#born again kdrama
babymashroom · 5 months
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littlecloverstar · 2 years
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Wallpaper Project @lyrical.stars  
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Set 497: Born Again
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Rambling About a Show (10/11/2022)
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So, I started this on Sunday (10/09/2022) and finished it today. My thoughts are gonna be a bit backwards with this one.
Yo, what kind of ending was that?! 🤨 I’m not even mad about it, however it has me asking a lot of questions. 😣 I cried when Jung Sa-bin gave the rings back to Kim Soo-hyuk, explaining that she knows who is truly in her heart. From what I understand with the ending it implies that Cheon Jong-beom and Jung Sa-bin end up together. I’m only basing that off how I interpreted the ending. Even if it was a bit confusing (to me) to begin with. 
I have to admit that the reason I was watching this was because of Lee Soo-hyuk. I think I’m gonna end up mentioning this for every drama I watch of his. 🤣 I honestly think I’ll do that for any actor and actress that I enjoy watching. 🤣 He may have been the main reason for me, but I stuck around for the plotline. A few other reasons I stuck around is because it’s a crime show. Which I love crime shows. Also I enjoyed the idea of the red string theory, and reincarnation.
So, they mentioned broken heart syndrome later in the series. I can’t remember the exact episode it was mentioned in. Then it was brought up again towards the end. Well, both times I cried about it. Because it hit close to home for me. Due to the fact that, that was mom’s cause of death. Granted this series had me crying several times. I’m not even kidding. 🤣 Pretty much EVERY emotional or tear jerking scene had me crying. ESPECIALLY when  Cha Hyung-bin’s remains were buried by Jung Ha-eun. When this happened it came to light of why Cha Hyung-bin had approached Jung Ha-eun in the first place. The guilt that man had carried all that time. 💔
Listen, the way Detective Cha Hyung-bin was protective and loved Jung Ha-eun, it was heartwarming. I felt that he was a cheesy romantic but I loved it. Then we have Prosecutor Kim Soo-hyuk. He’s a badass with a smug, it has to be my way, attitude. The complete opposite of Detective Cha hyung-bin. Even though Soo-hyuk was a bit of dick, I ended up liking his character. Though I didn’t like the way he went about prosecuting people. But it is what it is.
In the case of  Gong Ji-chul and Cheon Jong-bum. Even though both were innocent for the most part. I still didn’t like the fact that he was stalking  ung Ha-eun and Jung Sa-bin. Like, I’m glad Gong Ji-chul’s named was cleared, but still his behavior was a excessive and unsettling. Same with Cheon Jong-bum. Jang Ki-young did a fantastic job of portraying both characters.
I’m glad that in the end Prosecutor Kim Soo-hyuk began the process of correcting all his wrongs. I teared up when he resigned as Prosecutor but later showed up as an Attorney. The way his belief had changed was also amazing as well.
Of course there were a ton of plot twists in my opinion. Every twist kept me intrigued. I lost a lot of sleep over this series because I’d rather have answers than sleep. 🤣 That’s just how good it was to me.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day! In honour of one of my top kdrama couples, Mr. Queen please?
Years pass and Bong Hwan thinks less and less about the future he came from and instead on the future he's building - there's not time to miss something that he'd never enjoyed that much, not with the baby, then the second, then the third. Sometimes he remembers his first name, remembers that she was born and lived as a man for decades, but often he forgets that she's anything but So Yong.
He's had enough after three. She repeats that again and again to Cheoljong who nods very seriously and says, "Yes, my queen," and "Whatever you say, my queen," and is very good at not knocking her up for six years.
When she finds out that she's pregnant again she camps out in Hwa Jin's home and refuses to let him in.
"You're being ridiculous," Hwa Jin tells her, the daughter she "adopted" peeking out from behind her mother at her with bright, mischievous eyes. She doesn't know where she got her personality from - it certainly wasn't Yeongpyeoung. "You've always had easy births. Why wouldn't you want to give him another prince?"
Easy birth is an oxymoron. "You're not helping."
"Stop bothering me then," she says.
She's such a bitch. So Yong still thinks she's hot.
Next she tries the home that Jae Won and Young Jae share and the two bedrooms they definitely use and sleep in because the only reason they share a home is because they're dear friends and brothers and definitely not because all but married.
"Why do you always have to bring us in the middle of your fights with the king," Jae Won whines when she barges in to his house.
Young Jae elbows him in the side, "Be nice!"
"You always take her side," he grumbles, but does scoot over so she can take his cushion.
"She was my friend first," Young Jae says seriously.
Jae Won's sulking doesn't at all improve after she beats him at the next three games, but she doesn't know what he expected since he can never beat her when she's sober.
And she's going to be sober for the next eight months thanks to fucking Cheoljong.
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candywife333 · 3 months
F*** The Pyramid
Genre : Historical
PAIRING : yandere-ish Duke Jungkook x spinster social pariah chubby y/n
Inspired loosely by the Pyramid Games (kdrama which you guys should totally check out) and a novel called ,"The Captain's Wallflower"
Warning: This fic has minimal to no proofreading and the usual blend of outlandish comedy , crude jokes with expletives, smut, and angst (because I can't do without it). This is purely fiction and not a representation of the real Jungkook's true character or that of any other member of BTS.
Currently a trilogy ( thinking of making it a series with all other characters of BTS)
Summary: Duke Jung kook remained the quintessential peer of the realm, born with a platinum spoon in his mouth from the day he arrived into the world. He grew up playing a massive role in determining the structure of the social hierarchy----who gets to be the diamond of the water, the most eligible bachelor (other than himself of course), and.....who gets to be at the bottom of the pyramid ;the very dregs of society, the spinsters and ruined women who would never have a chance at a better life.
His bevy of associates all wealthy and powerful comprised of ; Marquess Taehyung, Baron Jimin, Viscount Yoongi, Viscount Hoseok, and Duke Namjoon (close advisor of the king)--formed the Pantheon (a group of wealthy and powerful men that ruled England). He lived the ideal life, the envy of all others..... or so he had thought. Till he met, Spinster Y/N--- the illegitimate daughter of Baron Stanton. They say, if she looks like a spinster, smells like a spinster (of lavender and epsom salt) , and tastes like a spinster ( though who would ever choose to taste one?) ----then she must be one. But something about Y/N was peculiar. She definitely seemed to be a spinster in name and mannerism. But was she truly one? And what was she hiding?
Cameos: Hwasa (my queen), Chungha, and many others
Part 2
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I yawned again. And again. And again. Munched on a croissant. And then proceeded to...yawn again. So boring. I would never deign to come down to London for a Season ever again. That was the only modicum of comfort I was looking forward to. Never showing up here again. The scene would never change, so what was the point? Aunt Alyssa, my mother's older sister, had insisted that I accompany Solji to her debutante season----where she would be introduced to all the other pompous, rich, uninteresting, vapid members of the ton. So she could find an uninteresting, rich husband to marry who would inevitably cheat on her with a mistress and she could pretend to be happy and have his ugly nonsensical big headed babies pushed out of her vagina and die....eventually. I know, my view of the ton and life amongst them is anything other than comforting. Yet after watching so many seasons go by, sitting on my bench (I called it my PERCH) like a cockatoo at the rotten old age of 26, my views were firmly engraved into stone. Nobody could convince me otherwise.
The entire point of the ton's existence was enforcing social hierarchy. There was no other point. True friendships are meager and rare, sanctity of marriage has no meaning ( with affairs flourishing abundantly in dark corners of Vauxhall ) , and love is nonexistent. Love, a concept I had pondered for ages as I watched naive gullible debutantes waltz around with their chosen well-to-do suitors. Suitors that proclaimed sonnets of love initially, yet inevitably lost interest in their gullible little guppy fish wives and relegated those same foolish wives to country estates never to be seen again, so they could priggishly jaunt across London with mistresses on their arms---to operas and **gasp*** decorated bedrooms. Showering attention on mistresses and maids and any other women of relatively low standing --- to suck at their grotesque, syphilitic cucumbers.
Abhorrent. Men never made sense to me, and I was convinced that love was a construct they came up with, to fool women to do their bidding. I mean, at this point, having seen what I have seen, I wonder if they even believe in the hoax called love themselves. My concern after sitting here on my perch for the last 7 seasons since I had come out, is that not once had I been asked to dance. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I guess it made sense? Chubby , wearing spectacles, and unappealing dresses with colors and designs of years gone by, definitely would not make me the toast of the season by any chance.
Yet, even when I had been a bit more fashionable, and when father had been alive and still holding the position of Baron--I would've expected few offers of marriage by fortune hunters merely seeking my dowry. But alas... that was not be. One girl, that debuted the same year as I did, daughter of Duke Asbury, Lady Seulgi had tripped on her feet while dancing the waltz, into the arms of Baron Jimin , bowling both of them over to the cold marble floors of the ballroom rather unceremoniously. She had bemoaned to the rest of the debuting girls (including little old me) that day, languishing on a chaise as she gesticulated nervously, " I am a miserable dancer. How will I ever survive this wretched Season"?
I had quietly tried to suppress my giggles at her ridiculous tirade. What could she even mean? She was proclaimed the diamond of the first water instantaneously after being presented at court that Season 7 years ago, earning the attentions of all the members of the Pantheon and many other wealthy peers of the realm. Her life was easy. All she had to do was do nothing. Yes, I said it. Merely, NOTHING. Her fate was decided from her birth. Not like the rest of us, who were not conventionally attractive and now.......financially destitute. She had earned the good grace of everyone from birth due to her wealth and strong connections. Even if she had farted, everyone would have applauded her flatulence.
These were the women I didn't understand. The ones who had everything, yet bemoaned their lot in life----frivolous ninnies in my opinion. All the women of the higher echelons of society remained there --marrying similarly wealthy lords and preserving their lineage and wealth. You may ask---is there no social mobility? And I would say, of course bloody not---you simpering little sot. What did this look like? A fairy tale? Cinderella? Princes of good moral standing don't exist. Rich men have options. And they always avail them. Why would a rich man marry a poor woman? Lust. That would be the only real answer.
I know I sounded jaded, and I definitely was. You can only be a trampled on flowerbed for so long, till you start festering and molding with bitterness. I do not profess to be better than anyone else. At times over the years I had wished to feel beautiful, marry a good match, and have a family. But that destiny clearly was not in store for me. The complicated reasoning being that I simply was not conventionally attractive and did not inspire lust in men, and that my father's rather paltry dowry did not inspire even mere greed in men . I am socially inept and quiet by nature. These were all valid reasons.
But, the simple reason I chose to believe---is that one man merely found no utility in me. Who you may ask? Duke Jungkook I would say, without even flinching or stuttering. Others thought "society at large" did not care for them, hence they were mowed over to the corner to become rotten spinsters and outcasts. You know who society was? Duke Jungkook and the members of his Pantheon. But he was still the mastermind. Slickly manipulative, handsome, and wealthy.
He was born sitting on a golden throne, and over the years proved that he was an intellectual. Silently accruing further wealth for his estate through trade and industry---something the Ton usually looked down upon. But since it was Duke Jungkook, it was permissible. Everything was in his case. He was the exception to every rule. If his character description stopped at this, we would have all been fine. But one thing Duke Jungkook seemed to crave is control. He was hyper competitive because he lusted after control---and it's close comrade, power. Power over even the pitiful members of society, he had no business trying to control. He played God for years, and always got away with it.
How do I know he's the one running the show you ask? Well, I had time to observe. And I would say, that is my only true talent. I notice things others don't because I am invisible. A mousy little mite relegated to my pitiful perch. And I noticed everything, from his wagers which either demoted or elevated people's social standings---to the way he manipulated people with misinformation and rumors. He decided who was popular. And he decided who wasn't. And if anyone was to blame for my social standing, I would say it was him. What he had done 7 years ago had reduced me to my position now. It wasn't even anything all that dramatic. He cut me down without even a fight.
I remember it as clear as if it were yesterday, even now.....
"I am so sorry, Lord Jungkook, I wasn't watching my step, please forgive me", I had stuttered in an overly fuchsia dress akin to a little sausage as I sweat incessantly in the stuffy ballroom. Hadn't meant to spill a chalice of lemonade on his coat.
His dark eyes gleamed with amusement and something that I identified as calculation later on in my life , as he brushed it off with a wave of his hand, "Tis' of no import, Lady Y/N. Don't worry". I nodded and curtsied towards him, "Thank you for overlooking my clumsiness, Lord Jungkook. I am sorry to disturb your evening".
I had thought he had truly forgiven me. It wouldn't ruin his reputation, our encounter. It was the mistake of a newly debuted girl, more akin to a child than a woman.
I had believed in the kindness of men and humanity till then. Till he chuckled and slyly condescended in a rather loud and cloyingly sweet tone of voice, "Of course, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At least you are not as clumsy as your mother in concealing her relations or as clumsy as your father in the way of estate management". He sauntered away lazily as he left me to deal with the fall, whistling a merry tone juxtaposing the social demise he had just inflicted upon an innocently naive girl.
Casually cruel in the name of being honest. Everyone in the ballroom had heard, their eyes and ears peeled towards any interaction involving him as they do generally, as moths do towards a flame. Only Lord Jungkook would know my dad's poor financial status even as a Baron, or about my mother's affairs which had wrung him dry emotionally. Father had resorted to ruining our meager wealth by letting the estate go to spoil. He soon after died of heartbreak at my mother's affairs a year after this horrendous moment.
He had borrowed a massive amount of money from Duke Jungkook, money he would never be able to repay. When he died, the Baron's estate and debt was inherited by cousin, leaving me and my two older sisters with nothing. Thankfully, my sisters were already married off to decent, financially stable men---though they were mere vicars. Not men with titles, but reliable nevertheless. And I was left an orphan. Looked down upon and pitied by my beautifully polished sisters, and members of society as I was unmarried and ineligible according to my looks and lack of dowry--and Duke Jungkook's honorable estimation of my worth (or lack thereof).
Duke Jungkook had ruined my life long before dad had died, and the mere sight of him would remind me of my downfall to this day.
I hated the man to his day, teeth gritting unconsciously. If I ever came across the man in need, I wouldn't hesitate to ruin him. As he had ruined me. He had opened up to the mockery and disdain of the ton. I didn't get invitations to most balls and events by then. The only few I did get invited to were due to my Aunt Alyssa, or shall I say Viscountess Alyssa. I was unmarriageable nevertheless. And I had only stuck around to earn some money by being companion and chaperone for Solji.
The plan was to leave this horrendous place of twinkling lights and crushed dreams for a family--for a baby (a dream I had cherished in my heart of hearts for quite some time). I just wanted to be left alone now. Away from Duke Jungkook's paralyzing serpentine glances that decried me of my humanity and value, and the snickers from other wealthy men at my nunnish appearance. I would go live in a 3 bedroom cottage on the countryside, the only thing that had been entailed to my name in father's will which had not been of any value to debt collectors.
It was a beautiful cottage, tucked away near the edge of a meadow in a quaint little town called Chestershire. We had family vacations in my childhood there. It just required some repair and warm touches, to become a lovely house. I had earned money as companion to Aunt Alyssa so that I could retire there without worrying about money for at least the next 2 years. I would probably start selling garments I had knitted and sewed over the years as well, once those funds ran out.
Just thinking about the cottage and the quiet life awaiting me, filled with baby chicks and piglets and a warm hearth devoid of judging glares filled me with happiness....something I had not been acquainted with for a long time, as a soft smile brightened up my face .
Couldn't wait to leave the bloody pyramid. Every dog has its day. And mine would arrive tomorrow.
Only , if I had known that destiny always knows how to kick a girl in the arse, just when she believes the worst is over.
I arrived around the evening of the next day after a garrulous carriage ride had tossed me up like a well done egg salad 30 times. The travel was terrible and yet the journey was definitely worth it. Meadows filled with various flowers and fruits stretched up and over sprawling green hills in the weak light of the setting sun , all cresting into a peak at the top of the hill---my home, my cottage. It was just as I remembered it, a homely cottage wrapped around by rose bushes and creeping stalks of bouginvillea and tulips.
The main village center was just a 3 minute walk away, but felt much further away from everyone else, with the way it was situated upon a tiny hill surrounded by an expanse of trees giving plenty of shade to the cottage. I paid the coach man and walked up the hill, sweating and dusty from the ride. As I came up to the door, I could smell the fragrance of a hearty stew wafting out of the window.
Who was in there already?I knocked on the door and was met with a swinging door that gave view to an overgrown golden retriever jostling me to the grassy ground with enthusiastic licks. A buxom lady with sparkling green eyes, and thick brown hair in two plaits exclaimed happily, "Oh, darling Y/N, tis' been a long while since I saw you. Must've been when we were kids, still digging worms from the pond and making little houses for them".
I remembered who it was. Sunny, my old maid's daughter-- who I had played with in my childhood. I patted the dog on its head as I got up, brushing grass from my skirts, enveloping her in a rambunctious hug with a wide grin, "So good to see you sweetheart!!!! Where is your mother? Is she in good health?"
"Oh, she's fine Y/N, just back at home because of her rheumy joints. She finds it hard to keep up with maintaining the cottage, so I am doing the job as of now." I smiled warmly, my insides singing with joy at the jubilant welcome back home. I truly felt at home for once.
Chestershire still remained the quiet town I remembered it to be, idyllic and pasotral. It was a wonderful change of pace--fresh air and sprawling greenery so much the eye could not contain. She grabbed me by the shoulders and hustled me into the clean , well maintained cottage. It was a beautiful interior with leviathan bay windows and plenty of comfortable seating space. I inhaled the hearty potato stew into my mouth, discussing my plans with Sunny on how to make the cottage even more homely and regarding repairs to be done.
Apparently a tiny sum of money was provided by father's will to go for maintenance annually to the cottage. That is why the place hadn't fallen into complete disrepair. It just needed a few homely touches, some floral printed curtains and doilies and warm rugs and blankets. Along with some vases that could contain flowers which shrouded the cottage window-sills.
I had my work cut out for me for the next week. But this work was more welcome than anything else I had had to deal with uptil now.
--------------------BACK IN LONDON
Lord Jungkook was pondering something of the utmost importance at the moment as his valet stared at him, eyes agog with concern. The cravat he was to wear today to Lady Esterly's ball held much salience. It had to be something somber to indicate respect towards the end of her grieving period, yet not so outrageously dark in color that it would be utterly unfashionable. She had lost her gouty ill tempered 70 year old husband few months ago to sickness. And though she was clearly happy to lose him, it would be unbecoming to demonstrate those sentiments in public.
As Jungkook entered the ballroom , something in his subconscious pricked at him. What was this uneasy feeling? He hadn't felt this way since 7 years ago when he had found out that Lady Y/N's mother was having an affair with his father, who had been Duke of Somerset at the time.
His father had been a wealthy and powerful man who had always seemed to always adore Jungkook's mother, the Duchess Somerset. Yet, he had done the exact opposite and when she had least expected it, well into their marriage of 30 years, taken up a torrid relationship with Y/N's mother. Jungkook's mother had died of grief merely a year after his father had made his affections not so secret to society. And his father soon followed her in death due to his weak constitution, succumbing to infection in the winter. Y/N's mother had been left to grieve the passing of his father and her husband that same year. She stayed with one of Y/N's married elder sisters.
He had never noticed Y/N's existence till then, till he found out whose daughter she was as she had scurried around the edges of the ballroom like a nervous rodent since her debut in Society. She wasn't much of a beauty to look at with plain features, full cheeks and a plush frame that seemed more matronly and frumpy than anything else. Her only redeeming feature were her sparkling eyes and lush hair that served to hinder the expressions on her face.
Her attire had deteriorated as her father's estate fell to ruin, thanks to Jungkook availing Jimin's crafty ways of tricking money out of the hands of Y/N's gambling father who had gotten rather desperate for money. Jimin ran a gaming hell that had made many a gentleman penniless---something he took great pride in. According to Jimin, if they lost money to the gaming hell, it was a testament to their bad luck and his good luck.
Jungkook had decided to strip her of any remaining honor, not as though her mother had left his mother with any honor either-- even in her death. It would be comeuppance for what her mother had done. She would pay for her mother's sins. And so he thoroughly ruined her reputation, ensuring she would never have a good life therafter--a life lacking family and a chance at a socially and financially advantageous match.
That's when it hit Jungkook. Where was Y/N? She wasn't in her usual spot overlooking people dancing at her bench. That had been her occupation for the past 7 years, watching people have the life that she would never have--he had made it so.
Jungkook felt extremely uneasy now that he could not spot Y/N. Where the hell was she? She always came to the bigger events that Lady Alyssa and her daughter attended. He had denied her invitation to most smaller ,more intimate events with his social acumen, but not the big ones. She had to see what she was missing out on---life. That had been his revenge plan.
But now she was nowhere to be found. He blindly searched for her, till he came across Lady Alyssa and inquired in a drawling tone , schooling his features into a calm that he didn't mirror the panic he was actually feeling, "Hello, Lady Alyssa. Fine evening it is today, is it not"? Lady Alyssa graciously smiled at him, "Yes, of course it is Lord Jungkook. How are you faring today? Oh, this is my daughter Solji in case you have not met her". Solji gracefully curtsied in her periwinkle floaty dress that showed off her waifish frame in the best light.
He continued in an unaffected tone, "And where is your companion, Lady Solji? Y/N is it"? Solji nodded as she replied, "She has decided to retire to the countryside for a while. Her father left her a countryside residence and so she has chosen to depart early before the season ends so that she can celebrate Christmas over there". Lady Alyssa sighed, stating in a resigned tone, "Anyhow she has no prospects of marriage with how she looks and conducts herself, better she is away from polluting the rest of the ton with her incessant cynicism and gloom".
Jungkook nodded at these statements seeming calm as a cucumber on the outide, whereas he was internally rattled at the happenings imparted to him. She had left? After so many years, she had decided to just leave? Evidently she had gotten tired of not being enough for London. But how could she leave without telling him?Without even an announcement of her departure?
A little voice in Jungkook's head gave him the blatant answer--not like she had any friends to inform of her departure. And not like he was her husband/brother/legal guardian, who she would have to inform of her comings and goings. After his blasting statement 7 years ago, the few friends she did have, left her --frightened of being associated with her ill repute by merely even conversing with her, or being seen in her presence.
She was a free bird, and Jungkook was hating the fact.
She had left him to play his own game. The pyramid only remained so, when there were people at the bottom. Sure, there were others he could and had manipulated to stay at the bottom, but he wanted her to remain there. Not for her to exit the game altogether.
Y/N was not allowed to be happy or have a Christmas, after what his mother had been through---he would definitely ensure this.
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dangermousie · 18 days
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He is LITERALLY a pathetic wet man. Heh.
But also, JKY! You guys have no idea how much I am obsessed with JKY in dramas. Come and Hug Me, which introduced me to him, literally brought me back to kdramas after YEARS and so he will always have a big spot in my heart.
I mean, I sat through the entirety of Born Again (aka literally the worst kdrama I've ever seen in my close to 20 years of watching them) for that man and still looked forward to his dramas after that, and if that doesn't show how much I adore him...
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fianne-0123 · 4 months
KDRAMA!Wangxian AU
LWJ is a discreet second generation chaebol, a composer and according to fans, a poet?? ("Apologies, overdue their term, are no longer worth sharing. Do not say what you never meant." He said, after a fan apologized for being born later than him. "We don't think he knows" one says, "but the Hanguang-jun is a total renaissance man!")
He lives alone and he has a secret, secret being that he's a GINORMOUS (I MEAN GINORMOUS!) stan of Idol WWX! Ginormous as in he misses important family business meetings and composes songs completely inspired by WWX!
WWX is a K-Idol who first got popular not because of him being an idol, but because of him being a Dizi child prodigy and him winning multiple competitions as a child. (LWJ found out about him when he was a child as well.)
WWX is a singer, songwriter, composer, traditional artists and .. trendsetter ?? ("So why did you wear a black hoodie and cap if you weren't going to hide at all?" Paparazzi asks him at the airport. "I just wanted to look cool!" He says. The next week, everyone is wearing black. "Yiling LaoZu : Unintentional Cult Leader strikes again!" Headlines read.)
WWX lives with 2 scorpions, 5 snakes, 2 geese, a pig & a bunny and his secret?? His main inspiration is LWJ. LWJ composes a song? WWX runs into his room and plays his dizi to it. LWJ quotes something? WWX pastes it on his wall.
and then they fall in love in the local yamaha or something !! true love
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Fanfic Idea! (Lucemond, based on the kdrama "Fanletter, Please")
Lucerys was a popular figure skater, who used to compete in pair figure skating as a child, but soon entered into single figure skating, aiming to earn the golden medal for Driftmark in the Winter Olympic games. Unfortunately for him, he only got silver, and though his family reassured him that it was alright, that he did his best, that there was always next year, he still felt extremely self-conscious and all his insecurities just kept coming back.
He then received a massive amount of hate letters mixed with his fan letters, calling him a loser, saying he didn't even deserve the silver, let alone gold, that he should stop embarrassing the people of Driftmark and just leave figure skating permanently. He received so many letters calling him a nepo-baby, that he would never have been chosen to present them had he not been the grandchildren of Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon, had he not been the son of the Realm's Delight. Every single letter fed his already growing insecurities, and reading every single one of them just stabbed him in the heart, making him sink deeper into the abyss of self-doubt and self-deprecation.
Soon, he couldn't even hold a letter, even those not addressed to him, without having a panic attack. Jace took all the letters away and made a public statement that Lucerys would be having his personal training, and asked fans to stop sending letters so he could concentrate.
Soon, Lucerys got his confidence back, though it was a slow, painful progress. He could hold letters now, but reading them would trigger his panic attacks, so much so that he continued to ignore every letter he received from fans.
Aemond, his ex partner, who, upon hearing his step-sister's worries through his mother, decided to do something about it.
When Lucerys entered his apartment, he was shocked to find the entire place filled with stuffed Arraxes, his favorite dragon character. There were different models in different sizes and poses, some larger than his torso, some with wings stretched to take flight, and some with cat-like poses, and he loved each and every one of them.
He took one of Arraxes (the one that sat like a dog) and hugged it, and was shocked to hear a very familiar voice he hadn't heard from in a long time (not since the "Driftmark Accident" where they tried a difficult stunt despite the warning from both parents, ending with Lucerys in crutches and Aemond missing an eye).
It took him a moment to realize he was reading something. A letter. A Fanletter. He paused it, fearing that a panic attack my start again, but it didn't. And he was curious. So he hugged Arrax, and the message continued.
It was from a child, seven years old, praising him for not giving up, telling him that he inspired him to learn how to figure skate. It was so childish and sweet, and it brought tears in Lucerys' eyes. How he missed that. The encouragement outside of his family, one born to support and cheer him on.
It didn't take him long to realize that all the stuffed Arrax had voice recordings. Aemond added his own spin in some of them, horrible and hilarious, as he tries to read them in different pitches and different styles. He added side comments of his own, which took Lucerys back to fonder times, where he and Aemond were up against the world.
The letters gave him the encouragement he craved and needed. He pushed himself harder, trained so much Jace had to physically pull him out of the rink.
Eventually, he decided to try and write back. His hands were shaking as he wrote, but after a few tries, he managed to have full control of his hand. He thanked them, showed his sincerity, told them he would do his best next Winter Olympics, asked them to continue to cheer him on.
Soon, he heard every single message from the stuffed Arrax, responded to every one, except for the last message. He could tell it would be different, because instead of Arrax, it was a stuffed Vhagar, Aemond's favorite dragon character.
In Vhagar was a message, but not from his fans. It was a voice letter from Aemond, telling him that he shouldn't ignore those who support him in fear of those who don't. That he should hold his head tall, that he's done what it took to get to where he was now. That he was proud of little Luke, who rose to the occasion.
When Lucerys entered the rink, it was like he was a different person. The scared, insecure little boy was gone, and there on that rink, was a young man, confident in his craft, in himself.
No one was surprised when he was given the golden medal. They were surprised when he dedicated it to his ex-figure skating pair, Aemond.
After his victory, photos surfaced of him and Aemond dancing in the rink once more.
It needed to be done.
I couldn't keep it to myself. I'm weak to my own fantasies!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
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weakherodiaries · 9 months
Weak Hero: Ep 259 Reaction
"It all started when I lost my mother. No love for myself and no love for another. Finding nothing but questions and devils. Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine. Nothing is fine." - "LAST RESORT", Falling in Reverse
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So after the fiasco with the exam where Baekjin (Donald) was accused of cheating, the school board and the unethical mother of the other student decided forced him to defend himself and so, for their pride's sake, they all had to redo the exam.
Out of sheer pettiness and greed the homeroom teacher accused Baekjin of being ambitious (as in "beyond his station in life" kind of way--what a medieval way of seeing things, Sir) about grades when all that the poor kid wanted was not to let his ailing mom down because she only had him and his good grades to cheer her up.
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The sight of Baekjin really fueled the monsters in the guise of his classmates and they bullied him again. Meanwhile, the other monster who was the homeroom teacher decided to sign his own death warrant by deliberately holding off the news of Baekjin's mom's worsening condition (I think that was it, it was vague) and only told him two days later after she died, even though he knew that Baekjin no longer had a guardian. You see, his douchebag of a stepdad had bolted.
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So two days later there was an abysmal funeral for Baekjin's mom and my guess from past kdramas that I watched, usually the state/ the city government pays for the minimal expenses because the stepdad ran away with his dead wife's insurance money (and may he never find peace in his 10,000 lifetimes).
In a Cossette - like situation (think Les Misérables) Baekjin was once again the illegal janitor of his school while everyone else went on a school trip in nice clothes. To top it off, the bullies found the letters that his mom wrote on the back of his chocolate wrappers and tossed the letters at him like trash.
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And it's no wonder...that Baekjin finally lifted his fist. This is a story of how a villain was born.
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dinossaurz · 6 months
Genre: Bestfriends to lovers, love triangle, romance, idol!fanfic, idol!au, predebut!ateez
Pairing: original character!Shin Ye-Bum, best friend!San
Warning: The AU is generally really fluffy, but by chapter 5 or 6 will have some heavy things to happen (suicide attempts, but nothing detailed) and depression is cited. (If I left something, don't forget to warn me please)
Summary: Where the girl falls in love with one of the friends of her bestfriend;
San falls truly, madly and deeply in love with his bestfriend
Word cont: 0,5k
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Feel that the enough wasn't made for a day full of daily home things was part of her daily life. She woke up early in the morning, just in the first sunlight, and since then, hadn't stopped. It was 7pm when she finally could sit on her couch and turn TV on to watch the newest Rowoon's kdrama.
But, as her mom used to say, happiness isn't long happening, and when she realized, Choi San was entering the house from the front door not even knocking on it before appearing.
"Don't you think you're a little too... bratty for an busy boy?" She asked in a unbothered tone.
"Hi to you too, Bummy." he said, leaving a kiss on the top of her head, a well known gesture, taking his steps to the kitchen.
Choi San is the bestest best friend, they were born and grow together, and were inseparable since then. It's weird when they're not together, even after the professional life takes place, they were still together, even when they had to be settled appart from each other when he had to go to Seoul a year ago.
"Are you staying for the night?" she asked, without taking eyes out of television, paying attention to Rowoon and not to San.
"I'll stay." he answered, sitting by her side, putting his feet on the couch, giving her a soda can and one of her favorite snacks. "Did you made everything you wanted to do?"
When she moved her head negatively, San knew the truth. He knew her long enough to know that she charges herself too much for a 18 year girl.
"Ye-Bum." when he says her name, all her attention was laying on him. San never pronounced her name like this in normal situations, and listen her name out of his mouth felt weird to her ears. "I know that things are not like this to you."
She was now looking at the open can, feeling her eyes watering. Feeling San's look heavier in whatever moves she makes. He touches her arm with his fingertips to call her attention.
"Your mom wants me to move to your place." she skipped her look again, to look at his eyes. She huffed a little.
She knew that, if he lived with her, things would be easier. Ye-bum lived alone for months, and she handled things very well until her classes started last week. They both came from a little town to follow their dreams in Seoul, but he lives with his friends that he met in a music program that he was part of when they decided to live there. And one of her options were live with them.
" Can't I live with you and the boys?" she asked, lower voice tone that usual. San closed his hand softly in her arm, caressing where he held, she looked to where he held and he, as fast as she could think, take the hold away, forgiving by his attitude. "I'm sure mom would love this idea, she likes Seonghwa and Hongjoong."
San laughed softly. And it was the most adorable laugh you ever heard. He gave a slap on her shoulder, laying his head there in a messy way, making her laugh to his guffy attitude.
"I'll talk to her tomorrow, Bunny." he said softly, and then she lay her head on his, relaxing a little, closing eyes to feel the moment. They're always in a total mess, and those soft moments were so weird for both.
But she kinda liked it...
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manawari · 1 year
Cha Hae-in and Choi Jong-In friendship headcanons:
Choi Jong-In was born as the only child of a wealthy family. But ever since dungeons had appeared throughout the country, he was forced to send his family overseas shortly after he was awakened.
He met Hae-in when they bumped into each other on his first day of training. Jong-In had somehow recognized her when he stumbled upon her exercising in the park back when everything was still normal. Though Hae-in was shy and it took a couple more attempts of approaching until she finally warmed up to him.
The more he spent time with the S-Rank woman, Jong-In began to feel what it was like to have a sibling — but he wouldn't admit it openly since he had a "reputation" to maintain.
He watched her back secretly even though he was aware that Hae-in could protect herself. But who could blame him?
Oftentimes, he would crash into her apartment. He had also secretly duplicated her keys so he could come by anytime he wanted since he wouldn't want to see her alone all the time.
Other times Hae-in was used to it, but sometimes she'd jump in surprise if she saw Jong-In making breakfast in the kitchen like he owned the place.
Jong-In actually taught her how to cook certain dishes and made sure to leave leftovers to heat in the microwave in case she came home tired.
Hae-in was the only person Jong-in ranted about Yoon-ho. She even acted as a referee whenever the two argued in front of her.
Jong-in was not fond of kdramas, but thanks to Hae-in's wonderful influence, she got him to watch with her on the couch and had an album specifically for Jong-in's reactions to the scenes.
Jong-in teased her about Jin-woo, saying things like he could be her "perfect match" since she didn't feel weirded out by him. He laughed at her reddened reaction.
He gave her headdresses during her birthdays.
(Bonus! New Timeline)
Jong-in decided to watch a track and field match. However, one of the athletes seemed to steal his attention the most. It was like he had seen her somewhere before than just on the television. He shrugged it off, thinking she must be a stranger he had vaguely come across.
One day, he saw her again. They had bumped into each other after he had entered the cafe while she was about to head out. The young woman instantly apologized, but he reassured her that everything was fine.
She smiled. Like some vague memory deep inside his mind.
The bell behind him dinged and a new person came into his view. The man made his way to her side and Jong-in witnessed their conversation.
"Sorry for being late. I had to help my dad repair the sink." said the young man.
"It's fine. Here, I got you coffee." Cha Hae-in handed him the other cup.
His face lit up. "Thanks."
He brushed the bangs on her forehead before planting a kiss on it. The two linked hands and made their exit to the door.
Jong-in saw the man nod in his direction. A different feeling flushed in, but it quickly ebbed away when he caught the bright expression on the athlete's face. She smiled widely as she walked away with who seemed to be her boyfriend.
An unbeknownst smile formed on his features, somehow feeling glad to see her happy.
Perhaps this won't be his first and last interaction with her.
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middle-eastern-queen · 8 months
The Worst Of Evil Episode 1 notes
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im watching this show and writing about it on my Patreon. Here is my notes for Episode 1:
-wooki walking in in all white like THE KING HE IS
- The gang leader is a…. Celebrity? WHAT?
- ah hes a dj
- ah that was before recruitment
- 1995
- gicheul is smart
- we''re watching his rise
- god i hate all these dumb macho shit
- taking over gangam with drugs lovely
- i need to see wookis face now im bored
- why do all the bad guys and gangs have bats and battons and freaking axes… but no guns? Its so lol
- like ok guns are illegal but smacking someone to death isnt? Lmaooo
- well that was a flop plan… 
- what happened to the fire alarm lmao
- theyre being thrown off a level and still alive… gotta love kdrama logic 
- not a single security in sight loooooooooooooooooooool
- you should have kept your promise booboo
- died with scissors… COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
- the scissor dude is bleeding more than the people stabbed with knives and axes… gotta love kdrama dramatics
- and i guess he lost a friend and lost his soul…an evil was born muhahahahahah…
- a bit cliche but im here for wooki so lets get along
- the plot and dialogue is a bit dumb ngl but its a webdrama so i guess it is what it is
- the audio is pretty dramatic too theyre over doing it with the “stabbing” and “blood” sounds just cause they can now (webdrama freedoms) but its still a bit too much takes you out
- these random kdrama extra girls be truly idiots 
- the kdrama logic here is sending me
- so no one thought of stopping her? Lmaooooooooooooooooo
- i mean the dudes survived a level drop… why cant she lololo
- 34 minutes in and wooki has appeared for a total of 2 minutes in total 
- as per usual, the cops ar USELESS
- “You want me to a bad guy just to catch bad guys”... yall thats his license to kill lmaooo 
- he’ll do the absolute worst things but show a puppy face and we’ll all be like “Awwww my cutie patootie good guy”
- guilt tripping him… lovely
- “im not doing this”... cuts to him sitting in the office ready to accept lmao… in true wooki comedy fashion
- his dads a druggie so theyre judging him… ok i get it
- thats why theyre giving this to him
- why is he both adorable and hot af at the same time? Like genuinely… how does he do it?
- ugh this makes me want to go back and watch Healer and Suspicious Partner and the K2 again
- that was the most not so secret secret hideout that ive ever seen
- uh boo boo your dad being a druggie and you being a smoker… does not help your case lmaoooooo
-the machoness feels so forced help its lowkey funny
- lmao ofcourse japan is the bad guy in a kdrama
- hes smoking like a dog and put asthma as the sick leave reason helpppppppp
- how are they gonna convince him that wooki is a secret long lost cousin oh come onnn
- woooooooooooooooookiiii
- god i missed his badassssssssssssssssssssss-ness
- where did he get the watch
- just cause hes a cousin doesnt mean he should talk the same
- lmao kdrama logic is wild
- omg that last scene thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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I will be posting an in depth episode 1-3 review on patreon later this week, so stay tuned. 
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mikrrokosmos · 27 days
Hi! This is going to sound kind of random, but I am writing a paper about the translation of Korean honorifics in subtitles, and I just saw your post from like a year ago mentioning how "hyung" is translated as "bro" in subtitles. So first off THANK YOU because I have been looking for a good example of that for a while now and I've finally found one thanks to you. Secondly, is there any more you can tell me about how "hyung" is translated as "bro" in "Bloodhounds" (or any other drama)? And, just to clarify, are the characters in "Bloodhounds" related or not related?
Anyway, thanks again, and sorry for the long ask about a show you probably haven't watched in a year.
Hi! Of course I don’t mind talking about it! I’m actually super excited that you asked me about this, as I love linguistics and translations and always find it a fascinating topic.
I feel like I should make a disclaimer that I am not Korean and don’t speak Korean, so everything I know about the language and culture is just from what I’ve observed from watching kdramas and listening to kpop for years. I am open to correction if I get something wrong, and I would suggest checking out the blog @consigliere-vincenzo, as I believe she is/knows Korean and provides translations for dramas! (She’s also just, a really cool blog <3)
(Also, since I don’t know the Hangul alphabet, I will be using the romanized spelling for the translations. Romanized spellings can also differ, and there's no 'correct' spelling for each word!)
Korean, like many other languages like Dutch and Japanese, is a language structured around respect to those around you, largely dependant on age, and is shown with the usage of honorifics. Honorifics like agasshi (refers to a young woman, though you're unsure of her age) and ajusshi (in reference to an older man, usually middle-aged; and ajumma, which is the female equivalent) all showcase respect; and to not use any honorific would come across as rude. (In formal language, suffixes such as -ssi and -nim are used, as well as different words all together, but I won't be touching on those since I don't speak Korean and they are harder to pinpoint!)
Honorifics like oppa, unni, and hyung are a bit different, since they're more affectionate in nature. Oppa is mostly by a woman for their older brother, but can also be used for a boyfriend. Unni would be what a woman would call her older sister, or a sister-like figure/friend. Hyung would be the male equivalent of this; what a man would call his older brother, a close male friend.
To answer your question, the main duo in Bloodhounds (Gunwoo and Woojin) are not related by blood!
In the scene where they are talking in a restaurant and find out each others ages (Netflix won't let me screenshot, but starts approx. 22:10 in ep1, and this is the only gifset I can find) is probably the best scene to illustrate the use of hyung in their dynamic. Before this, we can assume that the characters think they are the same age (in Korea, it is normal for two people who are born in the same year to become friends, since no honorifics based upon age are needed, so a sense of familiarity is immediate). When Gunwoo finds out that Woojin is in fact two years older than him, he apologizes (for not using formal language). Woojin then finds out that Gunwoo's role in the military (when they each did their service, as every able-bodied Korean male is required by law to do) was a higher station than his, he also uses formal language, calling him hyung-nim (if I am hearing correctly, since Netflix is HORRENDOUS for translating honorifics properly). Gunwoo wishes to use 'casual' tone with Woojin and just call him hyung, but Woojin's also using honorifics creates a humorous dynamic, since older men are not required to use such honorifics with those younger than them. This conversation is a great showcase of their characters, and how their different personalities play into how they act around each other (Gunwoo's more reserved and polite persona, and Woojin's more loose and free-willed personality).
It is near impossible to understand this underhanded joke with just the subtitles, as so much gets lost in translation, especially since English is not an honorific-centred language. Unni *does* technically directly translate to 'sister,' and hyung to 'brother,' but it comes across as janky sometimes, since English-speaking people don't casually call each other that (you know that complaint about how it's bad for siblings in books/movies to be like 'hey sis'/'hey bro' since no one talks like that? Yeah.) Shortening the term to 'bro' doesn't really help matters, since I haven't heard anyone use the word 'bro' unironically . . . ever? So what is originally a natural and affectionate word and can carry great meaning depending on context (like if a character was dying, and used hyung in his last moments when he has never referred to a character like that before) easily becomes cheapened with translation. They can also try to subsitute some honorifics with 'sir' (like they do in Bloodhounds), but it kinda carries the same effect.
The usage of the term hyung, or any honorific, can be found in any kdrama ever. A great example I can think of is in The Eighth Sense, which is a BL (BoysLove, which is just a genre of Asian dramas that are queer love stories).
In a scene of The Eighth Sense (at 34:47 in ep2 on Rakuten Viki) Jihyun accidentally calls Jaewon hyung, and not sunbaenim, as he was told to do. Since Jaewon is Jihyun's elder in the club they are both in, it would be more appropriate to be called sunbaenim, which is an honorific for those in an academic or work setting. Using hyung is more intimate, and insinuates a stronger bond of closeness rather than the polite sunbaenim.
I hope I answered your question and was able to elaborate on this properly! I am so sorry I didn't answer this right away, I hope this was helpful! If you have any further questions feel free to ask, and I will do my best to answer as correctly as I can.
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moonlightsapphic · 10 months
getting into this awesome new kdrama called see you in my 19th life and i’ve been losing my MIND screaming into my pillow at the angst and poignance but some part of me is fully flabbergasted watching myself sobbing over this cisheterosexual couple in a kdrama. it’s just so ... 5th grade me. i know now that i’m bi and the continued lgbtq+ erasure in most kdramas feel like pointed straight propaganda in the year of our lord 2023. but you know what there is something so gay about being born again and again (in different genders!!!) looking for love and a home and a happy ending, and then ending up with a handsome soft boyfriend who has never done anything wrong ever who is also a passenger princess that you occasionally must rescue from goons with your mad fighting and critical thinking skills. this is a show for bisexuals change my mind
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folkloresthings · 9 months
Congrats on 1k!! 🌸🌻You deserve it and your writing is amazing, keep up the good work but don't forget to take rests as well ☺️
I'd like to request a Jane eyre if that's alright! I know you have many so take your time😅 a formula 1 driver please!
I'm a 5'3 east Asian born in latin america that moved to the states so I speak 3 languages (Spanish, Chinese, English). I'm almost done studying medicine cus I want to be able to help others and also make my parents proud. I think im definitely someone who enjoys being home but I'm also always down for an adventure outdoors, trying new things and esp new foods.
I like to play games and watch videos (anime, kdramas and YouTube on 1.5x speed cus I have no patience for those or Netflix documentaries) I like just relaxing and listening to music, mainly r&b/ hip hop, or pop punk. I also like to be active but I hate just running, I need to be doing something like weights or playing volleyball, soccer, or skateboarding. I love to bake and cook and also absolutely love animals (I have a cat but I want a dog as well!) My top love language is physical contact (I'd be comfortable in silence as long as we're touching somehow) and while I'm shy around new people I can get pretty silly with people I love and am comfortable around. I'm also always cold and take my loved ones sweaters all the time when I don't have one and they are okay without one
Thank you so much!! And again congrats on 1k 🎉🎉
sweet anon, thank you 🫶
i ship you with: lando norris! he goes weak in the knees when you switch between languages, and stays up at night on duolingo so he can converse with you better. every achievement in your medical career makes him prouder than any podium he’s ever got, and he tells everyone that he can. loves to show you off, but adores nothing more than staying in with you and playing whatever game you want on his console. teaches you to remix your favourite music on his decks, as long as you promise to bake his favourite cookies in return. accidentally not leaves a new sweater every time he has to go away for another race, smelling just like him.
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dangermousie · 3 months
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