#but hehe ty for sending an emoji !!
deartouya · 2 years
we're recently made mutuals and i have no idea why you followed my chump blog so here we go 🫧!!
hehe sorry for taking soso long :(( but i hope it was kinda worth it !!
you’re my __ moot: you're a bakugou moot™
why i follow you: i saw you everywhere !! and you were always really funny and genuine in your interactions and so i looked at your blog a lil more and it just !! i haven't read much of your writing yet (which i need to fix >:3) but i loved the way you wrote bkg in what i did read !!
an au i think fits you: hmm i think!! maybe an everyday au!! like maybe working in the same lil restaurant or tea house together and slowly realizing how well you work together and then :3 love happens !!
something you remind me of: you remind me of the smell of linens,, a fresh and warm scent that makes you feel all sleepy and content!! really comforting and lulling!
song/book/movie that reminds me of you: this could be,, very off,, but i think you remind me of indie music!! like the sorta guitar heavy love songs!! like darling by christian leave
your blog is: your blog feels like a friend group,, really familiar and friendly when i see people interacting or you interacting with others!! it's fun to be on and look at !(you also have a really really cool theme right now)
your url is: i love it dearly !! it always makes me picture a lil mini katsuki dressed like one of those cliche ghosts!! like a lil sheet with eyes drawn on <3 very sweet hehe
your icon is: bakugou <3 my lil guy <3 he's very pretty even if he's a pain <3
overall opinion: you seem really fun !! i'm soso bad at interacting ;-; but the times we have!! you're so sweet and easy to talk to and your blog is veryvery cute!!
a random thought: you kinda make me think of those cartoon plant sprigs ?? like 🌱. i have no reasoning but,, you just make me think of the spring time and plants and really soft green colors!
character i ship you with the most: hmm i don't want to only revert to bakugou so,, i think i'd ship you with shouto if i was picking another character. so,, yeah--mostly bkg <33
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HI. HELLO. SORRY. i heard we’re talking about hunger au + the others finding out about fucked up stuff that grian’s doing
i’m obsessed with the potions. in order to die (which he doesn’t even *want*, or at least doesnt think he wants, he just believes it’s the safest option) he has to corrupt his friends’ attempt to help him. healing potions have been like. the only thing he’s conceded on for his own comfort. tango is super excited when he learns about them bc 1. it’s something actionable and immediate thatll directly help, and 2. grian gets noticeably… not hopeful, exactly, but definitely more responsive the few times that they’re talking about the potions. which. i’m sure tango will feel really good about after the fact (assuming the plan happens).
and then mumbo overextended himself making a *gold farm* entirely for potions and pearl “got carried away” collecting netherrack. it’s so clearly a priority for them. how are they going to react when grian hurts himself using them?? when they find out that they don’t do anything notable in the first place *except* give him a way to hurt himself?? after potions almost killed him the FIRST time??????? augh. i think about it so much
(also i heard we could pick emojis so im picking 📞 ty <3)
You're more than welcome to pick an emoji!! :D i honestly love it, i love seeing regulars in my inbox its like having people wave at me from across the street whenever they send in asks hehe :]
Man, the potions..... yeah the potions are crazy dude, i can see why everyone is obsessed with them. I havent exactly made a post on this yet, but healing potions don't actually do anything for a Watcher's structural code (theyre designed for Player surface code specifically, so they arent even fully compatible with Watcher surface code), which makes him conceding on them even more painful, because the others are latching onto this single one opportunity to help and its not even actually helping. Its being used, in fact, to eventually hurt him. Nobody is gonna like that.
Im really glad how everyone's desperate attempts at getting the potion ingredients are being picked up on in fic, especially since those references been sorta randomly sprinkled in throughout the chapters (usually through dialogue). Yeah they are.. thats gonna be Fun when they find out the truth on that one >:] ive had the scene for that in mind for AGES and i cannot WAIT to finally get it out there for everyone to see, because man. Its gonna be visceral, i'll tell you that
Im so so glad you like what im doing here enough to be rotating it in your brain like this!!! :D i shake your hand we sit and spin the potions like rotisserie chicken
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nkogneatho · 5 months
my emoji: 👀
ty in advance, babes ❤️❤️❤️
itni tareef mat kar😭 main pighal jaungi😔
okay but i always remember srk hehe maybe because of our desi talks at the start
🐟 send me an emoji and i'll tell you the first thing that comes to my mind when i see you/your url/alias ;))
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wooahaes · 10 months
hi! (first time sending an ask so pls lmk if anyone has this emoji but-) i completely agree w/ u that writers should put a warning or smth that the fanfic will be catered to a certain body type as ive read fanfic w/o that and have felt insecure. not saying these writers are intentionally trying to make ppl feel bad, but they need to realize that sometimes their works do cater to thin/skinny body types and letting readers know that rly isnt a big deal. ty for always speaking ur truth! - 🐱 anon
hi nonny! im gonna answer all ur asks in one go <3 (no need to apologize for spamming! i had a moment of 'oh fuck did i say something wrong' but thats just anxiety brain speaking haha)
honestly! i genuinely don't mind if writers wanna intentionally write works for a thinner reader, it'd just be nice for them to write in a little warning at the beginning of the fic <3 i write chubby readers and mark 'em with chubby!reader so my audience knows, nothing wrong w doing it the other way around!
i also wanna say, i remember looking up "seventeen x chubby reader", "svt x chubby reader", or smth along those lines on tumblr but just knowing almost nothing will pop up 💔. until i saw a little fanfic called "tiger stripes" and was baffled that someone actually wrote something that had someone like me in mind. i remember feeling and being so happy about it. just thank you for your svt x chubby reader works because u make us chubby carats feel so seen 🫶🏼 - 🐱 anon
aaaa ty lovely!! im a chubby gal myself so i love writing chubby!reader fics from time to time when inspiration strikes <3 usually i try to keep everything body neutral so that anyone can enjoy my fics (even in my chubby reader fics, i try not to specify how big reader is so that anyone bigger can enjoy them), but sometimes i just gotta aim something for the chubby gals out there <3 tiger stripes is one of my most beloved fics and it genuinely makes me happy to think of my own stretch marks as tiger stripes hehe <3
ah anyway !! hope im not a bother w/ my asks !! i just wanted to tell u this despite my shyness bc idk, i rly feel like u needed to hear it 🙏🏼 anyway, i also wanna add ur a rly good writer and keep on doing what ur doing 👍🏼 - 🐱 anon
u are 100000% fine!! i love talking to anons and ur always welcome to pop into my inbox whenever you feel like it <3 + it does always help to hear that other chubby carats enjoy my work!! mwah mwah ur so sweet
tw fatphobia mentions (nothing explicitly fatphobic tho) // omg though.. i remember finding this [redacted] x reader fic and bc it appeared under the [removed] tag (smth like that) and i assumed that it was catered to fat ppl. but unfortunately it turned out to be incredibly fatphobic w/ it's themes, plot, + y/n. im not saying u have to be fat to write "x fat reader" fanfic but perhaps step away from writing for ppl u have no understanding of if ur gna write stuff like that.. - 🐱 anon
redacting the guy + the tag from your ask purely to try and avoid anyone tracking down the writer by any means! i trust my followers to not do something like that, but i'd feel better reducing that risk in any way <3
oh yikes! i think like... its worth it to sometimes address fatphobia in writing, but that kind of stuff 100% needs a warning! one of my current fic ideas involves a reader who is confident in her body but kinda relapses back to a previous mindset of 'maybe i Should be ashamed of it' after being fully insulted for being a bigger gal and the fic would absolutely have a warning.
i do agree that you def do not have to be a bigger person to write chubby/fat reader fics, but its definitely something you need to be mindful of when you wanna handle the heavier topics. im always happy to weigh in with my own thoughts + experiences, and im sure other people would be, too! no shame in trying to address it in themes/plot, but there's def a difference between endorsing those ideas and discussing them (and i'll say i have no idea which was being done in this fic)
(btw: no one go looking for this writer to say anything to them btw, we do not promote harassment on this blog--anon ur 100% fine to express ur opinions since i've seen fatphobia in reader fics, too, and it's okay to express discomfort with the idea. i'm always open to discussing things as long as they don't point too directly to anyone's work--and i'm equally open to taking down anything that pinpoints a certain writer.)
anyway ur 100% fine to send as many asks as u want!! im always happy to talk to people esp abt topics like this (or in general too!) <3 ty for being polite tho mwah mwah ur v cute
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
honey’s 500 celebration!!
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first off i just wanna say ty to everyone who follows me, ur all gorg and ty for interacting with all of my dreadful writing 😭😭
i’ve got two jake fics which hopefully i can post over the next few days but in the meanwhile i wanted to do smth fun!
send me an emoji :0
🌝 - send me the name of one of my fics and what you want to see and i’ll write a drabble about what happens next!
🪐 - fuck, marry, avoid, send me 3 characters or people and i’ll try my best to answer
🍁 - ask me a question! whatever your heart desires
🌉 - tell me your fave movie and i’ll give you an honest review
📀 - send me a song and i’ll tell you what character and trope it reminds me of
🫧- send me a character and i’ll tell you a headcanon / assumption i have about them!!
🪷 - send me a prompt and a character and i’ll write a drabble for you !
(prompts here and here)
tysm everyone <33 seriously is crazy that you all follow my silly lil blog hehe
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enhypenating · 1 year
1, 2, 14, 27!!! if you're still doing the ask list love !🍉✨
youre the only one who sent numbers (hehe )<33 ty for sending some :3
1. what song makes you feel better?
rn it's CUPID by FIFTY FIFTY also Into the I-LAND
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
The Grand Budapest Hotel <3
14. favorite feel-good show?
hmmm i'm not sure, the shows i do watch are dramas. *thinking emoji*
mdzs q!!!! (it's so cute!!! i recommend watching it)
27. which character would you want to be?
Lan Wangji ^_^
send a number <3 (if you want)
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lunetual · 2 years
Frienship emoji for mx <3
hehe HI sophie !!! ty for writing in!! i'm gonna make wings proud and not even talk about changki FDALSKJ;AJLK !!
👯‍♀️ send w/ a group, and I’ll rant about a favorite friendship i'm in fact !! so fond of every mx combo but. <3 hyungwon and kihyun are so funny and dear to me. they are famously constantly bickering and complaining about each other and pretending they don't get along. and on the surface level they are wildly different. kihyun has joked that there must be very few monbebe who switch biases from him to hyungwon or vice versa since they're not the same style at all. LOL. but they also! agree on all the things that count. they are unwaveringly supportive of one other. they've gone on little spontaneous midnight outings. kihyun will go get seafood with hyungwon even though he doesn't prefer it, and hyungwon will peel shrimp for him when they're there. hyungwon has said that when he writes songs, he thinks of kihyun singing them and gets goosebumps. kihyun has said more than once that he thinks hyungwon writes for him the best / he'd want a song from hyungwon. hyungwon likewise wanted to write something for kihyun's solo album and just didn't realize there was a chance to, and this time around he's written two for him. they're so superficially bitchy with each other but so solid underneath all of that. i think they're silly i love them desperately i can't wait for october 24th a;jldkflkjas;df
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gennabi · 2 years
I'm missing you like crazy Zul ☹🫀
I had a super meh day and all I wanted to do is talk and read your thoughts on random stuff... (idk maybe i'm being selfish?) 💔💔
(I just want you to be happy tbh and well rested ofc!!)
(While i'm typing this i realised there's only one colour for the broken heart emoji? Like, why is that a thing?! HOW CAN I EXPRESS HOW MUCH I MISS YOU WITH ONLY ONE COLOUR AHHHHHHydhds IT'S NOT ENOUGH </3)
(I'll just wait - pls come back sooner rather than later tho <3333333)
Yes it's true, I do love you. Very much so.
- 나의 사랑하는 어난 ♡
im coming back im coming back, just slowly cause idw rush hehh also sorry this is late, yesterday was a super busy n tired day 💔
LETS TALK LETSSSS harrrr send me anythg, love <3 on that note, since u said random, i wanna talk a bit abt my curtains (since they're in front of me rn) cause they're not blackout n i find that so 💔💔 like i LOVE it when u can keep a room dark even in the day, it keeps me at peace but i don't have the money rn lmao so when i do, those r going to be one of the first thgs id buy. anon r we the same or do you prefer some light seeping through? 🧐 (nothgs wrong w being selfish sometimes :) )
(i am hehe, thank you for wishing me such nice thgs ☹💖💖 im sending u love rn, hope ur healthy n feeling good 😖💞)
(TELL ME ABOUT ITTT 🤕 there's not enough different hearts in different colours 😔 but it's alright, m feeling warm n cozy with u rn so that's all that matters)
(ty for waiting 🥺☹ hehe i will i will 🙆‍♀️ hang in thereeeee bb)
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chlotual · 6 days
star emoji i cant find it but youre so sweetiepie and awesome and just lovely to talk to
hehe ty samikins ^_^
send me a ⭐️ if im one of your favorite mutuals and explain why
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downforthegas · 1 month
I'm following Bellyasks who does belly/stuffing/inflation prompts by request, and I want to do something similar
Could yall send a theme for prompts related to eproctophilia? Or send emojis and have me come up with eprocto promps? idk I think that would be fun hehe ty
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prime-adeptus · 5 months
💛 and 💜 and 💚 for the little ask game hehe >·<
hiiii ty for the ask :3
💛 what is your favourite feature on yourself?
I like my smile bc I look like (^⁠‿⁠^⁠) when I do, which I find vv amusing. Also aunties love me so without them I probably wouldn’t even like my smile in the first place HAHAHAH
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
mix of Britta and Annie 😔
💚 where are you from?
Southeast Asia! For privacy reasons I won’t say where but I have mentioned it in passing before :3
send me an emoji <3
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wheeboo · 10 months
send in an emoji hehe
🖌️ - do you have/want any tattoos?
i do not have any tattoos atm BUT I DO WANT SOME IN THE FUTURE. i actually have an entire pinterest board dedicated to tattoo designs (cherry blossoms, butterflies, etc) and already decided locations on my body where i really want to get some, like my collarbones (which ik will hurt like shit), my arms, the nape of my neck, etc. i don't want a sleeve, moreso i find smaller tattoos scattered around my body to be really cute hehe <3 and i have some with meanings that i think i really like
ty for sending this in! <3
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jaxplaysthesims · 11 months
💌 | Describe a favorite Sim of yours in 3 emojis! Send this to 5 others to keep it going 🤍🕊️
Ah ty Madi! 💓
🎀 🍒 🎨
i think we can all guess who hehe :)
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💌message to jamie🐺: hi :) misssss uuu :) can’t wait to seeeeeee uuuuuuu 🤓🔎
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe ofc🥰💗 ur a very very handsome person jamie🥰✨awwww i wish i could’ve been ur date!!!🥹💗
💌message to jamie🐺: mmmmm ilove u most mostest!!🥰💗 hehe our tummies are like: 🐺🦋✨💗🐰🦋✨
💌message to jamie🐺: awwww my sleepyhead!!! 🥰 ur so so adorable oh goodness wanna ruffle ur hair n kiss u all over ur face!!!🥰 i don’t look as cute as uuuuu *sends a sleepy selfie of myself stretching in the mirror, wearing ur sweats and my shorts, bruce sitting up in his bed, rubbing his face in the back*
💌message to jamie🐺: eeeek hehehe ty baby🥰💗🤓 i’m glad u like themmmmm dbfbsnd i’ll wear them more around u if u wantttttt
💌message to jamie🐺: awww so cute with ur plushie bunny🥰💗 here are some of me n bucky bear🥰🧸 *sends pictures of a selfie with the bear, then my bear wearing my glasses, the bear sitting across the table from me at lunch, then me kissing the bear on the cheek n lips*
💌message to jamie🐺: jsbfsjdb eeeek🥺💗okay!🥺💗 i just don’t wanna botherrrrrrr uuuuuuuuu🥲but if u sayyyy soooooo🫶💗 i miss u sosososo much too so that’s why i send soooo many texts so it works out hehe🥰
💌message to jamie🐺: i’m just a little crazy🙃
💌message to jamie🐺: but i guess u like it😌✨ hehehehehe
💌message to jamie🐺: do u like my emojis?😁aren’t they sooooo fun jamie?🥰
💌message to jamie🐺: mmm mhm i was sleepy… how’d u know?🤔 u spying on me?
💌message to jamie🐺: oh god
💌message to jamie🐺: AHHHHHHHHHHHH
💌message to jamie🐺: im seriously gonna kill peter
💌message to jamie🐺: i had no idea about the photo he sent u !!!! 🥺 i was sleepy and i just happed to fall asleep on bruce’s shoulder !!! 🥺 ahhhh sorry
💌message to jamie🐺: meeeeep is nothing jamie i promise🥲😔
💌message to jamie🐺: oh no :( jamie :( are u okay? :( about to fly to u to take care of uuuuuu
💌message to jamie🐺: eeeek😳🫣dbbfsnjds okay cooooool cool cooooollllll
💌message to jamie🐺: dnfndjdjd shhhhh shut up shfjsjdhsjdh
💌message to jamie🐺: (actually don’t shut up pls i love ur texts sosososo much)
💌message to jamie🐺: miss taking showers with u tooooo💔i wanna wash that beautiful head of hair of urs!!!!!!!!
💌message to jamie🐺: 🥲🥲🥲
💌message to jamie🐺: i have daddy issues okay !!!!!!!
💌message to jamie🐺: i’m just a girl with daddy issues !!!!!!!!!!!
💌message to jamie🐺: pout
💌message to jamie🐺: mhm i diddddd🥰i have to wear them every night or else i can’t fall asleep💗
💌message to jamie🐺: MEEP dnfndnfndn oh god oh god i’m tinglyyyyyyyyyy from that pic🫠😵‍💫
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends a video of my phone propped up on a desk in my room, sitting on the bed, wearing ur t-shirt* h-hi baby *chuckles softly, blushing deeply, holding the end of ur shirt with one hand, holding it to my nose to smell it, lifting it up to reveal my center, using my free hand to rub at my clit* mmm… c-can y-you s-see how w-wet i am for you, james? *pants, slowly fingering myself steadily* mmm… i l-love… s-smelling y-your shirt… *moans, sniffing ur shirt again* w-while i-i’m touching myself… h-helps me… g-get off… *whimpers softly, fingering myself faster* mmmm… w-want y-you to breed me wolf… b-breed your b-bunny, yeah? c-cum in me over n over again… m-mark me as y-yours, yeah? *whines, bucking my hips up* i-i want that d-daddy… p-please… c-cummies in m-my mouth n m-my tummy? p-please daddy? oh m-miss y-your touch too… *whines loudly* ‘m g-gonna cum james… o-oh shit… *pants, fingering myself fast, moaning loudly, shaking a little when i release, panting heavily, catching my breath, stopping the video*
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe :) i’m glad u do, i love ur cleaned up pics tooo!!🥰 u are so so handsome n cute ahhhhhh i just wanna hug n kiss u !!!🥰💗 *sends a mirror selfie of myself in ur boxers n hoodie, bucky bear on my head* alllll clean🥰🧼🫧
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe thank u🥰i ask for the colorful n fun ones!🥰💗 u gotta request them!
💌message to jamie🐺: shfbsjdb i promise i banish him from our FLOOR jamie
💌message to jamie🐺: pinky promise
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbsnd does nat know u took that bdbfnss and hiiii nat u look gorgeous as alwayssssss🥰✨
💌message to jamie🐺: hehehehe 😈 djfbsjdb but ur MY old man🥰 does that make it better?
💌message to jamie🐺: (meep btw if it bothers u i wont say it anymore baby🥺)
💌message to jamie🐺: i loveeeeeee uuuuuuu💗💗💗
💌voice message to jamie🐺: hi honey… mhm, will keep it covered baby… mmmm… take care of yourself for me? pleaseeeeee…? i’m pouting by the way *snorts* mhm… i want jamie to take care of me… *hums* always feels so nice… *chuckles softly* oh goodness… well… nat knows about… us… n what we l-like so… *chuckles* i dunno… mmmm *giggles* yeah, yeah… anyways, i go to the stairwell to record your voice messages… i like it… is just uhhh… me n you time, you know? is special to me jamie… is hard being away from you but… i really love texting you and seeing all your videos and messages and voice memos… is so nice… *hums* obviously is not as good as the real deal but… i love it… *chuckles* mhm, i’ll give bucky bear so much love… i gotta put it somewhere! all the love i have for you! *snorts, then hums, breathing softly* good… good, i want you to feel my love… feel yours baby… *hums* pressed my bracelet for you… mhm! i’d love to plan a little getaway with you baby… a sunset beach picnic sounds so nice baby… i love you so much… *chuckles softly* oh god, sorry i was so emotional yesterday… not sure why i was… but anyways, i love n care about you so much… you’re the most perfect person for me jamie… i can’t imagine being with anyone else… i really love you so much and i can’t wait to just… make you happy for the rest of your life *chuckles* wanna love up on you… be sweet… *hums* oh g-god, am b-blushing… *chuckles softly* mmmm y-your sweet l-little b-baby, yeah? mmmm mhm you’re super tough, my tough jamie *chuckles softly* i’m tough, you’re tough… can both protect each other… will be nice… *snorts, giggling softly* oh god, you’re so cute… yes, we’re absolutely a force to be reckoned with… nothing gets in our way, hmm? mmm okay, wanna just… treat you, but i suppose we can take turns *giggles* i love you so much james… miss our cuddles so bad… *giggles softly, squealing* eeeek… oh gosh, i miss when you would give me sweet kissies all over my face… felt so nice… made me feel so nice… n blush… *chuckles* mhm, pressing mine twice for you baby… oh honey, i love listening to your voice… so is more than okay… miss you my jamie… we’ll talk soon… my sweetest jamie… i love you so dearly, my darling… i love you…
💌comms: hi wolfie… doing better tonight… bunny misses you dearly… i love you so much… i love you wolfie…
💌message to jamie🐺: mhm soooo tough
💌message to jamie🐺: i’m glad nat is helping taking care of u!
💌message to jamie🐺: (that should be me🥲💔)
💌message to jamie🐺: (is okay, i want ur face to be okay👍just jealous🥲)
💌message to jamie🐺: HEHE🥰💗 oh i’m ready my jamie!!🥰💗✨ i love all ur little pet names but some just give me butterflies🥰
💌message to jamie🐺: love n miss u soooo dearly…. eek bunny bear is sooooo cute🥰💗 honeybear hehe🍯🧸
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe good😌👍 my cuddles are only for uuuuuu!!!!!!!! only for my jamie🥰💗cause i love him sooooo much and he is so special to meeeee🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: have special section in my heart reserved for u💗
💌message to jamie🐺: eeeeeek cute!!🥰 who wore it best 🤔 hehehehe (i think u did🥰) *sends a sleepy selfie in ur hoodie, my hood up, smiling sleepily*
💌message to jamie🐺: i love u soooo muchhhh💗💗💗gonna go night night now👍i love u jamie! i love u my baby! i love u my wolfie! i love u my honeybear!🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
💌message to bunny: miss you too :) soon baby, soon
💌message to bunny: I wish you could’ve been my date too baby but the event wasn’t anything special, so no worries. Was practically undercover
💌message to bunny: I love you the most most mostest
💌message to bunny: what do you mean? You look so cute doll :) wanna give you so many kissies
💌message to bunny: yeah wear them more :) I won’t break them I promise
💌message to bunny: here :) *sends a pic of me kissing the bunny plushie on the lips, then cheek*
💌message to bunny: you’re never a bother
💌message to bunny: I miss you too baby❤️❤️❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: I’m crazy too lol so we fit okay?
💌message to bunny: oh I do love it babygirl
💌message to bunny: I’m so attracted to crazy
💌message to bunny: Mhm you send a lot of emojis lol
💌message to bunny: you’re cuter than them though
💌message to bunny: no, not spying.
💌message to bunny: yeah I know. Wish that was me though. Want you asleep on me
💌message to bunny: I’m okay baby👍*sends a picture of my face to show you it’s already healing a little*
💌message to bunny: Lol don’t worry I’ll never shut up :)
💌message to bunny: we’ll take a shower when we’re back together okay? One of the first things we do together again.
💌message to bunny: lol do I help your daddy issues baby :)
💌message to bunny: aw my baby. I wish I could fit into your clothes to wear them lol
💌message to bunny: I got you tingly :) you got me hard :) seems like a fair deal
💌message to bunny: *sends a video with my phone on toilet seat lid, sitting on the floor, and takes my cock out through the hole on my boxers, spitting down onto it twice* hey baby…mmm I can see how wet you were for me *moans, looking down at myself* f-fuck…helps you get off? Love my scent that much baby?…I miss you so much…watchin’ you finger yourself like that was so fuckin’ hot *strokes my cock faster, groaning* y-yeah I wanna breed you, bunny…I wanna breed you over and over again…fill up your tummy…have my cum drippin’ out of you…want you beggin’ for it bunny…mmm ffuck I wanna remind you youre mine…all daddy’s…*moans a little louder and looks at the camera, rubbing my thumb over the tip* fffuck I’ll cum anywhere you want me to, bunny if you ask me like that…daddy’s so fuckin’ close, shit *fucks my cock fast and hard in my hand and whimpers, squirming a little, massaging my balls in my other hand* fuck fuck fuck, ‘m cummin’ scout…fuck…*releases onto my chest, just as there’s a knock at the door* you finished yet, you fucking horn dog? *nat laughs and I jump, reaching for my phone* shit *turns the video off*
💌message to bunny: clean clean *sends a picture of me in the bathroom mirror, my face flushed, my hair wet, in my boxers and a shirt*
💌message to bunny: wanna hug and kiss you too babydoll.
💌message to bunny: Damn request them? I asked if they had any and they said no lol
💌message to bunny: Warm👍 *sends a picture of my with the blanket completely over me and Nat in her bed giving a thumbs up*
💌message to bunny: From the floor lol okay
💌message to bunny: don’t think she knew I took that picture lol
💌message to bunny: I showed her one of the pics you sent with Bruce and she said you look pretty :)
💌message to bunny: yeah that makes it better :)
💌message to bunny: doesn’t bother me, just teasing you
💌message to bunny: love you too❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💌voice message to bunny: hey baby…*chuckles* mmm ‘m doin’ my best to take care of myself…I can tell you’re poutin’ *chuckles* yeah…feels nice when you take care of me too…*clears my throat* yeah I guess she does…*hums* ‘m alone when I record these too…it is like me and you time…I like that…we’ll be home soon baby…I know it’s really hard bein’ away from you too…*chuckles* yeah ‘s been nice to send all the videos and texts and pictures but…I want the real deal…*chuckles* yeah give bucky bear all that love…’m givin’ mine to scout bunny…pressin’ my bracelet now…mm happy you feel my love…I-I wanna show it to you enough…since ‘m not there right next to you…oh good ‘m glad you’re on board about the beach *chuckles* we can plan it soon okay? ‘M sure Stevie will let us stay there…’m travelin’ to meet him at this other base tomorrow…then after we’re done there, ‘s time to go home…no worries, lovey, ‘s okay to feel that way…we miss each other a lot…feels like long…’m the perfect person for you hm? Then we’re perfect for each other…you’re gonna get so much lovin’ when I see you *chuckles* that’s a promise, doll…*snorts* fuck I wanna see your face when I make you blush or flustered…mhm you’re my sweet little baby…good girl…*chuckles* we’re both tough…and we’re gettin’ through this…fuck I can’t wait to be back home…miss it…miss you and just our bed and alpine…all of it…mhm nothin’ gets in our way…*chuckles* I know you wanna treat me but I wanna treat you too so…we have to take turns…mmm love you so much too scout…we’ll cuddle so soon I promise…*chuckles* I know, I miss all your little kissies so damn much…I need them, doll…I’ll press mine again okay? Sayin’ I love you very much…*chuckles* okay…I love listenin’ to your voice too…your sweetest Jamie *hums* I love you so much baby…I’ll talk to you soon…I love you…
💌comms: hey bunny…good…’m happy you’re doin’ better…I feel okay…face stings a little but I can handle it…Wolfie still misses you a lot…love you…love you so much…
💌message to bunny: lol I wish it was you cleaning it too my baby
💌message to bunny: you’re cute when you’re jealous
💌message to bunny: my face is okay👍 *sends another pic of my face, showing the side that has the scrape, still there but more healed, then sends another pic of bunny plushie in my lap*
💌message to bunny: I have so many pet names for you :) I like all of yours you have for me too baby :)
💌message to bunny: I love and miss you so fucking much
💌message to bunny: Yeah? Thought it was cute :) my little bunny bear
💌message to bunny: good :) and of course like I said, my cuddles are only for my baby :) who I love so so so much and she’s super special to me, do you know her?
💌message to bunny: baby you don’t have just a section in my heart, you have my whole heart
💌message to bunny: no, you wore it best :) *sends a sleepy mirror pic of me in just my boxers, smiling sweetly*
💌message to bunny: I love you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️is my time for sleep :) I love you too scout❤️❤️my sweet girl❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: all the pet names lol
💌message to bunny: Love you bunny❤️love you so so so much my baby❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️night :)
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hueningshaped · 2 years
first of all your emoticon for me,,,,,, about to make that become my whole personality😈 also i realized later on that yours should've been with a heart instead,,, the heart just doesn't do you justice you literally radiate love😾 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊ the only right way!!!😌 the soobin tweet??? why does it look like a mugshot😭😭 but working feels like being imprisoned so it's very on theme ig😐 ofc beffie let's go txt did not create run away for us to just live in these conditions!!!!! stop it i'm lit erally blushing and giggl ing rn.......... ur NOT evil!!!!!!!! i know that you always need to set aside some time to reply!!! you know i will always wait for u💘🫂💖🫶🏻💓 no because the "SICKENING" combined witch the crutches emoji had me laughing so hard😭😭😭 i can't believe instagram would do that to me though. currently walking towards zuckerberg's office with pitchfork in hand😾 i'll send a ss of it along with this ask!!! i get it beffie i always put off listening to new songs for sooooo long😭😭 the only group i follow really closely is txt but the 4th gen girls seem soooo lovely and they're doing so well too!! i still remember when the 3rd gen girls were basically fighting for their lives bc nobody gave them a chance but nowadays they are ON TOP!!! i like ive's music and they seem like such sweet girls too🥹 aside from them i also listen to stayc (run2u and stereotype,,, i'm kissing the forehead of whoever made those songs!!!!) and aespa (i usually don't like their songs (not illusion though!!! absolute banger🫶🏻) on first listen but somehow i hear them everywhere until i get obsessed with them🧎🏻) plus newjeans seem to have very good music!! but i've only heard snippets so far and i'm kind of intimidated by their age they're still babies to me i can't believe how young idols are getting😭😭 NOOOO THE VIDEOS tyun really just left him to fend for himself😭 choi line is so unserious i'm pretty sure they've convinced themselves that bickering is as important as oxygen🤨 AND THE SOOBIN VID you're so right that IS us!! OFC I LISTENED TO THE CB!!!!!!! as expected from txt it was a masterpiece🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 ESPECIALLY RING oh m ygod ring,,,,,, it has been on repeattttt along with hitori no yoru!!! and the mv😧😧😧 it was so different from the korean version and the theories about it are so😵‍💫😵‍💫 what about you beffie!!!!!! here is the first the second and a third one to add onto the one you sent me!!! take care and give ur cats a kiss from me I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!
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🤯❤️‍🩹⁉️⁉️ oh my god it’s literaly ben 9 days:?.?.?.!:!2&2&!/:!;! i feel like this is the first time ive been able to breathe for a little hehe :( anyway sheesh…… (im pathetically sorry btw, like very very very sorry) nono the hearts (+sparkles) are for YOU !!!!!! u radiate love 😿 it’s all you for heaven’s sakes… a lotta bit of this .˚ * ⊹ • and ♡ᐝ and boom = APPLE, everything good and nice in this world :”) yes.. work = prison. i want out 🗣 !!!! i think… i think that i’m going to try (as much as this wrenches my heart) to make messages more concise(?) at least in an efficient way so that it tricks my brain into making me answer them first before doing all my stupid monotonous tasks (idk why im set up this way 🥺 wish i could change) i just feel like im making things 100x times worse by doing nothing *cries* anyways i say this all the time so it’s pointless i suppose hehe you’d think by now i’d get myself together 🥺 nyway the last of my intentions was to just take up all my talking with my deprecation anyway haha anyway omg we mob zuckerburg’s office together ? im Down 🥹 (that picture is so funny omg ty 4 sending it to me) twice runs this world <3 twice world domination omg i enjoy those groups’ music too !!!! tho i rlly rlly love stayc im a swith 🫀 moaswith before human hehe and ahhh txt vocals in both songs?!2!2?2?3’!2!2! really appreciate the way soobin’s voice was used 🫶 good job kings 🫶 i cant even make up my mind on what really happened in the music video agh i kinda love it when something is sooo open ended that it can fit multiple theories and there’s room for it to be looked at differently through different perspectives idk the human mind is so :0 when u think about it… at the end of the day we’re just ants on a log idk 😧 i havent a clue as to what has happened since we last spoke since i feel like ive lost track of the entire world it seems 😔 imwsorrymmmm let’s see…. anything new that’s happened in ur life ? 🧐 anything that ur looking forward to or that you’ve got coming up ? 😿 i’d lov to know <3 also one thing i know is selugi solo cb *cue gasp* was there any of the rv solos that you liked more than the others ? i have to know or ill implode jk hehe also i still haven’t seen the new season for talk x today but camping with beomgyu ??? 🥺 sounds so nice hnckdjffjf AND UR LINKS!!1!1!2! ty for forwarding the penguin hyuka agenda 🫡🫡🫡 im respectfully devastated 🫡🫡🫡 the soobin tweet for some reason glitched my phone out so bad i had to restart my phone rn haha made me giggle thanks soob <3 never a dull moment with u guys and the third one disappeared ☹️ nonetheless i hold it all very dear and close to me thank you 🥹 always for thinking of me so nicely though i don’t deserve it ! YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’s…. You rock 🫶 these yeonkais are so adorable ouchies 😭 ur links for this 📫: beomgyu cat 💔 bg’s duality 🙀 the snow just like we want 😿😿😿 and us probably in an au and um here’s a song for you that ive become emotionally and physically attached to anyways… i think im rambling and contradicting myself so badly i feel like a dog that tore up a sofa while its owners were gone wjhfjsjfjsjjfj anyways. Bottom line is… i adore you and i truly hope that things have been going well for you and will continue to do so and if you are encountering a rough patch it shall pass <3 and you won’t have to endure it alone for i love you and am here for you
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
page received hello 🫡🥰 ty anon u made my night wtf i’m so glad i am making u laugh w my silly little sign off that is all i could ever ask for <3 and thank u lily for calling me funny and iconic (uno reverse card) i love u pls.
fun fact the use of that emoji is an inside joke i have w one of my irls but its nothing deeper than the hilarity of it….like it is so detailed for WHAT they really put their whole macintussy into this little troll 😭 we’ll just send it to each other randomly and it always makes me giggle too. glad to spread the lafs :-)))
- 🧌💓💓💓💓💓
stop hehe you are so iconic ur just getting the respect u deserve <3
and no u are so right like the troll is MEANT to be used. this was not a mistake.
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