sasheneskywalker · 7 months
brudick fic recs
a bird in the hand by wingdingery The first time Clark meets Robin, he’s completely confused about why Batman (Mr. I am vengeance, I am the night, and I work alone) would choose to have a hyperactive neon-colored ten-year-old as his partner in vigilanteism.
Over the next twenty years, he comes to understand clearly what makes Nightwing so special—though the relationship between Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne never gets any less complicated over time.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson & Clark Kent, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne
a painting you could never frame by wingdingery Batman gets hit by a curse that can only be broken by his soulmate. Fortunately, that’s easy enough for Dick to fix.
The only problem is, no one else knows that he’s Bruce’s soulmate—not even Bruce himself.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
when all the walls come down by wormsin This isn't the first time one of them has been dying in the other's arms. But it might be the last. As far as deathbed confessions goes, Dick thinks his is pretty good.
“Once upon a time, there was a kingdom without a King or Queen…”
Or: It takes a building falling on their heads for Dick to tell Bruce how he really feels.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss by ful_crum After Jason’s death, Dick spends more time back at the manor. There are many opportunities for sparring between Bruce and Dick, but it’s only a matter of time until sparring turns into fighting.
Or, what happens when you fistfight your former mentor that you kind of hate and kind of love?
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Happy Acres by Kyele When a seemingly-rehabilitated Dr. Quinzel opens an upscale retreat for couples in crisis, Batman needs to investigate. An undercover mission as Bruce Wayne and partner should do the trick. Unfortunately, his first choice for the mission is unavailable. As is his second. And his third. And -
“What’s more important?” Dick challenges. “Your considerations - or the lives of the people who may be endangered by a delay in getting the truth about Happy Acres?”
Bruce opens his mouth, and then closes it again. He knows the answer to that. He believes the answer to that. He just - he can’t even form the thought. Logically he knows what Dick is suggesting, but it won’t even compute. He has spent too long preventing his mind from ever considering Dick and romance at the same time.
Dick, who doesn’t have Bruce’s feelings, also doesn’t have Bruce’s difficulties. “That’s what I thought,” he says. Despite his victory, he somehow sounds weary. “So get over yourself, and hand me the damn pocket square. I’m your date tonight, and you’d better start getting used to it.”
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Casino Royale by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Boravia’s grand casino, once a hotbed of European crime, has reopened with a high-stakes poker tournament Bruce Wayne suspects may be the work of Roulette. In a country where superheroes are banned, the only way to foil a criminal conspiracy is to enter the tournament as himself, and play his way up to the top.
But not just any card-playing billionaire can get his name on the list. The real price of admission is a lot higher than the two million dollar buy-in. You also need a secret to offer up as your stake. A dirty one. The kind a man like Bruce Wayne would pay dearly to keep quiet.
Enter Dick Grayson.
Though he agrees to accompany Bruce to the tournament in the guise of his illicit lover, to help him fake a blackmail-worthy secret besides the one with masks and capes, Dick's not wild about spending so much time with his old friend in flirtatious playboy mode; but somehow it's harder than expected to watch Bruce direct that legendary charisma at other people, and Dick doesn't quite know why. Over the course of four days, what began as a straightforward undercover job devolves into a messy emotional tangle which forces both men to confront truths they’ve kept hidden for years . . . even from themselves.
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
You are forever in my mind by orphan_account This started off as a simple idea: Bruce installs a new set of cameras in the manor; cameras he doesn't tell anyone about. One night, he accidentally sees something that fundamentally affects him - and the way he looks at Dick.
E | Underage | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
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Daddy by MLFuder
Summary: Occasionally, Dick got the courage to ask why Bruce remained single; why Brucie hadn’t picked up Vicki again or Silver. He teased Bruce about joining Lois and Clark, suggesting neither would mind. Bruce, the bastard, simply looked at him calmly and turned the question around on him with a raised eyebrow. Dick had no answer that wasn’t something along the lines of I’ve been in love with you for more than half my life you fucking idiot and so shrugged and left the man alone.
Casino Royale by ChancellorGriffin
Summary: Boravia’s grand casino, once a hotbed of European crime, has reopened with a high-stakes poker tournament Bruce Wayne suspects may be the work of Roulette. In a country where superheroes are banned, the only way to foil a criminal conspiracy is to enter the tournament as himself, and play his way up to the top. But not just any card-playing billionaire can get his name on the list. The real price of admission is a lot higher than the two million dollar buy-in. You also need a secret to offer up as your stake. A dirty one. The kind a man like Bruce Wayne would pay dearly to keep quiet. Enter Dick Grayson. Though he agrees to accompany Bruce to the tournament in the guise of his illicit lover, to help him fake a blackmail-worthy secret besides the one with masks and capes, Dick's not wild about spending so much time with his old friend in flirtatious playboy mode; but somehow it's harder than expected to watch Bruce direct that legendary charisma at other people, and Dick doesn't quite know why. Over the course of four days, what began as a straightforward undercover job devolves into a messy emotional tangle which forces both men to confront truths they’ve kept hidden for years . . . even from themselves.
When You Say Nothing, You Really Mean Everything by victoriousscraf
Summary: Dick stood in the batcave, watching Bruce hunched over the computer. “So,” he said, because since the night before Bruce hadn't said a word to him. “Are we gonna talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Bruce asked, and his voice was hoarse from screaming.
The Case of the Missing Son by FleetSparrow
Summary: Dick Grayson is a P.I. working in Gotham after a successful clean up of the 'Haven. Unfortunately, Gotham's a bit more corrupt. Still, when Bruce Wayne gives him a case, Dick is determined to solve it, not just for the money, but for Bruce's affections, too. But this case may turn out bigger than he had ever anticipated.
Breathe Gotham by purplefox
Summary: The years change and Dick still loves Gotham and Bruce
Old Dog, New Tricks by McKat
Summary: Dick Grayson somehow ends up in the Batman Beyond world, and he and Bruce come to terms with some things.
Terry is there for moral support, and to help push things along.
Pistols for Two by Antiquity
Summary: Regency AUs inspired by and fused with selected short stories written by Georgette Heyer, as compiled in her book "Pistols for Two".
Gray Areas by Rawrbin
Summary: "There were a lot of gray areas when it came to the law."
Bruce muses on these supposed "gray areas" as he takes on another crime and then celebrates a job well done.
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ao3feed-brucedick · 2 years
Casino Royale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KDX7sNt
by ChancellorGriffin
Boravia’s grand casino, once a hotbed of European crime, has reopened with a high-stakes poker tournament Bruce Wayne suspects may be the work of Roulette. In a country where superheroes are banned, the only way to foil a criminal conspiracy is to enter the tournament as himself, and play his way up to the top.
But not just any card-playing billionaire can get his name on the list. The real price of admission is a lot higher than the two million dollar buy-in. You also need a secret to offer up as your stake. A dirty one. The kind a man like Bruce Wayne would pay dearly to keep quiet.
Enter Dick Grayson.
Though he agrees to accompany Bruce to the tournament in the guise of his illicit lover, to help him fake a blackmail-worthy secret besides the one with masks and capes, Dick's not wild about spending so much time with his old friend in flirtatious playboy mode; but somehow it's harder than expected to watch Bruce direct that legendary charisma at other people, and Dick doesn't quite know why. Over the course of four days, what began as a straightforward undercover job devolves into a messy emotional tangle which forces both men to confront truths they’ve kept hidden for years . . . even from themselves.
Words: 7125, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Original Villains - Character, the vibe of the redshirt bad guys here is basically 'be gay do crime'
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Poker, Gambling, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Undercover, Blackmail, Organized Crime, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, Bruce is bisexual and knows it, Dick is bisexual and DOESN'T know it, First Time, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is Batman, slow burn but only because they are both so hilariously clueless, this fic doubles as a texas hold 'em tutorial for beginners, listen if there ISN'T a bat yacht then there SHOULD be a bat yacht
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KDX7sNt
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
by DearRandall
曾经欧洲犯罪的温床、Boravia的大赌场,现在又重新开放并举办了一场巨注扑克锦标赛,布鲁斯·韦恩怀疑这可能是Roulette*的杰作。在一个禁止超英进入的国家,挫败犯罪阴谋的唯一方法就是以他本身的身份参加比赛,然后凭本事一路赢至第一。 但并不是随便一个玩扑克的亿万富翁都能在名单上找到他的名字。真正的入场费可比 200 万美金的买入费要高得多。而且你还需要献出一个秘密来增加你的筹码。一个肮脏的秘密。一个能让像布鲁斯·韦恩这样的人都愿意付出高昂的代价来掩盖的秘密。 带上迪克·格雷森。 尽管为了帮布鲁斯伪造一个除了那个戴着面具和斗篷的秘密之外的值得勒索的秘密,迪克同意以一个不当的情人的身份陪着他去参加锦标赛,但迪克也没什么兴趣跟他这个处于到处调情的花花公子模式的老朋友一起度过这么多时间;不过出于某种原因,看着布鲁斯把他那出了名的个人魅力指向别人要比预期得还要困难,迪克自己都不太清楚到底是为什么。在这四天的时间里,一切一开始就只是一项简单的卧底工作,结果后来演变成了一场迫使这两个男人不得不直面他们隐藏了多年……甚至是对他们自己都隐藏了多年的现实的情感纠葛。
 翻译已授权 原作为同网站的《Casino Royale》,作者:ChancellorGriffin
Words: 12366, Chapters: 1/9, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Original Villains - Character, the vibe of the redshirt bad guys here is basically 'be gay do crime', Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Roulette
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Poker, Gambling, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Undercover, Blackmail, Organized Crime, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, Bruce is bisexual and knows it, Dick is bisexual and DOESN'T know it, First Time, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Slow Burn, this fic doubles as a texas hold 'em tutorial for beginners, listen if there ISN'T a bat yacht then there SHOULD be a bat yacht, 中文翻译 | Translation in Chinese
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44657053
0 notes
runnersvia240 · 5 years
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Funcional Run Data: 25/11/2019 Horário: 19h 30min Local: via240 em frente o CRÁS. Todas as segundas feiras o grupo de amigos Runners Via240 se reune para fazer fortalecimento e alongamento para corrida. Tudo isso de graça 😃✌️ #CorridaDeRua #runnersvia240 #corridaderuabh #run #instarunner #boravia #boravia #amigosquecorrem #euescolhicorrer #amocorrer #correrecompartilhar #correrfazbem #fortalecimento #funcionaltreino #funcionalrun (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5T68mSnpyT/?igshid=sciu3cqc580d
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ordinarytalk · 4 years
Personal highlights of our last Curse of Strahd d&d session, feat. Glennifer, cleric of Misfortune, and Dibwell, artificer of Gun.
- Glennifer spent basically the entire session getting fucked up on cocaine pie
- When the characters learned they were stuck in Boravia -
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- Our super secret stealth sneak mission in the mysterious church was cut short by Glennifer falling off the ladder to the belltower, grabbing the bell rope on the way down, and ringing the bell loud enough to make all the local werewolves start howling.
- Dib decided to melt down an entire silverware-and-candelabra set to make approximately One Million Silver Bullets
- Glennifer got day drunk with a bunch of locals and was absolutely sloshed out of her mind when they met Strahd for the first time. This is an excellent way to make a first impression on the Big Bad of your campaign.
- Prophetic dreams for everyone!
- All of the main characters are rich kids with absolutely no life skills. No one knows how to cook. Your choices for dinner are Leaf And Stick Soup or cocaine pie.
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gaminghardware0 · 6 years
Count Strahd and creepy vampires arrive in Neverwinter as Ravenloft module launches
Ravenloft is the latest 'module' for Neverwinter, a free action-MMORPG based on the famous Dungeons & Dragons fantasy universe, and it's now available to play on PC.
Players will be called to Barovia to tussle with the dreaded vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich - essentially, the D&D equivalent of Dracula. The campaign will whisk you through the village of Barovia, a Vistani camp, and Castle Ravenloft itself. Ravenloft will serve as a new dungeon, and its master a new endgame boss.
Other additions will include a deck of magical Tarokka cards, which can be unlocked by and wagered upon monster hunts. There is also a meaningful day-night cycle in which the time of day determines monster, loot, and NPC spawns.
For more co-op adventuring at scale, check out the best MMOs on PC.
Ravenloft has a long history in D&D, releasing in 1983 as a module for the game's first ever edition. D&D is currently in its fifth edition, and Ravenloft made a triumphant return to the setting with the Curse of Strahd - an updated, rewritten release of the original module.
In that it was D&D doing gothic horror rather than high fantasy, Ravenloft was always a bit of a tonal shift - officially, Boravia isn't even part of the Forgotten Realms, but rather an extradimensional space known as the Demiplane of Dread.
from https://www.pcgamesn.com/neverwinter/neverwinter-ravenloft-release-date
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ao3feed-brucedick · 11 months
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AfexlcZ
by DearRandall
曾经欧洲犯罪的温床、Boravia的大赌场,现在又重新开放并举办了一场巨注扑克锦标赛,布鲁斯·韦恩怀疑这可能是Roulette*的杰作。在一个禁止超英进入的国家,挫败犯罪阴谋的唯一方法就是以他本身的身份参加比赛,然后凭本事一路赢至第一。 但并不是随便一个玩扑克的亿万富翁都能在名单上找到他的名字。真正的入场费可比 200 万美金的买入费要高得多。而且你还需要献出一个秘密来增加你的筹码。一个肮脏的秘密。一个能让像布鲁斯·韦恩这样的人都愿意付出高昂的代价来掩盖的秘密。 带上迪克·格雷森。 尽管为了帮布鲁斯伪造一个除了那个戴着面具和斗篷的秘密之外的值得勒索的秘密,迪克同意以一个不当的情人的身份陪着他去参加锦标赛,但迪克也没什么兴趣跟他这个处于到处调情的花花公子模式的老朋友一起度过这么多时间;不过出于某种原因,看着布鲁斯把他那出了名的个人魅力指向别人要比预期得还要困难,迪克自己都不太清楚到底是为什么。在这四天的时间里,一切一开始就只是一项简单的卧底工作,结果后来演变成了一场迫使这两个男人不得不直面他们隐藏了多年……甚至是对他们自己都隐藏了多年的现实的情感纠葛。
 翻译已授权 原作为同网站的《Casino Royale》,作者:ChancellorGriffin
Words: 12366, Chapters: 1/9, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Original Villains - Character, the vibe of the redshirt bad guys here is basically 'be gay do crime', Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Roulette
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Poker, Gambling, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Undercover, Blackmail, Organized Crime, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, Bruce is bisexual and knows it, Dick is bisexual and DOESN'T know it, First Time, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Slow Burn, this fic doubles as a texas hold 'em tutorial for beginners, listen if there ISN'T a bat yacht then there SHOULD be a bat yacht, 中文翻译 | Translation in Chinese
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AfexlcZ
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PNtHjek
by DearRandall
曾经欧洲犯罪的温床、Boravia的大赌场,现在又重新开放并举办了一场巨注扑克锦标赛,布鲁斯·韦恩怀疑这可能是Roulette*的杰作。在一个禁止超英进入的国家,挫败犯罪阴谋的唯一方法就是以他本身的身份参加比赛,然后凭本事一路赢至第一。 但并不是随便一个玩扑克的亿万富翁都能在名单上找到他的名字。真正的入场费可比 200 万美金的买入费要高得多。而且你还需要献出一个秘密来增加你的筹码。一个肮脏的秘密。一个能让像布鲁斯·韦恩这样的人都愿意付出高昂的代价来掩盖的秘密。 带上迪克·格雷森。 尽管为了帮布鲁斯伪造一个除了那个戴着面具和斗篷的秘密之外的值得勒索的秘密,迪克同意以一个不当的情人的身份陪着他去参加锦标赛,但迪克也没什么兴趣跟他这个处于到处调情的花花公子模式的老朋友一起度过这么多时间;不过出于某种原因,看着布鲁斯把他那出了名的个人魅力指向别人要比预期得还要困难,迪克自己都不太清楚到底是为什么。在这四天的时间里,一切一开始就只是一项简单的卧底工作,结果后来演变成了一场迫使这两个男人不得不直面他们隐藏了多年……甚至是对他们自己都隐藏了多年的现实的情感纠葛。
 翻译已授权 原作为同网站的《Casino Royale》,作者:ChancellorGriffin
Words: 12366, Chapters: 1/9, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Original Villains - Character, the vibe of the redshirt bad guys here is basically 'be gay do crime', Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Roulette
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Poker, Gambling, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Undercover, Blackmail, Organized Crime, Age Difference, Daddy Kink, Bruce is bisexual and knows it, Dick is bisexual and DOESN'T know it, First Time, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Slow Burn, this fic doubles as a texas hold 'em tutorial for beginners, listen if there ISN'T a bat yacht then there SHOULD be a bat yacht, 中文翻译 | Translation in Chinese
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PNtHjek
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runnersvia240 · 4 years
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Não fique parado 😃 #Corridaderua #amoesporte #amocorrida #brasilrunners #bh #belohorizonte #equipedecorrida #running #euescolhicorrer #RunnerBrasil #runnersvia240 #acordapracorrer #boravia (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4vawPF5vd/?igshid=8qxpg4s0kpl7
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runnersvia240 · 4 years
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Camisa leve e confortável própria para corrida e caminhada. Equipe Runners Via240. A pronta entrega - R$40 #corridaderua #boravia #runnersvia240 #run #correrfazbem (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OjSSeFSjp/?igshid=1awcf3kt978q0
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runnersvia240 · 4 years
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Participe em um de nossos treinos semanais com o grupo de amigos Runners Via240. Horário: 19h 30min Local: Av. Via240 próximo da rotatória com Av.saramenha. Gratuito #corridaderua #boravia #runnersvia240 #amigosquecorrem (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lp_JklHL8/?igshid=l4orq95770ws
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runnersvia240 · 4 years
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2- DIA DESAFIO240K - 11/1 A única pessoa capaz de vencer a preguiça: VOCÊ #desafio240k #corridaderua #boravia #runnersvia240 (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Kj8FfFAsY/?igshid=1blpfxl0z6bjs
0 notes
runnersvia240 · 4 years
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VEM AÍ O 🏃‍♀🏃 PRIMEIRO BORA VIA 2020 Começamos juntos e terminamos juntos, um ajudando o outro. . Não faca caminhada ou corra sozinho, correr com amigos é muito melhor. . 🗓 Data: 02/01/2020 ⏰ Largada: 19h 30min 📍 Encontro: CRÁS - VIA240🏁 ✔ Corrida de 6K . Digite no Google ou Uber ou GPS: Runners Via240 para encontrar o ponto de encontro. . #boravia #runnersvia240 #desafio240k #amigosquecorrem (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zgmgQlYZe/?igshid=71epnhucw61a
0 notes
runnersvia240 · 4 years
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Ponto de Apoio - Via240 Data: 17/12/2019 - Terça-feira Horário: 19h 30min Não corra sozinho, correr ou fazer caminhada com amigos é muito melhor. #boravia #corridaderua #corridasbeaga #equipedecorrida #runnersvia240 #amigosquecorrem #euescolhicorrer #euamocorrer (em Runners Via240 Equipe de corrida de Rua em BH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6MORAlF1IR/?igshid=1inyt6n6fx88c
0 notes
runnersvia240 · 4 years
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Runners Via240 presente na volta noturna da lagoa da Pampulha. #corridaderua #runnersvia240 #boravia #voltanaturna (em Lagoa da Pampulha) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6EdalsF42O/?igshid=1ov6wlzwoed05
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