#bnha is very wish fulfillment-y
argetcross · 6 years
My thoughts aren't very collected but... It's like, why does the narrative allow Natsuo to express anger and leave, but the women of the Todoroki family have to 'wish for a normal family' and just 'move on'? It's frustrating also because Natsuo's anger should have felt more supported and heroic? I want the narrative to stop pussyfooting over how horrifically dysfunctional and abusive the family was. I want Endeavor to crumble under his son's wrath- like I want to feel those hits Natsuo brought up LANDED more? Again I think some of it is like. Public doesn't know. These kids have to advocate for themselves while the 'hero' father is praised to high heaven.
It's hard to articulate, but it feels like for all the talk of atonement, what on earth does that mean? The best thing is still for Endeavor work on being a good hero but to set his children free to exist outside of his crushing influence. It is for Endeavor to come clean to everyone what he did in the past- to stop forcing this hackneyed declarations of family to center around him. HOW ABOUT TODOMAMA GETTING TO LEAVE THE HOSPITAL HUH????
...yeah, I dunno. Frustrated.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
hEWWo merms, i'm just gonna toss my... pitch for an isekai plot here if you don't mind: y/n has always been frail from birth or maybe she's very sick or something and likes reading superhero stories like bnha and maybe even self-insert/reader insert fanfic for wish fulfillment, and then idk something happens and one day she wakes up in the hospital and like bakugou is there and at first she's just like 'omg i read too much fanfiction i must be dreaming now' and bakugou says like 'yadda yadda yadda you fucking idiot why'd you go do some hero shit alone' and y/n just goes along with it because this is a dream right and yeah sure she could be a pro-hero in a dream world.... but then the 'dream' keeps going and she gets discharged from the hospital and eventually goes 'wait why is the dream not ending what's going on' and she's expected to go back to work as a PRO-HERO and she doesn't know what to do or maybe even what her quirk is supposed to be and she has to look 'herself' up to try and figure it out. all the while, bakugou and possibly even deku are like 'something very strange is going on with y/n' at this point i think either y/n (since she was sickly in the real world) would try to own the pro-hero life she's inherited- tho when i first thought this up i thought it'd be interesting if she quit because she finds out being a pro-hero is actually very scary when faced with some situations and y/n is not emotionally equipped to handle it/doesn't really know how to use her quirk and bakugou starts banging down her door and demanding to know why she quit like a loser or deku showing up and trying to ask what's wrong because she's been acting strange. maybe she'd try to quit after her first foray if something went wrong and she doubts if she can be a pro-hero at all... i'm unsure ANYWAY I'M SORRY FOR RAMBLING SO MUCH ABOUT THIS I JUST WANTED TO SHARE. ;;;;
NAHHHHH Stell!!!!! You gotta write this wtf, it’s so GOOD. 😭 Omg, imagine the angst LMFAO. ALSO???? “quit like a loser” BAKUGOU!!!! BAD!!!!! and omg, like—could you imagine Deku going into his tunnel-vision I have to save them mode??? He’d be so concerned. 😭 And both of them, watching Y/N flounder in a life she used to be so incredible in—the suspicion!!!!!!! the panic attack Y/N would have??? bc im telling you now, Stell, if it were me and I suddenly woke up in a life where i was expected to like, idk, lift buildings off of school buses full of children or an old folks home or whatever i would just simply lay down and die LMAO. lkdjflksdjlskdfr. i’d wait for my dreams to take me back home. 😌✨ not ONE THING could convince me to stay and play in a league where people regularly get thrown into buildings or fried to a crisp!!!!!!!!! i just simply would not. Bakugou himself could pound on my door demanding answers and i would simply pretend i can’t hear him <3 what pro-hero career??? what world filled with quirks????? idk what you’re talking about bestie, but i write fanfiction and mind my own damn business <333 ESPECIALLY!!!!! especially if our Y/N was like, so poorly beforehand. 🥺 Like nah girlie—don’t play their game!!! run free!!!!!!!!! take that new health and BOLT, LOL. sdlkjflksdjfklsfdg. (this is the literal opposite of what you were going for i know, LOL, im sorry stell sdljlksdfhjlksdj).
me n Cat were talking about isekais and i was like, “isekais are a form of horror” and honestly i stand by that LMAO, like, omg. the nightmare of waking up and having like, idk, people depend on you for their very lives……. no thank-you <3 not even the most beloved of anime boyfriends could convince me to square up to that. :’)
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saying all that, i’d be curious as to how you’d end it, Stell. 🥺 Like… does your Y/N grow into herself and her new life and new responsibilities???? Is it her life forever, now?????? Does it get taken away from her???????????? This is why I’m sticking by my isekai=horror take, like, idk—imagine being all, “okay… okay this is fine, everything is fine” and like, adjusting to your new life and getting to enjoy it and learn to be good at it, to love your new relationships—to watch yourself grow—and then you wake back up in bed, in the real world. :’))))))))))))))
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class1akids · 3 years
i once saw a whole meta about how 'deku doing things alone is unfairly framed as a flaw by the narrative because why would he rely on adults when they've disappointed him at every turn'
and i couldn't help but think that the meta pointed out a whole other flaw in the series, re how many characters look like they're not doing anything because they're never given the tools.
like mha is one of few shounens where there have been very few non school based arcs where the adults have not tried their bests in the given situation (except like... native in stain arc and those dumbos with the sludge villain). the adults in bnha are not unreliable, they're just never given the tools to "go beyond" in the same way deku is. hell, not just the adults, pretty much everyone outside of deku/all might is not given that chance.
aizawa has been repeatedly injured very severely, to the point of losing a limb and an eye, put in hellish situations, and ive seen people claiming that deku watching him go down after keeping like 74534 villains at bay at USJ was a case of 'seeing heroes fail'. Just because aizawa or hawks or whoever are not given the safety net of new mc power up to get out of situations doesn't make them any less heroic, doesn't mean they're trying any less.
yet there's this widespread belief in the fandom that the adults/other characters are 'useless' and that deku 'curbstomps' everyone, that they're 'holding him back', all because, despite everyone contributing their very bests, deku is the one with the generations running power with 50 hidden level up abilities that lets him go rage mode and look cool and take people down.
100% is not enough? no problem you can go 1000000% now
100% is not enough again? no problem here's convenient time girl who lets you briefly turn into saitama at no personal loss
1 quirk not enough? here's another and another and another
oh you're mad an want to keep fighting despite your slushy limbs? look you can fight in an entirely different plane this quirk conveniently has
and i love izuku a lot as a character. he's very lovable. that's the whole point of him. he's a relatable, shy nerd who's been treated badly by others but retained his kindness and now gets the chance to prove himself. he's likeable because he's never made any real mistake/hard decision that could put you off on him. even the usual abrasive parts of a shounen mc are stripped away from him. he's like... perfect. he's the perfect fanservice character to project on and to root for. and there are large chunks of the fandom who are so into that "lone mistreated wolf shows everyone up badass mc" trope and don't care about what that does to a story from a writing standpoint.
and maybe it's just me, but that feels so juvenile and wish fulfillment-y to me. maybe i shouldn't be reading a shounen lol
Yeah, I agree. It’s utterly unsatisfying and that’s why I’m so mad at where OFA went in JTA, because it used to be different. Deku felt like a character who struggled, a character who honed his power and tried to tease the maximum out of it.  It used to feel like there were stakes. Now it’s just like - he pops out a new quirk on a weekly basis and masters it instantaneously.
But also, to me it honestly felt like that any other character could have done what Deku did, given a chance at having OFA. Now we know it’s not true, but even then it’s just a genetic thing - something Deku was born with, like people are born with eye colors and hair colors. So all that praise just feels bizarre to me. 
Deku’s overly perfection and endless plot armor just makes him a very difficult character to enjoy at this point to me. 
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simple-heroics · 4 years
Momo Yaoyorozu Fluff Alphabet | Part 2 | Letters M-Z
 Guys, I love her so much. This took awhile to finish but here it is! Read Part 1 here.
credit to creator of the fluff alphabet prompt list here
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Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
In a word…yes.
However, Momo never dreamed of marriage as a little girl nor did she ever feel like she needed marriage - or any relationship - to be happy. She has her family, friends, a fulfilling career, tea, and other passions (i.e advocacy, fundraising, etc.) to keep her busy. 
Momo doesn’t date to get married or because she’s lonely or needs another person to feel complete. She dates you because she loves you. She marries you because she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. (Oh, and the legal benefits. One of which is that threats against spouses of various federal employees is a federal crime. Including pro heroes. Don’t fuck with Creati’s baby :) :)  She will use every possible way to ruin a person’s life forever if they come after you.)
Basically, YOU make HER want to get married. And you bet your ass she’s gonna put a ring on that.
Forget about “stimulating the economy” and that trickle down economics bull shit. Momo is making your ring - a symbol of YOUR LOVE - herself, and only the best of the best for you. She spends hours researching designs, meanings of various gemstones, the durability of metals. All the “samples” she makes are a small fortune in and of herself.
When she proposes, Momo takes you to a botanical garden - the same one you both went to on one of your first dates. Literally rents the entire place out. While you walk around, you start to get nostalgic just as she hoped and reminisce. 
Holding your hands, Momo talks about the first time she saw you, her favorite memories, how you’ve made her so happy. She tells you how you’ve changed her and helped her grow as a person, how everyday has been such a blessing.
Then she makes the ring, right then and there, for you. Softly, reverently, she asks, “Can we spend the rest of our days together like this?”
Marriage actually makes Momo much more comfortable with PDA. Whereas before she would only go as far holding your hand, now she presses loving kisses to your face and strokes your hair and is in general at least 20% more touchy. Marriage gives her a sense of security and - in a weird way - “propriety”. It’s one thing to lovey dovey with a datemate in public; it’s another to be affectionate with one’s spouse.
Oh, yeah. She loves the sound of it. Whenever your name comes up, it’s always “my spouse, y/n” or “y/n, my spouse”. It just makes her so giddy to say.
The feeling’s mutual of course. Anytime Creati is on TV, kicking ass or looking so pristine in an interview, you’re like:
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Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Momo is full of sweet, doting nicknames: darling, my love, dear, dearest, beloved. These are usually accompanied by a kiss on your hand or temple. 
All in private, though. You’d have to take her by surprise with a sudden visit to the office or it’d have to be an intensely emotional situation for Momo to call you those sweet names in public.
But Momo doesn’t need to call you a pet name in public for people to know who you are to her. Just the soft, almost reverent way she says your name - practically cooing it - says it all. Everyone knows that you’re her darling even if she doesn’t outright call you it in public.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Okay, so this is gonna be a little contradictory but…I see Momo as being both the most relaxed she’s ever been in her life and more focused than she’s ever been before.
You teach her that it’s okay to be herself and not this image of her “best self” she always has in her head. You make her feel safe enough to be let go of her perfectionism and accept her enough that she gradually drops one insecurity after another. She can be messy around you. She can be loud or quiet or giggly or grouchy or literally anything else. She’s just Momo with you.
Finally with some kind of outlet, the explicit permission to be free, it’s like watching an entire lifetime of tension slip away. 
But….because you make her feel this, so happy and light and free, Momo is overwhelmed with gratitude and love that it kind of kicks itself in reverse. She has to be absolutely perfect for you.
And it can become a cycle. Not a great one, either. So please keep in check with each other and help balance yourselves out. Please. She just wants to make you the happiest person on earth which - in her view - is hard because you already do that for her.
Like I briefly touched on above and will even more so below, it’s Very Clear that Momo Yaoyorozu is in love. People who have known her for years have never seen her happier nor have her own colleagues ever seen her so…intense.
Because Momo has a very solid, very real reason to make it through missions waiting for her at home. She has a precious person to make the world a safer place for now. She was absolutely dedicated before but now? Now it’s personal.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Given Momo’s upbringing, the answer to most of these is no. Definitely not. Not only is Momo shy about PDA but she was taught that doing so is disrespectful to people around you and even your significant other. Japanese etiquette only affirms this. The most you can expect from your girl is holding hands or linking arms while you walk around.
That doesn’t mean Momo stops touching you in public. In fact, sometimes it’s like she can’t keep her hands off you but her affection is expressed in small, subtle touches disguised as helpful gestures.
Tucking your hair behind your ear, straightening your collar, dabbing the corner of your mouth, brushing imaginary lint off your shoulder. 
As for bragging…Momo doesn’t necessarily “brag” about you. But she does talk about you. A lot.
Out with a friend? “S/o said hi!” Doing paperwork? “S/o got me this pen.” Eating dinner with a colleague? “I should bring s/o here.”
Momo absolutely adores you. Even though she doesn’t go shouting this to the word, it shines in the little things.
The biggest giveaway? The way she looks at you with those bright, shining gray eyes. 
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship. I just love this prompt for BNHA imagines.
Momo has a lot of secret talents that you’re always discovering at random. Her parents put a lot of thought and care into their only daughter’s upbringing, especially her education, and it shows. Your favorite so far?
Her dancing.
And it’s not like Ashido’s dancing or really many people your age. I am talking classical ballroom, mostly for the sake of those fancy banquets and soirees that the Yaoyorozus often attended. Momo knows how to elegantly through a ballroom as well as she does in the field. 
But that’s not what you’re interested in. It’s the quiet, private part of your lives where’s it’s just the two of you in your home. No one else, no demanding tasks, no where to be. Just you and some lo-fi music.
Momo will gently take you in her arms and sway you around the room. And this is where you see her at her most relax, taking one of those skills hammered into her from a young age and just…letting go of all the rules. She makes it her own and just moves fluidly to the music, taking her with you.
Catch me when I swoon.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Extremely romantic! Didn’t I tell you that she’s doting? And affectionate? And absolutely mesmerized by you?
And looord, does she know how to treat you.
As she grew up without want for any tangible object in the world, Momo is not a gift giver. Love, to her, is expressed in the time you spend with a person. This leads to fun weekend trips, surprise visits on lunch breaks, concerts, you name it. 
Momo always finds a way of incorporating a little personal touch into the most cliché of clichés and making them entirely your own thing.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
You have been nothing but supportive of her pro hero career - one that demands so much from Momo and by extension your relationship with her. And Momo is READY to support you in any way she can.
This girl legit researches and creates an entire long term plan on how you can achieve your goal, whatever it may be. School-related? Hello, Momo-sensei. Fitness goal? She goes to the gym and exercise with you, encouraging you the entire way. Artistic goal? Oh, what a coincidence. That random gallery owner happens to be a friend of her mother’s!
You maaaay have to pace her a little bit. She believes in you wholeheartedly but needs to be reminded that they’re your goals and you’re the one working towards them. Not necessarily you and your enthusiastic girlfriend. 
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Momo has a high risk job where people’s very lives are at stake. For god’s sake, she was thrown headfirst into danger in her first two weeks of high school with USJ incident and it’s just been one thing after another ever since.
Give her a routine. Give her that calming domestic bliss. 
Seriously. It’s crucial for your relationship and Momo’s own mental health that she has some sort of routine with you. Routine is comforting; routine provides a sense of security and safety. For that, Momo sets some serious boundaries between her personal life - with you specifically - and work. 
You won’t be going on skydiving dates or anything with Momo. But you will wish each other good night every night, whether you’re in each other’s arms in bed or phone when she’s away or even just text if she’s on a stakeout. It’s these little, consistent things that make your relationships so strong.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Part of the way Momo shows her love is learning you and everything about you. She’s spent hours dedicated to studying and now she studies you. It’s likely that she knows you better than you know yourself.
She knows everything about you: your favorite food, your hobbies, your goals, where you were born, who your best friend in high school was, everything. 
She collects every piece of information about you, always listening and observing, and holds it close to her heart.
That said…and don’t hate me for this…but Momo isn’t the most empathetic person. Of course she’s kind and caring and an overall lovely person. But she is a person who follows things by steps, who uses logical thinking to predict people. Sometimes she gets so wrapped up in her line of thinking that she…misses out on the emotional side. 
You’re probably the more empathetic person in this relationship, trusting your instincts and just letting yourself feel out situations while Momo tries to think her way through them. Both have their pros and cons, and it honestly teaches each of you a lot about each other.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Momo’s a busy woman. If she takes the time and energy to not only enter but maintain a relationship with you, you mean the absolute world to her.
And she reminds you of that every. single. day.
However…Momo is a selfless person. She gives a lot in the relationship and to you but to her, it’s not a necessity (close, though) but an indulgence. She sees herself as selfish for keeping you in her life, ever aware of the dangers of dating a high-ranking pro hero. She sometimes thinks of herself as selfish by staying with you, loving you, as she does.
Her worst fear is that you’ll suffer for her “selfishness” or be used against her in some way. Or worse still…that she’ll be forced into a situation where she’ll have to choose between you and her duty as a hero, between saving you or the public.
Even Momo doesn’t know which she would choose. She prays she’s never, ever put in the situation where she would have to make such a terrible choice.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
You know that one cool couple who is always hosting fun get-togethers with friends? Like, there are all of these monthly hang outs and yearly traditions that literally everyone in the squad looks forward to every year?
That’s you guys. 
Momo LOVES playing hostess and you know how to have fun. Seriously, you’ve expanded Momo’s world beyond posh banquets and afternoon tea and she adores you for it. You host regular hot pots. Movie nights. Brunches. Beach days. White elephant parties. Every year there’s a cake baking competition with a golden whisk as the prize along with a full 365 days of bragging rights. (Bakugo, who didn’t even want to come, won it last year and will die before giving it up. Nobody cares who wins the golden whisk next year as long as it’s not that gremlin.)
Y’all know how to throw a party.
Probably of one the best things about this relationship is that you’re not in a “couple only” bubble. You cherish your other relationships, and it shows in how you often include others in your lives. :)
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Doting. Doting is the exact word that comes to mind when I think of Momo and affection. Almost immediately after meeting you, Momo was just so achingly fond of you and those feelings simmered for loooong while before the confession finally happened.
Now she just can’t help herself.
If she’s not playing with your hair, she kissing your fingers. If she’s not doing that, she’s hugging you. If it isn’t a hug, it’s a full on cuddle session where she kisses your face and holds your hand and murmurs sweet affections and -
Yeah. Momo restrains herself in public to subtle, sweet gestures but once your alone? She makes up for lost time.
Her favorite is leaving soft, delicate kisses on your temple after tucking your hair behind your ear and whispering how much she adores you.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Momo keeps incredibly focused and on task at work. But as soon as it gets quiet and she’s alone…she yearns. She pines. She sighs. And she video chats you.
She does a very good job of staying in touch and communicating when you’re separated for any reason. Like I mentioned above, Momo always wishes you good night. And good morning. No matter what. 
Please send Momo encouraging texts throughout her long, hard day. Please send her cute pictures. Please tell her love just because and tell her you can’t wait to see her again. It’s those little things that get her through missing you.
On a more angsty note…Momo worries about you. A lot. She has actual nightmares about something bad happening to you - being held hostage for ransom, a villain looking to get revenge against Creati, you getting caught up in a random public attack and her being unable to save you. These nightmares are at their worst when she’s away from you. The longer the separation, the more vivid and terrible they are. There have been times that she’s called you in the middle of the night just to hear your voice - the only thing that can calm her pounding heart and soothe her enough to go back to sleep. 
So while she keeps in close constant because she does miss you a lot, Momo also does so to give herself some peace of mind. She needs to know you’re okay.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Y E S. Oh, my god, yes. Momo would do anything for you.
Sometimes, it honestly scares Momo how much she would do for you. She’s always been a dedicated person, a true perfectionist that approaches everything with well thought out strategy. She does things by steps. She’s the woman with a plan. 
Then you came along and her whole universe imploded, forming a whole new one in the dust of her past and creating something new and unfamiliar and beautiful and terrifying.
So much so that even Momo doesn’t know her own limits anymore - not when it comes to you. She had lines before, boundaries, places she would not go. But with you? God only knows what she wouldn’t do for you.
Momo doesn’t like to linger too long on what kind of incredible, possibly terrible things she would do for you if pushed. But she promises herself that she’ll do everything in her power to keep it from coming to that.
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Horns | “I’m not sure if I should be scared or intrigued…”
@bnha-halloween2019  | Day [9]: [ Horns | “I’m not sure if I should be scared or intrigued…”] / [Demon!Aizawa Shouta X Reader] | [Mature] | [Yandere]
With a loud gasp, you felt the strain as your arms got turned back, forcing you to kneel under the pressure. Scared, your head snapped upwards again, trying to find out what was going on and where you were, but in a matter of stomach-turning seconds, you wished you hadn’t looked up.
You could hardly discern what was scarier: The seemingly hollow, coated guards that held you in place with an inhuman strength or the monster sitting right before you, close enough you could have kissed his boot if he had stretched out a little bit. His form was that of a human, but from his eyes - which might be black holes if only you looked long enough into them - to the long, curved horns on top of his pitch-black hair, it was nothing even remotely close to that.
He sighed, an alluring, tired sound to your ears, holding his head up with one hand while he focused his gaze on you. The tip of his shoe hooked under your chin, lifting it up. With the strain on your arms and back, it was almost impossible to lift your chin as high as he wanted, but you did your best to comply. After all, it was you who wanted something from him. It was definitely better to be on his good side.
“Another human. This is getting boring,” he lamented. His voice was so smooth it made you almost feel safe if not for the fact that he looked at you with this hollow eyes. “What could you want to inquire? Humor me,” the demon of this realm asked. For a long, long time, you had prepared for this moment, knowing all to well how to fulfill this ritual and get out of here in one piece.
But at the moment that you needed your voice the most, it told on you, revealing the fear that shook through your body. “I- I-” you stuttered, trying to form a coherent sentence, but the words would not come out. “Yes, you. Just like all the other humans, always so greedy.”
His legs opened up, the enormous figure standing up from his throne. He let go of your chin, your body plummeting to the floor again with the tension on your back. Every step he took downwards, you felt the ground beneath you move away. As if it was making space for him, and you stared on in horror as the distance build, fearing that your ritual would go wrong if you didn’t speak up now.
“W-Wait! I… I inquire about a deal! I want to make a deal!”
“Oh?” he mused, and suddenly, he was so close again, your face was almost caught in his black robe on the ground. “Tell me,” he purred, squatting down and brushing his talon-like fingers over your face, some strands of hair getting tangled in them. But you didn’t care. Or at least, tried to ignore the pain of the tug on your skin, taking deep breaths to calm you down. Even though you were shivering, now with his presence so close, even touching you - a demon, the embodiment of evil - this time, you could keep your calm, staying coherent.
“I want to be successful! To support my family! I just want to be good enough so they can live a good life!” you announced, suddenly feeling very embarrassed by the fact that you really must seem like a greedy human now.
“How lovely, little Kitten,” he chuckled, patting your head a little more, and you had to desperately realize that he wasn’t really treating you as an equal, more like an animal. “What do I get if I help you be more successful?”
You swallowed hard, feeling the moment of truth coming near. Suddenly, all the excellent options you had thought about before didn’t come to mind anymore. In a panic, you stumbled over your words, blurting out the first thing you could think of. “Anything! Anything you want! I can give you part of my money, I can bring you a h-heart or something? I can even become your pet!”
Looking back into his pitch-black eyes, for a small moment, you thought you’d seen a spark gleam up in them. Like a flickering fire starting in the endless pits he called his eyes. “Oh, Kitten. I am not sure if I should be scared or intrigued,” he laughed, a sound that ran shivers down your spine. All of a sudden, the strain on your arms and back disappeared, your torso plummeting with its own weight into the ground, and a small ‘Ouf’ escaping you.
But you didn’t have the time to dwell on the floor, his one hand clasping under your throat, pulling you up. His face so close to his, you could feel his lips brush against yours as he talked while you struggled for air and halt. “I don’t need a human to keep me company. In fact, I want nothing more than being left alone. But for you-” His second hand came up, brushing a fallen strand of hair behind your ear again, while he inspected your trembling expression. “-I’ll make an exception!” A big smile crept on his lips before he closed them, kissing you without any restrains.
His hand kept you from flinching away, and his teeth grazed your lips, ripping them open with how sharp they were. But all you could do was accept his tongue - much too long, much to split to be human - twirling yours inside of your mouth, something unnatural, breathtaking slipping in with his salvia. Once he finally pulled away, you were left to cough, a hot, anguishing thing slipping down your throat and being taken in by your body. All you could think of was that this must have been something to bind you to him, something inhuman that he made you swallow to mark your deal. And as if he knew what you were thinking, he spoke up, confirming your idea.
“It’s a deal then,” he announced with another toothy, wide grin. “I’ll make you successful, and you-”
He leaned down, his hands grasping yours and pulling you up without any hesitation or care. Sooner than what you had preferred, you were pressed tightly against him, your spine arching as he leaned forward with you, towering over you. “-you’ll be my lovely pet~ Won’t you, Kitten?”
“Y-Yes, Sir,” you managed to stammer, gripping into his robes in an effort to keep you from falling. Not like he would have let go of you, but by how far you were leaning back, it was more of an instinct. “Oh, please,” he muttered.
“It’s Shouta for you, Kitten. From now on, don’t you dare waste my time if you want this deal to be successful. Understood?”
You started with a very vague nod, eventually picking up some speed to emphasize it.
“I understand, Shouta.”
“Good, Kitten.”
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