step forward, watching how your foot sinks into the glowing sand. “this is absolutely breathtaking, neteyam.” 
you’re speechless, unable to wrack any other words out except that it’s breathtaking. you dip a toe into the water, almost leaping into it out of happiness from how warm it is. 
“these are sacred pools to the metkayina. they are connected to eywa.” he informs you as he sinks forward into the water that sparkles brightly under the motion.
you follow him into the cove, eyes taking in the foliage and rocks that surrounds the pools. “you can be within the great mother here. to connect to her, to pray, to give birth, to marry, and to mate.” the last word is almost whispered out amongst the steam that sits above the surface. 
your body becomes hot, whether it’s from the temperature of the water or his words. once neteyam is waist deep in the main pool, he turns around as he grabs his braid off of his back. 
almost as if it sensed his presence, a bright pink leave-like tendril unravels from the rocky side of the pool. you watch as he connects his queue to it, bright pink and glowing along with the rest of the world around you.
neteyams eyes flutter shut and his shoulders drop down slightly, his breathing evens out as he relaxes. your eyes dance across his abdomen, following the perfectly etched muscles in his blue skin. 
you follow the stripes that litter his body, and the freckles that sparkle in the darkness. your eyes catch the beaded neck piece he always seems to wear, smiling as you step forward. 
one of his eyes peek open to watch you shuffle closer, outstretching his hand for you to take. you reach behind your back with your good arm to grip your thick braid, bringing it around to connect it to the plant. 
your breath hitches in your chest from the feeling of uniting with eywa. your grip on his hand tightens as the feeling grows stronger, washing over your nervous system with  harmonious tranquility. 
your breathing evens out, and the ache of pain subsides in your chest. you feel as if you’re floating, or have drank a little too much of the nectar you sneak during celebrations. 
you lean into his chest, your skin bursts with tingles all over your body once you touch him. the boy almost groans in pleasure, but holds it back for his own dignity. 
you revel in the feeling of your hand gliding up his lengthy arm, feeling every little fuzzy hair. neteyam stares down at you, watching your movements with heavy eyelids. 
“i want to be one with you.” he blurts out, making your doe-like eyes shift from his body to his face. 
“with me?” your voice is slightly shaky, whether it’s from the effects of the plant or nervousness.
he unlatches his braid from the plant, motioning with a nod of his head for you to do the same. you gulp as he holds his kuru in between your bodies, ready to officially bond with you. 
the pink wisps float and reach towards the end of your braid in your hand, begging to connect with yours. you glance up at the boy in front of you, who waits patiently for you to connect them. 
you take a deep breath before moving yours closer, watching how intimately the extensions of yourselves wind up and tangle together. 
both you, and neteyam, suck in a sharp breath through your teeth in sync. the feeling of your nervous systems connecting creates a deep crater of heat in your lower belly. 
neteyam can sense your arousal; he can feel you. how you’re pulsating between your thighs for him, and your nerve endings that make him feel the same way. 
“oh, neteyam.” you mewl out, stepping forward to press your hand against his warm chest. 
as soon as your head angles up to look at up, he swoops down to catch your lips with his own. sparkles explode, making both of you cry out in amazement. 
teeth clack together as his hand presses into your lower back to pull you even closer to him. your hot body against his puts him in a euphoric state, begging you silently to let him touch you. 
he leans forward, almost bending you backwards to deepen the heated kiss. your tongues become one as you both grow more desperate for each other, to feel more. 
he whines as one of his hands slide up your side, his fingertips feel as if they’ve been replaced with feathers. his large hand hovers beneath your breast, slightly pulling back from kissing you, “can i touch you…” his voice is shallow, with the slight twinge of desperation. 
“you can do anything you want. please.” your eyes flutter open to be met by his hungry gaze. 
he presses forward, connecting your lips once again to continue where he left off. his hand grips your breast that fits perfectly in the palm of his hand, while his other hand busies itself by sliding over the swell of your ass. 
his fingers are so long, they curl against your inner thigh. so close, yet so far from where you need him the most. 
you both moan out when he finally touches you, his thumb swipes over your sensitive nipple, causing a whimper to tumble out of your lips. 
“i love how you sound.” he heaves into the kiss, making another high-pitched mewl puff into his mouth from you. 
the boy gently pulls away from the kiss, keeping your bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it. he watches how it bounces back into place, before swooping down to your neck. 
he leaves kisses and tiny love bites under your jaw and shoulder, as his hand continues to tease you against your inner thigh. 
he slightly brushes his fingertips against the cloth that separates his hand from your core, making you wail out in shock. 
he pulls back from his attack on your neck, his eyes intently look over your face. “i want to make love with you… here. if you’ll have me.” his voice is almost nervous.
you can feel the anxiety biting at your chest, itching to make itself known but you push it away. you’re safe with him, and you know he will always be gentle with you. 
“i want you, neteyam. all of you.” you nod in agreement, one of your arms lift to cup the back of his neck to pull him down to your level. 
he smiles as you kiss him, grinning like a wild man. he pulls back slightly, nuzzling your noses together, “i love you so much.” he whispers into your shared breath as he continues to keep eye contact with you. 
“i love you.” you reply before closing the space between your mouths. 
neteyam quickly takes control, moving his hand away from your breast to cup both of his hands under your ass to lift you slightly out of the water. 
he presses your back down against a rocky bank over to the side. it sits shallow in the pool, letting the warm water sit dormant against your upper thighs. 
the sully boy slots himself in between your legs as he kisses down your chest, careful over your wound until he makes it to the waistband of your loincloth. 
his big round golden eyes stare down at you, the look he gives you makes any sort of reservation disappear from your mind. 
you nod fervently to give him the okay. his long fingers tentatively hook into the thin cloth to unravel it from your body. 
once the cloth is discarded somewhere to the side, he leans down to kiss you. his lips work magic against yours as if he knows your body like the back of his hand. 
his mouth strays away from yours, pressing wet kisses down your neck until he meets your shoulder. 
“sevin nìtxan lu aynga nang.” his tempting voice growls into your ear. the feeling of his breath washing over your skin sends shockwaves throughout your nerves. “you are so pretty.”
his hand ghosts down your abdomen, tracing lines down your tender skin. at last, he finally touches you, making you cry out into humid air. 
neteyam let’s out a gasp as he mouths at your neck. the same feeling transferred over to him through your connection.
a feeling that’s so foreign to you, but something that you never want to stop. you let your hands explore his body as the pleasure sparks between your legs. your fingers dance over his biceps, across his chest and up to his neck. 
countless sounds tumble from your lips, your back arches off the damp rock as you moan out his name. neteyam chuckles deeply against your lips from the desperation in your voice, “almost, baby.” he hushes you as he dives into the kiss. 
soon his hand pulls away, leaving your chest heaving and the close proximity of your climax withering away. “whhhyyy…” you whine, your thighs clench around his hips to pull him closer. 
“not yet.” he hums. his forearm sits heavy next to your head, slightly leaning to the side to unclasp the loin cloth that sits around his hips. he throws it behind him somewhere, not caring if it lands in the water. it’s the last thing on his mind when he has you underneath him. 
you can’t help but glance down between your bodies then back up to him with wide eyes. his eyes look over your face, seeing the apprehension in your eyes. “do you trust me?” he mumbles. 
you intently watch how his wet lips move as he talks to you, almost in a trance. “yeah, of course i do.” you breathe out shakily. 
he grins from your response, “i will always be careful with you, muntxa.” 
the new nickname makes your heart soar- he referred to you as his mate. he notices your emotions growing higher, by the way your eyes go glossy. he can read you like a book. 
his lips press into yours, passionate and desperate as he situates himself below. 
this is much different from his hand, the pressure makes your fingernails dig deep into his shoulder blades. the gravelly sound he makes sends flutters up your spine, forcing your brain into overdrive to evoke more of those from his lips. 
you’re the one making him feel this way. desire clouds your thoughts, your legs aid in pushing his hips down until he is flush against your body. he stills for a moment, breathing heavily into your mouth as if he’s holding himself back. 
the next few movements of his hips make you cry out in ecstasy. he’s quick to pull more out of your chest, a flurry of his names and pleas for more. 
his lips leave marks scattered across your neck, whispering praises into your ear as your body lurches underneath him. he doesn’t hold back with his own noises which forces you closer to the edge. 
your body lets go, arms tightening around his neck to trap him close to your body as your thighs seize around his waist. you choke out a cry of his name, feeling his tail wrap around your ankles to lock you in.  
his teeth sink into the meaty flesh of your shoulder, a true sign of becoming his mate. you wince from the slight pain, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. 
his body stills and trembles on top of you, indicating his release. he pulls his mouth away from your neck, gasping for breath. his eyes examine the two red spots from his canines that pierced you. 
one of his hands come up to swipe the beads of blood away from your skin before leaning up to look at you. his forehead leans against yours, noses slotting together. “my love, you are amazing.” he murmurs breathlessly and lays his entire body weight on top of you. 
you cackle loudly from the pressure of his body on yours, “get off… can’t breathe.” you throw your head back as you jokingly let out a wheeze.
neteyam sharply lifts off of you, his eyes wide as he looks over you wildly. his quick movements give you whiplash, he sits back on his heels and stares at you worriedly. “are you okay? i’m sorry. i didn’t think you wouldn’t be able to breathe. i-.” his voice trails off when his hands rub over his face. 
you sit up in your spot, your legs still loosely draped around his hips. your small hands reach up to wrap around his wrists, pulling his hands away from his face. “oh neteyam. i was just joking.” your voice is soft. 
he flies forward, all arms as he wraps himself around you, his head presses into the crook of your neck. one of his large hands cradles the back of your head, “i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to upset you.” you mumble out against his chest. 
“it just- that noise. it reminded of me of everything that happened… when you were.. were hurt.” his voice croaks, obviously holding back his tears. 
your heart aches for him, guilt sitting heavy in your chest. “i love you. i’m so sorry.” you sniffle, holding onto his waist so tight like as he would be ripped away from you at any moment. 
“don’t be sorry. it’s not your fault.” he shudders, pulling back slightly. he kisses your forehead and sucks in a deep breath through his nose, “i love you.” 
you take a deep breath before unraveling yourself from his body, “let’s go in the water.” you mumble, trying to change the subject. you’re still sensitive to the mention of your ‘accident’.
he smiles down at you, his thumb and forefinger pinches your chin to look into your eyes. he wiggles out of your grip to slide backwards into the cerulean water. his hand grabs your ankle to carefully tug you along with him, “come.” he laughs. 
you use your arms to lift yourself up and hop beside him. he instantly pulls you into his chest, rocking side to side on heels. you relax in his embrace before he unravels one of his arms to pluck something out of the water. 
your eyes open to see him holding up his loin cloth, it’s soaked and dribbling into the water. you can’t help but stifle a giggle into your fist, “so that’s where it went.” 
neteyam rolls his eyes jokingly, a smile on his face as he takes a step back from you. he swoops down to peck a kiss to your lips before walking to the edge to climb out. 
you watch his every move, how he expertly ties the wet cloth back around his hips and tail. it swishes happily behind him when he turns around and sees you watching him. 
you suddenly feel a lot less clothed, crossing your arms over your chest insecurely. neteyam looks down at your breasts then back up to your face, “my love. you realize… we just?” he questions you with a cackle. 
you huff out of annoyance, looking around for your clothes he discarded everywhere. “can you please find my clothes?” you whine. 
“but i want to see you like that. you’re beautiful. i don’t like your clothes.” he teases you, placing his hands on his hips. 
“you know, i can feel my shoulder thumping from you biting me.” you say matter-of-factly with a humorous tone. 
“it was just the moment, but hey! now everyone will know not to mess with you because you’re mine.” he chuckles, his eyes glimpse at the very evident bite mark on your left shoulder. 
what a possessive little bitch. everyone knows you’re his, but now it’s evidently marked on your body; they’ll know you’ve mated. it makes your belly do somersaults, aching to jump his bones again. 
neteyam peeks around at the foliage, looking for your top and bottoms. he bends down in some plants, grabbing a piece of cloth and your beaded top a few steps away. “don’t worry, i got ‘em.” he holds them close to his chest, motioning for you to come to him. 
you huff as you wade through the warm water, taking one of his hands as he helps you take a step onto the bank of rocks.
neteyam slides the beaded top over your head, situating it over your chest. he notices how you struggle to tie the cloth on your hips, so he slaps your fingers away and ties them himself. “don’t strain yourself please.” he mumbles, “you know i’d do anything for you. even the simplest things.”
your head falls to look at your shuffling feet, feeling slightly useless from your limited mobility. he rustles with something, the sound of beads clacking makes your head peek up. 
neteyam pulls the beaded neckpiece off of his neck, lowering it to you. “no, no.” you put your hands up. you know how much it means to him, and he always wears it. “your mom made that for you. i can’t take that.” 
“yes, yes you can.” he pushes it against your neck, but your hand slithers between the necklace and your skin. 
“no, neteyam.” you shake your head, staring up at him with your furrowed eyebrows. your angry face makes humor bubble in his chest, he can’t take you seriously. 
“yes, y/n.” he mocks you, “just accept it.” he shushes you as he continues to wrap the material around your neck. 
the piece perfectly forms around your neck, sitting cold and heavy. this will definitely take some getting used to. he takes a step behind you to tie the leather pieces together, tightening it around your neck. loose enough to breathe and eat comfortably, but tight enough so it won’t move. 
“i must gift my new mate something of mine. it must be this, because the only other thing i have on me is my tweng.” he laughs. 
“i wouldn’t mind taking your tweng off.” you slyly reply with a smirk as your fingers touch and admire the woven beads. 
neteyam laughs loudly at that and throws his head back. he leans down from behind you to kiss your shoulder, “don’t worry about that. you can take it off anytime.” his voice is low, almost like a purr in your ear. 
from his very persuading words, you spin around to look at him. your fingers busy themselves to toy with the waistband of his loincloth, “can i right now?” you stare up at him through your eyelashes, craving him already. 
neteyam stills from your sudden energy, his eyes drop down to your hands then glance up at your face. “right now?” he asks almost in disbelief. 
“right now, please.” you beg, voice shaky as you desperately grab at his hips. he gives you a simple nod of his head, your hands instantly peel the wet fabric away from his body. 
neteyam leans down to pick you up, his fingertips press deep into your flesh. he presses his lips against yours, a little rougher than earlier. that’s actually amazing.  
your hands card through his braids, slightly tugging at the base of them when your back collides with the trunk of a tree. neteyam blindly unravels your bottoms, continuing to kiss you intensely. 
neteyam finishes what he started earlier, but this time he doesn’t hold back. he makes sure every last drop of your hunger is satisfied, giving you all that he has left in him the second round; and maybe even a third one. you cannot keep your hands to yourself, he’s just so beautiful and you’ve missed him so much. 
after catching your breath and getting redressed for the second time, you finally start to head back towards the village. you melt into the heat of his back, positioning your head in the divot of his spine. 
his body is so comfortable, and the sound of the water is so relaxing- you can’t help but fall asleep. you’ve exerted yourself more than you have in weeks, maybe months. 
neteyam slightly shifts, making you wake up. your eyes flutter open to be met with the white sand of the beaches of awa’atlu. “we’re here.” his voice is soft as you sit up and yawn. 
neteyam hops into the sea before helping you down with him. you follow him through the waist deep water and up to the shore, walking forward and into the warm sand. 
his hand possessively holds yours as he proudly leads you back the marui. you’re incredibly nervous to walk around with an obvious mating mark on your shoulder, and wearing neteyams neck piece.
the villagers that pass you by, stare at you in shock. whether it’s because you’re the girl that is known for almost dying, or because your scent is strongly masked by his. 
some of them whisper, and peek at you both through their peripheral vision. neteyam looks back at you with wide eyes, smoothly wrapping his arm around your shoulders instead of holding your hand. 
“i think they are jealous.” he hums. 
“jealous?” you nuzzle into his ribs, “very jealous.” he replies, and tightens his grip around your shoulders when he sees the chiefs son with a few of his goonies, “hi, ao’nung.” you wiggle your fingers at him lazily. 
the boy gawks, his eyes take in the numerous love bites you left on neteyam and the teeth mark on your shoulder. then his eyes travel to the neck piece just as you pass him, “look at them!” one of his friends whispers, making ao’nung elbow him. 
you repress a giggle in your hand, which makes neteyam sputter and press his lips to the top of your head to calm himself. 
from a distance, you take note that jake and lo’ak are standing outside of the marui. surprisingly, they’re fishing together. 
as the two of you approach them, jakes gaze falters from the water to look at you. “you’re back! look at you!” he exclaims loudly, patting lo’aks shoulder while he starts to walk towards you and his eldest son. 
“oh wow. they healed that up very nice.” he glances at the wound, before his eyes trail up to the beads sitting beautifully on your neck. he glances at neteyam, then back to you, then back to his son. 
the man clears his throat and stands up straight with his hands on his hips. obviously trying his hardest to not stare at his sons empty neck replaced with tiny bruises the size of your lips. 
lo’ak turns around from looking in the water, a grin on his face when he sees you. his eyes perceive the situation, and the tension hits him like tidal wave. 
his face drops into a cocky grin when he looks at his brother, “nice.” the boy nods his head. 
“lo’ak.” jake hisses a warning at his son, making him turn his attention back to the line in the water. 
“look, i don’t care what you kids do, i was your age once,” the sentence makes neteyam cringe, and open his mouth to speak. jake puts his hand up to silence him, “but just make sure you’re safe, and please… for the love of god don’t let your mother see.” 
“dad.” neteyam barks out a laugh, which earns him a glare, “don’t worry. we were before eywa, so mom should have no problem.” 
you can feel your body getting warmer by the second from this very awkward conversation. 
“do not tell me what?” neytiri peeks out of the entrance of the pod, her curious eyes observe the three of you. 
you watch as her face drops when she notices the jewelry adorning your neck. she takes two large steps over to you, her hand carefully touches the necklace. 
then her fingertips graze over the sensitive mark on your shoulder, “you gave her your fkxile.” she hisses out, a bit too aggressively for your liking. her eyes side eye her son, staring at him with silent fury. 
she’s mad about the necklace. not even the fact that you’re walking around with an evident bite mark on your shoulder, from her son. 
“mother, she is my yawne. i must gift her something of mine.” he explains himself to her, but all you heard was yawne.. he called you his beloved. 
she steps back with an angry huff of breath, “ah!” she hisses and balls her fists by her side. 
“you are too young,” she points at him, then turns to you, “and you are still healing!” 
“what if a child comes out of this? you are not bonded!” she continues ranting. 
neteyam steps forward slightly in front of you, “mom, don’t worry about that. we did make tsaheylu.” he puts his hands up in front of him, as if he was trying to calm her. 
her gaze shoots over to him, softening from his words. “you did?” she looks at you, smiling softly; almost proud of you and her son. 
jake steps forward from behind his wife, his face obviously worried from her changing emotions. your eyes glance over at lo’ak who is staring wide eyed and open mouthed. 
when he sees you look at him, he turns his eyes back towards the water. 
this is so awkward. being bombarded by his parents to talk about your sex life is another level of embarrassing. you smile awkwardly and nod, “alright, kids. go inside.” jake motions for you two to continue walking. 
neteyam exhales in relief, “thank you.” and grabs your hand to tug you inside quickly. “they are so fucking embarrassing.” he hisses once he is far enough away. 
the two of you stare at each for a moment, before bursting into a fit of giggles. the kind of laugh that makes your sides hurt, one that’s so contagious that neither of you can stop. 
you’re forced to lean into his body for some sort of support, but he stumbles back from your weight. this just causes you to laugh even harder when he falls back into the wall. 
your hands fall to knees, trying to take a deep breath. you feel the tears leak onto the apples of your cheeks, but there’s nothing you can do to stop. 
unbeknownst to you, jake and neytiri are staring at you two from the doorway with a smile on their faces. jake has his arm slung over his wife’s shoulder, “they really do care for each other.” he comments. 
“they are in love.” she breathes out softly, watching you and neteyam with adoration sparkling in her eyes; happy that her son has finally found his mate. 
“let’s leave ‘em alone. we can go take a ride on my tsurak?” jake suggests, looking down at her. she nods with a smile, letting him lead her away from the doorway. 
you’ve finally calmed down enough to take a full breath, a giggle still escaping here and there. you and neteyam wound up on the floor in your heap of laughter. 
his hand is intertwined with yours as you sit in front of him on your heels. you wipe your tears away with your other hand. 
“i…” you giggle, shaking your head, “love you… so much.” you hurl over, grabbing your stomach as another laugh quakes through your body. 
neteyam leans forward, one of his hands smooth down the back of your hair. his lips peck against the top of your head, making you lift it to look him in the eyes. 
“i see you, and i love you.” he mumbles, glancing down to your lips. 
when he leans forward to finally kiss you, it feels like the first time. love drunk from kissing him, you ache for more…
this boy, the one you’ve yearned for since you were a teenager; who stole your sight away from any other na’vi boy, never being able to compare to anyone else. now you’re his lifelong mate, something you never would have predicted to happen. you’ll grow old together, have your own children… it’s written amongst the stars, the sea, and in the trees. 
you never knew your heart could be this full- to love and care for someone so much; so deeply in your soul. 
there’s nobody else you’d rather be with except for him. knowing deep down he is the one for you, and you are the one for him; for the rest of your lives. 
tags: @k----a27s @aspenreadsfanfic @aliseaaah @bellwhether @xoxobabe @koalalafications @embersfae @mae-is-crazy @softhetixx @minkyungseokie @iwanttohitmyself @neqeyam @lovedbychoi @lala-1516 @jbxws @ancientbeing10 @angrycoffeebean @taleiak @nyenye @vivangothic @theunfortunateplace @jakesully-sbabygirl @urdeadpoet
i hope u guys liked the ending. it’s honestly bittersweet 🥲 if u read this ur a real one & request or ramble abt something in my inbox bc i’m gonna be bored as hell now
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pinknightsinmymind · 1 year
【 abby anderson as a gf hc's 】
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a/n: this is just super fluffy and cute <333 i wrote a lot so it's below the cut
first and foremost, lots of ppl make assumptions about abby and what she's like because of her appearance. she has somewhat of a rbf, and she's insanely buff, so many ppl are intimidated by her automatically.
that being said, abby looks to be understood and known at a deeper level, and wants to be treated like anyone else no matter what she looks like
i think she's the typical "intimidating but a huge softie" type like HEAR ME OUT
anyone can look at her and know that she's insanely strong and that she could easily take them out, and while true, underneath all that abby is extremely kind and caring
she may look scary, but she loves reading, she loves animals, she loves nature, she has a soft spot for lev, she's grown to understand the world outside of herself and that there is more than what meets the eye, she's learned from her mistakes, and she's deeply loyal
so while, yes, she is tough and strong, she is much more than that and wants to be seen for all parts of herself rather than the surface; she wants to be understood and she wants her partner to be someone who isn't intimidated by her and is willing to look beyond her exterior
so while everyone else avoids her and you willingly approach her despite what ppl say? and you treat her like a person—like she were anyone else? that immedately gets you on her good side and gains you her respect
you two begin to seek each other out more and more bc she enjoys your company and begins to open up to you
she lets you see every side of her, even the ones she typically wouldn't let others see
other ppl may be confused as to how you joke around with her so easily when they'd fear for their lives if they did, but that's simply bc you're close enough to her that you know how much of a huge softie she is
okay okay enough of my intimidating softie abby agenda and now time for more interesting stuff
im FULLY convinced that in a modern!au and college!au she'd be in pre-med studying to be a doctor or a surgeon; she'd do it bc she wants to help ppl but also bc she loves and admires her dad for his work
bc of this i also see her bragging to you all the time that she'll be your doctor wife who makes big money so she can spoil you
(and she lives up to that promise)
when she comes home late from work she's quick to make it up to you
knowing her love of novels, i feel like she struggled to pick between pre-med and english as her major, but at the end of the day being a doctor called to her passions much more so she chose english as her minor
HOWEVER, i feel like her brain is so sexy especially when talking about novels she's read
like imagine her going on tangents about the book she's read and what she thinks the meaning is, then bringing up the story's historical context, and then interdisciplinary studies and just being like "omg she's so sexy i'm going to take my clothes off rn" bc of how smart she is
her book collection is HUGE and she lets you borrow whatever you want from her shelves, and you can see all the things she's scribbled in the margins, her silly annotations, small drawings in the corners, her cussing in her notes about the characters saying stuff like "what the fuck is wrong with you?" so seriously
she'll find poems she really likes and tell you about them especially the ones that remind her of you
i feel like she'd love emily dickinson and the bronte sisters idk i can see it
she's SO excited to introduce you to her dad
she's a huge family person and wants you to feel like a part of her family too
in a modern!au lev is probably a kid who lives next door to her that she babysits and tutors sometimes but she absolutely adores him and sees him as her brother
can you imagine how much of a hopeless romantic she is
she's probably so cheesy and loves romance and being cute with you where if it were anyone else it'd be cringy but its HER and she's just so sweet and so endearing how could you hate any of it?
asks you to be her valentine every year even if you're her gf bc she still feels the need to romance you
will make a spectacle of every holiday in order to treat you somehow
okay maybe gift giving would be a love language of hers too i can see it
but i feel like her top love languages are physical touch and acts of service tho
she's definitely the type to cherish any moment with you, and values being able to sit with you in silence in general but also while you do your own activities together (so parallel play basically)
.... i think she'd love to play video games to destress but not necessarily violent ones i think she'd play more calm games like animal crossing to relax or maybe minecraft where yall can build a world together and have a little farm bc she thinks its cute
teases you when you get lost or when you die in the games tho bc she's a bully (jokingly) like that
definitely the type to be like "only I can bully you"
very protective in general she wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on you and she'd take such good care of you
worries about your well-being (physical, emotional, mental) all the time and will do whatever it takes to make sure you're okay
if you need her at 3 am, she doesn't care she goes to your place right away
if you're sick she won't hesitate to buy you medicine, clean up your place, make you soup, whatever you want
when taking care of you while sick she calls you her number one patient and her favorite patient bc she's corny like that
there's nothing she wouldn't do for you bc when she's committed, she's committed
she's such a devoted and loyal person in general that when she cares about you, she cares about you, and there's no bluffing involved
just a very sincere and honest person who is willing to grow and learn, especially with her partner
i bet she's VERY open to communication and to talk things out with you she's the type to listen to you wholeheartedly and give you all the reassurance you need
she's the type of partner who's SO open to communication and good at it that you're like omg??? how are you so calm??? i'm screaming and crying and shitting my pants rn???
she's a huge softie and such a loving person who looks to be understood the way she understands others; she craves unconditional love and wants to give to others
she's just gf (and wife) material like come ON
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hello-gloomy · 18 days
'What was your nen again?'
Phantom troupe x Gen!reader
Description: The troupe finally had some free time so you decided to meet up with them again, you happen to bring up something none of them mentioned to you which brings up a question.
Warnings: Crack taken seriously. I don't think there's any use of Y/N aside from that pretty tame some of them might be OOC it's my first time writing for so many characters.
A/N: Just something short (Maybe) to tide us all over till the first two polls are done or till I finish my other WIPs. (I should be doing work rn but I'm not.) :^
"You need to work on your sleeping habits."
"You didn't go to sleep till 2 yesterday." Shalnark looked mildly unnerved at your claims, which made you feel slightly bad for the unconscious snooping you do through everyone's memories. But you couldn't help but bring it up, how is he supposed to commit crimes on three hours of sleep all the time. Bound to make mistakes like that.
"I never told you that..." This gains the attention of Pakunoda who happens to be close by she gets up from where she was sitting in the large dining hall you and the group were staying at for their temporary break.
"Told them what?"
"What time he went to sleep." Her brows furrowed for a second while she glanced at a shocked Shalnark.
"Lucky guess?" She pondered out loud, He grimaced at that while you giggled at his facial expression.
"I peeked at his memories."
"Brother eugh." You full-on belly laughed at that attracting some more of the others to get closer.
"What's going on now?"
"Shal didn't go to sleep till two."
"Explains eyebag."
Feitan moved closer to your left side while Shalnark opened up the camera on his phone to look at his eyes to prove his point.
"How see memory?"
"With my Nen." Everyone stopped and looked at you.
"You have Nen?"
"So your Nen is similar to mine then?"
"Kind of, just without the gun. I could project other people's memories too."
"Show Shalnark memory."
"Do not."
With that, you summon your nen and a small eyeglass appears you scope out an open wall and find one large enough by Uvo and Nobunaga. You motion for the others to follow behind you while Shalnark whines for you not to embarrass him. Walking past the other pair they take notice and ask Paku what's happening she gives a brief explanation. You engage Gyo and through your eye, you show the memory of Shalnark on his computer and after a bit of fast forwarding through the memory, you show him passed out at the desk. The projection comes to an end and you turn around to find Machi and Korotopi have joined you as well. Pakunoda turns to Shalnark to scold him first.
"they're right you do need to work on your sleeping habits." She held her hand on the side of her face. Shalnark turned a bit pink at her remark while Uvo and Nobunaga started laughing at him.
"I wouldn't be laughing if I were the two of you considering how reckless you were being last week." They stopped immediately, and Machi's eyes were practically excited, begging you to show their embarrassing moments. You let out a quiet huff and turned around to project another moment. Showing the two men almost getting blown up on the task Chrollo had previously sent them on.
"Nice job."
"Shut up Machi!"
"Why don't you show one of her embarrassing moments!!"
"And get strung up hard pass. I like living unlike you two obviously." That had everyone laughing again. Chrollo had magically materialized and joined the theatrics of the group you had all made now.
"How far back can you go with individual memories?"
"From the instant their brain forms." "But I usually don't snoop back that far without explicit permission."
"If you'd prefer I can show memories from when you were younger?" You hold eye contact with Chrollo while the rest watch on. You get a bit nervous and start to doubt the previous forwardness you had getting ready to retract your question, Chrollo interrupts yours and everyone's thoughts.
"Just don't go back too far."
Carefully you picked a memory that you found lovely, one between The boss and Pakunoda. Everyone hushed when the light from your eye displayed upon the wall, you all heard the tune before you saw anyone, piles upon piles of trash a few giggles in between notes of the crackling song and soon enough two small figures came into view a young Chrollo and Paku holding hands arms enveloped around the waist of the other. They were beaming at one another you let it play a bit longer before it cut out. Turning around everyone was looking between Paku and Dancho. Pakunoda wiped her eyes before she looked over to a smiling Chrollo.
"That was a good choice."
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wotw round 1
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propaganda under the cut!
will graham:
OMG where do I even start??? A lot of the fandom (not the whole fandom, but a lot of them) are obsessed with Will Graham being traumatized helpless baby boy sub and it's just like… Hello? Did you watch the same show as me?
"Oh no he got his brain caught on fire with encephalitis he needs his big strong psychiatrist Hannibal to take care of him and spoon feed him and protect him from the world"
"Oh he's in love with his friend Alana but she just sees him as a friend and a psychiatric project I just need to wrap him in a blanket and cuddle him and protect him from all these people who hurt him"
Like the list goes on and on but guys, come on. Will Graham lives by himself with his 7 dogs and takes care of all of them. He's an FBI agent. HE'S LITERALLY KILLED PEOPLE BOTH WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND WITH WEAPONS. THIS MAN IS A SCRUFFY OUTDOORSMAN WHO'S LIKE 6'0" AND MAYBE NOT BUILT BUT DEFINITELY NOT SCRAWNY AND IN NEED OF PROTECTING. I think a lot of people get caught up in the fact that Will Graham is played by Hugh Dancy and he was very much a "pretty boy" character in a lot of stuff before he played Will Graham and this is also exacerbated by Hannibal being played by Mads Mikkelsen who is "slightly taller rugged silver fox European man who is going to fix my daddy issues" and since Will and Hannibal are the main couple a lot of people are like "well they can't both be big tough top guys so obviously it's the guy who's slightly bigger and buffer and older"
Will Graham is a 38 year old FBI criminal profiler who has killed dangerous people with his bare hands, went to prison for some time, masterfully manipulated others, also hunts and fishes, and he's like very good at reading people and their motivations. Incredibly smart everyday man.
Sweet JESUS sometimes the fandom makes him out to be more of a helpless puppy than he really is. Granted, even if he has his moments of mental vulnerability, it's never treated as weak by the show. He's managed to persist through some of the hardest situations. AND LIKE I GET IT, HE'S REALLY PRETTY WHEN HE'S IN PAIN AND SUFFERING BUT HE'S NOT!!! A BABY!!! Anyway I've seen a lot of fandom takes where he's been twinkified to high hell or portrayed as helpless/submissive and often it entirely diminishes that he's a grown fucking person (who has KILLED AND WILL DO IT AGAIN).
had encephalitis in s1 so everyone calls him sweaty & got framed for murder so when he actually murders people people say it’s not his fault and that he was manipulated into doing so (how do you manipulate someone into putting down a shotgun and beating someone to death with their bare hands when you’re not even there? fuck if i know. also, the manipulator in question (hannibal, his sort of therapist) actively stopped him from killing someone). “someone help will graham” is an actual tag on ao3. people treat him like a child. he is a serial killer and people act like he can’t even feed himself. it’s terrible. will graham is a liar, a murderer, a cannibal, a manipulator, and i love him for it
jason "jd" dean:
shoutout to my lovely friend who knows who they are who talk abt how jd does no wrong and hes so slay when like. he does slay. he did slay. he slayed three whole people. and tried to slay a school. like, jd does a lot of wrong. all he does is wrong. and sometimes the fandom acts like everything he does is super chill and fine and sane, and ignores what he did altogether. like yea christian slater was fit in the movie. yk whats not fit? homocide
hes also treated like an innocent lil baby who can do nothing for himself but im watching the movie rn and he just bashed veronicas head off of an emergency fire hose, and shes apparently the love of his life
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iraprince · 1 year
Absolutely love the Infodump on Cookie she's so good. however!! I remember you made a trio of characters for this game and were torn about which one to play, then decided the other two could be his attendants.
How are those two, what are they up to?? Have you done much with them in the game so far? (And even if not, wanna give us some tastey information about 'em?)
oooh yes! those two are sir velvet the unsmiling (it/she), and damned-if-i-do/dandy (he/they). let's pull up their art (esp now that i have crispy clean new scans!!! i think i have only ever posted this art as shitty phone pics prior to this)
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ANYWAY. it turns out that even though attendants are a built-in part of the noble sweetheart playbook (cookie's title) and you're SUPPOSED to be using them... for me in practice, when i'm actually playing the game, i just keep totally forgetting lmfao!!!! :') rping with my other party members and chasing quests and stuff is so engaging that my brain is totally booked with just being cookie, let alone two additional npcs, so sadly dandy and velvet have not gotten a ton of screentime in the current campaign
BUT that really just makes me eager to one day play them properly in a different campaign, whether that's them each taking their turn as player characters like was originally intended, or when i'm GMing a campaign of my own (i'm trying to write up something for my friends, but i have no idea when it's actually gonna happen bc i'm so busy rip... but when i do, cookie and her attendants will def be npcs)
i honestly don't have MUCH i can say abt them, bc since i haven't played them much i also havent developed them much... i suppose i can give summaries tho!
in terms of vibes velvet is very much like, "guy who is brooding so hard that it stops being mysterious or having any gravity at all and is mostly just making people wonder if she's like? okay?????" like there is only so long you can spend with your back to the rest of the group clenching your fist and muttering to yourself before people just start kind of glossing over it and being like "oh haha that's CLASSIC sir velvet the unsmiling!!!"... mix this with a heady dose of "[nasal voice] UM, you forgot to collect the homework" and somehow you have created a creature ideal for wrangling cookie's effusive elaborate scatterbrained whims, somehow, most of the time. velvet is really similar to a different Brooding Goth Knight character i have wherein my formula is "make a character who looks extremely fucking sicknasty badass, then never ever ever stop making fun of them ever"
dandy is cookie's quartermaster, and so unlike velvet (who's usually assumed to be traveling around with cookie, even if i am constantly forgetting to roleplay that it's doing that) he mostly chills at chateau gorgeous looking after his liege's affairs and making sure the ppl who live there are fed + sheltered + generally taken care of. they are pretty much velvet's exact opposite in terms of temperament; EVERYTHING gets velvet's hackles up, NOTHING phases dandy. i need to be careful bc i am starting to arbitrarily ship them just from typing this. anyway, dandy is largely non-verbal; they're able to speak if really necessary, but they would just rather not, and if there's really no way around it they'd rather just sidle over to cookie and whisper it to her, and then let her communicate whatever they want to say to the rest of the group on their behalf; if cookie's not around, you're just gonna have to figure out how to communicate w him otherwise. which always works out fine bc dandy is very patient and used to getting along in silence!
that's about all i've got rn... i will def post it here if i come up with or draw anything else that's fun tho :) ty for the ask!
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thinkofmehoney · 3 months
The city of my heart
Chapter one.
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto
Summary: In the bustling city, Satoru and Suguru's paths cross again after so many years, intertwining their lives in unexpected ways. As single parents navigating the complexities of raising kids and confronting personal demons, they find solace in each other's company. Unbeknownst to them, a long-buried flame rekindles, and their journey becomes a delicate dance between friendship, love, and the challenges that come with second chances.
Where Satoru sees Suguru at his kids’ school after twelve years without seeing each other. Oh and Suguru has twin daughters, just to add up to Satoru’s shock.
(click for Ao3 version)
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Warnings: None for now, but I’ll treat sensitive topics later on, probably after chapter 5 or so.
Contents: Non Sorcerer AU, single dad Satoru x Single dad Suguru, friends to strangers to lovers (kinda)
Notes: (I almost forgot to mention, Satoru comes from a wealthy family in this au) I’m blindly trusting my past self who wrote this and made all the calculations, but if there’s any mistakes in dates or characters ages and etcetcetc, please forgive me 😭. I’ll add more notes at the end, my brain is empty rn.
(3.1k words)
Satoru's house was a mess, It was like a earthquake just destroyed everything in sight, there was empty boxes of school supplies on the floor, clean clothes scattered on the sofa and chairs, a bag of hair ties that seemed to have exploded... in reality, it was something way less tragic than a natural disaster. Satoru and his kids were getting ready before school.
He was just as nervous as Megumi and Tsumiki for their first day of school, if not more. He changed clothes almost four times before deciding that a white button down and black pants will do.
In record time, he had the frozen waffles ready to eat on the table, along with hot chocolate for him and Megumi and a cup of tea for Tsumiki, because she thought that Satoru’s breakfasts were way too sweet.
Satoru was fixing the tie of a grumpy Megumi. "Leave it! I don't wanna wear this stupid tie anyways." After some fixing on his uniform, Satoru finally let him free to eat his waffles.
"But you look fancy, Meg!" He sat down with them and looked at the watch on his wrist, they still had 10 minutes to eat their breakfast. "It's only for the first days though, after that you can take it off, they won't care."
When Satoru was about to get up and get more chocolate syrup, he noticed Tsumiki, only ate about 1/4 of her plate. He softly stroked her hair. "What's wrong princess? is it too sweet? We still have time to make toast." She denied with her head.
"It's not that, the waffles are great." She smiled politely. "I'm just nervous… What if I don't make any friends?" Satoru’s heart squeezed, Tsumiki seemed genuinely worried looking down and fidgeting with her fingers.
"You will, baby, I can promise you that." While he spoke, he picked Tsumiki's knife and fork to cut the waffles in smaller pieces. "Everyone is gonna be nervous, it's the first day after all, so you are all gonna be on the same page. Maybe the first day you won't have a best friend or something like that right away, but by the end of the week i'm sure you'll have your group."
He smiled reassuringly at her, who now felt more confident. He picked one small waffle with the fork and put his other hand under it in case it fell, "Now, eat this waffle I made with love for you." She smiled and ate it happily.
"But you didn't make them, you just put them in the toaster and they're not even defrosted all the way," Megumi said with a grumpy expression on his face as usual, but Satoru knew that picking on him was his unique humor and also his way to show affection, even though the kid wouldn't admit it. "It had some ice inside from the freezer."
Satoru got up and walked towards Megumi and his empty and almost squeaky clean plate. With ice or not, Megumi liked the frozen waffles. "Damn relax, no one was going to take the waffles away from you Meg." He joked as he brought the plate and empty mug to the kitchen.
He left the dishes on the sink and looked at his watch again, his eyes widened when he noticed that the ten minute breakfast turned out to be fifteen. He sprinted to the main entrance, "Kids, go wash your teeth quickly, I'll start the car!"
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Satoru drove his car through the busy morning traffic, glancing in the rearview mirror at his two children sitting in the backseat, a mix of excitement and nervousness on their faces as they anticipated their first day at their new school.
Satoru grinned and began chatting enthusiastically, his words flowing to reassure them, even if they didn't respond much. "You two are going to do great! Just calm down, and remember, it's a fresh start with new friends and new adventures. You're both very smart children, this year will be great!"
Even though Megumi had slightly frown eyebrows, inside he felt at ease after Satoru’s words. And Tsumiki's face lit up with a smile. When they arrived, Satoru carried their backpacks until the entrance, but Megumi thought something was off when he noticed that Satoru walked with them inside the school.
"Why are you coming with us?" Megumi looked at Satoru with a raised eyebrow, and he was checking his phone, reading something.
"There's a welcoming act at the school’s auditorium for parents and students, the principal will give a speech and blah blah blah." after reading some texts, Satoru smiled at the screen. "But Nanami told me that there will be a table with snacks." Megumi snorted and Tsumiki looked at Satoru with a side eye. "With how expensive this school is, the least they can do is offer me a cup of tea." He said in between his teeth.
"Don't do anything embarrassing, please." He walked ahead of his sister and Satoru, already feeling embarrassed that his dad was walking with him inside the school like he was a little kid that could get lost.
"And don't flirt with Nanami, he's gonna be our teacher now." Tsumiki added seriously.
Satoru was flabbergasted at both of his children, but still a little bit entertained. "Wha- I'm not gonna embarrass you or flirt with anyone! You guys think too little of me!". They finally got to the school’s auditorium, the teachers were guiding the kids to their sits by grade, so Satoru would go sit behind where the parents were. "Okay go to your seats and listen to your teachers, I'll go grab a cup of tea." he ruffled their hair one last time to then go to the snack table.
When he got there he saw Nanami, just like they said on text messages. The speech and Welcome Act hadn't started yet so the majority of the kids were sitting while the parents grabbed a coffee and talked with each other.
"Nanami! How are you?" He greeted his friend with a brief hug and backslap, looking at him up and down when they separated. "Lookin' good." He said flirtatiously, enjoying the playful banter that often annoyed Nanami.
The blond man just rolled his eyes and sighed, "I'm good, thank you. How are you? it's Tsumiki's last year before high school isn't it?"
Satoru sighed with a proud smile, glancing in her direction for a moment. "It is, my little girl is all grown up now." He looked down at his cup of tea with a hint of nostalgia. "I hope her high school years will be the best years of her life." Nanami's gaze softened at his words.
"I'm sure she'll have a great time, she's the sweetest kid ever; you've done a great job." Satoru chuckled, moved by his friend’s words, and playfully hit his arm.
"C'mon Nanami, you're gonna make me cry and Megumi already told me not to embarrass him." Satory wiped a fake tear from his face and Nanami laughed tenderly at Megumi’s words.
"Megumi is the best, he's the only one that keeps you humble." They kept chatting about the kids and their jobs, discussing on which students were more difficult to deal with: the college students, because Satoru was a professor, or the little noisy kids that Nanami taught. But suddenly something, or rather, someone familiar caught Nanami's attention.
A few meters away from them, he recognized a tall man with black straight hair tied in a half bun, who also wore black ear gauges. He haven’t seen that man in ages, so he could be wrong, maybe it was a mistake, his eyes were probably deceiving him, but no, it really was...
"Isn't that Suguru Geto?" Nanami abruptly interrupted their conversation while squinting his eyes.
After hearing that name, Satoru's blood froze automatically on his veins, and Nanami could tell by his mortified expression.
Satoru hasn't heard his name coming from anyone in a really long time. At first thought he didn’t heard Nanami correctly, because there was just no way. Was his sugar addiction finally getting to him? Has he finally started hallucinating?
He decided to slowly turn around to see where was Nanami looking at, and he didn't knew what to expect, the most realistic thing that could happen is that when he turned around he'd see someone that looked like him, and nothing more.
But oh there he was.
And he wasn't alone, he was with two little girls about the same age as Megumi, and they wore the same uniform as Tsumiki. Satoru couldn't believe this, being realistic, he never imagined that he would be seeing him again, specially there and with two kids.
His one and only best friend, whom he considered him to be the person he has been the closest to, the person he trusted the most, and that still felt like someone important to him even though the last time they saw each other they were about seventeen years old.
Things didn’t stop there, he felt his heart dropping to the floor when those violet eyes caught a glance of his own, completely defenseless. They both stood there, looking at each other like a bucket of cold water just fell over their heads, this had to be a sick joke of some kind.
Satoru felt the need to get closer, to say something, anything. It felt like he was bewitched, but just when he was thinking about breaking the distance and take the first step, Tsumiki appeared in front of him with a hair tie on her hand.
"Dad, can you put my hair on a ponytail? the speech is about to start and they'll take pictures." Satoru seemed to be on a trance, so Tsumiki tugged on his shirt. "Dad! hurry up!"
Satoru looked at her and chuckled nervously, "Sorry love... there you go, now go to your seat." His daughter thanked him and walked back where she came from. But when he looked up he couldn't find him anymore.
Nanami could only imagine how this moment felt for Satoru. After all, he just saw his best friend after twelve years. He put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "Hey, are you alright?" His friend sighed distressed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Can I go to your place this evening? I just... need to talk about this."
"Of course, you're welcome whenever you need it." Satoru smiled, he felt so glad to have a friend like Nanami.
"Okay but don't get too excited, we're just going to talk, that's all." Nanami rolled his eyes and slapped the back of Satoru's head.
"How can you still make your perverted jokes in a moment like this?" Satoru just laughed, and sighed hopeless.
"I don't know, I think i'm going insane."
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Satoru arrived at Nanami's apartment at 7:30 PM, they both had to work the day after so they decided to meet early, that way Satoru could be back home and sleeping at 10:00 PM. They had to admit that they felt old for calculating the time to get home and sleep, they weren’t the same boys from college.
Nanami got himself a whisky on the rocks and a glass of sweet wine for his friend as they sat down on the balcony. Satoru and Nanami met in high school, but became good friends after graduation, and after all those years they've known each other, he has never seen Satoru as stressed as he was right now, not even once.
"Nanami, what should I do?" His leg bounced up and down and his fingers ran through his white hair, then he rested his forehead on his hand. "Should I talk to him or should I just pretend like I didn't see him?"
"I don't think that's going to work, you'll see him pretty often, you know?" He took a sip from his cold glass, "His daughters are Megumi's classmates." Satoru’s eyes widened in surprise.
"Oh shit, I forgot that he has two daughters." Nanami wanted to laugh at Satoru’s comment and the expression on his face.
"So? You literally have two kids yourself."
"But what if he's married or something?" Nanami raised an eyebrow, and Satoru just chugged his wine like it was a shot, probably not wanting to taste the liquor since he wasn't used to drink.
"Would that... be a problem?" The blue eyed man just sighed, frustrated with his own confusing mix of feelings.
"No... yes. Ugh, I don't know, maybe?" his hands rubbed his face, trying to dissipate his exhaustion and stress. And now Nanami was truly confused, he wasn’t expecting such an ambiguous answer from him.
"Wait a second, are you telling me... that you feel something for Geto?" Nanami couldn't believe it, did Satoru really felt something for that man? Even after all those years had passed? Satoru’s face told him all he needed to know but didn't want to hear.
"I don't think I've ever stopped having some sorta feelings for him." It was something crazy, but Satoru seemed sincere about it. Still, Nanami couldn't wrap his head around it. “I really liked him back then, at the time I could even say that I loved him but, I was too young and realized too late.” He smiled with nostalgia at the bittersweet memories.
"But it's been twelve years!" Nanami was shocked, but Satoru seemed just so certain about it, even though it’s been a decade without even talking to him. The blond man suddenly felt like he was the only sane person in that apartment.
"Believe me, I'm well aware that it's been twelve years... I think about it more often than I should." Melancholy slowly filled his eyes. "We had a fight before he left, that's the last time we said something to each other." Nanami tilted his head slightly.
"So you guys broke up in bad terms?" Satoru looked at him confused at first, but then he understood, he could just chuckle nervously.
"Oh we weren't together, I never even got to tell him that I had a crush on him." He had to be joking, Nanami thought.
"What? You guys were just friends?" Satoru nodded with a sheepish smile, "But- I remember you two were like an old married couple. And what was the fight even about? Can't you just tell me the whole story?" Nanami simply couldn't understand them, but he didn't knew if asking was a good idea after seeing Gojo with a melancholic glaze on his eyes as he thought about his past.
"I remember when we were around sixteen or seventeen, I think that's when I noticed that Suguru started to act different... He seemed more tired and distant, he started to get thinner and his hair was tangled and undone instead of in a bun like he always had it." He swallowed the lump on his throat that wanted to break his voice, the memories of a young Suguru just slowly shutting down was something that made him want to cry.
Satoru continued. "I didn't know for certain what was happening to him, but I could tell that he wasn't in a good place, so I always tried to cheer him up and make him feel better, but I guess it wasn't enough." A treacherous tear rolled down his cheek, he wiped it quickly pretending it didn't happen. Nanami, witnessing this vulnerable side of him, was taken aback. "And when he left I felt lonelier than ever, it reminded me of when I was a kid... Suguru was the only person that truly understood me, unlike everyone else I've ever met. With him, everything seemed just so bright, so comforting. He saw beyond my last name and status, he appreciated me for who I actually was." Another shaky breath escaped him, revealing the depth of their connection.
Seeing him crying was something difficult, Satoru was someone strong, someone you could hardly ever see being sad or vulnerable, but he was always there for anyone that needed him. Nanami immediately offered him a tissue and tried to comfort him, whispering "It's okay."
"When I realized that his decision was already taken and that he was leaving the city... I told him that he was just, running away from his problems instead of facing them, and that he- he didn't care about our future or our plans and... I think what hurt him the most was when I said that he didn't cared about us, I can't get the look on his face off my mind." His hand ran through his hair, and he finally turned to look at Nanami, "I think that… Suguru was my first love, I've never had anything like what I had with him, and I never will again."
There was a silence, Satoru tried to steady his breaths while Nanami just processed everything that he said. He knew those two were close, but he didn't knew they were that important to each other, even though he thought that they were dating, he imagined that it was just a high school sweetheart.
"I think this is your chance to talk to him." After meditating it, he thought that it was the best option for him, but Satoru looked at him with wide and teary eyes, like he was asking for more advice. "If you two are in this situation right now, where your kids go to the same school and that you'll see each other again often... I think that you should try and at least keep things peaceful with your so called «first love»." Satoru looked down and laughed softly.
"Easier said than done..." His phone buzzed on his pocket, he checked it and it was a picture from Choso, his babysitter and also his student. It was a picture of Tsumiki sitting on the couch and doing a peace sign with her hand, next to her Megumi covered his face with a drawing he made of an animal that seemed like a magic wolf.
He dried his remaining tears with his sleeve and put his phone back in his pocket. "I better get going, Choso has to study for an exam."
"You better give that kid extra credit." Satoru chuckled. They walked to the main entrance and before his friend left, he stopped him to talk "Satoru, if you need to talk, or if you need advice or even if you need someone to take care of your kids, don't doubt asking, I'll always be here okay?" Satoru felt really moved by his words, but he couldn't resist to pick on Nanami.
"I will. Thank you, seriously." He smiled. "Oh, and don't call me Satoru, I get flashbacks from college." Nanami almost laughed when Satoru winked at him.
"If nine years ago I knew that you would still bother me 'til this day, I would've thought about it twice before sleeping with you."
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Notes: I thought Nanago hooking up in college would be funny teehehe. Ahh I’ve been wanting to post this fic for so long, but now it’s finally here!! Feedback is greatly appreciated <3
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oceanlipgloss · 5 months
I just wrapped up Chapter 3 and started Chapter 4, and THERE'S AN H-SCENE RIGHT AFTER THE FIRST STORY. It's going to be Bimet's. It has to be. I can feel it in my bones Belial is still being treated in the hospital and no other demons were introduced or are likely to show up rn anyways so it only makes sense (edit 1: IT'S BIMETTTTTT)
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intro: hehe looks pretty unhinged to me I'm taking this to mean that Bimet goes from being poised to using a couple of brain cells oui, sounds good to me And! I really like how his irises are the shade of molten gold. I love his design, period the character design in this game is perfection overall God bless fr
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update I: Satan, Sitri, and Ppyong being jealous cuties annoyed with Mammon? Aw yiss <3
update II: Bimet is blushing ALREADY, and he's almost begging MC to let him 'help' her. Goddamn, bro, have some dignity lol humour and jokes aside, though, Bimet is very much about materialism, so such behaviour makes perfect sense and is expected of him. I like the realistic take on it i.e. money and riches would make him do anything, that kind of thing. He also seems to have become VERY fascinated with MC after Mammon made her his master
update III: yup, MC either stands there butt naked, crawls under the covers or cloaks herself and turns into a reaper. And given what's about to happen, just imagining her sitting on the edge of the bed huddled up like an old lady is comical to say the least lmao
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update IV: kneel, before your queen aaand he knelt I have a weird feeling about that
update V: yeah hon, I figured as much does that mean Mammon used to be the one that aroused him most? I also find his wording interesting, particularly the 'owned his Majesty Mammon' part, as it suggests that he may view living beings—and now even his very own king—as another 'brand' of possessions. Look at his face though, the man is gonna snap snapped like a button off a shirt
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update VI: run for it, MC he totally lost it lmao it's all at once intriguing, sort of hot and funny to see him act like this. He always carries himself so elegantly and speaks with such sophistication, yet he's so worked up rn that he's basically functioning with half a brain
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update VII: why are his eyes bloodshot and why is he acting like a cat and why do I feel like he's this close to holding her foot and kissing her toes or worse pls don't do that she hasn't even cleaned them
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update VIII: he seems to get off on the idea of serving her, but if I'm being honest, I don't like the idea of someone viewing themselves as a servant to the other. It feels degrading no matter how I look at it. However! This is merely my 'humane' voice talking, if you will, because taking into account Bimet's Timophilia and the way in which he thinks makes this such an excellent take on his scene and the very foundation of it—it's smartly dark and perfectly in character. I appreciate that a lot and enjoy the twisted tinge to it. With that being said, let me continue reading and see what he plans on doing next I can guess
update IX: ...I really saw that coming from a mile away, huh? NOW he's going to lick or suck them, isn't he?
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update X: STOP THAT THIS INSTANT, BIMET. SHE DIDN'T EVEN WASH HER FEET BEFORE THIS I TELL YOU Hands? Sexy. No offense though, I can't see what about feet is...exciting. I understand that feet to some people are like abs to others, but...yeah
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update XI: MC is the master of two rich men now congrats
update XII: I'm going to passionately ignore the first part of this extremely unholy sentence and say that him placing her leg on his shoulder is HOT ASF I may or may not have a thing for that
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update XIII: slurp slurp squish squish flashbacks is this wording style dedicated to Mammon and his subordinates or something? lol And it seems like Tartaros's devils are fond of slurping sipping from MC's swimming pool the fuck did I just say
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update XIV: she's holding his horns for support YESSSS the horns, guys, the handles hornssss and pls look at him iswtg he's losing it
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update XVI: sexy slippery things horns pffff MC tho? Girl genuinely needs a floatie or two like how tf does she keep getting even wetter how is she anatomically built? Does her water source know no end?
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update XVII: at first glance it seems like he's throwing shade, but logically, this is his way of telling her that he was prepping her for the stick what's next ik he's doing this because she's his master and he would kill to be her servant but that was considerate of him, so good job ig lol ngl though this is such a funny sentence, it comes off both as a roast AND a 'kindness'
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update XVIII: fuckkk something about them taking their clothes off as she watches is mmm look another kink
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update XIX: someone tell him that MC isn't the CEO of the universe this is hot in a weird makes-the-heart-flutter kind of way And: "so 'this' is yours as well" damn, even his dick I mean his hot object no, his thing belongs to MC now hallelujah
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update XX: I really like Bimet, but this has got to be the funniest sex scene I've ever read because I assure you, I am NOT taking it very seriously lmao
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update XXI: broooo this is so silly-dramatic it's like a comedy sketch omg lol and MC—as per usual—judges and deduces as she gets railed are u not affected at all
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update XXII: boy looks half-crazed And it's obvious from his sprite but wow is he fucking RIPPED which carving knife did God use to chisel that body, honey? her feet look cursed tho ngl I'm also trying to figure out the physics and anatomy behind how he managed to rail her while she was still sitting on the edge of the bed because he JUST entirely moved her on top of the bed and I'm like, eh???
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update XXIII: MC is dying going to pieces that's more like it
update XXIV: that's sexy, Bimet
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update XXV: yes yes yes. YES. That's what I'm talking about. I love the change in his mood and attitude. At the moment, Bimet wants MC because to him, she's currently 'richer' than Mammon himself, but if Mammon were to no longer belong to her, Bimet would not want her like this anymore. It's so logical but fucked up and dark, which is why IT TICKLES MY FANCYYYY
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update XXVI: something about how he's asking her to make sure that Mammon stays hers is making my heart flip because it's almost like he's telling her 'I want to keep being aroused by you,' and I know that's messed up of him in a sense, but GOD IT'S HOT, IT'S SO HOT
update XXVII: the insults compliments keep on coming lmao he means that in a good way weird but okay (edit 2: he next says that 'it's a relief he can make her happy,' meaning these qualities of hers aid him in doing so)
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update XXVIII: the others couldn't but he could. He's got power fr money power glory but really now, how come he was able to and the others weren't I'm curious am I missing something here
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update XXIX: sjswjdsnjsns I LOVE that expression on him OH GOD speaking of expressions, I just remembered Satan's heart-eyes expression and fuck, it's SO CUTE and it makes me feel something
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update XXX: MC made me think of that one yowling cat that goes 'nonononononono' also dude I am howling at these descriptions like PLS LMAO
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update XXXI: this is a sweet gesture with unusual undertones. He cares about her in a delusional (in all honesty) and strange manner, but he doesn't quite like her for who she is like others do (i.e. Satan (my bby♡) and Mammon). Yet, he's giving her the first thing he ever considered to be his, and knowing his mentality, that's a big deal—it shows just how seriously he takes this no matter how funny it appears to be. But not him describing Solomon as a saucy man lmao love that saucy must be a hereditary trait I'm also very fond of the concept of giving someone something and asking them to give it back one day with an arrogant expression and saucy words, of course it's such a sentimental concept that has a tint of mystery to it.
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+note: I mentioned this earlier, but the way Bimet's Timophilia was handled was smart and very proportionate to his character. I just have a note on Bimet's character, specifically in the final part of the scene.
I'm going to say that while Bimet really enjoys serving MC, I don't approve of how he talks about himself as though he's an object and not a living being (i.e. by saying 'if you feel like I have value'). There's dark beauty to this theme, and it's so damn good it feeds my love for the twisted things lol more importantly, that's just how Bimet's mind often works: materialistically, so he doesn't have an issue with referring to himself that way.
From a sound perspective, though, it's sad that he holds such a view, because in reality he is neither an item to be used nor a servant; also, MC being Solomon's descendant, as well as Bimet quite literally believing the delusion that she's the richest person in the world, both don't mean that MC has the right to weigh anyone's value—that's not to say she will do so—no matter how much he believes that she does.
However, this is a HUGE compliment on my part. What I'm saying is, it's on par with who Bimet is and how he thinks. Basically, it's these themes and mangled aspects to the characters that play a great part in making this entire game such a refreshing pleasure. I really hope it stays that way.
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binalakai · 8 months
i also wish people would be more receptive to relationship speculation, at the very least. there were so many moments in fionna and cake where simon and fionna’s interactions had me raising my eyebrows and thinking “wow, what’s up with this chemistry rn?” but i know posting about it to see if others also noticed would get me dogpiled lol. glad i’m not the only one entertaining the ship and its implications to/for the characters it encompasses.
also winter king/simon is intriguing as well, if only in a weird homestuck self-shipping (dave and davesprite anyone?) kind of way where both characters get to have major epiphanies bc they’re basically looking into a mirror (may be more of a funhouse mirror for winter king/simon but still works lol)
i do not ship any of these pairings, please dont take this post from a shipping perspective
i apologize in advanced if this post is said messy. its given an opening to many things ive been thinking about since the start of the show and i know i wanna come back to it in case any new developments were to happen at the final season 1 episodes tldr; Kai Talks About how much i Love Very Messed Up Pairings, not because i want them to actually be together, but because i am NOT the type to ignore Seeds That Have been Planted in canon so i will Grow Horrible Realizations i've been having out of them
YEAH NO BECAUSE I LIKE. I JUST WANNA POINT OUT WHAT'S CANON OKAY!! i think this post is like. the only one ive seen that Has Pointed out The Adventure Time Ice King/Fionna dynamic in the lenses of the Simon we have today....and even then thats just a joke post :")
because like. okay. i need people to think about this for a second: yes, ice king didn't Come With with Fionna and Cake's existence, but why in the world would he Choose to be responsible for writing it? for bringing their stories to life and showing off a world that's been living in his head? i genuinely think people don't really like the ugly side of how badly loneliness has mutated Ice King's way of thinking (i mean for gods sake the guy tries to kiss/get with anyone, mf cant even recognize the person he claims to be falling in love with). that, yeah. of course if he had a World Living inside his brain that felt so Real to him that he CONSTANTLY wished for it to not only but true, but one that would be close to him!! one that would welcome him!!!! no matter what itd be, romantic, platonic, To the point of Worship....like ANYTHING that would bring him closer to genuine Connection in his alienating experience. NOTABLY for fionna The Human!!! the human that parallels a real life actual kid that mostly has kicked Ice King's ass to eventually treating him like a Poor confused Old Lost Guy. still, i need to stress the kind of dynamic finn and the ice king have is NOWHERE near the kind of dynamic fionna and ice king have (and even with simon developments included). . ...except this time around, even when he does have his own parallel Ice Queen existing manifesting the Must Needed Rival for their universe to make sense, mutating her character into something that to make her more Vicious/Violent, making Ice King seem Nicer In Comparison and dare i say that, yeah...! some of that HAS been carried onto modern day Fionna!! who CANONICALLY has romantic feelings towards ice prince and the winter king, parallels to ice king/simon himself! just. sorry but i NEED both Simon and Fionna to like. Read Those Stories. I Need them to revisit the VERY specific stories that Ice King felt the need to tell in the first place, his and other people in their lives' inclusions. it would not only reinforce Simon's Influence in the world Period, something that he found himself doubting on ...but also I NEEEEEEDDD to see that can of worms opened. i NEED for Fionna to see for herself the people SHE'S supposed to be representing. i NEED for her to see what kind of void she's been filling in Ice King/Simon's time of existence. i NEED for her to see how big the Obsession GOT, how badly Ice King needed that outlet of escapism (and how much Simon still returns to it in the present day)
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^ this moment has been living in my brain ever since the announcement of the Fionna and Cake series that Fionna's fixation on the ice prince, her life, her..everything in general, is more or less a Weird Reflection of the lives of People living Greater Lives than she ever believed to have lived, combined with how said proclaimed experiences of Magic have only been recorded by a guy who Inserted Himself in a world she doesnt even recall living in Im surprised that. hasnt been so Stressed yet in show. im prepared to eat my words if they DO come back to it. but for the time being i really wish Fionna found out how desperate Simon/Ice King was for someone to acknowledge and Desire His Existence, to a degree that would be absolutely humiliating/weird to uncover but Necessary to come back to in order to truly understand the Scope of what 1000+ years of Madness through Ostracization (from others and eventually the Self) Does to a MF
__________ AS OF FOR MY THOUGHTS ON THE WINTER KING, he alas only truly an episode to explore. but the thoughts still exist nonetheless!!! for the most part i can only truly indulge in it out of pure hilarity for its existence, while acknowledging how much im so thankful that winter king was characterized as he was n didnt overstay his welcome, as i didnt find him necessary to stay in the narrative . there's a lot of feelings i have about simon/ice king's perception of himself alone, and how most of it is Either Negative or Overcompensation Due to his own self negativity. which makes me curious on what could come of a Better Version of Himself, looking at the version of himself that has "failed" to conquer the crown the way he has, but contemplated on pursuing romantically, even for a brief moment honestly, i dont blame people for being invested in this pairing (in comparison to fionna/simon, where i cannot myself entertain it even as a joke unlike this one). it makes me curious on what the Winter King's definition of romance is in comparison to Simon's. what could even be desirable, possibly, in the eye's of the Winter King? Does the love of someone you'll go mad over truly make you a Better Person Or Worse? Simon and Winter King existing in the same room together brings up so many questions and possible ways to explore Simon's character. wayyyyyyyyyy less of a "this can be simon's way of practicing self love" thing and MUCH more of a "These Guys Kissing each other would be the equivalent of the Narcissus Tale but with a Distorted Reflection that only Represents You because the reflection Demands That of you"
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smoreboi · 1 month
catching up on magnus protocol after I accidentally fell off for like.. seven weeks… dropping my opinion of 6, 7, and 8 before I continue:
6 -> love needles, fantastic character, manic pixie dream girl of my thoughts, he’s glorious, in competition w Michael for THE character ever in my brain rn
7 -> awe, she seems nice, and not at all suspiciously more aware of things I didn’t think would be talked about this soon, not much on the case itself, very Breekon and Hope-esque, it’s all for a good cause is pretty catchy, and I thought they may have been talking about a Gerry similar to our original Gerry there at the end
8 -> where do I even begin. Cool case file, love an other world of cannibals where your only escape is to go through some glass, if I had a nickel for every time, I’d have two, all that jazz (although slamming into a mirror isn’t nearly as bad of an exit as jumping out of the window of a skyscraper, good on the flesh for upping the stakes of escape), meanwhile, in leading-the-plot city, we’ve got an email from a jo(h)n (idk if it’s h or not, haven’t been reading the transcripts, although feel I’ll have to for this one, I think even this scene was in a different ep, I’m just lumping all the plot here), we’ve got Gerry and Gee Gee, or Gertrude, living together and having some attachment to the Magnus institute, and we have Georgie who runs a podcast, so like.. I mean, just a bunch of stuff for my little brain to take in, I thought they’d ease into plot a little more, but no, we’re off to the races it seems, unless the next four slow back down immediately.
In any turn, great eps, will reblog w further thoughts as I continue to listen
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lostfracturess · 1 month
hi nici i'm back
So I stumbled on, each day collapsing into the next.  Until the next semester started and I remembered I had an actual job.
lmaoooo wait he kinda relatable for that ngl
GASSPPP SHE'S IN THE CLASS HE'S TEACHIGN omg this is so crazy. w all their history. n it's just back to square one. teacher n student. also i cant believe it's been four weeks sighhh
"Have you ever thought about how I felt when I found you?" she snapped, her voice rising. "How terrified I was when you wouldn't respond? When you couldn't even recognize me? When I thought you'd die on me?" She took a shaky breath. "Fuck Satoru, I held your face in my hands while you were barely breathing!"
YES!! LIKE SRS I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW TERRIFYING THAT WAS. omg this argument scene i canttt i mean reader kinda spittin facts but also idk it's hard for him too :((
"And that," she leaned closer, almost brushing my lips, "is what makes you the most pathetic person I know."
GODD I'M LOVING THIS FUCKING ANGST RN IT'S SO GOOD. THE ANGER IS SO PALPABLE also i just love how consistently in character reader is
But I also wanted nothing more than to fuck that attitude out of her right then and there.
HELPSDKFJSHDKF i must love toxic bc this had me UHHHHHH HAD ME FEELIN LOTS
:(( omg reader saying she's been waiting for it to get easier n how he said it would (once again proposing the song loml by ts for s&c couple) also KSDJFHSDKL suguru always walking in on them damn. send HIM to therapy too LOL
man i am EXHAUSTED for satoru rn. every single day for him is like a living hell jesus. i mean it CANNOT feel good for him to live this way, obv he's an addict but i guess i always err on the side that it's not really addicts faults?? esp when you know what goes on biochemically when it comes to addictions, they are literally almost impossible to fight, and in a lot of cases, canonically for s&c gojo too, addicts didn't WANT to be come miserable n codependent on substances. a lot of times, it's just bad place/time or someone coercing or influencing them to begin. and then they're fucked for life. the fact he's managed to become a self sufficient professor and maintain surgerical prowess while fighting an addiction is incredible, but he neeeeeds to get clean. like, there's nothing more important rn than for him to just. literally put himself in rehab, in therapy, etc. idk. im word vomiting here but i just really hope he gets genuine professional help. ive always found it interesting how doctors are at times the most careless of their own health
DAMNNN he called her a bitch.
oh my godsshhh the hATE SEX. PLS.
"You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that?" I leaned closer, my mouth close to her ear. "You hate who I am, but you crave this, don't you? Giving up control, being at my mercy. Admit it."
sighhhh. yes.
I leaned down over her, my hand snaking into her hair. I grabbed it tightly, forcing her head up to meet mine. "I love you, first-year," I murmured against her ear. She trembled, but her defiance remained strong. "I hate you." I sighed — always so fierce, makes me wonder what it takes to fuck that stubborn attitude out of her.  "It's alright, I love you enough for both of us."
damn. this chapter was just pure angst. im ngl gojo's brain is an insane thing, and the way you WROTE THISSS NICI???? literal poetry. i cannot believe how you can make me feel sm emotions n im like exhauted rn. emotionally worn out. but in a good way lol idk if this makes sense, but in the sense that it hurts so good?? anyways yet another awesome chapter, thanks sm for your hard work :''')
hello in part two !!
GASSPPP SHE'S IN THE CLASS HE'S TEACHIGN omg this is so crazy. w all their history. n it's just back to square one. teacher n student. also i cant believe it's been four weeks sighhh
they really are back to the beginning, but still everything changed, i loved this idea that they have this kind of seeing each other for the first time again in class as like in the beginning of the story 🫠💔
HELPSDKFJSHDKF i must love toxic bc this had me UHHHHHH HAD ME FEELIN LOTS
lol you're not the only one haha
also KSDJFHSDKL suguru always walking in on them damn. send HIM to therapy too LOL
poor suguru – the man needs a break from walking in on this trainwreck of a relationship. and yeah, a good therapist wouldn't hurt him either 😂😂
& yes ur talk about addiction is spot on. it breaks my heart, too, because that ongoing internal struggle is a huge part of what makes gojo such a compelling character.
his addiction isn't just a simple choice, it's incredibly complex, especially when you factor in his history and the immense pressure he faces every day. and his self-hatred and guilt just fuel the cycle.
and yes gojo desperately needs help, but for him, there's that added layer of fear – the fear of vulnerability, the fear of failure, and the overwhelming belief that he doesn't deserve help. really tragic. shame the author for writing this pewww !!
DAMNNN he called her a bitch.
i found it hilarious ngl 😂😂
ahhh, thank you so so much for always reading, commenting, and sharing your thoughts so generously ellie. it truly means the world to me 😭😭❤️
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
happy thursday hoes. time for some law and some order
Well fuck…what an opening..
“but there are definitely still traces of blood” girl… that hammer is COATED wtf…
I would like to point out that the way Kate runs her squad is the legit way that squads run. The CO (whether it be captain, lieutenant or sarge) is gonna stay in the office, they’re piled up with paperwork, the brass, putting out fires, they’re not out in the field…. Like svu. Ugh. I’m already not prepared for svu tonight, I’ve been watching through velasco’s eps and his older seasons were so good, esp compared to this year…
So we’re really doing this Ukraine surrogate/adoption plot line again, hey?
(I mean it is slightly different so far but like, it’s the same idea, right lol)
Samantha crushing it in the wardrobe dept as per usual
I like this new DA so much more than mccoy. Sorry not sorry.
I haven’t been paying too much attention to what’s going on (surprise) BUT, wtf does this case have to do with the grand jury that was taking place at the beg of the ep? With the girl all “he doesn’t know I’m here, right?” like, that girl was the murder vic? Or am I on crack? What is the connection?!
Uugggh… saaaammm my baby just needs a HUUUGGG
Okay, im actively not watching Toronto, see ya in an hour for svu.
Starting off with some personal, at home comfort. This is what we’ve been asking for forever (now give us rollisi at home pls).
“I googled you”
Okay so we finally did get noah discovering where he came from. Woof.
Olivia kinda sucks at parenting sometimes. Like… he’s a kid, he’s an *adopted* kid who already knows about gramma Sheila and ellie… he’s gonna be curious, he’s gonna wonder, also what kid HASN’T snooped through their parents private things? Like yeah it’s not ideal… it’d be best for him to ask you a question and you slowly reveal into things or whatever but we all know she just would’ve shut him down right away anyways.
Lowkey love those heart lights in noahs room, ngl.
I’m not gonna lie. If it was olivia I’d be more concerned about him knowing/reading about William lewis and all the shit that went down than finding out johnny d was his dad…
You know what I think? I think this would be a great time to call you bestie amanda and have her over for a bottle of wine while you talk this through and see what jessie knows about her dad/how amanda’s gonna approach that. Also like, does billie just think sonny’s her dad or does she know? LOL. But will that happen? Obviously not.
Okay you know what, carisi is the second best bet so I’ll take this.
Olivia really needs to catch a fucking break
Carisi you sit like a whore. But we already knew that.
Is there not a way to trace this call? Or like, I know the phone is about to die but like…find my iphone even works on dead phones…use the stepmoms phone rn to find out where she is. Easy fix. Use your brains.
Man… parents on these shows are always so fucking trusting of their kids and they think they know everything about them. Like...what world are we living in?
Awweeee lil carisi back in cop mode!
Girl… you barely looked in that one, that’s not clear
Me: where do I know this actor playing the step mom from?
Checks imbd: ah. She’s been on svu as a diff character before. Of course.
We love a good parent who immediately offers up all their money to pay ransom of their kids bff with no question.
I swear to god it wasn’t raining 5 seconds ago.. I get that these are likely filmed on diff days but that really came outta nowhere
Olivia’s drenched and velasco’s barely wet… wtf lol
Oh god she’s really about to go feral isn’t she?  Like, even velasco’s nervous af.
That’s exactly what I knew he was gonna say. Like, liv should’ve just said she was dead.
Okay what about the other three perps? Where are they?
JESUS FUCK. Velasco… be mean to me. yell at me.. degrade me. jfc.
Okay I love that when she told Velasco to put the perp in her car he was all “uh… that a good idea boss?” kinda unsure thing but as soon as she started going feral he was just all “yup. Okay. I know how to do this.” And was totally on board. That’s my boi
“youre lucky im not in IAB anymore” damn right bitch.
That’s a cozy ass looking sweater liv has on and I want it
He already knows about ellie…why are we starting there?
I can’t wait until this conversation sparks a “hey… can we go see grama Sheila? Is she still sick?” and liv THEN has to explain that gramma Sheila is in fact in JAIL because she kidnapped him
Okay… that episode was honestly really good. It was a nice balance of the at home/personal lives and the case.
OC time.
Pls god have a last time on cause I do not remember what was happening… baby bro joe was doing heroine? That’s all I remember
Is this his apartment or elliots apt? it looks similar but also I like it better lol.
Bernie is a blessing to this show.
Elliot all “an intervention?” as if they didn’t host one for him like two years ago?
Also I JUST watched the ep with Muncy’s brother this week and that actor is baby boy joe stabler so this is throwing me off.
 “we don’t do that…” jet. Another fucking legend on this show
SO glad Bell’s back.
Clearly im not paying attention to this ep in case anyone’s wondering (and yes, it is because it’s a stabler ep…)
Leave it to stabler to be there less than 5 mins before beating someone
Thank god bell had bobby with her cause homegirl had a cane last week, there’d be no way she should be on a foot chase rn. Lol
Omg jet and bobby UC yet AGAIN. I fucking love it.
Jet being absolutely the person that likely annoys the hell outta her, love that. 
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allmydokkuns · 11 months
if there's anyone Mandarin-speaking bilingual active on here and still has spoons for MDZS, I have a bit of a linguistic question but not enough knowledge to find an answer myself that I'd appreciate some help with!
I know the fanon fix it courtesy name for Meng Yao being accepted into Lanling Jin is "Ziyao," as in the correct generational character "Zi-" to match Zixuan and Zixun, plus his birth name. Is there any reason he can't still have his birth name and a courtesy name specific to his generation? Same thing goes for Mo Xuanyu.
I've been trying to think of good names for them in a scenario where this does in fact happen but all I've found so far is
偿 cháng for MY bc JGS doesn't deserve paternal rights, which only makes sense if you're privy to the poly fixit that lives rent free in my head...
Unfortunately I've come up with nothing for MXY for now, mainly because there's a particular kind of resonance between character birth names, courtesy names and personal titles that's hard to balance correctly for anyone who doesn't have a lot of working knowledge of the original language.
Anyway if there's anyone out there who has some ideas, reblog/comment/tag me on this post because my brain ain't spitting up much rn. Much thanks. I also remember reading something by someone else talking about how Lanling Jin goes by generations when it comes to deciding names for male descendants and that the radicals in Lan Xichen's and Wangj's birth names seem to be aligning by design, but I don't have enough spoons to find characters that contain the "xu" sound while also having some kind of relevant meaning for both MY and MXY. So instead I tried to think of word characters with good connotations that would be used to name sons as if the two of them had been accepted into the family with good intentions, dunno if I succeeded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯qq
((now the rest of this is just gonna be some thoughtvomit because what even is coherent sentences anymore, abrupt topic change bc my joints are too messed up to make a separate post))
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding traditional family dynamics, but there is no real reason for Lanling Jin to not accept both Meng Yao and Mo Xuanyu into Lanling Jin except for 1) as established, Jin Guangshan is a philandering rapist piece of shit that has absolutely no intentions of taking responsibility for his offspring and sexual proclivities, or 2) they're attempting to save face for the clan and trying to do the thing where if they do not acknowledge the existence of these children then the problem does not exist?
I understand that some people spin it as being Madame Jin's intolerance for these illegitimate sons given her abuse of Meng Yao after Zixuan's and Yanli's deaths in canon timeline, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me given how little presence she has in the plot and sect since she married into Lanling Jin. Not saying her taking out negative emotions on someone who for all intents and purposes she should be treating kind of like her son is right, because abuse is still abuse, but other than that it seems her only purpose in the plot is to give Zixuan a mother, Yu Ziyuan a sworn sister, Jiang Yanli a mother-in-law, and Jin Guangyao someone else to hate in Lanling. She's not distinct enough to have a canonical name other than her title as Jin Guangshan's wife, and besides which, being the wife she has no real power to make any decisions regarding the family's heirs. Moxiang Tongxiu straight up set up Lanling Jin as the wealthiest sect after Qishan Wen falls and they just so happen to be the only sect with only one (1) child born of the sect leader and his wife? Sus. Legally everything would have been all well and good if JGS was forced somehow into legitimizing both his illegitimate sons (the sons specifically, since having an illegitimate daughter does your family no real good in a Confucian society unless you're going to marry her out for political purposes) and they were raised as they should have been, especially since both MY and MXY seem like intelligent people. Zixuan gets some backers, Madame Jin gets some more kids and JGS gets some concubines, everyone wins! Even the sect's line of succession is more secure if he suddenly gets two sons. In short, there were so many ways JGS could have taken control of this situation as the father and sect leader and spun it to somehow come out smelling more like roses BUT HE ACTIVELY? CHOSE to give absolutely no shits and just let his wife, kids and sect suffer the consequences of this particular paternal dysfunction. And we all know what happened because he gave too many unnecessary fucks where they were not needed :^) or consensual :^)))) fuck that guy honestly tbh.
Now granted that was a whole sidebar, and maybe I'm thinking about this too hard but does nobody else think it's weird that of the Great Sects, only the male characters in Yunmeng Jiang and Gusu Lan have both canonical birth and courtesy names? It's almost like MXTX gave only the male characters most relevant to the story one of each honestly, since the only two exceptions that are coming to mind now are Su She (Minshan) and Xue Yang (Chengmei). Of course there is the argument that Wen Ning also has a courtesy name, but does it really count when no one uses it to refer to him? The naming stuff in this story are all over the place actually -- Jiang Cheng is the only sect leader of his generation that is referred to primarily by his birth name, but bc WWX is an unreliable narrator it's probably because he always called him that and somehow conveniently forgot he no longer had a right to call him that after he voluntarily left Yunmeng Jiang, therefore we as the audience also call him that... The fact that JC and WWX both seem to have courtesy names when they're kind of young for them, but that also goes for Lan Wangji. Neither the Nie brothers or Jin Zixuan have canonical alternate names, so either it wasn't very important to the plot (though it kind of is in Lanling after the Campaign when JGY gets legitimized but not really since it's the wrong generational character), but what's going on with Qinghe Nie's naming choices? This kind of inconsistency is fine if you handwave the whole thing about degrees of intimacy and formality and stuff but it gets funky if you stare at it long enough.
And that's not even scratching the surface of the weirdness surrounding the women in MDZS -- as few and shortlived as they are. Yu Ziyuan is the only wife of a sect leader in the named sects with a canonical name and title that isn't her married sect's clan + Madame, and the only one we see with any kind of sway both martially and in the everyday running of Yunmeng Jiang. Most importantly, she's the only woman in the series to have her own personal title! Also, again, sidebar, but Jiang Yanli choosing to go by Madame Jiang in fic instead of Young Madame Jin is a mood and a whole chef's kiss tbh. I think also in the kind of household I've been imagining her in after her marriage she could also be called "xiao-furen" (young Madame) where Madame Jin could also be properly called "lao-furen" (old Madame) to differentiate them according to subservient members of the household, in-house? That's a whole nother thing tho, in-group (household, sect, clan) versus outgroup (other sects or clans, and in some ways, your maiden clan if you married out).
Anyway. All of you writing Madame Yu as the root of all trouble in the Yunmeng Jiang family are being culturally insensitive and midkey misogynistic -- looping back to the discussion on JGS being a piece of shit father and sect leader, all his sect's family dysfunction is his inability to keep it in his pants and properly manage his paternal responsibility for the fruits thereof because in a Confucian setting, wives must obey husbands, sons must obey fathers, and both mother and son have therefore no power to override JGS's shitty parenting and leadership decisions re: powermongering and lack of legitimate heirs. Madame Yu's dissatisfaction with Jiang Fengmian's neglect of his only legitimate heir for some other person's son, even if that person's son is the current head disciple for the sect, is valid, because neglecting the next sect leader means neglecting the sect's future. Again, not saying her punishing WWX for stuff that he may or may not have done with Zidian was right. Wei Wuxian might be brilliant and talented and all that, but he doesn't have the right temperament to lead as a sect and clan must be led: with prudence, diplomacy and caution. Again, not WWX-bashing, but I think my favorite description of him goes something like "Wei Wuxian has never met a situation he didn't think couldn't be solved through escalation, and you all think Jiang Cheng is the emotional one?" Jiang Fengmian is an interesting contrast to both Jin Guangshan and Qingheng-jun in that he embodies the idea of physically there, but emotionally unavailable father, whereas JGS is maliciously neglectful and Qingheng-jun is practically non-existent. Granted we don't get a clear idea of how JFM is with JC outside of what that dynamic is like with WWX but I don't think very highly of a father who will scold the son that labored for who knows how many days to save his shixiong's life while praising said shixiong for something he didn't even accomplish alone in the same breath. It's the whole pattern of "ignore what Jiang Cheng accomplishes but lavish praise on Wei Wuxian who would have gotten into even bigger trouble if Jiang Cheng wasn't looking out for him too" that gets me with him. They're both children, you be the adult and sect leader they deserve and look past your biases against your wife (allegedly) and from your past (allegedly) to give them the tools they need to succeed together once you've kicked the bucket.
Is Madame Yu perfect? No, but I do think she loves her children and recognizes the responsibilities she has to Yunmeng Jiang, and she knows as a wife, mother, and fighter, that nothing she does or teaches or passes onto the children in her care means as much as the recognition and explicit support of her husband the sect leader. Jiang Fengmian's presence and legacy in the story is very faint. But Madame Yu? I see echoes of her in all three Yunmeng Jiang kids. But then I see her getting turned into the nagging wife stereotype and it makes me angry that the most developed female character in this story so often gets the short end of the stick in fanfic. Obviously I can't control what some of y'all write and there are some cultural/political nuances that exist in the story that a lot of the fan base may not be familiar with, so yeah I can understand why she gets watered down like that, like any other character in the story does and I'm not calling anybody out for it. But if some of y'all took one look at the so-called sect leaders in this story and immediately decided that it was their nagging, abusive hag of a wife that was the problem, I don't think we're reading/watching the same thing. Also, Wen Ruohan doesn't have a wife mentioned at all that I'm aware of and you could 100% argue that he's the root of most of the political BS that happens in the story, so do with that what you will.
Anyway I'm tired and my joints be protesting so I'm gonna call it a night. If you read this far, take a virtual cookie for making it all the way to here, thank you. If you're new to this hellsite and thought this was intriguing/interesting, reblog or comment and help a bitch out with some engagement, these posts take a lot out of me and if you'll remember, I did have some questions before the meta that I'd like to get out to the wider fan base. Likes don't do shit except make the OP feel like they're yelling into a vacuum. Y'all have a good one.
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daisyrella · 1 year
god i put so much effort into figuring out a timeline of arthur’s life and relationships just to get myself worked up by other ppl’s batshit theories (that one asshole on reddit who said arthur slept with eliza when she was 15 despite all like 50 comments proving him wrong) when rockstar purposefully left it vague and i can interpret it my own way 😭
what’s bothering me the most is his timeline with mary. there are so many conflicting pieces of dialogue that just make no sense all put together. i really hate the way rockstar incorporated her into rdr2, it was so messy and lazy and way less interesting than eliza and isaac, which they randomly throw in near the end in passing dialogue.
from what i’ve gathered and my best estimates, PLEASE add whatever you think is relevant:
arthur and mary, assuming they’re the same age which i feel confident in doing, met when they were in their early 20s. however, i think it was also after the gang robbed their first bank together in 1887, so when arthur was 24. adds up bc he was definitely already an outlaw when they started “dating.”
abigail is the last-joined member who mentions seeing mary, and she joined in 1894 so i suppose that’s when arthur and her split up for good?
what boggles my mind is just how long of a time-frame that is. mary’s father is portrayed as someone who heavily despised arthur and did everything he could to end their relationship, and mary herself takes every opportunity to demean arthur for his lifestyle (and him in general lmao but that’s not relevant for now), so would she really have stayed with him, even on and off, for 7 years?
arthur was so in love with her i can see him sticking it out for 7 years, on and off bc at some point he slept with eliza and isaac seems to have passed before jack was born in 1995, so this timeline works for arthur and eliza, but still makes! no! sense! for mary’s character.
it may very well be the writers’ intention that arthur and mary spent all these years on and off together until she broke off their engagement when he wouldn’t leave the gang for her, but considering the gang was moving around, though much less than in the actual rdr2 timeline, how would they have sustained a relationship for so long when living in different states?
rockstar please explain i need this urgently for my fanfics and daydreams to make sense my brain feels so itchy rn
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
hi i feel as if i haven't been properly invading your inbox recently so i'm here now
First of all-- you are the literal best at making me instantly really attached to characters who aren't supposed to be important but somehow become REALLY important to my silly brain
totally unrelated kndkahf;kshdlh Orion.... ahhhhhh squishy... chocolate... baby... so wholesome.... kjddkbvhioajbsv
also may i insert a humble request for more information on the war. the lore nerd in me is going crazy over the idea of iterator war.
ALSO i know you're not an iterator shipper but-- in your playlist-- this.
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this is the most sunstone song i think i've ever heard.
me, creating """""background characters""""" that i know probably won't stick to being background characters like at all:
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i'd be pissy and violent if it wasn't Orion of all people i can't be pissy and violent to the goddamn Orion's Pathway, that would make me a horrible fuckin person !!!!!!!!!!
but i fuckin know right!!!!! a war with iterators in it is too interesting and Relatively cool, it's too fun to just let it be
hmmm...... what's some stuff that would.... the Polar war started because of political manipulations and the Aeolus Council was actually the villain in all of this. Frost's Promise was just kind of chilling when the Aeolus Council attacked them in some kind of... very quiet way. possibly an assassination of an important figure, maybe went as far as blowing up one of their Iterators in a sneaky way with only just enough information left on scene to prompt a verbal formal attack from Frost's Promise, asking for explanation and an apology/funds for repairs. the Aeolus Council gets offended and denies everything. Frost's Promise knows that all of That is bullshit so in the name of justice they are the one to first physically attack. of course, this never gets out to anyone in the Eo group outside of the politicians and so the war begins. because information manipulation and censorship is behind like everything all the time
still deciding how long i'd like it to last for, but rn i'm thinking for over five years
the ultimate goal of the Aeolus Council is to make the Frost's Promise group dependant on them. the war will fuck up both's economies, but since Frost's Promise is so much smaller, it will be more devastating to them way more too
a good amount of prisoners that the Eo army takes is taken to the Mildew Perimeter closeby to Sporadic for live experiments. just horrible stuff happening in there. Spore finds out about it at some point and for a good while is too scared to do anything. after all she is very easy to influence, manipulate, make her submit to people and the shroom infection all in her systems isn't exactly helping all of that too well. in the end she secretly comes into contact with the few people who actually see and recognize what the Council is doing and are trying to fight against it. with them, Spore contacts the enemy and helps them break into the camps and evacuate the prisoners under a kind of shaky truce. it was risky, but worth it in the end to her
while Orion by no means is blind to the complexities of war, he still got very angry with Spore when this stuff is found out about few years after the war. he sees it as a betrayal from her- one of the closest allies he as an Iterator had in the whole thing- just going behind his back, behind the fighting lines where he and his comrades in arms are suffering and undoing all of their effort. since a war in the RW world consists of mainly capturing the enemy's forces rather than killing them. he refuses to listen to her for a good while, but when he finally calms down enough to hear her out he lets up and apologizes for blowing up like that. he didn't know. she was right to do it
her communications get heavily crippled as a punishment by the Council for the betrayal, though
other Iterators that joined in the war were Boreas (production of weapons and such), Fish (prisoner camp where they tried to convert the prisoners into dutiful and submissive citizens of the Eo group), Gem in an Eye (more organic based weaponry production), Aftertaste of Disdain (prisoner camp), Sacrosanct Circular Presence (warehouse for materials like medical needs and food/water for the soldiers) and sort of Exclamation of Time (who is a centre of archivists of history and welcomed some witnesses of the war to take notes for the history books from both sides)
the group to the northeast of the Eo group made a deal with the Eo group to protect them from the other possibly entry point Frost's Promise could've taken
Frost's Promise had very few Iterators at that time and most of them weren't all that ready for something like this. they might have like... one or two Gen 1s in there which doesn't sign any good things for them since Gen 1s are the balanced ones
Orion's main three overseers Have chased after enemy Iterator overseers multiple times and few times he managed to overload them with shocks enough to deactivate them. the Eo army's tech support managed to extract some useful information from them
the fact that all of this started because of nasty bullshit from the Aeolus Council is found out only after the Mass Ascension by the Iterators. Orion takes it the hardest, of course, it ruins him hard. he's ashamed to have fought in the name of vile things like that
AND WITH THE GODDAMN SUNSTONE I FUCKIN. i'd snap that shit in half if i could (you enjoyers go wild, i'm just personally very no) however i Will....... admit that i have thought of sunstone a lot while listening to that song yes.
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