#bellamy blake x yn
ilguna · 1 year
☼ warfare (Bellamy Blake) ☼
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summary; when everyone in camp starts becoming ill, you volunteer to help, not knowing that your boyfriend would come down with it, too.
warnings; swearing, ehh gore, weapon mention.
wc; 4.8k
You pull your boot on, stomping your foot into the dirt to make sure it’s on all the way, straightening the tongue to make it more comfortable on your foot. You yank at the laces to tighten them, liking your shoes on nice and tight, but not enough to cut off circulation.
You hate it when you sleep in so late, it’s never on purpose. It makes you feel like you’re not pulling your weight, when everyone else has been working for hours, and you’re just getting up. In reality, you tend to work the overnight shifts at the wall for the people who don’t want to do it, because you don’t mind. You work just as hard as everyone else does.
You stand up, stretching your arms above your head, letting out a loud yawn. The only reason why you’re even awake in the first place, is because of a sliver of sunlight that managed to make it through a rip in the tent. It happened to land right on your face, and after so long, you couldn’t sleep through it anymore.
You crouch, lifting up the corner of the makeshift mattress to find your knife underneath, pulling it out. You flick it open, checking to make sure that it’s clean, before closing it. If it were up to you, you’d sleep with it underneath your pillow. The issue is that you share the bed with Bellamy, and he has a habit of sticking his arm beneath the pillow. You found that out after he cut his bicep by accident last week, because you like to keep it open for faster and easier access.
You tuck it into your pocket, before heading out of the tent. The sun is bright, blinding you slightly. You squint through it, listening to the commotion that’s happening out here. When you can finally see, you can see there’s a problem unfolding next to the fire. Where you usually find most people gathered to keep warm, there’s only one that’s sat in front of it.
It’s Derek, he’s got blood smeared around his mouth, hand cupped beneath his chin.
Your face twists, dropping the tent flap behind you so it can fall back into place.
Clarke suddenly rushes past you, heading for the dropship. From a brief look at her, you can see red smeared beneath her eyes, almost reaching her chin. You follow after her, checking behind you to see if there’s anyone else. Only, you see that there’s a semi-circle around Derek now, barely propping himself upright.
“What have I missed?” You ask, jogging to catch up with Clarke.
“I think that whatever Murphy has is spreading.” She says, giving you a look over her shoulder. “To everyone that gets too close.”
You’re sure the last comment is her way of trying to tell you to back off because you might get sick, but you continue after her. She walks up the path and into the dropship, holding the curtains open long enough for you to catch them, being mindful to move when you get close.
Inside, you can hear wet coughing. Around Clarke, you can see Murphy’s beaten up body, hunched over the floor. When he showed up yesterday, there were a lot of mixed reactions. A lot of people were pissed that he was let back inside, human emotion took over when you all realized how bad of a condition he’s in.
You can’t say that you feel bad for him, though. He’s gotten everything that’s deserved to come for him so far, and you guess this is just another round of it. He looks like hell.
He begins coughing again, you can hear the blood splatter on the ground as he struggles to hold himself up. His clothes are torn in several places from trying to escape the grounders, revealing the wounds he’s suffered from them. Clarke gets close, not worried about her safety because she’s already sick, and gets on the ground with him.
“Murphy, hey, look at me.” She says, he slowly raises his head to meet her eyes. “I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the grounders. What happened?”
Blood drips from his mouth, “I don’t know. I woke up, and they forgot to lock my cafe. There was no one there, so I took off.”
Clarke’s silent for a second, turning this information over in her mind. “They let you go.”
“What?” You ask, “Why—?”
The curtain moves, light shining inside of the dropship. You turn to see Bellamy coming inside, gun prepared in his hand. He looks over your face first, checking to make sure you’re okay, before landing on the two on the floor.
“Bellamy, stay back.” Clarke says.
You grab his arm, making sure he doesn’t get any closer. He presses a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth, missing your lips, “Did he do something to you?” Clarke shakes her head, Bellamy takes a few more steps forward to see more clearly, you hold onto him. “What the hell is this?”
“Biological warfare.” Clarke says, “You were waiting for the grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it.” She turns her attention back to Murphy, “Murphy’s the weapon.”
When Murphy looks up from the ground, you can see the full damage done to his face. He’s covered in cuts and gnarly wounds in general, blood smeared over every inch of his face from the eyes down. Along with that, his eyes are swollen, the cuts are swollen, and his lips are too. 
You press your lips together, thinking over what this could mean. How long before everyone else in camp gets sick? If Clarke thinks it spreads through touch, then it’s only a matter of time before your worst nightmare comes true. Murphy touched three, and who did those three get to? Will it affect everyone or only a select number?
The curtains are drawn to the side again, the three of you watch as the two from outside are brought in by other people. It’s Derek and Connor, they must’ve been the ones to help Murphy inside. They’re just more people that could possibly end up as bad as Murphy, or as mellow as Clarke is right now. 
The two newcomers are laid on the ground, where they immediately begin to succumb to the coughing fits.
You share a look with Bellamy, wondering if you should be covering your mouth with your shirt or something. If this turns out to be the base for the sick, then the place will be a petri dish in no time. You’re asking for it.
“Is this your revenge, helping the grounders kill us?” Bellamy asks, Clarke has begun to dab at some of Murphy’s wounds with a wet rag, starting with his forehead and working her way down.
“I didn’t know about this, okay? I swear.” Murphy mutters.
“Stop lying!” Bellamy shouts, “When are they coming?”
“Murphy, think, all right?” Clarke starts, “What can you tell us that’s useful? Did you hear anything?”
Murphy shakes his head slightly, “They’re vicious, cruel.”
“You want to see vicious?” Bellamy starts forward. You grab at his jacket, trying to get him from getting any closer than you already are. He rips the fabric from your grasp, continuing.
“Hey, don’t.” Clarke says, “Whatever this thing is, it spreads through contact.”
“That doesn’t mean anything anymore, most of you could be infected right now, then.” You say.
Clarke tilts her head, eyebrows raised, trying to tell you that you’re right without saying it out loud. It’s not a comforting thought, knowing that you’re right.
The curtain opens suddenly, and closes just as quick, Finn jogs into the room, “Clarke?”
“Finn, you shouldn’t be in here.” Clarke says, “No one should.”
“We’re fucked.” You sigh, running your fingers through your hair.
“I heard you were sick.” He breathes, looking around the room. It begins to dawn on him, “Clarke, what is this?”
“I don’t know, some kind of hemorrhagic fever.” She shakes her head, “We just need to contain it before—”
She’s interrupted by Derek when he begins to vomit all over the floor, body shaking so violently that he falls flat on the ground. You take a step back to give him more room, Clarke launches to her feet.
Finn reaches for her, she moves his hands away, “Hey, don’t touch me. You could get sick.” They share a look before she moves on, going to help Derek, “Wash your hands, now.”
Finn goes, like he’s ordered to.
“What the hell is happening to him?”
“I don’t know.” Clarke mutters.
A dark red and liquidy vomit hits the floor, consisting mostly of blood. This is when you lift your shirt over your nose to cover the smell, and watch as the boy collapses entirely in his own puddle of puke, the coughing ceases. Clarke gets down next to him, turning his head and finding no resistance. She reaches for his neck.
“Is he…?” Bellamy trails off.
Clarke’s expression falls, turning to look at you two, “He’s dead.”
There’s a few seconds of silence that goes through the room, where no one moves and stares at either Clarke or the body. It kills. The disease that Murphy brought into camp kills.
Once again, she’s the first person to move, grabbing a bottle off the shelf, going up to Finn. “Here, alcohol, hold out your hand.” She dumps enough to douse his hands.
“What do we do?” He asks.
“Quarantine.” She says, “Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here.”
Finn nods, not bothering to wait, leaving the dropship.
Bellamy’s eyebrows raise, “And everyone they had contact with?”
“Well, we have to start somewhere.” Clarke reasons, before turning around, “Connor, who was with you when you found him? Who carried him in? Think.”
Connor’s got a ring of red around his mouth because of the blood that leaked from his nose. The tips of his fingers are covered in blood, “The first one there was Octavia.”
Bellamy’s lips part, eyes widening. He doesn’t even look at you before starting out of the dropship, leaving you here with Clarke, Connor and Murphy.
You shake your head slightly, backing up to the opening, “Do you think some of us could be immune?”
“It’s hard to tell.” Clarke’s eyes find the ground, eyebrows drawing in. “It’s possible, but there’s always delayed reactions.”
You take a spot by the door, planting your feet, leaning against the wall. You hold your shirt over your nose. It can’t be of much use to do this anymore, considering you’ve breathed their air. You could be sick in a matter of hours or as late as tomorrow.
Finn gets to work outside. In the span of fifteen minutes, the ship has already begun to fill up with sick people, being carried in by those who volunteer to help. It isn’t too long after when Bellamy comes in with Octavia, who doesn’t look like she’s sick at all.
Regardless, Clarke does a number of tests on her, trying to see if she has any of the range of symptoms that keep coming out. She has Octavia pull the skin beneath her eyes down and tilt her head back to check her ose. It ends with Clarke shining a flashlight into the back of her throat, checking for sores that might produce blood.
“Okay, we’re done.” Clarke clicks it off, “No visible signs of swelling or bleeding.”
Bellamy’s rubbing his chin, “So you’re saying she doesn’t have it?”
“Don’t touch your face, Bell.” You pull at his wrist, ignoring the look he gives you for it.
“I’m saying she doesn’t have symptoms, but that could change.” Clarke says, “We need to keep her here just in case.”
“No way.” He motions to the people on the floor, “Look at this place. SHe’ll get sick just being here.”
“Do you want to stop the spread, or not?” She asks, “Look, I’ll keep her on the third level with the people who aren’t symptomatic yet. Think of it as a way to stop her from sneaking out again.”
Octavia’s face twits, “Screw you, Clarke.”
“I’ll let you know if her condition changes.” She says. 
“I’ll stay here too, to keep an eye on her.” You touch Bellamy’s arm, his expression changes entirely.
“No, I’m not letting you stay here, too. You haven’t even had contact with anyone that’s sick. You’re asking for it.” He tells you. 
“Someone needs to be in here to help them..” You raise your eyebrows. He clenches his teeth, the outline of his jaw becomes more defined, “I’ll be okay.”
He doesn’t say anything, turning around and walking straight through the curtains to the outside. You let out a sigh, moving the hair out of your face before looking back at Octavia and Clarke. 
Octavia’s done with the conversation, though, heading for the latter directly behind Clarke.
“Octavia, wait.” Clarke turns, “I need you to sneak out again.”
It doesn’t take much to convince Octavia to go and see Lincoln. She leaves immediately, and Clarke asks if you’re going to help cover her absence if Bellamy comes in questioning her. You nod, remarking that you already signed up for that when you said that you’d keep an eye on her for him.
In the meantime, you make yourself a bandana that you tie above your nose to be more careful. If they cough in your face, there’s no way for you to breathe it in, much less get the blood all over. You jump in, trying to help the best you can, moving around the room with Clarke to check on people to see if they’re okay.
The good news is, besides Derek, there’s only one other person that you find dead. She’s laying flat on her face, similar to the way Derek did when he died. You have one of the guys help you carry her out, lining her right up next to him.
“All right, show’s over. Get back to your posts.” Bellamy says, coming toward the ship, “You got enough food in there, water?”
“Yeah.” You smile.
“Some medicine might be nice.” Clarke says.
Bellamy laughs, “I’ll see what I can do.” You and Clarke turn to walk in. “Octavia, you okay?”
Your eyes slide over to Clarke, and you walk another two steps before turning like she does. She’s quiet for too long, it’s a dead giveaway that there’s something going on between you three.
“She’s sleeping.” You lie straight through your teeth, giving him a pretty smile, “We’ve got her isolated from everyone else. I’ve been watching her, as promised.”
He squints at you, watching your face, “What’s going on?”
He’s too smart for you to lie like this. You’ve got to try harder, “We—”
Clarke completely cuts you off, not bothering to keep it up, “She’s not here. I sent her to see Lincoln. Look, if there’s a cure, he has it. I didn’t tell you because I knew you wouldn’t let her go.”
You let out a sigh from your nose. You should’ve known that she wouldn’t actually lie to him. Bellamy glares right at you, you tilt your head at him, pressing your lips together. 
“If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems.” He says, beginning to turn, “You too, (Y/n).”
“Bells.” You take a few steps down the slope.
“Bellamy!” Clarke calls.
The two of you watch him walk away. You let out a scoff, pulling the bandana down from your face, eyeing Clarke, “I thought you wanted a cover, moron.”
“There’s no point.” She mutters, voice nasally, unaffected by what you called her.
“Out of my way.” Bellamy barks. 
You and everyone else out here watch as the guy he’s talking to turns around, bloody tears streaming from his eyes. 
“Dude, your eyes!” Someone says, another pulls out his gun, aiming at him.
“Nobody touch him!”
You reach to pull the bandana up.
“Get to the drop ship, now.” Bellamy points, you watch as three other people aim their guns at the guy. He starts walking toward you two.
“Hey, are you okay?” Raven asks, you look in time to watch a girl collapse, hands covered in red. Two people move to grab her to avoid hitting the ground, and in return, she coughs a spray of blood in their faces.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, it’s on me!”
The second guy wipes the blood from his face onto his hands, smearing it, wandering it in the direction of a few people. They all pull out their guns, aiming at him, “Get away! Get back! Get back!”
You stand in horror,w watching as the panic grows, people covering their mouths, backing away from others. More guns are being pulled, people raising their hands in defense.
“Calm down.” Bellamy orders.
“Put that gun down!” Finn shouts.
Clarke doesn’t watch for long before turning around and heading into the ship. She comes out a second later, a gun in her hand. She points the barrel up, firing three shots. All eyes hit her, silence sweeping the camp. She heads down a few steps, “This is exactly what the grounders want. Don’t you see that? They don’t have to kill us if we kill each other first.”
“They won’t have to kill us if we all catch the virus!” One of the guys shout at her, pointing the gun in her direction, “Get back in the damn dropship!”
Bellamy takes three long strides, grabbing the gun to disarm him. In the process, he slams the butt of the gun into the guys’ throat, he falls to his knees.
“Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn’t working.” Bellamy tells her.
When you look over at Clarke, you watch as her eyes roll into the back of her head, the gun beginning to fall from her hand. You jerk forward to catch her before she hits the dirt, managing to grab her arms before Finn swoops in, holding her across his arms.
“Hey, let me go. I’m okay.” Clarke breathes.
“No, you’re not.” He says.
“Octavia will come back with a cure.” She says.
“There is no cure.” Octavia jogs over, “But the grounders don’t use the sickness to kill.”
“Really? Tell that to them.” Bellamy motions to the two bodies on the ground, “I warned you about seeing that grounder again>”
“Yeah, well, I have a warning for you, too.” She says, “The grounders are coming. And they’re attacking at first light.”
She walks right past Bellamy, looking at Finn, “Come on. I’ll help you get Clarke into the dropship.”
You look at Bellamy, pulling the mask down again. He eyes for face for a long couple of seconds, “I can’t believe you let her go, knowing how I feel about them.”
You nod, making a face, “We have to take chances sometimes, you know that better than anyone else.” You cross your arms, “And for the record, if Clarke hadn’t sent her, we wouldn’t know that we’re all going to die tomorrow morning.”
Bellamy’s lips turn up slightly, “You know I’d never let them touch you.”
“I know.” You agree, beginning to back up, “I’ll keep an actual eye on her this time.”
He nods, “Be careful, please.”
“I always am.” You say, pulling the mask over your nose, heading into the dropship.
Inside, you find that Murphy’s given up his hammock so that Clarke can rest in it instead. You start to walk over, Clarke’s half-open eyes land on you. She’s pale, and you can see a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Bellamy can never stay mad at me.” You stop by her feet, “I’ll kep an eye on everyone.”
“I’ll help you.” Octavia offers. 
“Me too.” Murphy gets up from where he’s sitting. He looks at you, “I’m feeling better.”
“That’s good.” You grab the nearest cup off of a table, rinsing it in the clean bucket of water before scooping drinkable water out of a different bucket. 
The three of you work as a team to get around the room, slowly hydrating the people that can’t move because of how much pain they’re in. There’s a few instances where they’ll cough in your face, blood splattering around your eyes, but never in your mouth. You try to feed them what little food you have to offer, and then move onto cleaning faces the best you can, even though you know that they won’t stay that way for long.
By the time the sun sets, you’re the only one still consistently moving around, making beds and fluffing pillows for people to use so that they can actually rest. Clarke watches you half of the time, making sure that you’re doing everything correctly when an emergency arises. She stops trying to tell you what you should be doing when she realizes that you’re getting the job done either way.
“I’m going to take a breather.” You say, washing your face with the clean water, and then dumping a small handful of the alcohol over your hands. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Take your time.” Clarke breathes, “You’ve been doing a lot.”
“You want anything from your tent?” You ask.
“No, I’m okay.” She smiles.
You leave through the curtains, immediately pulling the bandana down so you can get a few lungfuls of fresh air. It’s hot in there from the amount of unmoving bodies. You feel sticky from the sweat and blood that clings to you desperately. You’d give anything to take a shower.
You jog down the slope and toward your tent, hoping that you’ll meet someone along the way that has good news. They’ve got a lot of people that are putting their heads together to ensure that you’ll all be safe tomorrow morning, but they haven’t shared those plans just yet.
The moon is shining exceptionally bright tonight, you don’t even need the fires that light up the path. 
Halfway through your journey, you find Jasper, talking down at the corner of some tent. You’re about to make a joke, when you see that he’s talking to someone, not himself. And when you get closer, you see that it’s Bellamy.
“Bells!” You gasp, jogging closer.
“Stay back.” He holds his hand out. You can see that there’s blood running from his nose. You reach to untie the bandana from the back of your neck, turning it into a rag. You crouch down next to him, moving his hand away to wipe the blood. He turns his head away, eyes on Jasper, “Make the shot. Find Finn, go.” 
Jasper leaves, you move the hair out of Bellamy’s face, feeling how hot his forehead is, “Can you stand?”
“You shouldn’t be here.” He murmurs.
“I came out to see if you guys came up with a plan.” You say, “And because I needed a breather. It’s not easy being in there.”
“Is Octavia okay?”
“She’s fine.” You tell him, “Let’s get you up so you can see for yourself.”
Bellamy doesn’t want to touch you with his bloodied hands, so you wipe them as clean as you can. The two of you work together to get him on his feet, you pull an arm over your shoulder, trying to get him to lean on you.
“I can walk.”
“Must be why you fell over then, right?” You muse, he sucks in a breath. 
You work to get him to the ship, he’s dragging his feet, one arm wrapped around his abdomen. Everytime he teeters to one side, you have to try hard to correct it without sending you both falling over.
“Octavia!” You shout, helping him up the slope.
The curtains whip open less than a second later, taking in the sight of you two, before turning to look back inside, “Clear some space!”
Murphy jumps up to fix one of the beds, Octavia takes Bellamy’s other side, because he’s beginning to sink to the floor with each step. As soon as you get him to the end of the bed, you slowly lower him onto it, trying to be gentle.
Bellamy lays on his back, coughing up a mouthful of blood. You jerk to roll him over, watching as it all leaves his mouth, splattering onto the floor. He gags, Octavia pats his back.
“Hey, big brother.” She breathes, leaning over him.
You wipe his face with a dry rag, trying to keep the blood from running down the side of his jaw and onto his neck.
“I’m scared.”
“I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Octavia tells him. 
“That’s what I said to you the day you were born.” He’s sucking in air, having difficulty breathing. 
“I know.” She says. “You told me that, like, a thousand times.”
“I’m glad you’re here.” He grabs her hand, squeezing it.
“Just get some rest now, okay?”
Bellamy nods, tears pooling in his eyes. He closes them, head turning to the side. You make eye contact with Octavia, and a silent agreement passes between you two. You nod, telling her that you’ll stay right here.
Octavia gets up to go, you sit flat on your butt, crossing your legs. You slowly run a hand through Bellamy’s hair, wiping away the tears that escape. You try humming to him, knowing that trick works every now and then. He crosses his arms over his chest tightly, so you move to unzip your jacket, laying it across his chest.
He takes your hand in his.
It isn’t too long after when he falls asleep, body relaxing. You sit over him and watch to make sure that he’s still breathing and not choking on his own bloody vomit. Murphy and Octavia take turns to help out everyone, but it seems like people keep turning them away because of how tired they are.
However, there’s a few that are coming back to life, the illness finally passing. Even Clarke begins to get restless.
It’s a few hours later when Bellamy begins to stir. You lift your head from where you have it on the bed, placing your hand on his knee. His face twists before his eyes open suddenly, searching the room for a split second, but he stops as soon as he sees you, sitting up. 
“I’ve got water.” Murphy says, coming over with a cup.
You take it from him, Bellamy glares at him, “Thanks, I’ve got it.”
“Yeah.” He watches Bellamy for a second before walking away.
You pass the cup over, rubbing Bellamy’s knee for a second. He turns his attention to you, “Have you slept?”
“Partially.” You admit, “I don’t need you worrying about me. I work the overnight shifts, this is nothing compared to how late I’ve stayed up patrolling before.”
He doesn’t argue, “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, no symptoms. You look better.”
He takes a drink of the water, and then sets the cup on the floor. Clarke comes over, sitting on the bed next to Bellamy.
“Either of you seen Octavia?”
“She was up all night helping people.” You tell him, “Murphy gave her a break.”
Clarke gives him a look.
Bellamy squints at her, face twisting, “Don’t tell me you trust him now.”
“Trust? No.” Clarke looks away, “I do believe in second chances, though.”
Bellamy shakes his head, changing the topic, “It’s almost dawn. Better get everyone inside. If we lock the doors, maybe the grounders will think we’re not home.”
“Not everyone’s sick.” She says.
“Sick is better than dead.” Bellamy says.
“He’s right.” You agree.
“You don’t think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off.” She says, it’s not a question.
“Do you?” He asks.
She pauses for a second, “I’ll get everyone inside.”
Clarke gets to her feet, shuffling out of the dropship. You stretch, letting out a yawn.
“You should sleep, (Y/n).” He says, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Should is the key word.” You say, “I’m not sleeping until everything’s settled.”
You get to your feet, tilting his head back so you can kiss his forehead, knowing better than to test your luck by aiming for his lips. He must think this is risky, because he pushes your hand away.
“Bells,” You murmur, “Stop.”
“I’ve had sick people coughing in my face all day, you think I can’t handle your germs?” You laugh, pushing his hand out of the way. You hold onto either side of his head, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “See?”
“Yeah.” He says, watching you sit next to him. He pulls you into his side, “Thanks for watching me all night.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that.”
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bl00dsab · 2 years
Draft #1, from my old account and it’s about the 100
not edited
was going to be bellamy x oc
The journey done to earth was nothing short of terrifying. Cassandra wasn’t sure how long they had been falling towards the floating rock. It felt like hours and seconds at the same time. They had already hit the atmosphere which indicated they would soon crash to the ground. And they did.
Cassandra jumped forward in her seat from the impact of the crash landing. To say it was a smooth ride would be an understatement. Luckily for her she didn’t get hurt from the journey- unfortunately she couldn’t say the same for the three boys for decided to test out the gravity.
Silence was all that filled the drop ship. For once in their apparent insignificant lives the delinquents heard true and proper silence. There was no hum of the machines that kept the ark working and floating in space, and for that she was greatful. Apparently so was Monty, who Cassandra hasn’t properly seen for many years.
“Listen. No machine hum.” A boys voice, who she faintly recognised as Monty, acknowledged out loud and was followed by another voice belonging to Jasper. “Whoa. That’s a first.”
As soon as the delinquents were alerted that the door was on the lower level they all raced down there. Cassandra’s belt was a little stiff so it took awhile for her to manage to get it undone which meant she was stuck at the back of the crowd on the lower level.
Seeing as no one else had to follow her down she decided no one would mind if she stood on the ladder. From the height advantage she could see a dark haired boy and a blonde girl looking as if they were arguing. It was only when she heard the blondes voice that she recognised her as Clarke.
Clarke and Cassandra had never been the bestest of friends but seeing as they both grew up in Alpha station it meant they had ran into each other plenty of times. If she had to put a label on them then they’d be acquaintances.
Cassandra also faintly recognised the boy who was stood by the leaver. He was wearing a guards uniform and she knew that sooner or later he would try to take charge of all the delinquents- it was just a matter of when. She had seen him before, on the Ark. He was Bellamy Blake, brother to Octavia Blake the illegal child. Cass thought it was wrong that Octavia was locked up for being born; it’s not like she had a choice.
Broken out of her thoughts by the noise of the drop ship door opening, she was shocked as she felt real air surround her. The sun blarred into her eyes causing her to bring a hand up to shelter her eyes slightly but after readjusting them she could see earth. The ground. It was everybody’s dream, but more specifically, Cassandra’s actual dreams.
All it took for the delinquents to escape the drop ship was a shout from Octavia Blake. A shout that would mark the true beginning of their lives. “We’re back bitches!”
Colours. That’s all Cassandra could think about. All the different colours around her- the leaves, the grass and oh god the flowers. She had seen pictures of some in books but she’d never seen one in real life. The ark was always so dull and grey so all the sudden different and bright colours nearly gave her a headache. Although that could have just been from the beaming sun but she wouldn’t mind, the warmth of it felt nice on her face.
Cassandra really hadn’t realised how far and long she had wondered but by the time she got back there was a small group of delinquents with Clarke at the centre of it.
When the group of five started walking off, Cass made her way over to the Blake boy who stood watching his sister walk away into the woods that held such darkness. She soon stopped by his side watching the group get further and further away. Wanting to keep a low profile she didn’t introduce herself, just asked what she wanted to know. “Where are they going?”
It seemed Bellamy hadn’t known she was next to him until she spoke to him. Slightly surprised by the sudden presence his head whipped around to look at her, but her eyes stayed forward. He had seen her before; one of the privileged. His lip curled slightly in disgust. “Mount Weather to get food, you should be with them.”
Now it was her turn to be surprised. Why should she be with them? She spoke in a soft voice but you could clearly hear the confusion in it. “Why?”
“Because you’re one of the privileged.” And with that the freckled boy left her standing there alone.
“How rude.”
Having nothing to do in ‘camp’, Cass thought it’d be a good idea to venture out again. When she was younger she had to be careful so she’d never be able to go on ‘dangerous’ adventures by herself but now she was, she found herself enjoying her own company. It was weird. She hated being by herself in her cell but now she was free and by herself- there was a difference. Of course the Hearst girl had once had a cell mate but she, Holly, was floated.
A branch snapped behind her which made her freeze. Had someone followed her? Her heart started beating faster at the thought of getting hurt but not from the pain- from the consequences of knowledge being spilled. Deciding to face her attacker she spun on her heels. Relief and then awe washed over her at the sight before it. It was... a fox? She wasn’t too sure but she swore she had seen it in a book before. It looked normal; like no radiation had affected it. It had the most beautiful golden red fur she had ever payed her eyes upon. The creature didn’t seem to be paying any attention to the girl who was still froze in her spot. She was glad when it ran off as she wasn’t sure if they were the vicious type.
It was beginning to get dark which meant the safest option for Cassandra was to return back to the safety of camp. By the time she got there it was pitch dark but she could hear some sort of celebrations going on. There was lots of cheering but Cass was too tired to find out what everybody was so happy about.
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petertingle-yipyip · 7 days
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//is this probably a hot mess and ooc? yes. but it’s also self indulgent so just enjoy new content okay 🤷‍♀️//
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Word Count: 1,617
Summary: After being arrested for speaking out, you get a chance to tell Bellamy basically everything on your mind.
After Bellamy and Clarke got everyone out of Mount Weather, you had stayed close with him. You went on runs with him, trained with him, and even helped him through the guilt of pulling the lever. You talked him through losing Gina.
Or at least you had thought you helped with it all.
When you saw him walk through the gates with Pike’s firing squad, your heart sank. You had just let yourself believe you cared about him, maybe even loved him. You sat by and watched him with Gina because him being happy seemed to be more important to you. And yet, there he was, covered in blood from an army that was supposed to protect your people.
Pike was in the middle of his speech about doing what needed to be done when you met Bellamy’s eyes.
Something in that look compelled you to speak up. You knew he wasn’t asking it of you but you felt you had to.
“We execute our own now?” You shouted, part of you hoping your voice would be buried in the crowd. But judging by the new expression Bellamy wore, you were heard loud and clear.
“What kind of Chancellor doesn’t let his people speak up?” You continued and a small group cleared out around you and you felt an imaginary spotlight on you. “I remember learning there used to be a right to free speech in the States.”
“There’s a difference between speaking your opinion and pushing propaganda, Y/N.” Pike answered and you didn’t miss the condescension in his words.
“What do you call what you’re doing?”
“Y/N.” Bellamy warned.
You hadn’t noticed he had gotten to your side.
“No.” You said firmly. “Trikru has become our allies.”
“Your ‘allies’ abandoned you in that mountain! They left you to die!”
“You’re no better!” You shouted. “You’re willing to kill us if we don’t agree with you! You just threatened all of us!”
A hand gripped your arm.
“None of you are in any danger from your own people.” He said with a disbelieving laugh. You took an angry step forward but were pulled back by the hand at your arm that you hadn’t connected to a person yet. “I am going to keep all of you safe.”
“You’re a murderer.” You said confidently. “You’ve turned the people who went with you out there-“ You looked towards the gate and realized it was Bellamy who had your arm. You didn’t look away from him. “-into murderers.”
“Don’t do this.” Bellamy said quietly, desperately almost.
“If you’re gonna do this…” You nodded towards your restricted limb. “I have to do this.”
You turned back to face Pike.
“Lincoln risked his life to help us at Mount Weather. Indra has fought by our side. The Commander has gone out of her way to welcome us into her coalition, to offer protection from the clans that hate us! Now-“ You tried to gesture but Bellamy kept your arm down. “Dammit, Blake.” You grumbled. “Now every clan wants us dead!”
“All the more reason for us to fight back!” Pike yelled.
“We wouldn’t need to fight if you hadn’t-“
“Enough!” Pike interrupted and you heard a small eruption of mumbles from the crowd. It seemed to you like some opinions were shifting. “Take her away.”
Bellamy pulled you slightly and grabbed your other arm. He locked both wrists in cuffs behind your back and led you to the detainment. You kept your head up, saying nothing as Bellamy practically dragged you down several hallways.
There were no guards posted so Bellamy released your cuffs when you were within the alleged cell but didn’t leave. He stood in the doorway instead while you sat on the lone bench. The set of his jaw, heavy sigh that moved his shoulders, and cross of his arms told you all you needed.
“You want to say something.” You spoke plainly. Any edge in your voice from before had softened.
Everything in you softened around Bellamy, even if he didn’t seem too much like your Bellamy anymore. If he ever was yours to begin with.
“Just say it, Bellamy.” You sighed and rubbed your eyes. “I’m sure Pike doesn’t want you gone too long.”
“You think I’m doing the wrong thing.” He said lowly, as if he was still connecting the dots in his head. “You out me in this position today, Y/N. No one told you to start telling about treason and executions.”
“You and I both know that’s what he meant. Grounder or Arkadian, opposition goes down. Seemed pretty clear to me.”
“Pike wouldn’t kill his own people. What he’s willing to do, what I’m willing to do, is to protect our people.”
“By the way, I think Pike is wrong.” You corrected. “You… You’re lost right now. You’re trying to right what’s gone wrong but that won’t go away with more blood and bullets.”
“So we’re just supposed to let them continue to kill us?”
“It’s been months and it hasn’t been Trikru killing us if any have died… Azgeda hates us and that’s not gonna change but Trikru is Indra. It’s Lincoln. It’s Octa-“
“It is not Octavia.” He cut in firmly.
Your hands went in surrender and you didn’t push on that.
“Bellamy.” You stood and carefully moved closer to him. You made sure to keep your eyes on his and not on the Grounder blood splattered across his bulletproof. “I.. care about you, you know that. But what Pike’s doing, what you’ve done, has put all of us at risk. It’s an act of war. At the very least, tell me you understand that. If it was the other way around-”
“We’ve been at war since we got here. They picked us off, one by one, in the woods around the dropship. Remember that? Or how they put a spear through Jasper’s chest? Used Murphy to infect our camp? Stabbed Finn with a poisoned blade or, even better, when they executed Finn?”
“Yes, okay?” You abated quickly. “Yeah, you’re right. They’ve beat the shit out of us. But Finn also slaughtered a village with an automatic rifle. We blew up a bridge that led to however many deaths. We burnt an army a couple hundred strong to ash. But we’ve also made allies and had a chance at peace with the Commander.”
“The Commander that left us at Mount Weather, you mean? Who forced us to have to kill the purple who helped us? Who trusted me?”
“God, Bell, y’know what? I wish I hated you for what you’re doing. I- I wish it wasn’t true, what you were doing. I wish you treated me terribly and I wish I could treat you the same. Do you know how much easier it’d be if I could hate you? Especially after the massacre out there.”
“What?” His brows furrowed.
“But I don’t.” You shook your head. “Not yet. Jesus, maybe not ever. And that makes me feel so guilty. To want to hate you and to admit that I probably won’t. You could shoot me and I still would find a way to forgive you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We may have been fighting since we landed. I can admit that.” You continued ranting.
“Y/N, I-“
“No, you’re going to listen to me!”
He opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and closed his mouth.
“That doesn’t mean we need to keep taking things further… You don’t have to like the Grounders, Bellamy. I don’t even think they’re all great, but the coalition was a chance at peace. It could finally end the war. You and me, we could…”
“You and me?” His eyes softened. “What do you…”
You laughed to yourself. “I thought it’d been obvious by now.” You shrugged. “Look, that’s not important right now. What is important is that you don’t go down a path you can’t come back from. I know you want to do what’s right and I know you want to protect us. I love you for that, but goddammit, I can’t lose you.“
“I’m trying to protect you.” He said, putting a hand on your cheek. “It’s always been about you… Well, you and Octavia.”
Despite yourself, you smiled and it brought a quick flash of a smile from him.
“You have such a good heart.” You said honestly, a much softer tone than just moments before. “Pike doesn’t get to take that from you if you don’t let him.”
“Y/N…” His hand moved and took hold of yours.
“You mean a lot to me. None of this has been easy on or for any of us. I know I’ve hardly slept a full night since we landed. And I know you think you have our best interests at heart, but I can promise you that Pike doesn’t have yours.”
“Do you?”
“I do… Since I met you.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “Okay, I’ll…”
“Let me outta here?” You tried with an innocent smile.
He laughed slightly and raised his brows.
“Maybe we can continue this conversation in one of our rooms… With a little more privacy.”
“I’ll hear you.” He corrected and you pouted slightly. “You’re gonna have to stay here for the day but I’ll talk to Pike, have you out by dinner.”
“Okay.” You nodded and stepped back.
Bellamy’s hand hit your hip and pulled you back to him.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say something for a while.” He said with a smirk.
“Really?” You returned the playful tone. “How long is a while?”
His head tilted back and forth as he pretended to think.
“Since we met on the Ark.”
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notelcol · 2 months
In The Haze 🌪️
A classic Bellamy Blake x Kane!reader acid fog story….with a head cannon included as a twist ✨
TW- cannon divergence, mentions of assault/manipulation, gore?
The silence of the hunting group made the trees seem louder, each gust of wind causing heads to whip around. Your feet no longer crunched on the forest floor like they had when you first arrived to the ground mere weeks ago. You looked to your ‘leader’, seriously doubting his decision to leave the safety of camp with all the current looming threats from the grounders. When you saw his determined expression, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. He was the only one of the group who didn’t look afraid, and that made him a fool.
“Over there!” Sterling whisper-shouted, pointing to a deer in the distance. Bellamy nodded and as usual, took the lead and aimed his knife. You decided to take in the scenery instead of watching another of his power plays. That was when you saw it. A murder of at least one hundred crows, frantically fleeing across the sky. You didn’t want to know what they were so afraid of. Unfortunately, on the ground it’s not possible to close your eyes to the dangers.
“ACID FOGGG!!!” Munroe yelled. Your eyes widened as you watched the group run off in different directions. You didn’t know which way the nearest shelter was and found yourself spinning in circles. The fog moved closer, faster than you could think. Until a hand grabbed yours.
“Come on!” Bellamy’s gruff voice ushered you away from green cloud. The two of you ran, hand in hand, faster than you ever had before. The forest became a muddy green blur around you.
“There’s a cave by those rocks up there.” He called over his shoulder. You focused your eyes on the shining wet rocks, trying not to think of the encroaching fog. You felt a tug on your neck as you brushed past a tree, on instinct you looked back.
When you saw what had happened, you dropped your hand from Bellamy’s and started to run back. You would rather die in the fog than lose this necklace.
You ignored Bellamy’s calls and moved faster towards the fog, heart almost stopping when you saw it about to make contact your most precious possession. You desperately lunged your hand forward, praying that you’d reach it before the fog did. You could almost feel the chain when you were harshly pulled away. Your hope shattered as you watched the fog engulf your necklace. You still fought Bellamy’s grip for a moment, unable to accept it. You fought until the burning agony of reality seared itself into the arm still stretched out in lost hope.
Finally, you gave in and allowed Bellamy to drag you out of the fog that had begun to swallow you whole.
“What the hell was that?!” He spat as he pushed you into the cave. “You nearly got us both killed over a necklace!” He rubbed his temped as he spoke. “It’s metal! The fog isn’t gunna damage it.” He began to lecture.
“It’s not just a necklace!” You growled, jaw clenching in the pain of your burnt arm. “There was a lock of my mothers hair in there. The fog just turned the last piece of her to dust.” Your voice cracked. For the first time, you noticed Bellamy Blake looking at you as something other than one of the privileged. Running a hand through his curled hair, he sighed.
“I have water in my bag. Let me help you.” Gesturing to your now weeping arm.
Sweat rolled down your back as he peeled off the remnants of your sleeve. You watched his brows furrow in concern at every shudder and wince.
“Why are you helping me?” You asked weakly. “I thought you’d say I deserve this, since my dad floated your mom and all.” You stared at the dripping cave roof.
“I think I’m learning to accept that you can’t judge someone by the sins of their father.” He spoke sadly. You flicked your gaze back to him, watching him curiously. He took a deep breath before meeting your eyes.
“I found out something recently.” His breath hitched and his hands faltered as they worked on your arm. “Commander Shumway is my father.” He released a breath, one that felt as though it was the first since he found out. “She met him just after he became a cadet. He caught her stealing medicine for her father. Told her he would let her off, if she did him a ‘favour’. Nine months later, there I was. But he didn’t care. Instead he held everything against her and once Octavia was born…well he had the ultimate leverage then didn’t he? Then all these years later he tells me the truth, but for his own ends!” You barely felt him tip the water on your arm, as you were listening intently to his tale. “He tells me that he got Octavia into the dropship. He told me if I killed the chancellor, he could use the chaos to get me on the ship with her. I fell for it like a fool.” He wrapped your arm in some torn cloth as he continued. “As soon as I was on the ship, he ratted me out.” Bitterness etched upon his face. “So yeah, I can understand not wanting to make the same mistakes as your shitty father.” His mask returned in an instant with his signature smirk, as he dropped your now cleaned and wrapped arm.
“Thanks.” You gestured to your arm. “For the record, you might be an egotistical dick sometimes, but you’re good. You aren’t like him.” You sent Bellamy a small smile, which he returned while bringing his eyes to meet yours once more.
“You too Kane.” He spoke softly before leaning back against the cave wall and closing his eyes.
“We should rest until the fog clears. We still have to hunt.” His voice had retreated to its usual tone. As you leaned your head against the rocky cave wall you realised that somewhere in the haze, you and Bellamy Blake had seen each other for the first time. Even if just for a second.
Thank you for reading 🫶
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imagineblogsstuff · 1 year
Imagine: they found out why you were send to earth
This will be in third person pov.
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She was in her cell when she heard two guard coming in, a guard has something in his hands. She scan over his hands and she saw that he hold a box.
"Prisoner 2-3-4 face the wall" the guard told her, as she slowly turn around and she was now facing the wall. What the hell was happening.
"What's going on? Are you going to gloat me? I can't die yet. I'm not 18" She said as she look to see that the other guard that wasn't holding her put something out of the box. Wristband. Gosh. How much she hated to be tied up.
"What the hell are you doing?" This time she yelled when she saw that the guard came to put it on her wrist. She fought and fought against the guard but in the end she couldn't. So the last thing she remember from the last time her eyes were open was that one guard injected her with something. She swore one day she would beat the shit out of this guard.
When she woke up she couldn't move. Her arms and legs were tied up to a chair. And when her eyes open she saw other's people here too. Kids. Her age, what the hell were they planning to do with them?
"Y/n?" She heard a timid voice asking her next to her, when she turn to who the person was her eyes widen. It's was Octavia Blake. Her best friend since Y/n saved her. She helped Bellamy from keeping Octavia a secret. But after y/n got arrested for what she did, Octavia got too. Because the guard found out about her and they floated her mother.
"Octavia? Oh my god! What the hell are you doing here? How! Why did you get arrested?" Y/n asked as she asked every question that came up in her head when she saw Octavia the girl who she swore to protect. Octavia was about to answer when the dropship that to shake, and then after 5 minutes it stopped.
"Octavia are you okay?" Y/n asked as she free herself from the sit and went to help her friend up. Octavia smiled at her.
"I'm fine y/n. Don't worry let's go downstairs." Octavia said as she took y/n's hand and dragged her downstairs where everyone else was
"Stop!you can't open the door. The air could be toxic!" A blonde girl said as she saw a boy that was about to open the door of the dropship.
"If the air toxic, then we're all dead." The boy said and y/n immediately know this voice it belongs to the only and only Bellamy Blake. Octavia let go of y/n hand and she took a step forward toward her brother.
"Bel?" Octavia asked shy as she was now in the front line, y/n still stayed hidden.
"Oh my god O! Look how big you got." Bellamy said as he open his arms to give his little sister a hug. He hasn't seen her in so long. Try hugged and they talked until a voice interrupted them again.
"Where's your wristband ?" The blonde girl asked as she saw that Bellamy didn't have the same wristband she has. Y/n look down to her wrist only now noticing the wristband that she has on it. The one that that guard come in her cell with.
"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in years" Octavia said as she pull away from Bellamy looking directly at the blonde hair. Y/n could swear Octavia send the girl a death stare.
"No one has a brother!" A girl said and this time it was y/n's turn to send the girl a death stare, it's was the girl next to her so y/n "accidentally" hit her over her arm. The girl winced and she look at y/n with a confused look on her face
"Would you shut your mouth already?" Y/n said as this time she was the one stepping forward, Octavia went to jump at the girl but Bellamy hold her back, and he look at the girl he thought he wouldn't never see again.
"O no! Let's give them something else to remember you by." Bellamy said as he finally took his eyes of y/n and look at his sister who looked at him weird. She saw how his body language shifted uncomfortable when he look at y/n.
"Yeah, like what?" Octavia asked but Bellamy didn't answer, y/n did.
"Like being the first person on earth in 100 years." Y/n said and this time she open the doors, the sun immediately hitting her in her face. She covered her eyes but then put down her palm from her eyes to look around. Everything was so beautiful. Octavia stepped forward and then she stepped on the ground. Officially Octavia Blake was the first girl to ever put her feet on the ground in 100 years. Y/n was smiling like a proud mom watching her kid, and Bellamy also wore a big smile on his face. He was glad Octavia was happy.
"We're back bitches!" Octavia yelled as she pull her arms up. Everyone else run on the ground. Everyone jumped and dance around. It's was happiness all around, until it wasn't. Y/n suddenly heard two mens voices arguing she recognizes one of it. John Murphy. Her ex.
"We're just trying to figure out we're we are!" Wells the son of Jaha said as he was arguing with Murphy.
"We're on the ground it's that good for you?" Bellamy asked as he look at Wells. Memories being to come back into his head about what he did not hours ago to his dad. Y/n didn't know how it happened but suddenly Murphy and Wells were fighting.
"Why don't you pick someone on your own Murphy?" Y/n asked stoping her ex boyfriend from beating the shit out of Wells. Murphy look shocked from seeing the girl. He didn't expect her to be down here.
"You're that girl!" Y/n heard a voice yelling
"Yea! Yea! You're her! The girl that killed her own parents and then buried them. And then also tried to kill Jaha." The person said and everyone around them gasped. Even Bellamy himself. He sure as hell didn't expect that shit. Octavia face went pale, and Murphy also had a shocked expression on his face. He didn't know. So that's why he couldn't find her anywhere on the Ark anymore. She got arrested because she killed her own family. What a shock. Y/n look around and saw that everyone expect Bellamy, Octavia, and Murphy were sending her disgusting looks. With one last look at Octavia and Bellamy she left. Well that was a good start, wasn't it ?
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wonderswritings · 2 years
The Dark Years
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Summary: Five years. The last of the human race in a bunker. Our friends in space. Five years. Who knew that in those five years we’d turn into monsters. 
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Child Character Death, Blood, Murder, Killing, Sorta Dark Themes
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Clarke Griffin x Fem!Twin!reader
Request: FF AU where Octavia killed reader after she killed Raelyn n Maria n reader was grieving/angry so they fought n reader lost the Bellamy's reaction to finding out she was alive and killed by his sister
Fighting For… Masterlist
Send me FF requests! 
Tags are Open!
This one's a long one. I tried to keep the timeline canon with FF but somewhere along the way I messed it up so it's a good thing these are au's 😂 
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
One year after Praimfaya:
Grabbing your head, you slid down the wall to the floor, tears streaming down your face.
“Why won’t you just leave me alone?”
A hand reached for your knee, squeezing.
“Because I love you.”
You sniffled, shaking your head as you looked up.
“But you’re not here.”
Bellamy smiled, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“We promised, remember? Always by each other’s side.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face.
“I- bu- but yo-you broke it! You left me. You left me! You left me behind! Yo- you left me.”
He shook his head, tears welling in his eyes.
“I didn’t want to.”
You shook your head, lowering your head back onto your arms.
“YN, sweetheart, please, look at me.”
You sniffled, shaking your head. You tensed when he grabbed your arm, gently pulling at it, causing you to lift your head, looking over at him.
“If I could be here with you, I would. I would do anything, give anything, to be by your side. I never meant to leave you.
You sniffled, shaking your head.
“You hurt me.”
He shook his head, sighing softly.
I never meant to hurt you.”
“I- I’m going crazy. I- you have to stop.”
You shook your head, pushing yourself off the wall so you were standing, walking away from Bellamy.
“You’re not here. You’re in space. You’re so far away. I- I will always love you, Bellamy. But you- you need to stop. I- I can’t keep doing this.”
Bellamy stood up, walking towards you, wrapping his arms around your middle from behind, leaning his head down onto your shoulder.
“I’m still here because of you, sweetheart. Because I love you.”
You sighed, your shoulders slumping as you shook your head.
“Then you should leave because of me.”
You turned your head to the side, sighing when you didn’t see Bellamy, shaking your head as you fell to the floor, tears welling in your eyes.
“I love you too.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
One year and five months after Praimfaya:
“YN, listen to me. You’re a natblida. The clans will follow you.”
You shook your head, scoffing.
“Wonkru, you mean. There are no cans. We are all one clan. Wonkru.”
Gaia shook her head, sighing.
“Come on YN, even you don’t believe that.”
She reached out, placing her hand over yours, slightly squeezing.
“You can lead us, you should lead us. Be our commander.”
You shook your head as you stood, pulling your hand from hers.
“We tried that once, remember? A lifetime ago, and it didn’t work.”
Gaia sighed, shaking her head.
“Because we were facing our doom, and Roan had a way with words. You are a natblida, YN. If you ascend, the people will follow.”
“Octavia is my sister. I’m not going to turn my back on her, not now, not ever.”
“YN, the people are already fighting her.”
“Which is why we have the fights.”
You turned towards Gaia, shaking your head.
“You’re talking about a coupe. I won’t do it. And if I were you, I’d stop talking about it. Octavia is our queen. I will never turn my back on her. It’s time you stop trying to defy her.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
Two years after Praimfaya:
You shook your head, cutting Maria off as she walked further into the room.
“Don’t. I’ve already heard it from Rex. I don’t need to hear it from you either.”
“I wasn’t going to mention it.”
“You were thinking about it.”
“I wasn’t.”
“But, if I was thinking about it, I’d agree with Rex.” “Maria.” “Don’t Maria me, YN.”
Glancing over at Maria, you shot her a look that fell flat. “You said you weren’t gonna mention it.” “Yeah well, you kept going.”
“I take it back.”
Maria grinned, shaking her head.
“Too late.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
There was a knock, causing you to sigh as you got up, walking towards the door and opening it. You scoffed when you saw who it was, slamming the door shut. You turned, walking back into your room, clenching your jaw when you heard the door opening and closing.
“So help me Gaia-”
“I just want to talk YN”
You shook your head as you sat down on your bed, leaning back against the wall.
“No, you want to try to get me to become the commander. It’s the same conversation with you. All we do is talk in circles, and I’m tired of it. How many times do we have to have this same talk?
Gaia shook her head, slightly grinning.
“Until you agree.”
Gaia cut you off, taking a step forward.
“YN please. I promise, when you become the commander, everyone will follow you. They did it before, remember? When she refused to lead, you stepped up. For those two months, we all lived in peace. That was under your rule, not hers. Wanhei is our commander”
You shook your head as you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at Gaia where she stood.
“No. I can’t. I won’t. There is too much at stake. I have people to take care of, a family.”
“You’re not the only one here with a family, YN. And you wouldn’t be alone in the fight. You have people who would stand with you.”
“Just like she does. Or did you forget that the majority of the guard is with her? And why does it have to be me? Literally anyone can start a rebellion. It doesn’t have to be me.”
“No, it can’t. You are Wanhei. Legendary Wanhei. You hold more power than you could possibly know.”
You tilted your head to the side, looking over at Gaia, slightly glaring at her.
“What would your mother have to say about this, hmm? If she learned that you are here, talking to me about treason. What then? Even she couldn’t stop Octavia from putting you in the pits.”
“She would understand. Even she knows that what Octavia is doing is wrong.”
“Yet she hasn’t stopped her.”
“Because she would be killed.”
You scoffed, shaking your head.
“And I wouldn’t? There is too-”
Gaia lifted her hand, cutting you off.
“Whether you like it or not, you are the only one who can stop this.”
You watched Gaia as she turned, walking towards the door, you called out to her when she opened the door, causing her to stop and turn back towards you.
“I’d appreciate it if you’d stop talking to Rex and the others. I’ve made my decision. And nothing will change it.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
Two years and four months after Praimfaya:
“Tensions are rising. They’re taking sides, drawing the battle lines.”
“Stop them.”
You shook your head, sighing.
“I’m not fighting a war.”
“Whether you like it or not, you are.”
You turned, looking over at Maria.
“Please, Maria, can’t you just listen to what I’m saying? I don’t want to fight her. I don’t want there to be another war. I don’t want to fight. All we’ve done since we landed is fight. And I’m tired of it.”
Maria sighed, walking towards you, reaching out and taking your hand in hers.
“I know you are, and you deserve the chance to be able to live in peace, truly. But I’m sorry. The only way to achieve that peace you want, is to fight. One last fight. One last war.”
You took a deep breath, mulling it over before you looked over at Maria, sighing.
“One last war.”
She nodded, leaning forward and pressing her forehead to yours.
“One last war.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Two years and eight months after Praimfaya:
“Surrender. Surrender and this can all end, today.”
Shaking your head, you winced as Octavia’s sword cut into your chest.
Octavia opened her mouth to say something when there was a yell, both of you turning. Your eyes widened as Octavia moved her sword away from you, swinging it out towards Maria.
“No!” You moved, tackling Octavia and kicking her sword away as you straddled her, grabbing her arms and holding her down.
Your chest heaved as you turned, looking over at Maria where she laid.
She groaned, causing you to panic more as you turned back towards Octavia, her eyes widening as you lifted your hand, punching her in the jaw. You scrambled away from her, falling to your knees next to Maria, your hands hovering over her as you looked her over, muttering.
“What did you do? What did you do?!”
Maria looked up at you, tears welling in her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head as you placed your hands on her stomach, applying pressure.
“Stop. You need to save your strength.”
“I’m sorry I’m doing this.”
You huffed, looking around for something to use to stop the blood as you shook your head.
“Doing what?”
You tensed, looking down at her, clenching your jaw.
“You are not dying.”
You turned, screaming for help, seeing Octavia moving out the corner of your eye. You kept talking to Maria as the footsteps grew louder, Delania and Rex appearing next to you as Jackson kneeled across from you. 
“What happened?”
One of Jackson’s students appeared next to him, moving your hands out of the way as he pressed gauze onto Maria’s wound.
You leaned back onto your legs, tears welling in your eyes as you shook your head.
“She- she took the hit for me.”
Jackson’s face fell slightly as he nodded, more people arriving. You helped them pick Maria up, placing her on the gurney. You held Maria’s hand, tears clouding your vision as you all rushed to medical.
You looked down at Maria, shaking your head.
“No. I’m not going to li-”
She grabbed your wrist, shaking her head, causing her to wince.
“Please. Take care of Raelyn.”
Jackson looked over at you, shaking his head.
“We have to put her under now, if we want to save her.”
Maria tightened her grip on you, slightly shaking her head as she started to shake.
“Please ai niron. Promise me.” (my love)
“I promise.”
You leaned down, pressing your lips to hers, tasting blood.
“But you’re not dying today.”
She started to seize, blood falling from her mouth as Jackson yelled at you to leave. Tears were streaming down your face as Delani and Rex pulled you out of medical. You shoved them away from you, rushing towards the trash can, heaving. You leaned against the wall, bent over at your knees as you took deep breaths.
“Where is she?”
You shook your head, looking over Delani.
“Where. Is. She.”
“Still in C-block I believe.”
You nodded, standing up and making your way down the hall, Delani and Rex following after you.
“YN, YN wait!”
Rex grabbed your arm, forcing you to turn back towards him, causing you to glare at him.
“If she’s still there, and that’s a big if, Miller and the rest of the guard will also be there. You’d be walking into a death trap.”
“I don’t care.”
“If you go there, she will kill you. And then what? All of this would have been for nothing.”
You pulled your arm from Rex’s grasp, glaring at him.
“I. Don’t. Care.”
Delani stepped forward, placing his hand on Rex’s shoulder, causing Rex to look over at him.
“Let her go.”
Rex was cut off when Jackson appeared, walking towards the three of you.
Jackson looked over at you, slowly shaking his head.
“YN, I- I’m so sorry.”
You took a step back, shaking your head.
“But Maria, she- she lost too much blood. She coded after her seizure, and we couldn’t bring her back.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you walked towards Jackson, stopping in front of him, shaking your head.
“Yo- you have to say it. You have to say it, Jackson.”
Jackson took a deep breath as he reached out, placing his hand on your forearm.
“Maria died. She’s dead.”
A broken scream escaped you as you fell to the floor, tears streaming down your face. Delani knelt next to you, grabbing you and pulling you into his chest as you screamed and sobbed, your screams heard all throughout the bunker. You stayed there for hours, Delani staying next to you while Rex and Antara stood guard at one end of the hall, Fara and Norix standing guard at the other end of the hall.
“Rae- Raelyn.”
“We’ll get her.”
You shook your head, leaning back so you could look at Delani.
“No. It- she needs to hear it from me. It should be me.”
Delani sighed, nodding.
“Alright, but perhaps we can clean up first, yeah?”
You looked down at your clothes, seeing the blood stained on them. Maria’s blood. You nodded, looking over at Delani.
“Raelyn should be with the other kids so the room should be empty.”
Delani nodded, placing his hand under your chin, gently forcing you to look up so you weren’t staring at the blood anymore.
“We’ll send Fara, just to be safe.”
“She can’t tell Raelyn if she’s there.”
“She won’t. I promise. But just to be sure, I’ll let her know not to say anything.”
You nodded, watching Delani as he stood, walking down the hall to Fara, the two talking before Fara left, Delani returning to your side.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
Three years and six months after Praimfaya:
“This is wrong YN.”
You scoffed, shaking your head as you pulled your cloak on, glancing at the spot where he stood.
“You’re not really here Bellamy. You don’t get an opinion in the matter, or a say in it.”
“Except I will be here, in a year, I’ll be here. I’ll have a say then.”
You huffed, turning on your heel, walking to the door.
“That sounds like a then me problem.”
Bellamy fluttered away when you walked through him, slamming your door shut behind you.
I wouldn’t want this YN. You know I wouldn’t.
You shook your head, scoffing as you walked down the hall.
“It doesn’t matter what you want. Not anymore.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Four years after Praimfaya:
You turned, smiling as Raelyn ran to you, falling to your knees, letting her wrap her arms around your neck as you leaned down.
“Ai strik skaifaya.” (my little star)
You leaned back, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, you hand lingering on her cheek.
“Did you have fun with your ani?” (aunt)
She nodded, her face breaking out into a big smile as you stood, picking her up, holding her on your hip.
“Yes! She showed me the pits and we spared with the sticks!”
You made a face, tilting your head to the side, seeing Delani walking towards you both.
“She showed you the pits?”
Raelyn nodded as Delani shot you a look, causing you to shrug in response as he sat down at the table.
“Yeah! It was a lot of fun!”
You shook your head, looking over at her, grinning.
“Guess what my little skaifaya?”
“Delani has a surprise he wants to show you. Just for you.”
She jumped, squirming in your arms as she turned towards Delani, making grabby hands at him. He laughed, getting up and taking Raelyn from you, Raelyn wrapping her arms around his neck. He tickled her sides, causing her to laugh, a smile growing on your face as you watched the two.
“Are you ready to go see your surprise, strik won?” (little one)
Raelyn nodded, laughing as she clapped her hands.
“Yes! Yes! Please!”
Delani laughed, nodding towards you.
“Give your momma a hug and a kiss and we’ll go.”
Raelyn nodded, trying to get out of Delani’s arms, Delani laughing as he put her on the floor, Raelyn running to you. You knelt down, wrapping your arms around Raelyn as she pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek.
“Love you momma!”
You smiled, kissing her forehead.
“I love you to, little skaifaya. Be good for your uni, okay?” (uncle)
She nodded, jumping up and down.
“I will. Promise!”
You laughed as she ran back towards Delani, Delani picking her up, handing her to one of the guards, promising her it was a part of her surprise when she deflated. Once Raelyn was out of the room, he turned towards you, tilting his head to the side as you stood.
“She showed Raelyn the pits?”
You nodded, clenching your jaw.
"Of course, she did. Blodreina can do no wrong.”
Delani shook his head, shooting you a look.
“What are you going to do?”
You turned towards Delani, shaking your head.
“She may be Blodreina, but Raelyn is my child. And I specifically told her that I didn’t want Raelyn anywhere near the pits. Nor do I want her learning how to fight. She’s still a kid.
“Delani nodded, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I know, but she’s only doing what she’s being. All of us grew up learning how to fight.”
You huffed, throwing your hands up, glaring at Delani.
“She just turned four! She’s still too young to be holding a sword, let alone seeing the pits!”
Delani placed his hand on your arm, shaking his head.
“YN, don’t do anything you’ll regret. Raelyn already lost her mother, she doesn’t- she can’t lose you too.”
You shook your head, walking towards the door.
“She won’t.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
You glared at the guards who were blocking the entrance, stopping you from entering.
“Ban we au gon ai wonwe.” (move out of my way)
They didn’t move, causing you to huff as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Nau.” (now)
“Teik emon gouthru klir.” (let her pass)
They moved their spears back to their sides, stepping to the side. You huffed, nodding as you walked into the room, glaring at Octavia. She was sitting in her throne, watching you as you walked towards her, fiddling with her knife.
“Are you out of your mind? You took Raelyn to the pits?”
Gaia shared a look with Indra as you stepped closer to Octavia, glaring at her.
“After I told you I didn’t want her anywhere near them?!”
“YN, maybe you should-”
You glanced at Indra, shaking your head.
You turned back towards Octavia, glaring at her.
“You showed her the pits and then you sparred with her? Are you insane?!”
“Every child must learn to fight.”
You shook your head, pointing a finger at her as she twirled her knife against the armrest of the throne.
“No! Not every child! They have a choice.”
She lifted her head, tilting her head to the side as she looked you over.
“Except Raelyn. You took that choice from her.”
“She just turned four! I told you, I do not want her to learn how to fight until she makes the choice for herself!”
She shrugged, returning her attention to her knife.
“She asked me.”
You scoffed, shaking your head.
“No, the mighty Blodreina mentioned it. Raelyn has never expressed an interest in fighting.”
You stepped closer to her, yanking the knife from her grasp, causing her to look up at you, glaring at you as you threw her knife to the floor, placing your hands on the armrests of her throne, leaning down towards her.
“Raelyn is not to go near the pits again and you are not to spare with her.”
Octavia scoffed, shaking her head as she clenched her jaw.
“I believe Wanhei has forgotten her place. She is not in charge her. I am.”
She stood up, causing you to take a step back.
“Wanhei ste ded. Teik emon kom emon baggeda. Bokn ai nomon ste dednes. Kep emon der.” (wanhei is tired. take her to her room. being a mother is exhausting. keep her there)
The guards standing beside her nodded, moving towards you and reaching for your arms. You scoffed, pulling your arms back, glaring up at them.
“Nou toch op emon.” (don’t touch me)
You turned, walking towards the door before you stopped, turning back around, matching Octavia’s glare.
“Blodreina is not allowed near my daughter again. When I see my sister instead of Blodreina, then you can see her.”
The guards pushed your forward, causing you to huff as they escorted you to your room.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
You jumped up when the alarms sounded, running to your door and opening it. The guards Octavia had bring you to your room once again blocked your path, causing you to glare up at them.
“Ashon!” (move)
They shook their heads, barely sparing you a glance.
“Kom nau!” (now)
“Osir don hedon.” (we have orders)
“My daughter is out there! Now move, or I will make you.”
They glanced at each other before they stepped to the side, causing you to nod.
“Smart choice.”
You ran down the hall, pushing your way through the people who were running to their rooms.
“Delani! Delani!”
You ran into his room, your eyes widening when you didn’t see him or Raelyn. You turned, running back out of the room.
“Wanhei! Wanhei!”
You turned, watching as Rex ran towards you, his chest heaving.
“They took them!”
You made a face, tilting your head to the side.
“Who took who?”
“Blodreina. Sh- she took Delani and Raelyn.”
Your eyes widened as you turned, running to the pits. Octavia’s guards lined the fencing of the pits and the walls, each of them watching you as you ran to the front. You gasped, coming to a stop as your eyes landed on them. Octavia stood over Raelyn, a bloodied sword in her hands.
You ran forward, falling to your knees beside Raelyn, picking her up as tears welled in your eyes.
You pushed her hair back out of her face, your eyes widening when you saw the streak of blood they left behind on her forehead. You looked her over, seeing the growing spot of blood on her front.
You shook your head, sniffling.
“No, no. Raelyn, Raelyn sweetie, wake up.”
She didn’t move, causing you to shake your head as you reached up, wiping your tears.
“Ai strik skaifaya, beja.” (my little star, please)
You hesitated as you reached down to her neck, checking her pulse.
“Please little star.”
You leaned down, placing your forehead against hers when you felt no pulse, sobbing.
“Strik skaifaya!” (little star)
You sniffled, taking deep breaths as you leaned back, looking over at Octavia, your eyes landing on her sword that dripped blood.
“You did this.”
You shook your head, gently lowering Raelyn to the floor before you stood, stalking towards Octavia.
“You did this!”
You slammed into her, pushing her to the floor. You punched her, tears streaming down your face.
“You did this! You did this!”
You continued to hit her until someone grabbed you, yanking you off her.
“Let me go! Let me go!”
They tightened their grip on you as they pulled you away from Octavia, someone helping her stand. She looked at you as she wiped the blood from her lip, slightly shaking her head as you tried to pull yourself free.
“Let me go!”
She nodded at the person who was holding you, causing them to let you go. You sniffled, turning back towards Raelyn. You knelt beside her, reaching out and hesitantly closing her eyes before you picked her up, ignoring the way her head rolled to the side, hitting your chest as you walked out of the pits.
“YN, you kno-”
You shook your head, glaring.
No one stopped you as you walked out of the pits. Everyone starting to come out of their rooms now that the alarms had stopped, stopping when they saw you. No one stopped you, but you could hear their whispers and murmurs as you passed them.
You looked up, seeing Delani come out of a room, holding his side, his hand bloodied. He went to say something when his eyes widened, looking up at you as tears welled in his eyes, shaking his head. “No.”
You said nothing as you walked past him, hearing him follow behind you.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Five years after Praimfaya:
There were whispers, of the shadow who stalked the bunker. Wonkru refused to call you by your new name, Trikdaun, instead choosing to call you Kriptrikova, the demon shadow. Blodreina called for your head, the elites patrolling the halls, searching for you. It’d been a year since you went into hiding, keeping to the shadows, away from prying eyes. Bellamy and the others were meant to return yesterday, but there was nothing. No sign of any attempts to open the bunker from the outside. No radio calls were made, the same static sound the only thing received. Time was given, the slither of hope that’d been lost years ago had returned, but twenty-four hours later, and that hope was once again squandered. It’d settled in, the reality that this was life now, and there was no chance of ever leaving the bunker. It also brought a sense of dread, because while the visions you’d have of Bellamy had slowed, they were no longer a prominent fixture like they were the first two years. But you’d been seeing again, since the announcement came over the speakers that the bunker was going to be our new reality, you started to see him again. He never said anything, and all it did was confirm what you’d known for some time, Bellamy was dead. It was real now, with them not returning, it solidified that they were dead. And now there was nothing stopping you.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
She jumped, her eyes wide as she turned towards you.
You stepped out of the shadows, pulling the hood of your cloak down.
“You told me once that Wanhei is our commander. That the people would follow.”
Gaia took a deep breath, nodding.
“I did.”
“So then do it. Make me the commander.”
Gaia’s eyes widened as she gasped softly, slightly shaking her head.
“No. Wanhei is the commander and the people will follow. Make me the commander Gaia, or I’ll find someone who will.”
Gaia stepped forward, shaking her head. 
“No, no. I’ll do it, but YN, are you sure?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“No, I mean, are you sure that you should do this now? Yo- you’re grieving. I’m not sure-”
“Do you want to spend the rest of our lives under Blodreina’s rule? How many more people have to die before she’s stopped?”
“YN, I just want you to be sure. It’s could be dangerous-”
“That wasn’t a problem before. You weren’t worried about it being dangerous when you would come to my room every week and beg me to do it. Nor were you worried about it when you’d go behind my back and talk to the others. You’re not worried that it’s dangerous. You’re worried that I’ll be like Sheidheda. I promise you, I won’t. Yeah, I’m angry. And yeah, I want her dead. But this isn’t about me. This is about those we’ve lost, and those still living. It’s about who we are. Things need to change. Or we’re all going to die as monsters.”
Gaia took a deep breath as she turned, walking away from you.
She moved some things around before she turned, walking back towards you and opening her hand, showing the flame.
“Let’s get started.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Five years and four months after Praimfaya:
“This end’s today!”
Everyone cheered, lifting their weapons.
“Nou Blodreina nowe!” (blodreina no more)
“Nou Blodreina nowe! Nou Blodreina nowe!”
The cheering turned to screams as a flash bomb went off, smoke grenades being thrown not long after.
“Nyxheda! Nyxheda this way!”
Delani grabbed your arm, pulling you away as you covered your face with your other arm. It was hard to see through the smoke, people slamming into you as they tried to get away. Delani pulled you out into the hallway as the alarm sounded, the lights turning red when the first gunshot sounded, causing you to stop, pulling your arm from Delani.
“Nyxheda, no!”
You turned back towards Delani, shaking your head.
“Those are my people! I will not stand by while they’re being slaughtered!”
You turned to run back when Delani grabbed you, holding you down. You managed to wiggle free, reaching back and punching Delani in the face, causing him to let you go. You ran back in, trying to help those you could, get out. When the smoke cleared, you gasped, your eyes widening. Bodies laid on the floor, blood practically covering the entire floor.
“Oh god.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked around, slightly shaking your head.
You turned, seeing Delani and Gaia slowly walk in, looking around, their eyes widening.
“Blodreina did this. She has to pay.”
“YN, the flame can’t be telling you t-”
“It is! They are all screaming for vengeance. Including Lexa. So don’t try to tell me that this is wrong or try and talk me out of it. Because I’m done. One way or the other, this ends, today.”
You turned, walking out, your hand on the hilt of your sword. The voices from the flame were growing louder, overlapping as you walked down the hall. You turned, letting out a scream as you slammed your fist into the wall. You leaned back against the wall, sliding down to the floor, drawing your knees up to your chest, resting your arms on top of your legs, looking your hand over. Your hand was bleeding, the black blood spreading as you tried to wipe it so you could see the damage but all you were really doing was making a bigger mess. The blood spread, covering the top of your hand. You opened and closed your hand, testing the pain when you realized, the flame had stopped talking.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
It was quiet, too quiet. The lights still flashed red, but the alarms had stopped and now everything was quiet. 
You turned your head, looking up, seeing Delani and Gaia, Rex walking out from behind them. He moved to kneel next to you, nodding towards your hand.
“We should clean that up, yeah?”
You said nothing as you gave Rex your hand, watching as he started to clean the blood away.
“We- there’s twenty-eight dead. A couple are injured, but so far, they don’t look life threatening. Norix, he was- he didn’t make it.”
You clenched your jaw as Rex wrapped your knuckles, Gaia stepping forward, moving to kneel in front of you.
“Blodreina and her guards are waiting, they’re at the border.”
Once Rex was done you clenched and unclenched your hand, nodding as you stood.
“Then it’s time we go to war.”
Rex stood, shooting you a look.
“Wait. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
You clenched your jaw, shaking your head.
“YN, you went back where they were openly shooting. Are you sure that you weren’t hit?”
You huffed, nodding.
“I’m sure.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
She was waiting, just like Gaia said. Standing in the middle of her people, waiting. You stopped in front of her, the line separating Wonkru and Dokwokru between you both. She looked you over before she glanced at your people, the group of them standing on either side of you and behind you.
“You’re still alive.”
“Shocker, I know. But you did kill others, good people.”
She clenched her jaw, looking over at those next to you.
“You all have a choice, one I’ve offered you before. Join Wonkru, and live.”
Her people stood taller, yelling as one.
“You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru!”
She smirked, nodding slightly.
“You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. You still have a chance to live.”
She looked over at you, slightly shaking her head.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.”
You clenched your jaw, tightening your grip on the hilt of your sword.
“Yes, it did.”
You charged forward, lifting your sword and bringing it down towards her, everyone else starting to fight.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
It was chaos. Everyone was fighting each other, and between the fights were those trying to help the injured. Somehow you’d found your way into the arena, just you and her. Your hand burned while the flame yelled at you to finish it, finish her. She’d lifted her pistol, aiming it at you but you hit her hand, causing her to miss, the gunshot ringing in your ears as you kicked the pistol away from her. You punched her in the face, her head snapping to the side from the force of it while you kicked her legs out, causing her to fall to the floor. You climbed on top of her, placing the tip of your knife at her throat, your grip on the hilt of it tightening as you leaned down towards her, looking down at her.
“The twin.” You smirked slightly as you turned, looking over at Octavia. “The girl under the floor.” She grinned, nodding. “We’re going to get along just fine.”
“You both act like a married couple.” Octavia looked between you both, her eyes slowly widening. “Oh my god, you’re together! This is the best thing ever.”
“Thank you.” Octavia grinned, shrugging. “Well, you are my future sister-in-law.”
“Promise me, you won’t put my name on the list but Bellamy will be on there. Him and Octavia both.” Clarke took a deep breath, nodding as she leaned forward, grabbing your hand. “I promise.”
“She can’t die Clarke, please.” Clarke squeezed your hand, offering you a small smile as Octavia was taken to medical. “She won’t. I promise.”
“It’s my decision YN. I know what the odds are. And if I fall, at least Bellamy’ll have you.” You sighed, nodding as you wrapped your arms around her. Octavia hesitated before she returned the hug, sighing. “Make sure you kick their asses.” “I will.”
“For five years? We’ll make it our bitch.” Octavia snorted a laugh, shaking her head. “Thank you.” “For what?" “For being here.”
“No. She needs to do this herself.” You scoffed, shaking your head as you grabbed your knife. “Wanhei and Oeslaya together.”
“It’s okay, YN. Bellamy would want you to be happy.” “It just, it feels wrong.” Octavia shook her head, kneeling in front of you and grabbing your hand. “YN, you deserve to be happy. So, if she makes you happy, then be with her. It’s okay.”
“Octavia, this is Raelyn. She’s Maria’s daughter.” You glanced over at Maria, seeing her nod, offering you a small smile. “And mine.” Octavia smiled, reaching her hand out towards Raelyn. “Hi sweetheart.” Raelyn made a face at Octavia’s hand, causing you to grin as you bounced her in your arms. “It’s okay, this is your aunt, your ani.” Octavia looked up at you, tears welling in her eyes. “Really?” You nodded, smiling. “Of course Octavia, you’re my sister. You’re family.”
Your grip on your knife loosened as you leaned up, the flame growing louder, the voices of the previous commanders overlapping over each other.
You moved the knife away from her neck, shaking your head.
“No. No, this isn’t- I won’t. Too many lives have been lost. I won’t add my sister to the list.”
Octavia leaned up slightly, clenching her jaw.
“But I will.”
She grabbed your hand holding the knife, a sickening crack sounding as she twisted your hand, plunging the knife in your chest. You gasped a choked cough, blood spilling from your mouth. You slowly lowered your head, looking down at the knife. Octavia jerked the knife up as your hand let the knife go, the force of it causing you to fall back, Octavia moving to lean over you.
“Yu gonplei ste odon Nyxheda.” (your fight is over)
You gasped as she plunged the knife deeper, coughing up more blood. With a harsh yank she pulled the knife out, blood pouring from the wound. She stood, dropping the knife as you started to choke on your own blood, walking around the arena. You slowly turned your head, your vision becoming blurry as you watched her pick something up. She turned, walking back towards you, cocking her gun. She stood over you, aiming at your head.
“The war is over.”
You closed your eyes when the gunshot sounded, expecting to feel nothing. But you could still feel the pain in your chest. Peeking your eyes open, you saw Octavia running away as more gunshots sounded. Slowly turning your head, you blearily made out Delani leading the others as Gaia kneeled next to you.
Coughing, you turned to look at her, shaking your head.
“Ga- Gaia.”
You lifted your hand, noticing the shake as Gaia took it in hers.
“You’re gonna be okay. We did it. Wonkru’s forces are no more. Those still standing surrendered. Blodreina is on the run.”
You smiled, coughing as you nodded.
“We did it.”
She nodded, smiling down at you.
“We did it. You did it.”
“I- I did it.”
You watched as she turned, yelling.
“Oh my god.”
You looked over, seeing Jackson kneeling next to you. You grinned, coughing.
“Hey Doc. Do- Don’t think you can get m-me out of this one this time.”
He shook his head, cutting your blood-soaked shirt and peeling it away.
“Don’t underestimate me. I’ve gotten you out of some pretty bad situations before.”
You laughed, gasping as you coughed, Jackson shooting you a look.
“Stop laughing. And stop talking.”
“Aye aye, Doc.”
You turned your head to the side, letting Jackson work, sighing softly.
Maria smiled, tears welling in your eyes when Raelyn ran out from behind her.
“Strik skaifaya.” (little star)
The tears started to fall as they walked towards you, Maria kneeling next to you, Raelyn sitting beside her.
“You’re here.”
Maria smiled as she nodded, reaching out and cupping your cheek.
“Always, ai niron.” (my love)
Gaia shook her head, slightly tapping her hand against your cheek.
“Keep your eyes open, YN.”
“You- the flame. When I die-”
She shook her head, squeezing your hand.
“You are not dying.”
“When I die, you have to- to take the flame.”
“Pro- promise me.”
Gaia sighed, nodding.
“I promise.”
You gasped, your eyes widening slightly as you smiled.
He smiled as he kneeled next to you, pushing your hair back out of your face.
“I’ve missed you. So much.”
“Not like me.”
He laughed, nodding.
“Open your eyes YN!”
You gasped, your eyes opening. Jackson leaned over you, pushing your hair back out of your face.
“We almost lost you there for a second. I know you’re stubborn, but at least work with me and not against me.”
You huffed, nodding.
“I’m going to put you under, here. I can’t risk moving you so, we’re going to do the surgery here.”
You nodded, muttering a soft “okay” as Jackson disappeared from your view.
You turned, gasping.
Gaia’s eyes widened, looking down at you. Your eyes were closed, a soft smile on your face as you muttered.
Gaia held her hand out when Jackson went to put you under, shaking her head.
“Gaia if I don’t-”
“It won’t matter. It’s too late.”
Lexa kneeled next to you, smiling.
“You’ve done well strik gona. You’ve fought well.” (little warrior)
“I’m tired.”
She nodded, grabbing your hand, gently squeezing.
“I know. And it’s okay. You can rest now.”
Delani was kneeling next to Gaia, tears in his eyes as he squeezed your hand.
“You can rest now YN. We���ll be okay.”
They watched you take a shaky, broken breath, your eyes slowly falling shut. Delani gasped a broken sob as your hand fell limp in his. He turned towards Rex, Fara and Antara glaring.
“Find Blodreina.”
They nodded, leaving the arena where Octavia had run out. Someone had come up behind Delani, handing him your cloak. Delani placed it over you, tears streaming down his face, blurring his vision.
“Nyxheda has fallen.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Eight Months Later: (six years after praimfaya)
He’d looked everywhere, but he couldn’t find her anywhere, causing him to panic. He found Indra once he was back above ground, making his way to her.
She turned, looking up at him.
“Indra, where is Octavia? Where’s my sister?”
Indra shook her head, sighing softly.
“A lot has happened, Bellamy. Things are different now.”
“Where is she?”
Indra turned, nodding slightly.
“Bellamy, this is Delani.”
Delani turned, looking Bellamy over, slightly glaring at him.
“He’s one of the four in charge. He can answer whatever questions you have.”
Bellamy nodded, looking up at Delani.
“Where’s my sister?”
Delani huffed, looking back down at Indra.
“Rex, Antara and Fara are waiting for you.”
Indra nodded, walking off, Bellamy crossing his arms over his chest as he glared up at Delani.
Delani clenched his jaw, looking over at Bellamy.
“She’s alive.”
“Where is she?”
“There are some things you need to know first.”
Delani turned, walking off. He huffed as he came to a stop, looking over his shoulder.
“Are you coming or not?”
Bellamy clenched his jaw as he nodded, muttering as he followed after him.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Tears welled in Bellamy’s eyes as he looked down at the journal, shaking his head.
“She’s alive. Sh- she made it.”
Delani hummed softly, watching as Bellamy slowly flipped through the journal.
“There were six of us. We brought her back. And we protected her. When she woke up and was stable, she started to write. I have them all.”
Bellamy slightly made a face, tilting his head to the side as he looked over at Delani.
“You do? Why?”
“She stopped writing for a time, but then she picked it back up.”
“Why do you have her journals?”
Bellamy shook his head, huffing.
“Why are you the one telling me all of this? Where is she? Where is YN?”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Bellamy followed behind Delani, making a face as he eyed the two men who stood next to the door.
“Where are we going?”
Delani didn’t answer him as he opened the door, nodding as motioned for Bellamy to go first. Bellamy shot him a look as he walked by him, his eyes widening as he walked in, Delani closing the door as he entered.
“What is-”
“You wanted to know where she is. This is where she is.”
Bellamy made a face, shaking his head.
“I don’t-”
“YN was killed eight months ago. By your sister.”
Bellamy’s mouth fell open as he turned, looking over at Delani.
“Octavia became a tyrant. She was Blodreina. She killed YN’s girlfriend. And then she killed her daughter. So, YN became Nyxheda.”
“Shadow Commander.”
Delani walked towards the table, picking something up, turning towards Bellamy, lifting his hand, showing the flame.
“This is YN. She was our Commander. She led us here, to today.”
“What happened?”
“There was a war. It started at the border, but it ended in the arena. YN- the flame was angry. Octavia was supposed to protect us, but instead she killed us. And they were angry. YN was fueled by her own vengeance, the loss of you, and the vengeance of the flame.”
“Loss of me?”
“On the five-year mark, when there was no sign that you were coming, that was the day she became the Commander."
Bellamy stopped breathing, shaking his head. If only they could've made radio contact, then maybe, just maybe everything could've been avoided and YN would still be here.
"And when it came down to it, she chose to let Octavia live. She couldn’t do it. Octavia was her family, her sister. She’d always said that she could never turn on Octavia, could never hurt her, no matter how many times we pleaded with her to become the Commander, she would always say no. She chose to let Octavia live, and Octavia chose to kill her. I wasn’t with her, not until the end, but Gaia was with her. Her and Jackson. Gaia said that YN saw you. She saw you, Maria, Raelyn. She even saw Lexa. After- after we’d captured Octavia, and we’d helped the wounded, this place was built.”
Delani turned, placing the flame back on the small stand on the table.
“A sanctuary built to honor those we’ve lost, and honor the one who saved us. I have her journals because YN trusted me to have them.”
He grabbed the remaining journals, handing them to Bellamy.
“But I believe she would’ve wanted you to have them.”
Bellamy reached for the journals, tears falling down his face as he looked down at them.
“You haunted her.”
Bellamy sniffled, making a face as he looked over at Delani, whispering.
“She saw you everywhere. She told me the first time she saw you was when she was out there, trying to get to the island. But she said she was delirious and in pain, so she didn’t think anything of it. Not until it happened when she was in the bunker. She always said she couldn’t hurt Octavia, but really, I think the main reason why she couldn’t was because of you. Because she still loved you. The journals can tell you more. They will tell you more. She was more honest with them than with me.”
Delani sighed softly, nodding.
“Octavia is in the cells. YN refused to kill her, and no matter my feelings, I will honor her wishes. I always will. So, Octavia lives. If you want, I can take you to her.”
Bellamy nodded, taking a deep breath as he looked over at Delani.
“Take me to her.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Bellamy’s head was racing as he stood in front of the door, taking a few deep breaths before he reached out, opening the door. She was sitting on the bench, looking down at the floor. She slowly looked up, her eyes widening as she gasped.
She jumped up, running towards him, wrapping her arms around him. She stepped back when he didn’t return the hug, nodding slightly.
“You know.”
She walked back to the bench, sitting down and leaning back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, go on, get it out. Say it.”
Bellamy scoffed softly, shaking his head.
“I- ho- how could you?”
“She deserved to die. You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. And she was my enemy.”
Bellamy shook his head, laughing harshly.
“Do you hear yourself? YN was your friend. She considered you to be her sister!”
Octavia clenched her jaw, tilting her head to the side. 
“You think I don’t know that? That I don’t know what she did for me? What she lost? I told her to be with Maria. I was Raelyn’s ani.”
“Then why did you do it?”
Octavia looked away from Bellamy, scoffing.
“She deserved it.”
Bellamy shook his head, huffing.
“No, she didn’t. Look at me.”
Octavia shook her head, causing Bellamy to take a step forward, growling.
“Look at me.”
She turned, looking back at him, clenching her jaw.
“You are my sister, but you are not my responsibility.”
Bellamy turned, banging on the door. Once it opened, he walked out, not sparing Octavia a glance. Once the door shut behind him, she leaned her head back, tears welling in her eyes.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Gaia was checking the back of Madi’s neck, Delani helping her while Clarke checked on Madi, making sure she was okay. Bellamy stood at the door frame; his arms crossed over his chest as he watched them all work.
Clarke shot a worried look at Gaia, Gaia walking around the bed so she was in front of Madi, kneeling next to Clarke.
“Madi, how are you feeling?”
Clarke made a face, tilting her head to the side.
Gaia looked over at Clarke, translating. 
Gaia’s eyes widened as she leaned forward, looking up at Madi.
“Aunt. You’re talking about YN.”
Bellamy’s heart started to race as Madi nodded, smiling as she stood up.
“No wait, Madi-”
She walked past Clarke and Gaia, walking towards Bellamy and grabbing his hand. He slightly made a face, moving to kneel in front of her.
“She says hi.”
Tears welled in Bellamy’s eyes as Madi let his hand go, moving to hug him, her head on his shoulder as she spoke.
“She says she loves you and she’ll always be by your side.”
A broken sob left Bellamy, remembering the day they made that promise.
“I thought you were dead.”
Bellamy shook his head, leaning down, softly pressing his lips to yours.
“I’m right here.”
You sighed, slightly shaking your head as you bit your lip.
“But you weren’t.”
He ran his hands up the top of your thighs, shaking his head as he crowded into your space, placing his hand under your chin and gently forcing you to look up at him.
“I promise, I’ll always be by your side. I’m not going anywhere.”
You nodded, sighing.
You placed your hand on his chest, the other creeping behind his neck, playing with the coarse hair.
“And I promise you, I’ll always be by your side.”
You leaned up, Bellamy closing the remaining distance between you, kissing you. You leaned back first, pressing your forehead to his.
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Everything Tags:
The 100 Tags:
@kloy344 @lexajaye 
@dani5216 @kelseyd07 
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Bellamy Blake Tags:
Fighting For… Loves:
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@dani5216 @euphor6a @electr1city 
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@multi-fandom-lover7667 @alltoowell-taylorsversion
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privileged series [bellamy blake x reader]
*yn* Kane, Marcus Kane’s daughter, and the rest of the delinquents struggle to survive on the ground and in her eyes, Bellamy Blake certainly isn’t helping. Can they overcome their differences to help keep the rest of the 100 alive and will this bring them closer in ways they never expected?
queen of the wild series [robb stark x reader]
*yn* Blackburn is the fierce Queen beyond the Wall, ruling over the kingdom of Vesiros that she helped build from the ground up. With winter approaching, how could the queen refuse an alluring offer from an even more enticing wolf, the King in the North?
♡ hot right now
a hunting trip series [dean winchester x reader, damon salvatore x reader]
dean and sam are on the hunt for their father when they're sent the coordinates to a small town. the last thing they expect to find when they arrive is an old childhood friend and a town brimming with vampires. the supernatural x vampire diaries crossover fic of your dreams.
princess of darkness series [eddie munson x reader]
when eddie ends up in the upside down, the last person he expects to be saved by is the editor of the hawkins high paper, captain of the volleyball team, future valedictorian & all round hawkins sweetheart.
friends [damon salvatore x reader]
*yn* and damon are friends. good friends. just friends. nothing more, nothing less. until elena’s eighteenth birthday party and the captain of the waterpolo team comes along, leaving damon wondering how much he really likes that term.
second heir [harwin strong x reader]
tensions in the targaryen family rise when viserra targaryen, the youngest child of queen aemma and king viserys, gives birth to her second son with ser harwin strong. ser criston cole learns that picking on harwin strong’s son is not the smartest decision
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♡ upcoming
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listenblake · 5 years
Listen To Me
Two | B.Blake
Notes | Thanks for the support on the first part and I’m already at 11 followers. I wouldn’t even care if I remained at 11 followers as long as even a few of you read my work. I’m deeply sorry for how long you have all waited, I just started my period but I’ve been PMSing for days. I’ve been all over the place so I hope this chapter doesn’t feel gross or rushed.
Word Count | 1,699 words
How long has it been? A year, maybe? It’s not like I can keep count, they took every small gift my parents ever gave me when we talked. Well, everything besides this photo, I’d never let them take this, they’d have to kill me in order to have it.
My head darted towards the now opened door with two guardsmen walking in with weapons in their hands.
“Prisoner two-five-seven, stand and face the wall.” My eyebrows furrowed and I hesitated to do as they said, which only resulted in them repeating their words. I stood up with wobbling knees and figured I didn’t move fast enough because they strictly gripped my wrists and forced me against the wall as a second guy clipped some bracelet on my arm. Hissing, I chose not to question what it was as I knew it would do nothing since they didn’t seem to be in a mood for explaining.
Next thing I knew, I had a needle in my neck and everything went black…
“What th-”
“Morning, sleep well?” A blonde female shot me a thin-lipped smile as I attempted to sit up, “Hey, watch your stitches.”
“Oh, my fuck!” The pain that struck in my side made me feel as if a lion clawed into my skin, “What the actual hell is going on, oh my god, am I dying? The last thing I remember were those guards on the ark, where are we?” My breathing staggered as the discomfort increased, tears pricked my eyes.
“First of all, you’re not dying, on the way down you suffered a minor injury, a piece of the dropship struck your left side during the collision-”
“Dropship? Why were we in a dropship?” I looked upwards at the ceiling, a few tears actually fell before I turned and observed everything around me. The girl sat next to my cot and began to gently push me to lay down, she then proceeded to remove my bandages.
“The council sent us down here in order to test out Earth’s safety levels because there was a massive issue with the population on the ark and not enough oxygen left remaining. We’ve been down here for a few hours and on top of not having any idea what to do, they dropped us on the wrong mountain and lost all communication with them and we’re left with no actual supplies. I know it’s a lot to take i-”
“Let’s go, Princess.” A pale boy with long brown hair popped in the dropship while carrying a backpack. “Oh, she’s awake, how are you feeling?”
I didn’t answer, I was terrified of what was going on. Tears continued to fall when I suddenly remembered my brother might be here. “Is there a Michael (Y/L/N), here? Please, I need to know.” I turned to the girl and my breathing increased once again as she sat there as if I spoke another language. “Tell me!” She flinched before shrugging her shoulders and giving me a small shake of her head.
“I don’t know, I can ask around, but you need to still your breathing. It isn’t good to be like this in your condition. Don’t worry, I’ll look, Let me put new bandages on and then you have to get some rest. I’ll get someone to watch over you while I’m gone.” She did as she said, she fixed me up new bandages and the boy stood there and watched the whole process while I tried to calm my tears and think positive, Michael is probably okay, he knows how to handle himself. “Okay, I’ll send someone in to check on you, please rest.”
They both left and I was okay for a while, but I couldn’t sleep no matter how hard I tried to, I just couldn’t. The thoughts of my brother being floated consumed my head and just as my eyes became watery once again, another guy walked in. He had a slight limp and place his hands up in caution. “Clarke wanted me to check in on you from time to time while they were away, no worries.”
I didn’t really react, but he took that as an okay sign to pick up a first aid kit and sit next to me.
“I’m Monty,” I had met him a few times, in a class we took just before all of this now that I remember, “I’m just going to give you new bandages and treat the wound.”
As he removed the bandages, a familiar face burst into the dropship.
“Y/n? Someone told me you were here.” 
“Hi, Charlotte.” I gave her a tired grin before she realized Monty was there and hesitated to move closer to me. “It’s alright, he’s just fixing up my wound.” She came around the other side and tried her best to hug me, but it was difficult when I was hurt and lying on my back. I flinched when he placed the solution on my wound and it caused Charlotte to give me a worried glance, but I reassured her that it wasn’t her affection that caused my reaction.
“I’m sorry, the sting will go away in a few seconds,” I nodded and turned to look at her, she was so young, too young to be here.
“Lotte, have you seen Michael?” A frown fell on my lips as she shook her head. I sighed but figured it meant he was safe on the Ark, or as safe as he could be at this point. “Alright, ah-!”
“Sorry,” Monty immediately apologized after he pressed harshly on the bandages.
Letting out a shaking breath while shutting my eyes momentarily, I responded with, “It’s fine.”
After Monty had left, Charlotte kept me company for a few hours until one of the other kids gave her a job to do. I have been stuck in this cot all day and I might actually go insane. It’s not like I could sleep, I was in a lot of pain. I-
“Hello? Y/~” My head shot up at the sound of a static voice coming from a stray area of the ship. It was dead silent for a few seconds before it made itself known once more, “Y/n, I swear to god, can you hear me?”
“The actual hell?” I tried to sit up, but I felt a sting in my side.
“If that bastard gave me a dud, I’m going to kill him.” I heard the voice again, it was coming from a few feet away from me, from a pile of rubbish. I pushed myself off of the cot and fell to my hands and knees. Crawling to the sound, tears threatened to spill as I tried so hard to ignore the pain. Soon enough I made it to the pile and dug until I found a small radio.
“He-Hello?” I winced as I spoke.
“Y/n? Oh thank god, I missed your voice.”
“Who else?” I laughed and tears fell this time, tears of happiness. “I miss you so much, little sister. I know that they sent you down to Earth, I made a deal with Shumway to get this radio. I’m not sure how the hell it worked since I heard from Martin that all communication from the 100 was lost.”
“What did it take?” I calmed my breathing as I realized he mentioned Shumway. His silence answered my question, he was trying to make something up. “Michael-” I hissed again at the pain.
“I’m fine,”
“My rations for the next four days.”
“Damn it, Michael- Ah-!” I cried and lied on the cold floor, the pain being overbearing. 
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” His panic was evident through the radio and I knew he would worry if I took too long to answer.
“A piece of the ship stabbed my side during the landing, I’m fine. I’ll be fine, I have to go, I love you, please be safe.”
“I lo-” And it cut out the rest of his response.
“Help! Please, someone help!” I cried on the floor, tossing the radio back in the pile. I couldn’t take the pain and I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own. I couldn’t even sit up at this point. “Help!”
A man rushed in and came to investigate my wound.
“What the hell happened to you? Come on, you can’t stay on that thing, it’ll do more harm than good.” He picked me up in his arms and I let out another cry of hurt, “I know, I’m sorry, come on.” My face stayed in his chest as I tried to make the pain go away, but I yelped when I was being set down. “It’s alright, you’ll be more comfortable here, I’ll grab some extra blankets in case you get cold.”
“Fuck. . .” I moaned as I refrained from holding down the wound as a way of ridding the stinging. Instead, I settled for applying pressure to my thigh, it seemed to ease it the slightest bit. 
“Here you go,” I opened my eyes to get an actual look at the man, tall, tanned skin, dark hair. It was short hair, but the sweat forced it to curl. He sat at the foot of the bed and stared at me for a few seconds, “How are you feeling?”
“Skip the pleasantries and just get to the part when you tell me I look like absolute shit.” I stared up at the ceiling of the tent before he chuckled.
“You said it,” was his answer, and he wasn’t wrong. It caused me to slightly laugh back, but it made him laugh a little more when I flinched from the pain again. I softly kicked his hip, but it made no difference, he continued to find my pain amusing. “Rest easy, you can stay here, I’ll find another place to sleep for a few nights so you don’t have to worry about the others disrupting you.”
“Thank you, I’m Y/n, by the way. . .” I quietly introduced myself, my eyes drooping from how exhausted I was.
“Y/n. . .I’m Bell~” was all I heard before I drifted to sleep.
Tag List | @jodiereedus22 @morgannope
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exoticbellamy-blog · 5 years
I found you | Bellamy Blake |
Warnings: mentions of death
wc: 1,087
summary: back on the ark you went missing, the counsel announced you were floated. Four years later when the dropship landed, they though they were alone, until you show up, leaving the king of the rebels in a pool of emotions.
Part two?
- -
I could hear them at night, partying, fighting, killing. I would watch sometimes, In the trees. I didn’t want to see them to me though, they would just kill me.
I remember watching the ship fall to the grown, I remember feeling so doomed.
So I studied them.
When I heard that they wanted to make peace with the “grounders” as they call them I almost laughed. They killed their people, any shot of an alliance was unlikely.
So I decided to come out of the shadows and warn them the day of the meeting.
I held off in the bushes until I saw the girl, the boy and Lincoln walking on the bridge.
Deciding to show myself. Getting off my horse on tying her to the bridge, they stopped. They watched in awe at the sight of the animal. I knew they did because that’s how I felt.
“y/n, what are you doing here?” Lincoln speaks.
“This is a mistake, and you know it.” I replied with no hint of emotion. The girl looked at me. “I’m sorry who is she?” She asked him. “Is she one of your people?” Lincoln went to answer but I beat him to it.
“I am nobody’s people, I’m on my own. But I came to warn you this is not smart.” The boy chuckled. “She sounds like Bellamy” The name slipped off his tongue like it meant nothing to him, but it meant everything to me.
“Bellamy” I spoke softly “Blake?” I questioned. The girl looked at the boy and back at me with a harsh expression. “How do you know his name?” she asked.
“y/n” I hear her.
I whip my head back and come face to face with Anya.
“Anya, I’m-” she cut me off. “Leave, you weren’t invited.” I start to leave when I look in the trees and saw them aiming their weapons at the girl and boy.
As I walked past Anya, I pulled her in close. “At least make it a fair fight” I whisper. She looks at me. “Look at the river, this is fair.” Pulling away my eyes glance down and see more of them, I see him.
Aiming guns at us.
I laughed turning at the girl and boy. “You guys are suicidal.”
I walk over to my horse, jumping on and start riding to my home, and than I hear them, gunshots. I wince and brush it off.
An hour or so past I couldn’t tell, I was lying on the couch when my doors burst open. Rushing to my feet, Ayna walks in. “y/n what were you thinking? They could’ve killed you.”
Me, Ayna and the rest of the grounders have a past. They helped me when I needed it most. They protect me even though I don’t need it.
“I’m sorry, but they needed to be warned. As much as I love you, you could’ve hurt them in ways they don’t know is possible.” I told her, she knew I was right. She rolled her eyes.
“Love is a weakness, that’s what made you so weak when you first came here. Your love for your people” I cut her off.
“They are not people, just because I grew up on the ark means nothing to me. They sent me here to die, they sent us here to die, they killed her. They mean nothing to me.”
I was outside listing, I had followed Anya after the gunfight, I couldn't believe my eyes, she was alive, I thought I lost her for good.
I was crouched down by the window, the cabin was small but it was perfect for someone who lived by themselves. It looked like it was made recently. It wouldn’t have survived the bombs.
“They are not my people, just because I grew up on the ark, they mean nothing to me. They sent me here to die, they sent us here to die, they killed her. They mean nothing to me.”
My brows furrowed, Kane wouldn’t send his own daughter to the ground without checking it first. Why would he even have a reason to send her here? Us I understand, we’re criminals, but y/n? She was an angel.
“Madelaine’s death-” I grabbed my knife, holding it up against her throat “Do do not speak of her name, especially now” I whispered in a growl. “Her death, was a tragic to all of us. Especially you. But those kids, they aren’t the ones you should be punishing. From what you told me, the people in charge did that to you, I talked to Ms. Clarke Griffin.”
I laughed. “I knew I recognized her, She’s their princess, her mother voted for us to come down here.” Anya sighed “y/n, she doesn’t follow her mothers beliefs, she killed her father.” I roll my eyes.
“y/n, they killed my men, I’m not happy with them either. But they are going to get themselves killed and you know it. You know these woods better than some of us. You should help them” she looks at you with pity. “Help me save my people. They will keep killing until it’s too late for them.” I pulled my knife away from here, turning around.
“I can’t even look at him without seeing her. She haunts me through him.” tears start to fall down my face. “She would’ve been four, she had so much life in store, so many beautiful things to see, she had people who loved her. She had a family Anya.”
“I can’t even look at him without seeing her. She haunts me through him.” tears start to fall down my face. “She would’ve been four, she had so much life in store, so many beautiful things to see, she had people who loved her. She had a family Anya.”
I decided now would be a good time to expose myself so I make why to the door when I see her crying, seeing her again felt so natural, and then she finished talking.
“We had a daughter, and just like that she was taken from me, just like Bellamy, gone before I could say goodbye.” I wipe my tears and face her once more. “How am I supposed to face him, knowing I couldn’t keep our daughter safe.”
“We had a daughter?” A voice spoke, a voice I thought I’d never hear again” I look at the doorway, Bellamy Blake, standing there with a single tear rolling down his cheek”
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
Bellamy Blake and *yn* adopting an azgedian child and also telling the child their crazy adventures.
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Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Male Reader ~~~
Bellamy and Y/n had been dating forever, ever since before the dropship arrived on the ground. It was no surprise that their relationship had survived the trials and tribulations that the ground had thrown upon them.
One of those was Al. An Azgedian boy that was left orphaned after his parents had been killed. Bellamy and Y/n had agreed to watch over the boy to keep him safe. The longer they spent time with him, the more they fell in love with him. Al had started to take after both Bellamy and Y/n and soon it was like they were a little family.
Bellamy and Y/n were laying in their bed cuddling when Y/n spoke up. “What if we adopted Al.” Bellamy turned to his boyfriend and studied his eyes carefully. “Really?” Y/n nodded. “Yeah. We’ve been wanting a kid...he needs parents. We love him. He loves us. Why shouldn’t we adopt him?” Y/n studied Bellamy’s reaction.
Finally, Bellamy smiled. “I think that’s a great idea.” Bellamy then seemed to have a thought and grinned at Y/n. “I think that means we should get married then.”
That threw Y/n for a loop.
“You mean it?”
Bellamy nodded. “I do. I’ve been thinking of it for a while...perhaps nows the time.”
“Well, then you’d have to ask.”
Bellamy chuckled and shook his head. He did sit up after that though. He stood out of bed, still only dressed in his boxers. “Come on. Sit up then.” He helped pull his boyfriend up before kneeling down. “Y/n. Will you do me the honor, of becoming my husband?”
“Well...how could I say no?”
Their ceremony happened only a couple days after. It was attended by Octavia and their friends, Al was also there. Not only was he there as their ring bearer. He was there as their son. They had told him about wanting to adopt him before their ceremony the same day Bellamy proposed.
They had brought Al into their shared living quarters and sat him down. Both of them sat on both sides of him squishing him close.
“Hey Al...how would you feel about us adopting you?” Y/n said.
Al seemed confused by that. “Adopt? What does that mean?”
That’s right. Some words changed or got lost in time. Bellamy and Y/n looked at each other before Bellamy took the lead. “Well, we mean like...how would you feel if we became your dads?”
That seemed to be the correct thing to say. Al started tearing up and smiling so bright. He hugged Bellamy and Y/n hugged them both. “I’d like that very much! I want you to be my dads!” Bellamy didn’t even seem to notice he started crying a bit until after he was wiping the tears from his face.
“Welcome to the family bud.”
So that’s how it all came together here. With Bellamy and Y/n getting married and Al there as their son. Life couldn’t be any better. Well...it could.
The day after their wedding, Bellamy got to work on creating an actual house for them. Of course, he had help from everyone else, but Y/n and Al were too busy not wanting to build a house to help. They instead opted on painting and drawing pictures to put in their new home. Bellamy didn’t complain, As long as he got a special painting from both of them.
Which Bellamy did.
Every night before they went to bed, Bellamy and y/n both told him the stories of their adventures. From living in the Ark, to arriving on the ground and everything that came after. They told him all about it, not leaving out how dangerous it was. It didn’t matter to Al, he was absolutely entranced by the stories. Because while they were stories, they were all things that happened in his dads lives. They were all things they overcame. He couldn’t wait to see what stories he became part of next.
All in all, Bellamy and Y/n were looking forward to the next part of life. They had each other and their son. Their future looked bright.
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wonderswritings · 2 years
Lines Crossed
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Summary: Being on the ground changed us. We’ve had to fight to survive. But there are just some lines that you don’t cross.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Finn Collins x Fem!Reader (not romantic)
Request:Hey! So im binging fighting for and i just got to the oart where Finn and Murphy r in the village n Finn sees YN just wondering, you dont really gice them much interaction adter that. Think you can do a Lil interaction between them after?
Fighting For… Masterlist
Send me FF requests! 
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・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
Everywhere I went, I could feel eyes on me. But every time I looked up, trying to see who it was that was staring at me, there'd be no one. I should be used to it, the staring. Ever since I returned to Camp Jaha, everyone would stare and whisper. 
"That's Abby Griffin's daughter, the one she gave up."
"She escaped from Mount Weather." 
"Yea, because she's crazy. All that time locked away by herself made her snap. She's insane."
"Now that Abby has both of her daughters, we're never going to see our kids again."
I'd done my best to stay away from them, hiding out in mine and Bellamy's room. I'd only really come out to join Clarke and Bellamy, but other than that, I stayed put. Besides, I was basically put on bedrest to let the injuries I'd sustained in Mount Weather heal. But for all of my life I'd been alone, locked in a room with no windows and even though Bellamy was able to get us a room that had a window, I still couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped. So, I'd decided to leave. Even if the others talked about me, it'd be no different from when we first landed and the other kids whispered about me. It was hard to walk still, whatever Mount Weather did to my side and hip flaring with each step I took. I was having to use the wall for support, stopping every so often when the pain would get too much. It felt like forever before I finally managed to make it outside, the sun warming me as I limped towards a table. I sat down with a huff, my side burning as I placed my arms on the table, resting my head on my arms as I took deep breaths. 
I jumped, sitting up, pain shooting up my side. I winced, looking up, my eyes widening.
He sat down across from me, offering me a small smile.
"How are you doing?"
I made a face, slightly nodding.
"I'm good."
Finn huffed softly, shaking his head as he slightly grinned.
"We both know that's not true. You passed out and were in the infirmary for hours. You had everyone worried. I was worried."
"Well, I'm fine now."
I went to get up, Finn grabbing my arm, causing me to shoot him a look.
"Please YN, can we talk?"
I sighed softly, nodding. 
I sat back down, looking over at Finn.
"I'm sorry."
I tilted my head to the side, slightly making a face.
"For what?"
"The village. I- I just got so angry. I thought they knew where you were. I thought they'd kidnapped you-"
He took a deep breath, shaking his head.
"I thought they'd killed you."
"But they didn't. I wasn't even with them."
He nodded, sighing softly.
"I know that- now. But at the time I didnt. They had our things, we'd assumed they had you too."
I shook my head, looking down at the table.
"You slaughtered an entire village, Finn. You murdered innocent people."
"For you."
I gasped softly, looking up at him.
"I didn't make you pull the trigger, Finn. You did that. Not me."
"I was looking for you, YN. I went into that village looking for you. Everything I did was because I was trying to find you."
I shook my head, clenching my jaw.
He nodded, sighing softly.
"I know. And I know now that what I did was wrong. I was blinded, angry and hurt.”
He looked up at me, his eyes soft.
“Because you were gone."
"You can't blame me for your actions Finn."
He jerked slightly, shaking his head.
"I'm not. I’m not. I- I'm just trying to get you to understand."
I shook my head, huffing.
"Yeah well, I don't." 
He nodded, reaching across the table, placing his hand over mine.
"I was looking for you because I love you. I love you, YN."
I shook my head, pulling my hand away from him.
"Finn, I love Bellamy. I'm with Bellamy."
He nodded, clenching his jaw.
"I know."
"You can't justify murder by saying you did it because you love me. If you truly loved me, you wouldn't have done what you did."
"YN please-"
I shook my head, standing up.
"No. I don't love you Finn. I love Bellamy. I'm in love with Bellamy. If this is you trying to get me to pick, then I choose Bellamy. I will always choose Bellamy."
I turned, walking back towards the ark. 
"YN please, I'm sorry!"
I ignored him, shaking my head as I walked into the ark, turning down the hall. I stopped at the window, looking out towards the tables, seeing Finn still at the table, staring at the space I was sitting at, tears falling down his face. 
I turned, seeing Bellamy. He placed a hand on my uninjured side, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“What’re you doing out here?”
I looked up at him, offering him a small smile as I leaned closer to him.
“Just getting some air.”
He made a face, tilting his head to the side.
“Are you okay? In any pain?”
I smiled, shaking my head.
“No, I’m not in any pain.”
He huffed, shaking his head.
“I’m fine, honest. Are you free? Or do you-”
He shook his head, grabbing my hand.
“I’m free. I was looking for you, actually.”
“Really? Why?”
“Got us some food. Took it to our room thinking you would be there, but surprise surprise, you weren’t.”
I grinned, shrugging slightly.
He laughed, shaking his head.
“Come on.”
Bellamy kept his arm around me as we walked back to our room, opening the door and letting me in first before he closed the door behind him.
“Alright, lets see it.”
I turned, making a face as I looked up at Bellamy, his hands on his hips.
“See what?”
“Your side and hip. Lets see it.”
“I can literally see the pain on your face. Plus, you were leaning against me pretty heavily. And you were limping.”
I sighed, reaching for the bottom of my shirt and lifting it. I tried to pull my shorts down, Bellamy walked towards me, helping me with the shorts, his hand warm against me as he helped me step out of them, my hands on his shoulders.
“You’re bleeding again.”
I looked down, seeing the gauze stained.
“Must’ve happened while I was out.”
Bellamy nodded as he gently pulled at the tape, one hand on my other hip as he helped hold me steady. After he cleaned it, he placed a new gauze over it, taping it down. He leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss over the gauze, causing me to grin.
He stood up, my hands falling down his arms as he gently squeezed my uninjured side. 
“Wanna eat or lay down?”
“Lay down, please.”
He nodded, helping me get into the bed. He climb in after me, laying on his back, one hand under his head as I moved closer to him, laying my head on his chest while he wrapped his other arm around me, drawing mindless patterns on my back.
“So, are you going to tell me what you were really up to, or do I have to guess?”
I sighed, running my fingers along his chest.
“It was just- I felt trapped, here. I- I’ve been in the skybox my entire life and I was alone. I just- I needed some air. And Finn, he found me while I was out.”
Bellamy’s hand on my back froze as he leaned up slightly, looking down at me.
“He do something to you?”
I shook my head, turning so I could see Bellamy.
“No, he didn’t do anything.”
“Say something?”
“He wanted to apologize.”
“For what?”
“For what happened at the village. He said that he thought they had us, had me. That he was out there for me.”
I took a deep breath, waying my options before I sighed.
“He also said he loves me. That that’s why he did what he did.”
Bellamy grip on me tightened, causing me to shake my head as I leaned up, ignoring the flare of pain from my side and hip.
“I told him that I didn’t love him. That I’m in love with you. If he’s trying to get me to pick, it’s you. It’ll always be you, Bellamy.”
Bellamy’s lip quriked up as he looked down at me, tilting his head to the side.
“That mean I can’t go beat him up?”
“It does. He’s an idiot, but he’s still our friend.”
“One punch?”
I laughed, shaking my head.
“Not even one.”
He huffed, pulling me closer to him and kissing my forehead.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
I grinned, moving to lay back down, nuzzling close to him.
“I know.”
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Everything Tags:
The 100 Tags:
Bellamy Blake Tags:
Fighting For… Loves:
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exoticbellamy-blog · 5 years
I found you, pt 2 | Bellamy Blake |
Warnings: kidnap, injury’s
wc: 948
Summary: back the ark you went missing, the counsel announced you were floated. Four years later when the dropship landed, they thought they were alone, until you show up, leaving the king in rebels in a pool of emotions.
Part three?
- -
“We had a daughter?” A voice spoke, a voice I thought I’d never hear again. I look at the doorway, Bellamy Blake, standing there with a single tear rolling down his cheek
“Bellamy” I whispered. I tried to step closer to him, but my legs felt numb. I couldn’t move.
“That’s why you left me? Because you, you were pregnant and you didn’t tell me?” He doesn’t move. I could see the anger in his face start to grow. He was hurt.
Believe me, I’m hurting too.
“Can you let me explain?” Finally getting the courage to walk towards him, he takes a step back. I stop. My eyes are on his. He was still so beautiful, even covered in dirt and cuts. He was still so fucking beautiful.
“I can’t, I- I need to go” he says turning his back on me and leaving.
“Bellamy wait” I cried out. I wanted to follow him but I know he wouldn’t want me to.
Maybe he’ll come around.
“Y/n” Anya says after the awkward silence.
I feel the tears start to form. “Leave, now.”
She does as she’s told. One she shuts the door I grab my knife throwing it at the wall and scream.
I need to kill something.
I get my hunting gear together and dress in my hunting clothes. Once I have everything I leave for the woods. Nighttime should be coming soon so it’ll be easier.
I don’t take my horse, I never take her out at night since the woods aren’t safr.
I hear twigs snap as I turn my body pulling my arrow out. Aiming in that direction. When suddenly I feel a hand come from behind me and covering my mouth. I bite down drawing blood. “Ow you grounder freak. You’re paying for that” and suddenly he holds his gun up up in the air and slams it into my head. I feel myself fall and being picked up and being placed over the person's shoulder. And soon. Darkness took over me.
I try to open my eyes but my head is pounding.
I hear my heart beating.
The light is shining through my eyes.
I hear voices.
“Murphy what the hell is this?” It sounded so much like him but I could be hallucinating. “You told us to bring any grounder we could get our hands on” the other voice said.
“Why is she wounded?” There was no answer. “Murphy, why the hell is she wounded?” He said more aggressive. “I don’t know, she was like that when I found her, which made it more easier to take her down.”
There was a silence.
“Get out. I’ll handle you later. We don’t need liars on our team.” He spoke once more. “Bellamy I’m not lying-” He was cut off. “I was with her hours before and she was fine Murphy. She’s a fighter she wouldn’t get hurt so easily. Now get the hell out before you make me do something I’ll regret” Bellamy shouted.
I tried to move but my arms where chained up. My head felt heavy and I couldn’t seem to hold it up. Suddenly I feel a hand on me, telling me I’m going to be okay. My left arm falls first, than my right and suddenly I’m falling into something, or someone.
“You’re going to be alright, just hang on we’ll get you some help” he then yells for Clarke.
I feel my body getting picked up and laid on a soft surface.
I feel a wet cloth on my face, probably washing away the paint and mud.
After a few minutes, I feel hands in my hair. Running through them, even though it’s tangled and dirty. I haven’t had the time to wash properly.
I open my eyes to see Bellamy sitting next to me. He looked worried. “Bell-” I try to say more but my voice is scratchy. “Shh stay still, let me get water.” He stands up going to his bag and pulls out a water bottle, rushing to me he gently holds my head up and let’s the water run down my throat.
Than I feel a pain. All over.
I groan, starting to remember what happened. “What the hell did he do to me?” He looks at me sympathetically. “He said he found you like that. But the cuts are too clean.” I looked at my body. “These weren’t there, he did this to me.” I cough. “I know, I know.” He sighed.
Looking up at him, my heart breaks. “I’m sorry Bellamy” he knows what’s about to come. He looks down at his lap, shitting his eyes, with a loud sigh.
I continued. “I didn’t know. I, I went for my monthly checkup, I took the regular tests, and the doctor left room and minutes later, my father came in with handcuffs.” A tear rolled down my cheek. “If I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have gone. I, I killed her” He reaches down and cups my face “No” He whispers. “You didn’t kill her.” I smiled weakly.
“She had your eyes, your freckles, and your nose.” I chuckled lightly, probably from the blood loss. “My hair, oh Bell she was born with such thick beautiful hair, and she was such a happy baby. You would’ve been real proud.” My smile faded the more I talked about her.
I watched my daughter die in my arms.
Tears started to stream down my face. Bellamy noticed and placed his left hand on mine, and his right was wiping away the tears. “Don’t cry angel, it’ll be okay.” He whispered with twitch to his lip he pulled a quick, weak smile.
“We’ll be okay”
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*yn* Kane Aesthetic 
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wonderswritings · 3 years
The Realization Epilogue
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Summary: Everything’s coming together thanks to Octavia’s meddling.
Warnings: None
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Gif sent by @sgarrett49
Pt. 1 🪐 Pt. 2 🪐 Pt. 3
“You’re an idiot.”
YN huffed a laugh, shaking her head.
“Thanks O, means a lot.”
Octavia shot her a look, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You are an idiot. More so than Murphy, and that’s saying something.”
YN gasped, reaching out and shoving Octavia slightly.
“You take that back!”
Lincoln snorted as Octavia shook her head, huffing.
“No, because you are. My brother, who loves you, is back at camp thinking he’s done something. I told him it’s my fault you're out here but then I learn that you’re getting help.”
She turned towards Lincoln, shooting him a look, causing him to grin as he shrugged. Octavia huffed, turning back towards YN.
“Now I’m here, trying to fix this so that you and my brother can finally be happy, together.”
Octavia stood up, kicking the log YN was sitting on.
“Now get your ass up and come on. You’ve spent enough time out here. It’s time to be a big girl and face reality.”
YN huffed as she stood up, cutting a glare at Octavia.
“You’re bossy. And mean.”
Lincoln laughed as Octavia shrugged.
“Don’t care, let's go.”
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Rolling onto my side, I sighed as I pushed myself up so I was sitting on the edge of my bed. I looked up when the tarp to my tent was pushed open, seeing Bellamy standing there, his chest heaving as he let the tarp close behind him.
“You- you’re back.”
I took a deep breath, nodding.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m back.”
Bellamy nodded, stepping further into the tent.
“That’s- yeah, that’s good.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
I made a face, shaking my head as I stood up. “You have nothing to apologize for, Bell.”
He shook his head, scoffing.
“Clearly I do or else you wouldn’t’ve left and avoided me. It’s been two weeks.”
He pushed his hair back out of his face, pacing as he shook his head.
“Whatever I did, clearly it upset you and I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you or-”
I moved in front of him, placing my hand on his chest, the other going behind his neck. I leaned up, pressing my lips to his. He stopped talking, his eyes widening as he tensed. I leaned back, moving to take a step back when Bellamy slightly shook his head, grabbing my arm and pulling me to him, pressing his lips to mine. I leaned back when the need for air became too much, Bellamy pressing his forehead to mine as I laughed slightly, causing him to grin.
“This is- this is why I left.”
Bellamy made a face, stepping back.
My eyes widened as I shook my head, walking towards Bellamy, causing him to move back.
“No- no that’s not what I mean. I just-”
I shook my head, moving towards my bed and sitting down.
“I like you. Love you, even. And I didn’t think you felt the same because I mean, every girl here could talk and I didn’t want to get hurt.”
I sniffled, shaking my head.
“It’s why I left. I couldn’t handle the way I felt. So I did the one thing I know how to do, I ran.”
Bellamy shook his head, closing the distance between us, kneeling in front of me, placing his hand on my knee, the other gently knocking under my chin, causing me to look down at him.
“I love you too.”
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Groaning, I buried my head further into my arms, shaking my head.
“Nooo. Go away.”
Bellamy chuckled, drawing mindless patterns on my back as he leaned back down, pressing a kiss to my brow.
“Let me sleep.”
“It’s four, in the afternoon.”
I could hear Bellamy’s grin as I huffed, shaking my head as he pushed my hair back out of my face.
“I think I’ve let you sleep long enough.”
“Nooo. Leave me alone.”
Bellamy laughed, grabbing my waist and flipping me so I was on my back, causing me to squeal.
He laughed as I hit his chest, moving so he was hovering over me.
“Come on, there’s something I wanna show you.”
I linked our fingers together, pouting up at him.
“Can’t I just sleep? I wanna sleep.”
He grinned, shaking his head as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to my nose.
“Nope. I let you sleep all day.”
I huffed as he climbed off the bed, rolling onto my side, putting my head in my hand as I leaned onto my elbow.
“Who’s fault is it that I slept all day anyway?”
Bellamy shot me a grin as he walked towards the door, pointing a finger at me.
“Ten minutes dear.”
I huffed as he walked out of the room, falling onto my back.
“I hate you!”
“Love you too!”
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“There she is!”
I huffed, shooting Bellamy a look.
“The bed is my one true love and it is calling my name. YN. YN.”
Bellamy laughed, shaking his head as he stopped in front of me, leaning down and kissing me before he took my head, gently pulling me beside him as we walked outside.
“Don’t worry. I’ll let you return to your lover when I’m done.”
I huffed, leaning my head on his arm as we walked.
“You better.”
We walked into the woods that surrounded the village, causing me to make a face.
“Are you planning on killing me? Cause if so, I have some requests.”
Bellamy laughed, shaking his head.
“No, now would you just come on.”
I let Bellamy lead me to the lake, my eyes widening.
“Oh my god.”
The plants we had planted not long after we arrived had bloomed, petals floating in the lake.
“It’s beautiful.”
I turned towards Bellamy, gasping.
“What are you doing?!”
Bellamy grinned, tilting his head to the side.
“Something that is seriously past due. By like a hundred or so years.”
I laughed, shaking my head.
“I don’t think it counts if we were asleep for some of those.”
Bellamy huffed, shooting me a look.
“Will you just let me do this? Without the commentary? Please?”
I laughed, shrugging.
“It’s who I am, can’t help it. Besides, clearly you like it or else you wouldn’t be on your knees.”
“Which are hurting by the way, so just let me ask, okay? Okay.”
I laughed, nodding.
“I love you. I’ve loved you since we first landed here all those years ago. You’ve stuck by my side through everything, good or bad. And seeing as the others already think we’re married, I think it’s about time we actually become married. So, love of my life who loves sleep more than me, will you please officially become a Blake so Octavia will get off my ass?”
I laughed, nodding.
Bellamy grinned, jumping up, wrapping his arms around me as he leaned down, kissing me. He leaned back, slipping the ring onto my finger.
“Do you like it? It was my moms. But I can get-”
I shook my head, placing my hand on his cheek, smiling.
“I love it. Just like I love you. My little romantic. Proposing because of your sister? Sweet.”
Bellamy laughed, pinching my sides, causing me to squeal.
“She might’ve given me the push to ask you seeing as she’s been asking since we got together but I proposed because I love you.”
I leaned up, pressing my lips against his.
“I love you too.”
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Likes are loved. Reblogs are gold. Comments feed me.
Caps Tags
Realization Wonders: @hftff-lol
Permanent Wonders: @lilyspells @katsav17​ @mogaruke @ashwarren32 @thebookisbtr @elizzeysnow13 @pinkrockstar19​ @moonbaby-miya @moonlessnight14 @brithedemonspawn @mychemicalimagines @bandsandanimefreak @laneygthememequeen​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
The 100 Wonders: @alyssawritesss @megasimpleplan4ever @sleep-deprived-things @once-upon-an-iron-throne
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wonderswritings · 3 years
The Realization pt.2
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Summary: He’s the big baddie, the leader. He’s the player, the ladies man, one night stands. He’s not going to be into something more. But that doesn’t mean a girl can’t dream. Warnings: None Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Italics are flashbacks!
AN: This was only supposed to be a oneshot but thanks to @k042803an-blog this is now gonna be a mini series with three parts, possibly four. I might do an epilogue but I haven’t decided yet. 
Gif sent by @sgarrett49​
Part One 
“Why are you wet?”
I jumped, yelping as I turned, seeing Octavia standing behind me, her head tilted to the side, her arms crossed over her chest.
I huffed, shooting her a look.
“Do you have to keep doing that?” 
She huffed, shooting me a look.
“I went for a swim lil miss detective. Is that okay with you?”
She grinned, looking over my shoulder, laughing slightly as she nodded.
“Totally. Did you and Bellamy have fun?”
I made a face, turning to where she was nodding to, my eyes widening slightly as Bellamy walked in, his shirt clinging to him.
I huffed, turning back towards Octavia, her grin widening.
“Shut up! We only went for a swim!”
She laughed, shaking her head.
“Sure, I bet that’s all you two did.”
“It was!”
She laughed, turning on her heel.
“YN and Bellamy-”
I gasped, my eyes widening as Octavia took off, yelling louder. I shook my head, running after her.
“Octavia! Octavia shut up! Nothing happened!”
“YN and Bellamy sitting-”
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Walking out of my tent, I stopped as I looked around camp, seeing everyone laughing and having fun.
“Monty strikes again!”
I laughed, shaking my head as I walked towards the edge of camp. Looking over my shoulder, I made sure no one could see me before I moved one of the logs, slipping through the opening of the wall before I moved the log back, taking off. Once I was at my spot, I climbed the tree, sitting down on a limb, swinging my legs back and forth.
“So, when are you gonna tell him?”
I made a face, my chest heaving as I followed Octavia into her tent, shaking my head.
“Tell who what?”
She shot me a look, scoffing.
“My brother. You know, the guy you keep staring at when you think no one else is looking.”
I made a face, shaking my head as I sat down.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She huffed, shaking her head.
“Sure you don’t. Guess I won’t tell you that he feels the same way then.”
I leaned back, taking the water from her, shaking my head.
“I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, but he does. Just so you know. He likes you too.”
Shaking my head, I leaned against the tree, bringing one of my legs up to my chest.
“Octavia’s being crazy. Bellamy doesn’t like me, not like that anyway. Besides, I don’t even like him that way.”
“YN! YN where are you?”
I jumped, sitting up, catching myself on the limb, looking down, watching as Bellamy walked through some bushes.
I turned so my legs were dangling off the side, looking down at Bellamy.
“Up here.”
He turned, looking up, shaking his head as he stopped a few feet from the tree I was in.
“What’re you doing out here? It’s late, you shouldn’t be out here. Not alone.”
I took a deep breath, shaking my head, grinning slightly.
“I’m not alone anymore, now am I?”
He huffed, shaking his head.
“Come on, we need to get back to camp.”
I nodded, climbing back down. Bellamy helped me back onto the ground, his hands on my sides, looking down at me.
“Seriously though, what’re you doing out here?”
I looked up at him, biting my bottom lip. His eyes held a certain look as he looked down at me, causing me to shake my head.
“Nothing. We should be getting back, right?”
He nodded, taking a step back, his arms falling back to his sides.
“Yeah. yeah, we should.”
He fell into step beside me, his hand occasionally brushing mine as we walked back to camp. I bit my lip, making a face as we got closer to the wall surrounding camp.
I looked up, Bellamy stopping in front of me, reaching up and placing finder on my forehead, causing me to make a face as he gently rubbed my brow.
“Bellamy what’re you-”
“Your crinkle.”
I made a face, tilting my head to the side.
“My what?”
He shook his head, stepping back.
“When you’re upset, you get a little crinkle.”
He poked my forehead, grinning slightly.
“Right here. It’s cute.”
He shook his head, letting his hand drop back down to his side.
“What’s bothering you?”
I shook my head, sighing.
“It’s nothing.”
“I’m serious, Bell. Nothing’s wrong.”
He sighed, nodding.
“If you’re sure.”
I nodded, grabbing his hand.
“I’m sure.”
He nodded, sighing softly.
We walked back into camp, Bellamy looking like he was going to say something when someone called his name, drawing his attention to them. I took that as my chance, turning and walking to my tent. Once I was inside I sat down, pushing my hair back out of my face.
“Maybe, maybe I do like him.”
I huffed, falling back onto my makeshift bed.
“Shit. What if, what if I love him?”
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Likes are loved. Reblogs are gold. Comments feed me.
Caps Tags
Permanent Loves: @lilyspells @katsav17​ @mogaruke @ashwarren32 @thebookisbtr  @elizzeysnow13 @pinkrockstar19​   @moonbaby-miya @moonlessnight14     @brithedemonspawn @mychemicalimagines   @bandsandanimefreak @laneygthememequeen​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​
The 100 Loves: @alyssawritesss @megasimpleplan4ever​ @sleep-deprived-things @once-upon-an-iron-throne
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wonderswritings · 3 years
Fighting For... S2 AU
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Summary: He staked his claim sometime ago. Everybody who's everybody knows that she’s his. So he’s only protecting her.
Warnings: Guy being an ass, Protective!Bellamy,
Trigger Warning: Verbal Sexual Assault
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Clarke Griffin x Fem!Twin!reader
Request: The 100 kids know about YN and Bellamy but those who came down with the ark dont so someone either hitting on Bell or him overhwaring someone talking about YN
Fighting For… Masterlist
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・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
“You know, considering she grew up in the skybox, she’s hot.”
“Dude, shut up.”
The kid laughed, shaking his head.
“Come on, you know it’s true. I mean, have you seen her?”
“I have eyes ya know.”
“And you want me to believe that you don’t find her sexy?”
“Okay- okay. You’re right- she’s hot.”
“Mhm, especially when she’s angry. She gets this little crinkle when she’s mad. Kinda wonder what other things cause that crinkle.”
His friend hit his arm, shaking his head.
“That’s disgusting.”
“It’s the truth.”
“If you like her so much, why don’t you ask her out?”
“Are you kidding? She’s out of my league.”
“Really? The girl who grew up in the skybox and had no interaction with other people is out of your league?”
“Okay, fair point.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
I jumped slightly, turning. One of the boys who came down with the ark was standing in front of me, smiling down at me.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?”
He nodded, shyly smiling.
“I hope so. There’s a party tonight and I was hoping you’d go with me.”
I slightly made a face, nodding.
“Uh sure.”
“Great! I can come by your room and we can go together.”
“I- actually how bout we meet up here? I’ve got a lot of things to do so I doubt I’ll be at my room today.”
He nodded, offering me a smile.
“Sure, that works.”
I nodded, smiling slightly.
“Ok, I’ll see you later then.”
He nodded, taking my hand in his, keeping his eyes on mine as he kissed the top of my hand.
“I’ll see you later.”
I watched him walk off, shaking my head.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
The music got louder as Bellamy walked into the cafeteria, huffing as he looked around. He grabbed a drink, sitting down at one of the empty tables, looking around.
Bellamy shot Raven a smile as she sat down with him, leaning back in her chair.
“Where’s YN?”
Bellamy shrugged slightly, taking a sip of his drink.
“Is she coming tonight?”
Bellamy shook his head, leaning back in his seat.
“Not sure. I haven’t seen her today.”
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise?”
Bellamy laughed, shaking his head.
“No. I was out with the hunting parties. Left before she got up.”
Raven nodded, taking a sip of her drink.
“She’s bound to show up if she knows you’re here.”
Bellamy grinned slightly, shooting Raven a look.
“Shut up.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
“She’s gonna meet you here?”
Maxwell nodded, grinning.
“Yeah, well we were gonna meet outside but she was taking too long so I figured she might’ve been inside.”
“Well, I’ll give it to you, I didn’t think you had the balls to ask the crazy chick out, but you did.”
Maxwell laughed, nodding as he grabbed his drink.
“And just think, the night’s still young.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
“I think I’m gonna call it a night, see if I can’t find YN on my way.”
Raven nodded, offering Bellamy a smile.
“Have a good night, and remind YN that we’re having a meeting in the morning.”
Bellamy nodded, standing up.
“Will do. Night Raven.”
Bellamy walked through the crowd of people dancing, trying to make his way to the door.
“You know, I wonder if that red hair means she’s crazy in bed.”
Bellamy stopped walking, making a face.
“I’m just saying. Spending all that time alone, I doubt she tru;y able to learn anything special. I’d be happy to show her some things.”
“You know she’s the chancellor’s daughter right?”
“You know she gave her up right? I’m sure she could use a shoulder to cry on.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, balling his hands into fists.
He turned, Raven looking up at him with a worried look.
“I thought you were leaving?”
“I was-”
“You know, I wonder if she gets that crinkle when she’s in bed.”
Raven made a face, turning.
“Who’re they-”
Raven’s eyes widened as the boys kept talking, Bellamy shaking his head, huffing.
Raven watched as he stalked forward, following behind him as he tapped Maxwell on the shoulder. He turned, his eyes widening as Bellamy threw a punch. Maxwell fell to the ground, Bellamy following after him, hitting him again and again in the face. Raven gasped, rushing towards them.
“Bellamy! Bellamy stop!”
Bellamy’s chest was heaving as he grabbed Maxwell by the collar of his shirt, slightly picking him up as he hit him in the jaw.
“Stay away from YN. You stay away from her. You so much as look at her, and I’ll be there. You even think about her, and I’ll be there. You hear me?”
Maxwell said nothing, causing Bellamy to growl as he lifted him closer to him, lifting his hand towards Maxwell’s face.
“Do you understand me?”
Maxwell whimpered, nodding.
“Yes. Yes, yes!”
Bellamy nodded, letting Maxwell go. He fell to the floor, scrambling back away from Bellamy, reaching for his bloodied nose. Bellamy glared at him as he stood up, Maxwell looking up at him.
“I understand.”
Bellamy turned, walking away, Raven following after him.
He huffed, turning.
“You need to get your hand checked out.”
“I’ll do it later.”
“What are you going to do if-”
“If he tatales, he’s going to have to tell about how he was harassing her which led to him getting his ass kicked.”
Bellamy and Raven turned, Bellamy moving his hand behind his back as YN walked towards them.
“I didn’t know you were back.”
Bellamy smiled, nodding.
“Just got back not too long ago, was looking for you.”
YN smiled, shaking her head.
“Well I was going to go to the party. One of the kids who landed with the ark asked me to meet him and I told him I would.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, tilting his head to the side.
YN made a face, shrugging slightly.
“Michal something? No, Max I think. Maxwell.”
Bellamy shook his head, huffing.
“Maxwell’s a little indisposed.”
YN made a face, tilting her head to the side as she looked Bellamy over.
“What’d you do?”
“What’d who do?”
“You’re hiding your hand. Why are you hiding your hand?”
Bellamy sighed, moving his hand out from behind his back. YN’s eyes widened as she stepped forward, grabbing his hand.
“You’re bleeding.”
She shook her head, looking up at Bellamy.
“Why are you bleeding?”
“Lover boy here was defending your honor.”
YN made a face as Bellamy shot Raven a look.
YN turned towards Bellamy, shaking her head.
“What is she talking about?”
Bellamy took a deep breath, slightly shaking his head.
“Maxwell- I overheard him saying some things and I might've hit him.”
“He kicked his ass.”
“He was talking about me?”
Bellamy sighed, nodding.
Something caught YN’s attention, causing Bellamy to slightly make a face he turned, his face hardening into a glare when he saw Maxwell and his friend walking out, Maxwell leaning into his friend. YN let Bellamy’s hand go, walking towards them.
Bellamy tried to grab her arm, but Raven stopped him, shaking her head.
“Wait for it.”
Bellamy made a face as he watched YN walk towards Maxwell, saying something that caused his friend to step back, letting Maxwell go. YN turned towards Maxwell, Maxwell grinning before YN lifted her hand, punching him in the face. He fell to the ground, YN moved so she was standing over Maxwell, her foot pressing into him, causing him to whimper as he tried to get away from her. He nodded at whatever she said, YN noddin gonce before she turned, walking back towards Bellamy and Raven. She stopped in front of Bellamy, leaning up and kissing him before she turned, leaning back into his chest. Maxwell was watching them, his one good eye wide as YN flipped him off. Raven laughed as Maxwell and his friend walked off, YN turning towards Bellamy, shrugging.
“Thank you, for protecting my honor, but I got it.”
Bellamy nodded, grinning.
“Sure do.”
YN laughed as she shook her head, grabbing his good hand.
“Come on, let’s go get your hand cleaned up.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
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