#but outside of the house I eat either vegetarian
unbidden-yidden · 10 months
Something I learned this week: so apparently halibut is a kosher fish and the cheeks are a delicacy. Well, I had the opportunity to try them, and just whoa. It's at least as good if not better than crab meat and is very similar in both taste and texture as claw meat.
So! As someone who has had (and loved) a *lot* of the treyf seafood prior to giyur, here is what I can tell folks who have never eaten crab or lobster but are curious for close kosher substitutes: halibut cheek for crab, lionfish for lobster. If prepared similarly and correctly, they can be extremely similar in taste and texture, and (imo) superior because they don't involve boiling an animal alive and then spending 20 minutes unshelling it. :-/
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queeraroace · 6 months
coming out in ten christmases
The first Christmas 
I have an inkling of my gender
My boyfriend brings me home to his family
We drive an hour in the snow to buy Pokemon X and Y on Boxing day
I introduce him to my grandparents down the road
It’s the last time I will see them alive
In a quiet voice, in an even quieter house
I ask if he would date me, if I came out as a man
He says he wouldn’t
I don’t believe him
He keeps his word
Next year, 
my family knows
The aunt who tells me the next generation may get this “transgender stuff”
Buys me a shawl from the women’s section
My jock brother says it’ll make a nice housecoat
And wears it for our family photo.
It’s the last one I will be in
Next year, 
my friend takes me in
Her family gives me small gifts,
Hidden sad smiles at the table 
And never get my pronouns wrong
It is my first introduction to feeling like an alien
Posing as a lost cousin at a family reunion
Next year,
I try friendmas
I get everything I could think to ask for
And a few I couldn’t
The tradition doesn’t stick
Neither do the friends
It’s more of the same next year,
My mom asks me to come home for Christmas
Asking me to patch things up with my dad
I ask why that’s my job
She keeps me in the car after Chinese food,
Driving around our old neighborhood to look at the lights,
No matter how much I beg to go back to my apartment
I scream at her until I can’t speak anymore
We don’t speak for the rest of the year
Next year,
I fly halfway across the country 
to spend Christmas with my favorite aunt
She gets me everything my heart desires
Doesn’t ask why I spend all my mornings in bed
And gets me winter socks from the men’s section.
She hands me the phone on the 25th, 
asking if I want to speak to her brother,
My father
I will never get to spend Christmas with her again
Next year,
My best friend introduces me to her family
I get a vegetarian meal all to myself
I accidentally eat the wax
Coating the outside of their fancy cheese
We watch Jim Carrey’s Grinch,
Reciting the lines from memory,
And it almost feels like home
Next year,
My roommate and I are trapped inside
The pandemic has struck
And we don’t talk about the fact 
Neither of us would be seeing our families
Even if the whole world was well
Next year
Covid roars on
Either way,
I am not invited to family dinner
I shave my head on Christmas Day
Just to feel lighter
Last Christmas,
Both my grandparents have died
And I was not at their funerals
My cousin reaches out,
to bring me home for the holidays,
I say yes.
The invitation is revoked by her mother,
As I’m getting dressed to go to their second home.
This Christmas,
My best friend is staying in her apartment,
To keep her family alive
And I stay home, away from my family,
To keep myself alive
We will spend it together,
Keeping each other alive
It will always be like this
I feel as distant from the twinkling lights,
And season’s greetings
As I do from being proudly called a daughter
Christmas is an open wound
It cannot close,
Because Christmas is never over
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panlight · 1 month
Hi. I have a few thoughts about "Breaking Dawn". I am 50/50 with these options, maybe they are both correct or both are not correct. Mayer wrote that all vampires know how to use modern technology because
1. So that vampires don't look pathetic and insignificant in the eyes of modern people who are surrounded by these technologies.
2. Vampires actually interact with these things, Bella is an unreliable storyteller in this.
Imagine stone statues that used to be people, but now they eat people. The cute things they have they took from the corpses of their victims. They don't watch movies or listen to music (don't know how to use technology or don't their senses perceive it?), don't talk to people and fight to the death for territory and food with other vampires. Doesn't sound cool, does it? A vampire who is 300-500 years old with a MacBook and a Range Rover is something else.
Your thoughts?
See this is really fascinating to me, especially back when I was actively reading fanfic, to see how differently other people interpreted it. Because when I originally read the books, my impression was that yeah, they weren't doing any of this. They were living in the woods just eating people and not going near humans at all because they couldn't without killing them. I thought it was really super hard, borderline impossible, for human-killing vampires to really interact with the human world in any meaningful way. That they couldn't pop into a movie theater and watch a film because the temptation to kill everyone would be too great and then it would be a whole thing and the Volturi might come after them. Like, at the time I thought Jasper going into a diner in the first place was super weird; why would he do that (other than so the cute diner story can happen, of course!), especially when he was already thirsty! Seemed to be asking for trouble!
And so, yeah, I didn't think being a Twilight style vampire sounded that cool. Living in the forest attacking random hikers and then wearing their clothes? Can't sleep? Can only drink blood and not enjoy food at all? No thanks. Sounds awful. What's the point of immortality if you can't like, DO stuff? Even the Volturi, Patrons of the Arts that they are, allegedly have just sat still on their thrones for so long they have literally gathered dust and started to petrify. They aren't going out and exploring the world, they aren't being active and engaged. They're sitting there like the stone people they are.
But then other people interpreted it totally differently and wrote vampires outside the Cullens having fairly Cullen-like lives with enjoying human world arts and culture and tech. Other vampires who had jobs and cool cars and nice houses. And certainly I've read and seen plenty of other vampire stories that do that, but I thought originally that Twilight vampires were much more 'feral' for the lack of the better word and hidden, that the whole vegetarian thing DID allow the Cullens a level of access to the human world that other vampires didn't have.
I've now come to think it's somewhere in the middle. I think Twilight vampires are still pretty nomadic, generally, and out of touch with the human world, but not as completely as I thought before. The whole red eyes thing are a bit of problem, but with colored contacts (like Heidi uses) or sunglasses, it's not a huge thing in the modern world. And I think the temptation to hunt is not as extreme as I originally had thought, either. That they probably can sit in a diner or movie theater or library for awhile and be fine as long no one is actively bleeding. But I still think the average Twilight vampire probably leads a pretty 'boring' life that's mostly about where they are going to find their next victim and trying not to draw attention to themselves. The average vampire isn't scrolling TikTok on their phone, because they don't have one, and don't have money to pay for service, because they don't have a job or a bank account. But they might fool around with the phone of their victim for a little while before tossing it so they can't be tracked. They don't have a permanent residence (other than Amun and his hidden temple, I guess), but might "play house" from time to time in a victim's place for the novelty of it, take a shower, figure out how the TV works, before going back to the wilderness once their victim's disappearance is noticed. It seems really lonely and boring, and a waste of their incredible intelligence. Better if you have a mate, I guess, but even then. I think the James/Victoria lifestyle (other than hunting other vampires for funsies like James liked to do) is probably closer to the average vampire experience than the Cullens'.
But then again, in MS James knows how to fly a plane apparently. Or did he just like . . . figure it out as he went since it wouldn't matter if he crashed?
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tommys-cant-swim · 5 months
So, you want to get a tommy
Great! Tommys are wonderful creatures and full of personality. But there are things you should consider before getting them:
Tommys have a very long lifespan compared to dogs or cats- 35-40 years to be exact. A tommy is a big commitment and if you're on the older side you might even need to pass yours on to another family member.
Tommys are extremely energetic, overwhelmingly so. By the time I finish tiring out my tommys, I'm usually sweating and exhausted (love them though)
The most popular breed of tommy (dsmp or canon depending on who you ask) are significantly more prone to anxiety than other breeds. Please do not get one just because you've seen them online
Tommys have diets that may be upsetting to some people- they eat bugs and shellfish (and fruit), if you're upset by either, don't get one, please.
All that being said, here's a quick and dirty guide to getting your first tommy!
Choosing a tommy
There are lots of ways to choose a tommy, there's plenty of shelters to choose from and most house every kind of tommy. I recommend going in person and picking whichever you feel the closest to- but picking a specific breed is fine too! I'll leave a guide to the two breeds I know best (feel free to add info about other breeds)
DSMP/Canon - As previously stated, a very popular breed of tommy. They form strong bonds with owners and other pets and generally mix well with other popular mcyts such as tubbos and wilburs. However, they are easily startled and can be very messy due to being burrowers. They're also known to experience strong 'play aggression' and can accidentally injure others if they get too riled up.
Origin(s) - I know much less about this breed, but I still feel confident speaking on them as I have fostered origins tommys in the past. Origins tommys are much more mentally sound than dsmp breeds and do not have the major caveat of having to eat bugs as they are completely vegetarian! However, they do have minor flight abilities, which may be a turn-off for some owners.
Setting up your home for your tommy
Tommys need an outdoor area of at least 25 sq ft for digging and general enrichment. Tommys who are let outside unsupervised should be belled to prevent damage to the local ecosystem and the tommy themselves, as they have a bad habit of eating birds and squirrels, fur and bones, which they cannot digest.
All tommys need a small, private space to hide and rest in. A cardboard box will do just fine under most circumstances as long as it is large enough for your tommy to stretch out in to prevent claustrophobic anxiety (which dsmp tommys are especially prone to).
Lastly, tommys need chew toys. Chewing is their main way of relieving stress and expressing joy and not having a consistent outlet for it is extremely upsetting for them.
Additional advice
Tommys cannot swim and should not be let near bodies of water deeper than knee-height.
Dsmp tommys are terrified of heights and should not be placed on counters or tables.
Tommy's Can be picked up by the scruff
My other guides:
Caring for tommys with anxiety Tommy mouthingIntroducing two tommys (this can really be applied to introducing a tommy to any pet)
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
A/N: just an unproofread bs short unserious story that’s extremely stupid I am so sorry if you read this mess lmao i also feel like johnny’s out of character here but ykw it doesn’t matter
“Ya’ sure ya’ know what ya’ doin’?” Johnny questioned as he scrunched his face. “I don’t even think ya’ doin’ that right.”
“Sh-shut it!” Chop Top spat as he and Nubbins fumbled with something Johnny could not recognize. “We know what we’re doin’!”
“Y-yeah mind your o-own business!” Nubbins added as he glanced at Johnny and flashed an uneasy smile.
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Ya’ better watch that tongue before I cut it out of ya’.”
“I’d l-like to see you try.” His uncle replied back with a wider smile. He blew a raspberry at Johnny. He waved his hand in response and walked away from the twins, Chop Top and Nubbins howling with laughter. Johnny walked away towards the house, hoping there was something eat. His stomach grumbled with hunger. He hoped Sissy made sandwiches, he had been working all day in the sun and just wanted some food and a refreshing drink.
Creaking the front door open, the Slaughter boy sighed and slid his boots across the wooden floor. He went into the kitchen but he did not see Sissy.
“Goddammit.” He grumbled. “Never can expect a woman to make some damn lunch.”
“What’s all that talk about women?” Sissy said sarcastically as she leaned against the door frame. “Last time I checked, I’m always makin’ ya’ lunch.”
“Then why not today? I’m starving!” Johnny complained as he felt himself start to get irritated. He was never himself when he was hungry. (Cue Snickers commercial)
“I gotta’ go into town for some things with the Cook. Ya’ in charge of those idiots outside and Bubba.” She explained as she looked at her nails. “Bubba’s in the basement so ya’ probably wont see him at all.”
Johnny sighed angrily. “Then what about lunch? What am I supposed to eat?”
Sissy smiled mischievously. “I don’t know. Figure it out yourself Johnny-Boy.” And with that, she laughed and went outside to meet Drayton at the truck.
“Motherfucker.” Johnny said as he ran his hands through his hair. “I work so damn hard in this family and all I want are some damn sandwiches. Is that too much to ask for? Is it really?” He said out-loud as he went into the kitchen. Opening the fridge roughly, he glanced inside of what he could make himself. Lets see, there was the cheese, the lettuce, the tomato, the condiments and-
“Wait a damn minute,” he said as he eyeballed the fridge. “There ain’t no damn meat. Ta’ fuck do I look like, a vegetarian?”
“You ain’t no vegetarian, f-f-fatty.” Nubbins stuttered as he giggled.
Johnny whipped his head around and saw the twins grinning at his misery. “Ta’ fuck did you just say ta’ me?”
“Johnny’s a fatty!” Chop Top yelled. “Johnny’s a fatty! Johnny’s a fatty!”
“Muscles ain’t fat, stick bugs!” He replied back as he felt cornered. “At least a woman can lay on me without being poked at with bones, unlike ta’ both of ya’.”
“I’m a h-hit with the ladies Johnny-Boy, they prefer us stick bugs over fat asses like you.” Robert argued as he and Nubbins were cackling. “You wish you looked as good as me and N-Nubbins!”
“If I looked like either of ya’, I would drown m’self in gasoline and light a match.” said Johnny flatly. “At least then I would have a chance of looking good.”
Nubbins frowned. “Th-that’s mean Johnny.”
“Ya’ called me fat and a fat ass.” He said as he shrugged. “Sorry ya’ skinny fucks aren’t even close ta’ me in looks.”
“Ya’ ain’t gettin’ away with that!” Chop Top screamed as they both lunged at Johnny. They began to tussle and Johnny almost had the upper hand until Chop Top jumped onto his back. Johnny wildly thrashed around, slamming Chop Top into the wall a few times as Nubbins tried to trip Johnny to face plant into the ground.
Heavy, frantic footsteps raced up the stairs and there was a loud yell and the sound of the chainsaw revving. Johnny shoulder checked Nubbins to the ground and flipped Chop Top off his back.
“Hey there, big boy! It’s just us fightin’.” he said as he held his hands up towards Bubba. “Ain’t no need ta’ worry.”
Concerned grunts and whimpers came out of Bubba’s mouth as he looked between the twins and Johnny. He shut off his chainsaw and placed it down. He felt extremely overwhelmed with the fighting and did not like to see his family like this. On top of everything else Bubba had going on, this felt like a breaking point to him.
He began to cry, tugging the mask hair as he sobbed. Bubba felt like a trapped, blind animal who wanted to escape. His sobs sounded animalistic, yet they were very much depressing to hear.
“L-l-look at what ya’ did!” Chop Top shouted as he pointed his finger at Johnny. “Ya’ made Bubba cry!”
“I didn’t make him cry, ya’ did! It’s all ya’ damn fault!” Johnny retaliated back as Bubba’s cried began to get louder. “Both of ya’ get out of ta’ damn house!”
The twins left and Johnny did not know what to do for Bubba. He was still crying and it was making Johnny’s headache worse. He did not want to be mean to Bubba, lord knows how it would make himself feel after, but he wanted him to stop crying.
“It’s okay, Bubba. Ain’t no sense in cryin’ now. Shhhh, it’s all okay.” He said to try to comfort the crying man, but Bubba’s crying did not stop. Once the water works started, they were hard to turn off.
Johnny racked his brain to figure out what he could do to help him. Maybe he just needed to get out of the house.
“Hey, hey, Bubba listen.” He said as he approached his uncle. “How about this, I take ya’ to 7-11 and I get ya’ a slushee and snacks. I’m starvin’ myself.”
Whimpering, Bubba nodded back. He was still crying a bit, but he was much more quiet.
“Okay Bubba. Let’s get goin’. I’ll get you that cherry slushee that you like.”
Happy grunts filled the air as they both made their way outside. He knew the twins would be fine here and could easily keep watch over the property while they were gone. Johnny knew it wasn’t going to be a very long trip.
As they got into the truck, he noticed the twins walking towards them. Smirking to himself, he started the truck up and peeled out of the property, spitting up dust clouds behind the truck as he did so. Hearing their yelling and defiant screams, he smirked more and laughed to himself.
“And that’s how ya’ get back at em’ Bubba!” He said over the sounds of his truck.
Bubba squealed and looked outside the window. Johnny wondered what he thought about. Did he think about killing all the time? Was he in a happier place now? Johnny could wonder all he wanted to, but he would never really know what the man wasthinking about. It would remain a mystery for a long time.
“Alright, we’re almost there.” Johnny said quietly as he focused on the road. He was spacing out too much and he found himself swerving off a bit. His stomach growled loudly and Bubba looked at him with worry. “Just my stomach. I haven’t eaten a thang all day really.”
Growing more concerned, Bubba tried to communicate in his own way. Why did Johnny go so long without food?
“I was just workin’. I thought Sissy would make lunch, but that was a bust.” He said as he noticed the sign that said the 7-11 was up ahead. “Don’t worry big guy, I ain’t gonna’ wither away on ya’.”
Nodding his head, Bubba sighed quietly and felt himself grow giddy as they got closer. He had been craving a cherry slushee and he wanted some chips. Despite being a meat eater, he did like his snacks. He liked barbecue chips, but Chop Top called them fart chips with the way they smelled when you opened the bag. So Bubba moved onto Doritos and honey barbecue Lays that did not smell like farts. He also liked candy, he liked sour gummy worms and Kit Kats.
He squealed as Johnny parked the truck and shifted the gear. “Alright Bubba, there ain’t too many people here, but let’s try not to draw too much attention ta’ ourselves.”
They both got out of the truck and made their way inside the convenience store. Bubba bee-lined to the slushee machine and began to make his slushee. Johnny greeted the cashier and flashed his PlayBoy smile as he did so. The cashier was a young woman, a pretty one, but Johnny wanted her for other purposes. He wanted to cut her stomach open and play in her blood, watching her intestines wiggle around like snakes. As this thought ran through his head, he almost didn’t hear what she had to say.
“Is there anythin’ I can help you with?” She asked sweetly, her face slightly blushing as she looked into Johnny’s intense gaze.
He smirked. “Yeah, I believe so.” He said as he approached the counter. “Ya’ got any food? Like real food. I’m a starving man.”
“We sell pizza, hot dogs, and most recently we started selling wings.” She said as she fluttered her eyelashes at Johnny. “Customers say it’s good, I’ve never had it.”
“Hmmm. Might have ta’ give it a try. If they ain’t that good, I might have ta’ come back and get a piece of you instead.”
Her face went red as she giggled and became bashful. “I don’t see nothin’ wrong with that.”
Bubba arrived at the counter with his assortment of snacks. He looked at Johnny with puppy eyes and Johnny nodded his head. “Yes, ya’ can have all of that.”
The girl eyed Bubba which caused Johnny to anger a bit but he had to simmer it down. “He’s my brother, he likes to wear masks.”
“O-oh.” She stuttered out as she looked away from Bubba, now realizing she was staring at him. Bubba felt uncomfortable and like an ant being observed by a magnifying glass.
Johnny glanced at the food selection off to the side and figured he might as well try it. Even if it wasn’t human, he needed to eat something. “I’ll have four slices of pizza, two hot dogs, and…” his eyes averted to the wings. There were barbecue and spicy. “Three barbecue and three spicy wings.”
She nodded and began to place his food into bags. Bubba was a little surprised that Johnny would eat actual meat rather than human, but he knew that there was nothing at the house. And he had to do what he had to do. The cashier added the total and the register and Johnny exchanged the money as she placed their items in a bag.
“Alright, have a good day.” She said as she waved them off.
“Ya’ too.” Johnny replied as they walked out of the store. Getting inside the truck, Johnny tore open the bag and pulled out a slice of pizza. “Ya’ can have a slice if you want Bubba.” He offered but Bubba shook his head. Something seemed off about gas station food. He couldn’t trust it.
Johnny laughed. “Don’t trust it or what, big boy?”
Bubba shook his head and Johnny laughed more. He devoured the slice of pizza so quickly, Bubba was a little worried he did not chew. Then Johnny inhaled another piece. Then a hot dog. Then another slice. And then, he broke into the wings.
Bubba watched in amazement, chewing on his Kit Kat slowly as Johnny ate so much food. A hard working man can eat a lot, he knew this. But Johnny was small, in terms of weight, compared to him! This was going to end up hurting his tummy and that worried Bubba. He made his concerned noises and Johnny looked up at him.
“Dontcha’ worry now. I got a stomach of steel.” He said as he wiped the spicy and barbecue sauce off his face.
That did not soothe Bubba’s worry but he knew better than to argue. He munched on the rest of his Kit Kat and sipped on his slushee. Johnny’s hunger seemed to have been taken care of as he slowed down and sighed. “Alright, time ta’ get home. I’ll give the rest to the twins or eat it m’self.”
Driving home, Johnny felt a bit queasy but he was sure it was from eating processed animal meat instead of human. Your stomach can adjust and once you eat something different, it can shift everything completely. But he knew he would be okay. What was the worst that could happen?
He was happy seeing Bubba happy. His hangriness went away and Bubba’s feelings seemed restored back to normal. He was munching on his chips and staring out the window again. He hoped he was happy.
The worst, intense stomach cramp hit Johnny as he was getting closer to the farm. He groaned quietly as he tensed his body up. How did it affect him so fast? And like this? Bubba glanced at him and began to worry more as sweat bubbled on Johnny’s temple. He was trying to focus on driving but his stomach cramped up more, causing him to be distracted. He needed to get home as soon as possible. He could not wait and he would fight with every last strength to get into the bathroom.
Pulling into the farm, he abruptly stopped and hopped out the truck, leaving Bubba behind as he ran inside the house. He ran to the downstairs bathroom and jiggled the handle.
“Hey what the fuck?” He said as he banged on the door. “Get out, I need to use it.”
“U-use the other one, dick.” Nubbins replied. “S-some of us are bathing.”
“Ya’ bathing? That is a miracle.” Johnny said sarcastically as he moved to the other bathroom upstairs. He was hit with another cramp and he felt like he was going to die.
“Get out of the damn bathroom!” yelled Johnny. “Hurry up!”
“Occupado!” replied Chop Top.
“Ya’ bathin’ too? What the fuck?”
Johnny did not hear the water running like he did with Nubbins. “Ya’ are a damn liar! Get out now!”
“I ain’t no damn liar!”
Johnny shouldered the door and began to bash into it. He was not going outside, that was for sure. He continued to shoulder it despite Chop Top’s pleas and he ended up breaking the lock. Slamming it open, he was met with a horrifying sight. Chop Top had his pants down with a bottle of lotion on the counter.
“Goddammit Chop! Take that shit to your room, for fucks sake!” Johnny yelled as he covered his eyes. “Good fucking God, I think I want to poke my eyes out.”
“Sh-shut up!” He fought back as he picked up his pants. “Can never get any peace and quiet!”
“Maybe don’t jerk off in the bathroom you lunatic!”
“Fuck you!”
“Get some real pussy.”
Chop Top stormed out and Johnny slammed the door shut, not caring if the door locked or not. He immediately sat on the toilet, sweating and breathing hard as he felt his entire intestinal system drop out of his ass. He had taken his shirt off and his pants were bunched down at his ankles. He wanted to murder the bitch at 7-11 for even recommending him anything. He should have just gotten a Snickers. Praying to God he would make it out of the bathroom, he was hit with more stomach cramps.
Eventually, after emptying out his entire bowel system, Johnny emerged from the bathroom like he just arrived from fighting in World War II. He still felt like shit from the food, but his stomach cramps were alleviated and he felt like he could function. Going downstairs, he heard cackles of laughter in the kitchen. Approaching it, he wanted to punch Robert.
“Hey there, Shitty Pants” Chop Top said with a smile. Sissy and Drayton had gotten back from their trip, and Sissy giggled at Johnny’s misery.
“Shut up, at least I don’t jerk off in the bathroom.” said the Slaughter boy as he went to the fridge for water.
“Eww! Gross!” Sissy exclaimed as she scrunched up her face.
“You kids take it somewhere else! I don’t want to hear it.” Drayton said. “Lord knows what the hell you all get up to in your spare time.”
“Apparently for Chop, it’s to choke the chicken.” he said with a smirk.
Chop Top lunged for Johnny but Drayton stopped him. “Save it for another time boy! Otherwise ya’ gettin’ the broom. You understand?”
Chop stop grumbled and stormed out the kitchen. Sissy looked at Johnny. “So what got to ya’?”
“7-11.” He grumbled. “My body has gotten used to eatin’ human, so when I had processed animal meat, it just did not settle.”
“Why’d you go there-”
Johnny sighed after taking a sip of water. “I got into a fight with ta’ twins and Bubba started panicking. I took him out to get him snacks and whatever else he wanted. I was starvin’ so I had ta’ settle with gas station food.”
She nodded. “That’s why Drayton is yellin’.”
“Boy, ya’ best explain this right now before I beat the shit out of ya’ with this damn broom.” Drayton said as he came back into the room with a broomstick.
“It was Chop Top.”
“Don’t you lie to me!”
“It was, him and Nubbins fought and fucked up the wall. I had to take Bubba out because he got scared.” Johnny lied.
“Those sons of bitches!” yelled Drayton as he scurried away to find the twins. Johnny chuckled.
“Ya’ll are horrible.” Sissy said as she walked to put away the rest of the groceries.
Laughing, Johnny walked outside to finish his chores. What a day. He was never touching gas station food ever again. Or animal meat. It was best to stick to human.
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volturiprincess · 3 days
romanian coven x mate headcanon
They have a fight and the human reader decides to go for a walk WITHOUT THEM and get lost in the forest (also its start raining)
Separate please
Walking out on them
Finished my dear anon😁. I apologize for getting to your request kind of late, but I hope you enjoy💙
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Fights with him are not new
Unfortunately they happen more often than you like for them to occur 
When you do fight he apologies right away (surprisingly) and tries to make it up to you with cuddling while watching your favorite show 
But there was one case where the fight got so intense that you ended up walking out on him 
The fight was caused by you wanting to go with him and Stefan with the Cullens for the whole “immortal child’ dilemma 
He said no, not wanting you to get hurt or the Volturi finding out about you
You tried to persuade him in telling him you would just stay in the Cullen's house and nothing bad would happen to you while you are there (“There ‘vegetarian’ Vlad, what are they going to do?, worst case scenario they eat actual vegetables in front of me”)
Still being stubborn he said no 
That fight went on for 3 hours
Eventually he called you “weak and vulnerable” and walked away 
You decided to walk out of the house that you, Vlad and Stefan been staying at while you are still human
Unfortunately it started to rain, and about to turn back to walk toward the house, you noticed you have no idea where you are at 
So you find a somewhat dry place in the forest and sit against the tree
Now you feel stupid for not paying attention on your walks with Vladimir in the forest but can you be blamed? When the sun peeks through the trees, he looks like a fallen angel and nothing around matters but him 
As you're there contemplating your life choices, your said fallen angel appears 
For a minute you think he will yell at you as you were expecting but news flash he pulls you into a tight hug, even his face was buried into your neck
He mumbles a very quiet sorry that you managed to hear with your human hearing and the semi quiet rain
From that day on, your arguments were diminished and you did ended up going with him and Stefan to the Cullens 
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Fights with him are rare
Unlike Vladimir, he likes to keep the peace between you two
But peace can be easily disrupted 
There was one fight in particularly that got out of hand 
It wasn't exactly something to be fighting about but he got really worried and to cover that he got mad
You had a run in with a Volturi guard (*cough* Alec and Jane *cough*), but you didn't even mingle with them or even talked, you happen to see them in an alley when you were going to a nearby bakery, and they didn't even acknowledge you either 
The only reason you know about them is Stefan and Vladimir have pictures of every member of the Volturi coven for “war plans” (obsessed much)
You accidently told him casually when him and Vlad were talking about the Volturi 
He said some harsh things but in your defense you said it didn't even matter, the twins did nothing to you or knew who you were 
The argument ended with you saying you needed alone time
You went to the sunroom where the doors to outside were open
Not even thinking twice you went outside for a walk to cool down and where you let some small tears spill 
It was raining as you started to walk but it soon turned into a downpour 
You ran to a nearby tree that had these branches that resembled an umbrella
Great now your cold and have no idea where home is at 
You were frighten, all you wanted now was to be cuddling with your Stefan by the fireplace with a nice mug of your favorite warm drink 
As if someone was reading your mind, there he was, his hair stuck to his forehead from the downpour and a sorry look on his face 
You ran into his arms and pulled him into a deep hug 
Before you knew it you were on the couch with him by the crackling fireplace with your warm drink in hand, snuggling into his side 
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
i haven’t written anything for my Trauma Blondes™️ in a while so here are some more besties Billy and Chrissy headcanons 🤍 plus their boyfriends obvi
• Chrissy loves going to the Farmer’s Market with Billy every Saturday morning. She’ll put on her favourite outfit and do her hair, looking so fresh-faced and sunny when Billy finally rolls up to her house at 9am. She says a rushed goodbye to her parents before running outside and settling into the passenger seat, smiling knowingly as she shuts the door and eyes Billy. He’s slumped in his seat, aviators on, and dressed in his usual blue jeans but he’s wearing what she called his ‘hangover shirt’, which is an old tour t-shirt for Led Zeppelin. He’s hungover as shit and she laughs at him, runs a manicured hand through his hair, which he scrunches his nose at and swats half-heartedly at her. When they get to the market, she buys him his breakfast as a ‘thank you’: black coffee and a pastry. He follows her around and holds her bags as she shops for fresh garden vegetables and hand-picked fruit, both of them taking turns smelling the homemade soaps and looking at jewelry. Billy may look disinterested or tired but it’s his favourite part of the weekend: to spend his Saturday mornings away from his dad and home and just be soft with his best friend. Chrissy loves it for exactly the same reasons.
• Chrissy’s first memory of Billy is when she and a few girls from the cheer squad were walking outside the school and a blue Camaro revved its engine loudly, on purpose. All the girls including Chrissy either jumped or screamed in surprise (or both). She remembers looking into the window and seeing a smug smile on the new boy’s face, like he was proud of himself for startling them. She and her friends had rushed away and she didn’t expect to see or talk to him ever again.
• Billy’s first memory of Chrissy is seeing her in the hallway during his first week in Hawkins. He thought she was pretty, for a hick, but way too skinny and quiet for his tastes. The day he remembers clearly is when they were walking towards each other in the hall and she glanced up from the floor, her face breaking out into a big smile with slightly crooked teeth that made Billy almost trip over his own feet. But, that smile wasn’t for him - it was for her friend, who had been walking behind him. He couldn’t get that bright smile out of his head for a long time and used to pretend it was for him.
• Chrissy is the first girl his age to respect Billy, in all ways. She is respectful of his physical space, actively listens to him when he speaks, gives advice when he asks, apologizing when she accidentally says something hurtful, looks him in the eye (that took a while but came eventually), she’s discreet when they talk in public, etc. She doesn’t want him for anything except for who he is and it’s refreshing because no one ever has.
• They tried to run away, once. Packed their bags and snuck out on a random night just before their senior year after talking about it for over a week, about how they could start over in California. They got beyond the city limits after midnight and drove and drove until they shared a look. They couldn’t do it. Not yet. They hugged in the Camaro for a very long time, muttering quiet promises to each other before Billy let Chrissy go and she snuck back into her room with her luggage. They didn’t try to run away again.
• Chrissy’s been a vegetarian ever since she went to a butcher shop as a child and accidentally witnessed a chicken’s head get cut off. She’d cried uncontrollably and couldn’t look at raw meat for months, which made her mom angry and her dad confused. But, once they realized that she wouldn’t eat any animal put in front of her, they let her be. Billy’s mom was a vegetarian and had been feeding Billy a similar diet for his whole life, which was something he’d been proud of because he was just like his mom in that sense. But once she left, driven away by Neil, his father had told him to ‘cut that shit out’ and fed Billy meat with every meal. It made him sick and he refused to eat it, which never went over well, so he’d often suffer from terrible stomach pains at school and at bedtime. It got easier after a few years, but when he and Chrissy become close and he finds out that she’s a vegetarian, he cries. She’s not sure why he gets emotional but she holds him tight and tells him that it’s okay. She makes double of her lunches and brings it to school for him every day, loving how touched he looks when he realizes what she’s doing.
• One of their favourite thing to do is sit around a fire in Steve’s backyard with their boyfriends in the summer and early fall. Billy brings the beer, Eddie brings the weed, Chrissy brings snacks and music, all while Steve makes the fire and ensures everyone is comfortable. They all sit around and talk, joke, gossip - whatever. Sometimes they invite others, like Robin or Heather or Tommy and Carol, but usually it’s just the four of them. Those nights always bleed away into the early morning, when the birds begin to sing and the sky turns a soft blue with the rising sun, and Billy squeezes onto one of the pool recliners with Steve and pulls a blanket over them as they cuddle. Chrissy is usually perched in Eddie’s lap by the fire, both of them covered in a blanket as they quietly talk and kiss. Once the fire begins to die, Steve ensures it’s completely out before the four of them go inside to sleep.
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wicked-violets · 8 months
Silly goofy stuff about William Afton. ;)
He hates soda and most bubbly drinks. He’ll only drink ginger ale when sick. He prefers hot drinks over cold drinks. It can be 100 degrees outside and he’ll still enjoy a hot cup of herbal tea.
He is afraid of mice and rats.
He doesn’t like snakes or lizards either.
He is a light sleeper and any little noise can cause him to wake up.
He is vegetarian and will only eat meat on special occasions such as holidays and birthdays.
William hates being called “Bill” or “Billy” Just call him Will. Not “Willy” either. If you call him any of those things, he will never speak to you ever again.
He grew up loving clowns and rabbits. Hence why a lot of his animatronics are rabbits and clowns lmao
Neither William or his sister ever met their biological fathers and probably never will. Their mother never had pictures of their fathers or anything. Their mother also loved parties and unprotected sex so I meannn, they’re never gonna meet their bio dad.
When William was only ten years old, he was the one who found his sister’s body after she hung herself. His sister was not only a relative of his but she was his best friend as well. From that day on, he grew his obsession with death and immortality. This only worsened when his own children began dying off.
It took William a few years to grow any form of attachment to his son, Michael. Before that, he wouldn’t even agree to hold his infant son. For the first three years of Michael’s life, he was completely ignored by his father. Same went for Evan as well. The only child he really paid any attention to was Elizabeth. And even then, he wasn’t a very good father at all. William was neglectful.
William never wanted to be father, he never thought he would be a good father.(and I mean he was correct. He was a terrible father) But, his ex-wife on the other hand, though she could change him. Unfortunately, changing him was impossible and her children was raised only by herself and a nanny. William hired a nanny so his ex-wife wouldn’t have to raise her children alone. He had enough decency to hire a nanny for her.
William didn’t seem to love his children. He definitely didn’t act like he even liked them due to him being so neglectful. However, he did genuinely felt love towards them. And he is filled with regret with how he raised them. He was just never meant to be a father.
There’s a extremely high chance that Evan was the product of cheating. Since, William quit sleeping in the same room as ex-wife. Suspiciously, during that time she was hanging out a lot with her ex-boyfriend.
William made his ex-wife’s death look like a suicide. He never explained why or what lead to this. Perhaps she cheated on him again? Or maybe she found out about the remnant experiments and the murders? Or maybe she ran off to get pregnant again and William was just done fathering children that wasn’t even his. However, even though he grew to hate that woman, he became extremely depressed after her death. He still doesn’t know why he spent weeks crying over her or missing the sound of her voice. Perhaps he didn’t hate her after all, or maybe he was just codependent. Either way, William was absolutely miserable both when she was alive and after her death.
William’s ex-wife wasn’t the only one who wasn’t faithful. William would spend the night at Henry’s house. As you see, William and Henry was doing a lot more than sleeping. Actually throughout that toxic marriage between them, William never stopped spending time at Henry’s house.
At some point William tried to convince Henry to run away with him and they could just start new and have a family of their own. Obviously, Henry thought William was insane for saying this and gave him the silent treatment for weeks. (Even though Henry was guzzling Mr. Afton’s glizzy every weekend. This still sounded crazy to him.)
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henriiiii-1001 · 4 months
[Long Text] ( Yeah I did mean Em btw)
Basically it's a world set in a landscape of valleys, forests and mountains all in close proximity, and where all who inhabit it are half-bird half-human (not just in wings, they also have plumage all over their bodies and claws depending on their species)
The three different main species of people are : birds of prey also called raptors ; game birds and songbirds. Game birds are usually what we'd call average height for humans, and songbirds are just shorter and more physically weak, while raptors can reach to be almost giants (their height and species also affects the size of their wings)
Songbirds are very calm and peaceful (except for sparrows and some others during nest-making season) and as their name suggests they are more apt for singing than for hunting, so they have a mostly vegetarian diet, excluding some worms and insects here and there. Game birds on the other hand are very social and energetic, and they're called 'game' because they like to play around a lot, sometimes even into adulthood. They also eat in a mostly vegetarian way, but they actively search for more and include much more insects and worms than songbirds, since they have to eat much more due to their greater size. Birds of prey due to their incredible height need large supplies of nutrients, so their diet is strictly carnivorous. Unlike the other two species, who build houses on the ground or on trees, raptors live on caves built inside of mountains. They also don't have the concept of 'marriage' but rather 'bonded partners' , they have a system of one family per mountain, which are called clans, and clans involve themselves frequently in politics between each other, especially involving exchanges of partners and custody of children / nestlings. Smaller species, most prominently exotic birds , do exist, but they live at a much farther distance, where the weather is warm and fresh enough for them to live, so they don't usually have any outside visitors.
Song and game birds can live in both valleys and forests and are usually friendly with each other, but birds of prey are mostly unable to live in such conditions because their bodies are used to the colder weather and harsher wind of the mountains, thus they either only come down to hunt for food exclusively, but if their bodies can handle it then they might stick around for a while, though this is pretty rare.
Small animals like rabbits, mice, fish and snakes do still exist, and its them who the raptors usually hunt down, but if they can't find or catch any they will resort to attacking the smaller species, which happens more frequently with songbirds, and this has led them to fear flying too high, thus they have set in place an imaginary border just below where the mountain fog starts to form, so that should anyone have to fly that high they'll have some safe distance from predator eyes.
Though people tend to only mate with others of the same sub-species, different ones of the same main species can copulate and have children, and songbirds and game birds can have nestlings together too, and so can game birds with raptors, because their sizes compared to each other are compatible enough, but the only songbirds big enough to ever mate and produce children with a bird of prey would be ravens and crows, as all other songbirds are too short and/or weak.
I've lost idea on what I can share next lmao You (and your fans if they're interested idk) can ask for specifics, I think it'd be good brain exercise Maybe next I can share a list of the sub-species that the main cast are?
ooooo birb lore >:0000
this all sounds really cool though!!! and i'd definitely like to see what you classified each character as (as well as possible specific species of bird you made them if applicable)!!!
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natalialunar · 2 years
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✦ ZION MORENO, TRANS FEMALE, SHE/HER ✦ NATALIA LUNA RIVERA the THIRTY-TWO year old has been in Hidehill for HER ENTIRE LIFE and was a CHILDHOOD FRIEND to Jade Parker, the first murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the RECEPTIONIST AT THE PET DOCTOR who lives in HADLEY PARK. She is said to be EARNEST and CRITICAL but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves. 
faceclaim: zion moreno.
full name: natalia luna rivera.
date of birth: 12 january, 1990.
gender: trans woman.
pronouns: she/her.
occupation: receptionist @ the pet doctor.
birthplace: hidehill, nashville.
sexuality: bisexual.
relationship status: single.
tw; dysphoria, absent parent, loss of innocence, animal abandonment [mild].
as an adult, natalia is the type of person that likes to leave high school in the rearview mirror. what happened in high school stays in high school, and might as well throw the first couple years after in with that as well. no one wants to be reminded of the kind of fool they were when they were young, right? but she's not always been like that. once upon a time, back in the great wide somewhere, nat was just a little girl who thought she had found the love of her life. why heartbreak had to stem from the corpse of her first great romance, natalia will never know - hence the rearview.
and speaking of driving away, abandonment issues, and loss of innocence; natalia's mom hit the road not too long after giving her kid a name - it is a blessing honestly that thanks to some gender dysphoria and a single supportive parent, nat doesn't even have to deal with the emotional baggage of keeping that part of her mother any longer. neither natalia or her dad have heard from her mom since, and they are probably better for it - now if only she could convince her dad of it. holding a flame for the woman who left him over thirty years ago means that her dad is still single and not at all ready to mingle, and natalia has just about given up on changing his mind.
natalia is what one might call a bit of a crunchy mom... without the kids. she's been a vegetarian since high school, dedicated to reducing her carbon footprint and eating right. between window boxes, her spare bedroom, and the tiny porch that she is able to use, she manages to have a relatively thriving garden - it's full of vegetables and herbs, with her trying her best to pick up fruit from local sources.
hadley park... the trailer park has been her home since she was just a kid - her father giving up the ghost of a more costly neighborhood, the first step in his journey of acceptance - and there was no way that she was going to give that up as an adult. she lives just a few rows down from her dad, can walk up to his house to bring dinner or pilfer his fridge, and she wouldn't change that for the world.
though natalia would probably work at the pet doctor no matter her own situation, she thinks that the fact that she has seven animals within her home definitely encourages that part of her life. it was never meant to get to this point; the first two were a choice - a kitten adopted from a house just down the street, then a shelter cat to keep the kitten company. it snowballed from there - two guinea pigs who didn't have anywhere else to go, a senior cat that would have become an outside cat otherwise, a dog whose adoption had fallen through, and finally a kitten that had been left on the side of the road. at least she has her coworkers at the pet doctor to keep her calm when one of the animals starts acting up.
fun facts; [wip]
4 cats [adopted: waffle; shelter: pancake; senior: cookie; kitten: brownie]
2 guinea pigs [honey & butter]
1 dog [yorkie mix; juniper]
wanted connections; 
farmers or small homestead types of people. someone who she can trade fresh veggies and herbs for eggs, milk, or honey.
coworkers/semi-regulars at the pet doctor! (visits to the vet don't always have to be scary!)
old friends - they could have either been friends for a long time, or people she had a falling out with after high school/previous jobs.
current friends - the type that will show up without warning and lounge around the house with her. the ones who know all her animals' names.
anything and everything we can come up with. i'm open for most things!
taken connections;
amelia alvarez; ex.
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year? It's only March, but this year will prob be like the last few - me and my Mum, and my boyfriend will come over at some point.
What time do you usually go to sleep at night? Depends - if I have to work the next day, then around midnight. If no work, then after 1am.
Did you go to high school with your current best friend? Yes.
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? No.
Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway? I don't have a car, but if I did, I'd park it in the space in front of our house. Every house in our complex has two spaces.
Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck? No.
Have you felt sick today? No.
Whose was the last funeral you attended? My Grandma's, back in 2017.
Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy? No.
How many times a week do you wash your hair? Two or three times. If I do it any more than that, it goes weird.
Do you need to wash your hair right now? I washed it yesterday, so it's fine for now.
Do you avoid using public restrooms? No. If I gotta go, then I gotta go.
What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? My boss' name is Oliver.
Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month? No.
Do you like eggnog? I've never had it.
Is there anything important you need to do today? It's almost 10:30pm lol, the day is basically over.
Who is the person you dislike the most? Nobody, really.
Girls, how old were you when you first got your period? 13.
Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? My Mum and I split them.
Have you ever properly listened to classical music? Did you like it? Yes, it's nice but I wouldn't listen to it all the time.
Do your parents know how to text? Yep. My Dad does it a lot, my Mum not as much but she can do it.
Do you text your parents often? If I want to talk to my Dad, I usually just message him on FB Messenger. If it's more urgent, then I text or call him.
What letter does your middle name begin with? S.
Do your initials spell an actual word? No.
What will you do when this survey is over? Play a video game, probably.
Do you know anyone with celiac disease? Not that I know of.
How many siblings do you have? Are they all full siblings? None.
What’s the weather like today? It was rainy, but also super warm and humid. Gross combination.
Have you ever eaten a cinnamon donut? Yes, those tiny ones you get at the fair! Yummy.
What is the longest relationship you’ve ever been in? My current one, we've been together since June 2022, so almost 2 years.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Twice.
How do you usually celebrate New Years? I usually go out for a drink with my boyfriend and his friends.
Is the place that you’re in right now quiet or loud? What can you hear? It's not loud, but not quiet either. I have a YouTube video playing, and my Mum has the TV on downstairs.
Do you currently have any alarms set? No.
How many cars can fit in your driveway? We don't have a driveway, just two parking spaces outside our house.
Do you like whiskey? Sure.
When was the last time you ate, and what did you have? I had a couple of pieces of toast, some savoury biscuits and an iceblock a few hours ago.
When did you last see someone you know in public? Hmm, at the Maniacs show the other day.
Do you enjoy going to the dentist? Who does?
When did you last eat something you didn’t like? I don't do that.
Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? I'd probably suck lol.
When did you last hang out with a bunch of friends at one time? I guess the Maniacs show counts - there was me, David, Scott, Judith, Richard, Remoana and Summer.
What kind of music is your least favorite? Country and screamo.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? We can be, but at the same time we're the same lol.
Would people around you say you’re regularly a mean person? No.
Do you like the colour yellow at all? Sure.
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? It'd be a fanfic lol.
How many times have you logged in to Bzoink? (it has a counter) The site shut down, so I don't know, but it was def in the hundreds, I was a member since 2009.
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? No.
Are you an impatient person? I can be.
Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? Haha no, we just watch and laugh.
Who sings the last song you listened to? Five.
Why do you think some actors don't want to see their movies/shows? Cos they don't want to see themselves haha.
Do you think fortune tellers are the devil’s messengers (haha)? No.
Would you rather use napkins or paper towels? Napkins.
Do you go to the pool in the summer time very often? No.
Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? My eyes in general are healthy, but my eyesight sucks.
Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? Yes, and Cartman of course.
Do you have sensitive teeth? Not really.
Do you enjoy or hate snow days? Why is this your choice? It doesn't snow where I live.
Do you turn pale when you get sick? Probably?
Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? That's only ever happened to me at the dentist, it was a numbing injection. Ugh.
When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? Dunno about seriously.
What is the day of the week currently? Monday.
Is anything exciting coming up in the next three months? Oh yep.
Do you ever borrow money from someone? No.
Do you know anyone who tells every single thing you say? You mean like blab about my secrets? No.
When did you last kiss someone on the cheek? Who was it? My boyfriend probably.
Why do you think people like Lady Gaga so much? She's talented and has amazing stage presence. Plus her songs rule.
Do you have a lot of enemies, or not so much? I don't have any.
Can you count backwards from 100 without a mistake? Never tried.
Do you have any friends you’ve had since birth? No.
Do you care if your friends talk badly about you? Why would they do that?
Would you rather drink out of a straw or just the cup alone? Depends on the drink - some are better with straws.
Does anyone ever say they miss you often? Yes. My boyfriend is cheesey and says he misses me when we don't see each other that day <3
Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? Wizard.
Is there anyone out there who has made you feel miserable? Not recently.
Do you have a problem answering personal questions? No.
What color is the vacuum-cleaner in your house? It's red.
Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? No.
Are your parents divorced, married or separated? Divorced, and my Dad remarried.
Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? No.
Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? Well, yeah. Pay attention to yo date lol.
What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? Hard to pick.
What are your views on our current president? Not everyone is American. But when it comes to NZ, our PM Luxon is fucking awful. Didn't vote for him or his party.
Has one of your websites ever quit operating or shut down? Were you sad? Bzoink shut down recently, sucky.
Is it awkward to see your best friend’s parents out in public? I don't see them, so no lol.
Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? It's just me and Mum, so her by default.
Is there a television show out there that you never miss? Only WWE.
What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? Spiceworld xD
What are the last two digits of your phone number? 75.
Does it creep you out to see people with mullets? No, they just look silly xD
What is your biggest responsibility in your household? Bills.
How cold did it get where you live, last winter? It's very mild in my city, I don't think it even got close to 0C.
Do you ever wish you could go back in time to redo something? Maybe.
Ever accidentally pull out a filling from your tooth? I don't have any fillings.
Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? No.
Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? I didn't get caught.
Do you ever listen to the radio anymore? No.
Does it bother you to have personal conversations with people? Why would it?
Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? I've never been in one.
Do any of your body parts hurt at this moment in time? Yep, my fingers.
Are you sober at the time being? Yep.
Do any of your friends constantly do things to annoy you? No.
When did you last eat a Starburst? What color was it? Oh man, dunno, ages ago.
Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? No.
Do you ever call backstabbers out on what they do? Yep.
How many people in the world do you trust? A few.
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hieuthong · 4 months
Gong Xi Fa Cai
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Happy Chinese New Year! 🧧
Chinese New Year, one of the biggest events celebrated in Malaysia. On this very occasion many chinese will gather around with their families to eat dinner, drink, bond , gamble and most importantly for us youngsters receiving red packets. I really adore Chinese New Year, I think it’s such a wonderful celebration where all family members and relatives are gathered together as a whole after not seeing each other for some time due to the different locations we’re at. It is such a beautiful culture too, with the lion dances, lanterns, flower markets and so on.
Within my own’s family tradition we would clean up our house a week or so before the actual week of CNY. On “除夕” chinese new year’s eve my parents would wake up early in the morning to pray. They’d usually prepare some fruits, teas and biscuits, and since it’s chinese new year they’d also prepare flowers that will be offered to our god. After making the offerings, my mom would take the flowers and soaked them in a bucket water for us to shower. It is said that showering with flower water helps to cleanse out the bad luck within our body.
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Like many other families during the eve we will gather around to have a reunion dinner. My family would go to my dad’s eldest brother’s house for the reunion dinner. We usually stay there till 12 counting down towards “年初一”. While waiting, some of my older relatives will play mahjong while the kids will play with firecrackers outside. Now that i’m older I don’t really play with firecrackers instead I look after my nieces and nephews that are playing.
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The official start of chinese new year, CHOR YAT. On this day itself, my dad would wake us up really early to get ready. Every year we would pick a color theme to match, this year was red. We put on our new clothes and proceed to take pictures for HOURS. After posing for hours, we will once again go to my dad’s eldest brother’s house to gather. Usually on chor yat we are not allowed to eat meat until at least noon, thus they will cook vegetarian meals for us. When all the relatives arrive, that’s where the fun begins (angpao!/j) Each relatives will take turn giving angpao while we wish them. This year we had a newlywed, they made us dance for them in order to get the angpao. Once more, we gather around to take a “全家照” family picture.
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JAM. I’m so glad I’m not the one driving! It’s always so jam, thank god I’m seated at the back of the car, chilling my way back to Ipoh. Ipoh is not my hometown but my grandfather’s. Every year we’d go back to Ipoh to eat dinner with our relatives. On the way to Ipoh, we would stop by a small town to pray at a temple. By the time we reach Ipoh, it would already be lunchtime. My grandmother and a few other relatives would have already prepared food for those who were arriving later in the afternoon to eat. It usually includes a variety of Hakka Cuisine, two of my favorite dishes are "Kai Choy Fan" and "Haam-Kai". If you ever have any leftovers and don't know what to do with them, make "Kai Choy Fan" however we make them fresh from scratch. This dish is quite versatile I'd say, the choice of meat can be any kind but my family usually either use roasted pork belly or duck. The other pertinent ingredients are "Kai Choy" mustard greens, dried chillies, and dried "Assam Gelugor" tamarind slices. As for "Haam-Kai" its literal translation is salty chicken. If you consider water as one of the ingredients then only 3 ingredients are needed to make this dish. All you have to do is marinate the chicken with salt for a few hours then steam it and voilà it is done. Around 3pm we would check in to our own respective hotel to rest for a bit. However, unfortunately for my dad, when we were younger, me and my sister would always ask to go swim at the hotel pool. Due to this, my dad was not able to take a rest even after the long drive from KL to Ipoh. At 7pm, everyone will gather at a restaurant to eat dinner, when finished we will go back to the "main house". Some of us would gamble, drink, play with firecrackers while others sit around chatting with each other.
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On "Chu San", we will once again jam our way back to KL. For some reason, I always feel like going back to KL took a shorter time compared to when we're going to Ipoh. But in reality, the jam for going back to KL is much much more than going to Ipoh. Nothing much really happens on this day, after unpacking all the stuff when we reach home, my parents would rest a bit before going out for dinner. If they're feeling quirky, we would visit Tian Hou Gong to walk around and pray.
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From Chu Si onwards, nothing really goes on anymore. Most of the time we just go to some mall to chill and shop around or we would go to Bentong to pray. Occasionally, we would go to some of our parents' friends' house to "bai nian" and eat dinner. Other than that, we pretty much have nothing to do. That sums up how i celebrate Chinese New Year every year. Although it is not as lively and bustling as other families, I still enjoy it very much and I hope this 'tradition' carries on in future generations.
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eclaisse · 4 months
2024 Week 5
I need to get better about writing these blog posts on a timely basis. Originally I was using Twitter for every thought that popped into my head and posting it immediately, but I got tired and embarrassed by that very quickly.
I have multiple Twitter accounts and have been using the platform since 2016 I think. My main Twitter has a lovely selection of posts— art from my favorite artists, cute foods, different sciences, psychology, astrology, and funny memes. Then there's one I made as a VTuber and one I made for art after the last account was hacked. I don't check the VTuber one anymore because it's full of VTuber drama or overtly sexual humor. I understand that's part of the appeal of VTubers, but the jokes are so corny and make me cringe quite a bit. It makes me feel like I'm back in high school with a bunch of obnoxious students yelling dumb jokes as the teacher is trying to speak. Very specific, I know, but I think we've all experienced something like that.
The art Twitter isn't any better since I follow some VTuber mutuals on there. The people I follow are fine, but on the timeline I still see dumb posts with people either stirring up drama, spreading misinformation, or being overly dramatic about simple things. The memes on there are also super outdated— like stuff I saw back when I was still on Tumblr is making rounds again and people are eating it up. It's just become very off-putting to be there. I did have a lot of fun posting daily as a challenge though. It was a good exercise in research to see what kinds of posts were doing well. And I do like the mutuals I made through streaming, they are all very sweet people. I want to stay connected with them if possible.
I've been brainstorming other ways to pursue "content creation" (I hate that phrase). I just want to share my work with others and bond with them over it. I don't desire to be famous or have a community, I just want to have fun with my hobbies and interact with people.
Maybe it's better if I make a text document and update that like a Twitter every day for the week, and then compile them all into a post on Saturday or something like that. I will think about how to continue the consistency. This is probably the clunkiest post I've made because the sentences are so abrupt and short. But right now I just want to get my thoughts across.
Nothing super interesting happened this week I guess. I found a new dentist and set up an appointment with them, which is early tomorrow morning. I need to schedule a checkup next, but maybe I will wait a bit for that. I want to get a blood panel done this year and see how I'm doing. Work was dull this week because I barely had anything to do— and then suddenly I had to repeat one task three times, which was annoying but no one's fault.
It's been storming a lot so I made a tasty soup today. I used the chicken stock I made and froze a few months back, and added wood ear mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, baby bok choy, green onions, soy sauce, sesame oil, and noodles. The broth tasted especially good after the ingredients simmered in it for a while. I want to try making it again. I want to make a heartier one though since this was a very light vegetarian soup.
The storm was making me feel anxious though, the tree outside was waving its branches wildly and bending to the winds. the wind and water hitting against the outside surfaces of the house was also a bit eerie to hear. My fear is that the roof will crumble and place will flood, though I think the place is a lot more structurally sound than that. I have enough food and a giant flashlight if I do lose power (many of my friends already did today) so I will just try to be careful.
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survey--s · 8 months
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What is the color of the last towel you used? Like a sea green type colour.
Are you listening to music right now? If so, whatcha listening to? The Winner Takes it All by Meryl Streep.
Would you rather have a hippo or rhino dropped on you? I mean, I'd be dead either way lol.
Do you walk a lot? I mean, it's my job to walk dogs so yes, lol. I'm normally walking for 4-5 hours a day (during the week, anyway). Weekends are much lazier.
If you’re still in school, what number is your locker? What color is it? I haven't been in school for over a decade lol. My locker was dark blue, though I don't remember the number.
Do you have any super silly nicknames? Yep.
Have you ever heard of the Japanese snack Yan Yan? Nope. You can't really get many Japanese snacks here which is a shame as they all look amazing, haha.
Do you watch sports? Which ones, if any? Not really. Sometimes I watch Wimbledon but that's about it.
Do you enjoy the great outdoors? I do as long as the weather is good. I'm not one of those people who will go out in all weathers just to get outside, lol.
Do you like cream soda? No, it's too sweet and leaves a funny aftertaste.
Is there anyone who hates you? Probably.
What color is your cell phone? Blue and black. How does your hair look right now? It's just tied up in a messy bun.
Are you on any medications? No.
What is the last piece of mail you received? How about e-mail? Mail was some photos I ordered for work, and e-mail-wise, it was just a confirmation that my order of cat litter had been sent out, lol.
Who is your 15th contact in your phone? I have no idea, my phone is on the side charging.
Name something you like about school. Leaving at the end of the day.
Do you eat meat, or are you a vegetarian? I eat meat.
Have you ever cried in front of a teacher? Yes.
Have you ever cried BECAUSE of a teacher? Yes, that too.
Do you do a :) or a (:? Both ways, depending on my mood. Normally :) though.
Do you have a facebook? Do you go on it often, if you do? Yes, and daily.
What is the closest gas station to you? There's one about a quarter of a mile up the road.
Who did you last see in concert? I don't remember, honestly.
What grade are you in? I left school 16 years ago.
Granny smith or delicious red apples? The only apples I really like are Pink Ladies but even then I don't really eat them very much.
If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? How come? Neil Gaiman, just because he's awesome.
Are paper clips fun to play with? They were when I was a kid, sure.
Can you speak any other language? French and some German.
Do you prefer mechanical pencils or regular pencils? Regular ones.
Do you have a job? What’s your job? Yeah, I run my own pet care business.
Do you take advil, tylenol, or ibuprofen? Ibuprofen or paracetamol.
Why is the sky blue? Oh, I really can't be bothered to look that up lol.
Do you enjoy classic rock? If I'm in the right mood, sure.
Have you ever heard of the band Citizen Cope? If not, look them up, they’re really good. I have but I've never heard their music and I'm not going to look it up now.
Is your alarm clock set right now? No, but it will be before I go to bed.
What kind of music do you listen to the most? It depends - lately it's been country.
Are you itchy right now? No. Oh, actually, I am now you've mentioned it lol.
Do you like pine trees, or do think the sap is too annoying? I mean, they're nice enough - they do smell nice.
Mountains or beach? I'm lucky enough to have both within five minutes of my house.
What is the closest purple object to you? A jumper.
Are your walls blank or covered with pictures/posters? They're mostly blank but there are a couple of paintings up.
Have you ever tried veggie burgers? Yeah, loads of times.
Do you have anything on your wrists? Nope.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I don't really think that far in advance.
Do you have a mirror in the room you are in? Yeah, there's one above the dresser.
Have you ever had corn nuts? I have no idea what those are.
Do you smoke? I don’t.
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
***credits to the original creator***
What is your favorite salad dressing?
Idk, not a big salad person. I like when my family adds shredded cheese on my salad, and then I only eat shredded cheese lol
Favorite sit-down restaurant?
Moon sushi.
Favorite pizza topping?
Just standard ingredients for capricciosa.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it?
If chocolate counts, then chocolate, I do that anyway.
What do you put on your toast?
Cheese spread, normally.
What food do you eat the most?
Do you like food?
Do you LOVE food?
I’m not that passionate about it, but when it’s good nothing’s better.
Do you even eat at all?
No, I photosynthesize in the sun.
What do you put on your ice cream?
Usually nothing, but sometimes chocolate syrup or sprinkles.
Do you like steak?
Yeaah, but not like too much.
Or are you a vegetarian?
How about a vegan?
Nope nope.
What food do you hate the most?
How many TVs are in your house?
Just one here.
Do they all work?
Do you have Comcast digital cable?
I don’t know but I don’t think so.
AT&T Uverse?
Dish Network?
Something else?
What’s your favorite show?
Hmm, Squid Game, The Haunting series, AoT though that’s technically an anime, but it’s so so good.
What’s the worst show?
Lol I don’t know. Besides, I love bad shows sometimes, they relax me.
What color cell phone do you have?
It’s this really cool blue. Sadly, I broke its back glass very early on, so now I hide it with a phone case.
What kind?
Huawei P20 Lite.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it?
Ah, not gonna check now.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to?
Something to my best friend, probably asking her how her work’s going.
Who was the last person to call you?
My parents, I think.
Who was the last person you called?
Probably same, I hate calling people.
Are you missing someone?
Hm, I don’t think so.
What are you listening to?
Just outside noise, kids screaming, usual stuff.
My computer screen where I’m tying this lol
Worrying about?
If I’ll be able to balance my freelancing gigs with a full-time job or if it’s better to just stick with freelancing because I like that more.
Where are you?
On my living room floor.
What’s it like there?
Pretty nice.
How are you feeling?
Not bad, actually, last night I felt kinda eeeh so I thought that mood would continue today, but I slept really well (and really long because I didn’t feel like doing anything at all) and today I feel much better.
Is anyone with you? Who?
My sister is on the balcony a few feet away.
Are you hungry?
Not really, but I could eat.
What do you want to eat?
Idk, I’m feeling Mexican food today, but that’s not gonna happen.
What do you want to drink?
Orange juice would be nice though.
What time is it?
3 PM on the dot.
Thing you ate?
Spicy chips.
Thing you drank?
Pretty sure it’s water.
Thing you said?
No idea lol
Movie you watched?
Princess Mononoke in open-air cinema, such a cool experience!
Store you went to? What did you buy?
A supermarket, I bought some sandwiches, the aforementioned chips, some chocolates.
Person you talked to?
My sister.
Person you hugged?
No clue, not much of a hugger.
Not much of a kisser either lol
Yelled at?
Also not much of a yeller, so it must have been a very long time ago.
Book you read?
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman.
Thing you touched?
My laptop.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site?
Oh idk.
Are you a righty or a lefty?
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A wisdom tooth only.
What is the last heavy object you lifted?
I bought some 5 kg weights for my sister and had to carry them in my backpack.
Have any scars?
How did you get them? Any interesting stories?
Hmm, a pretty recent one is from rollerblading, my wheels got stuck on a little stone and I fell almost headfirst into some construction debris. Luckily, since I have plenty of rollerblading experience, I know how to fall, so I didn’t get seriously hurt -- just got scrapes all over. My elbow was in a particularly bad shape and now I got a nice scar to forever remind me of my adventures.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you’re going to die?
Nope. Not how, not when, nothing.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I actually wouldn’t. I never thought my name suited me, but then one day it hit me that it’s such a short, convenient, easily pronounceable name that all my foreign friends can use too, so now I like it.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Uhhh well no, but I’d probably try for $1000. That’s good money for my country.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup?
Again, I’d try. Maybe if I had enough time, I could.
10 bottles of maple syrup?
I’ve never tried maple syrup so it’s hard to say.
A bottle of vinegar?
Okay, I draw the line there.
10 jars of peanutbutter?
With enough time, sure.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
None, I don’t find them comfortable.
Favorite month?
Do you always answer your phone?
Lol no. I mean, I do to my family and sometimes friends, but if an unknown number is calling, well... sorry.
It’s four AM and you get a text message, who is it?
Actually, I’m the one who’s most likely to answer messages at 4 am because I often work at night. Plus, I know everyone’s sleeping then so they won’t answer right away. Sometimes I feel so pressured when I answer a message and a person writes back immediately, the exception being when it’s something urgent or arranging plans or so.
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Probably blue. I’m cool with my boring brown eyes now tho
Do you own a digital camera?
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself?
Not a lot, but more now than I did before.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom?
Rarely, but it happens.
Have you ever had a pet fish?
Pet hamster?
Favorite Christmas movie?
I guess I’ll go with Home Alone.
Favorite Christmas song?
Christmas Love by Jimin.
Can you do push ups?
Loool absolutely not.
Can you do a chin up?
Does the future make you nervous or excited?
Right now it doesn’t make me feel anything particular. I’m usually of the excited kind, though.
Ever been in a car accident?
Yes, but everyone involved was okay somehow, even though a motorcycle scraped my family car at high speed. Luckily, the guy riding it had a helmet and all that, so he only sustained very minor injuries.
Do you have an accent?
I mean, everyone does? But yeah, English is not my native language, so I probably do have a vaguely East European accent.
What song always makes you cry?
Always? Well, none, but H. by Tool usually makes me feel that particular tightness in my chest.
Have any plans for tonight?
Just German lesson.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
I just arrived home from cinema then, so eating.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Why are there so many notifications on my phone
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What denomination do you regularly attend the most right now/are you a member of? Sorry if you already answered this.
This question has been revisited in light of the changes that have taken place in world, and in my own life since this question was first asked of me.
The Holy Eastern Orthodox Communion is even more fractured now than it has ever been. Modernity has not been kind to the church of the Apostles.
Our world has some Orthodox Communions who are openly and actively making overtures to the homosexual community, outside of purely pastoral cares and concerns. We have another Orthodox Communion that preserves a very strong legalistic, almost Western understanding of sin, and like the Western Crusaders of old, or modern day Jihadists; believe in their pride that envy leading to murder, rape, or theft in a "Holy War", is no vice for the greater glory of stamping out proxies of the first Communion infidels.
Obviously we here in the United States have no clear Orthodox Communion either, so back-room infighting is common here too. There have been attempts to reconcile the warring groups, but the common sin of Pride runs through all members of Christ's Church, top to bottom, so jockeying for political control always takes precedence over Christian Unity.
The Antiochian Orthodox Church, the church I catechized under, seems to have sidestepped the worst abuses of either side, seems also to be more evangelically focused, and would be the communion I would prefer to join if I were to chrismate into the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Which I have not yet done.
I was born into a family that had been Adventist for many years. On my Mother's large side of the family, I don't know of a family member that wasn't connected to the Adventist church in some fashion (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc...) - even if it was to leave the church when they came of age. My Dad's small family converted when he was 4 years old, and to the day my grandma died, she maintained a strict Prayer rule, kept Western Icons of Christ around the house, and made a huge deal over Easter. My parents were inconsistent Adventists - alternating between, "Christmas is a pagan holiday", to, "this is what we did for Christmas when I was a kid", year to year. They would do much the same with Easter. Turkey was eaten on Thanksgiving and Christmas, fish on Friday, but otherwise we were vegetarian. The first time my Dad loaded up on chicken at the local all-you-can-eat restaurant was a memorable experience for me.
Denominational schools weren't much different, the spectrum of differences between families who called themselves "Adventist" were phenomenal.
My experience with Adventism, then, is that it's just as dysfunctional as The Orthodox Church and my family. Various groups or individuals with different agendas, each going their way.
In terms of Adventism, Sabbath seems to be the thread that holds us all together. In reflection, I find it interesting to me that when the Priest I was Catechizing under mentioned that Sabbath still had a place of honor in the Orthodox Church, really only second to the Lord's Day. I found that compelling.
Hierarchies, not dichotomies.
Which brings us back to the topic...
I was raised to think of myself as Adventist. Unless something significant happens, I will probably continue thinking of myself as Adventist. However, my Catechesis in the local Antiochian church, and the blog of Fr. Stephen Freemen were critically invaluable to my remaining Christian.
Recently, I heard an Ancient Faith Podcast, that made the point that I should be faithful to the community of which I am a part; that I was baptized into Christ, not into a denomination. I don't know if they intended to convict those of us outside the Orthodox Church, but in my case they did. So, As long as my local church remains my family, I will continue fellowship with them.
That does not preclude me from also attending Eastern Orthodox services on my own, for immersing myself in their theology, for making their prayers my own, or for supporting their ministries from time-to-time as the Spirit wills.
Lord have mercy upon me, A sinner.
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