#but maybe if i just make a server specifically for talking to tumblr users it will be better
voidsparkk · 2 years
if anyone wants to be closer friends with me i am open to dms and also have a discord that i use a lot so there is that too
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
Getting Linux-y (for Windows refugees)
a casual users' GUIDE to the basics
Linux ? isn't that for nerds ??
yes. no. we're breaking down stereotypes here !! this post is aimed at casual users who care about freedom + privacy, are sick of the direction Windows is heading, or just curious c:
i'm talking social media, email, web browsing, online shopping, pdfs, document writing, funny meme edits, youtube/netflix/plex, spotify, dvds + cds + mp3s etc.
i'll mention gaming and running specific Windows-only software briefly, but that's outside the casual scope i'm going for d:
Arm thyself ! and decipher !! arcane secrets be upon ye !!
it's key knowledge time !! ^w^
Linux isn't Windows, but it's not completely alien :o
much like Tumblr, one curates their Linux experience. there are flavours of Linux (terminology: distribution/distro) aimed at power users who like to DIY, and there's ones aimed at normal folk that are ready to go. for the sake of this GUIDE i'm recommending Linux Mint:
its interface is similar to Windows,
it's popular as a user-friendly choice
and it has both excellent support and software
(note: i ran Mint for years, and when coming back to Linux i chose it for my gaming pc because it's easy to set up and well-supported)
key information:
Linux doesn't use drive letters :o
your C: drive is / (terminology: root directory)
your personal files (C:\Users\Username) live under /home/username (terminology: home directory)
other drives (internal and USB drives) live under /mnt/drive-label or /media/username/drive-label (terminology: mount point)
Technical Note: all hard drives and SSDs, before they get a mount point, are referred to as /dev/sdX (eg /dev/sda, /dev/sdb etc.) for HDDs and SATA SSDs (partitions are /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 etc.), and /dev/nvmeXn1 (/dev/nvme0n1, /dev/nvme1n1 etc.) for NVMe drives (partitions are /dev/nvme0n1p1, /dev/nvme0n1p2)
however, Mint manages all this for us and stuff just shows up in your File Manager much like they do in Windows Explorer c:
Software is typically managed similar to the way App Stores work; Mint has Software Manager that lets you install common programs
the only wrinkle here is Mint supports both Mint-specific sources and a thing called Flatpak, which is like a universal App Store for all Linux distros
the Update Manager keeps both your core system and your programs up-to-date. unlike Windows, by default it will only update when you tell it to ! no more rebooting into Windows Update and waiting 10 years ^w^
it's possible to have both Linux and Windows on the same laptop (terminology: dual-booting); you choose which one each time you turn your laptop on
the Linux Mint Forums are a good place to ask questions, seek advice, and maybe even offer your own !!
additional places: Official Community Website, community-maintained subreddit, community-maintained Discord Server, Official Troubleshooting Guide
i think that's the basic info taken care of.
Let's start with the preparation, or PRE-paration
for this GUIDE you'll need:
a USB drive (4GB+)
Linux Mint ISO file
Balena Etcher (to put the ISO file on the USB drive)
i recommend reading through the info on the Mint homepage and following their installation guide for good step-by-step guide w/ screenshots ^^'
we're gonna make a 'Live Image' on our USB drive - this means we can testdrive the system before we install it. try before you buy !! wait, it's free -- uhh.. walk before you run ??
Download the ISO file using the above link. i recommend the Cinnamon Edition, unless you have a very old PC, in which case pick XFCE
Download Balena Etcher
Plug in your USB drive and open Etcher
Follow the onscreen prompts to select the ISO file and your USB drive
Alright, let's fire her up ! ^u^
now we have our USB drive it's time to boot it. because Windows is, well, Windows, you may need to disable Fast Boot in order to access the BIOS/UEFI. :c you may also have to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS/UEFI depending on your computer. this is usually found in the Boot, Security, or Authentication tab.
now we're ready !!
Power on your computer and press F1/F2/F6/F10/F12/DEL to access your BIOS or Boot Menu
Select your USB drive
A screen will come up where you can select Linux Mint (or will say Automatic Boot in X seconds)
You shall be greeted by a desktop that looks something like this
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have a look around !! there's a menu in the bottom left that has programs and system settings and logout/reboot/shutdown options. the taskbar at the bottom displays icons of running apps (and pinned ones). the bottom right has your clock and system tray w/ network, audio etc.
this is a great time to get a feel for how everything works ! open some programs !! investigate the System Settings. connect to your WiFi (in the system tray next to the sound and clock).
when you're ready, double-click the "Install Linux Mint" icon on the desktop. the installer will walk you through setting everything up. i recommend following the official installation guide's walkthrough as it explains everything from setting your timezone to installing Mint by itself or alongside Windows, with screenshots showing each step. it also has an important section on installing drivers. the slideshow during installation also does a good job at showcasing the available software.
Welcome Screen
after installing and rebooting, a Welcome Screen pops up that offers a nice interface for picking a system theme/colour, installing drivers, and setting up backups etc.
Let's talk software !! :D
Mint comes with some software pre-installed. these are probably the main ones:
Archive Manager (like 7-Zip or WinRAR)
Celluloid (a video player; VLC is available to install if you prefer)
Drawing (an image editor similar to Paint)
Document Viewer (PDF viewer)
Firefox (Tumblr's favourite web browser)
LibreOffice (like MS Office - it even supports MS Office file format !)
Rhythmbox (like Windows Media Player or iTunes)
Software Manager (like the Microsoft Store/App Store; GET OTHER PROGRAMS HERE !)
System Monitor (like Task Manager)
System Settings (like Control Panel)
Terminal (like Powershell/Command Prompt; outside the scope of this post but good to have)
Text Editor (like Notepad)
Timeshift (like System Restore points, or macOS Time Machine)
Web Apps (similar to an old iOS feature - make Netflix.com into an app etc.)
Update Manager (manages updates)
Available in Software Manager:
Transmission (torrent client)
and much more ! these are all official apps !
How's that checklist ?
i mentioned some casual tasks at the start of this post. let's work through them !
Social Media, Online Shopping, Youtube/Netflix/Plex and general Web Browsing
Difficulty: easy Windows Similarity: identical Method: open Firefox. browse to your_site.com. note: i recommend the web version of Plex as the app can be buggy
Difficulty: easy (webmail), medium (mail client) Windows Similarity: identical (webmail) or similar (mail client) Method: webmail - open Firefox. browse to your_email_site.com. sign in client - open Software Manager. search for Geary (similar to Mac Mail), Evolution (similar to Outlook), or Thunderbird (same as on Windows). click Install. open Geary/Evolution/Thunderbird, follow the first-time setup.
Difficulty: easy Windows Similarity: similar Method: open Document Viewer from the application menu. File -> Open, browse for your PDF. OR, open File Browser, browse for your PDF, double-click to open
Document Writing
Difficulty: easy Windows Similarity: similar Method: open LibreOffice Writer from the application menu. on first launch it may ask if you want a traditional (Office 2003) or Ribbon (Office 2007 onwards) layout. use it as you would MS Word. there's also Calc (Excel), Impress (Powerpoint), Draw (Publisher) and Base (Access)
Funny Meme Edits (aka MS Paint level of image editing)
Difficulty: medium Windows Similarity: similar Method: open Drawing from the application menu. File -> Open for your image. the left toolbar provides options to resize, add text, crop etc. pro tip: remember to click the tick button on the bottom right when you do anything !
Difficulty: easy Windows Similarity: identical Method: open Software Manager, search for Spotify, click Install. then open it from the application menu.
Difficulty: easy Windows Similarity: similar Method: insert your DVD. Mint may ask what you want to do (choose play/open with Celluloid). if it doesn't, then open Celluloid from the application menu, click the + icon in the top left, click "Open Disc" and choose the DVD you inserted.
CDs and MP3s
Difficulty: easy Windows Similarity: similar Method: CDs - insert your CD. Mint may ask what you want to do (choose play/open with Rhythmbox). if it doesn't, then open Rhythmbox from the application menu. it should automatically see your CD. MP3s - double-click your MP3 file.
Gaming and Windows-only programs
i said i'd briefly mention this (probably good bc the post is getting loonnggggggg), so here we go.
gaming on Linux has come a long way. Steam can be installed from Software Manager and supports a few titles natively, as well as the option to run some Windows-only games using compatibility software called Proton. the website ProtonDB is very handy for looking up compatibility for specific games. i'll drop a proper GUIDE on Linux gaming another time.
Windows-only programs. sometimes you need specific software and it only has a Windows version. it happens. there's similar compatibility software that allows eg Photoshop to run, called WINE (Proton is actually based on this). again, this is outside the casual scope of this post, but i'll drop a GUIDE on this too (as i use the same software to manage both my Windows-only programs and my Windows-only games).
Finale !! FINI !! Fuck me that's a lotta words !!
okay, we got to the end ! you should have Linux Mint installed, you should have your basic programs ready to rock (and know where to get more !!), and know where to get help from official Linux Mint sources as well as community-run ones <3
please drop any questions in the notes, or as an ask. i shall tag those asks #DATA_REQUESTS/GUIDES/LINUX in addition to my usual #DATA_REQUEST tag
i'll also provide the following GUIDEs/REPOs as i have time:
Flatpak (that universal App Store i mentioned earlier)
Gaming (including using Proton + Bottles for Windows games)
Windows software (using WINE + Bottles)
and if there are any specific GUIDEs (eg terminal basics, how to configure xyz in System Settings etc.) or REPOs (eg links to other people's GUIDEs, software recs, screenshot galleries etc.) i'm happy to provide those as and when i have the time !! have fun !!~
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elisaintime · 1 month
The post-episode 3 shift
So we were talking about how AMC's Interview with the Vampire Season 1 handles their choice of making Louis a black man in the early 1900s. This is a really cool change the show made in its AU version of IWTV, and it brought in a whole lot of subjects to explore that didn't exist in the books, making the TV show a very different work of art. But all the initial ideas for this show came from a cishet white man, and while he down the line had assistance from poc collaborators, I still think the show had areas where it could have done better with regards to some of the story beats, character arcs, and plot progression. The other thread got unwieldy with multiple reblog trees, but it's here for reference: https://www.tumblr.com/elisaintime/748738811357462528/woah-i-must-have-missed-something-why-are-people You can see everyone else's discussion in the notes.
I love discussions like this! Please talk to me about vampire chronicles! I live for it! I'm posting this now because I am disappointed that a few people seem to not be understanding several things I said. Maybe I said it unclearly, or maybe they're projecting and jumping to conclusions.
Kind of like how this poster does:
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I deleted/banned every single comment on my videos that talked negatively about the show making Louis and Claudia black or deriding it for trying to be woke (and there were a bunch!). I delete block and ban all forms of hate speech. My channel is absolutely not a safe space for racists or bigots of any kind.
As you can see in the screencap, there is nothing in these comments that is about the race changes. These comments are talking about other changes the show made from the books and don't touch on race at all. The poster who screencapped them is jumping to the conclusion that these commenters liking the books better than the show automatically makes them racist, and that these are racist comments. And this screencap is specifically what I was referencing at the beginning of the other thread. Several people have said this now, that my YT comments section makes a safe space for racists. But these are not racist comments, and there is no evidence that the commenters are racist. This is projection and assumption. If you DO ever notice a racist comment on any of my videos, that I somehow missed, please bring it to my attention so that I can immediately delete and ban the user from ever commenting on my channel again.
But back to the show itself and my critique of it. I'm always here for talking about vampire-related writing! Let's go!
I still stand by what I said in my videos about the few issues I had with the show's scripts. If you watched my videos or follow all I've said about the show here on tumblr or elsewhere, you'll know how excited about this show I've been from the very beginning, how obsessively into it I am, following every aspect of production and behind the scenes news. You may even be in one of the multiple discord servers with me where we talk about the show constantly. There was much I really enjoyed about season 1, which I was outspoken about in my videos, and people keep seeming to forget. My videos had a greater percentage of positivity in them than negativity. But yes, I did have critiques as well, just like I do with every single piece of vampire media I discuss on my channel--it's the entire point of my channel!--and those mostly had to do with inconsistency in the writing.
What I've said is that the DRIVING FORCE of the plot wasn’t about Louis's struggles with chafing against society as a black man after episode 3, not that there was no more racism. I said he was obviously still immersed in systemic racism all around him, which the show showed us with visual details in the background, despite no one talking about them. This is fine, we don't need it spelled out for us. TV is a visual medium, and that's what the images are there for. But my discussion is about his character MOTIVATIONS on a writing level. His want vs need. His goal vs obstacle. If you're unversed on the techniques of story writing and plot structure, I recommend Blake Snyder's book Save the Cat as a crash course. In ep 1-3, for Louis, it was about being respected as a man equal to others among his society, the citizens of New Orleans, his colleagues and business rivals. Fighting for social opportunities that were limited to him because he is black. That story ends with episode 3 and a new story begins. I’m not saying this is a bad thing. I just said I NOTICED it.
After it all burns down, Louis stops focusing on society respecting him as a human being (which was ironic to begin with, because he’s not human anymore) and his driving plot becomes about making and keeping a family and such. Obviously race is still an element of that in a mixed marriage, but it’s not about his business or social standing anymore, these parts of his life that were SO IMPORTANT to him in the first three episodes. In the books, vampires stop caring about that kind of stuff the second they are made, but the show changed it to take Louis a few years to get there instead of it happening instantly.
Obviously racism doesn't magically disappear or stop mattering once he accepts his vampire nature (which Lestat kind of promises him it will), but it does shift to being a background element for what we see on screen. He is not focused on it anymore, when it used to be the primary driving force of his plot. We hardly even get to see Louis interact with (racist) society again til the finale (and I made this observation on episode 5, which the end-of-episode credits told us was written by a white person). For example, the police that come to their door are bigoted to him and Lestat because they’re gay, but meanwhile, they act completely colorblind. At this point, Louis’s character motivations are about fear of them being caught for murder, and his emotions regarding how Claudia is struggling with her eternal child body and lashing out--about keeping his family together. Not about his racial struggles as a businessman and citizen in outward society.
Yes, we all know there were non-white people in the writer’s room (thank god! Can you imagine?? If there weren’t any, we’d all have been raging from the very beginning! Did you read RJ’s episode 1 script draft before it got revised with the input of black/queer/female editors? OOF), but the choice to completely shift Louis’s driving character motivations away from his impassioned societal race struggle to something different after 3 episodes was part of the original season outline made by white people before any poc were brought on to the team. 
And again, I didn’t say it was a bad thing, it was just something I NOTICED, and the way the show executed it felt very abrupt and clunky. Did I want the cops to not be colorblind and get in some racial digs and microaggressions while they were at Louis’s house? Ew no. But I did NOTICE that they didn’t do that, and how it was so different from the way Louis was spoken to by white people in the first 3 episodes. Did the white writer of this episode perhaps feel uncomfortable going there?
The season told two different stories for Louis, with an abrupt turn in the arc after episode 3. It didn’t feel like an arc at all, but a sharp angle. Starting with Claudia, Louis’s primary drives and character motivations completely change. He no longer wants to be an important businessman respected in society, he becomes “the housewife,” and never once seems to miss his desperately-fought-for social status at all. This comes back to what I said about the show being weakened by trying to shove in too much book stuff. Ep1-3 were all these cool new original ideas from the show with Louis having entirely new character motivations based on the show's changes to his background. They were naturally driven by what him being black in 1910 now meant. But after that story was done, it abruptly shifts back to more of how he in in the books, and trying to suddenly pull him back to his book personality/motivations/goals after giving us this whole new organically-evolved self in 1-3 was notable. I noticed it.
All in all, I think it probably would have worked much better on a writing level if it was treated as two separate mini seasons instead of presenting itself as an attempt at one coherent whole.  
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AITA for telling people I don't care about fandom drama unless it somehow directly involved me? Maybe some people will read this and go "what? No???" And if that's the case I'm gonna be snickering to myself but I digress. I'm a digital artist trying to find my footing in this hellscape of an online environment with tumblr being broken as it is and twitter going down in flames slowly, DeviantArt supporting AI and I don't think I need to go on. For a long, long time I was a fandom artist however and one of the 'bigger' names in a fairly small community. I've 'fell off' as they say because of some beef with people I didn't choose to have but hey, tale as old as time with fandoms am I right? We mess up and move on with our lives. SO YEAH that aside, when you've been through stuff like that and grow up a bit you realize that it was all a pretty stupid waste of time and energy and now I'm in my mid-20s and would really just like to focus on my art. I still make fan art for this specific thing and like make fan art for basically anything I enjoy nowadays and just...spread out my skills more so I got a better portfolio and all that. I'm really just vibing so to speak. Then a while ago I got DMed by someone in my server about some beef they were having with another user in my server. The kicker is that none of said beef was actually taking place in my server but in another server owned by the person DMing me. It's as if you're the manager of a starbucks and the manager from the Burger King across the street comes in like 'Yeah your employee was being shitty in my Burger King so I don't think I'll be going to this StarBucks anymore >:(" Like, what do you want me to do with that information? I can't talk to someone about behavior I didn't even see any damning evidence of and I'm not going to accuse someone of something based on something a stranger said. Somehow this conversation went from me explaining that I'm not about to ban someone or adhere to somebody else's 'blacklist' over things I have seen no proof of, to the stranger DMing me that a lot of people 'are intimidated' by me or that I have them blocked 'for no reason' setting off my paranoia like no other. I had recently dealt with being ghosted by friends who turned around and posted a call-out (with zero evidence mind you, not a single screenshot because they in fact, wiped WHOLE ENTIRE chats as they contained proof of the opposite) and those people stalking me for WEEKS, had to start over fresh and everything. So naturally I didn't like this very much and bluntly stated that if I blocked anyone, it's probably for a good reason and that it's not my problem if that somehow hurt their feelings, I need to look out for my own safety online. I fear I was a little TOO blunt because I did say something along the lines of 'I'm sorry but I do not care, I'm too old for fandom drama not involving me, I'm trying to be professional.' and cut the conversation off because I was exhausted and uncomfortable. I've been told that this was a just a weird and wacky instance and that I didn't do anything wrong, that people who do think I did need to go outside and touch grass and all that but hyea, it stuck with me because I worry that people are badmouthing me behind my back a lot. TL,DR: Got told by a follower that other people in our very small community were scared of me, had them blocked for 'no reason' and that somehow hurt their feelings and that my reputation was apparently decided by what my individual followers behaved like in other servers and spaces because apparently one little spat was enough to have someone threaten to distance themselves from me all-together while I wasn't involved at all. So, I figured if anyone is an expert at these fandom shenanigans, it's gotta be the veterans of the tumblr court.
What are these acronyms?
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cyle · 1 year
Hi Cyle, so Tumblr has something like 600 million blogs in total. I'm wondering whether the costs of hosting so many blogs is an issue & whether it'll systematically delete them like how Flickr was gonna delete a bunch of photos at some point cuz of server costs or something. Because the main reason I use Tumblr is to dig through archives, so that would be a bummer.
I love rediscovering the past here, Tumblr is absolutely teaming with dormant blogs, aesthetics from late 2000s and early 2010s, it's the most wonderful thing to me, rediscovering those ancient posts like I'm wandering through an abandoned library in the middle of a forest. I vaguely remember some talk about a "time machine" feature, so that gives me hope that the dormant blogs are here to stay.
Expanding on the time machine thing, how would that be implemented? Maybe like a date configuration on the dashboard and the ability to see old blogs and posts and hashtags and whatever else as if they were new and active depending on how far back you set your date. Would be great for getting the dormant stuff back into circulation. Maybe if this is well thought through and implemented practically and functionally, Tumblr will become the first platform to not actually be bound by time, by the present moment. So it can exist in any time in history, all the way back till it's inception in 2007. different users interacting in different time periods at the same time.
Maybe that would be confusing but I can sort of see it working, again if it's implemented well. Because there's just so much history on this platform. And it's famous for having old posts circulate now and then with the reblogs.
And another point... It wouldn't be limited to the number of posts today, cuz there would be "new" posts happening in all the other dates too. So there would be way more "new" posts for users to interact with. I think we might need parallel timelines. Or not! Just add more and more new posts to the old time periods when you've set your Tumblr time machine to that date. Ahhh it's a work in progress in my mind but talking about it makes me genuinely excited and hopeful haha.
I'll explain it more comprehensively if it's a point of interest for the team (this is just a 3am brainstorm). Because it could have some genuine benefits in making Tumblr feel more alive and bigger as a platform - like how it used to be. It is very much alive now because it does still have and always has had a great community. but a time machine might blow that up to astronomical proportions. All diff communities from across Tumblr history at the same time. After all "2014 tumblr" is probably the most used phrase that includes Tumblr in it. But Pre 2010 Tumblr was something else altogether.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this and any info u feel like dumping about the whole server cost query for the 600 million-ish blogs and how you manage them. Kind regards ^^
hey, long ask!
we have been experimenting with a new recommendation source of posts we’re calling “evergreen posts” which tries to surface great posts from tumblr’s whole history. you may see some in the For You tab.
having an actual “time machine” to go to specific times at tumblr is kind of already possible as a hack of the max post ID in the dashboard URL if you have “endless scrolling” disabled on web.
we could make that more of an obvious actual feature but i don’t think enough people would want to use it to justify the cost. neat hack day idea tho! someone did make a search time machine once for hack day.
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Thank you to Jade/Lolthia @/edens-gemstone for replying to the previous post. I will make an exception in replying as yes, there was a part I forgot to add, which is additional evidence to prove that all your accusations in the comments below are completely false. Allow me to address them one by one.
At the end, I will include some follow-up questions to add additional context for other users.
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“Also you literally stalked my tumblr after this, rb posts about Adam that I wasn’t comfy being rb and possibly sent me harassing anons (idk for sure)”
I do not have a Tumblr. This account is made by someone else, posting on my behalf. But if you really are confident that it’s me reblogging these posts and sending harassing anons, post the blog and the anons. If you don’t know for sure, why did you post this? 
“You literally just… didn’t want me included because I wouldn't let you ship your OC with Ibara.”
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As seen here, this claim is completely false. I explicitly mentioned that I had no problems with the pairing, but asked them to let me know prior next time to ensure the RP is consistent. I may have vaguely talked about an original story I was writing with my OC and Ibara outside of RP, but within the context of the RP, I have clearly stated that I was fine with the direction Lolthia wanted. 
None of what they had mentioned was communicated to me at all before the start of the RP. They didn’t even acknowledge what I said, just responding with ‘well I figured it would be obvious’.
Lolthia’s behaviour here is consistent with their stated intention in the previous post: to RP not because they want to collaborate, but because they want other writers to expend time and effort to fulfil their self-ship fantasies, without giving as much in return. Therefore, they didn’t bother giving context, let alone asking if their RP partners were okay with it.
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“You even stopped our RP after getting mad about me dating Ibara.”
Lolthia stopped the RP themselves after I confronted them for ranting on their public blog about a communication issue they were unhappy with in this server.
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Someone alerted me that they were talking about their RP server on their blog. I was concerned about those in the server who were on Tumblr. As their RP partner, I requested that they delete it and talk to us first in the future. We then had the following conversation.
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The conversation ended with this rude remark and Lolthia proceeded to be inactive for a long time before starting the argument in the previous post.
“I got tired of constant pings asking me for stuff”/ “I… asked to stop being pinged because I was going through enough”
I need you to understand that you are the admin of the server. We needed your help to create threads to hold our RPs in. Instead of not saying anything when we pinged you only to throw a tantrum about it, why didn’t you pass the permissions or moderator roles to someone else, or at least notify us that you’d be inactive for a certain amount of time?
In the post where we were planning an RP and pinged you - If your interpretation of ‘maybe they can come in later to keep the narrative consistent’ is us excluding you, that’s honestly a you problem, mate.
Only one of the claims you have made against me is correct. Yes - presently, I do not like you. But it’s not because you are whatever you identify as, or that you ship with a specific character.
I do not like you because you vagued your own server members, including myself, on your public blog. When I found out and asked you to edit out the mention of our server at minimum, you still had the gall to try to convince me it didn’t affect anyone but yourself.
I do not like you for insulting my friends and I as writers by saying we were ‘just an alternative to character.AI’ all along. And as people, by comparing us to the hate anons who had sent you death threats when we did nothing of the sort. Then, twisting the above into these accusations, without a shred of proof to go with them. 
I am a ROLEPLAYER. Ibara to me is no more than a character and piece of intellectual property.
Explicitly conveyed that your position was to use us to help you get validation for your alleged ‘relationships’ in a similar way to Character.AI.
Took out your jealousy towards other fandom members onto us, even getting emotional when we merely talked about and shared screenshots of characters you liked. 
When we didn’t give you attention to your liking, accused us of ostracising you and wanting you dead.
Threw a tantrum at us for pinging you for basic admin duties as the server owner, because it wasn’t attention or praise.
The only irrational one here is not myself, but you, and the hard evidence in these two posts is overwhelming.
I won’t be entertaining any further responses. Please be reminded that any attempt to post my personal information publicly will be met with action by me.
Q: Did you make both these posts and the document? 
No, these posts are follow-ups to the document containing evidence, made by a different person. 
Q: Why did you feel the need to engage them rather than leave the server?
We had already talked only amongst ourselves, ignored any vents they had and began our own server long before these events.
Engaging them was at first a personal choice to defend my friends, who had done nothing wrong. At the time, I was not aware that this was common behaviour for them.
The comparison between us and the death threat anons, which could affect my friends’ reputations, was the most compelling reason for me to attempt straightening this out.
Q: Why has this post been made almost a year later?
Yes, I do agree that from the looks of it, Lolthia’s actions are old news. After I was informed, I personally did not want anything to do with them, and decided to let it go.
However, recently, my friends in the same fandom spaces have not had the luxury of curating their own online experiences because according to them, they are constantly remaking blogs. Furthermore, it was not easy for them to work up the courage to make this post, as being wrongfully accused of wanting someone’s death is not easy for anyone. So, I decided to back them up with the hard evidence they lacked.
Thank you for reading. 
#ok to reblog#ok to rb#I may as well also say something in the tags (I am the one posting on someone else's behalf):#I myself hope this is the last post made on here as well. There is nothing more to add honestly.#This is honestly getting tiring. I know you will read this Jade one way or another. You will come across it.#If you have evidence for the contrary and can prove that you are in the right please do so (I already know you can't).#You will claim to be 'harrassed' but that is not our intention (anyone sending you harrassment or threats is not behavior we tolerate).#(Also no we are sending no one after you nor 'stalk your blog'. Don't act as if we don't have anything better to do... Because we do)#Let me tell you a secret Jade: You are NOT important. We only had enough of your behavior online since it does not change. At all.#It affects others - It affected us and it is affecting the communities you are in as well as a good portion of their members.#Please let it go already. But you can't. Because... As you said yourself 'Any attention is good attention'.#And some of your current mutuals will try to say 'it adds fuel to the fire'. This is not the intention in any way.#The only intention is to document Jade's online behavior and warn others. Because they have already gone too far.#This is to document and prove that they are no different no matter where they go. We only want to spread awareness.#It is not just me and the other person who are sick of it. Many others are sick of it as well. We want it to stop.#Their actions affect others nowadays as well. Only last month there was yet another incident heavily affecting another person.#Why? Because Jade thought it was necessary to make a 'callout post'. Even though the situation was long over.#This should have been long over and everyone involved is trying to move on. But you Jade make it impossible. This has gone on far enough.#Not to mention having been exposed to your drama and graphic vents (which at least sound suicide baity) have also stressed me out.#I kept out of the drama but it was affecting my mental state as well. All because you manage to land yourself into so many controversies.#I moved blogs because I had enough of your shit. Seeing it day in and out does a lot to a person.#'But no one cares about me' - We do not wish you ill (that is the truth) but this has to stop somehow. You are not the victim here.#It's always others but honestly... Given how much shit you got yourself into maybe you are to blame. This isn't normal after all.#Maybe ask yourself what you are doing wrong. But you won't. You never will. You will paint us as 'the bad ones' here.#That's the only thing you know how to do. You cannot owe up to anything and you are proving it time and time again. Even now.#Why do you get defensive now and not when the document dropped? Because there is solid evidence for your bullshit. That's why. You know it.#Deleting because you will throw a temper tantrum? No. Forget it. But again if you have proof for your claims come forward.#To me personally if you wish. But beware: This is not the first time I have dealt with this bullshit. I know this behavior all too well.#You are pulling bullshit I have already seen. My advice is to just log off already and sort your problems out.#This is not the first time I dealt with your type. You show the pattern I honestly expect and you will react as I expect.
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icyfox17 · 10 days
1, 20 and 26.
Meaning behind your url
okie so i could keep this simple but ima give u the lore to all the nicknames i have too HAHHA
Icyfox17--dude i dont fully remember bc its been so long but my dad was helping me make one and i think it came down to the fact that foxes are my favourite animal, 17 is my fav number, and icy bc foxes are cool ??? LMAO or maybe to do with arctic fox? the icy i do not remember but im PRETTY sure it has to do bc it's "cool". but yeah i made it for discord (my dad made me a discord account so i could have ppl to talk to about marvel since he was like "it might be nice for you to talk to ppl who actually understand what ur talking about for once??" but uhm. then i got intimidated by the sheer amount of ppl and never used discord until my fic author friend invited me to their server and taught me how to use it hahahaha)
but yeah i used to go by Fox!! the first few ppl who met me online saw the user and called me fox with only one person calling me icy. and then my partner came up with the username Foxie and idk i just found it really comforting? i love the name a lot but yeah!! and then i joined the dsmp fandom and then literally everyone i met there called me icy LMFAOOO but yeah so discord peeps tend to call me foxie but then ppl on tumblr/twt call me icy?? but yeah i love all names so hehehe
oh and then indie is smth Super new idk i used it as a dnd character name and then got attached lollll so i added it as a bonus name HAHAHAH
and my best friend uses the nickname ferwilikins, no idea where they got That from but i love it heheheh but IT IS gatekept to only them hehe :>
20. 5 things you love
rain, tea, my partnerfamilyandfriends (they count as one Yes), lying on grass in the sun and digging my hands into the dirt, MUSIC I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCHHHJDSKL
26. what i love about myself
AWWW okay okay okay. i love my? sense of identity? if that makes sense... like i have a very specific Vibe. Of clothes, music, typing, fandoms even. I feel like im a very Specific Person and idk i love the sense of identity i have :D i love my personality and i love my sense of adventure? like. i have a lot of memories of just exploring the city with my friends and i will have days where i just impulsively pop into a new store i've never seen and i feel like i have a lot of life in the way i live, if... that makes sense HELP idk
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desolationlesbian · 2 years
There's a dichotomy I struggle to articulate and might not actually exist, but feels like it exists, between like..."the internet of real life" and "the internet that is mostly disinterested in real life." There is a half of the internet where the default is to post under your real name and photo, and mainly about things like news, politics, your job, your family, etc. There is a different half of the internet who use pseudonyms and rarely if ever talk about any of those things, instead focusing in on hobbies and entertainment and art. Maybe "real life" is not a good word, since hobbies and entertainment are certainly things that are part of your real life, and I am sure there are a lot of blurred lines and crossover here. It just seems to me that "journalist whose internet use consists of using twitter under her byline and posting personal essays and quips" and "guy whose internet use consists of anonymously posting about building model airplanes with fellow enthusiasts on a model airplane forum, without telling those people anything else about him as a human" are using the internet in a distinctly different way that will shape very different relationships with it.
I say this because as a person whose internet use primarily consists of the latter, hearing people from the former group talk universally about the deleterious effects of social media sometimes sounds like it's coming from a space alien. Like, I saw this article in The Atlantic this morning, whose thesis appears to be that the earliest internet social spaces were for managing and deepening relationships you already had in real life, and the reason Facebook and Twitter got out of control is because they became public spaces where your posts are seen not by friends and family but thousands of strangers.
That just...isn't true! It's objectively false! It's so obviously false that I'm shocked it was published. The earliest internet social spaces were forums, IRC channels, and chatrooms, all of which had the key features of interacting pseudo-anonymously with people you have never met before in real life and almost certainly never would, and who you wouldn't realize was that person even if you did meet them on the street. In many ways connecting with strangers was the whole point of the old internet. People have been connecting online with far-afield weirdos since the internet existed. That is not the problem that plagues facebook, twitter, or instagram, or if it is it's not a new one.
If anything, the problem with sites like facebook and twitter seem to be that they want to be everything to everyone at all times forever and immediately connected to your identifiable real-life life.
All of the sites I tend to associate with relatively "healthier" internet use--forums, tumblr, discord--seem to share two key features:
No expectation of the use of any real-life identifiable characteristics
Rather than a universal town square, there is a division into smaller, focused, easier-to-moderate communities based on niche areas of interest (forums in general, sideblogs, servers) where groups of users police themselves via distributed moderation powers among them or small-community social norms
These features seem to be noticeably absent from, or at least not encouraged in the same way, from the big "internet of real life" sites. This is because the way they make money--eating your attention and selling personalized ad data--are fundamentally opposed to both those features. They don't want to be the place where people who like model airplanes go to talk about building model airplanes and then leave; they want to be your everything, and for everyone. They do not want you to be anonymous because they cannot sell your data if they do not know who you are. There are exceptions to this--Facebook as community moderated groups, Twitter doesn't force you to be identifiable--but this seems to be the general trend. The specific form of mental everything-all-the-time exhaustion and misery, impossible-to-moderate nightmares, and paranoia and alienation resulting from the commodification of ourselves as personal brands that we now associate with social media use, all seem to be downstream of this.
That is not to say that the older, unreal-life version of engaging with the internet is always healthy, and doesn't have its own problems. It does however feel sustainable, and way less exhausting, and like it has the potential for a healthy relationship with it, in a way that the big sites currently don't. Yet if you asked the big pundit-y class about How We Fix Social Media, it seems to me that they are unaware this method even exists! I think that is sad, and concerning for the future of the net.
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
hello! do you know of any good hermitcraft and/or traffic series and/or dsmp discords? I desperately need people to talk to but I have no idea where to start looking 🙏
I haven't been in that many Discords, it has never been my thing, but there's always the very well known ones / official ones. So
r/hermitcraft - the hermitcraft dicord server with most people for sure. There are even Hermits in there. Active! Probably the best Hermitcraft specific discord.
For Dream SMP it's either make your own with friends or join the official Discords of the CCs. I am only on Wilbur and Ranboo's..and technically I only look at Wilbur's lol
Wilbur's - you can join Soot MC which is the community's Minecraft server, there's various channels of course- If subscribed to Wilbur you can join the 100 player events! If you manage to catch them that is. They will often inform you ab half and hour before it starts so yeah)
Ranboo's - You have the normal channels. If subbed to Ranboo you get ranmail! (Extra messages from Ranboo)
For traffic series there existed the Highwaycord Server. It still exists and if you drop a message there people might respond even though it's a bit inactive. It's technically a trafficblr server so it's almost all (if not all Tumblr users). It was made for r/place and it's at least fun to look at the historic channels.
There are certainly more official discord servers so search for any CCs you like and look up to see if they have Discords! You can also ask your friends here on Tumblr if they have or are in a discord group. Even if it's not mcyt based maybe a group of friends could just discuss stuff!
I do also know about and active and specific hermitshipping Discord but I don't know if that's exactly what you're looking for so...
Honourable mention to the official MCC discord run by Noxcrew!
Recommendations are appreciated 💜
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mouserdiscourse · 2 years
it's important to recontextualize some common internet discourse talking points. for example: when you say that a group is "invading your spaces", be specific about the spaces you're referring to. did you mean to say "discord servers" or "tumblr tags"?
"it's difficult to find trauma resources when system servers are full of endogenics" have you perhaps considered that discord servers full of random teenage to 20-something tumblr/twitter users is not the safest place to get trauma recovery advice in the first place?
I understand that lack of access to resources is an issue, but this doesn't make listening to random, equally traumatized strangers any better of an idea. Consider that maybe certain types of harm are not unique to endogenic systems, and are rather a natural result of seeking out support in these kinds of spaces in the first place.
This goes for tumblr blogs, as well. Just because your favorite syscourser said something doesn't mean it's true or helpful, even if they're professionally diagnosed
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roundtriptojupiter · 2 years
i hate user submission blacklists so much
like if you give people in a discord server the power to ban ANYTHING from a server you end up with the most insane untrackable list of things that include but are not limited to: random unrelated ships and characters. random unrelated media. really broad topics. people’s actual fucking names. numbers. dates. the most specific video you have literally never heard of. and really common phrases.
and im not making fun of anybody’s triggers here, let’s be clear. my issue is more with forcing the moderators/allowing people to force the moderators to ban literally ANYTHING. because this leads to some really big inherent issues
namely: if someone’s name is on the blacklist. an ordinary name. like, say, john. and then someone whose name is john, who goes by john and nothing else, and really likes the name john, joins that discord server. what the hell do you do???
like- do you ask that person to change their fucking name??? what about someone’s birthday? what if someone blacklists a date and that date happens to be someone’s birthday? are they just not allowed to talk about their date of birth at all????
im all for respecting other peoples triggers but ultimately people have to curate their OWN experiences and forcing entire large groups of people to conform to a long list of banned topics and getting into impossible situations simply because the name “john” triggers one person is just fucking insane
it is literally not the responsibility of other people to solve your problems for you. and nevermind the fact that seeing your own name or birthday or something you really love on a trigger list is absolutely fucking heartbreaking for some reason
moderating topics in a discord server? sure. just don’t let people be able to submit literally anything to those moderated topics, because eventually you’ll find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place with no sensible way out
if you have serious triggers that you need to be accommodated for that are common names, words, phrases, etc, maybe a large public discord server isnt the best place for you to be hanging out. come back on tumblr and filter things instead.
sincerely, someone who has literally been told to change their name or leave based on user-submission blacklists in the past
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kitcat-italica · 2 years
A very specific and complain-y rant that is probably an example of kitcat's thin-skinned-ness incoming:
There's been 2 major instances this week of my fandom spaces being invaded, and I'm so fucking tired of it.
To clarify: I don't mean 'invaded' in the sense that I found some discourse I didn't like on Reddit, or people started showing up with bad faith takes in the Tumblr tags. Those are annoying, but they're not my fandom spaces — they're public spaces. Anyone can post whatever they'd like. You explore the public spaces of the internet at your own risk.
What I mean by 'invasion' is because these incidents happened on my own specific corners of the internet I have curated for my own fandom experience — namely my AO3 account of my own fic, and an invite-only discord server specific to a particular fandom. (Theoretically anyone out there could join that server, since the invite links are floating out there in public spaces? But the fandom is relatively small, and the number of active users on the server even smaller, so my experience of interacting with people on there qualifies it as a private fandom space.)
I am very protective of my private fandom spaces. I curate my internet experience through these spaces to be fun happy escapism from reality with like-minded people. If you find your way into my private fandom spaces, I would hope the understood expectation is that you add to that experience. Maybe that was too much to ask, idk.
Basically what happened was:
1. I started getting a bunch of comments on a fic from someone without an account. They kept changing their anon name to be different names? But it was obvious it was the same person. And they took the story that means a lot to me, and just started quoting certain parts of it wildly out of context, not really making coherent points and just kind of rambling, and making gross assumptions about it. I'm not really sure what response they're hoping to get? It's the strangest troll I've ever received, but I felt all kinds of gross after reading their 13 comments of this nature over the last 3 days.
2. Yesterday me and my discord server buddies were talking about the parts of canon that we really like, good-naturedly joking about parts of it, having fun. When all of a sudden, someone butts in to say that one of the parts I mentioned was one of the worst things about it that they didn't like. It was such an abrupt tone shift from the fun conversation that it really caught me off-guard? I was so taken aback I just commented "agree to disagree :)" and just shut down, and didn't participate in the conversation for the rest of the night.
It's so frustrating and heartbreaking to me, because it's not like I went trawling through public spaces and found some bad takes that I felt icky about. No, these are instances of people coming into my private internet spaces, and intentionally making thoughtless comments to bring down my (and maybe other people's) fun time. Maybe one of these instances would've rolled off me after an initial "ick" response, but the fact that it's been piling up on me in the last few days has just made it dig into my skin and stick there.
Part of me really doesn't want to participate in fandom anymore. I hadn't updated that AO3 fic for years now, but I was toying with the idea of picking it back up again. But now I squirm every time I think about what the potential response might be, if it's now on the radar of people like that. As for the discord server, maybe I'll bring it up to one of the mods, but it's not like the person did anything against the rules? They were just expressing their opinion like we all were. But I def don't feel as comfortable talking on there anymore.
I know I'm being very thin-skinned about all this, and in the grand scheme of things this is not that big of a problem. But it still feels awful, and a big piece of joy in my life has been shaken and gives me anxiety when I step into those spaces I used to enjoy.
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userpeggycarter · 1 year
Hi, I love your blog and the space you've created on here; I'm basically a long time follower, first time asker. I know this is a silly place to ask for advice on things such as this: but I have a hard time around the holidays due to my family circumstances. This year in particular has been more difficult and lonely than the years before, and I feel especially isolated. Do you have any words of wisdom or activities you'd recommend? Even shows/books/movies that may take my mind off things for the rest of the year? Thank you so much!
hi anon,
first of all, i hope you see this because it's a bit late (and for that i apologise, i swear i wasn't ignoring you). second, thank you for considering me in such times, it's wild that my silly little blog might be amusing even useful for somebody and that my advice is something someone might be interested into. and no, it's not silly for you to ask a tumblr user for advice. sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger. isn't that what therapist is like, a bit?
and i get what you're feeling, in part. i'm a lonely person myself and i struggle with that, but what i've learned is that you got to fight against your loneliness. it's hard, but it's good for you. maybe reach out to friends you don't longer talk (a lot) to or to even friendly acquaintences, you don't know what friendships you might get if you put in the effort. it took a lot time for me to realize that, that friendship is work. i used to think that it blossomed expontaneously and it kinda does, but you also need to put effort in it, like a bean that naturally grows on a cotton ball but only survives in (real) good soil. most of times, that effort needs to be digital because of how lonely (modern) adulthood is and that might be a good or a bad thing for you, i don't know. it's both easier and more difficult at the same time, but it has to be done. even if it's just a little bit everyday, because Rome wasn't build in a day etc.
if that is difficult to you, i would suggest you look into discord servers. for any interest that you have, there's a discord server about it, i promise you. if not a server, maybe community on tumblr. hell, even facebook is useful sometimes, with their specific ass communities. reddit, even! the old internet was for that, to find communities and i don't know about you, but i'm feeling nostalgic.
you mentioned activities and i don't know abot you, but i can't live without a hobby a creative hobby, i might add. regular hobbies are good, but they can depend too much on external factors. if you collect something, you need money to keep your habit, etc. if you don't have any creative hobbies, don't be afraid to suddenly start one. you're gonna suck at it first, but then so does everybody. and the point of a creative hobby is not to be good at it anyway, it's to create. it exists for itself. it eases the mind. i can't meditate for shit, i can't keep my mind blank for a lot of time. but when i'm creating something? the moody part of my brain keeps shut. i'm focused on my thing. it's therapeutic. drawing, giffing, playing, dancing, acting, whatever, art is good for the soul.
for me, i like to make gifs. i used to be big on pixel art, too. and i've messing around with photoshop since i was a kid. (if you can't afford adobe products, don't worry, neither do i hihihi). there are… ways. i also like video and audio editing. photography. drawing. baking. writing. write fanfic, yo. you must like a character a lot. write about them having the best day of their lives, and the worst. write them meeting Joe Biden. go nuts! or write something original. don't think about if it's good or not, just do it. do you only eat food because it is good for you or because you like the feeling? create because of the feeling of creation. it's a natural high. best drug ever.
and lastly… media. reading, watching stuff, listening to stuff. i don't know your taste, but here's advice that works on everybody: go backwards. so you like heist movies, for example. watch old movies of the genre, really old. (i don't know if you're the type to consume old media, if that's the case pardon me and also… maybe try similar foreign media, if you can find any?). read or watch essays about it. find podcasts about your favorite topic, there has to be one. make web weaving posts with your favorite book quotes and art piece. make memes about it (i love specific memes, even the ones i don't fully get).
now, here's a few of my media recommendations: The X Files. again, if you already watched this, pardon me. but if didn't, great. it has 200+ episodes. are all of them great? no, but TXF is like pizza, even bad TXF is good. you like comedy? there is comedy! do you like drama? there is drama! do you like aliens? do you like long character arcs? we have them! do you like procedurals, monster of the week shows? guess what!
still on sci-fi, i would also suggest a show. and another show. and another another show. and a lot of movies too… i'm talking about Star Trek. all of it. is everything good? no. but it's good journey either way. also, it's a long journey, so you'll be busy! and the star trek fandom is one of the best. it's old as balls. it has people of every kind and age. it's a dedicated community. it's also one of the worst fandoms out there, but you learn to distance from the bad crowd. it's like family.
movies… watch foreign movies. (you might need to look on how to pirate them, though). watch old movies. do movie challenges through lists on letterboxd! lists on there are useful, especially if you don't know how to navigate old Hollywood/foreign cinema. if you look trough my reference or resources tag, there are lists of movies on Youtube that you can watch for free. if you can, pay for Mubi, even it's only for a month.
next, comics. not necessarily superhero comics (but that could be a suggestion, too! there'sa lot of it and despite the bad rep, superhero comics can be good!), but comics in general, people don't usually read a lot of those. read Blacksad. Robert Crumb. Ed Brubaker. Will Eisner. Jeff Lemire. Matt Fraction. Alison Bechdel. research genres that you like, there's gotta be a comic about it. look for the Eisner nominees and winners. read the classics, Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Tintin.
it's been a while since i've read a book (kinda going through a mental block at the moment), but my go to choice is always the classics. not just english classics, but world classics too. Gabriel García Marquez. Julio Cortazar. Fernando Pessoa. José Saramago. Jorge Luis Borges. Machado de Assis. read feminist theory and queer theory (NO TERF STUFF). Judith Butler, for example. bell hooks. Audre Lorde. i think that's it? i could go on for longer, but i need to contain myself. and if you want to (and only if you want to), anon, you can talk to me off anon, i would love to talk to you! :)
i hope you get out of your funk soon! and good luck and good vibes for you, whatever your situation is, things will get better, i promise! and happy new year, if we don't talk again until then! ❤️
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gynii · 3 years
Tumblr media
little baby man (who totally does not do drugs) aka o!sneeg design
full line up | ranboo | tubbo | others to be added
i talk about design under the cut v
sneeg is small yup
super original moth concept, but his wings are too weak so they just like keep him warm and look cool. this design is pretty straight forward tbh.
sneeg uses utensil as weapons. no swords or whatever, just a little knife and a needle. also canonical fork pog. you can only see it on one figure, but he also has a spool of string to help climb, though he already has a natural affinity for it. 
as per tumblr user pomodoko has for told, sneeg uses little acorn shell for storage, but specifically crack sugar.
also the light blue bits glow in the dark/are highly reflective because i think that’d be funny if any of the other server users just saw a small glowing gremlin in their window. maybe i will make that comic if i don’t disintegrate from portfolio work.
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m4vh4x · 2 years
DashDownloader Tumblr Video Downloader: Code Breakdown, App Logic, and why it took me two years to fix the app
Hey y'all! Maverick here. As some of you may know, I'm the developer of DashDownloader, a free open source app to download videos from this god forsaken website. As some of you may also know, DashDownloader is kinda moody, as it downloaded videos 3 out of 4 times, and the times it failed it downloaded a completely different video from what you wanted. This legacy bug is finally fixed and now has a 100% download rate, meaning that this project is officially closed. If you wanna study the code, fork it, redistribute it and make money, whatever, help yourself on my Github repository.
But as one asshole once said, talk is cheap, so let's see the code and lemme explain to you what happened and why it took me so much time to fix:
I'm lazy. That's part of why I never fixed the thing. But that aside, I never got a bug report about the app failing.
What do I mean by this: I knew, the app failed, but I couldn't make it fail. All of my personal tests and my friends' always worked. But I kept getting asks and reviews that said that the app would fail sometimes. All I wanted was to find a single video that would fail me so I could debug the app.
And I got it. My sister Yui found a video that wouldn't work and sent it to me over Discord. Now, let's see what happened.
The way the app works is the following:
>you send a link to a post in the app >the app downloads the HTML for said post >in the HTML the app looks for a specific phrase in order to find the video ID >the video ID is appended to the end of a specific URL in order to create the link where the video is stored in tumblr's server >the url is sent to the default Android Downloader so it is downloaded to the device, which is why the videos always get stored on the default downloads folder.
This is the most clean way to download a video without having to write an actual byte-by-byte downloader. Just find the video url and let the OS default stuff do the rest. Simple and clean.
However, this approach didn't account for two of the scenarios that made the app fail:
1st, for some reason, sometimes the downloaded HTML code from the post could contain more than 1 video, meaning that the APP could download a completely different video from what the user wanted
2nd, and I didn't know this till I started working on this fix a week ago, Tumblr uses 2 different servers to store videos. Now, why would they do this? My theory is that the ID generation system they use ran out and didn't scale, so the same video ID could refer to 2 different videos according to the server where you ask for it.
So, how to fix? Relatively easy.
Tumblr media
The picture above shows the beginning of the process. The variable tumblrServer is a fixed prefix that we will use in order to find the video url, in this case, va.media.tumblr.com , which is the first media server tumblr uses.
After downloading the post HTML code and verifying it actually has something, we'll try to find the text of the post URL the user provided. After finding it, we'll get the index of the first character that contains the phrase, and we'll select the next 8000 characters of HTML from that point onwards in order to narrow our search. Why 8000? I estimated that the video we want to find will be between the next 4000 characters and I thought doubling the digit would be better just to be safe, plus the memory impact is minimal in this case only where memory optimization ain't the main focus.
After that, we store said characters in the string relevantText, and clean the originally downloaded html, cause it uses a lot of memory.
Now, withing the relevant text, we search for the media server again, and this is where the second fix comes into play:
Tumblr media
If within the relevantText we didn't find va.media.tumblr.com, then that means it may be on the other media server.
So we change the text to ve.media.tumblr.com. Don't ask why they use this kind of nomenclature, I have no idea, I just noticed that this was how it worked across 100+ videos I tested with. Maybe someday I'll have to add support for vi, vo, or vu, but we'll see.
After changing the text, we try searching again, and so far I haven't found a case where this didn't work, meaning we're ready to move on.
Tumblr media
After finding the phrase we're looking for, we get the video ID by moving 17 characters onwards. This is the (as far as I know) length of the video id, and it seems it's fixed, cause I haven't find any cases where this isn't true.
So, with this, we can end the process, in which we form the complete video URL and then queue the download.
Tumblr media
This will mark the end of our process, as the rest of the job is taken by the android downloader.
So there you go! That's how I fixed this goddamned bug and the code.
Could this have been done better? Indeed. Could this be optimized? A lot. I'm not the best programmer ever, I'm just a kinda clever guy.
Think you can do it better? Please, go ahead! Fork the code, make lemonade, go nuts. Coding is a collaborative effort. We stand on the shoulders of giants and create stuff based on other hackers work. Recode it, repackage it, do whatever- just make it open source so other people can play with it too.
For everyone else, you can grab the fixed version of the app from the GitHub releases page, or you can wait for Google to approve the new version and download it from the Play Store. Just check it is the 1.03 version.
Thank you for reading, and happy coding!
Once again, I'm Maverick and we're done here.
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acerace · 3 years
tumblr user buildmartenjoyer did you hear dream's latest build mart rant made it onto reddit
I did hear! I read the transcript earlier as well to see more than just the random screenshots people like to vague lmao
Obviously I, Tumblr user buildmartenjoyer, quite like Build Mart! I think it gets a somewhat underserved amount of hate that has little to do with the game itself. That does not mean I think it is a perfect game. If multiple people have multiple complaints over multiple events about a specific game, then yeah there's probably an issue somewhere! Doesn't mean the game is bad and irredeemable and awful and needs to be removed or even retired.
Also whoops I rambled! Below the cut for general musings on Dream's recent Build Mart comments. This is not cc!Dream critical or neg, btw, most of my rambling is me considering his points from the pov of someone who really loves Build Mart and enjoys watching it. 
Man I wanna pick the green man's brain on MCC so bad like!! I don't think Build Mart is a bad game- in fact I think it's like A Tier- and I disagree with a lot of what Dream says about mcc in general, but he also makes good points! Like he's right- if you play 100 games of Build Mart of, let's say, orange 17 and cyan 17, orange is going to win 100/100 games, whereas with games like Sky Battle or Parkour Tag, for example, there's going to be more of a split, because the games have "pop off" potential as he says. See Grian being #1 individual in Sky Battle in 17 with one (1) tnt and good survival points. Personally, I think this is a fair point because part of the fun and charm of MCC is that it isn't set in stone and you don't know who the winner's going to be half way through the event like with twitch rivals or mcm.
In that specific post, Dream's main issue he describes is him struggling with memory and knowing what blocks he needs. Fair enough! The game stresses communication and memorization more than any other skill, and struggling with those is going to hurt your performance and how much fun you have. But imo there are in game strategies you could implement to help. And obviously I say all this as someone who has never Played BM/MCC in general so grain of salt lol.
If he's good at placing blocks but not collecting them, then have the team split into pairs- two builders taking a build each and two runners working with a builder each. Dream stays at the build and tells his runner what blocks to bring him, then Dream can build while the runner goes to work on the 3rd build, for example. Then maybe rush gold builds? Like if the issue is physically getting the blocks, then work with your team to get someone else to do it. For the first set of builds when no one has blocks, have one builder get wood and the other stone, while the runners work on the specific blocks for their pair's build, maybe, so no one's sitting around waiting. Like I feel like there's options, you know?
I also think that most of the problems with Build Mart comes from the fact it's the only "building" game. If you like pvp you can vote for Sky Battle or Battle Box or Survival Games, all of which are pvp games that test differing skills and have distinct strategies- you don't need to bridge in SG, for example. But if you want a building game you have BM and only BM, and it's barely a building game at that. Adding another option- I like the battle box inspired idea- would lessen BM's dominance, because non pvp teams almost always want BM and want it late, giving another option will shake up the meta here and expose the underlying issues with BM.
Also I feel like the thing people get most pressed about is when Dream brings up Grian? I think it's usually a fine comparison because they have very different preferred games and play styles while having similar amounts of experience, and Grian is the largest of the non dsmp streamers. Grian is one of the best Build Mart players and hates Parkour Warrior and says he won't play if it comes back; Dream was one of the best Parkour Warrior players and hates Build Mart and says he won't play if he knows it's going to be played. The difference comes up in specific contexts- when Dream said Grian could hate pkw but he can't say anything about bm because people get mad at him, for example, that was meh to me because yeah you have a point about how people attack you over everything but did you have to pick the one person who had an actual panic attack playing the game? In this specific post, Grian has indeed killed Dream in pvp before, but it's never been 1v1 when both are prepared for it and at full health lol. The closest you get to that is the original Dreamslayer moment in MCC9, but even then Dream was healing from a previous fight and Grian got the drop on him. Dream will kill Grian 99/100 times.
Dream was being pretty sarcastic with his comments on not needing to communicate in BM, and yeah Pete was being quiet but that's because he was listening to what Grian was saying lol. With Grian's BM strategy, the CEO is loud and in charge and constantly talking, the builders only speak up when they need something or have a gold build, and the floater is constantly talking to the CEO. Dream saying Pete wasn't talking much is true, because he was one of the silent roles! But he was still communicating- if he hadn't told Grian about the gold build or asked what was behind the duck build or told Grian to get more glass then they wouldn't have done as well. I also think it's interesting he chose Pete's pov to watch, because it seems to me he's looking at BM strategies and trying to find some that'll work for him? He can't be CEO or floater because those both rely on knowing what blocks everyone needs, so him watching one of the builders makes sense to me.
Most of my issues with how people (Dream included) talk about BM is when they're flat out wrong or subjective lol. Build Mart is not a slow game, you're just watching someone who doesn't know what they're doing. It's not a boring game, you're just watching a team that gives up before the game even starts. I feel the same intense excitement and stress about BM as I do about SG and SoT! Watching Grian play is intense and exciting and edge of the seat! People have a lot of misconceptions about BM, which I rambled about in the tags of this post here, which I still stand by. The tl;dr of my thoughts on what makes a good Build Mart player is that Grian is not good at BM because he's a good builder- he makes mistakes constantly in BM- but rather because he can communicate with his team so effectively it doesn't matter if he spends 30 seconds looking for a crafting recipe or collecting the wrong block.
So there are my thoughts anon! I’m not sure what you were expecting, because I like both Grian and Dream and think they both make very good points about MCC and game design in general (considering they both have experience running mc servers lol) and they tend to have very different opinions and experiences, so comparing them is interesting to me! I don’t necessarily agree with Dream’s points about MCC in general (the only people whose views I tend to wholesale support are H and Pete lmao) but Dream is allowed to dislike a game based on his personal opinions and feelings and he is allowed to rant about it in his own merch discord. Doesn’t mean he’s wrong or right, or that you have to agree or disagree. 
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