#bernard the elf icons
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Trailer Icons
The Santa Clauses (2022)
*Feel free to use, no credit is needed
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marsconer · 5 months
i don’t know how to explain to my mutuals that rewatching the santa clause movies is doing something to me ( healing my inner child ) and i have a new comfort character, little blorbo, tiny darling
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lmelodie · 2 years
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TODAY IS THE DAY FAM. I am usually a Jack stan, but today I am not immune to Bernard FEVER! Episode watch and thoughts pending for later.
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Some Bernard Icons for Your Consideration
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Reblog if you download/use
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pridewishes · 1 year
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250x250 || holiday || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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unusual-ly · 1 year
I’m making a list of Yonderland characters for reference, am I missing any particularly iconic characters…?
Elf, Nick, Elders, Negatus, Imperatrix, demons, Bradley and Mojo, the Crone, ninnies, truth monks, galants, cake bake ladies, Nanny La Roo, overlords, tuneantula, Time Being, Bird and Bee, Boo, the oracle, the giant, the tiny people, Bombero, parvuli, fahls, Mountebank, King Bernard and the Chamberlain, Kendall, the Woolworths, Marks & Spencer, Babbas, Maverick Bojangles, Le Fox
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Express YoursELVES
Have you ever noticed how many different elves in cinema there are? I didn’t realize how many there were until I started paying attention to the many fantastical realms in film. Since there are so many, I’ve decided to highlight some of my favorite elves for you today! Who are your favorite elves? I always appreciate your feedback!  
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1. Dobby from the Harry Potter Series (2001-2011)
I must admit, I wasn’t too sure about Dobby the house elf at first. He’s very mischievous and tries to sabotage Harry from going back to Hogwarts. However, once I learned more about Dobby as I went along, he only did those things because he thought he was protecting Harry. He only wants what is best for the wizard. He is also very clever. The sock scene is so iconic that you can’t help but root for him! 
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2. Legolas from The Lord of the Rings Series (2001-2003)
Legolas joins the fellowship to help destroy the ring that rules them all!  Even though elves and dwarves usually hate one another, Legolas and Gimli become the best of friends during their journey together. He is as well faithful to his friend, Aragorn which shows great loyalty on his part. Not only is he a prince, but he is a masterful archer. His ability to use a bow and arrow make for one fantastic warrior! 
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3. Buddy from Elf (2003)
Of course, I had to mention the loveable Buddy! Although he wasn’t born an elf, he was raised by some fabulous Christmas elves. Growing up in that environment, who’s to say that Buddy isn’t a true elf himself? The hijinks in pursuit of his biological father is quite hilarious. Once he does find his father, it’s interesting to see how he adapts to human life. He cannot believe how big things are in the real world! His quirkiness is sure to bring a smile to your face and will have you laughing out loud! 
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4. Bernard from The Santa Clause (1994)
Another Christmas elf coming back at ya!  He has all the good qualities that a typical Christmas elf usually has, but he also has characteristics outside the normal realms of elfhood. He is sarcastic, witty, and hard working. He knows when to have fun and also knows when it’s time to get back to work.  Bernard is very charismatic. 
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5. Hermey from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)
Just like Bernard, Hermey breaks the mold for Christmas elves. He dreams of being a dentist! Why should he be stuck to one profession just because everyone around him is doing the same job? Along with Rudolph, they help each other to see that they are not misfits. They are uniquely made. Their originality helps them through their wacky adventures during the Christmas season. Their dynamic is a fun one to watch every year! 
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steves-on-a-plane · 6 years
What’s the most obscure fandom ur apart of?(ya kno, the one that has literally 0 fanfics, barely a fan base. We all have one lmao)
I literally have so many that I feel like there aren’t enough fics, or web content in general, for honestly. So thanks for giving me the opportunity to list them all off, I’ll let you guys decide what the most obscure is. 
Firstly my ride or die obscure fandom is The Santa Clause. Everyone is thirsty for Bernard the Head Elf, but there’s hardly any content out there. That being said, fellow fans of The Santa Clause series are genuinely the nicest! (Also Bernard is such mood TBH)
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Jim Henson’s The Labyrinth was always something I had a hard time finding Fan Fics for when I was in High School. David Bowie is an icon, but truthfully its been a while since I’ve gone digging for Labyrinth content, there could be more out there now. 
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Up until a few months ago finding Han Solo fics were literally impossible. There were a few imagines circulating around. (usually 200 words or less) but nothing long dedicated to my favorite smuggler. The Solo movie is starting to change that.
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I feel like I’ve talked about this book too much tonight, but it was always hard for me to find fan fiction for The Outsiders when I was younger too. Don’t know how much, if anything there is now.
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but probably the most obscure fandom I’m into has to be The Sorcerer’s Apprentice staring Nicholas Cage & Jay Baruchel. Everything about that movie is pure gold. It doesn’t get enough love, we don’t talk about it enough, and I needed a sequel that will never come. 
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gayiconwaluigi · 6 years
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Bernard the Elf is gender goals and also a gay icon.
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Bernard the Elf Icons
The Santa Clause (1994)
*Feel free to use, no credit is needed
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monsih · 7 years
on this day 15 years ago I  and all the other bisexual multi-ethnic 8 y/o’s in the world were blessed with the long-awaited return of the spiritual/fashion soulmate/icon bernard the head elf with his role’s reprisal in the santa clause 2 and for the first time in a long time I feel. ..blessed
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junker-town · 6 years
3 NFL mascots that deserve a second chance
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Live dogs, sad elves, and, uh, a robot.
Mascots are, with few exceptions, an entirely disposable piece of the NFL gameday experience. These underpaid performers are the Flavor Flav to the Chuck D action on the field: sometimes-useful, occasionally grating hypemen who serve to blunt the violence of the product they serve.
Few of these toddler’s sketches brought to life ever got the chance to approach the orbit of beloved mascots like the Phillie Phanatic or Western Kentucky’s Big Red. Several have been retired. Others, thankfully, are riding into the sunset soon. Some never should have existed in the first place.
Nevertheless, they’re still a part of the NFL for 28 of the league’s 32 teams. And while 2018’s mascot lineup leaves something to be desired, that doesn’t mean the league hasn’t come up with some gems in its past, only to see those icons shelved in a storage facility somewhere, destined to live a life as sports memorabilia rather than spending their Sundays in a raucous stadium. Often, this is a sensical and logical move. Other times, however, this is a damn shame.
Today, let’s focus on the latter. These are the NFL mascots who deserve a second chance to tell their tales through interpretive dance and hot dog cannons.
The Steelers’ ...robot?
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Kudos to the Steelers for allowing some unknown artist to design their revamped NFL Heroes Week mascot in 1995 without actually knowing anything about the team aside from its name. Pittsburgh shipped this abomination to Hawaii for the Pro Bowl that winter as part of a failed marketing campaign that gave us a slew of other one-off variations on team mascots. That included diabetes Dolphin, as seen below.
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Photo by George Rose/Getty Images
Steely McBeam, excellent name aside, is Pittsburgh’s current and entirely generic mascot. Mr. McBeam is an ode to the city’s past. Steelers robot, however, is an intriguing nod to the city’s growing reputation as a tech hub. Steelers robot forever.
Brownie the Elf on a full-time basis
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Steve Flynn-USA TODAY Sports
Brownie — the elf sidekick (?) who serves the two dogs who also claim residency in Cleveland’s hall of NFL mascots (??) — has been back in various incarnations since the Browns returned to the league in logo form in 1999, overseeing exactly one (1) playoff game in the process. He was brought back as an actual mascot to some fanfare in 2013, but he’s not even listed on the Browns’ mascot page and hasn’t been featured prominently, possibly due to shame.
You still see an older, angrier version of the Brownie logo on merchandise and on the team’s revamped website, yet that’s not enough. He needs to stop hiding in the shadows, and there has never been a better time to bring him out of mothballs than here in what, god willing, is year three of Hue Jackson’s 20-year reign. That smug look of unearned confidence just screams “I’m not going 1-15. No. I’ll be swimming in that lake over there somewhere. That’s not happening,” before an 0-16 season. Brownie and Hue share a soul. Let them be together.
The Saints’ actual Saint Bernard, Gumbo
New Orleans currently has two mascots. One is Sir Saint:
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Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images
Just look at that big-chinned, Stan Smith-looking beauty play. I have no complaints about him. My concern instead comes with the team’s primary mascot, a man or woman performing generic Saint Bernard cosplay. The Saints used to have a lineup of adorable, massive bear-dog hybrids roaming the city in Archie Manning jerseys. Now they have none.
Saint Bernards are entirely manageable dogs everyone loves, regardless of what the Beethoven series may have taught us. If nothing else, the Saints’ mascots should be a real Saint Bernard named Gumbo and its handler, Sir Saint. And at halftime they venture up to the cheap seats and revive fans with cognac served from a barrel around Gumbo’s neck.
The NFL offers its fans a mostly uninspired lineup of mascots every year. It can do better — even if a bunch of mascots of the past are an amalgam of creepy, bizarre, and occasionally racist caricatures no one wants ruining their football Sunday. But not all retired mascots should stay that way.
What I’m really trying to say here is: Please bring back the Steelers robot.
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elrondsscribe · 7 years
The Seventh Avenger: Chapter 1
Nothing here's mine, of course. Tolkien and Marvel Studios own it all.
April 21, 2012
Glorfindel let himself into his apartment and hung up his keys on the rack next to the door. He set his phone down on the counter by the sink, opened the dishwasher to retrieve a clean glass, and retrieved an open jug of distilled water from the refrigerator. He drank deeply, the cool water soothing his dry throat.
He had been running, partly because it was a beautiful day but mostly because he'd needed the exercise to loosen himself up for the day's exercise routines. Now that his profession was so demandingly physical, he had to take better and more intentional care of his body than he'd had to in a few centuries. He quite relished the challenge.
He was just about to go for a much-needed shower when his senses belatedly went on the alert. He stiffened, and looked around.
Someone uninvited was in the house - was in fact in the next room, which was the living room. A tall, completely bald black man with a patch over his left eye was sitting comfortably on the couch holding a book. "You know, I used to love fantasy novels when I was in high school," he said conversationally. "Maybe that's why I still believe in heroes."
Glorfindel could honestly say that he had not had a genuine surprise like this for a solid decade. "Should I know you?" he asked suspiciously.
"You don't?" The man with the patch finally looked up and turned his head so that he was facing Glorfindel directly. "I'm surprised. Didn't you save my ungrateful ass from, to quote you directly, 'a Houseless in service to the Enemy' near forty-three years ago?"
And then Glorfindel remembered the lean, long-limbed boy who had come within an inch of death and worse that hot summer night. "You are Nicholas Fury," he said, and cocked his head. "I didn't recognize you at first; you've changed much since then."
The Man Nicholas Fury looked gave him a searching look. "You haven't."
Glorfindel's mouth tightened. "Is there a reason you are here, Mr. Fury?" he asked sharply.
But the Man smiled. "Now we're getting somewhere," he said, and he shut the book and turned the cover toward Glorfindel. "I'm now the director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, or SHIELD."
Glorfindel tensed, and wondered briefly if now after all these years he would be exposed. "What is SHIELD?" he asked warily.
Fury tucked the (rather large) book he'd been reading under his arm and got up. As he came into the kitchen Glorfindel saw that he was also holding a folder. "SHIELD is an international extra-governmental counter-terrorism intelligence agency," he said. "Our focus is on protection - specifically, protecting the world from alter-natural threats, and from alter-natural secrets they're not ready to hear yet."
And with these words he swept the book from under his arm and laid it on the kitchen table, and its title, The Lord of the Rings: One Volume, gleamed in large gold letters.
Glorfindel stared at the book and pursed his lips, trying to hide his unease. "Secrets people aren't ready to hear?" he asked. "This work -" he pointed to the book. "- is known the world over - been translated into heaven only knows how many languages."
"It's even been made into a motion picture," said Fury. "You probably already know there's another one scheduled to come out in November."
"That's the point," said Glorfindel. "Hobbits and Elves and Dwarves are popular everywhere -"
"Isn't that convenient," rumbled Fury.
Glorfindel became silent. He couldn't afford vehement denial.
"Then, on the other hand, maybe not," Fury went on. "See, a little while back, I remembered what you said to me that night. I started doing a little research - Fellowship, Silmarilllion, Unfinished Tales, Book of Lost Tales, Peoples of Middle-Earth. Hell, I even went through online forums and fan articles. I had a theory, see, based on what you said."
Glorfindel gritted his teeth.
"Like I said, I did some digging," said Fury. "And I found this story about an Elf called Glorfindel. He came back from the dead and was sent back to Middle-Earth as an emissary of the Valar, like Gandalf was later on. Glorfindel, I hear, was an extraordinary warrior, but he was even more than that. He could send Sauron's most terrifying minions running like a bunch of dormice just by showing up."
In spite of his worries, Glorfindel found his lips curling. "I wouldn't quite say that," he hedged.
"Too humble?" asked Fury with a smirk. "Not surprised."
Caught. Red-handed.
"Is there something in particular you need?" snapped Glorfindel.
"Well, I'm here for two things," said Fury. "The first one you already took care of - admitting to, you know, that." He gestured to the large volume. "You haven't been nearly as careful as you should about trying to protect your secret."
Glorfindel gulped. "What do you mean?"
Fury opened his folder, and began drawing papers and photos from it one by one. "Taylor Alexander, principal dancer with the New York City Ballet for three years, been with the company for ten. Laurence Matthews, flute teacher in Maryland for twenty-eight years until a fatal car accident in 1971. Adam Bartlett, promising intelligence agent during the Second World War, killed in action in 1943. Jonathan Davis, professional photographer that went down with the Titanic after nearly thirty years in business. Rare photo of Samuel McCarson, famed abolitionist and post-war Reconstruction activist, killed in a riot in 1875 - you have no idea how many strings I had to pull to get that one -"
Glorfindel felt his heart come into his mouth as all his last aliases were displayed one by one.
"- and those are just the identities we have photos for," Fury went on. "We've got painted portraits of a Bernard Mandeville, a Herman John Walker, a Raymond Vandeleur, and a Charles Williamson. I won't bore you with the entire list, but you get the idea, right?"
Glorfindel's jaw was tight. "What do you want from me?"
"What do I want from you?" Fury shook his head. "No, that's not the question here. The question here is, what do you want from me? See, there aren't too many people even in the intelligence community who know about all this -" he pointed to all the photos and documents on the table. "But when it comes to secrets, two's plenty and three's a crowd. You dig what I'm getting at?"
And just like that, when he'd thought things couldn't get worse, they'd worsened. "You're not the only one who's guessed about me, have you?" asked Glorfindel.
"I'm willing to bet I'm not," said Fury. "So here's the deal: I can make you disappear from every record about you that exists - SHIELD's good like that. Nobody'll ever find you - or any others of your kind, I might add -" Glorfindel let out a small groan. "- the way I did."
"Should have known I wouldn't be the only one," sighed the Elf, rubbing his neck again. "What's the catch? And don't play coy with me, I know there's a catch."
"Not a catch, per se," said Fury, his single visible eye gleaming in amusement. "Just a favor I'd like to ask, which you're actually free to turn down if you really want to. I do owe you that."
"What's the favor?" asked Glorfindel.
Without a word, the Man laid down the folder and turned it toward Glorfindel, who raised his eyebrows at the title, printed in large black letters under a logo designed like an eagle. "The Avengers Initiative?"
"Call me an idealist," Fury's expression was enigmatic. "Earth's mightiest heroes, coming together to fight the battles we couldn't."
Glorfindel opened the folder, and his jaw fell. "These are your other candidates?"
Fury's smile was shark-like. "You got an idea, now, what I'm asking you for?"
A slow grin spread across the Elf's face. He looked back up at Fury. "If I agree to this, may I ask a small favor of you?"
April 21, 2012
A bright yellow sun with eight rays set inside a larger circle of deep forest green glowed on Fury's office wall.
"So he actually wants to use the original Golden Flower device?" asked Agent Maria Hill, gazing at the icon.
"He said he was ready to 'step out of the shadows'," said Fury. "Thought it was 'time for the age of marvels to begin.'" His tone turned mocking at the last words.
Hill was not fooled. "You're enjoying everything about this, aren't you?" she asked, arching her eyebrows at her superior.
Fury's single eye glinted. "Maybe. Get the thing put on a suit of armor."
Hill took a look at the numbers underneath the image. "A suit of armor for a seven-foot-two creature out of an adventure novel. Should I put in an order a sword?"
"What else would he use?" snorted her superior.
She shook her head. "You know the Council wouldn't be happy to hear you're still working on Phase One."
Fury fixed his eye on Hill. "Sure they wouldn't, if they knew jack about it."
[From the classified personal file of Director Nicholas J. Fury]
May 1: Destruction of Project PEGASUS; arrival of hostile Asgardian force identified as Loki; brainwashing of unknown number of PEGASUS participants including Agent Barton and Dr. Erik Selvig.
May 2: Reactivation of Phase One: Avengers Initiative - call in and brief the following candidates: Captain Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Dr. Bruce Banner, and Laurëfindel/Glorfindel (alias Taylor Alexander).
"This is out of line, Director," said Councilman Malick sternly. "You're dealing with forces you can't hope to control."
"You ever been in a war, Councilman?" snapped Director Fury, gazing up at the group of screens in front of him in a virtual conference room. Each of the screens displayed a real-time image of a member of the World Security Council. "In a firefight? Did you feel an overabundance of control?"
"You saying that this Asgard declared war on our planet?" demanded the American Councilman.
"Not Asgard, Loki," corrected Fury.
"He can't be working alone," interjected Councilwoman Hawley, a representative from the United Kingdom. She was writing busily on a notepad. "What about the other one, his brother?"
"Our intelligence says Thor is not a hostile," said Fury. "But he's worlds away. We can't depend on him for help. It's up to us."
"Which is why you should be focusing on Phase Two," said Councilman Malick. "It was designed for exactly -"
"Phase Two isn't ready," Fury cut him off. "Our enemy is. We need a response team."
"The Avengers Initiative was shut down," Councilman Malick's voice held a hint of warning.
"This isn't about the Avengers," said Fury dismissively.
"We've seen the list," said Councilman Singh, arms folded.
"We're running the world's greatest security network," Councilman Malick leaned forward. "And you're going to leave the fate of the human race to a handful of freaks."
Fury's frown deepened. "I'm not leaving anything to anyone," he said emphatically. "We need a response team. These people may be isolated - unbalanced, even - but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need."
"You believe?" asked Councilwoman Hawley, with a smile that held no warmth.
"War isn't won by sentiment, Director," added Councilman Malick.
"No," said Fury, and his voice rang with conviction. "It's won by soldiers."
Yeah, this chapter was slow. And brief. Sorry. The next ones will make up for it, though I can't guarantee they'll come very quickly.
Couple things straight off the bat - in case you couldn't tell in the first chapter, I've made Glorfindel the focus of my story, not Legolas. He's a lot older, more powerful, and in my opinion more the Avenger type than Legolas (at least canon Legolas). He will also be by far the oldest Avenger.
Also, I referenced the real 2012 schedule for the NYCB to see what a real dancer in Glorfindel's position would have been doing at this point - which on this particular day is nothing, since the winter season ended February 26 and the spring season didn't begin until May 1. [Which means that Glorfindel will get the call to come in at a really bad time . . .]
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krakowergroup · 6 years
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ELF – John Debney
SHREK – Harry Gregson-Williams & John Powell
ICE AGE – David Newman
(November 15, 2018– Los Angeles, CA) –Varèse Sarabande Records is proud to announce three picture disc album releases of classic family blockbusters on November 16.  ICE AGE (David Newman) is the first ever vinyl release for any Ice Age film and features a picture disc of every fan’s favorite animal characters from the movie. SHREK (Harry Gregson-Williams  & John Powell) will also be available for the first time ever on vinyl and Its picture disc will show beloved characters Shrek and Donkey. ELF (John Debney) is the first time that any ELF soundtrack record will be available as a vinyl picture disc.
John Debney's score for John Favreau's Christmas comedy ELF is a hyper-stylized and witty celebration of all things Christmas, just like ELF itself. After inadvertently wreaking havoc on the elf community due to his ungainly size, a man named Buddy (Will Ferrell) raised as an elf at the North Pole is sent to the U.S. in search of his true identity. The largely orchestral score would fit seamlessly into all. The score is a funny and apt companion piece for any fans of the ELF film and this picture disc release makes the album an essential collector’s piece not only for fans of the score, but for fans of the franchise who want to own a picture disc for an iconic film.
SHREK is the second most successful animated franchise of all time, earning over 3.5 billion dollars at the box office. It has an incredibly adventurous animation score that is a rare collaboration between two very accomplished film composers: John Powell and Harry Gregson-Williams. In the film, after his swamp is filled with magical creatures, SHREK agrees to rescue Princess Fiona for a villainous lord in order to get his land back. SHREK has also become a successful musical production, originally debuting on Broadway in 2008.  
David Newman’s orchestral score for ICE AGE served as a perfect foil for the unlikely group of a mammoth, sloth, and tiger traversing the Earth because of the planet's shifting climate; and a squirrel’s desire for the ever elusive acorn. ICE AGE is the third most successful animated franchise of all time. It is the first ever vinyl release for any ICE AGE film and features every fan’s favorite animal characters. The next installment of the ICE AGE series is confirmed to be released in 2019 as ICE AGE 6: THE KIDNAPPING.
Varèse Sarabande Records is proud to announce picture disc album releases of classic family blockbusters on November 16 of ICE AGE, SHREK & ELF. SHREK & ELF will be exclusively at Barnes & Noble.
ICE AGE Tracklist
Side A
Opening Travel Music 1:15
Angered Rhinos 2:14
Humans/Diego 1:43
Tigers Going For Baby (3:11
Dodos 0:42
Fighting Over The Melons 2:01
Walking Through 1:24
Baby's Wild Ride 1:56
Checking Out The Cave 3:43
Running From The Lava 2:27
Baby Walks 1:33
Tigers Try To Get Baby 5:41
Giving Back The Baby 6:26
SHREK tracklist
Side A
Fairytale 1:27
Ogre Hunters / Fairytale Deathcamp 1:36
Donkey Meets Shrek 2:38
Eating Alone 1:18
Uninvited Guests 2:09
March Of Farquuad 0:39
The Perfect King 1:18
Welcome To Duloc 0:34
Tournament Speech 0:51
What Kind Of Quest 2:23
Dragon! / Fiona Awakens 2:06
One Of A Kind Knight 1:19
Saving Donkey's Ass 0:43
Escape From The Dragon 1:58
Side B
Helmet Hair 2:08
Delivery Boy Shrek / Making Camp 0:48
Friends Journey To Duloc 2:42
Starry Night 0:58
Singing Princess 1:36
Better Out Than In / Sunflower / I'll Tell Him 2:11
Merry Men  0:43
Fiona Kicks Ass 0:29
Fiona's Secret 3:02
Why Wait To Be Wed / You Thought Wrong 1:59
Ride The Dragon 1:37
Object 1:51
Transformation / The End 3:26
ELF Tracklist
Papa Elf (1:35)
Main Title (1:58)
Buddy's Journey (2:37)
A Stroll With Buddy (1:31)
Christmas Medley (2:22)
Weird Wonderland (1:34)
The Frozen Battlefield (1:28)
Buddy's Theme (:58)
Santa's In Trouble (2:05)
A Walk In The Park (1:00)
Attack Of The Little People (1:14)
Central Park Rangers (2:53)
Working With Dad (:36)
A Snowman's Advice (1:46)
Showdown In The Park (3:31)
Buddy And Santa's Flight (1:15)
Spaghetti And Syrup (1:37)
# # #
For more information contact The Krakower Group, @KrakowerGroup on Twitter & Instagram
Founded in 1978, Varèse Sarabande is the most prolific producer of film music in the world, releasing the highest quality soundtracks from the world’s greatest composers. From current box office hits and top television series to the classics of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Varèse Sarabande’s catalog includes albums from practically every composer in every era, covering all of film history; from Bernard Herrmann, Alex North and Jerry Goldsmith to Alexandre Desplat, Michael Giacchino and Brian Tyler.
Varèse Sarabande releases deluxe and expanded editions of special soundtracks for the film music aficionado. The Varèse Vintage imprint specializes in releasing new and re-issued albums by classic pop, jazz and country artists. Varèse Sarabande Records is distributed by Universal Music Group.
Follow:  twitter.com/varesesarabande
Watch:  youtube.com/varesesarabande
Listen:  open.spotify.com/user/varesesarabanderecords
Like:  facebook.com/varesesarabanderecords
Buy:  varesesarabande.com
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Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-shirt
Do you love it? https://kuteeboutique.com/shop/elf-squad-christmas-elves-sweat-shirt/
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-shirt
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Britain only took and never gave back…I’m sure all those nice fancy cities like Harare and Bulawayo the British built and a strong economy that they inherited after the Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt left was Britain taking on not giving back. Darlene Goodine As a matter of interest do you know the difference between England and UK as you use both in your comments? Just wondering. You really are even handed. You have a chip on both shoulders. You don’t know wht you’re talking about.
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladies T-Shirt
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Hoodie
Well it sounds like you need to get over it. The things you’re talking about happened a long time ago. so what gives you the right to dictate what goes on there? You clearly don’t like one country interfering in another’s business which makes your whole argument a bit. Why doesn’t the BBC inform you about how colonialism and imperialism is affecting us in Canada and the rest of the world right now today? I was almost as ignorant as you myself until recently and I am in my fifties.
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Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt
If Charles Manson was a politician who persuaded others to murder on his behalf for his gain, you would all be praising him right now. Can you all say “Indoctrinated?”. What a horrible legacy leave behind from your life on Earth. Charles Manson had legacy of mass murder, pain and the wasted lives of his followers. Now it is his time to answer to God. How will the world remember you when you? Is the question we must ask ourselves, to bad to be remembered like Manson.
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Ladies Tee
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt, V-Neck, Tank-Top, Long Sleeve T-Shirt
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat V Neck
50 years too late nearly unfortunately.Hope no one sees him as he saw himself as a 60s celebrity icon.. Just a shame a few famous people got involved with him at the time. Stop rejoicing about his death. Start worrying about people forgetting what lesson he represented to our society. He was a mirror of our personality that we all rather lock away and not think about. He wasn’t evil. He was the most honest representation of the American dream turned nightmare. Woe to everyone who forgets.
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Tank Top
So much for all the talk that the inmates would kill him, they even saved him once! Finally he is gone. This is such great news for us. He murdered so many, and was a true embodiment of evil for generations of Americans. Good riddance. The scumbag won’t be missed. Lol Bernard Iyaji, nah he was a real life monster. This isn’t an opinion based on politics or religion. He was as evil as a real human outside of a storybook could be. There’s a special place in hell for him.
Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Longsleeve Tee
Ok bbc you’re point is when you post another link article in you’re own main post? Last time he went to the hospital they said he died then too about a month ago.. the next day news had to retract it bcuz he wasn’t dead!!! I will wait for someone else to say it as well and not tmz they’re the Elf Squad Christmas Elves Sweat Shirt who said that he died in the first place the last time. The documentary that I saw about him on CBS reality was not so fascinating. Would of kill him but he was well protected.
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