coastalraccoon · 3 months
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[ID: Digital drawn headshots of multiple characters from warrior cats, all described to be black cats. Each cat is labeled with their name. On the top, from left to right: Blackclaw, looking angrily to the right, Breezepelt, screeching at someone to the left, Nightcloud, softly smiling and looking to the right, and Nightstar, smiling with raised brows, looking forward. On the bottom: Hollyleaf, yelling angrily while looking upward, Reedwhisker, looking with furrowed brows to the left, Leopardfoot, scowling at something to the left, and Shadowstar, staring blankly ahead of her. End ID]
Was originally going to do that challenge where you draw Cinderpelt, Bluestar, Crowfeather, and Ashfur but instead decided to draw a bunch of black cats instead.
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bugbart · 1 month
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In Somewhere Far Beyond chapter two, Runar finds himself alone in an icy land... but he is not alone for long! READ NOW ON COMICFURY! or OWN IT FOREVER through my Ko-Fi Shop!
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artaintfartwarriors · 7 months
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bonefall · 2 years
Do you think Leopardstar had anything to do with Crookedstar’s death? Like it’s kinda sus how he died, maybe Leopardstar poisoned him, I mean her dad is the medicine cat, she definitely picked up on some herbs, like the herbs that could kill a cat.
Also, Mistyfoot killing Leopardstar is much more interesting than her dying of an illness. Could she drown her? Like just draining whatever lives are left. Ironic for two reasons: A similar way that Tigerstar went and the fact that Leopardstar is a drypaw and has nearly died to drowning before.
I’m thinking of mudcastle’s post:
As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words and Mistyfoot is doing just that.
I loooove Mudcastle dude. They're a cool ass blog.
I think in-canon, the Erins refuse to give me my evil women and want to starve me to death with an absolutely sauceless Leopardstar who was nice the whole time. But this is MY kitchen and I add AS MANY SPICES AS I WANT.
Did she kill Crookedstar?
You bet your bottom dollar she did. I am extremely fond of the Fire and Water's take that she didn't outright KILL him, but she was weakening him. Juuust enough to sap his strength, not enough for it to be obvious she did it.
How does Mistyfoot kill Leopardstar?
I looove Mudcastle's Dark Mirror AU, but my Mistystar isn't so evil. I want to frame what she does to Leopardstar as something violent and traumatic, not something she enjoys.
In my head, it's something that creeps up on her. It wasn't right away after Brook and Stormfur were exiled. It's how Hawkfrost dies and the clan goes into mourning (he was, after all, beloved, respected, a young and promising warrior), and Mistyfoot expects a small shock...
...and instead, there's a simmering heat in the Clan. How they start to look at Mothwing differently. Whispers that maybe Hawkfrost didn't take a life from Firestar at all.
It's Reedwhisker falling into the river and his patrol not jumping in after him.
It's Blackclaw making a remark about thick ThunderClan blood clotting up in his feet.
It's Leopardstar drawing away from her as a deputy, even without Hawkfrost to undermine her, feeling the political tide of RiverClan turn cold again
Finally, someone floats the idea of taking the meeting island as the camp again. Mistyfoot reminds them of how StarClan smote Mudclaw. Blackclaw shouts her down, RiverClan descends into an argument, and when she looks up to Leopardstar for backup, the setting sun shades the stump into a dark, spiky hill.
Leopardstar's amused eyes flash, Tigerstar amber, dark-forest red, and Mistyfoot realizes that this will not end without someone to stop it.
I think she has to kill Leopardstar three times, and it will not be easy for her. Leopardstar is a vicious, powerful warrior. I think drowning would be good for one of the deaths, but the final blow should come from some sort of stone. Misty smashes Leopard's head against it.
One of those things were you can't be sure if it was coincidence, or if Stonefur was sending a sign from StarClan.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Blackclaw! terrible terrible man. 
His design is pretty straight forward, black cat, buff asshole. 
His sister Skyheart (though I haven’t drawn her yet) actually looks more like Primrosedawn than Blackclaw because Sky has the fluffy curly hair gene that Black passed on to his daughter. 
in RoC Blackclaw was Mistyfoot’s first mate and they had Primrosedawn, Reedwhisker, Carp and Perch together. Blackclaw is a strong and bold cat and Misty respected him and loved him for that, though they didnt agree on everything. Black was very against mixing of the different orders and orders with outsiders, which Misty never agreed with. Misty however didnt pay too much attention to this as many cats in River Order thought this way, and she was more so a minority in the thought. 
After Misty was revealed to be half order Blackclaw abandoned his family, choosing to act like they no longer exist and were never his mate and children. He was discussed with the idea of having a half Order mate and part Thunder children, so he disowned them almost immediately.  This left his kits confused an hurt, and Misty grieving. 
Blackclaw’s sister, Skyheart, however was horrified by her brother’s actions, and she immediately started to care for and help Misty and her kits. Sky stood up for them through everything, and became more of a parent to Misty’s kits than Blackclaw ever was. And eventually Misty and Sky became mates!
Anywho, fuck blackclaw, I love having shitty dude’s mates get with their superior sister. 
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Blackclaw from warrior cats. He is sitting with his right side showing, he has a sneer and a determined look on his face. He is a buff, stalky, short furred, black tom with bright orange eyes. He has several crossing scars on his back and flank, and his scars, inner ears, and nose are all a very dark dull red color./End ID]
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puppiekit · 5 months
I remembered the og video existed and cried laughing thinking about HawkFrosts fancy ass wanting a lobster and spent 3 hours making this
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petalstem · 7 months
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Anyways here's my shot at guess which cat is which in the two big group shots we see in the new preview. Some of these are incredibly easy to guess, and others I'm a lot more hesitant on. Obviously all of the easy ones like Longtail, Tigerclaw, Whitestorm, Oakheart are guaranteed, but RiverClan is probably THE Clan most effected by the inconsistent allegiances in the first arc. I'm pretty much certain the cat I labeled "Mistyfoot?" isn't her at all, but I needed SOMETHING to put there. It's incredibly possible and decently likely that the cat I labeled as Stonefur is actually her, as we know they were both present at the battle.
Also the brown ear that Potentially-Stonefur is fighting is absolutely Mousefur. We know based on the original books that Mousefur was present at the battle, but notable she's also not a tabby and doesn't have green eyes, so she can't be the cat hanging on the ledge (Who's most likely Runningwind, as a brown tabby with green eyes), so the brown ear at the bottom fighting Potentially-Stonefur is absolutely Mousefur
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
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"A wet WindClan cat? I never thought I'd see the day." "I've been brushing up. Did you see how I almost had that fish?" "I did! But you're gonna have to keep working. Remember I managed to snag a rabbit on the moor the last time we met up, so I'm winning." "Smirk all you want, but I'll be more excited to see your face when I finally do nab that sucker!" "Hehe, I look forward to it."
Skyheart and Pigeonflight because I'm still mad about Leopardstar's Honor.
More info under the cut, plus mini rant.
Skyheart is not a bully who almost kills Leopardfur, her being turned into that character after she was so excited to have a sister and be there for Leopardkit in Crookedstar's Promise is another piece in the failure that was Leopardstar's Honor.
Anyway, to maintain Leopardstar being the spoiled and doted on RiverClan child after her mother dies, she's very close with her adoptive littermates Skyheart and Blackclaw. This was a bustling time for RiverClan, with many apprentices and even more kits on the way. Leopardfur and Skyheart often competed for the leader position in their games as kits, and saw each other as friendly rivals when little.
Skyheart is an adventurous and daring cat, and that bold nature led her to dabbling with a WindClan cat, and falling in love. Even though it was against the code, they continued to do so, and Skyheart fell pregnant with kits. Leopardfur picked up on this and questioned who the father was, Skyheart refusing to say - much to the surprise of Leopardfur. After all, they told each other everything. At this time Blackclaw and Mistyfoot were flirting, Skyheart was expecting - Leopardfur threw herself more into her duties as she saw not interested in romance or having kits. Nothing against those who did, but that just wasn't where her aspirations lay. Unlike Skyheart who began to focus on other things, Leopardfur never stopped dreaming of being leader, and she was spoiled and readied to be just that. Even as an adult she was sought after and praised, her RiverClan family providing her endless love. She was spoiled, but she really did love her clan and want to do her best for them.
However, Skyheart would disappear in the night, and the loyal Leopardfur was beginning to get suspicious. She followed Skyheart one night and discovered the truth, enraged that her clanmate would do such a thing. The bold Skyheart told Leopardfur to back off and mind her business, but Leopardfur threatened to expose Skyheart to Crookedstar unless she ended things with Pigeonflight. The two adoptive sisters screamed and argued, but eventually Skyheart settled down with a sigh, and agreed.
Too bad she lied.
Leopardfur had thought all was well until she caught Skyheart sneaking out again a different night. As the two began to argue again though, Skyheart would feel contractions, and realize her kits were coming. Much to Leopardfur's horror, her dear friend was giving birth, and Leopardfur didn't know the first thing about herbs. She didn't want to leave her friend alone to go back to camp, but she also didn't know how to handle this. Seeing the squabbling bundles of fur, Leopardfur panicked, especially when Skyheart didn't stop bleeding...
Skyheart died giving birth to those half-clan kits. The smell of blood was putrid, and led the searching Pigeonflight right to them. He was horrified to see his mate having died giving birth to his kits, crumbling before her as he tried to comfort the two little ones, but could barely even comfort himself. Alas in the haze of grief and shock, Leopardfur would simply stare as Pigeonflight sadly took the two kits back to WindClan.
When RiverClan learned this they were horrified. There were mixed feelings grieving Skyheart, but Leopardfur and Blackclaw were much the same in their sentiments - it was the fault of that WindClan cat that Skyheart got mixed up in this. Those half-clan kits killed her, a curse from StarClan and a punishment on her life. This was one of the pivotal moments of disgust Leopardfur would have for half-clan cats, and furthermore cats outside of her beloved RiverClan.
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box-o-foxgloves · 8 months
Blackclaw and Mistystar are so interesting as a couple because like- Blackclaw was always so loyal to RiverClan and he despised outsiders, including half-Clan cats in RiverClan like Feathertail and Stonefur. But like, he took Mistyfoot as a mate. He was there when Mistyfoot was revealed to be half-Clan, thrown in prison, and on her way to be killed, and had nothing to say. Do you think he left her after finding out she was half-Clan? Probably. And what did he think about their kits??
Perchkit, Pikepaw, and Primrosepaw I always thought could be one litter, because of their matching 'P' names, and maybe the matching names were Blackclaw's idea. Ik Reedwhisker is meant to be with them, but stick with me here. Imagine, Pikepaw and Primrosepaw being thrown in prison alongside their mother. They're brought out in front of Tigerstar's bone pile to be killed all while Blackclaw just stands there and watches them. They beg for his help but he ignores them, and they're both killed knowing just how much their own father hates them and regrets having them. And Mistyfoot having to see all that and be helpless to save them? And having to see Blackclaw afterward?? God, the angst
And what if Mistyfoot was already expecting Reedwhisker before she was thrown in? What if from her cage she screamed at Blackclaw that their next litter will never know him as their father, and Blackclaw tells her he wouldn't want them to anyway. Maybe that's why Reedkit was the only one without a 'P' in his name, because Blackclaw didn't deserve to have any stake in his kits life after what he'd done.
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some ideas for a bunch of characters
hmmm, orange eyes bluestar? maybe she gets haunted by ghosts???
tbh i think it would be cool if crookedstar and oakheart were the same character
brown mosskit. enough said.
thrushpelt and thistleclaw as brothers...
merging fallowtail and graypool, mostly so graypool would actually be old like in tpb, and because i'm thinking of merging willowbreeze and swankit??? (morning and splash still die)
fallowpool is now lakeshine's sister instead of cedarpelt's
reedrunner (reedfeather) is heatherstar's nephew. nepotism babyy
swanbreeze: reed took the baby from fallow soon after her littermates' deaths, so fallow briefly fostered stone and misty until the rest of riverclan learned what happened to swan and took her back. adds an extra light to her hiding the fosters' thunderclan origins
possible mistyfoot x swanbreeze yuri w/ silverstream and her sisters as their children? either way blackclaw's pissed
blackclaw bitching to his sister glimmerheart (skyheart) about mistyfoot not looking at him rip bozo
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I bet Mistfoot married him cus he's hot smh
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wc-confessions · 1 year
funny enough blackclaw and mistystar are one of my favorite relationships because its both kinda funny (in the oh my god this is terrible! way) and fucked up that its not explored like. at all. personally my take on their relationship is that they were happily mates in/before the first arc, but blackclaw, being a xenophobe, broke things off the second she was accused of being halfclan during the tigerstar fiasco, and uses this as his main gripe against her for every time afterwards that he’s terrible to her generally or politically. also, reedwhisker cut off his own relationship with blackclaw due to his treatment of his mother. i like messy/terrible relationships in fiction, and i think it’s interesting to see them in background things like this, but its such a shame it was never brought up in the mistystar pov we had. would’ve been a nice glimpse into seeing tigerstar’s ideology directly, from a continued victim of it.
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bugbart · 1 year
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the adventures of Runar Blackclaw begin in the epic first issue of my comic! if you like sexy elves and badass lich queens this is the comic for you!
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doritopaw101 · 9 months
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~A Moonlight Affair~
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everybody-loves-purdy · 5 months
I just don't believe that Blackclaw and Mistystar remained mates until he died. His open aggression towards ThunderClan and towards Feathertail and Stormfur aside, he was awful to her. He was one of Hawkfrost's most outspoken supporters and wanted him to replace Mistyfoot as deputy. He spoke against her at a Gathering.
My personal belief is that Blackclaw broke up with Mistystar when he discovered she was half-Clan. While there isn't much evidence to support this, I will say that in the only book written from Mistyfoot's point of view, when Blackclaw is briefly mentioned, she isn't upset. She isn't consoled for the death of her 'mate', despite Blackclaw dying just before the events of Mistystar's Omen. She speaks about Blackclaw as if he'd been just another Clanmate- which at that point, he would have been if they'd broken up many years before this novella.
We may never get clarification on why Blackclaw and Mistystar were a particularly unique case when it came to relationships in the series. If anything, I'd love to see what their relationship looked like from Reedwhisker's point of view, if we ever get a novella or short story revolving around his early life in RiverClan.
That’s such a good headcanon, those two most definitely had a messy divorce and I didn’t consider the half clan thing before but now, knowing Blackclaw, I would be extremely surprised if that being the reason their relationship ended isn’t made the canon reason if it ever came up. He was just consistently antagonistic towards Mistystar in TNP whenever he appeared iirc? He seemed to hate her almost as much as Hawkfrost did.
I would love a Reedwhisker novella to explore his parent’s relationship and the death of his littermates, as well as his life prior to deputyship. Maybe we could even get some retconning or in-universe excuses about why it took him so long to become a warrior.
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warrior-cat-pride · 4 months
aromantic and asexual (separate) blackclaw with sorrelgaze's art please?
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wasnt sure if you meant separate as it not the aroace flag or separate as in both flags alone so i did both
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