#brewster’s millions
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This comment cracks me up. So true
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80smovies · 1 month
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gothprentiss · 2 years
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4x17 demonology
It's like the end of "The Dead" ...
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angelamontoo · 1 year
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Diversity win, Women can be babygirls too
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t3rr3nc3 · 2 years
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One of my favorite movies.
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Brewster's Millions (1921)
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wf2013-blog · 2 years
Brewster’s Millions (1945) Movie Review 500th review
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Jessie Matthews (Evergreen, First a Girl, It's Love Again, Gangway)—known as “the dancing divinity”, jessie matthews was a british musical star of stage and screen in the 20s and 30s - if you're an enjoyer of lavish art deco musicals of the likes of fred and ginger, busby berkeley etc, definitely give her movies a try they are delightful! (tantalizingly there were multiple attempts made to pair her and fred together that never came to fruition - gaumont-british tried to get fred for evergreen and mgm wanted jessie for a damsel in distress.) and for the women in tuxedos enjoyers, her 1935 movie first a girl was the first english language remake of viktor und viktoria, famously later remade with julie andrews.
Lili Damita (Brewster's Millions, Goldie Gets Along, Fighting Caravans)—no propaganda submitted
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut—there is one NSFW photo]
Jessie Matthews:
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Star of British 1930s stage and screen, she introduced classic songs by Noel Coward and Rogers and Hart to English audiences, and then played perky heroines, but today it’s her genderswapping role in First A Girl that probably gets most attention.
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Lili Damita:
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flashfuture · 3 months
No such thing as ethical billionaires however DC has decided Someone in the Batfamily has to be a billionaire and I am a stickler for the status quo.
I need Dick to buy a bunch more Wayne Industry stocks and give the majority to Bruce so he can get his company back and get rid of all those board members who voted him off and let the Joker rob him. And then I'm going to need Bruce to buy back Wayne Manor. (We can do that instead of Joker Year One please I'm begging, stop publishing Joker Comics or at least publish them separate from the main Batman run)
Lastly, I want a scene Brewster's Millions style where someone comes in and is like "hey Mr. Grayson not questioning anything you do but after all the investing into the city for no returns well you spent almost all of your remaining money on building Titans Tower mainly installing the space warping technology ?" and Dick to let out a sigh of relief he doesn't have to deal with anything more than what he used to have and Blüdhaven is better off.
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gatutor · 14 days
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June Havoc-Dennis O´Keefe "Mi novio está loco" (Brewster´s millions) 1945, de Allan Dwan.
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der-papero · 11 months
Ho fatto un pensiero stanotte, che poi ho detto "machisenefotte di scriverlo", sto perdendo pure la voglia di venirle a raccontare qui le cose, finisce che mi deprimo ancora di più, e poi è successo qualcosa dal sorriso tanto amaro per me da fare da scintilla per queste parole.
Oggi, cosa mai richiesta a nessuno, ho ricevuto un aumento di stipendio del 4%. Così, aggratis, dopo averne ricevuto il 10% ad inizio anno, finendo col guadagnare adesso 7000 euro lordi al mese tondi tondi.
A questo ci aggiungiamo una casa di proprietà di quasi 600mila euro, 100mila euro di conto corrente più altri 40mila di azioni, un'auto da 250 km/h che non pago, e tanta roba sfusa qua e là che manco so di avere alla fine, perché non la controllo mai (del tipo, ho da poco scoperto che pagavo a vuoto due abbonamenti che non usavo, perché manco li guardo più gli estratti conto).
Voi adesso mi direte: ma che ci stai a rompere i coglioni vantandoti di essere il nuovo finto Briatore?
No, il punto è un altro.
E' che da tanto, ormai troppo tempo, rimpiango il giorno che sono venuto in questo paese, ed è proprio su questo punto che inizia il mio rimpianto e la mia vergogna, perché ci sono venuto per i soldi, e quelli li ho fatti, eh, ne ho fatti tanti e li sto continuando a fare pur non volendoli fare, mi sembra di vivere in quel film, Brewster's Millions, quello con Richard Pryor, dove più spendeva i soldi a cazzo e più ne faceva, correndo il rischio di perdere la scommessa, e quando ho deciso di venire qua perché pensavo di meritare di più l'ho fatto spezzando il cuore a tante persone che mi volevano bene, porto al collo ogni giorno da 6 anni a questa parte una bussola regalatami da una persona che mi salutò per l'ultima volta in lacrime, e io la guardai andare via, non avendo nemmeno la minima idea di cosa stesse accadendo e gettandomela alle spalle come una scatola vuota.
E oggi questo sono, schifosamente ricco e schifosamente solo, perché sono stato uno stupido, una persona che per avidità non si è fatta scrupolo di abbandonare tutti, e pago questa scelta con un prezzo così alto da non poter mai guadagnare abbastanza per poterlo estinguere.
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angelamontoo · 2 years
what hobbies do you think the various characters would have? personally i think joel would like embroidery
That's definitely a nice one for Joel, it gives me mental images of him unwinding in a big chair with one of those old timey embroidery tablet thingies after a long and frustrating day. Also forcing Wilmer to be his mannequin while he embroiders details onto clothes
As for my HCs for what he'd enjoy, I tend to run with Cairo having theatre tickets in the film and imagine he's a big fan of theatre and literature and reads and does creative writing a lot-probably has some drafts for plays he wrote at various levels of completion kicking around. I can't say if its true, but I think I heard somewhere that in the book cairos said to know a lot of languages and I like the idea of him having a passion and interest in language aswell. Also, ik how stupid this last one sounds, but I kind of like the idea of Cairo baking after I drew that "why do they call it oven" image. Ik it's a silly shitpost, but I really like the way he came out in the second drawing I added to that post
Herman naturally likes reading up on human anatomy and how the organs function(although his interest probably started to fade some after having to know how long you can keep a person alive with their liver on the outside of the body became part of the humdrum grind) aswell as working on new faces for jonathan. I think if he had the time he'd happily plan ahead weeks in advance about exactly how he was going to make his partners next face look, drawing up sketches of the imagined nose from different angles, comparing the design to chonnys previous faces etc. But ofc he doesn't usually have that much time. If Herman were to have a hobby that's far removed from his criminal shenanigans, I can see him doing something wholesome and quaint like scrapbooking or birdwatching. Maybe after meeting Elaine they took up something together like mini golf or tennis
Polo loves collecting nice things. Ofc he knows that when he steals something he should give it back(unless Andre says otherwise) but sometimes he can't find the original owner or doesn't remember who they are or it was just a really soft, pretty coloured powder puff that would be a perfect addition to his "soft things to pet when I'm stressed cause Andre's mad" box. Another, more healthy hobby of Polo's is training his pet mouse. I think Tanya would notice that Polo's kleptomania was more manageable when he was focused on his mouse and would encourage him to keep it up. Andre would notice too and feel the opposite way
Louie collects snails and leaves them in random places around Tony's yacht when he's having rich people parties
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
H&M are starting to remind me of the 80's film "Brewster's Millions" by u/Xystal
H&M are starting to remind me of the 80's film "Brewster's Millions" Am I one of the few people who remembers this Richard Pryor movie from 1985? The premise was that a man must spend $30 Million dollars in 30 days with nothing to show for it in order to inherit $300 Million. Between their rebranding, PR blitzes, legals fees and security, H&M seem to be spending money with nothing to show for it. What else have they blown money on with nothing to show for it? post link: https://ift.tt/4ywMOjb author: Xystal submitted: February 29, 2024 at 01:05PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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ebookporn · 1 year
When is a library not a library? When it’s online, apparently.
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by Mathew Ingram
In March 2020, the Internet Archive, a nonprofit created by the entrepreneur Brewster Kahle, launched a new feature called the National Emergency Library. Restrictions linked to the spread of COVID-19 had made it difficult or impossible for people to buy books or visit libraries in person, and so the Archive removed limits on the digital borrowing of the books in its database—of which there were more than three million, most of them in turn borrowed from physical libraries and scanned—and made them all publicly available, for free. The project was supported by a number of universities, researchers, and librarians. But some of the authors and publishers who owned the copyright to these books saw it not as a public service, but as theft. In June 2020, four publishers—Hachette, HarperCollins, John Wiley & Sons, and Penguin Random House—filed a lawsuit. The Internet Archive shut down the project, and went back to its previous policy of “Controlled Digital Lending,” which only allowed one person to borrow a free digital copy of a book at any given time. But this didn’t stop the lawsuit—because the publishers argued that any digital lending by the Archive constituted copyright infringement.
Last week, Judge John G. Koeltl, of the Southern District of New York, finally ruled in the case. He came down in favor of the publishers and dismissed every aspect of the Archive’s defense, including the claim that its lending program is protected by “fair use” exemptions in copyright law. Koeltl wrote that the concept of fair use protects transformative versions of copyrighted works—a copy of a famous photo used in an artistic collage, for example—and that the Archive’s copies of books don’t qualify; the Archive made the case that its digital lending program is transformative because the practice “facilitates new and expanding interactions between library books and the web,” the judge noted, but he ruled that “making an invaluable contribution to the progress of science and cultivation of the arts” did not constitute transformation. In 2014, a court ruled that a book-scanning project led by Google was protected by the concept of fair use, but Koeltl pointed out, in his recent decision, that Google used the scans to create a searchable database, thereby increasing the utility of the books, rather than distributing complete digital copies. Any “alleged benefits” from the Archive’s lending, Koeltl wrote, “cannot outweigh the market harm to the publishers.”
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dertaglichedan · 2 months
This Map Reveals The True Value Of $100 In Each State
As the cost of living in large cities continues to rise, more and more people are realizing that the value of a dollar in the United States is a very relative concept. For decades, cost of living indices have sought to address and benchmark the inconsistencies in what money will buy, but they are often so specific as to prevent a holistic picture or the ability to "browse" the data based on geographic location.
The Tax Foundation addressed many of these shortcomings using the most recent (2015) Bureau of Economic Analysis data to provide a familiar map of the United States overlaid with the relative value of what $100 is "worth" in each state. Granted, going state-by-state still introduces a fair amount of "smoothing" into the process — $100 will go farther in Los Angeles than in Fresno, for instance — but it does provide insight into where the value lies.
The map may not subvert one's intuitive assumptions, but it nonetheless quantities and presents the cost of living by geography in a brilliantly simple way. For instance, if you're looking for a beach lifestyle but don't want to pay California prices, try Florida, which is about as close to "average" — in terms of purchasing power, anyway — as any state in the Union. If you happen to find yourself in a "Brewster's Millions"-type situation, head to Hawaii, D.C., or New York. You'll burn through your money in no time.
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