#black moon lilith conjunction
Power from the Ancestor: Sun/Pluto/ Black Moon Lilith In Conjunction
Sun Conjunct Pluto people are connected to their personal power all throughout life. As the Gods of Death of Rebirth, what is it like to also have black moon lilith in conjunction?
When Lilith is conjunct this powerhouse placement, it oozes the nature of live but through the lends of her darkest hour. When live had became the 'devil' to society, she transformed into everything they made her out to be. Her power had shifted into the underworld because of her need to stay in control. When the masculines in society had tried to devour her, she would bathe herself in her blood and return with a vengeance. Living as a Sun/Pluto/Lilith individual, it as if you are taking back the power of your ancestor, as she watches over you a hundred times more.
These individuals know whats its like to be shamed and considered a liability due to them living to the beat of their own drum. However if you've ever been around them, you would notice they do not care as much about what society thanks about them more than some people might believe. They have this aura about them that magnetizes people to them, scaring them and making them feel intimated. Because HOW are you doing this to them without trying? Even the most insecure person with this placement could see that their power brings thousands to them and even if they dont like being around too many people they notice that others are always wanting to find out more.
Sun/Pluto/Lilith have very taboo lives as they accept that the truth lies in whatever it is they put their hands in. They do not mind being the 'demon' who goes for whatever they desire. Because why did they desire it? If thats what you want what is the need for morals, values and beliefs that dont suit you? The reason why they are so compelling is by the fact that their power comes from creating their own rules and not giving a damn about what anyone else thinks. The pressure they feel from the world is unmatched with their psyches ability to create a space where they can be who they are while polarizing individuals around them.
Trying to convince these people about the things they do being wrong will eventually be tiresome act seeing that these people do not care and won't hear you at some point. Because if committing to your personal path makes you lonely, than they accept the truth and move on with their life. As someone who goes through many rebirths , they understand that things have its time.
One thing I can say is that they will live on in your minds and hearts when you get a taste of them in your reality. Because the vibe they carry is so sensual and moving that anyone would want a piece. Everyone. They challenge society and their beliefs and anger people about their lives choices but this is so the world can heal whatever is going on in the darkness of the psyches. These people have mastered the mind a long time ago, and are deeply aware as to why society and humans play these games of being someone they are not. So they have no problem with doing what they want to do and pissing someone off because they understand why others choose things that dont work for them as opposed to being who they want to be and living how they want to live.
So I say this to say that mother lilith walks amongst these beings. Their Gods and Goddesses who master the taboo frequency that many scare away from. I'd like to personally say that these individuals are spectacular to be around but you have to be careful because they might take a soul or two down to the underworld. And baby it'll be a ride you may never forget.
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livinahey · 7 months
Random astro obs bcs y not
Warning ⚠️ mentions of abuse and trauma
scorpio luminaries & luminaries aspect to pluto (especially harsh aspect) almost be always know when something/someone is gonna do no good to you. If they warn you ab something then just follow them. Bcs what they say is scarily often end up being true
Also, if from the first meet these natives STRONGLY dislike you even though you didnt do anything then yeah.... Youre the problem lol. No matter if youre everyone crush, everyone sweetheart, or whatever is that. Again, like I said before, they seems to always know when something/someone is not good
These natives can also scared of themselves bcs of this
I think we admire ppl who have our mars sign as their sun sign
Sag sun with water moon women makes the loyal partner 🥺🤧 be it business partner, in friendship, or as a lover. Don't leave them.
When you see mars square pluto native gets bad mood or even angry.... RUN
Bcs they can be so violent at that time and you dont want to see that
Same goes to cap moon 💀
Women with moon square bml (black moon lilith) always have the best glow ups ✨✨🤧 im so proud (and bit jealous lol) of you dear
Mercury in leo degrees (5, 17, 29) being sooooo charming. They be say "hi" only and you already weak(???) lol
Leo venus 🤝 cant go a day without boasting what they love, be it their hobbies, their job, their loved ones, their pet, or even the place where they live lol. So passionate
I'm not surprised if theyre the one that have many posts on their social media account
Ppl with big 6 at 6 degrees (virgo degree) can be seen as villain
Moon conjunct jupiter synastry: when the moon person getting humiliated/disrespect, the jupiter person be defending the moon person. Also, the moon person can have soft spot for the jupiter person
Natal aspects to sun i like are sun conjunct mars and sun-pluto any major aspects. The word "sexy" is literally made for them lol.
women with cap or cancer mars plsssss check again the man you choose to date or even marry. Bcs i often see these women end up experience being abused severely by their man in their relationship. Men often being intimidated by these women yet still wanna date them. These women do dating man that seems cool and amazing or even adorable person outside BUT UNFORTUNATELY it turns out that the man are the worst person ever. At worst case, the man's family dislike these women due to jealousy towards them. No matter how bad these women get treated by the man, the man's family will still defend the man and treated these women as if theyre the problem 💔
Also, these women can dealing with fucking crazy men that cannot accept being rejected by them atleast once in their life. Scary af
Gemini moon/mars are naturally funny without even trying ✋😭
Sag/pisces rising 🤝 always have ppl crushing over them and even become worshipping them
Libra rising are so beautiful and it seems unbelievable
Cancer rising and their terrible mood swing 🤕 yet still look like the most calm and unbothered person ever
Mercury-bml aspects culture is having what they say being questioned. And if they have sun-uranus aspects too then.... Good luck trying to understand them 🥴
Mercury-bml aspects is underrated funny placements imo. They be say questionable thing but idk i find it funny tho 😩
Scorpio rising and having traumatic experience/memories when they young that seems keep haunting them even until they become old :(
Also they often get disappointed by their family :( they can give all their family members a mountain of gold, being so kind to them to the point they forgetting their own needs and this scorpio rising still getting unappreciated & bad treatment. PLS APPRECIATE SCORPIO RISING IN UR LIFE !!❤‍🩹🫂 they are one of sincere people that often attracts evil eye that doesnt wanna see them being success
Whats with earth rising and having this disgusted/judging look 🥲
They can look at you normally and you will feel that theyre judging you even if they arent
Sag rising and leo rising 🤝 having beef with eachother
Same goes to taurus sun x gemini sun
Cap sun x virgo sun friendship be the weird yet funny pair
Every leo placement always have virgo placement in their life
They can have love-hate relationship with eachother tho lol.
And the same goes to every cap placement that always have aries placement in their life
You either love the opposite sex that has the same mars sign as you OR going "mehh" of them
Earth rising 🤝 secured financially. Maybe you never catched them worry ab not having money to save their life
Hey thank you for reading this so far!! I do these obs not bcs I wanna gain followers or what but bcs I found these things give me joy hehe ✌🏻 english isnt my first language so apologize for any grammar mistakes. be safe out there!! 🫂✨
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hausofneptune · 4 months
aspects/placements i love (and hate!) in my chart pt. 1
[astro notes no. 003]
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hey y’all! i felt like going through some of my personal aspects/placements and describing the “positive” and “negative” ways they’ve manifested in my life, so here we are. this ended up being longer than i thought it would, so i'll end up doing a part two since i really enjoyed making this!
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venus conj. neptune in aquarius (1°03’) in the 1H
this is one of my favorite placements. i feel like this + my pisces sun can make me appear to others as “ethereal” at times, but if i’m keeping it a buck, it also makes me extremely evasive. i have a good amount of aquarius influence in my chart as well, so all of this combined definitely makes me feel like i have to put in effort to not come off as too impersonal, especially towards my loved ones. 
having neptune in my 1H also makes me feel like people perceive me to be someone that i’m not. like even my close friends and family, i don’t feel like anyone actually understands who i am, and i don’t think i’ve ever had a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial) where i felt like i was seen for who i actually am, or where i was able to connect to somebody on a deeper, spiritual level. i can also over-romanticize people and situations at times, but i’ve grown out of this habit… for the most part.
i’ve always been an extremely creative/artistic person. i’ve been drawing, painting, writing, and singing since i was a kid, and i even sell my artwork now as an adult. i’m extremely imaginative, but i do have to be careful to not get too in my head and forget to participate in reality, if that makes sense. i’ve also had issues with dissociation and memory loss throughout my life. i feel like my lived experience has more to do with that, but i can see how the Neptunian influence in my chart could play a role in it as well.
venus opposite north node in the 7H (1°40’)
there are some placements that convince me that the universe was tryna be funny when it made my birth chart. this is one of them. i have so many things in my chart that can make it challenging at times to form meaningful, trustful relationships with other people, and it’s interesting to me the fact that my spiritual growth is something that’s supposed to be found… through my relationships with other people. i try not to victimize myself too much and look at things from an objective lens, but i would be lying if i said it didn’t feel like people find it convenient to have me in their lives only when i allow them to view me in a way that makes them feel the most comfortable.
like i mentioned, i can be very avoidant, it’s something i’m working on. but i know that it’s possible for me to have fulfilling connections with other people, and obviously with this placement it’s something i need to work through my aversion to, seeing as my self-development and spiritual growth is something that’s extremely important to me and deep down i do want to want to experience having meaningful, healthy relationships. 
sun sextile lilith (within 3.0°) in the 11H / chiron in the 11H
let me tell you, most of the people i’ve been friends with over the years, regardless of gender, hypersexualize the fuck out of me. especially the men i’ve been friends with, majority of them had feelings for me that i never reciprocated. i was actually friends with a girl in high school who’s moon fell in my 8H, and in hindsight she had a very unhinged, borderline obsession with me. she would speak to me, and get mad at me, as if we were in a relationship together, and did not understand any type of boundaries that you’re supposed to have with someone you’re friends with. i don’t hold it against her now as an adult, but we definitely don’t speak to each other anymore.
i’ve also encountered issues in regards to the relationships i've with women, mainly when i was younger though, the women i’m acquainted with now i have healthy, normal friendships with (thank god). but i’ve had friendships with girls where they secretly didn’t like me, they were secretly attracted to me, or both. and i don't mean this in a weird, misogynistic, "pick me i'm different!" type of way at all, this is just a pattern i picked up on with some of the women i've met throughout my life.
in regards to having chiron in my 11H, my sore spot is most definitely my friendships. on top of feeling misunderstood and objectified in the friendships i’ve had, i’ve also experienced trauma at the hands of people i thought were my friends. and i always do my best to exercise being mindful and self-aware, and i’m definitely not on some “i’ve always been the perfect friend and people hurt me regardless, boo-hoo, woe-is-me” type shit, because i’ve definitely hurt people in my lifetime. but in terms of how these placements have manifested, i’ve always encountered difficulty in connecting to others, and i’m just now getting to a point where i feel comfortable enough to even attempt to try making new friends again. 
and this is what i mean when i say: astrology is a tool that you can use for shit that is more important than your appearance and future partner! it wasn’t until my 12H profection year when i started studying traditional astrology and learned how to read charts, that i actually began to understand myself on a deeper level and gained the confidence to end friendships that no longer served me and made new ones that actually do. 
chiron in my 11H also makes me feel inclined to take on a “therapist” role in my friendships, something that can be good or bad depending on whether the boundaries are there or not. i tend to attract people who like to trauma dump on me (that’s my moon in the 8H influence too), and i have to actively put boundaries in place and make sure people around me understand that i have to be in the right mindset to hold space for them. there aren’t a lot of pisces sun stereotypes that i can relate to, but being an emotional sponge is definitely one that i can. unfortunately. 
moon and ceres in virgo in the 8H 
LMAOOO this one might be a little heavy. i apologize in advance. feel free to skip this one if you don’t want to hear about parental/maternal loss or my mommy issues <3
my relationship with my mom is without a doubt where a lot of my emotional avoidance comes from. that plus my moon being in the 8H makes me very guarded when it comes to emotional vulnerability, even with the people i’m closest to. without telling a bunch of strangers on the internet too much of my business, here are the sparknotes:
my home life growing up (and to this day lowkey) never felt stable
it never felt like i could feel my emotions without them “consuming” me, this was mainly an issue in my youth, i was around 12-years-old when i started going to therapy and taking antidepressants  
my mom battled a chronic disease her entire life and passed away when i was a teenager 
i’ve always craved to have deep, spiritual connections with people, and ever since i was a kid i’ve been extremely intuitive and had the ability to read a room and everyone in it without anyone having to speak, but i typically attract people who are either emotionally unavailable, or emotionally unstable in some way, probably because i come off as “closed off” on the surface. 
in terms of my relationship with my mom, i love her but i could never be vulnerable with her about a damn thing, like i never really felt “heard” by her. she was a taurus sun, scorpio moon, with an aries stellium, as soon as she had her mind made up about something it didn’t really matter how i felt (pluto also falls in my 10H, and i definitely viewed her as an “authority figure” more than a mother at times). y’all remember this scene from lady bird where her mom tells her she wants her to “be the best version of herself she can be” and she asks “what if this is the best version?” - it was very much so that.
and i don’t want to give the impression that my mom didn’t love me because she definitely did. i think it was just a matter of what a lot of us eventually come to understand about our parents; that they’re products of the environments and the people they were raised by. and in my mom’s case, she did her best with the cards she was dealt and showed up the best way she could. it doesn’t make my feelings any less important, but it helps to maintain the balance between recognizing her humanity, and also validating my own frustration and trauma regarding our relationship. 
venus conjunct ascendant in aquarius (2°40’)
i didn't wanna end this post on a depressing ass note so i'm adding this last aspect lmfao. honestly i struggle with some of the venusian energy in my chart because i honestly never really felt "pretty" growing up. it might be neptune in my 1H that effects my self image, because it wasn't until my 20s that i actually started to genuinely recognize my beauty. i feel like growing up i only viewed my beauty through the lens of the "male gaze" (it didn't help that i felt objectified from the boys around me), or through the lens of euro-centric/white beauty standards, and in adulthood i'm finally approaching the way that i view myself from my perspective.
i do notice that i attract people very easily, both in a friendly and romantic way. i know this aspect has to do a lot with love and romance, but honestly, i'm not too concerned about being in a relationship at this point in my life (with the way the economy is set up i think we all got bigger fish to fry rn but that's neither here nor there-), but like i mentioned i've always been an artist at heart and the art that i create plays a really big role in my identity. i've always found it easier to express myself through my paintings or my writing rather than my words.
aesthetics and comfortability are pretty big for me too, more so now in my 20s. this aspect has a lot to do with sociability and being inclined to uplift and help others, and i can relate to the latter but when it comes to other aspects in my chart i do struggle with being "outgoing" and coming across friendly, but we'll get to that in part two.
as always, if y'all have any of the aspects/placements mentioned in this post let me know how they manifest in your life and personality, and if you have any insight or questions in general feel free to reach out!
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occultic-luna · 2 years
Hey y’all welcome to my 4th observations post : )
These are simply my observations and they don’t have to resonate with everyone.
Anyhoo here we gooo : )
✨🌙 I’ve seen Leo moon women show people their emotions through styling their hair. As y’all should. Show them how it’s done 😌
✨🌙 Taurus Mars can be extremely stubborn when they firmly believe in something. It’s sometimes really frustrating trying to get them to think otherwise. Or make them see from another perspective.
✨🌙 Mutable Mercury I’ve noticed adapt into new ideas very quick. Not a surprise tbh.
✨🌙 I know so many people say water placements can be prone to drug addiction but have y’all ever seen water placements addicted to maladaptive daydreaming? It gets worse than drug addiction.
✨🌙 A lot of the times from what I’ve seen Virgo placements and hygiene is really true even if they don’t care much for it, they are usually surrounded by someone significant that makes them care about it.
✨🌙 I’ve seen people with prominent planets in the 18th degree actually go through a lot of suffering in their lives.
✨🌙 Libra sign/degree midheaven can really fantasise about working in the arts or being seen as creative and boujee.
✨🌙 Cancer placements can show emotions but once they mature they can be great at hiding their emotions. If they want to you can never truly know what’s exactly going on in their lives.
✨🌙 Aquarius moon can actually have very high standards for themselves and when they don’t meet it, they can really get depressed.
✨🌙 Taurus moons, their moods can change depending on the music they listen too. One minute they’re dancing the next crying. I know that happens to everyone but I’ve seen it take a lot of effect on Taurus moons in specific.
✨🌙 Black moon Lilith in gemini can be into open relationships.
✨🌙 I’ve seen so many Capricorn placements that can actually “play the part” to attract potential suitors. Seen it happen way too many times.
✨🌙 Venus in Capricorn can’t deal with immature or overly emotional partners for too long even if it’s an arranged marriage there’s a time when they get fed up of the constant emotional outbursts. That’s why a lot of them look for emotionally stable partners in the first place.
✨🌙 This Pluto sextile Neptune cycle really bought a revolution in spirituality and bought hidden knowledge out for the world to see. Especially when Neptune hit Aquarius.
✨🌙 Moon in Capricorn have a lot of “links.” Like for example if they’re a student I’ve noticed that these people know someone at least from every course lmao. Somehow these people sometimes really manage to get work cut out for them. Can y’all get my work cut out for me too lol?
✨🌙 Aries placements can be fierce and whatnot but have y’all seen these people in love? Damn they can be cornier than a water sign. It’s true and cute lol.
✨🌙 Also Aries placements especially Venus have the ability to bounce back quick from a heartbreak or they like to act like it doesn’t bother them. It doesn’t have to be in love just any type of heartbreak.
✨🌙 Libra sun y’all are so stylish man teach me your ways. Even when you don’t put much effort you manage to pull it off.
✨🌙 Truth be told, once cardinal signs put their mind to something, it’s really game over for others.
✨🌙 Mars conjunct Jupiter, these people usually have a lot of energy when they’re young. These are the types of people you’d see doing multiple sports on sports day.
✨🌙 Moon in 1st house can be great actors/actresses. They’re able to truly immerse themselves in the role and their expressions can be really on point.
✨🌙 Venus in Pisces/ Pisces degree/12th house love with their whole heart. Usually people, lovers or friends don’t forget these types of people easily. Their love is pure and unconditional.
✨🌙 I am pretty much convinced that Gemini placements can be extremely open minded and they generally accept everyone, or at least like to show they do.
✨🌙 Libras can be really social people I honestly believe that’s where the people pleasing thing comes from tbh.
✨🌙 Aries moon, your passion when it comes to things is truly inspiring.
✨🌙 Scorpio Venus would give up everything when they’re in love. Not all but I’ve seen it play out a lot with this aspect.
✨🌙 8th house placements or scorpio placements can be very prone to sleep paralysis. Stay protected y’all.
✨🌙 Also 8th house placements and scorpio placements tend to get strong reactions out of people a lot of the times. I’d definitely say it’s the plutonic influence.
✨🌙 Sagittarius Mercury, a lot of the ones I’ve met have voices that can be recognised from a mile away. But these people are great at voice impersonation lmao it’s honestly funny how accurate they can be.
That’s the end of my astro observations part 4 hope y’all enjoyed!
Once again let me know what you guys think : )
Till next time!
Love, Luna ✨🌙
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lavishlyleo · 1 year
Hi! I read your Astrology Observation #3.
Could you please elaborate more on Lilith aspecting the Moon?
I have Lilith Pisces opposite Moon Leo.
So I was wondering how that might affect my chart. I hope my question made sense.
Thank You for your help, and have a great day.
Lilith - Moon Aspects and their Significance
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Hii!! Elaborating off my one observation, I feel like people highly underestimate Moon/Lilith aspects. After all, Black Moon Lilith is the point along the Moon's orbit when it is furthest from the Earth, so you can't even have Black Moon Lilith without the Moon, which is why this placement / aspect is such a powerful one.
With this aspect, it's combining different but very similar feminine energy together into something that not only comes full circle, but is essentially a more powerful version of the two placements alone. Think of when hot and cold wind come together to make a tornado. And all I can say on a generalization of all aspects for this placement is it can be VERY intense, good or bad, even the more minor aspects like trine or sextile.
As for the natives who have this placement, I can definitely say this is probably a more difficult aspect to have in one's chart, and like I said, even for the more easy going aspects. The root of these issues may have a lot to do with emotions and difficultys drawing the line between certain intense ones. Natives may feel heavily ashamed for expressing some, if not most emotions that display weakness or vulnerability, this can be emotions like grief, anger, sadness, jealousy, ect. Natives may scared of people using their strong emotions to control them and make them submit, which may in turn, lead to them expressing these feelings involuntarily as a defense mechanism and ultimately fail at what they try to prevent.
If I'm being honest, All Moon - Lilith aspect issues can manifest in different ways for everyone, but they almost all have a core theme of being related to emotions, control over them, fear of their own emotions and/or being shunned for them. Some natives may feel like they're in a never ending loop of emotional transformation. Fear and control are big themes here with these natives.
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middlenamesage · 9 months
Thinking about how women, on the whole, have been more open to astrology in these modern times since it’s been shunned by science and religion. That unfortunately also works to the advantage of people who would like to keep astrology known as just a silly, dumb girl hobby.
But astrology has been around in all cultures since before all major religions. People have always sensed that we can look to the sky, containing the macrocosm outside this microcosm, for understanding.
I wonder what that says about women that they have been more open to believing in this connection we have with the cosmos (and nature) than men have been?
I think that merely on a physical level, womens’ bodies have a deeper connection with the cosmos. We have cycles that can sync with the Moon, and we are the sex that brings life from the spiritual to the physical realms, which is a very intimate encounter with sacred forces. Because our bodies are made for an even more intimate connection with nature and the cosmos, I think our minds evolved that way too. I think that on average, we have more developed intuition, and we are more concerned with nurturing life, so we can have a more developed interest and/or ability to see connections between life and natural phenomena.
Black Moon Lilith is still in nearly an exact conjunction with Venus retrograde in Leo, so female empowerment is the name of the game right now. 🖤 I know I’ve been having many thoughts the last few days relating to the natural powers that women have, so I wanted to share some as they relate to womens’ relationship with astrology.
Bask in your primal power today, lovelies!
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bitesize-astrology · 8 days
Feedback or Foolishness?
Monday - May 6, 2024
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If you're going to be in the public eye the way I have found myself since 2022 you have to be prepared for "the comments section." While anyone who puts themselves out there wants constructive feedback, wants to improve their game, you have to be prepared to slog thru the pointless comments as well.
The key is to make sure these intellectually void comments don't have you doubting yourself, or changing your message or style to satisfy the vocal "peanut gallery."
And this is the message of Mercury conjunct Chiron today at 21° Aries. This means make sure you keep your message on point, don't be distracted by the naysayers. Don't receive their drivel as fact or reality, says Black Moon Lilith as she moves to 24° Virgo.
There is a 15-hour Moon in Aries void of course that will end at 5:42pm ET. Use this time to rethink any comments you want to post on social media, and ask yourself if it's really a good idea.
Because those who are not as self-aware as you will use a Moon in Aries (especially during a void of course period!!) to spew all kinds of junk, and enjoy themselves immensely. They have no life that brings them joy, and will do all they can to try to steal some of yours.
***Can't be at UNITE THE LIGHT Lightworker Summit to hear my presentation on being a ROGUE LIGHTWORKER, get your LIVE STREAM tickets instead. Here's the link:
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janesgms · 1 year
me finding out my black moon lilith conjunct my ascendant is a separating aspect: happy noises
me finding out not much later that my true lilith also conjunct my ascendant but in an applying aspect: ...nvm
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
venus on lilith
there are times when "conventional beauty" reigns supreme, but this is not one of those times. physically or not, what makes you different makes you special, and you can use that to your benefit.
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esotericfaery · 2 months
Venus in Pisces, 2024
We’ve gotten a fourth planet added to the brain fog, fatigue, intuition, and illusion sign Pisces.
Until April 5th we have a day-dreamy view of romance (as we feel unconditional and transcendent love), entertainment & the arts, plus finances and legal matters.
This works well as long as we’re careful to avoid the pitfalls; lack of judgement. We overlook flaws, sometimes to the point where we delude ourselves into believing someone values us, when they really don’t. This can happen in all types of relationships. This is not a good time to start a new romance, as we’re likely to fall for illusions and get hurt. Don’t self-sacrifice your needs for those of others, as Pisces is so often known for doing. Focus on building and maintaining boundaries.
The Sun (until April 20th) and Neptune still in Pisces heighten the above energies into heightened egos and doubling down on the dissonant side of Pisces Season.
Venus conjuncts Saturn on the 21st of March, and we’ll have a melding of the above with the energy of responsibility and the need to find stability. We’re restricted by things like the inability to continue on in a relationship which isn’t working, as we or the other person lacks warmth, seeming indifferent. Unlike other transits involving Venus, we practice restraint within finances.
Venus opposition Black Moon Lilith in Virgo on March 27th brings the untamed feminine into the mix, against the energy of harmony. This can cause people to come across as intimidating, yet also causes attraction to rawness, and good opportunity for seduction. Be careful of people being manipulative, though with Venus applying this transit, the darkness of Lilith is softened, romanticizing pain, rather than healing it. With Virgo involved, brings a sense of innocence and purity into romance.
Venus conjunct Neptune on April 3rd, since Neptune rules Pisces, heightens the energies mentioned above. Double down on being very careful to not fall for illusions. Practice particular discernment, before finalizing decisions after this transit if possible. If we do that, then the day-dreaminess of this transit can be quite pleasant. We feel inspired creatively, translating visualizations into artistic creations.
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Black Moon Lilith Astro Observations <3
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Strong lilith holders know that they are complex, and must go through the shadow to uncover what they find. When people are not sure of them they can be stalkers in trying to figure out who they really are. Some people will project on to them while studying their every move. Wondering about who they truly are to the core, most find themselves falling in love with them and dont realize it. Jealousy is a stronger experience they have with others because they live so freely and this bursts peoples bubble about the reality they live in.
Most do desire a passionate connection with others, but they notice how sexual there looked at & tend to hide there desires from other people. They could be used for their internal discoveries meaning they can be picked apart so that people can see them as some sort of science experiment. Kind of how like scorpios are picked apart when people are around them trying to 'perceive' them.
Black moon lilith conjunct venus may put these people in a lot of situations they do not want to be in. Polyamory might be something they just walk into. Could end up a side chick or hidden from there lovers for feeling 'ashamed'. Could be fetishized.
Black moon lilith conjunct mercury babes have a desire to speak truth and allow their minds to uncover the darkness that surrounds their community. The voices of reason for taboo scenarios and subjects people would rather stick under the rug. Will go the extra mile for individuals who do not have a voice.
Black moon conjunct uranus individuals have a knack for anything new and different. They will most definitely do that wild fetish if it means it'll give them that rush of ecstacy they crave. Yes they'll join that wild orgy lmfao cause why not???? lmao I kid.
Black moon lilith conjunct neptune can be alluring and people want to be around them. its just something about them. obsessions around their character and actually not being seen as a real person. this could be terrifying for them cause most people will just look at them as a piece of meat.
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astromoon03 · 2 years
Little astrology question
Have you ever been stalked, bullied, harrassed by someone or someone being obsessed with you ? If yes, how did it play out and what was the reason? 🧐🤔
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cloudsandwaterfalls · 2 years
How does a male with Mercury conjunct lilith conjunct venus communicate and come off to others? Mercury is also conjunct venus. Thanks in advance!
Hello! I hope you doing well. Thank you for the ask.
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Mercury conjunct Lilith:
💮 Results in a speech that is very eccentric and thus, could come off as a bit weird or inappropriate for the situation.
💮 As this is a conjunction, it combines the effects of mercury (communication, speech) and Lilith (raw desires and thoughts) together and intensifies its effects.
💮 Since Lilith is an asteroid that represents one's rawest form of emotions, thoughts, and desires, when you talk, there is not guard or filter, instead you just say it like it is and sometimes that doesn't cooperate with the existing social expectations.
💮 This placement also results in a person who is a fighter and an advocate for those without a voice because they always aim to say the truth, even if it hurts.
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Mercury conjunct venus:
🕊 This placement results in a person who has Venusian aspects during communication.
🕊 This is a stark contrast with mercury conjunct Lilith since venus makes a person very diplomatic, soft-spoken, kind-hearted, great at giving fashion or art advice, and has a way with words.
🕊 You tend to not be very harsh with words and instead, want to deal with things in a diplomatic way - think Libra and its scales of justice.
🕊 Finally, this placement definitely gives you good flirting abilities, whether you are trying to flirt or not.
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So, to figure out which aspect has a greater effect on you, you would need to look at the tightest of the orbs/aspects (which you can find on astro.com). Whichever aspect is smaller and thus, stronger, is the predominant way in which you come off to others.
However, I think that mercury conjunct Lilith helps you attract an audience in your speech while mercury conjunct venus helps you maintain that audience.
I hope this helped! Thank you again for the ask and I hope you have a great day!
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plutoswrath · 2 years
ok astro girlies (gender neutral) i need you.
I need people with Juno conjunct Chiron, Lilith conjunct Juno or/and Chiron conjunct Lilith in natal to give me insides of how these played out for you, especially in relationships.
Did it already show somehow in childhood? Only was set off during interpersonal relationships?? Give me the insights because I’m in the trenches rn
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taratarotgreene · 11 months
Venus Meets True Black Moon Lilith in Leo
Venus meets Black Moon True Node Lilith at  20° Leo June 30. Its Friday and Venus’ day. Note that this is the same degree as the VENUS Retrograde CAZIMI “In the heart of the SUN” Heart of Gold aspect August 13.What happens today will have a deja Vu triggered on August 13. Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons This is an important symbol and message from…
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astrologydayz · 1 month
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN SAGITTARIUS = sexually attracted 2 people from different countries/different religions/or 2 teachers/mentors. They love exploring their fantasies, & are usually not afraid 2 try everything, at least once - "u can never be 100%sure u don't like something, if you never try it" kinda mentality here. They can get turned on by people who's not afraid 2 throw a line at em/not afraid of taking the initiative! They find that sexy as hell, as they typically can be the ones initiating things! Cultured, curious, & smart people def gets them going - turned on by people who's ready2 explore their fantasies, without any inhibitions! They can be a big fan of spontaneous, wild, & free sex - can also get really turned on by hips/thighs usually<33.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN VIRGO = sexually attracted 2/turned on by people younger than them/younger looking people/people who's more inexperienced than them/people they can "teach" sexually/clean looking people/clean in general. These people are usually more than willing 2 put their sexual partners fantasies/sexual desires/urges before their own - they want 2 learn how their partner's body works, & they work hard 2 get that O in, in their books for sure. They can get off simply by getting their partner off a lot of the time. These people can actually be quite freaky/kinky in bed, when they feel safe/secure enough 2 show that part of themselves.
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SUN CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A WOMAN'S CHART, & SHE'S INTO MEN = usually really sexually attracted 2 really manly looking men - & she can also be really sexually attracted 2 alpha men, but only the confident, secure, & kind ones - not the cocky, conceited, "my dick is bigger than yours" loser ones. MOON CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A MAN'S CHART can show us a man that loves sex being full of feelings/emotions, passion, teasing, & most important of all - security. If he wants 2 cry during sex, he wants 2 do it without someone maybe laughing right in his face. Or if he has some kind of fantasy/fetish, he isn't quite comfortable with himself yet = he won't risk telling just anybody - he really needs that trust, before opening up 100% sexually. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/SEXTILE URANUS can be really into phone sex/getting off from videos, & pictures2📹📱💻. These people can also get sexually aroused outta nowhere, or they just suddenly feel the need 2get off, NOW. These people can love the most unused sex positions, they can even invent a sex position of their own - they like it more when they're the ones creating. JUPITER CONJUNCT/SQUARE NYMPHE ASTEROID - 875 can show a person wanting to have sex/get sexual/get off A LOT. Like, If they could = they would probably fuck their whole life away😭😂. No but fr, they can be really really fixated on gratification/sex in general.
5TH HOUSE is that passionate, fun, & "casual/dating sex". 8TH HOUSE is that deep intimate soul merging/transformative sex.
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT NORTH NODE = people whose life purpose is part of exploring their sexual urges/desires, really figuring that out4 themselves, since it's not common for them with the opposition 2 South Node - it's something completely NEW 2 them! They can feel so uncomfortable with baring themselves in the beginning, but once they get going, &get comfortable = new kind of confidence unlocked baby✅. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE/SEXTILE WILD ASTEROID - 1941 can show a person being into some really unseen/wild shit when it comes 2 sex - getting sexual/or they're just wild in bed in general/can be the type 2 not really say no2 anything, unless they're just not that into u/or REALLY just not that into whatever thing they get asked about.
VENUS ASPECTING BLACK MOON LILITH are the ones being sexually attracted 2 people from a different "class"/race/country/religion - or they can feel sexually attracted 2 people they shouldn't really feel a sexual attraction2 sometimes - "taboo shit".
MARS IN 5TH HOUSE can be a big fan of casual sex/friends with benefits arrangements/or be a big fan of having sex with date partners before the date ends/or ofc just a fan of fucking around4fun. MARS IN 8TH HOUSE do not fuck4fun, or for casualty. They need a soul/deep connection with someone 1st. They don't give out their sexual energy freely like that - u have 2 prove you're worthy 1st - whatever they deem that is. Time doesn't matter here - it's about the connection, & the intimacy - so they could easily have sex with someone on the 1st night, but there HAS 2 be some deep unexplainable connection of some kind! - Which rarely happens 4 these natives.
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5TH HOUSE RULER IN 7TH HOUSE are usually the dating 2 marry type, & they're also the ones that can wait with having sex until marriage. 5TH HOUSE RULER IN 11TH HOUSE can date/get into "love affairs" with people they're friends with/with friends friends/step siblings friends/with people they collaborate with/meet online/or with people they meet through mutual shared causes! VENUS/JUNO IN 5TH HOUSE can show a person mostly dating around, not really committing 100% a lot - &when they do find somebody2 commit2 = if they break up, they're usually out dating around again pretty fast - "the best way 2 get over someone, is 2 get under someone else". NORTH NODE IN 5TH HOUSE can show that exploring one's sexuality/exploring pleasures/desires while dating/dating around is part of one's life purpose.
WOMEN WITH KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 IN VIRGO can be REALLY picky when it comes 2 who they let hit/get sexual with🙅🏼‍♀️ - That's also why they can be quite inexperienced at times. Masturbation isn't really a thing they care about either, - usually. Very into the health/cleanliness of their vagina.
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MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN CANCER got that safe, & secure boyfriend dick💋. U know what u get almost every time, AFTER the 1st time - so you're never left disappointed. MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN CAPRICORN Can be very "clumsy" sexually/in the sexual department throughout their teenage years/young adult years - but they're usually sexually "advanced" at around 30-35 years of age💚.
MEN WITH DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN AQUARIUS = def not a basic boyfriend dick. Something about it can be alien like - not in a bad way, daddy chill😭😂😂. But the length, the thickness, the way it stands when erected/or simply the look of it in general IS DIFFERENT. Not a basic dick, okay. Appreciate it! MEN WITH SATURN CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE DICK ASTEROID - 17458 can show them holding forever in bed💀😭😂 - Can also show that they're talented at withholding themselves from cumming!🫰🏼 Also pretty good self esteem when it comes2their dick usually.
MEN WITH SATURN SQUARE/QUINCUNX DICK ASTEROID - 17458 can show performing issues - problems with getting erections/feeling bad about their dick - self esteem issues/or issues with cumming2fast.
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