#beliv benefits
What I am gonna talk about is why that makes me fine with the way the teens handle their relationships with their parents.
Essentially the general avoidance almost all of them have. Linc basically ignoring his dad the last time they saw each other, Normal in general seems to be so angry at Sparrow (probably Lark to, but again that’s a different post), Scary just straight up denying that Terry is anything to her and siding with Willy, and just the way Taylor interacts with Nick.
It feels like we are getting this twisted version of the perspectives of the kiddads childhoods, Normals rage at Sparrow/Larks rage at Henry, Terrys denial of Ron/Scary’s denial of Terry, Grant blocking off his feeling from darrly/Linc blocking his feelings from grant, Glenn ignoring some obvious pains Nick may have/ Nick ignoring some obvious pains that Taylor may have.
The difference is solely in the motivations behind why each kid acts this way, and in the case of all of them. Their direct attempts to prevent what happened to them happening to their children, failed. I would love to see the kiddads come in and just magically fix their own mindsets and then their children’s issues, but from a place in the narrative I only think Terry and Grant is even slightly capable of doing that. And even then I can make arguments that they very much aren’t. The sad thing about that is that they may never be, especially in the case of both Nick and Lark.
Basically, Right now the teens are able to have much more independence from their parents , unlike the kids in season 1 (who were NPCs). That independence what I think is crucial to working on each of the kids relationship, but can also be the thing that completely breaks it.
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catgirl-catboy · 11 months
The biggest irony of antis is that most of them follow Christian morals, and thus have likely read the book that has done the most real world harm, with the community that encourages you to treat real people terribly as a result.
Not to be that annoying atheist, but the concepts of heaven and hell have done more real world harm than any problematic ship ever will." heaven and hell aren't even in the book. they're bad translation and imagination of Catholics. those morals aren't just made up but they're made up made up. Straight up made up made up made up.
Tbh, I haven't read the bible completely and can't take a side on if its a bad translation or not. If it is, this whole thing would be a lot more ironic.
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summerhighlandfalls · 11 months
When Japan legalizes gay marriage I will be thrilled for every queer person living in Japan who can now get married openly and freely and benefit from the same legal rights as their cishet counterparts. However I will also have to stop using tumblr for about a month because I just know I would have an angry breakdown after seeing the fifteen hundredth drawing of bakudeku getting married
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rex101111 · 1 year
yeah sure Across the Spiderverse is about being doomed by the narrative and knowing you’re doomed by the narrative, but also it’s about how different people react to that, and how no one reaction is the right one, like Peter B. has lived as Spider-man long enough that’s gone through most of the “canon events” and he’s in a place where he’s like “yeah, alright, I can work with this” and is afraid of doing anything drastic because after being a screw-up for so long and finally, finally getting it right wouldn’t you be afraid making a mistake again?
And Miguel is angry but resigned because the one time he tried to defy the narrative it spat in his face and beat him to the ground. So now he’s doing what he genuinely belives is to everyone’s benefit. Without a hint of flexibility. He’s even angrier when Miles suggests that fate can be defied both because he’s convinced Miles is wrong and is going to get people killed and also if Miles is right than Miguel has to reckon with the fact that he’s convinced so many Spider-people to just “follow the script” and let their loved ones died because he was convinced there was no fighting the narrative. That not everyone is as doomed as he is.
And Hobie, who knows he might be doomed but is dead-set on spitting in the narrative’s face for as long as he can regardless. A different kind of acceptance. A kind of acceptance that’s covered in spikes and has teeth. If the narrative is gonna take him down he’s taking as much bad guys as he can before he bites it. And he’s isn’t going to be nice or polite about it, and he sure as shit ain’t gonna be quiet. Proper fucking punk, right there.
And Gwen, who is on the fence, but is sad and tired and just doesn’t have the strength to try anymore. She doesn’t have a home to come back to, or at least doesn’t think so, she’s stressed out and angry and she found out that as Spider-Woman that was always going to happen to her. She’s ready to give up, because being doomed is kinda freeing, if she was always doomed to fail, lose her friend, lose her dad, than it takes the pressure off. Sad as it was she could live with that. Until she sees Miles bite and fight and scream when he finds out he’s doomed, and that one little push gives her the courage to try and find out just how doomed she really is.
And Miles!! Free spirit, radical free thinker, “just let him spread his wings, man” Miles Morales. Who is trying so, so hard to figure out what his narrative even is, but is determined that he can figure it out, that he can spread his wings and manage on his own and find his place and be himself. Miles finding out he might be doomed is a slap in the face that he’s completely unprepared for. And he denies it completely. He refuses to lay down and just take it, he’s going to punch and kick and save everyone, no matter that every other Spider-person, Ham and Miguel and Gwen and every one, who’ve been doing this spider thing for much long tell him he can’t. And this radical rejection earns him pity, and earns him enemies, but he’s not backing down. He can’t back down. Because even if he is doomed he’ll never be able to forgive himself if he doesn’t even make an attempt.
 Across the spider-verse is so fucking good you guuuuuysss
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devilsavocadoart · 1 year
Didn't work?
Overthrowing the government
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BeLiv Blood Sugar Support Reviews - Results, Side effects, and Benefits
BeLiv Blood Sugar Support Reviews  Following the USDA Food Guide Pyramid will help you to live healthier with diabetes. The food guide pyramid was developed as a guide for healthy eating for everyone. It works for people with diabetes, too. The shape of the pyramid tells you how much to eat of different foods.
If you feel like speaking with others who have diabetes, you may want to join a local diabetes support group. Many hospitals and health clinics around the country have these groups so that people can speak with others with the condition and share advice about how to live a healthy life with diabetes.
Diabetics who find that they can sleep for hours and never wake up feeling fully rested may be experiencing unhealthily high insulin levels in the body. Be aware that this might also be a direct side effect of many popular diabetic medications. You might only experience this feeling after a meal. However, this is considered normal.
To make sure you choose the right carbohydrates, avoid white foods. White bread, pasta, or rice are all made from refined carbohydrates, which means they are also high glycemic index foods. Getting your carbohydrates from whole wheat products will ensure that your glucose levels stay stable, and that your body is able to digest them properly.
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When it comes to diabetes, it is important that you do all that you can to prevent it by having a healthy lifestyle. This is important because this disease can be prevented simply by eating a well balanced diet and getting enough exercise. You owe it to yourself to keep yourself healthy.
It is OK to give into temptation every once in a while. No one is perfect and to keep you from feeling like you are missing out on life too much, you should let yourself have a little bit. Just be sure that it does not become too much of a habit.
Put your snacks on a plate. If you eat your snacks out of a bag, you are more likely to eat more of them. Instead, put them on a plate and put the bag away. This way you can see how much you are eating and you will be less likely to grab the bag for more.
Just as the beginning of the article stated in order to manage your diabetes properly you have to educate yourself properly. Once you know how to manage your diabetes then you shouldn't have a problem with applying the information in your daily life. So make it a point to use what you learned and you should succeed in managing your diabetes.
Click Here To Purchase BeLiv Blood Sugar Support Supplement:
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kennedyalike · 1 year
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just a little bit?
leon kennedy x reader
just needy leon in bed😩
tags : somnophilia, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, implied non con, sleepy sex, dom leon
if you don’t like non con/somnophilia DO NOT READ. DEAD DOVE DO NOT READ
word count : 1.7k
Sharing a home with him was a dream come true. You usually go to sleep at a very reasonable hour, always going to sleep before him and waking up before him. Leon always stays up at night, doing whatever. He goes to sleep once you’ve fallen asleep. You slept like a log, not waking up to anything ever, which sometimes benefited Leon, whether he was watching something on his phone or laptop or doing something else. He was dominant when it came to sex and you were there for him, ready to be good and obedient for him. His good girl. He always had his way with you and you truly enjoyed it.
Today was no different. Leon came home late and you were already in bed, getting ready to sleep. After showering and undressing into only boxers, he was ready to go to sleep. Leon settles himself next to you on your shared bed. Your eyes were closed and you were on the verge of sleep. Leon’s shuffling made you open your eyes. You sit up slowly as he settles under the blankets, sitting next to you. ”Sorry, I just came home.” Leon says slightly apologetically, you shake your head and lean in to his chest, straddling his lap quickly. His strong hands waited no further and grabbed your waist, helping you steady yourself on his lap. You lean forward and wrap your arms around his neck as you bury your head into his neck. You were only wearing panties and nothing else. Leon was also wearing only his boxers.
Leon’s hands squeezed your waist tighter and he started grinding you down slightly as his other hand lingered down and groped your bare ass. His grip tighter than usual, he was demanding. Almost asleep still, you mumbled something inaudible. ”Hm? What’s that baby?” He whispered into your ear as he started grinding you down even more. You continue hugging him as you feel his erection under you. His hands were gripping you so tightly and you just couldn’t pull away from him. Still sleepy, you try mumbling again. ”Leon..not now..I’m tired.” You say slowly, but he ignores you. Leon’s fingers hook under the fabric of your panties and he starts teasing them down while his other hand left your waist, to grope at your tits. ”Fuck baby, so slutty.” He says as he gives a slight squeeze to your tits, after that his hand grabs at your waist again, the other still teasing your panties by slowly pulling them down. Through the fabric of your panties, you feel the outline of his eager cock, pushing into your cunt needily. ”Need this pussy.” He demands.
You bring your other arm to grab his shoulder while the other grabs his hand that was pulling your panties down. ”Leon, not now.” You say sleepily while pulling your weight back and getting off his lap. Leon stays quiet as you settle yourself under the sheets again. You don’t care how hard he is right now or how bad he wants you, you just want to sleep now. Leon stays quiet but obliges nevertheless.
You never denied him, that surprised him but he wasn’t one to go against you in this situation. He couldn’t help but not belive that you didn’t want his cock. You always wanted it, even though you said no. He was sure of this. Or he was insane. You were just a tease. He is going to give you what a bratty slut needs. A good fuck to set you into place. After a while, he whispered to you, making sure you were asleep. He lifts the blanket up and lets his eyes wonder in your body. Your oblivious, sleeping form was just so sexy and cute and… irresistible. You were laying your stomach, ass slightly propped up and facing him. Leon’s calloused hand stretches forward and gropes your ass slightly, watching your reaction. Your face doesn’t move and your breathing doesn’t hitch. You’re asleep. He smirks to himselfs and grabs your waist, pulling himself closer to you. You let out a soft sigh at the movement and turn yourself around, now laying your back infront of him. Leon hums to himself quietly as he looks down at your figure.
He was going to have his way with you, and you weren’t there to say anything, but he knew you wanted it. You needed it. He spends a good while slowly and slightly caressing your soft skin so you wouldn’t wake up. Leon’s hand gropes your tits and his fingers play with your nipples as they harden to his touch. Sometimes your breath hitches and you let out the littlest of whine. Even when asleep, so obedient.
He spends his time on you, only observing your body for a while. His gaze locks on your lower body as he grabs your waist, pulling himself closer again. A sigh leaves his mouth as his erection makes contact with the side of your ass again. He grinds himself into you slightly, sighing every now and then. He checks you again and you’re still sound asleep. ”Good girl.” He whispers into your ear. A whimper leaves your mouth and he stops his movement for a while, checking if you woke up. Only quietness follows and he sighs. He doesn’t care if you wake up.
Leon takes the next step as he pulls his boxers down and starts palming his throbbing erection. He stays close to you, observing your body as he pumps himself a couple times. His breathing already heavier than before, he shudders at the feeling of his hands going up and down on his shaft. His pale shaft is long and thick and his tip is pink and eager. He lets go of his cock and it slaps against his abdomen. He has probably never been so hard before.
He desperetaly grinds himself to your side again and grabs you closer. You shift a little and whimper but he doesn’t anymore. His hand quickly pulls your panties down. He grabs your panties and throws them on the floor, discarding them and leaving you completely naked. Leon’s hand then goes down between your legs and spreads them slightly. ”A little wider, baby.” He mumbles to himself as he finally lets his palm cup your pussy. He teases your clit with his middle finger and his head turns to look at your reaction. Your brows furrow a little bit and your thighs shift. He continues rubbing circles on your sensitive clit. He sighs as he looks down at his cock that was now leaking precum on to your side.
He swears under his breath as he allows his fingers to slide between your folds. ”So fucking wet, even when asleep.” He mumbles to himself as his middle finger slips into your hole. Your eyebrows furrow again and your whole body shifts slightly. You open your mouth to let out a small sigh, almost a moan. This only makes Leon smirk as he then fills your hole with another finger. He was slowly fingering you with his index and middle finger. You were starting to become more aware that something was indeed happening. Leon completely forgot himself as he watches his fingers go in and out of your cunt. A moan leaves your mouth while still asleep. ”Fuck, I’m gonna cum from thi-” Leon whimpers as he pulls his hips backwards. He pulls his fingers from you and palms his cock again. He sighs loudly and groans. He can’t take it anymore.
He hovers himself over you and spreads your thighs, grabbing them strongly. He was eager now, he needed to be inside you. You groan as you slowly start becoming aware. You wake up to Leon’s hands holding you down with force. You don’t say anything but you see him lining his cock at your cunt. He groans as he slides himself between your wet folds. You can’t help but moan and grab his shoulder. Slightly shocked by what he was doing you push him. Leon doesn’t nudge but looks at you while holding his grip tighter. ”L-Leon..? What are you doing?” You whimper as he holds you tighter and shushes you with a hungry kiss. ”Shh, go back to sleep, baby.” He whispers into your ear as he grinds himself at your entrance.
You hands grab his shoulders tighter as you stutter ”Leon..I said not now…” You try your best to push him but he doesn’t even nudge slightly. He interrupts you by pushing his whole cock into you quickly. He starts pounding into you at a relentless speed. Your eyes widen as he gives you no time to adjust, you scream in pain while he fucks you roughly. ”Oh fuck, so tight, baby. Gonna make me cum in you too early.” He groans as he keeps his pace. The pain was slowly evolving into pleasure and you notice your arms are now pulling him closer, instead of pushing him away. ”Leon!” You moan his name loudly.
”I knew you wanted it, you fucking liar.” He whispers and you can just imagine the smirk on his face. He fastens his pace, if that was even possible. ”Please…” You whine as Leon holds your thighs wider. His cock was kissing your cervix and he was hungrily kissing your neck.
”Leon, I-” You start to say but his palm goes over your mouth and hushes your moans. ”Shh, I know.” He shushes you again and his other hand teases your clit. It pushes you over the edge and your hushed moans get louder. Your orgasm washes over you as Leon still pounds into you. ”Gonna cum inside you, ok?” You nod and squeeze your eyes shut as the immense pleasure from your orgasm comes over you. Your cunt squeezes around Leon’s cock and he finally pushes deep within you and you feel him cum inside you.
He groans and stays inside you for a while. ”I’m sorry..” He says quietly as he lays on top of you, he’s feeling quilty of taking advantage of you. You sigh, still coming down from your orgasm.
”Leon, you should do this more often.”
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Touya was a child of an abusive home.
He was a child of a disfunctional home.
He was a child pressured to take the fact his dad was replacing him with his younger brother like it was just a business decision, nothing personal, please Touya keep going on with your life.
Nevermind your bond with your dad was only a benefit to him and once you were insufficient he walked away like nothing. Nevermind you feared that day and felt the blame land on you for being a failure. Nevermind it all implies you came out wrong out of the womb and now you're asked to stand in the sideline, never given the spotlight.
He was a child being left behind, a child being told his dream was over, someone begging his dad to belive in him and getting an exasperated response of "why haven't you given up? is this you being difficult on purpose? why can't you understand that this is not about you wanting something but you being not what I want?"
A child.
He burned. He burned while he waited for his dad. He burned thinking that maybe if he was a little stronger he could make it. He burned and burned and burned and woke up on a strange room with strange surroundings and burned it to the ground too because they were biologically modifying kids there to be monsters and when he reached home.
There was an altar next to training room where Enji continued to train Shoto like nothing, still the same man, the same plan, the same dream.
He came back to a house where his place was at the altar.
He was a child.
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herssian · 2 months
Wanting to raise your commission prices when some of us can barely afford half of your existing ones. lol
i promise i didn't mean to aim my gun towards you and force you to commission me i thought i had grabbed a banana and wanted to offer you some because potassium has big nutritional benefits i'm sorr y lb pl;ease beliv e m,e
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ajatheoleander12 · 1 month
Sure, therapist Nahida sounds nice. But have you thought about good coping mechanism Nahida and bad coping mechanism Wanderer healing together?
There's something nice about her giving it to him straight, without coddling him or trying to get a result from helping him or looking down at him like the other people in his past did. She still let him believe that she was doing it for her own benefit cause she knows that he feels guilt for his deeds and his feelings towards others and he wouldn't belive her if she claimed otherwise. She doesn't want to push him to far out of his comfort zone and she doesn't need him to believe that she's trying to help because she doesn't need the affirmation that she's a good person, she doesn't push her insecurities onto him. She tries to both encourage him to walk out of his comfort zone and establish bountries.
I really like the scene where she practicaly tells him: "You were a bad person and you did horrible things and you have to own up to the shitty things you've done."
She's also probably the only person in Teyvat that completely understands him. She was also deemed unworthy of the title of an Archon, she was also deemed too little and not enough for her caretakers at the time. She was also discarded by the people that were meant to assist her growth. She was also replaced with a "better" option. I am fully aware that they also share differences, but I believe those differences are meant to show us an alternate ending to either story. Nahida was never coddled, which lead to her having doubts about herself and trying to please others and resulted in her growing a little on her own. Wanderer grew dependent on his emotional bonds with the people that cared for him and ended up taking their loss too hard and stalling his growth. Nahida met the right people that helped her through a difficult time, both physicaly and emotionaly. Wanderer met Dottore, who manipulated him and made him worse. Dottore was an enabler to Wanderer and a bad influence. And that might be a stretch, but I believe that the meeting between Rukkhadevata and Nahida could have been the meeting between Wanderer and Makoto.
Idk, I could be wrong, but I don't like it when there's a singular interpretation of the relationship between two characters. I'm also not a fan of how we forcfully speedgrow Nahida and how the "baby" metaphore in Wanderer's lore is only ever used to say he's a shotacon or smth. I like the complexity of these characters too much to only have one opinion for them. I also like the idea that Nahida is also self-healing by helping Wanderer, who is kinda like a man-child at times.
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flora450 · 3 months
So lowkey some mini spoilers involved in my long rant but I was thinking out of all the kings who would be husband material/father material (minus luci cause we don't know enough about his chracter so I won't include him in my little rant) also spoilers for chapter 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So first is our angry boy satan. I definitely know for a fact that he is father material and is a great dad figure. According to sitri, in one of our text chats with him. I've seen a spoiler in his bath card where he even interacts with one of the kids in ghenna, and he's offering words of encouragement to them. Now the man isn't all green flags, let's be honest, I feel like because he gets off to MC's anger it can be hard for him to take the Mc seriously or even hear them out properly so they may or may not be able to have proper talks when issues in the relationship occur, however I do belive that if worst came to worst and he truly did hurt the Mc's feelings he would definitely be quick to make things right and properly hear them out and apologize for his behavior while hugging them tightly. Also, gehenna is known to have romantic traditions, and they take marriages seriously, so of course, the king of that country would take it seriously too. If he had his own kids, i feel like he would be protective of his children, especially if he has a daughter. So he gets a 9/10 score for being hubby material.
Up next is Bell! I love this man sm and tbh I really feel like he would be a great father and husband, but due to his need to wander, that plays a huge role in how his score will be affected. He is super possessive of the Mc, and from what I've seen from his selfie card and bloodshed card, he wants them baddd. I feel like he would want to be by their side cause in his butt card dong-gyun calls beel out about how he cannot call the Mc "his" cause he isn't even by their side and there not even married or dating! Which is true, like if you like it, then you gotta put a ring on it, beel????? But beel has to wander cause in his bloodshed card. He states it's not safe to be around him, and he even states that in his selfie card. So let's say him and Mc do have a kid together he would definitely love his kid to bits, he would try to visit more often, but he would be very scared if his child was near him for longer periods of time cause he dosent want to put the kid in danger. I feel like beel would send mc presents while he's away to let them know he does think about them, and he would text the mc more often, trying to show that he does love them. plus, I see him as the jealous type if Mc gives the kid more attention than him, like if he came back to avios after a long journey and he comes visits mc while there with their kid, I imagine the mc coddling their child so much that they dont even notice beel is back and he gets all pouty and sad, it would make bael hysterically laugh at the site. For now, beel gets a 6/10 cause he doesn't want to be a dead beet dad, but he didn't marry the Mc and didn't make it official cause he wants to keep Mc safe.
Next up if levi! Idk if I see this man has husband or father material but i think he would try his best! He definitely is strict but as we seen in the event with orias, I firmly belive levi would treat his spouse and child like the way he treats orias (like how he doesn't hang orias or threaten him violently) idk I feel like levi would benefit from having a cheerful and bubbly spouse and imagine him having a kid like his spouse? Bro would definitely be smiling and denying he is smiling when his subordinates point it out. In his bloodshed card when the Mc displays a more outgoing side to them levi doesn't seem to hate it, idk that's just what I noticed from his bloodshed card in the first part of the story. Man does have a past that he needs to work on if he does become a father, so for now, I give him a 7/10 because he would provide for his spouse and kid and he would give his child the life he never had, he would be jealous of his child especially if Mc coddled them (so him and beel definitely are jelly types) but he wouldn't say anything and just take his annoyance out on his subjects. Who knows, I want to believe levi has a soft spot for kids like the way Satan does, but we don't yet so we will see as the story progresses.
Last but not least, another favorite of mines along with beel is mammon :D he would definitely be a great dad and spouse but then man does have his delusions and it can cloud his judgement and cause issues in certain matters. Idk y but I see all the kings as girl Dads don't @me but I like to imagine that Mc and the child would be attached to one another and he dosent think nothing much of it cause of Mc tends to be more present but the kid would be so greedy for mcs attention, mammon would feel so left out and get all pouty. I want to think that he sees his spouse and child as his greatest treasure, so he would spoil them a lot, but Mc needs to ground the kid to make sure their not THAT spoiled. I think if mammon had a kid, he would be afraid for their health since it is revealed in chapter 5 that he was a wee little sick boy growing up. He would be constantly montiroting the kids health and growth and EVERYTHING but you wouldn't be able to notice it cause he has a calm composure and it's hard to read him, so Mc as his spouse has to also GROUND HIM and let him know that their kid will be fine. (Damn I need more lore of mammon and his unbringing, I hope we see more in his L cards and future chapters) man's gets a 7/10 cause he tends to be delusional and spoils the kids a lot leaving Mc and his subjects with much work.
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writr4luvrs · 2 months
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Teacher!nanami x Yandere!student!Reader
tw: yandere themes, teacher/student relationship, stalking, manipulation, invasion of privacy, deez nuts
note: COLLEGE teacher nanami, mind you; not proofread
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Nanami Kento was the best teacher! He was stern, smart, understanding, and so so patient and kind that it almost made you feel bad interrupting his class with your dreamy sigh. It made him pause for a beat, making you jolt in embarrassment when you make eye contact before he returns to the lesson. You could watch him for eons; forever focusing on his thick, heavy hands that were calloused somewhat while he wrote on the board. Your eyes continued to wander to his shoulders, lingering to his arms, his waist, his hips, oh, he's making you sigh again.
He was so strong and took care of himself. You knew this when peaking at his schedule after class while he was occupied elsewhere. On his workout days, you'd swoon at his back when he jogged on the treadmill, watching him do his sets through the windows from the shop across the street. Then, the grocery, this time for that salmon recipe he wants to try, too busy searching for the ingredients to spot you as approaching check out. Or his favorite bake shop he frequented. Granted, the shops coffee cups and snack wrappers were usually found in his garbage, anyways. But what bugged you out of all were the one-on-one tutoring sessions throughout the weeks. So smart, so determined, so patient, so kind for his students, you should have their slots instead.
It's not like you had to be better or worse than your fellow classmates, you only needed to be potential and that's why you had to have these sessions with Mr. Kento about your recent failing marks. You had to look up at him with a pout and threatening tearful eyes as you just couldn't get a handle on this one issue. You needed your teacher's support more than ever as you huffed and got frustrated at seeing your grade lower even more when you were trying youre dearest.. All he could do is look down at you softly, his sympathetic smile that makes your stomach flip, and gentle tone as he goes over the reading again. But that just wasn't enough, you growled and silently glared at your classmate each time he dismissed you for tutoring. Didn't he see you need him most?!
It wasn't your fault that it had come to you pressuring your classmate to seek other tutors and resources, you were just glad they were stupid enough to belive those nasty comments you made about Mr. Kento, even they were true. They weren't good enough to be tutored by Mr. Kento, assuring them that Mr. Satoru would benefit them more. Yes, Mr. Kento's low grunts and vibrating groans of frustration at poor skills not being able to handle such a intellectually low student did give lovely daydreams late at night, but now that his students were drifting to his least favorite coworker, he needed you most! He needed to prove himself and to you he was a worthy teacher, that he needed to be there for you.
"So, why meet at the same typical classroom?" you suggested cheerily, blushing when he raised his brow at you. but instead somewhere with less backrooms aura and more comfortable seating, and warm with comforting lighting, and sweet treats. "What is 'backrooms aura'?" His somewhat amused sigh runs chills through you. He rubs his eyes, quiet for a moment when he leaning beated weight on the table. He looked so tired, the stress was getting to him. He must be doing something utterly wrong if his students are drifting towards his coworker, or his potential student keeps needing his tutoring despite it all, or whatever this growing paranoia that someone has been following him.
You chuckle awkwardly at the moment of silence, bringing him back to reality to look at you for another moment. You smile. He use the excuse of external stresses get ti him now, not during this session that is meant for you. He could not fail you and the fact that you didn't give up on him and seek other resources...He let's out another pity sigh that could almost go unheard. "Mr. Kento?"
"I'm sorry." Your body warms at his tense brows. "Let's continue." his lips pressed tight, his nose flared, and jaw tense.
"I can tell you're struggling..." you begin, his eyes immediately go soft at your words, he's staring at you, patiently waiting, saying words he desperately needed to hear. "I want you to know I care about you, Mr. Kento... I want you to know that... I want to support you just like you've done for me all this time." Another sigh leaves him but it's different, he's relieved that's you've assure him..His eyes flicker and hus brows tense and his new thoughts.
why did you have to be cute as well?
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nottapossum · 4 months
Itty Bitty Sinners Chapter 1.1: The Test!
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Summary: Classification tests aren't typically taken by sinners, they're usually taken by the hellborn. But still Charlie decides it might benefit the hotel if everyone took the test so they can better understand them.....Chaos ensues
Notes: Hazbin hotel be like: You’ve been waiting for years and now you have this super dark yet meaningful story about mythology, the complexity of human nature as well as other worldy beings, redemtion, abuse, abusive relationships, substance use, toxicity, redemtion, corrupt systems and overall the fight between good and evil and how it's more complex than we're lead to belive.
Me be like: Aw! Babies! 😍
⚠️ READ ME! ⚠️This work is an Age regression/Classification fic. So there will be things such as Diapers and their usage, pacifiers, cribs, bottles, exc.But there will also be cursing and talking about sex, abuse, drugs, alcohol and lots of adult things when characters are out of headspace, and it also mentions some trauma. (Any future trigger warnings will be added to chapter notes if needed. Be careful.)
❤️Age regression is not sexual, it’s a safe coping mechanism.If this ain't your thing. Just don't read it.💜
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“Okay everyone! Today I have a bit of an experiment for you all.” Charlie announces. “You are all going to be taking the infamous Classification test!” 
“The what now?” Angel asks.
“This test will determine what kind of person you are! And it will help us better understand your needs to better help you. The types in question are: Littles, Caregivers, Babysitters, Pet regressors, Handlers, Guardians, and neutrals.” She explains. “Hellborns take this test when they turn fifteen to find out their best possible place in our society to live their best lives!” 
“Wait, so all hellborns take this test?” Angel asks.
“Yeah, is that new information for you?” Vaggie asks. “It's pretty common knowledge.”
“I have never heard of that!” Angel says.
“You know, you should go outside every now and then, maybe you'll learn something.” Vaggie says.
“Do you have any idea what happens when I go outside?” Angel asks her. “Not a lot of learning happening.” 
“Don't worry, I have all the definitions riiight here. I'll read them out for you.” Charlie says. She clears her throat and reads through the classifications: “First we have: Littles or regressors, these people will often regress to a younger state of mind to help them cope with day to day life. They're usually traumatized individuals who either had to grow up too fast or those who had a bad childhood, regressing allows them to heal their inner child. They also need to be properly taken care of by Caregivers.” 
Angel raises an eyebrow, but Charlie continues: 
“Caregivers are the ones assigned to take care of littles, these people usually have natural instincts
Much little Littles, Caregivers are thought to have a traumatic past but they cope by helping others.” Charlie explains. 
“Guardians or ‘protectors’ I think is pretty self explanatory. These people are very strong, fearless leaders who are very protective of their loved ones.” She reads, smiling at Vaggie at that part.  
“Pets or pet regressors are a lot like Littles, except instead of regressing to a child's mindset, they regress to an animal mindset.” 
“And Handlers are a lot like Caregivers except for pets. Usually Caregivers and Handlers go hand in hand, so it's rare for someone to get this classification.” Charlie explains.
“And what's the purpose of these tests? Like what happens to you afterwards?” Angel asks.
“Well, anyone who gets at least fifty percent little on the test will be assigned a caregiver, either a parent could adopt them, or a partner,” Charlie holds Vaggie's hand. “Or they'll be taken to an adoption center to meet their adoptive caregiver or assigned caregiver. A caregiver assigned by the people who run the program. Usually this is a last resort though.”
“Caregivers are very similar, having to have a little, and if they don't have one, they'll be assigned one.” Vaggie adds. “They usually can't get away without having one. Unless they're royal or have kids that is.” 
Angel's mouth hangs open. “...And this is just something you do? You assign people to other people and force them to live their life based solely on a random test they took when they were fifteen?!” Angel asks.
“Yup, pretty much.” Vaggie says. 
“And you're all just fine with this?!” Angel asks.
“It's a flawed system, I will admit. But it has helped a lot of people too.” Charlie says. 
“In what way?” Angel asks. 
“Well, Littles have someone to take care of them, and Caregivers have someone to take care of.” Charlie explains.
“That's stupid.” Angel says. “I am not taking that test.” 
“Oh, come on, Angel. We just want to help you.” Charlie says. “Everyone is going to be taking to, so you won't be alone.” 
“Who says I'm taking that test?” Husk asks as Vaggie tries to hand him one. 
“Everyone is taking it.” Charlie says again. “It'll be fun!”
“Wait a minute, if all the hellborn take this test, does that mean…you've taken the test?” Angel asks Charlie.
“Oh yeah, of course!” Charlie says.
“If you're going to be knowing our results, isn't it only fair that we know yours?” He asks.
“Okay. Well, I'm a classified caregiver and little.” She says, moving some hair back awkwardly when mentioning the little part. 
“You can be both?” Angel asks.
“Yup, 50/50. She says.
“Well, just because you're okay with it, doesn't mean I am.” Angel says. 
“What's wrong, Angel? Scared?” Husk asks.
“No.” Angel says. “I just-” Angel didn't know how to say it. “Fuck you!”
“Come on, Angel. Get on board.” Charlie encourages, handing him the test. 
Angel takes it and looks through it skeptically. 
Suddenly Charlie gets a phone call. She checks her phone but her eyes widen. “Oh.” She looks at everyone and presses the phone close to her chest. “Uhh… I'll be right back, you guys just answer these questions as honestly as you can.” Charlie instructs before walking out.
Vaggie looks at Charlie with concern and wordlessly follows her into the other room. 
~~~Charlie and Vaggie:~~~
Charlie got off the phone quickly, the phone conversation only lasted a few minutes, and even then she exclusively answered with small answers:  ‘mhm’ ‘sure’ ‘uh..okay.’ and finally ‘Yeah, bye.’
“Everything okay, Charlie?” Vaggie asks. 
“Everything is super!” She says, smiling brightly and adding extra enthusiasm to her voice to make sure Vaggie wasn't suspicious. 
“Oh good. So, who was on the phone?” Vaggie asks.
“Just- my dad. Don't worry about it. It's nothing.” Charlie says. 
Charlie was about to leave, but Vaggie grabbed her hand. “Hey, you know you can tell me anything….right?” 
“Of course I know that, silly.” Charlie laughs. “Everything is fine, I promise.” She says. 
“Okay…I trust you.” Vaggie shrugs, keeping a smile on her face. 
What else could she do? If something is wrong but Charlie doesn't want to talk about it, it would be wrong to pressure her. 
Charlie grabs Vaggie’s hand and smiles kindly. “Let's go back to the others. Also, you need to take the test too. I wanna see your results.” 
Vaggie rolls her eyes. “As if you don’t know what I am already? You're the one taking care of me all the time.”
“I'm just curious.” Charlie says. “And of course I will always take care of you, we take care of each other. It's kind of our job.” She chuckles. 
Vaggie smirks. “Well, yeah. But, you're not as young as I am.” She says. 
“Or as absolutely adorable!” Charlie baby talks.
“No way, you're way cuter, little or not.” 
“You keep thinking that.” Charlie says, booping her beloved girlfriend's nose. “But we both know you're the cutest little ever.” ~
“Come on, Angel. Get on board.” Angel mocks once Charlie left the room.
“That bitch is hiding something.” Husk says. “I can tell.” 
“Who cares? I have work to do.” Angel says, getting up and leaving the test behind. 
“It's the weekend.” Husk says. 
“Yeah, but Val has a party tonight and he wants me to help…entertain the guests. If you know what I mean.” He smirks. 
Husk rolls his eyes as Angel smiles at himself. He always looks so proud to get under his skin or make him feel uncomfortable. 
“You sure you don't want to take this with you?” Husk asks. “The princess won't be too happy when she finds out you're walking out on yet another activity.” Husk smirks in an attempt to tease him back. “...You might get in trouble.”
Angel gasps. “Oh please, I'm so scared.” He says sarcastically. “She won't do anything. The worst thing she could do is tell me she's very disappointed in me or some shit.” He scoffs, continuing to walk away. 
“Angel?” Husk asks him.
“What?” Angel asks. 
“Just…be careful. Okay?” He asks.
Angel frowns for a moment, then smiles. “Yeah…I will. Thanks.”
Alastor looks over at the cat, and smiles at Husk wordlessly. 
“Mind your own fucking business!” Husk snaps at him. 
Alastor laughs. “Well, if you didn't make everything so obvious, perhaps I would.” 
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Husk says. 
Alastor chuckles. “Of course you don't.”
Husk looks away from Al, turning his attention on anyone else-
It's what he always does… he observes. 
Sir Pentious and Niffty were already working on their tests, Niffty rather fast and violent and Pentious very slow and hesitant.
“This test is impossible!” Sir Pentious complains. “How can they expect me to answer these hard questions? What am I supposed to put for gender?”
Husk looks at the test, the questions varies from mildly personal, complicated, to way too personal: “How do you deal with your failure?” He reads out loud. Wondering how the fuck that could tell them their place in…
As Charlie put it: ‘Society,’
“I put down: kill tiny things and drink their blood.” Niffty says. 
“Blow stuff up!” Sir Pentious says. “Or perhaps I'd try try again? Oo! Both!” 
“You are all such a pleasure to have around.” Alastor says. Very quickly finishing his test with no issues. 
Husk was honestly surprised he was going along with this. He probably found the idea hilarious. 
Husk sighs, normally he wouldn't engage with something like this either, but he knew Charlie wouldn't stop bothering him if he didn't. It was a lot easier to just do it and then get the rest of his day over with. 
Charlie enthusiastically returns to the main room. “So, how's everyone doing?” She asks. “Where's Angel?” She asks before anyone could answer her first question.
“He left.” Husk says. 
“Oh.” Charlie says. “That's…fine. He can just take it when he gets back!” She says.
Vaggie sighs. “When is he finally going to take anything we do seriously?”
“I don't think Angel knows what serious is.” Husk says. 
They continue their tests, and Vaggie starts hers.
~~~~A few minutes later:~~~
“Finished!” Niffty says, handing her test back to Charlie. 
“Perfect, thank you Niffty.” Charlie says. 
“This test is impossible!” Pentious says. “How am I supposed to know all these personal questions?”
“Don't over think it.” Charlie says. “Just write the first thing that comes to mind.” 
Husk leaves his test on the table, and Alastor leaves his on the floor, then both of them go back to their business. 
Vaggie picked them up so as not to lose them. 
~~~Charlie and Vaggie, Later:~~~
All Charlie had to do was scan the tests on their computer and the test results would print themselves. They had gotten access to the program the test centers use. Perks to being the princess of hell. 
Her and Vaggie both awaited the answers for everyone. 
“This will be so great! Getting to know everyone better so we can help them." Charlie says. "I can't wait to find out what the results are!"
“Just- be careful. Okay? I don't want you to blow this out of proportion.” Vaggie says. 
“Psh, Vaggie! When have I ever done that?” 
“When you found out I was a little, you bought me the whole little store!” Vaggie says. 
“I gave it back after you told me to.” Charlie says. “I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.” 
“I know.” Vaggie says. “I just want to make sure you don't get yourself hurt...or scare anyone away. You know?"
“Ooo! Your results are in!” Charlie squeals, grabbing the paper from the printer. 
Vaggie rolls her eyes, but she's still smiling. She can't help it, Charlie is too cute. “What does it say?” 
“Fifty percent little, fifty percent guardian!” Charlie says. “As I expected.” She says, in some sort of accent to make her sound smarter. 
“Sounds right.” She says. 
The next results get printed. “Husker!” Charlie  sings.
Vaggie grabs the paper and reads it. “Seventy-five guardian, twenty five Neutral.” 
“Niffty: Fifty percent Handler and…” Charlie tilts her head. “And unclassifyable nonsense.” She reads. 
Vaggie nods. “Also sounds right.” 
“Ooo, Sir Pentious is sixty percent little and fourty percent neutral.” Charlie says. “Little snake!” Charlie squeals. 
“Okay, calm down there.” Vaggie laughs, taking the paper from Charlie. “Just grab the last one so we can get started planning the actual activities.” 
Charlie grabs the final test result. “Uhhh.” 
“What does it say?” Vaggie asks taking the paper from her. 
Charlie couldn't even answer, she just stayed quietly shocked as Vaggy looked over the results. 
Vaggie's eyes widen. “There's no. Fucking. Way.”
100% Little. 
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Taglist: @todayimfour
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stffed · 1 year
benefits - taiju siba x male reader
warnings: mentions of abuse and gangs/gang involvement
a/n: inspired by @reallyromealone​ recent taiju post (the link no longer works but i belive it was called amends). i like this man, okay. and think of this as a mini-return but no promises
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being the boyfriend of a big scary gang leader like taiju shiba certainly did have it’s benefits: you practically had your own private army because taiju wanted you to be safe at all times; you didn’t have to worry about not having enough money for anything since taiju basically showered you in money every other day; and he gave the best hugs. it was like being in the grasp of a big grizzly bear and just as lethal (except he would never hurt you).
and being taiju shiba’s boyfriend did have some other benefits.
“i swear, if hakkai tells me that you’ve done something bad to yazuha then you better pray that they find your body, shiba.”
you brushed past taiju and entered the shiba household. hakkai had sent you a message saying that taiju was harassing them and their friend on the way home. of course, you knowing your boyfriend’s behaviour and attitude assumed the worst and rushed over.
hakkai and yazuha were sat in the living room with a blonde boy you had never seen before. you knelt down in front of yazuha, cupped her face and checked to see if there were any cuts or bruises on her face.
“are you alright? he didn’t hurt you, did he?” you asked, being as gentle as possible.
“no, no, i’m fine,” she said. she pried your hands away from her face. “he was just being mean.”
taiju stood in the doorway, grimace on his face. he didn’t say anything and just watched you and his siblings. if it were in any other situation then his heart would’ve warmed up watching you interact with his family. but it wasn’t, so his heart was filled with dread.
you stood up and turned your attention to your boyfriend. “you, mister, have some explaining to do.”
you dragged him away from the trio and proceeded to chew him out in the kitchen. taiju just stood and listened to your rant, head lowered. he knew he shouldn’t have done what he did because you would end up finding out eventually, but it was for the sake of the gang. a rival gang member was on his territory and he needed to keep up his reputation. however, if he knew that this would make him end up on your bad side then he wouldn’t have done it. he loved you too much and making you angry hurt him.
“baby, i’m sorry,” said taiju. “i didn’t mean to hurt them.”
“but you still did it.” you crossed your arms and looked down at him. he grit his teeth and his hands balled into fists. just hearing the disappointment in your voice made him want to hug you.
a sigh left your lips. no amount of chewing him out would change the fact that what he did had already happened.
“just,” you stepped closer to him. “just don’t do it again.”
you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. taiju hugged you back, pulling you into another kiss. when you tried to move away from him, he held on to you tighter.
“don’t think you’re getting away,” he said. his face broke out into a grin. “i’ve not seen you in days and i’m letting you get away from me now.”
being taiju’s boyfriend did have it’s downsides as well. such as now, where you couldn’t escape from his unrelenting affection.
but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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nightfallsolace · 6 months
Our Little Secret// Hanma Shuji x Reader  || Chapter 2
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in which (Y/n) Ryuguji Draken’s little sister, has a hidden affair with one of their enemies, Hanma Shuji.
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The music was blasting trough your headphones, you knew if someone walked into your room they would hear the raging music all the way from the door frame. You didnt want to lower the volume, it was perfectly fine. Yes sure there was a risk that you could potentially go deaf but thats only pontential, it wont come true anytime soon. Yet despite not wanting to lower the volume you had to anyways, after all your older brother could knock at the door at any given moment and tough the sound would be lowered by the sensual moans in the room beside you, there was still thatslight chance and you didnt want to worry your dear brother.
While you were turning down the volume a notification popped up on the top of the screen, the contact read "Wanna be Annabelle" and you groaned not wanting to deal with that Wednesday Addams rip-off
"Hey (n/n) wanna go and hangout? "
You scoffed at his audacity, seriously? In broad daylight he'd invite you to fight when he knows youd rather jump off a cliff now than let yourself be known, it'd ruin the years of eefort of concealing the fact you werent just some clumsy little girl hiding behind his big strong brother's back. The three dots appeard on the bottom left of the screen as another message popped up
"i know youve read my message :)"
As much as you wanted to leave the man on read you couldn't because he knew who you really were and any day now he could tell your dear old precious older brother, and he wouldnt actually belive a word rannabelle would say he would still give the benefit of doubt, Ken-chin's a brute but hes not stupid.
"and by hang out you mean go and dislodge some joints? why should I accept your invite? What even will i get from this?"
"dont be mad princess you know i wouldn't invite you for a friendly beat up session with no proper excuse"
There was a pause  before the phone rang the iconic "ding"
"The group's harassed alot girls in the area bannering around their petty little title and evn used me and Rin-rin's name, CAN YOU BELIVE IT? THE AUDACITY THOSE ASSHOLES HAVE--
Anyways im sure youd love to beat them up due to their background, and to top it all off,  they've been collecting money from old ladies off the street"
Your face contoured in disgust and anger, they even targeted GRANNIES?? DO THESE MEN HAVE NO HEART??
"fine, but when i get there i better have a (favorite drink) and starberry shortcake with the extra jam and cream or im shoving your batton up your ass.
Meet me at our usual cafe. "
" ah yes, there's the woman with anger issues ive grown to love"
You scoffed with disbelief
"atleast I havent been charged with murder."
You didnt wait for a reply and got up to get ready, throwing on some cloud spun stockings and a a pretty pink skirt, putting on a cycling for extra measure to make sure no would could peek. You quickly did your eyeliner and applied a heavy coating of strawberry lip balm cause your lips were dry as hell and it was starting to hurt.
You threw on the sweater your brother had given you a few months back as a congratulations present for being the top student in your class, it was a nice shade of pastel yellow and had a few blue and pink accents here and there. You grabbed one of your wigs and a cap gently placing it in your bag.
You sent a text your older brother saying you'll be going to Roppongi and will be back before midnight and got a "ok, stay safe, message me when you get there." as a reply.aWith that done you walked you way to the nearest train station greeting a few classmates along the way. You made pyour way to the counter to purchase a ticket and wait for a solid 5 minutes before the train to Roppongi was called, the train was pretty croweded considering it was the weekends and there was a new shopping mall that just oppened in the area.  It was suprisingly quick considering the travel time was normay longer and slower, you got off the train not before helping an old lady get to the platform.
You walked trough the busy streets of Roppongi passing several small stalls and a few several malls, the streets were busy and loud, music blasting from each store front the boisterous music competing in volume trying its best to attarct the most customers, even in the day this place is always so loud and livey. You stopped at a cafe in the near outskirts of the main city, it was less loud and had more of a calm feel to it, youd prefer this place than the city anyday. As you got closer to the cafe you spotted a man with long black hair with bleached accents stiiting under one of the purple parasols shading the tables and chairs outside the cafe, instead of his normal pigtails, his hair was held up in an elegant bun and wore a fold framed non-perscription glasses. You called out to the man and he shot a look your way
"Ah there you ar-"
"my food?"
"yeah yeah here" the man handed you a bag of (f/d) and strawberry shortcake with extra jam and cream
"good" you opened the bag to inspect the contects to see if it actually had extra cream and jam, and once you finished you smiled satisfied. "thank you"
His face showed pure "genuine" shock "You?! Thanking me?! Oh my i must be dreaming, have you had a change of heart? Oh ive been blessed!" he dramatically put his hand on his mouth and prentented to faint "someone catch me this is to overwhelming!" he fell backwards and you had to catch him despite your raging urge to let him fall. "get up Ran you're heavy" you push him upwards to help him stand up and he stood with a huff and brushed himself off even tough he didnt even fall.
"where's Rin? You said looking around "I tought he'd be here" Ran scoffed in disbelief "Wow im the one whos standing right here beside you and you look for my brother? Im hurt (n/n) "  you shook your head and took out the (f/d) from the bag opening the can
"well thats because his attitude is more tolerable than yours" 
Before he could have time to reply you dragged him out of the cafe's property and led him to the alley near by.
"enough folling around I plan on tending to my plants before going home, where are the guys you were talking about" he pulled out his phone and searched for a bit before placing the phone in your hands, "thats where they usually are, i got it from some residents around here" you looked at the picture and the coordiantes "and how are we going to get there?" he smiled big and toothy
"I tought youd never ask, were taking my bike" you took your bag and pulled out the wig and cap you brought "I tough so" you tied your hair up and put on the cap, placing the wig and appliying a bit of wig glue around the rim to make sure it wont fall of during the ride.
"kay im done let's go" the two of you walked to where his bike was parked back at the cafe, he got on the bike and revved it up and signalled you to hop on. The two of you sped trough the streets of roppongi
"AH- PLEASE-" you stomped on the man's nose as his blood gargled in his nose as he struggled to breath. 
"please? Pathetic, look at you begging for me to stop, to listen to your pleas, but tell me, did you listen to all those women who said no?" you crouched down to reach the man's height 
"did you listen when they told you that it hurt, or was uncomfortable with what you were doing?" the man stayed silent, his breathing was ragged and rough.
" i asked you a question." a hard blow landed on the mans stomach as he wheezed in pain, unable to scream due to the damage done to his body. 
"NO- I DIDNT-- IM SOR-" a painful smack hit him across the face. 
" it shouldnt be me you should be apologizing to, its all the women youve hurt and scared" you looked at Ran and answered as if he already knew what you were thinking. 
" no i dont have the women's adresses or names, i never received any info on it" you frowned dissapointed
"well i guess we'll just have to end this guys misery dont we?" he smiled at you and looked blankly at the man
 " you do the honors"  the man panic thinking this would be the last moment he would breath, but in reality you were just going to make him pass out, unlike ran you were "merciful" to those you beat up. You punched his face hard and blunt knocking him out. 
"my job here is done, drive me to the station?"
"whats the magic word? ~" the man sang annoyingly, you really really wanted to punch this guy's guts right now and leave him cold and passed out but you didnt wnat to walk to the train station. You chcked the time on your watch and the clocked flashed 4:45, it was pretty decent since you left at around 10 in the morning. You sighed defeated really not wanting to walk. 
"Ran will you please drive me to the station?" he smiled content, "alright". 
You got on his bike and he sped his way trough the streets ince again and dropped you off at the station. The two of you bid your goodbyes and you had told him to say hi to Rindou for you, he simply smiled and left. The ride home was tahnkfully peaceful, you had wipped your shoes and removed your wig at the stations bathroom and discarded the tissues in the bin. You opened your phone to find several missed calls from your older brother. 
"shit I forgot to text him" you muttered under your breath. You called him and sent apologetic looks to the people around you, bowing at them because of the ruckus you'll cause. 
"hello? Aniki?" you kept your voice hushed and low. 
"are you ok? you didnt text me and i was starting to get worried" you smiled at his reaction, your brother was a man that had a tough facade, which scared people, it made them think he was just a mean gangster, but in reality, he was extrenly kind and caring to those he loves and holds dear. 
"yes im ok, im sorry for not texting you when i got there, i forgot" he sighed relieved. 
"its alright just make sure to get home safe" "dont worry I will, i gotta hang up im on the train, love you"
"love ya to (n/n) keep safe" a long beep was heard as he hung up, you once again bowed and sent apologetic bows to the people in the train and they simply bowed back, well more like nodded but what is is what it is. You got off the train and walked your way towards one of the nearby beaches where you had set up your own makeshift garden, it was littered with nightshades and foxgloves, which you sold after you processed it extracting its poision and seeling it a pretty decent price. Was it illegal? Yes, yes it was, could it pottentially get you in trouble? Yes, yes it could, and could it pottentially be a gateway to a more darker path in life presumably in the mafia of a larger crime gang? Yes, yes in fact. 
You turned left to where the big stone which was hiding the plants only to see a man standing in the patches of nightshades and foxgloves. You stopped in your tracks, usually no one was there, infact, the only person who ever came there was you. Maybe it was the fact that it was a pretty secluded area, and the fact that atleast 6 murders happened there, including the nightshade poisoning incident, people were advised not to go. But there stood a figure looming in the darkness, you were readey to fight as you got closer you were able to make up who was the man standing in your garden, and there he was, in all his glory Hanma Shuji. 
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enbysiriusblack · 5 months
bartylily hcs but from a person that doesn't know much about fandom's barty:
in a young achiever's program together. they both hate it. and also practically run it.
prefect rounds together but its lily being annoyed barty is always late, and barty being late because he was getting snacks from the kitchens because he can tell lily is always high during prefect rounds
them both being friends with benefits with one of their best friends (lily & marlene and barty & evan)
lily reading in the library and barty appearing from between bookshelves to tell her spoilers of every book
barty joins the ravenclaw quidditch team one year and lily makes out with him straight after seeing him play (jocks are very much her type)
lily sells essays to other students and she hires barty on to write essays for subjects she doesn't take/doesn't have time for. he requests to be paid in muggle sweets instead of money. she doesn't understand why but accepts. he does it because he just finds essay writing fun but doesn't want to seem like he's doing it for nothing.
barty giving stick n poke tattoos to people and lily ends up getting loads of random doodles all over her arms. she loves it.
the kind of people to come out of an exam after smashing it, walk around the corner to meet each other and dance and scream in celebration. also when they get their exam results as well.
slug club members. all of barty's friends are in slug club so he just goes with them, whilst lily takes a friend that isn't in it (usually remus or emmeline), but they always end up doing weird competitions with each other anyway (trying to eat as much gross food without throwing it up, starting a conga and betting with each other on who will join, competiting to tell the wildest stories that slughorn still belives is true, etc)
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