#big damn hero
grissomesque · 2 years
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Grossly underappreciated Ellen Ripley moment.
Star Trek: Voyager 3x03: "The Chute"
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anderjak-creations · 11 months
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new character i'm working on, tentatively called Big Damn Hero
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Thinking about how so many suitors have internalized this idea of "I AM the bad guy, and this is why"
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bargainsleuthbooks · 1 year
Firefly #1: Big Damn Hero by James Lovegrove #AudibleExclusive #Audiobook #BookReview
I had a great trip down memory lane and got a new adventure for the much loved TV series #Firefly#BigDamnHero is the first authorized novel of the cult classic #Serenity #TVSeries #jameslovegrove #audiobook #Bookreview #sciencefiction #audibleexclusive
The Battle of Serenity Valley was the turning point that led the Independents to their defeat at the hands of the Alliance. Yet the Browncoats had held the valley for weeks against all odds, before being ordered to lay down their arms. Command stated they refused to send in airpower because the ground war was “too hot.” But the soldiers who were there insist that was not true… While picking up a…
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sweetandfunky · 2 years
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Can we talk real quick about this page? It's where Tim has just out-played Ra's al Ghul and the LoA, stopped Ra's from completing his hostile takeover of WE, protected the rest of the Batfam from harm, and all after destroying a large chunk of LoA bases and resources. Ra's, after a brutal fight that Tim used to delay him and prevent the WE takeover, figures out Tim won and kicks him out a window to almost certain death.
Now my take is that Tim didn't expect to survive this. He did right by Bruce, protected everyone and his legacy, and was totally okay with dying. Other people have pointed this out before, it's absolutely not the first 'hot take' like this.
The part of it that breaks my heart though, is the line "I saved the people he loved."
Even now. Even after pushing himself to the ends of the Earth to try and save Bruce. To do right by Bruce's legacy. Even now. He doesn't include himself in the list of people Bruce loves. It. Fucking. Kills Me.
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epickiya722 · 26 days
This bit right here!! Tsu's little siblings cheering on for her!! THAT'S THEIR BIG SISTER!! 😭💚
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itz-darktrax · 7 months
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"We didn't set out to be superheroes. But sometimes, life doesn't go the way you plan."
Happy 9th Anniversary to Big Hero 6!
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capesch-arts · 7 months
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☺️ 📖 👁️👁️
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 6 - Murder
@jegulus-microfic February 6 Word count 487
Murder had never been very high on Regulus’s to-do list. But when you’re part of Voldemort’s inner entourage, murder is expected.
Regulus didn’t like it, but he did as he was told. That was until he had his ex-lover on his knees in front of him, his chin held up by the tip of Regulus’s wand while his fellow death eaters cheered him on over finally getting the Potter boy. 
Regulus couldn’t do it. He stared into James’s eyes, knowing James would be the only one able to pick out the fear in his eyes. James’s lips were moving. He concentrated on the words coming out. 
“It’s ok, love. I know you have to do it.” James gazed up at him, completely relaxed and calm. Regulus’s wand hand shook, prodding James in the throat. James swallowed hard but didn’t take his eyes off Regulus. 
“Alright, Black, enough gloating. Finish him already so we can go.” One of the masked men spat out, getting bored of the situation. 
Regulus had only let his eyes flick away from James for a second to acknowledge the speaker before turning his full attention back on James. 
James smiled at him again and nodded his head minutely. Regulus shook his head with a similarly almost invisible movement. 
“I can’t.” He mouthed soundlessly down to James, lowering his wand slightly. 
“If you’re not going to do it, Black, move out of the way!” The other death eater stepped forward just as the wall beside him imploded, and Sirius Black came leaping through the dust swirling around the gaping hole. 
He started blasting before his feet even hit the ground. Sirius took out three death eaters without blinking and rounded on the remaining two, the bored death eater and Regulus.
Regulus, shocked at the sudden interruption, stood frozen. His wand still resting under James’s chin. 
Sirius knocked the other death eater out, leaving only Regulus. He pointed his wand at his brother. 
“Give me a reason, Regulus!” Sirius murmured, his voice deathly quiet, his stance showing he wasn’t messing around.
Regulus didn’t move, but James did. 
He stood up, gently moving Regulus’s wand away from him and reaching his hands to cradle his face. 
“You okay?” He asked, ignoring Sirius’s protestations. A tear dropped from Regulus’s eye, and his jaw quivered in James’s hands, but he managed to twitch the corner of his mouth into a smile. 
Their moment was broken when ropes shot from Sirius’s wand and wound around Regulus, pinning his arms to his side so forcefully his wand clattered to the ground.
“Grab him, and let’s go!” Sirius yelled as he summoned Regulus’s wand into his hand. Regulus found himself being hoisted into the air and over James’s shoulder as he was carried indignantly away from the building as a prisoner of the Order. 
He contemplated whether murder would have been the easier option. But no, this humiliation was still preferable.  
Next part
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
Prompt #4
Villain gripped Hero's collar in their fists, eyes burning, cheeks stained with tears.
"I. Fucking. Hate you." Their voice was low, full of hurt and loathing.
Hero stared up into the face of their nemisis - their friend - with wide eyes. They swallowed the lump in their throat, guilt burning in their blood. "I...I'm sorry-"
"Sorry?" Villain laughed and their voice cracked. "Oh, no. No, no, you're not sorry." They gripped the fabric of Hero's shirt tighter, pulling them close enough for their noses to touch. "You're not sorry," Villain murmured. "But you will be."
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batbabydamian · 6 months
i've seen you reference a couple times that you're not into the idea of Damian being batman when he grows up which i completely agree with on a narrative level as well. this begs the question though...what do you think would fit Damian best when he grows up? (and why is it Nightwing COUGH COUGH)
ideally, i would love for him to create a new identity and forge his own future without any ties to a legacy 😭
i’m a sucker for the whole Grayson legacy aspect they tease with Damian so i would be happy with him as Nightwing, but i’m content with just seeing fan interpretations of it 🥺 i think Nightwing is so tied to Dick Grayson it’s hard for me to imagine it as a mantle that needs to be passed down unless Dick’s choosing to do so
anon i do see the vision though 😭
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Nightwing (2016) #19/20
not that heirs should automatically get the mantle but if Dick did have the option. like. Dr. Hurt outright calling Damian as Dick’s heir, on top of Dick’s own subconscious in the form of a Nightwing Damian
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Nightwing (2016) Annual #2
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I firmly believe that Vash has no idea what an insurance agent actually is and what little he does know has been so thoroughly warped by his experiences with Meryl and Milly that he is now too afraid to find out
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deadheaddaisy · 2 months
This makes my day!
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
who are the real “BIG 3” of bnha??? and why is it THEM???
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
Leo, all alone in the prison dimension, finally let himself have the luxury of crying with the assumption that he’d never see his family again.
And then he’s saved, and what does he immediately do?
He reverts back to jokes.
I think about that a lot.
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keefechambers · 10 months
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