#but at the very least have a look at r/piracy
dopaminerjic · 2 years
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me when i love malware and viruses and collecting them on my personal computer
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elliewiltarwyn · 2 months
Elilgeim "Ellie" Wiltarwyn
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Name: Elilgeim Wiltarwyn
Nicknames: 'Geim by childhood friends; Ellie by Mia at the end of ARR and by everyone (or at least those she knows) halfway through HW; El by her partners
Age: 24 in ARR, hc'ing that it's four years to the end of 6.0 and then another year or so to 6.55 -- so at present, 29ish
Nameday: 9th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn
Gender: (trans) female
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Conjurers' Guild member, then Warrior of Light; would probably still be a conjurer, or scholar or even a writer in non-WoL AUs
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Red, usually shoulder-length when down, but in a ponytail most of the time. She usually brushes it until it's silky and clean, but recently somebody *coughdefinitelynot@oneiroycough* mussed it into a really messy kinda-butch look and she's found herself really liking it :V
Eyes: sort of the same slightly-cool blue as the tumblr dashboard you're probably reading this on >.>
Skin: Seafoam green-ish
Tattoos/scars: Slightly-pale red streak across her cheekbones and nose. Plenty of scars, one light one over her eye from Pearl Lane and more all over her torso; Zenos gave her the two biggest ones, one on her side at Rhalgr's Reach and one directly in the middle of her chest in Ultima Thule.
Parents: Father was Wiltitar, a retired Storm Captain, most well-known for retiring from and renouncing piracy and throwing his support behind Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn's Galadion Accord; met an untimely end in an alleyway mugging. (This does mean her surname should be Wiltitarwyn, and there's no good in-universe reason it's not. >.>) Mother is Keltbryda, a renowned and well-loved physician who mysteriously vanished, thought dead. Near the end of EW... Ellie discovers she was actually summoned to Sharlayan to lend her skills to the ark project. They definitely have a very normal conversation about this.
Siblings: None by blood, but she does have a childhood friend from school that she considers a sister this friend does not exist yet beyond that concept
Grandparents: A little too far back for me to think about >.>
In-laws and Other: None, really, because...by the time she marries her partners, none of their blood families are in their lives anymore either >.> (technically I think Lily's family is still alive, mom and nunh and two younger sisters, but she hasn't seen them in years)
Pets: Fat Cat is definitely canon, although I haven't figured out its name yet. also debating whether Rudy photobombing their holiday photos and stealing her nameday cake is canon and he just lives with them now.
Abilities: Surprisingly in tune with the elementals of Gridania (though not enough to be necessarily okay with them) and thus fairly skilled at white magic/conjury. After a Very Certain Event in HW, she picks up a claymore and learns how to swing a greatsword and becomes even more in tune with her inner darkness. She picks up the reaper arts for EW, then post-EW drops them and learns martial arts from Lyse and her contacts in the Fists of Rhalgr.
Hobbies: Reading and studying, training, picks up sailing and fishing after EW.
Most Positive Trait: An extremely strong and confident sense of justice/conviction of what's right and wrong.
Most Negative Trait: Gets tunnel vision frequently and is quick to leap to the most direct solution, no matter how unfeasible or unwise.
Colors: Red red red red red almost all the way up and down lol, and black for accents. Blue's a close runner-up, though.
Smells: the coast of Vylbrand, the steel of bloodied armor, coffee
Textures: Aetherwoven robes and corrugated steel; calloused hands and rough skin; surprisingly soft almost-silky hair
Drinks: Coffee, either pitch black or very specifically a spoonful of milk and one sugar cube
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: She did occasionally during the period of her life she spent on Pearl Lane, and will maybe take one if offered in the present, but she doesn't of her own accord anymore.
Drinks: Nope, even before the events of MSQ she did not have a great tolerance; after the multiple attempted poisonings (and as the one who was specifically blamed at the bloody banquet) she swears it off entirely.
Drugs: Not of her own accord again, but she will if offered recreationally.
Mount Issuance: Her red chocobo named Typhoon; she also uses the Garlond GL-II on loan from the Ironworks as long as she doesn't crash it. She's come close a couple of times.
Been Arrested: Likely a few times when in Pearl Lane, then less so as she got better about avoiding them, but not since becoming a conjurer.
thanks for the tag @oneiroy!! I'm not sure who all's done this so uh forgive the double-tag if it is one, but I will tag... @eidingate @amons-hat-enthusiast @idalenn @starrysnowdrop @akirakirxaa, and of course you 🫵 if this strikes your fancy!
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kyokosasagawa · 2 years
hey, hey vn fandom
The Fuwanovel forums are trying to become active again.
For those who don’t know, Fuwanovel is actually the site the VN fandom would go to in order to get their content, their reviews, everything. They even used to host content such as DMMD and Fate Stay/Night.
Nowadays, it doesn’t really encourage piracy anymore, but it’s trying its best to become a community again. This month they initiated a goal to increase the activity levels so that we all can have a place to talk about VNs.
“But Reddit exists” Nothing’s going to replace /r/otomegames, but at the very least there’s a chance this might replace /r/visualnovels and all it’s incredulous  modding issue and shenanigans.
“But discord---” look me in the eye and tell me you aren’t exhausted of irl time chats. Look me in the eye. Just let the positive aspect of a forum, where you can type out a long passionate  post and not have it dismissed in two seconds because someone started spamming emojis, wash over you. Let it sink in.
If you’re at all interested in visual novels, I recommend checking it out! Maybe we can help revive an old source of fandom history.
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matt-does-stuff · 2 years
What mutations I think the (playable) assassins and templars would have
I got X-Men brainrot but remembered AC exists, so here’s my list on which Assassins/Templars as mutants and what their abilities would be Desmond Miles - Guy sees dead people for a living - I think he’d have some ParaNorman shit going on - Explains the incredibly vivid bleeding effect pretty well imo - He most likely needs to seek help for it but you know what it’s like being a fugitive from Templars
Altar Ibn-La’Ahad: - His mutation prevents him from touching water - I imagine him having some enhanced strength, maybe even a light healing factor (I’m sorry homie survived bleeding out) - Definitely has a higher pain tolerance than most (we already knew that)
Ezio Auditore: - Definitely an empath of some kind - Like to the point where he himself gets upset (more than he does canonically) if someone’s in distress, and can immediately tell something’s wrong with no indication - Heightened agility and endurance - I will not be elaborating, you saw how many years he lasted as an Assassin
Edward Kenway: - This man’s mutation would be some shit like attraction to metals or something, given his luxurious life after retiring from piracy, and his want for wealth - That man sniffed out enough money to live in a mansion in London - Also I think he’d have a stronger resistance to alcohol, so he has to drink more to get drunk, but also won’t get alcohol poisoning so easily
Haytham Kenway: - This man has some telepathy, at least to sway people’s opinions - He can’t control it all too well, it just happens - Hence he easily gains the trust or affections of a lot of people - There are some people who would be more resilient to his persuasion, he can’t really do anything about it
Connor: - My guy literally feels the wellbeing of the p l a n e t - Like he will tell you how the plants are feeling or some bs like that - Idk but I feel he’d be able to predict natural disasters
Shay Cormac - I feel like this is a copout but this guy’s luck is 10 (fallout perk measurement) - Either that or he can literally manipulate reality in his favour - Like how tf do you think he caught Charles Dorian exactly when he was alone and looking for his son - And no one even batted an eye until he collapsed AFTER Shay had already left
Arno Dorian - Arno would be able to detect people’s life signs from a certain radius - I’m literally putting sense to the eagle vision through walls thing by saying he can feel them - Like he could tell if someone was sick, dying, actually alive (if perceived dead), etcetera - I feel like he gets incredibly sad when an innocent person dies
Jacob Frye - Invulnerability, or at least a heightened resistance to injury - You could throw this man from a 10-story building - Trust me he’ll live - He’s very emotional though - You see all that physical resilience? - It’s to make up for his lack of emotional resilience - You’ve seen him get upset - I’m right and you know it
Evie Frye - Channelling Ozymandias - If you’ve seen/read Watchmen you know what I mean - This woman would have a VERY heightened intellect - That doesn’t make her immune to stupidity - She’s just smarter than e v e r y o n e - I don’t make the rules
I haven’t played any of the others, so you’re not getting them Get noobed (jk I’ll update this once I get around to playing them)
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lokislytherin · 1 year
2, 13, 20 for the writing ask game!
HELLO LULU it's been a while since we talked! the good ol' tog days lmao thank you for the ask!!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
this is a funny question for me bc it depends on the number of chapters + spontaneity? if i start the au on a whim i don't plan for it and it comes back to bite me in the ass because i run out of things to write about / forget about the order of things... when it comes to fics i've wanted to write for A Significant While i make sure to have at least a 1 sentence summary for every single chapter so that i know where i'm going at the very least, and if it's a fanfic + heavily canon compliant i'll probably make a bullet point plan for every chapter so that i know what to reference and how to deal with it
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
idk if this counts as common but if you can Hear the character saying that thing or See the character doing that thing you're probably characterizing them correctly. idk if you get it i can't really explain it but if you write something, reread it, and go "wow i think i was possessed by the character" you Know you're doing p good
(sonny brisko lives in my head rent free... when i write him he literally tells me what to write... i can hear his voice in my head... i'm not going insane i swear)
not necessarily a writing tip but when it comes to fanfiction i find writing incorrect quotes a good way to understand character dynamics! if it looks real but it's not real then that's definitely good
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
c r i m e
im not even kidding i've written 46 fics on ao3 so far and like 2/3 of them have characters breaking at least 1 law, ranging from piracy to flat out murder... i have a handful of detective fics (at least one per fandom) so i guess that's kind of why
on a slightly lighter note i have a tendency to wax poetic when i do introspection? i would say i tend to write in a style that matches the character (e.g sentence length, word choices, swearing, etc) but most of the characters i write kinda vibe the same... the pattern for Kinnable Writing Characters = moon vibe characters yk? like sun&moon dynamics like hell yeah. did you just realize your best friend brightens up your life and makes you feel happier than you've ever been in your life
hope you're doing well lulu! have a nice day!
here's the link to the question list if anybody else is interested!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1064 - Initial Thoughts
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And we return
It would seem that Oda's opted to dual-wield this Vegapunk arc to catch up with Law a bit. There is some fear in the air, but let us see what develops
Honestly I've already been spoiled on 2 things yesterday from someone uploading raw scans without hiding it via 'keep reading' or using the spoiler tag, do better. It's as easy as this
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release Also
I guess the cover story has a different time frame since Augur was the one who accompanied Aokiji to Whole Cake Island to capture Pudding
At the very least Aokiji is looking good in the outfit, though I did like his drifter look
We go straight into Law vs Blackbeard as Law orders his crew to look after the ship
Law's quick to used his Awakened moves, R-Room slices Stronger horizontally so negate the wings, much to Blackbeard's shock
Blackbeard though continues to be effective with Whitebeard's old fruit, his shockwaves even send pressure to the floor below
Ah the exploding apples came back
Shachi used Water Gun!?
Alright Heart Pirates I see you, seems Law's crew are like Fish-Men in that they're versed in aquatic combat
As the crew take aim at Blackbeard's ship, Bepo uses his hearing to warn Jean Bart of Augur's sniping
Bart's finally getting used, providing the density to tank Augur's bullets as Law prepares K-Room
Shock Wille to Blackbeard really does a number because of the Damage Stack, he's even KO'd for a bit (reminder this took Big Mom down a bit too)
Augur warps to Teach so he doesn't fall into water, he suggests returning to the ship but Blackbeard ain't leaving empty handed
Law does make a point on how having a bunch of DF commanders can be risky, but Teach - reminder that he seems very versed in Devil Fruit lore - says the risks are worth the reward
As the Heart Pirates assault Blackbeard's ship from below, we go into the prisons to see Pudding
She's at the very least not frightened, her third eye is on display as well. Though the Big Mom alive status is still a question mark, Pudding believes she'll be back but others believe Big Mom's dead
Blackbeard looks to whip out his Dark-Dark Fruit powers, likely to negate Law's fruit, but we don't see the rest because we cut to Akainu
As he gets reports on Teach and Law's fight he laments the difficulties of being Fleet Admiral. Man isn't really the type to want to sit by and do nothing after all, though if he was with the Gorosei he'd be Lulusia-ing that island so probably for the best
Back to Luffy's group, the Police Pacifista has stopped its assault, thanks to Bonney's fruit changing their ages
70 Year Old Luffy looks more out of the bad timeline (I know that one is 60 years old but he does look a bit older than that) than the good one where he ages like Garp, Chopper doesn't look like either timeline since he's just frail. Bonney and Jinbe were put into kid form
Both Luffy and Jinbe do have valid points about Bonney's reaction to the Pacifista though
Jinbe goes further into talking about what he knows about Kuma's past, one Bonney's ellipses does imply to be falsified, according to him Kuma was a tyrant of the Sorbet Kingdom who was deposed by his people and turned to piracy
When he was caught and revealed to be a Revolutionary, he agreed to become a Warlord to serve his sentence, as long as he also submitted to Vegapunk's body modifications and cloning
Bonney does make a point in refuting that Kuma'd agree to become a mindless cyborg, and from the vibe we get from Kuma we have to agree
Bonney, having picked up a laser sword, also lashes out at the 'tyrant' part, noting how Kuma hated the government and must've been coerced - we better be getting that flashback
Turns out that Luffy and co are in Vegapunk's scrapyard, a place for all the rejected inventions
Since Kuma's mindless, Bonney claims that Vegapunk is no different to a murderer, and even though Vegapunk is apparently from a 'special race', it doesn't justify their actions
Still though, the ass shot is unnecessary, I mean it's a nice ass but still, time and place
Luffy and co got changed back to their normal ages too btw
Our next section is with the rest of the crew as Lilith rockets up to the skies
The rest of the crew get a look at Egghead from above, but they're going straight to the research lab in the skies
Punk Records is clearly written inside the giant egg, wonder if it's relevant
Lilith seems to know of Luffy's activities down below too, is there a hive going on or just comms?
Zoro and Brook decide to stay on the ship, which is odd since Zoro had that request
Franky is loving all this though, and even gets to experience Skypeia's island clouds, which Vegapunk can manufacture
Before entering Lab 0, it's time for some new threads
Okay so, like the boys' outfits, even Franky because he's got the Star Trek glasses but his hair will be mistaken for his eyes, but again can the women wear something that's not basically underwear? A skirt or just a jumpsuit like Lilith's wearing would've worked
That being said Robin back in the leather jacket is a plus, it's just the lower half I'm griping about, would've gone full leggings with Robin and a skirt for Nami (and the short shorts for Bonney as I mentioned last time)
Sanji how can you know what Aloha means there is no Hawaii...
Shaka meanwhile is on the phone, noting how he expects to be assassinated soon
But it turns out he's talking to Dragon, which is where Oda drops a break
So unfortunately, the Dragon cliffhanger was one of the things I was spoiled on, along with the Pudding appearance, but it does invite the idea that there is indeed a Revolutionary Vegapunk, and it seems it's likely Shaka.
Oda this time split his story into 3 mini bits where he's enticed us on each part. He's made a lot of effort now to show that Law's crew are able to hold their own - some satisfaction must come out of him after all the memes made - which is pretty impressive. I still don't think they'll win, with the fact that Burgess has gone quiet and we don't know what other Blackbeard crew members are present, heck we didn't even see Coby even though he's apparently a prisoner too.
With Luffy's group we're getting the Kuma lore and Bonney has won Luffy to her side for now, but it does lead to wonder if they'll find the Stella and learn new information. Seeing bad timeline Luffy at 70 is a bit worrisome but I guess you can't judge anything with Bonney's power, interesting though that she can bypass Pacifista by changing her age. We will need to get that Kuma flashback though to learn the truth, since it's clear all won't be what it seems.
And on the rest of the crew we're involving a Vinsmoke, two inventors, a weather manipulator via one of these inventions and a Revolutionary to meet with Shaka, who seems to be tied to the Revolutionaries and the Straw Hats too. I wouldn't put it past Oda to use this as a platform for both upgrades and MADS lore for Sanji. It's a shame Zoro and Brook are sitting out, I guess the Vegapunk threads wouldn't work for them, but someone will have to watch the ship. Once again though, the women outfit choices to have them all in underwear is irksome, I don't care if it's a 'battle suit' it just feels unrealistic, especially since no other inhabitants we've seen have this fashion. I dunno maybe Oda will change the outfits for when a fight occurs but it just seems a little too skimpy for the scenario.
But it was still a good chapter, maybe not as good as some previous but Oda does seem to be cooking something for 1065, he likes his round numbers after all. But we'll have to wait until after the break.
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cungader0 · 10 months
following up my post abt the tf2 mercs and what nfl team they’d root for, i present to you: overwatch characters and the nfl team they’d root for
ana: for whatever reason, reinhardt is really into football so she watches it with him on occasion and roots for whomever he’s rooting for
bap: i feel like he’d be really into the spirit and the vibe of the kc chiefs? like, they’re loud and they win a lot and he’d be drawn to the comradeship the fanbase has
brig: she’s partial to any team with a cat mascot! if the bengals, panthers, jags, or lions do well, she’s a happy camper :) also watches the thanksgiving lions game every year w torb and rein
illari: ohhhh i feel like she’d enjoy the chargers, especially since they’ve been doing better as of late. she enjoys the stadium and she loves the colors and the motifs and it’s all just very,,, yes.
kiri: she thinks football is stupid probably but if she absolutely had to pick a team i feel like she’d like the eagles bc boy do they know how to go fuckin apeshit
lucio: he is SOOOOOO a jags fan!!! i think he’d take one look at the chaotic energy of the crowd and the stadium and all its wacky amenities and be like damn!!! looks like a good time!!
mercy: she’s a commanders fan bc that j sounds nice! everyone should just have fun okay <3 lower maintenance fanbase for the win bc it makes her the Least Stressed and she needs a mf break
moira: steelers fan because she’s the worst </3 jkjk i think if she had to pick (and she’d sigh and groan at the question bc it’s stupid does she look like someone who watches espn to you?) she’d pick the ravens
weaver: my man weaver is a fan of a 49ers. i could not tell you why i think this, i just do. it makes sense to me. i feel like their good track record helps this cause lol
zen: oh hes gotta be a bengals fan. friendliest fan base? that’s all u had to say, he’s all in. whodey.
ashe: she’s legally obligated to be a cowboys fan despite her current residence in arizona. she was def born and raised a cowboys fan and runs deep in her psyche to this day
bastion: i’m honestly not even sure he would understand football or the appeal so i’m gonna say he roots for whoever is favored to lose—loves an underdog story!
cassidy: also a cowboys fan! this is purely coincidental though bc apparently the cowboys r just the most popular team in nm so yk. they’re twinning omgg
echo: since echo learned most of her social cues and mannerisms from cole after mina died, echo tends to be partial to whomever cole is partial to
genji: packers, always fights with hanzo over this
hanzo: bears, always fights with genji over this
junk: steelers LMFAO he’d be so into the ratty ass fanbase i can just feel it. he would fit right in
mei: she likes the cardinals because look at the cute little bird! such a lovely mascot, don’t you think?
pharah: JETS BABY ITS ALL ABOUT THE NEW YORK JETS PEW PEW PEW also i just feel like she’d be so at home in new york like no one takes shit from anybody everyone is blunt it’s just perfect for her
reaper: technically he’s a rams fan but you would never know it because he owns no merch but is surprisingly enthusiastic if asked about it (but then again, you’d have to know to ask in the first place)
sojourn: watches the cfl instead, but if forced to pick? maybe the bills? just because of proximity?
soldier: APPARENTLY HES FROM BLOOMINGTON???? which makes him a COLTS FAN????? this is rocking my world oh my god i need to sit down
sombra: i feel like she could be a raiders fan? something something piracy something something hacking something something you get the idea. plus bonus points for being close proximity wise to the southern border
sym: first of all she’d spit on you for even deigning to ask her if she delighted in the rituals of american football, but second of all, she only knows one team and it’s the 49ers just because that’s who weaver would mention offhandedly when they were roommates
torb: he likes the vikings because he thinks they just look really cool and the stadium is neat. he’s a simple guy what can i say.
tracer: okay stick with me here—i think she’d be a dolphins fan. she knows nothing about football but likes the animal mascots and the uniforms and thinks it’s funny to watch the grown men run around in matchy matchy little outfits. doesn’t really care all that much at the end of the day
widow: saints fan because she’s french, but would probably also spit on you if you asked for the same reasons sym would.
dva: she is sooooo a seahawks chick the uniforms are so cute and the team is so cool and it reminds her a lot of the esports teams she’s encountered in her day?? for some reason?? it’s about the vibes tbh
doomfist: he’s a falcons fan i can feel it in my BONES. GOd.
jq: unlike rat she has taste and would never lay eyes on a team like the steelers so she’s a giants fan; would also fit in spectacularly well in new york so there’s bonus points for that :]
orisa: she loves a dedicated fanbase and she thought the mascot was too damn cute and it reminded her of her own dog so she’s a cleveland browns fan. also likes the texans because the mascot looks like her!!!
ram: do i have to say it. do i. (he’s a rams fan).
rein: he is a ride or die man. his team could be absolute dogass for thirty years and he’d still show up to every home game and cheer like no one’s business. he’s gotta be a bengals fan
roadhog: enables rat’s steelers fandom
sigma: he’s a broncos fan because i feel like he’d visit denver and it would remind him of home despite being in the states and he’d acquire some unreasonable lowkey deranged emotional attachment to the city and therefore the team bc he’s just sentimental like that fr
winton: he has the aura of a good, proper raised southern boy and for that i feel like he could be a titans fan? idk. not too sure abt this one but nothing else fits as well
ball: hampter is a buccs fan because he’s a little shit who loves starting shit. what more is there to it?
zarya: she’s got a thing for the patriots bc while tom brady was still doing tom brady she’d look at him and be like HA i could do so much more than this puny man. put me in coach. i will crush the opposition. basically only a fan bc she thinks brady is lame and she would’ve been a better qb for the team LMAO
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Magicam Live
Vil’s guest is a pest. Contains coarse language, people being catty bitches, and more telling than showing.
You want more, check my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag. If you liked it, let me know!
Transcript of Last Week's Magicam Live From *schoenheit_official
Vil: Hello my dearest fans! As promised, I will be showing off my newest capsule makeup collection, to be released this Monday exclusively at Feathersweep Cosmetics. However, due to high demand, instead of simply demonstrating on myself, I thought I would show that anyone could be half as beautiful as me with these!
[He holds a hand out to the side.]
V: Please welcome my fellow student at Night's Raven College, Yuu.
Yuu: Yo.
[A girl with short, dark hair and tired eyes sits down beside him. Spotty and plump, with a notable double chin. She's notably underdressed, compared to Vil.]
Y: I am she. I'm *donegotisekaid, if you haven't seen yet. Full of genuine memes from another universe, as well as me figuring this place out, and pictures of my not-cat.
V: She's simply been begging me for a makeover!
Y: He asked me if I'd do it, actually.
[Vil stops and takes a deep breath, clearly irritated.]
V: Yes, well. You've prepared?
Y: I scrubbed my face real good and managed to leave most of my pimples alone, if that's what you mean.
[Vil sighs]
V: As much as you're capable of, clearly. We'll start with the primer.
Y: [with a smile] Didn't you already give me one on how to act in this?
[Vil pinched the bridge of his nose, regret pouring from every cell in his body.]
V: Just lie back and be quiet until I'm done with you.
[Yuu looks at the camera, but says nothing. There's an audible snicker from behind the camera.]
[There are a few quiet minutes where Vil prepares her face, before selecting a foundation.]
V: So, is there a reason you don't wear makeup? You could look quite nice with it.
Y: Few reasons. It's a lot of effort, and I tire easily. I don't really like the feel of it on my face, and I tend to touch my face a lot anyways, so it doesn't last. It's a lot of money, and I break out very easily.
V: I can see that. Don't you use face wash?
Y: You should have seen me when I did use it! Much worse.
V: Ugh. I'll give you something later. And none of these have a good tone for you.
Y: Just pick the closest! I'll end up wrecking it by a few hours from now anyways.
[Vil rolled his eyes.]
V: Rook, any questions from the chat?
[A familiar accented voice from offscreen]
Rook: *stellargems wants to know how Yuu found herself at NRC.
Y: Transdimensional bullshit. I'm here until we figure out how I can get home. It's not bad, I don't miss it much.
V: Yuu even has her own dorm so she doesn't have to bother anyone.
Y: Not that it stops me.
V: [sotto voce] Don't we all know.
Y: If they kept you in a building with four usable rooms total and no electricity, you'd be out and about too. At least the ghosts there are really nice and help me out.
V: Do you kiss these ones too, or was that a one time thing?
Y: If I hadn't kissed her we'd be down a student and you and half the people I hang out with would be paralyzed, so don't make fun.
[Vil stops to regard the camera.]
V: To clarify, there was an incident with a ghost princess causing a lot of trouble at the school a few months ago. Yuu decided to kiss her to fix everything, because she's both stupid and deeply strange.
Y: It was really fun until I started dying.
V: All her blood was on the outside. It was disgusting.
Y: It did work though!
V: Keep telling yourself that, you didn't kiss the one you really wanted to.
[Yuu gives him the finger, and Vil shoves her hand down.]
R: *vilpleasefathermychildren asks-
[Yuu sputters with laughter. Vil just winks at the camera with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.]
R: They want to know if there'll be a coupon code for the new release.
V: There will! It'll be released via the official fanclub email Sunday night.
Y: It'll be a whole three percent off and you have to pay to access it.
V: Stop that.
Y: [sweetly] No.
Rook: *getterbackback wants to know what your shirt says?
Y: Yeah, hold on.
[She stands and pulls the shirt out to be seen better. It says in large letters, I'M CUTE AND I BITE]
Y: You can do one yourself if you take a dark shirt, tape the parts you want covered, and scorch the area around it with diluted bleach. I've done a few of these, a few designs more than once.
V: Destroyed them?
Y: Nah, Lil wants at least one of every one I do.
V: [to the camera] That would be our fellow student Lilia Vanrouge, from Diasomnia.
Y: He's pretty great. He's *elderbatbrat if you want to look him up.
V: Sit back down so I can figure out which blush to use.
Y: Pinks and corals work best for my skin tone.
V: I thought you didn't wear makeup?
Y: Why do you think I know wearing it tires me out? It's not something I ever did a lot because of the effort.
Y: Except for highlighter. it's basically sparkles and it's light, so I like that.
V: You remember that, but not your proper name?
Y: Ain't life grand.
R: I'm getting several questions about that. Would you care to elabourate for the chat?
Y: Yeah. I don't remember a lot about where I'm from. Culturally? Lots. What I like? What I don't like? Everything. Names and places specific to who I was? No. And don't ask me to think about it too hard, I get the worst fucking headache and I stop seeing right.
V: You've never seen right in your life.
Y: Oh, fuck off, Vil.
[Vil stops blushing one cheek to point.]
V: Stop that.
[Yuu responds by biting at his finger with an audible click when her teeth meet, laughing hysterically as Vil pulls back in shock.]
V: !!! Dreadful little monster!
Y: Yeah, but you're the one who thought you'd get more views if I was here.
R: We indeed just surged another 20,000 views and counting! Excellent work, Yuu.
Y: Thank you, Rook.
[Vil looks ready to explode.]
Y: I won't bite again, that was just too easy. Please continue, I do want to see what magic you can do.
V: This is regular makeup.
Y: Metaphorically, you jackass. 
R: *rosemassacre wants to know if you're always like this.
V: She's always this horrible.
Y: Vil first saw me and called me a dumpy little potato. I told him it's because I'm great all ways and everyone wants a taste, and slapped my ass at him. He's been obsessed with me ever since.
V: I am not obsessed with you.
R: You go into a rage over her at least once a week.
V:  She can't go a week without being a pest.
Y: I went three after you kicked me out of the movie club.
V: You can't just project violence on the walls of Pomfiore because I said we weren't going to watch it!
Y: Vil, it was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and it is art.
V: A man gets sawed in half in the first ten minutes.
Y: To an absolutely bangin' soundtrack. Oh that reminds me. Ad time, hold on.
[She wiggles a little before puting on her best customer service face.]
Y: If you want to access media that is quite literally from another world, please go to MonstroMedia dot com and sign up! There's ebooks, movies, tv, music, and more. Much of it is horror, sci-fi and fantasy, as it's from my person collection of media brought with me on my laptop and backup drives. You can use the code SHOENHEITSAYSWHAT for the first month free!
[She put her hand up and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial tone.]
Y: I completely understand piracy, but I'd appreciate if you paid because this is the only way I get spending money, and I can only bat my eyes at these boys so much before they expect something in return for gifts.
V: How'd Ashengrotto talk you into that one?
Y: He was going to make me start paying for all the food I eat if I didn't.
R: *waterwitchesbetgitches says, and I quote, "so like if ur the only gal at NRC how many boyfs you have"
Y: So many. At least twenty. Even more if there were girls here.
V: That is a gross exaggeration. She has maybe three, if we're being very generous on the definition.
Y: [points] And he's mad he's not one of them.
V: [squinting] You are absolutely dreadful and I can't understand how you're so popular.
Y: I like you too, Vil.
[Vil pauses, visibly taken aback.]
V: ... Thank you.
V: You know you're going to have paparazzi on your tail now, right?
Y: Aw, shit.
R: *insertmagicamhandlehere wants to know what's on your neck.
V: An antique chain with an attached charm specially made for me by Soleil Atelier.
R: I believe that was for Yuu.
[Yuu snickers, as Vil looks for himself. When her collar is pulled down, it fully reveals a vicious set of hickeys with visible toothmarks.]
V: Eww.
Y: You should see the other guy.
V: Eww!
[Vil takes a moment to recover, while Yuu laughs.]
Y: That could be a second part! Everyone needs that tutorial. "Bruise Coverup How-to by Vil Shoenheit: For when you just can't keep them off of you."
[Vil mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like "nerds shouldn't be allowed to fuck"]
Y: Then where would your fans be?
V: At least there's only setting spray after this and then you can leave.
Y: Won't you get bored without me here?
R: One last question! *shroudstreaming has asked... well, there's a lengthy keysmash and an all-caps "why".
Y: Ah. Hi, babe!
Y: Hey, everyone go follow him, he's a total fucking babe and he refuses to take my word for it, no matter what I do to him-
[Vil sprays setting spray directly in her face, leading to Yuu coughing.]
V: No taste at all, and gross to boot. 
Y: Asshole.
[Vil offers a mirror]
V: No. Miracle worker.
[Yuu looks... well, the same, but with an even, well made-up face.]
Y: ... Aww. You remembered I like sparkles.
V: Less likely to scrub it off if you actually like it.
[Yuu's admiring herself for a few moments in silence, with Vil watching, quite pleased.]
Y: Hey, can I do you next?
V: Absolutely not.
Y: Ask the chat.
V: No.
R: Chat says yes.
V: [With a visible eye roll] Ugh, fine. 
Y: Aight. Take your shirt off.
V: What.
[Yuu brings up a case and flips it open. Inside is a magazine with a gory cover, and various things like fake blood and liquid latex.]
Y: Alright kiddies. You wanna learn how to slit a man's throat?
[Vil gets up and walks away without another word.]
Y: You said I could! Get back here!
[Yuu follows. Rook emerges from behind the camera.]
R: That's it for tonight, ma belles. Next time.
[Magicam Live ends, but not before audible yelling and scuffling, quickly cut off.]
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fiveminuterice · 3 years
hey was there an update to that stolen poster situation?? it's still on the site :/. is there anything i can do to get it taken down?
Yes they’re still on both websites. Yes there are two websites now.
So here’s what I know about the situation so far.
1. The first website that stole my art goes under BaubleMart, I found this out from a bot who commented under a post I made on r/lovejoy about this poster design. They linked the poster website, saying that’s where people could buy the poster. The mods have since taken that comment down since it’s pretty obvious I didn’t want this poster to be sold.
BaubleMart seems to be a RedBubble-type website, and this particular website only sold my design as a poster. They claimed it was a campaign only lasting for “10 more minutes” with a giant count down under the product when I first found it, only if you refresh the page it gets reset to 24 hours. They also claimed to have sold 31 posters so far, which I will address later on in the post.
2) This morning another bot commented on my post, this time linking to CartTee where they’re selling it as not only a poster, but as canvas prints and mugs as well. Very annoying.
3) Both of their FAQ pages link to the same policy page under Custom Tee Sales. I looked up this company at Better Business Bureau, and from what I can tell after doing like 20 minutes of snooping on the internet…
This website is a scam. It has a 1/5 star rating from consumers. Usually these complaints come from either the product straight up never arriving and the costumer never getting a refund, or the printing is janky and them also not giving a refund for their faulty product.
Either way, this company is an overall shitty cash grab.
4) The bots. I’ve had people ask if my poster design was up for sale, which is probably what set off the bots.
It’s fine if people ask if I’m selling, but usually the answer is no since I don’t have a store open and I don’t have a redbubble. Especially since I make a lot of fanart for the dsmp and I don’t wanna overstep cc boundaries when it comes to fanmerch. If I ever make a store/redbubble, I’ll link it on my tumblr.
5) What am I doing about it?
Well, I’ve seen a post on Tumblr before about people finding these scam websites, and then trying to find Disney affiliate stuff being sold on there. From there, they make a deal with the Mouse Devil. Basically, they tip off Disney’s piracy email if they find Disney merch on these sketchy websites, and sometimes by doing this you can get these websites straight up taken down.
That’s what I did, I linked both of the websites after I found some Shang-Chi and Star Wars posters on them, and tipped off that they work under the same company.
Hopefully that works, but at the very least Disney’s not gonna be happy with this company. At best? This website gets taken down.
6) Why haven’t I reached out to these websites?
Basically, I can file a DMCA notice to this company, but I also don’t have copyright over this poster since I never filed for copyright (since that costs money). If they refuse to take down the poster, I can’t take it a step further legally and threaten to sue for damages.
From what I can tell from their costumer service, there’s a slim chance they’ll take down my poster. I’ll send an email tomorrow telling them to take down my designs, but likely nothing will come out of it as most interactions with consumers on Better Business Bureau have been answered by automatic responses, and consumers have also complained that all of their emails have been met with automatic responses.
Basically if the Disney thing fails, I’m fresh out of luck, since even if I do file for copyright, that’s still a minimum of $35 I’d have to spend, and it could take over a month for the copyright to go through.
Basically, I’m just encouraging people not to buy this poster. From what I can tell, the only way to even find these websites are through bots spreading links, as I tried looking up both websites on Google with nothing except links to my reddit post.
About those 31 posters sold…
After some deliberation, most likely? They lied about the numbers. It’s pretty difficult to even find these websites, and I only have the links because I copy+pasted them into my browser before the r/lovejoy moderators took down the first comment. I’m guessing they lied about the amount they sold to entice people to buy the poster, along with lying about how much longer the product would be available.
The only two places this poster got traction was on Tumblr and on Reddit, on tumblr it got a bit over 1k notes, and when I posted it to r/WilburSoot (because at the time I didn’t know r/lovejoy was a thing lol), it got around 850 upvotes, and when I cross posted to r/lovejoy it got around 500(I think?) upvotes.
Basically all that to say: I doubt they actually sold that many posters. And even if they did, the poster quality is gonna be shit.
I printed out my own personal poster using a high resolution file, but I posted the design online using a lower resolution file so it could load faster. It’s still 11x17 inches at 350dpi, so pretty sizable, except for the fact that their website only offers the smallest size at 16x24. When I printed my own poster out, I printed it out at somewhere around 16x20 at 600dpi (dpi meaning dots per inch in printing terms).
So yeah, it’s not gonna look good. I’ll give out updates when I get them, but overall I’m not too hopeful. However at the same time, I’m not as angry anymore. I’m glad to the people signal boosting, but at this point there’s not much anybody can do.
Now it’s just kinda funny that they’re gonna post a poster with crunchy quality, that’s assuming they’ve even sold a poster yet and aren’t lying about the numbers (which I think is the case).
If you want to print out this poster for personal use, not for profit, then I’d be glad to send over the file, or you could even take the 11x17inch version from my socials. If you do get it printed, feel free to take a picture of it and tag me because I’d love to see it.
I’m okay with people hanging this up in their room! Just not when money is involved! This poster is not for sale, and it never will be for sale as I am not okay profiting off of lovejoy since we don’t know their stance on fanmerch.
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lukatheselkie · 4 years
HMC - Pirates and Mermaids AU
The amount of research that went into the thought “What if Sweden is (selectively) mute and uses sign language?” is just UGH. Europe’s recorded use of sign language is very lackluster until the 1750′s, and honestly it’s still sparse then. Because I wrote the beginning of this to be at the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, I needed time-appropriate sign language. I spent roughly an hour trying to find it. On the bright side, I now know that Swedish Sign Language likely descended from Old British Sign Language, which is why I use (a form of) it in this. Technically, its use wasn’t recorded until 1760, but I imagine they were using a form of it before then. Cited: “...there is solid evidence that deaf people in Britain were signing as early as in the 16th century...” So, I just gave it a (probably inaccurate) name. I had to. You’ll see why. I do not claim this is the name used at the time. I also used time-appropriate measurements.
Fun Fact: Swedish Sign Language didn’t exist until 1800. And it’s currently an endangered language, which is really sad. It’s so beautiful. (Seriously, go look up Swedish Sign Language on YouTube. I recommend watching song translations. They’re captivating. Try Tommy Krångh if you go the song route.)
Ship: SuFrUk (Sweden/England/France)
I’m most definitely turning this into a longer story! This is just highlights, I’ll be adding in more detail as I create chapters.
    Arthur grimaces when his ship creaks, shifting in the direction of the net his crew cast moments ago. It isn’t an uncommon occurrence, being this far from shore. They often catch larger fish with the net they had stolen from a fishing boat. It feeds them well for a few days, so it’s worth the mess, but the ship tilting and moving everything that isn’t tied down is always obnoxious. “Pull it up! Now!” He doesn’t even give them a second before snapping at them again. “Faster! Don’t let it get away!” There’s not much of a chance of it getting away though. Not unless it has sharp teeth, like a shark. Even then, they panic so much it’s difficult for them to escape. But his crew doesn’t know that. And if any of them do, they don’t dare defy his orders. The net comes out of the water, and he frowns. That’s not a fish. That’s…
    “Move! Don’t let its stingers touch you!” Everyone in the line of the moving net runs as far away from it as they can. Thankfully, no one gets stung. Once the net is mostly done swaying, Arthur storms up to the knot holding it and unties it quickly. He’ll wait for the stupid jellyfish to die before tossing it back into the ocean to be eaten by something stupid enough to try. There’s no good meat on it. He steps up next to it and pokes it with his foot, careful not to let it touch any of his skin. It’s huge. The tentacles are roughly three fathoms (18 ft/548.64cm) long, from what he can tell. They’re in a tangled mess he doesn’t envy. They remind him a bit of a lion’s mane.
    The creature moves, forcing him to take a few steps back or risk getting stung. Incredibly, a man sits up from within the tangle, not an injury on him. He blinks, looking around in confusion. His face goes pale and he reaches out for the tentacles frantically, pulling them up around himself. He doesn’t appear to be hurt by them. Arthur takes a cautious step closer, intrigued. “Who are you?” He can feel the eyes of his crew on him. The man drops his armload, and his shoulders move up and down in what appears to be a sign, though there’s no noise paired with it. Or maybe he’s not close enough to hear it? There’s not a single mark on him, despite what he did. It becomes apparent to Arthur he’s part of the jellyfish. But how? “What are you?” The man starts moving his hands at an incredibly fast pace, eyes darting around frantically. “I can’t understand you. Can you speak?” He shakes his head, then goes back to moving his hands.
    It takes Arthur a few minutes of watching closely to realize it’s sign language. The… jellyfish is repeating the same phrase, over and over and over. He focuses harder on the signs, recognizing some. It’s been a few years since he used sign language, so he’s a bit rusty. But what are the chances this creature would know his?
    “Want… let… go.” Ah.
    “You want us to let you go? I can’t do that. Look at you! You’re a wonderful discovery. No one will believe us without a specimen. And that’s you.” He wiggles a bit, and some of his tentacles lash out at Arthur. He steps back in time for them not to hit his face, but they do manage to hit his hands. He clenches his jaw at the pain, wishing he was wearing his gloves. He hears swords being drawn behind him. “Put them away,” he growls out, glaring at the jelly-man. “No one is to touch him unless told to. We want him alive. Now leaves us alone. Go to the lower decks and prepare a place for him.” His crew hurries to do as they’re told. He looks back at the man. “What’s your name?”
    “B-E-R-W-A-L-D.” He signs out the letters begrudgingly.
    “Thank you for cooperating. If you keep doing that, I will promise you no harm will come to you. But only if you aren’t difficult.” He fumbles around in a barrel for a moment for something to wrap his hands with. “If that happens, I will not sell you like I currently intend to. I will protect you.” He wraps his hands in some bandages he finds, then glances up at Berwald. He’s signing again, still frantic in his movements. “It has been some years since I last practiced. Go slower.”
    “...Going with you? Where will… stay?” It’s still difficult to make out everything, but there’s enough for him to be mostly confident in what he’s saying.
    “I’ll have something made for you.” He racks his brain quickly for ideas. He could always use the Roman way. “I’ll have a large pond made for you, supplied with fresh seawater anytime you wish. But that’s only if you aren’t troublesome. Keep that in mind before you do anything.” Berwald nods, then looks around the ship calmly. At least he’s accepted he’s not leaving. There’s so many unanswered questions though! Perhaps he’ll answer some. “As long as we’re answering questions, I have a few for you. If they make you uncomfortable, you do not have to answer. I do not have to know. I am only curious. Answer slowly, if you do. I am still recalling some signs. What are you? Where did you come from? Did you have a home? A family? How come you don’t sting yourself?” Berwald furrows his brows, then lifts up his hands hesitantly. After a moment, he starts signing.
    “...A version of what humans call merfolk. ...Came from the coast of Sweden. Where… now? ...Didn’t have what humans consider a home. Just the ocean. ...Drifted from my family years ago. We don’t keep in touch. Would it make sense for a jellyfish to be able to sting itself? That’s why… don’t. ...May be human in appearance, but… not.” Arthur frowns slightly at his answers. No family? What a lonely existence.
    “You are close to England. That’s where you’ll be taken back to. If you’re from Sweden, why do you know British Sign Language?”
    “It’s the only thing I could learn.” Finally Arthur recognizes all of the signs.
    “I suppose that makes sense. Sign Language isn’t very well distributed. Why did you learn it though? You aren’t deaf. You can understand me too well.”
    “You are correct. I am not deaf. However, I am mute. I do not wish to speak of why, so please do not ask.” That’s curiosity-inducing. But he’ll obey his wish.
    “Alright. You do not have to tell me, but if you ever wish to, I will listen. Watch?” Berwald laughs quietly, a noise that startles Arthur enough for him to jump, which makes him laugh even more. He must be selectively mute, then. It makes him even more eager to learn his story, but he won’t push it. A thought comes to him, and he feels ashamed for not realizing earlier. “Do you need water to survive?” It’s a question he should have asked much sooner.
    “Absolutely. I am made mostly of water. But I can breathe your air, so I do not have to be submerged. I do wish I could have my tentacles flowing in the water again, but I know you will not allow that until I am away from the ocean. After all, I could easily swim away. Well, float away. It is very difficult to swim without the assistance of the current.” Arthur furrows his brows slightly.
    “It’s not entirely out of the question. If you are willing to be in the net, I can have my crew lower you into the water again. If not, I will personally bring you plenty of water below deck. I do not trust anyone on my crew to. They fear you. However, being afraid of a giant jellyfish is reasonable.” Berwald scrunches up his nose slightly.
    “I am not a fan of this net. It tangled me up. I would rather wait until we get to your home. At least I can untangle them while we travel. How long do you think it will take?”
    “I understand. It will take a week, at most. Usually it would be shorter, but there are a few more stops I wish to make before returning home. I won’t be returning to sea. I’ll have you to take care of.” Berwald turns his head away, hiding his smile. He was worried about the selling comment, but now he knows it’s not true. Not if he’s already planning on taking care of him. He looks back at him, eyes wide.
    “What is your name? You know mine, but you have not told me yours.”
    “My apologies.” He bows his head slightly. “How rude of me. I am Arthur.”
    “Like King Arthur?”
    “Indeed. I am a bit surprised you have heard that tale. You know sign language and of our stories. How often do you watch humans?” Berwald flushes crimson.
    “It is a guilty pleasure of mine. I get lonely very easily. I miss having others to interact with. I suppose that is why I was so close to your lovely ship. It seemed so lively. I did not expect to be captured. Though it isn’t entirely bad I was. I got to meet you.” He gives an almost mischievous smile. If Arthur didn’t know any better, he would think the jellyfish is flirting with him. Perhaps he is. But it’s not obvious enough for him to comment on it, lest he be incorrect and embarrass himself.
    “That is true. As strange as it has been, I rather enjoyed meeting you as well.” He smiles slightly at him. “Ah, give me a moment. I will get my gloves, then I can help you to where you’ll be staying.” He hurries off, hoping his sleeves won’t ride up while he’s helping.
~ (Five or so days later)
    Arthur practically throws himself into Francis’ arms when he opens the door to his house. “Mon dieu! Arthur, you startled me! I’m happy to see you, of course, but you didn’t have to nearly give me a heart attack the moment I opened the door. You could have at least let it register in my mind that you were here.” Despite his condescending words, he wraps his arms around him lovingly.
    “I’m sorry. I’m just excited. I have something to show you. Come with me.” He pulls out of the hug gently, hands lingering on his wrists. “On my ship. I’m retiring from pirating because of him. We can finally be together without worry.” He presses a kiss to his lips, then runs off. Francis smiles, shaking his head as he follows. That man.
    “Alright. What is it you wanted me to see? You show up in the middle of the night and drag me to your ship, it better be something interesting!”
    “Oh, it is! I promise.” He turns around to press another kiss to his lips, then disappears below deck. Francis rolls his eyes, and opens the door carefully, being quieter than Arthur. He chases after him, laughing at his energy. When he stops, Francis does as well. A subtle movement drags his attention away from his love, and he gasps. There’s an at least partially naked man laying on top of a beautiful jellyfish in a wide but shallow trough, filled with water. Upon closer inspection, he’s part of the jellyfish.
    “How…? What?” Arthur grins at him.
    “His name is Berwald. He wound up in our fishing net when he got too close. Look at him! Isn’t he beautiful?”
    “Oui, and dangerous! How did he get down here?” His love smiles sheepishly.
    “I sort of dragged him here? With his permission. I was covered, don’t worry. Clothes are enough of a covering to not be stung.” Francis sighs dramatically.
    “I knew it was a terrible idea for you to be pirating this time. You’ve done it twice before, what on Earth was a third time going to do for you?”
    “Apparently, give me a giant man-jelly.” Francis groans softly.
    “Oui, I see that. Whatever are you going to do with him?” The man shifts again, and his eyes open. They’re stunning. Like stormy sea waves. Their beauty knocks the breath out of him. Berwald’s hands start moving, too fast for Francis to comprehend what’s happening.
    “Who is this? I thought you decided not to sell me? I do not want to leave you! You are my friend! Or so I thought. Why would you sell me without telling me? And in my sleep too!?” Arthur slings his arms out.
    “You’ve got it all wrong, Berwald! I’m not selling you. I already promised I wouldn’t. I won’t go back on my word. This is my lover, Francis. I wanted you two to meet. I’m sorry for waking you. I didn’t know you were asleep. I should have spoken to you before leaving to get him, instead of just looking at you. That is my fault. We are friends. And I was hoping you two could become friends as well. I did not mean to worry you. I apologize.” Francis watches a bit of colour return to the jelly-man’s face and hears him sigh, presumably in relief.
    “Thank goodness. Your lover, you say? Humans are strange creatures. Though I must admit, this intrigues me. Do humans ever have more than one lover at a time?” Arthur stares at Berwald for a long moment. What an interesting question.
    “I suppose they can. It is uncommon, but I do not see why they couldn’t.” Francis tugs on his sleeve lightly.
    “How are you communicating with him? What did he say?”
    “Ah, right. You don’t know British Sign Language. That’s what he’s using. He’s selectively mute. Don’t ask him why, he doesn’t want to tell the story. He may change his mind in the future, but for now, that topic is off limits. Is there anything else you would like to ask him? And he wanted to know if humans ever have more than one lover at a time.” Francis releases his sleeve, and steps closer to the trough. What a fascinating question.
    “Berwald, was it?” A nod. “Strange that you have a human name. What are you? Where did you come from?” The jelly stares at Arthur expectantly.
    “He’s a version of what humans consider mermaids, and he’s from the coast of Sweden.”
    “You two aren’t humans, are you?” Arthur mentally scolds himself. He separated himself from them one too many times in his speech.
    “No, we aren’t humans,” he says slowly, making sure to include the topic for Francis’ sake. The Frenchman tenses up, but doesn’t say anything. “We’re actually personifications of countries. I’m England, and he’s France.” His eyes widen slightly.
    “I am Sweden.”
    “Sweden…?” He’s heard about the countries that were mer-creatures, but he never expected to come across one!
    “Sweden? Are you Sweden? Now you having a human name makes sense.”
    “So your family…?”
    “Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Iceland.”
    “Wow. What are the chances we would meet?” Francis clears his throat quietly. “I’m going to have to teach you British Sign Language, aren't I?”
    “If you wish for us to be friends, oui. I do not want you to have to translate everything he says.” He gives Arthur a polite smile, then pecks his lips. “Please teach me.”
    “Of course I will. Would you like to come visit? I’m on my way home now. I just had to visit you and tell you the news before going.” Francis laughs.
    “Oui, I’ll come visit. Would you be alright with me moving in? Not immediately, of course, but after a few months? Maybe a year? Give you some time to settle back in.” Arthur’s eyes light up, and he hugs his love close.
    “That would make me the happiest man in the world!” He laughs, picking Francis up to spin him around. He places him back down, and kisses him again.
   “Mmm, as much as I would love to keep doing this, I must return home. You interrupted my beauty sleep! Have a wonderful trip back. Please be safe.” He kisses him on the forehead, then runs off.
~ (Two months later)
    The moment Berwald is in his large sea ‘pond’, he shakes his sore muscles out. He looks up at Arthur, and smiles thankfully at him. He propels himself through the water, doing his best to twirl around so he can see him in full. He struggles to the surface, grabbing the edge to keep himself up. Arthur smiles, taking note of the jellyfish bell flaring out around him. That’s something he hadn’t noticed on the ship. It’s maybe a yard and a half in diameter, including where his torso joins with it. “I see you’re enjoying yourself.” He nods, unable to sign because he’s holding himself above water. “Good. It was hell getting that made, and getting you in it without anyone seeing you. Thankfully, no one did. I will admit, at first I wanted to sell tickets for people to see you. But now, I want you to be a secret. I would have offered to release you back into the sea, but I didn’t want you getting lonely again. And… we’re friends. Don’t tell anyone, but I actually care about you. And I would hate to lose you. So don’t ever scare me by disappearing!” Berwald smiles fondly, and reaches out for Arthur’s hand. He squeezes it, then kisses the back of it. He pulls away, and looks him in the eyes.
    “I promise, friend.” The relief in Arthur’s eyes is overwhelming. He waves awkwardly at him and sinks back down into the water, just as Francis comes out of the house.
    “There you are! Did he make it in okay? He’s not hurt, is he?”
    “He’s fine, love. And no one saw. He’s safe here.” He motions at the tall fence surrounding the yard.
    “Good. I’m glad.” He glances at the water, giving a small smile to Berwald. “I made us some food. All three of us. Can we have a picnic? Then you can teach me some signs. I’m more than ready to learn.”
~ (1800)
    For the past few weeks, Berwald’s signing has gradually gotten harder and harder to interpret. Arthur always manages to figure out what he’s trying to say, but it’s incredibly concerning. He’s not entirely certain why it’s changing, though he has an idea. Instead of trying to figure out discreetly, he decides to outright say it one day when he goes to feed him. “Is Sweden developing its own sign language? Yours has gotten harder and harder to understand, and that’s the only thing I can think of.” He frowns, brows furrowed. He stays like that for maybe five minutes, before carefully lifting a hand to sign.
    “Perhaps. I am a bit upset it is changing. When it is done, will you teach me British Sign Language again? I will know both then.” Arthur chuckles.
    “You don’t need to ask. I am glad you want to know both though. Waiting until it has developed is probably the best idea. You won’t get them confused then.” Berwald nods, and slips back into the water. He lifts a hand up to sign at Arthur.
    “That is exactly what I was thinking. Now excuse me, I saw a fish. It must have gotten mixed in with the water when you changed it.” The Brit laughs, watching him chase after the fish. Maybe he’ll start gathering live fish to put in there with him. It might make him happier.
    “Arthur! Arthur, look!” Francis stumbles out the back door, newspaper in hand. “It’s possible to make larger aquariums than we previously thought! Perhaps we could have one made for Berwald? That way he doesn’t have to lift himself out of the water to communicate with us. We’ll be able to see him anywhere! Doesn’t that sound exciting?” Arthur places a hand on either shoulder, and kisses Francis’ nose.
    “That does sound exciting. I’m sure Berwald is tired of communicating with one hand. It is a good idea. I will look into it tomorrow. However, won’t you sit and have a nice meal with us?”
    “Oui! I would never pass up a meal with my two favourite boys.” He kisses Arthur on the forehead, then kneels to do the same thing to Berwald. A question the jelly-man asked years ago is brought back to Arthur’s mind. Do humans ever have more than one lover at a time? After a moment of thought, he lands on a similar answer to what he gave last time. They can.
~ (A few months later)
    Arthur tilts the barrel with all his might, nearly falling into the newly-filled tank when Berwald slips out. He heaves a huge sigh, unsure if it’s from relief or lack of oxygen from the nerves. He makes his way back to the ground, grateful for the solidness of it. He doesn’t look at the huge tank quite yet. “Francis.” He loops an arm around his waist, closing his eyes as he turns toward the glass.
    “On the count of three?”
   “Three!” They say it together, and open their eyes. Both of them gasp, finally seeing Berwald surrounded in water from the side for the first time since making his acquaintance. His tentacles are billowing out around him, moving slightly with the gentle current they decided to have installed. His torso is stockier and chubbier than they thought, but neither is complaining. His shoulders are broad, and his arms long and toned. His blonde hair shimmers in the light refracting through the water from the ceiling of the building. He’s an absolutely stunning sight.
    “Goodness, Arthur! He’s beautiful!” Francis steps closer to the glass, placing his hand on it gently.
    “He is.” He walks up next to his love, but doesn't touch the glass. Berwald lets himself sink to the bottom, and places his hand where Francis’ is. He smiles brightly at them, eyes crinkling at the edges because of it. “Very beautiful. Berwald, can you hear us?” He laughs, a sound that, surprisingly, reaches their ears.
    “Yes! I can hear you better than I could before! It’s like I’m back in the ocean! Except I have friends to keep me company! And human food to eat! I couldn’t be happier! Thank you!” His expression is full of excitement as he signs.
    “You’re very welcome, dear. It’s the least we can do. You’ve been so wonderful and understanding. I’m glad we can bring you company.” Francis replies, placing his other hand on the glass. Berwald eagerly mirrors that as well. “You mean a lot to us.” Arthur smiles, nodding his agreement.
    “You do. Francis, is it time?”
    “Oui, I think so!” Berwald tilts his head slightly, obviously confused. He doesn’t pull away from Francis to sign though.
    “Do you recall asking me if humans ever have more than one lover at a time?” He nods slowly, confusion still dancing in his eyes.
    “Arthur and I have decided we both love you very much, and would like to ask if you will be our lover?”
    “It can be the three of us in a relationship. We’ll be more than friends. It might be a bit strange, but we’re willing to try. We love you enough to try.” The confusion finally falls away, and he pushes himself back from the glass. He grabs two of his tentacles, and focuses on putting them over his head in a shape of some sort. Oh! It’s a heart!
    “I love you both too. My answer is yes.” He smiles at them, bottom lip trembling slightly.
    “Please don’t cry! Even if they’re happy tears. You’ll get me going too.” Francis dabs at his eyes as if he’s already crying. Then, he grabs Arthur’s hand and presses his palm flat against the glass. “Show your love, Arthur. I already have. It’s your turn.” The Brit rolls his eyes, but places his other hand on the glass nonetheless. Berwald matches him, grinning. After a moment, he scrunches up his nose and sticks his tongue out.
    “Hey! Put that back! No fair! I can’t kiss you until you stop out here.” Not even that is enough to dampen his mood though. He’s over the moon with joy. Judging by the expression on Francis’ face, so is he. And Berwald, too. He moves his arm over a bit, motioning at Francis to put his hand there. He does, and Arthur takes his other hand. In their own way, they’re making a circle of love.
~ (Early 1960’s)
    Arthur never thought he would be thanking Alfred for anything, but here he is. Incredibly grateful to one of his inventors, for making a suit he and Francis can actually visit with Berwald in without fear of getting stung. Well, mostly. Their faces will still be exposed, and they need gloves and boots, but those aren’t too difficult to get a hold of. “Berwald! We’re coming!” Francis laughs, grabbing him by the waist.
    “You’re too excited, mon cher. You might startle him. Take a few deep breaths to calm down before entering the water with him. I’ll count. Let’s start with five. One.” Arthur takes a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds before releasing it. “Two.” He feels himself relaxing slightly as he holds this one. “Three.” His muscles untense, though he was unaware they were. “Four.” His excitement becomes a dull ache. “Five.” Now it’s no longer an ache, more like a happy memory. “Better?” He nods, then kisses him in thanks.
    “I’m sorry. I’ve just wanted to be close to him for so long.”
    “As have I. But he is still part animal. He has those instincts. We should try our hardest not to spook him, oui?”
    “You’re right. I should have thought of that.”
    “Nonsense. You’re excited. That’s completely fine. I just didn’t want you to be disappointed. Are you ready?” He nods, and starts climbing the ladder up to the top of the tank. Francis follows close behind. He doesn’t get in the water yet, despite drawing Berwald’s curiosity. He sits on the rim, smiling down at him.
    “We’re coming in. Finally, we get to be by your side. We’ll have to come to the surface for air quite often though, so could you stay near the top? If that’s possible. I know the current circulates the entire tank.” He nods, looking just as excited as Arthur feels. Francis sits next to him, and squeezes his hand.
    “Ready.” They look at each other, count to three together, and slide into the water after taking a deep breath. The goggles were a good call. They may not be perfect, but they’re much better than without them. Berwald struggles against the current to swim toward them, desperation in his eyes. They meet in the middle, and practically melt into one another. By the time Francis goes to pull away for a breath, they breach the surface. Apparently Berwald got them closer without either realizing.
    “Merci,” Francis practically whispers, lost in his eyes. Arthur nudges him lightly. “Ah, oui! Berwald, may I kiss you? You’ve seen Arthur and I do it bef-” He presses his lips to Francis’ tenderly, effectively silencing him. The Frenchman closes his eyes, wrapping his arms around his neck. After maybe two minutes, they pull away from each other. Berwald looks at Arthur with a questioning expression. He rolls his eyes, pecks a pouting Francis on the lips, then kisses the Swedish man lovingly. Berwald must be counting, because he pulls away at nearly the same time as he did from Francis.
    “You are both wonderful at that. I am very grateful to have you. You have taught me so many things, and with those clothes, you can teach me more. Thank you so much. I love you.”
    “I love you too,” they say in sync. Then, looking at each other, “And you!” They laugh, and kiss each other. Berwald presses his nose to Arthur’s cheek when they part, and kisses him again. He does the same to Francis when their kiss is over. His heart is so full yet so light. He’s never felt this way before. He loves it. Almost as much as he loves Arthur and Francis.
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NSFW Alphabet, Doflamingo: A-Z
Reposting all of these together for convenience and to save space. I don’t accept requests to do the entire alphabet for someone all at once. You have to stick to the guidelines of 1 character per ask, and 5 letters per ask, and once I finish the alphabet for a character with requests like that, I will repost it all together. Request are closed at the moment, though.
A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you really need something after sex, then he has got people to take care of that. If you need a snack, something to drink, or if you want someone to draw a bath for you, then he’ll get on his personal Den Den and call for someone else to do it. Personally, he prefers to relax in bed for a bit afterwards. This is actually a really good time to talk to him, too, since nobody else is around to overhear you.
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)  
On his partner, he’s a really big fan of your figure, regardless of what body type you have. He loves to run his hands along your body during foreplay, and even outside of sex, he’ll usually keep a hand around your waist just so he can keep touching you in some way (he really can’t get enough of you).
On himself, he really digs his eyes, and there’s a good reason as to why he keeps them covered most of the time. He knows that someone’s eyes can reveal a lot about them, especially regarding what emotions they might be feeling, and in his opinion, there aren’t a lot of people who are worthy enough to see all of those details about him (you’re one of the worthy few).
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)  
Cum marking is his game and he is not ashamed of it. He doesn’t mind cumming inside of you, in fact, he likes how possessive it makes him feel, but he definitely prefers to pull out and cum on your body. Belly, thighs, back- he’s not picky about the specific location so long as he gets to mark you with his cum somewhere. As for consistency, it’s a little on thick side, and there’s also a lot of it.
D: Dirty Secret
You wouldn’t guess it by the way that he carries himself, but it actually took him a minute to lose his V-card. He started building his empire at a very young age, so he was really just too busy to get around to it. It’s not like he didn’t want to have sex, because his urges were certainly rampant in his prime, but between piracy and planning on how to take his throne at Dressrosa, he just couldn’t get around to it until around his mid-twenties.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
It may have taken him a while to get into the swing of things (as explained in his ‘Dirty Secret’), but he ended up getting a whole lot of experience under his belt once he became sexually active. He has the looks and the power, so he has never been short of people trying to bed him. He also detests the thought of someone accusing him of being bad in bed, so he made sure that he knew what he was doing pretty early on into his escapades.
F: Favorite Position
On the occasions where he doesn’t feel like doing too much work, he’s actually really fond of Cowgirl. The view is great, he has plenty of opportunity to feel up your body, and he will let you ride him to your heart’s content.
He also really likes the Downward Dog position, especially if he’s in the mood to tie you down. He’ll bind your hands behind your back and he may even tie your upper body down against the bed, and then he’ll just go to town on you while you’re helplessly spread before him.
Eagle is another one of his go-to positions, just because it allows for deep penetration and he likes to see how much of his cock you can really take. He’ll be looking down at your face the entire time, too, just watching your expression morph as he gives you more and more of his length.
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)  
Well, his sense of humor probably won’t be that funny to you, mainly because it revolves around teasing you. He gets a real kick out of watching you get frustrated with him, especially while your body is practically begging for his touch. He’ll get a good chuckle out of it, but you probably won’t (at least you’ll have a good time, though).
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
In his younger days, he was groomed to a t, so much so that he was completely shaven in that particular area. Somewhere along the way, though, he stopped caring to do all of that, so now he doesn’t do a whole lot of grooming at all. It’s not terribly unruly, though, and it’s actually quite a bit darker than the hair on his head.
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Doffy doesn’t use sex as a way to express his romantic feelings; it’s more about meeting his and his partner’s physical desires, and that’s all that it amounts to for him. Intimate and romantic moments with him are much more likely to occur outside of sex.
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)  
Before he got around to having sex for the first time, he masturbated a lot, like, more than once a day, and he generally did it in the privacy of his own quarters. Once he started getting laid, though, that was his preferred method of sexual release, so now he only gets himself off once or twice a week at most.
K: Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Bondage (you knew it was coming)- Doffy is all about utilizing all of his resources, and that includes using his Devil Fruit during sex. Seeing you tied up so helplessly and at his mercy really appeals to his dominant side, and he can get pretty creative with his strings so he can have you in any way that he wants to.  
He loves to hear you beg for him. Not only does it feed his ego, but you just look so damn cute when you do it.
Cock worship, for similar reasons as the ones listed above, especially the one regarding his ego.
He loves to hear your sounds during sex; every moan, groan, and gasp will send shivers down his spine, and he will not stop teasing and fucking you until you scream for him.
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He’s not picky. He will legitimately have sex with you just about anywhere, even if it’s a public area. There is something about having you ride him on his throne that really gets to him, though, so if he had to pick a favorite location, that would be it.
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He likes it when you wear something sexy for him, and the skimpier that it is, the better. And if you really don’t want there to be any question as to what you want, then just wait for him in his bedroom while wearing nothing but your underwear, or just be completely in the buff. He’ll be pleased by both, and he’ll be sure to tease you for being so naughty while he’s buried deep inside of you.
The easiest way to turn him on is to feed his ego. He’ll know exactly what you’re trying to do with your sugary words, and after having a chuckle over how needy you are, he’ll give you what you want.
Doffy is also really possessive of you, so if you wear something that he gave you (jewelry, clothing, etc.), it will without fail spark up his desires for you.
N: No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There isn’t much to put here. As stated in his ‘Risk’ section, the only thing that he isn’t too keen on is being submissive all the time, but he’s still willing to do it on occasion, and while there will be a few things that he doesn’t want you to do while he’s letting you be dominant, that is a very small list of things.
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)  
Good lord, his tongue is absolutely wicked. He isn’t shy about giving you oral at all, and in fact, he absolutely loves to tease you while he goes down on you. He’s also a fan of tongue-fucking, so there’s that. He does have a slight preference for you giving him oral, and that’s just because he finds it cute when you struggle to fit his cock in your mouth.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Doffy goes through an array of paces during sex, all with the purpose of driving you absolutely wild with need for him. Fast and hard, slow and teasing, he’ll do all of it and everything in between while he brings you to euphoria over and over again.
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)  
So long as he isn’t stressed out, he’ll have a quickie with you anytime, anywhere. The anywhere part is an exaggeration, but only slightly; he honestly doesn’t care if anyone catches him fucking you, but for the sake of maintaining his image as a proper king, he’ll try to refrain from being caught by any of his subjects. Beyond that, though, anyone in the Family knows to be careful whenever they seek him out while he’s with you; he’ll have as many quickies with you as you want and then some, so there’s always a chance that the two of you will be going at it whenever someone goes looking for him, and they are all perfectly aware of that fact.
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)  
As explained above, he has no issues with something risky like public sex. As for experimenting, he’s down for just about anything so long as he’s in a dominant position. If whatever you want to try has him in a more submissive role, then he’ll be a bit more remiss to try it, although he does like to give you control every once in a while just so he can relax for a bit, so if you catch him during one of those instances, then he’ll be submissive for you.
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Doffy is quite the experienced lover, and he has mastered the art of holding his orgasm back for a really long time. It’s not so much for your pleasure (although that is a nice bonus), but he just really gets off on seeing you fucked to the point of exhaustion. He also appreciates it when you try to let him go for as long as he wants; he likes it that you’re so willing to please him in that manner, and he’ll certainly make it worth your efforts.
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He certainly prefers to only use his own body to please you, but he’s not totally against using toys in the bedroom. If anything, he knows that they’ll be useful tools to tease you with, and if he really feels like messing with you, then he’ll make you take care of yourself with some toys while he watches and taunts you, denying you his dick until he’s satisfied with your performance.
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Doffy practically wrote the book on teasing. He absolutely lives to tease you, and he’s not averse to teasing you to the point of tears before he finally gives you what you need. Doffy will always be teasing you, outside of sex, during foreplay, during the act- the only time that he’ll stop is in the aftermath of your sessions and while he’s asleep.
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s actually really quiet during sex (except for some dirty talk here and there), and there’s a good reason for that. He has a kink for the noises that you make during sex, and he would hate to drown out those beautiful sounds with his own voice.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He, uh, certainly knows how to utilize those string clones of his. If you’ve ever dreamed about being taken by two Doflamingo’s, then you’re in luck, because that is something that he is more than willing to do. He is also more than willing to just sit back and watch while you have some fun with his doppelganger.  
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)  
Well, he’s 10’0” tall, so…even if it was just proportionate to his size, it would still be monstrous when compared to an average-sized dick. Even for his size, though, it’s still pretty damn big, clocking in at about 10 ½ - 11 inches in length and 8 ¼ inches in girth (which is the girth of a soda can, if you were wondering). It’s really damn veiny, too, but it doesn’t have any curves to it or anything else of that nature.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It depends. If he’s not stressed out and everything is going well in his life, then he’d be happy with 5-6 sessions a week, but you could easily convince him to increase that number. If people are stressing him out, though, then his sex drive decreases significantly, and you’ll be lucky to get anything out of him until his problems have been solved.
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Doffy likes to relax for a while after sex. He doesn’t necessarily sleep during that relaxation, but if it’s the right to time of day, then it will certainly lead to him passing out for the night. Sex just really puts him at ease, so even if he doesn’t always fall asleep after sex, it isn’t surprising when he does.
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dearyallfrommatt · 4 years
 My late father loved Krystal burgers. Even after his diabetes blossomed into something his battered old body could barely control, if he came near a town that had a Krystal, he’d make Momma drive him by it. When my brother got married in Athens, GA, and a mix-up of Daddy’s meds put him in a serious fog, he had enough presence of mind to have us make a run to the one on Prince Avenue.
 Long story short, the Krystal burger chain is filing for bankruptcy. Founded in 1932 and famous for those little hamburgers like you’d get at White Castle up North, the company has a hearing in the North District Court of Georgia Wednesday, citing debts up to $100 million dollars. Regardless how things turn out, some of the 320 restaurants in nine different states will remain open thanks to franchising, but that still makes life a little worrisome for the 5,000-plus people who work for the company now, mostly at part-time wages, of course.
 The last time Krystal went bankrupt was 1997 and that was due to millions of dollars of unpaid overtime owed to employees. The company was bought by a private equity firm, Port Royal Holdings, for $145 million dollars. As an aside, the original Port Royale was a famous pirate haven back during what’s called The Golden Age of Piracy, roughly 1620-1720, before becoming a center for “legitimate” shipping and trade in the Caribbean, but I’m sure that’s a coincidence.
 Since 1997, Krystal has bounced from private equity firm to private equity firm and has had eight different CEO’s. The last one, Paul Macaluso, left after the company eliminated franchises and management positions, not to mention slashing basic staff, in an effort to not actually turn a buck but the stave off their mounting creditors. The company declared bankruptcy the day their last loan deal with a creditor ran out. At the same time, the company’s dealing with an investigation into their payment practices and a “security breach”.
 I doubt this will mean we’ll see the end of Krystal, but maybe. What’s most likely is that yet another private equity firm full of people who care nothing about anything beyond making more and more profit and damn the torpedoes, will swing in to rescue it, finding new and better ways to screw over workers. Because they can never make enough money.
 I don’t understand rich people, I really don’t. People who can’t just enjoy their wealth and good fortune, I mean, the ones that have to have more and more lucre. Wrestling legend Jim Cornette - stay with me here - once said the main thing he could not understand about former boss and WWE CEO Vince McMahaon is why he couldn’t just enjoy his billions. He had to have more and, not only that, fuck over other people as much as possible while doing it.
 For your edification, after the end of the Monday Night Wars in 1999, the only professional wrestling company that made money was the WWF. McMahaon - who bought the company from his father Vince Sr. in the late ‘70s for one dollar - was literally worth billions. On top of that, it didn’t look like the they’d ever stop making money bringing the rabid fan base the best in sweaty men in small pants pretending to fight.
 And then Vince got greedy. First they tried to bring the world two billion-dollar flops in the XFL and a restaurant in Manhattan. I really don’t know from the restaurant except that it crashed and burned, but being a fan of football, I watched the XFL saga with fascinated horror. Going against the NFL is a rum’s game - ask the USFL and President Trump - but the XFL was set up to actually take down - or pretend to, keeping with the wrestling theme - the pro football juggernaut.
 The lads from at Old School Wrestling can sum it up better and more entertaining than I could. After all was said and done, the league lost $138 million dollars with their deal with NBC, it cost Vince himself $69 million, and by the time the thing washed out, Vince was no longer a billionaire. In short order, the wrestling boom ate itself and money that could’ve been spent to give their employees some sort of health insurance security went to creditors. Even in the football league, the highest paid athlete made five grand a week and, of course, no health insurance for players.
 Now, I’m not ragging on the WWE or even professional wrestling. I firmly believe that one of America’s greatest contribution to world culture is professional wrestling - no, seriously - and a full understanding of the United States’ development and evolution, at least in the 20th century. But this is a fine example of how greed destroys whatever it touches. Call it capitalism’s inevitable outcome or whatever you want to call it, but this is now seen as How Things Are Supposed to Be.
 The last decade saw a plethora of long-running businesses go flat broke and have to shutter their doors. Financial experts blamed the death of Toys ‘R’ Us on Millennials not having kids and the spread of Amazon, for example, but the fact is the private equity companies - including Mitt Romney’s Ban Capital - cut and sliced everything they could in the run for more profits and less overhead. ‘Cause that’s all that matters.
 I used to do an internet streaming radio show with a libertarian who once tried to enlighten to me the evil of taxation in maybe the dumbest way possible. A friend of his, he said, worked at a private equity firm, putting in 80 hours a week, and because of taxation, she was only able to bring home $180 thousand out of the $200 thousand she “earned” each year. Needless to say, that didn’t cut it.
 But again, this is how the world is Supposed To Work. Providing a good consumers either need or really enjoy and in some way makes their lives a little better, that doesn’t even pretend to matter anymore. Taking care of your employees, paying them enough to live on and keep themselves hale-&-hearty because workers that aren’t living in terror of getting sick or a raise in rent are better workers, that’s not profitable.
 Well, it is profitable and a smaller, self-contained businesses can totally do that, but the American Way is to gobble up as much as possible for some reason. Instead of enjoying your wealth and the sense of stability never having to worry about which bill you’re going to have to skip this month or if your landlord is going to increase your went for whatever the hell reason, our society encourages the very richest to accumulate and horde as much wealth as possible. If you can step on someone’s face in the process, even better.
 And if you fail, no big worry. In 2008, Delta Airlines fired their CEO, Richard Anderson, after four months because the company lost over $70 million. Anderson nevertheless walked away with a severance package that included  over $11 million dollars plus a corner office on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. More recently, due to on-going scandals involving their 737′s, Boeing booted their CEO Dennis Muilenberg after ballooning losses and deadly crashes of two of their planes. They did punish him by denying his full severance package, though. Luckily, he still walks away with $60 million in stock options and pension benefits.
 So, what is the answer, I hear you say. Hell, I don’t know. These practices are an ongoing problem, but the acceptance of such behavior by the hoi palloi is even worse. We see this as natural and good, the American way. We elected a president who was born rich and was a big mover-&-shaker in a field his father already plowed, and companies under his control went bankrupt at least six times. Had he spent the last 50 years funding art galleries and weaving baskets, just letting the interest do it’s work, he’d arguably be richer than he is now.
 Is socialism the answer? Can capitalism be saved? Do we need to look for an entirely different paradigm when it comes to economic survival? Again, I don’t pretend to have any answers. Indeed, my whole approach to anarchistic theory isn’t searching for a specific end result way to “make things work” so much as using the tools I can live with to get by as best I can while maybe making the world a better place along the way. But since no one is ever really punished or suffers from such actions that have proven to be, at best, a crap game, we’ll see more of this.
 More profit, that’s all that matters.
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classicintp · 5 years
Long post about pirating and stealing in general
One of my favorite people have a problem with downloading books for free because it's "stealing" from the author, but allow me to give you some morally-questionable advice: stealing is one of those things that are debilitating when the victim is homeless, poor, and even in the middle class of any economy; your local businesses visibly suffer, your neighbors visibly suffer, and the image of those most affected by stealing are what both corporations and those least affected by genuine charity want you to think about and see and feel whenever the situation comes up that their products are not being paid for.
Now, I'm NOT implying stealing = charity, I'm saying these corporations and people don't understand charity like the homeless, poor, and middle class understand it. Charity to the billionaire corporations is USUALLY synonymous with "tax break" for incentive to look good and get their money back. These corporations and millionaires/billionaires that see charity as primarily a business and marketing idea are the same people that usually also view 0.0001% of their profits being robbed as a serious issue that needs to be resolved to the point that they compare themselves to the same situation of a local business or you yourself being robbed and it's. 100%.. way totally... not even in the same star-system.... near the same thing.
We're taught as a society that we're all supposed to act in a way that, if EVERYONE acted the same way, things would be okay. So, if I "steal" a book by downloading it for free I'm taught that if everyone who read that book also downloaded it for free the author would have put all of that work in for nothing because no one wants to work for free. But that's not even remotely how the world actually works. It isn't and never has been that simple. It's a great idea to model your values off of that concept, but you should always put an asterisk next to your values and your beliefs that lets you know that there are always exceptions to the rules that society places on you AND that there should be allowed exceptions to the rules that YOU place on yourself.
If you can afford the product, yes, sure, fine. Pay for it. Pay for it for "the good of society," for the good of the people who look up to you as a role model. If that's what helps you hold on to your faith and your beliefs and your values, buy it, whatever helps you sleep at night. But the key word there is "afford." You might have the cash, but can you afford it?
If the product you're trying to loophole or otherwise want to consume for free is from a local business, fledgling organization, an artist trying to make ends meet, etcetera.. don't "steal" the product. Pay for it or do without. Hold onto your values and don't fuck over the little guy out of self-centered wants. But if we're talking about a dead artist, or a millionaire/billionaire artist or corporation? Download that book. Download that song. Download that movie. Accept that you could get caught if any laws exist against this behavior, but if you know the only consequence is an author/musician/business worth something like $50,000,000 or more doesn't get your $9.99 for their CD, $19.99 for their book, or $199.99 for their software license fee? Fuck 'em. Download it. Steal it.
YES, if everyone did this it would be a disaster; the business wouldn't be able to sustain itself, it would reduce the incentive for others to try and make that product or similar products worth our attention.. but again, that's not how it works. Everyone is not doing it. People are still paying for the product. These multi-million dollar artists and businesses made their wealth while people were already downloading and stealing leaked versions for free. There's a reason why huge music artists like David Grohl, Jack White, Lady Gaga, and Shakira, just to name a FEW, publicly state that they don't give a shit if you download their music. They're rich and they know it and they'll never have to want again and now their priority is sharing their art for art's sake. Good on them. They introduced a product, didn't work for free, made their wealth, recognized their wealth, and are condoning free access. It's very heartwarming to see. Authors nowadays aren't as dramatically worshipped but a lot of them are in the same place; if I can't afford George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, he's not going to miss a meal or house payment from my lack of contribution. Not now. Not anymore.
The most ignored aspect, I think, of human society is: nothing is binary; it's never all or nothing. I can be against stealing from the less fortunate and not lose sleep from "stealing" from those that'd never notice the profit reduction unless it was very specifically pointed out. Is stealing wrong? Sometimes. Depends. Give me more context. Don't liken the crime of stealing $500 from a Walmart to the crime of stealing $500 from you. That's crazy. That's similar to likening a single ant's capability (or lack thereof) of felling a large tree to yourself with a chainsaw. It doesn't make sense. The world doesn't work that way.
I don't want these artists to get knocked down to my financial level and have to struggle again, but that's never actually a potential result of pirating a wealthy artist or business. The business world is much more complicated than that. Consume the art, stop worrying about moral consequences that don't make any sense, contribute if and when you can, stop caring about the well-being of the rich and famous in terms of you consuming their art when.. like... they have to ask an accountant they hired to tell them an estimate of how much piracy has POTENTIALLY cost them in profits because they absolutely can't tell from looking at their bank statements because of the obscene amount of money they're earning otherwise.
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LGBTQIA+ May/December Historical Romances - Updated May 30, 2019
The Station by Keira Andrews
- Ever since Cambridge-bound Colin Lancaster spied on stable master Patrick Callahan mastering another man, he’s longed for Patrick to do the same to him. When Patrick is caught with his pants down and threatened with death for his crime, Colin speaks up in his defense and confesses his own sinful nature. They’re soon banished to the faraway prison colony of Australia.
Patrick never asked for Colin’s help, and now he’s stuck with the pampered fool. While it’s true that being transported to Australia is a far cry from the luxury Colin is accustomed to, he’s determined to make the best of it and prove himself. Patrick learned long ago that love is a fairy tale, but he’s inexorably drawn to sweet, optimistic Colin despite himself.
From the miserable depths of a prison ship to the vast, untamed Australian outback, Colin and Patrick must rely on each other. Danger lurks everywhere, and when they unexpectedly get the chance to escape to a new life as cowboys, they’ll need each other more than ever.
This historical gay romance from Keira Andrews features an age difference, an eager virgin, hurt/comfort, and of course a happy ending.
Kidnapped by the Pirate by Keira Andrews
- Will a virgin captive surrender to this pirate’s sinful touch? Nathaniel Bainbridge is used to hiding, whether it’s concealing his struggles with reading or his forbidden desire for men. Under the thumb of his controlling father, the governor of Primrose Isle, he’s sailing to the fledging colony, where he’ll surrender to a respectable marriage for his family’s financial gain. Then pirates strike and he’s kidnapped for ransom by the Sea Hawk, a legendary villain of the New World. Bitter and jaded, Hawk harbors futile dreams of leaving the sea for a quiet life, but men like him don’t deserve peace. He has a score to settle with Nathaniel’s father—the very man whose treachery forced him into piracy—and he’s sure Nathaniel is just as contemptible. Yet as days pass in close quarters, Nathaniel’s feisty spirit and alluring innocence beguile and bewitch. Although Hawk knows he must keep his distance, the desire to teach Nathaniel the pleasure men can share grows uncontrollable. It’s not as though Hawk would ever feel anything for him besides lust… Nathaniel realizes the fearsome Sea Hawk’s reputation is largely invented, and he sees the lonely man beneath the myth, willingly surrendering to his captor body and soul. As a pirate’s prisoner, he is finally free to be his true self. The crew has been promised the ransom Nathaniel will bring, yet as danger mounts and the time nears to give him up, Hawk’s biggest battle could be with his own heart. This May-December gay romance from Keira Andrews features classic tropes including: a tough alpha pirate too afraid to love, a plucky virgin captive half his age, enemies to lovers, first-time sexual discovery, and of course a happy ending.
A Lord to Love by Sara Dobie Bauer
- During negotiations for a truce between the feuding Price and Morgan families, Lord John Morgan makes a shocking offer: he will give the Price family their land, in exchange for Harrison Price's hand in marriage. John has long been enamored with Harrison, the beautiful son of his late rival. Harrison is nineteen, inexperienced, and known for being cold and bitingly brilliant. The union seems impossible, and is met with disapproval from all sides, but John is determined to win the affections of the young man he has admired from afar. Will the frigid Harrison accept the other Lord's proposal, or will the object of John's adoration leave him alone at the altar? Find out in this sweetly sexy, romantic tale readers are calling "deliciously carnal" and full of "swoon-worthy moments"!
The Labyrinth by Alex Beecroft (Non-binary MC!)
- Kikeru, the child of a priestess at the sacred temple of Knossos in ancient Crete, believes that the goddesses are laughing at him. They expect him to choose whether he is a man or a woman, when he’s both. They expect him to choose whether to be a husband to a wife, or a celibate priestess in the temple, when all he wants to do is invent things and be with the person he loves.
Unfortunately, that person is Rusa, the handsome ship owner who is most decidedly a man and therefore off-limits no matter what he chooses. And did he mention that the goddesses also expect him to avert war with the Greeks?
The Greeks have an army. Kikeru has his mother, Maja, who is pressuring him to give her grandchildren; Jadikira, Rusa’s pregnant daughter; and superstitious Rusa, who is terrified of what the goddesses will think of him being in love with one of their chosen ones.
It’s a tall order to save Crete from conquest, win his love, and keep both halves of himself. Luckily, at least the daemons are on his side.
Astray by Elvira Bell
- Nick Andrews has grown up in poverty in a tiny village. All his life he’s been told that he’s useless. After getting one scolding too many he decides to go far away, off to sea. But his experience as a farmhand has done little to prepare him for the hardships of a sailor’s life.
When his ship is attacked by pirates, Nick’s life is miraculously spared by the notorious pirate captain, Christopher Hart—a man in charge of a crew feared for their brutality. Nick is forced to join the pirates, and he dreads finding out for what reason the captain has saved him.
But Hart is nothing like his reputation suggests, and Nick soon finds himself entangled in a relationship that could endanger both their lives. Unless Nick can help Hart on his quest to find a long lost treasure, their forbidden love may tear his new life apart.
A Fashionable Indulgence by KJ Charles
- When he learns that he could be the heir to an unexpected fortune, Harry Vane rejects his past as a Radical fighting for government reform and sets about wooing his lovely cousin. But his heart is captured instead by the most beautiful, chic man he’s ever met: the dandy tasked with instructing him in the manners and style of the ton. Harry’s new station demands conformity—and yet the one thing he desires is a taste of the wrong pair of lips. After witnessing firsthand the horrors of Waterloo, Julius Norreys sought refuge behind the luxurious facade of the upper crust. Now he concerns himself exclusively with the cut of his coat and the quality of his boots. And yet his protégé is so unblemished by cynicism that he inspires the first flare of genuine desire Julius has felt in years. He cannot protect Harry from the worst excesses of society. But together they can withstand the high price of passion.
More under the cut, including three F/F romances...
A Charm of Magpie Series by KJ Charles
- A lord in danger. A magician in turmoil. A snowball in hell. Exiled to China for twenty years, Lucien Vaudrey never planned to return to England. But with the mysterious deaths of his father and brother, it seems the new Lord Crane has inherited an earldom. He’s also inherited his family’s enemies. He needs magical assistance, fast. He doesn't expect it to turn up angry. Magician Stephen Day has good reason to hate Crane’s family. Unfortunately, it’s his job to deal with supernatural threats. Besides, the earl is unlike any aristocrat he’s ever met, with the tattoos, the attitude... and the way Crane seems determined to get him into bed. That’s definitely unusual. Soon Stephen is falling hard for the worst possible man, at the worst possible time. But Crane’s dangerous appeal isn't the only thing rendering Stephen powerless. Evil pervades the house, a web of plots is closing round Crane, and if Stephen can’t find a way through it—they’re both going to die.
The Henchmen of Zenda by KJ Charles
- Swordfights, lust, betrayal, murder: just another day for a henchman. Jasper Detchard is a disgraced British officer, now selling his blade to the highest bidder. Currently that's Michael Elphberg, half-brother to the King of Ruritania. Michael wants the throne for himself, and Jasper is one of the scoundrels he hires to help him take it. But when Michael makes his move, things don’t go entirely to plan—and the penalty for treason is death. Rupert of Hentzau is Michael's newest addition to his sinister band of henchmen. Charming, lethal, and intolerably handsome, Rupert is out for his own ends—which seem to include getting Jasper into bed. But Jasper needs to work out what Rupert’s really up to amid a maelstrom of plots, swordfights, scheming, impersonation, desire, betrayal, and murder. Nobody can be trusted. Everyone has a secret. And love is the worst mistake you can make.
Merrick by Claire Cray
- New York, 1799: the future looks bright for the charming young book dealer William Lacy, until a raucous night of drinking lands him in shackles. He narrowly avoids the brutal prison system thanks to his mother, who negotiates with the judge to secure him a five year apprenticeship in lieu of a prison sentence. And so William finds himself in a carriage bound for the remote woods upstate, where he'll spend the next years of his life learning a new trade under some old master. When he first sees Merrick, William thinks he's been dropped into a medieval horror story. Tall and gruff, dressed in a hooded robe that completely conceals his features, and riding a black mare, Merrick might as well be the Grim Reaper. But appearances are deceiving. A skilled apothecary and healer, Merrick proves to be a generous host and a gentle teacher, and William soon finds himself surprisingly comfortable in his new surroundings. And yet troubling mysteries abound: Why does Merrick never show his face or hands? Why do his movements seem so young and sure beneath his robes? What lies within the cave behind the stone cottage? Something unnatural is afoot. But most alarming by far is William's own reaction to his new keeper. For Merrick's strange charms are bewitching enough by day; but by night, in the darkness of the room and the bed they share, William finds himself entirely overwhelmed by desires he never imagined...
Her Hardest Choice by Jesalin Creswell (f/f!!!)
- Vivian Hollingsworth is disillusioned about love. After losing her husband at just twenty-five, she grieved for almost two years, unable to let go of her sorrow. She knows she needs to become a part of the London's social scene once again, but she’s lost all hope of finding true love. Nineteen-year-old Millie O’Connor is not as simple as she may first appear. She might be a lady’s maid, but her past is not without its secrets. Plus, she knows that what she wants is forbidden: she’s never desired a man - her private dreams have always been about women. And the woman she meets now, Lady Hollingsworth, incites her powerful desires so deeply, Millie is no longer sure she can stop herself. The two women cannot deny the attraction they feel. As much as her newfound feelings surprise Vivian, she can't push Millie away. Instead, she needs to make her hardest choice: to throw away the glamorous world of London’s elite for the life with her beloved, or to deny her own desires and dreams…
Seducing Stephen by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon
- What does a jaded earl see in a studious young man? Everything he never knew he was missing. The dark, alluring Peter, Lord Northrup, is Stephen’s every nighttime fantasy made flesh and he’s in Stephen’s bed, ready for passion. When Peter discovers the bedroom mix-up, he’s ready to leave, until Stephen begs him to teach him all the things he’s only imagined. The two men, visitors at a country house, begin a delirious, passionate affair with Northrup as teacher and Stephen his eager student. Peter knows their liaison is about hot sessions of sexual exploration, not love--and backs away when he sees shy Stephen’s heart is involved. Passion and commitment can’t coexist for men like them. But Peter is haunted by memories of the summer fling and the quiet young man he spurned. He may have taught Stephen too well the lessons of a cynical roué.
The Lion and The Crow by Eli Easton
- In medieval England, duty is everything, personal honor is more valued than life itself, and homosexuality is not tolerated by the church or society. Sir Christian Brandon was raised in a household where he was hated for his unusual beauty and for his parentage. Being smaller than his six brutish half-brothers, he learned to survive by using his wits and his gift for strategy, earning him the nickname the Crow. Sir William Corbett, a large and fierce warrior known as the Lion, has pushed his unnatural desires down all his life. He’s determined to live up to his own ideal of a gallant knight. When he takes up a quest to rescue his sister from her abusive lord of a husband, he’s forced to enlist the help of Sir Christian. It’s a partnership that will test every strand of his moral fiber, and, eventually, his understanding of the meaning of duty, honor, and love.
The Bibliophile by Drew Marvin Frayne (Sir/Boy dynamic)
- Nathanial Goldsmith is the only son of the richest man in the Idaho territory, Jessum Goldsmith, the Silver Baron of the Western Lands, as he is called in all the newspapers. But life in the late nineteenth-century American West weaves no magic spell for Nathanial, who longs for the academic worlds his father has forced him to leave behind. To toughen him up, Nathanial’s father has indentured him to a ranchman, Cayuse Jem, a large, raw-boned, taciturn man Nathanial’s father believes will help teach his son to “become a man.” Cut off from his books and the life he has always known, Nathanial is not only forced to co-exist with Cayuse Jem, but to truly get to know him. In doing so, Nathanial discovers there is more to this silent horseman than meets the eye. And, in the process, Nathanial also learns a few things about life, about human nature, and about the differences in being a man and a boy…
The Replacement Husband by Eliot Grayson
- Goddess-blessed Owen Honeyfield is destined to enjoy perfect good fortune. The arrival of handsome and eligible Tom Drake in his country town appears to be the latest manifestation, and Tom’s whirlwind proposal is the fulfillment of Owen’s desires. When his betrothal takes a disastrous turn, Owen is left heartbroken and at the mercy of Arthur, Tom’s disapproving elder brother. His reputation ruined and his bright future shattered, Owen must choose between loneliness and a marriage of convenience, with love no longer in reach. Arthur Drake has always taken responsibility for Tom’s scandalous behavior, but this time is worse — it isn’t just the family name at stake, but his own happiness. When Tom’s impulsive selfishness threatens to ruin the lives of everyone involved, Arthur has only one honorable choice. He'll need to repair the damage Tom has done and fight for his chance at love, knowing all the while he may never be able to take Tom’s place in Owen’s heart.
The Mystic Marriage by Heather Rose Jones (Alpennia Book Two)(f/f!!)
- Antuniet Chazillen lost everything the night her brother was executed. In exile, she swore that treason would not be the final chapter of the Chazillen legacy in Alpennia’s history. A long-hidden book of alchemical secrets provides the first hope of success, but her return to the capital is haunted by an enemy who wants those secrets for himself. Jeanne, Vicomtesse de Cherdillac is bored. The Rotenek season is flat, her latest lover has grown tediously jealous and her usual crowd of friends fails to amuse. When Antuniet turns up on her doorstep seeking patronage for her alchemy experiments, what begins as amusement turns to interest, then something deeper. But Antuniet’s work draws danger that threatens even the crown of Alpennia. The alchemy of precious gems throws two women into a crucible of adversity, but it is the alchemy of the human heart that transforms them both in this breathtaking follow-up to the widely acclaimed Daughter of Mystery.
A Margin of Promise by Emma Lanner (This is a fave. I wish the author had written more novels after this one.)
- Packed off to London with orders to obtain a wife, Isaac arrives at the home of his benefactor, Lord Edmund, with whom he has corresponded for several years. Upon his arrival, however, Edmund proves to be less warm and welcoming than Isaac had expected, and is eager to see him married off. Distraction comes first by way of Gideon, beautiful and charming and eager to show Isaac a different sort of society, then Patience, smart and marriageable and a talented matchmaker, who decides to help Isaac woo Edmund and bring out the passionate man Isaac knows from their years of correspondence. But Edmund seems bent on ignoring him, and Gideon determined to draw him closer...
Ever Moore: A Gay Fairy Tale by Christina Lee and Riley Hart (Forbidden Love Book Two)
- With his raven hair and snow-white skin, Lord Ansil Eirwin draws unwanted attention wherever he goes. After his father’s untimely death, Ansil is set to become Duke of Ravenswood on his next birthday. The gallant and timid lord would never dream of shirking responsibility, so he subverts his desires in order to please his mother and new stepfather, Reginald. Orien Moore, known as the Huntsman, lives on the fringes and has forsaken close bonds with anyone, even the misfits he has taken in. When Orien is called upon by his brother, Reginald, to kill the pampered future duke, it is the perfect opportunity to seek revenge against his power-hungry brother. Orien formulates a plan to use Reginald’s vicious request to his advantage by kidnapping Ansil and holding him hostage until he can fulfill his birthright. Soon Orien realizes that Ansil is nothing like he’d expected. Kind and joyful, Ansil enchants Orien and his ragtag group. And Ansil, in turn, cannot help but be curious about the gruff huntsman as Orien’s vulnerabilities are exposed. Their mutual interest transforms into affection, followed by overwhelming desire. But they are living on borrowed time. With Reginald seeking power in Ravenswood, they have no way of knowing what will transpire once Orien returns Ansil to his proper place in society. The only certainty is that the odds are stacked against them. Will the young lord and his huntsman ever have the chance to experience the happily ever after they’ve found in each other’s arms?
Deviant Desire by Jackson Marsh (The Clearwater Mysteries Book One)
- The Victorian East End lives in fear of the Ripper and his mission to kill rent boys. Silas Hawkins, nineteen and forging a life on the streets could well be the next victim, but when he meets Archer, his life changes forever. Young, attractive and rich, Archer is The Viscount Clearwater, a philanthropist, adventurer and homosexual. When Archer suspects the Ripper is killing to lure him to a confrontation, he risks his reputation and his life to stop the madman's murders. Every man must play his part, including Silas. A mashup of mystery, romance and adventure, Deviant Desire is set in an imaginary London of 1888. The first in an on-going series, it takes the theme of loyalty and friendship in a world where homosexuality is a crime. Secrets must be kept, lovers must be protected, and for Archer and Silas, it marks the start of their biggest adventure - love.
The Mistletoe Kiss by Ruby Moone (Fave. MC with a disability.)
- Widowed bookseller Lawrence Fenton has spent a lonely lifetime hiding who he is. He has convinced himself his feelings for his far too young, gorgeous, but troubled assistant Christy Shaw are nothing more than pride in his protégé and concern for his plight. Christy’s life involves walking fine lines: one between his mother and his abusive stepfather, one where he must keep his needs hidden, and hardest of all, one where he must keep his feelings for his serious employer to himself. Lame since birth, Lawrence cannot imagine anyone wanting him, least of all Christy. But when Christy’s life threatens to spiral out of control, Lawrence steps in. Then Christy’s emotions spill over into a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas. Will Lawrence be able to face the long-buried truth about himself and keep Christy by his side?
Madcap Masquerade by Persephone Roth
- The Randwick family is as noble as any but lives in greatly reduced circumstances. When Loel Woodbine, Duke of Marche and heir to three fortunes, makes an offer for Miss Valeria Randwick's hand, it seems like a godsend, but the young lady has already promised her heart to another-and a commoner, at that. Desperate to avoid the marriage, Valeria concocts a wild scheme that depends upon the good graces of her monastery-raised brother, Valentine. When the prospective groom sees through the ruse, he surprises Valentine by agreeing to cooperate. But can Marche and Valentine fool London society while dealing with an accusation of murder and the distracting fascination between them?
The Lawrence Browne Affair by Cat Sebastian
- An earl hiding from his future . . . Lawrence Browne, the Earl of Radnor, is mad. At least, that’s what he and most of the village believes. A brilliant scientist, he hides himself away in his family’s crumbling estate, unwilling to venture into the outside world. When an annoyingly handsome man arrives at Penkellis, claiming to be Lawrence’s new secretary, his carefully planned world is turned upside down. A swindler haunted by his past . . . Georgie Turner has made his life pretending to be anyone but himself. A swindler and con man, he can slip into an identity faster than he can change clothes. But when his long-dead conscience resurrects and a dangerous associate is out for blood, Georgie escapes to the wilds of Cornwall. Pretending to be a secretary should be easy, but he doesn’t expect that the only madness he finds is the one he has for the gorgeous earl. Can they find forever in the wreckage of their lives? Challenging each other at every turn, the two men soon give into the desire that threatens to overwhelm them. But with one man convinced he is at the very brink of madness and the other hiding his real identity, only true love can make this an affair to remember.
Summit Avenue by Mary Sharratt (f/f!)
- How can you weave a life from fairy tales? Set in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul during the First World War, Mary Sharratt's debut novel is the story of a young German immigrant experiencing her spiritual and sexual awakening. When Kathrin's mother dies, Kathrin immigrates to America where she is reunited with her cousin Lotte and begins work at a mill sewing flour bags. Soon Kathrin meets the Jeliniks, the owners of a small bookstore. While Jan, a compassionate, elderly man, loves his bookstore, his nephew John would rather see it reopened as something more profitable, a testament to the American dream of prosperity for which he so desperately hungers. Jan introduces Kathrin to Violet Waverly, who offers Kathrin a job typing and translating a book of fairy tales that her husband was compiling before he died. Violet invites Kathrin to live with her in her mansion on Summit Avenue, the richest neighborhood in Saint Paul. Both women, left wounded and alone in different circumstances, find increasing solace and warmth in each other. Although Violet can offer Kathrin love, compassion, and a glimpse of the dizzying heights of wealthy upper-class grandeur, she cannot fully disguise the painful secrets hiding behind the glitter. As Kathrin comes closer to the heart of Violet's mysterious past, she discovers that life, like a fairy tale, is often based on illusion.
A Husband for Steel and Blood Hollis Shiloh (Marrying Men Book Three)
- When a young girl implores Edgar Finch to marry her older brother because "Charlie is unhappy," Edgar is at first amused.  But Charlie is nephew to the horribly abusive Lord Fitzhannon, whom Edgar has set himself against, and the lad is suffering under Fitzhannon's cruelty.   Marriage is not in Edgar's plans, but he'll save the lad if he can—and marriage may be his one shot.  Charlie is nineteen, wild and wounded, and extraordinarily beautiful.  The marriage of convenience to Edgar is just what he needs to get free of his awful uncle, and to protect his innocent little sisters.   A rocky alliance between Edgar and Charlie grows into something more companionable, from reluctantly relying on one another to trusting and warm.  But Edgar's heart is set on revenge against Fitzhannon, who is responsible for the death of the only man he ever loved.  Nothing must get in his way.   He would rather not drag his young husband down with him, much less develop feelings for the brat.  Now, if only Charlie would have the good sense not to fall in love with him...
The Mystery of Brackenwell Hall: A Gothic Paranormal Romance by Gillian St. Kevern (Read by Candlelight Book 2)
- Stephen Mereweather, a young invalid, doubts that gloomy Brackenwell Hall can cure him. What chance does country air, no matter how fresh, have against a disease that has baffled the greatest medical mind in London—his own father? Resigned to a long recovery, Stephen encounters instead a cheeky trespasser who takes Stephen’s bad mood as an invitation to be even more obnoxiously cheerful. It’s enough to make anyone reach for the nearest bottle of laudanum... But Charlie’s inflated self-regard is not the only inexplicable occurrence at Brackenwell. Stephen’s family is plagued by a series of disappearances and deaths. If Stephen wants to avoid a premature death, he’ll need Charlie’s help... But Charlie may prove an even bigger mystery.
The Innocent Auction by Victoria Sue (Innocents Book One)
- London 1810. Their love was a death sentence. Deacon, Viscount Carlisle, was aware of the slums and gin-lanes of London. Just as he was aware of the underground traffic that furnished the brothels and bath houses with human innocents. He was also aware that the so-called justice system would hang the accused without much of an attempt at a defense, unless the unfortunate had deep pockets to pay for it. He just hadn’t expected to be directly involved in any of it. It started with a plea for help and ended with forbidden love, the love between a Viscount and a stable-boy. An impossible love and a guarantee of the hangman's noose. Will Deacon fight for Tom? Will he risk the death sentence and take that fight from the stately halls of his English mansion to the horrors of Newgate Prison and the slums of London? Or will he realize that if he doesn't, death will be a welcome end to the loneliness of the sentence he is already living?
Nightingail by Aleksandr Voinov
- In Nazi-occupied Paris, most Frenchmen tread warily, but gay nightclub singer Yves Lacroix puts himself in the spotlight with every performance. As a veteran of France’s doomed defense, a survivor of a prison camp, and a “degenerate,” he knows he’s a target. His comic stage persona disguises a shamed, angry heart and gut-wrenching fear for a sister embedded in the Resistance. Yet Yves ascends the hierarchy of Parisian nightlife to become a star, attracting the attention—and the protection—of the Nazi Oberst Heinrich von Starck. To complicate matters further, young foot soldier Falk Harfner’s naïve adoration of Yves threatens everything he’s worked for. So does Aryan ideologue von Grimmstein, rival to von Starck, who sees something “a bit like a Jew” in Yves. When an ill-chosen quip can mean torture at the hands of the Gestapo, being the acclaimed Nightingale of Paris might cost Yves his music and his life.
The Lion of Kent and Deliverance (sequel) by Aleksandr Voinov
- Squire William Raven has only one goal—to finally receive his spurs and become a knight. When his lord, Sir Robert de Cantilou, returns from a five-year crusade in the Holy Land, William wants nothing more than to impress him. After Sir Robert’s return, noble guests arrive from France, bringing intrigue to the castle. William is oblivious to the politics, as he’s distracted by nightly visits from a faceless lover—a man who pleasures him in the dark and then leaves—a man he soon discovers is none other than his master, Sir Robert. But William can’t ignore the scheming around him when he overhears a plot to murder Robert. He becomes intent on saving his lord and lover from those who would see him killed…
- Once a renowned tournament fighter known as the "Lion of Kent," William Raven joined the Templars in the Holy Land to escape his past and the political machinations of his enemies. Called to protect travelling pilgrims bound for Jerusalem, William comes face to face with Guy de Metz, his lover from the past. But Guy is no longer the foppish young noble William knew. Guy de Metz once tamed the famous Lion, but failed to hold onto the man. Rumours and intrigue tore them apart, and William left seemingly without a thought. Now as they meet again, William claims he has sworn himself to God and God alone, but Guy believes that somewhere inside William’s chest, the proud, fierce man he used to love is still alive, and he will prove it.
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teamhook · 6 years
Captain Swan Supernatural Summer
Thanks again to @kmomof4 @cssns for organizing the thing…
Thanks to @hookedonapirate for her Beta services. She is amazing. :)
Thanks to @kymbersmith-90 @revanmeetra87 @searchingwardrobes for their support and help cause I tend to freak out. :p
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Chapter 4:
The road so far...
Liam's quest doesn't go as planned. Killian's anger and loss lead him to mutiny. Pirate Captain Jones was born.
Killian Jones had been a pirate for some time now. He captained the Jolly Roger, showing no mercy or quarter to any royal ships he encountered. Royal ship after ship was sent to a watery grave by the young scourge. One of those ships had previously been his home, the Siren’s Song.
He had fallen into a deep darkness fueled by vengeance. He had no problem engaging people, and the women were drawn to his darkness.
He had no qualms with the type of women he would bed. If they were willing, he would charm them and give them a tour of his ship which led to a night of passion.
In some cases, the husbands would find out about the dalliance and opt for retribution which ended badly for the lot.
The drowning in rum and women was all that could numb his pain. His brother had died and nothing could replace that void.
On a particular uneventful night at a port, inside a rowdy tavern at the far back of the room, a man sat alone wallowing in the loss of his only family. He was easily drinking his way into oblivion to forget.
A woman with dark hair approached him. "Can I get you anything else?"
"Aye, lass bring the bottle and leave it."
"Let me go fetch it. I will return shortly." She walked towards the barkeeper and returned with the bottle. "Would you like some company?"
"I'm afraid I’m not the best company." He kept toying with the ring on his finger.
"I suppose not." She looked at him and walked away.
The barmaid was cleaning tables when some drunken sailor approached her, wobbling. He grabbed her and pulled her to him. “Come on lass, let’s have some fun.” He tried to kiss her and molest her. "No, let me go!" she yelled, but no one seemed to notice.
Killian rose to his feet and walked towards them. He tapped on the man’s shoulder, and once the drunken man turned, Killian punched him; the other man fell to the floor and didn’t get back up.
"Are you alright lass?"
"Thank you, I thought no one was going to help me," she said as she kicked the fallen man.
”No thanks needed, lass. I'm always a gentleman. Killian Jones at your service milady." He took a bow.
“My name is Milah. I’m sorry for interrupting you. I should be used to the drunken scoundrels pawing at me.”
Killian felt bad for the woman, and for a second he was distracted from his misery.
He scratched behind his ear. “Lass if you would like to have a drink with me and ---”
Milah interrupted him, and added, “Earlier you looked sad and lonely, so I thought you would enjoy talking. I wasn’t offering any other services.“
I was his time to interrupt her. “I never claimed you were. I was being a gentleman.”
She stared in disbelief, and without thinking added, “but you are a pirate.”
“That I am,” he responded as he sat back down.
She decided to join him, slowly taking the seat across from him. They talked about their heartbreaks. He talked about his brother and she about the loss of her son. Later the conversation veered into one of their adventures and life at sea, and soon their time together became routine.
Each time he made port he would visit the tavern, and slowly they developed a friendship. He would regale her with stories of his adventures at sea and she would tell him of her husband.
Their friendship kept growing with each passing day, and over time he realized he had found a little bit of happiness with her.
He toyed with the idea of asking her to run away with him. She had no love for her husband and she desperately craved a different type of life. The loss of their child had broken them beyond repair. Her husband had wanted to save their little Bae by trading his life for another. As much as she loved her son she couldn’t sacrifice another life to save her child. That was not something she could live with.
Milah knew she was falling in love with the pirate. He would listen to her and share amazing stories of his life at sea. She wanted to ask him to take her with him. For a long time, the only thing that stopped her from truly considering running away with Killian was the husband she no longer loved. The guilt she felt just thinking about it was overwhelming.
Should she be miserable for the rest of her life?
Next time Killian made port, she would ask him to take her away.
Killian Jones was looking forward to making port. It had been so long since he was happy. He knew the reason was the dark-haired beauty he had befriended.
The wooden door flew open as he entered the tavern Milah was working at.
The slam of the door caused Milah to turn in his direction. The smile she couldn’t hide as she noticed his presence, formed on her face. Their eyes danced with joy.
“Hello, lass,” he greeted as he sat down on the bench.
She smiled at him and tilted her head. "Killian, how was your last voyage? I'm sure it was filled with adventure and excitement." Her demeanor changed to something sad, and she looked around the tavern and sighed.
"Nothing too exciting I'm afraid, love. Only a few merchant ships carrying less than valuable cargo."
"Oh, but it is still exciting. At least to someone like me."
"Like you? I'm afraid I don't follow." His curious blue eyes pierced through her soul.
"I've never left this village. I married young. I've always wanted to travel. I've dreamt of adventures that will never come to life because my husband cannot fulfill my dreams."
"I'm sorry, love." He wanted to say it - “come with me”.
"Don't be. It's my life and I have to live with it. Whether I'm happy or not."
"Are things still at odds with your husband?"
"Killian, I didn't marry for love. It was an arranged marriage. My parents thought Rumple was my best option. He turned out to be nothing more than a coward, but he loved our son, Bae. Since we lost him, all we do is fight. He blames me for his death, and I'm tired."
"I'm sorry." He looked deep into her eyes and knew he had to save her. "Love, I cannot offer you everything you deserve, but I can make your dreams come true. Come with me. We will sail the seas in search of treasures and adventures."
Milah gaped at him in response. "That is not nice, Killian."
"Come again?" Confused, he stared at her.
"Giving false hope is very cruel."
"I mean it. Milah, if you are truly unhappy and there is no hope in reconciling with your husband, I'm perfectly serious."
The smile that erupted over her features was illuminating. She squealed in excitement and wrapped her arms around his neck in a fluid movement. “When do we leave?”
“We set sail tomorrow. Milah, are you sure?”
“You truly have no idea. You’ve saved me.”
“Make your preparations, love, and meet me here at first light. I need to get some preparations done of my own.”
With that, they separated and Killian left the tavern.
He quickly arrived at the Jolly and gave instructions to his men.  He chuckled as he prepared his quarters for another occupant. Should he be making such assumptions about their relationship?
Milah's excitement was hard to hide from her husband. She restlessly waited for him to leave for his daily routine. She readied a little rucksack with a few belongings. She was nervous but excited that she was finally going to have the life she had always dreamt of. A life full of adventure.
She walked towards the harbor and spotted the Jolly. It was exactly as he had described to her. She approached it, but stopped and looked around the docks, noticing there was nobody in sight.
She stared at the ship and was about to call out, in hopes one of the crew members would hear her, but the thought was interrupted by two strong hands grabbing her from behind and turning her around so fast she couldn't see the face of her assailant, and she was thrown over the man's shoulder.
She heard a hearty laugh she instantly recognized as he carried her across the gangplank and gently put her down.
"I've made some room for your things in my quarters." He scratched behind his ear. "I hope that I'm not overstepping."
Her cheeks blushed a light pink and her eyelashes fluttered. "Well, it is your ship and I would hate to impose. Do you think I would be safe in the crew's quarters?"
"They know you are under my protection and they are good men that followed me into piracy, and they know I care deeply for you."
"And I you." She smiled. "I trust you, Killian. Whatever you feel is best is fine with me."
"Follow me, my lady." He opened the hatch that led to his quarters and she followed.
Sadly, Milah's presence at the docks had not gone unnoticed.
A hooded figure quickly disappeared into a black cloud. The pieces were slowly falling into place.
Under the guise of an elderly fisherman, the hooded figure approached Rumple.
"Excuse me, sir, are you the spinner?"
"I am, how may I help you?"
"Oh no, Sonny. I'm afraid I have bad news. I'm coming from the docks and I believe I saw your wife being kidnapped by a pirate.”
Rumple's face drained of color. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. The animal was carrying her over his shoulder. Shouldn't you try to save her?"
"I..." he stuttered and started to limp towards the harbor.
The elderly man screamed out "The ship is called the Jolly Roger!"
Rumple arrived just before the ship was about to set sail.
"Wait! Wait! My wife is on board. Please! Sir, I beg you."
Killian's first mate, Mr. Starkey reluctantly lowered the gangplank for Rumple to cross and board the ship.
Rumple stumbled onto the ship's deck as his wild eyes searched for his wife.
The hatch burst open and a man dressed in black emerged. Once he was fully on deck all the men quietened. The man was younger, dressed in black leather trousers and a crimson vest unbuttoned on top of a black shirt. The man leaned on the standing rigging of the ship as his eyes met Rumple's.
"Sir, my wife... I was told she was here," he implored, his voice cracked with desperation.
"Well, I've had many a man's wife so you might need to be more specific."
The laughter of the crew was silenced once their captain raised his eyes at them.
"Please sir, our son, we lost him. I cannot lose her too." There was devastation on his face, eyes filled with fear at the thought of losing his wife.
"I'm sorry mate, but as captain of this ship, I have a duty to my crew. You see, I have a ship full of men that will require some companionship," he said, popping the p. "Your wife will do just fine."
Rumplestiltskin’s heart plummeted, traces of hope chipping away inside him. "Please, sir I beg of you..." he pleaded once again, his voice trembling with every word he spoke.
The pirate, however, didn't seem to hold any sympathy whatsoever, he was only smirking, proud of himself for having so much power over him. "I'm not much for bartering. That said I do consider myself a man of honor. A man with a code, so if you truly want your wife back, all you have to do is take her."
One of the crew members tossed a cutlass in front of Rumple, and the steel blade rattled as it fell to the wooden panels of the ship.
"Never been in a duel before, I take it?” the pirate asked when Rumple didn't so much as move a muscle, he only gulped thickly, his throat dry as sandpaper. “Well, it's quite simple, really. The pointy end goes in the other guy. Go on. Pick it up."
Tears pricked Rumple's eyes, the lines on his creasing and he almost cried out to the man, words thick with trepidation. He did not want to fight because he knew he would not win. He had no experience with swords. "Please, sir, have mercy."
The man tightened his jaw, irritation shining in his eyes. "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets. If you will not fight for her, then you don't deserve her. Now get off my ship!"
Rumple stumbled back and felt two hands on him as he was removed from the ship.
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seriouslyhooked · 6 years
Mr. Brightside
Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: This is a reader requested one shot based on the classic song ‘Mr. Brightside’ by the Killers. I have had this on the prompt list for roughly forever, and FINALLY got my muse to talk to me about what to do with this. It’s a CS Rock and Roll AU (is that a thing? It has to be a thing) where Killian is the lead singer of a band and the opening act for their world tour is Emma’s band. There’s been confusion about whether Emma is single or not, but eventually it’s all sorted out, and surprise – there’s a lot of fluff. It’s pretty loosely based on the song, all things considered, but since I will always love this song I am happy to include it in the mixtape. Hope you guys enjoy and thank you all for reading.
“All right sound check came back perfect – no problems there, lads. Looks like it’ll be a great show.”
The news from the band’s manager, Robin Locksley, should have improved Killian’s mood, but alas it did nothing to revive his spirits. His bad attitude was here to stay, a dark cloud hovering over what should have been a bloody brilliant day. Everyone else could tell he was feeling off. A few of his band mates had even asked what was bothering him, but Killian remained mum on the issue. He couldn’t talk about it. He just had to wait out the shit feelings that had arrived the moment their A&R reps came back to town this morning and pray for eventual relief from the madness of his thoughts.
“So the show starts in an hour. MistMavens will do their usual thirty minutes and then you guys are on twenty minutes later. Unless you want to shorten their set. Killian, thoughts?”
Killian shook his head after a moment’s contemplation. No, he didn’t want to take any of the time of the girl group before them away. They were just starting out in their careers. It was their first big tour and Killian knew they had more than enough talent to merit being here. Regardless of his hurt feelings he wanted to see them succeed, for better or worse. He wouldn’t allow resentment to deny worthy people their shot.
“Okay then. You all know what to do. Let’s give em’ the show they deserve.”
Robin’s final words were a signal to the crew and everyone else that they could go about other things for the time being. For the band, however, it signaled a time to touch base just the four of them. Typically Killian appreciated this, knowing he needed to hash out any final thoughts with the others in Legal Piracy to prepare for a decent gig, but right now his walls were up. He felt cagey, like he was trapped and unable to claw his way out of the anger and the hurt, and all it would take would be one wrong word from one of the band members and he’d snap, best mates or not.
“You think he ever sleeps?” David Nolan, the band’s bassist and Killian’s oldest friend asked, no doubt about Robin. This pulled a laugh from everyone, and even Killian forced a smile. It really was remarkable how much Robin could get done. He was always on top of things, and never lost his charm or his swagger in the meantime.
“Nah, man. Between us and the missus, that man’s got his hands full,” Graham replied, his fingers still twirling about his drumsticks even though he was no longer playing.
“I just can’t believe he bagged the Evil Queen. Did anyone see that coming?” Will, the final member of their foursome asked as he handed off his guitar to one of the stagehands below.
“Only everyone with eyes,” Killian replied a bit more sharply than anticipated. Then again, it wasn’t exactly a surprise. Everyone knew that Robin and the president of their record label, Regina Mills, had a thing for each other for years. What was shocking was how much Regina had seemingly changed because of the union. She had always been tense, abrasive, and overbearing before. Now she still reigned with an absolute power, but she’d mellowed out. It made her a much more bearable person to be around and Robin seemed to be just as well suited to the match as she did.
“Ha ha,” Will replied dryly. “Speaking of eyes, you going to secretly make some more at Emma tonight or are we doing the damn thing and fighting Neal already?”
“Come again?” Killian asked at the same time that David and Graham replied “Fighting.”
Killian stared in shock at his friends for saying this. It was one thing for them to comment about his infatuation with Emma, because as much as Killian wished he’d been subtle he knew that he hadn’t been. It was pretty damn obvious how he felt about her. He had made no real attempt to hide the fact that he cared for her, at least not until this morning when everything had fallen apart in an instant. But for his friends to realize that his recent hostility was due in part to their A&R rep, that was a step above. 
Part of Killian was angered by the fact that they would bring it up, since even the thought of Neal and Emma together cut him to the core, but he was also a bit pleased that his friends were ready to go and help him take out the sorry excuse for a man if he so chose. The thought of actually dueling with Neal had crossed Killian’s mind more than once throughout the day. After all, a man unwilling to fight for what he wanted was no real man at all. At least that was what Killian’s brother Liam was prone to saying.
“Oh come on, Killian, that dude’s a tool. We all know it’s you Emma should be with. Hell, I don’t even believe him when he says they’re together. She doesn’t look into him at all. She practically ran away from him all day. Either way, it’s time to man up and do something about it.”
“And you think fighting Cassidy is the way to go?” Killian asked, trying to conceal the fact that a tiny bit of hope flared to life that Emma might not really want this other man. “Emma’s not some prize to be won.”
“No, she’s the woman you love,” David replied evenly. “And she loves you back, man. There’s no doubting that.”
“If she loved me, she wouldn’t be with him, would she?” Killian asked, but before his friends could reply he backed away with his hands out stretched. “I’m not doing this. I’ll see you at the show.”
Moving through the stage setup and into the back of the arena, Killian willed himself to get lost in the shuffle but it was hard to do given the fact that this was his concert and he was so recognizable. In all the years that Killian and his friends had been hustling like crazy to get to this kind of success, he never imagined that anything could dull the shine of fame and fortune. He and the band had worked too damn hard to have anything come in between him and the happiness he imagined would come when every door was open to them, when people around the world listened to their music, and would give anything to see their show. Yet here he was, angry, resentful, and bitter as could be because all of this meant nothing to him, not when he didn’t have what mattered most of all.
It would be impossible to pinpoint the exact moment when love had come crashing into his life, but he would imagine it was right at the beginning, the morning he and the band first met their opening act for their new American tour. On that morning Killian hadn’t known what awaited him, but when he first met Emma Swan, a brilliant, sassy, fierce and fiery siren of a woman, he was helpless to resist her.
“So you’re the notorious Killian Jones,” she’d said as their hands met in greeting. Killian felt the sharp tingle of awareness when skin met skin, and he watched as Emma’s eyes widened ever so slightly and her breathing seemed to pick up at the same time.
“Oh, so you’ve heard of me then?” Killian asked, trying to be seductive and charming all at once, but he hadn’t expected her laughter. It wasn’t meant to be a joke, but in retrospect it was a corny reply through and through.
“Uh, yeah, I’ve heard of the lead singer of the band we’re opening for,” she replied, her tone laced in humor and an insinuation that clearly said ‘duh, what kind of question is that?’
“Right. Well Swan – that’s an interesting name. Don’t hear that very often.”
“You don’t?” Emma asked, her brow furrowing in confusion as to why he was bringing up her last name, and hell if he could explain it. Truth be told he was nervous, a first for him probably in his whole life. He had no rational explanation for it but his hands were shaking and his mind was moving a mile a minute. He’d just kind of blurted that fact out and now he had to try and find a way to recover before this beautiful woman wrote him off as completely unhinged or incompetent.
“No, love. I think it’s for the best though. Only someone as lovely as you deserves such a connotation.” 
There, that was a bit better. His ability to speak to a woman wasn’t completely lost after all, and though he was now laying it on rather thick, Killian wasn’t exaggerating about how attractive Emma was. Once he said the words though, his sole hope became that she would be receptive, and when she smiled at him and the slightest trace of pink kissed her cheeks, he felt like getting down on his knees and thanking God above. It felt like the sweetest victory to win her over, and to earn a genuine grin from this intriguing woman he wanted to know better.
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re way too charming?” Emma asked, her voice lower than it had been just a moment ago. The sound of it tugged at something inside of Killian, because he knew from the heat and the gravel that this wasn’t a one sided interest on his part. Despite her ability to seem unaffected, Emma was feeling this connection as well, though she tried to hide it with another jest. “You’re lucky you’re a rock star – guys with lines like that in the real world get written off as corny.”
“People have called me a lot of things, love, but corny isn’t one of them.”
“Well if the shoe fits…” Emma said with a shrug, and it had taken everything in Killian not to pull her close and kiss her senseless. But alas, they hadn’t been alone and it was hardly the time or place to try and see if such a match could work.
Over the next few weeks the interest that Killian felt only grew stronger by the day. He would run into Emma all the time, seeing her in rehearsals and watching her sets night in and night out. She was beyond talented, with a voice that evoked undeniable feeling in any song at any time. She could sing a ballad or an anthem or a cover of some long lost classic and be so well suited to all of them it was astounding. She had real talent, and the rest of her band did too. Yet it wasn’t her affinity for music that drew Killian in most, it was who she was as a person. Fiercely loyal to her friends and her crew, Emma was a fighter and a lover all in one. She treated everyone with kindness and respect, valued the time of each person in their orbit, no matter how menial their job, but she always stood her ground. She didn’t accept bad treatment for herself or for anyone else, and Killian couldn’t help but see her as this almost savior, sweeping in to different situations and protecting the underdogs at every turn. She was such an enigma, but at the same time Killian felt like he’d never understood a person better in his life than he did Emma Swan.
It was insane for him to care so much about a woman so quickly, and since past mistakes in love had made him cynical and uninterested in anything like a repeat performance, it seriously fucked him up for a time. The first few weeks they knew each other Killian battled this innate desire to spend time with her and the wariness that his past had taught him to hold close. Despite his attempts at avoiding attachment, however, he could feel himself falling under her spell. Little by little his heart ran away from him, and before he knew it he was hers. 
A turning point came where he realized that resistance was futile, and before he knew it they were spending each night together. They stayed back on the bus or in the hotel, leaving their friends to explore the local nightlife while they watched a movie, took a walk, or had dinner just the two of them. It was intimate even though neither of them ever crossed the line, and the best part was that it was normal. He wasn’t Killian Jones, rock star, and she wasn’t defined by her up and coming status either. They were just two people getting to know each other and forming a connection so few people ever had. And then the moment finally came, the one where he couldn’t wait anymore to make a move. He was so certain of his regard for Emma he had to let her know.
Instinct guided him in that instant to side with a display of his affection over the words that always seemed to get tangled up in his presence. She was so close, grinning at some witty comment he’d made about the movie before them and he took his opportunity, pressing his lips to hers and feeling the impact of a kiss with the woman of his dreams. What started as easy affection ignited, for all it took was one second for Emma to be there with him. Her response was glorious, seductive, and healing all in one. It told Killian he wasn’t alone in this, and he reveled in the chemistry between them. Something this hot and this intense couldn’t be forced – it was a magic so unique people lived their whole lives and never felt it, and Killian would have given anything to take it further, to steal her away to his suite, strip the clothes from her body, and take her over and over again until morning light came. But somehow, through some strength of character and purpose he never knew he had, he pulled back, looking into Emma’s lust-filled eyes and taking in her words of amazement.
“I can’t believe you did that,” she whispered, her lips full and her face flush with the influence of their kiss.
“Can’t you?” Killian asked, a grin forming on his face as he allowed himself to truly feel this untouchable sense of happiness. “Haven’t I made my intentions clear?”
“Well yeah, I mean I thought I knew, but… I don’t know, I’ve just been waiting for what feels like forever for that to happen.”
“Aye, love. The wait was too long, but this is only the beginning, Emma. You have my word on that.”
The rest of the night was a beautiful blur of feeling, and he and Emma made the most of the fleeting moments they had before their friends returned. But when the end of the night came, Killian was confident that they would have tomorrow. If he had his way they’d have a million more of such moments together, that was how far he’d fallen for Emma, but fate it seemed was not so interested in granting him that happily ever after. Instead of rising to a new day where he could tell the world that Emma was his and that he was hers in turn, he’d stumbled upon a scene at breakfast that broke his heart and his very spirit as well.
At first Killian didn’t register anything was amiss, but when he spotted Neal cozied up to Emma, standing too close for it to be anything innocent, it felt like the floor fell out from under him. Killian could only bear to look at them for a second, but the damage was done to his heart and to that happiness he’d thought was here to stay. Since then he’d been avoiding Emma. He hadn’t been subtle about it either, boldly leaving rooms or making sure they only shared a space when there were a half a dozen or more eyes watching. It was bloody difficult work, because even with everything he still wanted her close. But he had to do it. The honorable thing to do was to leave her alone if she belonged to another.
The voice that called to him was undeniably Emma’s, and for a moment he thought he might have dreamed it up. He took stock of his surroundings, realizing that he’d ended up at the farthest corner of the venue. The spot was shielded away from prying public eyes, and it allowed him to tune out the world and just gaze at the cityscape below. He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts, Killian hadn’t even realized Emma was near him, and he took a calming breath, trying to keep himself in check for this interaction. It was all for nothing though, because as soon as he turned and saw her, ready for her set tonight and looking more stunning than any woman had a right to, he was lost.
“Swan,” he said, knowing his greeting was cold, but he didn’t have any other words. If he didn’t keep things short between them he’d confess it all, and he couldn’t stand the embarrassment that would entail. No, what he’d seen that morning had made it very clear – Emma belonged to another and he’d be making a fool of himself to try to plead for a chance when she was satisfied elsewhere. “Don’t you have a set starting shortly?”
“Yes,” Emma said, taking a step forward. Killian wanted to do the same, feeling the need to get closer to her but he held back and watched her closely, trying to understand what she was feeling. Her face was filled with emotion, but it was all too hard to read when he was charged up on his own. “But I had to talk to you. I can’t go out there tonight if I don’t.”
“Is everything all right?” Killian asked, still trying to rein himself in even as worry spiked inside his heart. Was she okay? Was she hurt? A thousand scenarios ran through her mind and he had to remind himself she wasn’t his to protect.
“No,” Emma said softly as she took another step towards him. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I haven’t, Emma, I’ve been -,”
“You promised me you’d never lie to me, remember?” Emma said, reminding him of a moment they’d had a few weeks back, a night Killian thought might lead to more but where he’d yet again proven too chicken to actually make his move.
“Aye, love, I remember.”
“I know you saw me and Neal together,” Emma said, causing Killian to tense up instantly.
“How?” Killian asked, knowing that he hadn’t been seen as he left and that even an hour ago Emma had no idea what was wrong.
“Robin told me.”
Killian couldn’t believe it. He was stunned. His manager of all people had told Emma the truth? But it broke every code. Here he was thinking that Robin was his friend even if he worked for him, but then why would he go behind Killian’s back and do this? It was unconscionable and Killian was poised to leave the room and give Locksley a piece of his mind when Emma reached out for his hand. Killian knew he should let it go. It wasn’t right or smart to do this, but heaven help him he couldn’t, not when nothing the world over could ever feel so right.
“He didn’t tell me to betray you, Killian. I gave him an ultimatum – either he told me or I’d walk.”
Killian scoffed at the crazy idea. There was no bloody way that she and her band would have not performed. This was the chance of a lifetime, but the open, honest, and sincerely genuine look in Emma’s eyes indicated otherwise. “Emma, that’s crazy! What on earth were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that I needed answers!” she exclaimed before releasing a breath that was shaky and spoke to her heightened state of emotion. “Something happened – one night we’re perfect and things are going great and the next morning everything was ruined. I didn’t know what was going on.”
“Well what was I supposed to think?” Killian asked, his voice at the edge of breaking as he tried to hold it together. “There’s clearly something between you too. Cassidy’s confirmed you’re seeing him to anyone who would listen all damn day.”
“He did what?!” Emma screeched, clearly shocked and irate at the revelation. “No I’m not ‘seeing him.’ What you saw was him making a play but I didn’t want any part of it because …”
Emma trailed off her words, a blush coming to her face as she looked away from Killian. It was the first time that she seemed afraid in all of this and it shook Killian to the core. Here was this strong woman with a fire inside her that he admired constantly, but right now she seemed worried, and he had this instinctual feeling that the worry was about him. Could he dare to hope? He didn’t know, but he reached out and tilted her chin back up to look at him, noticing the way she leaned into his touch and wanting to take more even though he needed her words first.
“Because I would never do that when I want someone else.”
In that moment Killian knew at last that the two of them were in this together. She hadn’t confessed her feelings, but her jade colored eyes told him everything that words couldn’t yet say. It meant the world to him to know this, but it also hurt to think that he’d prolonged their pain by avoiding her all this time. God, if he had just walked in a moment later he knew Emma would have sorted things out. He should have trusted Emma, should have believed that such a spark couldn’t exist between two people if one was truly taken with another, but fear had clouded his judgment. Now he had to let the fear go, and he had to be sure once and for all that Emma knew where he stood.
“Please let it be me,” Killian whispered as his hand cupped her cheek and Emma looked on the verge of tears as she nodded.
“It is you,” she said, and Killian felt triumphant. All he could think was that he needed to kiss her again, but something still plagued Emma’s mind. He could see her uneasiness, and he needed to know what it was so they could fix it and move on. Then the realization of what would cause her hurt slammed into him and he realized he was the one who had caused her lingering pain.
“But I’ve fucked things up,” he said solemnly. “I ran from you without so much as a word. I allowed myself to jump to every bad conclusion without trusting in you. How can you ever trust me – feel safe with me – if I couldn’t have faith in what we have?”
“I’m terrified,” Emma admitted. “Not that you’ll run again, because I know you won’t. You have that look of determination and I know what that means,” she joked, pulling a forced chuckle from Killian.
“And yet…” Killian prompted, needing to hear whatever this was so he could know how to properly make amends.
“It’s just I fell so fast for you I wasn’t prepared when things got bad. I always keep people at a distance. If they can’t get close they can’t hurt you. I have my walls and they work at keeping people away, but you broke them down. You made me love you and -,”
“You love me?” Killian asked, shocked at the revelation as Emma’s eyes went wide and she realized what she let slip.
“I – well I mean – well the thing is -,”
Killian could have waited to see what Emma’s nervous stammering turned into, but instead he chose to go with his gut, pulling her in for a kiss he’d wanted for far too long. It was the sweetest relief, not only to have Emma in his arms where she belonged, but to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was not in this alone. Emma might have been the first to say the words, but Killian loved her in a way that defied explanation. He’d be shocked if her feelings could possibly compare, but when they pulled apart and he saw the mix of hope and happiness in her expression, Killian dared to dream that maybe they could.
“It’s always been you, Emma. Even before we ever met, I was looking for something – for someone – who would help make all of this matter. And when I found you I knew, I knew that I loved you right from the start, and that I always will. You’ve changed me, love, and I know this has been a rocky beginning, but I swear to you that’s done now. You have all of me and that includes every ounce of my trust. I won’t doubt us again.  I promise you I won’t.”
“People will think we’re crazy,” Emma whispered, though she didn’t look so adverse to the idea. Her fingertips had come up to graze along his jawline and Killian leaned into the motion, craving her touch and living for the spark of excitement that lit up her eyes.
“Let them,” he replied. “It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. All that matters is what you want.”
“Well in that case…”
It was Emma’s turn now to pull him in for another heated exchange, and the kiss this time was charged with a pent up need both of them had been holding onto for what felt like forever. There was nothing more to say; this was love and it always would be, and now Emma and Killian were of a like mind, wanting to be as close as possible and to seal that love in the best possible way. Unfortunately, just as the kiss was pushing past the limits of propriety, with roaming hands and clothes coming dangerously close to falling away, a knock sounded at the door.
“All right you two, much as we all love the true love reunion we’ve got a show to do!”
Emma’s friend Ruby’s voice was filled with teasing as it filtered through the door and Emma rolled her eyes even as she laughed. It seemed the real world could not be put on hold indefinitely, and Ruby was right – there was a show just minutes away from starting.
“Not that we don’t appreciate you taking one for the team, Emma,” Graham said from where he must have been in the hallway as well. “He’s been a little Grumpy without his girl to keep him happy.”
“He is a lot brighter when they’re together,” David mused prompting Will to start suggesting new nicknames for him like ‘Captain Chipper’ and ‘Mr. Brightside.’ The onslaught of commentary made Killian groan.
“Bloody hell, how many of them are out there do you think?” he asked Emma, who was shaking her head as she chuckled to herself.
“My bet? All of them. And we should really go, because there’s no chance of them leaving until we do.”
“Fair enough, love. But just know this – tonight, when the final song is played and the night is finally through, you’re mine.”
“Good,” Emma said with a final swift kiss. “Because you’re mine too.”
And with that, the two of them faced the music, starting a new journey that both of them would come to cherish for now and always.
Coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I'm falling asleep And she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke And she's taking a drag Now they're going to bed And my stomach is sick And it's all in my head But she's touching his chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, letting me go I just can't look its killing me And taking control Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibis But it's just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes Cause I'm Mr Brightside I'm coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I'm falling asleep And she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke And she's taking a drag Now they're going to bed And my stomach is sick And it's all in my head But she's touching his chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, letting me go 'Cause I just can't look its killing me And taking control Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibi But it's just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes 'Cause I'm Mr Brightside I never I never I never I never
Post-Note: So I have wanted to take this basic story idea and make it a multi-chapter for years now, but every time I get close to doing it another story always comes barging in. It’s because of that that I am really grateful to the reader who asked for this song about a year ago (God how did so much time pass?). This was a cathartic thing for me, and it allowed me to jump-start my muse and get other works written as well. Hope that you all enjoyed it, and also if you guys know of great AUs where Emma, Killian or both are in a band please let me know! I would LOVE to read more of this trope because it’s such a fun one! Anyway, thanks so much to all of you for reading and I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10,Part 11, Part 12,Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24,Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31,Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38,Part 39,Part 40, Part 41, Part 42, Part 43, Part 44, Part 45,Part 46,Part 47, Part 48, Part 49, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part 53,Part 54,Part 55, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60,Part 61,Part 62, Part 63, Part 64, Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68,Part 69,Part 70, Part 71, Part 72, Part 73, Part 74, Part 75,Part 76,Part 77, Part 78, Part 79, Part 80, Part 81, Part 82, Part 83,Part 84,Part 85, Part 86, Part 87, Part 88, Part 89, Part 90,Part 91,Part 92, Part 93, Part 94, Part 95, Part 96, Part 97, Part 98,Part 99,Part 100, Part 101, Part 102, Part 103,Part 104, Part 105,Part 106, Part 107,Part 108, Part 109, Part 110,Part 111, Part 112,Part 113, Part 114, Part 115,Part 116, Part 117, Part 118,Part 119,Part 120, Part 121, Part 122, Part 123,Part 124, Part 125,Part 126, Part 127, Part 128,Part 129,Part 130, Part 131,Part 132,Part 133, Part 134, Part 135, Part 136, Part 137, Part 138,Part 139,Part 140, Part 141, Part 142, Part 143, Part 144, Part 145,Part 146, Part 147, Part 148,Part 149, Part 150, Part 151,Part 152, Part 153, Part 154, Part 155, Part 156, Part 157, Part 158,Part 159, Part 160, Part 161, Part 162, Part 163, Part 164,Part 165, Part 166, Part 167, Part 168, Part 169, Part 170,Part 171,Part 172, Part 173, Part 174, Part 175, Part 176,Part 177, Part 178, Part 179 , Part 180
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