i-am-dulaman · 5 months
Im gonna do it. After always complaining when others did it because i have the worst memory. Im sorry to my mutuals with bad memory but im changing my url.
Beingcuteismything > i-am-dulaman
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jabthemoth · 8 months
Tagged by @clockworkthenightbard
Let's do this thing!
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Favourite colour: Full blown Cyan/Aqua. Love me that #00FFFF
Last song: The Death Waltz from the Little Nightmares soundtrack
Last movie: uh. Warm Bodies. It's a comfort film despite being a romcom. (Horror romcom? Idk what genre you call Romeo & Juliet with zombies, but there it is)
Currently watching: Some dude clean and restore a DS on youtube. (Oddtinkering. His name's oddtinkering)
Other stuff I've watched this year: Finally watched Over the Garden Wall, and like. I Get It.
That said, it is a particular kind of American thing that ig only Americans can truly appreciate, but I understand the hype now
Also Barbie movie, The Last of Us, SPIDERMAN ATSV (Did I ever mention that? I'm sure I might have said once or twice about JOHNATHAN OHNN THE SPOT MY BLORBO MY BABYGIRL MY EVERYTHING)
Shows I dropped this year: The 2023 election cycle. Boooo. Hiss.
Fuck you David Seymour. Why don't you plug yourself back into the matrix, maybe you'll finally download a fucking soul, ya prick
... But I'm not salt about it or anything.
Currently reading: The Asteroid City screenplay book :3
Tagging: @asstrainmcfucktruck @pantelda @chondrichthyes-nuts @moonnue @beingcuteismything
(only if you guys want to though)
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iblamethenubbins · 6 years
beingcuteismything reblogged your post and added:
By apologising
hahaha yeah that would be a good start
I should apologise to my character too
but first i should start writing it again? maybe?
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
jake: I say im dumb a lot but i think its time you all knew exactly how dumb i am.
jake: I didnt know the order of the months or seasons until i was 17 and i only learnt them because i was accused of cheating on a maths test i got 100% on because of 1 question that was something like,
jake: "In what month would *maths stuff*" and i answered "The 9th one" instead of september and apparently that was suspicious? And i didnt want to say it was because i didnt know september was the 9th month so i just took the test again.
jake: I didnt learn how to tie my shoelaces until i was 18 and before then i would just randomly tie them into a knot that sorta looked like how headphones look when theyre tangled in your pocket?
jake: I have been best friends with roxy “tipsyGnostalgic” lalonde since like 2009 and it took me til last year, TEN YEARS, to realise their handle is not a combination of “gnome” and “nostalgic” but rather “GNOSTIC” and “nostalgic”. 
jake: My first time in france was a spontaneous trip to paris. 0 planning. Literally as i took my first step off the plane i thought "Wait. They speak french in france".
jane: I can smell the morosexuals getting excited from all the way over here.
jake: Morosexuals hit me up!! I once accidentally climbed the tallest mountain in ireland because i was looking for a good spot to have a picnic!
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[Dove walking on the beach at night and accidentally trips over two girls lying in the sand]
Dove: I’m sorry I interrupted your date.
Charlotte: Oh this isn’t a date we’re just friends. But thanks for not assuming tho, because we’re actually both gay lol.
Dove, turning to Eve: What’s your name?
Eve: Eve?
Dove: Eve, sweetie I’m so sorry this dumbass is too dumb to realize she’s on a date with you.
Charlotte: What??? What do you mean??? What does SHE MEAN?? Is this a date???
Eve: I mean yeah I kinda hoped it was.
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I saw a post where you mentioned your birthday was December 26. I am queuing this in July. I don't know if I'll remember.
Happy birthday @beingcuteismything !!
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demelza · 3 years
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Hello everyone! 
So i don’t usually do this but 2020 has been such a weird year and i wanted to say thank you to the people who have made it a little better. (I’m probably going to forget people so i’m sorry in advance <3)
@fairytalespond sára idk how i would have survived this year without you. i miss you so much and i can’t wait for this dumb virus to go away so i can visit you again!! thank you for letting me rant and endlessly ramble to you about aliens or kpop or whatever im obsessed with in the moment dfjhkj. ily 💖
@yelena-belxva thank you for always being so sweet and for sending me cute pictures of cows that keep me going 💖
@suzteel @rosaortecho @darlingnotso @haloud i am so thankful to have met you guys and for making my time in the rnm fandom more fun and less stressful ahah. and thank you for sharing your creativity through fics&gifs. 💖💖💖💖
@oetravia kim!! i know we haven’t spoken in a while but seeing you on my dash always makes me very happy 💖
and lastly thank you to all of you guys,
@jintae @ghostes @jinglebellrock @bimbojoon @timotheechalamed @adiwriting @daughterofelros @pleasantfanandstudent @ober-affen-geil @angsty-nerd @angsty-aliens @ninswhimsy @tasyfa @soberqueerinthewild @supervalcsi @ogaferoga @wyrd-syster @seance @almondchestnut @andyoudoctor @lilapittss @perhapsblues @necroprankster @lyrassilvertongues @nervousladytraveler @maryiofengland @gilmoregeller @mslyragw @beingcuteismything @vavaharrison @xxsparksxx @rather-impertinent @heywhereisperry @ourgraciousqueen @bisexualjomarch @emraanhashmi
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evening-rose-309 · 3 years
7 Questions, 17 People
Tagged by: @skiplo-wave you don't know how happy this makes me
Nickname: Vee, Rose
Zodiac: Libra ⚖️
Height: 4'9/5, I am a shortie and perfect kneecapping height
Hogwarts House: formerly Gryffindor, but I think Hufflepuff the Loyal fits better personally
Last Thing I Googled: how to spell 'gaelic'
Song Stuck In My Head: they're on shuffle
Number of Followers: exceeding 350?
Amount of Sleep: 4, 2, and 2, it varies from day to day
Lucky Number: 3, 9, 30, and 11
Dream Job: housewife to a powerful businessman puppeteering his business from behind the curtain. Or otherwise baker.
Wearing: a Batman shirt and the usual accoutrements
Favorite Song: it's on shuffle
Favorite Instrument: the guitar and the piano are tied
Aesthetic: an old wood panel and soft carpeted library, parchment all over the floor and the tables, ink stains, water color paintings and supplies in one corner, digital art desk in another, a typewriter on one, and the last with a laptop and post-it notes and assorted multicolored pens stationed on it.
Favorite Author: for this generation? Leigh Bardugo. From my mother's? Neil Gaiman.
Favorite Animal Noise: the sound my cat makes when I pick him up, bother him when he's taking a nap, or is at my door
Random: I talk to myself everywhere but the bathroom if I can help it.
Tagging: @grimalkinmessor @willofhounds @hotforcaptaincold @reina1505 @mischiefs-hawk @vindarosierr @shadydreamerdonut @accursedsith @beingcuteismything @omnivorousshipper
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renegadeshroom · 3 years
tagged by: @greywatch​ and @renarinkholin​ both
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with
3 ships: (im choosing not to do any of my oc ships here just bc)
vinrianne. i am totally on my bullshit about vin and allrianne from mistborn the last few months and i will not, cannot, stop!! its just GOOD it just is sapphic vin mistborn hello??? god the fucking dresses holy shit theyre perfect for each other its a crime that vin wasnt sapphic in canon and frankly this is my canon now and vinrianne is where its fucking at!!! it could just be so TENDER you know?? the sheer complementing of one another....
okay see i cant be expected to JUST pick three here this is so unfair like, i just vacillate between ships based on whatever im thinking abt i am absolutely incapable of making a succinct selection but having said all of that im gonna say persephonyx from hadesgame is one of the ones ive most recently felt quite feral about.... hades shut the fuck up and get the fuck out nyx is gonna fuck your wife now!! milf time
last song: hades - scourge of the furies. the hades ost is one of my go-tos lately its just stuffed full of bangers also its the music for the megaera fight how can i NOT stan i am a simple wuhluhwuh
last movie: genuinely i have no clue! i dont really watch many, and its far from my favourite medium... i wanna say it was a rewatch of wrath of khan? im very slowly making my way through the star trek movies rn and idk if ill skip star trek v or not yet dfkgdhfg. the love is stored in the radiation shielding keeping us apart while i die of radiation poisoning after saving the ship
currently watching: nothing new actually, but im at the tail end of my first complete stargate sg-1 rewatch... tbh imo daniel is a bit of a bootlicker LMAO but i forgive him
currently reading: mistborn! probably 8th or 9th reread lmao, but in this case its specifically to take notes for vinrianne shipping purposes bc sapphicism. that said ive had my eye on the locked tomb for like a year now and im gonna get around to buying it very soon, so!
currently craving: could go for a pitcher of green iced tea, but i try not to overindulge! i let myself have a litre twice a week, maybe thrice if im Really craving it
tagging: @thesugarcookieday​ @beingcuteismything​ @deliverusfromsburb​ @theothin​ and uhhh yknow what anyone else who sees this and feels like doing it feel free to say i tagged you ig! fuck tagging 9 ppl <3
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moonprincess92 · 4 years
Tagged by @beingcuteismything thanks bruh what up 
Name: Jordan
Pronouns: she/her 
Height: 5′2 
Sexuality: keira knightley and emotionally unavailable men 
Favourite Animal: DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Average hours of sleep: 7, my body can’t handle less 
Cats or Dogs: DOGS
Current time: 10.31pm 
Dream job: im so lame, the only thing i’ve ever wanted to be is a teacher and that’s what i’m doing, so apparently i’m already Living The Dream 
When I made this blog: 2015???? 
Why I made this blog: @i-am-having-an-emotion bullied me into it (jk i love u) 
Reasons for my URL: i’ve told the story behind my url before, but it’s been a while. So waaay back in the day like circa 2006, I used to post about harry potter on a forum site. My favourite character back then was Luna Lovegood, so my username was “Moon(I Luv You Luna)” but everyone called me Moon for short. When I started writing fanfic, I wanted to keep the Moon nickname but changed my username to “Moonprincess92” bc idk, apparently that sounded better in my head. When I joined tumblr, the url of just Moonprincess92 was already taken, so i was forced to add an ‘nz’ on the end 
now it’s my Brand(TM) and i can’t change it lmao 
Tagging whoever wants to do it! 
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eunique · 4 years
Got tagged in a little get to know me tag (thingy?) by @beingcuteismything 
Been awhile and I’m bored so why not?
Name: Eunice
Gender: Female
Height: 167-9cm/5′4-5 (Maybe?????)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Favourite Animal: Barred owls. They’re so hecking cutee!!!
Average hours of sleep: Sleep who?
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Current time: 12:02 AM
Dream job: Putting my film score composition major to use and maybe write music for films, anime or games under an alias name :)
When I made this blog: 2016? I think??
Why I made this blog: So I could rb whatever the heck I want without cluttering my main art blog
Reasons for my URL: A pun between the word unique and my name. Also I wanted to change my url as well as fill that void of regret for not putting eunique on my highschool graduation sweater :((
Tagging: Well... whoever wants to do this. Go for it :)
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iblamethenubbins · 4 years
Rules: Tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions.
tagged by: @deertiger hey you! long time no talk:D
3 ships: Brenda x Sharon; Supercat and probably Phryne x Jack because I’ve only just started season 2 I know they’re going to kiss at some point and I can’t wait because they burn is so slow omg
Last song: Jerusalema by  Master KG  (I’m obsessed)
Last movie: Palm Springs
Currently reading: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
Currently watching: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
Currently craving: nothing, I’m good as I am
Tagging: I’m not very social here lately but let’s see...
@catherinegrant @organasoloskywalker @mambospellman @starsinyourskyes @samueltanders @beingcuteismything @queenology @bethanyactually @ladynoblesong
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@beingcuteismything YOU GET ME SAME! I don’t know who decided that this is Luke/Charlie’s wardrobe but I want to personally thank them.
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jabthemoth · 4 years
Tagging - getting to know you
Tag 9 people to get to know you better.
I was tagged by @beingcuteismything so uh. Here we go:
Top 3 ships: Um. I don't really ship anymore unless it's shameless self-insert but Megatron/Starscream (Transformers), Hardy/Miller (Broadchurch), And uuuhh... *shrugs* fuckit, crackpair Moncharmin/Richard (Phantom of the Opera).
Lipstick or ChapStick: ChapStick.
Last song I listened to: Shadowfeet by Brooke Fraser.
Last movie I watched: ..... ???? STar Trek ??..?
Currently reading: Phantom by Susan Kay. Actually re-reading it.... Actually re-reading for the 4th or 5th time.... But also re-reading Perfume: Story of a Murderer simultaneously. Because I'm sad like that.
Tagging 9 people now, I guess~
@crimsonfirecat @mr-fell @thatbluemerm @kyuubaedoo @literallyaflame @pantelda @essencse @orbiculator @v8roadworrier
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inbroadwayvalley · 4 years
Tagging - getting to know you
Tag 9 people to get to know you better. 
I was tagged by @filikilithorinforever, thanks it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these!!! :) 
Top 3 ships: Harvey/Donna, Chandler/Monica and David/Patrick :) 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick.
Last song I listened to:  I thiiiiiiink it was ‘Bad Guy’ by Billie Eilish
Last movie I watched: Crazy Rich Asians
Currently ‘reading’: (aka I have a giant pile of books by my bed that I haven’t touched much - ‘The English Patient’ by Michael Ondaatje, ‘Bridget Jones’ Baby: The Diaries’ by Helen Fielding and ‘Shantaram’ by Gregory David Roberts
I’m tagging @curiousitykilledtheredhead, @beingcuteismything @ismiseangoddamnbatman @the-angry-pixie @blackheartedangelsandbrokenwings
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cryptid-of-lesbos · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @letskillthisbitchassclown ! I'm going to list 10 songs that have been impactful enough for me to randomly sing them / I know all the words to, otherwise I could never pick just 10 lol
List ten songs that you really like, each by a different artist (solo songs of band members count as a different artist than the band) and tag ten people.
1. No Scrubs - Bastille (cover)
2. Sampson - Regina Spektor
3. She Moves In Her Own Way - the Kooks
4. You and I - Ingrid Michaelson
5. From Eden - Hozier
6. All My Lovin - Jim Sturgess (cover)
7. Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae
8. The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
9. Mr. Brightside - the Killers
10. Blessings - Chance the Rapper
(+1 The Currents - Bastille, which I think is politically relevant atm 🤷‍♀️ but then I feel a lot of their later songs are so)
aaahhhh this was so hard and I am in a sleepy mood so I have a lot of low beats here instead of my Party Mood Faves lolol
If you haven't done it yet, @androace-cryptid @annabellioncourt @annanscott @beingcuteismything @tiffersaurus-rex @lockedinabookstore give it a try!(:
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