#but at the same time i do feel like i give a lof of love to my friends and family so its not as if its something im desperate for you know
girl-bateman · 10 months
I've been having a lot of dreams where im in secure and loving relationships, holding hands with my girl and cuddling and being generally wholesome, and its just......... nice but so weird bc im just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for my dreams to return to their usual gore-torture 😐 like this little lovey dovey fantasy is nice but it kinda feels like a trap ngl
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
Apparently there are more candies hahahahaha! Blame it on GG’s weibo post and the fact that events like this are always so busy. from individual stuff to CPN must be covered. The life of a turtle is really hectic. lol.
to recap, here is the standard round up with all the initial cpn. this one is about them looking so similar.
this post is the third part & a short one. 👍🏽
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Thank you again to ZZ for sharing live photos of him and just generally giving us something to end the day. It be tiring for him but he still looks so good! ZZ using the peace sign and thumbs up may be not the most unique but it’s giving us throwback feels. they it together. WYB used it for his LOF photos too ( and more this is just an example ). There is talk of them potentially being in Zhejiang soon. WYB is allegedly going to Wuzhen which is in Zhejiang and GG in Hangzhou. We’ll see. It’s not that important tbh, I just hope they have time to be in the same place. I don’t need to know the details.
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In his caption, GG uses the thumbs up and the skin color is tanned. We know that GG is not the usual fair-skinned celebrity and when he works, his hands usually take the hit from the sun. Please see below:
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Cut to that episode of TTXS when WYB was sending an emoticon, he used one with the same tanned skin. It’s definitely not himself that he’s talking about. Who could it? It’s too much cause used the one that’s really dark/black. Probably a reference in one of the unofficial bts videos where ZZ said there is nothing he can do, he is black and WYB is white.
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Next is his love for taking photos in pair. In this one, it’s the two chopsticks. 🥢 The other bread photos, we have elaborate CPNs attached to those that’s why are senses are pinging with this one. There are two ways to look at this:
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1. It’s a regular photo, GG is the one taking the photo and his friends/staff are the ones with the 🥢. Deliberately done to take an aesthetic shot. I can’t tell if this is recent and done in the same hotel. Maybe that place has it’s hotpot restaurant private rooms?
2. This is a stock photo and he is with WYB. Maybe he’s not even the one who took the shot. Turtles also say that this is not the usual spicy hotpot that someone from CQ like ZZ will eat. But we already know his spice tolerance is not that good anymore. It’s half spicy and then tomato.
This one is hilarious tho. Of course these are completely different timelines but the thought of these damn same colored-curtains at hotels! 😂
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Finally, I find this cute because a fruit that resembles the color of ZZ’s suit is passion fruit. It’s us. 🤍 ( tho again, the real thing looks different than in the photos but i will take it hahahahaha )
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melis-ash · 3 years
have you watched elite's season 4 finale already? what are your takes on caye and phillipe? no judgements here tho, just want to know your opinion on them
 Hello, nonny! Yes, I did. My opinion about Caye and Philippe has several different aspects (which a litle bit conflict with each other).
Lets write long post.)) Sorry for mistakes and typos, English is not my first language and I`m not really good with grammar.
1) Caye and Philippe story is feminist retelling-reverse of the Beauty and the Beast, where main characters didn`t became couple and The Beauty left her Beast not for Gaston other romance, but for her own path. And their relationship helped the Beast to realize his past mistakes and make to want to fix it, even if it`s too late . Comparing with many other things in that season that storyline was not bad. Really. There MANY problems with s4, I think the best stolyline had Rebe and Mencia, it was really good, and in my personal opinion, despite many flaws, Caye and Philippe storyline is second one for me. Kinda it was not really good, but it had plot, idea, composition and message. Writers knew very clear, what they tried to say, and despite obvious lack of screen time, they handle it, and this story, despite it doesn`t connect with main plot, resonate with main storyline on the level of their ideas. (About it later.) I know, Georgina is feminist, so I wonder, could she give some advice writers? Kinda “it can work better if...” something like it.
2) Personally I`m very disappointed how OOC was Caye in that season and how few screen time she had. For me Caye from s4 feels like too much different person than in s2-3. I wanted character development for her, but something more slow and realistic. S4 Cayetana feels like all her character development happened between s3 and s4 (and partly in special, which really was very good), and I don`t believe in it. Caye from s4 is good character, but there is no real connection with Caye from s2-3.
I knew, she was very upopular character in s2-3, so maybe creators afraid to gave her too much screen time. But also they still wanted she was part of story and write redemption arc for her. And honestly, anon, these two thing can`t work together well. When you write redemption arc for well written nuanced character that Cayetana was in s2-3, you need give character enough screen time and nuances. But it seems, s4 writers don`t care enough about writing S1-3 characters in character. In s2-3 Caye was bad girl, but also she was comedy relief (but s4 has very few comedy moments), she had family (where the fuck her mother and granddad now? We know only that her mother cannot work in Las Ensinas, but don`t know, why), we saw, that she did`t sleep almost, because she learn in Las Ensinas, worked as janitor and still hung out with rich kids. (I think I began feel compassion for her, when realized it). It that seson she almost has not other scenes than with Philippe. OK, she was pariah in school during previous year, but if writers began that things with Caye and Rebe friendship, can they continue it. Rebe and Caye both had problem with their love interests and they never discussed it. Only time they speak about Philippe was in 402. Also Benjamin fired Azucena, and wanted to expel Samu and Omar, but Caye still works there? And Benjamin still protects her even? Why? I mean, after whole thing with scam in s2. Maybe it because protection of Polo`s mothers, but it never was said in s4 even. It seems, Benjamin knows things about her story with Polo (like he knows about Philippe`s past), and it could be really interesting possiblity to bring on scene that aspect of situation and Benjamin`s character and him and Caye interaction. 
Also there is something with Georgina`s acting in s4, in most of scenes she acts as different character, so maybe it was and her (as actress) decision too. I wrote before, she is feminist, and maybe she wanted to bring more feminists vibes in s4 Caye, because it makes storyline works better? Given how few connection with previous seasons on script level her s4 story had, it make sense even, it`s just feel OOC for me, because Caye is not feminist at all. She is strong and ambitious, but she is not type of women what call themselves feminists, and when she said “I became my own Fairy Godmother” in s2, she meant that she was forced to do it. Caye was girl who wanted to be princess from old school Disney animation. In s3 she wanted to live and study on Polo mother money in London and was fully OK with it. When she refused their proposition, it was because thoughts, that Polo could be alive and even more or lesser happy in other school without those her messages, haunted her. Plus when Polo died, he thought Caye was with him more because his money than because Polo himself. I remember, in her first scene Caye read  The Second Sex, but it was spectacle for her schoolmates. And when she spoke with them about her fake rich life, it always was “look how rich and glamour I am”. Partly she spoke in this way because she knew very few about rich people`s life, but also there were some of her dreams. She wanted to be rich and and be part of this glamour life. In s3 she became in some way, and she had a lot of possiblities to understand how many shit, pain and tragedies can hide for glamour facade. Theoretically she knew it before. But she was exctremely poor, so it was a little bit difficult for her to think about it too much.
3) So I think more mention of Caye`s story from s2-3 could make her and Philippe story better. Philippe himself have same problem as Polo in some way: he is rich guy, and his mother indulged him too much. Caye saw how Polo`s mother indulged him and saw where it ended. Not good for Polo and many other people. Marina and Polo could be alive and Samu`s family could live with him in Spain, if Polo`s mothers raised their son better. Even if Caye don`t care much about Guzman or Samu and she never knew Marina, she had enough time between seasons to reflect of situation. So with more s2-3 reference that “matter of education thing” Caye says to Philippe`s mother could sound not only as sort of feminist  slogan, but as something very personal and painful for Caye. She was in love with boy, who was spoiled too much by his parents (like Philippe), and it brought a lof pain him, his friends, Caye. I don`t say there are not at all attempts include previous Caye experience in s4. For example, when Caye does google research about Philippe and finds nothings, she is still suspicious because she know, how easy money could erase some thing.  Also that thing with Pilippe`s mother. I think after conversation with her,Caye realized that Philippe`s and Polo`s promblems had very much same roots. But such moments really have not enough space. Guzman had at least one scene, where he speak about his reflection on s1 evens (where he compares Mencia and Marina). I would like to see something like it with Caye.
4) Many things in Caye and Philippe storyline feel offscreen. We know they regularly talk in school, but see very few of it etc. Actors have good chemistry, and since they both like fashion design, it feels enough for beginning of communication, plus Caye had crush on Philippe long before they met, plus she was first who was really friendly with him in new school (in some way it`s repeat of Caye and Polo story, but with more positive vibes). But I want to see more illustration, why Philippe fell in love with Caye so much.
5) Now about Philippe himself. I saw many hateposts and hatecomments about him, and it`s really funny, because I constantly see how many people in this fandom love Polo and think he deserved better, despite Polo is murderer. Yes, he killed Marina out of emotion, but she is fucking dead. She will never resurrect. Guzman will remember till grave that his best friend killed his sister and then was killed by Guzman`s ex-girlfriend, because policy failed to handle their job well. Samu`s brother was forced to left Spain because it. But it took 2 seasons for Polo to understand he needs go to policy and confess he killed Marina. Caye didn`t understood how wrong her actions were till Polo`s death. I don`t know how long was Elodie`s rape, but at least Philippe didn`t need someone`s corpse to realize his mistakes. Inside standart of this show that guy isn`t hopeless. “Everybody deserve second chance” was important point in Caye`s story in s2-3, so now I wonder how writers will play this card in s5 in relationship between Philippe and Caye. 
Also I want to say I was wrong, when doubted in Pol Granch acting, he`s good additon to Elite cast.
6) Caye x Philippe storyline and main storyline. In that seson Elite brings of scene, in additon of another murder and drug traid, sex crimes. Prostitution, rapes. It`s interesting, that connection here takes place through Ari, girl, who has serious problem with sexual behavior, when she`s drunk. She`s know it`s perfectly, but also she knows, that when woman says “no”, it`s means “no” and end of story. I really like her role in Caye and Philippe story and I hope in s5 there will be at least some scenes with her and Caye. Also interesting point were Ari`s word that she never report to the police without prove. It feels ambigous. She knows, Phillippe is not angel at all. But also there is other side of coin. I think, she also knows, reputation can be ruined very easy. During s4 there was subplot with discussion club. And Samu speak that ex-criminals cannot become somebody else, even if they wants. Their reputation in society was ruined. In final of Philippe story he sent Elodie his confession. So maybe writers tried to write about theme “can criminal, who admitted his mistakes, to became somebody else?” through season and I think they will continue it in s5.
Sorry if this all sounds muddled and too long. Maybe later I will make some additon into reblogs to this post, I don`t know.
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satendou · 4 years
Hihi! I’m lof u~ May I request Kenma/Reader/Kuroo where Reader/Kuroo feel a bit neglected by Kenma bc he’s obsessed with a new game? One day Kenma comes home after college classes to find Reader/Kuroo mid-makeout session and they invite him to join and smutty times ensue? It ends with Kenma apologizing for neglecting them and they either cuddle or join him playing the new game he’s obsessed with? Thank 🥺
sorry this took me so long to get too @umihami i had no inspo for it and i have a hard time writing smut for kenma ugh. on the other hand, sucking kuroo’s d*ck that’s all
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶  
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↠ includes: kenma and kuroo
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You sigh as you curl closer into Kuroo’s chest, lips locked and tongues fighting. He grunts when your nails rake down his skin, just hard enough the leave faint red lines, your lips moving down his cheek to nip at his ear.
“You little minx,” Kuroo whispers, tilting his head back to let you nip and suck at his neck, sighing and groaning as you target his weak spots. His hands are helping your hips roll, grinding down on his clothed cock, and you whine when they slide up between your thighs, pressing against your covered slit. “Two can play, kitten.”
The door opens and Kuroo’s eyes open while you push his shirt up, and he locks eyes with mildly surprised yellow ones before it’s yanked over his head and dropped to the floor. Those same eyes rove down his now naked chest, turning a faint pink as you trail kisses down the skin in the wake of the red lines you had left, all but ignoring Kenma’s presence.
“Wanna join, Kenma? Or you gonna play your game some more?” Kuroo asks, carding his fingers through your hair as you undo the button on his jeans. He cants his hips up just enough to let you slide them down to midthigh, and then your hand is wrapping around his hard length. 
The two of you had been at it for a while, taking it slow and teasing in the hopes that Kenma would come home and be tempted to join. It had been impossible to tear him away from his game for the last few days and both of you were more than a little exasperated.
Kenma glanced at the console system sitting on the TV stand and back to you, where you were now busy sucking his cock, making the most obscene choking noises, and he hardened at the sight. You always looked like you were getting off when you sucked him, tongue lapping at the precum beading on the tip before burying your nose in his curls again. Kenma absolutely loved watching you give Kuroo head.
Dropping his bag by the door, he knelt behind you on the couch, trailing his slender fingers up the wet patch forming in the shorts you wore. Your thighs trembled when he pulled them off and prodded your dripping hole, sliding one and then two fingers into you. Kuroo echoed your moan with one of his own, hips bucking into your mouth at the vibrations you sent down his shaft. He let you go at your own pace for the most part, not feeling the need to rush as Kenma lined himself up with your entrance and slid home.
You had to pull of Kuroo for a second to breathe and a cry of Kenma’s name slipped loose, his thrusts relaxed and slow. He was tired after classes and didn’t have to energy to fuck you the way he suddenly wanted to, realizing it had been several days since he’d been inside you.
“How do we feel, kitten?” Kuroo asked, petting your hair as you wrapped your lips around him again. His orgasm was building up fast, listening to the noises you made and the sound of Kenma’s hips meeting yours. 
You hummed in response, hips bucking to meet Kenma’s thrusts, and then fingers were circling your clit, the touch more gentle than Kuroo ever managed, and you tightened around Kenma’s cock. Whining, your back arched, legs kicking up as he thrust particularly deep while Kuroo pinned your head down, keeping his cock down your throat until your head swam, and those two things combined tipped you over the edge suddenly.
Kenma moaned at the unexpected tightness and spilled into you, hips stuttering unevenly until he was spent. Kuroo pulled you up off his cock, letting you take a breath, before pushing you back down, taking what he needed from your mouth until he was cumming too.
Panting, you rolled over and pulled your shorts back up before scooting up into Kuroo’s lap, curling into his chest while he hummed in contentment. 
“You can go back to your game now,” Kuroo said teasingly. Kenma had already glanced at it twice as he pulled his pants back up, but to Kuroo’s surprise he shrugged and shook his head.
“Nah, let’s watch the Jackals game. It’s supposed to be on tonight. We can order takeout or something too,” he said, already pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket.
Kuroo flipped to the channel just in time to see Bokuto screaming his signature line, and Kenma looked up from where he had laid down on your thighs, frowning.
“He’s still so obnoxious,” he muttered, placing the order without asking your opinions.
You and Kuroo snickered, fingers of one hand interlaced while you ran the others through Kenma’s hair, and suddenly he wondered why that stupid game was so important in the first place.
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natstolemysocks · 2 years
Had a thought recently about how trying to adhere to pre-post ShB canon and a loud part of the RP community as much as possible for my OCs might’ve soured my experience for EW. This is not a critique on the community or the game, but a problem of my own making. I’ve also come to understand why most people I know with a non WoL as their main RP character do not RP with their actual main.
I will try to explain what I mean under the cut for those interested, but basically my time Roleplaying has made going through the MSQ weirdly impersonal. Should you experience the same, please realise you are not alone. To the people I’ve Roleplayed with, know I do not blame you for this at all. The time we spent or are spending together is priceless. If anything, I wish Square would give us more lore that isn’t locked behind or inside end game optionals, so that the world gets fleshed out more deeply for non-WoLs too. Anyway, under the cut its mostly ranting about myself and things I’ve ranted about before, with just a little bit about what I actually wanted to talk about. It ends with me wondering if, had I not cared at all, things would’ve been better.
I started Roleplaying officially sometime in 2018, officially meaning putting lfrp messages on Tumblr and following others with the same interest. Having loved RP’ing with friends before, and having been through certain trauma in game, I really wanted to try to get into RP in FFXIV. Partly to find new friends, partly to be able to come up with new stories. However, my earlier experiences with RP outside of one-on-one had all been disastrous, to say the least. Entering an already existing RP group always felt like willingly walking into a den of lions just waiting to get teared to shreds. I’m not certain if it was something I did that resulted into getting chewed out of every Dutch RP forum I ever tried to join in the past, or if the closenittedness of their communities just meant I was a stranger easy to bash. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. That said, these experiences did set my expectations for me entering the FFXIV RP community. I kept my eyes and ears open to gripes people would have with people’s OCs, even when I didn’t agree with them myself. I knew I wouldn’t be able to please everyone, but if I could create something that wasn’t offensive to most, that would hopefully allow me to blend into any story in some way or another, and, most importantly, without getting yelled at. Big ones were ‘no WoL’, and ‘no NPC’. I wasn’t planning on creating the latter, but I WOULD be using my main to RP with because I wanted to be able to access most locations the game had to offer to maximize potential. I didn’t, and still do not, have a lof of free time to level alts at all, so it HAD to be my main. At the time I already semi-RP’ed with Ayo’a. It was mostly in comments to people, for example when they called me Ayo and I’d correct them that that was ‘my mother’s name’. My OC’s life would be that which he went through in game, and that was cool. However, because of the ‘no WoL’ need, it had to change.
At first I had two persona for Ayo’a. One would be as the game’s protagonist, the other a nobody trying to get his life together. This duality sort of worked for a while, mainly because the RP Ayo’a wasn’t fully set into stone yet. The two persona meandered in and out of one another, while I tried to create a sort of canon for my cat. It was a pain to decide on character, really, even more while going through mourning and depression myself. I always felt like I couldn’t do anything too out there, like I expected the RP police to come get me. 
I know the feeling was bullcrap. If any group was against it, they just weren’t the people I should RP with, and frankly nobody ever told me off for anything. Better, most people had larger than life OCs anyway to begin with. However, something in me still didn’t dare. I felt like I had to adhere to something unseen, and because of it Ayo’a and my writing never felt good enough, and in game RPs simply didn’t work.
Throughout the years I’ve RP’ed with a couple of people, and Ayo’a’s character slowly began to take proper shape. More and more I’d look at my main less as my WoL and more as my RP OC, trying to find things in game that could relate to him in any way. When (Post) ShB hit and explained any player character could potentially have the Echo, I was ecstatic. I was now canonically allowed to give my cat the Echo, and nobody would be able to tell me otherwise. Not only that, but the lvl 80 SMN job quest also introduced the Summoner Squad, which meant he could now actually become a real Summoner. It felt like I could finally bring Ayo’a closer to my original vision of him, an incredibly liberating sensation, and I honestly didn’t waste time incorporating both into his backstory.  Unfortunately soon after shit happened in real life, and frankly RP’ing and playing in general fell a bit to the wayside. Well... a lot really. The happiness I had felt at the time had been shortlived, overshadowed by doubts of my own usefulness once more. Negativity, especially coming from my ass of a brain, always tends to weigh in more than anything trying to break through. Life was shit, work was shit, free time nonexistant, and I couldn’t write without crying. Everything was a chore, yet I kept thinking I had to, as if it could make things better, all while expecting everything and everyone to judge me for all I did and didn’t do.  Eventually a fallout with someone in the community, something that had felt like a betrayal, had me break and cemented my decision to quit trying.
People do say you have to be careful with making decisions for others when you’re down, but at the time it doesn’t feel like that’s what you are doing. What it does feel like, is that you are giving others the choice to let you go because you can’t possibly live up to the expectations you believe them to hold up for you. In your eyes it all looks like others just keep you in their friend list out of pity, that if they wouldn’t be scared to seem heartless, they’d remove you without batting an eye. Even if it wasn’t true, it was how I felt at the time and it was very, very real to me, so I cut people off, in my head to make them happier with their life. If they really wanted me in their lives, they’d try contacting me still, I reasoned. In reality more was going on. I was miserable and desperately looking for a way to spare myself of even an inkling of stress so I could hopefully cope with the one at home and at work better, the two I could not avoid. I realise I could’ve done it another way, a more respectful way, but I wasn’t clear in my head and anxiety has never really been a good guide at all. My actions ended up burning bridges I’m not certain I wanted to be burned, but it happened, so I guess all of it had been pointless to begin with. 
Time passed and EW finally arrived. I wouldn’t have been able to play it had it not been for me crashing at work, and being sent home due to being overworked. I missed the initial pre-order window and it soon looked like the whole of the internet was out to snipe anyone with unwanted spoilers, yet fortunately I was able to go into the expansion mostly blind. My friend too tried their hardest not to spill anything too early. I’m still very grateful for that, because thanks to them I was allowed to experience the story without too much expectations, and it was lovely. 
However, throughout playing I noticed how I would see the story as something happening to someone else, rather than my character, rather than Ayo’a. It wasn’t his story, it was a retelling of someone else’s experiences using him as a proxy. I remember waiting most of the game for input that would mean something for my OC in particular. I suppose a character is still a character, and even if you say you won’t write anymore, you still keep building onto it. So yeah, things like the scales that allowed people without the Echo to not get tempered (which made his recent realisation of the Echo moot), or where GC’s would be stationed, how Dynamis would rear its head in the city states, what happened to my dearest (Beast) Tribes, how he’d be able to help in the grand scheme of things from his own position. That’s what I was looking forward to while Ayo’a’s image was but a standin for that of a true hero. 
I understand now why most people that do not RP with their main do so. There is no, or at least less, dissociation involved that way. Your RP character goes through MSQ simply to get where you need to be, while your main can still be the hero and be, well, the main character. 
Perhaps I’m just weak in the sense that I should definitely be able to split the idea of Ayo’a as a WoL and Ayo’a as the character he’s become, yet have clearly failed in doing so. There’s part of the fun missing in a way. A lot that’s going on in the WoL’ daily life just does not translate to others. That’s by no fault of the game, mind you. I decided to RP on my own, the game does not have to cater to me in any way, but I do feel more could’ve been mentioned in levelling side quests. (I wouldn’t particularly have mourned the loss of many of the Loporrits side quests in favour of fleshing out what happens on Eorzea for example). 
I’ll be honest, I came to resent FFXIV a great deal. While I do think it is a very good game and I’ll definitely be coming back for big things because I’m curious, that resentment is something I fight to this day. I don’t want to resent it, not really. I still want to be part of it, but I can’t shake my initial reaction to stumbling upon posts or merely hearing FFXIV music in the background of a youtube video. There’s illogical anger. I suppose towards myself. 
In a way, I wonder how things would’ve been had I not expected to be unwelcome from the start, and never cared about what others might not like. Would my experience have been better? Would I’ve been thinking less in other’s stead, trying less to minimize situations I didn’t want to be in? Possibly, but I’ll never know.
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zhansww · 3 years
I need someone to gush with about Duolou Continent. I had very low expectations but I am loving it. It is different from tunof the mill shows. Tang san and xiao Wu’s relationship is so amazing to me. XZ is killing it but all the other supporting actors are doing great too. I really hope it does great in ratings and popularity becoz it is a great show!
Aaaah I want to gush about it, too, but I feel too ineloquent xD There’s so many thoughts I have about this show and all of them positive.
I was pretty hyped when I saw the first trailer so I did expect it to be good but it still exceeded my expectations. Tang San is such a great character; he is well-written and also a good person, through and through. Take his gratitude towards his dashi for example. I think most people would have taken it for granted but Tang San is so appreciative of all that Xiao Gang did for him. Or that scene when he told Hong Jun about his father’s organization - again, I think most people would have rather kept quiet but Tang San really meant it when he said “you shouldn’t lie”. He is incredibly inspiring in that way imo, he makes you want to be good, too. He is the kind of character that is an actual role model. His development so far is believable and earned. I find all his relationships so endearing. Tang San is devoted to the ones he loves but he also treats everyone else with respect - unless they turn out to be a jerk, lol. His relationship with Xiao Wu definitely stands out. I think it’s especially sweet that they care about each other equally. He wants to protect her and she wants to protect him. He would do anything for her just as she’d do anything for him. There’s something about relationships with an imbalanced dynamic where you get to watch that imbalance slowly disappear throughout the course of the show - but imo, a relationship where both parties are equally devoted to one another from the beginning has a different kind of appeal. I also appreciate that Xiao Wu is a character in her own right, she doesn’t necessarily need Tang San. She has her own character arc, development and motivation outside of her relationship with Tang San. Actually, you can say the same about the other characters, too. Their stories don’t revolve all around the lead character (unlike with Ji Chong and how his character only mattered when MZX was in trouble). Tang San is still the main, though, and as someone who started watching this for Zhan-ge, I thoroughly appreciate just how much there is of him. It’s not like in LoF, where we followed like five different storylines that all merged together in the end. In Douluo, we’re here for Tang San’s story only so we get to see gg like ninety percent of the time and I love it. I also think that the way they play with certain mysteries is awesome; they give us one piece of the puzzle at the time which makes it so intriguing and keeps you hooked. That is good writing, in my opinion. I agree that the cast is great! There’s so much cgi in every episode but they all work so well with it; that’s probably what I noticed the most cuz I keep thinking it must be so weird to film this or that scene but hey, they all do it in a believable way. Hats off to them~ I’ve had that exact thought, too. I hope many more people watch Douluo Continent cuz it really is an amazing show so far! Personally, I generally care a lot more about character than about plot in any piece of writing. Like, the plot can be simple, that’s fine as long as the characters and relationships are written in an interesting and consistent way. With this show, I don’t just like the characters and the relationships but even the overall story seems to be far from simple and is interesting to me. Basically, I like everything about Douluo so far and I really hope it’ll stay this great until the end :D
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sunshine304 · 3 years
So, as I’ve mentioned somewhere around here I’ve started watching „Legend of Fei“. After that it’ll be „Douluo Continent“, but for now LoF seems like the easier option since it’s basically complete on Viki. (And yes I got a Viki pass for this because YouTube also had obnoxious ads and that just won’t do.)
Anyway, so far I’m really enjoying it! Zhou Fei is entertaining and I still don’t know how old she’s supposed to be, but I assume it’s something between 16 and 20. I like her even though she’s a bit stand-offish and tends to be mean to Xie Yun, who is a fucking delight, okay. But I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, since she’s likely a teenager who has no fucking clue how to react to someone flirting with her and obviously grew up suuuuper sheltered.
Like, so sheltered that she does not get the implications of wearing Xie Yun’s gift around her neck. She has this cute conversation with Wu ChuChu, who is the sweetest girl seriously, and during it she decides to make a necklace out of that gift. Chuchu’s like, „Hey what’s that?“ and A-Fei is like, „Someone gave it to me.“ (obviously not meaning her parents), and Chuchu’s eyes go big and she’s like, „Uhm you do know what it means when you wear such a gift?“ And A-Fei just looks confused and has no fucking clue. So Chuchu’s just goes internally, „OMG she doesn’t know! Do I tell her? Nahhh, she’ll get there on her own.“ XD
Xie Yun constantly makes heart eyes at Zhou Fei and is just awesome and super likable in general. He’s the kind of guy who’ll sit around in a prison (for six months I guess!) because a) he’s curious what’s going on there, b) he was with Wu ChuChu and her little brother at the time and knows some evil guys are after them, and c) he just doesn’t have anything better to do and the food isn’t that bad.
And I don’t know which of those reasons was the most important one. XD
I think he’s already decided that Zhou Fei will be his wife because she’s awesome and he likes awesome and pretty women. I enjoy their dynamic, because it’s for once the cliché of „mean unapproachable guy has that one woman fawn over him because she sees the good in him“ but turned around and with much more likeable characters.
I don’t know anything about the plot. I know some bits about characters but that’s it. So this is really… quite something.
Like, I guess there’s a war… coming? Or already happening somewhere? There definitely was a war in the past. And the evil guys of Disha are after some kind of McGuffins I guess. Which is why they try to catch Wu Chuchu and her brother.
Then there’s another possible evil, definitely weird guy all in red, who has some feud with the Disha guys.
But really, the villains from Disha are… all over the place. Their leader Shen .. *looks the name up* Tianshu has a lot of gravitas and always talks very quietly, like, okay, I don’t understand what you’re saying anyway but could you please speak up? And his subordinate - or younger brother? - or just the master under him, I’m not really sure, anyway, that guy is so OTT in everything he does. Every movement, every expression, the way he speaks screams EVIL VILLAIN WHO IS EVIL, right from 60s Batman I guess. XD He also has an eyepatch.
I think Disha seems to be a lot of… infighting? Like, several of the masters have ambitions to be the leader but for now it’s the oldest guy? But then he had a staring contest with one of the masters, and I was like, WTF are you doing? Why are you narrowing your eyes at each other? In close up? That went on really long, so I guess the younger one was kinda challenging Shen Tianshu? I guess we’ll see about all that later.
I love Zhou Fei’s parents, especially her mother. She’s the same type of character like Yu Ziyuan in „The Untamed“, BTW, so if you want to get a better read on this kind of character I think this show is really good. Because there’s a lot of tough love going on there, the mother is reserved and not exactly overflowing with compliments and praise. But there are also scenes where you see that she loves her daughter and is proud of her.
I’ve only seen 6 eps so far, I’ve got no idea where this is going (well okay, the credits tell me there will be some big fight against Disha and Zhou Fei/Xie Yun is endgame but other than that?). What’ll happen with Zhou Fei’s cousin who kinda feels underappreciated, what are those McGuffins etc. There are also several older characters around who seem to belong to other sects but it seems that these sects are in decline.
I also love the end credits song. ♥
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uncuentofriki · 4 years
Coco or “How to pretend to be woke because of a fandom” and other ghosts.
After hearing the posibility that Parasite could get a remake, I heard that it wasn’t necessary -and ultimately, useless- because the director wanted to show how, despite the localization and the theme of the story everyone could resonate with the story and its themes. I saw it and yes, despite that the working-class family eats ramedon while I do wonders with tortillas to survive, the struggles of making ends met whatever it takes are mostly the same. And I don’t want a Parasite mexican remake either, as they did a years ago with indian movie 3 idiots. The movie is perfect on their location and you just need some empathy to understand what the other is feeling or living, even if your language or uprising wasn’t the same. 
A while ago I did a post explaining the feeling of exclusion in the fandom of Coco. Despite that it’s a movie that occurs in some part of Mexico, the mexican creators were displaced by people that just had the movie and some cartoons like Mucha Lucha or El Tigre as a reference for our culture. We tried to reach to “the other side of the bridge” by translating songs, fanfiction, comics and whatever we made, out lof love and excitement for sharing our culture for the first time masively on this media. I even translated historical documents and cursing words. And it was fun and interesting to see people engaged on our culture... only to soon be displaced or unheard of. Come to think about it some time later, it was cultural appropiation. It was “woke” at the moment to say you liked Coco, it was a way to say “oh, yes I like diversity” but  the actual people represented on that story were massively ignored (I wonder if in less divisive time for inmigration it would be as beloved as it was). I like the story... but whatever the people that live that culture explain about it, I don’t care.  I’ll take for example Rossanna Pansino (Nerdy Numies) with her Pan de Muerto. She said that the decoration of the bread is a marigold flower, which isn’t true (It’s boooooone! -read this in Captain Holt’s voice, please-). The recipe was mostly correct (Orange blossom water isn’t that easy to find, I know, plus it’s expensive), but that part made me lost any interest on her channel forever (haven’t seen her channel since). Rossanna could had done a research, see photos of the bread, watch other channels on Youtube (there’s a recipe on english on youtube), whatever. Yet she disrespected a beloved tradition and dish. No, we don’t do different versions of it. It has bones on top. End of the story. You don’t move ANYTHING from it, period, because it’s symbolic of the legend of the creation of the men, the four cardinal points and our own mortality as human beings, and it’s one of the most important elements on the Altar.  (Also I’m a baker’s daughter and if you recall how strict the Rivera’s are about their traditions, that’s how strict we are with recipes -the only ones allowed to move something from them are other mexicans and it’s only to make it tastier, like the shrimp pozole, not whatever Barefoot Contessa did to it).
The fandom felt... colonialist. The questions, which I answered with all the love and patience first, got more and more tiredsome to answer because people wanted reasons and ways to adapt the story to occur on their country or on a situation that doesn’t happen here... despite that seeing another culture was what supposedly made them fall in love with the story. One of those was wanting the lake on Santa Cecilia to freeze. While certainly it snows on the north states of Mexico, if we take in account some hints of the location, Santa Cecilia is nowhere near the north. And even when it has snowed on Guadalajara -where I live-, it’s not cold enough to freeze the Santiago River or the Chapala lake. But for some reason fuck geography (and if the lake freezes then we’ll be damned because that’s how bad global warming is to give a such a cold winter to a valleythat’sabove 25 grades Celsius almost all the year).  We explained over and over how some social situations aren’t the same, how incomes on certain profesions doesn’t translate. It’s more frustrating as an EFL teacher to see that I can perfectly explain social situations to my students and they get it, yet I explained over and over and over and my time investigating, translating and answering those same questions about my culture was basically, ignored or glossed over like “yes yes, you live it, you were born into it, buuuuut my idea of how your society and culture works is better”. IT’S NOT. It’s just different. I won’t try to mexicanize something from an american -or in my time as a hardcore otaku, japanese- culture. I won’t make, IDK, Chihiro from Spirited Away to serve Pozole to Kaonashi just because it’s easier for me to do so. (And also that’s why I hate lots Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, it shits over martial arts... and I tried hard to see the story as a parody but no). That’s also why I left the Rock AU incomplete and most of my fics are untranslated (and why a lot of mexicans ran away from the social media created around the movie). Why translate it, why continue it if the apparent love for my country and its music and traditions didn’t translated when I took time to craft a story that shows more about the modern musical scene here (along with other social issues). Why keep helping people that asked and yet ignored what I said or tried to make me justify stuff that DOES NOT (AT ALL) happen or happened here. Why even bother if someone who isn’t even from my country is the one that they prefer to get the information, as wrong as it can be. 
It’s amazing also that I got silenced and dismissed over my last rant about this feeling. It’s not jealousy, it’s a wake up call to fandoms in general. You can’t call yourself woke or culturally aware or whatever if you consume media from or based on foreing cultures and silence the people who live it or try to adapt it into your culture just because it’s easier or if you like characters that are people of color. Fandom it’s not absent of colonialism or racism, even on this kind of works. And we should be aware and learn of the mistakes we made along the way, because it’s disheartening for future media creators from other cultures (me included) to see that while we’re trying to adapt our culture and what we love -and hate- the most of it (even if it’s a fantasy counterpart, like it’s the case of the novel I’m working on), it’s going to be ignored over or tried to got converted over to whatever they want (creative fan freedom has a limit and that’s the societal and geographic rules of the setting). Because that’s the actual point of diversity in narrative, not trying to make everything more uniform like most american/european series that have a two-three whites and two-three people of color (if feeling lucky) but they’re barely different from each other in culture (except if there’s an asian on the cast, most of the time). The point of stories like Coco or parasite to show how despite the differences, we all can live similar situations, we all love and laugh and lose and keep going, in our own unique way, even if we’re miles away.
So please, if you’re aproximation to any work set in another culture is just that you thought it’s pretty and forget about the people that live it everyday... stay away from it. Or decolonize yourself first and don’t use the work to make yourself seem more socially aware. You will just contribute to systematic exclution of other creators.
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
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;   ---   SHATTERED HILT   /   01
summary: ru’kali survives order 66. cal kestis does, too. while cal spends his days on bracca, stripping starships for parts, ru spends her days earning her protection from the empire in the fighting pits on ordo eris; both do what it takes to survive. but, when a wayward quest and a plethora of owed debts lead cal kestis straight back to his fellow padawan -- a once shy girl turned raging fire -- the pit fighter is left with a choice: leave, or spend the rest of her life a pawn in a game much bigger than her. pairing: cal kestis / original female character, ru’kali lof word count: 2k a/n: i cannot remember the last time i wrote something that wasn’t a reader-insert, and i’m not sure how this will do -- feedback is genuinely appreciated on this, since i know i’m mostly a reader writer! everyone loved ru from her intro to my clone trooper squad, which you can read here! 
Ru’kali Lof startles awake to the sound of three loud, rough bangs on the door to her quarters. 
She wonders bitterly, as she blinks up at the ceiling, if she can just ignore the sound. With any luck, they’ll leave her alone and Ru can go back to bed --
Then, the knocks come again. Louder and faster. 
“Rise ‘n’ shine, sweetheart!”
Ru snarls.
Beneath the durasteel door, she can see the long shadow of someone shifting back and forth in their boots -- immediately, the Mirialan, as she stands and throws herself to the door, knows it’s Atticus. The sheer bombastic chaos that follows the bounty hunter swims through the force to greet her before she even opens the door.
When she does, he’s got an arm on the doorframe and he’s leering. 
Atticus Rex isn’t much to look at, nor is he kind nor smart, but he’s muscle -- his head is shaved in a tight buzz, littered with scars, and his muzzled grin is picked clean with a toothpick that hangs from his lips. 
He smells like day-old ale and sweat.
“Where y’ been, Ru?”
It leaks out of him like a jab. She has to restrain the snarl that threatens to leap across her face. Her attitude is sharp and wants to go straight for the Haxion Brood Lieutenant’s throat. 
“Asleep,” she bites, crossing her arms and cocking a hip as she goes to hit the switch and shut the door, “Do you mind?”
Atticus snorts, hand planted on the frame and forcing the door to stay open. 
Ru leans back, peering into her room, to eye the chronometer hanging on the wall. The digits read 1038 -- it’s late, and she’d finally fallen asleep after she’d managed to quiet down the usual roaring river in her mind. Not an easy task. 
"Get dressed,” the Bounty Hunter chirps, “S’ fight night, sunshine.”
Fight nights were common.
But, fight nights were Ru fought? Those were rare -- and though she’s sure Sorc Tormo would put her in the ring every night if he could, she’s also aware that to the Umbaran crime-lord she’s an asset. A big asset. A big, money-making asset that draws a big crowd and big bets.
Huge bets.
(The exact kind of bets that got Greez Dritus into this mess in the first place, and by proxy his new-found friend.)
Ordo Eris, on fight nights, becomes more like a city than the cold, lonely, terrible astroid colony it really is. The space station fills with scoundrels and thugs from all across the galaxy who traverse the rocky space around the arena’s hub to get a spot around the ring -- Ru eyes the growing crowd, nearly every attendee with credits in hand, as the lift carries her upwards to the top level of the arena’s loge.
Beside her Atticus flicks the smoldering bud of his deathstick down the shaft.
Speaking of Sorc Tormo, the sleaze ball greets Ru’kali with wide open arms and a devious grin. 
“Ah! My prized warrior princess!”
Ru cross her arms and swaggers forward -- the small rope of lucky beads tied to her sash tinkers as she does, knocking against the chromium smelted hilt of one of her two sabers. One is hers from when she was a Padawan. The other is a recent build and it’s temperamental. Using a stolen, mined kyber crystal is to blame, no doubt.
Master Yoda was right -- the crystals are supposed to pick the Jedi. 
Atticus meanders along behind you. Skulking as per usual.
Ru looks out past the arena to the screens bolted up along the pit. Pale blue eyes narrow tightly, the deep scar over her right eye warping slightly as she does. The broadcast is in the lower levels. Some idiot running around on the walls. Plugging wires in. 
A show, for sure.
Ru raise a brow.
“What’s all this about?” she asks, turning to eye Sorc Tormo.
The Umbaran man is eccentric, to say the least. His facial hair runs right down his chin in one fine line, green in color. That same green, punchy and vomit-reminiscent, echoes in his Canto Bight-esque outfit. Large, pompous sleeves and pants that are three sizes too tight. All green. 
He looks like seventy kliks of bad road, honestly. 
Hell, everyone on Ordo Eris does. 
Ru’kali is no exception -- she’s rougher than she was when she first arrived here. Littered in scars and bitter. The years of pit fighting have settled in her stance and though she’s athletic, she’s a rogue brawler with enough crackling, dangerous rage to power an entire Star Destroyer.
Fighting takes the edge off. Makes her feel less afraid. 
“Well,” the lone, pale fingers of the Umbaran curl around Ru’kali’s pale pink shoulders, nails drumming against the diamond shaped markings there, “I am glad you asked, my dear. We have a special contender for you --”
“Cut to the chase, Tormo.”
The egg shaped head of the Umbaran rolls as he steps away, waving off Ru’s evident irritation; the crime-lord gestures to the screen. “He’s friends with someone who owes me a lotta money. He was carrying this around --”
His fingers snap twice.
“Atticus --”
Ru’kali was not expecting Atticus Rex to procure, from the back of his belt, a lightsaber.
And she certainly wasn’t expecting him to hand it to Tormo and for the Umbaran to ignite it, presenting a glimmering yellow blade. 
The Mirialan’s face falls -- anger bubbles up there, warping the navy tattooed features of her face as she steps forward and yanks the hilt from the hands of the crime-lord.
Her lips twitches.
“What?” she sneers vengefully, “Did he pull this from a corpse, then?”
She has seen another Jedi’s saber three times now in this station. Once on the belt of a traveler who’d laughed in her face and waved the blue thing around, proudly proclaiming they’d bought it off clone trooper for drinking money. The second time, on a bounty hunter -- he’d murdered a Jedi Knight for Imperial credits, kept the blade though. The third, was now. 
Ru could only assume the weapon to be another stolen relic, a ground-in-the-dirt memory of her life before Ordo Eris. This contender probably had no idea how to use it, let alone the life this saber had before now.
A laxidasical wave. “Maybe. Don’t care. But! My sweet, sweet, Jedi -- I want you to kill him. Seeing two saber swordsmen dueling... Goodness, me oh my, that will certainly bring in the money, won’t it, Atticus?”
“Sure will.”
And it does.
Cal Kestis is having a pretty shit day.
Not that he’d ever say so -- no, because, sure, it might be terrible and he might be navigating some wild underground dungeon maze, but Cal has BD-1 back on his shoulder and that’s all that matters. 
He’s got a mission, he’s got BD-1, and despite being a little sore, he’s good. All good. Everything’s good. Totally good. 
As he rides the lift to the upper levels of this... place... Cal wonders if he’s gonna eat that sentiment.
The first thing he hears is the chants -- raucous roars of a large crowd. Before him lays a large square space, illuminated by stark spotlights and swarmed with drone droids, each with blinking red lights on their helms to show their recording status. 
It becomes abundantly clear to Cal that he’s suddenly in the spotlight. And, that the itching feeling that he was being watched was correct. 
The redheaded Jedi steps out from under the bay, suddenly exposed to the bright light of the arena. 
Around him on the upper decks are hundreds of people, all clamoring to get a view of him -- the large screens on the sides of the loge show him squinting, raising a hand and grimacing into the light. 
BD-1 gives a worried boowoop. 
“I got a bad feeling about this too, lil’ buddy.”
Suddenly, a holo-projection fizzles in before Cal -- large and tall and to the excitement of the crowd. The man’s appearance is met with a rise in cheers, rolling off the voices of the spectators with thirst for action. 
Sorc Tormo laughs.
“Ah, finally he arrives!” 
The projection waves wildly, spinning about, and Cal watches carefully as this eccentric ego-maniac waves his hand with a grandiose flourishes as he speaks. 
“We had action on how long it would take for you to get here!”
Yeah, well, BD-1 was kinda his priority.
Irritation bites at Cal’s features. The Jedi scowls. His stance is tense.
“And who are you?” Cal calls out, voice rising over the roar of the crowd.
“Ha ha ha! Who am I? I’m Sorc Tormo, baby! I’m the boss of this operation!”
The crowd goes wild at that, whoops and hollers serenading the arena to the tune of the crimelord’s name. A television drone swoops close to Cal’s head and the Jedi side-steps it with a disgusted look on his face. 
“Right,” Cal snarks, “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
“Maybe not you, but to your friend Greezy Four-arms it does! You’ve got him to thank for gettin’ you into this pickle!”
Of course. 
Cere had made a comment off-hand about the pilot’s penchant for gambling -- not that Cal was any stranger to the concept. Back on Bracca, Prauf had muscled Cal into tagging along to a few card games here and there. And though the redhead never partook in wagering his entire week’s pay on precious metals, Prauf had once or twice. On those nights that Prauf lost -- because he always lost -- there was nothing that could lift the Abednedo’s mood. 
Not even a signature Cal Kestis smile 'n’ pat on the back. 
Cal could use one of those right about now. 
“Yeah, well, once I’m finished with you, I will thank Greez,” it comes out just as cocky as it feels -- and maybe Cal shouldn’t had tried the attitude. 
Either way, when this Sorc Tormo guy laughs and waves his hand, proclaiming, “No, no, my friend, you won’t be fighting me...”
Suddenly, the air becomes electric.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the crime-lord turns on a heel, gesturing to the crowd with the all the practiced cool of an entertainer, “Our lovely little guest will be going head to head with our favorite...”
There’s a crescendo of excitement. Cal notices an uptick on the counter on the broadcast screens -- he realize, quickly, that they’re bets and currently, someone named Fropolo’f is betting the most money against him. Real confidence booster that is. 
“Someone get baby his toy! He’s gonna need it!”
His lightsaber is launched from the loge, and the Jedi catches it quickly, igniting it on instinct as his skin crawls in anticipation. The redhead looks around, eyes cast on the crowds of smugglers and thugs lining the balcony.
The wide angle shot of fear on his face is painted across the rumbling arena’s screens.
Before Cal can bite in a retort, the echo of boots on durasteel begins -- coordinated and rhythmic. Boom... boom... boom... boom, boom, boom.
“You know her well -- a pure whirlwind of rage! She’s pink, she’s tatted, she’s daaaaaaaangerous!” 
Boom-boom-boom. Boom-boom-boom.
BD makes a nervous boo-weeeeeeeep as the pace picks up. Cal swallows, gloved fist tightening nervously around the hilt of his glowing, golden blade. Green eyes dart around the square expanse of the arena, trying to get a gauge on where this opponent might appear from --
“Give it up for our girl...”
Boomboomboom, boomboomboom. 
The roar is deafening. 
Suddenly, the paneling in the floor separates, and from it emerges --
Ru’kali Lof is suddenly staring face-to-face with a ghost.
Her stance, wide-set with double blades humming in a hot white, seems to crack when she finally sees the face of her opponent.
She’s a handful of meters away but she’d know that flash of red hair anywhere.
Cal Kestis.
Cal fucking Kestis.
Oh, this is bad. 
This is really bad. 
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i don't know why, i like dark romance, you know the thing people call abuse; i feel ashame. though, i liked it mostly on fanfics. like yes, i'm gonna read trash fanfic about sam/lucifer, john azazel, kol/bonnie or nyota uhura/nero, tasha yar/volskiar, sam carter/ba'al... i just can't help. but funny thing, i don't have any interest in "official" dark romance like 50 sog, no idea why.
And you know what, I kind of do too. I like to read dark romances, I like the thrill of it, often times dark romances play on two characters from very different back grounds (one light, one dark, typically) and I think its thrilling and interesting and fun to see how within the confines of the narrative, how these very different love interests are going to fall for each other. A lot of times they'll fall for eachother through some very unhealthy circumstances like kidnappings, bully/victim abuse, or creepy stalker watch you sleep possessive shit and I dont necessarily hate that in my fantasy romance reading. Why? Because its fantasy, it's not real, depending on what type of fantasy it is, it can be as far removed from our world as it can be or even parallel our world within the spectrum of urban paranormal type fantasy, but the fantasy part is what I believe is the important distinction here. It's something that's innately different from our reality so we can engage in this fantasy without feeling the true effects of it on our human psyche as it were.
However, something like 50 Shades of Grey, 365 Days, those kinds of stories dont necessarily have a fantastical element to them and instead cling to the more mundane aspects of every day life, so I think when we're exposed to stories like those we're more prone to emphatically feeling those really unhealthy and traumatizing kinds of relationships and seeing them glorified in the ways that they often can feel especially damaging to us. In dark romance, often the same thing happens but there also seems to be this much larger gap dividing the fantasy from the real world in a way that a lof of contemporary romances don't have and I think that's where we can sometimes get confused with trying to reconcile what we think are healthy relationships and what we enjoy reading about or seeing in stories. Like stories like 50sog or 365 creep me out a little but on the other side of the spectrum I've also read dark fantasies that have done much worse but that I actively enjoyed more so it caused me to question if I just have some kind of weird fetish for certain types of stories? Should I feel ashamed of this? Do I secretly crave being in an abusive relationship? To answer the question about fetishes, yes maybe I have some fetishes and some kinks but as long as they don't hurt anyone else then there's nothing wrong with that and you shouldn't feel ashamed either. Society has kind of put a blemish on fetish often linking it to perversion and things of that nature but to me having a fetish is just something that you find particularly exciting and there's nothing overtly wrong with that, again as long as its not hurting anyone else. And it certainly doesn't mean you crave to be in an abusive relationship of some sort. Enjoying stories that may involve exploring certain abusive tropes does not link you to that way of thinking in real life necessarily. Stories are largely made to play out fantasies, things that we can't or don't even want to experience in our real life but we still wish to experience it in some sort of capacity. Stories give that to us.
So yeah, I feel you on the dark romances. I love dark stories, when I enter a fandom and find characters I like, I often search for dark au fanfics about them, there's just a lot of interesting stories out there and if you're only down for 100% non-abusive stories, I dont know how you find them first of all, non-problematic stories I feel are probably just a myth at this point, but I also feel like you could be passing on a lot of fun stories too but that's just me. Obviously, I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't like, the purity police doesn't exist and you shouldn't let anyone make you feel like they do. We all have our own separate fetishes and kinks, so let's just engage in what we like and stop worrying about what other people like.
So my friend, definitely dont feel ashamed at all for liking the dark romance genre, there are so many others out there like you, including myself, that like these dark tropes, it doesn't say anything about you on whether or not you're a good or bad person. Reality is different than fantasy which is why we invoke the powers of our own creativity to bring the fantasy to us and I think we're awesome for doing that. Just keep being you and don't you dare judge yourself or let anyone else judge you.
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
At first I too thought Mayrin did prefer Brea, or Brea and Tavra, or Brea and a little bit more Tavra
But upon rewatching the show again and knowing more about the novels, I came to the conclusion all 3 princesses suffered from her same emotional neglect, Brea just looked more free because being the 3rd heir to the throne she had no real responsibilities and insecure, exhausted, overworking Seladon bearing all her 1st heir responsibilities just misinterpreted it through green eyed eyes, something Tavra understood and saw pragmatically having sadly accepted their distant mother daughters relationship
By that I don't mean that Mayrin doesn't love her daughters. She does, feeling worried for Brea and Tavra when they are away, and feeling very defensive of Seladon towards Aughra and the Skeksis. But she just can hardly show it, over than a gentle shoulder or cheek holding with Brea and Seladon, and a hug to Seladon. As well as sentences, as much as they can sound dismissive, like "you will understand later", "you have to learn", you will make a good ruler" etc. And given how apparently the new comics shows her mother had been "cruel" and "dismissive" (to quote her... and the hesitance in her sentence and how her head is lowered shows she was suffering from it probably as much as Seladon was) to her, it feels like that since she never got maternal love from her own mother, she didn't know how to give any and only repeated what she got, maybe just trying to be slightly better than her with hugs and touches from time to time
Yes you are all gonna tell me Seladon feels like she is never seen by her mother and suffered the most, collapsing under all the work she gave her, telling her in front of her she missed her gone daughters (for that I think she was just clumsy in her words and didn't mean it as her "only" daughters, hence her "you see what I mean, dear" as cold as it could have sounded and as Seladon got it) and how she was cruel to mock disdainfully her wings while, despite what the fandom thinks, are probably ALWAYS lopsided hence why she then uses fake ones to hide them in her Skeksis dress ; being disdainful about a trait your child can't remove is a dick move
However you all forget other elements towards her other daughters
Whenever Mayrin interracted with Tavra, it's always an order. Barely not more different than Seladon had. While she acted to Seladon as if she were a princess first, she acted to Tavra as if she were a Paladin first. And you know Onica ? That girl who is canonly her girlfriend ? Mayrin did everything for them to break up even forbidding her own heartbroken daughter to go see some lower Sifan. She basically controlled Tavra's relationships for racist reasons, probably did for her otger daughters too. To the point Tavra had to lie or do in secret even before she found out KNOWING how her mother would react. Now that is said, sure Tavra accepted veing treated as a Paladin and is not as sad if not at all as Seladon. But isn't it depressing that a child just accepts not to try anything anymore and that this kind lof attention is better than nothing ? Especially since in the book she says she and her sisters always struggled to have her love and approval, so like she ended up giving up...
Yes. SisterS. So not just Seladon... but Brea too ! According to Tavra she was no different and this is provably why she is always there to listen and comfort both of them. Remember when Brea was about to dreamfast with Mayrin in the first episode ? Drramfasting that is seen as good, friendly, warm, even romantic between lovers and comforting between friends ? She just SIGHS and holds up her hand with a look and a tone that are "let's get done with it quickly" and do tell her to make it quick. While it is always seen as a good thing for other Gelflings (except Seladon... probably influenced by her). Furthermore, I read this morning a post claiming (with good arguments of course, THAT is just MY analysis) that Brea was her favoritr because she told I love you often. But what OP forgot was what Brea says. Brea says it is only NOW she was gone after having listened to her that she knew that she meant it. So not only does this mean she rarely listens to her, which we saw in the first half of the show where she always told her off with a tired/annoyed look and tone "you read too many books", "you embarrass us", "silence" etc, it also meanr that NEVER before she thought she truely meant she loved her. She did not feel it ! Since it was always followed with an order and given how bored Mayrin always looks (she probably ruined her life and got her hopes ruined we will see that in the comics), Brea probably felt it as a dutiful "yes yes I do love you. Ok ? Now shut up and go to work". Something Mayrin probably not meant but how Brea took it all her life until she died. So what if Mayrin also said "I love you, now do this and that" to her 2 other daughters who felt it the same then ? Also Brea is a troublemaker. What if she started breaking laws and do shit even subconsciously not just because she is free spirited, bur since it always got her mother to notice her and scold her or give her a moral lesson the attention was worth the troubles ? The contrary of Seladon who on the contrary did her best to obey her, which paradoxically had Mayrin focus less on her to try to give moral to Brea instead. Which Seladon minsinterpreted as favoritism while her sister was just as approval seeking. And how much time she had for herself, having her read and read and read... feels like she was never truely summoned by her for matters and could feel lonely, right ? While Seladon was always given work by Mayrin, Brea rarely got any true treatment. She felt left out, but learnt to "live with it" a little like Tavra
What I mean is it feels like all 3 daughters were actually loved by their mother, but were neglected and treated often lovelessly, which is not excusable of course, which could have changed since episode 5 looked like she had openzd her eyes just before being killed by SkekVar. You know who actually loves me but still treated me like shit because he repeated the education he got ? My father. I know he loves me, but despite the love he always called me out and had me feel lonely and outcasted, and even if it is explained it is not excusable and I do hate him. Mayrin loves her daughter but it's ok to see her as a trash mom because she was, NONE of her daughters felt loved by her until too late ; and while Brea and Tavra learnt to live with it because they had other things in life too (Tavra was pragmatic, but she also had a girlfriend to focus on and probably got in conflict with her mother for that, and she also had her job as a soldier she loved and probably had Paladin friends ; Brea was outgoing, and had the passion of reading and drawing keeping disctracted, and she had the Librarian and according to AoR Tactics his pet fizzgig to give her company, and she easily makes friends and she had to focus on that conspiracy theory that happened to be true too keeping her focused on other things), while Seladon had nothing. No friend. No true goal except being the furure All Maudra and seeking approval. Not opening herself like her sisters but being sure that if she kept going that way it would end up working which didn't. Which blinded her with rage and a feeling of injustice, and in the end had her snap. All because Mayrin repeated a circle of abuse she had herself gone through
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nayu-nayu · 5 years
Can I have a NSFW Senku with a shy insecure S/O? Also congrats for your 100 followers!💗💕💕💞💗💞💕💗💞💞💖💗💕
Yes of course! ~ Thank you so much Anon!
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NSFW Senku with shy and insecure S/O headcanons
- We all know that Senku is not an affectionate person.
- His S/O feels safe with him because Senku will never force them to do any uncomfortable things.
- He is totally okay if they just spend the time together and nothing more.
- S/O often thinks Senku is too hot and too handsome for them and they are unable to handle his radiance.
- S/O rejects Senku many times because they are embarrassed when he is too close to them.
- Senku doesn’t understand them first, so he won’t do anything.
- his S/O sometimes feels bad because they think they are not attractive enough, or Senku doesn’t love them enough to make a move.
- Kisses and touches are very rare. Senku literally would be okay without any physical contact if S/O doesn’t want to do it.
- But he knows that sexuality is the part of the romantic relationship, -and of course- the part of the science, so it makes him a bit curious.
- This boy is very smart so he notices that S/O really yearns for his affection, just too insecure to tells him.
- One night they are alone and watch the stars together.
- S/O knows how much Senku loves the space so when they see his happy face while he tells everything about the stars and the planets, S/O will be overwhelmed with feelings. 
- “Why am I so shy? Why can’t I tell him how much I want him?  I want to tell him…! I want to show him…!”
- S/O’s eyes fulfilled with tears as they realized this. They have a lof of anxiety but they want to fight with them.
- Senku notices that S/O is even more quiet than usual.
- He turns to S/O and he is surprised when he sees their teary eyes and blushing face.
- “S/O…?”
- “Senku—I— I really—like you–”
- Senku’s eyes widely open and suddenly feels warmth in his heart.
- He had waited for this moment. For a moment when S/O will take a step and give him a sign.
- He knows this is the perfect moment to show them how much he loves them.
- Gently touches S/O’s face and wipes their eyes.
- “Do you hate when I touch you like this?”
- “…….I’m not…against it…..”
- Senku gives them his most charming smile.
- Gentle kisses follow each other.
NSFW below!
- S/O is very shy and has a fear to show their naked body to Senku.
- Senku knows it well so it will happen in total darkness.
- Senku literally can’t see anything but he understands that S/O feels more comfortable in the darkness.
- He will use his biological knowledge to find every important place ;)
- but this is a hella difficult adventure for him.
- He will gently caress, touch, kiss S/O’s sensitive parts and listen their reactions.
- When he hears S/O’s heavy breaths and feels their shaking body he will know how much they want him.
- These sweet reactions are enough for him.
- Senku will be as gentle and careful as he can.
- The truth is that he is totally freaking out.
- He becomes completely hard because of S/O’s moans. He can barely control himself.
- But he doesn’t want to hurt the person he loves.
- “If you want me to stop, just tell me.”
- Both of them lie on their sides, facing the same direction and he enters S/O from behind.
- This position is comfortable to them because they are too shy and embarrassed to face-to-face poses.
- Senku penetrates them very slowly.
- He feels so hot inside them.
- This position allows for more skin to skin contact.
- Besides Senku has a free hand to stimulate his S/O’s sensitive parts.
- If Senku is confident enough, he will place his hands on S/O’s shoulders to increase the intensity and deepness of the thrust.
- Senku gives sweet kisses on S/O’s neck and shoulders for aftercare.
- S/O feels that all of the anxiety and shyness magically disappeared.
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luccislegs · 4 years
ok luna first of all,, i lof u hard :sadcat: second of all, can i pls (very self indulgently) request poly hcs for sanji/reader/sabo bc i love them very much and also i just wanna date them both. perhaps just like “how they met” + cute relationship hcs if that’s ok!! nsfw is optional bc i know that’s a lot but u know i lof me some good smut,, anyways once again i love u and i’ll talk to u soon uwu
okay no queen, i lof u way harder. trust me. and you can have anything you want from me, all you have to do is ask :sadcat:
Sanji was extremely confused when he first met Sabo. He’d been friends with Luffy for a long time before finally meeting his older brother, who had been traveling overseas for a few years. So when he finally did meet him, it was like a swift kick to the stomach as he laid eyes on him. Sanji had always fawned over women and, other than Ace, had never had that reaction to another man. And with Ace, it was always ignored.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t ignore it this time because he wanted to spend time with you and you wanted to spend time with Sabo. It had been far too long since you got to spend time with your friend and, though you’d known each other since childhood, years apart had sparked a new emotion in your. And when you ran to him in the airport, throwing your arms around him, he buried his face in your hair and held tight, unwilling to let go.
When he finally did, he pulled back and marveled at you. “Wow, Laura ___, you look amazing. It’s been a long time. You’re taller,” he said, ruffling your hair. But the familiar touch was shadowed by the look of amazement in his eyes, as if he was confused or mesmerized by your face. The intense look caused you to flush, and he stuck by your side all the way through the airport, causing Luffy to pout at his single-minded focus (as if Luffy hadn’t done that exact same thing to other people innumerable times), and all through dinner his eyes remained locked on you.
Not that you were faring any better. He now sported a scar over his eye, which he gave the story behind over several bowls of ramen. Luffy’s friends had met up with them outside the restaurant and Sabo took notice of the attractive blond right away. Not as much as ___ of course but, he could appreciate. When he found himself seated across from the blond– who’s name he learned was Sanji– and ___, he slowly grew to like the other man.
His plans were to settle down in town instead of setting off on a new adventure, wanting to spend time with his family after so long away. He moved in with Luffy and Law for a time, at least until a room opened up with Sanji when Zoro moved in with Okiku. 
That was…an interesting dynamic. Sabo knew of his penchant for fawning over women and he certainly did it more to ___ than anyone else. But the attention paid to Sabo himself was also intense, giving the same vibes as his fawning but quieter, as if he was unsure. It was very fun for Sabo– who knew himself already– to tease him about it, asking him if he liked the view or if he had something on his face as he leaned closer to Sanji’s face.
You spent a lot of time at their place. The “something” between you and Sabo had morphed from longing looks to casual and lingering touches; hand-holding, cuddling on the couch, and dinner dates were common now. Sanji often found the two of you like that and was overcome with a look of longing. Living with Sanji gave rise to more powerful feelings and now when he looked at his roommate, he was filled with the same amused fondness he felt for you.
At first, Sanji felt a lot of jealousy for the man who had your attention. In the days leading up to Sabo’s return, you did nothing but talk about him. “Sabo this, Sabo that, Sabo everything,” and Sanji couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t you see how much he wanted your attention? And then Sabo actually showed up and…well it wasn’t quite like a switch flipped but all those nasty thoughts were muted and, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t dislike the blond.
As for you, you were unaware of Sanji’s true interest in you. You were so used to him fawning over literally any woman in his vicinity that it was near impossible to tell the difference between his infatuation with them and his true feelings for you. So you allowed him to do his usual thing, ignoring the fluttering in your chest whenever he paid attention to you and the disappointment you felt when he would turn around and give that other woman the same.
It’s actually Sabo that brings up a poly relationship. He mentions it casually one night while the three of you are hanging out watching TV. With you curled up on his chest, his fingers wound loosely in your hair, he mentions a couple he got involved with while he was overseas, telling you that it was the easiest thing in the world.
At first, it sounds strange, trying to balance a threeway relationship between you. You hesitantly point out that Sanji doesn’t view you that way, and the cook is quick to put a stop to that. The words are out of his mouth before he can stop to decide whether they’re the right ones or not. “That isn’t true, ___. I’ve loved you for a long time.”
In the silence that followed, you could have heard a pin drop. Hope flared hot in your chest as you stared at Sanji. You couldn’t see it, but Sanji could read the soft amusement in Sabo’s face, reaching out with his hand to lay it on Sanji’s wrist. His fingers tapped a gentle rhythm, soothing Sanji’s flustered frustration as you processed his confession.
“You really mean it, Sanji? You aren’t just saying that because– because I love you too, you know. I have for a long time,” you said, crawling from Sabo’s arms and kneeling next to Sanji on the couch. Sabo squeezed his wrist once and then let go, leaning back to watch the scene before him play out. It wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, but it was better.
“Yes, I mean it. When you told me Sabo was coming home, you seemed to happy and I got jealous. But nothing’s changed. Except now– maybe, Sabo–” At this, Sanji stumbles, looking at the other blond staring at him calmly. The amusement is still there, faintly condescending in a way that everyone who knows him gets used to after a while.
“I’ve noticed, Sanji. You make it pretty obvious, being honest,” Sabo said, saving Sanji from his flustered stuttering. “I feel the same, but we should probably take it slow. Don’t wanna rush too much into it.” He yanked you back into his chest, nuzzling your hair and flashing Sanji a mischievous grin. His fingers wrapped around Sanji’s wrist and tugged, forcing the man to follow lest his arm come out of it’s socket. “Then again, I think we’ve waited long enough.”
general relationship:
Sabo is a brat. He wants his way all the time, and he’s going to get it. He’s very good at it too, and sometimes that leads to problems when he forces or tricks you and Sanji into doing something you don’t really want to do. After a while, you and Sanji grow tired of it and bring it up to him and when it’s laid out to him from your point of view, he understands that he may have pushed you too far. He’s sincere in his apology to you two and, though it isn’t an overnight change, he works on it more. When you say no, the three of you reason it out and decide if it’s fair. 
Sanji never stops his fawning over other women. Sometimes, usually at Sabo’s behest, he comes to find you when you’ve been really down and just dotes on you. No one else with you, no other women, you just lay in bed or on the couch, or go out to dinner or for a stroll. Sometimes he’ll cook you your favorite meals and deliver it to you restaurant style, giving the two of you an intimate meal. He eventually learns that, no matter how beautiful he may find other women, he needs to make you his priority, and to feel more beautiful than all those other women combined. He’s very good at it when he puts his mind to it.
Sabo is pretty laid back about your relationship. He doesn’t have any interest in being with anyone outside of you and Sanji, but he doesn’t mind if the two of you step out. One thing he absolutely demands is open communication. If you or Sanji do find someone, you need to tell your other partners before you just step out. That being said, neither of you are interested, so it’s a moot point.
Sabo tends to…burn things when he cooks. Sanji does not like him being in the kitchen alone. On the other hand, the three of you have fun cooking together. Sanji is obviously good at it and is willing to teach you. It becomes a tradition to spend Friday nights cooking new recipes Sanji has created or happened to find, tweaking them to your liking.
Sabo and Sanji both are very open in their affection. PDA is a pretty big thing, even if it’s just holding hands. Sabo is a little more lax about it than Sanji, though, pulling you into his lap at any opportunity, kissing you passionately in the middle of a crowd, holding you possessively when someone he doesn’t care for is watching with too much interest. Sanji is, oddly enough, more calm and classy. Forehead kisses, hand kisses, keeping you close in a crowd as he leads the way through it, holding open doors for you. Sabo picks up on those habits even if he doesn’t realize it and starts to do them for you as well. When you point it out to him and Sanji, the latter laughs while the other looks puzzled for a moment before he realizes it’s true and chuckles, telling you not to get used to it.
Sanji is the one that does most of the cleaning. Sabo is, unfortunately, a bit of a slob and leaves you and Sanji to pick up the slack. If you ask him to help you, he’s more than willing, but he doesn’t just do it on his own. It’s a bit tiring but he starts working on it when he realizes it’s actually very rude and inconsiderate to the two of you. He may not just pick things up on his own, but once he sees the two of you starting to get moving, he’s quicker to join in and help.
Sanji is a bit hesitant at first to engage with Sabo. He’s just unsure of what to do, still confused about how strongly he feels for the other man. He’s got a lot of repression due to his past. But Sabo is somehow both patient and teasing, not pushing Sanji more than he’s comfortable but also making it known that he’s ready and willing whenever Sanji is. It’s slow going and on your part, you encourage Sanji as much as possible as well.
Sabo is pretty much dominant in this relationship. With Sanji’s insecurity and Sabo’s personality, he takes charge. He’s also very ambitious. He’s fucked you in every room of the house at least once and he intends to do so again. If you’re in the kitchen cooking, he has no qualms about turning the stove off and having a quickie on the counter. He’s also not above stealing into the shower with you– preferably scaring the crap out of you in the process– and taking you from behind until the water runs cold. (Sanji does not appreciate.)
Sanji on the other hand is a total gentleman. Almost always wants to have sex in bed and takes it nice and slow, making sure you’re thoroughly satisfied before seeking his own pleasure. Sometimes he’ll go really extravagant: rose petals on the bed, candles lit, soft romantic music. It ends the same way though, with you over-sensitized and him very smug.
When Sabo and Sanji get together, they feed off of each other. Sanji isn’t very teasing, but Sabo is and when Sanji sees you writhe in Sabo’s arms, he’s instantly hard. There’s something about the way you beg for more that makes him want to both snatch you from Sabo and pleasure you but also ghost his fingers over every inch of your body to hear more of those sweet sounds. That teasing extends to Sanji as well. Sabo very much enjoys tying Sanji up while he takes you, asking Sanji how the view is, if he wants a turn, does he like what Sabo is doing to you.
The first time together for Sanji and Sabo is actually very sweet. Sabo, for all his teasing, really does like Sanji and wants to make it memorable, but he understands Sanji is hesitant. With a lot of cajoling, they get down to it and it’s slow and tender, much different than Sabo’s usual teasing. There’s still a lot of it, but it’s not fast paced. He’s taking his time, asking if Sanji likes what he’s doing, what he likes, if he wants to try this or that. By the end of it, he’s got Sanji wrapped around his finger but the way Sanji begs and pleads has got him just as wrapped.
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kyojurouwu · 3 years
Episode 11 is out, and so am I XD
Okay, first of all I feel like not much really happened in this episode. Yeah, we got a lof bromance moments and Jug and Suho seemed to make up (unfortunately, ekhem), but aside from that... I don't know, a lot of screen time was used for unnecessary comedic scenes, rather than fully show us the size of tragedy that characters suffered. And when they do, they mostly focus on Suho, because it's not like Seojun was Seyeon's friend either... oh, wait.
That's what really annoys me. Someone before wrote, that forgiving Suho seems too easy. Like Seojun forgave him, because he saw Suho getting a panick attack, so he had to do it, because otherwise he would look like a bad character. But Suho intentionally didn't explain situation to him and prefered to act like a martyr. And show clearly treats him as one - from this ridiciulous car crash scene, up until his panick attack.
I know I may sounded harsh, but God, this boy get everything in this show without even trying. Best grades, rich family, the girl (actually two of them), right now even forgiveness. He's even Leo, which we all already knew.
Maybe I'm just bitter, because Seojun in this episode was mostly used as a comic relief and punching bag for writers, who just love to put him in the same place as Jug and Suho. At this point I'm not even hoping for him to get a girl - she didn't even seem to care about him getting injured. Like, even if he's just a friend to her, why she acted so indifferent towards him? It's just so depressing seeing him being completely ignored by her, when he looked so happy, when she cignatured his plaster. And also - when the hell is he going to see her bare face? Like I'm pretty sure he knows, that this 'cousin' was her, but he still hasn't seen her without makeup. They could at least give us that.
So in the end, I'm nowhere near being satisfied and I start to dislike the main character. She seems to be blind to everything besides Suho, she didn't even notice her bullies, when she was literally twe steps from them. I don't know, what writers plan for this show, but I'm feeling it's going to be even more plotless (is that even the word...?) and just dissapointing. Such a waste of great actors.
Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.
Your intro is so powerful haha. And I understand. 
Thinking back, I enjoyed the bromance scenes because I’ve been starving for them, BUT as you pointed out, they used so much time for it and completely lessened the impact this should’ve had. Even when Seojun got a lot of screen time it was not used where it truly mattered? Does it make sense? He was there for the hahas and of course as usual thirdwheeling and hurting his heart, but when he found out the truth there was almost nothing. 
Seojun “being the bad guy” as people will definitely like to say, is a side-effect to Suho keeping quiet about everything. I would understand not wanting to tell Seojun if they weren’t close but... they were best friends! As I said before in one of my replies, Suho’s guilt is understandable and it was something that had huge impact on his mental health, but people overlook that Seojun lost the same best friend AND he never got a phonecall. He had no chance to ever stop it from happening. Both of them had to deal with this loss, not just one or the other. Keeping quiet just caused both of them to keep this wound bleeding for years. 
Don’t worry I understand, Seojun being so happy while Jug almost looks through him makes me want to punch something (and I’m a pacifist lol how far has this kdrama pushed me). He gets these crumps of attention from Jug and he shines brighter than the sun... it hurts. 
Writers are running in a circle with the bullying ordeal, making them almost meet but not really for x amount of episodes. Jug as a character is standing still and moves nowhere near any kind of progress, it’s frustrating and it makes me dislike her as well. 
My disappointment is also only growing, I was so SO excited for this adaptation, the cast is amazing but ... the turns the writers decide to take are just either incredibly predictable or annoying or both. 
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yibo-wang · 3 years
Hi Aamna,
Merry Christmas to you as well! 💛
Still looking, incredible enough now it has become a challenge and I didn’t know I had read so much since then. I also been wondering if there’s a way to search your history by tag 🤔
I hear you, I am currently watching The Wolf (which I stop for a few weeks and just picked it up again, I am only watching it for Xiao Zhan otherwise I would have drop it long time ago tbh. If you have seen it, what are your thoughts about it?) also watching two cdramas and three kdramas, and of course I cannot forget two anime that my daughter recommended to me. So I understand about being a slow watcher and when everyone is done watching it, I am just starting it. Lol so don’t you worry take your time.
Same here with reading, I am always reading. Is like you can get lost in a new worlds with the characters you love with just a few clicks. My favorite time to read are in the morning before everyone wakes up and at night when everyone is asleep. Perfect quiet moments.
I hear you about XZ and WY, it was so lovely to see them again together too and I wish that they were able to smile openly but like you said their safety comes first and with so much haters out there is better to keep it low. Also, I don’t know if you heard about why WY had such a big rehearsal time, but the rumor is that the only reason WY had such a big time was because he was using his name so people wouldn’t know at what time XZ was going to be there to do his rehearsal and hearing that made me happy because even if they can’t be seen in public as if they know each other privately and away from the public they still get along fine and that I don’t makes me happy to know that they’re still friends. I hope next year both guys have time to just relax for a bit.
That signature moment was owned by XZ, is like move I got this and I won’t just sign it. I will brand it. It was such a powerful move. *bow down to that man*
Same here, I am hopping I see them act together again someday. Hopefully not to far from now.
Omg, Song Ji Yang would make an amazing Xie Lian. I am hopping the directors take a look at him and give him a change because he has that sweet face about him.
Don’t worry, I am terrible at finishing novels. I have so many started but still waiting for me to finish reading them.
And don’t worry if you need to take extra time answering these questions, I know that I tend to give you a whole essay here instead of just a simple question.
Now for my question, hopefully its an easy one...What is one thing you wish for the next year? It can be anything you wish, you can make it fandom related if you want.
Your C.C Blue 🌸
Hi Blue!! Hope you had aa good time with your family!
Oof ikr! Idk if there is one but I'm hoping there is, cause it's really hard to search the history when you're looking for one specific fic lol.
I havent started it yet, I'm waiting for it to finish so that I can watch it together and just skip the parts which seem boring cause imma be honest too,, im only going to watch it for xiao zhan.
Oof yes, I've got two kdramas which my cousin and sister are waiting for me to finish, three thai dramas and lof 😫 and then I go and rewatch the untamed or see the donghua again lfhfkrk
I usually read at night after finishing up everything and sometimes I'm like okay only an hour and then whoops its 4am in the morning lol
Oof yeahh everyone thought yibo had a dance performance but he actually saved it for xz's rehearsal and was there throughout it 🥺 I'm just.. yeah.. alot of feelings about it
Yep yep I hope so too, they work so hard. I'm really really proud of xz getting to have the immense support and love he got from his fans during that performance. He deserves it!
Aw nooo I really enjoy your questions :D I really have a good time answering them!
Hmm honestly after this year i really hope that everyone gets through the next one steadily. Alot of people lost their lives, a lot of them suffered due to the pandemic, whether it was health, education, money related. I just wish things get easier for everyone (also that somehow all the billionaires lose their wealth and it gets distributed among the people *please please please*) + also I'm stretching this one wish thing but my clinicals start next year so hopefully all of them go smoothly fkfkg
Fandom related idk I'm looking forward to the Tian ya ke drama (hopefully I'll finish the novel by then) and that it turns out great. Wby? What do you wish for next year?
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andersssandrew · 4 years
Fanfic meme (or my opinions about some fanfic tropes)
Thanks to @flo-nelja​, I lost like one hour and half to do this post, you know my weakness for long ass meme. ❤️ on you, it was pretty entertaining.
So...let’s go
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight: I’m never satisfied with the slow burn I read (or write, for what it's worth). Theorically I prefer slow burn, but it’s never slow enough, or BURN enough. I mean, for me, the slow burn involves some pining/longing, like they are accointances, then friends, then PINING/LONGING happens, then lovers. Probably the reason I love one sided love, because the feelings have time to grow, there is the pining/longing, with a pinch of angst ? 
aNyWaY I love a Love at first sight too, I don’t like it in rom-com, because it’s often without any background, but in fanfic, when you know the characters, you have implicitely the background, so it feels like fate they will be together, because you went to read this fic for your OTP, so it feels right they fall in love at first sight, because you know they are good together (even if they don’t know it yet in the fanfiction). Again, it’s the reason I love soulmate au. 
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2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating: It’s the last one I answered because it needs lof of thinking. Fake or secretly dating ? Hmmmm. I’m not often interested by the “dating” part, and more in the “feelings realization” and all the “confession part”. So Fake dating, I guess ? Like, they start dating and fall in love after ? And it can be funny, like quiproquo and clumsiness ?
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3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers: love shipping rivals and antagonistic relationships
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed” or Long Distance Correspondence: I’m a pure victorian bitch
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss: Domestic is boring to me
8. Smut or Fluff: Not a big fan of fluff. I like some cheesy tropes (like Love at First Sight) but I’m tired really quick of fluff, so it needs to be a fic with other elements. And not tooth-rooting fluff.
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic: love the AUs. ALL THE FUCKING SUPER WEIRD AUs !!!
11. One Shot or Multi-chapter: It’s very rare a fic manages to stay good (like , interesting and/or coherent with the canon) during a long time, so if the fanfic is 34 chapters, for me, it’s a repellant, because it probably means the chapters are meaningless or the author loses themselves in their universe and forgot totally the canon. In my opinion, a good fanfic (I mean, ideally) has like 3 or 4 chapters, 1000 words at least for each one. So, I love one shot, it’s less risky to be disappointed.
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12. Kid Fic or Road trip Fic: I deeply hate kid fic, omg, I hate it with my guts, for me it’s the incarnation of the patriarcal and heterocentric injonctions
13. Reincarnation or Character Death: Again, I hate character death (I mean, major character death - except if it’s canon ?)
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage or NEITHER: Hmmmmm I didn’t read a lot of “accidental marriage”. I’m not really fan of “arranged marriage” neither.
In fact, I recently read a Reddie fanfic (1000 nights​), it was in Las Vegas, Richie and Eddie were...plastered and Eddie pushed Richie in the chapel of a casino and they got married by a drag queen priest. Does it still count like an Accidental Marriage ? Because it was pretty funny.
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15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance: I feel so old when I read High School Romance fanfiction lol but even when I was 16 I didn’t like it. I like the characters in their own age, so SOMETIMES they are in high school but...hmmm it’s rare I read fanfiction taking place IN a school, it feels weird and more, it feels boring, because school is almost the same for everyone, I mean it’s a totes cliché genre. Also I don’t really like to imagine these fantasy characters becoming boring teenagers with boring occupations, sorry not sorry (but it’s the same with College AU, guys, I will kill someone if I see another art student pining for the annoying fratboy)
(I still read highschool BL mangas btw)
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16. Time Travel or Isolated Together: Time travel give me headache. OH GOD I HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW !
17. Neighbours or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU: aaaah a good supernatural au, like vampire au, werewolves au, demon/angel au, fairy tale au, hpverse au, incubus au or any other ideas. I love how it’s creative, I love how it can be super original, I love the potential in these idea, because magic AUs are very rich in themes, you can play on the medieval fantasy genre, the urban fantasy, the alternative timeline or the past (like victorian vampire AU 👌)
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19. Body swap or Gender change: I don’t like Gender change anymore because first, gender is a spectrum, these fanfics are about binary genders, it’s a little bit cringy (but it’s not the real factor I don’t like it), second, (the real reason), it’s often male characters becoming female, and it often to make it “femslash”, so the femslash tags are FULL of gender bending stuffs about male characters, and not actual real femslash with the female characters, it...erases femslash and even if I’m not a reader of femslash, I think it’s sad, because it deserves its own space in the fandom, not everything has to be about the male characters (even the ones I love a lot). 
You can say it’s more a choice driven by my opinions and not my preferences, but it’s kinda the same thing isn’t it ?
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20. Angst or Crack: Dude, it’s not a hard choice because I don’t really like crack in fanfic. I like it in fanarts, but you take more times to read a fanfic, and I don’t like crack during a long time. Crack is more a thing you enjoy quickly, it’s something who make you smile for a second then you scroll (or share it if it’s really funny or inventive). But crack in fanfic, it’s like a too long joke.
I don’t talk about crack ships, because crack ships can be interesting. Sometimes, I don’t see WHY you ship it (like Gavin x RK900 in Detroit: become human, or Lestrade x Mycroft in Sherlock BBC), sometimes I TOTALLY see it, but it still fun to see the explanations to put them together, the meta, the fan theories...
In the other hand, about angst...I like the drama, I like the horror genre (if you know my blog, you know I’m currently in the IT fandom, you know, the eating-kids clown thing), I like tears and blood, but...when it’s too much, it’s too much. I don’t like...I don’t know explain it : sometimes, you feel like the author had to get out some dark things they feel, it’s therapeutic for them but you feel kinda uneasy to read it, because it’s so DARK, man, it’s not even about the canon, it’s all about the writer’s feelings, and really, it’s okay, myself, I happen to cope like that. But as a reader, I don’t like it.
So I like some angst, when i’m in the mood, but it needs to have positive things in it too. Or to be short.
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21. Apocalyptic or Mundane: At first, I chose Mundane, but now I ask myself. I like the post apo genre, but I don’t like angst too much, like I said in the previous question.. But I still like it a little so...hmmmm it’s tricky. What is meaning mundane, by the way ? Mundane Lord of the Rings fanfiction, what is it ? What is MUNDANE in kids learning to fight with their quirks in a superheroes school ?
I will chose Apocalyptic because I love a good survival (and they have to cuddle to stay warm and save each other and cry by thinking the other is dead but in fact they are not and find a way to cure the zombie plague/find a safe place/kill the aliens XD)
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Now, the tagging part (sorry if you were tagged by someone else, and of course feel free to ignore it if you are not interested : @calimera62​, @wilwywaylan​ aaaaand....I don’t know fucking people on this hellsite anymore. Maybe @sleeping-potatoe​ ?
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