american-boyboss · 11 months
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gntlmn1 · 8 months
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Unless you have the money for it.
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21threjectedsoul · 4 months
As an autistic male, I just don't see how a person would be able to truly love me romantically and the more I study about blackpill, the more I understand this is impossible to happen.
I'm unable of behaving like the male provider that women look for, I can't read all the lines they expect me to, I'm not visually attractive enough for a woman to feel genuine attraction for me and it's not enough to hold any of them even if I'd had anyone interested I'm being very carefully in this " attractive enough" 'cause even though I'm a normie-ish, I'm still stuck in this uncanny valley , I'm not even mentioning my most personal problems, let alone that
It's not a question of self development or improvement, I'm biologically UNABLE to be any of this or do any of this because I'm made this way, saying I'm not trying to improve pisses me off 'cause I've already tried my best for so long and it never gave me anything other than pain
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nonbinarypolitics · 1 year
People seem to misread my URL. It is not a declaration that I am a “nonbinary” person, in the gender sense. It is a total revocation of the “binary” between the Left and the Right. See, from my understanding most people see this binary as “People who want less government control over people’s lives” and “People who want more control over people’s lives” but this is a false dynamic created and sustained by the very government system that perpetuates itself. Sure, there are various degrees, on both sides, to the application of said power or control. You may be a “leftist” that believes the government should back off and have entirely no control or say in the abortion debate. You can be a “righty” in that you believe that the police should have more resources because they protect the innocent. The flaw in both these beliefs, is the reliance on a Government controlled body to meet out your desired goals. Anarchists believe simply that we don’t need the government, in the sense that communities can agree to carry out actions that the government has specifically tried to make us believe only they are capable of making. You can decide for yourself how to conduct your life, rather than turn to some vague power to force that belief on everyone else. You could, for example, make a deal with your neighbor, to trade your home grown green peppers for their chicken eggs. No one outside you two humans and your families should know such a trade had taken place. Why have we submitted to this system where we’re watched constantly, viewed through 1000 different cameras or monitoring systems as we go about our normal lives, just for the small chance that we gain some security or safety from threats? This vast system that has been created monitors you, collects every scrap of information about you, even if you specifically try to conceal yourself, if you avoid, and this is a very specific example mind, anything related to Google, you never install their browser, you never use their search engine, you do your absolute very best to stay out of their “view”? Whoops your friend posted a picture of the two of you on Facebook from his Google Chrome™ browser. Google creates a negative image of you, from every avenue it can, even if you never directly interact with it or its subsidiary’s. It knows you, because other people talk about you. I’ve gone a little off topic, but I’m trying to point out that nothing is safe, we are all in terrible danger. Guard yourself from falling into the false binaries that exist. The only true binary is the Rich and Powerful, and the rest of us. Research, learn, question, we must resist as much as we are able. Don’t fall for it, reject the true oppressors.
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daffodilhorizon · 6 months
i like to have something for everyone that stops by. Sugar water for the hummingbirds and wasps, bird feed for the little birds, water for bugs and birds, shelled peanuts for the bigger birds and squirrels. Everyone seems healthy and happy today, i fed them twice this morning already. The squirrels have to cross the street to get to me. I worry about it constantly. I feel my heart in my throat when i hear a car. I've started placing an entire bowlful of peanuts on the other side of the street every morning, to dissuade this journey.
Because too many times, i worriedly check outside and see a car not even slowing while an animal friend is trying to cross. EVERYONE I CARE FOR IS FINE. But seeing this twice in one day completely fucking broke me. It's easy to make excuses for carnists sometimes, like "they are conditioned... they aren't seeing the real pain" but when someone sees an animal on the road and doesn't even slow down, they are directly choosing not to care. In zero of those cases, were there any dangers of slowing or swerving, there were no other cars on the road. The only reason not to slow down was because they didn't care at all if an animal lived or died due to their actions. There was literally not even a personal benefit to killing this time. Yet they didn't care. I've been crying a lot off and on. I feel completely hopeless. People literally won't even lift their foot slightly from the gas pedal to save a sweet little creature that's just trying to cross the street. There's no way we will fix any problems in the world if this is the level of empathy we're dealing with from the average person. Holy shit. Forget dealing with big stuff like decolonization or climate change. We can't even get people to stop littering or take one small action to save a completely innocent animal's life. Also everyone who is a "leftist" who isn't vegan, lmao no you aren't. You are willing to subject humans to traumatizing work just so you don't have to kill an animal yourself, when you could subsist of plants just fine (and most likely be healthier, according to the world health organization!), while paying for a completely innocent being who has thoughts and feelings to be raised in torturous conditions and then die just for you. Walk the fucking talk or get the fuck out.
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zoomvis · 4 months
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None of these words are in the bible.
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asocial-loony · 1 year
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gez's song covers are just soooo...
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tyrannus555 · 3 months
How to avoid being metoo
Do this when a woman approaches you, women are terrible. And they want to be victims. MGTOW
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imsooooorrrrysorry · 1 year
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researchincpda · 8 months
Looking for anon volunteers from the incel community to participate in research study exploring personality characteristics, attitudes, and incel identity.
📍Please support by reposting where possible.
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Warning : Suicide, it Doesn't Stop The Pain, it Only Kill's, The Body !
Proof, That . . . Death Stop's, No Pain !
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The Blackpill Flag
represents the transition from blue pill, through red pill, to black pill. 
You can only deal with the world when you face its harsh realities.
You must face the truth. 
Only then does the struggle really begin.
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21threjectedsoul · 2 months
Yknow what? I was 'bout to say something really misogynistic but there's still a part of me who doesn't fully believe in my reasons to having this hatred
It's not that I care about what people would think, I just can't say something I don't fully agree even if it's 99%—
What the fuck? I was adding tags about mysogyny and for some damn reason there's a KINK about mysogyny???
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Holy fucking fuck. Yknow what else does it reminds me? I was scrolling through incels.is and I found a post pointing out about a hella big subreddit about RAPE KINK and most of the posts I saw were about women fantasizing about being brutally raped. I-what the fuck is wrong with women?
Yknow what else it reminds me? Most violent porn is consumed by women. Goddamn it, sometimes I think I'm just overreacting or going too far whenever I think about blackpill but it only ends up being proved again and again
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aarontoyne-blog · 1 year
Okay so, I’ve been a huge fan of Andrew Callaghan for quite some time now, so when the news came out that he was allegedly a sexual predator i was pretty devastated. Honestly there is a major lack of male role models on the internet at the moment and he has been one of my major inspirations recently. I think that the work he is doing in the field of journalism is so important in a world where media is almost entirely dominated by corporate punditry and wholesale distribution of ignorance. 
 To be honest, as soon as i heard the news i knew instantly that regardless of the facts, his reputation would take a major hit given the demographic of people that tend to watch his content. The thing that has been pissing me off about the situation is the way in which this whole saga has been covered by the main progressive political personalities on the internet (Hasan, Vaush, h3 etc.) It has become so clear to me that there are certain issues in modern day politics that bring out the worst in both progressives and conservatives. What i mean by this is the tendency to fucking switch off your brain and generate your opinion as if you were solving a maths problem. If you are a young man with some conservative tendancies, your reaction will almost always be “he didn’t rape anyone, she said yes how can she be complaining after the fact”, and ultimately ignore that there is anything wrong with the action. On the other side of the debate i saw a video of Ethan Klein having to justify to his audience the claim that he didn’t want Andrew to commit suicide, a comment that instantly had people calling him out for “playing defence for a sexual predator”. Then you have Vaush and Hasan both so clearly reading from the fucking progressive handbook “what we say online when someone is accused of SA”. I understand the logic and i dont think that any of these guys have anything other than good intentions with thier positions but i think that its undeniable that, either directly or inadvertantly, they are influencing a whole generation of young progressive people not to think deeply about something before making a judgement. None of them will say it that way, and to be honest they always have something to say in response to a criticism like this, but to me it seems like they are so wrapped up in their ideology that they dont even know that this a habit/trend pretty consistently throughout their coverage.
The reason i think that this is important is that i see this so consistently in political analysis both in the large corporations and also the internet personalities that discuss it as a part of thier content ( which seems to be every fucking person with a platform these days). We are getting more and more devisive politically and it’s making me really pesimistic about the state of the world. I’m honestly as progressive as they come politically, but i keep getting this feeling that progressive politics doesn’t actually have the product that its selling. Most of the time it is people in a position of genuine priveledge trying to dunk on someone less educated than them to satisfy a level of moral superiority that we dont like to talk about but is almost always there if we are really honest with ourselves. This is not to say that i think those guys are having a negative effect with their content, i really do agree the the majority of their political takes, i just think that this is a major problem that is not adressed enough. 
I dont really know what the answer is and to be honest, i don’t see this as getting better any time soon, because even if youve got the best intentions and a progressive world view, sympathy for people on the other side of the political spectrum and real, deep analysis and thought is seen as being obstructive and centerist or contrarian. Maybe i’m just thinking too much :9 
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Death Front - leukemia
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elliotrogder · 1 year
“betabux” is men projecting their life goals onto women. men want to have sex with a bunch of women when young and then settle down with a betafemale when old
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