#but i also think if theyre seeking it out
"charlie's talking about sunny fanfic oh no what if he reads mine" sorry to talk about pacific rim in the sunny tag again but folks. he has already read fanfic. he thanked people for "writing alongside the writers" in 2018. the guy is not gonna freak out about your macden fic
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elijah-loyal · 5 months
im gon keep yapping about the sound design for the magnus protocol because its driving me insane
the difference between the two podcasts is so drastic its FRIGHTENING
The Magnus Archives intro/outro: high-pitched, screeching, eerie, dies off with what sounds like a stone tumbling into the depths and lights turning on/off, water, sounds like the darkness of a cave that you must descend into even though you're terrified, but you do it anyway
The Magnus Protocol intro/outro: LOUD, deep, bone-chilling/shaking, foreboding, it sounds like darkness in a different way, like the great throat of some unknown beast that is hundreds of times larger and older than us and will swallow us whole; it's fear that hunts us, instead of us hunting it
also, side note/addition because i realized i forgot to add WHY it freaked me out
long story short, i was around 50% deaf in my right ear until I was 12 years old (reconstructive surgery truly is something I am so grateful for) and now I'm back to a fairly normal hearing range.
The problem?
I can't hear low tones as easily.
the magnus protocol is heavily reliant on lower tones, so what I hear is likely not how most people hear it, but for me it sputters, almost, parts of it are kind of missing, and I know I'm not hearing it right, which freaks me the fuck out.
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stankworth · 8 months
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after many years of being strong // may you have the chance to be gentle again
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lycanr0t · 2 months
the thing about aplatonicism is that just like aromanticism and asexualism, it doesn't inherently mean you don't want friendships, every individual apl person has different needs and wants in regards to friendship and each person will go about it differently.
I for example am aplatonic and don't specifically feel platonic attraction as in, i don't feel a drive to befriend people. I don't get "friend crushes" or ever get the desire to befriend specific people. I am personally, very open to the possibility of friendship if someone else approaches me and we vibe. I am not platonically attracted to them, but I also do get enjoyment from socializing with others in that way and can become attached to them, etc. Platonic attraction does not equal caring about someone/being good to them. Attraction is not moral in that way. it just is.
Just like how some ace people still enjoy sex, even without sexual attraction. Some aplatonic people still enjoy friendship, and some don't. And that's okay! There are so many types of relationships out there that people can form and explore what makes them happiest and it looks different for every person and that's such a wonderful thing.
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adhdandcomics · 1 year
adding to my tags because i’ve been thinkin a lot about the post i just reblogged and have more thoughts:
i’ll be real, the more i saw ‘hey adhd influencers are so annoying’ the more i worried that i was unconsciously contributing to the spreading reputation of adhd folks as annoying and over-pathologizing every symptom they experience
and then i realized. i am not a goddam influencer or life coach or representative. obviously i have some obligation as someone who cares about myself and the people that like my comics to not spread harmful ideology or blatant misinformation but i never intended myself to be a “’increase your productivity!!’ blog OR a ‘if you have XYZ you have adhd!’ blog. and i do this for fun, and originally started this blog bc i had a lot of internalized shame and self loathing about my adhd and thought if i could make it funny i might have less of that. let’s get real! and it worked!
i’ve obviously done this kind of thing— (hey these symptoms might be adhd!) a lot before in my life & on this blog, but there’s more to it than trying to be an “influencer” or whatever. a term that didn’t even exist when i started this blog!
i felt very isolated trying to find out if i had any mental problems & what have you originally because of large advice (etc) blogs with staunchly anti self Dx views at the time
so i overcorrected when i DID get dxed and tried to validate everyone who was like me. and of course. not the best course of action always for the ol mental health. tried to be the source of positivity and jokes that i didn’t see because the online adhd presence was near non-existent.
and anyway. i make a lot of fun of myself & the way m brain works in my comics obviously but it is not my obligation to... how do you say.... not be annoying online.
because if folks interpret MY little jokes as a strict guide to diagnosis. that’s on them, really, not me. i also believe “making adhd your entire personality” is a non-issue. so what if people find out they have it and get over excited with identifying as adhd. saying this as someone who DID do it. criticism of this gives the same vibes as people being annoyed that young queers make “being queer” their whole personality. im very obviously more than a guy with adhd, and id reckon other adhd comic artists are too. (im friends with a lot of them!) it’s fine to post about it online.
anyway. i just don’t take myself too seriously and i’m a comic artist for myself first! and you know what, i’ve been considered annoying my entire life. what do i care if a few more folks think i’m annoying. neurotypical or not
#i think the article did have some good points especially on the capitalism and marketing angle but i oft think it did venture into#being mad at individual folks who post jokes about adhd. which is literally fine thats what an opinion piece is for lol#i am just very tired of people pretending that a lot of reaction to online adhders is not in itself just an extension of the ableism#we already were facing#'adhd people are so annoying everyone does this youre pathologizing everything' ok and how exactly are you helping.#i hesitate to throw my hat in with hating on adhd tiktok because i am simply not on tiktok and have no way to back up my thoughts#that they may be annoying and oversimplifying a complex disorder on the 'drains your attention span' website.#and i think perhaps the value of each adhd resource varies widely depending on who made it and what theyre even posting.#sometimes its a joke made by a person with adhd. sometimes its sourced and cited research. sometimes its someone discussing their personal#experiences in depth. sometimes its someone talking completely out of their ass. sometimes its THINLY veiled ableism.#its up to the individual to research and determine the value of the memes and resources you seek#anyway. perhaps these points are tough to clarify on sites like insta and twitter. bless.#text#adhd#im punk now#oh and yeah i also agree lots of folks do not talk about the unsavory parts of adhd but rather the funnies and the sillies. but that is#once again a larger capitalism and marketing and ableism problem#r we not talking about them because we are actively trying to infantalize this disorder or is it because we collectively experience a lot#of internalized ableism and hesitate to talk about our worst symptoms for fear of the backlash#weve always gotten about them 🤔🤔🤔#much to consider#if youve read this far sorry for tangent number 56 about this. but also start being more unapologetic about your disorders. fuck it!#<3
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kozzax · 18 days
hi i’m curious you reblogged my post with “shadubs” and i’m super curious about a) what that ship is (lizzie x bdubs?) and b) your thoughts about it bc i love rarepairs!!! :0
Oh yeah it's. The thing about shadubs is. Waurrruugugghhh
Ok so shadubs IS lizzie x bdubs and actually if you want a lot of information about it I recommend asking @captainschaos --it's ver brainchild even though I technically was the one who was making the inciting joke.
Originally the joke that sil made was that bdubs and joel were destined metamours-- talking, at the time, about etho. I took this and went yeah so this implies that there's something going on between bdubs and lizzie which, yeah, that makes sense.
They garden together. They're sweet together and gentle and they bond over ribbing at Joel and riffing off of each other and. Their relationship is quiet and understated but it's so full of this profound mundane sort of love. Whether it's romantic or not isn't important, what's important is that they tend to the garden like clockwork and they sit together for tea parties and they gossip with each other.
Where like... ethubs is grand gestures of loyalty, right. Ethubs is tragic and doomed and grand and in love. Bdubs will wax poetic about etho at the drop of a hat, even if he'll later undercut it with a joke. Etho will create something incredible for Bdubs just to make him smile. They love each other in these big overarching bold ways.
To me, shadubs is nothing like that. If they didn't tell you they were in some kind of relationship, you probably wouldn't even notice. Shadubs is the little things. Lizzie picks up a new packet of seeds when she's at the store because those flowers would look lovely growing in Bdubs' cloak. Bdubs making two cups of coffee in the morning, one for him and one for Lizzie at just the right time for it to be warm when she joins him in the kitchen. Quietly and unobtrusively holding hands in the solace of their home.
And don't get me wrong-- they're both meangirls sometimes. They bitch about whatever's annoying them while they garden. Teatime is a time for gossip about their friends and other partners. Playing up their annoyances and yes anding each other is part of how they work. But at the core it's this soft tender quiet relationship that's just... so incredibly mundane in the best of ways.
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petz5 · 11 months
hello petz5 nation i am once again on the verge of tears bc of akane tendo
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
i am once again drawing my ocs interacting with hollow knight characters
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bonding over a fear of darkness and hunger
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tbh i think that there are two varieties of enemies to lovers when a lot of people consider there to only be the one and thats like. 90% of "are toxic ships valid" discourse. bc everyone who isnt really in the toxic ships business tends to think we all view every toxic ship as an "ok they both hurt each other a lot but what if they would grow past that" ship. yeah theres enemies to lovers that ends in a really sweet relationship and thats fantastic! but some toxic ships really are just toxic. theyre fun because theyre toxic. because exploring character dynamics is fun. something like that
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cliveguy · 1 year
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i keep seeing people say stuff like this and it's so crazy to me literally what circles are you running in that you think it's THAT common to be desensitised to seeing videos of people dying....like i don't think it's a gen z thing to have an emotional reaction to seeing someone get beheaded
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obsessed with the way the master looks at the doctor and the aliens in spyfall 1
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charmixpower · 2 years
S2 Aisha was totally one of the boys, climbing rocks, driving the guy's bikes, winning Sky and Riven skiing competition, she was so into extreme sports, but I don't picture Musa having out with the boys besides of her dates with Riven or her big brother little sister dinamyc with Brando
I mean like?? That's were we disagree
I have a headcanon that Musa hangs around the boys dorm all the time, primarily to be with Riven yeah, but she's still there and hanging out with Timmy, Helia, Brandon, and Sky along with Riven. What you can't see I can see
While Aisha doesn't have that same energy. Like she'll hang out with the specialists obviously, because they have similar hobbies but have you noticed how exhausted of them she tends to get? It's very funny, but most of the time in early seasons she goes to mess with them by beating at their own game. Like with the skiing competition she just stole Timmy's bike because she wanted to kick Sky and Riven's ass. She also stole Riven's bike. It's very funny, but it wasn't exactly because they're friends. She makes fun of the guys and their behaviors probably the most out of the girls, especially bc out of everyone she's the one that any time any of the girls go to her with any kind of hurt it usually goes like "he hurt my fee-" "kick his ass to the curb"
Yeah, Aisha and Musa definitely initiate conversation with the guys that aren't the one they're dating the most. I can only really see Aisha talking to Riven and Sky, I can see Musa hanging out with all of the guys. Maybe Sky the least, but she's definitely friends with Nabu, Brandon, and Timmy. Musa is also definitely the non Flora girl that spoke to Helia the most (at first before Bloom finally works up the courage to talk to him about art) too
Plus you cannot convince me that Aisha ever had a "I'm not like other girls" phase, but Musa has definitely had one. See all of s1 Musa's interactions with Stella XD
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vaugarde · 1 year
speaking of my nextgen is it controversial to be like “yay i made a nextgen of this show i like” and then not give the main character any kids at all LMAO
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dullard · 11 months
im feeling chatty.
i dont currently plan to get more isopods but dreamy species (that are actually within reach. So none of those adorable spiky ones like shiny gators, ancient gators, thai spikies... Just absurdly expensive and hard to get) are uhhhh:
armadillidium cf espanyoli “marbelized”
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(pic source) i just loooove the patterning its so pretty ive seen some really stunning ones in pictures too. theyre really tiny apparently. i already think my cappuccinos are tiny and theyre like twice the size of the marbles from what i can tell. itd be cool to have more Sizes u kno. these are the most tempting to me like if i was looking for another species to keep or if i had more room. itd definitely be these. great combo of beautiful pod and not so expensive or notoriously hard to work with or anything.
porcellio expansus “orange”
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(pic source) theyre BIG fuckers!!!! not as big as hoffmanseggi but preddy big and very flat and i like their big exopods/uropods (?) (the funky tail things the guys have longer ones of) allso. isolated from the general porcellio expansus from spain which is sometimes calld the beetlejuice isopod and i have brain rot. They do have such cute little striped black and white antennae though, see? 
A strain like autumnal equinox is also tempting but..... idk 
cubaris sp “lemon blue”
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(pic source) arent they stunning. ok so i want one of the yellowy ones i think theyre cute but it could be lemon blues it could be jupiters it could be some rendition of the bees. rubber bees, emperor bees, bumble bees.
armadillidium vulgare “gem mix”
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(pic source) this is actually a really commonly available mix and was almost my first set before i got that absurd deal on my cappuccinos. I just love how rich and deep the colors are and they all complement each other so well. there are other mixes of other species like ‘lotto ticket’ and ‘party mix’ but the gem mix is so pretty to me
honorable mentions
armadillidium nasatum “peach” - absurdly cute to me. such a pretty color and such nice markings. not SUPER up my alley in terms of what id want to keep but just so nice to look at. if i had space and saw a good deal. itd be tempting.
cubaris sp. “pak chong” - they are also. so cute. they were actually one of the other ones i was considering as my first isopods, the reptile store in my area has some (as well as that gem mix) but i had been worried they would be too hard to care for (and then i went for the theoretically Harder to care for cappuccinos anyway so i had to level up my isopod keeping really fast and early for those little thangs) anyway i like their little red face and butt.
venezillo parvus “kumquat” - maybe i just like the food names especially. bc i have cappuccinos and chocolate zebras at home. but also a lot of morphs have food names. They are just so so cute conglobated and they are teeny tinys. i like their coloration and markings. this section is kind of repetitive now that i think about it
cubaris sp “white shark” - literally would be on the list but theyre just so tinys. idk why but them being tiny seems like a big L in this case but in other cases a species is tinys and im like. epic....
thenks for reading :P :)
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Gundham, what was your first time in bed with someone like? Do you remember who they were?
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"It is foolish to assume I would not retain such a thing to my memory, I can recall all those whom I have shard my bed with." He scoffed at the very idea of forgetting something as simple as a name, seeing it as basic respect to remember such a thing no matter how fleeting the tryst. "In the most basic form of its definition, it was...not good." Messy and inexperienced would be the best descriptors, but...
"I still hold that memory fondly. As for whom it was with..." A pause, a far away look in his eye before he shook his head. "You must be a level five friend to unlock such info. I will speak no more of it."
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bootyyyyshaker900 · 2 years
what i have learned from this viewing experience is that i am going to have to do a lot of episode rearranging
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