#bertrand (not) baudelaire
fanonical · 2 months
the baudelaire parents are actually alive and fine and living on a nice tropical island which doesn't have any cults or deadly poison or anything, they just managed to get outta their ridiculous lives
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snckt · 7 months
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there is a certain thrill to wearing a disguise — a thrill that is half excitement and half danger. i once attended one of the famed masked balls hosted by the duchess of winnipeg, and it was one of the most exciting and dangerous evenings of my life.
@asouefanworkevent day five of woevember : the masked ball, alternatively titled,   the dragonfly.
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A Headcanon Regarding the Violet’s Father Debate
Beatrice Baudelaire. A talented actress and performer whose charming ways wins anyone over, who has a high-standing rank due to being a Baudelaire, one of two oldest VFD Families. And with a great dislike for it, this defaults Beatrice getting more respect and recognition.
Such respect and recognition surely mean Violet Baudelaire’s father is also of equal standing.
And Bertrand B. is one of equal standing. While new to the organization, he became The Golden Boy™ of his generation. He is the volunteer who all the older volunteers of the previous generation think can do no wrong. He is the volunteer in Bertrand’s generation who is well-respected and generally like.
But Lemony Snicket is also of equal standing, and it’s not just because he’s born into an old VFD Family. A trouble-making volunteer, he can show how driven he is when it comes to goals, which is admirable to those of his generation. And his devotion to those he cares for makes him well-liked and generally respected.
Clearly, Beatrice having two lovers that are evenly match means almost everyone should spend time debating the biological identity of Violet Baudelaire’s father. They wouldn’t be doing so if Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony told everyone themselves to avoid the debate.
The thing is, the three don’t care. Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony, after a very discreet meeting, agree that biological shouldn’t matter to the identity of Violet’s father. They all agree that Bertrand is Violet’s father. Bertrand is the one who was there when Violet was born. Bertrand is the one who [will] raise Violet alongside Beatrice. Bertrand is the one who Beatrice pick to start a family with. And Lemony holds no ill-will towards Bertrand for being the one Beatrice picked, as well as holding no ill-ill towards Beatrice for picking the one who can be there to support her and her child.
With Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony having pick their positions, it’s time to know the others.
Team ‘Lemony is Violet’s Bio-Dad’:
Esme (Believes Lemony and Beatrice forgot to use protection. She also thinks it’s amusing and pathetic that Bertrand is raising someone else’s child.)
Kit (More often than not, Kit thinks Violet is Lemony’s child, because she wants Lemony to be around in the most unlikely ways. This led to fights with Jacques.)
Frank (Based off the timing of the breakup and when Beatrice and Bertrand went to the Island. He is convinced they know the truth and lying.)
Ernest (Follows Frank’s logic. However, he thinks Beatrice and Bertrand went to the Island without knowing, so they’re convince Violet isn’t Lemony’s daughter.)
R (Follows Frank’s logic. R also asked Lemony upright, being one the few he kept contact during this time period but got no answer.)
Gustav (Because of all the constant drama, he just picks a side on the fly in case they have to state their opinion on the matter.)
Olivia (Flat out asked Beatrice and Bertrand if Violet is Lemony’s kid, leading to the couple to say no. Olivia is convinced they’re lying to her.)
Ellington (She found copies of ASOUE at a few bookstores, and she draws her own conclusions without any influences what-so-ever.)
Team ‘Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad’: 
Olaf (By ASOUE, he’s running under the logic ‘the couple that slayed together, have kids together.’ Before, Olaf was convinced Lemony is a prude who used protection)
Jacques (As much as he wants Violet to be Lemony’s child, Jacques can never find traces of Lemony in Violet’s face, which lead to many fights with Kit.)
Josephine (Is convinced Violet is a premature child. Due to eventually losing contact with Beatrice and Bertrand, she never got her answer for sure.)
Ike (Due to an ill-spoken rumor that relates to Gregor being Fiona’s biological father, Ike chooses to believe Bertrand isn’t raising someone else’s child.)
Widdershins (Believes the timing works better with Betrand as Violet’s father than Lemony. Might factor with Widdershins believing the false reports of Lemony.)
Miranda (She was after all, on the Island with Beatrice and Bertrand. She knows of Beatrice’s past with Lemony, but Miranda is certain Violet is Bertrand’s child.)
Ishmael (Arrived on the Island when Beatrice was in her Third Trimester, and therefore assumed Betrand is the father. He did briefly consider Lemony is Violet’s biological father after reading the in-universe ASOUE book, but reject it.)
Moxie (Random Headcanon Time! I think there’s several Editors: Awful Editor, Dreadful Editor, and Kind Editor. Moxie is the Kind Editor, after she and Lemony semi-got back in contact. After hearing everything of the topic from the horse’s mouth that is Lemony, Moxie is all, “Yeah, Bertrand is Violet’s father.”)
Team: ‘Wait, are you serious? This is an actual topic of debate?’ Also Known as: Team ‘Haven’t decided yet’: 
Fernald (He knew the topic exist because he once saw Kit and Jacques getting into an argument about it, but it’s TEE when Fernald realize it’s a serious topic because Olaf and Esme ask about his stance and panic answers, “Unsure.”).
The rest of the Acting Troupe (Olaf and Esme started to argue about it again post TVV but pre-THH. They asked Fernald if they should get involve. Fernald tells them not to worry over it for now and they roll with it.)
Hugo, Colette, Kevin (Olaf and Esme got into another argument in TPP but because they’re the only remaining ‘Troupe’ left they can’t ask anyone what the hell they’re talking about so they’re just confused.)
The rest of the Associates (Whenever Ellington shows up to visit Moxie, the two sometimes get into arguments about it. Everyone is quiet when it happens. While they know Moxie is in contact of sorts with Lemony, they have no idea how serious of a topic it is between the two women until they see the arguments themselves.)
Team ‘Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad’…but only because they have no idea of the theory Lemony is Violet’s Bio-Dad:
All of the Unfortunate Generation (Why should they know?)
Dewey (He was hiding away from the world before Fiona was born. Him meeting Violet when Beatrice and Bertrand visiting him was a nice, sweet surprise, and the couple didn’t want to ask if he heard of the theory from his brothers to ruin said meeting. Ernest and Frank —and later on Kit and others who do visit Dewey— never told Dewey their opinion because they want Dewey to be happy for his friends getting together and having a daughter/eventual family.)
Monty (He was traveling when the Violet’s Father Debate was at its highest, and came back after Beatrice and Bertrand’s return, when Violet was almost one year old. No one told Monty their opinions/informed him of the theory Lemony is Violet’s Bio-Dad because they want Monty to be happy his friends got together and had a daughter/eventual family while away.)
Charles (Think Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad because Kit told him via letter when she was [back to] thinking Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad.)
Hector (Isolated at the Village of Fowl Devotee after Fiona was born, but before Violet was born. Thinks Bertrand is Violet’s Bio-Dad due to Ike and Josephine.)
Georgina (Began her isolation in Paltryville before Violet was born, so the last things she heard is “Lemony is dead” and “Beatrice and Bertrand went to the Island.” Upon hearing word Beatrice and Bertrand came back from the Island and they now have a baby, Georgina is convinced Bertrand took advantage of Beatrice’s grief)
Phil + Hal (Naturally assumes the Baudelaires share the same father; in Phil’s case being on the Crew of Two on the Queequeg has Widdershins never telling him about this debate, and in Hal’s case Kit didn’t think about telling him about the debate)
Theodora + Jerome (Also naturally assumes that the Baudelaires share the same father. Both knew Beatrice and Lemony were a thing. Jerome figured Beatrice only decided to raise a family after becoming serious with Bertrand. In Theodora’s case, she believed Beatrice got pregnant on the Island, and it went from there.)
Half of the Original Schism Generation (Ex: Monty’s Sister, Adeline. Follows Theodora’s logical because it makes the most sense.)
Team ‘Can You All Shut the Ever-Loving F*CK UP’: 
Sally (Hearing the debate so much got to where Sally wanted to hear nothing about Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony for weeks. It got so bad, she once stopped talking to Gustav and other associates’ mid-way in conversations whenever it’s brought up.)
Larry + Haruki (Would have picked a side if people kept it as a minor thing but it got too large of a matter at hand, and two collectively went, “Fuck you we pick none!”)
Raymond ‘Q’ Quagmire + Joan Quagmire + Joan’s Triplet Sisters’ Alex and Lindsey (Raymond and Joan made cards that says if anyone brings up the topic in any of their presence, they have to pay a $1000 dollar fine. Alex and Lindsey made it a permanent ban topic by threatening everyone to change the fine to $10, 000 dollars)
Thursday (Miranda never told him the theory about Lemony being Violet’s Bio-Dad. He only knows about because Kit unnecessary told him the theory without him having a choice on the matter on day over a cup of Turkish coffee. Whenever Kit tries to bring it up again Thursday excuses himself from the table and hides out in the restroom/makes an excuse to cut their meeting short.)
TMWBBNH and TWWHBNB (Think the Baudelaires are small potatoes in the grand schemes of things. It’s not their concern and they are able to get Olaf and Esme to shut up about it before they even argue about it whenever around.)
Team Dead and Therefore Excluded:
Pretty much any dead character by the ASOUE Period, canonically or assumed otherwise (Ex: Gregor, the other half of the Original Schism Generation like Dashiell, N Caliban because I headcanon N is dead, and others not mentioned here.)
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lyeekha · 2 months
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Bertrand and the little one
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witherydithery · 9 months
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dykemaclachlan · 1 year
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pov you’re bertrand driving the taxi and you have a vital decision to make
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I don't like A Series of Unfortunate Events because of everything we know about its characters and world. Rather, I like it for everyone we don't know.
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curiouscreationss · 3 months
ASOUE characters: How popular are they on Ao3?✨📚😎😮🫢
No.of fics with each character in them
Beatrice: 417
Bertrand: 257
🔧Violet: 977 🏆
📚Klaus: 822
🍳 Sunny: 662
👶 Beatrice II: 192
Mrs Quagmire: 34
Mr Quagmire: 28
🖋️Isadora: 369 🏆
🗞️ Duncan: 367
🗺️ Quigley: 332 (Surprising tbh, I thought he’d win out of the triplets at least)
⚓️Captain Widdershins: 40
🍄 Fiona: 114
🪝 Fernald: 166 🏆
Olaf+his troupe:
🎭 Count Olaf: 722 🏆
🍸 Esmé Squalor: 379
Woman with hair but no beard: 30
Man with beard but no hair: 25
👓 Georgina Orwell: 143
Henchperson of indeterminate gender: 84
Bald man: 57
White-faced women: 56 (just mildly less popular than the bald man yet there’s TWO of them- that’s gotta blow 😔-)
🎪[The Freaks] 🎪
Kevin: 14 🏅
Hugo: 13
Collette: 12
Frank: 76
Ernest: 92
🦄: 102 🏆
Snickets: (Take this with a grain of salt bc they have a whole other series -ATWQ- going for them)
Jaques: 347
Kit: 410
Lemony: 536 🏆
Guardians+the likes:
🏦 Mr Poe: 104
🗞️ Eleanora Poe: 14
📰 Polly Poe: 1
🐑 Edgar Poe: 10
💰 Albert Poe: 6 (Why is Edgar more popular??)
🐍Uncle Monty: 114
🐍 Ink/The Incredibly Deadly Viper: 8
🪟 Aunt Josephine: 72
Ike Anwhistle: 26
[🚬 Sir: 30
Charles: 54
👓 Georgina Orwell: 143 🏅
😃 Phil: 10 ]
[🎻Vice Principal Nero: 37 (That’s less than the bald man who has maybe 3 lines total, take that!)
Mrs Bass: 4 (Damn.)
Ms. Tench: 2 (Double damn)
Mr Remora: 3
📚 Olivia Caliban: 237 🏅]
🍸 Jerome Squalor: 104
(✨Esmé Squalor: 379 but I put her in the Olaf’s troupe section. This is just for quick comparison to Jerome. Poor guy. Ish. I don’t actually feel that bad for him tbh.)
🦅 The Council of Elders: 4
🎈 Hector: 48
Hal: 8
Babs: 9
Phil: 10
[🍎 Ishmael: 17
🐟 Miranda Caliban: 8
🕶️ Friday Caliban: 26 🏅
🚢 Thursday: 5 ]
Miscellaneous VFD members:
😎 Jacquelyn Scieszka: 172 🏆
🎥 Gustav Sebald: 78
🐟 Larry Your-Waiter: 85
👑 Duchess R of Winnipeg: 61 or 64 (3 are under ‘Duchess R’
Ben: 4
🚲 The Paperboy: 3
💃 Carmelita Spats: 149
Top 3:
1~ Violet Baudelaire! 🔧💜 (977 fics on Ao3 are tagged ‘Violet Baudelaire’! 🎉)
2~Klaus Baudelaire!!📚💙(822 fics!)
3~ Count Olaf! 👁️ 😈 (722 fics!)
Polly Poe (with a disappointing 1 fic!😱)
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drowninginredink · 3 months
I was rereading The Penultimate Peril, and I got to the section where it explains how Bertrand taught the Baudelaires the prank of pushing every button in the elevator before you step out so the next person is stuck going to every floor. You know who he pulled that prank on?
"A tiresome woman named Eleanora"
Bertrand Baudelaire annoying Eleanora Poe is canon
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 months
ASOUE Characters (The Adults)
And the Beatles Songs I Can't Help But Associate Them With
Lemony Snicket, In My Life (~All these places had their moments/With lovers and friends, I still can recall/Some are dead and some are living/In my life, I've loved them all~)
Beatrice Baudelaire, Golden Slumbers (~Golden slumbers fill your eyes/Smiles await you when you rise/Sleep pretty darling do not cry/And I will a lullaby~)
Bertrand Baudelaire, All My Loving (~All my loving, I will send to you/All my loving/Darling, I'll be true/All my loving/All my loving, Ooh/All my loving, I will send to you~)
Count Olaf, Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (~I once had a girl/Or should I say she once had me/She showed me her room/Isn't it good Norwegian Wood?~) + (~And when I awoke I was alone/This bird had flown/So I lit a fire/Isn't it good Norwegian wood?~)
Esme Squalor, Girl, being the Girl in question, not the 'singer'* (~She's the kind of girl who puts you down/When friends are there/You feel a fool/When you say she's looking good/She acts as if it's understood~)
*The 'singer' of 'Girl' is Jerome Squalor, who has strong feelings of his former marriage with Esme, more bad than good
Jacques Snicket, While My Guitar Gentle Weeps (~I look at the world and I notice it's turning/While my guitar gently weeps/With every mistake we must surely be learning/Still my guitar gently weeps~)
Kit Snicket, Help* [~When I was younger so much younger than today/I never needed anybody's help in any way/(Now) But now these are gone (These days are gone)/I'm not so self assured/(And now I find) Now I've changed my mind/And opened up the doors~]
*Despite the upbeat tone, the lyrics really do fit Kit
Dewey Denouement, A Day in the Life (~I read the news today, oh boy/About a lucky man who made the grade/And though the news was rather sad/Well, I just had to laugh/I saw the photograph~) + (~A crowd of people stood and stared/They'd seen his face before/Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords~)
Ernest Denouement, Carry That Weight (~Boy, you're gonna carry that weight/Carry that weight a long time/Boy, you're gonna carry that weight/Carry that weight a long time~)
Frank Denouement, You Never Gave Me Your Money (~You never give your money/You only give me your funny paper/And in the middle of negotiations/You break down~)
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"Why," asks Ernest, pushing himself up on his elbows, "are you here?"
Bertrand pauses in his task of unbuttoning his shirt, and looks up at Ernest with those wide eyes of his. The tiniest of frowns twists the corners of his mouth, and Ernest suddenly feels very warm all over.
"I thought I was rather clear about that," says Bertrand, abandoning his buttons altogether and crossing the room to stand at the side of the bed. "Was I not?"
He looks down at Ernest, genuine concern pinching his brow, and Ernest feels the weight of his gaze keenly. He lifts his chin to meet Bertrand's eyes - his tie is loose and the top buttons of his shirt undone in a way that he knows shows off the beginning of the collarbone quite nicely. He is only a little miffed when Bertrand is unmoved by the display.
"Oh, you were very clear, B," he says, changing tactics. He moves to kneel on the bed in front of Bertrand, hands trailing down the exposed v of Bertrand's chest. Bertrand adjusts his glasses, a nervous tell, and blushes. Victory curls delightfully in Ernest's chest.
"I suppose the question I'm really asking is," he continues, lowly, as his hands find their way to Bertrand's waist, "why me?"
He pulls Bertrand in a little by the belt, so that their hips knock together and their faces are inches apart. Bertrand's hands fly to Ernest's shoulders, not pushing him away or pulling him closer but simply holding. He smiles at the obvious ploy, finally finally allowing himself to look Ernest up and down.
"Fishing for compliments isn't very nice, E," he says, hint of teasing in the back of his tone. He leans in, so the breath of his words brushes over Ernest's mouth. "You know very well why you."
One of his hands slides to the back of Ernest's head as he closes the rest of the gap between them and kisses Ernest, warm and heavy. Ernest really would like to let this blow past their conversation, but the question has been nagging him unbidden since he recieved Bertrand's note, so he pulls away and sits back on his knees, looking up at Bertrand in his best approximation of Jacques' ridiculous sad puppy eyes that seem to work so well.
"But I'm not nice," he pushes. "I'm not the safe choice."
Bertrand frowns, even as he finishes undoing the buttons of his shirt and discards it on the floor.
"Why ever not?" he asks, as he climbs onto the bed beside Ernest.
Ernest obligingly turns so that he is sitting with his back against the headboard, facing Bertrand. Bertrand settles between Ernest's legs, tracing slow figure-eights against Ernest's knee with one finger. Ernest tries very hard to focus on the conversation at hand, but indulges in one long look at Bertrand's now-exposed chest.
"I'm not-" he says, dragging his eyes back up to meet Bertrand's. He isn't usually prone to such fits of moral concern, it's more Frank's area of expertise, but Bertrand makes him unusually forthcoming. "We're not on the same side," he decides.
Bertrand moves further into Ernest's space with a soft smile, one hand resting on Ernest's hip and the other tugging lightly on the knot of Ernest's tie.
"That's precisely why it's safe," he says, and reels Ernest in for another kiss.
This kiss is urgent and fierce, and almost as soon as it's begun Bertrand has already moved on, trailing kisses down the side of Ernest's neck. Ernest tries to keep hold of the conversation, even as he finds his hands running up and down Bertrand's back.
"One day," says Bertrand, lips still pressed against the hollow of Ernest's throat, "you will do something I find so despicable that I won't be able to look at you."
He bites at Ernest's collarbone, hard enough to make Ernest gasp.
"And one day," he continues, "I will do something you find so despicable that you won't be able to look at me."
Bertrand is busily undoing the buttons of Ernest's shirt, while Ernest hooks one leg around Bertrand's to pull him closer.
"If we both know that from the start," concludes Bertrand, logic still unfairly intact, "there'll be no harm done, no hearts broken."
Bertrand sits up and away from Ernest, hair ruffled and glasses a little askew. He looks at Ernest searchingly, and Ernest is finding it harder and harder to convince himself that this is maybe a bad idea.
"Is that alright with you, Ernest?" asks Bertrand, hands skimming over Ernest's thighs absent-mindedly. "Because I can go, if this isn't-"
Something twists in Ernest's stomach, and he does not give himself the time to consider it. Whatever it is, it is not worth abandoning how Bertrand's neck is exposed when he tilts his head, or the buzzing in his chest when Bertrand looks at him. He pushes himself forward, knocking Bertrand over onto his back.
"This," he says, crawling on top of Bertrand and smiling sharply, "is perfectly agreeable."
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unfortunatetheorist · 1 month
'Sugar' Theodora Markson Theory: Part 2
Did Theodora LIE to Lemony about her chaperone ranking in V.F.D?/Why is Lemony a compulsive liar?
This theory is a follow-up to one I made a while ago:
At the end of the above theory, I stated:
"seeing as she's 52nd out of 52 chaperones (or something like that, it has been a while since I've read ATWQ), if she tells V.F.D. her name is Sugar, she's BOUND to get kicked out of the organisation."
before citing the correct information from the Snicket Wiki:
"P.S. I did get it right: On the list of chaperones, she is ranked 52nd of 52, though she believed she was ranked tenth
(Snicket Wiki)"
What I failed to mention, however, was not just the fact that Theodora was bound to be kicked out of V.F.D. but the fact that Theodora KNEW she was bound to get kicked out of V.F.D., if she ever exposed her real first initial.
This is the likeliest reason she kept her name under wraps, for fear of losing everything - her true friends such as Sharon Haines, what little was left of her status, etc.
However, if Theodora knew she was bound to get kicked out of V.F.D., why did she tell Lemony she thought she was tenth?
THEORY: Theodora lied to Lemony because she didn't trust him (e.g., the way she trusted Bertrand) with her biggest secret - she was scared he was going to rat her out, accidentally or intentionally, to V.F.D. and she would be fired.
It was therefore easier to let Lemony believe she was higher than she was, rather than run the associated (no ATWQ reference intended) risks of telling him the terrible truth.
This was a dangerous move on Theodora's part, however, as it was [arguably] this action, combined with her excessive belittling that ignited the compulsive liar in Lemony Snicket.
Lemony always wanted to know what the S stood for, but he never got a true answer. He only found out years later, from Bertrand Baudelaire, his absolute archnemesis; their rivalry was worse than Lemony and Olaf's.
Bertrand was a 'better' apprentice to Theodora than Lemony ever was.
Bertrand was a(n existent/actual) husband of Beatrice Baudelaire, and the father of her children.
This leads us to one thing:
Uh, yeah. Not really much else to say - comment below!
~Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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beatricebidelaire · 1 month
"I have never," Beatrice pauses dramatically, then sighs - even more dramatically - and continues, "slept with a Denouement."
Then she glances around the small circle of people - all sitting in various positions on the sofa or on the floor in room 641 of hotel denouement - challengingly, and gives a light whirl to the wineglass in her hand.
Jacques sighs, and then slowly took a sip of his own drink.
Beside him, Frank freezes.
Did that mean that, despite what he thought, that something indeed happened that drunken night after all, and the reason J himself never brought it up is because - well, what, he thought they're doing this pretending it never happened and let's not talk about it thing? After the lack of the subject being brought up the following day, Frank just assumed that he has luckily not been impulsive enough to act on any of his hidden feelings.
Maybe he assumed wrong all this time.
Looks like something did happen, but perhaps Jacques thought it just a one time thing, something that they didn't need to talk about and wouldn't ruin their friendship over.
Beatrice's gaze is sharp, knowing, amused. Triumphant. It has "I knew it" written all over it. She looks at Jacques and Frank victoriously.
Frank tries to catch Jacques's eyes, but Jacques is not looking his way, instead glaring at Beatrice.
Frank gives up and decides to glare at Beatrice as well.
But then, something else caught his eyes.
Bertrand was just frowning a moment ago, but then his expression changes, with something close to realization dawning on him in his eyes.
Beatrice looks like she's about to speak.
Frank watches as Bertrand - the cordial and polite Bertrand - tilts his hand, and the whiskey in his glass pours down, spilling all over Beatrice's extravagant purple dress (innest color of the season). Bertrand quickly makes an apology, but Frank could swear that it was not an accident.
It clicks into place for Frank.
He is not the Denouement that Jacques has slept with.
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snicketstrange · 10 months
Where did the Baudelaire fortune originate?
Short theory:
The elusive VFD, unable to use legal entities, actually holds all of its assets - think money, estates, books, even Uncle Monty's exotic snakes. The wealth comes from generous families donating fortunes to this shadowy organization. That's why the Snickets, once rich, are now far from it. This also sheds light on the Baudelaires' lack of hired help - they weren't free to spend the money as they pleased because they were stewarding VFD's assets. In essence, they were the secretive custodians of the Baudelaire mansion.
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croquel · 2 years
i would love it if you drew bertrand baudelaire! :)
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i apologize for how much longer than usual this took; i did these at random points during the day because i had some stuff to get done
anyway, the name "bertrand baudelaire" has such pretentious wine taster energy, but in my mind he has a sort of other father from coraline energy to him
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archangelsunited · 1 year
Olaf: You won’t hurt me, I have witnesses.
Beatrice: Esme, Bertrand- Turn around.
Esme&Bertrand: *turn around*
Olaf: Okay, now you can hurt me.
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