#bughed eating
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From On the Spot, Betty #45 (1997).
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my boss and her croonie have burnt me out bugh
im around but i might try some ask memes and stuff rather than big threads
i was only directly around them for like half an hour but theyre an echo chamber of angry narcissism and it just eats at me for various reasons
i had energy this morning and now im just...bone tired
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bcausearts · 5 years
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Hello my darlings. It's been a rough year so far. I had to draw something abstract to push down the perfectionism that's been trying to claw it's way back up. The stress in my home has been eating at me. Stress intensifies the depression which triggers the fibro and the Crohn's. I'm kind of like a row of dominos. Maybe someday I'll find a sanctuary, until then I do the only thing I can, create. . . . #abstractexpressionist #contemporaryart #sketch #pasteldrawing #artistsofinstagram #artlover #drawingart #worldvisualcollective #worldofart #arts_moonlight #instaartwork #instagallery #abstracts #facedrawing #instagramhub #sketchdaily #sketchbook #artistsoninstagram #contemporaryartist #artist_4_shoutout #creativeminds #artdaily #artoftheday #doodles #artistsoninstagram #art_worldly #doodleart (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuGHe-yFQxN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=567e42jyqo2x
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sxmmermadness · 3 years
That's it imma do it since nobody's doing it.
Morgan & Helena's First Meeting:
Being the sole heir of the stark industries and the popularity of Tony Stark of course boost up her popularity in school so of course Helena knew who she is. They share the same traits as being the daughter of two rich famous billionaires who have hobbies of adopting kids and turning some of his kids into ceo and co-ceo of a company
YES! Currently Damian is the ceo of the wayne enterperises with Tim being the co-ceo ( they settled their differences and choose to team up to run the company since Bruce is retiring and YES! i made Tony being alive I ALSO LET BRUCE GOT HIS HAPPILY EVER AFTER BY HIM BEING MARRIED WITH SELINA BCUZ I JUST NEED TOO OKAY AND THE OLD LAD JUST NEED A FXXXING BREAK!) Along with Morgan's older brothers being the ceo and co-ceo of the stark industries since Pepper chose to retire in order to focus in being a mom to Morgan and her other kids although she would still help if needed ( Ceo Petter Parker and co-Ceo Harvey Dent)
They first met during a charity fund that was being held up at Stark Indistries in New York and Helena was forced to attend alongside Damian and Tim because she had no school and it was summer. So Bruce thought they could do some SIBLING BONDING TIME and Helena could make some new friends along the way
Their first encounter was awkward as heck with Peter being the first one introducing Morgan to both of Damian and Tim.
" So Mr. Wayne this is my sister, Morgan Maria Stark" as Peter pushed an annoyed looking Morgan who was about to eat her ice cream had to be dragged in front of them
" Hello Mr Drake and Mr Wayne it's pleasure to meet the both of you " Morgan trying to sound as polite as possible. Helena who was behind the both of them tried to run well " tried " before Damian clears his throat and said " Oh we also brought our sister here with us.. If you don't mind " Tim who was beside Damian and took notice Helena's face made the ' if you can't act nice we're not going to the art museum ' ( yeah Helena has a thing for arts and photography ) so Helena flashes the sweetest smile as possible
" Hi you must be Morgan Stark i've heard about you and my name is Helena Martha Wayne. You can call me Helena and it's a pleasure to meet you "
They shook hands for almost 6 minutes because Helena wouldn't let go and it was obvious that she's hurting Morgan by twisting morgan's palm. So Tim just had to interrupt by whispering " Helena be nice " Tim says as he holds Helena's free hand and with Damian ruffling her sister's head ( both Damian and Tim had a soft spot for their baby sister)
Peter who was pretty suprised how affectionate those two can be because both him and Harvey never seen a genuine smile came from Tim with Damian's hand still on Helena's head patting it affectionately so this is new. Morgan may look calm but her eyes showed a spark of jealousy because who knew two of the most stoic people on earth could actually had a soft spot for their baby sister. Helena who took notice of this smirked and a plan came up to her head.
So she looked up Dami who was still talking to both Peter and Harvey alongside Tim about stocks and some future collaborations between Wayne enterperises and Stark Industries. Damian who noticed Helena looking at her and knew that face too well ( yeah Helena was hungry and she's been holding it a bit too long so her GERD symptoms are showing also Jason was the first person who took notice this) Damian just sighed " Gentlemen i'm sorry but we need to go now there's an errand we need to go too " he said as he picked up Helena and took her into his arms. Mind you Helena was 7 years old at that time.
The whole situation was funny beacuse both of them despised each other but chose not to show it becaue they just want to look " professional" and well it became even funnier that those two were just too obvious with Morgan sucks at lying and Helena's eyes looking bloodlust
The two met again at a resort in Malibu and just bump randomly into each other
" Do we really need to do this ? "
" i hate this place "
" Can we go home?"
" No Morgan for the fourth time we're not going home and you're not going to die " replied Harvey tiredly
" But i- *bugh*"
Morgan was faced with aquatic blue eyes that she knew
" Nice to see you Morgan and it was fun stumbling upon you" said Helena in a sarcastic manner but got nudged in the shoulders gently by Damian and Tim whispering the word "behave snowflake" to her. Morgan noticed two woman standing behind her and i think she at least see the both of them somewhere in a fashion magazine. Morgan just realized how good looking both of Helena's brothers are with their buff muscles. Morgan look at Harvey who was currently talking to Tim and compared the both of them. Tim may look skinnier than Damian but much more bulkier than Harvey will ever be
" What's with stare?"
" What's with you today?"
" I- "
" Helena don't be rude" said one woman with blonde hair along with a short black haired with much shorter height beside her humming in response
Then things went wild,
Michelle was with them becuz she's Peter fiance😏
" Oh Hi Stephanie and Michelle how was the photoshoot yesterday?"
So it turns out both woman knew each other because of Stephanie's fashion project along with Cass as the model and met Michelle who was the owner of a resort or something. Helena didn't care anymore she just wants to eat because she needs to " nap time" and having jet lags doesn't help either even if you're in a beautifull island like Bali. Morgan can tell the tiredness flashed in her eyes. From what Morgan heard Helena has GERD so she can't be late for food, Morgan took the advantage to save the both of them.
" Helena " said Morgan in a whispered voice as she comes to her
" what?" She replied in a whispered voice
" You look hungry "
" Back at you" okay how the hell does she notices
" Okay do you have any symptoms that relate with hunger ?"
Helena looked like she didn't trust me " i'm not going to hurt you, i got a plan to get us out of here"
Then she smirked, Oh God she looked so much like Damian and Mr Wayne now...
Before Morgan could even replied, " I got GERD as for your idea, we could just pretend i was having the symptoms right now and you'll just reply " Akhi Helena is having GERD so i think u need to bla2" and i completelly agree with your plans " Morgan was suprised, how the hell would she know
" it's written on your face" she simply replied okay that was creepy
" On my count 1..2..3.."
" Helena are you okay!" Morgan screamed loud enough to made people around them to look at the both of them
Helena whos wrapping her arms around her stomach and looking like she wanted to vomit replied in a shaky voice " shh you're making a chaos "
And of course all of their siblings would came after them with Helena looking in so much pain.
" Snowflake you okay? " asked Tim worriedly
" Helena was already at the ground now half crying and half holding pain" her sisters? Shot a worried look and looking a bit panic
Damian grabbed a sniffling Helena into his arms and sooth her as Helena's arm started to wrapped on Damian's neck and her leg hanging on his stomach with her face pressed to his chest. Morgan was actually doubting if she had to be worried or not because the acting was so good even Stephanie looked she might've actually cried too. I saw Tim calling someone.
" Yeah Rae the kid is in pain now can you hurry up with the medicine, before she creates havoc? Yeah Dames is calming her right now so we better hurry up and we'll wait for you at the dining room"
Helena for the first time in forever, started crying even more and the panic look in everyone's faces is gold. Everybody is starting became worried and Damian looked nervous like he is scared that something will happen again. Damian shot a worried glance at Tim to hurry up and end the conversation.
" Mr Parker and Mr Dent, i'm not trying to be rude but we all know what's happeing right now so it's better catch up later okay.." Tim said in a hurry
" Is she going to be okay ?" Michelle shot a worried look
" She's fine just some GERD problems with some medicine she'll be back" said Damian still soothing her
" We have to go.. it was nice meeting all of you and goodbye Morgan " Tim said as he shot a smile at Morgan who was pretending to be confused
" Akhi it hurts sniff sniff.. Akhi i want to puke sniff sniff "
Cass and Steph were already at the dining room to reseeve the table.
As Damian and Tim left walking, Helena shot a ' thank you for helping me' look at Morgan for this and Morgan shot the ' you were really amazing and i should be the one thanking you ' look
Helena just smirked and kept acting like she's in pain untill they're out of sight. From that day Morgan had a new respect of Helena and maybe teaming up with her won't be that bad
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some old writings
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found some old writing going through some of my journals when I went to K2 in Pakistan. I was 25 at the time and not a great writer but found myself adventuring through Pakistan and India for over a year.
here is a little bit:
It was another day of hiking across crevasses, I was getting better at moving faster surpassing the Spanish and Italians once again and keeping up with the Satpara Porters. Recharging the ipod at the Army base was an excellent idea and so I got to listen to all my favorite songs again. Suddenly one of the porters saw something and I hurried up to see what was happening. A porter was down in the crevasse standing over a horse. The horse was in extreme pain trying to get out of the icy river bed but could not stand. Without hesistation I used my ice axe and slid into the crevasse, the Satpara porters following me. The porter in the river was crying to struggle to lift the horse up. We gathered by him and helped pulled the horse out of the ice river. The horse breathed heavy and yelped in pain at us moving it. She had fallen off the track into the crevasse and had broken its back and legs. It was horrible to watch her fail around trying desperately to stand. We held the horse down, Mohd Iqbal calming it down. Slowly it laid defeated. Rostrum sat with the porter who owned the horse calming him down. The porter held his horse like it was a child and cried. I began to cry too and held the man's shoulder. I think I understood his pain, his horse was his companion during his life and through these journeys trekking. I held horse's forehead and felt its energy force slowly draining. We said prayers and the horse lost it conciousness and slumbered into the land of eternal peace. Rostrum and Hassan helped the porter and Isa said some words to him in Balti. The porter bowed in respect of Isa's words, gave all of us a hug and headed onwards to Goro 1 camp site. It was a fairly quiet walk to Goro 1 and when we finally got to Goro 1, looking at the ice domes around me, Isa smiled at me. "Yacub, from now on you are the Pakhair Bashir, the prince of the mountains," smiling as he telling me this ", You are the most compassionate Engrezi we ever travel with. You act like us porters and eat our chappatis and tea. May you climb all these mountains." "thank you Isa, I respect you all, I will always remember this trip." I said smiling. "We get you much marriage soon at Concordia! Much pretty Spanish Engrezi" Rostrum laughed. Everyone was laughing. This felt good to laugh again and forget about the dead horse. We were still sitting around waiting for Najam and Aamir so Nazir suggested we do some climbing of the ice domes. Armed with Ice axes we bolted for the Ice Domes, and I started running out of breath as well as running in my trekking boots are quite heavy but Nazir ran up it with such enthusiasm in his rubber runners catching himself now and again with the ice axe. I didn't have as small feet as Nazir so I had to take it so much slower really utilising the ice axe. We both got to the top and were laughing. Nazar as well bolted up the ice dome with no ice axe or any aid what so ever. The three of us continued climbing and sliding down the ice domes around us till Najam and Aamir had come. Sammi had not accompanied them. "Where is Sammi?" I asked. "Sammi had a nightmare that something happened to his daughter so he wanted to phone home. He is at the Army Camp" "Okay" After they rested enough I decided to stay with them and continue the rest of the trek. Sammi caught up with us and was happy that he got through and his daughter was well. The rest of journey to Goro 2 was very light And we got some nice photos of Gasherbrum IV infront of us. We rested easy and were nice and ready for the next day. My blisters I had on both feet had gotten really bad especially the one on the right heel, It gotten bad enough to bleed and make me uncomfortable for the whole walk to Concordia. As we continued towards Concordia I could see the 4 great mountains (Gasherbrum IV and II, Broad Peak, and K2) coming into sight including Mustagh Towers and Mitre Peak on either side of me. A lot of porters where heading back toward Skardu, explaining to Mohd Iqbal that a whole Russian expedition were hit by an avalanche on K2 and where prescribed dead. I looked towards K2 covered among the clouds and could really sense the danger of climbing, if it wasn't altitude sickness and frost bite there was avalanches and landslides to deal with. Concordia Base Camp at an elevation of 5500 metres in a sight to see being on the Ice glacier surround by rocks and ice domes. The porters were building their huts building it with the rocks around. I spent my time helping them build the huts. They protest that I didn't need to but I insisted explaining that someone can make me a coffee if I helped out. After they finished the huts they set up our tents but I wanted to make my tent special so I built a rock wall around it, Nazar and Mohd Iqbal coming to help me out which we built a nice little seat and bench for sitting and admiring the view. There was a massive vertical ice dome, which Nazir and I attempted. There was some Canadians climbing with full gear and it was kinda funny us rocking up with two ice picks and nothing else. Nazir watched them climb using two ice axes, crampons and belayed by rope. "You reckon you could do it?" I asked. "Ur no problem" Nazir said and without another word began a swift attempt on the 30 metre ice dome. Nazir got up in within a minute passing the Canadians. The Spanish trekking leader came down and was pretty antsy on us climbing without gear and I really began to have such a dislike for him. He was constantly in arguments with porters and seem to cause porter strikes. Anyway I smiled at him and ran at the Ice Dome planting the pick nice and firmly into the ice. It was much harder for me to climb because my boots were big so I made a lot of foot holds and got up to the top with a fair bit of bravado and tried not to think about the dangers of falling. With a high five, me and Nazir had sheepish smiles watch the climber finally make. I don't think they were impressed by us, and especially when Nazir rappelled off their rope downwards. Nazir was very happy and I promised him that tomorrow I would show him how to use the gear we had. When we got back I watched the dying light on K2 trying to get a photo of it without the clouds. Isa said that a Japanese Photographer had been to Concordia 7 times and was yet to get a good photo. But Inshallah I would it clear for me because I am the prince of the mountains. Then with a "Bugh lagi hey? (Are you hungry?)" he cooked up another dish of French fries for us. I tried to get a night photo of my tent and the mountains behind but by the end of dinner it was too dark to get a good enough long exposure. I guess I would have another chance as we were going to be spending another night at Concordia. I nice rest day or a walk to K2 Base camp. It was a toss up because there was the possibility of heading to Gondogora pass if the weather was good. Our rest day still started at 6 am. I guess I was so used to waking up at that time. I wondered around a bit gloomy because Sammi was thinking of resting the whole day and after looking at my blister wound he suggest it would be the best for me. Moping around I wanted something to do and looking around all the rock I thought it would be best to make another rock wall or art work. Seeing this mound, I surveyed it and thought it would be awesome to build a mosque for the Balti porters to pray in especially since today was Friday. I began utilising the rocks around me building the wall but found myself going down and hauling bigger rocks from below. Mohd Iqbal came up to me curious on what I was building. I told him it was a Masjid and without hesitation he began building some minarets. Soon Nazir, Sammi, Nazar and even Najam came to help me. Najam and Sammi levelled the ground. I did most of the hauling with Nazar and we also built a staircase to make the hauling work easier. Nazir and Mohd Iqbal worked on wall and I came and helped complete the wall. Other Balti porters from other expeditions and helped haul a few rocks which, after two hours work seemed like a good achievement. We built a seating space and we all rested till lunch time. Another good serving of Baked Beans and French Fries. So much better than the Maggi Noodles and Keema (mince beef curry) in a can. After that, I went to pray with the Satpara Porters at the mosque at the highest possible place to build one. Rostrum and Hassan were very happy at my achievement. All the porters loved calling me the prince of the mountains. They wanted me to come back and climb all this mountains and they would be so excited to see me again. There was much commotion with the other expeditions around us. The Spanish guide was in a full argument with a porter guide and this gathered over a hundred porters looking on. Isa told me they were going on strike because of pay. The british expedition in the far back had a guy who was totally blocked up annd couldn't go to the toilet so much he could no longer walk. An Army helicopter flew in to retrieve him which is a huge bill to pay to get flown out. About $4000 dollars. Another helicopter was flown in to retrieve the dead bodies of the Russians on K2 as well. The day was clearing and I decided to trail run to K2 Base camp, it would be 6 kms of crevasse running. It didn't take much to protest to Sammi that I could do it despite having my blister wounds. Infact we raced for a hundred metres and I beat him. He said I could go if I had someone to go with me. Najam was sleeping and Aamir was taking photos but Nazir was and Nazar was keen and so carrying a light pack of just some snacks and water we ran the trail to K2 base camp. We did it within a hour which wasn't too bad having to run up and down crevasses, We were running downhill at massive speeds though and at one time it led to a gap with the ice flow running down it but with a massive leap all three of us passed it. K2 was covered in clouds and mist so it was difficult to get a nice shot but we went to the memorial and looked at all the memorials and items of all the climbers who had died on the climb. At least over 80 climbers had lost their lives on this mountain. With a little prayer we headed our way back home to Concordia with a little less ehusiasm than the jog before. There being daylight left and though Nazir looked pretty tired (I was probably just as tired but hid it under my bravado), I suggested that we do some ice climbing with gear. Sammi joined up and we took out the crampons, rope, and equipment. I led the ice climbs using ice screws and quickdraws, Nazir and Nazar climbed on an easier alongside me without anything watching me rotating the ice screws in. After getting to the top I built a bucket seat and set up some dead man stakes, and belayed Sammi from above. It was thrilling to climb ice though I had to admit though sticking my fingers into water filled pockets wasn't so enjoyable to have freezing fingers but I was climbing with one Ice pick then small ice axes. We let Nazir and Nazar try on crampons and belayed them climbing the ice wall. Once they had crampons on, they could climb anything. They must of enjoyed it so much to actually use gear that expeditioners use. Especially abseiling, as they were taking leaps off the ice wall. I noticed the sun was setting and the clouds were finally clearing on K2. We hurried up climbing and I got a lot of pictures of the huge mountains finally clear of the clouds. I also managed to get my night time shot of my tent and the mountains in the dying light Back to eating Maggi noodles again but dinner was accompanied with jelly which was easily set placing the jelly bowl in a ice frozen pond.
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From Curvey Challenge, Archie's TV Laugh-Out #44 (1976).
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