#ben and nathan
melpomeneprose · 11 months
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“I regret only that I have but one life to lose for my country.” - the alleged last words of Nathan Hale
Ben & Nathan: @honorhearted.
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irlgerardway · 2 years
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honorhearted · 2 years
[Prompt: [AU] After A.merica's t.ragic l.oss, Benjamin Tallmadge reflects on the past seven years while awaiting his e.xecution. ]
Also featured on AO3, so you can avoid all the periods I have to put in my writing to avoid the c.e.nsors on this s.ite: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42691497
At the very start of this w.ar, Ben always knew there was a chance he wouldn’t survive. It had made him more studious, more diligent, more obsessive about leaving behind a mark on this ever-changing world. Though it was still beautiful. It was always so beautiful.
For every s.cream and b.loodied heap, there was the reversal somewhere on earth – a wailing mother giving b.irth while a d.ying s.oldier breathed his last; a kind neighbor sharing remnants of their harvest while b.andits p.illaged a pantry. And for Ben, he could only hope that he was remembered for his achievements rather than his failures.
I tried, Samuel. I tried – for you, for Father – for the life you should have had.
Leaning against the dingy wall of his cell, Ben anxiously rubbed a hand over his chest, willing the breath to return to his lungs. He had already witnessed his c.ommander h.ang – it was a p.unishment, a mockery for all he believed in. How could anything be worse? How could d.eath not seem like a small mercy?
The only thing he truly feared was what would become of his father – Nathaniel, his strong beacon of hope, who stood sturdy as an oak in all his times of need. Through the d.eaths of Ben’s mother and Samuel both, Nathaniel stood silent, but firm in his grief, allowing Ben to lean on him and give off the illusion that he, too, was able to stand tall. No matter how much his knees wobbled nor his heart faltered, he always had someone to fall back on. 
But now who would serve the same for Nathaniel? Would his b.ody even be delivered home? Would his b.ones be granted the peace of entwinement with the long, gnarled roots of the trees that he, Caleb and Abraham had played in during their youth? Or would he be cast aside like Samuel in some nameless, unfeeling g.rave, treated as lowly as refuse for f.ighting in a cause he believed in?
Shivering, Ben fought to ignore the damp chill as the sound of heavy boots slapped against flooring. He looked up, only to grimace once a guard – a man named Higgins – peered in at him through the bars. 
“Last chance, Tallmadge,” he said. “Names and ranks – that’s all we want.”
Ben wordlessly shook his head, defiant. The ring would be taken with him to the g.rave. If Providence was kind, the n.oose would never find his friends. With the failure of everything else, he prayed that this was one endeavor that ended favorably.
Higgins sneered. “Suit yourself.” Taking out an iron key, he slid it into the lock and twisted. “You’re about to get one mighty bad case of hempen fever.”
Ben said nothing in reply.
Over the past several years, Ben had witnessed many e.xecutions. And now that it was his own, he could no longer muster a scrap of grief for the soon-to-be-lost life. It was quite fitting, he thought. The ring started because of the disaster of Hale’s h.anging, and now it would end with his own. It was what he deserved. Although a part of him had always felt strung up with each new v.ictim, this had never depleted the grief, the guilt. Even now, it laid twisting and coiling beneath his skin like a restless snake.
With the tap-tap-tap of the snare drums, Ben allowed himself to be led to the crudely erected g.allows. Each heavy step reminded him that he was narrowing the gap between his final breaths. Even with his acceptance, he knew there was still so much he hadn’t touched, felt, experienced.
He’d once dreamed of being a husband, a father, but he could see now how farcical that was. Sarah hadn’t wanted him. No woman had ever wanted him beyond a coy, flirtatious exchange, and now it seemed that the very world didn’t want him, either. He would never know the warmth of a wife’s loving touch; he would never experience the joys of holding his firstborn in the crook of his elbow, beaming with fatherly pride at the tiny, impossibly perfect reflection of himself in his arms. If there was any remaining kindness in this world, his father and friends would live on – Ben would miss their birthdays, their achievements, and their losses...he would fail to be there when they needed him most, just as he’d failed them here in the land of the living.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered under his breath. God above, he was so sorry!
The n.oose was lowered over his head and then tightened, yet Ben didn’t react. From up on the scaffolding, he could see the horizon – the same dawn that was presently touching S.etauket. If he narrowed his eyes enough, if he squinted, he could almost pretend he was home again, hiding out amongst the wooded area with a book and parchment for taking notes. He had always been so curious and full of wonder. In many ways, there was wonder in this too: in how a certain force, angle and height would lead to a swift and immediate break in the spine. Miscalculate that, and the v.ictim would dangle, s.uffocate, and endure a long and p.ainful end.
Finally, the snare drums stopped. With his hands bound behind his back, Ben tilted his chin towards the sun and closed his eyes, listening while a gruff, no-nonsense officer opened a scroll and started shouting his sentence above the eerie silence. “If the condemned has any last words, let him speak them now, lest he carry that burden with him to the g.rave!”
For the first time since the c.olonies’ loss, a faint smile touched the corner of Ben’s mouth. And then he opened his eyes, met everyone’s gaze head-on and loudly proclaimed, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!”
A flurry of startled voices arose then, and a sense of embittered satisfaction took root within Ben’s chest. The d.eath of his dear friend had made Hale a folk hero of sorts – scorned by l.oyalists and m.artyred by p.atriots, alike – and now here Ben was, honoring him in the only remaining way he knew how. Finally, some purpose could be brought to these horrific h.angings.
The e.xecutioner took Ben by the shoulders and shoved him fiercely, though he felt nothing but numb serenity as he plummeted toward the ground. The rope caught his fall in a harsh, taut swing – bright lights danced behind his eyes as he pitched and wavered, and from the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Hale and Samuel, smiling at him with the pride he’d always yearned for in his efforts.
I want to come home...
For a long moment there was pain, sharp and stark, and as Ben twitched and thrashed in his final attempts at reclaiming his life, something in him gave up the f.ight. He realized then that Samuel was standing directly before him. 
It’s okay to let go. You have been f.ighting for so, so long. 
Ben found himself relaxing. In his mind’s eye, he could picture his younger self sitting on Nathaniel’s knee, reading along while his father recited: Come unto me, all ye that l.abor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Rest... Ben was just so tired.
Samuel’s presence was more persistent now. Let go, brother.
A lone tear of exertion trickled from the corner of Ben’s eye and he drew in one sharp, spastic breath...
And then nothing.
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marvesoq · 2 years
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thetrashiestbaby · 10 months
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I just know Mr. Ajayi wanted to hype Imogen up so bad but remembered that he’s a responsible adult and can’t yell out “ROAST HIS ASS” in front of a bunch of 15-16 year olds
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tvandfilm · 9 months
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“Next up is Nick Nelson and Ben Hope”.
HEARTSTOPPER ⏤ 2.05, “Heat"
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inkher0 · 6 months
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screenshots from the group chat
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slasherscream · 4 months
my girl can wear whatever she wants tiers please for crazy ass boys gang!!!
❥ my girl can wear whatever she want cause I can fight ❥
Billy Loomis - When you look particularly good his arm might as well be glued to your waist. He's both possessive and protective. He hates the way everyone's eyes devour you, but can't help how prideful it makes him either. Yeah, you want her. Of course you want her. Everyone does. But only I have her. God help the idiot that's stupid enough to open their mouth and not just look.
Jordan Li - They love watching you put your outfits together. They make suggestions from your bed, glancing up at you every few minutes. They can't help it. Their eyes are drawn to you permanently. No matter how crowded the room they can find you in a second. Whenever there's a party Jordan loves watching everyone try to sneak quick glances at you. They jump like rabbits when they wind up meeting Jordan's eyes and watch that smile that Jordan only wears around you fall back into the usual scowl. No one wants to be caught staring at Jordan's girl.
Arvin Russell - It's not possible for you to feel fear in public when you're with Arvin. You could be wearing straight lingerie in the most dangerous city in the world at 2 am and be safe. He's not just ready to protect you but hungry for it. Every time he proves he'll fight till his knuckles are bloody and bruised over you he watches you walk a little more confidently. Shine a little brighter. Knowing that he's there to protect you has only made you more yourself every day. And Arvin? He's obsessed with the transformation that the safety net of his fierce protection has ignited within you.
Jason Dean/JD - You wish he'd only fight people over what you're wearing. Unfortunately, this is not the case. JD pulls out a gun. Not every time, granted. Just a large majority of the time. In his defense, how is he supposed to act when someone has the audacity to cat call you? Do you expect him to just watch and not care as you experience that brief shiver of fear that runs up your spine when a man whistles at you before following it up with even more salacious words? If you feel fear, he'll make them feel fear. Simple.
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - If someone is stupid enough to not recognize him before they say anything to you about what you're wearing they will quickly recognize the tentacle wrapped around their throat. "Apologize." He hisses through gritted teeth, increasing the pressure, knowing just how much strength he can use before it would break their neck. How he ever expects anyone to apologize to you with a giant tentacle wrapped around their wind pipe you don't know. This is the second time this month. You're running out of night clubs you're not banned from.
David Mccall - You walk out of the house with the confidence that only someone who's done 12 tours over seas should have. But no, you just have a boyfriend who is incredibly scary. You've watched him almost break a man's hand for brushing it against yours at a crowded bar while he reached for his drink. You don't even think before you throw on an outfit anymore.
❥ my girl can wear whatever she want because she a hoe and I knew that before we started dating ❥
Josh Washington - Could he fuck someone up if needed? Yes, but he feels no need to. As long as you're not in danger or being disrespected Josh loves the way you express yourself through your look. You're hot and beautiful, of course you wear stuff that's short or tight, or both. If he looked like you he'd do the same thing. People don't usually say anything to you anyways, since he's always pressed to you like a second skin. He's not a jealous guy, but he is a chronic clinger.
Stu Macher - Is probably the person wolf whistling you in the first place. Points at you from across the room when you're talking to other people and says, "That's my girl right there. She's smoking, right?" He will always be smug he pulled you and NEVER shut up about it. The more wild you dress the more smug he gets. People can look all they want. But you only want him. What's there not to brag about?
Kevin Khatchadourian - Kevin above anyone else would thoroughly understand your psyche before dating you. He's involved with you because, somehow, you intrigued him against all odds. He already expected and predicted with near perfect accuracy every step of the relationship. Skimpy outfits are not throwing him. Can he fight? Yes. But, frankly, if someone pisses him off by hitting on you swinging on them is not gonna satisfy him. He's more of a "put their fingerprints at a crime scene so their life is ruined" type of get back. If he decides not to kill them.
Sebastian Valmont - Sebastian is the one buying you more hoe clothes. He loves your style and is not insecure. If either of you wanted someone else, you could go get them. But you two were practically made for each other. He wants to show you off. Is never going to be the type to try and dull your shine. He wants to walk into a room with you and have jaws drop from the deadly combination of the way you look together. He thrives off of seeing how much people want you. Knowing how futile it is. How hopeless. He pulls you tight into his side and grins like the devil himself (also, and this knowledge is of utmost importance, he cannot fight for shit.)
❥ my girl can wear whatever she want cus I’m scared of her ❥
Nathan Prescott - Is possessive, jealous and insecure enough to absolutely want you to change what you're wearing. With anyone else he'd even be bold enough to tell them to change. You are not anyone else, though. You are you. Considering every other behavior you tolerate from Nathan on a monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly basis you would snap on him like a twig if he tried to bring one more red flag on board. He knows this. You know this. When you slide on your low rise jeans and the tiniest crop top known to man, you make eye contact with one another in the mirror. He looks away first. You go back to peacefully fixing up your hair. Upside, no one is crazy enough to actually hit on you when you're at parties held on campus together. Which means Nathan won't have the cops called on him. Hooray!
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bawdiestrhymester · 7 months
Filming the Captain’s death….
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yazthebansheek · 7 months
what type of bitch every creepypasta is💀
What type of bitch every creepypastas is💀😭
Jeff the killer - the type of bitch who will act like he’s cool but is suddenly scared when you pull out a lighter.
Slenderman - the type of bitch who acts like a mom
Ben drowned - the type of bitch who purposely annoys everyone
Sally - the type of bitch who pretends to be innocent but she’s really a little trouble maker
Puppeteer - the type of bitch who will manipulate you and than gaslight you.
Eyeless Jack - the type of bitch who would use you as a dummy for medical practice lmao
Jason the Toymaker - the type of bitch who hoards all of his belongings 
Laughing Jack - the type of bitch who makes really shitty jokes that only a few think are actually funny
Laughing Jill - the type of bitch who gives off horse girl vibes.
Nathan the nobody - the type of bitch that has way to bad anger issues
Nina the killer - the type of bitch that acts like a pick me.
Lazari - the type of bitch you would have to push off a building just to get her to move
Jane the killer - the type of bitch who makes every argument about Jeff
Ticci-Toby - the type of bitch who will cause an accident and then say “wasn’t me.” Then blame it on one of his close friends.
Masky - the type of bitch who needs to chill tf out on smoking and alcohol 
Hoodie - the type of bitch who seems really straight but he’s really gay with Masky.
Candy Pop - the type of bitch that has mood swings worse than a woman on her period.
Vine the DollMaker - the type of bitch that sits like L and will threaten you with scissors 
Lulu - the type of bitch who is really shy
Suicide Sadie - the type of bitch who will start an argument with you and then beat the shit out of you
Kagekao - the type of bitch who gives everyone ‘cutesy’ nicknames…
Trenderman - the type of bitch who will hold a whole ass photoshoot at the mansion 
Offenderman - the type of bitch who is literally, canonically, a rapist.
Splendorman - the type of bitch who isn’t actually a bitch and is just really fucking wholesome and sweet 
Nurse Ann - the type of bitch who has resting bitch face.
Papa grande - the type of bitch who acts and sounds like Caine from TADC 
Smile dog - the type of bitch who will bite you….cause why tf not?
Dr. Smiley - the type of bitch who will just randomly start manically laughing outta no where.
Hobo heart - the type of bitch who will literally steal your heart
Asylum Nancy  - the type of bitch who is way too fucking happy and hyper up all the damn time
Stripes - the type of bitch who will have a full on mental breakdown because they saw something adorable or saw a fit, beautiful woman and got jealous 
Sadiya - the type of redneck, cowgirl, western bitch.
Clockwork - the type of bitch who will punch you when she laughs
Zero - the type of bitch who always fucking brags about how cool she is.
homicidal liu since @my-jukebox reminded me!: The type of bitch that has his inner emo alpha wolf side.
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avadaniels · 9 months
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THEATER CAMP (2023) dir. Molly Gordon, Nick Lieberman
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melpomeneprose · 5 months
All of his sorrow won't fit in his chest It just burns, like a fire in the pit of his chest And his heart is a bird on a spit in his chest / Nothing comes of wishing on stars and nothing comes of the songs people sing however sorry they are
Give them a piece, they'll take it all Show them a crack, they'll tear down the wall Lend them an ear, and the kingdom will fall The kingdom will fall for a song
What does he care for the logic of kings? The laws of your underworld? It is only for love that he sings He sings, for the love of a girl...
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ripthomasthorne · 5 months
this chaotic part of the last inside ghosts episode is so funny that i had to make it into a video
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honorhearted · 1 year
Happy Birthday to Nathan Hale (June 6th 1755) - that’s it, that’s all.
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That's it? Yes -- Ben supposed that to many, it was "all," but those individuals had never stayed up late at night with Hale in a boarding house, discussing the excitement of girls, their various studies, and the burgeoning need to serve their c.ountry. They had never witnessed the fire in Hale's eyes while delivering a speech during debate club, nor the passion when he spoke of freedom and religion. To them, he was just a name, a grave marked in the name of martyrdom.
But to Ben, he was a friend -- one of the greatest friends imaginable.
Shoulders curling, he took a swallow of ale and ignored the lump in his throat. "Happy birthday, indeed," he whispered, trying to steady the tremor in his hand. It was another day gone, and another year lost -- but one day, their sacrifices would all be worth it.
They had to be.
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phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: Heartstopper
Sample Size: 5,418 stories
Source: AO3
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nortism · 7 months
they really underestimated how queer their audience is
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