#break up scenes are hard irl and in fiction :(
leikeliscomet · 7 days
(Reposting from twitter)
My POV as a Black fan that thinks Dot and Bubble's racism commentary is trash
Rewatched Dot and Bubble and I'm gonna break down from my POV as a Black fan why this episode didn't work for me & why it's an awful racism commentary. Long arse post incoming:
The whole "You should've noticed the cast was all white except for fifteen ha your bias is showing" doesn't work for a show that's been predominantly white for 60+ years. D&B casting has been the default for most of the show so its not abnormal enough to be a racial litmus test. An example is the Matt Smith era The only reoccurring character of colour in s5 (2+ appearances) is Liz 10. Artie n Angie in s7. 0 in s6. RTD's own era isn't fully safe either. For many eps Martha or Mickey are the *only* Black characters. Most POC are side characters or extras.
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White fans should be aware of the predominantly white casting of the show but this late in the game feels cheap. Most of the show has gone through 100% white episodes including fan faves and it was never an issue back then bc it was beneficial. This is so hollow. Representing racists as cartoon caricatures SEVERLY underestimates the danger of white supremacy irl. White supremacy is system designed and constructed and rebranded over centuries. It is not accidental. People aren't racist bc they don't know they're racist because they *do* They know the system that oppresses POC, Black people especially, benefits them socially and financially and that is why they participate. Its not stupidity it's intention. That should've been the Finetime core not Lindy goofing around bc the arrows are gone or some shit.
Human Nature showed us racist young people that exercised this power bc they knew this. They may be children but they are still dangerous bc of their views. Martha knew this. The silly tech obsessed gen z angle erases this danger and that of actual gen z white supremacy
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Instead of the camp goofy tone we could've gotten a serious focused episode. The slugs and millenial/gen z social media silly distracts from what could've been the main theme of colonisation instead of saving it for 10 mins of exposition at the end & scattering microaggressions. Saving Fifteen's racism scene for a goofy episode was a horrid idea. Spending 30 mins on representing racism as silliness then giving a dramatic dangerous score is the definition of tonal whiplash. Representing his oppressor as a blonde bimbo again does not take this seriously. Fifteen went to 1960s BRITAIN & got through it unscathed. Finetime is a fictional futuristic land but the racism of 1960s Britain was real. If anytime was right it could've been Devil's Chord. Distancing yourself from a panto villain is easy but addressing your history is hard.
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The scene itself is incredibly performed so I'll give Ncuti his flowers but what he used this skill for could've been so much more. Having his FIRST SCENE begging to save a racist is disgusting. It isn't Black people's responsibility to show compassion to people that want us dead. Yes the Doctor helps the baddies bc they care. But they're aren't ignorant to prejudice. The liberal anti racism of who is so jarring and why I still think Thin Ice is performative. When white people are angry at injustice it's radical. When it's Black people we're aggressive.
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Respectability politics is a tool of white supremacy. That if one pleads and is nice enough they can earn liberation. What would white fans think of Fifteen if he DIDN'T beg Lindy? If your allyship with Black people depends on showing kindness to racists you are NOT an ally.
Next up is Ricky. It was established ALL Finetime citizens have white supremacist views yet Ricky September stans refuse to see him in any negative light. Just like Joan Redfern white dw fans refuse to see racism if a character is likeable. If nice guy Ricky's a racist, then anyone no matter the niceness can be racist too and that's a pill white fans aren't ready to swallow. If racism is systemic and not about individual character, then what's keeping them safe? What happens when YOU are under the microscope.
THIS is why we NEED Black writers in Doctor Who. The nuances, depth and complexity of the Black experience can only be told at it's best by Black creatives and not guessed, assumed or spoken over by white fans and white writers. It's okay to put ego aside and say you don't get it.
"Im white but I loved the Doctor's reaction" "I'm white and i thought the racism commentary was great" "I'm white but i-" Yet again, we have to sit through another round of white and non Black fans of colour dictating Black representation for us. I'm so fucking tired man. AGAIN IM YELLING FROM MY HILLTOP TO WATCH SHOWS BY BLACK WRITERS. Almost EVERY single theme in Dot and Bubble and frankly most of the show has been done WAY better in other media. RTD is not the authority on Black stories. We are. Always have been and always will.
Tl;dr Dot and Bubble is an unserious and tacky racism commentary. It's core message is drowned by more RTD Who camp. Don't tell me this episode was good at representating my own experience. It wasn't. S15 having Black writers isn't a need it's a must. Goodbye.
Reblog this version pls
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screampied · 2 months
Any suggestions on how to write smut
yuh! i can’t speak for everyone but these are some things that help me 💛🌟.
tag things properly: tagging your kinks, warnings are really important. it’s normal to forget a few things after you post smth, i have a few times and you can always change it later — but make sure to list every or just about every kink/thing that’s happened (ex: fem! afab! /etc.) and for kinks such as (ex. dumbification, spanking, daddy kink) some things that aren’t tagged properly may end up triggering someone. always specify the reader beforehand.
synonyms are your best friend: i mean like, you’re gonna eventually find yourself thinking you’re repeating words. maybe you’re like “how many variations of 'thrust' can i use?” use a thesaurus! i use wordhippo and its a really good resource to strengthen your word structure, especially if you have a hard time with building up pace.
be dramatic: this is fiction, it’s okay to have fun in your writing. when you’re writing smut, not everything has to be so serious—in real life, there’s lots of awkward and silly moments! have fun, don’t be worried about whether this character won’t do this or say that, it’s your story.
do research: whether you have irl experience or not, it’s completely fine to do research! maybe you’re trying to fully describe a certain position. there’s no shame in it, besides the more descriptive, the better!
don’t rush through it: take your time, it’s different for everyone but i know that writing actual smut takes a bit long sometimes. rushing through smut scenes will make it feel not as natural, a build up in between / during scenes are sometimes very important. sometimes a tip to help not rush through scenes is outline it beforehand. jot down certain brief things you want to happen before fully executing it. once you feel like it’s a good time to end it, you’ll know!
be captivating: when writing smut, you kinda wanna do certain things that may catch a reader's eye. whether it’s aesthetics, a good synopsis, or even a few steamy paragraphs before the read more! your synopsis doesn’t have to be too long, but make it a strong sentence or two giving a brief summary of your piece. before you go to the read more break, write a bit in a captivating way to where someone would want to click read more and read your entire post!
be patient: lastly, be patient. whether you’ve been writing smut for years, months, or even a few days, at the end of the day it takes time. it takes time to build up and be comfortable with your writing and your own personal writing style. there’ll be some days where you feel like you’re not getting enough recognition or feel like your work isn’t good enough compared to others—that’s totally valid to feel that way! the important thing to remember is that, try to have fun. don’t force yourself to write, take breaks when necessary. you won’t be able to master the writing of smut in a single day, just practice and you got this !!!
there’s probably more stuff i’m leaving out but this is the most i could think of heh. hope this helps u love!
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months
I feel like there is confusion over what is alleged and what is confirmed in the Colleen Ballinger situation
Especially if you haven't been down this rabbit hole for weeks now so I'll explain for those who want to know what the hell is going on
Now my bias is that I believe the victims but I am not a court of law so when I say alleged I do not mean I don't believe them just that it isn't as hard evidence
So I'm going to break it up into what we know is fact, either because confessed to doing it or we have video evidence, and whar is alleged because we only have the victims word or screenshots which we know can be faked
TW: grooming and sexualisation of children and mentions of implied CSA (of a fictional character for that last one but still)
What is fact:
Video Evidence:
Spreading a 16 year olds legs as wide as she could on stage while the teenager was wearing a short dress and therefore exposing her body in a way that made the victim very uncomfortable
Putting snacks down the front of her trousers and then getting young boys to reach into the trousers
And ongoing "bit" about how "Miranda's" (her character) uncle molests her. Like not innuendo its really overt and not okay. Especially for a child audience which she knows she has
A really uncomfortable and weird joke about teen girls and "leaking"
Calling girls on stage to talk about how they are "porn"
A really weird video of her inserting a tampon in her mouth
Lots of racist shit that was or currently is up on her channels
Animal cruelty - not just the dog story. There are a lot of videos of her being horrible to her cats
Offering to send her underwear to a 13 year old Adam even when she acknowledges the parents would be upset
Stuff she confessed to in her "apology" videos:
Talking to her underage fans in group chats
Oversharing in those group chats
Getting ideas from Adam (a minor at the time) for her channels
Sending a 13 year old her underwear like WHAT THE FUCK! Her "defense" is he asked for it! She offered and he took her up on it because he was a huge fan! And he was fucking 13!
(Again- I believe the victims. Their stories are too similar and their screenshots corroborate each other. I'm just saying alleged because screenshots are not the best evidence by themselves in a court of law. I am not a court of law so I can say I believe the victims)
The exact content of the group chats including sexual content sent mostly to and about Adam
Whether or not she sent Trisha Paytas' 18+ content to others without Trisha's knowledge or consent to make fun of Trisha
Including to someone who was a minor at the time
How much work she was getting Adam to do for her
The conversation her brother had with an underage fan
Her best friend Kory abusing Johnny and her allowing it
Her behind the scenes treatment of the lady who worked on her netflix show and her general racism irl
Her mocking and bullying her own fans
Her encouragement and insistence that they keep the chats private and and a secret from the victims parents
That's what we know at the moment
I think even with what we have of the hard evidence this woman should be kept away from kids but that's my opinion
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yuikomorii · 7 months
Heya! In which of the boys route do you think Yui was broken/hurt the most?
I always wanted to know which would be the worst scenario (route) for like.. an avarage girl irl . I know most girls would not survive there😅 but just wanted to know your opinion which of those 6 doors you would never open. Or 13 if we count all the characters.
// Since it's an otome game, it goes without saying that there will be a lot of plot armor and that the love interests can't really harm the heroine seriously throughout the route, regardless of what she does, because the plot would go nowhere like that. Most characters are jerks but not really that hard to handle, since they were known for scaring Yui rather than letting her get genuinely hurt. However there were certain Diaboys who were very scary, as it felt like they had no feelings of remorse or empathy.
Can’t say that his HDB route is the worst thing Rejet has ever written (because it’s definitely not) but it baffled me how he was so okay with Yui breaking like that to the point where she lost all her will to live and only wanted to be set free from him. I mean, she literally tried to commit and he was just there not even intending to stop her bleeding veins despite being the one who cut them?? It’s true that in the Vampire Ending she doesn’t turn out that bad but after all, this is just because it’s fiction.
He was easier to understand than Laito because at least you were able to know that he had a soft spot for sweets and Teddy. Nevertheless, it was a bit too much how he kept stabbing Yui with the fork and a few chapters later, I’m pretty sure he stabbed Yui with a knife in more places as well. Still, it’s surprising how she turned out worse in his route, considering the fact that in the afterstory she kills innocent people—
I love Kou but he was a literal demon in MB. I really hated how he made his fans bully Yui JUST FOR FUN. It wasn’t even any sort of punishment, he merely wanted to make her suffer. Another thing I couldn’t stand was how he kept putting Yui’s life in danger, only to make her prove her love. I understand wanting to test someone but it would have been way better if he actually saved Yui after seeing her do something dangerous. That way it would have proved that he cared for her yet he continued to watch her get hurt for him over and over again, without feeling any empathy. He was sorta redeemed at the end but yeah, most of his route was big yikes, especially since you wouldn’t have expected a cheerful and friendly idol like him to be such a wicked person.
I like the Tsukinami family's desire to preserve their lineage but sorry, I must say that I find it repulsive that a 17-year-old would be forced to become pregnant out of the blue with strangers. I understand that Yui was partially to blame for Carla's anger and subsequent dungeon scene but that moment grossed me out sooo bad. She lost her will to live but Carla literally jumped on a depressed girl and was on the verge of rap€ing her, if his Endzeit didn’t kick in. He gets gradually better throughout his route but this scene left a sore taste in my mouth.
Look, Kino is a great villain and a lot of fun, but his LE route was trash. Kino killed a child, mistreated Yui, abducted both Yui and Ayato, planned to sell Ayato to the church for execution, manipulated Yui and tortured Ayato. The pain he caused them both was immense and although I appreciated Yui calling him out, it's so sad that she was brainwashed. While it's true that Kino can be quite cute when he wants to, their romance was so rushed and forced because they didn't give us any reason why Yui would fall for him other than manipulation when Ayato, who was seen to care more about her than for himself, was right there. I wish they developed Kino’s feelings better, given that he straight up blackmailed Yui to become his, otherwise Ayato would had been killed, therefore Yui had no other choice but accept the situation. That’s why his CL route is way better.
I only mentioned 5 instead of 6 but that’s mostly because no other character came closer to them in terms of bad scenario. The rest of them felt decent in their routes for a game called Diabolik Lovers, lol.
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
Mother Pookie has fed her kitties well🩷🩷. There’s so many emotions idk which one i should talk about first?😭😂
BUT DANG chap 2.2 is just HOT
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I am actually speechless😂 I have nothing to say except I am satisfied.
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Lemme say, It didn’t take me long to hate Lilian. Like I swear, the moment she fucking said that Major looks like a SKANK gurl, fuck u.
My first impression on Major was like how Bucky saw her, a hot pretty dame that made me giggle like a teenager, making heart eyes and singing the whole world to my dick (if i have a dick)
And then throughout the chp, oh my goodness, I would’ve slap Leah the moment she starts bitching up. Major has a dang ass patience. I couldn’t.
THE THINGS I WOULD DO TO VOTE FOR BUCKYBABY TO BREAK HER HEART IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE (so far she’s 35% in my ‘dead’ list, better fix ur attitude if u don wanna end up like cunthage — ITS JUST BEEN 2 CHP?!)
Lindsay rubs the ick on me more than Jade (ofc Jade is worse but she dead now) but cuntly is so so so so so so so so so irritating. The absolute pick me, so called ‘one of the guys’. Ew. Even half of the team is irked by her attitude. That just says a lot.
Glad that our queen Major put her in her place. She needs more. Like, absolute humiliation (disclaimer: i dont support bullying but LILIAN FUCKING NEEDS IT)
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And can we appreciate Wanda simping over Thor?😂 (you are not alone, i also dream of licking his abs — mhmmm)
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Bucky and Major are purrrfect for each other. Its giving love at first sight 👀. Bucky simps hard. Like so hard. I can wait for more Bucky X Major scene (fluff,sexay — mayyybeeeee angst? i just love hurt myself)
Also, iMajor and Tony r absolutely gonna be ‘rich business badass besties’ and then them + Sam (Wanda and Nat at the back) roasting Leah. Oh what a beautiful dream~
Anyways, beautiful beautiful writing indeed. Waiting to see Bucky sexay POV next😂 Unleash the power of your blue balls. Also I can’t wait to read what your master brain had planned🌚. Love you Pookie🩷🩷🩷
PS// these past few days I was scrolling tumblr, searching for new Bucky fics/updates and honestly… I MISSED YOUU!!! I CANNOT STRESSED THAT ENOUGH!!! 😭 seeing your username the first thing when i opened tumblr made my night! i was planning on listening to songs, dwelling on my loneliness and delulu but LOOK AT ME NOW, ITS 4AM GOSH. THANK U POOKIE LOVE U HAVE A GREAT DAY
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Actual footage of me coming up to love on your comments:
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I'm so glad people are enjoying 2.2! I gotta be real, I usually don't get hot and bothered when it comes time write smut, but that section? Whoa, boy... that section had me like:
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(Yes, this is my second favorite gif of all time, and I will use Blanche to express my hot and bothered-ness whenever I can, lol)
I gotta tell you right now, the phrase "making heart eyes and singing the whole world to my dick (if i have a dick)" is now the highlight of my week, so I thank you for this. It's pure literary magic <3
Major is used to taking shit from peons; she was a woman in the military, after all, lol, which is why she's able to not let Lily phase her too much. Her patience will be tested, though. Where Cunthrage was just flat out unhinged, Lizard is more... selfishly insidious? Just, you know, she's not going to be kidnapping people and snapping their arms or murderously rampaging through Hydra bases or anything. (The stakes here are much, much lower, lol. Which, I guess, is going to prep us for Unbroken, where the stakes will be... Thanos-sized, lol.) I think what makes Lily feel worse, to me, is that she's far more realistic than Jade was. Like, I know girls like Lily irl; thankfully, never met a Jade (phew!). Much like Killgrave, to me, is the scariest Marvel villain, because I've encountered so many men like him in the real world.
The things I dream of doing to Thor would probably get me put on a list if he was a real person and not a fictional character, lol. Unless I'm doing AUs, I tend to stick with canon-pairings, but there is something about the idea of Wanda/Thor that I currently find very appealing, so hopefully, we will see something happen between the two of them. I think they would be adorable. And for some reason known only to my maker, I love making Wanda a little bit horny, lol. In fact, an earlier draft of Unwanted had Pocket referring to her as the Sokovian Horndog after she made some comments about Bucky's body, lol.
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Is it weird that I don't plan on having Tony be too involved in this fic, because I feel like giving him a friendship with Major is like him cheating on his friendship with Pocket? That makes no sense whatsoever, lol, but I'm so protective of my girl. I'm like "Yeah, Major, I'll let you fuck Pocket's boyfriend, Bucky, but YOU CANNOT BE FRIENDS WITH HER PSUEDO-BROTHER TONY BECAUSE HE IS HERS!"
Bucky's got some sexy POV in the next sextion (see what I did there? lol) but there's going to be so much more smut in this one than Unwanted. It just feels right, lol.
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nativehueofresolution · 5 months
hii hi uhm 5, 9, 16, and/or 27 for the ask game?
hiiiii, ty 🧡🧡
5) Do you recommend the show to your IRLs?
sadly i have only one irl friend who likes fantasy/supernatural fiction, and she was the one who recommended it to me 😭. i still talk about it anyways, and my mom did watch one episode to try and understand what i was going on about so much even though she hates horror stuff lol.
9) Have you rewatched the first season?
i've watched the first season like two and half times, which frankly is a low number in my opinion. i paused bc i decided i wanted to read the books and then come back and to see how that shaped my viewing (well, at first i was planning to just read the first book, but then i kept going bc i have no self control rip). it's long series and even skipping some of the crossover books or speed reading some of the barely comprehensible ones like memnoch, i still had to take breaks and read other stuff for my own sanity... which is all to say it did end up taking a while. but i did finish finally and i got the blu-ray as a christmas present, so i definitely plan to do another watch before s2 airs.
16) Do you have a favorite piece of art (book, movie, painting) that’s referenced or featured in the show?
this is so hard, i love all of the references they've done, they're all so well thought out. the first one that springs to mind is i love all the references to the grand guignol with the threatres des vampires. obviously, that's just from the set pics so we don't quite know how it will play out in the show, but i think it's such a cool idea and it gives the troupe a lot more character than was present in the books where not too much time was spent on the plays themselves (sad for me, as a former theater kid). i also love all the artwork, particularly in the the dubai penthouse like "slave auction" or "three studies for figures at the base of a crucifixion" - they add so much character to the dubai scenes even without calling attention to themselves.
27) Do you have an ideal endgame?
i would like for the show to have the planned 7 or so seasons rolin jones and co have referenced as their plan... i know some people are leery of shows that go on that long, and i get it, but i think when a show is strong - something like the sopranos (6 seasons) or mad men (7 seasons) - that length can work really well for the long-form story-telling of tv. (on the other hand, i shudder to think about what fandom will look like at that point slfljf. but going purely off of the merits of the show i think it could be great.)
plot-wise... not really? the book series really peters out and has an anti-climatic ending, so i'm not sure exactly what you could rework to make a satisfying conclusion. there are some elements of the prince lestat era i enjoyed (i adored fareed and seth, i'm hopeful they will have more to do with the tv series since they brought fareed in so early), but the actual plot of like creating a vampire aristocracy and lestat being in charge was so goofy and nonsensical idk how you'd make that into a compelling storyline... so i really think it'd have to be pretty much all original material (maybe we find something more interesting for amel than aliens). but after 7 seasons idk where the characters would even be emotionally and all that so it's hard for me to think of what new endings might be fitting. so i'm pretty open to the possibilities, i think! i do think tonally something more bittersweet or ambiguous that the happily ever after anne rice tried to go with would be more fitting.
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jourquet · 10 months
for the 'get to know your fic writer' prompt — 3, 17, 43, & 56 🫶🏼
3. describe the creative process if writing a chapter/fanfic
usually, i base it on the franchise's genre. for example a halo fanfic, i would follow science-fiction rules about writing the fanfic. such as long chapters, complex or expanded lore, military, politics, and so on.
i'll use maybe half a year studying the plot, characters, and lore. and game it myself if possible. just take my time to reflecting on how i interpret everything.
first at the third stage, i begin to talk to other people in fandon, read others fanfics and headcanons etc. without the groundwork, a proper fanfic can't be written. my spn fanfic readers knows this better than anyone.
i tend to mix half plotting and half pantsing the story with the three main plot not changing. the characters have normally free reign, i do not chain them down as long they get from plot point A to B.
17. what do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
i take a break from writing entirely. indulge in some other fanfics either in same fandom or others. sometimes i play games on my ps5. or watch documentaries, read books (usually classics), manga, cartoons or draw.
i sometimes take fanfics breaks by roleplaying online instead. that way, my writing skills remain sharp.
other times, i go on hikes or travels IRL. or go to the cinema, to the mall to buy stuff or just eat at Baker Brun (mini baker place).
i don't force my writing, ever. that only makes my block worse. i like to write out of habit; that's why i'm dependable about it when i've the energy capacity for it.
43. do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
i do enjoy hurting my characters. i wouldn't have been known as 'the evil writer' without reason. though, for me, is more of a catharsis than actually sadistic enjoyment, because they reflect my own struggles most readers wouldn't pick up on unless i told them about it.
is for a reason my headcanons are rarely, if any, self-inserts. i like to stick to as close to canon as i possibly can. and if that means i've to write scenes the whole fandom will witch hunt me for, i'll. because i write my fanfics to be AS IF THEY WERE ACTUAL CANON from an outsider.
56. what’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
that my readers never in my full life of being a fanfic writer, have complained of my canon characters being ooc. that i've great unique concepts which i actually pull off and do my own research on (though, i still daydream of the day i get to have my own beta readers), and that i've no issue taking criticism about my writing and correct where necessary. only from trusted writer friends and readers, ONLY, however.
that my first two fanfics are completed with 50+ chapters. one of them with 13K reads on wattpad too. 🤍
the praise i've gotten from multiple native speakers over the years, that they could've never guessed i was not american or british because i write well enough to be considered as one of them. this means a lot to me, considering i'm mostly self-taught in english. used so many years reading books far above my age range not understanding anything, and barely passing my english grades. the constant judgement i got for not knowing how to write "i'm" or "you're". to now people sometimes asking me if i live in new york, texas, or london. 🥺 for most of my childhood most of the psychologists believed i had dyslexia too (i never did, i just learned to read by complete/recognize words instead of letter for letter, which was greek to me).
also that i combine my knowledge in classic books and the fact i understand many languages into my writing. it creates an unique writing no AI could ever dream about mimicking. is hard; but i always go the extra mile of deep research. my fanfics are meant to be read for anyone outside it too. and all the extra hours i spend just doing research so the characters feel like real human beings. it's worth it in the end.
and that through all my hardships, i found solace in my writing. i don't know who i would be without it. i found friends, i found community, i found people who genuinely care about me. all because i chose that one night on the plane trip from the US to norway, to learn english. i still have the book i read on that plane trip too ... that propelled to where i'm today in skills.
thank you, all my friends over the years. thank you, all my readers who has stuck by and never lost faith in me. thank you for everything. 🤍
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Amaranthine (Lucifer/MC)
Summary: To open his heart up to someone again and love someone unconditionally, without abandon-- a mortal nonetheless-- Lucifer has never understood Lilith more or been more afraid. There will never be enough time to love you, just as there was nothing he could do to change that.
So he must let you go.
Alternatively: Is it better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?
Word Count: ~1700
Notes: gn!MC, fluffy beginning but mainly angst, unhappy ending
amaranthine (adj): of an imaginary flower than never fades
Lucifer doesn’t remember the last time he’s ever felt content. Satisfaction comes close, but that feeling stems from pride in oneself, in one’s work. (Lucifer is familiar with satisfaction.) But when he wakes up on a quiet, weekend morning with his arm around your waist, the smell of the shampoo in your hair, and the gentle beating of his heart, he finally knows what it means to be content. To be so at ease that all he needs is to bury his face into the crook of your neck to fall asleep again; to be so untroubled that he need not worry about whether or not you’ll be there when he wakes up, because you will-- without a doubt.
When the rubble settled and the dust cleared and the drama dissipated from the House of Lamentations, Lucifer finds himself tripping over himself falling in love with you (as embarrassing as it is for him to admit that). It makes sense, now that he thinks upon it, that his heart would choose someone that had played the pivotal role in resolving the conflict within his family and mending the fraying bonds between him and his brothers. Exceedingly helpful as you were, he knows he was falling for you before you had any hand in assisting any of his brothers. Your heart was golden and your courage (though often he would call it recklessness) when it comes to protecting those you loved knew no bounds.
Lucifer walked you home and you held his hands. You stayed by his side while he worked and he gave you his attention. He kissed you good night and then you said, “I love you.”
Six months after you came down to the Devildom and wreaked havoc on the brothers’ lives (and brought them infinite joy), you no longer had to ask if you could wake up next to him.  
Things were never perfect, but they were happier times. It was almost dream-like; he lived in a haze with you, taking whatever you would give him and giving whatever he could.
(And for you there was never a good time to bring up something that was potentially upsetting. Perhaps it was because you were mortal and time was intrinsically more precious, but the time that you had left in the Devildom loomed over your head like a guillotine.
Perhaps another time, you would tell yourself as you fell asleep in his arms. Another day, when the time is right, you say to yourself firmly when you see Lucifer smiling with his brothers, watching Mammon throw popcorn in the air and Beel catch them in his mouth. Another night, you think as you lie in bed, brushing your hand through Lucifer’s hair as he barely keeps his eyes open after a long night of work. This conversation can wait another day.
You hear his breathing even, but even after hours pass, you lie awake, wondering how you could find the courage to possibly break his heart.)
Months pass and Diavolo-- with dreams larger than life, than all three realms put together-- reminds him that all dreams do end eventually.
“Do you think we should have a party, Lucifer,” Diavolo says to him as the meeting ends, “when the exchange program ends?”
And Lucifer can only look at him, barely controlling the tremble of his lips as he recalls the days that have passed, and the days he has left.
There is never enough.
The problem with being content, ultimately, is that you are complacent. And when the world catches you unaware, it slits your throat without hesitation.
Lucifer walks into the House of Lamentation and climbs the stairs to his bedroom with a calm he does not feel. He dreads finding you, knowing full well what he must say as the final month of the exchange program comes to a close. Was there a way he could have prevented this? He thought to himself, some way to avoid the hurt that inevitably would come?
Lucifer opens the door to see you waiting for him, curled up in bed reading a book. The smile you give him, for once, does not ease his heart.
“Hey, Lucifer,” you start to say, “meeting with Diavolo?”
“Yes,” he says, clearing his throat. It is dry no matter how many times he swallows. He turns away from you and shrugs off his coat. "The meeting went… a little long." Lucifer places his hands on the vanity and looks into the mirror to see his face that will never age.
"...Lucifer?" You ask cautiously, having sensed something in the way he spoke or the way he moved. Lucifer sees you set down the book on the bedside table in the mirror and look at him in concern.
(He should have known better. A demon cannot resist temptation, cannot deny himself something that he wants, and he wishes you were not so tempting, not so loving that he couldn’t resist wanting to be with you.)
“I think it’s best for the both of us if we break up.”
Lucifer hears your voice, high and strained in the background, accompanied by the ringing in his ears. It helps to hear the range of emotions from you as you traverse past shock, to disbelief, before settling on a horrified anger, because he can feel himself becoming your antithesis: calm, separated, and stoic.
“Where is this coming from?” You demand, standing up from the bed, silk sheets strowned haphazardly. He doesn't need to turn to know your eyes are blazing with a righteous fury and fear. "Lucifer, please,” you say, “talk to me."
Lucifer has a list in his mind, of excuses that roll off the tongue easier, that are better to swallow than the truth.
"When you leave the Devildom," he tells you, "I will return to the life I had before you came. I will not be able to visit you in the human realm nor have time to converse with you as we do now as I will return to Diavolo’s service."
Lucifer falters for a moment before continuing, tugging off his tie violently and tossing it onto the vanity. "Our relationship will become inconvenient and cumbersome,” he tells you. From the corner of his eyes, he sees your face reflected on the mirror: frightened and pale. He covers your reflection with a step to the right and looks away.
"If we want to conserve the good memories we've made here… then it is best if we did not continue this relationship.”
The room was quiet, save for the murmuring outside the walls as the brothers moved about in the House preparing for supper. When you finally speak, your voice is quiet, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No!” Lucifer spoke fervently, turning his head to convince you as much. But when he turns and sees you flinch, he turns away again and softens his tone. “No, that’s not it,” he says, glancing down at the vanity. “You haven’t done anything wrong. You’ve…” He feels his shoulders slump tiredly, relieved he could speak truthfully, “You’ve been good to me, to all of us-- more than I could ever ask for.”
“Then why?”
Lucifer opens his mouth, and the lies tumble out like sand through his clenched teeth, “You won’t be happy with me.”
“Why do you get to decide what makes me happy?" He hears you retort, approaching him but never quite within arm’s reach, "What if being with you makes me happy?”
"I don’t mind the long-distance, or- or waiting for the exchange program to start again or have you visit sometimes…" The more you speak, the less sure you sound, as if you’re trying to convince yourself, and the knowing must have shown on his face because you sigh and go silent for a moment.
“Look, I’m sorry. I-- we should have talked about this earlier,” you say, and he believes you. “But I mean it. I want--" a slight pause, "I want this relationship to work, Lucifer.”
“But we-- but we can make it work.” You grow quiet. “We can try to, can’t we? I know I want to... Don’t you feel the same?”
(Is there anything he could want more? If there was a wish he could make selfishly for his own happiness, is this not what he would have wished for?)
“I just believe,” Lucifer continues, clenching his fists, “that it is in our best interest if we ended things now before either of us gets hurt."
"You will die," he says plainly, "and I never will." He looks at you and your face is pained. "You know that."
(To open his heart up to someone again and love someone unconditionally, without abandon-- a mortal nonetheless-- Lucifer has never understood Lilith more or been more afraid. There will never be enough time to love you, just as there was nothing he could do to change that.
How similar are you to Lilith, anyhow? You are not her-- not even remotely alike in any way. And Lucifer does not love you the way he loved his late sister. But it turns out that you are similar to her in the only ways that matters: you will die and Lucifer will lose you.)
You whisper his name like it is a lifeline.
But his mouth is dry and the words come from his mouth like blades on his tongue. “I can’t do it.”
(You will never understand the loneliness of watching the people you love die over and over and leave you. Perhaps you understand that; love him enough to know some parts of him that he still has a hard time understanding. Lucifer loves you, but he will never be able to be there when you need him most-- he is not brave enough.
So he must let you go.
Why does it seem that in every step he takes to protect himself and those he loves, he ends up hurting them anyways?)
“Okay,” you say, your voice barely a whisper. Lucifer watches you close your eyes and press your hands against your tears. You open your mouth in a wordless cry. “Let’s break up.”
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enluv · 3 years
their last words before the break up
— enhypen 02' line x fem!reader
warning(s): angst, no happy ending, mean enha :/ (all content below is fiction and is not based on enhypen's real personalities irl, ty!)
coco's ♡ note: lolz uh suffer with me <3
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"I've suffered enough y/n. We both have."
Park Jongseong isn't ready to let go of your relationship, no matter how many times his friends and family tell him it's not going to work out. He still holds out despite what everyone says. He holds out until he physically can't anymore. The sight of you makes his blood boil and his stomach curl in hatred. Jay never imagined your relationship would end this way but alas, the future holds the unthinkable and he just can't go on anymore. He leaves you on a Sunday morning when the sky is grey and it seems like any minute now mother nature will let her tears rain down. The sight makes Jay chuckle, the atmosphere describes you two perfectly, and just as Jay thinks, you don't weep or sob or even shed a tear. He watches as you simply nod and whisper a small "If that's what you want." It's not, but if you're not going to fight for him then why should he fight for you. Park Jongseong leaves your home and never once does he look back.
"y/n she's everything I've ever wanted."
Notorious for his playboy ways Sim Jake had decided you'd be his next conquest from the second his eyes laid on you. To his surprise though, he'd fallen hard for you. He thinks it's because of how difficult you were to get but he's really not sure. That is until he meets her, and suddenly you're not all he sees. His eyes are focused on her while you focus on him. He looks back at your relationship and deems it just a quick fling that he had to have before he met his so called "soulmate." To make matters worse Jake doesn't even break up with you properly. He waits till you catch him in the act, and then he tells you. The whole scene unfolds terribly but hey, as he said, "you knew what I was like when you agreed to go out with me, why are you surprised."
"It doesn't matter, I've made my decision."
Sunghoon is the definition of perfect. From the hair on his head to his pointed toe spins, he is perfect. That's why it's such a surprise to everyone when he announces that he's quitting all activities regarding skating to be with his...girlfriend?! Sunghoon loves skating but he loves you a ton more and when you decide that traveling the world is what you plan to do he decides that he'll go along with you for the journey. No matter how many times you tell him it's alright and that he doesn't have to he insists and thus you both set out to explore and enjoy your time together, but it doesn't take long for Sunghoon to long for his past on the ice once again. It all happens as quickly as it started, fights and unforgettable words are thrown back and forth just before Sunghoon packs his things to return back to Korea, suitcase in hand he refuses to turn back as he walks away from you and your once happy relationship.
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coco's ♡ note: writing enha angst >> writing enha fluff !!
taglist! @yeoforce @bloom-bloom-pow @nikis-mum @yourlocalhotgf @kyublr @spoooooooooooon @enhacolor @yoongimooni @blaqpinksthectic @gyuuss @eternallyhyucks @dinosdance @simpforsung @misschubswrites (bold can't be tagged!)
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dragonturtle2 · 3 years
Gwen Clawthorne is abusive, and IRL would have a non-zero chance of killing someone. It's healthy to examine it.
Trigger Warning for fictional examples and discussion various types of abuse, and ableism.
Keeping Up A-fear-ances has amazingly strong scenes. It drops oodles and oodles of character backstory, sprinkles in a ton of world building for the Isles, and I was screaming with laughter next to my roommate. Animation and voice animation is excellent as per usual, and Deb Doetzer gives a killler debut! But part of the final picture it’s painting feels misinformative and negligent. Even though I never think cartoons like Owl House are purposely trying to push something that can harm people.
It’s offering a false sense of security about the kind of person Gwen is. This obsession with alternative medication is much in the vein of anti-vaxxers, with a deep mistrust of education and anything ‘establishment.’ This feeds into a cult mentality, where nothing outside the environment can be trusted. Not even the basic facts and logical explanations laid out in front of them. So it's no surprise people stuck in these movements also dovetail with faith healing BS: the idea that something can be cured by prostrating to God, or some figurehead of faith. Any 'man of the cloth' behind this is inevitably trying to soak people for cash, so you'll often see it at megachurches. This closed-mindedness, and self-isolation from sensible people who would speak contrarily, inevitably leads to extremism. After sacrificing her family’s belongings, and her own personal safety, Gwen finally feels so self-righteous to go ahead and STEAL MEDICINE from her disabled child. Pretty clearly with the intent to trash it. The distrust of close relations and government, combined with a self-fed persecution complex, forms justification for breaking the law and basic human decency. This fear of autism, and the ableist inability of parents to deal with their own children, is what helped light fire of the new anti-vax movement this decade. This fervor to 'help' children is why it was legal until 2020 to use shock bands on autistic patients to modify behavior.  And why a few days ago, it was re-legalized.
The show staff realized they couldn't realistically deprogram a character like this in one episode, so they have to cheat by having her conveniently walk in on the con artist(s) expositing their entire modus operandi. Rather than Gwen overcoming it entirely through critical thought, or just empathy for her daughters. One way to have partly solved this would have been to actually have a confrontation with 'Wortlop', get into a physical altercation, and reveal the little gremlins through that. It wouldn’t even have to be a proper fight, it could just be Gwen tugging too hard on their robe. Then, it would really feel like it was her determination for the truth that solved things, and she wasn't driven entirely by the hope of the perfect scenario. 
Even people who aren't trapped in the alternate reality of the con are still open to exploitation through offered good faith. Such as Luz, who helps trap her mentor when the slightest chance of seeing her mother again is dangled in front of her. When the shoe drops about what Gwen did with the potions, I wanted Luz to scream out to Eda. Not just to warn Eda (vital, sure) but just so that someone ELSE would know where she was. I didn’t know how the episode would go, and was wondering if it would become a full-on fight with good ol' Mom.
So moving from Eda, and the general discussion of medical malpractice, we have the bond with Lilith and her personality explored. I want to say upfront I wasn’t that gung-ho over Lilith at the end of Season One. But I was open to forgiving her devotion to a fascist cult, if the show demonstrated her sense of morality and affection was askew from a flawed home life… BOY HOWDY, did the Owl House crew DELIVER. Heaven's above, Lulu is hurting. Lilith's first words to Gwen are "Mother! Mother, you know- I was there too." They're referring to the Petrification Ceremony. Lilith is obviously begging for help here; "Hey Mom, I was ALSO almost murdered. Could I talk to you about that?" Instead, Hooty was somehow more talkative to Lilith (plus goons) when he was kicking her butt in the forest, than Gwen was after years of absence. Seriously, compare the affection between encounters. It's not even clear if this is just a flaw with cutting things to fit 22 minutes, or if Gwen really didn't notice Lilith in that cage.
The dynamic between Gwen and her oldest reminds me of Buck from Chicken Little: offering no support to a child, and acting shocked at how it’s deeply hurt them. Then both try to balance the scales at the very end with a little self-deprecating apology over sad music. Which even have a part where they partly walk it back with a weak excuse for their failed responsibility. “Your mom… she was always good at stuff like this. Me, I'm gonna need a lotta work.” “Lilith, you were always so self sufficient...” Weirdly, Buck Cluck is coming out of this comparison looking stronger, because he managed to put the puzzle pieces together BEFORE his kid graduated and left the house! (And again, not taking away anyone’s medicine. That’s a sticking point for me.)
My big issue isn’t the idea that someone this crappy can come around. For most familial situations, I never want to just say “give up hope.” But I would also try making it clear to people they don’t NEED a dependent or regular connection to someone who hurt them. No one, certainly not kids, owe satisfaction or attention to any family member that hurt and scared them so badly. Rather, that abuser is the one that owes THEM. That victims can keep an abuser at a distance until they’ve proven to shaped the hell up. I know it would be insultingly naïve to think people can easily cut family from their day-to-day lives. Making contact, having extended conversations, is often absolutely vital to closure. The Clawthornes shouldn’t hate their mother, but the unblinking acceptance, the unhesitating embracing of this person? It lays a lead egg in my stomach.
But I can acknowledge that some of my discomfort at this episode is how the fandom treats it, which is often mostly independent of any artistic effort. I’ve seen many statements to the effect of “Gwen is a flawed parent, but she cares.” On paper, this statement is totally true. But apologists have thrown this around like it's some kind of evidence argument there was NO abuse. Minimizing these as "just mistakes" that can be turned around with an apology doesn't help anyone whose had to go through this.
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thirstybtsthoughts · 3 years
Written by Coconut
Synopsis – You (Namjoon as the reader), thought this would be a regular fansign, like all the previous ones.  Until, a very sweet smelling Army appeared, who knew just the right way to get under your skin
Warnings – absolute filth; dirty language; some degradation; dom!Joon; spanking; biting; mentions of blood; choking; oral sex; vaginal sex; creampie; unprotected sex (use protection guys… even with Joonie!!)
Disclaimer – this is a work of FICTION! I’m in no way claiming that Namjoon would act/think that way irl. This is just MY personal fantasy.
You tried to resist.  You’re Kim Namjoon, the leader of BTS and she’s an Army. Teasing and flirting was okay but that’s where you should draw the line, right? You need to be an example and a responsible leader. Or… or you could just be a regular boy for once – just a 26 year old boy from Korea, consumed with desire for a girl who feels just the same for you.
You knew she’s trouble the moment your eyes landed on her in the crowd. She was exactly your type, and judging by the way she was looking at you – you were her type too. You payed attention to her as discretely as you could and she definitely did not look at the other members the same way.  When she stood in front of you, you swore the sparks between you could start a fire big enough to burn the entire venue down. The sweet smile on her lips did nothing to hide the mischievousness in her eyes. She looked at you like she wanted to eat you up. This was not new to you. Not to brag but plenty of Armys have looked at you that way since debut, but only a handful of times did you feel the same way about them.
So you didn’t expect to feel that way today. But there you were, the smell of her sugary sweet plum perfume still lingering in your nose even after she moved down the line. Of course she’d wear that perfume.. she’s an Army, she knows your weakness for sweet things. It made your head spin. But there’s an hour left of the fansign and you have to pull yourself together.
Easier said than done. You’re embarrassed to admit but you barely remember anyone that stood in front of you after her.  
It was the 7th anniversary of your debut and after the event there was a party. At random, several fans attending the fansign were selected to attend the after party as well. For over an hour you stood there hoping that she was one of the Armys to come to the party. You thought of sending a signal to a staff member to make sure, but so many eyes were following your every move, you didn’t want to risk making a scene or attracting the other fans’ attention onto her.  You have to thank Seokjin, who, sitting to your right, saw everything and as the perfect wingman found a way to tell the staff to invite her to the party.
And there she was. You chatted for a bit, flirted some more. But you had to mingle with the other guests too, make a toast etc. Yet your eyes were searching for her the whole time. Your heart was beating as if you’re about to commit a crime. You approached her and slipped the spare key card to your room in her hand.
“15 minutes” you whispered in her ear
You swear those 15 minutes felt like years but you finally managed to sneak out of the party and made a beeline for your room. Opening the door, you saw her there, waiting, sitting on the edge the king-sized bed, head turning towards you as soon as she heard you.
As you approached her, she quietly stood up. The look in her eyes told you everything you needed to know. Not wanting to waste another second so you kissed her and she kissed you back. It started a bit slow but pretty quickly you were kissing passionately, hungry for each other’s taste. She tasted sweet, as sweet as she smelled; sweetness that perfectly mixed with the spiciness of the expensive whiskey on your tongue. The way she leaned on you and softly moaned into the kiss showed you that she was enjoying it too.
Responsibilities be damned. You wanted her.  And she wanted you. You slid your hand down her back and gave her ass a hard squeeze, causing her to half moan half yelp in surprise which in turn made you giggle. You had to ask if she’s okay with what you were doing and if she’s sure she wanted you to continue.
“Yes.. Please do” she breathed gently, soft blush appearing on her cheeks
And you did. You let your hands explore every inch of her body, her scent, more intoxicating than any alcohol you’ve ever tasted, and her skin - the softest you’ve ever touched. It woke up some animalistic side in you that wanted to leave marks all over her. You wanted to make her yours.
Unzipping her dress, it easily fell on the floor, followed by your own shirt and pants.
A soft moan escaped your lips when she moved her mouth to your neck, hand tracing over your chest and stomach down to your dick, palming it through your briefs. Her lips followed the path of her hand, slowly making her way down. If you didn’t have any self-control just the sight of her on her knees in front of you, in her matching white lace underwear could have made you cum.
“What do you want baby?” you knew the answer but you wanted to hear it
“I wanna taste you. I want your dick in my mouth” she said, as she teasingly ran her fingernails up and down your thighs.
“It’s all yours baby” you nodded and she slowly tugged your brief down to the floor exposing your already hard dick. You head fell back as she traced the underside of your dick with her tongue before wrapping her mouth around the tip and slowly bobbing her head up and down taking in more and more with each bob. You just about lost it when you felt the vibration of her moan around you. She loved it just as much as you did. You buried your hands in her hair guiding her further down.
“Fuck” you breathed. This girl was so willing to please you, so ready to take every inch of you down her throat, so determined to push past her gag reflex it was actually impressive and extremely sexy.
“There you go baby, that’s it” you said, as you wiped the tear that rolled down her face when she finally took you all in.     
 You pulled out, letting her take a sharp breath which made her cough a bit but she recovered quickly
“Stick your tongue out for me.” Her tongue was out before you even finished the sentence. Her eagerness made you chuckle as you slapped your dick on her tongue a few times before pushing into her mouth again. She teasingly rolled her tongue over the tip, getting ready to take you down her throat again. She looked so fucking good with your dick in her mouth you couldn’t help but thrust forward, the pleading expression on her face letting you know she wants it too
“Do you like it when I fuck your face like this baby?”
She hummed in agreement, the vibrations sending shivers up your spine.
 “Such a filthy little mouth… I swear I would cum in there baby. But not yet. Stand up” you order as you pull out.
Wiping the tears off her rosy cheeks and the saliva from her chin, you pull her in for a deep kiss.  You gently led her back to the bed and climbed on top of her without breaking the kiss. You nibbled on her lower lip, then her chin, then moved to her neck making sure to suck and bite extra hard and mark your new territory.   Once that was done you did the same to her collarbones and kept moving down. You ripped the delicate bra off of her and squeezed one of her boobs making her gasp and moan beneath you as your kept working on leaving marks all over your Army, that won’t disappear for at least a week.  Your hand travelled down, gently spreading her legs apart, finding her panties completely soaked and stuck to her pretty pussy.
“Is that all for me? I’ve barely touched you yet“ you ask as you trace the wet patch with a finger.   
“Yes, yes, it’s all for you. Because of you. Ever since the fansign” she whines softly
“Cute” you teased “I hope you’ve brought a spare pair of panties”
It made you wonder though, how many Armys stood in front of you that day with their panties soaked just because you were so close to them?
It was your turn to get a taste as you kneeled between her legs. You didn’t have much patience left for teasing but you couldn’t help but leave a few bite marks up and down her thighs before planting a few kisses over the soaked panties making her buck forward craving more friction.
“Mhmm.. Joonie….More” her moans were hot but hearing her moan your name was, oh, so much hotter. You slid her panties off of her, throwing them somewhere behind you determined to make her moan your name again and again until she screams it. You spread her folds with your fingers coating them in her wetness before lifting them up to your lips and sucking on them.
“You’re so sweet baby” you groan from between her legs as you tease her entrance with two fingers, slowly pushing them in
“Joonie.. mmph..Please..” she bucked forward again desperate for your touch.
“ I’m here baby” pulling back, teasing her entrance with your fingers you traced a line with your tongue from her opening to her clit, wrapping your lips around it, tongue flicking up and down lapping up all the sweet nectar your Army had to offer. Her pussy was drenched; your fingers entering with ease making her moan and tug on your hair. She was panting and squirming beneath you as you kept working with your mouth and fingers, sending her quickly over the edge.
 “Joonie.. ah I’m co- oh .. I’m CoMiiing.. JOoON!” She screamed as she tugged your head harder into her pussy, cumming on your tongue.
 Once she calmed down, you stood up over her enjoying the view.
“Beautiful. Look at yourself. So wet and ready for me. I can’t wait to stretch this pretty little pussy with my dick. Isn’t that what you want?”
 “Yes, Joon, Please stretch my pussy, please” she pleaded with a pout you could not resist
 “Army’s wishes are my command, baby”
You leaned over her, adjusting the tip of your dick on her entrance and without hesitation you thrust harshly into her making her take you all in.
 “Oh fuck, Joon.. You’re so big” she gasped
“Ah, shit” your grunt following her gasp “Your pussy’s so fucking tight baby. Damn, you feel so good” 
You pin her hands above her head by the wrists and start to move in and out of her in slow but hard thrusts, bottoming out every time.
The little whines that come out of her red lips were driving you mad. Without changing the pace of your thrusts, you lean down for a kiss and nearly forgot to breathe when she swiped her tongue along your lower lip quickly following up with a teasing bite.  The little devilish smile on her face told you she knew she was driving you just as crazy as you drove her. You pulled away and grabbed the underside of her legs, behind her knees and pushed them towards her body as far down as you could, effectively folding her in half, her needy pussy on full display for you. Without a second thought you wrapped a hand around her throat lightly squeezing it as you start to roughly pump in and out of her
“You just can’t stop teasing huh? You can’t help yourself. I saw all the lewd winks you send my way at the fansign, in front of everyone. How shamelessly you leaned over the table to get closer. Is this what you wanted? Am I close enough now?”
“Ah, fuck,” gripping on to the sheets she whined between small gasps “yes, Joon, this.. is ..exactly what I wanted. Please, keep giving it to me, please, please keep fucking me just like that”
“You’re so cute when you beg, baby”
“Oh my God, your dick feels so good, Joon” She was close, you could feel her clenching around you; you could see the hazed look on her face as her legs were starting to shake, so you kept up your relentless pace sending her over the edge yet again.  
You didn’t do this often. Hooking up with fans was risky. But the handful of times you did do it, you made sure you fucked your Army completely stupid. And tonight would not be an exception. Only the best for your fans.
As she was coming gown from her high you pulled out and gently helped her sit on the edge of the bed. She looked up at you, drowsily, eyes hazy with lust.
“Get on your knees, on the bed. I’m not done with you yet”
She followed your instructions immediately. Her willingness to submit to you excited you to no end.
There she was, your Army, bending down on the bed, her back arched, ass up, gently swaying it left and right, ready to take whatever you were willing to give her.
You positioned yourself between her legs and landed a harsh slap on her perfect ass.
“Joonie.. I like it. Hit me harder” she cried out in pleasure, earning another much harder slap from you. Her sweet little cries were like music to your ears. Her hips bucked backwards desperate for you. You dug your hands into the soft flesh, holding it in place.
“What a greedy Army you turned out to be.” You growled “You can’t even last a minute without my dick in your desperate little cunt, can you”
You grabbed one of the pillows and put it beneath her hips, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to stay on her knees for long once you begin. You aligned your dick with her dripping core and immediately started slamming into her at a brutal pace.
“Such a little slut for me aren’t’ you?” *slap*  “ Your cunt is taking me so well baby” *slap* *slap* “ Just like that.. My good Army” *slap*
Her ass was red with your palm prints.  Desperate mewls, low grunts and an array of filthy noises filled the room.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, please Joonie…“
And you didn’t. You kept pounding into her at a steady ruthless pace; following her even after you felt her tremble and collapse forward on the bed.  She was now lying on her stomach, ass, slightly raised by the pillow beneath her, with you on top of her, fucking her senseless into the mattress. You felt the familiar spasms in her pussy as she screamed, cuming for the third time.
But you did not stop. You kept pounding into her over and over again, trying to reach your own peak
“How is your cunt still so fucking tight baby?” you grunted into her neck right before you bit into it, making her moan and lean her head back into you.
“You, like that huh? You want me to do it again? I’ll bite till I see blood” you warned, but all she did was hum and nod, giving you permission.
As if she’d ever deny you anything.
At that moment you realized you didn’t have to make her yours – she already was.
And you bite, till a small drop with a sweet metallic taste rolls on your tongue, spreading a fire inside of you, you could barely contain.    
“Cum in me, Joonie… Cum for me” she pleaded
“Yeah? You want me to stuff that pretty little cunt of yours with my cum?” You were so close.
“Yeah, Joonie. I want you to full me up, I wanna be your cumslut” she whines beneath you.
“Whose cumslut, baby?”
“Yours.. “
“Whose?” you sternly ask again, thrusts not ceasing even for a second
“Nam- joon’s.. I wanna be KIM NAMJOON’S CUMSLUT..” she screamed. Utterly wrecked, she clenched her walls around you once more
And that’s all it took.
“Shit, shit.. uugh.. Just like that baby, milk every last drop of me into your needy cunt” Your body tensed up, releasing all the build-up tension into her.
You let out a low, rough grunt as you slipped out and collapsed on the bed next to her, relief washing over you; both of your bodies covered in drops of sweat, strands of hair sticking to your foreheads.
“That was.. amazing..” she hummed, a satisfied smile on her lips, eyes barely focusing
“Yeah, it was” You agreed, as you gently touched the red skin surrounding the bite mark you just left on her neck “Are you okay, baby? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m okay, just exhausted” she smiled at you “Wait, Joon? Shit, you said you wanted to cum in my mouth didn’t you?” She suddenly remembered your promise from earlier
“We’ll have to leave that for breakfast, baby” you said sleepily as you wrapped your arms around her, burying your face into her hair, letting the sweet plum scent in her locks lull you to sleep.
I loved it 🥵🥵🥵🥵
For most of the way through all I could think was damnnn, she’s one lucky af army 😂😂
The part where she was moaning his name and he says “I’m here baby” ajnjfblqjefb I WAS A PUDDLE ISTG, I can hear it coming from his mouth so clearly and mann that did it for me 💦💦💦💦
Your writing is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing!
- 🐰 
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shyllamavoidmaker · 4 years
Just a Touch
Alex Turner x reader
Author's note: my second fic! As I wrote it straight on tumblr there are probably gonna be a few typos and spelling mistakes (english is my second language as well), but I hope, if anyone's reading, you enjoy! Also, I am taking requests, so submit if you so wish! Btw, this is purely fictional, I know that Alex probably would never agree to this irl😂
"Alex Turner out again with 'best mate' y/n, looking quite cosy for being just friends" Matt read the headline online, whilst laughing.
You and the band were all chilling in your apartment's living room when Matt decided to read one of the many rumours that appeared about not only you and Alex but the rest members of the band, that their manager had send to them.
"Very funny Matt" you stated ironically despite your blushing face. "Is almost like there is nothing more important for them to write about" Being friends with the band for awhile you were used to it by now.
"I'm really sorry y/n, I wish they didn't write about you" Alex apologized.
You sighed "Is not your fault, as I said before I would never not hang out with you lot because of a side effect of your profession"
"Actually..." Matt started "I think this could become more than just a side effect"
"What do you mean?" You asked and Nick, closest to you, showed you his phone where just below the article their manager had requested that you joined the guys tomorrow in their meeting.
You didn't let yourself worry about it. The boys had tranquilized you by suggesting that all he wanted was probably advise you on how to handle such an exposure.
Boy were they wrong. His manager wanted you to "do as you were charged of, as a way of promoting the new album, as the matter of who y/n is dating in the band has been tensioned for a while, finally having a definitive response will give more visibility to the band". You were shocked. If the articles were bad now, how bad would they get when you were "actually" together, or when you would "break up".
More horrified then you was Alex, but upon listening that it was either you or some random girl, probably a model, he decided that even though putting you through this was bad, he would prefer you than any woman. Only if you agreed.
And you did. Maybe it was because it was Alex and you were willing to help him and the boys out. Or it was because you always wanted that kind of love from him. Either way you said yes.
Now here you are at a small bar near your house with the guys, two days later. As you arrived you greeted them normally, but Alex did it for longer than he had ever done. When his warm lips touched your cheek and his hands made their way across your waist your breath hitched. You could smell his cologne. Upon noticing that you had tensed, he approached you even more and whispered in your ear "better get used to this, I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable"
It was then your turn to surprise him with his feelings, you embraced him and said with a smile "I'm not uncomfortable, is just new" the hand that was in his shoulders made their way to his chest, holding the colar of his shirt you kissed his cheek also and quicky sat down on the table, leaving him with the same rapid heartbeat.
He sat really close to you. Your thighs were touching. Matt and Jamie got up to grab some drinks leaving you and Alex.
"So Alexander" you called him by his full name sometimes, you liked it and he always smiled when you did so. "Have you finished the book I lent you?" You were always exchanging books since you both loved reading. "Not yet but I'm almost at the last third of it".
"You read like a turtle Alex" you laughed.
"No I don't, you just read too fast" he defended himself.
"No, no, no you are the slow one, you talk slow, you read slow, is just who you are" you teased him, moving your arms rapidly as you spoke. Noticing this Alex held your hands and said "Are you sure about that love?" His fingers intertwined with yours. "Cause your gestures suggest that you are the wrong one" You momentarily lost your train of thought after his touch.
"You just took a whole lot of seconds to say that sentence" you said coming closer.
"Goodness, you break my heart" he ironically replied, also coming closer. Before you could reply though Jamie arrived. You put some space between you and Alex, but he kept holding your hands, making your face reddish.
You thought you'd get used to it through out the night. But you didn't. Each time he touched you slightly your heart would burst. What you did though was get better at hiding it, or the guys just decided to stop making fun of you. You see the second time he touched you was not long after the boys returned with their drinks and he had let go of your hands. You all were chatting when he noticed someone, they probably had recognized them, making their way towards the table, he then put his arm naturally around your shoulder and gently pulled you closer to him. Your face flushed. And the boys were quick to comment on your behavior. You thought that after the fan left he would lift his arm, however his arm remained there for the rest of the night.
It was just a touch and yet it made you feel elated. Every time he laughed his body would gravitate towards yours. After a particularly funny joke Nick told, you laughed so hard tears left your eyes, and Alex rubbed your shoulder to help you. His hand moved to your hair sometimes, he would play with like it was the most normal thing in the world. It felt normal, like being like this was the way you were supposed to be.
When it dawned on you how only a night at pretending to be together was making you feel, you decided to get up and go to the bathroom. You needed to get away from the fantasy for a while.
When you were a table away from the one they were sat at your feet got stuck and you tumbled but before you hit the ground a man caught you. You couldn't help but laugh. Firstly because you almost fell, secondly because a strange man had caught you and that seemed to be a scene from a movie.
Upon hearing your laugh Alex looked at your direction. He felt strange. Seeing you happily in the arms of a stranger was irritating to him. "Do you guys know him?" He inquired. "No, why? Already feeling possessive over Y/n?" Matt joked. "What? Of course not, is just...nevermind" He looked at you again - "Maybe I should go there though, to keep up the façade"
"The façade, sure" said Jamie sharing a look with the group, but Alex had already left.
The man laughed with you and since he seemed like a nice and decent person you decided to chat with him. You needed a distraction anyway. But before the conversation went somewhere you felt Alex's arms sneak around your waist. He pulled you close. And just like that your mind was emersed in him. In a second your mind became aware of how his chest felt on your back. How his chin grazed your cheek. How his arms held you firmly but gentle. And so you linked your hands with his as he said "You alright my love?"
"yes, I am, he "_ you pointed to the man - "caught me"
"Thank you mate" Alex said politely, yet you felt his arms tighten around you.
"No problem, nice talking to you" and with that he was gone. You turned around his arms to look at Alex properly, not understanding his actions. "So..." you trailed off with a slight giggle. He smiled and yours grew bigger. "So...want go back to the table?"
Yes, but I'm afraid I might kiss you if you smile like that at me again. Your reply was, however: "I think I want to go home actually" His smile fell at your response.
"So soon?"
"Yes, I have stuff to get done tomorrow and I already feel sleepy"
"Well then I'll walk you home". He offered, and you couldn't bring yourself to decline. You wanted more time with him.
The night was dark and starry. If you were alone you might've been frightened. The conversation flowed naturally between you two. It was as if the pretending never happened. You were back to ignoring that you hoped that he would hold your hands, whilst having the most funny and amazing conversations as ever. Untill you saw a park. "Alex I think we took a wrong turn. Look" you pointed to the park. "Now that we are here do you maybe want to go there? " "I'll race you" you said and sprinted down the street towards the swings. You thought that since you left before him, you would win, however his enormous legs made him reach you in seconds time. You squealed as his hands touched your sides, for the millionth time that night. Your laughs echoed in the empty park. "Even with an early start I can't beat you" you playfully whined. "Guess you aren't faster than me at everything" He squeezed your sides. "Well I can't be the best at everything Alexander" you joked.
He looked at you with the amused smile "you know you're the only one that calls me Alexander, not even mom"
"Well then I will keep calling you that" you giggled. "Unless you don't want me to of course" you added.
"I want you to" His voice was deeper. His face aproaching yours .
"In that case, Alexander, what do you suggest we do now?" You whispered ,also aproaching. Your saw his eyes alternating between staring at your eyes and lips, yours doing the same.
"I suggest we do this" His lips captured yours. Firm and slow. You kissed back, your arms going in his hair. You pulled and he deepened the kiss. Your insides grew warm and a magical feeling gradually took over you both.
When you pulled away you were both panting but smiling. "Please tell me you kissed me for real, not just because we are pretending to be together" you asked. "I was never pretending" He answered before kissing you once again.
When you finally got home that night you got to experience much more touches than you initially thought and had ever dreamt of.
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Sarah Ellen Parsons
Sarah Ellen Parsons has 18 X-Files stories at Gossamer and 19 at AO3. If you want high quality fic with interesting characters, go read her stories. Some of my favorites of her fics are The Crouching Thing and My Constant Touchstone Who Makes Me A Whole Person (which are two very different stories!). Big thanks to Sarah Ellen for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
With today's binge-watching culture, I'm not at all surprised. You can watch a bunch of eps and then seek out fic that is where you are in the series.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
I took away a writer's group Yes, Virginia, that is still together.  Mostly as friends, but whenever I write something, or someone else writes something, it's the first place we all run for machete beta. I have betad SO MANY novels.
We have a number of folks who are published writers since then and our time in X-Files fic brought us lifelong friendships IRL and made us all better at our craft. The majority of those folks were better writers than I am. And I make my living as a writer in my day-job.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I belonged to a couple of the largest lists and posted there and bitched about the show on usenet with everyone else.  We had our own Yahoo group for beta.  We all had crappy GeoCities websites that we programmed the HTML for ourselves and hooked through various fandom link circles to get traffic to our stories.  But the main method of distribution was the lists.
Fun fact, I found a free page counter thing that I used at work one time through fandom. So fandom pays off in skillz.
Even without social media, we managed to get our stories in front of readers who would enjoy them. Where there's a will, there's always someone ready to step up and find a way.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Again, I have lifelong friends IRL that I got solely from fanfiction. That's the best takeaway.
Fandom disappointed me because it, like everything else, is ruined by people's egos, backstabbing, and petty people who get in positions of power and then use those positions to punch down or dictate. I was young when I was writing X-Files and I still had hope that people would rise to their better natures, so I got involved in various futile efforts to try to make people behave the way I wanted them to behave, I guess. I did a lot of public bitching that didn't serve me or my friends well. I now put that effort into politics, where it does actual good.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
X-files was made for me. It combined science fiction, mystery, horror.  I love all of those genres. Plus there was Scully. No matter how sexist that writer's room was, Scully was awesome. But you kept seeing bad writing. Even in the heyday seasons, like Season 3, there were really terrible eps that made you want to fix things.
I'm a lifelong speculative fiction fan and a published feminist science fiction author. I actually was published before I fell down the fic hole. I got involved in fanfic due to getting my fantasy novel turned down from every major publisher for being "too dark". And I needed to get readers to see my stuff to prove to myself that I wasn't terrible at writing. I got a ton of feedback and it was like market research to see what people wanted to read.
My time in fanfiction made me 100% a better writer than I was.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I went to the X-Files Expo to see if I could make contact with someone from Harper Collins because the tie-in novels sucked so hard.  I got rejected with my pitch as I didn't have a literary agent.
Around that time, a pal who I watched X-Files with IRL was looking for a free X-files wallpaper for her work computer when she found the website where fans in Pennsylvania had fic archived. She read some and wrote to me - "you need to see this, and you can do better."  So I started reading and was.... I probably CAN do better. So I wrote The Batman Plot. And made two friends I'm still friends with with that one story.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Nonexistent.  I couldn't even watch the latest season and I saw only 2 of season one of whatever that was before I gave up. I have never watched the second movie.
X-files is my first fandom bad ex-husband. I loved it SO MUCH, but it betrayed me.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I was deep into Harry Potter for a while, but I didn't end up publishing anything in it. All my stories were novel-length and I was writing so much for work, I never completed anything. I called Snape/Lily when Prisoner of Azkaban was published and got Jossed by Rowling in one of my big ideas. (This is bad fandom ex-husband 2. JKR will never get a dime of money from me again because of her hateful stance on transfolk. I have RL friends who are trans and NO.)
I wrote fic in Supernatural. It was the obvious next thing after X-Files. However, the misogyny and bringing in all the Angel/Devil Christofascist stuff lost me. The ep where they declared all other religions other than Christianity as invalid and killed a Hindu god made me stop watching for good. I know enough Christofascists IRL that I can't tolerate it in my fiction. (Bad fandom ex-husband 3)
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
This list is far too long to actually make.  But characters I spent time writing about include: Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Co. (I wrote three unpublished Star Trek novels before I found online fandom). King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay, Sherlock Holmes (I wrote a Sherlock Holmes play after seeing "Crucifer of Blood" and entered it in a national competition, where I got very nice comments back.), Mulder, Scully and Krycek, Rowling's Hermione and Snape (like him or not, its masterful characterization), Dean and Sam Winchester, John Winchester and Bobby Singer.  I wrote one comedy story starring Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  A couple of Roswell stories under a different name. Catwoman and Batman. I have some unpublished Avengers fanfic lying around as I'm an OG Marvel fan with a massive comic collection.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I was on a business trip a few years ago and FX had a marathon and I watched part of it when I was in my hotel room. Early seasons are comforting, but I don't go back there now.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I don't read X-Files fic anymore. I read a tiny bit of Star Wars after the second movie because Rian Johnson had it right. Now I don't care. I love Mandalorian, but am content to watch.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Too many to count.  All of YV. Which reminds me, I need to go update our entry at Fanlore. I promised Punk I'd do it a while back.  I need to at least get everyone linked.  Right now it's only Punk and Sab.
But it was a ton of us.  Marasmus, Maria Nicole, Cofax, CazQ, M. Sebasky, Livia Balaban, Kelly Keil, Wen, Ropobop, Jess Mabe, JET, fialka, and a bunch of others that I can't remember their fic names any more, just their real names because I know them all IRL. I need to go back and look up their fic names and link them up there.
In addition to my little group of pals, I loved reading Mustang Sally and Rivka T, Rachel Anton - I keep trying to find her to encourage her to write romance if she's not doing it already, but no dice, Dasha K., Anjou, there were so many great ones, but their names have slipped my mind in the past 20 years.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I'm most known for Prone, and I'm proud of that story for all kinds of reasons, but I think my very best is The Crouching Thing.
I mostly didn't publish anything I didn't think was good and hadn't been machete betaed within an inch of its life, but I'm not sure much of the angsty romance stuff holds up as well. I think it worked when the show was still ON and we were all in that emotional headspace, but probably not now.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
Funny you ask. I am currently reworking a plot idea I had for an X-Files fic into a contemporary M/M novel, which I will publish under a different pen-name. The plot is the idea I had for X-Files, the characters are very, very different other than one is uptight and the other more easy-going. But no more Mulder and Scully.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I have been making my living as a writer for 25 years. I write the word count equivalent of 5 Tolkein novels a year, just for my day-job.  I am turning back to original fiction, which is where I was before X-Files.  I'm working on the M/M thing, a high fantasy thing, a low fantasy historical thing and a bunch of M/F Regency romances as I get time and energy.  I publish Fantasy and SF under my real name. Romance has pen names as you don't want that getting back to your workplace, either.
SEP is fic only and here she will stay.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I have too many ideas to count.  I try to write them down when they come, so I won't forget. At least the outline of the idea. Often a scene. I've been like this my entire life. I started writing novels seriously at 15. I wrote a 500 plus page one about Morgan Le Fay during breaks in high school because "Mists of Avalon" pissed me off so bad as I'd read the original source material and that was a Wicca recruitment polemic.
What's the story behind your pen name?
Sarah Ellen was my great-grandma, Parsons was her grandma's last name.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
Half my friends ARE fic friends. Most of my friends know as does my brother, who thinks writing for free is dumb. This is universally agreed on by non-fic friends who know. My mother still doesn't know about the fic. Just the "real" writing.  I write under a pen name to keep it away from my job and my published work.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
My X-files stuff is up on Gossamer mostly. I'm trying to get the stories all moved to AO3 for all the genres. I'm working on this now.  SEP is really not a living thing anymore, but there was a time when she was more me than me.
If you want to find my "real" non-fic writing, write to me at se_parsons at yahoo dot com and I will point you at it.
And PLEASE someone, hunt down Rachel Anton and get her writing something we all can BUY.  Where are my old Krycek bitches at?  Do any of you know where she is? [Lilydale note: I’ve tried contacting Rachel Anton for this Old School X project but have not had luck. I would love to find her too!]
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
The community I loved has mostly moved on, but I think we left a legacy of solid work crafted out of our love for the show.  Find a living community you love for a show you love.  There are great people out there creating and get involved.  It will be worth it.
(Posted by Lilydale on December 15, 2020)
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canmom · 3 years
watched the mandalorian s2.
definitely strongest when it was just doing one-off genre pastiche/fleshing out the grungier parts of the setting than when it was trying to do grandiose lore tie-ins. swung wildly between ‘this is quite impressively shot’ and ‘lmao seriously’. the kerberos-esque nazibots were especially un-compelling designs - none of the design sense that characterised the stormtroopers with their weird white helmets.
that 'what if ahsoka but her actress is literally a terf and also she never expresses even 1 emotion’ casting was tragic, what a waste. by contrast, i’m sorta wondering if i should watch breaking bad since the ex-breaking bad actors in this show like the guys who play moff gideon and mayfeld did particularly well in the roles; the refinery episode is a decent contender for strongest one in the series thanks to that canteen scene which depended entirely on intense acting from mayfeld and the extremely-‘nazi officer’ imperial guy, as well as a rare moment of vulnerability from the protagonist.
(that episode is also interesting bc it creates a discomforting moment of triumph where the protagonists manage to bring a shipment of explosives to the Empire and are greeted by cheering and congratulations... the music and framing treats this release of tension just as triumphantly despite the episode rapidly going to underline that the Empire are actual, definite fascists. I presume the effect was intentional.)
I also very much enjoyed the bit at the end where you have two mando girls + cara dune (space cop but she has the arms) + fennec (sneaky sniper girl who has robot abs now! and her interactions with dune, they knew what they were doing there huh...) shooting up a spaceship full of stormtroopers. cara’s getting her own show so maybe they’ll indulge in more of that.
the best part of this series is how they handle the like political sense of a power-vacuum empire in decline and a ‘new republic’ that’s not painted as automatically The Good Guys, even if they’re not half so bad as the Bad Guys. sure, it’s in large part Western tropes - post civil war setting and everything! - but it does a considerably better job of establishing the political stakes of the big conflict in Star Wars and the general like socio-economic sense of ‘how this universe works’.
a lot of their set designs seem to be, well, ‘what if an asian country but in space’ - I think we’ve seen fantasy Vietnam (in season 1), fantasy China (ahsoka’s episode), and fantasy Cambodia (the refinery one) at least! this tends to lend the settings a level of visual interest and verisimilitude but well, orientalism innit. that said, there’s a pleasing variety of settings and climates (bearing in mind the maxim that in Star Wars, a planet is basically a small island...) realised mostly very impressively in Unreal. seriously it’s hard to believe a game engine was capable of this in real time.
alas, outside of that, there sadly doesn’t seem to be much like, inventiveness aesthetically - the details tend to be very well realised, but they’re riding a lot on the coattails of the art direction of the original trilogy. most of their new spaceship and vehicle designs are just boxes - Boba’s ship Slave I (the name of which is conspicuously not mentioned!) has a noticeably much more interesting design in terms of shape language than our protagonist’s for example. we don’t even get anything as cool as the wading paddy field bot from Fantasy Vietnam in the first series.
this is a shame because like, what else are you watching Star Wars for? definitely not the plot lmao
another conspicuous lacuna is well, the Droid Issue. the early episodes of this season make a lot of jokes out of the mechanic character speaking dismissively about droids in a pseudo-racialised way reminiscent of the way people talk about servants irl, and of course, in the fiction it’s written as straight-up slavery right! like they’ve just been like, ok, westerns, but we move over all the really grim racialised facets of characterisation to aliens and robots instead - following in the footsteps of Lucas obviously, though the Mouse’s version is at least willing to not make the human cast 100% white.
(incidentally the ‘human supremacy’ component of the pseudo-Nazi pseudo-Confederate Empire’s ideology in Star Wars, while rather implicit in the casting, is also never addressed explicitly, perhaps because it would raise troubling questions about our ‘heroes’... when a fascist goes on a rant in this series, as happens a few times, it will only be to emphasise their greater ability to impose order through violence and sneer at fools who think they want ‘freedom’, a villain characterisation which definitely doesn’t rock the boat too much in America!)
there’s a very similar tension in a Tatooine episode where the Tuskens are given a relatively sympathetic portrayal for the franchise, but which very nakedly fulfils the role of Native people in the Western pastiche, much like the Reavers in Firefly. (this approach to the Tuskens is something the old EU also did - c.f. KOTOR - but afaik this is the first time they’ve appeared on film to do anything but yell and shoot at the protagonists.)
as much as like, the protagonists are, refreshingly, definitely not necessarily good people - mando-san clearly cares about one little green kid and will shoot p much anyone else, dune’s literally a cop, etc. - it’s weird to see this huge facet of the setting just continually pass without comment or get played off for jokes. like idk, you gotta like... do something with that guys? but obviously you’re not, because you’re the Mouse, and you want to steer the most profitable course.
speaking of the most profitable course, Boba’s back again. i don’t really know how they treated him in the old EU, beyond a vague sense of ‘guy was harder to kill than a water bear’. that said, of his portrayal here, there’s an amusing irony in the chain of
boba fett, generic bounty hunter #12, is a fan favourite character design despite his rather ignominious showing in the film
an entire faction is created to be ‘guys in the boba fett armour’’
elaborate mythology and imagery created around ‘mandalorians’  as a semi-monastic order of soldiers which holds up as a core part of ‘star wars’ despite various retcons and modifications
boba fett finally comes back, but he’s considered to not be a true mando by the other guys now
sadly, the episode he’s first reintroduced is one of the worst in the series, just a really contrived, drawn out fight scene against stormtroopers with no tension whatsoever which ends with a hilariously dumb twist - definitely one of the most videogamey episodes. but hey, i guess a certain videogaminess is kinda what we’re watching this for, it’s literally filmed in a giant game engine room!
anyway they’ve announced like 3 spinoff series because this will literally never end and glob help us, I’ll probably watch them too at some point if people say they’re any good. Dave Filoni is really ascending in the ranks of the Mouse at this rate, perhaps because he still seems to get good reviews in contrast to the film series. he seems to make TV that’s consistently ‘tropey but well executed and fun, with occasionally a few sparks of being genuinely affecting’ which is probably the best one can hope for from the Mouse. (part of me feels a need to say like, i realise i can be called part of the problem continuing to watch and discuss these franchise shows lmao but well, that’s how it is :/ i guess i find it easier to discuss their narrative than their structural role in capitalism or w/e)
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sarkywoman · 3 years
Writing Asks
Tagged by @under-the-shady-tree, thanks!
20 questions, writer’s edition, let’s go!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 85
What’s your total AO3 word count? 712708
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Oof, uh... since like, 1999? Um, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Andromeda, Supernatural, Heroes, NCIS, DC, Marvel, The Umbrella Academy, Kingsmen, ASoIaF/Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Community, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, Misfits, I think I’ve forgotten some...
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Noble Blood (Game of Thrones, ASoIaF - GRRM)  A Song of Bastards and Wards (ASoIaF - GRRM, Game of Thrones)  Young God (Borderlands)  Story and Sorcery (Loki: Agent of Asgard, Marvel)  My Shame is True (The Umbrella Academy (TV))
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to! Comments are so important in the fanfic community and I know how hard it is to think of something to say about a story, even when you’ve loved it to bits, so I don’t want people to feel ignored. Especially because I appreciate comments so, so much! I will say though, I have lapses, often when my mental health isn’t good, where I simply don’t know how to respond to people and then months go by and I feel weird about replying... so sorry if you’ve ever commented on one of my stories and got silence - it was me not you!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? The Aimless One (Misfits (TV 2009)) Straight up the saddest story I’ve written, no question. Normally writing sad stuff doesn’t make me sad but I had to take a break in the middle of this to just try and grapple with the idea I’d had because it tapped into a lot of depressing thoughts I have about life and death in general. The comments were all complimentary but so upset that at first I was like ‘hooray, it had the desired impact’, then after a while I started to think ‘why did I want to hurt people like this?’
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably  Realising All You Ever Wanted, a Hobbs/Dirk fic for the Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency fandom. There’s such minor conflict in that one that the sugary sweet ending isn’t out of place. 
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Well. I have some fandoms that are sort of crossovers already, things like Marvel where you have comic versions and movie versions and it doesn’t really feel like a crossover to be picking and choosing. Same with a Dirk Gently/Thor fic I did, because Thor cameos in the DG canon, but not this Thor. I think the most ambitious crossover I’ve worked on was a collaborative chatfic with @freshgratednutmeg that we’re never likely to post, where the need for more background characters in an Umbrella Academy A/o fic led to it being crossed over with Marvel and Brooklyn 99. (Leading to such amusements as Diego sparring with Rosa, and Five competing with Shuri in class.)
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yeah, but it’s never been very well-reasoned so it’s been fairly easy to dismiss. Some people expect everyone to share their own perspective of the characters and it’s weird.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Not really. I can go there and have done on occasion, but it doesn’t interest me very much. I think I did it more when I was younger because I felt like it was a necessary aspect of grown-up fanfic writing (when I started I was a teenager amongst mostly adults... or other people lying about their age too lol). These days I’m more likely to fade to black or allude to the acts. But I’m not averse to writing it or anything, but it’s never the focus of my story.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Only in the sense that I see them on other sites I didn’t upload to, sometimes in other languages, sometimes not. They normally say my name somewhere on them so they’re not stolen as such, but it’s still uncomfortable to see my work circulated to other sites without my permission.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not with my permission, but yeah. I don’t know how to feel about translations. Obviously I want people of other languages to be able to read my work, but at the same time I’m not fluent enough to be able to check the translator’s work, so I won’t know if they’ve done any better than google. Word choice is pretty important in fiction. A bad translation can totally warp a text.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not for posting or sharing, but me and @freshgratednutmeg cowrite all the time.
What’s your all time favorite ship? All time?! That’s impossible to answer. I’m a multi-shipper for starters, in pretty much every fandom I’ve been in. When I find a ship I love, I love it intensely above all others for the duration of the fixation. Then eventually it gets set aside when I find a new fandom. I’m also indecisive enough to not really have an all-time favourite anything. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? A Song of Bastards and Wards (ASoIaF - GRRM, Game of Thrones). I can’t begin to describe the pages of notes I have for this beast. Unless I threw them out, which... scanning my room... is a distinct possibility. Ouch. I’d hoped to parallel the books for a long time with this one, but the amount of work for a project like that is too much when you’re no longer as passionate about the source fandom. I suspect what I might do is scenes with interconnecting notes, just so people get some sense of closure.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, baybee! Kinda makes me want to be a scriptwriter. People are always telling me that the characters ‘sound like’ them. I think it’s from reading voraciously from when I was young and being quite a social child, that moving speech patterns and quirks into writing is something that comes very naturally to me. Too natural, in fact, because IRL I write how I speak and that’s not always suited to the situation.
What are your writing weaknesses? Most things other than dialogue. Even thought processes are an internal dialogue, so they’re okay, but then like... a fight scene? A sex scene? Just even... what are their hands doing while they’re talking? How are these people physically present? Where are they? Are they inside, outside, is the building on fire? My descriptive skills are lacking, to say the least. It’s something I’m working on.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’m not quite sure what’s meant by this. I’m not fluent in anything other than English so I don’t see that would work well for me. I know a few phrases in German/French/Welsh/Latin/Spanish but nothing useful for conversation. Dropping in words can work, if it’s the same way the speaker would use them amidst their English. Most of the time the characters I’m writing wouldn’t be speaking in another language anyway. We can blame the tag-team of English colonialism and American media for that one I think. I think that sometimes authors utilise a character’s language in a way that just exposes how little the author actually knows of the language and that’s a bit cringe for me.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer. None of those are online atm because they’re so so bad XD I should post them just so people can see improvement but... I can’t even read them, they’re hilarious. The most gratuitous self-inserts, the most ludicrous arguments, the most out-of-character romantic declarations.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, that’s a quandary. I think I’ll differentiate between favourite to write, and favourite end product. Favourite to write was probably  Noble Blood (Game of Thrones, ASoIaF - GRRM) because it was just a romp through my favourite themes. Given it’s one of my most popular stories, I’d say that just proves you should write what you want! I was going to quickly say  Young God (Borderlands) is my favourite fic for quality of the finished product, because I pretty much just sat down one evening and spilled it into a word doc then reread it back and thought ‘huh, did I write that? Awesome’. But I’m happy with a couple of more recent things I’ve done for The Umbrella Academy fandom, notably  The Price of Parenthood, which is very different to what I usually write and is a look at the life of one of the mothers who gave up her child to Reginald. Also The Water Calls, which was the only thing I managed to write for the recent MerMay event. It took me a little while to puzzle out how it all fit together, then once I had it worked out it came together wonderfully and I was very happy with the tone of it. 
Tagging anyone who fancies doing it.
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My view on Jumin Han and the MASSIVE effect his route had on me
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Look it’s late I should be asleep let me rant about this legend, also I’m sorry this turned out to be an essay but honestly what I wrote is really important to me
He might just be my favourite fiction character ever because I relate to him so hard
From what I’ve played so far-
((I haven’t finished every route of every character, in fact I only played 1 Jumin route and I got a bad ending around day 9. Why don’t I play more if I claim to love him so much? SCHOOL))
-his route really managed to capture a lot of what I’ve been through, on a really personal level.
I think I started to realise we were in similar shoes when he talked about his father and his relationships (my dad has literally been with more girls then I can count)
Also my dad isn’t a good person, I’ll come out and say he’s an asshole to everyone. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like, that I don’t have fun with him sometimes and that I don’t enjoy being around him
I’ve read a lot of fan fiction, experience a lot of people’s ocs, seen a lot of media where terrible parents are made out to be absolute evils. But Jumin’s route was the first thing I’ve seen to make me go “...Finally. Someone finally understands.”
Another thing Mystic Messenger managed to represent wasn’t a hate Jumin harboured towards his father, or some type of warped love either. Just pure indifference when it came to the aspects of his father he disliked.
I can not emphasis enough how true this is!! I can’t count on both hands the times my dad’s picked me up from school with a girl I don’t know in the car, or when I walk into a room I don’t know with a woman in it I’ve never met.
I’m never confused, angry or disappointed when this happens; just indifferent. Try and be polite but also make sure not to get attached at all (both of which I do without even realising). Just pure indifference. Like how he was on his phone during dinner.
This was my second “Finally someone represents it right.” Moment.
From then on I was already attached.
Something I noticed about Jumin (though I may be reading too into things) is that he always has so much pressure on his shoulders. But, I don’t think that pressure is from his father, he seems pretty chill about Jumin’s whole “heir to the company” situation.
That pressure may have stemmed from his responsibilities, but Jumin put it all on himself.
I understand this so much. Both my parents have rather good jobs (or had... in the very least they had amazing education) and I’ve always been a smart child praised by them
But my mum puts no pressure on me at all. Well she does but only the normal amount. And my father the same, pretty much. Yet I still have to be at the top of the top class, the smartest of the smart, I’m always more disappointed in myself then they are in me.
I definitely feel like this is something Jumin struggles with.
Along with that pressure, he’ll never let anyone see him break. I’ve talked about my family life more in this post then I have to anyone irl. Why? Because I’m the smart, happy girl. The perfect student, perfect daughter, perfect friend, honestly I think I’m the empitomu of normal if I don’t consider my family life.
Jumin is like that too to an extent. He’s never going to let someone else see him break (unless they’re me of course, but we don’t all have mc’s in our lives lol). It really hits deep, ya know?
At this point I was beyond loving his character. Because Jumin was just incredible, beyond that even. A real representation of what I’ve been through, I’m genuinely in love with him.
Also, there are things we have in common on a basic level too; a love to an extent it’s practically religion for cats, casually formal and proper, and honestly I thought he was funny! Like seriously guys his jokes weren’t actually bad they made me laugh a lot!
It reached a point where I was so into Jumin’s route that every visual novel scene I would find my cat and cuddle with her while playing (funnily enough she’d a black ragdol so she looks a lot like what I imagine Jumin would look like if he was a cat).
So then, I vividly remember reaching a scene where Jumin starts talking to Elizabeth the third. He knew it was unhealthy that he trusted a cat more than any human being, and that the Elizabeth the third doesn’t actually understand what he’s saying, he’s just deluded himself into thinking that.
So this makes me look down at the cat in my arms, the cat who shared my bed most nights for the past eight years, the cat that’s seen my cry more then twice as much as any real human being, the cat who I’ve always spilled my heart out to and imagined as my best, most understanding friend.
I got the bad ending on purpose because I’d heard about the bad endings for Jumin and I was done being serious I just wanted some time to laugh and something to remind me that Jumin Han is not Jesus himself despite bringing me the realisation of a lifetime
Obviously I don’t relate to Jumin exactly, I’m not the son of a corporate legend and I’m sure Jumin’s never had to worry about his families financial status, and I bet he doesn’t have any of the problems I do with my health
Still crazy in love with Jumin though and this is how I am a Jumin Stan to death without being a kinky queen
I genuinely see him as a very wholesome and loving character because, well, because I see him as myself. I think he’d be so kind and gentle to MC because unlike anything else he owns, he can’t just buy a new one if she breaks, his money can’t solve any issues with her, and that’s what I think he needs
To summarise I need recommendations for wholesome Jumin fanfics or literally any Jumin fanfic lemon without all the kinky stuff please it’s surprisingly hard to find
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