#both of them are tcm ocs.
tahkawtistic · 2 months
I love how different my ocs are
Dahlia is just a girl just cute and silly and then Nîpisiy is just. KANDDJSENEBELELWPAJDBNEMELS
Outfit side by side (guess which one is lesbian /j)
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utencils · 9 months
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johnny + my oc soot . hes her favorite brother
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saturn-luvs-pepsi · 12 days
I really want to draw my Tcm oc but I can’t really do it without hating how it looks (face reveal I guess looks!)
But basically I’ve finally gotten down how I want her ‘lore’ to be
Character Name: Saturn (Nicknames: satz, Starlette)
Origin: Iceland
Current Residence: America
Age at Move: 18
Current Role: Art Student
Interests: Exploring abandoned places, creating art
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blueish grey
Distinctive Features: Black eyelashes with eyeliner in the waterline
Adventurous: Saturn is always seeking new experiences, which drives her love for exploring abandoned places.
Artistic: She has a keen eye for beauty in decay, often taking inspiration from her explorations for her art.
Resourceful: Her explorations have taught her to be quick-thinking and adaptable in dangerous situations.
Empathetic: Saturn is deeply caring and has a strong sense of loyalty to her friends, making her determined to help them no matter the cost.
Saturn moved to America at 18 to pursue her studies in art. She was always fascinated by the contrast between urban and rural decay, often traveling to various abandoned locations to draw and take photographs. This hobby led her to meet the other victims.
Encounter with the Victims:
Saturn met the victims while exploring abandoned sites. She met Connie when they both stumbled upon the same decrepit factory for different reasons: Connie for her research and Saturn for her art. They quickly became friends, bonding over their mutual love for uncovering the hidden stories of forgotten places.
When the group decided to search for Maria, Saturn's expertise in navigating abandoned areas made her an invaluable addition to the team. She was eager to help, driven by a strong sense of camaraderie and her insatiable curiosity.
Camouflage Artist: Saturn can blend into her surroundings using her knowledge of shadows and environmental features. This ability allows her to hide effectively from the family, giving her and her teammates a strategic advantage. Once per game, she can create a temporary hiding spot for herself and one other victim, providing a brief period of safety from detection.
Upon Seeing the Family:
“We’ve got company, and they don’t look friendly.”
“Stay sharp, these people mean business.”
“I knew this place had secrets, but this is something else entirely.”
During Exploration:
“Keep an eye out for anything we can use. Abandoned places like this are full of surprises.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll find Maria. We have to.”
“This place is a maze, but we’ll find our way through it together.”
Using Her Ability:
“Over here, quick! I’ve got a spot where we can hide.”
“Blend in and stay silent. They’ll pass us by.
I know it doesn’t make sense and isn’t that good but I’ll fix it later I swear!
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lord-of-the-harvest · 10 months
Hi! I’m Dani, and welcome to my blog :D
Currently, I’m obsessing over BTD, TPOF, and Ren Hana from both games.
But! I also adore TCM, HOW, The Boy, John Doe, etc, and I want to write for them in the future.
Currently writing for Pleasure, Pain, and Power, an ongoing fanfic involving Ren Hana and my OC, Jasmine. While it’s a RenxOC fic, I keep her descriptions fairly vague, so it’s not hard to insert yourself instead, if you wish :)
My AO3 account is under the same name, and is has a better thread of PPaP
Shouldn’t have to say it, but I will anyways,
I post extremely explicit content about explicit games. Trespassing is incredibly immature and disrespectful, and makes me seriously uncomfortable.
For those of you 18+, I’m more than open to having discussions and light hearted debates on different fandoms! I tend to over-analyze media, and I love talking about it :)
I will not tolerate any unwarranted rudeness, so take discourse, non-constructive criticism, -phobias, etc somewhere else
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I’m re-reading TCM at the moment and UGH I just love quentin and his siblings!!! They’re such good OC’s I love them so much!
Can you like tell me more about them and their personalities without giving away any plot obvs! Silly little things like are they introverts or extroverts, what’s their favourite season ECT!!! I just NEED more TCM content!!
Hi Katie, thank you for providing a blessed distraction from my work right now. I will be happy to answer haha!
We already know a lot about Quentin's personality due to the fact TCM is from his perspective. However I can provide you will small facts about him that wouldn't have any reason to come up in the fan fic. Quentin is both extroverted and introverted, a classic middle-ground man. While he can appreciate alone time, and sometimes need to reflect in solitude, he also adores being with other people. If Quentin was real, he would an academic studying biology, his room would be covered in flowers and cool plants and he would love cozy little video games and being outdoors. His favourite season is spring, Quentin exhibits the classic British People Syndrome: complaining about the weather no matter what. So spring is a good compromise. Quentin as a toddler would also constantly copy his siblings. Did Denzel just hit his head? Quentin's turn. Clorissa is crying? So is Quentin now. Ronan feels sick? So does Quentin. Daria is cutting her hair? Quentin wants a haircut. He prefers sunrises to sunsets, he likes clouds that look like something, and he hates the nickname 'Quinny' (unless used by his family, the only exception).
Clorissa is an extrovert, she loves to talk to people, play with her kids, and learn strangers' stories. Clorissa often reminds me of Meg from Little Women, very family oriented and driven, but no less determined and strong. She would have definitely had a room covered in posters of boybands and read fanfiction on Wattpad about Y/N when growing up if she was real. Clorissa would have such a big fangirl phase. She's a great cook, with a very motherly persona even before she became a mother. Summer is her favourite season, it reminds her of running the fields as a kid, plucking flowers from the grass and braiding them into her hair, and when the nights felt short and the days were long. She was a quiet kid, being the first Brinston sibling, and learned to observe from afar before casting her opinion on things. Often overlooked, but never forgotten. She loves water, shells, the sight of her children in the morning with crazy bed hair, her husband kissing her nose, and dipping her feet into the lake.
An introvert, through and through. Ronan is brooding, especially to people he doesn't know. He can come across as abrasive, or irritated when in reality it's just how he interacts with people. Ronan is the king of Resting Bitch Face. But he loves with his whole heart, and he is very wise and good to comfort people despite appearances. He is very contemplative, and in real life, he is one of those mysterious people in the bookshop with a tote bag and grandad jumpers. Ronan is determined to feel useful. He is an Autumn fan. He likes the way things change, and it's not too cold for him to still watch a sunset. Ronan would 100% listen to Taylor Swifts All Too Well 10-minute version as he's being all broody. He is also prone to anxiety, like Quentin. As a child, he was inquisitive, constantly grabbing things he shouldn't, deciding anything and everything was food. He loves the rain, horses, the smell of stew, and running.
Daria hates people. An introvert to her core, she loves to be alone, and she loves to be dependent upon herself and not others. To be cared for by Daria is a big deal. She only shows her vulnerable side to those close to her, like her siblings. She would be such an emo in school, she would be mysterious and wearing all black, a loner by choice. Despite all this, she finds herself surrounded by people who care about her. Daria loves winter. It's cold, like her heart (she's actually very warm but if you told her this you'd be glared at), and there's more fun to her in the dark days than in summer. She likes to wear thick cloaks and big boots. A good fighter too, self-taught alongside her brother for most of her life. Her mother would describe her as destructive as a child, running before she could walk, breaking things all the time, ready to start fights with other chubby-faced toddlers. She loves swords, making snow angels, teasing her siblings, and dogs. She is a big dog person.
Oh, he's an extrovert. Denzel cannot stand to be on his own. A silly, goofy, chaotic man. He enjoys bouncing off other people's energy, even if that energy is merely sitting in silence. Denzel can read people really well. He's that kid in school who does crazy shit, and when you hear the story the next day you're just like 'i'm sorry denzel did WHAT?' His room would be a complete and utter mess, but if someone tried to clean up his mess, he would feel like everything is disorganised. Denzel is also a summer fan, he enjoyed running around the fields as a kid, filled with so much energy, the freedom of it all. Growing up, people associated him and Quentin as chaotic twins. With Quentin being clumsy and accident-prone, and Denzel being excitable and hyperactive, they combine into chaos. Denzel would be recruiting little toddler Quentin into his crazy schemes as a kid, and it would almost always end in failure. He loves early mornings, climbing tree's, hot drinks, and protecting people he cares about.
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thecardmasterblog · 1 year
Its been a while since i post...
I present to you my ocs, that are basically the same person but i like drawing them together
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Meet Crimson red/I!TCM (left) and Maroon/T!TCM (right), tbh i kinda like how this turn out. This was kinda random if i have to be honest...
They are completely different from each other despite being alternative version, so i like calling them 'opposites' of each other
I guess this is the first time i draw them properly?
Also a comic of them both after the photo:
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(Maroon doesn't like people when crimson call her short)
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gateway-artist · 2 years
Howdy! So I have a couple questions!
1. When it comes to Commissions and Patreon what characters will you allow for NSFW? I just wasn't sure if all your fandoms were allowed or just a set few :)
2. For commissions will you post the NSFW ones on patreon or just snippets on here?
3. When it comes to patreon, how do you plan setting it up? Or have you gotten that far? I was gonna see if subscriber's get requests?
Sorry I'm just really excited to subscribe and support you! Your art is spectacular and I love seeing it on my dash. I'm also just excited to see what Steddie content you feed us 👀
Hey, thanks for the questions, anon! I appreciate all of them and if you or anyone else ever have any other questions feel free to send them in!
When it comes to Commissions and Patreon what characters will you allow for NSFW? I just wasn't sure if all your fandoms were allowed or just a set few :)
I will be making a list of fandoms and characters that I will allow! Some of the main ones that I feel comfortable doing are - Steve Harrington(Stranger Things) - Eddie Munson(Stranger Things) - Din Djarin(Star Wars) - Thomas Hewitt(TCM) - Ghost Face(Scream) - Michael Myers(Halloween) - Sinclair Brothers(Not together)(House of Wax) - Jason Voorhees(Friday The 13th) - I will add more on the post that I make!
2. For commissions will you post the NSFW ones on Patreon or just snippets on here?
I will be doing whatever is most comfortable for the person who commissioned me! I will ask permission first and they can choose if they would like it posted on Patreon, here, both, or not at all! If I post it here I will only be doing snippets to keep it viewer friendly and so I don't get hate-crimed by Tumblr
3. When it comes to patreon, how do you plan setting it up? Or have you gotten that far? I was gonna see if subscriber's get requests?
Tbh I still have to do some research with Patreon -- I am hoping that I will have the tiers set up so tier one and two will be PG13, and 3 will be NSFW. I hope that I can do something like that at least...
Tier One: I am planning on making this tier for PG-13 wips. You will get exclusive access to wips and stuff before I post it, alone with requests from tier 2.
Tier 2: You will get access to PG-13 wips, and you will be allowed to send in one request each time you subscribe to the tier. The request will be a greyscale sketch. These requests will only be fully posted on Patreon, snippets of them will be posted on my Instagram and Tumblr. I won't be doing OC's or self-inserts at first, but later on, I might allow them. I will also be setting up something so people in this tier can get a print of whatever the exclusive access drawing for each month will be since I will also be drawing something for each month for this tier (PG-13 drawing of course.) I might even make stickers here or there as well.
Tier 3: You are getting exclusive access to all of my PG-13 wips, and request drawings, and you will also get exclusive access to my NSFW drawings. You will be able to request NSFW or SFW drawings for a character of your choice with each subscription(So at the beginning of each month, I think). I will hopefully set something up so I can mail out a print of the PG-13 drawing of the month and also the NSFW drawing of the month. With this tier, you will also get a sticker set if I make one for Tier 2.
I hope that these answered your questions, and if anyone else has any feel free to ask :)
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haddonfieldwhore · 2 years
richter tcm(2022) x oc | imagine (part 3/?)
‼️SPOILERS‼️ texas chainsaw massacre 2022
warnings: nsfw, age gap, language, smut, unprotected sex, 18+, mention of death
the weight of his body was welcome as he loomed over me, effectively pinning me to the couch as his tongue explored my mouth, my hands roaming across his chest. i slid the flannel shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, silently asking him to remove it. richter seemed to get the message as he sat up slightly and removed the garment completely before i pulled him back down to meet my lips again.
“becca-“ he moaned as my hand traveled further down his torso and stopped at his belt, my fingers fiddling with the buckle before his larger hands replaced mine, undoing it with ease and allowing me to slide my hand into his jeans, another groan falling from his lips, but muffled by the fact that his mouth was still on mine. his hand cupped my breast roughly as my palm traced his length through his boxers, his mouth placing wet kisses down my jaw till he found my sweet spot, causing my breath to hitch. i shuddered as he chuckled against my skin, before his teeth grazed my throat gently, but surely leaving a mark behind.
“ric-“ i moaned as he sucked on the skin of my neck, his hand trailing down my side till it reached the button of my shorts, his other hand supporting his weight as he hovered above me.
“yeah, baby?” he asked, breathing heavily and my hand continued to move against him.
“don’t stop,” i begged, causing him to let out a strained chuckle. his fingers undid the button on my shorts and quickly found the place i desperately needed them to be. i squirmed beneath him as he placed his lips on mine again and i moaned into the kiss. it wasn’t long before i was unraveling beneath him, and i moaned loudly as i reached my high. i could tell he was close too but his hand stopped mine from continuing to touch him.
“not yet,” he mumbled, his hands going to the waistband of my shorts as he looked at me for permission before sliding them down my legs and discarding them on the floor. he slid his own jeans off before lining himself up with my entrance. he looked at me once more and i nodded. richter slid his length into me and i groaned at his size, his lips finding my jaw again as he waiting for the signal that he could move. i caught my breath for a second before nodding.
“please…” i whined, rocking my hips up against his, before he started to move, his pace increasing quickly.
“you feel so good, baby,” his voice was deep as he spoke next to my ear. i moaned at his words as i moved my hips to meet his pace.
“harder-“ i moaned, my nails surely leaving marks on his back as i clung onto his shoulders. he obliged, one of his hands resting on my hip and the other wrapping just tightly enough to around my throat to slightly restrict my breathing. it wasn’t long before we both finished, and he collapsed gently on top of my tired body. richter placed a gentle kiss to my neck before rolling us over, pulling me on top of him, both of us breathing heavily as we came down.
now dressed again, i was almost asleep on richters chest as we laid on the couch together, his fingers tracing patterns on my thigh. melody came running into the room, still pissed about something and started yelling, causing me to jump up and richter to sit up as well.
“rebecca we have to go- “ she stopped when she put the pieces together about what had gone on since she took lila out of the garage. “oh my god rebecca that’s disgusting i can’t believe you!” she yelled, grabbing my arm and starting to pull me towards the door. “come on.”
“woah woah hold on! what’s going on, the auction-“ i protested, trying to stop her from dragging me towards the bus but she was stronger than she looked.
“i just don’t feel right about this anymore i want to leave. i’m taking lila with me and i’m not gonna leave you here with - with him!” she yelled, as i finally yanked my arm from her grip. “please bec.” she pleaded. i looked at her, clearly something had seriously spooked her for her to be acting this way.
“slow down, what’s happening?” i asked. richter appeared behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
“what’s the problem?” he asked. melody glared at him.
“i have a really bad feeling about this rebecca. i want to leave and i’m taking lila with me. now you can stay here and bone your new hillbilly boyfriend if you want-“
“sounds good to me,” richter chuckled.
“slowdown mel, what happened? two hours ago moving out here was all you could talk about and it was the best idea ever. what changed?” i asked, gesturing to the crowd of people that had come here to buy properties. she shook her head.
“i was wrong, i- woah what are you doing?” she yelled as richter stole the keys from the bus.
“i heard that old lady died after you stormed her house. now unless you can prove you didn’t kick her out of her home for no reason you’re not going anywhere,” he said as dante and lila walked up. dante got up in his face trying to get the keys back but it was no use. i stated at mel and dante.
“guys.. tell me you didn’t kill a lady.” i pleaded in disbelief. dante continued to stare at richter and mel just shook her head.
“no no we have the deed to that house right dante? dante!” she yelled and he finally looked at her. lila ran off after arguing with melody i just stood there in shock. maybe i didn’t really know my friends at all. but i didn’t know richter either. and where was ruth? i hadn’t seen her in ages. a thousand thoughts ran through my head and the world seemed to be spinning around me faster and faster.
it stopped as i felt richter wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me close so my back was against his chest and he pressed a kiss to the side of my head.
“cmon let’s go back inside it looks like it’s gonna rain soon,” he said softly. i turned in his grip to look at him and nodded.
“ok.” i mumbled, as clouds started to roll in from the distance. i couldn’t help but have bad feeling about tonight.
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☾, ♥ and ▼ + fun ghoul, ♦ and ൠ + the girl and ☼ + newsagogo? (me? enabling you to ramble about character we both love? more likely than you'd think!)
fun ghoul:
sleep - Ghoul has a lot of nightmares, everyone does, but their way of dealing with their nightmares is to completely exhaust themself to sleep. If someone could take way all the dreams in the zones I'm sure they would want to. But its dangerous to take away dreams because you cant untangle the nightmares from the hopes that keep people alive.
family - Ghoul and Jet Star are siblings, their dad is Dr. Death Defying TCM is his ex husband who was only ever sort of their dad. And anyone we could leave you with in a hurry when the dracs come is family is aunties is uncles is cousins.
childhood - in This Death Will Be Art I talk about Ghoul's childhood but its only what they remember of it. They remember a firefight and they remember being adopted by Dr. Death Defying and they remember the divorce arguments between Dr. D and TCM but they don't remember anything from before age like 11. Before age 11 Ghoul had a good family, just another gang trying to raise their child in the most dangerous desert. They died in that firefight but The Witch brought them back, only she knows why and she doesn't care, leave a message at the tone.
the girl
quirks/hobbies - obviously The Girl and electronics have a frenemies relationship going on so when she was little growing up with the fab four her hobbies were more crafts, especially weaving and mending and she still has a connection to fabric but i like to think she gets really into clay and pottery as she gets to be a teenager. she thinks about going into bad luck beading but finds herself better at larger more practical clay ware
random hc - the girl does have names! sometime after sing she goes low and wears many many disguises and many many names each person knows her as someone different she takes odd jobs at the night market to stay alive and lurks around at concerts to stay living
appearance - i don't have a lot in my head for newsie but here's what i know for sure: she has a blue and green color scheme going, hir helmet is a comfort item so she can be seen wearing it most places (think enough so that cherri teases hir but not like mando level i refuse to take this off) zie rollerskates a lot and has sand-skates which essentially have tires on them. she's the kind of person who dyes and cuts her hair all the time often with different layers but rarely an asymmetrical look
Send headcannon memes for characters or OCS
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nastyatticman · 3 years
hey I’ve been itching to fill some requests lately so here’s a tentative list of characters / things I’ll write (will add/change later)
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas 1974)
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy 2016) what sequel
Bubba Sawyer (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre & TCM 2)
Carrie White (Carrie) (AU where she doesn’t die)
Leslie Vernon (Behind the Mask)
Bo Sinclair (House of Wax 2006)
Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp 2&3)
Vincent Sinclair (HoW 2006)
Lester Sinclair (HoW 2006)
Candyman (Candyman 1992)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher / Polyam Ghostface (Scream)
Any of the slashers from Vicious Fun 2020 except Zachary. Carrie, Fritz, Hideo, Mike, Bob are all on the table!
And more! Just ask and I’ll see what I can do :D
Other horror / media
The Duke (Resident Evil 8)
Jimmy Hall / Hugo Punch (At Dead of Night)
Eddie Gluskin* (Outlast: Whistleblower) (*fair warning I’m not that knowledgeable about Outlast but I feel like I have a good grasp on Eddie’s character!)
My OCs
Sidney Jade Leong, a twenty something killer with darkness behind his eyes
Duane Griffith, a beloved pastry chef by day & cannibal by night
Emil Vuong, a hitman whose existence is a mystery to his victims as well as his loved ones
Gabby ???, a woman who may be secretly living in an attic near you!
Angel, an up coming slasher who wants to be part of something big. Ghostface meets Leslie Vernon, with the most gorgeous hazel eyes
Kevin Liu, known as the Groundskeeper. A shy college student by day, who hunts down people who’ve wronged him at night.
You may request
SFW - fluff, angst, dark topics
N / SFW - vanilla, BDSM, dub con / non con okay
Slasher X reader
Slasher X Reader X Slasher/another character
Slasher X Slasher
Slasher X specific reader (** please add specifics - rather than asking for “slasher x Chinese reader” I’d prefer more detail like “slasher x Chinese reader showing them dramas”)
Drabbles / short writing
I’ll write this if you pay me ? 👉👈
(I’ll take money via cashapp, maybe PayPal. I’m willing to take non money offers such as buying something from an external site or art/writing! Art trades okay)
Slashers X Your OC
Slashers X you / your self insert
Longer writing, fanfiction
I won’t write
Hate speech, bigotry, etc
Certain kinks/fetishes (piss, scat, anything I’m not comfortable with)
Incest pairings (or anything where reader is in a relationship or hooking up with two+ characters who are related, I’m not comfortable with that)
Not SFW content of Underage characters, or of animals
Other stuff - I’ll let you know on a case by case basis so we can figure out something we’ll both like C:
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amandamadethisup · 4 years
Doing an ask meme, but it’s 20 questions and I’m answering all of them
1: Describe the plot of your current WIPs in a single sentence each.
TCM: Angry 20-something joins a cross-country road trip of self-discovery to expose the goverment and further a debate about hope vs. reality.
WDMTU: Sometimes journalism and human nature have to coexist; pretending otherwise is dangerous.
2: Do you have anything published? If so, where?
I have a personal essay published on PillPack, but I’m not going to link it in the interest of protecting my last name.
3: Do you own any books on writing? If so, which is your favorite?
I do; in terms of the writing style, I enjoyed Stephen King’s On Writing the most, but I got the most out of John Casey’s Beyond the First Draft in terms of practical, applicable information.
4: What are some of your favorite tropes?
(All of these come with the “if done well” caveat) Enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, found family, mentor/mentee bonding
5: Which OC deserved better?
Elia and Ricky
6: Which OC did you forget about?
Page lmaoooo
7: What was the first novel you ever tried to write? If you've never tried to write a novel, then what was the first story you ever wrote?
TCM lol I stopped and started it so many times
8: Which OC is your favorite?
To write? Jess. To think about? Ricky.
9: Which OC is an absolute pain to write?
10: If you had to write a novel about one of the side characters in your current WIP, which character would you choose?
11: Share the last paragraph you wrote.
I know he’s watching me. I can feel his eyes burning a hole through the space between my shoulder blades, but I don’t turn around. If he wants me to come back, he’ll have to ask for it.
12: Share a dumb line from an old WIP.
I don’t have any old ones lol
13: Do you prefer writing with small casts of characters or large ones?
Eh, they both have their merits and it depends on the story. 
14: How long does it take you to write 500 words on a good day? On a bad one?
I never timed it. Maybe an hour on a good day? And not at all on a bad day lol
15: How do you name settings/characters?
I usually don't name settings unless I absolutely have to, and my characters all come into my brain pretty much fully-formed with their names attached, and I just never change them lol
16: What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done with your WIP?
Entered Author Mentor Match and had to format an entire manuscript in less than 48 hours.
17: How far along are you in your current WIP? How long have you been working on it?
I’m currently on my final round of revisions before I start querying !!! and I’ve been working on TCM since I was 12, so almost 10 years.
18: How many titles has your current WIP gone through? Which one of your WIPs has had the most titles?
Just the one; I don’t name things unless I’m 100% sure I won’t change it
19: What does your editing/revising process look like?
I went through TCM twice for continuity and content and brought the word count up from 50k to almost 72k. I then edited for mechanics. Then I passed it on to a friend for editing and also got feedback from an AMM mentor.
20: What's the most time you've ever spent on one WIP?
Ten years lmaooooo
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