#but in a Whump scenario…
Whump Prompt #1138
TW: Aerosol burns / mentions of self harm
I’ve been thinking about aerosol burns.
Your tied-up whumpee is caught off guard when the whumper enters, carrying a couple of cans of deodorant. They’re wearing a respirator mask and glasses.
“What you’re gonna make me smell like [Lynx Africa]?” The whumpee asks. (Other deodorant brands are available)
“I know, that could be considered torture enough.” The whumper hummed, uncapping the can and yanking the whumpees trouser leg up.
“But we’re just getting started… I want to experiment with some different techniques and figured you’d be my perfect guinea pig.” The whumper says before they start to spray.
The pain isn’t instant, but the skin of your whumpees leg starts to burn and sting at the assault. They hiss, trying to pull away, but that only encourages the whumper more. The small room quickly fills with the scented gas, and the whumpee chokes and coughs as their eyes water. The whumper wearing the respirator is nonplussed. Whilst the whumpee is distracted, they grab a fistful of their hair, and spray the can directly in their face, causing them to splutter and cough and cry at the sting on their eyes.
Fortunately, the can(s) run out, so the whumper casually tosses them to the corner as they leave, making sure that the door is only open a fraction to leave the whumpee choking into the dark room.
At first, there is little physical evidence to suggest a burn. But overtime, your whumpees skin starts to turn red and blister, and the rough fabric of their clothes only irritates it further. The lesions inevitably lead to an infection, which only adds the whumpees misery.
More information:
Healthcare Utah (Article. Tw: aerosol burn trend)
Wikipedia (more general information)
ANZBA Factsheet (most treatment information I could find, tw: aerosol burn trend)
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whump-in-the-closet · 4 months
when a powerful figure is reduced to kneeling. when the lord is forced to bow. when the exile stumbles into an unwelcoming bar. when the “beast” is chained by their horns. when a god is dragged behind their enemy’s chariot, a captive and trophy. when the loyal “guard dog” character is muzzled and the silver-tongued thief falls silent in horror.
that’s the shit
it’s about the contrapasso. the reversal of roles and the sudden, plunging terror of being unable to hide.
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rookthebird · 10 months
when the character who's like "i will never reveal my trauma to anyone" gets a high fever and, while weak and delirious, starts spilling every.
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whump-or-whatever · 30 days
I absolutely love when a character is trying to hide injuries or just how sore they are by moving around like normal. They’ve perfected walking without wincing, ignoring the pain as they sit down or stand up, maybe even running.
But then as soon as they’re out of sight, the second they make it home and the door closes behind them, they just collapse to the floor in tears.
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justbreakonme · 11 days
“Please… I’m so tired.”
“Then sleep. I’ll stand guard.”
“I thought you said it was safe here?”
“It is. But you don’t feel safe, do you?”
“…not yet.”
“Then I’ll stand guard, till you can.”
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spinzolliii · 2 months
There’s something about a whumpee just sitting down. Not fainting, necessarily. Maybe they’re just about to faint, and they quietly just kneel on the ground at a time and place that doesn’t make sense. They don’t even have the capacity or willingness to articulate why they need to abruptly stop and sit. Maybe they’re catatonic while the others look at them.
Maybe a caretaker can see the dull, vacant look in their eyes and immediately senses that something is seriously wrong. Maybe the fainting comes just a few moments later.
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bestwhumptropes · 2 months
a character fainting in the middle of being lectured by their captain for something they did wrong, both worrying them and explaining why they'd made the mistake in the first place, is soooooo good
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
The Five Stages of Grief
Denial - "This can't be happening" // "I'm going to wake up any minute...it's only a nightmare..." // "None of this real, it can't be!" // "There's been a mistake!" // "They...they wouldn't leave me like this, they'll come rescue me, they will!"
Anger - "You can't do this to me!" // "Fuck you, you fucking psychopath!" // "I don't have to listen to you!" // "You're a goddamn coward!" // "Let me out of here so I can break your neck!" // "You'll be sorry when they come find me, creep!"
Bargaining - "Please, no, anything but that!" // "N-not the cattle prod, please, I'll do whatever you want!" // "No, don't hurt them! Hurt me instead, I can take it!" // "I'll let you touch me however you want just please don't use that!" // "I'll tell you whatever you want if you just let me go!"
Depression - "Do whatever you want, what's the point?" // "I don't think I have anything left to scream for you" // "Just kill me and get it over with" // "Just...just leave me alone..." // "Why are they taking so long to find me? Don't they care? Don't they love me?"
Acceptance - "I knew I deserved this..." // "I'll be good, I promise" // "I love you, too" // "They were never looking for me, were they?" // "Yes, sir/ma'am" // "What do you mean 'leave'? I can't leave, that's against the rules"
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aceptical · 4 months
I love characters that tear themselves apart for something. I love characters that would willfully destroy themselves for their goal. Characters that have moved past the point of caring what happens to them because all that matters is this one goal and it’s fine if they’re destroyed or maimed or anything else because as long as they fulfill that goal they think they’ll be fine.
Even better if they gradually start to doubt this goal. What have I been pouring myself into this entire time? But by now they’re too far gone to stop so like clockwork they just keep walking towards this goal. They’ll constantly destroy themself for this one goal and they can’t change that fate no matter if they can recognize their original goal has been twisted beyond any recognition.
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whumper-whimsy · 3 months
drugged ex-prince whumpee being used as an example/trophy at the parties that Whumper— who had recently overthrown the king— throws...
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chiharuuu22 · 5 months
Shhhh! Keep your voice down and don't be loud. Whumpee is sleeping (or has just fallen asleep).
In Caretaker's arms after being rescued.
In a hospital bed in a recovery ward (or perhaps an ICU) after receiving care and treatment or perhaps emergency surgery.
On a bed in a room in a recovery house. Bonus points for the house are that the house belongs to the Caretaker and the bed BELONGS TO CARETAKER (AND CARETAKER'S BEDROOM)!!!!
In the passenger seat. Sleep on your back in the back seat or sleep in a half-sitting position after the seat is lowered slightly on the driver's side seat. Bonus points Caretaker puts on the jacket or coat to cover Whumpee.
On the sofa in front of the fireplace.
In a wheelchair while taking a leisurely walk.
On the couch on the terrace.
On the Caretaker's lap. Bonus points with the accompaniment of Caretaker's soft voice lulling Whumpee to sleep and caressing Whumpee's hair.
Sleep leaning on the Caretaker's shoulder when sitting side by side. Bonus points when they are in a discussion with the team members and Whumpee suddenly falls asleep exhausted.
Anything you want to add?
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whispers-whump · 3 months
details about crying that aren’t just about the tears
puffy, red-rimmed eyelids
hitching breaths or gasping for breath
feeling drained/exhausted after, like they’ve just run for miles
a headache building behind their eyes in anticipation for an ugly cry
feeling dehydrated and sick after
an explosive cry, where they lash out and hit something between hot, angry sobs
nose getting clogged and completely stuffed up
vividly red, bloodshot eyes
smothering a sound with a hand over their mouth or by biting down on something
the massive headache after
face feeling sticky, wet, and just overall gross
lips/hands/body trembling
trying to fight off or suppress another round of crying after a tentative calm
feel free to add on!
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jordanstrophe · 4 months
Whumpee awakens curled in the backseat in someone's arms.
They look down, their entire torso is drenched with blood.
They start to panic, but someone holds them tightly. "Shhh, shh sh, it's okay, go back to sleep. Close your eyes." Someone grabs a blanket and covers their chest with it.
"You're going to be fine, I got you. Go back to sleep... Please."
A hand brushes over their face and closes their eyes. Whumpee finds themselves doing what the voice tells them to.
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whump-in-the-closet · 5 months
the flinch that betrays a defiant whumpee’s terror
the curse that’s broken off by a plea
a small shudder that they fail to suppress
the choked breathing in between the sarcastic comments
what good is their defiance when whumper kicks their legs out from under them, leaving them on their hands and knees?
The blood on the concrete is their own and whumper kicks them when they’re down.
“Do you think I’d forgotten?” Whumper smiles and leans down. “Do you think I’d forgotten how to make you bleed?”
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whomeidontknowthem · 21 days
okay but do you ever think about the inherit twisted intimacy of torture?
two people spending hours together, lost in the same process. fingers on your skin. the only voice you hear for days on end. the only presence you know. the closeness of having your skin be torn apart under their fingers. having another understand perfectly just how much pain you're in. having to rely on them to treat your wounds, being you water and food so you survive and heal. cry before them, break and have your every emotion on display. having them turn into your whole world.
do you get it?
and then -- the way the torturer can use it as another tool.
torture that leans into intimacy. hands stroking your hair as your warm blood pours out of you. soft whispers urging you to stay awake when the pain is overwhelming. strong arms holding you as you cry, those same arms holding you down as you thrush from agony. suddenly gentle fingers pulling your skin back together because you need to heal before you can take more. having your begging be answered with words of comfort that don't stop the torture. waking up to their gentle smile before the pain begins anew. hearing your name on their lips. taking all the comfort from someone who hurts you, because that's the only comfort you'd ever get.
or -- torture that is clinically, intentionally devoid of intimacy. no questions, no words spoken. the only touch you feel is that of the blade and the thick gloves. not being allowed to see their face. knowing no matter how much you beg not a single word of yours will be acknowledged. never being addressed until you forget that you're still a person. being trapped in a hell with not an ounce of comfort. isolation while still seeing someone daily.
or -- a torturer that combines the two. that goes from all the intimacy to none if you do something wrong or if their mood changes. they come in in gloves and you cry and beg to be acknowledged. constant anxiety from not knowing what kind of day it'd be. getting used to their hands closing your wounds before they're gone. breaking down and trying to do your best to fix whatever mistake you've made to have it back. getting used to no skin contact until they take off the gloves. flinching away from touch as if it burns only to immediately lean in. twisted gratitude when they hug you. always fearing losing what little comfort they give you.
you get it, right?
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justbreakonme · 2 months
Oh no, not the dungeon… 🫣
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