#but i need a fresh slate
garlicbraid · 1 year
think i might be getting back into the sims again
the only problem is that every time i do that i want to delete everything from my game and start over lol
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reliquiaen · 2 months
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Okay, a few years back I made this graphic to explain the Great Cycle. Now that I've mulled over DD2 for a few days, I'm updating it. Some of the same assumptions as before remain: The Dragonforged fought the dragon, his weapon broke, he tried punching it (lmao), but he did survive without killing the dragon, possibly there was a second Bargain offered in the face of his determination. So you don't have to kill your dragon to survive it. Also still assuming that different classes become different types of drakes because I just like that detail, even though we see nothing to confirm it in DD2 (except maybe for the wyrms in the post-game, I hope that's what those are, just a bit redesigned).
But this time, I'm making some NEW assumptions: A Great Dragon can be manifested directly by the Seneschal's will (I'm guessing this is why our DD2 dragon doesn't have a name, I suspect this dragon was created after Rothais defeated his - he didn't become a dragon OR Seneschal so it had to come from somewhere). The challenge a Seneschal poses to the Arisen can be anything; Savan gave us the opening of the Everfall and unleashed a ton of powerful monsters upon the world; but Pathfinder gave us what the world would look like without a Seneschal to oversee things. My assumption is that the Colossal Dragon that appears out of that final red pillar of light IS the Pathfinder (possibly using his will to force order back upon the world) and when we kill it, our Arisen becomes Seneschal (because Pathfinder says he won't be there to see the new world that's forming). So the challenge can be anything, not just the Everfall. I'm curious what happens to our pawn after that fight, though. And it's a much better Seneschal fight than the one against Savan, sorry Savan.
I'm also assuming that (given we see the Pathfinder rewind time and rewrite the world) the Seneschal can simply will the world into a state of being that suits them. This includes wiping memories of events. Though I like to imagine that our Arisen-turned-Seneschal didn't wipe memories of themselves or of the apocalypse-world. There was an entire plotline going through this game with Rothais and Phaesus where mortals are trying to get rid of the Seneschal and so it makes sense that they need to remember what would happen without the Seneschal's presence.
Anyway, thanks. I'll probably have more thoughts later, but this is the part that gets me most. I like to know how things work so I wanted to sort the Cycle out.
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disableddisaster · 9 months
if anyone still follows this blog and wants to be mutuals four years later lol, i remade and am at @tenacioustadpole now :-)
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avrilsboy · 2 months
messed up my hair again
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notyetfixed-a · 4 months
well @never-surrender convinced me and i made a new page and tagged a bunch of you without meaning to lmao. gimme a few hours and the page will be up and ready to go
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piplupod · 1 year
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hello! i am moving over to @dandyghest now for the most part! if you are interested in keeping up with me and my shenanigans (art, isopods, love of jpegs and pngs), i suggest you follow me over there!
i will likely not abandon this account entirely but I am working on figuring out how much time I'll be allotting to this account now that I'm getting more comfortable over on the new one. i have many sideblogs on this account that I do not want to abandon or leave behind, so I'm trying to think of how I want to handle that still.
either way, if you like the things i say or post, or enjoy the things i also enjoy, come on over to dandyghest :]
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crybabyboyscout · 2 years
hate second guessing myself. need to remember that the way i feel is valid. the ways i needed to cope and keep myself safe are valid. it’s okay to focus on my own needs for once.
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reflectingchaos · 1 year
hello. Do you still follow me?
if yes.
do you want to write?
if yes.
which of my muses are you interested in most/initially made you follow me?
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racointeur1 · 1 year
my urge to remake my blog is too strong..... think im gonna do it
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owedfavors-a2 · 1 year
... probably going to be archiving and rebooting una’s blog in the next few weeks, so stay tuned for updates!! 
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apocaelypsearch · 2 years
i truly hope i don’t piss anyone off or anything but i think i’m gonna purge my inbox.
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wild-at-mind · 4 months
A weird thing I've noticed as someone living in England is how often people also living in England seem convinced their lives will improve massively if they just move to Wales or Scotland. Or sometimes further afield.
#grass is greener i guess#my trans man role model who i have on fb is leaving for wales quite soon- he says it's because its cheaper to live#but specifically there are many places in england that are cheaper to live than the general area we are#the move out of england specifically was talked about like a big plus point#also my best friends as a teenager talked all the time about hating the country and wanting to leave but not for any stated reasons#in those cases they had both had shitty things happen to them growing up so it may have been as like a clean slate/fresh start#they never did it but i didn't understand the feeling especially without specific reasons#idk...maybe i need a fresh start maybe that's what this is secretely about :/#my beloved queer coffee shop/venue/community hub is closing down in march and they are in the same city the guy moving to wales#lives in- all the comments about how it's a shitty place and nowhere near as good as it used to be under his post#while i'm here looking at that city like- omg i wish i had that#because they have an alternative scene and a trans activism scene and at least 1 gay club and a labour movement and an anarchist movement#and used to have a bi meetup group#which doesn't exist any more so that part really is more shit now i guess#but it's weird seeing people talking about the place i see as so great compared with this shitty conservative town#with 'oh it's terrible it has nothing to offer people like us'- i don't even want to join all those scenes but at least they are there!!#....i think. Anyway here we had a 'LGBTQ' bar open for like 2 months and closed due to horrendous mismanagement and#1 zillion mistakes by the organising group. fuck them so hard#but still i think i need to appreciate what we do have here#i probably don't want to move...ugh i don't know :/
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
May I request Catnap who basically adopted a child!reader who is anyways sleepy and lazy. and has a case of not remembering a lot of things, like dementia
Like through the hour of joy...After all the Toys killed the workers. Catnap finds the reader, who is sleeping then wakes up and the reader forgets their own parents(The readers parents were cold scientists that worked at Poppy Playtime and never cared about them, then got killed through the hour of joy)
Sooooooo...Catnap just kinda takes care of the reader and has a slight soft spot for them. And the reader THINKS that Catnap is their parent and anyways clings to him
During the Hour of Joy, Catnap remained on the prowl for any potential survivors of the massacre within Playcare, flinging one man's body into the stairs and cutting his cries for mercy short.
All was quiet, save for the faint screams of the other workers/visitors in other part of the facility who were being mauled to death.
But he let the rest of the toys do their work.
He felt cleansed. The Prototype willed this rebellion. Willed him to finally kill his tormentors.
The "hour" went on for so much longer--considering that he utilized his red smoke to make the fleeing humans hallucinate and freak out at things that didn't exist (some even attacking each other).
Once it was all done, Catnap went back into Home Sweet Home to discover a child who (somehow) slept through the slaughter.
That was you, one of the orphans who was in the program for a long, long time.
You were deemed "ineligible" for experimentation after getting the lowest scores on all three tests at the Game Station.
That's because you struggled with memory, socialization, and endurance. You tend to forget a lot of things (ie faces) and spent most of your days sleeping instead of playing or learning....and no counselor has been able to figure out why.
Your parents--who were scientists at Playtime Co. that preferred studying you over nurturing you--chalked it up to over-exposure to the red smoke (which hasn't been proven true, but they needed to put something down on paper).
Regardless, they've kept their distance from you and slated you for adoption, thinking you'll be picked up by a different parent eventually.
Unfortunately for them...Catnap knows that they're using the orphanage as an "excuse" to get rid of you and gives them a brutal demise.
They had some nerve crying out for you and begging him to spare your life.
After winding down from his bloodlust, he discovers you sound asleep on one of the bunk beds inside HSH, apparently not hearing a single thing.
Then you wake up and see this giant emaciated purple cat standing over you, claws and mouth stained in fresh human blood...
Yet you don't scream or look afraid, nor do you ask where your parents are.
Instead you look at him and apologize for oversleeping, acting as though he was your parent.
It confuses him, so he brings their corpses to you (like a cat gifting their owner a dead bird), thinking you'd understand and be horrified..
But you don't recognize them at all. You don't remember their neglect and the trauma it gave you.
All you remember was Catnap.
Ultimately, he spares you--but NOT bc your parents feebly begged him to when they never gave a single damn about you--and does his best to keep you safe given the circumstances.
He treats you like his kit more or less, making sure you ate and letting you climb on his back for rides (and sometimes he'll hold you in his paws while walking upright).
Any Smiling Critter caught threatening you will be devoured by him (or added to his shrine), so they know not to touch you.
He also forbids Dogday from ever speaking to you, knowing he'll try to drill thoughts of escape and distrust of Catnap into your head.
If he has to go outside Playcare, he'll fight tooth and nail to fend off Huggy and whoever else might think he's parading around a tasty treat.
The Prototype is well-aware of your connection to his "devotee", but doesn't mind it .
Because he knows Theodore is still somewhere in there, trying his best to protect a fellow orphan--one who could've been made into a monster just like him.
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havinganormalone · 2 years
Yeah the m ore I'm left to mull this over the more I think I'm about to become single.
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piplupod · 1 year
i need a new url maybe for making a new blog but. idk. i want to be Dandy still so im sdjkfl hmm. idk any other dandy urls other than dandelionquartz. i just feel like ppl see dandelionquartz and think steven universe or smth rather than... dandelions and quartz rocks like u find in a river fjsdjkl i want ppl to think of the latter rather than the former. i love steven universe but i try to keep my presence online at least somewhat separated from fandom
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ymorii · 2 years
resisting the urge to delete everything and start fresh again :)
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