#but i forgot i was moving this week lol so id rather post them without polish than forget to ever post o7
seases · 19 days
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small doodles for some requests "dedf1sh for old time's sake", "octopus kickflip", and "dedf1sh learning how to skateboard when they were younger they suck at falling theyre all shredded up"
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yue-muffin · 4 years
I am finally (finally!!) finishing Yuri on Ice. I started watching it when it first came out, then got impatient of waiting week by week for the next episode, so I figured I would binge watch it when it finished airing. Long story short, got busy and never finished it (I did listen to the soundtrack a bunch though).
So, I figured I would finally finish this show! I’ve been a super casual fan of figure skating since the 2014 Sochi Olympics and I knew a skating anime was going to come eventually, after Hanyu won the gold, so I was really stoked to watch YOI too, haha. Life just happened and I forgot about it.
(Not going to lie, I hate watching sports, except for equestrian events and archery occasionally, but I sat down for a brief moment and that so happened to be when Yuzuru Hanyu was skating his SP. It was the most serendipitous moment of my life haha.)
(But I really do mean “super casual fan”. I never dedicated the time to learn all of the terminology and don’t expect me to name any of the jumps. This will also be a super casual live blog.)
Episodes 1-2
Episode 1
When the animation for this anime is good, it really is good. I feel like skating is a bit tricky. If it’s not done right, it’ll probably look rather choppy since so much of the sport is flowing lines and the amount of athleticism it takes to make good performances look almost effortless.
I really like the opening sequence for this reason. The transition from their child-selves to their adult-selves and the reflection of one person’s career. I feel like I have no comments regarding the opening song. It’s got a catchy beat, the animation is gorgeous, and it’s one of the more memorable anime opening songs I’ve heard. It just fits the theme of the show so well, too.
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The Makkachin phone cover is so cute. The amount of detail that went into this show really astounded me. The lanyard clasps and the words on his ID? The website? 
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to really hate chibi-cut-ins and those little interlude infodumps/intros that are common in anime (I think they work best in a manga medium, personally...), but that’s a personal thing.
First time I watched this, my reaction to Russian Yuri was “lol what’s your problem?? edgy little brat”. Still is haha. “I greatly object to sharing a name with a LOSER” is the vibe he gives off. He’s also lucky Yuri is a nice guy and didn’t just punch him for getting so up in his face and screaming at him.
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Well, now that was just cruel. He’s having one of those “can it GET any worse” days, to which the universe answers “yes, yes it can”. I’m sure we’ve all had those days where nothing goes right and you just want to curl up and die (aka sleep) until it’s all over.
If there is one thing this show really did well as early as the first 3-4 episodes, it’s depicting Yuri’s mental state. His crushing disappointment in himself, everyone around him trying to cheer him up or talk about what comes next while he’s still just living in the moment, trying to get through the rest of this day.
Ha, my name is pretty common where I grew up, especially at the time I was going to school, and I relate so hard to turning because you hear your name only to realize no one was actually talking to you. Even worse for Yuri because it’s Viktor talking! His idol! Also, I felt it when he froze and walked away after Viktor asked if he wanted a photo with him.
Not going to screenshot everything, not going to screenshot everything...
Yeah, even in my hometown I never knew anyone who skated - ice or roller skating, aside from birthday parties. I personally have two left feet and I’m lucky I managed to stand on the ice without falling, but I never did figure out how to move. My dad had to pull me around (I was 10 or so?). But also, that scene adds some perspective to how Yuri is seen by others, which is important given we live in his head as the watchers of his story. It’s clear that his thoughts of himself don’t necessarily reflect what the public or his friends/family think of him.
A large part of the charm of this series, for me, was that Yuri feels like such a real person - him and his story, his doubts and his hopes (even his weight gain haha), are really relatable even if ice skating is so far removed from myself.
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I’m only screenshot-ing dogs now.
Tiny Yuri is so cute though, with his little doggo! 
Haha! And his little blush watching Viktor on tv.
Cuteness overload haha Yuko is so cute?? I love how everyone in his life is supportive in their own way.
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Doggos only! Utterly adorable.
Ah, as usual, the live commentary over the skating that I half like because I have no clue what’s going on, but the other half of me just wants to listen and watch in peace lol
No comment on the double performance aside from: ALL THE BUDGET. But honestly if you’re not going to go ham on the performances (especially the best ones) in an anime about ice skating, why even bother lol.
Yuko had triplets. Triplets. I cannot even- (haha I love kids, I work with them for my job occasionally but having THREE of my own to go home would sound like a nightmare).
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Doggo! But actually I just really like his apartment. I really like that they gave Viktor a standard poodle Yuri a miniature poodle because I feel like everyone including myself forgets the big floofs exist and in fact are the “standard” size, not the tiny guys.
HERE COMES THAT SCENE. The one that made the internet explode. I kind of still remember the night it aired, lol. I also can’t believe they got the green-light for that, haha.
I also love the social media posts in the ending. Social media in anime is always fun, it’s such a huge part of our lives nowadays. The little glimpses into the lives of the other skaters is not only fun, but makes them feel a little more alive, especially because they won’t be the center of the story.
Episode 2
I promise this one isn’t going to be as long.
This “farewell” gives me live action drama vibes. It’s hilarious.
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Under the table! I can’t with the adorableness. Also, now I’m hungry.
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I-Is it ok for him to be scratching the tatami like that.
It took me forever to figure out that the random English is likely because they’re supposed to be speaking in English to each other lol. It just makes sense.
At least one of the kids learned their lesson and asked before uploading haha.
Viktor not so subtly trying to find out if he likes or is dating anyone is hilarious. 
And Russian Yuri has a cat! I forgot about that. He does give off alley cat vibes.
Yuri, you literally just had an “ah-ha!” moment, but then couldn’t resist posting a pic of your new buy on social media lol...
I feel like people either like him or hate him (Russian Yuri), but to me he’s just such a teenage boy. They can be assholes sometimes, you know?? And hopefully they grow out of it haha.
I love Yuri’s smirk haha. Yup, don’t engage. He’s an angry 15 year old, you’re a grown ass adult. It’s really hard to forget age differences in anime but what self-respecting adult is actually going to have it out with a teenager being unreasonable?
I also totally forgot they nicknamed Russian Yuri, Yurio in the actual show lol.
OUCH that self-doubt.
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The Makkachin tissue box...
Anyways, the first unofficial competition of the show starts next episode! I did see that one when it came out, but I think I stopped after episode 3...
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Get to know me?
Yoooo - yall remember Myspace, and people would blog survey posts lol. Well thats me, I’m people. And I just wanna write my lil heart out and avoid all of my real life responsibilities. So found a lil questionnaire thing and I’m gonna fill it out. Also lowkey like doing this every so often so I can look back on it and reflect and see how much I may have grown/changed/shifted viewzzz ya feel? :) 
Sooo here yall go <3 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My neice maybe?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
People who know me would tell me to put outgoing, but I honestly feel shy on the inside, so it just depends.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Literally anyone lmao fuck this quarantine
4. Are you easy to get along with?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Lets hope so
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Kind souls <3 always notice how they talk to their friends and family, but even people they don’t know like servers or janitors, etc. that shit matters heavy.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
A few homies
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Nah not really, just depends
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Not sure -it’s been a min since I had a “deep” connection or convo that I can remember - but was probably with my bestie R’Bo
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Google that shit” lmao me, giving advice to my friends
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
TOUGH!!!! After Hours by The Weeknd is up there, Cayendo by Frank Ocean (been jamming his shit HAARD lately) and Inside Friend by Leon Bridges & John Mayer….but also been listening to albums - like Childish’s new album, Floreyyy for lo-fi shit, and also got into 070 Shake recently just to name a few.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah budddyy
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Idk, my bday party was lit?? And lots of river floats happened
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Cant deny that there isn’t so yaaa
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Just moved, so don’t know em
21. What are you bad habits?
Procrastination lol and biting my nails
22. Where would you like to travel?
Literally ANNNYY-fuckin-WHERE!
23. Do you have trust issues?
Hmm I wanna say generally no, but I also always keep it one hunnnid with myself, and as much as I’d like to say I don’t have any - I think I def have insecurities with myself, that have the potential to become “trust issues” in certain relationships, but overall no. I live by the whole “you have my trust til you fuck it up” mantra
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Coffee in the morning lately, missed it and forgot how energized it makes me - gives me time to wake up and reflect/set daily goals
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Stomach forever :((((
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Scroll on my phone, pee usually, or feed my cat lol
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Tanner maybe?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My mom or my best friend R’Bonney - but any of my close friends and fam honestly
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Not directly
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Lol ok, so this is always changing…but lately (and by lately I mean the past few years) its been a no. I’m open minded though and am aware that I’m always changing my mind sooo who knows
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Honestly, those aren’t my “thing” lollike id prob laugh or be awkward or just have to be hellllla drunk - but like I wouldn’t mind Jason Momoa and Tom Hardy tossin me around
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Scocer back in the day - actually went and kicked it like a week ago for the first time in YEARSSSS - felt so damn good
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV, music forreeevverrr
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Lol story of my life
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
“Soooo” then probably ask a question or some shit lol
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Hmmm…definitely have to be funny/have a good sense of humor. They’d have to be open-minded for sure. Up for trying new things, places, cultures, food, music, etc. Just have an adventurous spirit I guess when it comes to that. Have a good line of communication/openness - and just be able to have a deep/intellectual convo about anything and everything. Bonuses: taller than me, likes cooking, and going to music shows.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Amazon lol I hate shopping
40. What do you want to do after high school?
To go back to high school :( lmao so much id re-do, cant believe its almost been a decade
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Hell yeah, this is life my dudes, dont take it so seriously - we all fuck up at some point or another
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Something is on my mind for sure, or im just tired lol
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
DAMNNN WHAT so hard - I guesss if I had to pick, space…just because it’s more rare/harder to do I’d think.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My cat lol with his meowing ass
46. What are you paranoid about?
Lowkey a lot lol
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Who hasn’t????
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Black probably, like half my wardrobe
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Of course
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My bad habits
56. Favourite colour?
Yelllllow :)
57. Favourite food?
Oh gaaawwd, literally anything - lately: PB&J’s, fries, wings, Mediterranean, Mexican, pickles, ice cream, ramenzzzz
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Cofffeeee w creamer
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Idk, not off the top of my head - maybe something back in elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
Yeah lmao
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
No its really not that interesting and idc to type it out
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Lol yes a few of them <333
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
R’Bonney is number 1
71. Craving something? What?
Foooood, and companionship? Lol
72. What colour are your towels?
Idk, random, mostly blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
A lot lol
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Lol no, but I have my one from my childhood in my room
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
1 - shout out to you Mr.Fluffy
75. Favourite animal?
I am fascinated by sharks; and like gators/crocs. But I have mad respect for elephants, they’re sooo damn smart and beautiful.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Dont have any on
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
All of them
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
Game of Thrones prob
82. Favourite movie?
Avatar or Shawshank Redemption
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
Friend on FT
89. Name a person you hate?
No one, maybe Trump? lol
90. Name a person you love?
Everyone, fr fr
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Not enough <3
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Not enough <3
95. Last movie you watched?
The Decline on Netflix, short lil foreign oil, was deep/interesting
96. Favourite actress?
Not sure-Sandra Bullock? Or Meryl
97. Favourite actor?
Denzel or Morgan Freeman
98. Do you tan a lot?
Nah not anymore honestly
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Im sure
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Lol im nostalgic af, so yes
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes litttty tittyyy
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Probably :(
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Hell yeah brother, I’m from TX
108. What should you be doing?
So much shit lol
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The fact that I ain’t doing all the shit I should be lol
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yooo yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Prob my sister or my mom?? Lol I cry a lot, idk and idc
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Back in the day
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Surprisingly, no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Nah, unless maybe if its homemade
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yeah occasionally, more of a Thai food chick or Japanese
119. Favourite book?
Kite Runner
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Low-key sometimes lol
121. Are you mean?
Hell noooo
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Ok, this is an interesting one lol I mean no, it’s not “okay” - since it usually constitutes lying/hiding/hurting someone - BUTTTT, for a lack of a better term - I wanna say it’s “normal”? But thats because I, personally, am on the fence about the concept of monogamy. Like no, I’ve never cheated nor experienced that in return - but the whole concept of monogamy and like that a person can love and only love or be with one person is WILLLLDDD and I can’t help but note that its a social construct that we, as a society, are conditioned to from the time we are born. Idk if that makes sense bc im high af lol but those are my thoughts…like to sum it up - cheating is fucked up and sucks, but at the same time its not all that surprising/shocking anymore, like borderline “normalized” just as divorces are and shit, so I feel like bc biologically we aren’t made to be with one person lol. I don’t condone it tho. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell to the naw naw
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hmmm idk about that one, but also can’t deny it
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yeah of course, you’re talking to a hopeless romantic
126. Are you currently bored?
I guess we could say that
127. What makes you happy?
Food and close, loved ones
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, too much paper work
129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer, with my lil moody, sensitive ass
130. Do you like subway?
I did lol
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Story of my mf life lol literally all my exes are “best friends turned lovers” situation, so guess it would just depend lmao
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Lol oh godddd; ok off the top of my head - Tupac - Keep Ya Head Up is what comes to mind; just a timeless song and the lyrics are still relevant/apply to this day and idk just really resonate with the message behind that song <3
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk, but it was probably SO dumb, and told to my parents lol
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Either or, lately open so my cat can go in and out lol
137. How tall are you?
5’6 mayyybeee 5’5 actually lol
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
Def a lil night owl, always have been
142. Favourite month?
April and October for weather at least
143. Are you a vegetarian?
No but I try, and go through phases, I’m definitely mindful the older I get and more focused on my health I become
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee but I like tea too, just seem to drink coffee more regularly
146. Was today a good day?
The grateful-to-just-be-alive in me wants to say yes lol but idk, felt off/unaccomplished and cried a lot, so no.
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“This too shall pass”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Sure why not
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“After all, what he had always wanted was just that: to know new places.” -The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
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taylornock · 4 years
how cell phones made our lives better while simultaneously ruining them
hi fam!! it’s me, again. are you tired of hearing from me? me too. that’s why I’m here to rant about social media / phone / technology. bc i hate it… but in a loving way???
everyone remembers when they got their first iPhone. seriously. why is that such a monumental moment in our lives? i can hardly remember what i felt like freshman year of high school but can pinpoint the feeling of sheer glee unwrapping my iPhone 6 in eighth grade. i have this thing that is attached to me 24/7 - when I go anywhere (even downstairs) without my phone i feel weird. that is f***ing SAD! PATHETIC. i hate feeling that dependent on what is essentially a pocket robot.
for what it’s worth - phones have done INCREDIBLE things for the world as we know it. for example, this quarantine shit has been testing all of us; and our phones are helping us get through it in so many ways. our phones let us see the faces of those loved ones we are missing, our phones provide us with stupid tik tok content to keep everything light hearted, and our phones let us check in on each other. all amazing things! when we are at school, we have instant access to our lives at home . being able to call my mom whenever i want is something i definitely abuse. “mom, I’m on my way home from Thompson right now and i think i have a brain aneurysm but my bio final is at 11am tomorrow will i make it” … an actual conversation i had with my mom at the end of freshman year. needless to say i was medicated shortly after THAT meltdown. I am such a brat that i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t text my dad and have him immediately get me the password again to our Uverse account…… god forbid i miss an episode of the bachelor. i have this phone, and that’s what i do with it? abuse its powers to ask my parents for medical advice or a password i forgot? have we lost sight of everything here?
throughout life and especially throughout quarantine… my phone is the definition of a possession that is a blessing and a curse. I’m so grateful to have the ability to bother my friends - whenever i want! the options are endless! i love keeping in touch with people i thought id never hear from again, and being able to talk to so many people in my life and make my heart swell. now, when a conversation with someone other than my two roommates (shoutout parents) is so rare ⎯ that phone is my weapon and i use it to help flatten the curve: flatten the curve of covid19 and flatten the curve of my mental illness 🙃 [humor is a coping mechanism okay let me live] but like, i KNOW i’m not the only one that looks at my screen time and immediately wants to die. how can i honestly be looking at my phone for that long? picking it up THAT many times?????? my phone is the best distraction and also the most toxic - it makes me feel better but has a tendency to bring up all my issues and blast them into the reflection of my blue light glasses...... its called fashion look it up.
to give some examples - let’s open up my most used app: snapchat. I go on snapchat with the best of intentions - to see a memory from a year ago that makes me smile. to respond to my friends and see what their mood today is based on the look on their face. to creep on snap stories and see what everyone’s cooking and doing with their lives. somehow, tho, after spending a few minutes on the app.. i end up with a pit in my stomach most of the time. the person i want to respond hasn’t responded in 4 hours. oh god lets overthink this- they don’t like me anymore and are no longer interested in speaking to me and only respond every once in a while out of pity or because they are uncomfortable. everyone hates you. oh and GOD FORBID someone leaves me on open??! I am not funny nor interesting nor worth a reply - suddenly, i have equated my value to receiving or not receiving a photo of someone’s blank stare. this is extreme, and this is dramatic. but trust me —— this is the hamster wheel always turning in my head. I’m not even going to touch on snap maps; that feature is pandoras box and someone better fucking shut it.
second most used app is instagram. i scroll for hours, i have time limits set for the app acting like i’m actually going to listen to them and get off. lmaooooooooo. i love looking at aesthetic stuff and dogs and food and recipes and my friends’ beautiful faces. but you know what i don’t like? constant nudges to compare myself to others. oh look at her having a party with all of her friends even though we aren’t supposed to be. am i a loser for trying to be safe? oh look at her washboard abs, i’m never going to look like that and will never live up to the standard of beauty society has set for me. look at all of these people in their happy relationships. why can’t i have that? it goes over and over and over. its not like i sit there and think of these things just like that, its a precedent in my mind when i stare at everybody else that i am going to size my own life up against theirs. for years i followed every single elite model / VS angel on instagram to motivate me to do better - to start being psycho about what i did to my body so i could be as gorgeous as them. what kind of fucked up mindset is that? i would literally watch their footage of them eating rice and vegetables once a day and try to copy it. i would watch their runway walks obsessively trying to recreate them in heels alone in my house - like that was all i could imagine doing with my life. did i ever stop for a second to look at that photoshoot of gigi hadid and wonder if she was happy? wonder if the constant pictures she saw of herself ever made her insecure? what was i doing? the day i unfollowed those girls was a monumental day in my journey to a better self image. i didn’t realize the people i thought were my “motivators” were actually my triggers. i have grown to a point in life now that i would much rather eat a stack of chocolate chip pancakes that make me dance in my chair like an infant than practice my runway walk and shame my body in the mirror. and i am so freakin happy! 
i could go app by app for hours. but moving on to the next thing i hate about cell phones - how they have destroyed our biological methods of communication. you hear about those psychos who think the world is destroyed by technology and we are going to be overrun by robots. but hey, I’m with the psychos on this one. i have this amazing friend, Trevor Wright, who without fail at EVERY dinner announces “phones off friends on” and collects our phones into the center of the table. yes, we are 20 year old adults. yes, we hand our phones over to Trevor and let him yell at us for trying to see if ~that person~ snap chatted us back. i have so much respect for him because of this. there is nothing worse than staring at your phones when you could be having a good conversation about life, about love, about laughter + memories, about “do you think hellen keller is real?” anything, bro, anything. anything but snapchat messaging your hoe of the week or mindlessly playing tetris to twiddle your thumbs. we all need to start loving a little harder, and the first step to doing that is to communicate better. communicate smarter. I’m guilty of alllll of the above, don’t get me wrong. and I am ADD asf and constantly playing mindless games just to stimulate my brain. but i need to stop that! even writing this is taking some time away from the dumb shit on my phone - and encouraging me to communicate how i     r e a l l y   feel to my homies that will read this. communication - especially body language - is fascinating. I’ve studied it in  psych, I’ve learned the neurological bases of behavior and why we do what we do. I’ve learned how much our life experience impacts who we are as a whole...and it! is! fascinating! i also think that’s why i love film so much. because it can capture the raw moments of your friends just being your friends, of you just being the person you are, and the world around you just existing as it exists. i love the raw moments; and not just because indy blue posted one youtube video of her slow mo laughing and now thats the only footage i find myself shooting. 😚
im not quite sure what this post is, lol. but - just a rant on technology. so listen to me:
take advantage of technology + social media! it CAN BE GREAT. for so many reasons. but, don’t let technology + social media TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. stay true to you - know how to communicate with yourself and your loved ones without the use of a robot. remember that feeling when you setup up your first iPhone? imagine if you could feel that again, with your phone nowhere in sight. if you don’t know how to communicate with yourself yet, start by journaling. WRITE! TYPE! SPEAK! do what you want. getting your thoughts down even without an audience is so crucial to understanding yourself and others. if you don’t like to write, reflect. breathe. meditate. make art. do what makes you feel at peace, and do whatever makes you feel like the world makes a little bit more sense than it does. 
gossip girl
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tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-welcome-fall/
Week-End Update: Welcome Fall?
After last week’s cooler temps we managed to welcome Fall with enough heat to confuse the vegetable garden and make more than 1 family regret closing down their pool for the season. We’re hoping for the same dry weather next week-end but are also wishing for slightly cooler temperatures for our Miles For Mutts 5K & 1-Mile Fun Walk but we’ll be prepared to help keep everyone well hydrated with the Concordville Nissan water station and will have a sunscreen check point to make sure those of you who forgot to put on sunscreen can protect yourselves.
On to adoptions because enquiring minds are most interested in who celebrated their gotcha day this week! Monique’s life being used for breeding purposes is now a distant memory as this sweet Poodle started the next chapter of her happy tail & changing her name to Mimosa earlier this week! Also adopted were Carabelle, Chief (now Diesel), Daisy, Demyx, Lady Jaymes, Kilo, Monkey, Opal & Shortie.
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Chief now Diesel
Monique now Mimosa
  We also have some updates to share
Lily FKA Autumn
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“1 year ago today I adopted Lily (fka Autumn). She definitely rescued me just as much as I rescued her. Can’t imagine life without her. I love spoiling her with love. She goes to doggy day care several times a week where she is the life of the party and friends with everyone. She is so energetic and loves going to parks and playing in the stream. She also loves curling up on the couch with me. She has come such a long way this year and has gained so much confidence. Thank you TLC for helping to bring Lily into my life! So many pictures to choose from but here are a few from our first year together”
  Kali FKA Daneel (special appearance by Louie FKA Quinn)
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“Happy 3 year “gotcha day” Kali ❤. You bring so much love and laughter to our family”
“Today Snowball celebrated his birthday! . It’s his fourth, but his very first with us . And he wanted to make sure that everyone got to see how cool he looked in his birthday hat! ( oh, the things pet owners will buy for entertainment. Lol). I couldn’t help but think today about how one year ago at this time he was unwanted and in a shelter in West Virginia. But then, To Love a Canine changed his destiny.
For anyone considering getting a new pet, please please please don’t be afraid to open your home and heart to a rescue pet.. It’ll be the one of best decisions you ll ever make. Birthday hat not included”
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“Frankie is doing great!  He’s growing and learning more every week.  He’s very well behaved minus a few puppy moments as to be expected.  Truly a sweetie and we’re falling more in love with him everyday!
Question:  I took care of his license application, bought pet insurance, finished his vaccines, established a relationship with the vet and ordered him new tags.  1) do I need to do anything with the microchip or was that updated when we adopted him? 2) is there anything I’m missing?”
  Editor’s note: we register the microchip to the adopter during the adoption visit so there is no need to contact the chip manufacturer unless you move, your contact info changes or the dog escapes.
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“Hello! Max is doing great! He seems to be getting more settled in to our routine and is less anxious. We are signing up for Jeri Wagner’s group class. I just took him to the vet and there are no problems- I had bloodwork done and it came back perfect! We will be bringing Max and our other dog Blue to the walk at Warwick park in a few weeks”
  “Razberry is doing very well in our home. She loves her siblings (2 and 4 legged). She had been doing great on the leash for short walks but she really loves sitting on laps. She has been eating well and has had no accidents in the house! We absolutely love her and we’re so happy we found her! Here is a picture of her taking care of my daughter who just had a minor arm surgery. Razberry stayed by her side all day long and my daughter had less pain when she was petting her. We already have an appointment for her first “spa day” at our groomer. I’d be happy to send more pics when we get them.”
  Cosmo FKA Moses
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“Cosmo, new name, is settling in well. We are all head over heals in love with him. He and I are working on a morning routine that works for us, which needs to be adjusted for his poop schedule. Trying something different tomorrow. He sleeps in his crate all night, loves playing ball, and enjoys my grandchildren. 
My daughter’s cat loves him and we are working on his chase game with her. The cat wants to play, but hates being chased. He has made himself quite at home here. 
Attached are 2 pictures. I will follow up with the vet next week. 
Thanks so much TLC. “
  Finnegan FKA William
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“”We are loving the new addition to our family, he is fitting in perfectly. We did change Williams name to Finnegan, which goes nicely with out other dog Bailey. Finnegan has his vet appointment this Thursday and we will make sure to bring a copy of his records with us. As we speak my husband is changing his name on his microchip ID. We have been working on training him with the assistance of our neighbor and recall from our older dog. With that said, we do plan on completing formal training to work on some of his behaviors and plan on calling to chat with Deb Murray for some suggestions. Finnegan is a lovable, easy going pup who loves to cuddle and nap in the grass. Here are a couple pictures for you. Thank you for checking.”
  Calvin FKA Kalvin
“Thank you for this follow up! Calvin is settling in very well at our home. We are in love! As you can see we did decide to keep the name but we are spelling it with a ‘C’ rather that a ‘K.’ He’s growing so fast, so we will be sure to pass on pictures soon. Thank you so much for your service. We feel so blessed to be a part of this community.”
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“Thanks for checking in on Brooke! She is doing great and is such a sweet pup! She seems to be having a great time here and is well adjusted! She loves to go for walks and especially hikes down by the river. She’s also great at sniffing out little critters in the yard:) We really are so happy we have her as part of our family! Thank you all for making it possible!”
  Blodwynn FKA Pizzelle (Willow FKA Bindi’s pup)
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 Blodwynn’s mom sent us her Wisdom Panel results – we’re a little perplexed by the amount of Lab coming from both of her parents, since her mom’s Wisdom Panel didn’t show Lab . . .
  We hope you have a great week and hope to see you at Miles For Mutts next Sunday!
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