#but everybody’s here for him now yayyyy
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Here, have another half-baked idea my brain refuses to give further context of but won’t leave
Sky gasped awake while the memory of the lashing replayed with crystal clarity. Unlike the memory though, he could move. He used his freedom to curl into a ball…or at least tried to. There was nearly 200 lbs of wolf sprawled in front of him and he curled into the soft fur instead. It also made the arms around him vanish and cold air rush into the space behind him. No… no more cold. No more isolation…
“It’s all right, Link…” and now there was a warm hand in the space between his shoulder blades. “It’s over, you’re safe. Breathe with me…” and the soft rumbling voice counted out breaths for him to follow. When he had his breaths under control, the voice spoke again. “I’m going to help you sit up, Link. Ok?” He nodded, and he was scooped up into someone’s arms, then shifted until he was in a sitting position propped up against them. The body behind him hummed a melody that, while unfamiliar, was soothing and he found himself held with a wolf sprawled across his lap. He started to recognize things around him as memory was replaced by present and the cold with blessed Hylian warmth at his back and wrapped around him. With coming back to the present, however, he became aware that his formerly shattered knee, the healing whip marks across his back, the bruises, broken bones, and everything else were starting to ache.
“Wars, he’s in pain…” the melody at his back was interrupted as Time spoke. There was a brief conference, something in the range of hours was spoken of passing and Wars’ tenor voice drifted closer.
“Hey, Sky, you need to drink this, ok? It’ll taste like a moblin’s backside but it’ll help with the pain…” Cool glass was pressed to his lips and he choked down some vile-tasting liquid, but the growing ache from his injuries started to fade. He finally pried his eyes open. Warriors was crouched beside him, watching him with concern.
“Heya, Birdbrain.” Warriors reached out and ran a hand through Sky’s hair. “Are you getting warmed up?” Sky suddenly became aware of the blankets (the patterns said they were from several of the others’ beds) around him and… and that Time was the heat source behind him. Twilight was the heater across his lap… and looking beyond Wars to see the others.
“How did you find me?” He’d been alone since that portal had separated them, and had been moved several times.
“We coordinated efforts with the locals… that and the Vet’s dreams helped us narrow the area down…”
“Did you really believe we wouldn’t come for you?” The pain in Time’s voice as he asked made Sky pause.
“No one ever has before…” he admitted. The arms around him tightened.
“We’re not going anywhere without you, Sky. You’re still shivering. Rest.”
AHHH I was just grumbling and not expecting anything but you delivered just—
You’re the best ❤️❤️❤️
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sutorus · 8 months
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DESCRIPTION: gojo satoru and geto suguru are the jewels of your university. glued at the hip, you have your eyes set on one of the best friends, but you should already know to expect double the trouble with this packaged deal.
PAIRING: gojo satoru x reader
WC: 3.8k
WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI. fem reader, afab reader, pet names (baby, honey, sweetheart, some derogatory terms like s!ut :c), university!au, frat!au, characters are in their 20s, oral (fem receiving), gojo is a douche (sorry!) with a soft spot for you, gojo and geto are both taller than reader, gojo wants you sooo bad you don’t even know, dubcon if you squint, annoyances to… something else!, implied 3sum but that’s for part 2 ig bc i got tired. enjoy!
A/N: first fic here yayyyy pls support (kiss kiss
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they were those boys in your campus. every university had them, or so you’re told. the ones to be proud of, but also weary of. the ones who could show you a good time you’d probably regret the next morning. the ones you’d tell stories about and never really forget.
at your school, that was geto suguru and gojo satoru. you heard they knew each other since high school, best friends back then and best friends now. they were part of the most infamous party house, the most awarded college teams, the most scandalous groupchats, the most torrid bathroom stalls conversations. everybody knew them, every guy wanted to be them, every girl wanted to be with them. you know the drill.
and although this was only your second year, you’d had enough run-ins with them to know exactly what they wanted — and what you wanted, too.
the two were truly inseparable despite not being all that similar, just like brothers. considering the stories you’ve heard, that proximity would be almost weird if they weren’t so hot. but that’s a can of worms you don’t want to open and, most importantly, don’t need to open in order to sit on geto suguru’s dick.
because of course it’s geto. 
sure, gojo is hot — in a really fucking annoying way. in a way that makes you want to slap that stupid grin off his face every time he ogles you and your friends at a party. you’d go for it, really, if you didn’t have to live to see the next day. you knew gojo would never let you act like it never happened, and not in a romantic way, but in a disgusting braggy way. 
gojo satoru is hot as fuck but you’re not built to handle him, if you’re being honest. not innocent enough, not devoted enough, not googly-eyed and pink-glossy-lips-drooly enough. gojo satoru was complicated like that. he came with a warning label as big as a cvs receipt in which big bold red letters warned DO NOT TRUST. and you knew better, anyway. 
but geto? geto was pretty much perfect. his looks were sweet, dark and kind of edgy, like a black kitty with really sharp teeth. he had really cute fuck me eyes and really big veiny hands and a really cool manbun and you wanted to sit your ass on his fat sick. it was simple math. 
the only thing that preoccupied you, though, was his reputation. and not his manwhore reputation or his party animal reputation or his fucks-hard-and-doesn’t-cuddle-after reputation — no, who cares about that. what worried you was his reputation with his best friend gojo satoru. 
ever since you enrolled at your university you’ve been hearing rumors. apparently, the two of them were so close that they shared everything. everything. 
would never let a brother go hungry and all. 
so yes, there was the slight possibility (only corroborated by, i don’t know, the hundreds of girls you’ve heard the same story from) that geto would want a threeway. 
you, having sex with gojo satoru? you can’t say you’ve never thought about it. you did have that one class together, your freshman year. in retrospect, the fact that he was your senior and taking the same elective as you should’ve been enough of a red flag. 
by the end of the first lesson he came up to you and told you to text him if you ever needed any materials for the class, almost sounding sincere before shrugging and saying, “i’m just on top of things. by the way, would you like to be one of them?”
and scene. 
that was your first impression of gojo satoru. 
if you two fucked a year after that initial offer of his, would it be comical or tragic? he’d never look at you the same way — that is, he’d stop looking at you like he can see your tits through your shirt with x-ray vision and start looking at you like he has seen your tits because he will have. and that sounds annoying. 
but whatever. you’ve heard the stories of how gojo fucks, after all. it’s not like it would be a bad time. 
and tonight seems like the perfect night to make a stupid decision like that because geto looks so fucking delicious in a hawaiian shirt (how is that even possible?) leaning against his yucky frat’s wall and sipping a beer. 
god, you want to bite him. is that weird?
“is that weird?” you turn to shoko, who so kindly accompanied you to another house party with the promise of free, gojo-sponsored liquor. “i want to bite geto.”
shoko looks disgusted, all too acquainted with your ramblings about the guy. her eyes scan around the room before settling towards the kitchen. “i’ll leave you to it, then, and go get a drink. do not abandon me until i’m drunk enough to be by myself in this shithole.”
you nod to her before she’s off to get her fix. and you’re gearing up to get yours, adjusting your skirt and correcting your posture until a too familiar, grating voice yells out from behind you:
you sigh, rolling your eyes before turning around. 
he throws one of his long arms over your shoulders, pressing your sides together. your fingers absentmindedly go back to your skirt, pulling it down. 
gojo has to lean down to talk to you, his face hovering over yours. you can feel how hot his torso is against you, his white shirt already completely unbuttoned. it sends a shiver down your spine. 
“long time no see, cutie,” gojo’s breath is warm against your ear, his voice high to be heard over the music. he gestures with his solo cup, “how are you finding the facility?”
you look up and give him a tight smile. “gross as always! is there something you want, or…”
he laughs heartily, and you feel his whole body rattle against yours. you huff in annoyance, antsy to get a word in with geto before he’s occupied. 
“so mean to me!” he looks down at you and if it weren’t for his sunglasses, that he wears indoors at nighttime like a dick, you’d be able to see his eyes looking right down your cleavage. “just when i was coming here to do you a favor.”
you can’t help but laugh at that. 
“what in the world could you possibly do for me?” he lifts an eyebrow and your finger flies up in between your faces. “don’t answer that, actually.”
“i came here to tell you a very interesting secret,” he sing songs right into the shell of your ear, earning another shiver from you. you take the cup from his hand and sip, too distracted to know what it tastes like. nibbling on the plastic rim, you gesture for him to go on. 
gojo’s smile grows that much darker, that much more sinister, a dimple appearing on the side of his cheek. 
“a little birdie told me suguru’s dying to screw you tonight.”
your demeanor must visibly brighten at that information because gojo lets out another lurching laugh. your eyes instinctively zero in on geto, across from you, who’s either doing a really good job of pretending he doesn’t hear the two you talking in the doorway or is genuinely clueless as to what his best friend is saying about him. 
you force yourself to regain your composure, shoving gojo’s solo cup into his bare chest and wiggling out of his hold. “and you care because?”
but you suspect you already know the answer to that. he puts his hands up in mock surrender, and god, your height difference is kind of reeling. 
“like i said, ‘s just a favor,” you eye him suspiciously. he continues, “he wants to fuck you, you want to fuck him. i’m just being a nice guy.”
right. nice guy. 
“and who says i want to fuck him?” you try to play it cool, even though you probably know as much as satoru knows as much as suguru knows that you’d crawl on your knees towards geto right now if that meant you could put his cock in your mouth. 
and who could blame you? 
“playing dumb?” gojo pokes your cheek. his voice grows thicker, “cute. look at you,” and he does, hungrily, eyes scanning your entire form and making you feel oddly self conscious. 
he snakes a hand around your waist and leans in close again, whispering into your ear, “all dolled up just for him. in class with me you show up in other dudes’ hoodies but for darling suguru you dress slutty. everyone knows.”
you inhale sharply. what is he playing at? is he trying to get into your head or what? people dress up at parties, people want to fuck people, it’s a thing. god, gojo is so unbearable. 
you scowl up at him. 
“first of all,” you rip his hand from your waist and he lets it fall limply by his side. “second of all, again, how is that any of your business? salty you can’t get laid without the hotter best friend’s help?”
gojo just smirks, huffing out a chuckle through his nostrils. “you don’t have to worry about me, sweetheart. although i have to say, i do worry about you…”
“what? why?” you can’t help sounding sincere at his words. he twirls a piece of your hair with his index finger. 
“‘m just saying, what kind of best friend would i be if i handed you off to suguru without taking you for a test drive first?” gojo’s disgusting, he’s audacious and cocky and it’s doing something to you. you find yourself uncharacteristically quiet as he continues, “i mean, for all i know, you just might break once he gets inside.” 
“you’re ridiculous,” you manage to utter, feeling too small and too warm. geto is no longer in your line of sight and neither is shoko and you rapidly start to feel like you’ve fallen into the lion’s den without realizing. 
“you know i’m right,” and you don’t, really, you don’t think he’s right at all but why do you want to prove him wrong so badly? “c’mon, baby, lemme break ya in a little.”
that seems to snap you out of it. “ew. you’re disgusting, where is—“
“ugh, i love it when you degrade me,” he groans sardonically, hand leaving your waist and grabbing your hand instead. “come on. i’ll take you to him.”
whatever that feeling was just then, you shake it off and relunctantly let gojo guide you through the sea of bodies in his living room, the two of you earning some whistles from his friends. eyes too busy scanning for geto, you’re surprised when you suddenly end up in front of the bathroom. 
“quick pit stop!” gojo tries. you roll your eyes. 
“you won’t even try to take me to your bed? like, you live here,” you say. 
gojo is grinning. “nah, nah. room’s for the main attraction,” he winks and turns the doorknob, letting you go inside first. what a gentleman. “this shouldn’t take long.”
the bathroom door muffles the loud music outside, leaving your ears ringing in the silence. gojo looks like a douchebag, sunglasses pushed up into his hair, shirt unbuttoned and wet with some sort of liquor, and your eyes do not dare scan any lower than that. 
you suppose he is a douchebag.
but he sounds so painfully sincere when he whines low in his throat, “wanna kiss you so bad.” 
you laugh at his face, pushing yourself up to sit on the counter. 
“i’m serious,” he says, taking a step forward. you instinctively open your legs a little to make more room. 
“you want to what, ‘break me in’, you said?”
gojo laughs and that doesn’t sound sincere at all. he takes another step towards you, slotting his hips in between your thighs. 
“suguru’ll like it sloppy,” and that’s all the explanation he gives you before he’s closing the distance between you two, crashing your lips together. 
you should be feeling ill at his words. you should be pushing him away. if you had any self respect, you would. 
but his hands on you feel so good, he’s kissing you like, yeah, he wanted to so bad. his grip on your hips is almost bruising, pulling your body closer to his so he can grind against you. 
you moan into his mouth and he’s quick to return it, tongue pushing up against yours hungrily. you feel like you’re being devoured, the kiss all encompassing, but it’s not bad, it feels so so good and gojo is so good and—
he breaks your kiss to command, “wrap your legs around me,” and you do so immediately. 
his hands push your skirt up, grabbing your ass and pulling you that much closer to him. you tug on his hair, grinding down hard against him, and he lets out the sweetest, most pitiful moan that sends your head reeling. 
“gojo…” you say his name but you don’t know what for, don’t know what you want or what to ask or what to say, all you know is yes and good and more. “satoru—“
gojo whines and presses his lips to yours desperately, grinding his hard on against your clothed pussy. he’s big, you can feel him all over your cunt, and you suddenly need all these layers between you gone. 
“fuck, let me see,” he swallows hard, pushing your shirt up fully. “lemme see those tits baby, that’s it—”
you puff your chest out when gojo pulls your bra down. you expect him to go for your boobs but instead he goes back in for a kiss, panting into your mouth. 
god, it’s too much. for how collected he acts one hundred percent of the time, seeing gojo satoru disheveled is a power trip. 
“touch me,” you mumble against his lips. 
he gives you a few pecks, nibbling your bottom lip before pulling away. 
“fuck, you’re so fucking perfect,” gojo says, one hand grabbing your tit and another pulling your panties to the side. the cool air on your dripping core makes you shudder, and you feel yourself gush at the slightest brush of his fingers against you. 
he bends down to pop a nipple into his mouth and you arch your back, gripping his hair hard, ‘cause apparently he likes that. you both let out a unison moan as he sucks, saliva audibly swishing inside his mouth. 
you know it’s gonna leave a mark, he’s gonna leave a lot of bruises as he bites and sucks and keeps you distracted while he slips a finger into your wet core. 
you suddenly regain conscience and remember the man working your body with nothing more than his hands and mouth probably has a pretty painful big hard cock inside his pants, so you reach out to help him. 
“wait,” he says, mouth popping against your breast, “wait, you can suck it, i just wanna—i gotta do this first, lemme—“
that’s all he says before giving you another kiss and dropping to his knees. 
you’re obviously not going to complain, you can neglect his dick just fine, nevermind the fact that you want it inside you immediately. but in the meantime, gojo’s got two fingers pumping in and out of you and he’s about to put his face between your legs. 
it’s beautiful, it’s a lot, you want it so fucking bad and it shows. 
“so fucking wet, all f’me” he lays his tongue flat against your clit and licks a fat stripe up your pussy, making you groan in anticipation for what’s to come. “been thinking of this pretty pussy for so long.”
“yeah?,” you whine, brushing some hair away from his face before coaxing his head closer to where you want it. gojo moans in response and starts working his tongue in tight circles over your clit. 
fuck, is gojo satoru in a frat bathroom the best head you’ve ever had? he might be, with the way he expertly rubs his fingers against your walls, instantly finding that spongy patch that makes you jut your hips out. 
“fuck, right there,” you grind against his face, delighting yourself in the debauched moans he makes against your cunt. not only does it feel good, it looks so fucking hot and you can’t tear your eyes away. “stay right there, you’re so good.”
the way he eats it like he needs to, like it’ll save your life, like this alone is enough to make the both of you cum, you can’t help the too-honest praise tumbling from your lips. 
“yeah? tastes so fucking good” he mumbles, rubbing a thumb over your clit. you nod, bottom lip held tightly between your teeth. “play with your tits, baby, those juicy fucking tits, do it for me.”
you obey, head hanging back in pleasure. you keep one hand anchored firmly in his hair, your fingers gripping so hard they start to tingle. 
you shove his face closer, earning a deep groan from him. he noses at your pussy, replacing his fingers in your entrance with his tongue, fucking in and out of you. your breathing has lost all rhythm, your chest feels tight and on fire and a bead of sweat rolls down your back. 
you can faintly make out gojo asking do you like this? just like this baby? and all you can say in response is a string of “yeahs” and breathy little moans. they almost sound surprised, and they might be, because every twist of his tongue and every brush of his fingers knocks the breath right out your lungs. 
it’s so much pleasure that it doesn’t make sense. you think, suddenly, this is why people do drugs, this is why people develop addictions because you have no fucking clue how you’re supposed to live without gojo satoru between your legs from now on. 
“satoru. i wanna cum,” you whine, mind to mouth filter completely obliterated because all you want to do is fucking cum for gojo satoru. message relayed. 
“fuck yeah, baby, you wanna cum? i’m gonna make you cum?” he’d sound pathetic if you didn’t know how much of a whore he was. his fingers go back inside you and speed up ever so slightly, his lips wrapping around your clit. gojo’s tongue works you over and over and over and all you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears and the sound of gojo swallowing every few seconds. 
he doesn’t stop, mumbles his dirty talk right into your pussy, like fucking cum for me baby cum all over my face yeah do it i’m gonna make you cum so hard god you look so fucking sexy wanna fuck you so bad, and you don’t want to know why but it makes you all the more intent in coming the hardest you ever have. 
you grip gojo’s hair and grind into his face mercilessly, revelling in the gurgling sounds coming from between your legs. 
“ohhh fuck, fuck, satoru i’m so close, just keep doing that, yeah just like that—“ gojo groans, using his free hand to play with your nipple. 
it’s too much, it’s too good, the coil in your belly that’s been building up since you started entertaining the idea of maybe getting laid tonight finally snapping. 
you’re sure you’ve never been this loud as you cum, hard, you can feel it gushing out of you and right into gojo’s awaiting mouth. with ringing ears and trembling legs, you find purchase in his hair as you keep cumming for him. 
the muscles on your thighs seize up as you ride out your orgasm against gojo’s face, your feet trying to find any sort of balance or solid ground. but you wiggle desperately in his hold, the man below you fulfilling his promise of drinking every last drop of you until the two of you are satisfied. 
you’re catching your breath when gojo finally pulls away from you, his face and neck flushed as you’re sure yours are. your back falls against the foggy bathroom mirror, chest rising and falling dramatically as you catch your breath. 
he finally stands up, sneaking a very obvious hand down his pants to readjust his erection. once he catches your gaze, he smirks at you. 
you try to roll your eyes, you really do, but what comes out is a slow, languid blink. you’re completely fucked out and he loves it, leans in to kiss you so fucking deep you taste yourself all over his mouth.  
before you can do anything else, anything more or less than kiss him back, you hear three knocks on the door. 
they’re gentle, nothing like the sound of a pissed off college student, murderous because you’re hogging the bathroom. 
gojo pushes himself away from you, grinning. “right on time.”
he grabs both your tits in his hands and plants a wet kiss on one, then the other, before pulling your shirt back down. 
you’re still dumbfounded, your overworked body slumped against the bathroom counter. 
before you have time to react, gojo’s opening the door to let geto suguru in. 
your body jolts, legs closing shut in what’s almost abject horror. you nearly forgot he’s what you came to this party for. 
it feels like you got caught red handed, and it must show on your face because geto shakes his head and laughs that pretty, sexy laugh, waving a hand around to tell you it’s okay. 
“please, don’t stop on my account,” are his first words to you tonight. 
you would say something if you weren’t sure your voice would fail you. but like usual, gojo satoru can’t stay quiet for too long.
“all done. she’s too easy” he announces cheerily, but the funny thing is, he doesn’t leave. instead, geto lets the bathroom door close behind him as he crowds in. 
you realize this space is far too small for two very tall men, most definitely far too small for whatever is about to go down between the three of you, and your calming heart starts to race again. 
“hey, pretty,” geto reaches out and wipes the side of your lip. “having fun?”
you can only nod, looking at gojo satoru of all people for answers.
he looks at you like he hasn’t just eaten your pussy with the intensity of a starving man, like he wants to do it again, right now. 
geto is sporting a similar look of hunger, looking between you and gojo and quickly assessing the situation that just happened here. 
this is weird. this is so fucking weird and so stupidly hot. 
“wanna take her for a ride next?” gojo asks geto like he’s not talking about a person, like you don’t have a say in it, like you belong to the both of them to play with, and it turns your brain to mush. 
geto smiles, handsome and dangerous. 
“what do you say, honey?” this time he addresses you. you swallow hard, looking between the two men in front of you. gojo grabs the outline of his hard cock through his pants, a reminder that whatever this is, it isn’t over just yet. “down to have double the fun?”
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memyselfandmya · 9 days
Spoilers below the cut, and warning it's long. My thoughts are all over the place rn so you'll get more organized posts tomorrow
Ep. 1
“Just the one.” FML
Darius you’re such a funny little guy
“I’m not talking about the island I’m talking about what happened after.” AHHHHHHH. The way this line was delivered and animated.
The family photos on the wall feel so symbolic. 
It’s sad how Darius has to go through this process of grief again.
What’s Brand doing to get himself into trouble?
*soft music plays* “And here with me live are the improbable survivors of the Jurassic World incident, the Nublar Six” CAN YOU HEAR ME FUCKING SOBBING.
Ben scrunched over that little compute please I can’t 😭
What’s especially sad about Darius’ grief is that he’s not just sad and depressed as if he’s accepted her death, it’s that he pushed himself into a sort of state of almost denial where he’s still calling her and stuff.
These raptors are freaky
1st episode over yayyyy
Ep. 2
Not the keys Darius 
The tensionnn
Ben and his driving skills 
Ben’s poor van
Ben still being the well prepared man he is
Ben…I’m concerned what is that board you have going on there
Why are these grown ass men living such horrible lives? Eating canned cheese out of a dirty mug? A spoon in a boot that makes sloshing noise?
Ben back at it w the shaving cream/ whipped cream. 
Darius is so unconvinced
BEN throwing Darius phone out like it was nothing plssss and his reaction 
She’s so pretty though
Very ominous great way to emphasize Ben’s paranoia 
These poor traumatized kids
“Is your friend okay?” “No.” PLSS I’m glad he knows it
Ep. 3
Sammy’s ranch is so cuteeee
The locs thing omg 
“Have you seen my pitchfork” she asks casually as if she’s a witch hunter during the Salem witch trials 
What do you mean Sammy isn’t talking to her parents 
Their reunion is soooo cute 
Sammy you are a queen and I love you.
I forgot we were in Texas lmao
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT’S SAMMY SEEING BROOKLYNN FOR ME 😭 now it’s definitely for sure that Sammy died her hair in honor of B. Brooklynn’s jacket 😭
SAMMY 😭😭😭 “or Yaz pulling away from me”
Got me ugly crying 
Ep. 4
Darius’ humor is immaculate 
Everybody’s calling Ben by his full name and I love it
Nooo the brothers are fighting
Kenji has… downgraded
Oop- no the money loss
Sammy that kick was awesome marry me plz wait no u have Yaz marry her and then marry me
I knew they were fighting but god damn he rlly just shut the door or Darius like that
Kenji I love you dude but take this seriously 
Ooh the tension
Ouch, brooklynns death
Double ouch, Kenji blames Darius. Of course 
“Once you lose my trust, you lose it. Forever.” Damn. Hang on let me go check off Kenji and his daddy issues off my bingo card rq
The girlies aren’t in a good place 😭😭 “why did she say something?” Plssss
I love how Sammy car jacked Ben by tickling him for his keys
Them abandoning Darius with Kenji 💀
I  love the rock climbing scene 
“where were you the night Brooklynn died?” Oop- we’re doing up this now?
OH!? oh
Awww fuckkkkkk 😭
That’s another mark on my card
but also damn… poor Kenji 
“Wait how do I get back down?” You’re so real Darius 
Aww bumpy noooo
Ep. 5
“Hey that song kinda reminds me of that” *turns music off* oh
“Not taking family advice from a kid who hasn’t called his own mother in over a month.” OH. WERE YOU SILENT OR WERE YOU SILENCED. THE BOYS ARE TAKING SHOTS AT EACH OTHER 
“Oh yeah, Darius warned me. LMFAO
Ohh she told you Benjamin. No more carob. 
The gyrosphereeeee
Oh fuck this guy whoever you are.
“Free the Dino’s.” YESSSSSSSS 
I had a feeling we’d see kenjis dad
“Did you have Brooklynn killed?” Oh going in hot ig
OK, I feel bad for Sammy because even after all of these years, she makes one mistake by spying for mantah corp and people still kind of hold it over her head, even her best friends. that must suck 
Ooh the tension
“Don’t do the Japanese thing. You know I don’t speak it.” Ooh we’re bringing the culture too! JW ain’t playing 
Oh shit-
I love how Ben and Sammy take down a Dino abuser just as a little side quest
Aww they’re so cute  OH MY GOD WTF HE’S THE “WEVE GOT A PROBLEM DUDE”???
“Im not afraid to get my hands dirty” oh shit-
she’s so pretty thoughhhh
Aww brooklynnn 
Aww the trauma poor baby I just wanna give her a hug
“Any particular reason I’m here and not Sammy?” Ooohh
Yaz I love you. You’re so pretty, and cool, and just a bunch of good things
Are you gonna answer the phone Yaz?
“Wait you’re coming here?” You can hear the panic in her voice.
Yaz is definitely suspicious. 
I love this episode already
It’s so amazing that they’re actually addressing their mental health. I don’t think I’ve ever heard children’s shows say the words  traumatizing and ptsd.
Oop. So this is where you live Yaz?
Awww I love Ben and Yazs friendship so much
Ooh time to drop the news
This place is so pretty and nice and Yaz genuinely seems to be happy. Also she knows people :)
“Benny Boy.” Aww
Sammy is not enjoying this place lmao
“You’re favorite.” Oop-
Oh shit
I love that Sammy is trying to protect Yaz but she is taking it a little too far. Ben is me, I can’t see I’m blinddddd blinddddd blindddd
But also Yaz you didn’t keep in contact?? 
Oh shit Yaz has a point though *shrieking*
Not the fucking time Ben 
I take it back this isn’t my favorite episode I don’t love this episode
Ben struggling to give advice plssss. I love you dude
I love Yaz and Ben’s friendship so much though
“When me and my girlfriend—“ the swoop up, like right Yaz. “I’m sorry girlfriend?” Right. That’s what we’re all wondering
“Why does everyone act so surprised when I say that?” BECAUSE YOU’RE GAY??
aww poor Sammy I just thinks Yaz needs some great room. 
Sammy was definitely abt to say “how the hell”
The little side eye Ben gives Yaz after “big Ben’s got moves” <3<3
OH FUCK THEY ARE TRAPPEDOh dpw is here they got it
the little hand hold <3<3
Ep. 7
Oh they are under under.
My worst fear lowkey
oh shit…
poor kenji… awww fuck this is so sad. 
Who is this guy??
Uh oh… the dpw
Kenji poor baby
Ben really? Ductape
That’s my strong girls 
Nah this shit is terrifying 
Oh thank god 
Oh shit we’re finding out what happened 
Aww a little girl 
Oop corruption… but for a good cause?
Oh shit
How tf did Brooklynn not feel those footsteps?
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
Is Brooklynn actually dead? Moment of truth.
Awww no no no no 😭 Darius fuckkkkk 😢
I can’t believe they actually showed a pool if blood. Brooklynns pool of blood
Wait so they saw her dead body? So she’s actually dead? Or what?
Oh fuckkkkkklk 😖 
Not the random Italian 😭
Ben was WAITING to throw those phones
Yaz I love you. “I am so going to haunt them from beyond the grave.”
Her house is so cuteeee
Please Sammy your voicemail 😭 I love how we’re getting to hear everyone’s voicemail
Oooh the plot thickens
Ep. 8
KENJI YOU CANT BE SCREAMING LIKE THAT ALSO WTF WAS THAT SCREAM but also I can’t judge that’s me when I see a spider 
Oh I forgot abt all of those voicemails Darius sent
Aw lowkey poor dinosaurs
Who is he?
Kenji you’re such a goofball. Eew no I take it back gagging barfing gross wtf 
No Brooklynn what’d we say abt the baby talk pls no
Yes, Darius I am sufficiently uncomfortable 
Uh oh the boys are tussling I’m getting flashbacks to Ben and Darius 
Awww dariusssss 😭
Camp fam try not to get recognized by strangers challenge quick, start
Damnnn Sammy that was smooth. 
Darius… why are you in that gross ass tub
Camp fam boys try not to be gross challenge 
Please get out of the fucking tub
You don’t know what’s been done in there
Are we just abandoning all self respect we have 
oh is it the video? The video of her death?
Oh fuck… 
YAZ 😭😭😭 “boo.” Please I love youuu
Right, that’s my reaction lmao
Oop Brooklynns mad
Nah cause she stared at that dinosaur for 3 straight up seconds girl has your time on numblar taught you anything??
no wonder your ass got ate
I’m sorry that’s mean.
I love you girly
Oh fuck.
Girly is dead
“You and me, we’re brothers right?” STOP YOURE BREAKING MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭
Will we ever find out why Darius wasn’t there??
Oop dinosaurs 
What’s wrong with bumpy??
“What are you looking at?” Pftttt
Uh oh. He’s dead…
Oh well
Oh now they’re really looking 
“Yeah I don’t like that at all.” Yeah but I loveeee you Sammy 
Ep. 9
Poor Sammy but girl you need to chill
Awww. I love yasammy and seeing them work through the it issues. ASWWWWWWW
OOH the gangs all here
How tf did Darius and Kenji scale that fence
Oh shit,
Miss ma’am you are too pretty to be participating in nefarious acts like this 
Lmfao “okay we get it you’re a climber”
What did I tell you girl? Way too pretty to be doing this shit
Come on Kenji put those protein drinks to work
Yaz wearing a crop top 🥰
Awww bunny nooo fuck fuck
Awww Ben 💔
Oh fuck no I would not be climbing up there 
the gangs all here
Okay kenji 
Damn Sammy you stay trying to knock kenji out I love you ❤️ 
Also the part where Yaz is covering both their mouths? So badass
Awww reunion how sweet
Oh so when they said international they meant international 
Oh shit…fuck… Brooklynn :(
cmon did you rlly have to ruin the happy moment?
Ep. 10
Oh the plot THICKENS 
oh shit…
WAIT so it was the atrociraptors that killed Brooklynn???
what if it’s Ronnie?
Oh it’s Mateo okay. 
Aww yasammy
Oh?? The Broker??
Lmfao not them shitting on kenjis camper
Are they going to Brooklynn’s apartment?? Abroad?? 
AWW FUCK :( :(
wait…… is she texting…
Wait wait wait this could be either good or bad but I’m thinking good
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arwenkenobi48 · 7 months
My thoughts after seeing Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama
Rama and Lakshman are the best brothers ever (also Rama literally killed multiple demons with divine weapons as a teenager and that’s honestly more than I accomplished at 15)
Sita has Disney Princess powers
“I will cleave your filthy brain in two!” is not a line I expected to hear from a PG rated movie
Bharata is underrated
Surpanakha needs therapy (and a nose job)
Why is Maricha kinda- 😏
Ravana seriously needs to keep it in his pants (I was mentally shaking his shoulders and yelling “when will you learn that your actions have consequences!?” at him the entire time)
Rama furiously declaring he’ll hunt Ravana to the ends of the universe and then Lakshman just casually telling him to calm down was way funnier than it had any right to be
RIP Jatayu
The sentient mountain turning out to be a demigod literally felt like an NPC side quest in a fantasy RPG
Hanuman is the GOAT
I love how Jambavan just randomly drops the bombshell on Hanuman that he has divine powers, also his voice is weirdly amusing
Hanuman gets swallowed by a sea serpent, then promptly chops the thing up into sushi
Ravana’s giving off vaguely yandere vibes and I’m all here for it
Hanuman introducing himself to Sita with a beautiful song legit warmed my heart so much, he’s so wholesome
Ravana filing his nails while listening to Hanuman’s speech only to be like “kill him” was darkly hilarious
“alright, but set fire to his tail first, then let him go home” Ravana WTH-
Then Hanuman subsequently commits arson and burns down half the city of Lanka (cue the theme from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia)
I have only known Vibhishana for a minute and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself /j
Bridge building montage woohooo
Why do all the rakshasas sound either animalistic or flamboyant?
Speaking of which, there’s no way Indrajit is straight, no man who wears indigo eyeshadow, a crop top, no trousers and knee high boots isn’t at least a little bit bent
“Oh, what a nuisance! This is bothering me!” Ah yes, just how I’d describe being in the middle of a battle between literal demons and very floofy monkeys
Rama’s speech about respecting life was genuinely one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard
Kumbhakarna is the best boi
Kumbhakarna is the best round sleepy boi in the history of everything
His sons were absolute badasses and their deaths made me sad (not at all helped by his heartbroken expression when he found out)
I love how it literally took being waterboarded to wake up this giant
Vibhishana just casually mentioning to Rama that Kumbhakarna would become immortal after sleeping for SIX WHOLE MONTHS
Literally everything about Kumbhakarna is immensely endearing to me in a way I cannot explain, I just wanna smoosh his cheeks and feed him strawberry mochi, also he so ROUND
Kumbhakarna, don’t eat the Vanaras ffs
Kumbhakarna getting increasingly frustrated by the flying demons buzzing around him like mosquitoes should become a meme/reaction gif, purely because of how he yells “yOu ArE aNnOyInG mE!” at them
*two strikes of a divine sword later* NUUUUU MY BABYYYYY 😭
“I wish I’d known him as a friend, Vibhishana” that’s it, happy AU where everybody lives and they’re all besties let’s gooooo *crying inside*
The way Ravana’s voice quakes when he hears he’s now sans a brother 🥺
Indrajit is horrible but I love him
Omgggg an aerial battle this is so cool- INDRAJIT NOOOOO
Yikes, Ravana, you’re really laying on the body horror here 😳
Awww Rama and Sita are together again yayyyy
Yasssss happy ending we love to see it!
Why are they flying to the moon in a glittering gold helicopter???
Basically, I love this movie and everything about it, especially Kumbhakarna 💞
(Also for the record I mean absolutely no disrespect by any of this)
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
LITG: Double Trouble EP 10 Recap
here we go....
*spoilers under the cut*
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NAUR....this is not how we're starting off....with their lips almost touching because I know damn well Amelia's ass knows that thats lewie atp even if his ass is blind. AND for her ass to be like "you thought I was MC?!?!" GTFOH. look im not giving Lewie a free pass here either you mean to tell me he saw Amelia getting into bed and he cant tell that it wasnt MC?!?! but MC from ACROSS THE ROOM could see that it was both of them.... BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE
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ughhh why are Roberto and Lewie fighting...now Ozzy has to break them apart and he cant spend time with MC!! So Amelia is gonna take MC away for a chat on the terrace to regurgitate these childhood stories we've already heard before. I wanna know about Prom night!!! and of course theyre still not gonna tell us anything...ugh whatever this is its coming out in challenge atp bc Amelia "cant ever find the time to talk to us about this" I think we couldve done without reliving those childhood memories and she couldve told us about prom then but thats just me.
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yayyyy villa chats! I will say I LOVE that they brought this back. Obvi immediately running to Ozzy 💖 "there might be someone else catching her eye. or mine" 😏 (side note: I LOVE the realism they added in of Grace watching MC and Ozzy) OZZY KNOWS ZEPH!!! im glad we finally got that confirmed and this is now, the what 8th mention of Zeph?? atp its not a question of if hes coming in but rather when. *diamond choice* basically Ozzy was his backup dancer and he didnt really hang out with Zeph that much but one night they had a deep chat and he told Ozzy about a girl that he made a mistake and just cut her out. he always regretted not giving her closure...Ozzy thinks this was about MC and that Zeph only had nice things to say about MC. Ozzy wants to be a choreographer but he said that this promoter set him back career wise....ITS HIS BROTHER GUYS. MARSHALL IS THE ONE THAT SET HIM BACK CAREER WISE. Im calling it right now. When MC asks him about it he just says it's a long story. And this was all in the middle of when hes talking about his family and how theyre close. and then proceeds to say he's had sibling drama too...."close doesnt always mean perfect"
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ok im gonna run these two super fast bc im sorry guys im just over them and Idc...the whole I dont trust MC convo is such a weird one tbh. and why is Lewie ducking at the question of whether he likes MC or not. He's "apparently" been about her since day one why wouldnt he make it known to the other guy pursuing her??? and Roberto's whole thing about trying to save face in front of the boys booooooo...
Ryan chat *diamond scene* Everybody was talking about MC last night...Ryan pushed Roberto to show mc how he felt (even tho I told his ass I was good on Roberto) Lewie asked Roberto to back off (this doesnt make any sense based on what Lewie said about trying to save face...but ok) Roberto said he wouldnt back off and Ryan asked if we thought it was cool for Lewie to be telling ppl were closed off (eerily feels like Molly and Mitchel from this season of LI) We find out that Lewie has trust issues bc one of the players on his team, their gf was making eyes at Lewie...he ignored it but the teammate still tried to get lewie dropped as captain and did it behind his back. Ryan tells us hes into Amelia.
Amelia chat: she's complaining about none of the boys really being into her.. I still think its bizarre were sitting here having a normal convo when she literally tried to kiss Lewie last night but whatevs... EEK she noticed Ozzy was super flirty with us during our chat. "theres something about how he looks at you" 💖🥹 ok all is forgotten re: last night!! i did tell her Ryan was into her bc idc about that man and hes going home tonight anyway lol.
ughhh here come tweedledee and tweedledum going on about how they need us to make a decision... leave me alone...I literally told u both im good! saved by the text!!
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transboysokka · 10 months
*whump wheel ask* also id like to say that it won't be awful because your writing is amazing (unless you meant in a subject matter way in which case I think we all enjoy that)
for the pairing maybe sokkla if you write for that, or if not zukka everybody loves zukka
Whumpwheelwhumpwheelwhumpwheel yayyyy! You got it!! The whump wheel is my favorite kind of wheel!!
I tried to do something with sokkla for this at first but really im just not familiar enough with the dynamic to write it well so uh... here's some zukka whump!!
Also I 100% appreciate the compliment but yes I absolutely mean in a subject manner way. I love to write and read awful whump
Send me a 💀 and a character/pairing and I will spin the whump wheel and write you something awful!
The wheel has selected: Blinded!
I'm so sorry in advance
[okay yeah so this is basically Dead Dove Do Not Eat. I'm just gonna tell you now this is a lead-up to a canonical Major Character Death, though I don't write the death here.
TW: Graphic injury, TW: mention of vomiting, CW: Divorced Zukka, TW: Mentions of torture ]
Zuko spat blood, hoping Sokka wouldn't hear, and that he also hadn't heard the wet cough bubbling up in his throat since he'd been returned to their cell from his most recent interrogation.
The Red Lotus was playing games with them, and he was tired of it. And he wasn't as young as he once was- he really didn't know how much more of this he could take.
"Talk to me, Zuko..." Sokka's voice came from across the cell, weaker than it had been even a few hours ago.
The conversations had been their only line of communication, their only line to sanity for the past however many days they'd been locked up down here like animals.
They'd both awoken blindfolded (Zuko's blindfold was just an eyepatch over his right eye, which he knew was meant to humiliate him, but frankly made no practical difference- it was too dark in here to see anything out of his bad eye anyway) and chained to opposite walls, hands behind their backs for maximum discomfort.
Zuko's ankles were also shackled to keep him from bending. He could still breathe fire from his mouth, but he'd already discovered it was no help in escaping, and only served to anger the powerful benders that were holding them.
He thought about how to answer Sokka's question. The good news was that their blindfolds saved them from having to see each other's injuries, and Zuko knew Sokka was lying to downplay the effects of his torture just as much as Zuko was to him.
"It wasn't that bad this time," he tried to keep his breathing steady and voice even to suggest that more than half of his ribs were not in fact broken, and that none of them had pierced a lung, "More of the same... They just kept asking me where the Avatar is... I told them I've been finding creative answers to that question for over fifty years now... and they ought to try something new." He didn't tell Sokka that they had tried something new, and he'd paid the price with his flesh.
It would all be worth it, Zuko knew, now that young Korra was safe and the Red Lotus couldn't get to her. He'd promised Aang before he died that he'd keep her safe- they all had- and his life meant nothing next to that.
And with any luck, Tonraq and Tenzin would be here to rescue them any time now.
Zuko had lived a full life, and he was prepared to sacrifice it- but he wished his torturers would hurry up because he really didn't know how much more pain he could take.
He'd lived a full life, and he wasn't nearly as young as he once had been.
The biggest torture of all was sharing this cell with Sokka. Sure, things hadn't worked out between them, but Sokka would always be the love of Zuko's life, and it ripped him apart that he could only guess as to what had been done to him.
Zuko had suffered here, yes. Neither of them had been fed their entire time here. The only reason he hadn't died from blood loss was the bastards kept cauterizing his wounds. The only chance he had to drink water was in the icy tub he was constantly held down in. The only reason his heart didn't give out completely during any of the torture sessions was because Ming Hua was there to bring him back every time.
But it was nothing compared to what he could only guess Sokka had been through.
Sokka had admitted to a nasty head wound- Zuko could confirm that based on how lost and confused he'd sounded this whole time (Agni, he just wished he could hold him) and how he had repeatedly vomitted when there had still been anything in his stomach to throw up. He'd said they'd broken his legs, both of them, and burned his skin (just a little, he'd said, but Zuko could tell by the severity of his fever that it was more than just a little).
Whatever they'd done to him most recently worried Zuko the most. Sokka wouldn't talk about it, but he'd come back with his spirit broken. The deadness in the man's voice made Zuko's skin crawl, and knowing it had once been full of so much life, and remembering the moments he'd shared with that voice and that spirit... It was almost too much for Zuko to bear.
Sokka swore to Zuko he hadn't told the Red Lotus anything, and Zuko believed him, but that worried him more.
The cell door creaked open. Zuko hated that his first instinct was to make himself as small as he could, almost invisible, like a kid again.
It was too soon.
It would be Sokka's turn now, and Zuko didn't know if he had enough strength left to survive.
Or if Zuko had enough strength left to lose him.
He jumped when he felt a rough hand brush against his face, tearing off the eyepatch. He blinked up to see P'Li standing over him. She reached down and unchained his hands from the wall. Zuko just looked up at her in confusion, not enough strength left to figure out what this meant. This hadn't happened before.
The expression on her face was not kind.
"Say goodbye to your friend," she said, "It's his turn next and Zaheer's decided we only need one of you alive."
It took an embarrassingly long time for Zuko to comprehend her words, but when he did he filled with rage. He tapped into new reserve of strength he didn't know he'd had left and lunged for the combustion bender with a roar.
She didn't even flinch, just reached out and shoved him hard, causing him to fall hard back onto his back, sending him into another agonizing fit of wet coughs.
"You have ten minutes. Pathetic old man..." She was already outside the cell, locking the door behind her without a look back.
Zuko blinked the stars out of his eyes and slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position. It registered to him that he hadn't heard a sound from Sokka this whole time. Did they already-?
He whirled around to find Sokka's familiar form slumped over across the cell. Slowly, painfully, Zuko crawled over to his side.
Tears filled his eyes instantly as he took in the sight of his dear friend. If it weren't for the groan coming from Sokka's lips as Zuko laid a trembling hand on his shoulder, Zuko would be sure the man was already dead.
The first thing he noticed was that Sokka had been more honest about his injuries than he'd expected. But he'd downplayed them tremendously.
His legs were broken, but crushed would be a more apt descriptor. He had been burned, badly. Repeatedly and nonstop, it seemed, with a fire whip, all over his body. He was covered in blood from various injuries, and his head wound-
Zuko choked back a sob.
"Agni, Sokka, your eyes..."
"My eyes...?" Sokka slurred. Zuko moved his hands to cradle the man's face. Sokka flinched but then leaned into the touch, "Zu, that you...? ...Feel like shit, can't see. Help me take this blindfold off?"
Zuko sobbed again.
Sokka wasn't wearing a blindfold.
Those bastards, those... savages... had burned out Sokka's eyes. His beautiful, blue, kind, Sokka eyes... and they'd fucked him up too much for him to even realize it.
"D... don't worry about it, babe. It's... real dark in here anyway..." Zuko tried to keep his voice steady for Sokka, for their last moments together. There was no way out- Zuko knew this was the end. "Can... can I hold you?"
Sokka grunted in affirmation and Zuko tried very, very carefully to arrange their bodies in the way that brought them both the least amount of pain. Eventually, he'd managed to pull Sokka up into his lap (difficult, with Sokka's hands still chained) and bring his arms around him.
Still, it had left Zuko out of breath, head spinning, and Sokka had screamed and gone limp.
"...Don't worry about it..." came Sokka's voice eventually, already prepared for the apology on Zuko's lips, "...This is nice... Like old times..."
His body burned from fever and Zuko didn't know how much longer he would last even if he wasn't about to be tortured to death.
Zuko felt so, so sick...
"Sokka... Do you... know what's happening?"
Sokka chuckled dryly and nodded, " 'S about time, don't you think? I've been dying for days now..."
Zuko's throat tightened. Normally, he'd shout at Sokka for being so morbid, but he didn't say anything. It was the truth, after all.
"I always loved you, you know? Even though we... it couldn't be perfect..." Sokka's voice was stronger now, like he knew this was their last chance to have this conversation.
They were both sobbing.
"Sokka, I'm... so sorry for everything... But it was so good while it lasted..." Zuko pulled him tighter, as tight as he could without hurting too much, and wished he could just never let go, "And I'm so sorry I've failed you. I'm not... strong enough to fight them off when they come for you..."
"You didn't fail. We saved Korra. That's what matters. Just.... Take care of Katara? And Izumi... Maybe I'll see you soon?"
Zuko couldn't help but to laugh through his tears. He really did wish they were going to their deaths together. That would be the only real way for this to end.
Sokka shifted his head in the darkness, turning toward Zuko, searching. Zuko met Sokka's lips with his own and they shared one long, desperate, overdue final kiss.
It was salty and bloody and full of decades of things left unsaid, of decades of love and pain and the lost opportunity to grow old together.
And when it ended, they knew there was nothing else need be said.
"Just hold me," Sokka said.
And Zuko did until the very last.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
I went Through It™️ on the drive home and I have to get up in another 2 hours to drive from Texas to Florida (it’s 11:17pm where I’m at rn).
Over all I am cool with the result. I’m frustrated, but not because it is Aoyama. I personally chose the Hagakure theory and, well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . But Aoyama wasn’t out of nowhere either. Just like Hagakure. Both could have worked. In fact, Aoyama was so obvious that everybody wrote him off. While I see the frustration there, again I’m gonna double down and say Hori isn’t subtle with anything.
The thing is—I think we all expected a LITTLE bit of subtlety with this, but we were fucking wrong. Nope—just obvious foreshadowing through and through. That in itself is a good thing because it just means he won’t be back pedaling on any other foreshadowing. With the um, villains. The ones who matter. I think nobody expected something like this to be so in your face obvious—which is why everybody just said “nah it ain’t him”. Lol.
Now with the whole Aoyama being born quirkless thing—yeah I mean…I WAS so annoyed at first but not anymore. There’s some set up, that I didn’t really pay mind to (anon….who are you). And yeah Aoyama did tell Midoriya they have the same problem with their quirks. It’s there. I get it. I’ll take the L here and admit it.
Side note: But this brings back the theory of AFO giving Tenko decay to mind, and after all of this I think it’s possible. Only because—it seems like Aoyama is gonna be another person saved by Midoriya. Rather than the whole class. I hope they all have some part in it, themes and all, but Aoyama did reach out to Midoriya at one point. So it’ll be a challenge for him I guess. But if Midoriya saves Aoyama from AFO, who gave him a quirk, then that’s another set up for him to save Tenko—who AFO possibly gave decay. But that’s all speculation for now.
What we do know based on this is that society sucks ass because Aoyama’s parents subjected him to this for the sake of normality. Which doesn’t make Aoyama a villain in need of saving from his own choices, but rather just from AFO, as well as the society they live in. Pretty much exactly like Tenko (except Tenko does need to be saved from his own choices). We also know that Midoriya is someone who can reach him through common circumstances (sound familiar to another parallel with Midoriya?).
But anyway—I’m just very annoyed at the bait and switch. But I’m not annoyed at the choice of traitor. Because Hori continuing to do painfully obvious foretelling just means he’ll follow up on everything else he’s foreshadowed. So cool I guess. I would just like a little less cheapness.
Basically imo—either character would have worked for the traitor. But this way for those who wanted it to be someone more important—yayyyy for you guys lol. I’m not being sarcastic btw.
But all in all none of this is a bad thing for any of the other characters that I (and villains peeps) care about. If anything it’s a good thing.
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elianamarie-blog · 3 years
could you maybe do an eric forman x reader where they go to a halloween party and the reader dresses up as Leia from star wars and eric absolutely m e l t s it can be spicy or fluffy or both lol i’m deprived of eric content
 I’ll be so happy to do that for you! :)
Eric x Reader
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October 24, 1977
Point Place, Wisconsin
Eric Forman’s Basement
“What’s everybody doing for Halloween?” Donna asked as she sat down next to Eric and Kelso.
“Oh, probably going to eat a lot of candy and cry myself to sleep,” Eric commented. “Being alone on this holiday isn’t fun.”
Y/n was sitting in the lawn chair adjacent from him and set down the magazine she was reading on her lap. “What do you mean? It’s not like it’s Christmas,” she laughed.
“Yeah, but with Halloween, girls can dress up as slu-aaaa--” Eric stammered while staring at an amused y/n.
“Like what, Eric?” Y/n asked, a smile playing on her lips.
“Uh,” Eric stuttered once more and cleared his throat. “Like, uh, slugs. Girls can dress up like slugs.”
“Nice save,” Hyde chuckled. 
“Yeah, but Halloween is better,” Fez piped up. “You get all kinds of free candy.”
“Well, Fez, people get candy on Christmas too,” Jackie mentioned and sat on Kelso’s lap.
“Yeah, but my host parents don’t allow me to eat as much candy on Christmas and since they don’t celebrate Halloween, I have to hide it from them,” Fez replied sourly. 
“Well, that’s sad,” Y/n said. 
“You know what’s sad?” Hyde asked, sitting from his usual spot with his feet up on the table and arms crossed. “Halloween is on a Monday this year, so we can’t do anything.”
“Well, we can still have it the weekend of,” Donna suggested. “Like, this weekend?”
Everyone looked at each other,
“Yeah, that sounds good,” they all agreed.
“Saturday night, here in the basement?” Eric asked, looking at everyone for approval.
“Yeah, yeah that sounds good,” everyone agreed, except for y/n.
“Y/n?” Eric asked, causing y/n’s heart to jump in her chest. “You coming?”
Y/n’s brain jumbled for a minute with Eric’s doe eyes staring at her. “Y-yeah,” she stuttered. “I’ll be there.”
“Great!” he exclaimed. “Saturday night it is!”
“Yayyyy,” Y/n mumbled under her breath as she turned her attention back to the magazine.
                                              --Time Skip--
Later that week at the Halloween store, y/n, Jackie, and Donna were shopping around for their costumes.
“What are you guys wanting to go as?” Jackie asked as she picked up a French maid costume. “I think I’m going to go as this and Michael will be my lord.”
Y/n and Donna snickered. 
“What?” Jackie asked innocently. 
“I think Kelso might expecting a little bit more than a house cleaning,” Y/n giggled and laughed when she saw Jackie’s face blush a deep crimson.
“What are you going as, Donna?” Jackie asked, quickly changing the subject. 
“I don’t know,” she answered absent-mindedly. “Casey is going to be there, so I have to look foxy.”
“You’re still going out with him?” Y/n asked, not hiding her judgment. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with him.”
“I know, but he’s so dreamy,” Donna responded with a smile and pulled a sexy devil costume out. 
“That would look good on you,” Y/n commented. 
“Thanks, I might go as this,” she said off handedly and looked at y/n. “What about you? What’re you going as?”
“I don’t know,” she responded and pulled out a sexy nurse costume. “I don’t see anything that sticks out to me.”
“Maybe you should get that one costume we talked about,” Jackie said with a suggestive smile.
“No,” Y/n said quickly with wide eyes and shook her head. “That’s not gonna happen.”
“What? What isn’t going to happen?” Donna asked excitedly.
“Nothing,” Y/n said and walked away.
“Oh, c’mon, y/n. We’re best friends. You can tell me anything,” Donna badgered. 
“No, really, it’s nothing.”
“I think we should tell her,” Jackie agreed. “She was bound to find out sooner or later.”
“No, I’d rather not do this right now,” Y/n begged. “Please, please drop it.”
“Okay, now I need to know!” Donna said with a wide smile.
“C’mon, y/n, just tell her. It’s not like it’s a big deal anymore,” Jackie said.
“It kind of is,” Y/n said quietly. 
“What is?!” Donna almost shouted, causing some people to turn to look at them.
Y/n looked around her for a minute, contemplating saying anything before finally throwing in the towel. “Okay, fine. But, before I do, please promise me you won’t get mad at me.”
Donna knitted her eyebrows together. “Why would I be mad at you?”
A nervous noise came out of y/n as she wrung her hands together before nervously looking at Jackie who signaled for her to continue. “Well, um...okay, it’s uh--” she looked over to Donna who was staring at her with wide and curious eyes, “Okay, here’s the thing--”
“Oh, for the love of God just spit it out!” Donna said impatiently. 
“Okay,” Y/n said, starting to sway a little. “It’s, uh, Princess Leia.”
Donna giggled. “You were nervous about telling me you’re going to go as Princess Leia?”
This time Donna laughed. “That’s funny because Eric would really love--” she gasped. “Oh my God. You like Eric?!”
Y/n made a face as she just stepped on a bug and heard a nasty crunch. “Yeah.”
“For how long?” Donna asked, all humor gone.
Y/n sighed and rubbed her forehead. She wanted to run out as fast as the flash out the door. “Not very long,” she admitted. 
“When you mean not long, do you mean after me and Eric broke up?” she asked, crossing her arms.
“Yeah, sort of.”
“What do you mean sort of?”
“Sort of as in yes,” Y/n answered quickly and nervously. 
“What--? How--?” 
“Well, after you two broke up, Eric really needed someone to talk to and I was the only one that would listen without getting annoyed,” Y/m defended. “And during that time, he was vulnerable and just really sweet and it made me look at him in a whole new light.”
Donna was quiet for a moment making both Jackie and y/n nervous. 
“I’m really sorry, Donna,” Y/n said. “I didn’t mean it for it to happen. It’s just that--”
Donna giggled making y/n to stop talking and stare at her in confusion. “Y/n, it’s okay.”
“Wait, really?” Y/n and Jackie asked in unison.
“Yeah,” Donna answered. “We broke up months ago and I’m dating Casey now. And the fact that you hesitated to do anything really means a lot to me. You’re a great friend.”
“Oh, thank you,” Y/n said, sighing in relief.
“And if you want to pursue anything with him, you have my blessing,” Donna said.
“Wow, Donna. Thank you,” she replied and gave her a hug. “You’re the best.”
“It’s no problem. Besides, now you’re the one has to deal with all the Star Wars references,” Donna sang-song as she walked passed y/n to go buy her costume.
                                      --Time Skip--
The party’s music was blaring from the Forman’s basement that night. Kitty and Red had gone over to the Pinciotti’s house for their Halloween--much against Red’s will. A lot of people showed up, making the basement loud. Donna went as a sexy devil, Jackie went as a sexy French maid, Kelso was dressed up in robe playing lord of the manor, Fez as Frank N. Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show...again, and Hyde didn’t dress up, because, well it’s Hyde. Casey surprised everyone by actually showing up and could barley keep his hands off of Donna. And Eric, of course, dressed up as Luke Skywalker. 
Donna and Casey sat in the lawn chair, her in his lap while he whispered sweet nothings. Jackie and Kelso hung around the washer and dryer machine with Hyde, drinking beers and talking. Eric was hanging around with Fez, a Darth Vader, and a Tinker Bell. Eric was trying not to look at Fez’s pale legs while geeking out with Darth Vader and Tinker Bell. The only person missing was y/n.
“So, when Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star--” he continued his story, but stopped when Hyde clapped a hand on Eric’s shoulder.
“Hey, man, you’re girlfriend is here,” he joked.
“What? I don’t have a girlfriend,” Eric said confused.
Hyde pointed to the door. Eric’s gaze followed to where he was pointing and could feel his heart stop for a moment. Y/n was standing at the door dressed as Princess Leia. If he was being honest with himself, she looked stunning. He never knew someone could look more beautiful than she did right now. He had always thought she was attractive, but he was always in love with Donna, but ever since they broke up, he found himself liking her more than just a friend. Even though y/n wasn’t as big of a fan of Star Wars herself, he still loved that he was able to be himself and geek out with her and not feel judged by it.
She made eye contact with him and made her way over to him.
“Hey!” she greeted cheerfully. “We match!”
“Uhhhh...y-yeah,” he stuttered. “You, uh, you-you look great.”
Y/n curtsied making Eric chuckle. “Thank you, Mr. Skywalker. You look great yourself.”
Tinker Bell had gotten bored and walked off while Fez and Darth Vader stayed to ogle at y/n.
“Hey, so what cha doing later?” Darth Vader asked.
Y/n looked around the party with a mild confused look. “Uh, this?”
Darth Vader chuckled. “I meant after the party.”
“Going home,” she stated.
Darth Vader nodded his head. “Got it.”
“Thanks,” she said, grateful that he wasn’t going to push her. He walked off, leaving the three of them.
“And I’m going to go find a drunk girl,” Fez said and sauntered off.
Eric and y/n stood alone; Y/n’s heart beating out of her chest. “So, nice party. A lot more people showed up than I thought.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Eric replied, a smile growing on his cute face. “Thanks for coming.”
“Oh, you know I wouldn’t miss it.”
Eric couldn’t stop himself for staring at y/n from head to toe. “You really do look great tonight though.”
She smiled shyly at him. “Thank you.”
“Hey, Forman!” Hyde called from nearby the washer and dryer. “Keg is here. Help me do a keg stand.”
Eric pointed his thumbs over his shoulder. “Duty calls.”
“Yeah,” Y/n replied nodding her head. “I’m going to get a drink.”
“Hey, I’ll catch you later?”
Y/n nodded. “Okay.”
She watched him walk off and hold Hyde by the ankles as he drank straight from the tap. Y/n chuckled to herself as she turned to the shower and grabbed a beer. She popped it open and went over to Donna and Jackie to talk to them.
“Wow, look at you,” Jackie gushed. “Looking sexy.”
“Awe, thanks Jackie,” she said, blushing.
“I saw that you caught the attention of someone,” Donna said seductively and subtly glanced over at Eric who was too into making sure Hyde didn’t fall on his face to notice y/n sitting on the couch. She had purposely had her dress hiked up to expose her right thigh, but still covering to be decent.
Eric wanted to look but he couldn’t take the chance of being distracted. 
“Okay, Forman, your turn,” Hyde slurred as he was lowered down.
“Wait! I have something better,” Kelso called out and brought out a funnel and a tube. “Gotta do this right.”
“Hell yeah!” Hyde whooped and connected the tube to the funnel.
Eric got down on one knee and put the tube to his mouth as Hyde started quickly filling up the funnel with cans of beer.
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” everyone at the party chanted as Eric successfully drained four cans of beer. 
Eric stumbled back up and burped as he swayed a little. “I’m going to feel that buzz here in a minute.”
Y/n laughed as she watched the guy she liked come over and sit beside her. “What cha talkin’ about good lookin’?”
Y/n squinted her eyes at him while chuckling. “How drunk are you right now?”
“It’s more of a buzz going on,” he confessed. “But this confidence is real.” He clicked his tongue and pointed at himself.
“Hey, y/n, you wanna give this a go?” Hyde asked.
“Yes, do a keg stand!” Kelso shouted.
“No,” Y/n said quickly and firmly. “I’m not giving you another reason to look up my dress.”
“Kill joy!” Kelso shouted, now in a drunken stupor. 
“I will drink from the tube though,” she said to Hyde who nodded in approval.
As she walked over to Hyde, grabbed the tube, and got on her knees, Hyde nodded approvingly. “Oh, yeah. Get on them knees.”
“Shut up, you idiot and just start,” Y/n said.
“That’s what she said too!” Hyde threw his head back laughing.
“Just give me the beer!” she shouted, laughing at her friend’s stupidity.
“Alright, alright, alright, calm down,” he responded and started pouring the beer down the funnel.
The fizz of the beer burned as it quickly went down her throat. The fizz was going into her nose causing her eyes to water, but she refused to stop. As everyone chanted around her to keep going, she forced herself to focus on ingesting the beer instead of Eric, who was watching her intently. 
Hyde ended up pouring three beers in the funnel before she brought the tube up, careful not to spill. Everyone cheered and she got off the floor, her knees cracking from sitting on the concrete floor. 
“Damn, color me impressed,” Hyde said. “I thought you’d only be able to do one.”
“Please, I’ve been drinking with you morons for the past year and a half. I have a higher tolerance now.”
Hyde grinned, “You’re welcome.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” y/n said and suddenly felt her skin heat up. “I’ll be right back.”
She walked out the basement and up the stairs, feeling that autumn breeze cool down her burning skin. She breathed in the cool evening air and sat on the porch. She leaned her head back and listened to the wind rattling the trees and crunchy leaves fly their way down the driveway.
She sat there like that for a minute or two before a voice caused her to snap her eyes open.
“Hey, you alright?”
Eric sat down next to her as she lazily turned her head to look at him. She could feel the alcohol starting to slush around her head, but it was a good buzz. “Yeah, ‘m fine,” she responded and looked back up at the night’s sky. “Just getting a breather. Started getting hot in there.”
“Yeah, when you’ve had a few beers and have a lot people around you, the air tends to heat up quick,” he commented.
Y/n hummed in response and looked back at him. “What’re you doing out here?”
“Oh, well, I saw you leave and wanted to make sure you were enjoying the party.”
“Oh, me? I’m having a marvelous time.”
“Why did that sound sarcastic?” he deadpanned.
Y/n giggled. “It’s not. I really am having a great time.”
Eric gave her a single nod. “Good.” His wrung his hands as he struggled to find the right words. Y/n had her eyes closed again, so she didn’t notice his nervousness. “You really do look good tonight.”
Y/n opened her eyes once more and looked at him. “Thank you, Eric. You look good too.”
“No, I mean, you look really beautiful.”
Y/n blushed at his words and stood up, pretending to stretch. In reality, it was a way to cover up her nerves. “Thank you, Eric. That’s really sweet.” She smiled at him as he stood up to stand in front of her. “Shall we go back in?”
“Uh, yeah, but before we do,” he began and grabbed her arm, stopping her from turning around. “Um, if you’d like to grab a burger with me--o-or, you know, catch a movie, that would be cool.”
“Oh,” Y/n asked in surprise. “Just you and me?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, his nerves shining through. “If you want to of course.”
“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” she smiled at him.
“Okay, good. I was afraid that you were going to say no. Because I really li--”
He was cut off by her lips quickly meeting his. She wasn’t sure if it was the newfound confidence or the alcohol, or maybe even both, but she felt like the time was right.
“And you kissed me?” Eric asked, confused.
“Oh my God,” Y/n said, embarrassed. “Did I read the signs wrong? I’m so sorry. I’m so dumb. I thought you were asking me out--”
Now she was interrupted by Eric’s hand wrapping around her neck and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. She didn’t need to wait for her to completely melt into the kiss and placed her hands on either side of his face. She felt the universe line up and butterflies erupt in her stomach.
As he pulled away, he looked into her eyes. “I was.”
“Okay, so I’m not dumb,” she said lowly and chuckled to herself.
“No, not at all,” he said and captured her lips once more. “Tomorrow night, I’ll pick you up at seven.”
She nodded and brought him in for another kiss, completely forgetting where she was for a moment until, “Alright! Get it, Eric!”
Eric and y/n broke their amorous kiss and looked to see Kelso, Hyde, Donna, Jackie, Fez, and Casey watching them.
“Hey, would you look at that. Foreplay has some moves,” Casey commented, making Donna lightly smack him in the chest.
“Bout damn time too,” Hyde said. “I was getting tired of hearing about his feelings towards y/n.”
Y/n flushed in embarrassment and hid her face in Eric’s chest.
“Uh, guys? Can we get a little privacy here?” Eric deadpanned.
“Sure, sure,” Fez said. “Hey, Eric. If you see her boobs, please describe them to me.”
Y/n and Eric looked at him with the most annoyed expression.
“Shut up, Fez!”
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harpydrawsstuff · 2 years
We all know what this is about.
Another au everybody
So this AU is named Alioth Plough au cuz. Tbh it’s a placeholder for now, please give me better names if you have any
Alioth Plough AU (Backstory info)
Dipper is a reincarnation of this god/demon who was friends with Bill Cipher, until they drifted away (Bill became too much, too violent in his actions)
The Big Dipper birthmark on Dipper’s forehead basically indicates this
When he turned 16, a portal opened right after he got some alone time after his and Mabel’s birthday party
The portal pulled him in, sending him to a different dimension
The Axolotl and other demons greeted him, saying “Welcome home Alioth”
Dipper, being completely confused and scared, asked what they were talking about
Now, the demons and the Axolotl already know that he’s a reincarnation
So they explain it to him, leading him through the big building that makes their home
Alioth Plough was a high ranking demon, or god who was able to free people from possession and create flames, that were more normal looking than Bill’s blue flames
Other powers include creating protecting barriers, healing, summon a sword
Alioth couldnt make deals, however he could paralyse/glitch out other demons who were about to make an unfair deal
He was very connected with nature, the pinetree being his favourite tree of all
Long brown curly hair, with Bill’s eyes but blue and inverted, only sometimes is the eyeball blue instead of black, he wears a dark blue star cape, over a dress shirt and black dress pants, also wearing a captain’s hat, with a belted sword (“Just in case, you know”)
He has freckles, but they glow in the dark, making them seem like stars
When he heals people, the freckles on his face glow in the Big Dipper constellation first, then into other constellations that start healing the wounds
There are also Runes that show up on his cape
The Axolotl also explained, how Alioth was the first demon who stood up to Bill, fatally loosing a battle in the woods of old gravity falls though
He died under a pinetree and due to his barrier creation abilities, the barrier around Gravity Falls formed
The demons are in like a council, that basically formed when Bill just kinda started going crazy, so they tried to come up with a plan, but Alioth just kinda. Did his own thing?
Also here’s some art of him!
(The other demon’s name is Romulus, it’s on the council as well)
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Nord by Nordwest huh
The fact that Taliesin can keep a straight face during all this, while Liam and Travis and Matt are losing it
"Cyber abacus"
I love how they play the "Taliesin is an ancient Fae being" even when he’s being a super hacker
I need some of Ashley’s colorful jackets
Oooo can she poof them to Vokodo’s lair?
Oh maybe not no
C: "I would love to see a door open into a tree"
Cad: "well most doors used to be trees"
Oh my god Jester wants to put the dragon turtle against Vokodo alskslskak
God I love her
Listen listen what if y’all polymorph the dragon turtle into something small, get him inside, and have him fight Vokodo
Y’all are coming up with so many crazy clever plans
Did y’all forget about the spell booby trap bombs tho those were cool too
I was gonna say, they might not all want to leave at all
And some might want their ships so that’s true
I feel like if they’re not careful Vilya is going to be fairly unimpressed with them and their disregard for people’s possible livelihoods, especially after the situation against the ghost guys
Like, brining the Dragonturtle in to fight Vokodo is cool, bringing him in to destroy ships to (hopefully) lure Vokodo out is bad, especially because there’s no guarantee it’ll even work
Idk I just feel like this is a fun but irresponsible plan
Suddenly the Dragonturtle sounds like Orli xD
See the only problem with half the M9 being in love with Jester is that they indulge her ideas sometimes even when they’re not the best
B: "does Vokodo even care about the ships?" THANK you Beau why didn’t you ask that before Jester told the turtle where they are
I don’t think Vokodo cares so much about sentimental value. If that were the case Nott’s flask, Cad’s shield would have been worth more to him. And he would have insisted on Beau’s bracers.
Jester: makes a cake feast
Me, immediately: "I want a feast
I want a bean feast
Cream buns and doughnuts
And fruitcake with no nuts
So good you could go nuts"
Jester is much nicer than Veruka but that verse fits so well
Pancakes hell yeah
"It’s been so long since I had a pancake"
Vilya is a woman after my own heart
I scanned Sam’s QR code he’s such a nerd
Aw Jester sweetie
J, crying: "I am not sad"
Baby girl
"What if it were just you and him? Like the old days?"
"I don’t think that’s a bad thing."
Jester, honey </3
Someone hug her!!
I’m glad she’s telling them the truth about the Traveler knowing about Vokodo
Listening to her make excuses for him is hard
I can’t believe Jester’s story is almost actually about her literally getting out of a cult
Traveler.... Con...
"Also if he hurts you I’ll kill him" Beau xD
It’s "everybody loves Jester" hour
Y: "I’ve never had pancakes before this is amazing this is like my new favorite thing"
F: "you haven’t touched your bugs much"
Y: "that’s because I’m eating all the pancakes"
Beau didn’t Dairon kick your ass last time y’all squared off?
The everloving fuck
Didn’t they have Vilya tree-door them off the island for the night so they’d be safe and then just tree-door them back in the morning??
Yasha dream?
Come on Yasha come on Yasha you can do it you can do it!!
"Do not run for yourself. Overcome what falters. And rise stronger."
oh frick
"I will look up at it and I will just say... ‘I do not want this fear anymore’, and I will stand there and sit for it to hit me"
Baby giiiiiiirl
"Of broken chain link, tethered and tangled beneath you"
"Show me you can be reborn"
Wings wings wings?
"Like flowers blossoming" oh my god I’m weeping
Full, angelic <3
Don’t go back, baby girl.
Fuck I was afraid he was going to say it was Zuala
My heart
"I crouch down, and I put my hand out—"
"I have to go."
And she leaps UP
oh god I’m cry
"I’m proud of you"
"Don’t let me be a shackle"
I’m an emotional wreck rn
Have them a false sense of security there for a sec Matt Lol
Oh, it’s Caleb’s turn...
Instead of wasting the spell tight away they should have tried to explain it to him and see if that helped first
Okay but they were all tied together so like how did they take it away and hide it
I hope they get a LOT of treasure to make up for all this lost diamond/residuum dust
Stop wasting messages! Just leave him alone!
I’m glad tbh I just don’t think this was a good idea
Please just go fight him y’all are just making it more complicated at this point
I really hope they didn’t just destroy someone’s only way to get out
Like obviously it’s important to save everyone first but I hope they find ways to make sure they don’t just send someone home with no way to support themselves
Also I cannot believe this works
Like why would he care about the ships??
Y’all are gonna have blown up ships and gotten the town destroyed probably
Here we go
See IF they successfully drew him up they’d have missed this map
And now really all they’ve done is pissed him off in advance
Poor Yasha. Somebody get her something to boost her wisdom
Wisdom saves galore
Wait why did polymorph bounce off??
Also where did the plan of “bombard him with banishment” go
Ooo clever Veth!
Lightning in water, would that be bad?
Oh my god did they banish her???
So Vokodo must have some feat that allows him to deflect spells when he makes the save
This feat is the WORST
Yayyyy Yasha!
Okay so banishment is NOT working
Everyone like “Liam are you gonna bring Beau back??”
He’s gone
But he’s got their stuff??
Caleb’s necklace of protection?? Veth’s flask? Yasha’s other sword?
Okay wait this is gonna be bad isn’t it
Holy SHIT?!
Daaaaaamn GO CALEB
that’s amazing holy shit
Now get that treasure!
Damn that was intense
I’m so glad they brought Vokodo back to just destroy him
L: “Ooo like the ring girl?”
T: “SHUT! UP! There is no association to that!”
I hope they can at least find Caleb’s ring
Will the island be back to normal-ish?
Probably not?
Anyway I’m glad they just went down and fought him because that was amazing
Oh fuck y’all so listen he was being persued by a city? And the tower was probably part of the city. And Matt said that tower looked similar to the ruins outside Roshanna (Gordranus?)
You know, the one destroyed during the calamity?
What if
What iiiiiif
I mean it’s just a theory but what if
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 13: THE FINALEEEE...we are done with this season wow (Finale Commentary.. No guesses because everybody was revealed lol)
Hello my friends! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of the Masked Singer (and next we will do The Masked Dancer) excluding singalongs & the Road to Finals (which is why I skipped episode 11 & 12, which was last week & right before the finale which is what I am gonna recap now)... Anyways, let’s get started (going in backwards order from how they placed):
The 3 finalists are: Sun ☀️, Crocodile 🐊, and Mushroom 🍄
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In 3rd Place, we have:
*Drumroll Please*
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Performance: he sang Open Arms by Journey and it was amazing, he murdered it. This season was honestly so fantastic talent wise that any of them could've won if they were on separate seasons because they were that good.... Like I can't rave about this season more, I thought at first that they were just bluffing when they said this was gonna be their best season yet in terms of talent, but they lived up to the claim and wow.. this is prob one of the first recaps where I have nothing bad to say about any of the performances!
Ok, so having said that, Croc was revealed to be...
Nick Carter
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Commentary: I'm not doing clues, since they didn't really say much clue wise and I’ve also kinda said the clues since the start, so it would be kinda repetitive, whatever you get the point... I love them 90s boy bands, u know, the N Sync and Backstreet Boys so I am very familiar with their voices so this was easy for me. He really did an amazing job, improving every week, never expected him to get this far tho (not shading him, I genuinely thought Seahorse would win that battle) but he’s still amazing and I am not mad at this result.
Next, our Season 4 runner-up is...
*Drumroll Please*
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Performance: His performance of I wish by Stevie Wonder was amazing like wow... he really showed his “real” voice with this song since he has been changing it throughout the season to really trick everyone, so if you didn’t get him before, this performance might have sold you on him. I loved it, it was fantastic, he killed it!
Anyways, Mushroom was revealed to be...
Aloe Blacc
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Commentary: It took me a while but I got it woohoo 2 for 2! Yes, I know who he is, cmon he sang Wake Me Up with Avicci and The Man, 2 songs I am very familiar with. But yeah, I got it yay! He was hard to get since he played more with his voice and switched it up on us with the song choices. However, these last couple of songs convinced me, especially this last one. He really killed it, he could have won any other season, but he had stiff competition with our winner below, you can guess who it is by deductive reasoning or if you already watched the show, but just pretend to be surprised haha, but yeah he did amazing!
Then we have our season 4 winner/champion/Golden Mask Trophy recipient:
*Drumroll Please*
☀️ The Sun ☀️
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Performance: She sang The Story by Brandi Carlie and even though she didn’t necessarily top her last performance (because that one was immaculate and hard to beat), she still murdered it, like it was so amazing. She has such an amazing voice, the talent is crazy, I love every second when she performs. I am really glad she won, she really did deserve it! There were people who were robbed for sure but she really deserved the win.
Last but not least Sun was revealed to be...
*Drumroll Please*
LeAnn Rimes!
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Commentary: ugh, I am gonna repeat myself, but lemme brag a bit: yayyyy I got 3 for 3 woohoo! Final score of the season for me was 14/16, only 2 wrong which were Baby Alien and Gremlin. Anyways, ahhh I knew it was LeAnn from the beginning, her voice is so recognizable so it was pretty easy to distinguish. Nevertheless, she is so talented and she so deserved this win, 2nd female to win TMS how cool (even tho the first wasn’t something I was super stoked about but whatever). I am really happy with these results actually, nothing to complain about here. I wanted her to win and I think I predicted it in the recap last week so yay!
Anyways, we are done! Next week, I will start recapping The Masked Dancer, and maybe a little later in the week I will do some costume rankings. However, I wanna know what you guys wanna see from me pop culture wise since I am a bit stuck... I kinda wanna do my favorite Netflix shows or talking about bad Netflix Christmas movies because those are a doozy omg 🤣... Anyways, let me know in the comments and don’t forget to like, share, do all the internet-y things and Happy Holidays everybody! Byeeee! 👋🏼
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warriorteam1924 · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Jones !!!
Ben Hardy x Reader
Author’s note :  Special day today for this is Ben Hardy’s 29th birthday !!! Yayyyy !!!  So to carry on with my fluff series for my sis, here is a little one for this occasion ^^ I  Anyways, I hope you enjoy, thanks in advance for the feedback. Also, I remind you English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes….
Warnings : None, I guess it’s okay
Summary : Well, It’s Ben 29th Birthday !!! 
Words count : 1,865 words
Permanent tag list : @anotheronebitesthedick @reavenedges-lies​
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When you woke up that morning, you felt your whole body was trying to protest for you to stay in bed. Yet, even if New Year’s Eve party had been really intense and the first day of the new decade had also been full of emotions, this day was also going to be remembered.
 Ben was still in bed next to you, snoring a little. Frankie was still sleeping as well on her little mattress, right next to him. Ben had offered her for Christmas the cutest blanket for her not to be cold during the nights. ‘After all, we sleep with blankets, why wouldn’t she?’, he had said when the little dog was unwrapping her present on Christmas day. You had sweetly smiled because you could not agree more. Ben was now part of your life and there was no way Frankie would not be part of it as well.
 You tried your best not to be noisy and got out of bed, finding your slippers where you had left them next to your bedside table. You also put your robe on as it was quite cold. You looked at the window and shivered as you noticed it was all frozen outside. You hoped it would not ruin all your plans. You took your phone and sent a text to Joe.
 ‘I’m up, making sure everything will be ready. Please don’t forget your part for our plan to be a success.’, was what you typed and you added an cute emoji before pressing send.
 A few minutes later, you received his answer. ‘Why on earth was he born such a day.... I’m still recovering from the holidays season. (laughing emoji) Don’t worry, I’ll be there soon, even if I have to borrow ice skates to get to you.’. You smiled and you were about to put your phone back on the table when it buzzed again. You tried to mute your laugh as Joe had send you another text. It was a gif of a random person sliding on ice and epicly falling on the floor.
 You headed to the kitchen and prepared coffee and tea. You also took Frankie’s little bowl and prepared her food as well. Hopefully, this cute dog had a great appetite and it was not hard to make her eat. You put her bowl on her tiny table and carried on setting the table, adding jam and bread, cereals and toasts.
 You heard someone dragging their feet and Ben appeared with Frankie in his arms, still quite sleepy. The two of them yawned together and you could see the two of them were trying really hard to open their eyes.
 “Mornin’ love.”, he pressed a kiss on your cheek and headed to the door that led to the tiny garden. He put Frankie’s little coat and she suddenly woke up with the fresh air, running a little here and there, sniffing around her. After she had done everything she needed to do, she came back at the door, barking a little for Ben to notice her. He welcomed her back in and they came back to the kitchen together. The man collapsed on the nearest chair and the dog headed to her bowl and started to eat.
 “Thank you for the breakfast, love.”, Ben said as he was now helping himself. “
 “No probs.”
 “Okay, next year, no parties.”, he carried on, putting a piece of toast in his mouth. “I’m exhausted.”
 “You say this every year.”, you laughed at him.
 “And now I need to exercice again. I’ve gained way too much in two weeks.”
 “Don’t worry, I love you just the way you are and everybody puts on weight during the holidays. And it’s cold, we need to keep warm.”, you replied as you began to sip your tea.
 “But, I’ve got my love to keep me warm.”, he winked at you.
 You looked at him with a smile and he smiled at you as well, biting his toast again. He groaned a little when someone knocked at the door, making Frankie bark again.
 “Comin’....”, Ben shouted towards the door and he stood up. You tried to make sure he did not notice you were laughing in your cup of tea. You heard him from the front door.
 “Hey, buddy, what’s up?”, he asked.
 “New Year resolutions day one, mate. Get ready to come and run with me.”, Joe said and you could hear he was pretending to be panting.
 “Mate, I’ve just woken up. And Y/N and I were having breakfast.”, Ben tried to find an excuse.
 “Well I would not mind a cup of tea thank you.”, Joe replied and he made himself at home. You saw him arrive in the kitchen and he winked at you.
 “Here is the most beautiful girl in the world !!!”, he happily said.
 Ben frowned at him but before he could say anything, Joe was already on the floor petting Frankie, saying cute things as her tail was gladly going right and left. He took her in his arms and stood up. He leant to kiss your cheek and took a seat as well, while Ben was pouring tea in his cup.
 “I can’t believe I’m the oldest here. Good lord, you should have a look at your faces....”, Joe joked.
 “Well, buddy, let me finish my breakfast and get dressed. Then we’ll see who is laughing.”, Ben replied, laughing.
 “Don’t push it too hard.”, you still warned them. “I don’t want any of you sick after this running session, okay?”
 “Why don’t you come?”, Ben gently asked.
 “Hell no.”, you replied. You tried to use a convincing tone. You knew run with Ben and Joe would certainly be a nice thing to do, but you still had many a thing to do. It seemed you persuaded him because he shrugged his shoulders and stood up to get dressed.
 “How much time do you need?”, Joe whispered when he was sure Ben would not hear him.
 “How long can you last without actually dying ?”, you could not help but reply, trying not to laugh. Joe looked daggers at you, pretending to be upset. “I’m kidding.... Well, I just need to make everything ready for the party and the cake should be delivered in an hour. Then while, he will be showering, I’ll be decorating the house a little.”, you explained.
 “Roger.”, he winked at you, still petting Frankie.
 “Ready, buddy?”, Ben came back in his tracksuit. You looked at him, swallowing a little. It was just incredible. This man was actually hot in any clothes. Never had you seen someone like this before. He was muscled but not too much, his woolly hat was covering his golden hair and his cheeks were slightly red due to the fact he was too warmly clothed to be inside. You came back to reality when he kissed your lips and whispered “See you, love.”
 “Let’s go.”, Joe stood up and sweetly put Frankie back on the floor.
 “Oh, before we leave.... Do we have a wheel chair, Y/N?”, Ben asked you.
 “A.... A wheel chair?”, you repeated frowning.
 “Don’t listen to him.... He is already making a fool of me, while he does not even know the athlete I am....”, Joe carried on as Ben headed to the door laughing. You smiled and closed the door behind them.
 You rushed to the shower to get ready before the delivery person would arrive with the cake. You hurriedly brushed your hair and your teeth (not with the same brush hopefully) and as you were putting your socks on, you heard a knock on the door.
 “Sign here, please.”, the woman almost automatically said as you opened the door. You did and took the big parcel. You went to hide it in the fridge, still full of food from the previous days. You also prepared all the decorations you had bought in advance to surprise Ben in several bags in the bedroom, under the bed.
 You stood up and asked Frankie to keep the secret until later in the day. She looked at you and it was as if she was smiling at you, promising she would not tell her dad anything. You heard keys in the front door lock so you headed to the corridor to welcome Ben and Joe back.
 Ben seemed happy and his face was gleaming, both from sweat and because of the fresh air. Joe on the other hand seemed devastated, but he was trying his best not to show it.
 “I’m first in the shower....”, the American announced, out of breath. Ben looked at him and laughed.
 “An athlete, my ass....”.
 Joe apologized and went to the bathroom while Ben prepared some of his clothes for him to borrow.
 “Was it so bad?”, you asked him.
 “Honestly, I’ve seen way worse.”, Ben replied. “He really gave his best, but I must admit I pushed him a little....”, he joked.
 You looked at him rolling your eyes. “Really, Jones?”
 “Okay, I was not at my best, it’s true.”, he confessed.
 “You should quit smoking as well.”, you reminded him.
 He grimaced a little but deep inside, he knew you were right.
 “Okay, I feel so much better now.”, Joe said, fully dressed with Ben clothes. The blonde then headed to the bathroom, as he too needed a good shower.
 Joe took his mobile out of his pocket and send multiple texts to everyone you had invited, to make sure they would arrive before he would have finished. You came back in the living room with the bags full of decorations and put a banner on the wall while Joe was blowing up the balloons. As you had left the door opened, the guests arrived, notifying their presence with a soft knock on the door. You looked around you and everything was ready. You went to the kitchen and put the candles on the cake. 29 to be precise.
 You heard he was coming back from the bathroom so you quickly lighten them up and arrived in the living room at the same time he did. Everyone shouted ‘Surprise’, and Ben started while Frankie was happily jumping all around him.
 “What’s happening here?”, he asked.
 “Happy Birthday !!!”, your common friends carried on shouting.
 You placed the cake on the table and he came next to you and kissed your cheek, whispering ‘Thank you, love’. He blew his candles and everyone applauded. You cut the cake as Joe was licking the candles before putting them back in the kitchen. You served everyone drinks and a piece of cake and the party began with soft jazzy style music.
 Ben took you closer to him, pressing your body against his. He slowly began to dance with you, his cheek against yours.
 “Happy Birthday, Jones.”, you whispered.
 “Thank you again, love.”
 “I hope you did not forget to make a wish.....”
 “I did not.”
 “What? Why?”, you looked at him in his so beautiful eyes.
 “Look around you honey and find something I could still be wishing for?”
 You sweetly smiled and kissed him. It was a very happy birthday indeed.
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beerecordings · 4 years
ok the box jj bein mean to jackie hc? okay. listen. jameson finally being comfortable around jackie but not realizing that jackie doesn’t own him, he’s not “his.” so at first jameson is like, all over him. jackie says “god i’m so thirsty-“ and jameson is RACING to the kitchen getting him a glass of water. jackie says “i’m so tired” and jameson is hushing everyone and double checking the locks and helping him put his things down. jackie says ANYTHING and jamie is jumping to follow his orders. 1/2
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okay i. i have been thinking about this for literal hours i’m. yes. yes. this is so - yeah. yeah. okay let’s do this.
okay so this turned into a damn essay hahaha
Jameson for sure feels like Jackie is just the new Anti. a better Anti, maybe, because Anti used to hit him and yell at him and never loved him like this, yeah, but still the new Anti in the sense that he is in charge, he should take care of Jameson, and Jameson belongs to him. And if he belongs to him, it’s his job to obey him and to try and make him happy.
So Jackie’s like “yayyyy new little brother, new friend! :DD!!!!” and Jameson’s staring up at him like “i’d kill for you, ride or die, tell me to fuck someone up - NO INSINUATE that you want someone fucked up and I’ll DO IT MAN DON’T TEST ME - ”
so right off the bat there’s a lil miscommunication.
and here’s the thing, Jameson’s a clingy little guy with all the others at first, so Jackie doesn’t think much of it when Jameson starts spending a lot of time sitting near to him (guarding) and making most of his requests for things he needs to Jackie (trusting master to caretake) and being a little over-affection with Jackie (trying to make him happy), he’s just a little weirded out by it. but you know you always gotta learn how to love people as they are and Jackie’s willing to let JJ figure this out and help him set boundaries and stuff and he’s not worried or anything.
and then it starts to get obsessive.
Jameson’s losing interest in his other brothers because in his experience another person for Anti to take care of is just a competitor. He starts getting upset when he sees Jackie spending time with the others but not him, and then one day he and Marvin go out for lunch together and Jameson spends the rest of the day in complete panic, terrified that he’s going to starve because he’s not the favorite and there won’t be enough food left for him. Once a cute girl even asks Jameson out, but he tells her no because he’s like... “wait, I belong to Jackie. I don’t think I’m allowed to do that?” Love to him has never been anything but ownership, selling his soul for a full belly and enough affection to keep him alive.
And there’s a part of him that knows it’s stupid!! there is!! there’s a part of him that still thinks Marvin and Chase and Henrik are really cool and great to him and he wants to just chill out and relax and trust that nobody’s going to abandon him on the side of the road or let him starve!! but the part of his brain that’s chanting “survive, survive, survive” has been the hardest-working part for a long time, and it’s strong now, it overrides everything else. so yeah, Jackie sneezes and Jameson’s bringing him a tissue, Jackie trips and Jameson’s giving the floor dirty looks, and Jackie gets hurt?? Jameson still remembers how to be an attack dog. Big brother can’t always be strong, and when he isn’t, you protect him, no matter the cost, no matter the threat to yourself, you protect him. He snaps at Stacy for telling Jackie to watch over Chase (don’t order him around!!) and gets jealous when Jackie kisses his boyfriend (he could take him away!!) and YANKS a scalpel right out of Henrik’s hand when he makes Jackie cry out as he stitches him up (don’t!! hurt!! him!!)
And at that point there’s no more denying that there’s a problem here, and Jackie is mad, because Jameson nearly hurt Henrik, and that’s not how they do things in this house, and Henrik’s not a threat, and then before he knows what he’s doing, he’s shouting, standing tall while Jameson shrinks, and cornering him in the back of the room, and Jameson crumples to the ground and goes right into a panic attack -
Oh, fuck, he’s sorry. Jameson, don’t cry!! ahhhh shit, he’s sorry, he just - “you just - you don’t have to do this!! you don’t have to do any of this!! i’m not trying to own you or control you, I don’t understand why you’re acting like this?? don’t cry, buddy, here, um, your kangaroo puppet! sweetie, just calm down.”
And Jameson is swallowing back sobs, trying desperately to stop, because he upset Jackie, he upset master, and he didn’t mean to, and he was told to calm down, so he needs to calm down, but he can’t, because he’s bad, he’s bad, he’s bad and Jackie isn’t going to want him anymore because he prefers Henrik and he could have hurt Henrik and - and -
He just doesn’t get it.
Shouldn’t Jackie be happy he’s his pet now? Shouldn’t Jackie want that? Can’t he make himself in-disposable if he’s a good little whore and does whatever Jackie needs, without complaint, without protest? Isn’t that how he came out of being Anti’s with his body mostly whole and parts of his sanity still intact? With his heart shattered but pounding, pounding, pounding in his aching chest?
Survive, survive, survive.
It was easy with everybody else, he thinks, almost bitterly. He had Henrik and Marvin and Chase wrapped around his fingers in minutes of coming here. He learned exactly how to get their affection and anything else he needed. He watched the way every single one of them interacted with each other and he took what he needed. Learned to cry like Chase, to put on a tough face like Marvin, to chide like Henrik, so he could, as he chose, make them pay attention to him, laugh at him, feed him, hold him, advise him, protect him, and on, and on. Anything he needed. People are just input = output, and once you learn the buttons to press, you can get anything you want.
That’s all this is supposed to be. Isn’t that what happiness is? Finding people whose buttons you can press, so they keep you safe and whole?
And Jackie’s here looking at him, realizing, “Fuck, Jamie, you don’t even know how to be who you are anymore.”
It sounds harsh as it comes out of his mouth, but maybe it’s true. Jameson puts on personalities the same way he puts on outfits these days. He can no longer tell the difference between real distress and crocodile tears for attention. He didn’t mean to use anybody, it’s just… that’s what you do. That’s what people are for. That’s how you survive, survive, survive.
“James,” says Jackie, and he’s never called him that before, it’s only ever been Jamie. “James, you gotta start trusting that I’m not going to throw you out if you show me who you are. If you aren’t convenient to me all the time. If you have more complex needs than a hug and enough to eat. You’re not my pet, Jameson. You’re my brother. My friend. My equal. You don’t have to earn my love, do you know that? You have it. You’ve always had it. When Anti had you, and you were all alone in the world, and your hands had already done horrible things, you had my love then. That has never changed and never will.”
And Jameson’s sitting there crying and apologizing, over and over again, and fuck, he realizes he’s holding the kangaroo stuffy in front of his face to remind Jackie that he belongs to him, instead of holding it for comfort, and Jackie just gets down on his knees with him and hugs him tight, tight, tight, and pushes that kangaroo to his chest, and holds Jameson for as long as it takes, cause “you’re not a toy or a pet and I’m never going to hurt you, do you understand, I am NEVER going to hurt you, break my heart and I will still be here waiting to keep you safe, just like that time Henrik broke my favorite headphones and I still made him breakfast the next day - ”
and Henrik goes “HEY” and Jameson snorts and hides his face in Jackie’s shirt. and for once it doesn’t actually feel like “hell yes I’ve earned some affection!! hell yes I’m in his good books so he’ll take care of me!!” it’s kind of just like “this is Jackie and he loves me.”
it’s a start, you know? he has a lot to learn and sometimes the world still feels like a board game where survival is the goal and everybody else is just a card you can play. but he doesn’t want to use anyone. love is better when it’s real.
and damn, but Jackie really does love him.
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I promised I would eventually have a request for you and here I am, with a request lol. Any of these would be awesome with Mr. Brown bc I LOVE HIM and he DESERVES SO MUCH MORE LOVE I adore this dorky man - 80, 82, 73, and 1 I love you babe
YAYYYY THANK YOU BBY love you to pieces beautiful ♥ i’ve done this as one fic but used each number cause i wanted to include all of em!! hope thats okay sweetness :>
also this flits back and forth in time a bit so SORRY dsakcdjakljDJCAJ ALSO THIS TOOK FOREVER BUT HERE U GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE U
You lean back in your seat, lightly tipping your cigarette ash into the ashtray. With the exception of Brown and Pink, you & the guys are enjoying a smoke after a pretty good haul from the heist you’d managed to pull off that morning. You cock your head at Brown, whose gaze is on you. “Is there a reason you’re staring at me?”
“Oh, sorry, yeah, Miss Crimson,” he chuckles nervously. “I’ve never seen you wear a dress before. That’s all.”
A flattered smile growing on your lips (you like the attention the boys always give you), you look down at your outfit. Having acted as bait for the heist, Eddie had taken you to get an appropriate dress. You had decided on a blood-red cocktail dress that had hugged your curves in all the right places in the changing rooms. It didn’t hurt that it matched you alias, too! “That’s a strange insult,” you tease, smirking at him.
“What? No– nonono!” he gasps. “I didn’t mean it like– I just meant, y’know, that–”
Pink sniffs. “Spit it out, Brown, Jesus Christ.”
“–it just looks really cute on you, you look really nice, that’s all I meant!”
You smile at him, taking a drag from your ciggy. “I know what you meant,” you giggle, “I was just messin’ with you. Thanks, babe.” He blushes at you calling him that, even though it’s just a bit of flirty banter. You do it with all of the boys; even Pink sometimes appreciates it.
Panting, you stumble down the street as quickly as you can, eyes fixed on the olive-green vehicle parked on the curb. Adrenaline rushing through your veins and a breeze rushing through your hair, you yank the car door open, jump into the back seat and, before Pink can shut it behind you, the vehicle speeds off. As Brown sends the car swerving round the corner, Mr. Pink sets the briefcase full of cash at his feet. “Nice work, you,” he comments. You go in for a high-five and (surprisingly) he obliges.
“We’re goin’ to that abandoned shack down Victoria Avenue, right?”
“Christ, Brown, who’s the fuckin’ getaway driver here?” Pink frowns, shaking his head. “Yes, it is.”
“Hey, man, chill, I’m just makin’ sure! Crimson, you did great.”
“You didn’t even see me in there!” you giggle. “Thank you though, sweetie.”
He smiles at you through the rear-view mirror and concentrates on driving. Luckily, the cops hadn’t arrived when you were fleeing the scene, and hopefully they still weren’t there. There had been a fair few prank calls from the local fuckhead teenagers lately, so it wouldn’t surprise you if they assumed it was another one of those. “Do you think we’re gonna go to Joe’s bar after?”
Pink rolls his eyes. “I think there’s more important shit to be worryin’ about in this moment in time, man. Y’know, like getting to the fuckin’ rendezvous alive? That’d be fuckin’ helpful.”
“I was only asking–”
“Ladies, ladies,” you interrupt, trying to diffuse the argument before it spirals out of control like it usually does. “Pink, stop being a miserable cunt, and Brown, focus on getting us there. We’ll find out when we get there, okay?”
“Okay,” Brown mutters. Pink gives you the side-eye and rests his cheek against his hand, sulking. You’re not offended, though; sometimes he needs to be told. Sighing, Brown takes one hand off the wheel and rolls his window down, the breeze hitting you nicely. It’s a warm morning.
As the three of you sneak into the shack, you decide to make small-talk. Not small-talk, just not heist-talk. That usually doesn’t do anyone any good; not when those two are in the same room. “You guys have any nice plans for this week? Y’know, assuming we get out alive and well?”
Brown shrugs and looks at you, his mind seemingly elsewhere. He usually daydreams, and you can usually tell, though just not what about exactly. “I was thinking of goin’ to the arcade downtown,” he finally says, staring into space, “but I got no one to go with. So I dunno.”
“That’s probably ‘cause grownup professional men don’t do childish shit like that,” Pink scoffs, his hand stuffed into his trouser pocket, presumably trying to locate his Zippo.
“Shut up, man, arcades are fun!”
“You need to lighten the fuck up, Mr. Pussy,” you smirk, and he stops fumbling around for his lighter and places his hands on his hips, looking at you offended.
“Who asked you?” he huffs, looking you up & down like a bitchy schoolgirl. You can’t help but stifle a giggle at that. Sometimes he’s so dramatic it hurts.
Mr. Brown shares a playful smile with you then digs out a candy bar from the inside pocket of his jacket. “You wanna go halfsies?”
Pink rolls his eyes at you two as you scoot over to Brown and pipes up. “I gotta take a piss, I’ll be right back.”
“What a lovely thought,” you reply, shaking your head ever-so slightly. You and Mr. Brown lean against the wall of the shack, not bothered about the mucky floor. The tip of his tongue pokes out between his lips as he unwraps the bar of chocolate and you watch him in admiration, unknowingly growing a smile.
He hands it to you for the first bite and you grin at one another as you take the first bite, the sweet chunk melting a little at the warmth of your tongue. God knows how long that bar had been in his pocket, but it still tasted good to you. Not even a minute passes and you two have demolished the snack– who could blame you? “Thanks,” you smile, looking up at him to meet his gaze and spotting a brown smudge just beside his lips. You nudge him and giggle. “You’ve got a little somethin’.”
Brown looks utterly perplexed. “What?”
Shaking your head, you lean over and wipe the chocolate off with your thumb and he watches you in complete awe. “You had chocolate on your face,” you giggle, and a grin appears on his lips as he realises.
“Oh, oops. Thanks.”
After wiping the chocolate from your thumb with a tissue (you always keep an emergency pack on you), you return your gaze onto him. His cheeks are pinker than Eddie’s when he’s laughed for ten minutes over a dumb joke. “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
“Like what?” He seems to be zoned out staring at you.
“Like that,” you say, prodding him between the eyebrows.
Before he can protest, Mr. Pink comes back from his bathroom break, cigarette between his lips and zippo in his palm. “Longest piss I ever took,” he remarks, pacing slowly in front of you both and craning his neck forward to light his smoke.
“Spare us the details,” you sigh.
Brown can’t help himself but press further. “Where’s the little boys room?”
“Eh, there isn’t one, dumbass. I just pissed in a bush outside.”
“Oh, Pink,” you shake your head. “I’m gonna go see if they’re nearby, I’ll be back in a minute.” With that, you meander over to the doorway, wooden slats letting glimpses of sunlight into the shack.
“C’mon, let’s get you home,” you sigh, Brown’s arm slung around your shoulder. His other one is around Orange’s, but he’s pretty tipsy as it is. Sure, Mr. Brown hadn’t smoked with the rest of you (except Pink, though you’re sure he sneaked out to have one at some point) but he’d had plenty to drink. And by plenty you mean not much. He’s a lightweight. “Orange, walk in a damn straight line!”
“Oh, sorry baby,” he mumbles, throwing you a salute, eyes half-lidded. He’s probably the quietest of the group; just not when he’s had a drink.
Going to Joe’s bar may not have been the smartest idea considering everybody but you and Mr. White got absolutely hammered in the span of about two hours, but you weren’t gonna complain. You had fun. “Just a few more feet, let’s go,” you urge, and you & Orange manage to drag Brown into the backseat of the getaway car. “Alright, you get in too,” you say to Orange, then motion for Pink and Blonde to join. You figured you’d save White (and Joe for that matter) from Ed & Blonde’s drunken antics.
Blonde sits slumped in the front with you and, after lots of boozy ‘goodbye’ yells, you set off to take each of them home. Over at one of the stoplights, you peek in the rear-view mirror and smile to yourself– both Pink and Brown are resting their heads on Orange’s shoulders, eyes lightly closed. For once they actually look peaceful, it’s a breath of fresh air from all the bickering you’re used to. “I ever told you how pretty you are?” Blonde asks, nudging you.
“Yes, sweetie.”
He looks lost. “Oh.”
“Just let me drive,” you chuckle, continuing your journey to his place. Your memory is a little foggy since you haven’t visited in a while but you’ve a good idea of where abouts it is. “Close your eyes for a bit, we won’t be long. Almost home now.” He mumbles an incoherent ‘mmkay’, rolls down the window a touch and rests his chin on the door. 
It doesn’t take too long to pull over at his place, a rather luxurious-looking townhome. “Here we are,” you say, tapping Blonde’s shoulder gently. He stirs but shakes his head, his eyes stubbornly closed. With a smile, you get out of the car and walk round to his side, opening his door for him. He almost falls out of the damn thing. In fact, if he would have, he’d have smacked his face on the pavement. “Come on, it’s time for bed.”
Blonde grumbles as you help him out of the vehicle but complies nevertheless. You help him stagger up to his front door, help him unlock it and help him inside. A lot of helping involved. Anyway, you manage to get him to bed (he flopped on it and almost threw up) and return to the car having locked him safely inside, of course. Honestly, these dumbasses cause you so much grief but they’re worth it.
“Where you been at, sweet thing?” Orange coos, hoisting himself forward so his head’s sticking over the front seat.
“The grocery store.”
He gasps. “Did you get any snacks?”
“No sweetheart, I didn’t buy anything,” you smile, starting the engine and pulling off once again.
It’s close to an hour later when you finally arrive at Mr. Brown’s place, a messy apartment full of endless crap. Pink was easy (but grumpy) to get to bed, Orange kept trying to run back to the car when you were doing your best to get him in his apartment complex and Brown was surprisingly quiet. You had had to support him over to the elevator, him almost keeled over, and only just managed to get him to his bathroom in time for him to throw up. Delicious.
“That’s it sweetie, get it all out your system,” you encourage, patting his back as he hurls. “Lovely, that smells lovely.”
He can’t help but giggle as you say this, spitting the remains of vomit from his mouth into the toilet. His breathing is calming now, thankfully. “You feeling okay?”
“Mhm,” he nods, staring down at the mess. 
“Alright, just–” you dab at his mouth with a tissue and help him sit upright against the bathroom wall. “–just let me flush the toilet, okay?” You do so as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve. Christ, you’re sure some of that candy bar is in the toilet right now.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetie. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he nods, tossing the bit of used tissue into the toilet. “I just don’t wanna stay here by myself tonight, I rewatched The Exorcist the other night and–”
You chuckle at his dumb antics. Typical of him to do that. “Brown, chill out. You’ll be okay. Come on, let’s get you to bed, huh?” you say soothingly.
He agrees and you give him a hand to stand up, stumbling against you to his bedroom. It’s full of movie posters, stacked up VHS tapes, peeling wallpaper and piles of clothing over the floor. “Wow, nice room,” you observe, helping him onto the bed.
“Thanks, I made it myself.”
“You made your room?” you smile, fishing a blanket from the floor and tossing it over him. “Don’t you mean you decorated it?”
Brown looks up at you, eyes narrowed in confusion. “That’s what I said!” He’s obviously still a little tipsy; it’s cute.
“Alright, alright,” you say, perching yourself on his bed. “Will you be okay if I go home now, sweetie?”
You weren’t expecting that response. “…No?”
“Can’t you stay?” He sits up as he says this, a hint of panic in his eyes. Maybe he hadn’t been joking about being too scared to stay there alone. As you pause, trying to think of a response, Brown looks at you with the eyes of a petrified child. “Sleep over? Please?”
It’s the next morning (or should I say midday?). Brown is still dozing and you’re up & about, admiring his place. It’s just what you had expected– not too clean, not too dirty. Now you think about it, you and Brown are probably the closest in the group but you’d never visited his place before. 
Lost in your thoughts, you wander to his kitchen, taking in the dirty pots & pans sitting beside his sink. There’s toast crumbs on his tiny dining table (he lives alone, why bother with a normal-sized one?) and the kitchen roll slightly unravelled. It looks as though he had attempted to wind it back up and failed horribly. That’s something to ask him about once he gets up! You grin at the thought and proceed to poke around the cupboards looking for something to eat when you hear footsteps.
You spin around, hand still on a cupboard handle. “Brown! Good morning!”
“Morning,” he smiles, rubbing his eyes. He yawns and cups his hand over his mouth. “What’cha doing there?”
“Just robbing you. I was gonna take off with these–” you squint at the box in your hand. “–these outdated pop tarts. Yum.”
A grin grows on his face despite how tired he looks from last night. “Oops,” he chuckles. “Can we do breakfast though? Please? I’m starving.”
“I don’t blame you, you must have thrown up a week’s worth of food last night,” you reply, stuffing the pop tarts back in the cupboard. “What’re you wanting to eat? I’m good with anything.”
“Pancakes? Bacon? Maple syrup?!” His eyes light up more with each suggestion.
“YES! You get the ingredients, I’ll sort out the stove.”
Brown nods and does just that, and a minute later you’re standing side-by-side in front of the saucepans. He lays a few strips of bacon down, a satisfying sizzling following it, and you take care of the pancakes. Breakfast doesn’t take long to cook. Although Brown is usually chatty (too chatty that nobody can shut him up), the two of you manage to make breakfast without having to say a word. It’s just pleasant. The kitchen lit gold from the morning sun and the just-right warmth hugging you both, not to mention the smell of the food. It’s just good company in a wonderful environment.
“Voila, bon appetit,” he grins, waving his hands around to mock Pink.
You giggle and swat at his hand. “Siddown! I’m hungry. It smells too good.”
“Wait, wait,” he says, and before you can object he vanishes out of the room. You begin cutting up a pancake anyways– he’s not the type to get offended by that shit but then again neither are you. A minute later he returns with a pathetically small tealight and a gas-lighter, setting it between yours & his breakfasts and lighting it. You can’t help but stifle a laugh.
“What the fuck is that?”
“S’a candle. It makes us look fancy.”
“If you say so,” you smile, tipping some maple syrup over your pancakes. He takes a seat and tucks in, having already drowned his own breakfast in syrup. The two of you continue to chat about the events that transpired the previous day (this mostly consists of bitching about Pink being a miserable cunt) when he suddenly looks up at the candle and then to you. “Wait… are we on a date right now?”
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molly2140 · 5 years
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Introducing Octavia Freeman 😎
Includes brief shit about my Half-Life universe.
Gordon has a twin sister, Octavia, she's approx. 4 hours younger than him if that matters haha. Their mother died during their birth (depressing as hell I know but I like the tragedy and dramatic shit), so their awesome father took it upon himself to raise his twin children the best he possibly can and give them a good life. Since Gordon can't speak, he, Octavia, and their father learned ASL in order for them all to communicate. Octavia acts as Gordon's voice and helps translate his signs for those who don't understand ASL. While growing up, Octavia becomes very defensive for Gordon, she hates when people make fun of him for not being able to speak. High school consisted of lots of fights and detentions for Octavia simply because she's defending her beloved twin. The two have a very unique bond, not only are they twins but they are best friends. Gordon has a really hard time opening up to other people, especially other girls, but he's always found it easy to confide in his sister, and Octavia is extremely supportive of him.
About a year after Gordon and Octavia graduate high school, their father falls ill and soon passes away, by then they are sharing an apartment on the university campus. Gordon is undoubtedly a genius, Octavia is quite intelligent as well, but she is studying for casual things such as photography and journalism, compared to Gordon who's clearly working for his PhD in science stuff. Soon after their father passes, Octavia finds herself taking the loss much worse than Gordon, and somewhere down the line she finds herself addicted to heroin. If Gordon wasn't home the night she finally overdosed, she would have died. During her rehabilitation and healing process, this brings the two of them closer and Gordon simply tells her that he cannot lose her, because she's the only family he has left. From that day forward, the two became even more inseparable.
Gordon and Octavia both end up at Black Mesa! Gordon obviously working in anomalous materials, whilst Octavia became the first female security guard, and she and Barney form a great friendship. Barney even tells her about his interest in Lauren, and she instantly hooks them up and everybody watches them fall in love. Octavia, like Barney, is a huge party animal, and enjoys grabbing some beers with Barney and Gordon after a long shift. Did I mention that Octavia and Barney are huge Queen fans? 😎 They will blast their music every day when they hit up the shooting range or while on lunch break. Also, Barney proposes to Lauren and Octavia was so happy when he announced it to her that she literally would not shut up about wedding plans for a whole week.
Black Mesa Incident time, yayyyy.
Octavia loses her shit when she can't find Gordon, she knew he was going in the test chamber that day, she wasn't supposed to know but he had told her anyways. She and Barney team up to fight the foreign alien creatures in order to escape Black Mesa alive. They are extremely pissed about the military simply executing any scientist or Black Mesa employee, however their highest priority is finding Gordon. Octavia and Barney get separated inside the Lambda facility, Octavia is trapped within and simply focuses on finding Gordon. She finds a portal to Zen, where she fights more of the alien creatures and soon realizes there's no way back to Earth. Suddenly the G-Man introduces himself to her, and offers her a job, she hesitates, but accepts when he tells her that he has Gordon. Together, the twins are put into stasis until their "hour has come again".
I'm not gonna get too much into the Half-Life 2 era stuff cause I'm planning on making a fan fic of it but here's some highlights and other facts about Octavia.
The land outside City 17 is fairly different, White Forest still exists, however everything is more inland and not next to the coast. The only large bodies of water are rivers and lakes. Technically City 17 is somewhere in Russia or in Soviet territory because I noticed a lot of the buildings and signs there are in Russian, but let's pretend City 17 is in the US because I want Octavia and Gordon to find their home as well as the ruins of Black Mesa. :3
City 17 has a wall around it that the Combine patrol heavily, the canals still exist but there is also underground tunnels that lie below City 17. The Combine are completely clueless of the underground tunnels, therefore Alyx uses them to help transport supplies and escort citizens to other outposts.
The Combine become aware of Gordon and Octavia's return a couple months after they arrive, unlike literally within the first day in the actual game.
Gordon and Alyx do fall in love of course. :)
Barney and Octavia fall in love too. :) Not gonna spoil shit about what happens to Lauren though I'm sure you can figure it out easily.
Eli's lab is far outside City 17, further west, so instead of it being called Black Mesa East, it's now Black Mesa West. It's actually a fairly large building that is partially submerged underground and is hidden in the trees so the Combine aren't aware of it. There's a nice open area to the south of the lab where Alyx and Dog have plenty of room to play fetch.
Since the lab is partially submerged underground, kinda like some houses where the back end is underground but the front isn't, that's literally this concept. So you can basically walk onto the roof, and that's Barney and Octavia's hang-out spot. This is also the spot where they confide in each other and talk about their tragedies, for Octavia, her heroin addiction and overdose, and for Barney, what happened to Lauren.
Oh yeah they also stole a Combine helicopter and fixed up Black Mesa style. 😎
Octavia helps Barney cope with his reoccurring nightmares over Lauren and the things he's seen working undercover, oh, and about that cat.
Barney managed to save some of the old mixtapes he and Octavia made back in the day, as well as the portable cassette player, which he rigged so it doesn't need batteries. So they constantly jam out to their favorite old tunes when hanging out or going on supply runs or hunting trips.
Octavia is definitely a night owl, Gordon is as well and they both have troubles sleeping sometimes. Gordon sometimes joins Octavia on the roof at 3am to talk some energy out in hopes of going back to sleep.
The classic desert eagle is Octavia's preferred weapon, the one she used while on security at Black Mesa. She is forever grateful that Barney managed to find and keep her prized gun after the Incident, as well as Gordon's infamous crowbar. The crowbar he still swears his life on by the way, ha.
Like Alyx, Octavia is quite fit and flexible, it's obvious they're experts at parkour. ;) If you haven't noticed, Alyx has a hoodie underneath her leather jacket with the Black Mesa logo, so I decided Octavia's shirt should have the Lambda logo with a similar color concept as seen on Gordon's HEV suit.
Octavia sometimes will go undercover with Barney to try and understand what he does every day, as well as gain more Combine information. She starts doing this soon before they confide in each other and confess their newfound love for each other. They definitely feel like they're working together again like in the old days but now forming secret crushes on each other.
Okay I'm not gonna spill too many more details without spoiling everything haha. But this is Octavia, as well as a brief explanation on my Half-Life universe. I showed my finished drawing of Octavia to my boyfriend and he swears she looks like me in real life but I don't see it other than the fact we both wear glasses and we both have our hair in ponytails all the time lol. The pose was based off of Kibbitzer's reference sheets, as mentioned before, you can find Kibbitzer's sheets on DeviantArt, their Patreon, or by simply searching it in Google. So yeah, this is my OC, Octavia Freeman, I hope you guys like her because I've put a lot of thought into her character and I've never done that with my other OCs haha. But I'm really proud of it. :)
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mcarfield · 6 years
new anon fic (yayyyy)!
Written for this prompt, because I couldn’t resist: “Our mutual friend apparently has been waiting for us to get together and so they’re very angry/disappointed/upset when they find out that the reason we kissed last night was because we were black-out drunk, but hey I actually do like you so how’s lunch sound after we’re done being hungover and can actually stand being in the sunlight?”
[omg anon you have no idea how much i love this and how delighted i was to get this giant dose of romance in my inbox! also we are on the same wavelength, i’m writing them sleepy and cuddly right now, too, so i loved reading this even more <3 yayyyyy it’s so great, thank youuuuu <333333]
On the last day of 2017, James finds himself on the balcony of Andrew’s West Village apartment, looking down at the street below and contemplating how he ended up here, in the apartment of the guy who played Spiderman and holding a joint handed to him by someone he swears was in the last Spielberg movie. 
The door behind him opens and suddenly he can hear the party going on inside; someone has put on the Talking Heads and they’ve turned it all the way up, pushing the couches aside for a dance floor.
“There you are.” James turns to see Andrew himself poking his head through the door. “Denise is looking for you.”
“I know,” James says and Andrew grins at him, glancing behind him before stepping fully outside and sliding the door shut behind him. Andrew steps closer, coming to lean against the railing, tucking his hands under his arms, and hunching his shoulders up. “She wants me to do shots.”
“That doesn’t sound like Denise,” says Andrew, regarding James dubiously.
“That’s because you’ve never seen her after being on break for a few months and about to start work again,” says James, twisting around so his back is against the railing and he’s in line with Andrew, both looking through the glass door and watching the party. 
“So no shots tonight?” Andrew asks, turning to face James, eyes dancing.
“No,” says James emphatically. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t make you to do anything you didn’t want,” says Andrew and something about his tone makes James’s face go hot despite the fact that it’s nearly negative ten degrees out. “Care to share?” he asks, gaze flickering down to the still lit joint between James’s fingers. James hold his hand out and Andrew plucks it from his fingers, raising it to his lips to take a long drag. He leans his head back, closes his eyes, and exhales slowly. James’s eyes are inexplicably drawn to Andrew’s long neck and he can’t seem to look away, at least not until Andrew opens his eyes and turns his head to face James, handing the joint back. “Thanks,” he says softly.
James just shrugs in response and takes a drag, wondering why his heart is hammering so hard when just minutes ago he had been the only kind of relaxed he ever gets when he smokes. He catches movement out of the corner of his eye, but it’s just Andrew shivering. He’s been looking at James the entire time, though studying may be a better word, and it unmoors him. 
“Christ, aren’t you cold?” he asks, pulling his own coat tighter around his body. 
“Fucking freezing,” says Andrew, his breath visible in the cold air. 
“You’re a bloody fool,” mutters James, unwrapping the scarf around his neck and coming to stand before Andrew so he can tug him closer, wrapping the scarf around his shoulders. “Why’d you come outside?”
“Keep you company,” replies Andrew before adding, “You’ll be cold,” with a pout as James adjusts the scarf around him.
“I have a coat, you twit,” says James. “I’ll be fine.”
“Such a gentleman,” says Andrew, looking at him with a soft look in his eye, so soft it makes James want to melt into him, though that might just be the weed. They stand there for a beat, just looking at each other in the eye before Andrew blinks twice and steps away. “Thank you for the scarf,” he says, his voice strange. “But it’s fucking cold out here.”
“Here, last puff for good luck,” James says, holding the joint out. Andrew’s arms are tucked under the scarf, so James brings it to his lips instead of handing it over. It’s burned down to the filter nearly and James’s fingers brush against Andrew’s lips as he inhales, looking James in the eye the whole time. “Ready to ring in 2018 now?”
“Definitely,” Andrew says, grinning at him widely. “Let’s get inside.”
The warm air from the heat and from the bodies packed into Andrew’s apartment hits them like a wall and Andrew visibly relaxes, unwrapping himself and draping the scarf around James’s neck, still holding onto the ends. 
There’s a quick moment where James thinks he’s going to pull both ends and drag James’s lips to his but it passes as quickly as it came and Andrew is dropping his hands to his side, leaving James confused over his over the unmistakable sense of disappointment that floods him.
“See you in an hour,” says Andrew with a wink and he disappears into the depths of the party before James can ask what he means. He brushes it aside, because trying to decipher what Andrew means when he sends him cryptic winks with even more cryptic words is not how James wants to spend the last hour of 2017. 
So he finds Denise and some of the new makeup team to get well and truly drunk enough to ring in the new year and to forget whatever lines he’s blurring with Andrew despite the fact that he knows better. They dance to whatever Nate puts on and he doesn’t see Andrew until approximately 11:56. He jumps a foot in the air when Andrew comes up behind him, snaking his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. 
“Hi,” James says through a laugh, twisting his head so he can look at him. 
“Hi,” says Andrew, looking blissfully relaxed.
“Enjoying your party?” asks James.
Andrew nods, gripping James’s hips so he can spin him around. They’re face to face now and just as James thinks Andrew is going to let his arms fall to his side and step back so they can hold a conversation, Andrew settles his arms around James’s waist. At first, James is unsure what to do but when he sees the look on Andrew’s face, he raises his arms to wind them around Andrew’s neck loosely. 
“I wanted to ring in the new year with my boyfriend,” says Andrew and the word sends a jolt through James; he prays Andrew didn’t feel it and it seems like he didn’t because his expression hasn’t changed, just the same playful yet calm face looking back at him. 
“Not with your friends?” asks James. Andrew looks affronted.
“You are my friend,” he says and it sends a warm feeling through James. He had known, all through the run in London and during the break when they occasionally texted, that they were more than just colleagues or costars. But there’s something in the tenderly earnest expression on Andrew’s face that gives him pause. “In fact…I’d say you’re one of my closest friends. And—“
“One minute!” comes someone’s voice across the room and Andrew’s head snaps to look across the room. James moves to untangle himself from Andrew.
“Go find your New Year’s kiss,” James says, taking a step back. Andrew frowns at him, like he’s thinking very hard all of the sudden, working through his options. He tilts his head to the side. James glances at the clock behind Andrew. There’s thirty seconds to midnight and Andrew shows no signs of moving. 
“James…” mimics Andrew, lips curling upwards. “I don’t need a New Year’s kiss.”
“Stupid tradition, after all,” says James, suddenly feeling rather winded.
“I agree,” Andrew says, except then everybody is counting down and just before midnight, Andrew steps forward and brushes his lips against James’s, soft and quick. “There. Starting the New Year off right.” 
Everyone around them is celebrating, kissing and hugging everyone else, except James finds himself pulled forward like the opposite end of a magnet, his hand cupping the back of Andrew’s neck so he can pull his lips back to his. Andrew is frozen against him and James breaks away, an apology ready on his tongue, except Andrew chases his lips and they’re kissing again, except for real this time, and Andrew’s arms are tightening around James and James feels as though the sound around them is muted as Andrew moves his lips against his effortlessly. He buries his hand in Andrew’s hair, drawing a muffled moan from Andrew that serves to wake them up. 
When they move away, James catches sight of the clock. Barely a minute has passed yet he feels like he’s lost his footing completely in that minute. 
“Happy New Year, James,” says Andrew and James is at least grateful that he sounds as dazed as James feels. Andrew pats James’s cheek softly and grins slowly at him. “See you later.” And he melts back into the party around him again. James turns, swallows hard, and makes a beeline for the bar. 
The next time he sees Andrew is around five am, when the majority of the party has dispersed and only his closest friends and a couple members of the Angels cast remain. Denise is curled up on the couch with a friend of Andrew’s, Nate is making eggs in the kitchen with someone James doesn’t recognize, and Susan and Andrew are playing cards on the floor beside the couch. 
“Good New Year?” asks Denise when James comes to take Andrew’s friend’s spot on the couch beside her, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch, eyes closed. He hums his assent and nods half-heartedly. 
“Probably his best yet,” says Susan from the floor. Andrew glances up to look at them and James raises his head to send her a quizzical look. “Given all that…” She waves her hand vaguely. 
“Given what?” asks James and Denise snorts.
“I’d say we all might be more excited than you about it,” she says with a smirk. Nate lets out a chuckle from the kitchen.
“I’m not following,” James says, unsure if it’s because he’s in that twilight transition between being high and being sober or if it’s because they really are making no sense.
“I mean you two,” says Susan, gesturing at Andrew. 
“Sorry?” Andrew says, frowning deeply. Susan rolls her eyes.
“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you, darling,” she says fondly. 
“I wasn’t aware I was playing dumb,” he mutters.
“Given that you two stopped tiptoeing around it and got together,” says Denise, taking pity on them both. Andrew’s gaze darts to James, his eyes wide and startled, but he looks away before James can even react, looking down.
“We’re not,” says James, coughing into his hand and feeling his neck heat up, the red spreading from his cheeks to his ears. 
“Oh,” says Susan, looking contemplative.
“No way,” Denise says, pulling a pout.
“What?” asks James defensively, tucking his chin against his chest.
“No way do you two kiss at midnight on New Years and act like it means nothing,” she says heatedly and if he weren’t so disconcerted, he’d laugh at the comically stormy look on her face. 
“We’re friends,” says Andrew, his voice small and James won’t look at him, he won’t. 
“‘Friends,’” Denise scoffs. 
“I was drunk, he plays my boyfriend,” says James with a shrug, hoping he sounds less overwhelmed than he feels. 
Denise looks between them, looking astonished and incredulous all at once. “Men,” she says impatiently before shaking her head and pulling herself off the couch so she can go join Nate in the kitchen. Susan lets out a little laugh before getting to her feet too. She leans down to kiss Andrew’s cheek and whispers something in his ear that James can’t catch. Whatever it is, it leaves Andrew looking stricken.
Then just like that, they’re alone in the living room. 
“Want to go get breakfast?” asks Andrew suddenly, breaking the silence. James turns to face him, unable to wipe the confounded look from his face.
“It’s five am, Andrew,” says James and once more, he really feels that it’s five am. He hasn’t stayed up after a party like this in what feels like an age and suddenly all he wants is to be curled up in his own bed sixty blocks north. Andrew shifts closer so he’s leaning against the couch and he’s looking up from James, chin resting on James’s knee. 
“Then go home and take a nap,” says Andrew. “And meet me for breakfast later.”
“Rain check?” says James against his own wishes. He feels weary with it all. It doesn’t help that Andrew doesn’t mask the flash of disappointment that flits across his features, like James has just dealt him a catastrophic blow. It almost makes him want to take it back, to lift Andrew into his arms and kiss him until that look disappears. 
The thought takes James by surprise. He recognizes—vaguely—that he was the one that kissed Andrew five hours earlier and that it wasn’t the first time that he thought about kissing him. But those thoughts only arise when he’s high or drunk or both and they’re always unbidden. He’s never given them much thought. This play, Tony’s words, they’re intoxicating and James knows better than to let them completely take control. So he gives Andrew an apologetic smile and ruffles his hair for good measure. 
Except then Andrew goes and says, “So get breakfast with me another day. Any day.”
“I’m not stupid,” says Andrew, straightening and coming to sit on the couch, a respectable distance from James. “I’m not.”
“I know,” says James. “I never thought you were.”
“Good,” says Andrew. “I’m not naive either. Or maybe I am, but I know it’s not in my head. And I know you’re rationalizing it right now. But you kissed me, James. I know you’re telling yourself it’s because we’re just close friends and comfortable with each other and that it’s the play confusing us and you were drunk or high or whatever. I know you well enough to know that you’re trying to make it seem like it wasn’t anything, just a slip. But I also know you well enough to know you’re not that idiotic and even you can’t pretend that this isn’t something.
“The fact of the matter is,” says Andrew pensively, like he hasn’t just dropped a bomb right in James’s lap. “I’m not straight. And I don’t think it’s the play telling me that. And I have come to the realization that I quite like kissing you and I’d like to do it some more. Preferably offstage. Alone. So after you wipe that adorable thunder-struck look on your face, realize you want this too and we’re both at least marginally less hungover, come get breakfast with me. Or lunch, or dinner. Go on a date with me, James McArdle. And for once in your life, don’t overthink it.”
“You really don’t miss a beat, do you?” says James, amused. Andrew shakes his head. “You’re just…You just say those things and…“
“You weren’t ever going to say it,” says Andrew with a shrug. “I took it upon myself.”
“That you did,” says James, exhaling slowly. “It’s just…There’s so much to think about. There’s the play starting soon, and you’re a fucking movie star. We can’t just…do a test drive.”
“Why not?” asks Andrew, catching his lip between his teeth as he looks at James and bringing his hand to rest on James’s thigh. “I’m very good at sneaking.”
“But previews start in a few weeks and we can’t fuck this, Andrew, it’s New York and Angels and we can’t—“
“Shut up a minute about the play,” says Andrew. “What do you want? Do you want to go on a date with me? Don’t think—“
“Fine, yes,” James snaps finally, interrupting Andrew before he can really think. “All right? I do.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” says Andrew, a smile growing. He moves an inch towards James so he’s pressed to James’s side and he looks at him hesitantly, like he’s asking a question. James isn’t sure what the question is, but he nods anyway and Andrew moves closer again, brushing his nose against James’s, and it makes James inhale sharply. Andrew smiles again at his reaction and takes that as his cue, slanting his lips over James’s. 
And all the tension leaves James’s body and he forces himself to think only of this feeling, of having Andrew tucked into his side and his soft lips against his. His hand comes up Andrew’s back, coming to rest at the back of his neck so he can pull him closer and Andrew responds by bringing his legs up to rest across James’s. Andrew’s body is warm and pliant against him, sending a wave of unbridled joy and contentment through James. They’re both too tired for anything but this slow and blissful kissing and Andrew smiles lazily when he pulls away, resting his head against James’s forehead. 
“I’m going to kick everyone from the apartment,” says Andrew, though he doesn’t move to do so. “And you’re going to have the best goddamn nap of your life, James McArdle.” James chuckles against him, running his thumb across Andrew’s jaw. 
“Show me the way,” says James, gesturing with his arm and Andrew grins at him languidly, swinging his legs off the couch and extending his hand for James to take, which he does. They duck quietly past the last dregs of the party into Andrew’s bedroom and Andrew guides him over to the bed, kicking off his shoes before curling into the blankets.
James hesitates for a moment, watching as Andrew lets his eyes fall shut, head nestled into the pillows, and he glances to the space beside him. When he doesn’t move, Andrew cracks an eye open to look at James. He pats the space beside him and looks at James imploringly. It works. 
James toes off his shoes and doesn’t bother to strip himself of his clothes, too fatigued to do anything but lie beside Andrew. Andrew, unsurprisingly, reacts instantly and closes the space between them, throwing an arm over James’s abdomen and a leg across his. He pulls James closer so that he’s wrapped fully around him and James falls asleep quicker than he has in months.
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