#being there for people as much as he feasibly can and whatnot
designernishiki · 1 year
interesting to think about how majima was first introduced as a character beating the shit out of someone for not-so-righteous reasons and thus from then on he was/is widely interpreted as morally grey and difficult to trust, but when yakuza 0 starts with an opening scene of kiryu beating someone to near-death for similarly not-so-righteous reasons, it’s just sorta glossed over and forgotten because he’s just so sweet and innocent and can do no wrong. like damn it’s okay to admit the guy has his issues, some just as bad and unresolved as majima’s, that makes him 1000% more interesting than a guy who’s every action is morally justifiable
#also. do people forget that he was 100% about to fucking murder shibusawa if not for nishiki physically stopping him#like believe me I blame kazama for conditioning him/enabling him to be like this and at that point kiryu was basically still a kid-#a naive and impressionable one despite being stubborn in other ways. but that doesn’t absolve him from all wrongs. and those wrongs don’t#make him completely morally bankrupt or evil or anything either he’s just. a guy who has issues and has made mistakes and who wants to be#the best he can be regardless.#tbh arguably he’s a little more morally grey than majima in some ways like.#on a more personal level? like when it comes to his relationships with others/how he treats those who care about him sometimes#and whatnot. if you hc him as autistic (which I do) some of that makes a bit more sense but either way I feel like he’s overall less conside#considerate of other people’s feelings in favor of his own wants and whatnot than majima is generally#if majima trusts a person he gives his fucking All for them without need for transaction most of the time. he’s very selfless (to a bit of#a suicidal degree at times) and just. yeah. he also obviously has his issues but. he’s a bit more reliable than kiryu when it comes to#being there for people as much as he feasibly can and whatnot#anyway#I could get into some stuff re: infantilizing characters who can be interpreted as autistic coded but#because hes not canonically autistic or anything I’m not gonna make too a big deal out of that#kiryu#yakuza#rambling
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dustgeonmeshi · 1 month
so i'm a ceramics student and this week is wet clay deadline so my brain has been nothing but pottery all week. which got me thinking about which dunmeshi characters would be into pottery. here, walk with me now.
ok so my number one candidate is marcille. given her lifespan i like to think she'd try plenty of new hobbies and i think she'd enjoy pottery when she got to make pretty things like vases. falin would definitely do it with marcille but her creations wouldn't be as graceful (she's a pinch pot kinda girl. it keeps the clay out of the feathers). i think marcille would try to get all of her friends to try it at some point because "it's a way for us to make memories while you're all still around..." would they like it? maybe. laios doesn't seem like the most delicate of people, so he'd probably be with falin in making more wonky (but fun) pinch pot cups and whatnot. chilchuck must have a delicate touch given his stature and his trap disarming skills, so i think he'd be surprisingly good at pottery. he'd be inclined to make functional vessels; pots, plates, bowls. marcille would tell him to spice it up and make something nice but he'd shrug her off. senshi's a big, strong guy, but he's not unable to be delicate. i think his strength could be a great asset in making larger vessels. i don't think he'd become passionate about pottery but he'd enjoy doing it for a little bit. izutsumi has claws which automatically makes it near impossible for her to throw on a potters wheel without it being a nightmare, so she's also chilling with laios and falin in pinch pot land. she'd hate it though. there's too much waiting involved with the entire process and she'd get impatient. plus, i think she'd lose interest after realizing the clay won't just magically do what she wants it to. i think she'd enjoy watching the potters wheel spin though, so she'd probably just watch marcille and chilchuck work. i had to google when potters wheels were invented to make sure this would be feasible in dunmeshi lore. did you know they can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians? very cool. what was i saying? anyways wet clay deadline is tomorrow night and im finally going to be free from the potters wheel
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inquisitorius-sin-bin · 8 months
5, 11, 23, 34
Thank you for asking!
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I love music but am the absolute worst at making playlists. It's more like a song or two here and there that reminds me of a piece. I made a feeble attempt at a Ride or Die playlist just now but it makes basically no cohesion.
I will say the plot of Ride or Die is more or less hinted at heavily in the song Kaisarion by Ghost (which is also, obviously, the name of Dralla's dactillion). It's about environmental destruction and loss of autonomy from an oppressive outside force.
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And of course, what happens to Dralla in the end is... fairly explicitly written in the song.
Then Ghost treated me again, putting out another song (I See No Evil) that quite literally repeats our most beloved Pau'an's name (from this work).
I Tsi-no evil, eh?
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And I've mentioned before that I can so perfectly hear the Plainsmen throat singing similar to music from The Hu.
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I got really lucky when I was searching for plausible ships for the Pyrefalcons to use in Fly or Fall. I needed a formidible fighting/cargo vessel that could plausibly be on Utapau around this time period, that the former Grand Inquisitor would know a bit about piloting, and it needed to be able to handle a crew of at least 5 with bunks and sonics and whatnot.
Then I found this gem:
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Okay, so even if these Gozantis were blown up, the Separatists at least had them in circulation over Utapau at some point, and it's feasible Wandering Star could have stolen one for their own purposes. The Grand Inquisitor was repeatedly shown on Admiral Konstantine's Gozanti during Rebels. He might have known enough about flying one to get by, and the plausible layouts I've found were definitely suitable for the work.
Also I once did some research for a dogfight I wrote between a Porax-38 Starfighter and the TIE Prototype Advanced v1. And honestly, the speeds these vessels are capable of in-atmosphere are insane. Marshall did some math, and realistically we never see these ships moving at speed because the TIE would get to maximum speed from a standstill in 0.01093 seconds. That's within 2.4 meters of forward travel. 20 consecutive TIE's could reach their top speed before a human could even react to the first one, and in that time it would have travelled over 2 football fields. Yet the Porax is listed as being 60X faster???
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I see now why Porax fighters were mostly piloted by droids.
Which, of course, had interesting implications in the chapter. Given a certain Wandering Star character's predilections towards droids...
23. how do you deal with writers block?
Normally I make writing a habit and try to get through at least a few sentences every time I open the document, regardless of how I'm feeling. But I'm going to be really honest here. As far as I'm aware, not a single person is up to date with my works. I have received absolutely 0 feedback for the last 7 chapters I have written. Numbers like this are extremely discouraging for something a pour my entire heart and soul into.
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And as a result, I haven't written more than a paragraph or two in weeks. I'm strongly considering stopping completely, which is why I try to do things like this to drum it up in myself to continue again.
34. how do you name characters and places?
Some of them come to me from dreams and whatnot. But for most of them, I like to use some kind of system. In Ride or Die, for example, we know Plainsmen are named after their fathers from whom they receive their marks, and borrow characters and syllables from other significant people to their parents' lives. I took a different approach with the dactillion, giving them latin-derived names because they are self-named, and the red robes of Pau'an and their armor shapes remind me of Roman aesthetics.
For places... much like names, I try to think of cultural influences and match phonetic sounds to other places on planet. But I never use name generators. I just come up with something with the right sound and mouthfeel for the character.
Like Reegale, it's like a hick accent mispronouncing "Regal". Which, given his history, is appropriate. It fits the sounds of other Pau'an names, but matches his story as the failed bastard son of a powerful gangster who is more of a common thug than his father. He has this warped sense of morality that makes him almost "gentlemanly" among his fellow gang members. But he's deeply too flawed and rash to really be a noble.
So yeah! Thanks again for asking! Here's hoping I can find the strength to keep writing through the tough times.
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Re CC discussion, I can see his original vision on paper for a show where male and female partners have a close rs that is platonic as being unique and interesting for a mainstream 90s TV show. While I like romance, seeing such a friendship would in other circumstances be cool. But (1) he mistakenly (not) cast GA and DD who had unbelievable chemistry which he and other writers would leverage for the show, and (2) he never wrote the characters as truly platonic or gave them / audience an reasonable alternative that was realistic (Scully was given very little apart from psychos / dodgy father figures and Mulder just had some horrible women). He then gave into the audience demand when he ran out of compelling stories in the later seasons and then blames shippers for poor writing choices despite them being the remaining viewers mainly. While feasible they could break up after all their traumas in revival, he could also have written them together with rs in background and focus on conspiracy or cases. He just doesn’t know how to write them as developed characters imo and not the will they / won’t they believer / sceptic. He then compounds by hitting back at critics. Anyway sorry for the long message 😅 love the show otherwise lol
Yes, exactly anon. I totally see where he's coming from and what his original idea was. The reason why I think he didn't give them other romantic interests is that he simply didn't want any kind of romance in the show. It seems to me that he just wanted to tell stories and the characters (Mulder and Scully) are just means to tell them.
That's why I also agree with you about him not knowing how to write them as a couple. That's a general problem in shows though. Like seriously nothing would have changed if season 7, aka the secret season of sex had been an actual season of sex. Just have them go home together, have them wake up together and whatnot.
No one wanted it to be *just* about their romance. But people can have both. Millions of people manage to have romantic relationships and *gasps* go to work in the morning. Sometimes even together!
I love the show, too anon. Very much so 😁
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lenyul · 2 years
To Sir, With Love Episode 4: It could have been worse, you could have joined an MLM
Oh no, we can't find Dong! That is a good thing. Right out the gate there are murder accusations flying left and right, and everyone thinks Li is acting very suspicious. In her defence, she was an accessory to murder, which can make people act kinda weird. The body is found in the lake, so the murder accusations continue, but now they carry a bit more weight.
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Fortunately for Li, the body doesn't show any signs of murder yet. But the human flesh-eating mushrooms could start growing any moment now, so let's hope we can get the funeral done as quickly as possible. Song - not knowing about the imminent mushrooms - thinks that maybe, acting a bit more normal would be nice, so burning the body has to wait.
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Meanwhile, Tian has to face a very uncomfortable question: Did my mom just kill someone to keep my position in the family? His mom tells him that he's just being silly, so all is well.
Apparently Chan's maid thinks it's very weird, that as soon as Dong died, Jia starts asking about the body, even though it's the most normal thing anyone is doing at the moment. The body has been taken to the temple, where the mushrooms are CGI growing on it, like he's an anime character sulking in a corner (except the mushroom is eating his flesh and blood).
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Unfortunately for Li, the boat does show signs of murder (from all the stabbing and whatnot). Yang is being a good boy and looking at the evidence, so he and Bua know something's up. Chan is very enthusiastic about joining this murder investigation against Li, and seems somewhat confused as to why they’re "just looking into Dong’s death" instead.
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Since Bua may have seen some things that could incriminate Li, it’s time to make sure that she won’t reveal any of it. Recent events have shown that intimidation, bribes and murder aren’t very effective at keeping someone quiet, so a different plan is needed. It's not easy to baby trap someone who can't have kids, but Li can be creative if she wants to be (and if she can’t just throw money and poison mushroom glitter at the problem). This feels more messed up than killing a person. Especially because it feels like Tian doesn’t realise what is happening beyond just getting another mom. They frame it like a choice, but she cannot say no. On one hand, refusing would break Tian's heart, and on the other hand there are implications. This forces Bua to align herself with Li and - by extension - Tian. No one in the house is neutral anymore, and family dinners are now at least three times more uncomfortable for everyone involved.
As a break from all the murder and family drama, we have the irresponsible financial decisions of Yingpin’s dad! It kind of shows how they got into their current situation. Some guys show up with a New & Exciting Business Opportunity for Yingpin's dad that involves buying oil from the Japanese soldiers and reselling it. At first this might sound like a multi-level marketing scam, but as Yingpin points it out, they're probably lying about buying the oil and they’re stealing it instead, which adds one more level to the scam. Luckily her father reminds her that they hate the soldiers. This means that stealing from them is automatically incredibly based and they shouldn’t worry about it too much. She is, for some reason, not convinced by this very sound argument, so she asks Yang for help (but only after she couldn’t find anyone else who could feasibly help her). This means the children are finally joining the fun of committing crimes, by impersonating a soldier!
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Soldiers are bad, so impersonating them is good, but then he uses their authority which is bad, but those guys were grifters anyway so who cares, they had it coming. Like they didn’t even steal oil from the army. Immediate crisis is averted, Yingpin buys Yang noodles to thank him, and loses her hat again because she's not the best at being a proper lady.
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Chan has had enough of no one being on her side, so she decides to tell Ma that something weird just happened, hoping that he'll help take down Li and Tian. This will inevitably backfire, because there is no outcome that would make both of them happy, but she doesn't really have other choices. Song is trying to stay out of the unexplained death situation and would never take her side against Li in anything else, Yang doesn't want to fight for the clan leadership, and everyone else is even more out of the question.
Tian finds a lost child at the market, so obviously he accompanies him home and plays with him and his sister.
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They are Lover Boy's siblings, so he gets scared and breaks down the door. While fixing the door Tian finds out that Jiu still has the handkerchief. Love really is stored in small pieces of fabric and acts of service. Tian offers help and immediately gets a splinter, so Lover Boy can take care of him. Tian tells a bedtime story and makes a promise to the kids, partially so he has an excuse to come by again. Lover Boy tells him to stay away because he doesn't belong there. Poor guy thinks they live in different worlds, rich guy doesn't see it that way.
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Questions for next time: How many more times will they show the corpse with the mushrooms? Why? Is there any possible negative consequence for throwing flesh-eating mushroom glitter all over the garden? Will the funeral go smoothly? Why not?
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Disaster Lineage on SpaceTube
With help from @atagotiak.
AU where Anakin, to destress during the war, starts making SpaceTube videos (Ahsoka likes video editing and uses this for practice, she's very excited to help).
But all of them are Knife Guy style of slightly threatening ASMR that goes in strange directions without ever being actually ominous but still make you feel like there's SOMETHING about to just. What.
Less knives and more... Weirdass junkyard electronics. Something more to do with droids or engines, while still providing plenty of opportunity to just go ham with polymers and whatnot.
Ahsoka: You're cool if I put these up on the holonet, right?
Anakin: Sure, if there's nothing that indicates who we are or where we're going. Opsec is important!
Ahsoka: Great!
[several months later]
Mace: Knight Skywalker, please tell me you're not the one giving people nightmares about old-fashioned radios.
Anakin: I'm what?
Anakin knows what's in the videos before they go up, specifically for the aforementioned opsec reasons, but he didn't know people were getting nightmares about it.
Ahsoka's also been playing director and keeps telling him to do something The Weird Way, so he knows she's going with 'no voice, just exaggerated ASMR' and absurd tangents to get things they could have just bought at a store, but he didn't know they were getting popular or were that unnerving.
Obi-Wan has established himself as a weirdass nerd. Often lit but occasionally zoology and also biology (brainworms anyone?) so he maybe also helps with weird stuff. He does a guest spot on the channel showing how to do an old-fashioned book-binding but it's done in the same "how the FUCK did that make an adhesive???" way as Anakin's.
(No faces, but they know it's a different person, because Anakin always wears gloves. His prosthesis is too distinctive to show. There are many, many theories about this.)
Snips specifically challenges them on how to explain something using minimal words (like how knife guy will explain why a certain process works with one chemical and another chemical, but that it works best with both chemicals plus heat, using only visuals, their chemical names, and a hardness meter).
Every dozen or so videos there's a completely voiceless GoPro helmet video of Ahsoka doing parkour through a major metropolis. Usually she does Coruscant, but sometimes she does her runs through a big city that any person with some disposable income or a job that requires travel (or, say, the daughter of someone who does long haul space trucking and tags along on school breaks) could feasibly end up in. Between that and the staggered upload dates, nobody can parse that she's following army deployments.
(She can't do it in the Wild because if she does that, someone might be able to doxx her as part of the 501st based on the vegetation.)
The Council does find out but like. As weird and confusingly ominous as it all is, at least it's a safe and harmless way to de-stress without breaking the code. Very "let the kids have their fun."
The 501st clones start their own channels (still going through Anakin or Rex or one of the scouts for OpSec) doing similar Silent Horror Crafting and lbr I feel like at least one of the guys in demolitions WOULD be, specifically, Knife Guy. They can't share any REAL weapons, obviously, but stupidly weird knives? Hell yeah.
Hardcase would be the equivalent explosives guy, but... all the same sharing a step by step way to make unconventional explosives is much much worse than sharing how to make weird knives. Sure the information is probably already available but lets not make it more available. A weirdass chocolate knife is no more dangerous than a normal kitchen knife.
So he goes "Well, I know a decent amount about materials engineering, nobody cares that much about knives, and the general can tell me if anything I use is impossible for Coruscant Civvies to get."
Ahsoka's videos always end with her stepping somewhere she can cast a shadow against a wall and give a thumbs up. There's just enough detail to confirm she's a Togruta, but she's wearing gloves and full sleeves so they don't even know her skin shade or anything.
Just shadow on a wall, giving a thumbs up.
That's probably the channel profile image. One of these, just with montrals:
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There are debates on whether the three sets of always gloved hands are the same person and/or what species they are. Four sets, bc there's at least one clone contributor.
I feel like, after the war is over (we are going for a HAPPY ENDING), and opsec is no longer quite the worry it was, they do a video of three side-by-sides that all play into each other (e.g. Ahsoka's runs involve picking up ingredients that she passes into the next frame just as Anakin needs them, the weird tiny oven that Anakin makes in part one of his video is passed along to be used for the baking of an adhesive for Obi-Wan's bookbinding).
And then the final bit is the screens melding as Ahsoka runs into the workshop they'd rented and the three of them posing at a mirror with whoever the clone cameraguys for Anakin and Obi-Wan's projects were.
FINAL REVEAL but only after the war is over.
There's a lot of screaming from people who were adamant that ONLY A JEDI could make that speeder jump because THEY WERE RIGHT.
After the big reveal there are now group parkour runs where Ahsoka takes one of her usual paths and lets Anakin and Obi-Wan go ahead of her so they're on camera. One time they land on a speeder for a few seconds, and Aayla leans out of the window below to give them a grin, just to make it clear that she volunteered to help with the bullshit.
Anyway, Knife Guy Anakin rights.
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icarusgf · 2 years
hi tony sorry for coming into your inbox like this but. im entering high school next year and im about to lose my mind 😭 i just have no idea what i should be doing right now or how i should be doing it. like college apps and whatnot or relatively far off but when the time comes i don't even know what to consider or how to look for anything. and really that's the only example that comes to mind because i feel like im doing nothing other than being online all day but i just don't know what i SHOULD do. and i came to you as you seem very well rounded and like you know exactly what're you doing and im just. not. ugh im really sorry about this but i just feel so lost and i really don't know what to do
hiii no worries at all!! here r some general tips but u can also check out my school tag or ask anything else <3 this got rly long so below the cut lol
don't be afraid to explore and just sign up for a lot of stuff. like genuinely if u have a club fair to explore activities at school just put urself down on the email list for anything that looks remotely interesting to u and try to go to at least one meeting. ur not committing to anything and can drop it anytime but it's nice to have a lot of options to just test the waters to see what u might like doing most.
u might feel like ur peers are way ahead of u but especially in ur first two years of hs, it is definitely not too late to start something new. i applied to and did this science summer program before junior year because it looked cool having 0 knowledge in the field i was placed in and it ended up being one of the biggest things i dedicated myself to during hs. i played a completely new sport in sophomore year bc of scheduling conflicts and it was the most fun i ever had being athletic. this guy i know started speech&debate his junior year and ended up a national champion by the time he graduated hs. sometimes people with natural talent will just always have an advantage but especially in hs i've found that most activities are accessible enough so that u can get good at them simply if u enjoy them and invest ur amount of time into them.
don't feel bad for not knowing what u want to do in the future! i didn't have any clue what i wanted to do in the future until i started actually writing my college app essays. and even since then what i want to do now has shifted so much since what i thought i was going to do then. i kind of just looked at what i'd done throughout hs, thought about what classes i enjoyed, and chose a major that aligned with that. ik people say "follow ur passion" but idt i even know what i'm passionate about now 💀 just look at ur options and choose which ones u like and everything will follow
kind of counterintuitive to the first point (but not really) but quality > quantity. what i mean is that after u explore ur options and figure out what activities u really enjoy, focus on those and really dedicate urself to them. it's much more enjoyable to really find what fulfills u and do that to the max rather than simply dabbling in a bunch of clubs that u might not really actually like. (also when it comes to writing college essays it's a lot easier to build a narrative abt an activity if u like.. actually put work into it and enjoyed it).
grades are important but also... don't kill urself over them. study for ur tests but please please please do not beat urself up over a bad grade bc i promise u it will not be the one factor that kills ur chances for anything. i was MISERABLE in physics i think i got a 60 on my first lab report had a solid 70 average in my quiz category and i put myself thru so much grief for that class for like. absolutely nothing. and i am still headed to mit to study random science-y shit so like.. as someone who used to run herself ragged over studying for tests it is important.. but not worth that.
sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep. ik the general advised "8 hrs" is really not feasible for most people but like. i try to get in bed and asleep between 11-12 everyday and it does WONDERS. obv it may not be possible but genuinely esp as u get older i would say get ur sleep, submit ur assignment late if u have to.
i have friends who would go to the library every day during lunch instead of. actually eating bc they had so much work and like. not to say don't do ur work but as someone whose last day of hs is tomorrow i'm telling u u do not want to miss the little things like eating lunch with ur friends or hanging out. ik these tips were mostly academic and like.. high school is school but i strongly advise u to push urself to go to at least one school game or school dance or just. spend some time with ur friends bc it really does end before u know it :,)
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shihalyfie · 3 years
The different aspects of Miyako’s personality and character arc
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Miyako is a character where there’s just a lot going on with her in general, and asking different people to summarize Miyako in one phrase could feasibly get you some very different answers -- “the computer nerd girl”, or “the one who keeps talking about boys”, or “the one who panics all of the time”, or whatnot. Given that there’s so much to unpack at once even from her base profile, ironing out the full extent of her character arc can get a bit tricky, and there’s a lot going on with it. So, given that: Who is Miyako, anyway?
Miyako’s background and personality
Miyako is a character that I think is best understood by understanding what kind of person she is, and the personality and mentality she goes into the story of 02 with.
An interesting background story behind Miyako’s creation is that she’s based off a real person -- more accurately, a certain assistant producer on the series (whose identity has remained undisclosed, presumably for privacy reasons) was used as a reference for her behavior and actions. Although Adventure and 02 have a philosophy of portraying realistic human behavior in general, this level of specificity is a unique designation to have, and series director Kakudou Hiroyuki has referred to this a few times over the years -- it seems she’s the only of the Tokyo Chosen Children to have such a concrete single-person reference, and it’s also the reason her blood type of AB and star sign Gemini were given in 02 episode 25 (the other kids don’t have mentioned birthdays or blood types to prevent personality restrictions via horoscoping, but a real person having Miyako’s personality, star sign, and blood type wouldn’t make that as much of an issue). Even Volcano Ota himself confirmed Miyako’s resemblance to her upon hearing it after the fact! Indeed, a lot of 02 fans (especially adults) have admitted that Miyako’s probably one of the most relatable people in the cast, namely because her gushing about things she likes and panicking at things that overwhelm her is...well, a bit too uncomfortably on-point at times.
(And especially since so much about Miyako’s character has to do with how happy she makes everyone around her, it’s not too hard to imagine that the staff was so fond of her real-life inspiration that they wanted to pay tribute to her in such a way...)
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Still, Miyako is a fictional character, one with her own backstory and interactions in 02′s story, and said backstory is such: she comes from a family that runs a convenience store in Odaiba, and is the youngest of a family of four siblings. Running a convenience store on a small island means that Miyako has probably seen a lot of the island’s residents, and her family also has various levels of connections to the other kids’ families (her older sisters Momoe and Chizuru are friends of Daisuke’s sister Jun, and Chizuru is Yamato’s classmate). Moreover, she’s befriended her nine-year-old neighbor (one who otherwise has trouble socializing with his peers) to the point of regularly going over to do computer repairs for his family. She’s also worked in the computer club under Koushirou, and even before the series has started, she looks up to him and adores him in a way not entirely unlike how Daisuke looks up to Taichi -- and although it’s unclear whether or not she started after the beginning of 02, 02 episode 29 reveals that she helps Yamato with his band.
The pattern here is that Miyako is extremely sociable, and one who actively pokes her nose into nearly everything so she can help out. This makes her a very different sort of Mom Friend from Sora -- both of them are Crest of Love holders for good reason, but in Sora’s case, she was compulsively going out of her way to help other people to the point of exhaustion, and her character arc was about trying to find a way to detach herself from obligations and do something for herself. Miyako is the complete opposite -- she’s the kind of extrovert who actively enjoys poking her head into other people’s business, picking up a bunch of peripheral hobbies so she can do something useful for everyone and go I’M HELPING!! If you actually look closely at those hobbies of “computer programming and hacking”, “hardware tinkering”, and “sound engineering”, other than vaguely being related to computers, they are completely different skillsets, and every single one of them is one Miyako’s depicted employing in order to help someone else out. (Koushirou is never really depicted as having super amazingly high technical skill and most of his unique talent comes from being a thorough analyst, but in contrast, while Miyako is established as being good at even hacking in Diablomon Strikes Back, she doesn’t really seem to have a huge propensity for deep analytical thought.) It’s hard to tell if she has any personal preference for any of them as much as she basically turned herself into a jack-of-all-trades so she could do whatever job was necessary for someone else.
If we’re to believe the official 02 site, Miyako’s been a bit pampered by her family -- as the youngest of four siblings, she’s the “baby of the family”, who hasn’t had to live with a ton of responsibility for others. This means that, much like Mimi, she seems to have been raised surrounded by a ton of affection, which is why she herself is such an openly affectionate person who’s open-minded towards trying all sorts of things, and why she’s used to wanting to help others by actively throwing herself into situations -- but it also means that, being the youngest of a family who is now in the situation of being the oldest in a new group, she ends up in Jou’s situation of suddenly being faced with the pressure of the concept of proper responsibility for others.
As far as Miyako’s general personality goes, she is constantly overflowing with affection and cheer and a desire to dote on everyone -- but the flip side is that she’s also aggressive. She has zero sense of restraint. (If you ever get around to listening to the Japanese version of 02, Natsuki Rio’s performance is energetic and over-the-top in almost every way imaginable to the point that you get the impression of Miyako as someone who doesn’t easily run out of batteries -- at least, until things start getting really serious.) When she loves something, she’ll gush about it as if there were hearts floating around her (and, depending on the level of closeness, even jump in and physically hug them), and she has no qualms against physically manhandling if she feels she needs to, and if she dislikes something, she will make it very clear (including yelling very loudly about it). You could argue that she’s actually closer to the archetype of the brash shounen protagonist than Daisuke himself is!
In fact, Miyako and Daisuke have very similar temperaments -- pure-hearted, but also rough around the edges -- but can be distinguished by the fact that while Daisuke is actually deferential and somewhat lacking in assertion, Miyako is actually aggressive, and while Daisuke’s “honesty about his feelings” is mainly because he’s too simple-minded to be any good at hiding anything, Miyako’s honesty is because she has no brain-to-mouth filter, and everything she’s thinking comes out of her mouth before she can control it -- in other words, Miyako has a huge case of foot-in-mouth syndrome. She doesn’t want to be insensitive, but it keeps coming out of her mouth before she can control it -- and even worse, her emotions are prone to taking control of her, and she is very prone to getting overwhelmed and collapsing into a massive panic.
If you think about the two archetypes of “girl who takes care of everyone” and “aggressive action girl”, Miyako has a tendency towards both at once, and moreover there’s an extra nail in it -- most “action girls” in the latter category would be portrayed as badass, put-together characters with a cool personality, but Miyako is a mess. She’s prone to panicking, all over the place, and her tendency to get in-your-face is not exactly in the most dignified manner. And as a result, a huge part of her character arc (as we will be going more into detail about below) is that she’s aware of this and doesn’t like this about herself -- because she doesn’t want to be insensitive or rude, and in fact she wants to be someone who can better help and take care of others, but, in her mind, her own personality keeps getting in the way.
Miyako in 02
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After fully becoming a Chosen Child in 02 episode 2, it only takes one more episode for Miyako to bring food for everyone, as if to say “Right! I’m going to be working with everyone now! All of you are now my new best friends!” (”Bringing food for people” is one of Miyako’s many ways of showing love, given that she returns from Kyoto in 02 episode 34 and immediately hands off souvenir yatsuhashi to Koushirou.) And with that, Miyako settles into the archetype of the group’s “mood maker” -- someone whose role is to keep everyone in emotionally high spirits by influencing everyone with cheer and energy. 02 episode 5 features the debut of her famous “Digital Gate, open! Chosen Children, let’s roll!” catchphrase -- this and her other famous “Bingo!” catchphrase establish her as the only of the Tokyo Chosen Children to have a catchphrase (at least, in the Japanese version). Because catchphrases are fun.
As much as everyone (especially Daisuke) is a bit blindsided by her behavior at first, they eventually come to embrace the positive effect she has on all of them -- Daisuke very genuinely asks her for “the usual cheer” in 02 episode 10, and, all the way in 02 episode 22, this is such an agreed-on and established role that they’ll still wait on her to do the honors even when they’re in a hurry. So in other words, it didn’t take long for Miyako to go out of her way to shower everyone with cheer, and it didn’t take long for everyone to answer to that cheer and appreciate her for it.
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The flip side of this, however, is that Miyako doesn’t start off being very emotionally equipped to handle this -- right off the bat in 02 episode 2, she says that she’s not inclined for fighting, and in 02 episode 4, she refers to it as being “like an adventure game”. That is to say, she’s not at the point where she’s able to handle the full gravity of what she’s just involved herself with (Daisuke reminds her that she’d panicked earlier, but she just blows it off). She’s handling it so cheerfully now because the series is still in its early stages, when she can enter and exit the Digital World at will, and she’s capable of treating it like this.
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So when the stakes do get higher, she’s the first one to take the stress hard. As mentioned before, she’s the youngest in her family, now recast as the oldest in this group -- but unlike Jou, who consciously knew this fact and took stress onto himself because of the responsibility this entailed, Miyako seems to repeatedly forget that she’s the oldest in this group, and the events of 02 episodes 9-10 (when Agumon is kidnapped) cause her to break down from stress and have to take a time-out. (Which everyone allows her to do, because this is not a series where people are pressured to fight if they’re not emotionally ready for it.) Miyako comes to terms with the fact that the stakes are going to keep escalating, and she can’t just gloss over everything with cheer -- and she does manage to pull herself enough to bring Yamato into the fray at the end of the episode, but this continues to be a recurring theme for the rest of her character arc.
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While we’re discussing these early parts of the series, one thing I want to briefly address is the part where Miyako infamously calls a lot of people hot. (Although, not as many as the fanbase would love to make you think; it’s only four people in total.) This tends to get her pinned as some kind of flirt whose head is only filled with being hot for people, but while she’s certainly a bit on the shallow end at this point of the series -- dealing with that being what this character arc is about, after all -- this trait of hers tends to get exaggerated by a lot of people in the audience as if she’s completely lacking in common sense. Miyako’s ridiculous (and we love her for it), but she does have some degree of grip on herself! Context is important here -- she might show a crush on someone, but at no point in the series itself does Miyako show any indication of seriously thinking of full-on dating.
For Miyako, who’s accustomed to just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind, commenting on someone being hot is like commenting on the weather -- she means it as a compliment, but there’s no evidence she thinks she has a chance with any of them, let alone wanting to try dating. This is especially when you take into account her self-esteem issues that we learn about later in the series, and also...well, the fact she’s only twelve. (Remember: even Daisuke’s thing for Hikari comes out as a lot of unfocused affection, and it’s unlikely he’s seriously considered the concept of following that up with a serious relationship -- any serious prospects of romance or dating are not going to be on the table for these kids for a while.) Miyako has also been accused by some of being abysmally shallow for still complimenting Ken’s looks in 02 episode 9 (after it’s already apparent he’s the Kaiser), but although she certainly is a bit shallow at this point of the series, she’s not that lacking in common sense; Iori got in on it too in this scene, and both of them were doing it to tease Daisuke more than they seriously wanted to compliment the Kaiser all that much. So in essence, it’s just “Miyako has eyes” -- she still completely agrees he’s their enemy and she’s not going to judge him any better for his looks, but she also doesn’t see this as a reason to lie about the fact she thinks he’s visually good-looking, especially if it’s to tease Daisuke about it.
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In any case, 02 episode 14 digs a lot more into Miyako’s stance on herself regarding others -- in 02 episode 6, Miyako met Mimi for the first time, and latched onto her for their similar dispositions and her looking up to Mimi for being beautiful, amazing, and cool (and she should, because she’s right). 02 episode 14 adds another layer to this, however, when Miyako spends the duration negatively comparing herself to Mimi. At first it starts off as simply just shallow jealousy for Michael giving Mimi more attention, but as the situation with Digitamamon escalates, Miyako spends a prolonged period of time trying to figure out Mimi’s behavior of pure-heartedly choosing to trust Digitamamon despite everything, against Miyako’s insistence that Digitamamon’s behavior proves that he was untrustworthy the whole time.
Mimi and Miyako’s stances are both on extremes here -- Mimi’s pacifistic tendencies are causing her to let her get beaten up by Digitamamon despite the fact that “appealing to people’s hearts” has never really been demonstrated as a good way to get Evil Rings off (to be fair, this is probably the first time they’ve made an attempt at this with a Digimon that can still talk coherently with it on), but Miyako’s acting as if this retroactively proves him to be untrustworthy even though she knows that the Evil Rings are tantamount to brainwashing. Nevertheless, Miyako acknowledges that her own stance was borne out of her being shallow and judgmental, especially since the discussion between Mimi and Digitamamon brings out a question about the meaning of the “true self”.
Miyako, at this point, is confronting everything that’s bad about herself -- that she’s shallow and not as much of a “good person” as Mimi is. But the Crest of Purity -- once meaning “lack of malice” back when it applied to Mimi in Adventure -- now has a secondary meaning of “not lying to oneself” (the dub translation of “Sincerity” is not actually that off in this sense), and it also means that Miyako is not going to get anywhere pretending or forcing herself to be someone she’s not. The secondary Digimental arc has a recurring theme of understanding that there are still things you need to learn and improve on in order to do better, and this is Miyako’s version of it -- she will have to acknowledge all of the bad parts of herself before she can get anywhere and become a kind person like Mimi is -- and, indeed, becoming less shallow and judgmental and not jumping to conclusions, and learning to reach out to more substantial cores of the problem, ends up becoming a major part of her character arc in the latter half of the series.
This episode also implies one more thing, even if she doesn’t realize it yet at this moment: the path to her becoming a less shallow and more considerate person is not going to involve trying to force herself to be like Mimi, but rather in a way that’s closer to her “true self”.
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Miyako’s first major turning point is in 02 episode 18, an episode that’s said to have such a profound impact on her that even Natsuki Rio testified to having to alter her Miyako performance thereafter.
Back in 02 episode 10, Miyako first started to realize that this whole experience of fighting as a Chosen Child was a lot more stressful than it seemed at first, and reacted badly to it. Here, the ante gets upped even more -- the kids decide to make use of their summer break and organize a Digital World stakeout, and, eventually, Hikari accidentally becomes indirectly responsible for tipping Miyako over the deep end by making an implication that they need more “determination” to the point of refusing to leave until they’ve beaten the Kaiser. (Remember that Hikari can be terrifyingly assertive as long as it’s not something to do with herself.) For Miyako, who’s never had the same experience of being in the Digital World for a prolonged period of time the same way the Adventure group has, this is terrifying, and she tries to “get herself together” over the night -- only to completely overshoot it and go into the complete other extreme. As much as this ends up being one of Miyako’s peak hilarity moments, it’s most certainly representative of her being under a huge amount of pressure and stress, and it’s effectively her “peak worst” moment -- which results in Hawkmon ending up having to cover for her, and getting injured in the process, and Miyako immediately realizing how badly she’d messed up.
Miyako is thus forced to face a major consequence of her behavior: if she doesn’t manage to figure out a way to get herself under control, other people will be hurt, and as someone who wants to do her best for other people, that’s one of the worst possible outcomes for her. 
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In addition, it’s also important to point out Hikari’s role in this. The Jogress arcs have yet to set in, but the series still gives you a little preview of what’s to come eventually, such as the insight we get about Daisuke and Ken’s initial attitudes towards each other in 02 episode 8, and Iori later personally witnessing (and being very disturbed by) Takeru losing his composure in 02 episode 19. In this case, we see a bit of what Miyako and Hikari’s opposing personalities can offer for each other (especially since the later 02 episode 31 more heavily involves Miyako returning the favor in the other direction) -- Hikari correctly identifies exactly what it was that set Miyako off, takes responsibility for it, and even decides to make sure Miyako and Hawkmon get proper alone time so that they can figure things out. In general, everyone in the 02 team is understanding of Miyako’s antics and doesn’t hold any of it against her because she’s doing her best, but right now, Hikari may be the only person in this group who can actually proactively do something about it, because Daisuke’s not assertive enough to step in, Takeru has a tendency to dodge things whenever they get awkward, and Iori’s holding himself back too much for the sake of manners (especially in the presence of Miyako, who’s the oldest one in this group). But while Hikari does have an emotional repression problem, she’s perfectly capable of holding herself together and putting her foot down when it comes to other people, and because of this, she’s the one who’s able to understand what exactly is going on with Miyako, and how to adjust the situation around her to make things easier for her.
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Miyako and Hawkmon have a proper heart-to-heart, and we see more of Miyako’s self-hating tendencies going on here -- she refers exactly to her problems with impulse control, and even labels herself a “bad partner” as a result. But Hawkmon reassures her that she’s fine the way she is, and it ties into how a larger theme of her character arc will involve her learning to find better ways to channel the qualities she already has, rather than trying to force herself to be someone she’s not.
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Once the Kaiser is defeated, the second half of the series is where we start to see Miyako’s growth start to really kick in. In 02 episode 24, there’s a short blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene where Miyako suddenly takes Daisuke and puts him in charge of taking care of the Punimon. Why is this important? Because two episodes prior, Daisuke had been running around in circles like an idiot due to having been third wheeled by Takeru and Hikari, and the moment Daisuke started exhibiting similar signs this time, Miyako personally stepped in and gave him a job to do -- and her actions of keeping an eye on them and her conversation with Takeru and Hikari indicate that she did it exactly because she figured that he would like it. Or, in other words, Miyako correctly identified Daisuke’s need for validation and purpose, and became the first person to proactively do something to address it -- Hikari and Takeru had generally been dodging it awkwardly for the duration of the series, which had only really been making it worse, and, in the absence of another crisis to take care of or someone like Ken to fill the void in Daisuke’s life, Miyako was able to properly figure out exactly what he needed at the moment as a stopgap, and thus is starting to settle into her proper role of understanding what others need in terms of emotional support and actively working to address it.
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Since the second half of 02 is dedicated to Ken slowly establishing his place in the group, 02 episode 25 is dedicated to Miyako tussling with her conflicted feelings on the situation -- she’s just as open-minded and pure-hearted as Daisuke is, but the one thing that’s bothering her is that she’s a little more doubtful than he is in regards to whether Ken’s heart is really in the right place with all of this. She says, outright, that she believes he’s learned his lesson -- in a way far more firm than Takeru, Hikari, and Iori are about it -- but that one thing about him having potentially killed Thunderballmon in cold blood doesn’t fit the optimistic image she’d like to have of him.
Daisuke is more practical-minded than she is and is more willing to accept that there might have been a good reason -- especially since he himself starts to consider in this very episode that killing an enemy may be necessary if it’s the only way to prevent more victims -- but Miyako is more emotionally oriented and just can’t accept the idea of doing this at all. Both the internal debate over accepting Ken and the internal debate over having to potentially do a kill tear her apart over the course of this episode, and Miyako finds herself constantly waffling back and forth between the two positions. It’s not just her expressing minor doubt; she actually agonizes over this for the duration of the night and the next day, to the point she even considers asking him about it (and eventually can’t bring herself to).
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It’s also made a prominent point that Miyako’s prior attraction to Ken in 02 episode 8 was not the reason she wanted to be optimistic about him -- remember, back in 02 episode 14, she completely admitted that she judges people by appearances, but at this point she’s well past that! Miyako takes this entire issue of whether Ken should be considered a friend very seriously, and that’s why it torments her so much over the course of the episode.
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Eventually, all is resolved (at least, for the time being) when it turns out that Ken has been dealing with non-sentient Dark Tower Digimon, and Miyako takes this as sufficient evidence that Ken has changed -- the morality debate about killing comes back in full force in 02 episode 43, and Ken himself ends up just as shaken about it, so the important part is that she understands that he’s trustworthy and wants to put faith in him. Attention is also given to Miyako deciding she’ll now call him by given name (”Ken-kun”) from now on -- even Daisuke himself won’t start calling him “Ken” regularly until 02 episode 39, but Miyako starts slowly inserting given-name basis for Ken into her vocabulary from this point on until she finally commits to it fully in 02 episode 30. This is a proactive and conscious act on Miyako’s part that she actively wants to get to know him better and consider him a close friend, and it’s because of this that she ends up one of the only people who never gets habituated into surname basis with him by the time everyone’s come to properly befriend him.
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So, at this point: Within only one episode (and, in-universe, one day), Daisuke and Miyako landed on the same page with their ideological stance towards Ken. They’re both open-minded and forward-thinking, and have an interest in becoming his friend (the next person to show active and open goodwill towards him, Hikari, won’t do so for another 9 episodes). However, despite their surface temperaments being somewhat similar, they have some differences in their priorities and way of approaching things, and it means that each of them ends up reaching out to Ken in ways that the other isn’t as good at. Daisuke, being the very practical and simple-minded sort who doesn’t overthink things or get caught in arbitrary philosophy, is the one who most proactively reaches out to Ken and most famously connects with him the most due to Ken very badly needing guidance in how to move on forward and stop getting fixated on his past. Miyako, on the other hand, being very much the type to consciously think about things (to the point of sometimes thinking about too many things at once) and focus on “how do I most show my support for someone right now?”, puts her priorities on checking on Ken’s current emotional state and actively attempting to glean his feelings and position. 02 being a series about relationships and what people can provide for each other, this ends up reflecting on their roles in the group as a whole -- Daisuke becomes the person who can pull everyone forward in determining the best thing to do, whereas Miyako fills in the parts his rough-around-the-edges demeanor doesn’t quite cover in terms of supporting everyone emotionally and keeping them together.
And thus, Miyako resolves to “wait” until the day Ken will join them -- that is to say, she takes the stance that Ken deserves proper space and to come on his own terms. It’s an interesting inversion of the usual roles you’d expect from Daisuke and Miyako at this point -- and, again, since 02 is about relationships, “each character’s approach towards the new kid and how it impacts them” reflects a lot about their own characters. For Daisuke and Miyako, who were open-minded towards Ken early in the game, you can already see the impact on them -- the necessity of reaching out to Ken causes the normally deferential Daisuke to become more proactive and put his foot down, whereas the normally uncontrollably in-your-face Miyako comes to understand when something needs to be handled delicately and starts getting a better grasp on the concept of restraint.
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Which means that Miyako’s actions regarding Ken in the following episodes are significantly more passive than Daisuke’s are, but it’s clear that she’s still supportive. Moreover, it’s also important to establish that she and Daisuke aren’t fighting about this or anything -- Miyako does want Ken to come around eventually, so she doesn’t stop the more proactive Daisuke from reaching out to Ken in an important way, but she instead exerts her position in ways such as joining in with the others reminding him that Ken might have gotten a bit emotionally overwhelmed by the Jogress (and thus that it’s understandable that he might need some time to parse this before pushing the issue further). The way Miyako words this statement so casually can easily be a distraction from the fact that she is completely correct -- as we see later, Ken did emotionally freak out the moment the incident was resolved and had to go home to think about this. Scatterbrained as Miyako may seem, as the series proceeds, it turns out that she has a natural propensity for empathy that means she’s capable of making perfectly correct readings of the situation, even without her thinking that hard about it.
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Not that she’s correct all of the time, though. 02 episode 30 has her attempt to get Ken and Iori to hopefully be a little less tense around each other end in complete disaster (although to be fair to her, it’s not like she and Daisuke were particularly forceful about it, it’s just that their plan was so poorly set up that it was too easy to read the motive behind, and it’s ultimately thrown off because -- as Daisuke correctly points out -- the two are being really childish about it.) But in response, Miyako takes direct action and responsibility to fix the situation when Ken continues to refuse to help despite how badly the situation is escalating, and when she finally reaches him, she gets frustrated at the fact he’s being so stubborn, smacks him, and personally drags him back over. Miyako cared a lot about this, she had wanted Ken and Iori to get along for no reason of personal benefit to herself but more because she cared that much about the group’s dynamic and friendship, and she’d held herself back so much because she was worried about him, but here he’s taking all of that and still giving them all the cold shoulder when everyone is in grave danger, and all of that frustration causes her to break down at once.
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And note Ken’s reaction -- he’d been holding off on the grounds that he was being a burden on everyone’s friendship, but he sees Miyako distraught and upset and calling him an idiot (i.e. his whole pretense of not hurting others has clearly not worked here), and his “idiot...?” comes out flustered and off-guard, and he shows no resentment towards her thereafter and comes quietly with no protest, even holding a hand to the place she’d smacked him as if mulling in agreement that he deserved that. So, again: Even when Miyako is coming to all of these conclusions in a haphazard manner, it doesn’t change the fact that her readings of these situations are often completely correct.
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02 episode 31 is another landmark episode in which we get a lot of insight into Miyako’s current feelings regarding herself in comparison to others, and what she’s trying to achieve at this point in the series. Daisuke makes an offhand remark at the beginning of the episode about Hikari being more “kind” than Miyako (”kind” having a double meaning of “gentle” in Japanese, so Daisuke’s mainly referring to Miyako being such a rough and belligerent person). The way Miyako takes this statement indicates that Daisuke had accidentally just hit a very deep-seated complex within her -- Miyako had never liked the fact she was aggressive and belligerent and in-your-face (remember, back in 02 episode 14, she was constantly negatively comparing herself to Mimi for not being as good of a person as her, and now this has extended to Hikari, who “keeps so much inside”.). As the crisis in the episode escalates, Miyako continues to fall victim to her foot-in-mouth syndrome, saying things and instantly regretting it, because she sees herself as making the situation worse -- and especially when it comes to a situation also involving Ken, whom she’s actively trying to reach out to right now. Her frustration at the fact she can’t see what Ken and Hikari see is because, unable to understand what they’re talking about or what their feelings are, she’s basically a sitting duck who can’t do anything while things are getting worse for them.
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Which ultimately results in Miyako completely losing her marbles and Hikari having to smack her out of it -- again, recall that in 02 episode 18, it was shown that Hikari is one of the few people who has enough assertiveness to be able to rein in Miyako’s behavior, and even outright admits that Miyako is a bit of a handful. Miyako, as it seems, had been carrying a complex that Hikari had been thinking of her badly for all of this -- but Hikari then proceeds to reveal the flip side of all of this: she’s also conversely jealous of Miyako for being able to express herself so clearly and easily, because she herself is the type who compulsively represses her own feelings about herself, which is why nobody had been able to properly reach out to her for the duration of Adventure and 02.
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For someone who had spent so much time considering herself a “bad person” and a “worse person” in comparison to people like Mimi and Hikari, that someone considers her qualities outright enviable is a huge deal -- it’s not that Miyako’s an objectively worse person than all of the other people who aren’t as rough or in-your-face, but rather, that those qualities can bring out positive things in their own way. And, immediately after that, we see one of those things -- she makes Hikari laugh, thanks to her antics. Of course, it involves Miyako being a bit all over the place and making a lot of mistakes, but even she admits “I guess it is funny.”
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And there’s another thing to this, too: Miyako continues to end up with foot-in-mouth as she casually refers to things like the Evil Ring and Ken being the Kaiser with zero fanfare, before realizing seconds after that she probably shouldn’t be doing that in front of him, but, once again, even without her realizing, her evaluation is not incorrect -- although the fact he’s extremely out of it doesn’t make that clear quite yet in this episode, Ken is not the kind of person who’s touchy about acknowledging that he was the Kaiser, and, by his own statement in 02 episode 23, his stance is that he wants to “accept everything about it”, take responsibility, and move on. So here we are with Miyako, who just casually tossed that statement out like it was no big deal, has accepted his past with no lingering grudge against him, and even made a casual evaluation about him presumably having the same resilience he had as the Kaiser, which, again, is completely accurate. All of this is exactly the kind of attitude that Ken needs to be surrounded by right now, and Miyako had just touched on this without even thinking that hard about it, and also is still making it clear she doesn’t want him to feel bad about it...
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And so, the episode’s climax has Miyako finally attaining the solution to the question of reaching out to Hikari, the one that nobody had been able to successfully accomplish throughout Hikari’s childhood of never expressing herself properly and the majority of Adventure and 02: to get Hikari to stop being so passive and accepting her inevitable fate because she doesn’t want to burden others, someone as aggressive as her will need to reach her and yank her out, and hit all of the exact points about understanding that someone will be there for her and that she should not accept this defeatist mentality. Hikari is unusually, unhealthily passive, and Miyako, being outwardly aggressive and someone who never hesitates to be blunt about things, is the best person to yank her out of this; it was never a sign of her being a “bad person”, just something she needed to channel in the right direction.
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At the end of the episode, we’re also reminded once again that this is a series about relationships, so this kind of growth is important to everyone’s relationships with others as well -- thanks to Miyako’s efforts, Hikari is finally able to speak honestly with Takeru in contrast to her way of leaving off in silence with him at the end of 02 episode 13, and Miyako herself is happy that she’s finally gotten to have a better understanding of both Hikari, whom she herself had been unsure about the position of earlier, and Ken, whom she’d been worried she hadn’t been reaching out to in the right way.
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While Ken was out of it during said episode and unable to coherently respond, we do get confirmation that he himself has hopped on the train of respecting Miyako’s intent well enough that he doesn’t hold anything over her -- during 02 episode 33, a mere three episodes after she’d personally slapped him in the face and two episodes after he’d practically seen her at her emotional worst, he still takes it upon himself to personally deliver Poromon to Kyoto and trust her to handle the rest. This isn’t that particularly interesting by itself, but moreso in terms of the context this is in -- this is a point where Ken’s still at awkward arm’s length with a lot of the team (including even Daisuke, in some ways), and he’s seen Miyako do all of the above messy things only not too long ago, but he still is comfortable enough around her and trusting enough in her abilities that he’s okay with casually approaching her and saying “you got this.” So it’s working, all things considered!
We also learn that Miyako had trusted Koushirou with Poromon during her trip to Kyoto, which says a lot about the fact she trusts her senior that much -- and, on a meta level, seems there specifically to facilitate the existence of the above scene (it would have been very easy to save time by just having Poromon accompany Miyako from the get-go and ending Ken’s involvement in the episode at his conversation with Koushirou...).
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The following episodes also meanwhile establish that Miyako’s relationship with Hikari has been improving a lot -- with Miyako now actually understanding what Hikari needs, she’s much more proactive in reaching out to Hikari, and it’s even said directly by Iori in 02 episode 36 that their relationship seems to have gotten much better now. And, once again, Miyako’s antics are depicted as making people laugh -- note her and Hawkmon’s over-the-top advertisement performance doing so for everyone in the vicinity.
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Which is also reinforced, again, in 02 episode 38, when this even spreads to Ken himself, in a moment that’s said to be particularly unusual and portrayed as one of the first times Ken has been able to be truly carefree in a long time. Again, the point here is: Miyako’s “all-over-the-place” nature brings joy to other people, and that “she makes people laugh” is continually reinforced as a symbol of this over the course of the second half of the series.
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Beyond that, the visit to Ken’s house kicks off with Miyako noticing the picture of Osamu and asking about it, to the point she’s shown leaning over and staring at it for quite a while -- Koushirou had allegedly informed her about it earlier, and a whole point is made that she’s the one very prominently wanting to understand more about Ken and his background.
Also, Miyako reminds us all that she still does think Ken is attractive, but it’s a huge contrast to her behavior from back in 02 episode 8, when she knew nothing about him except that he was some celebrity genius boy -- she got completely worked up about it, moped about it for a whole day, and even dragged the fixation into the next day when she started aggressively confronting Daisuke about it, but we’re here 30 episodes later with Miyako actually considering him an important friend that she respects the feelings of, and she simply casually tosses out the statement of him being cute in her usual “like it’s commenting on the weather” manner, with no extra weirdness about it.
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We close up some of the threads of Miyako's character arcs when Miyako herself is forced to confront the possibility of fighting an enemy to the kill in 02 episode 44, and Silphymon is eventually forced to kill LadyDevimon to save Miyako's life. Miyako’s emotional reaction is given the most attention here, since she herself had fixated so much on the horror of potentially killing Golemon back in 02 episode 25 -- in fact, everything Miyako does in this episode is about her emotional empathy and empathy for others, in that she rails on LadyDevimon for being a “coward” who hurts other people. Eventually, it’s once again the assertive Hikari who’s able to get her back on her feet by putting it in a way she can understand -- they were not doing it out of a callous and cruel intent to kill, but to save the exact victims that Miyako herself wanted to prevent.
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And, even to the very end of the series, Miyako continues to channel her proactivity into emotional awareness first and foremost -- 02 episode 46 has her take the lead in the Dark Seed roundtable, and it’s implied that she’s doing this mainly because she knows this is a very personal issue for Ken to have to witness. In contrast to the way she frantically started spitting out potentially insensitive things in front of Ken in 02 episode 31, here, she outright says that she doesn’t want to make him feel bad about this (and, fortunately, he understands perfectly well that she’s trying). Even all the way to the very end in 02 episode 50, she’s the one who first brings up the question of the issue, because of how emotionally invested she got into this and her high level of awareness as to how deeply this impacted Ken.
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In 02 episode 49, BelialVamdemon presents everyone in the team with a potential deep-seated desire that none of them want to admit, and in the case of Miyako’s, it ends up being a rather tame thing in comparison to Iori and Takeru’s more severe family issues, Hikari’s desire for WORLD PEACE!!, and Ken’s complicated feelings about punishment and forgiveness. In Miyako’s dream world, she’s just eating cake, and it says a lot about the fact that were it not for the fact that she overthinks things and often gets easily stressed, she’s fundamentally fairly free of deep-seated issues in a way not entirely dissimilar to Daisuke’s simple and pure-hearted way of life.
The thing that causes Miyako’s issue is often misinterpreted to be about her selfishly wanting everything to herself, or the idea she’s fighting for attention with her siblings, but Hawkmon actually says what the real problem is in direct words: her crowded family is “noisy”. Or in other words -- Miyako, being the overly empathetic type and someone who easily succumbs to stress, is just really overwhelmed and stressed because of everything around her.
An interesting thing about Miyako’s “illusion” is that it’s the only one that in itself starts making its victim feel lonely and sad even before it’s taken away or dispelled -- Takeru and Iori had to have their happy images pulled away from them, Hikari had to have Tailmon clarify that everything is fake, and Ken had to have Wormmon personally chase the image of his brother away. But in the case of Miyako, all Hawkmon has to do is ask if she’s happy right now, and she’s quick to admit that she’s not. It’s just that everything was stressful and overwhelming and there was so much to deal with all of the time, and for once she wanted to be able to enjoy a little peace, but she loves her family and she loves everyone around her and she doesn’t want to be alone, and she’d rather have them back even if it’s stressful. Miyako’s love for others is so strong that even an illusion supposedly made to cater to her won’t make her happy if everyone’s gone.
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Miyako also takes the moment to realize that for all Hawkmon’s been going out of his way to be steadfast and loyal to her, she hasn’t been doing enough to understand her own partner in turn, and there’s still a lot more she can do in terms of thinking of others.
Miyako after 02
As per Spring 2003, once Miyako graduates elementary school and moves to middle school, she continues trying to be helpful to her juniors -- she joins the computer club and once again ends up under Koushirou, and now outright makes music for Yamato’s band (some creative differences aside). It’s also interesting to note her attitude towards her other friends when she tries to recruit them into her music unit -- she snarks at everyone right up until she gets to Ken, who declines politely, and in exchange, she just can't bring herself to be mean to him and simply apologizes for asking too much. It’s ambiguous whether this is because she’s still trying to have a heightened level of consideration around him (this is still only four months after 02′s finish, after all), but it seems she’s still concerned about the idea of handling him overly roughly, and is able to exercise a proper level of restraint about him.
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Which brings us all the way to Kizuna, a whole eight years later where we have to fill in a lot of blanks about what’s been happening in the meantime, but the official website establishes that she’s now pursuing a degree in computer programming at an engineering university, and is now on study abroad in Spain (implied to be Barcelona, given details in both the movie itself and the drama CD). Pretty ambitious stuff!...or at least that’s the first impression one would get, until it turns out that she’s getting her flighty personality enabled by the local culture. As we learn in the drama CD, she’s absolutely taking the time to milk this entire situation so she can play around -- and, in accordance with how she was established to be an important factor in bringing Hikari out of her shell, it’s rubbing off on Hikari, too.
In addition, Miyako is still working under Koushirou despite their educational careers having completely diverged, this time as his assistant in terms of managing the Chosen Child community. Interestingly, her specific job seems to be consultation, and people come to her for “advice and stuff” -- meaning that it’s very likely that a lot of new Chosen Children who are having a hard time adjusting to life with a partner are coming to her for practical and emotional advice, and she’s still continuing to channel her ability to be emotionally aware and supportive of others.
That is to say, until she gets a mysterious request from a certain Menoa Bellucci. We learn later that Menoa’s motive was to obtain the list of international Chosen Children, meaning that she most definitely was not approaching Miyako for emotional help, and with that, Miyako decides that she doesn’t want to do this and dumps it on her seniors...
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...but then picks it back up with zero hesitation the moment her friends present her that exact same job, and not only is it just “zero hesitation”, Ken even comments on how “fast” she arrived to do so! (This was also before Iori came up with the plan to infiltrate Menoa’s office; there wasn’t any indication Miyako’s computer abilities would be particularly necessary at the time.) On top of that, the drama CD gives us full context as to why she was so willing to dump this on her seniors in the first place -- she had wanted to see her friends so badly that she practically invented D-3 gate exploitation so she could hang out with her friends despite technically being in another country, and even wanted to invite them to come visit her, and eventually they’d all made an organized plan to meet up in New York. In other words, her loyalty to her friends is still stronger than anything else -- remember, she’s the kind of person who was picking up tons of jobs specifically so she could help her friends in the first place.
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On that note, Ken’s ability to be casual with everyone besides Daisuke has noticeably improved, and that’s especially prominent with Miyako, whom he proactively converses with in a way that wouldn’t have happened back in 02, and, likewise, in contrast to the sense of distance she’d still been maintaining with him back during the final arc of 02 and Spring 2003, she has no qualms about handling him as casually as she would anyone else.
Which eventually leads us to...
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This is a recurring theme on this blog, but every so often I have to draw the distinction between creative concepts “in meta” (i.e. the way the audience will read it, in relation to franchise standards and other real-life factors) and said concepts “in-universe” (i.e. with audience factors completely removed, whether there’s a presumable logical reason for these events happening in-universe, and whether this is reasonable behavior to expect out of the characters). This blog is largely dedicated to the latter, but the reason why I have to keep drawing this distinction in the first place is that I get the impression that the staff behind Adventure and 02 really did not pay much mind to the former part as part of their dedication to the latter. And, I mean, part of the reason I respect the writing of Adventure and 02 so much is how uncompromising they were in terms of not really pandering to what a fanbase might expect, which allowed the story to retain a lot of creative integrity that it wouldn’t have otherwise.
But every so often you get something like this that makes me want to just bang my head on the table and scream, I swear, I get what you guys were going for, but I am begging you, please think a little harder about how people are going to read this!! In general, I do think there’s something that’s not very good about disregarding your audience completely, because if you’re trying to say important things and those things are going directly over your audience’s heads (this is a kids’ show, for goodness’s sake), you can’t call that good communication, and it’s not like you can blame the audience for getting blindsided or being upset, and this is before we get into what they just dropped on the global audience that was presumably full of young girls interested in STEM fields who were hoping to see them go all the way with that, or the feelings of those who are bothered that one character has to be singled out to be defined solely by her relationship to others, and I mean -- to be fair, with a character like Miyako and the tons of things going on with her, there was probably no outcome they could come up with that wouldn’t be reinforcing some negative stereotype (believe it or not, there are people who have conversely mentioned identifying deeply with Miyako’s personal story and the meaning of this ending to them, and have also expressed discomfort about some of the comments the fanbase has made over the years), but at the same time, holy hell, they really went for the one that immediately looks the worst on its face...
...That aside, I will reiterate that this is a blog and analysis meant for that latter category of “analyzing things in-universe”, and making good-faith assumptions that there was a reason for everything (and, I’ll be quite honest, reading everything the staff has said about the characters, including Miyako, there is no indication that they didn’t treat every single one of them with love and zero intention to curse any of them into a horrible fate). We can debate whether this was a good or bad choice in the context of real life, or how much they really should have thought this through more or considered alternative ways to do this, in another place and time (it’s been done by many other people, myself included, in the last 20 years, and it will most certainly continue after this, and probably should continue). It’s not like I’m necessarily giving my blessing to every single creative decision in Adventure or 02 in running this blog, it’s more of the attitude of “now that this decision was in the series, can we figure out what that was intended to mean?”, and that’s going to apply to this one too. And so, we’ll proceed with the analysis.
In any case, here’s the first thing to start with, which may surprise some people to learn: at no point in the epilogue is the word “housewife” ever used to refer to Miyako. The only words that Takeru uses to describe her are: that she is married to Ken and is a mother of three. Not only that, post-02 materials that have referred to the epilogue and Miyako’s part in it have also avoided using that word -- the Character Complete File and the Animation Chronicle only reiterate the same points of “married to Ken” and “mother of three children”, and practically go out of their way to avoid insinuating that being a stay-at-home housewife is the main focus of her life right now. It would have been so easy to say it outright if they’d wanted to, but they didn’t, and they consistently don’t, to the point the omission is almost suspicious. And, indeed, if you want to believe the Character Complete File, Miyako is not a full-time housewife and is simply not working at the time of the epilogue due to maternity leave because the third child had recently been born. So it’s completely within the realm of possibility that she’s still working! In that case, why is something that could easily be a big deal left ambiguous like this?
If you look at the way the epilogue presents its information, there’s a certain pattern: what information is emphasized and what information is given little attention or omitted has very little to do with “how curious the audience would be about it”, but rather “how relevant it is”; just because a certain piece of information is omitted doesn’t mean it necessarily isn’t true. For example, Sora; she’s married to Yamato, but despite how much the audience would probably consider that as vital information, it’s left for you to infer from the visuals and an oblique comment that Sora’s daughter is a “dependable older sister”, and even the question of whether Sora did succeed her mother in flower arrangement is left up in the air despite that also probably being a question the audience is curious about (and in fact, a few flower branches are clearly visible in the front, implying very heavily that, whatever happened, she’s at least still maintaining her roots with her family instead of violently cutting it all off). But we do learn about the fact that she went into fashion design, which is something that’s not an expectation that was placed by her family but rather something she presumably decided on herself. Hence, presumably why that’s the part emphasized, and moreso than her marriage to Yamato -- said marriage is of course an important part of her life, but it’s not as prominent as the fact that she has her own independent career, especially since her entire character arc was about doing things that she wanted for herself instead of doing things for others. That is to say, compared to their own individual ambitions, Sora and Yamato’s love life is “an important part, but not the important part.” This is especially when you add the context that Takeru is delivering abridged single-sentence “catch-up” descriptions of his friends on their behalf (possibly to the world, if this is part of his novel), and so, it begs the question: what would each of these characters want to be most remembered for accomplishing?
(And if you think I’m being tinfoil hat about this, remember that a constant theme with this blog I’m running is that “being annoyingly subtle and relying on ridiculously oblique messaging” like this permeates the entirety of 02 in general, and it’s definitely not the only time they’ve used this kind of technique to communicate details that are too consistent and on-the-nose to be passed off as coincidence. As far as assuming that this series follows rational storytelling logic goes, we are far past that point, and in ways that extend far beyond this epilogue.)
So we look back at Miyako, and the hobbies she’d indulged in and what purpose they were for, and her personality, and the fact that the main point of her character arc was about her complex that she would never be a good enough person who could properly emotionally reach out and take care of others -- in some ways, her arc was the opposite of Sora’s, in that while Sora’s was about not being as beholden to others, Miyako’s was about how to become someone who can better support others -- and once we apply the above question, there lies the answer to why the priority and emphasis given to her future in the epilogue is “Miyako is the kind of person who prioritizes taking care of and supporting her loved ones more than anything else.”
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This is especially because (in an epilogue with not very many lines, so every bit of information becomes vital) the lines we see Miyako and her family exchange are representative of a lot of what that character arc was about. According to her son, Miyako is still her panicky and emotionally messy self, even when in the role of the matriarch of a large family who’s responsible for taking care of all of them. She did not ever become the ideal “gentle” and “mature” kind of person that she considered Mimi and Hikari to be and negatively compared herself to. However, her family responds by cheerfully laughing, which is -- most likely not coincidentally -- the same thing that was shown to be the positive flip side of Miyako’s over-the-top personality back in 02 episodes 31, 36, and 38, in that it brings joy and cheer to others.
If you do want to take the Character Complete File’s statement at face value, the fact that she’s on self-imposed maternity leave means that it’s very likely she wasn’t on a salaried job and was instead freelancing, or at least was involved with something that didn’t require constant commitment. Considering the fact she’s consistently portrayed as an impatient sort who gets bored easily, she probably would prefer something more flexible like freelancing or at least not being tied to a single thing; even looking back at her completely disparate hobbies back when she was a kid, when she was basically jack-of-all-trades-ing to fit whatever people needed her for, she never really came off as someone who could commit very easily to a single form of work, but what she did have commitment to was other people, especially her friends and family. If you (or, perhaps, Takeru) were to ask her during the time of the epilogue “what are you up to right now?”, it’s not really that hard to believe that gushing about her lovely family would come before everything else; not to say that everyone else here (especially her own husband) isn’t presumably devoted to their own families, but Miyako’s the type to have that much higher sense of pride in what she does for those she cares about than she would have particular attachment to any kind of work. Look at her behavior during Kizuna; she’s pursuing a degree in computer programming and thus is still aiming to be a busybody with a high level of skill, but when given a job by a stranger, she immediately dumps it off on her seniors so she can be with her friends, then happily accepts that same job again when the same friends present it back to her.
So, in other words, the conclusion is: the biggest priority and most important thing to Miyako in regards to her future is that she finally became someone who could properly support others around her, even in spite of her personality that would suggest otherwise.
In addition, the fact that she has three children might initially come off as a little in-your-face or overkill, but remember that Miyako came from a family with four siblings, and 02 episode 49 had her say outright that she does treasure that – or, in other words, being part of a big family surrounded by affection and love is something she considers to be a valuable part of her life (especially since the age gaps between the three children imply a reasonable likelihood of actual family planning, moreso than even Miyako’s own).
Incidentally, this is just a bit of a personal note, but one might notice that I’ve also never actually used the word “housewife” to refer to the epilogue’s depiction of Miyako in the course of writing for this blog, because of how little evidence we have that she is one – being on temporary maternity leave still being a very viable and, given the post-02 materials we now have, arguably heavily likely interpretation, it’s not like you’d necessarily call someone a housewife if their break from work is only temporary, even if they’re a freelancer. Given the above circumstances, perhaps something like “family matriarch” would be more accurate…
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valasania-the-pale · 2 years
Who are your favorite Silmarillion characters to write about?
Galadriel is my obvious favorite to anyone who's been reading my stuff the last few months lol. She's one of those characters who has so much depth and potential, yet so little time directly on the page, meaning she can essentially feasibly be anywhere at virtually any time to shake things up. I also just happen to love her characterization - it's not often you get to see a character who is proud to a fault without being a villain or a jackass; she rides the line between flawed and virtuous and I love it.
Elrond's a second favorite - he's got arguably as much depth as Galadriel and just as much family angst and baggage. While Galadriel really hits the 'I love this personality' buttons for me, Elrond hits all of the ANGST buttons. Both have got it, but I generally see people focus on on Elrond's angst more than Galadriel's so I tend to go to stories and whatnot about him looking for that sort of thing.
Beyond that, most others are fairly neutral - I haven't branched out a whole lot yet! The Feanorions are fun to write about for their varied personalities and personal angst, and I love to write about the Valar because there's just not enough about them, and because they're a punching bag for the frustrations I have with Tolkien's stuff that are just so satisfying yet so vexing to work around. Are they good? Are they not? Are they nuanced and thus expectations of pure, divine benevolence are thus naive? Who knows!
I do know that I want to write a fic where Galadriel gets to yell at them. One day!
Thank you for the ask, I'm delighted to have gotten it :)
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gayandvibin · 4 years
Ok so I spent three hours of my life researching OWLS and NEWTS and making my own list of students and the subjects they take (literally all of them are hcs, I think Liz is the only character I could find actual set out NEWTS for).
And uh yeah they're literally a levels, and I'm going to ramble about that now since I am a human person currently doing those.
I couldn't find a precise number, but most sources seem to place the average number of NEWTs taken at 2-3, with dedicated academics taking 4, and 5 being possible, though special permission is required. (I have no reason to be this excited at the similarities with a levels but I am). Based on the usual timetable (and I'm such a nerd I checked with friends at college and other sixth forms for this), that is the exact same as the current uk system! There is room for 5 subjects, but it's advised to take 3, with an additional qualification or one more subject if you're applying for a specific degree or line of work.
While I know this is all still fiction, and I cant know anything for sure, Hogwarts is basically a private school with no fees. There are probably just less students per year than muggle schools due to population differences and whatnot (also a war - that happened). And private schools generally have small class sizes to start (and since they seem to be split by groups of two houses, numbers must be pretty small for that to be feasible - teenagers are still teenagers, and ones with magic are probably even more of a nightmare to deal with).
Since NEWTS are optional, and hogwarts is a death trap, that small year group is going to get cut down again after fifth year once students decide to either go into work or... this is the uk in the 80s, so yeah they go straight into work.
Six and seventh year are basically sixth form, so hypothetically there's also whatever the equivalent of wizard college is (if apparation is jks stand in for driving lessons then shes clearly way too invested in student life and these probably exist). So likely quidditch players who wanted to get into coaching or professional sport would have vocational courses, or there would be apprenticeships in specific industries.
But my point is: classes are tiny think of the absolute fuckery that occurs.
So potions is the chemistry of the wizarding world, and herbology is biology (wow, what a leap). Based on uk schools I'd guess herbology has very average class sizes, but potions would literally be like 10-15 people max (maybe less since this is Snape era).
Snape is stuck with with a class or two of six to eight students and odds are he is going to despise most of them. I just think that's absolutely beautiful and the only thing Dumbledore has even done right.
And then arithmancy and advanced arithmancy!! I cannot believe there is a write in for further maths this is amazing and I can guarantee that again like eight people max are going to take that subject.
Humanities subjects are generally more popular, but I think this might be the one place where I can see wizarding schools separating. History of Magic is incredibly dull, especially at hogwarts (thanks mr binns for ruining my life), and I can see only a few students taking muggle studies because of genuine interest (there HAS to be a majority muggle class here, that would be such an easy pass for them).
Flying is clearly for the sports kids, and for some reason transfiguration gives me english literature vibes.
And astronomy is literally an a level that exists, but I'm guessing it's much more popular in this case.
But yeah, this probably doesn't make a lot of sense, but I saw connections and I wanted to talk about them. If anyone has any questions about this sort of system, I can try and give you an answer, so either hit me up with an ask or leave it in the notes.
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kihyunswrath · 4 years
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Ok but. Seriously though. It’s been a couple of days since the news of Wonho’s solo career and I’ve now clarified my head again.
And here’s the thing.
Starship lost a LOT of money when Wonho was kicked out. Like. A fuckton. Album sales, video views, general popularity. Dozens of videos they had probably filmed and taken back when Wonho was still within the group, could no longer be published. Projects, shows and other things where Wonho had been in a major role had to be cancelled. And because of how desperately they then tried to cling on to the rest of the Monsta X schedules that were still, in theory, feasible, they made everything look very sloppy, greedy and shitty, and made a whole lot more fans unsatisfied. They even ended up overworking Jooheon to burnout which meant yet another big blow to their sales. And then, what a surprise, comes coronavirus and kind of kills the rest of the mood, if there was any, and makes it very hard for them to continue with their world tour plans.
And let’s not even talk about the shady shit they were involved in during the Produce X 101, because that’s another topic, but hey, SSE probably wasn’t too happy about that being revealed either, right? It isn’t like they can be 100% convinced their new boy group could solve their financial issues with a snap of a finger, not anymore.
So. What can they do? The fandom, from their perspective, is split into half: those who couldn’t stand the idea of Wonho ever being mentioned ever again, and those who absolutely loathed Starship for being so cowardly stupid that they couldn’t stand up for him, when he had done basically nothing wrong.
If they truly let Wonho go, there goes Starship’s popularity outside of Korea. Those overpriced world tour tickets they tried to sell are still not sold out, as far as I know, and that fact is probably still stinging them like a bitch. They know what we’ve been up to, what projects, events, fundraisings and other shit we put up, just for Wonho. They saw the dollar bills flying right past them, out of their reach, because those dollar bills were spent on keeping Wonho’s name public, when Starship had promised themselves they would never mention his name again.
But if they don’t let him go, Joseon dynasty people are jumping up from their Naver forum graves and wherever the hell in the medieval past they lurk, and claiming that Wonho doesn’t deserve to be in any position whatsoever, ever again. He is basically a reborn Satan because he told us he was also a teenager once. And you know, we can’t let people think idols have been teenagers, because then we’d basically admit they are humans too. And humans need to, you know, eat, sit, shit, sleep and meet people in total freedom, because that’s their basic human right. We can’t have that. We can’t have that because this industry’s fundamental rule, the very base of its existence, is not letting idols do any of those things. So if we admitted they’re humans, too, then clearly we’re also abusing their basic human rights. No, says the Joseon dynasty hypocrite who is also known as a knetz, perfect demigods idols must be, and if they want to keep their career, they can’t tell anyone they’ve existed as human beings in this mortal material plane.
It’s a lose-lose situation for Starship, because they’re not only sharing the same values with those Joseon dynasty people, but they’re also thinking about money, and money, funnily enough, can come from multiple parties. From people who hate you for doing what you’re doing but who hope you to change your ways, and from people who support you exactly because of what you’re doing right now but who don’t want anything to change ever.
The former group is much bigger in numbers, but it’s far away from the field Starship actually operates on. The latter group is probably awkwardly small and stupid, but they are the real time bullies, and they are right there in front of Starship’s house, punching right where it hurts, ready to spew their bullshit 247.
And then, all of a sudden all this is solved with a seemingly easy fix: a new company is ready to take Wonho under its wings and bring him back to his former glory. New fancafes and social media platforms open in an instant and Wonho himself is back to his old apologizing self, behaving like a proper idol, being all modest and selfless. Where the hell did this company come from? Who are these people it manages? Why doesn’t it even have its own website or email address? Who is its CEO, who are the workers? Why haven’t I ever heard of this fucking agency before?
Now I don’t want to sound like a conspiracybebe or anything, but I’m 99% sure this Highline Entertainment isn’t technically a real company at all.
There were no actual idols under it before Wonho, and it doesn’t have official websites or any detailed information available. It’s apparently been there since the end of 2017, but what has it been doing during those two and a half years, because there is no visible promotion campaigns for the existing artists who work for it? And why the hell would Starship have bought that company, given how it couldn’t give a lot of profits to them? And now that Highline does have Wonho under their wing, why can’t they stand up for Wonho when he still faces backlash from the Korean media? He HAS officially made a contract with them and has all his charges cleared and therefore could technically sue anyone for trying to defame him? But no, instead they censor fans and stop them from spreading Wonho’s fanletters because they’re... you know, just as afraid of their fans as Starship once was.
I might be wrong but I don’t think I am, while I say that Starship is clearly trying to kill two flies with one hit (or however the hell that proverb goes). They can now earn profit from BOTH fans who “hate” Wonho and fans who love him. 
With this whatever nugu company no one knows or gives two shits about, they can pretend Wonho is permanently removed from Monsta X and has started his own career elsewhere and won’t technically bother ot6 fans anymore, so they can earnestly support the remaining Monsta X members with their new comeback and whatnot. But they also placed him close enough, right outside of their own premises, with all the same US managers, logos, stage names and other similarities from before, that we, who still hoped things to end up well for both Wonho and other Monsta X members, could stay optimistic about their future and offer our money for all of them at the same time.
You know, now we’ll get albums from Monsta X, and then albums from Wonho, and a lot of us will buy both - it’s even more merchandise and sales than it used to be. Funny, huh?
No challenging of the old conservative idols-are-Jesuses-but-better belief system, and no challenging the huge social justice movement that was born out of love for Wonho and other idols that have been treated like disposable trash. No, this way Starship technically doesn’t have to turn their back to either of us, but instead can go and pretend they’re the noble saint who gave an exceptionally rare new chance to an idol, while still keeping him in the backyard, just in case it turns out Wonho’s existence is too “scandalous” for their pristine reputation as a good old Confucian company.
I’m not saying they’re necessarily being smart, innovative or actually farsighted, but I’m saying that all this is pretty damn convenient for Starship. And yes, having said that, I do continue to support Wonho and Monsta X. I am intending to see the end of that, like I’ve said before. But I still don’t have to like what Starship is doing, not one bit. None of this needed to happen. And a lot more things could have been fixed, had Starship made those mistakes in the beginning and then actually reflected on them, instead of... well, whatever convenient shit-plotting this is.
My only comfort right now is that Wonho and Monsta X members can now be with each other probably a bit more often than not, and that’s technically the only thing I truly care about. I do also damn hope Wonho shows his popularity, power, wits, charms and superiority to Starship too and makes them hope they could still have him in Monsta X one day, when it’s too fucking late.
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hi-im-dazey · 5 years
A few things to think about when writing sex scenes
I want people who write fanfiction about gay relationships, when they are not gay themselves, to try to remember that men aren’t gay because they want to be women, they are gay because they want to have sexual relationships with men. One or both of the couple may or may not have a gentle, caring, lighter, more domestic side, but they are still dudes. 
When you take one of the couple and basically turn them into “the girl” of the couple, you may as well just write het fiction at that point.
 A gay man getting turned on when his boyfriend is in a sex-shop cheerleader costume, is not really an accurate portrayal of how it works. 
Also I think it’s safe to question the feasibility of how often, according to fanfiction, a gay man refers to his lover’s tender flower as, well, a tender flower, or a pussy, or (strangely enough in one fiction) a cunt. 
If you think guys are hot, then think about the things you think are hot about them. You like character “x” in a suit? Well, guess what, character “x” also looks hot in a suit to his boyfriend/love interest. 
His love interest is not looking at the way those dress slacks hug his ass, or how those sweatpants do nothing to hide his underwear choices or reciprocal interest, or how that tee-shirt really accentuates his arms and chest, and thinking:
“Wow, I bet he looks hot in a dress.”
You like the way character “y” holds himself when he’s walking? That’s probably one of the things his love interest likes about him too. You think he’s got a sweet smile and a nice rumbly voice? Guess what? So does your protagonist!
DO NOT TURN ONE OF YOUR MEN INTO A GIRL SIMULACRUM, that’s not gay, that’s stereotyping and projecting hetero-normative relationship roles and gendered actions onto characters who don’t need them.
 AND it is a big self-hate moment to have one man surprise another with feminine dress so he can convince the male presenting party to fuck him “Wow you look hot dressed as a chick, now I can fuck you”... This isn't a bugs bunny cartoon, let your gay male characters appreciate and love men, that’s what being gay is.
Also please note, panty kinks are much more prevalent amongst Hetero males. The amount of gay panty kink fanfiction out there is way over proportionate to its actual existence as a thing.
And please, please... please Try to remember Anal Sex just is not happening without severe damage to all body parts involved without adequate lubrication. Blood, spit, water (?!?!)*... these things are not adequate lubrication. And you need to remember that the receiving hole is not the only thing that will get injured, dick skin is delicate, it chafes easy just from enthusiastic, yet dry, hand jobs.
It’s not going to feel good, or in most cases, even be possible, to drive dry dick into a dry hole. So maybe you want your sub or bottom (not the same thing, BTW) to “really feel it” but you have to remember that that anal ring is gonna scrape the happy right off your Dom or top (again, not the same thing).
Attempts without will hurt both parties bad enough that in the future they will never not have lube with them when they intend to get laid or fuck someone. People who like anal play keep lube handy. And the “having to stop and do something else to get off” when you discover you are out of lube is a much more reasonable love-making option than going in dry and NO ONE who likes anal play will tell you differently.
*Blood clots, coagulates, and dries pretty fast, plus it sticks to things and sticks things to other things as it dries, There’s a reason bandages are treated so they won’t stick to wounds. Basically blood will not lubricate and in fact will make matters worse.
*Spit, unless you include a healthy amount of mucus, is not viscous enough to act as a lubricant, in other words, it’s gonna dry before you get the coated member anywhere near the licked hole. and if you think it’s sexy to fuck someone with mucus you should probably make a content warning tag for that so people can avoid it.
*Water dries fast and is not viscous enough to provide any lubrication. Also sex in a body of water is EXTREMELY difficult and in most case down right impossible, and the water will wash away any natural lubrication that maybe happening from a person capable of making their own, and any water based bottle lube you have applied (one of the many reasons water based is great because it WASHES OFF EASILY IN WATER)
Female anatomy notes:
Vaginas snap right back into shape, no matter how many dicks, toys, fists... whatever, have been in them. No matter the size, or number of times the vagina has been enjoying sex, it does not get “wrecked”, “loose”, or “flappy”. It tightens right back up. The only thing that can change the shape or “tightness” is giving birth and even that (barring incidence of medical stupidity during delivery) is temporary and once healed from, minor. Vaginas are built to take dick, squeeze out the resulting babies, and repeat the process. 
(Not that you have to use your personal vagina for any of that, but that is what it has evolved to do and recover from doing)
ETA: I think I pissed someone off because they got all reposty and annoyed about being “told how to write” I am not sure this post was the cause of it, because they were ranting about how they read it rather than what it actually says and did not repost the original with their comments because it would invalidate their claim.... So just to make a few things clear: When you are writing about two men in a relationship, forcing one to be the girl is the fan fiction equivalent of asking a gay couple “which of you is the woman?’
Relationships exist without straight gender roles. Men who want to be with Men, want to be with Men. So if your goal is a sweet, engaging, realistic, romance between two men, please respect your men. Or, if you need there to be a woman, write it with a woman. 
Also tips on writing believable gay romance is not the same as telling someone not to write what they want. Just pointing out things to avoid if you want to write it believably, is not attacking your writing. (and if you feel like it was attacking you personally, maybe you should examine that on your own time.)
If you really like putting a guy in a dress and turning him into the wife and your fans get off on that and buy you Kofi and whatnot, great. BUT these tips are intended for writers who would like to write realistic relatable romances between two (or more) gay men, when you yourself are not two (or more) gay men.
Second thing this person got weirdly pissed about:
Anal sex lube. ( they also got pissed about condom use as if I’d insisted on it, I did not mention condoms except in the tags where I point out that adults negotiate fluid bonding on the fly all the time. So not really sure where they got that panty twist from)
Ok so if you're gonna die on the hill of NO LUBE, (how dare I tell someone not to use three really bad choices for lube options, I must be a monster)
Be aware: Everyone who has actually had anal sex is getting to that dry entry/bad lube choice moment and Noping the fuck out of your story. 
Look, you can have one of your character spew magical unicorn lube, or have the no-tell motel provide it along with their hourly rates, or have one of your characters carry it just in case or whatever, OR you can get people to leave your story unfinished when you have them all turned on and ready to go and then suddenly drop the feeling of having a giant dry dick trying to to tear into them and yuck their yum. 
If your goal is to get people to enjoy your story thoroughly (insert dirty suggestive eyebrow wiggle here) then you really should strive for not destroying the mood you built with something as weird as steadfastly refusing to write as if lube exists and is needed. 
ALSO yes it’s fiction, but, unfortunately sex education in this country ranges from non-existent to super crappy, if someone is reading erotica and looking at porn to get a handle on how it all works, I’d rather be a person who advocated lube use, than the person who tried to pretend anal sex can happen without it.
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thetriggeredhappy · 5 years
9 “My head hurts.” for Speedingbullet ~ also you're now my new fav fic author
thank you very much, you’re very sweet!! (warnings for me being mean to scout again)
9.) “My head hurts.”
Sniper really didn’t intend for things to go the way he did. He really didn’t mean any harm. Honest.
Before he joined the team, Sniper was aware of the concept of pranks and whatnot, sure, but he’d never really been subjected to any, or done them to other people. He didn’t go to college (a place where, allegedly according to Engie, pranks happen a lot) and he didn’t technically finish his last year of required schooling and even before that the closest thing to a “prank” that his classmates would do was essentially beat him up. Black eyes and bruises and bloody noses were their idea of a hilarious after-school activity to rope him into.
But on the base, he was introduced to actual pranks. The inside of Demo’s eyepatch being coated in syrup while he’s asleep, Soldier’s helmet being covered in dozens of sparkly stickers, plastic wrap over the door to the kitchen, things like that. Things that were actually a bit funny and not anything worse than annoying and inconvenient to the person being pranked.
At some point, Scout, main prank-maker of the team (years of experience under his belt, apparently) had tried to get Sniper. Salt in the sugar bowl. He’d sat down with coffee, the terrible “acquired taste” stuff that Spy occasionally drank because he mysteriously couldn’t find the normal stuff, and put a spoon’s worth into his mug to make it more bearable. Stirred it. He hadn’t noticed what Scout’s expression was until he lifted the mug to take a sip and made eye contact over the rim. Absolute interest in what Sniper was doing, just a smidge too much to be normal, and no focus at all on the bowl of cereal before him, which just wasn’t normal.
He took his sip, and it was only with that suspicion in the back of his head that he managed to keep from making a face at the taste of it. And then Sniper had a choice to make, and he did so quickly.
He drank the entire mug without flinching. Scout’s confusion rose with every bob of his adam’s apple.
“Something on my face?” Sniper asked neutrally when he put the empty mug down again, the very picture of normalcy.
“Uh,” Scout said, and shook himself from his shock, “I, uh, no. No, you’re good.”
A few beats passed, then Scout picked up the sugar bowl, glancing down at it. He hummed to himself, tipping a bit into his cereal, then putting it down and taking a bite.
He choked immediately, then looked up at Sniper, who was trying very hard not to laugh. “Oh, fuck you.”
That had been the beginning of a little prank war between the two of them.
Scout had done plenty of things. A glitter bomb from an envelope that looked just like the envelopes they received with information for contracts. Taken about half a dozen stray cats from the nearby town and put them all in Sniper’s camper while he was in the base doing laundry. Replaced all the cans of beans and soup that he had stocked up in case of emergencies big or small with cans of brussel sprouts. Given Engie twenty dollars to make a tiny little device that made a little beeping noise every two minutes and fifteen seconds, and promptly hidden it under Sniper’s mattress, driving him bonkers for a total of an hour and a half before he finally found it. It was worth noting that Sniper did lock his door, the little bugger just knew how to pick locks apparently.
Sniper’s major form of retribution for most of the pranks was to act either like it didn’t bother him or like he enjoyed what Scout did. He ended up cooking the brussel sprouts for dinner one day, and talked to Scout about how friendly all the cats were and what their names now were, and Scout was clearly extremely annoyed to see Sniper acting completely normal when he went to battle the day after the beeper incident. But for pranks like the glitter bomb, which left him in a sparkly uniform when he went to dinner, he did feel the need to deliver actual retribution.
Which is why he put an armadillo in Scout’s room. And a small non-venomous snake in Scout’s room after he then started locking his door. And the friendly owl that liked to pester Sniper for snacks in Scout’s room through the window when he asked Demo for help moving his door slightly closer to the floor. He just found that Scout tended to react a lot to animals and kept running with it.
Also he broke Scout’s door once, but to be fair that wasn’t part of a prank. That was a different thing. Which was only tangentially Sniper’s fault technically sort of. He apologized. He got a second glitter bomb.
And admittedly, their little prank war had died down a bit after that, mainly because they’d gotten on somewhat friendlier terms somehow during the mayhem. He wound up talking to Scout occasionally, the younger man just sitting himself down when Sniper was making a campfire or otherwise sitting outside his camper and doing things. In return, sometimes he tried to say hello to Scout when he passed him in the rec room. But then Sniper had suddenly been faced with what he thought was the perfect opportunity.
He’d been out doing his shopping, having headed to a bigger town to get some more specific things that he needed that weren’t easy to find elsewhere, when he’d seen it. The energy drinks Scout chugged like water most of the time, big palettes’ worth of them. Three different flavors, although he’d only ever seen Scout drinking two.
And next to them, the same three again. He walked closer, pondering if maybe Scout would appreciate getting a bulk package of the drinks instead of having to do a twice-weekly run to the store in town to buy a few six-packs. And he’d picked up one of the packs, looked it over, and noticed a little blurb written on it.
The plan hit him almost immediately, and he moved to start piling cans into the cart he’d gotten.
From there it was simple—a trick he’d learned years and years before from an oddball “friend” to sneak alcohol into concerts. Sealed drinks being all that was allowed, he learned how to open cans and close them again without it looking any different. It was the work of an afternoon to empty out the cans of Bonk! into the sand (both the Cola and the Fruit Punch flavors just to cover all his bases) and replace them with the caffeine-free versions. Then he waited for the next time they did a supply run, and put it in with the rest of the groceries.
But then, things got… strange.
Scout was fine that first day, a Friday, not particularly groggy at all. During the lunch break in the middle of the day he chugged a good bit more of the soda than even he was usually known for, and didn’t eat anything else, but otherwise acted about the same.
By Monday, things had taken a significant dive.
He first noticed that Scout was almost late. That was extremely strange for him. Scout was usually among the first to report, and would mingle and pester the rest of the team. But instead, he was dashing in five minutes before they were headed onto the field, sleeves not even rolled properly and one shoe untied, looking completely out of it. He stammered an apology, then set about fixing his whole situation.
Through his scope, Sniper kept cursory track over the team so he’d be able to know whether someone could feasibly be passing by or if it was a spy. And what he saw of Scout was funny for a little bit, but quickly grew worrying, and then terribly guilt-inducing.
Scout was fully off his game, running erratically but in a way that was clearly unintentional, getting his attention diverted by sounds of gunfire only to miss the sounds much closer to him. His chatter on the comms was limited, and Sniper caught sight of him getting gunned down over and over and over again.
When the mid-day break was called, a bit earlier than usual, his first sighting of the kid since that morning was of him sitting on a crate, elbows on his knees, head held tight in his hands, talking quietly to Medic, who looked extremely concerned about the situation. Within a few moments the scene had brought over Engie and Demo, and everyone looked fairly grim.
Spy noted the scene happening, then glanced at Sniper, and his posture went rigid at Sniper’s expression. Presumably it was one of guilt, because that’s what was rapidly overtaking Sniper.
“What did you do?” Spy asked sharply, voice a hiss.
“Nothing,” Sniper said quickly, defensively.
All at once, Spy was stood just behind him, a hand on his shoulder, the other holding a knife in the bend of his back, cutting through the stitch of his vest and pressing hard enough to make Sniper’s heart skip a few beats. “Interesting answer. Because our local little idiot has been feeling horribly, terribly under the weather all day, and this is rapidly becoming the sort of problem that gets him in trouble with noteworthy individuals,” he said, voice the kind of lighthearted that made Sniper aware that he was probably about to be killed if he so much as stuttered. Then the weight of what Spy was saying to him sunk in, and he paled in realization. Scout could get in very real trouble for such a drop in numbers. Very, very real trouble. And in their line of business, bad things usually happened to those who got in trouble with their employers. “I just found it interesting, the way you were staring at him just now.”
“I didn’t mean any harm,” he managed, voice hoarse. “Really, I didn’t!”
“I’m going to ask you this exactly once, bushman,” Spy said, voice low now. “What. Did. You. Poison him with?”
A pause. “Oh! No, no, mate, you’ve got it wrong, I—I didn’t poison him! I just—“
The slightest bit of additional pressure from the knife.
“Really! I just switched out that caffeine nonsense he drinks for the same stuff but without the caffeine. It was just supposed to be a prank, I, I didn’t think he would get like this. Figured he’d be a bit groggy and that’s all!”
Spy swore to himself under his breath. “You’re an idiot, bushman,” he hissed. He shoved Sniper a step forward. “Go explain to him what you did. Now.”
Sniper did walk over.
Medic had moved away to talk quietly with Demo, but Engie was still there, sitting next to Scout, a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up as Sniper approached, giving him a little, worried smile.
“Er,” Sniper said, fidgeting with his hands for a second before just sticking his thumbs into his pockets. “Scout, can I talk to you for a mo’?”
Scout hummed out a little noise like agreement.
Sniper glanced at Engie again, who took a moment before he realized what Sniper meant and went to get up and give them space. He gave Scout one more pat on the shoulder before he went.
Sniper took his place, hands to himself. “Er. So… you’re not doin’ so well,” Sniper tried.
Scout groaned, shoulders sinking further. “I dunno what the fuck is wrong. This shouldn’t be happening,” he said, voice quiet. “I’m fuckin’ dying over here.”
“Yeah?” Sniper asked, guilt corroding at him quicker by the minute.
“My head hurts,” Scout started. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up. My hands won’t stop shaking and I can barely reload a gun. I didn’t sleep at all last night or the night before that or the night before that and I can’t get a good breath in and I feel like I’m five fuckin’ seconds away from freaking out. Just the usual gunshots and screaming make me start shaking even worse and basically I fuckin’ hate everything right now an’ wanna die. I felt like shit all weekend too but it’s just getting worse and worse.”
Sniper swallowed hard.
“And I dunno what the fuck the issue is, I—I only ever start gettin’ shaky and gross feeling whenever I go without getting caffeine for a few days, and, and I’ve drank like three cans and kept ‘em down and everything and I—I dunno the fuck else to do,” Scout said, and there was an underlying kind of distress, dismay, panic, misery that made Sniper fold in on himself.
“Didn’t realize… you needed it that much,” Sniper said carefully.
Scout sighed, his breath leaving him almost explosively. “Yeah, because I didn’t want nobody to know. Only the Doc was supposed to know, because we kept tryin’ all kinds of meds but none of ‘em worked right, and we figured out if I just drink a fuck ton of caffeine it works better than most meds. So he found some stuff with a ridiculous amount of the stuff and now I drink it all the time or I can’t think right or do anything.” A second sigh, and Scout looked like he was trying to melt and sink into the ground. “And now everybody knows that I’m a fuckin’ idiot who can’t do shit or think right without drinkin’ enough liquid energy to give a bear a heart attack. And I’m maybe having the worst day ever and I just wanna go curl up and down half a bottle of headache meds and try and sleep until everything stops sucking so much.”
Sniper was pretty sure he was going to keel over dead.
“But hey,” Scout said, a dreary, sarcastic attempt at optimism in his voice, and lifted his head enough to look at Sniper, and he hadn’t noticed earlier, but his face was pale and his eyes had bags and circles under them that may as well have been bruises they were so dark. “At least you’re over here. Talkin’ to me. That’s really not like you. Good to know you give that much of a shit about me to come listen to me whine.”
Sniper had to look away, squeeze his eyes shut.
“Anyways, you said you wanted to talk to me?” Scout asked, putting on a terribly brave face despite how objectively horrible he was feeling.
“It was me.”
A pause. Sniper couldn’t look up. “What?”
“It was me. I switched your Bonk! out for some caffeine-free rubbish.”
Another, different pause. “You what?” Scout asked, voice quiet.
“It was meant to just be a prank,” Sniper said, head falling to his hand. “I thought you’d get all drowsy for a little while, be sleepy and a bit off your game and confused. I didn’t mean to make you feel this sick, and… and I’m sorry.”
Silence for a good minute or so. “Snipes, I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
Sniper nodded. “I’d deserve it,” he conceded, glum.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Sniper got shoved, and was sent sprawling on the dirt. “You fuck! I can’t believe you!”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Sniper tried, sitting up.
“God damn it if you weren’t so cute I’d break you right now!” Scout exclaimed, bat in hand, red-faced and positively fuming.
“You think I’m cute?” Sniper asked, a bit surprised.
“Not the topic of conversation right now! You’re a bastard!”
Sniper fell back onto the dirt, staring up at the sky. “I’m sorry,” he said again.
“You owe me,” Scout declared.
“I know.”
“Big time,” Scout added.
“I know.”
“You’re takin’ me out after we clock out today and you’re buying me more soda and then you’re getting me dinner,” Scout finished.
“That sounds fair.’
“…Fuck you,” Scout said once more before he stormed off.
Sniper remained on the ground for another few moments, silent.
“…Cute?” he repeated to himself quietly.
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1000-rat-corpses · 4 years
i get so many serotonins and endorphines and whatnot when i calculate the monthly cost of my ‘the bar is low’ living conditions and PRETEND it’s feasible for me to even land a job paying that much right away.
like people with good careers wouldn’t even blink over the simple costs of living im eking out here.
Tumblr media
and this doesn’t consider a lot of outliers, like my phone bill which is thankfully being paid for right now due to my circumstances, and i have no idea how much my medical/dental insurance would even be out of my extremely theoretical but low hanging expectations paycheck, let alone how bad it might be and how much i’d end up paying if i get into trouble again
car payments would be high bc if i move to where i wanna go i’d get myself something safer with more road safety bells and whistles and shit tbh bc of the long drive between cities, and i’d give my car to my car-less brother so he can get a fucking job.
im cutting down on food too bc i would obviously have to make things in bulk and make em last and forget eating out like....
i hate that it gives me pleasure to idolize this entirely theoretical, impossible living scenario where i put the yearly income at just above poverty line and i have a fucking bachelors degree
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dwight-and-mary · 5 years
Knives Out ❣ Summer, Dwight, and Mary
Parents Week
Evans Family
Summer, Dwight, and Mary
*Summer tells her parents the terrible truth about Jason. They are there to hold her as she finally let’s out the grief. 
Mary had the distinct feeling that Summer was avoiding them. Not physically of course but there was something between them. It had been difficult for her and her daughter to connect since.. well since the accident, but not to this extent. Maybe it was the conversation they'd had with Sky earlier in the day, but she was beginning to get a sinking feeling that there was more to come from her children. She looked over and up at her Dom, her husband and reached out for his hand as he knocked on Summer's door. Dwight arched a brow at Mary as she took her hand. She looked worried about something. "Don't worry Mar, Sky is fine. I know you worry, but..." "It's not that..." Obviously she was concerned and not entirely convinced they shouldn't bring their boy home with them, but that wasn't causing her trepidation just then. "It's..." She didn't get to finish because the door opened.
Summer was getting ready for dinner with her family, her hair in a high ponytail as she exfoliated her face. She heard the knock at the door and frowned, weird.... she wasn't expecting anyone. She quickly rinsed her face off and went to the door to answer it, surprised to see her parents on the other side. "Mom, Dad! I thought we were meeting at Sam and Blaine's for dinner." She said, confused. "I haven't finished getting ready yet... but you can come in and hang out for a bit...?" She suggested.
"Hi Sunshine." Dwight let go of Mary's hand so that he could gently pull Summer in by her shoulders to kiss her forehead. "Well we've had some time with Sam on his own and you know Sky will make sure he gets his time. We wanted to make sure you got some time too." He slung an arm around her and walked into her suite. "Have I told you how happy I am you're with your brothers now." He left the and away from that Jason out of it. "How are liking this place huh? Sky seems to think it's just about the best place ever." He chuckled. Mary let Dwight talk. She tried to examine her daughter without appearing to do so. She looked thin. And she was even more quiet with her than she remembered.
Summer blinked at Dwight's affections, a little alarmed. The last time she'd seen her parents, they'd been fighting about her choice to go to school with Jason and it hadn't ended on a very good note. Dwight didn't have to say it, but she could tell he was thrilled she'd left him. He'd been right all along about him and she felt bad for doubting him. She swallowed and shrugged. "Um... it's all right, I guess." She answered. "I like being near Sam and Sky." She added, genuinely also very happy she was with her brothers again as well. "The classes are harder, though."
It was no secret with the kids that Dwight hadn't been the best student in the world. "Just do your best. That's all anyone can do right?" He sat down on the sofa. "You're room is good. Sky's is kinda small if you ask me, but damn if he kid doesn't love it." "Dwight. Language." Mary tutted. She finally went to her daughter. Things had been so strained since she choose to go to school with Jason. And even before that. There had been a wall between them for so long. It was an ache that she'd almost gotten used to. She pulled Summer into her arms. "I've missed you Sunshine Girl." I've missed you for so long, she thought to herself.
Summer nodded, "I'll do my best." She promised. She wasn't anything super stellar in the academics department, but she had usually averaged the best grades out of the three of them simply because Sam couldn't read very well and Sky was... well, Sky. She smiled at the mention of her little brother, "Well, he gets to have a bunk bed, so..." She chuckled, glad that such a small thing as a bunk bed could still bring joy to his life. She looked up when her mom started to move, and suddenly she felt herself wrapped up in her hug and she had to really fight not to completely lose composure now. She'd spent over a year - a long year - longing for this and she hadn't even known it. It took her a moment, but eventually she wrapped her own arms around Mary and sniffed, blinking away the tears threatening to form. "Missed you too, Mom." She said softly.
Dwight laughed. "Never knew a kid who loved bunk beds more." He watched as the two hugged, knowing Mary had really needed this. In a lot of ways he connected to Summer more, but Mary loved her daughter so deeply. She hated that things had been tense. When she pulled back Mary could see the tears in Summer's eyes. "Oh sweat heart." She gently swiped her thumb along her cheekbones. "What's wrong?" She hugged her again. "I'm sorry. I should have come to visit you at that other school. Should have called. I've been too proud."
The answer to what wasn't wrong might have been shorter, she wanted to tell her. But instead she just sank onto the couch next to her Dad and wiped at her eyes. She didn't know what to say... "It's okay..." She sniffed, "You were needed elsewhere, anyway." She couldn't honestly say it hadn't hurt when her parents hadn't signed up to visit her at her old school, but it had also happened during a busy time for the Evans and Summer knew that logistically, it wasn't feasible for them to visit her there that week. "You were right..." She said eventually, to both of them. "I shouldn't have gone there with him."
Dwight looked up at Mary when Summer sat down next to him. He put his arm around her. "We could have changed Sky's appointment." He remembers the week. They had visited an institute for young people with special needs and he'd worked a double shift before going to a concert at Stevie and Scotty's school. But they could have changed some of that couldn't they? "Jason? Summer, honey, did something happen?" He did his best to keep any anger at Jason out of voice. Mary dipped her head in shame. Had they always put Sky ahead of her needs. But her head snapped up at Dwight's question. She a little sick as she sat on Summer's other side and also put her arm around her. "I know... well guess dad and I didn't do a very good job of hiding how we felt about Jason... But you we never wanted to be right. I'd take you being happy over us being right any day and twice on Sunday."
She was immediately shaking her head. "Sky's more important." She said, repeating the mantra she'd told herself every day since the accident. Summer's voice wavered a little as she answered her father's question. "Um... well, he...." This was hard to talk about. She'd suppressed her emotions around Jason and everything he did for so long that she wasn't sure how to even talk about it anymore. "He changed... and not for the better." She decided to say. It was a vast understatement. It had happened gradually once he had gotten her away from her family, essentially isolating her, and he had supported her when she said she didn't know how to talk to her parents anymore and told her if she didn't know how to, then don't. She wishes now that she'd called them more often...
Dwight opened his mouth to respond, but it was Mary who spoke. "That isn't true. Oh sweet heart, I know, I know how much time and effort I've devoted to Sky." There are so many reasons for that. Some of them are absolutely reasonable and unavoidable, but the truth is there are some that aren't and are about her fear of losing him, about how close they'd come to losing him. But none of it should have kept her from being the mother Summer needed. "You are just as important. All of you are the most important people in the world to us." They had grown apart in so many ways that it had been too easy to let things slide. Her heart dropped down into her stomach. For the worse How could Jason get worse than when they'd been around him. She opened her mouth to talk, but this time it was Dwight who beat her to it. "Sunshine... Look at me sweat heart. What did he do? What happened?You can tell us." Damn if part of him really didn't want to know. It scared the crap out of him, but they needed to know. He just hoped it wasn't as bad as his imagination was coming up with.
Summer heard Mary's words, but they didn't really sink in. Sky was more important. She had known that since she was 13, and had made peace with it. It was a fact. But she didn't argue. She was tired of arguments. It was only when Dwight spoke that she looked up again, meeting his eyes and immediately crumbling into tears. She wiped at her eyes again, teting to compose herself to talk. After a moment, she drew a breath and started talking. "It was... um.... it was just little things. At first." She said, "He got angry a lot. The pressures of school were getting to him I think..." she shrugged. "So um... I kinda started seeing other people. Because I wanted to get experience and learn more y'know? Do more scenes and whatnot... and then um." She swallowed again. "And then I got p-pregnant." She whispered. "I-it could only have been Jason's." She added. "But a couple weeks after he found out I'd been doing scenes with other people. And... well I hadn't told him yet so he was really rough that night and um... I uh... I lost the baby." She finished, her head low and her shoulders trembling.
It wasn't as bad as Dwight imagined. It was worse. So much worse. His free hand clenched in a fist. He needed to punch that bastard in the face. But in the state she was in he knew Summer would take the anger as directed toward her. Mary's eyes filled with tears. She'd made her little girl vulnerable to that animal. The tiny crack in their relationship had been just what he'd needed to create a rift with her stuck on his side. And she thought of all the times she'd worried about how much more... free sexually than she was comfortable with. He'd sensed that as well she thinks. Used it to shame and abuse Summer. She pulled the girls slumped over body to her own wrapping her arms around her. "Shhh.... Oh, sweetheart. Sweetie... He hurt you so much." Her heart clenched thinking about the grandbaby that never got the chance to come into this world. She looked over Summer's shoulder tears running down her cheek, shaking her head. How had they missed this. Why hadn't they kept her safe(edited)
She knew as soon as she'd said it that she'd broken her mother's heart, and her father looked no better off. All she could do now was cry... and she had no idea how long it had been since she'd had a really good cry like this but man oh man did she ever need it. Summer curled tighter into her mom's embrace, finally accepting her affections fully because even she didn't really deserve it, she needed it, and she was selfish like that sometimes.
Something seemed to have broken free in Summer. Mary couldn't remember the last time she had seen her daughter cry. She held her tight and started to rock her back and forth, rubbing her back and making soothing nonsense noises. "I've got you my Sunshine Girl. I've got you. We love you." Dwight rested his big strong hand on his daughter's back, a steadying presence in the storm. Later he would shake and rage, ready to jump into the car and drive to wherever Jason was and beat him senseless. But right now he just needed to be strong for Summer.
It was a long few minutes that Summer just cried, taking comfort in both of her parents' presence. She'd spent a lot of years pushing her parents away, but she knew she needed them now more than she ever had before. It was kind of nice, actually, to be the centre of their attention for once.
Mary started to hum an old folk tune her mother had sung to her when she was hurt. Rubbing her back and rocking. She wondered how long Summer had held all of this in. He thinks it's longer than just since this horrible event, this horrible violence. "We've got you Sunshine. No matter what." Dwight wanted to take this grief away from her, but he knew that wasn't the way life worked. However he also knew that the world had tested the Evans before; had done everything it could to tear them down. It couldn't be done because through it all they stuck together. They would get Summer through this.
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isa-ghost · 6 years
The Bunker #88720 SepticEgo Lore
A quick reminder of what our AU exactly is:
The “antipocalypse” takes place in an enclosed area. Life outside the war zone continues on as normal, but within, it is a mixture of abandoned cities and various people trying to survive a war that none of them were truly prepared for.
Now let’s get to the good stuff about the egos!
The egos live in a sanctuary specifically for them and them only referred to as “The Safehouse.” They’re kept here in order to avoid being attacked or corrupted by Anti. The Safehouse is heavily magically enchanted by Marvin to protect them and keep Anti out. It’s also specially enlarged to make living comfortable. Even though they live in their own specialized place, they still help the Bosses in the fight! They also frequently interact with Bunker #88720 because the Bunker’s leader Dawn knows the egos very well. We’ll get to just how well she knows them later~
The egos are fragments of Jack's soul, for the most part.
Jack wore a costume, created a persona, and the community believed in that persona so much, that it brought them to life as their own separate person. When Jack recognizes the persona as an official ego, they receive a part of his soul. For right now, the “official” egos are: Jackieboy Man, Marvin the Magnificent, Henrik von Schneeplestein, Chase Brody and Jameson Jackson. (DISCLAIMER: I’m not covering much, if any, of Anti’s lore in this post, he has his own lore post).
The egos can only live if the community believes in them strongly enough. Without their belief, the ego will slowly regress, shut down and eventually go comatose while their soul piece gets ready to return to Jack. Jack can feel their soul pieces returning when they go comatose. You can tell the soul piece is getting ready to leave the ego when their chest glows blue.
As people, the egos are 90% reliant on what the community headcanons them as for their personality. Which isn't always a good thing.
For example, their headcanons for Jackie have given him a compulsive need to ALWAYS be the one saving people, not people saving him. He is also 100% ready to sacrifice himself and die for ANYONE in Jack's community. He is also "too nice" and is literally incapable of hating anyone, he cant even hate Anti. He can be very very angry with them, threaten them, or claim he hates them, but its never true. He just doesn't have the capacity.
Another example is Schneep. They headcanon that he's somewhat of a mad doctor. Because of this, he has lapses in sanity where he becomes very aggressive and more or less full of bloodlust. To keep his insanity under control, he has to operate on something, ANYTHING that's living. Not even his brothers are completely safe while he’s lapsed. Jackie being the selfless hero he is, voluntarily allows Schneep operate on him and examine his insides to see how they’re different since he's a superhero. They consider it a win/win situation; Jackie gets a better understanding of his superpowers, and Schneep gets something to take his madness-driven urges out on. But this is one of few headcanons that the egos have managed to make a counter for.
The egos are somewhat bitter about how the community has fucked them up a bit, and they don't exactly like that their lives are almost completely in the hands of a bunch of kids, but they don't openly express such unless they’re alone together. Of all the egos, Schneep is the most bitter about this all because their accusations that he was working with Anti started making him shut down like they were losing belief in him. It severely weakened his healing powers and THIS is why he failed to save Jack in August and was kidnapped and imprisoned by Anti during Kill Jacksepticeye.
All “canon” ego appearances on the channel were recorded by them (except for Say Goodbye, KJSE, Bro Average, and any of Anti’s other appearances. Those were all recorded by Anti.)
As parts of Jack’s soul, the egos have a certain balance to them. Jackie is Jack's optimism and persistence. He's what fuels Jack's determination to do good things and stay happy. He's sensitive to Chase, cause Chase is kind of the unlucky ego. Chase is Jack's fear of failure and overly self-critical tendencies. Jackie boosts him a lot. They balance each other; Jackie keeps Chase from getting too unstable and Chase keeps Jackie from acting like everything is sunshine and rainbows. They give each other reality checks that not everything is good all the time, but not everything is bad either. Marvin is Jack's creativity. Jackie influences him a ton. Without him, Marvin can’t usually think straight and he gets sorta depressed. And on the other hand, Marvin's ideas stimulate how hyperactive Jackie is. Schneep is Jack's sense of self-care, self-control and maturity. Its why you constantly have to nag him to do basic human things like eat and sleep. Jack does self-care but he's almost always preoccupied. Schneep is the same way, its just because Jack doesn't. As for the self-control thing, Schneep is relatively reserved and doesn't panic a lot, but he has moments where he gets a little crazy. Its just the way Jack is, occasionally he likes to let himself run loose with things, so Schneep gets a little insane. And his maturity is why Jack handles situations like hate comments and whatnot so well. Schneep is smart and calculating, so it makes Jack think about something before he does or says it. He keeps Jackie grounded so his high energy and blind positivity don't get him into trouble. He also gives Chase reassurance on things and reminds him he doesn't have to be scared he isn't good enough. And with Marvin, Schneep regulates his ideas so they remain realistic and feasible, not that he goes overboard and the idea becomes impossible to achieve. The four of them all balance each other out in different ways, and together they make up who Jack is as a person. They weren't created by him or the community with that intention, either. As they were each born, they just sort of took after whatever piece of Jack's soul would fit their character best. They know this much, but now that Jameson was recently acknowledged as an official ego, they aren’t sure how he balances with the others.
JACKIEBOY MAN: Name: Jackie Robert Melvin Jason Todd Williamson (he accepts every middle name the community has given him) Hair: Lime Green Eyes: Has heterochromia; one eye is green and the other is blue Birthdate: July 10th Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual Relationship: None, jokingly “married” to Marvin Known Languages: English, Irish, Sign Language, Morse Code, SOME German
MARVIN THE MAGNIFICENT: Name: Marvin Alexander McLoughlin Hair: Blue-Green Eyes: Blue Birthdate: August 11th Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship: None, jokingly “married” to Jackie Known Languages: English, Irish, Sign Language
HENRIK VON SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Name: Henrik Ludwig von Schneeplestein Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Birthdate: September 15th Sexuality: Heteromantic Demisexual Relationship: Married Known Languages: English, German, Irish, Sign Language, Morse Code
CHASE BRODY: Name: Chase Michael Brody Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Birthdate: April 11th Sexuality: Straight Relationship: None Known Languages: English, Irish, Sign Language
JAMESON JACKSON: Name: Jameson Jackson Daniels Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Birthdate: April 6th Sexuality: Demisexual Relationship: None Known Languages: English, Irish, Sign Language, Morse Code
You bet your sweet ass the Bunker was inspired by @turquoisemagpie​ and made SepticEgo fusions a thing.
The egos can fuse their soul pieces to become more powerful in any situation that might call for it. BUT, they can only fuse as pairs, as all 5 of them, or one/all with Jack.
⦁ Heroic Mage (Jackie/Marvin) ⦁ Life Saver (Jackie/Schneep) ⦁ Super Shot (Jackie/Chase) ⦁ Hero Time (Jackie/Jamie) ⦁ Witch Doctor (Schneep/Marvin) ⦁ Magic Bullet (Chase/Marvin) ⦁ Magical Time (Marvin/Jamie) ⦁ Booster Shot (Schneep/Chase) ⦁ Dapper Doctor (Schneep/Jamie) ⦁ Father of Time (Chase/Jamie)
⦁ Fusions cannot be corrupted by Anti. ⦁ When egos fuse with Jameson, they can hear his voice in their head. They are also very stealthy, fast, and precise. ⦁ When any ego fuses with Jackie, all powers are increased by super strength. ⦁ When any ego fuses with Schneep, they can self-heal and harder to hit (due to reflexes and increased pain tolerance). ⦁ When any ego fuses with Chase, they become bulletproof. ⦁ The fusion of all 5 egos is referred to as Ultimate Septicego. ⦁ If fused together for too long, their body will drain of energy and eventually their soul pieces will be painfully ripped apart, forcing them to defuse. ⦁ If a fusion is under too much strain/stress, they cannot defuse. They have to calm down before being able to, or they will be forced apart.
FUSION POWERS: Heroic Mage The most powerful fusion. Jackie's powers magnify Marvin's magic and vice versa. Both are also doubled in power by Jackie's super strength.
Life Saver The most dangerous fusion. They hit harder and faster. Jackie's abilities are strengthened. Schneep's powers give him the ability to heal himself, as well as make him immune to poison/other toxins.
Super Shot Jackie's strength and powers are weaponized into firearms/condensed into bullets. Bulletproof body which also increases Jackie's strength.
Hero Time Second most powerful fusion. Time manipulation can last longer due to super strength. Can create traps/etc with slime threads and freeze them in time until the right moment to activate them. Gives Jackie the ability to teleport. Septibubbles can also hold time rifts. Reflexes are faster and stronger; powerful speed fighter.
Witch Doctor Healing abilities increased. Spells hit targets more precisely and can be cast faster.
Magic Bullet Long-range spells condensed into bullets. Extremely harmful depending on the spell. Can alternatively be fired at allies with a spell to enhance their abilities.
Magical Time Spells can be cast faster, hit faster and the time it takes for them to take effect can be manipulated. Also has the ability to teleport.
Booster Shot Needle-sharp bullets that instantly knock out targets, can potentially kill targets if hit in the vitals. Schneep's reflexes increase aim accuracy.
Dapper Doctor Schneep's reflexes and Jamie's time manipulation abilities make this a hard fusion to surprise and an even harder fusion to hit.
Father of Time Bullets can be slowed or sped up. Firing rate increased.
Jackie was born first (July 10th, 2016) and you can imagine it was very awkward for Jack to meet... "himself." The two were very very close, Jackie probably misses Jack now more than any other ego. After a while, he got kind of lonely being the only ego. He gets very excited and emotional when he gets a new brother. He even refers to his own existence as "being created" yet he refers to the other ego's creations as "being born."
Marvin is the second oldest (born August 11th, 2016). Jackie was absolutely overwhelmed with emotion when he got a "baby brother." It was just him and Marvin for a while...
Until Schneep was created (September 15th, 2016), he's the third oldest (though its easy to mistake him as the oldest). A little after he was created, Marvin was at some point taken and strung up by Anti. He eventually escaped and returned. He hides his red puppet strings with magic and since his escape, his septiceye has healed and gone away. While he was gone, Jackie and Schneep discovered Schneep's sanity lapses and began their secret operations on Jackie to take care of Schneep's violent urges.
Then Say Goodbye happened. They found Jack dying in his room, and Schneep sprung to action to save him. Anti has been created by the community, Jack makes the mistake of acknowledging him, and the Antipocalypse war begins. Jack is saved by Schneep and put into high security protection. The egos are sent to the Safehouse, a place specifically created to house and protect them from Anti. Marvin has several magical enchantments on it to make it safe, keep Anti out, and make it comfortable to live in.
Chase is created fourth (born April 11th, 2017). He's possessed/heavily manipulated by Anti and does the drive-by shooting, then flees to an office building to kill himself. Jackie received the call about the shooting and sprung into action to intervene and catch the suspect. He tracks Chase down to the office building but finds Chase just after he shoots himself. He realizes Chase is clearly an ego and rushes him to the Safehouse. Schneep saves Chase and he bonds heavily with Jackie while he recovers. Its later discovered the experience caused Chase to develop an attachment to Jackie (side note: an attachment is a side-effect of having a very personal experience with Anti).
Kill Jacksepticeye happens. The community accuses Schneep of working with Anti and starts to lose faith in him. Extremely weakened, he's unable to save Jack. Anti kidnaps them both after possessing Schneep. Jackie is left alone to protect Marvin and Chase. All three are devastated.
Jameson is born (October 31st, 2017). His vocal chords are ripped out and he's then possessed by Anti and used as a disguise during the Silent Film. But the community believed in him so much that it made him into his own person, rather than a disguise that would stop existing after Anti left his body.  Jackie and Marvin found him still in a daze after being possessed and brought him back to the Safehouse. Jack acknowledged Jameson to give him a soul piece to make him an official ego on April 6th, 2018.
Since then, they've all lived together at the Safehouse as brothers. Until they met the Bunker. They now live at the Bunker most of the time. After moving into the bunker, a lot more has happened to them (which would take way too long to sort out on here) but the most important things to have happened are:
Dawn, who was Schneep’s nurse assistant at the hospital he worked at, married Schneep.
Jackie and Marvin pose as “dads” to three of the kids who live in the bunker, Rena, Lucy and Ethan. (@mini-hero-rena and @masohno respectively)
Jackieboy Man:
Red puppet strings
No septiceye
Not obedient to Anti
Was corrupted at one point, is now detoxed
Has been kidnapped/tortured by Anti before
Has an attachment to a branding Anti put on his wrist “[PROPERTY OF ANTISEPTICEYE]”
Marvin the Magnificent:
Red puppet strings
No septiceye
Not obedient to Anti
Was corrupted at one point, now detoxed
Has been kidnapped/tortured by Anti before
Has an attachment to his cat mask
Henrik von Schneeplestein:
No puppet strings
No septiceye
Not obedient to Anti
Was corrupted at one point, now detoxed 
Has been kidnapped/tortured by Anti before
Has been possessed by Anti before
Has an attachment to the scalpel he used to operate on Jack in August
Chase Brody:
No puppet strings
No septiceye
Not obedient to Anti
Has been corrupted before, now detoxed
Has been possessed by Anti before
Has an attachment to Jackie
Jameson Jackson:
No puppet strings
No septiceye
Not obedient to Anti
Never corrupted
Has been kidnapped/tortured by Anti before
Has been possessed by Anti before
Has an attachment to the notebook he used to communicate with his brothers for the first time being that he’s mute
The egos have Bunker AU-based blogs, give them a follow!!
@bunker-jackie​ @bunker-schneep​ @bunker-jameson​ @bunker-chase​
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