#bitches love plants
calmbeforethesunset · 3 months
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My orchid is doing quite lovely, it’s the first to actually rebloom and not die on me 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻
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popsicle-stick · 1 year
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“Why, this beats even shorthand! May I hear it say something?”
a commission of jack and mina from the scene where he's showing her the phonograph!
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minimallycreative · 2 months
i love how sometimes, despite all the medical advancements of the 21st century, the only thing that relieves pain is sitting/laying/standing in a weird position because it places/doesn't place pressure on certain spots
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columboscreens · 3 months
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hailieshapedbox · 1 year
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such a beauty😩
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kennyomegasweave · 4 months
Okay, listen, I am a Certified Way Hater and have been since like episode three, at least, but the man better not die on Friday. If he dies, Babe will never get closure working through everything that was their friendship, and he deserves that. Dying is also easy and I want Way to have to live with what he's done. And Pete will be sad. And I refuse, REFUSE, to see Pete be sad. So, Way must live.
Way can get shot, as a little treat to me specially, but he can't die.
I'm manifesting that.
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wilyserpentofeden · 9 months
I wish Crowley was real so I could ask him how to brutally murder all fungus gnats in houseplants forever and always permanently with no possibility of return ever in the history of the world if anyone has Crowley level plant knowledge please advise if there is a solution to be rid of them even more effective than re-potting, checking for root rot, and thoroughly washing the pots or killing each one directly with my bare hands bc these horrible bastards keep coming back somehow and I'm soooooo fucking mad about it!!! Leave my baby succulents ALONE. OR ELSE.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Is Serena Really that Good of a Friend? oor.... by u/Ok-Plant-6347
Is Serena Really that Good of a Friend? oor.... Does MeAgain have something on Serena that keeps her in 'the picture'? I ask because even Oprah, Gayle King and Tyler Perry seem to have distanced themselves from MeAgain and Hazbeen. You never see or hear of these three in the MeAgain story anymore...not since Lilibucks christening. Weren't there supposed to be pics of the christening in People mag but it seems that was ditched and Tyler Perry made fast tracks out of Monteshito mansion and hasn't been mentioned in relation to these horrible two since.And what's up with Nacho? Is he really good pals with Hazbeen? I thought I read that his wife couldn't stand MeAgain yet here they are being chummy. I have to wander about this Nacho guy. People spend time with those they have things in common. So, is Nacho like Hazbeen...enjoying the same 'foibles'?I have always suspected that William and Hazbeen were never as close as the media wants us to believe because Hazbeen and William have nothing in common as far as morals, character, or interests. I never believed they were close as children or after Di's death. I've always seen Hazbeen as an angry and jealous bully to William, even at a young age. post link: https://ift.tt/wZlipvq author: Ok-Plant-6347 submitted: April 14, 2024 at 01:57PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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waspgrave · 2 months
i'm not gonna liveblog it but i decided to read dungeon meshi and these are quite literally some of the funniest characters i've ever seen lmao
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machathecat · 7 months
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bellamyblakru · 7 months
idk why but the trope where character a changes the routine or something in the daily life of character b and character b complains and gets annoyed at the new addition and then suddenly one day character a gets genuinely upset and stops doing said thing which then makes character b all ☹️wheres the thing i miss the thing but has to pretend they want it back and is only doing it for character a’s sake when we all see its just them being in love or whatever is something i fucking LOVE to see?? every time???
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alonyne · 1 year
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Vash is my babygirl plant or not
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jilldrawblog · 6 months
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lbhslefttiddie · 1 year
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old art for a hypothetical inuyasha au
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I miss when Harley and Ivy's relationship wasn't bland and boring and unrecognizably tame
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Thane Krios With: Flight Lt. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Councilor Rannadril Bibsos Tembin Lesti Bensin Valern, Cmdr. Armando-Owen Bailey, and Kai Leng Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and she will be a companion to you as she was to me. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#thane krios#jeff joker moreau#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#priority citadel is one of my favorite priority missions in the game so it’s a fun one to gif!#i absolutely love how much thane content you get in the front end of the mission since thane is one of my favorites!#and bailey is one of my favorite npcs in the game so i adore that he gets a bit of a spotlight role in a bigger mission too!#but i will say that i do think priority citadel has some.. writing issues? to put it mildly?#i think my biggest problem is that i feel like everything with udina feels like it kinda just comes out of left field#like it feels like there’s VERY little build up for what happens with udina being a cerberus plant#the idea is interesting!! but i wish there was much more build up for it? it’s sort of just- there for me and it just comes at you so fast#like udina had always been sort of portrayed as a kind of shifty/power hungry character (don’t get me wrong)#but the cerberus plot line seemed VERY hastily thrown in and i wish there was a bit more subtle nodding to it throughout earlier missions#and i could write essays about how i wish kai leng was written better#but people who write much more eloquently than i do can put it in much better words than i can what problems there are with his writing#i think he had potential to be a super interesting character if he was introduced earlier and was much less stereotypical in form#also i’m sorry mr. leng but miranda wears the armor better (I SAID IT AND I WONT APOLOGIZE FOR IT)#the fight between kai leng and thane is *chef’s kiss* 👌 tho (i adore the cinematography of the shots as a video editing bitch)#ME3 has very nice fight choreography in some of the cutscenes (especially the ones with kai leng and the phantoms)#thane krios will always be my beloved and in canon he and soph develop a mutual respect over their hand to hand combat skills :)#also i forgot to say joker looking so absolutely done with everything in that first gif is me irl ✨
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