#but god. chronic back pain is just. so evil
pucciverse · 8 months
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astarion-approves · 9 months
Astarion resting in the evening with a reader with chronic pain/disability pain??
Literally your writing makes me so giddy ❤️✨✨ kudos to you OP for being fantastic as descriptions and dialogue!!!!
Astarion x GN! Tav with chronic pain
Safe for work, chronic pain, gender natural reader, 3rd person, 900+ words, SPOILERS ACT ONE, short and sweet, slightly OOC Astarion, no beta, (I DON'T have chronic pain so my apologies if this is way off the mark, I hope you enjoy it.)
Read below or on AO3
Another fireball hits your shoulder, nearly knocking you to the ground from the force of it. The other party members glance in your direction, just making sure you haven’t fallen from the attack. The Hag’s wicked laugh rings in your ears as she continues her fight, gusts of wind and more flames flying towards you. 
Your body aches, the meat of your muscles shaking, each movement like a million blades being stabbed into your skin. It takes all of your effort to keep standing, each attack from Auntie Ethel bringing you closer to your knees. 
Shadowheart defends against her, casting a quick healing spell in your direction – just enough to keep you on your feet. 
For now. 
As Gale and Shadowheart chase after the Hag you will your body to move, to follow along with them and take her down. Your breath is unsteady, pain shooting up your limbs and to every joint in your body. 
“No,” you mumble, stumbling forward but managing to keep yourself standing. “Not now. Please, not now!” A flare up, the never ending pain that curses you each and every day. Something that even the tadpole can’t remove from you. Fire licks up your spin, the pain spreading and moving to control you. You fall to your knees, reaching out towards Gale and Shadowheart as they land blow after blow onto the powerful Hag. 
And you can do nothing but watch. 
You clench your jaw to keep yourself from screaming out in agony, to keep yourself from cursing the God’s that gave you this cruel fate. For what kind of God would ever deliver upon you the work of a Devil? You’ve made no sinful deals, no murder of the innocent, earned no curse from the evil that wanders in this world. 
You are simply doomed with pain that you can never evade. Pain that will chase you and consume you for the rest of your days. 
“Tav,” Astarion is next to you, his hand on your back, sweeping up and down your spine with as much gentleness as he can muster. “Are you alright?” 
You shake your head, the battle carrying on just in front of you. Shadowheart cries out as she’s hit in the stomach, Gale jumping to help her off the ground just as another ball of fire is cast in their direction. 
“Astarion–” you gasp as the pain takes over, finally pulling you into the ground. 
Astarion shushes you, his hand leaving your back and instead carefully lifting you from the ground and into his arms. He rushes from the battlefield, placing you down behind a thick tree truck, a soft smile across his lips. “Now, you just stay right here. I will be right back after we’ve taken down this nasty little Hag. Rest.” 
And then he’s gone, the twang of his bow being shot over and over lulling you into a deep sleep. 
You wake with a groan, blinking your eyes as you stare up into a deep red fabric that hangs above you. Slowly, you sit up, hissing at your body stings all over. You look around you, books thrown about and a large assortment of pillows all over the ground. 
Astarion’s tent. Then that means– 
“Ah, no, stay right where you are,” Astarion said as he waltzed into the tent, carrying a bundle of fabric in his arms. “Lie back down, darling; before I make you.” 
“The battle–”
“Is over, and we all survived. Goodie.” 
“Alive and well. Now, hush,” Astarion said and gently pushed on your shoulder, forcing you to lie back down. He sat down beside you, opening the fabric he held before and revealing a large pile of ice. Astarion hummed as he laid a blanket over you and then began placing piece after piece of ice on top of you. 
“Ice?” you asked. 
“Hm, yes. What is the point of having a Wizard in our camp if he can’t conjure some ice for us?” 
“Why are you doing this?” 
Astarion raised a single brow at you, as if the answer were obvious. “You’re in pain, are you not?” 
“Well, yes–” 
“And while that Hag was a powerful creature, I know a fireball like that wouldn’t be enough to put you on your ass. Not normally, that is.”
“But, nothing.” Astarion sighed and poured the rest of the ice over your legs. “Honestly, Tav. Why didn’t you tell me you were in pain sooner? I could tell that morning, you know. The way you hardly spoke as we made our way into the swamp, how you grunted just going up the steps of that gross little house, and you sighed when we walked through the mud.” 
You looked away from him, ashamed. This pain, it was a weakness, one that you didn’t want the others to see… And now they all know. The fear of them leaving you behind was festering in the back of your mind. 
“I care for you,” Astarion began, grabbing your attention and forcing you to stare at him with wide eyes. “Probably… more than I should… since you’re keeping secrets from me.” He sighed and reached over, flicking you in the forehead. “So, the next time you’re in pain, just tell me. Please? I’ll carry you on my back if I have to.” 
You snorted. “I can’t ask you to do that.” 
“Nonsense,” he replied and waved you off. “Besides, it would just be another excuse to have you close.” 
“... So, you care about me?” 
Astarion laughed. “Of course I do, but don’t make me confess to you while you’re here lying in agony.” 
You pouted. “Astarion–” 
“Another time,” he whispered and leaned down, giving you a little kiss on your forehead. “I promise.” 
“Now that that’s settled,” Astarion held his hands up, wiggling his fingers. “Which foot should I begin my massage on?” 
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kiiboslostahoge · 2 months
A Tech-Demon's Weakness
Summary: Vox is much more angry than usual now that Alastor's back, and it's causing issues with the WiFi. Velvette makes Valentino calm him down, and the man decides to have some fun in the process.
Notes: These guys are supposed to be the most evil mfs even compared to the other overlords, why tf was their scene in the finale so cuteee agghh,😭😭😭, approx 1.5k words
Valentino had a problem. A large problem, in fact. One that he never usually had.
Vox. Vox was too angry to do his fucking job. It made no sense - Vox was supposed to help calm him down, not the other way around!
"That bitch keeps ruining my connection, Val! Some employee lost a day's worth of editing because it couldn't save!" Velvette had said before shooing him off. "Go calm him down so he stops making everything buffer! At this rate, we'll have another blackout."
Couldn't she do that herself? Valentino wasn't meant for these sorts of affairs! If only Vox was here to calm him down - he always did such a good job with that.
Wait. Vox couldn't calm him down, Vox was the one who needed calming! God, why was Vox so angry? The Alastor thing was cute to watch, but not when it ruined their Internet speed.
"Ugh, but I wanted to-"
"Shoo," Velvette said. "Do your job."
Velvette wasn't sympathizing at all, not like Vox did! Valentino was going to get back at that flat-faced man for causing him such a headache.
From Vox's lair, he could faintly hear swear-filled shrieks.
God, this was going to be such a pain. Valentino almost wanted to make Velvette do it but instead, but she'd just yell at him to calm down, and knowing how blindly rageful Vox was right now - that statement would only make him more angry, and the WiFi would only get even worse. Valentino didn't think he could handle the WiFi getting worse than it already was.
No. Calming Vox down would be easy, he knew it. He'd just need to resort to- Unconventional means.
What were the means in question? Valentino would decide that when he got there. He had a small mental list, though.
He sauntered downstairs, where Vox was hissing, furiously eyeing the screen, tracking Alastor like a cat would a laser pointer.
"That old-timey fucker doesn't know shit about this fucking-"
At some point, it had begun to seem like Vox was swearing for the sake of it. The action made sense, though. He had quite some anger to get out, and swear words were an excellent method of expelling anger.
"Vox," he crooned, because he was going to have fun with this. Unlike some demons who happened to have a flat face, a hatred for radio, and hypnosis powers, he wasn't an uptight little bitch.
"What is it?" The reply came instantly. "I'm busy."
And though that was ordinarily true, right now, Vox seemed like a typical chronically-online easily-trolled loser rather than the CEO who had almost all of the Prie Ring under his thumb.
"Relax a little, would you?" Valentino said, pinching at where Vox's cheek would've been were he not a TV screen and earning himself a slap of the wrist. "I hear you're getting a bit worked up over the radio demon."
"Of course I am! He's a-"
Before Vox could introduce anymore colorful swears that even he'd likely never head of, Valentino poked him in the stomach pointedly.
"Ah-ah," he said, unable to be anything other than endlessly amused by this. "You have to calm down, Vox! Can't you see you're acting irrational right now? Why, Alastor could never-"
He was cut off by Vox's static-filled rage.
"Oh, don't even start!" Vox said, but before he could continue his rant, as Valentino's hand accidentally grazed the back of his screen, he let out a static-filled yelp.
Valentino couldn't help but grin. Right. That was one of the best ways to force Vox to calm down.
The thing about the tech demon was that he was ridiculously, mortifyingly ticklish. And with that ticklishness came mortification. Emotional and physical sensitivity? There was nothing more exploitable than that.
"I almost forgot, darling! How could you possibly have let that happen?" He said, and though his statement had little elaboration, Vox knew what he meant.
A gulp was heard.
"V-Val, don't you fucking dare."
Really, though, how could Valentino possibly have forgotten about this? Vox's reactions were much too amusing, and Valentino hadn't even touched him yet! He'd have to do this more often.
"What should I refrain from doing?" He asked, savoring moment of this. A poke to Vox's side, followed by a velp. "This?"
"Prick," Vox said, looking away.
There was really no point to being insulting, was there, now? But this was an opportunity for Valentino.
"I'm hurt!" He said, feigning a pout. "You're so mean to me."
Vox grit his teeth at that, but before he could retort with whatever string of insults he had in mind, Valentino took the chance to dig his fingers into Vox's neck.
Already, Vox was struggling to hold in his laughter."
"I- haah- f-fucking-"
And then, Valentino reached his antenna.
"H-Hahahate you! Gah, fuhuck!" Vox squirmed futilely, namely, it was futile he wasn't actually moving away. Valentino hadn't bothered to hold him down, because for some reason, Vox never did manage to actually pull himself together and actively attempt to leave.
"Aww," he crooned, not bothering to give Vox a break. "Is big bad Vox so ticklish he can't help but lose his mind at the slightest touch? You know, I wonder what Alastor would think if he saw you now!"
Any hope of Alastor taking him remotely seriously would be crushed at that moment. Vox pouted, and at that moment, Valentino couldn't help but wonder.why he found a literal Flat screen television's pouting so adorable.
"Shuhut u-up!" He laughed, more giggled like a child, and it was, in all frankness, quite difficult to take him seriously. "L-Lehet me go, or I swear, I'll-"
Valentino prodded at a small wire end sticking out, and Vox's laughter devolved into pure static.
"There we go," he said.
After a while, Valentino finally had his fill, letting Vox go. Now, it was time to get his work out of the way and-
Wait, what was he here to do again? He'd forgotten.
Nevertheless, he was faced with a huffy, pouty Vox. What could be better?
"Come on, darling!" He said, placing a condescending hand on Vox's back, patting him as if he were a child. Because really, that was exactly what Vox was acting like right now. "Did you really loathe it that much? It isn't my fault, you know how I am. I just had to exploit your complete and utter inability to move away properly."
"Don't bring that up again," Vox said, voice low, almost a growl.
Valentino just tilted his head in amusement.
"What? Your utter inability to escape my clutches? I couldn't possibly do that!" He said. "It was much too amusing. You, completely able to leave at any moment, and yet you couldn't even muster up the brainpower to recognize your obvious escape! Honestly, if I didn't know much better, I'd even believe you were enjoying it!"
Vox slammed a fist on the table, eyes wide with embarrassment.
"S-Stop talking, prick!" He said, and the dots quickly connected in Valentino's head.
Oh. That was what was going on.
"You liked it, then?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. It was just funny watching Vox squirm.
"No I don't," Vox said, attempting to regain his typical demeanor - and succeeding, though Valentino knew him too well not to notice the shakiness of his voice. "I'm not even ticklish. Really-"
His right eye spiraled, and for a second, Valentino felt his thoughts cloud.
"Don't you trust me on that, Val?"
Vox's hypnosis wouldn't work that easily. Valentino quickly put an end to that by reaching for the loose wire, completely breaking Vox's concentration.
"G-Gah! You-"
"I should tell Velvette," Valentino said with a chuckle, because he knew how fearsome the thought of anyone knowing Vox's newfound secret would be, especially someone with as much of a penchant for blackmail as Velvette.
"D-Don't," Vox said. "Please."
Vox used the word 'please'? Miracles, it seemed, were not to miraculous after all.
Nevertheless, the mention of Velvette reminded Valentino that he, sadly, had things to do other than mess with Vox. Like get his WiFi back up to task.
"I won't," Valentino said. "If you stop watching the princess's hotel all the time."
Vox's eyes widened.
"And stop watching for that fucking Radio Demon? I don't really know why you think I'd ever do that."
"Then I suppose I'll just tell Velvette-"
"No, wait! Deal," Vox said, eyes filled with panic. Valentino smirked, drawing up the contract.
"Sign here, darling!" He said, and Vox hastily scrawled his signature onto the contract. Those things were good for more than getting souls.
"Fuck you," Vox said. Feisty once again, it seemed. Though he'd likely calm down shortly after. Hopefully with that, swear words would regain meaning to Valentino. It didn't feel ad gratifying to use them anymore - Vox had been using them so often they'd begin to feel like ordinary words.
Valentino just stayed silent, feeling his face stretch into a grin. He could vaguely make out Vox shooting him a concerned look.
Whatever. He'd discovered a new weakness of his dearest Vox's. And oh God, he was going to have so much fun with it.
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 6 months
Hidden Gems: Less than 150 Kudos
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This week, we have one of our recurring rec lists - fics that you might have overlooked. Enjoy 13 fics that involve highly specific AU's, kink, Ludinus being evil, and of course, trips to Aeor. Check them out underneath the cut and of course, remember to comment and kudos if you like them!
Ages Past, Ages Hence by AthenaVine (12589, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Mostly canon-compliant fic series. The slow & careful courtship of Caleb & Essek during their trips to Aeor.
Reccer says: Omniscient perspective & visceral descriptions of the wizards' feelings
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I used to hear a simple song by Amiactuallydoingthis (1378, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Meet cute in a university library
Reccer says: I liked it!
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inked in skin; etched in bone by QuenaSparquea (56047, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Saving the world for a second time had a way of putting things in perspective. An exploration of magic and relationships in 31 pieces
Reccer says: This collection of interconnected stories sheds light on a slightly AU version of the Mighty Nein, in particular the Shadowhand as he navigates his past while planning for his future.
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you must first invent the universe by renquise (3466, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
a snippet of a sci-fi take on the pre-aeor mission
Reccer says: Suuuuper fascinating take on the group in a sci-fi world. The interactions btwn Essek and Caleb are so interesting and you call practically feel all the world building even in the short amount of time.
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Frozen Ink by Beauteousmajesty (1663, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek’s chronic pain gets worse once winter has arrived in Rexxentrum. Luckily, Caleb is good at fire.
Reccer says: Domestic and sweet ❤️
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Golden hour by Technojuicebox (1914, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek needs help after an experiment of intimate nature has gone wrong.
Reccer says: I love the sexual tension between them
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Suspicions (The Empire Spy) by Im_sorry_dont_judge_me (8249, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Dubcon/Consensual Non Consent
Essek learns of one of Caleb's fantasies and agrees to play it out with him. Then Caleb insists on returning the favor.
Reccer says: I really like that some of the kink negotiation scenes are included - communication is sexy.
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farewell star by narspicious (8297, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn, Major Character Death
When Caleb Widogast dies in Aeor, Essek vows that not even the gods will stop him from bringing back the man he loves.
Reccer says: I loved the atmosphere and the premise a lot!
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so volatile an equation by bloodredribbon (8459, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Mutual dubcon, manipulation
After Caleb witnesses Essek's conversation with Da'leth, Essek kidnaps him before he can tell the Nein what he saw.
Reccer says: It's so messy, a lovely dark fic of what could have happened had Essek seen Caleb
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of things yet to come by ghostsquidswrites (10467, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Ludinus imprisons Caleb in a sleeping spell to try and get Essek to do his bidding. Essek tries to use magic to figure out a way out of it.
Reccer says: I love it when Essek interacts with the rest of the nein - and here, also other NPCs - and I'm a big fan of the wizards nerding out about spells.
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The Icarus to Your Certainty by ithilielthechosenone (14091, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
In Aeor, just the two of them, there are many things to finally resolve. Not least of all the question of what they could be to one another.
Reccer says: This fic has so many of the things I love about Shadowgast - Essek hanging out with Reani, pining, travels to Aeor, considerations of time travel shenanigans, guilt and learning to love themselves through loving others - it's a fantastic read and deserves to be a classic.
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I want you to hold me (don't let me go) by Multifandom_damnation (2316, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
After the final battle with Trent Ikithon, Caleb goes home to a worried and waiting Essek, who puts him back together as best he can
Reccer says: The soft coda to Echoes of the Solstice that they deserve
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some branch of stars we see by SongOfWizardry (1721, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: WIP
A shadowgast teaching AU where Caleb is training Essek to be a secondary school teacher.
Reccer says: It's a highly specific AU in terms of author's experience, and I love how it also fills in the relationships that Caleb has with the rest of the Nein.
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast.
Check out the previous Hidden Gem Recs Lists here [1] [2] [3] [4]
Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we'll be featuring spanking!
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serval1863 · 4 months
(clutches head and writhes around on the floor) charlotte wh is so fucking. guh. like. (chronic yapping alert + full spoilers under the cut)
you're brought up and raised under a false assumption that you're a genius, the kind who appears only once in 100 years. you're, essentially , coerced into a shady surgery leaving you in (implied) constant pain and permanently stuck with a body that's inaccurate to your mind. and you do it out of devotion because you were a child who'd been thrown away once and by fucking god you need someone, something to latch onto. so of course you'll do anything for the source of that feeling of having your life mean something. having your efforts acknowledged, and being needed. but of course, it's a lie. always was. it falls apart in front of you. should you not be useful, you'll be thrown away. and of course, that breaks you. because well, you kind of always knew that. and you're left to die, in extreme pain, alone. and then you're dead, you've lost everything, and you're forced to simmer on it in a quiet, silent hell where your sole company is unfeeling demons. and you stay in the loop, eternally, re-experiencing your death over, and over, and over.
and like, the quiet, passive hatred charlotte is written with when in the context of all of it is sooo... augh, especially with her parallel to the loud, aggressive lime. charlotte's hatred for humans is distant and nihilistic- people use each other as tools, they deceive each other, attachment is pointless because it's going to be fake anyway. everyone takes the shortest route to benefiting, regardless of who has to be used. her lines about how "kindness and forgiveness allows for evil". her repeated insistence on just killing the other three to noel. you cant trust others. you should just hate everyone, its easier. its why she, at the end, doesn't understand "love" either. because to her, it's always been deception, and something others will take advantage of, so whats the point?
and it's why she bets on ashe - he affirms everything for her. both are people who's extreme devotion to their family caused them to do anything for them, by any means necessary - to harm, to use, anything. i think, to an extent, she can see herself in him. and i think she sees herself in noel too - her hint of sympathy in the hourglass scene, urging him to just give up because it'll end poorly, like it did for her (even if in a different way).
and like, throughout the game, charlotte has this sort of snide detachment from basically everyone. constantly talks about how other people annoy her and how she wants to see as much suffering as possible. but whats always been apparent to me about her is this back and forth she has of very, very slight affection for others before immediately burying it and deciding she "doesnt care". we see it with fiona in the 4th side story in the base game, we see it with noel in the hourglass scene, we see it with claire in the bonus stage, we see it with lime constantly, especially with how she broke down after losing her (if im remembering right anyway, still gotta finish my replay of the sirius conclusion). like, she always immediately covers it up - when in presence of the other demons she claims its part of her scheme, and when not she simply acts like she doesnt actually care. but it's so constant with her that to me it has to be on purpose, and im really, really curious where it goes in future conclusions
anyway i might be wrong about everything and reading her totally wrong, but shes a character i love a lot and ive been thinking about for too long for my own good. i'll come back to this when i finish my replay of sirius's conclusion and can suffer for hours over That One Scene, lol
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vagabondfandoms · 3 months
Falls on Me
Day Four: Morning
Rating: Teen
Previous Chapters: Chapter One , Chapter Two , Chapter Three , Chapter Four
Characters: Gale Dekarios, Shadowheart, Karlach, and F!Tav: Copper
Warning: Gale POV, Mentions of Chronic Pain, Gale x Female Tav
Gale is hanging out around the campfire waiting for the scouting team to come back when he has a flare up of pain.
Day 4- Morning
Gale was out by the campfire, enjoying his small talk with Shadowheart. He found it fascinating to hear the cleric’s devotion to her goddess, even if it was an evil one. But Gale finds himself more captivated by the shadows reflected in her deep green eyes.
The other half of the team was out scouting the goblin camp so they could figure out their next plan of action. 
Only himself, Shadowheart, Karlach, and Copper were currently at the camp. The four of them are being paired up more and more to allow the sneakier team members to scout for danger, which is perfectly fine with Gale. He despises crouching. It hurts his knees and he feels it's an unfitting position for a former archmage.
Shadowheart chuckles softly and it draws Gale's attention to the direction of Copper, Karlach, and their furry camp companions. A dog named Scratch and a newly orphaned owlbear cub they rescued from a goblin raiding party.
“I was worried that the smelly little beast was going to eat us, or at least the dog,” Shadowheart says fondly. “But it looks like everybody’s getting along over there.”
Gale and Shadowheart watch the women throw a red ball for Scratch while the owlbear follows close behind, joy emanating from the wild little creature. 
Karlach also had a big smile on her face that made her appear more lovely than usual, Gale thought.
After a few moments of silence, as the two spell casters watch the game of fetch unfold, Shadowheart excuses herself to her tent. But before she could get that far, Karlach enthusiastically waves the cleric over to see the owlbear cub and the Sharran seemed happy to oblige.
Karlach starts talking excitedly to Shadowheart, asking her what she thought a good name for the cub would be. While the two other women debate between Owlbert or Dark Feather as names. Copper drifts away from the girls allowing them to have their fun. 
Gale watches the strong graceful form of the young monk, her auburn braid swaying behind her as she walks towards him. Realizing he was staring too long, Gale quickly busied himself, gathering up his book and pretending to read to cover up his gawking.
“Gods, I’ve been away from society too long.” Gale scolds himself, staring extra hard at his pages just as Copper stands next to him. “I’ve been acting like a besotted schoolboy to every attractive person I see.”
Copper doesn’t start a conversation with him, taking his nose in the book at face value and leaving him alone to read. Instead, she starts slicing apples and places them in the cooking pan to warm. 
As the young monk cooks, Gale actually finds himself relaxing and ends up flipping to the exact page he was reading earlier. Sinking further into the comfort of an old hobby, Gale only rouses when the scent of spiced fruit is right under his nose. Looking up, Copper is smiling down at him.
“I was just about to give up,” Copper jokes, setting the cooked apples next to Gale, as she settles down next to him. “It seems feeding your mind is more important to you than feeding your stomach.” 
“It wouldn’t be the first time I skipped a meal for academic pursuits,” Gale says good-naturedly, reaching for a slice. Both pleased and vexed that the young woman decided to feed him. “Tara often had to put herself between me and the pages to remind me to head down to dinner.”
“So what’s so engrossing about that book?” Copper asks, taking a slice for herself.
“Well, it’s a primer on Mythical Beasts.” Gale describes. “I was reading the chapter about miniature giant space hamsters.”
“Sounds like a contradiction.” Copper scowls, biting into another piece of fruit. 
“They sound like fascinating little creatures. Apparently, they choose well-muscled human males as their steeds when visiting our realm.” Laughing slightly at the absurdity of such a creature existing, Gale playfully flexes his bicep and adds. “Sadly, I don’t think I’ll ever meet one.”
“You need to train a little more in strength to achieve that goal.” Copper gives him a shy smirk that she tries to cover with her hand. 
“Alas, I think my considerable talents are best… Aughhh!” A sharp pain shoots down Gale’s arm, cutting off his sentence as his orb acts up again. He quickly clutches his hand to his chest. His fingers tingle and stiffen within seconds of the pain starting. 
“Here, give me your hand,” Copper says quickly and with authority that it startles Gale and he complies with the command with only a little hesitation. The monk already was activating her Ki and the soft glow engulfs both their hands. 
Copper starts applying pressure to the palm of his hand in a circular motion and the stiffness lessens while another pulse of pain hits Gale. He grits his teeth, as the woman works. Pulling and rubbing at his fingers while applying her Ki to combat the degradation Gale’s orb was causing him.
After a few minutes, the attack ebbs away and Gale finds himself just watching Copper’s tan hands in his, as she massages his hands. “Warm, Strong hands,” he admires the contrast between her lightly scarred hands and his delicate long-fingered ones. 
“She’s definitely seen battles before, unlike me where battle spells were for show.” Gale thinks, frowning at how much his life has changed since he got inflicted with the orb and how he got kidnapped by the illithid while in search of magical items for said infliction. 
But if Gale was being honest with himself, his adventuring out of his tower in Waterdeep was more of a sacrificial journey than one of hope. He didn’t want to drag Tara, his mother, or even Waterdeep itself into his destruction. 
If he were to die it was to be alone…but now he dragged his (somewhat) innocent travel companions into his trouble since he was too weak and too scared of the tadpole lodged in his brain to venture off on his own. 
“Gale, are you ok? Does it still hurt?” Copper asks, concern in her grey eyes. “You look upset.”
“No, I’m fine,” Gale says coldly, before realizing his tone and smiles at the monk to make up for his attitude. “I’m better now, thank you,” he says pleasantly. “But I think I want my hand back even if it was lovely of you to hold it.” 
“Ok...” Copper says hesitantly before giving Gale’s wrist one last squeeze before letting go. Gale almost regrets the loss of the strong gentle pressure anchoring him down but he mustn’t get dependent. 
He needs to be strong. He needs to be useful. Above all, he needs to be Gale of Waterdeep, Chosen of Mystra. 
Not Gale Dekarios the fool that lost it all. 
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risustravelogue · 1 year
A Fleeting Dream
A fleeting dream is A reflection of your wants Unmet in this world.
Self-aware Alhaitham, gn!Reader (no pronouns used)
Angst, angst, and angst.
TW: self-hate, implied chronic depression/mental health issues. No happy ending for this one. Mostly self-reflective. Suggestive at one part. Proceed at your own risk. Original post here.
🔗 AO3 | masterlist 🔗
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When Alhaitham becomes conscious, you have just successfully added him to your roster of characters.
Greeted by your beaming smile, he watches curiously as you fawn over his presence on your computer screen.
“Welcome, Haitham, my husband! I can’t wait to explore with you,” you say. “First thing is to put you into the teapot—”
Your voice gets cut off as you go back to the previous menu, disappearing from his view.
… Husband?
Alhaitham sighs in resignation.
Guess this is the fate of being a fictional character, he thinks. At least I know I will be loved.
You farm for Alhaitham every day, visiting him every time you want to have a breather. You sometimes talk to him with his character screen up, as if he’s right there with you. Time passes, and he’s now at level 90 and triple-crowned. He has taken a liking to you. How can he not? You’ve invested so much time and effort in him, after all.
One day, you log into the game, seeking comfort after a meet-up with your high school friends. At one point, everyone started talking about their love lives. When your turn came, you could feel their attention on you. You felt heat creeping up to your cheeks, and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. After a few excruciating seconds, you could only shrug and say with a forced smile, “Come on guys, you know me. I have no love life whatsoever.”
You noticed that some looked at you with pity.
On the way home, this evil voice in your head keeps telling you:
See, they have someone who loves them in their lives. What about you, hm? You just have a fictional guy in your mind all the time.
Remember that guy from your past? Why did he reject you again? Oh, right—you’re not good enough. You have major problems no one sane would want to deal with. Pretty sure the fictional guy would do that, too, if—and that’s a big if—he’s real, of course.
And now you’re crying. You’re pathetic.
He can sense that you’re unwell the moment your gaze meets his. You stare at the screen, studying the now-familiar features of his face. You put a finger on the screen, tracing the side of his face. A pulsing pain bubbles up your chest as you fixate on his beautiful turquoise-red eyes.
“I wish you were here,” you whisper. “If you were, I’d probably hug you to sleep every night.” A pained smile blooms on your lips. You can feel your eyes getting hot and wet.
“What am I doing? You’re not real. You will never be real…” you trail off, tears now streaming down your cheeks. He can only watch you helplessly—his coded behaviors don’t include reaching out beyond the veil and wiping your tears away, after all. A sharp pain pierces his chest every time you sob in front of him, and although he doesn’t really care about the gods, he silently prays that he would be able to let you cry in his embrace.
He wonders: when did he start feeling like this for you?
Alhaitham finds himself in your dream realm later that night.
He realizes this not half a minute after he appears inside, as he cannot hear any background music playing at the back of his head. He marvels at how it looks very similar to the streets of Sumeru City, and how he doesn’t feel the usual code restraints limiting his movements. He smiles at this newfound freedom.
“What are you smiling about?”
He turns his gaze to the source of the voice—your voice. You’re dressed in your daily clothes, but somehow you don’t feel out of place. Well, he thinks, it is your dream, after all. Your smile is bright, but he notices that your eyes are still swollen from crying to sleep. He unconsciously grinds his teeth.
“There you are,” he says, and before you can react, his arms are already wrapped around your body. You gasp at his public display of affection.
“Haitham!” you scold him, but you find yourself putting your arms around his waist anyway. “Not here,” you complain softly. He buries his right hand in your hair, pulling you even closer to him.
“Let them look,” he mumbles beside your ear.
Melting from the sound of his voice, you close your eyes and hug him in earnest. The next thing you know, you’re at his house, in his bedroom, panting as he pins you onto the bed with his lips hungrily devouring yours. A wicked thought flits through your mind as you feel his warm hands go under your clothes.
Since this is a dream, might as well enjoy it, right?
You wake up in your bed alone.
The dream last night felt almost real. You hug your pillow tightly, trying to grab onto the fleeting memory of sleeping on your fictional husband’s chest.
“I’ll always be here with you,” he said just before your time together ended.
Empty words from a fleeting dream.
But it’s better than nothing.
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Original end note:
We all have those low points in our lives. My hope is that this work makes you feel less alone in those times.
Much love 💚
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© @risustravelogue 2023 • no to reposting, yes to reblogging. feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. :)
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resident-idiot-simp · 25 days
I’ve always hated media interpretations of hope, usually its depicted as an innocent fragile little thing that needs to be protected regardless of what form it’s taken ie inanimate object, animal, human or just a concept. I actually like what they did with hope in the Percy Jackson universe but I won’t into details here for fear of spoilers.
I think Ghost as the God of Hope works really well because he (nearly) always survives regardless or in spite of what it will take to live like when he dug himself out of his own grave. None of it was pretty or kind and there are even moments where he is small and fragile but it feels earnt in the story and hearing still survived Hope has a nasty habit of springing back up even after you’ve squashed it.
I fell like people have a habit of writing Despair as some loud ugly thing that just lashes out and it can be that but it can also be silent and still or even seemingly happy it doesn’t always lead to steaming and crying I have literally seen people so sad they start laughing.
I’ve think Soap as the God Despair works so well as well because people also sometimes mischaracterise him as this happy go lucky guy who not as smart or as good at his job compared to the rest of the 141 and Ghost in particular, he may not be as stealthy as Ghost but he’s more destructive and I would argue smarter in a book sense way.
As Gods I’d say they both have a Grim determination to get the job done the difference being hope fighting for the end and despair fighting till the end.
One of the inspirations for this idea was the story of Pandora and the Alone mission. Soap opens the proverbial jar and lets out the nightmares when questioning graves on his and shepherd’s betrayal. Pandora was curios and opened the jar realising evil unto the world. Ghost stayed to watch over and guide Soap through a city being destroyed by monsters they’d previously helped. Hope was the last thing left in the jar and it stayed to protect and help humanity survive.
When questioned about Ghost staying behind to help Soap in Las Alma’s they both responded together and opposite eachother, Soap in despair felling alone and Ghost resolute always there.
This was supposed to be short lol
Side note imagine 09 Ghost Soap Persephone and Hades
I agree honestly it misses the whole point of hope smh.
OOHHH amazing reasoning absolutely agree with you. God and that is such a powerful connection and example. That even in the worst moments humanity will always succeed and conquer.
I have to it is a sight to see and so telling of the sheer lengths people can go and what they can handle. The amount of respect I have for people who suffer so much and can still smile is beyond words. My mom is disabled and was told she would never work again, but that woman got up and told the world to fuck Itself. She got better It's still hard and there are days she can't get out of bed, but she beat the predictions. She has chronic fatigue and chronic pain with fibromyalgia, she has a heart aneurysm we are keeping a close eye on and just beat breast cancer. She from what I have seen is the embodiment of hope and the strength of the human spirit.
Completely agree as does @azilver we talk about this a lot. People really don't understand Soap's character and it sucks. It's all a mask or if it isn't it is a tool in his arsenal so people don't realize how dangerous he is.
Again, completely agree.
AGAIN, SPOT ON! That is such a good way to tie that line into the idea as well as a good basis on top of the already solid reasoning!
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angelsndragons · 11 months
so i think i have too many c3 thoughts right now to be entirely coherent so fuck it, we roll. warning: super long post, i insincerely apologize.
while everyone is getting lost in the sauce about the gods and whether they “deserve to live” and whatnot, i think we the audience (and the players to a lesser extent but that’s just my reading) are missing the forest for the trees. because c3 is not about the gods, it’s about our pcs, moreover, it is about our pcs and their relationships to/with power, control, and responsibility. as conflict avoidant (and avoidant in general) as our party is, we need something big and in your face to really delve into their understanding of their issues and the solutions they believe will solve the problems. the gods are only part of the story because they are the biggest, most in your face representation of these issues. the gods have power; do they use it to control others, to control fate? what are their responsibilities when it comes to what their followers do? does any of that even matter in the face of their annihilation? if they have power and don’t use it, what is their responsibility then? adjacently, is free will even a thing when dealing with time and power on a scale that mortals cannot comprehend? and if we “surrender” to that, if we “just have faith” are we ceding control of our own lives to these far more powerful beings and what would that say about us?
these themes are a continuation of what aabria started in exu where she hammered over and over again that power isn’t inherently good or evil, it’s the choices one makes that matter. and if you choose not to decide, if you choose to avoid the issue, you still have made a choice. and you need to own it.
back in the early days, bells hells were all potential, not quite coming into their power and scrounging around for any semblance of control they could manage. ashton told themself that nothing mattered, that everything was shit, and to care was to destroy themself. they chose to just let things happen. chet believed that the only way he could fully control his own fate was to be a loner. fcg thought they were in control and encouraged others, through admittedly not great means, to make choices and take what small control they could, even as they thought choices were not for them. fearne collected, stole, and held things and others too close to keep them from leaving. imogen fought for rigid control over herself, her powers, and her curiosity about said power. laudna avoided the problem altogether; out of sight, out of mind. if she didn’t think about or care about delilah, it didn’t matter, it wouldn’t hurt her or anyone else. orym ceded control of his future to all the other characters and tried to redo the loss of his husband every time he entered a fight.
nowadays? despite their own perceptions of helplessness, they are undeniably powerful enough to make a difference, to make a real mark on the world. and now they have to deal with the responsibility of that power. while also grappling with those control questions that haven’t yet been solved. they’re level 10 characters- the nein were dealing with the happy fun ball, obann and his cronies, and the citadel, for reference. the hells have power, after spending so long feeling powerless and out of control. and i don’t think any of them is comfortable with this yet. having power has not, and probably will not, solved their problems. ashton still has the hole in their head and chronic pain. fearne keeps losing people. imogen is still being drawn to the red moon. laudna still compartmentalizes and is desperately disengaged with her own power and choices. power and control are ultimately separate factors and beasts, is what i am getting at, and having one doesn’t necessarily equate with having the other.
it’s a lot, is what i’m saying. the hells by and large haven’t solved their personal control and power issues so it’s no wonder they are flailing about and rehashing the god question over and over and over again. because the question isn’t really about the gods, the question is about them.
chet and orym have the most straightforward relationships with power and control in the party. orym is regaining control of his life, regaining the ability to lay down what he wants and expects, gaining the ability to lead in the process. chet’s reconciled the betrayal of his authority figure and more than that has consistently and repeatedly owned up to his screw ups and when his lack of control has fucked him or others up. and i think that’s why the pair of them most successfully separate the gods’ power from the gods’ control over the world.
fcg, he who was made to care for others and who now chooses to do so, has gained a relationship with his goddess. not for nothing was the first major breakthrough the one where fcg made a choice, owned it, and followed through. fortune favors the bold, after all, and the changebringer encourages mortals to seize their fates with both hands. through the tentative first steps of self-care, they have also gained more control over themself and their future. they figured out that murderbot doesn’t have to kill or hurt anyone. through the power of someone else helping them, fcg was able to retain enough control to not spiral. and that’s how fcg sees their new mission: the gods have the power to help others (and use it) so he wants to help them. simple, straightforward.
but here it gets murky. because ashton and laudna in particular see power and control as the same thing. they aren’t separate as far as these characters are concerned. if you have power, why wouldn’t you use it? why wouldn’t you control every single thing you could? why wouldn’t you stop this horrid thing? why would you let this happen? where the pair of them differ is that ashton, practically possibility incarnate, has decided to act. has decided that they have been stuck in a cycle of self-pity and wallowing and, well, if the gods aren’t going to act, even on their own behalf, then fine, they will. fuck it. someone has to. he will put ludinus into the ground for what he’s done and then...well, they’ll be a hero (don’t think i didn’t notice your word choices all episode, taliesin, i am watching ashton like a hawk here). through this decision, this acknowledgement of their own vulnerability, of how much they actually have to lose and how much they will have to fight to keep it, ashton has sent themself on the path towards regaining some control over their life. not for nothing have they been so focused on what power and possibilities their head could bring lately. but don’t think they’re doing it for the gods, oh no. they’re here for all the people like them.
but laudna? oh, laudna feels completely out of control. has for a while. her typical avoidance and compartmentalization strategies were completely failing her in issylra. in the face of all of this, she feels powerless. so what does she do? reach for control the only way she knows how: by using someone else’s power and giving them another foothold with which to control laudna’s own life. again. and after? laudna’s overwhelmed, she’s guilty, she’s worried about what everyone else will think. notice that she doesn’t yet seem worried about what delilah could do to her; it’s the betrayal to her friends, how they see her that worries her most. that she wasn’t strong enough, powerful enough, big enough to find another way (never mind that the facts of the situation were overwhelmingly on her side, especially before she called down delilah). that she lost control again. she’s a puppet on delilah’s strings so long as delilah has power that laudna wants or needs, why would the gods be any different in her eyes?
so, strangely in the middle, we have imogen. imogen, who intimately knows that power and control aren’t the same. but unlike chet and orym, in imogen’s experience, the more power she has, the more out of control she becomes. the more  power she gets, the more she’s drawn to that damn moon whether she wants to be or not. sure, the circlet helps now but it’s a band-aid, a temporary measure, and imogen knows it. and even it couldn’t completely block out her dreams. the cost she pays for her powers continues to climb (she lost her mother, her best friend and two of her party members were murdered for it, this solstice could end the world because of ludinus and ruidusborn like her, she can’t tell how overwhelmed laudna is without her powers). imogen, who questioned whether the bad guys have a point before any of this really kicked off.
and fittingly outside this strange intersection is fearne. fearne has no interest in the gods, really. she doesn’t seem to care one way or the other. however, she did just receive a vision from the duskmaven which honestly almost seems tailored to her specifically. the duskmaven’s champion, her person, is trapped in unending agony, caused by his love for his person. that fearne understands all too well. what she really cares about is her people, her new family. and so, she’s caught in the middle. because right now, all the group can agree on is that they want to stick together to take down ludinus. so where is that going to leave them, exactly, once he’s gone? where will that leave her, with a potential chet/orym/fcg vs laudna/ashton/imogen split, when she wants them all, when they are all hers? and how will her newly found sense of responsibility play into the next stage of the hells’ fight?
so i think that intersection between power, control, and responsibility is why certain characters are moving forward and why others are stumbling backwards. and why certain characters are gung-ho about saving the gods, others indifferent, while others are finding non-god reasons to involve themselves in the plot.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 8 months
In Sickness And In Health
Luis comes down with the flu, and hasn’t eaten all day. Luckily, his boyfriend Leon is there to make him a warm meal and help him feel better :)
Basically just sweet tooth-rotting fluff from start to finish
Fic below cut!!
A/N: this one is dedicated to @mostlyghostly42 and @mooseonahunt !!!!!!!! You guys know exactly why. Thank you very much for making me laugh so hard my lungs collapse and thank you very much for putting me in your quote book I will forever treasure this inside joke <<<<333 What’s the inside joke you may ask? I fear I cannot tell you because I will be cancelled
Anyways!!!!! I made this fic because I had the flu. Fun!! And now it’s the 696’th fic in the Leon x Luis Tag on ao3. I Wonder if any of this has any deeper meaning or if I’m just tired
To say Luis was sick would be an understatement.
Sure, he was no stranger to pain; after all, getting a knife stabbed cleanly through your spine was bound to leave anyone with at least some chronic pain-
But this was just straight up dreadful.
Luis had no clue where he might’ve caught it from, let alone from who, because he’d rarely left the house all weekend- but like some kind of cruel twist of fate, he had come down with the worst flu of his entire life seemingly overnight.
Ok. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. Luis had dealt with worse. Like, a lot worse. He’d fallen sick to his own creations and experienced pain no single human being should have ever had to go through more times than he could count on his own two hands-
But that didn’t mean the flu he currently had didn’t suck. And he sure as all hell made it known just how bad it was whenever he wasn’t in so much agony he could hardly talk.
‘Is this really all it takes to shut you up?’ Leon had joked one morning, earning him a weak but passionate slap across the shoulder. Luis had to bite his lip hard in order to not fall into a disarray of giggles at the mere sight of Leon smiling like a sheepish young boy.
‘ Maybe you should get sick more often”
“Maybe you should get off your ass and help me, Pendejo”
“Alright, alright!! Such a drama queen…”
That was, of course, all before Luis got really sick.
In just a matter of hours, Luis was left totally bedridden. He couldn’t stand (Actually, he couldn’t stand or walk, like, at all most of the time- having a hole on your spine does that to you) and his body just felt awful.
Luis’ head throbbed with what he thought was one of the worst headaches he’d ever experienced in his entire life- his brain thrashing around in his own skull like church bells on a Sunday morning- and his chest ached and rattled with every intake of breath he took. It sounded awful, and it felt even worse. At times he just felt like holding his breath for a few seconds just to alleviate some of the pain.
His entire body felt like lead and the ends of his limbs tingled with sharp, stabbing pins-and-needles; if he dared tried to move his head or god forbid stand up, his limbs and skull held him down like a fishing lure.
But the absolute worst part of it all were the cold chills.
Every few seconds, sharp, painful chills would Wrack Luis’ spine and leave him shivering cold- colder than he should have been inside of his and Leon’s warmed-up apartment. The chills felt like repetitive, stabbing, freezing knives crawling up his back every few seconds and goddamnit he just wished they would stop already. He’d had more than enough of knives in his back to last him a lifetime, after all.
They felt almost painful, and no matter how much he begged Leon for more blankets, he insisted on keeping just a single thin bed sheet over his back as Luis curled in on himself in an attempt to gather any semblance of heat.
“ You’ll overheat if I give you more blankets,” Leon had explained. The warm hand on Luis’ forehead checking his temperature feeling like a godsend.
“ And you’re already burning up. You’ll just make yourself more sick, dove”
“Mmmmcold…….” Was all he had the energy to reply with in the moment as he brought his wrists up to his chin and whined when another chill wracked his spine.
Leon gave an ever-familiar sympathetic sigh, “ I know, I know… it’ll pass, doll. I swear.”
And that’s more or less how Luis ended up in the position he was. Curled up with his knees at his chest and his wrists tucked under his chin, feeling simultaneously too tired to move yet too sore to fall asleep. If he dare try and move from the position he curled himself up into, his body would pull him back down into the bed again like a ball-and-chain. So all he could do was close his eyes, sigh, and wait for either sleep to come or for something to happen and grant him some relief.
Luis felt Leon slip into the bed beside him, his familiar weight sinking against the mattress and even though he could hardly open his eyes to see, Luis could just tell Leon had something in his hands.
“You feeling alright, dove?”
Leon asked, his voice soft and full of sympathy. Luis very rarely ever got to hear Leon be so quiet and gentle, so as awful as the situation was, he treasured it best he could.
Luis couldn’t say anything in response. He just gave a grunt-y noise from his throat to confirm he was still alive and went straight back to feeling like dead weight.
He physically cringed when another sharp, painful cold chill shot up his spine.
And Leon must’ve noticed, because in seconds, his hands were already carding through his long, fanned-out hair and scratching the temple of his head with repetitive and reassuring scritch-scratch-scritch-scratches. Luis’ hair has grown significantly longer since when they first met, and he was surprised Leon’s fingers didn’t get tangled in his curls.
The blonde's nails felt almost heavenly against the brunette's scalp and he wished he could fall asleep like that forever.
Luis didn’t even realize a moment had passed until Leon spoke up once more,
“I made you some dinner”
That got his attention. He peeled his heavy eyelids apart and blinked at the plate Leon held in his hands; too disoriented to make out what was on it.
“It’s just some cheese sandwiches,” Leon mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed. If Luis were feeling even the slightest bit better, he probably would’ve made a jab at Leon’s American-style dish and lack of cooking skills- but honestly? His heart felt like it was melting at just the thought of his partner cooking him something while sick.
Mierda, está locamente enamorado de este hombre.
“I know it’s not a lot, but…”
Leon continued on, picking up a slice and holding it up to where Luis lay with his vision half-swallowed by the pillows. The smell of warm cheese was oddly welcome.
“But, y’know, you haven’t eaten all day, and you need something in your body,” Leon’s tone was far from upset, but he was definitely trying his best to get his point across to Luis- who, right now, felt like doing anything but eating.
“‘Sides, I made these specially for yooouuuu…”
Luis huffed as much of a laugh as he could manage at Leon’s tone, a smile barely evident on his face- but it was enough of a confirmation for Leon to take the bait.
“C’mon, you know you want iiiiiiittttt….”
“ M jus’ sssso tired….” Luis tried to defend himself, every word that came from his mouth rung in his skull and only added to the already painful headache.
He tried his best to not seem even the slightest amused by Leon, but goddamn, was it hard.
“I know you’re tired, hun,”
Leon kissed Luis’ (rather sweaty) forehead and began rubbing circles into his back when the brunette shivered yet again. And Luis practically melted at his touch; grateful for even just the smallest bit of warmth against his skin. Leon was like a walking furnace most of the time, which only made Luis want to instinctively curl up to him even further.
“But you’ve gotta eat something. You’re just gonna get more sick if you don’t”
Luis made a noise that vaguely sounded like ‘I don’t care’, but it was far too muffled to realistically be considered English at all. If even just moving his head and talking was enough to have Luis’ skull feel like it was collapsing in on him from the inside out, he shuddered to imagine what eating would feel like.
When he heard Leon sigh in defeat, Luis mentally rewarded himself for winning their make-believe war of attrition;
Only to be stopped in his tracks when he heard Leon making…. Fucking plane sounds???
“ Bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrr…….”
“ Leeeoonn…-“ ‘ ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo?’ Is what Lui s wanted to say, but he was promptly cut off when Leon continued;
“Uh, here comes the aeroplane…. Nyoooom…..”
“ Jesús maldito cristo- Leon!!”
Finally, finally- of all the goddamn things- that finally got a reaction out of Luis. He threw his head back against the pillow and laughed harder than he had in days. Was it painful? Oh, absolutely- his head felt like it was being slammed against a wall and his chest rattled like crazy;
But Luis would be lying if he said he wouldn’t trade Leon’s laughter alongside his it for the world.
“ You- Santa mierda- you can’t make t-those jokes!! Joder, you are a secret agent!!”
“ Special agent, actually” the ‘special agent’ smiled, clearly biting back his own laughter as Luis’ only grew more and more.
“That has- got to be- the worst joke you have ever made-“ Luis tried to make out a sentence inbetween his rattly coughs and sharp chills, but much to his dismay, Leon only continued.
“Damn, I guess I better step up my game then huh-“
“ Por favor no-“
“Ok, ok, how about this,”
Leon sat up on his haunches, finally taking the accursed sandwich away from Luis’ mouth.
“If you take at least a couple bites, I promise I’ll never make a joke that bad ever again”
“ Ever?” Luis croaked from his pillow, an eyebrow raised and his smile crooked. He could hardly make out Leon’s expression, but if he had to guess, it was probably one of dishonesty.
“I swear on my mother’s life I won’t”
“You don’t have a mother”
Now it was Leon’s turn to burst out into laughter; loud, uninterrupted and honest. Even through the pain, it was music to Luis’ ears.
“Just eat your damn sandwich, doll”
“ Mmmmmmonly cuz I love you cariño….”
Leon scratched the top of his head one last time and gave him a kiss on the forehead, chuckling breathily;
“I love you too.”
Luis managed to eat… most of the sandwiches Leon had made him. He’d gotten through two of them- conveniently leaving out the crust- before finally succumbing to his own need for sleep.
He was right in his theories, though; every single chew he took make his brain feel like it was being slammed against a wall, but at least the cold chills stopped- and everytime he swallowed, Leon gave a quiet, almost unintentional little ‘ good job’, from the back of his throat. Which probably shouldn’t have made Luis feel as warm as it did- but he didn’t have the strength to care. Or even begin to try and dissect why.
Sure, it felt rather childish to be fed like some kind of dying Victorian child- but there was something undeniably intimate about letting Leon just… take care of him. Even if just for a moment. With no guilt to follow suit. Something Luis hadn’t experienced in a good long while.
Would it be strange to say it reminded him of when his Abuelo used to make him tomato soup when he was a little boy all the way back in Valdelobos whenever he was sick? Maybe that was a discussion for another evening.
The longer he chewed, the more tired Luis grew; to the point where he was literally falling asleep with food in his mouth half-chew. Head slacking and eyes dropping closed, Leon had to pull his hand away from his mouth and tap his chin or give his head a little scratch as a reminder to not fall asleep with food in his mouth.
“ C’mon, dove,” he’d whisper, his voice full of quiet sympathy and affection.
“ You’ve gotta finish it. For me?”
“You’re gonna choke if you don’t swallow..”
Eventually, though, Luis had to push Leon’s hand away and silently say ‘ no more’. Thankfully his partner could read him like an open book and was curled up by his side in a matter of seconds, continuing to rub his back in comforting, repetitive motions.
Their foreheads were inches away from touching, and it was very apparent just how rattly Luis’ breath was; but Leon didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
“ Yyyoour’re gnna catch mmy fluuu…”
“ I couldn’t care less,” Leon chuckled at Luis’ sleepy tone, closing the gap between them with a kiss to his flush forehead.
“ ‘Just means I get to spend more time with you”
Luis could hardly open his mouth to complain before Leon already had a hand through his hair, carding his fingers softly against his scalp.
“ Go to sleep, dove,”
He whispered,
“ You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Luis didn’t need to be told twice. And so he fell asleep in Leon’s arms faster than he ever had in his entire life.
And despite his body’s attempts, Luis had somehow gotten one of the best night's sleep he had ever had in his entire life.
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mikansei · 10 months
from a doylist perspective i recognize why kisuke - like a lot of characters in visual media - doesn't get outfit changes often. 1: kubo and/or the animators would have to design & draw the new outfit, which would create more work for themselves for no narratively relevant reason, and 2: a single, consistent design gives a sense of continuity, helps with character recognition for the audience & helps with brand recognition for merch (hence: The Hat™).
from a watsonian perspective i find it MUCH more fun to believe kisuke simply found one (1) outfit that he liked & bought a dozen identical copies of it b/c damn if that ain't relatable!!! when i have to replace something in my wardrobe i, too, simply wish to buy an identical version of that exact same thing forever! (which the fashion industry has decided is Fucking Illegal don't get me started lmao)
anyway i don't have a good segue but here's my (personal) headcanons:
💚 as per word of god, he's an incredibly picky eater whose favorite food is plain rice, so extrapolating a bit - maybe it's a texture thing. tight clothes BAD shirt collars BAD socks EVIL
🤍 after having his life upended by captaincy & his worldview upended by aizen's betrayal, he craves stability & is allergic to change - so he's chronically, stubbornly unadventurous in certain aspects of daily life. save the experimentation for the lab (and/or the bedroom)! stop trying to get him to wear socks!
💚 his hair covering his eyes, the hat & the fan are all ways to hide his face when he doesn't want to be Perceived - which is not the same as not being literally physically seen, so the hat & fan being so eye-catching isn't a contradiction (to him. he may or may not be aware how little sense this makes to anyone else)
🤍 he emphatically does not care to follow fashion trends - especially since they change so often in the human world. his outfit was perfectly fine & normal in the 1920s thank u very much! what do u mean that was 80 years ago? the '20s were like, last week!
💚 because he was punted out of soul society with nothing but the clothes on his back, some half-dead friends & a hougyoku, he's loath to throw anything away - so he's kept every gift he's ever been given, even if that gift is a really ugly hat. yes he WILL, in point of fact, wear it every single day for the rest of his life, yoruichi-san! (she & tessai have a betting pool. she is not winning)
🤍 the first black haori with white diamonds at the hem was a gift from shinji, hence why it looks like an inverted captain's haori - complete with insignia on the back. no kisuke does NOT realize that it looks like that, and he's bought eight more just like it since. (the visored have their own betting pool. kensei lost 40 years ago)
💚 (also he will not admit it on pain of death but he wears the haori b/c he got used to the dramatic Swoosh of the captain's haori & REALLY missed it. he can have a lil Swoosh. as a treat)
🤍 the fan was a gift from tessai which might make u think it's secretly an iron fan to be used as a backup weapon but it's not. it's literally just a mass-produced party favor made of cheap bamboo & paper. if everything's secretly a hidden weapon there's no mystique anymore! gotta keep 'em guessing sometimes~
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stesierra · 10 months
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Title: Stitches and Memories
Genre: Adult fantasy
Setting: the Kingdom of Ritalia
Pitch: Antea is hunting her father, who ripped apart her mind, left her for dead, and vanished twelve years ago. His motive for murder might explain why everyone wants to kill her now. If only she knew what that motive was.
Tropes: authoritarian state, medieval dystopia, fallen democracy, magical seizures, chosen by the gods, daddy issues, parental betrayal, you can't handle the truth, monarchy is evil, cat boys, not your grandma's dragons, sweet romance, chronic pain, partial amnesia, 30-year-old MC
Antea's father ripped her mind apart, left her for dead, and vanished twelve years ago, and all she's wanted since then is to find out why. When she's evicted from her tenement on her thirtieth birthday and shunted into a hospice for the homeless, she meets Jedan, a man whose magic can track her father. The sensible thing to do is stay in the capital. Her father's attack left her with a lifetime of convulsions, and she's not healthy enough for a long journey. Hunting her father across the kingdom of Ritalia would be madness. But it might take madness to find answers.
Antea ditches her job as a maid and sets out into the countryside on her father's trail. But when she wakes a long-forgotten goddess, the mage her father once served places a death sentence on her head. Now her convulsions are the least of her worries. Waking the goddess stirs magic inside of Antea, revealing secrets and lies that might explain her father's deeds. Lies that might shift the balance of power in the kingdom or topple it altogether. As the notables of the land compete to control or kill her, finding her father starts to look like suicide. A less reckless woman would turn back, but Antea is willing to die to get her answers.
The Characters:
Antea- Our main character. She's just turned thirty. Twelve years ago, her father destroyed her mind and some of her memories. Her black hair also turned metallic gold on that day. Why? She has no idea. There's a lot about being eighteen that she doesn't remember. She's in constant pain and has seizures whenever she tries to remember.
Jeden- The Love Interest. He's chosen by the Lion Goddess as one of her champions. As her champion, he has special abilities, such as tracking people. Maybe he can find Antea's father. Basically a cat boy. Adorable.
Reza- the bastard daughter of the king and, due to the remnants of Ritalia's constitution, the rightful heir. On the run from her murderous father, who wants his lawful children to inherit. Desperate women sometimes make terrible decisions.
Vilsel- a former constable who dedicates his life to protecting Reza. A bad man. There are no good constables.
Antea's father- Antea loved him once. And he adored her. She was the most precious thing in his world.
Doval- Master of the One Hundred (the kingdom's mages) and the constables. Antea's father used to work for him as a mage, so why does he want her dead?
King Ratiden- This fucker rules the kingdom.
Worst Comment from a Beta Reader: I have wiped this from my mind. But the critique partner made me put this aside for three years and I'm still embarrassed by it.
Status Check: Fourth draft (122k words) and available for beta reading but only by mutuals who are really excited about it.
First chapter here.
No more will be posted but you can volunteer to read it.
Credit for (modified) WIP intro format @sleepyowlwrites
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pppuffin · 1 month
HIIIII I LOVE YOUR ART ITS SO CUTEE also if you’re comfortable i’d love to hear that little au you thought of that you mentioned 👀 totally up to you though i’m just losing my mind a bit about how cool you are
MY AU MAY BE EXTREMELY CHEESY AND ITS STILL HIGHLY IN THE WORKS BUT the idea that I had is that Anastasia’s (the oc I made) power fully develops but she doesn’t make for a good vessel so she’s just. Stuck with Heisenberg now. For better or for worse who knows. Her powers are more or less like Heisenberg’s but noticeably weaker. She’s also got some chronic pain now but that surely won’t be an issue later ahaha
It sorta blends right into the plot of re8 but she ends up helping Ethan here and there (at the request of Heisenberg himself.) But ooo Heisenberg’s deal is different he just kinda wants to get both himself and the kid the hell out of the village (by killing Miranda ofc) and kinda makes Ethan help him. I think it’s like a “I’ll help you save your thing if you help me save my thing.” ordeal. Heisenberg has gone soft is what I’m trying to convey
Also sort of made an epilogue where both Heisenberg and them live and they both awkwardly try to fit back into society (it’s not going well for them.) Not sure where I wanna go with it but I have some notes written down for it :p
Things will definitely change for it cause it’s still very much new and other things have kept me busy, but that’s what I’ve got so far! Thank you so so much for all your kind wordsss 🥹🥹
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somethingaboutmint · 2 years
I just finished honest hearts for the first time and i really did not like Joshua. I was pretty stoked to finally meet him because of all the legion fear mongering of ""the burned man"" but he ended up being a profoundly weird and kind of unlikable character. I feel like the game is trying really hard to portray him as good/sympathetic which i just...can't see? Ignoring my own moral stances on mormons and missionary work, Joshua feels like a really hypocritical selfish man that keeps failing to learn anything from the tragedies that happen in his life.
When you speak to him about the legion he says that he just "got caught up in it all" and that ceasar kept asking him to do more and more henious acts as if he was some sort of prisoner to ceasar with no choice and not literally the co-founder of the legion. He STARTED the legion, if he was so morally against it why didn't he just bail out? I get that ceasar eventually gains enough power that the possibility of deserting becomes very dangerous, but he has plenty of time to leave in the beggining? The game mentions numerous times that Joshua wasn't just a normal legionary, but a merciless, unkillable, ruthless murder machine. Who am i supposed to believe here? I feel like if he really felt as bad as he did about all the evil shit the legion was doing then he probably wouldn't have that kind of reputation following him.
Then he gets deep fried at the canyon and goes back to his own community that accepts him back as if nothing happened (thanks, christianity). I'd be willing to accept that getting your entire body roasted and tossed down a literal canyon (and the chronic pain that will follow him forever) would probably be punishment enough for his numerous war crimes but like. Thats it? Not even a slap on the wrist from his former family? The family that he abbandoned and whose ideology he directly opposed by smiting the tribes they were trying to """help""" (again, mormon missionary work cringe)?????? And then hes all like "i know god has forgiven me for my sins and im fine with that" like???? I am familliar with the christian concept of gods forgivness, but Josh wasn't "lost in sin" as in like, he indulged himself in one of the main sins or was a general asshole, he killed people! He participated in the slavery and extermination of many tribes/cultures! And the only reason he stopped doing that is because after 30 fucking years, which i had to google by the way, ceasar, a known motherfucker and absolute lunatic, finally turned on HIM. For 30 fucking years the evils of the legion were nothing more than a "hm. This is kind of evil. Oh well!" thought to Joshua and ONLY when he suffered under it he finally realized that oh shit, the legion is evil. Literally no empathy or ability of critical thought is present in this man UNTIL he is the one affected. Is the power of christianity really so strong that literally none of the new caananites looked at this pathetic wet toilet paper roll of a man and were even a LITTLE bothered by what he did?
And like, at this point, im a bit skeptical but i try to rationalize it. I think to myself well, atleast he's trying to do better now. I guess forgivness and growth is what his main character motive is supposed to be. Except no, it's not, because 3 seconds later he runs across the entire map to the sorrows camp purely so he can quote the bible at me and ask me to EXTERMINATE A WHOLE TRIBE. Now, i understand his animosity towards the white legs. The white legs are fucking assholes. I finished lonesome road before honest hearts so i was already fully aware of what assholes they were. HOWEVER. LET US NOT FORGET. The reason the white legs are assholes is because they desperately want to sit with ceasar at the cool lunch table. To do that, they were ordered to kill the new caananites specifically to hurt Joshua because Ceasar knew he was alive. So, the reason the white legs are the agressive assholes that they are is almost purely because of the legion. WHICH JOSHUA CO-FOUNDED. It's almost beautifully ironic in a way that his deeds came back to haunt him. "I didn't know they would exterminate and enslave MY tribe!" Says man who voted for the "exterminating and enslaving the mojave tribes" faction. And still, Joshua learns absolutely fucking nothing from this.
I actually decided to side with joshua instead of daniel. It was for a multitude of reasons, including thinking the dlc was just gonna end if i side with daniel for whatever reason, but i kind of hoped and prayed there was a way to STILL resolve the whole thing peacefully and to talk him out of murdering them all. I was not happy about having to side with Joshua. While Daniel's plan was also potentially stupid and awful, the least Daniel did was respect the tribes' traditions and pacifistic ways. He did not want to turn the sorrows and dead horses into murderers because he thought another option (leaving zion) was available. Joshua wanting to defend the tribes' land was the one selling point on him that had me going "oh shit, maybe i misjudged this guy!" but i didn't. Talk to him for 3 seconds and its so painfully obvious that his motivations for killing the white legs is not "protect the dead horses and sorrows" but his own personal revenge for the slaughter of the new caananites. Which like, fine, understandable, but it just pissed me off so bad because he learned NOTHING from his years as a reformed war criminal. He talks so much about being changed and finding himself again after years of living in sin and the imidiate first thing he does is indulge in exterminating a tribe for his own selfish revenge reasons."I dont enjoy killing, but when done rightously, it is a job like any other" yeah, okay Joshua. Talk to me when you're not legging it down a cliff to shove a .45 down some poor bastards throat from halfway across the map because he looked at you funny. The way he acts as a temporary companion also contributes to my point here - refuses to do shit for you, does not listen, and eventually abandons you after like 15 minutes to go on his own because you're not killing the white legs fast enough. Unfortunately, i think the way he refuses to do shit for you is funny, so this is a point in his favour.
The one part that actually had me sympathizing with him was his speech upon being asked to spare salt-upon-wounds. I happen to like playing new vegas the "bullshit my way out of situations" way so thank god my speech was maxxed out, because if it wasn't, my dislike of joshua would be immesurable. The specific part when he says "i wanted to make my anger gods anger. To justify the things i've done" had me stunned because holy shit, you finally get it buddy! You finally understand that you were not a reformed man, you were still the same selfish bastard you were when in the legion! And i'm very glad this specific ending reflects that. However, if you dont have an ungodly high speech skill, you cannot spare salt-upon-wounds and Joshuas endings fucking suck. Especially the one in which he is the one to kill salt, he just starts another mini ceasars legion, having learned absolutely nothing in life.
Overall, i do think Joshua is an interesting character, somewhat. I enjoy his backstory a lot as some sort of boogeyman villiam and i do think the fact that hes complex enough to piss me off the way he does is a good thing. I think the narrative kinda fails him because it desperately tries to paint him as a redeemed good guy (seriously, why is joshua the only "companion" with good karma? If anything, he makes the most sense as a neutral karma character) instead of just a dude you can form your own opinion on.
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viciouslyfilthy · 5 months
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🐀 {Basics} 🐀
Name: Quotittak Slinkbane.
Alias: retired Rat Mother; former Broodmother; giant rat; she-vermin; rat mom; Quo; Quoti.
Gender: cis female
Age: 200-400+
Species: Skaven
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Talents/abilities: brute strenght (despite being a gentle giant, she is capable of things such as shattering rocks with a punch and lifting a whole chariot; she could easily snap a human's spine like a tree branch if she wanted to)
🐀 {Personal} 🐀
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: She believes in the Great Horned Rat but she is not 100% devoted to it nor understands much about the chaos deity; it's just sort of a thing she's always heard about so it just kind of engraved in her mind without questioning it.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: queekish; limited english.
Family: she likely has many Skaven descendants of her in the clans that get thrown in wars but she never really got to meet them ever since they were wee ratlings she nursed.
Friends: she doesn't have any for the time being, sadly.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other
Libido: sex god / very high / high (depends on mood)  / average / low / very low / non-existent
🐀 {Physical} 🐀
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese (?)
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / dark brown
Eyes: brown / blue / dark green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: stretch marks on her lower belly (hidden by fur) & breasts; small scratches on her belly, back and tail from the ratlings being playful with her during her time as a Broodmother.
Facial Features: nothing much that stands out! She's just a giant rodent, her face is the average rat snout & short fur like most Skaven.
Tattoos: nope.
Supplemental: Quoti is disabled! As a result of the decades she spent in the same position making ratlings, her spine became twisted, malforming/misplacing some bones around her ribcage area; she requires a cane for support to properly walk and lean on. Unfortunately has to deal with chronic pain.
🐀 {Choose} 🐀
Dogs or Cats?
"Ohh... Quotittak never know-heard of smallthings before... want to care-love smallthings, yes-yes.."
Birds or Hamsters?
"So small-tiny! It is alive-live, yes? Ohhh! So-so small... like newborn ratling..."
Red or Blue?
She tilts her head, seemingly not understanding what is being asked of her.
Yellow or Green?
Same story. You might as well be speaking in riddles to her!
Black or White?
"Uhm..." she's getting uncomfortable, unsure if these words are supposed to mean something to her.
Coffee or Tea?
"...water, yes-yes?"
Ice Cream or Cake?
"Ohhh!! Sweet-things! Yum-yummy! Give-hand them to Quotittak, please-please?"
Fruits or Vegetables?
"More sweets! More-more!"
Sandwich or Soup?
"Yummy water..."
Magic or Melee?
"Quotittak not-not like fighting... but if must-need... to survive.... yes-yes.."
Sword or Bow?
"What-what that?" She sniffles the air.
Summer or Winter?
"Nice-warm... yes-yes! Quotittak sleep lots."
Spring or Autumn?
"Still giants shed! Like-like magic... warpstone cause-make this?"
The Past or The Future?
"Quotittak bad memory, yes... Quotittak look-see forward- always!"
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: This Character has allot of dark details in her backstory and just general lore. Unfortunately due to her being from the 1400s we have to talk allot about how women were treated back then. Including SA, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, ETC. I will only use basic descriptions but if that bothers you then just learn about Are via asking questions to her.
with notes from me!!! Are!!! :3
Name: Are Yoru (アレ 夜)(アレ・ヨル) that’s me!
Alt Names: Akira Otome (Childhood name) (あきら オトメ) haha akira sounds like “a killa”
Are Otome no Aji-Ganashi (アレオトメ脳アジ加那志)
Special Titles: Myobu (命婦), Kikoe-Ogimi (聞得大君), Our Lady Kitsune (わたしたちの狐さま), Chiko (ちこ), Goddess of Okutama (神の奥多摩), Geiko (芸子), The Curse of Okutama (奥多摩の呪い).
Remember to bow down to your Kitsune overlord ;3
Old Titles: Juri (じゅり), Our Lady of Flowers (花の聖母), Maiko (舞妓), Minarai (見習), Shikomi (仕込)
Nicknames: Are-Chan. (アレちゃん)(アレチャン)
Chronological Age: 565. jeez you don’t have to put all my personal business out there.
Age: 18. I’m gonna be young 4eva!
Pronouns: She/They/Nya (In English.)
I Pronouns:
Wagahai (吾輩)(A neutral I that’s incredibly old fashioned, Usually seen as pompous or that the person using it thinks highly of themselves.)
Warawa (わらわ)(A feminine pronoun that’s archaic, Usually used by noblewomen or women of a high class, comes off as pompous.)
Wachiki (わちき) (A feminine archaic pronoun, Usually used by prostitutes in the past.)
Sexuality: Ryōseiai (両性愛, Bisexual), Grayromantic.
Gender: Transfem, Gendervoid, Weirdfoxic, Yanderecoric.
Species: Kitsune (Yurei) (Witch) I’m just a cute wittle foxy, you can put your fingers inside my cage I promise I won’t bite them.
Disorders: CPTSD, HPD, BPD, Suicide Ideation, Insomnia, Autism.
Physical Conditions: Chronic Pain.
Active Addictions: Murder, Self Harm, Nicotine (Vaping.)
Religion: Utaki Shinko, Shintoism. shoutout to my mommsss.
Job: Chashitsu Waitress. it’s like- totally boring.. but.. the owner is this old grandma.. and she’s nice to me so whateva.
Major: Music. college is weird. but i get straight a’s somehow.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024. hehe okutama isn’t where I’m from but it’s GREAT here!
Languages: Japanese, Uchināguchi, English, Yokai + All Languages.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Indigenous Asian.
Ethnicity: Ryukyuan. I miss my hometown sometimes.
Accent: Okinawan.
Animal Form: Pink Fox with 5 Tails.
Spirit Form: Glitchy, Monstrous Fox that’s constantly on fire and coughing up poison.
Spirit Level: Acceptance. yeaaaaa bitch. I accepted I was dead pretty quickly lol. There’s no use dwelling on it.
Powers: Time Travel, Resetting Time, Shapeshifting, Possession, Summoning, Divination, Creating Fire and Lightning, Dream Traveling, Flight, Invisibility, Teleporting, Illusions, Superhuman Strength, Mind Control, General Witchcraft/Magic, Creating and Seeing Omens, Siren Song, Strings.
Im like tottttesss overpowered.
Weapons: Knives, Circular Saw, Chainsaw.
Wand: Magatama, Gohei.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Text Color: Pink.
Main Animal: Fox. yip yip!
Main Hobbies: Violin, Sanshin, Yotsutake, Cello, Koto, Yotsutake, Fan Dancing, Tea Ceremonies. :)
please gods feed me food.
Favorite Drink: Bukubuku Tea, Strawberry Tea, Hot Chocolate, Strawberry Monster Energy.
Favorite Fruit: Oranges.
Favorite Candies: Strawberry Pocky, Konpieto.
Favorite Meals: Udon w Abura-age, Chicken Katsu, and Curry. Inarizushi, Hotdogs, Sashimi.
Favorite Snacks: Cherry Blossom Chips, Peelable Candy.
Favorite Desserts: Tanghulu, Strawberry Icecream Mochi, Strawberry Cake.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Awareness: VERY Aware. (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: April 14th 1459 (Aries, Rabbit, AB. ) hehe unlucky numbers babyyy.
Fun Facts: Is banned in most countries for terrorism, Was the leader of her light music club in Highschool. :D
Comfort Objects: Sakura (Fox Plush), Reborn Baby Dolls.
Special Interests: Music, Crime.
Extras: Has 5 tails, usually only shows one though cause it’s hard to sit down with them.
Stims: Tail Wagging, Hand Flapping, lots of physical stimming.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Inari, Amamikyu (Patron Deities/Mother Figures)
my moms are so annoying. But they’re nice or whatever.
Bushii Aya Otome, Ueekata Fuji Otome (Birth Parents.)
Yuki Sho, Mizuki Sho (Children)
Odoroku, Yukai (BFFs). ODO IS LIKE MY BFF, and YUKAI IS GREAT TOO! I love crashing their datessss.
Kagayaki, Theo, Joan. They’re alright too!
Romance: None. yettttt ;) callll meee.
Kami. such a dickwad.
Hwan. The god complex on this man is extreme. And that’s coming from ME.
Pets: Neko (猫) (Raccoon) BEST CAT I LOVE HIM.
Brief Personality: Are is what you would call, Chaotic, Sadistic. She seems to take pleasure in messing with people. Changing the story, Breaking the 4th wall. They are highly intelligent, however she often hides that behind a vapid/pompous persona. In reality, all Are wants is attention and for someone to play her games with her.. However they would never admit that.
Brief Backstory: Are was born a very long time ago in modern day Okinawa. Her childhood name was Akira. Her family were originally rice farmers and the first few years of her life were relatively uneventful. Until her parents realized how much money there is in the con business. It started out small, saying that the teas they make could cure illness, then they could make creams and tonics that could cure blindness and heal broken bones.
Her parents slowly did any and every type of con in the book and slowly they included Akira in the Scams. Who couldn’t resist that cute little face? And Unfortunately her parents made Akira do, allot of things for money. Akira had to deal with sexual abuse from a very young age, which warped her sense of reality.
Her parents eventually scammed and broke mostly ever law to get their way up to the top. They pretended to be Warriors, they.. of course did not have any qualifications for that sort of job, but that didn’t stop them from reaching the royal palace with that scam. They were granted a living quarters within the grounds of the palace. And they offered their child as a Juri, helping the older prositutes and eventually as she got older becoming one.
When she became more mature she was given the name Are.
Are learned from an incredibly young age how to game the system. She knew exactly what to say to charm people and knew exactly what to do to get people to leave her alone. And eventually her intelligence paid off, She was proficient in all different types of dancing like fan dancing and Yotsutake. Performing for people within the palace and dazzling them.
Eventually Are made her way to dazzling the King and Queen with her talent in music and dancing, which made her family go up in the world. Her family wanted to use their connections to royalty as a means for power. But Are just liked the safety she got from it.
The King took an interest in Are, eventually making her a Aji-Ganashi. Which she begrudgingly accepted. However, this caused her to have some evil eyes cast upon her. She noticed the other concubines would bully and harass her. Putting rats in her room, Cutting her hair off. Are’s family made her put up with the abuse as they didn’t want to lose their connection with the royal family.
One day however it went too far, as one of the other concubines poisoned her. Are slowly died a slow and painful death as the poison took over her body, She remembers her mother and father laying over her before she closed her eyes, and was transported to a forest, She sat up confused, wondering where she was until she looked over and saw a woman by a glowing river. The woman beckoned her to come towards her.
Are hesitantly got up, dusting off her outfit and going to sit down next to the woman.
“Little one, What are you doing here?” The woman asked.
“I.. think I died...” Are said, fidgeting with her ryusou. “It’s kind of blurry..”
Are looked up at the woman. “I.. wasn’t expecting to go that quickly.. My parents are going to be so disappointed..”
The woman stared down at her, with a look that Are couldn’t quite make out.
“Heh, sorry.. I guess I shouldn’t complain.. That’s life right..?” Are shifted nervously.
The woman took Are’s hands. “What if I gave you a second chance?”
“A second chance? What do you mean..?” Are said. “It’s not like any of us have that kind of power..”
The woman laughed. “You have no idea who I am, do you?”
Are gave her a puzzled look. “Um. No.. not particularly..”
“I am, Amamikyu.”
Are’s eyes got wide, she immediately bowed to the goddess“OHMYGODLITERALLYIAMSOSORRYIWASBEINGSORUDEOHMYGOD”
“Wooooahhh easy now, no need for all of that, my child.” Amamikyu said, patting Are on the head.
“Listen, do you see this river?” The goddess said, pointing at the river beside them. “This, little one. Is the river of the gods. It is the essence of life. If you drink from it, I believe it should give you a second chance.”
“I- I don’t know if I deserve that..” Are said.
“Drink, That’s a command from your goddess.” Amamikyu pointed at the river, ushering the child to drink up.
Are did as she was told and drank the contents, waking up in her death bed. and of course, waking up from the dead is, yknow, kind of a big deal. So as you could imagine the entire room, then the entire palace, freaked out. Until finally the King and Queen were called to witness the miracle.
“You have been blessed by the spirits, so is the gift of the Onarigami.” The King Said. “You have cheated death itself.”
The King placed a magmatama around Are’s neck as a sign of her spiritual ascension, and that was enough for the concubines to know not to mess with a woman who literally cheated death. She played the role of a Kikoe-Ogmi despite her status, doing ceremonies and blessing people with a long and lasting life.
She actually enjoyed it. Despite her parents disappointment in no marriage or babies with any high ranking officials. Are genuinely was just happy dancing, singing, and doing rituals. The arts of religion and culture were her greatest passion.
However the pressures grew too strong, when not only her family but the entire palace pushed her to have children, to carry on her spiritual success to an heir. And so she reluctantly obliged.
Are fell pregnant with the Kings children, and she was honestly, very nervous. As the months ticked by she felt like anything could go wrong at any moment.. Afraid that someone else would betray her and try and kill her or worse her children again.. She got obsessed with finding ways of protecting herself, lucky charms, spells, trinkets. Until finally her babies were born.
Princess Yuki, and Prince Mizuki. Her babies. Looking at their small little faces she knew she would do anything to protect them. They both grew up with lucky trinkets and protective sigils sewn into their clothes. Are taught both of them how to read and write and how to play music and dance. She tried to give them a normal life despite their royal status.
Her parents, were.. idiots.. to say the least.. They thought since now that they have royal blood in their bloodline they could act high and mighty about it, being disrespectful to everyone in the castle. Are’s reputation was slightly protected due to her status, but the rumors about her family spread throughout the castle like wildfire. Her parents were gravely messing up their con with their own stupidity.
She knew she had to shut them up somehow, She couldn’t let her parents ruin what she had worked so hard to achieve, the life she built for herself, the life she built for her children. So she betrayed her parents, she told the court the truth about their con, and how they were not who they said they were.
She knew that she could play the court like a fiddle if she said the right thing, cried at the right time, played the right part, just like in her dances. And the court spared her and threw her parents out of the castle. Due to her spiritual powers they believed that she was sent here by the gods, despite her parents actions.
Are felt relief, for a little while. She had dodged a bullet. And now her kids are safe..
..Are they safe..?
Are looked at her children, and couldn’t help but feel like there was, a darkness around them. A darkness around her entire family. She didn’t understand why though, She was blessed by her goddess, She was the high priestess of the kingdom. Why did she feel like this?
It was probably all the bad omens, The dead birds that appeared when she was around the King and Queen, water turning into blood, It seemed no matter what Are did, no matter what magic she did or what good luck she tried to acquire nothing worked..
The rest of the palace started to notice the omens, She tried to convince them that she was trying to get rid of them, that it was just temporary. But she saw the doubt in their eyes. The whispers around the palace started to grow bigger and bigger.
“She’s cursed.” One would say. “She’s infected the palace with her madness.” Another would chime.
The Palace was convinced that her magic was nothing more than a fraud. That she is a hysterical mad woman who only was out to ruin the royal family. Are couldn’t believe this.. after everything she had done for them, after all the protection she gave them, after everything she sacrificed.
“It’s probably better if she just gets thrown in the cold palace.” One of the concubines said. “Then nobody would have to deal with her and her cursed children.”
Are, snapped when she heard that. How dare she? How could she say that about her children? About the life she had worked SO hard to create.
She didn’t even realize what she had done until she saw the blood on her hands, and the concubine on the floor unconscious. The guards grabbed her and Are kicked and screamed.
They threw her into the palace prison, Are banged and screamed on the walls of her cage but it was no use. She had messed up. Oh god she had messed up.
Are slid down the wall of her jail cell, she was completely disheveled. Her hair and accessories all askew, her outfit covered in blood. What had she done?
Was it weeks.. days.. months..? How long had she been here? What time is it? There’s no light down here. Are could hardly think straight, everything was fuzzy. She couldn’t focus on anything in the room. Were people in the room? Who knows. She was so dissociated she didn’t know.
“Are no Aji-Ganashi.” A Voice spoke.
Are looked up wearily, she was on the floor of her cell. She saw a priestess with a very stern expression looking down upon her.
Are could barely speak, she just laughed softly. Trying to get up with her weak stature, her legs wobbled as she stood.
The priestess started to speak in hymns and mantras, trying to purify Are of evil. Are knew the spells very well. They wouldn’t work of course. Whoever she was, she didn’t have the gift that Are did.
Are got on her knees in front of the Priestess, grabbing the hem of her skirt and crying into it. Are felt like she wasn’t even in control of her body anymore. She just cried and cried and begged for forgiveness. She screamed she wasn’t evil, please god just let her go.
The Priestess looked at her with disgust, kicking her away from her. She looked to the guards and whispered something and then walked out. Are was alone again. All she could do is cry.
She didn’t know how much time had passed until two guards grabbed her and started to drag her out of her cell. Her vision was blurry and all she could do is let them. She heard a crowd and she heard the sound of chains.
She was tied up to a pole, she looked down at the crowd and saw the King and Queen addressing the audience.
“This woman is cursed. She is an abomination. She charmed us with her wicked ways but she was actually sent by the dark forces. The darkness radiates off of her.” The king said.
The crowd cheered.
“We will not have this curse effect our kingdom, the royal bloodline. So just like her children she will be executed, for the good of the kingdom, for prosperity.”
Are’s ears were ringing. He couldn’t be serious. Did she hear that right? Her children were dead? She was going to die? She was cursed?
No. No. That can’t be right. No.
“Burn the darkness away!” The king ordered the guards.
She felt the heat of the fire, as she desperately tried to escape. She had to escape, she had to save her children, she had to save herself she had to-
She felt a power wash over her, something she had never felt before. And when she screamed out, she saw as all the people around her dropped dead. She laughed manically as the King, Queen, Guards, everyone. Everyone was dead.
The fire slowly consumed her. All she could see was smoke as she lost consciousness..
She woke up, to someone stroking her hair.
She looked and saw, Amamikyu, and a fox. She couldn’t move. Tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You have a knack for getting into trouble little one.” Amamikyu said.
Are couldn’t speak.
The fox slowly pressed a paw on Are’s forehead. She and the creature made eye contact. Are slowly pet their head. The fox was incredibly pleased, wagging their tail.
“My friend wants to give you a gift, my child.” Amamikyu said, scratching Are behind the ears.
“why..” Are could barely speak.
“They like you. Don’t you Inari-San?”
Inari nodded in reply, giving Amamikyu a little yip.
“But for now, you need to rest.” Amamikyu said. “Sleep my child.. You will get your gift when you wake up.”
Are closed her eyes, curling up in her mothers lap. Inari curling up next to her as well.
She fell asleep..
Until 500 years later. A child summons a Kitsune.
And the “curse” begins again.
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