#being a Good Student has absolutely no correlation with Being Intelligent or Being a Good Person or Overthrowing the Government
pilferingapples · 1 month
the only Amis who have to Actually Care about their studies are the med students
all the rest are on a sliding scale from 'we don't actually know if they're even in college' to ' actively resisting the college they are enrolled in like they've been dumped behind enemy lines'
they are shit terrible students and that is actually canon
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hersheykise · 3 years
Jonathan Joestar’s Spotify Playlist
Hello and welcome to the beginning of a series (or projected to be ahaha) that has to do with Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure characters and their own personalized playlists! I’ll be listing the track list and then will be going more in depth as to why I chose these particular songs for Jonathan’s playlist. The top part will not have spoilers, but be aware that the second part will so read at your own will! For the first playlist, we have none other than Jonathan Joestar, the original Jojo!
💿✨Track list✨💿
01. Jojo (Sono Chi no Sadame), Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga
03. breathin, Ariana Grande
04. We Belong, Ong Seong Wu
05. My Heart Will Go On, Céline Dion
06. Silence, Marshmello ft. Khalid
07. Dollhouse, Melanie Martinez
08. London Boy, Taylor Swift
09. Needed Me, Rihanna
10. Line Without a Hook, Ricky Montgomery
11. Glorious, Macklemore ft. Skylar Grey
12. Fighter, Christina Aguilera
13. Classic, MKTO
14. Win, CIX
In Depth (spoiler free)
🔹 Jojo (Sono Chi no Sadame), Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga
Sono Chi no Sadame is the first opening of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and is truly what sets up the stage for the rest of the series. Jonathan Joestar, being the first Jojo, begins the Jojo legacy in Phantom Blood. The song lyrics heavily foreshadow the future of the Jojo series and describes Jonathan as someone who has honor and always does what is right. Sono Chi no Sadame is a spectacular opening act to the unique concept of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. *side note* Muscially speaking wow this song is incredibly good the crescendoes and frequent tempo changes as well as the instrumentals amaze me- this is easily my favorite Jojo opening.
Hamon (also known as Ripple or Sendo) is a technique that heavily focuses on controlled breathing. Jonathan learned and mastered Hamon in a very short amount of time. BREATHE also has a very light feeling to it, making the song easy to listen to which connects to Jojo as he is a lighthearted and easy going guy.
🔹breathin, Ariana Grande
Likewise as BREATHE by AB6IX, breathin correlates to the Hamon technique that Jonathan used to fight. Adding onto that, Jonathan lived in a grand mansion and was very well off financially. This song has an elegant sound to it. Despite the wealth that he had, Jojo did not have the easiest childhood. Ever since Dio Brando began to live with him, Jonathan saw many mishaps occur with his relationships, reputation, and self esteem. But, Jonathan Joestar never gave up on his morals and values, and he always kept “breathin and breathin and breathin” no matter what, making sure he would always do the right thing.
🔹Silence, Marshmello ft. Khalid
Silence explains and describes Jonathan’s teenage years very well along with his relationship with Dio. Dio coming to live with Jonathan messed him up as Jonathan felt inferior to Dio who was taking the spotlight by being an amazing athlete and intelligent student. This prompted lots of praise from Jonathan’s father and comparing him to Dio constantly, which made Jonathan feel like he wasn’t worth as much. “I found peace in your violence” is a very meaningful line that contributes to Jonathan’s and Dio’s relationship because of the fact that Dio was... an extremely violent person ever since he was a kid and has done crazy evil things to Jonathan, yet Jonathan didn’t really hate Dio because of Jojo’s noble personality- Dio was Jonathan’s “brother,” therefore Jonathan couldn’t hate him. Jojo felt like he had to be silent over Dio’s actions because he didn’t want to spoil the love that his father gave to Dio, again proving how big of a heart Jonathan had.
🔹Dollhouse, Melanie Martinez
Dollhouse is a rather dark song, but is perfect to show off the darker side of Jonathan’s character. As we know, Jonathan is a young man who presents himself as well... perfect. He’s smart, incredibly kind and noble, rich, popular, and athletic. After Dio appeared and started to really turn things around for Jonathan, he had to continue to present the same image of himself even though his home life was becoming a wreck. His own father constantly scolded him and loved Dio to a great extent. “Pose with your brother won’t you be a good sister?” Jonathan knew that Dio’s actions were evil and he had ill intent at such a young age but Jojo had to go along with the act that Dio put on, faking the close brotherly relationship between them.
🔹London Boy, Taylor Swift
Sometimes I forget that Jonathan Joestar is in fact British. London Boy is a song for Jonathan not just because he lives in/by London, but also because the song describes a man who is just so sweet and has a beautiful laugh. The overall song is just so positive and loving towards this English boy. Every time I listen to this song I now think of Jonathan, and a smile always plasters on my face. Taylor Swift also has a lyric talking about watching rugby which reminded me of the iconic Jonathan and Dio rugby scene early in the story. Jonathan is such a respectful gentleman whom everyone just can’t help but fall in love with his lovely English charm.
🔷Line Without a Hook, Ricky Montgomery
After upon listening to this song, I felt like it really gave off Jonathan vibes because of the light but a tinge of melancholy sound to it. Thing song is quite reflective of Jonathan and Erina with the lyrics “I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake” because it reminded me of when Jonathan first met Erina, who was being bullied by a couple of boys but Jonathan risked getting beaten up to stop the bullies from harming Erina. Later, Jonathan was laying on a hill with his dog Danny, feeling quite down because of none other than Dio, but Erina came and dropped off some grapes and his handkerchief and that was what really started off their relationship. The iconic line “she’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook” explains that Erina was Jonathan’s sole happiness in his life.
🔹Fighter, Christina Aguilera
Honestly, Dio really sucked (I still love him *sigh*). He wanted to completely destroy Jonathan’s life and make it absolutely miserable... for what? Well, despite the horrific actions that Dio performed to ruin Jonathan’s reputation and will, that ultimately backfired as Jonathan rose stronger than ever. Of course Jonathan was mad at Dio for his unspeakable actions, but because of him, he was able to have a certain drive where he gained immense strength in a short amount of time. William Zeppeli describes Jonathan as a Hamon prodigy because of how quickly Jojo was able to master it. Jojo was a natural, but again, he had that determination to defeat Dio once and for all. Despite the hardships Jonathan went through as a result of Dio’s decisions, Jonathan did not resent him in the end- Jojo became an extremely powerful individual because of his past.
🔹Classic, MKTO
In order to create a playlist for our favorite gentleman, it’s only necessary that we add a classic gentlemanly song to it! There’s not much of a deep gloomy reason why this song correlates with Jonathan, in fact it’s the complete opposite. Classic is a song that talks about being a classy and polite man, and to put it simply, Jonathan is exactly that.
🔹Win, CIX
From the God of High School soundtrack, Win is a song about fighting and training together as a team. This upbeat song greatly reminds me of the mini team of Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon, and William Zeppeli all fighting against Dio and his minions together. Jonathan Joestar was not able to fight Dio without a hamon teacher, William, and an incredibly loyal friend, Speedwagon. This trio had great camaraderie and were overall an incredibly adorable and high morale team.
🔹Blue Hour, TXT
Ok so does this song really have a deep meaning or correlation to Jonathan Joestar? Nahhh not really, I just added it as a bit of a bonus. Blue Hour has an almost fairytale like vibe to it and I just thought it would be something that resonated with Jonathan, especially when he was a child. So, enjoy this little serotonin bonus boost!
⚠️Part 1 Spoilers⚠️
🔹We Belong, Ong Seong Wu
Jonathan’s and Erina’s relationship was very short... but sweet. We Belong is an emotional love song explaining how this one guy meets someone who is their entire world, like when Jonathan met Erina. Through Jojo’s darkest times when he felt like he lost everything, Erina was by his side no matter what. Even though their marriage was abruptly ended with the death of Jonathan, it doesn’t disregard the fact that Erina completely loved Jonathan and supported the Joestar family for the future generations to come. Jonathan and Erina truly belonged together.
🔹My Heart Will Go On, Céline Dion
My apologies, I’m absolutely in love with Jonathan’s and Erina’s relationship. My Heart Will Go On automatically reminds me of the last moments of Jonathan. Since the song was a part of the Titanic soundtrack where there’s a romance story and people die on a sinking ship, it really correlates to Erina and Jonathan going on their honeymoon but Jonathan ending up dead on the ship. Everytime I think of either the song or Jonathan’s and Erina’s last moments together, my heart feels heavy. Both the song and the scene are extremely high in emotions and both suit each other quite well.
🔹Needed Me, Rihanna
Dio killed Jonathan so that he could merge with Jojo’s body, and ultimately use it for evil and for power. “Never told you, you could have it,” symbolizes that Dio forcibly took everything Jonathan had, again including his own body. Although Jonathan would probably never say the lyrics of this song to Dio because he’s so noble, externally everyone knows that without Jonathan, Dio would have been absolutely nothing in Part 3.
🔹Glorious, Macklemore ft. Skylar Grey
The song Glorious questions oneself’s purpose in life, the answer being ‘give back to the people.’ Jonathan has proven that he has countlessly sacrificed himself for others, as was seen when he died on the ship and told Erina to take care of the orphaned baby and to “live a happy life.” Jonathan struggled greatly in his short life, but he always had the passion of helping others since he was born to do so.
Thank you for reading through my first ever blog on Tumblr! I hope you enjoyed the playlist and descriptions! Hopefully this playlist blog series will continue with majority of the main Jojo characters- that’s the plan. Have a good day and/or night💓!
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
COVID-19, Negligent Manslaughter, and a Timeline of Tory Indifference
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“I feel sorry for Boris Johnson. He is doing the best he can in the situation and I don’t think anybody else could have done a better job.”
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[exhibit A: a gem somebody that I’m Facebook friends with reposted earlier]
It’s a sentiment that I cannot quite wrap my head around. I sit here hopeless and furious and trying to hold back tears because it’s been almost a year since England first went into lockdown and yet here we are, almost 100,000 dead, in an even worse position than we were before whilst other countries begin to slowly return to normality. It is clear to me who is to blame for this, however there are a large proportion of people who don’t want to “politicise” the actions of the PRIME MINISTER with regards to his approach towards handling a virus sweeping the country he GOVERNS. 
Typically, these kind of posts making the rounds on social media will be accompanied by some kind of photo of Boris Johnson looking somber as if to suggest that the way things have played out were beyond his control and that he is some kind of broken man beleaguered by the suffering he has, despite good intentions, inadvertently caused.
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This one in particular of Johnson with his head in his hands is a staple. In reality, this is a photo taken back in 2018 whilst he was receiving flack from party members for comparing Theresa May to a suicide bomber (for her handling of Brexit, ironically) as well as from the papers due to his rumoured (now also proven, in a completely non-surprising turn of events, to be true) affair with his former aide, Carrie Symonds. 
So let’s shut this narrative-where we should feel for Boris because he’s doing his best, and apparently a better job than anybody else could’ve done in his situation- down right here. In a supposedly developed country with one of the world’s largest economies, if we’re talking by proportion, our COVID-19 death toll is up there with the worst of them. It seems that every other state figurehead (bar a small handful), and I mean almost every single one of them, is doing a better job. People love to throw figures out there about how densely populated we are to combat damning statistics as if we haven’t got just as many factors playing to our advantage, as if it’s unfair to compare our response to Germany’s or Japan’s or Singapore’s (both of which are far more densely populated) or New Zealand’s or Vietnam’s, but we are an ISLAND with world-leading technology and infrastructure and healthcare equipment and professionals and a relatively high standard of living. In what world is almost 70,000 dead in a country with abundant time and means to prepare a response reflective of said country’s leaders doing a good job?
Apparently we’re supposed to believe that Johnson feels some sense of moral responsibility for this astronomical failure. A man who refuses to acknowledge the multiple children he has fathered outside of his marriages and who has had repeatedly engaged in affairs and one-night stands throughout said marriages. A man who continued to cheat whilst his most recent wife was receiving treatment for cervical cancer, for fuck’s sake. Yep, a real stand-up guy. 
So where does this idea that Johnson must feel remorseful for this catastrophe come from? We haven’t seen a second of remorse or a hint of accountability for the lives lost from him nor any members of his cabinet. That much is really no surprise; I have this hypothesis, and it’s not a stretch, that these people do not have an ounce of empathy in their bodies. These ridiculously privileged, privately-educated individuals who have had everything handed to them their entire lives simply cannot put themselves in the shoes of the average working person and that is the problem. Unable to recognise that what distinguishes them from most others is little more than the luck of being born into wealth and the abundance of recourses and connections that has entailed throughout their lives, they see us as beneath them-as less intelligent, less driven, and thus less deserving of the status and respect they enjoy. They see us as a bunch of whining, unmotivated idiots who do not recognise the chokehold they have over our media nor the fact that everything they do is a desperate grab to keep money and power within the hands of a select group of people, an exclusive members club from which most of us are barred (just take a simple Google search and watch Jacob Rees-Mogg’s opinion of the Grenfell victims or the buried Johnson speech where he talks about how inequality is essential). They know that we will squabble amongst ourselves about who is to blame rather than wising up to the truth which is that every decision they make is fuelled by cronyism and the inability to make and follow through with difficult choices, the pandemic being no exception. The supposedly self-made elite see the life of the average working class person as having far less value than their own, and their parties actions over the last 10 years have made that very clear. 
It was in December 2019 that the first case of COVID-19 was declared to the World Health Organisation and on March the 11th that they announced they considered it as a pandemic. In Wuhan, people were dying of pneumonia in their clusters. And what was Boris Johnson doing in this time? Well for starters, here in the UK we didn’t even have a pandemic committee-Johnson had scrapped it six months before. If years of benefits cuts and defunding of the NHS in favour of funding nuclear weapon programs, keeping British troops on other people’s lands, and tax breaks for the mega corporations that donate to their party didn’t convince you that the Conservatives have little regard for human life, them getting rid of this committee-whilst a pandemic has been declared year after year as the greatest threat to mankind-should have been the first sign of trouble. As if that wasn’t enough, he also skipped five of the COBRA (meetings are made up of a cross-departmental committee put together to respond to national emergencies and PMs routinely attend those pertaining to crises on the scale of COVID-19) meetings addressing the situation. Whilst other countries were closing their borders and stocking up on PPE, Johnson and his ministers were selling PPE abroad and simply telling people to wash their hands to the length of the tune of happy birthday. Their only policy was one of “herd immunity”, which was in fact not a policy but just an abandonment of their party’s public duty disguised as one, intentionally obfuscated with pseudoscientific jargon.
Even thinking the absolute worst of politicians you would hope that when it came to the point where the UK’s non-response to COVID-19 was becoming an international disgrace, Johnson and his ministers would take proper protective measures if only to save face. But when they eventually seemed to do so, it became clear that the priority was not the safety of the ordinary people affected by the virus. Outsourcing their test and traces system to companies such as Serco, Sitel, Deloitte and G4S rather than public health services, Conservative ministers could not resist attempting to line the pockets of their friends and benefactors in the process. According to the Guardian, instead of reaching out to the experts or using publicly funded services to handle COVID containment measures, the Conservative party has awarded a disgusting £1.5 BILLION WORTH of contracts to businesses with explicit connections to its MPs and donors, the majority of which lack any relative experience of the tasks they’ve been trusted to carry out. Unsurprisingly, the National Audit office found that when awarding contracts relating to the production of COVID-19 protection measures and treatment needs, there was a “high-priority lane” for suppliers referred by senior politicians and officials; companies with a political referral were 10 times more likely to end up winning a government contract than those without. On top of this, it is not hard to draw a link between the late initiation of lockdown measures and preemptive openings of pubs and restaurants against scientific advice to the interests of frequent donors such as Wetherspoons owner Tim Martin. Even if one chooses to ignore the blatantly obvious correlation between the owners of the businesses whose profits were prioritised over safety concerns and the number of those owners who donate to the Conservatives, party officials at the very least were reluctant to follow the lead of many other countries in financing furlough schemes themselves and instead avoided this responsibility by using loose lockdown measures to leave it down to the discretion of small business owners, who couldn’t themselves afford to furlough staff, whether or not to stay open. 
Time and time again, as the government flounder and fuck about, favouring personal desires to keep their powerful, high-paying jobs and to satisfy the corporate allies who make this possible, blame has been shifted from the public to care homes to NHS workers and back again whilst we, the public, make the biggest sacrifices of all under the illusion that we were being guided out of this pandemic rather than lied to and thrown under the bus. Whilst the elite continue to pick and choose what rules apply to them, it’s students and the elderly and the vulnerable paying the fines and scrabbling to afford basic living costs and hoping that they don’t lose someone dear to them.
Don’t get me wrong, a large proportion of the public have contributed to the spread too with their selfishness and entitlement and the arrogance it takes to develop a sudden refusal to acknowledge basic science from experts who have studied in the field their whole lives so that they can justify their need to go to the pub (speaking of, it’s absolutely HILARIOUS how many “mental health advocates” are suddenly coming out of the woodworks on football avi Twitter after they’ve spent years calling people on mental health Twitter attention seekers). And don't get me wrong, there were inevitably going to be casualties of this pandemic. But it didn't have to spread to this many people, and there didn’t have to be so many deaths due to a lack of preparation, and this wouldn’t have been the case if it weren’t for the inherent apathy of the Conservative party towards the lives of people of lesser status than them, the reluctance to put those lives before party interests. I wish I felt like there was an end in sight, I wish there was some positive takeaway from all of this, but even now, we continue to see corners being cut with the vaccine lauded as our saving grace and anti-maskers gathering outside hospitals to chant about how “oppressive” it is to be urged to wear a bit of cloth over their faces for the short periods of time in which they leave their houses and all I can think of is the selfishness that runs like poison through our country. It makes me sick and leaves me to question desperately where we go from here. I don’t like unanswered questions, I don’t like feeling politically directionless, and I don’t like the growing fear I have about the state of the world which seems to intensify every single day. In the UK at least, it’s starting to feel like nothing will ever change-we’re told we live in a democracy and yet mainstream media is owned by the people whose interest is to keep their Conservative friends in power. The stronghold they have over print media in particular allows them to continually get away with smearing and defaming every person who comes along and seems to want to actually help ordinary people, without being challenged, to the point where the only kind of “opposition” we’re left with promises nothing but a big boss approved tactical reshuffling of the status quo (which they call “electability”); it doesn’t feel like democracy when the majority of the country are being fed misleading information and convinced against voting in their best interests. 
This is the result of that. The state we find ourselves in is the inevitable result of being manipulated into helping the elite build their protective wall whilst the rest of us scrabble to get in and step on each others heads along the way, the people inside shouting over that it’s those even more vulnerable than ourselves that are taking our places. Outside the wall, the earth is falling from beneath our feet, and instead of throwing over the ropes to help us out, the people inside are stockpiling them so they can secure their firm place above ground and then later flog the rest. How many more people have to die before we reach some kind of widespread realisation of that? Where do we go from here and what do we do? Well for one, we can stop spreading those god-fucking-awful textposts on Facebook and get our heads out of our arses. Wear our masks over and wear them over our fucking noses. Have some fucking consideration for others. Don’t wait til an issue affects you personally to give a fuck about it. AND START HOLDING THE FUCKING PRIME MINISTER AND HIS MINISTERS AND HIS ENTIRE PARTY AS WELL AS THE OPPOSITION MPS THAT HAVE SAT BY THE SIDELINES AND ALLOWED THIS TO GO ON WITHOUT PROTEST ACCOUNTABLE. That would be a good start. 
I’m so tired. Things didn’t need to be this way, and yet because of the selfishness of the few, thousands upon thousands are dead. It’s not about “throwing around blame”, it’s not about “throwing around” anything, it’s about expecting a leader to do his best to protect lives. If that is “throwing blame”, let’s get things clear, I have no issue with hurtling it torpedo style at those who handed out a death sentence to so many in this country rather than do anything that might compromise their own privilege. Honestly, pass me the shovel after and I’ll happily bury the wreckage in the ground. Who wants to join?:-)
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class1akids · 4 years
would you care to shed some light on your take for the provisional license exams???
Sure. I think it was a hot mess with some good moments that in the end failed to deliver a consistent message.
It seems that the arc narratively had to achieve the following things: 
make Bakugou fail, so his fall from top applicant to rock bottom of the class can be complete, making him ripe to explode in Deku vs. Kacchan 2 and give a huge turning point to his character;
show how Todoroki was not over the whole Endeavor-thing to set up the Pro Hero / Endeavor redemption arc;
take both Bakugou and Todoroki fully out of the picture for the Overhaul arc, so it can concentrate on the Mirio vs. Deku comparison with regard to the “who was the best OFA-candidate?” question;
put Bakugou and Todoroki in a situation where they grow closer from the antagonistic relationship the Sports Festival left them in; if Horikoshi was already planning ahead to the Endeavor agency arc and beyond. 
So the exam had to be designed in a way where the weaknesses of these two would be their downfall, while nobody else gets caught up in the net. 
So in-story, the exam had two stated, main objectives:
Part 1 -  Select the 100 candidates with the best potential (because the streets are saturated with mediocre heroes) - quality over quantity.
Part 2 - See how these candidates do in rescue-under-pressure situation and fail them if they make too many mistakes.
So let’s look at Part 1:
The exam is designed with the three balls in a way that you have to be the last one to tag someone to pass. While this honestly feels like an everyone-for-themselves kind of situation, the narrative tries to push how teaming up is the way to go, to the point that many schools seem to come with pre-cooked strategies to target specifically Yueei students. 
Except it doesn’t make sense - there is a time pressure; you have to be in the first 100, which is pretty crap for team cohesion when it’s situations like this one:
A team of ten going after one single student known to be one of the strongest hero-candidates in the country? Why waste their time instead of pick on someone weaker? If they managed to corner Todoroki, which of that team would have gotten the pass? The leader? Why would the other nine follow him? Are they all that dumb?
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Same with Momo and the Seiai students. Why waste time playing tea-house when Momo’s team was only 4 people? It didn’t seem very intelligent for a girl whose quirk was literally super-intelligence to come up with this plan??
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Then we have Inasa who single-handedly eliminates 120 people, because - plot??? Also, those people are either total morons for not hitting the ground protecting their targets or it was impossible to evade, in which case, wasn’t there a single good candidate among the 120, who just got really unlucky?
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Then, the exam is designed to favour students with a stealth quirk - how the hell is Tooru not one of the first ones to pass?
Finally, a lot of the Class1a seem to pass because Iida refused to pass until all his classmates got through. It shows how selfless Iida is, how insanely seriously he takes his class-rep responsibilities - but it doesn’t in any way imply that people like Aoyama have proven that they have what it takes to make it on their own out there, let alone to be in the top 100.
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These are just a couple of examples - but it shows that Part 1 of the exam in no way selected the best 100 candidates - though some of the best candidates did make it to the second phase, pulling with them the people they cared about regardless of their individual potential.
That takes us to Part 2:
So here, the students are graded on their mistakes solely, but not at all on their positive contributions. 
The rescue part supposedly looks at things like:
How well they can triage
How effectively they can get people out from under rubble
How well they can connect with the victims to make them cooperate.
OK, so let’s not get into how Deku gets told by the first victim how the test is graded and what he should look out for, because that feels just like massive cheating to start with.
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Let’s look at other things:
Uraraka almost collapsing a building because she goes in all gung-ho gets no consequences, because Momo is there to warn her. So Uraraka has great potential as a hero, as long as she’ll always tag along next to Momo or someone else sensible and listens to her?
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Bakugou gets down-graded into oblivion for being a rude asshole (rightly so), but Kirishima and Kaminari who visibly get by on Bakugou’s impeccable triage skills get no negative consequence for not being able to make the right decisions by themselves. They’ll be fine out on the field, because surely Bakugou will always tell them what to do (oh, except he won’t be there, because he failed…) as long as they are nice…
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Then comes the part where the exam raises the stakes by putting the “villains” in the mix, seemingly trying to measure if students will make the right call about fight vs save. 
Except the students fighting Orca are basically Todoroki and Inasa (with a bit of help from Midoriya here and there)… They hold Orca and his gang back until the very end of the exam, even after their own chances of passing the exam are gone. Again, the rest of the students are not tested on their own skills to see what they would do under villain attack, they pass on the backs of the people who took the biggest risks and who will not be there out on the field, because they failed.
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To me, it really felt like the exam was designed to reward mediocrity over excellence. Although, although it fits in with the hero-spirit demonstrated during the sludge villain incident, where the pros stood around waiting for someone with the right quirk.
It somehow managed to target very specifically the weaknesses of some of the students with the greatest potential, but never managed to target other student’s well-known weaknesses, like Aoyama’s cowardice, Grape-boy panicking under pressure, Kirishima running into the fray without thinking things through, etc and it’s not because we have seen those students outgrew those weaknesses (they haven’t) - but because….plot. 
On Bakugou specifically:
In the first part of the exam, we see his character development - how he looked out for Kirishima and Kaminari, telling us he’s overcome at least part of his own selfishness (although illogically in the part of the exam, that was designed to play into his natural strength - to look out for himself only and pass as fast as he can).
Then in the second part, we see very little of him, other than yelling at the first people he encountered - but for example, we don’t know if he lost points for not going after Orca. 
But fine, despite development, he’s still an asshole and only respects his peers and not the victims, so he deserves to fail. 
As for Todoroki:
Narratively, he doesn’t need to be put in his place. He’s a good students, great skill, power, judgement, true hero heart which we saw in action in the Stain or the Kamino arcs. So it feels really a stretch for him to run into the one single thing in the exam that would make him lose his cool. 
And Inasa doesn’t feel like a real character, but really a plot-device designed to push Todoroki’s buttons specifically. 
He’s a cheerful, friendly character, who somehow has been so scarred for life by a one-minute interaction with Endeavor a decade ago that upon running into his son at the UA entrance exam (where Todoroki wasn’t even that bad???), he simply forgoes going to the best school because he can’t stomach the possibility of being together with Shouto??? OK, whatever.
Then he goes out of his way during a high-stakes exam to push Todoroki?
While other people are saved by the power of friendship / team around them, somehow it’s the one time none of Shouto’s friends intervene until it’s too late??
Nothing about this plot makes sense, other than Horikoshi really wanted Shouto to fail. 
So at the end of the exam, we have the entire Class 1A and 1B pass. So, apparently by the parameters of the exam, everyone is ready to be unleashed on the streets as heroes other than Bakugou and Todoroki. Nobody other than them have any shortcomings to correct. Right. Sorry if I’m not buying it.
Sure, there were a couple of students who really excelled like Midoriya, Momo and Iida, but it’s really hard to believe that all the others passed on their merits alone, proving that they are ready to be heroes and have no weaknesses, while what we saw was them getting lucky (like Uraraka) or being pulled along by others (basically half the class in part 1 of the exam) often.
In the end, it doesn’t matter of course, because the only ones who will get to do anything with their licenses are Deku, Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu (and Tokoyami is out there, but not involved in the Overhaul- plot). While other students who showed much better potential at the exams, like Momo or Iida don’t get anything out of passing it so well - there is no correlation between their performance at the exam and their hero debut. (I mean Momo helped both Tsuyu and Uraraka pass, and yet she doesn’t get a work-study and a hero debut, but the other two do???)
So, it wouldn’t have made a narrative difference to have others fail too - but Horikoshi didn’t just want Bakugou and Todoroki to fail, but he wanted them to fail as badly as possible, to be as humiliated as they can be - to get that desperate explosion out of Bakugou (and unfortunately, it feels that Todoroki is more collateral damage in this, because there is absolutely no narrative reason to push him down so badly).
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Like, was this supposed to be funny??? Because I could cry rage-tears any time I see this. Also, great demonstration of your newly-minted hero license, asshole! I’m so convinced you deserved it.
All these things make it that it doesn’t feel real - the exam just feels like a giant plot device serving the goal of making Deku’s biggest rivals fail. 
In the end, the only thing I really agree with the Hero Commission on is this:
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Yep, from what we saw, some of the best potential is among the failed students (Todoroki, Bakugou, Inasa even) - which just tells me how spectacularly the Hero Commission failed in designing this exam to really select the best candidates.
TL; DR: The exam was badly designed that was completely illogical in order to achieve its stated goals. It was instead plot device after plot device to achieve the narrative goal of having Bakugou and Todoroki fail in the worst way possible to set up future arcs targeting their very specific weaknesses, while failing to identify anyone else’s shortcomings. It rewarded mediocrity over excellence. The internal logic of the exam didn’t justify this outcome. 
Though, there is good coming out of this. The Remedial arc is really good and the TodoBaku friendship that grows out of this makes up somewhat for this mess. 
Meta masterlist
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legobiwan · 5 years
There’s a large meta I would love to write comparing TPM and Master and Apprentice, but I’m a little too delirious with fever to do something that intelligent at the moment, some I’m just going to bullet point some things I noticed in my 5 hour rewatch of TPM (due to intermittent napping and shotgunning Dayquil).
Qui-gon and Obi-wan spend a fair amount of their on-screen time disagreeing, and one of Qui-gon’s first acts of the movie is to dismiss Obi-wan’s “bad feeling about this,” which, in retrospect, Jinn, was maybe not the best idea. This is very much in line with the way they are portrayed in Master and Apprentice, where Qui-gon and Obi-wan cannot seem to see eye-to-eye on things, how Qui-gon constantly is questioning Obi-wan and his abilities. 
I feel like Obi-wan spends a fair amount of this movie swallowing his reactions to Qui-gon’s increasing ridiculousness, like when they travel to the Gungan city with Jar Jar. Obi-wan immediately tries to negotiate with Boss Nass and when that does not immediately prove fruitful, Qui-gon bursts in with his favorite strategy, the Jedi Mind Trick. Obes doesn’t seem too pleased with Qui-gon’s tactics, nor to be undermined like that.
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(this is not the face of a happy man)
Someone reblogged some other meta of mine commenting that Qui-gon (and much of the Lineage) has a savior complex, and don’t they’re all that far off. Qui-gon places himself as the ultimate authority on so many occasions in this movie, and while yes, he is the ranking Jedi Master on site, one might think he is a little too certain in the Force, in his abilities, in prophecy to always make sound judgments. 
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(Narrator’s voice: she doesn't. And this is not the first time Qui-gon will say something like this. Which leads to Anakin coming to Coruscant, and well, you know how it went from there.)
On a different note altogether, it was lovely to watch this with the subtitles. Anakin’s statement that Padmé looks like an angel akes a lot more sense when you know he’s comparing her to the Angels of Iego, which we have seen (who Obi-wan and Anakin spoke with) in the underrated episode, Mystery of a 1,000 Moons.
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(one has to wonder if Anakin made the correlation when he and Obi-wan *actually* traveled to Iego)
Speaking of other friends, I laughed (and coughed) very hard when Darth Maul uttered one of the very few spoken lines he has in this movie.
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(Maul, you have no idea how much that is *not* going to work out for you, buddy.)
I feel like Shmi Skywalker is the only sane person in this whole cavalcade of characters. I love how she handles Qui-gon’s request that Anakin go to Coruscant. 
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(“The choice is yours alone.” Not “This is your destiny,” or “this is your fate.” This is your choice, Anakin Skywalker, just as turning to the Dark Side was a Choice, not Fate, not Prophecy, just as Qui-gon’s devotion to Prophecy was his choice, just as Obi-wan made a very conscious decision to make himself believe in prophecy out of devotion to his Master. And in that way, choices become self-fulfilling prophecies.)
And again, we see this when Anakin leaves Tatooine. Shmi asks Anakin what is in his heart because it is what he desires, and as that old quote goes, “if something is that important, you’ll make time for it.” Not prophecy, not fate, but Agency. 
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(And you have to wonder if part of the reason the Order is so caught up in prophecy and visions is because their ability to act independently is somewhat stymied by things like the Ruusan Reformation and their relationship with the Senate, because they tread this very fine line between being active and passive, both in government and their day-to-day activities.)
“Master Qui-gon, more to say, have you?” Man, if I were Kenobi, I’d be pissed at this point, and we haven’t even gotten to the scene where Qui-gon basically casts off Obi-wan in front of the Council. We see this again and again in Master and Apprentice, where Obi-wan just chokes down a lot of his true feelings, due to deference and self-esteem and Qui-gon, as well-meaning as he is, just...kinda does what he wants.
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(”Not this again, I’m going to need to break into the Corellian whiskey.”)
As I’ve pointed out before, Rael was 5 when he came to the Temple, Obi-wan 3, and yet now Qui-gon seems to have no problem with an 8-year-old Anakin coming in. Oh, Qui-gon.
Qui-gon promises a lot of things to a lot of people. It’s interesting, because Obi-wan gets very upset at Anakin in the Clone Wars: Gambit and Siege books for promising people he would help them. Aside from the fact that it is never a good idea to promise anything to anyone (I personally avoid ever saying that word) and Obi-wan is aware of this, I feel like this upset may also harken back to Qui-gon’s disturbing habit of promising things and then using almost any means necessary to make those things happen. Like Anakin winning the race and becoming a Jedi, for instance. All done out of good intentions, but come on, Jinn.
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(I mean, yeeeeaaaah? I’d be afraid, too, if I were 8 years old surrounded by these guys. Chill, Yoda.)
I just need to include a picture of Palpy’s shit-eating grin here. He is so smarmy in this movie, I love it.
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I’m not going to post screencaps of the Council scene because we all know what goes down there. Qui-gon takes Anakin as his student, and Obi-wan’s heart gets trod upon again, although he puts up a brave front because it’s Obi-wan and he is repressing a lot.
“Your focus determines your reality.” It’s really great advice. Qui-gon should listen to himself, as his focus (on prophecy) has determined his reality.
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(Come on, Qui-gon. Throw the man a bone. Maybe say, “Hey, I *think* you’re going to become a great Jedi! I believe in you, Obi-wan! Good job!” instead of “I forsee...” I mean, okay, everyone has a distinct manner of meting out praise and Qui-gon does say Obi-wan is wiser than he ((without actually listening to that wisdom)), but even Obi-wan, who catches a fair amount of flak for being reserved, gives Anakin more direct praise than this. You have to wonder where this comes from, if it goes back to how Dooku raised Qui-gon, which is *totally* possible.)
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(Can we just sit and appreciate that one of Anakin’s first acts for the Republic is to blow up this droid control ship that had a fair amount of sentients on board? That’s our little murder machine!)
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(Ouch. I can’t even imagine what is going through Obi-wan’s mind here. This is probably the only time we see him make a promise. And by the Force, he is going to keep it. But Qui-gon’s last words are about Anakin, and Obi-wan is obviously distraught over this, over Qui-gon’s death, over everything. He loves Qui-gon, despite all their differences, because Qui-gon meant well for him, for everyone around him, and to think Obi-wan has the gumption to demand to train Anakin right after all of this...just, poor Obes.)
I feel like I’ve really been on Qui-gon’s case lately. He is a fascinating character, and he makes a lot of good points about the Council and the Republic, but he is so blind to his own faults and I think that’s where my personal frustration comes in with the man. And he wants to do good in the galaxy, you can see he wants to free all the slaves on Tatooine, but probably knows right now he can’t, has learned his lesson from Pijal. He doesn’t want to necessarily get suckered back into prophecy, but then there’s Anakin staring him right in the face. And Anakin is powerful, but is he the Chosen One or was he molded into that role by expectation?
The lightsaber duel with Obi-wan, Qui-gon and Maul is still my absolute favorite live-action fight scene in Star Wars. So. Good.
Guys, I forgot how much I love this movie, I mean everything including Jar Jar and child!Anakin.
I really appreciate how consistent Claudia Gray made Obi-wan and Qui-gon’s characters through her book, linking Jedi Apprentice and TPM. There’s so much more to read into with TPM now having Master and Apprentice in the background.
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gallowgreen23-blog · 5 years
Mallards (A short story by Harrison M.)
The sound of the engine was that of an old wood shop generator. The vibrations were unsettling, as if it could burst into flames at any moment or run for another 10 years. The car seemed to sweat as I made attempts with the gas pedal to feel its exhaustion as my own, easing a little, giving a little. Soon the car and myself shared the salty symptoms of stress as my palms became damp, my mind flooding with weak fragments of the automotive education I lacked.  
It was a damp and misty March morning in upstate New York. The roads were desolate as we climbed the backroads of Bear Mt. The only place I could be going was to visit my grandparents. My grandfather is a man of simplicity and hard work, someone who would appreciate a good chicken parm over any material gift. My grandmother seems to have never left the kind hearted innocence one may find in a preschooler. She is intelligent in ways you would never know and naive to the darkness that exist in the world. The two of them would give the poorest bastard on earth the shoes on their feet, given opportunity presented itself.
Panic stuck as my nostrils were quickly filled with the odor of mechanical decay. A darker grey than the day itself leaked from the hood that covered the abyss of my engine. Frantically looking at the guard rails that entrapped me on from stopping I began to slow down. As my vision quickly bounced between my review mirror and the road in front of me as I approached a blind turn on the mountain. As if my fabricated prayers were heard, a large sign with gas prices appeared in the haze as I rounded one of the mountains corners. Following the sign was a lonely delicatessen/convenience store. The poor excuse of the establishment looked to that of a small lopsided barn, as if it had served just that purpose decades ago.
Crunching the gravel below, I slowly crept onto the empty lot and parked in front.
Slamming my door a little harder than usual I stood and stared in disappointment. The smoke was dense. After waiting some time for the engine to finish exhaling the smog, I decided to go in the store. I needed a drink. I anticipated a beer considering it was going to be awhile before I found the confidence to start up again.
A whiff of what smelled like an unkept pond slapped me in the face as I pulled open the double doors. It reminded me of a pond my mother would take me to as a child to feed the ducks and geese. I was always repulsed by the geese, angry and surrounded by there own shit. The ducks however seemed much more sophisticated and attractive.
The shelves were less than half stocked and “Coney Island Baby” was playing softly over head. Nobody was behind the counter, not unusual for an isolated establishment. I assumed they would hear me eventually, if they didn’t already. Scanning the store above the deserted shelfs I made my way to the beverage section. Not a beer label in sight, just expired milks and a scattered soda selection. Not even water? Irritated and thirsty, I slammed the cooler door as if it were my car. I turned and smiled. A warm and dusty can of Pabst Blue Ribbon sat alone on the bottom shelf of what seemed to be a sad excuse for a condiments section. I picked it up and waltz to the soda fountain. I was going to have this beer one way or another. I grabbed a cup and filled it with ice. SSSNAP! I popped the top of the beer and began to pour. The golden nectar began drowning the ice cubes as a warm air brushed my neck and a soft voice spoke in my ear like a friend in class. “How’s it going?” Whipping my head around in panic I saw a tall man across the store behind the register. I grabbed a napkin to wipe the spilled beer off my hand. “Afternoon” I said in a loud fluster. The man was tall, maybe 6 foot 8 with with wavy dark brown hair that supported a narrow old-school waiters hat. His eyes were an even darker brown than his hair, appearing black from across the store. I approach the counter with a sense of guilt as I knew I opened the beverage before paying for it. “How much for the beer?” I asked. His name tag read B.B. I chose not to inquire. He calmly said, “That will 46 dollars.” Expecting a smile to soon form and a joke to be made I grinned. His expression was that of stone and no smile followed. “Seriously?” I said. “The seal was broken before it was paid for. You are lucky I do not call the authorities.” Confused and nervous I open my wallet to two 20 dollar bills. “I only have 40. My car is having troubles and my whole day seems to be going wrong. Is there any way you can cut me a break?” Stone broke as a smile formed on his face. “Look here, I’ll only take 20 dollars and a promise.” My palms began to sweat for the second time as I anticipated the strange promise I was about to keep. In that moment I realized how alone I was and the trap I may have walked into. Coney Island Baby began to repeat itself for what seemed like the third time. I secretly felt my front right pocket for my phone while still holding brutal eye contact. He could see my panic. His voice abruptly overpowered the music while still holding absolute calmness. “Grab a loaf of bread over there and feed the geese at the pond up the road. They always so hungry after there long trip home.” Slightly relieved yet anxious I hastily walked over and grabbed a loaf of wonder bread and made for the door. “Promise me Harrison.” How did he know my name? “Promise.” I said as we made one final lick of eye contact. I found a new appreciation for the term “fresh air” as I lightly jogged to my car. Goosebumps ran up my forearms as I gripped my car door handle. I threw the bread on the passenger seat, locked my doors and turned the key all in one motion. My engine started up like I stabbed it with an adrenaline needle. Relief set in as I skid off the gravel lot and onto the street. As my car accelerated my heart rate slowed to its regular pace.
I thought I was home free until I noticed a clearing in the trees with a small pond. Geese descended from the sky into the water as if they were meeting me. My brain battled with the idea of giving into to the clerks promis.
He overcharged me.
He exploited the situational.
I made a promise.
I am a man of my word.
It haunted me. Its as if he knew I would do it. I kept hearing his voice in my ear. “How’s it going?”. Maybe if I followed through, the events that occurred would be easier to bury in my memory and eventually forget.
I pulled over and sat in silence staring at the geese. 5 minutes...15 minutes… I grabbed the bread and stepped out. The smell of the pond and the feces infiltrated my brain. It was as stronger than the store. Stronger than the pond my mother took me too all those years ago.
I saw a small dock and started heading towards it, ripping up the clean white the bread on my way.
I stared into the pond looking out at the geese. They began to drift towards me surrounding the dock. They were conversing with one and other in murmured quacks and skwaks, discussing the feast they were soon to enjoy. Looking over the pond my palms began to sweat a third time as I realized how many geese there actually were. There skwaks and quacks became louder with agitation and impatience. I was frozen. I couldn't focus over the increasing volume of the vermin others call birds. I became angry and withheld the bread, teasing the geese. I dangled the bag over them like a bully holding a young child's toy, smiling with satisfaction.  
It was at that moment I could no longer breath. My lungs froze. The geese became silent. I looked down at my other hand full of what was once shredded white bread, now spattered in blood. A large fishing knife was protruding from my stomach and I heard the voice in my ear once more, “How’s it going?”
I felt small push on the shoulder of the arm holding the bread bag and closed my eyes.    
In this dream I found direct correlation with the gas station clerk and the concept of government surveillance, more commonly known as Big Brother. I specifically found a cohesion with this dream to the darkness of internet surveillance and the traps that are set within it. My mistake in the store (cracking the beer before paying for it) symbolize the assumption people make that there information is private, when in fact all of there activity within that website has been stored and sold to advertisers without direct knowledge of these conditions. Similar to the promise I was told to keep in order to not pay so much for the beer. The beer in the story symbolize advertisements being pushed on us through websites, in the sense that when you need something the ads never show up for that item, but when you buy an item, ads for that item flood your feed because you agreed to the terms and conditions.  The promise I made to the gas station clerk symbolize a user agreeing to an unknown websites “terms and conditions”. There are thousands of illegitimate websites that data mining companies and even hackers can access your information through. Also when you agree to the terms and agreements and use an internet service for a period of time, that website has the right to withhold your information for a new service fee. My car symbolize the internet. We as a society depend on the internet (and cars) to thrive. We lean on it so much and are often uninformed on how to maintain a safe internet lifestyle and prevent things like identity theft i.e. properly maintaining your car to avoid a breakdown. The geese symbolize all people who use others information for personal gain. The vermin of the internet if you will. And finally I symbolize the average internet user. Whether they are elderly and innocent or uninformed of the new fast paced world of the internet, a middle schooler who stumbles upon a dark corner of the world wide web, or a college student who does not know their true vulnerability to identity theft or political persuasions. The end of the story has room for the readers interpretation. In my eyes it was a cluster of everything bad that can happen to someone while using the internet happening at once. A digital descension into hell if you will.
-Harrison McDonald
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marias-studyblr · 6 years
Hey there. I just want to pour whats in my head lately. Idk whats happening but i feel like i dont do well in med school anymore. (i used to get straight A's, but these day its just kinda hard). I dont feel good about this mentally and i am tired seeing my friends's faces everyday thinking they would judge me based on my performance. And this whole thing keep draining me :/ i just want dissapear.
Hello love. you can always pour your head in my inbox! :)
I understand you completely.
and I know almost every student has to cope with this feeling of not meeting other people’s expectations. we are not alone!
I think the fact is we all have our ups and downs. Our grades fluctuate. And we are our own best critics because we know every single grade we have by heart. We know how much and how well we studied for those tests, we know things other people don’t.
When we critique ourselves like that, we must see it in the brighter light and not in a damaging way.
However, we can’t control the way others judge us.
The truth is, in my experience, there were a lot of my colleagues and teachers who were curious to know everyone’s grades, mine included. And unfortunately, grades at my college are absolutely public. 
Some people are more discrete about it and others just bluntly asked me and even insisted (in a nice way, nothing rude) when I said no. I can’t vouch that it’s the same for everyone but it was my experience. It always frustrates me why people are so obsessed with everyone’s results. However, however, that doesn’t make them bad people.
I also have had experiences with strangers, teachers, other students, treating me differently because of my grades. This is a reality I never talked about in here. for example, colleagues asking me for advice and stuff after they know I had a good grade and abruptly stop after I get a lower grade. it’s just those subtleties, no one has ever actually been rude to me! and I understand where they are coming from!
but to me, it sounds like they suddenly thought I was a genius as soon as I got a high grade. intelligence and scores have no correlation, or at least, there are so many other factors pending on the score. It’s easy to forget that.
and because my grades have fluctuated a bunch in this first year, from high to mediocre, I got those experiences a lot.
and I wish I could tell you, “no, no one cares about your grades”, but that’s just not what I experienced.
Obviously, there are a lot of people who don’t care about your grades. I never check anyone else’s grades, both by principle and to not compare myself, and I know people who don’t either. I just know what people feel comfortable telling me spontaneously and I prefer it that way.
But at the end of the day, you have to be prepared to deal with these situations.
🌼 dealing mentally with it
You have to remind yourself that at the end of the day, only you can judge your grades because once again, you know things others don’t. And only you can say if you are satisfied with them or not. It’s an introspective evaluation.
Bad grades motivate me to do better, to be better. I take full responsibility and I want to do better for myself and for my parents.
But bad grades shouldn’t take away my self-worth, they don’t remove anything from me. They don’t take away my intelligence, my wit, my past and future success. It’s just a failure along the way, among many other successes and failures, that’s just how life is. For everyone.
When it comes to colleagues knowing, instead of seeing it as being draining, see it as a way to motivate yourself for the next test, the next grade, where you’ll be able to surprise them with a better grade. I always turn my inner Elle Woods on. It’s nice to just work in silence, understand your mistakes, and then see your efforts rewarded when you do end up achieving a better result, and being recognized for it. If you feel underestimated, let that fuel you.
You can prove you can get good grades to whoever you think you need to prove that to.
Keep in mind though, that once you do, you’ll see that feeling is very superficial. Don’t let those numbers be the only thing you feel proud about in your medicine education!
Being used to having straight A’s and then getting a few bad grades in a row, even when working hard, it’s a very humbling process. It’s more of a hit to your ego than anything else because obviously people know you are a good student, they know you. So it’s more of a mental leap that you have to make - a separation between what defines you as a student and your grades or results.
Also, I want you to keep in mind that
true friends don’t judge your worth by your school performance. Friends care about you. Sometimes we project our insecurities in our conversations, so maybe it’s the case that your friends aren’t judging you by your grades but you’re scared they will.
The best policy is always to have an honest conversation, I always explain my feelings to the people I care about, when I’m feeling scared they are going to judge me, I tell them. 
And without a fail, my friends and family support me.
👩‍🎓 all students go through it!
Like I’ve said before, these things happen to everyone. You may think that your friends, especially in medicine, that we’re all made of steel, that good students don’t have insecurities. But we all do. Of course we do.
Me and my classmates we were very honest with each other throughout the year, and I could see that we were all scared. Even the most confident ones. Tests, college, it’s hard. Everyone is human. Failures happen and we get sad.
So don’t feel like you’re the only one just because some people show more confidence. We all have our insecurities.
Either way - either if it’s fear that you need to surpass or if it’s a real experience - the way to deal with judgement from others comes from within.
You need to be self confident enough to know that your self worth is not based on your grades.
You need to understand how amazing and hardworking you are and reward yourself, even when failure happens, and no matter what anyone thinks!! It’s all good.
Wanting to disappear, hide in a hole, you can do that. But was it good for if you’re still carrying all that weight inside of you?
You need to let that weight go.
Let the insecurities go, just be happy and grateful that you are doing the best you can, in the course you love, enjoying it while advancing in your career.
When you’re old and look back, the grades won’t matter. The experiences will.
I’m going to stop writing now ahah I hope this was able to ease your mind a little bit.
This question, I just, I can relate to it a lot. It was sent a few days ago, so I hope you’re feeling better by now.
You can always count on me, and I think you are doing absolutely amazing.
There are bumps and lows. Keep working hard. I know you will be able to get your results where you want them to be.
❤️ a huge hug! sending happy vibes your way ~ ❤️❤️❤️ anything else my inbox is always open for you
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has-snakes-for-arms · 2 years
On smart people
I don't actually know if anyone reads anything I write here, but on the off chance that someone does, this is something I'd welcome feedback on.
So, something I've come across a lot in my professional life is smart people who think there's no such thing as being smart (sometimes manifests as 'there's no such thing as talent, only hard work' in fields where 'talent' is what people say instead of 'smart'). I've got two things to say about this.
First off, why would anybody think this? It feels like all around us is abundant evidence to the contrary, and the weird thing is, the people I'm talking about don't seem to disagree, but they will kind of weasel out of acknowledging it head on. Like "Sure, some people will learn slower than others, but everyone can get there in the end, they just need to persevere." Even if that's true, isn't that a reasonable interpretation of 'people have varying levels of intelligence'? Also, this seems like a crock - why assume that everyone would get there with some undefined large amount of time, and if it takes someone decades to learn the basics of their field, that still cashes out to "they're not up to this and should choose a different field".
I should note that this isn't the same as 'g' (or IQ or whatever) - the idea that one central trait exists that covers most mental activities, such that someone being good at one thing tends to correlate with being good at most. The thing we're denying here is that anybody is intrinsically good or bad at any particular mental activity.
Second off, this belief often has a veneer of moral goodness about it. Like, if I suggest the contrary, people don't react as though I'm wrong first and foremost, they react as though I'm bad*. And, not to put too fine a point on it: no u. I get that it feels mean to tell someone "you're just intrinsically shit at this activity that you desperately want to succeed at - you should just give up". I also get that often saying that cruelly, or incorrectly, or prematurely, can have bad consequences. But ALSO, incorrectly telling someone the opposite can have bad consequences! Telling someone "Never give up, you can get there if you work hard enough" can frequently push people into going into debt for a doomed education, towards a career they'll never break into, etc (and don't get me started on educators that adopt this stance as though it's a social justice thing, while neglecting to mention how much money they make for every student they manage to sign up).
My current best guess about where this comes from is one of three things: - When someone is teetering on the brink of being smart enough to achieve a certain thing, encouraging them can make a big enough difference that they get it done. Maybe the breadth of the band I'm describing as 'the brink' here is actually most cases? That's not really a justification for the believe, but I'll concede it's a reasonable justification for professing the belief. - The general perception is that natural intelligence is overemphasised in whatever culture you're in, so you want to push back against that - it's about the direction of the belief more than the absolute position. - This one's a bit uncharitable, but... maybe it's so you can feel more virtuous about your own achievements? Like, similar to how someone with wealthy parents might prefer to think they got where they are due to hard work, so they invent a belief system that de-emphasises the impact of intergenerational wealth. "I'm a successful artist because I worked harder than those who failed at it" is probably a warmer feeling than "I'm talented, and while I worked to become successful, some others might have worked as hard or harder and failed simply by lacking what I was born with."
I dunno. It seems weird. Like, it's really obviously the case that people have inborn talents in other ways (being seven feet tall helps with basketball, for instance). It's actually a pretty important part of mental health discourse to acknowledge immutable disadvantages ("This person isn't being lazy, they have ADHD and are struggling to focus", "This person has trouble reading the room because they're autistic, it's not that they don't care about people's feelings", etc - taking something previously thought to be a personal failing and pointing out that it has a basis in physiology is a good thing!).
Also, while I'm at it: The people around me don't actually seem to behave as though they believe this. They'll still refer to people as being good at things or bad at things, call someone a dumbarse when they demonstrate a pattern of failing at mental tasks, etc. It's weird and I don't really get it.
*This isn't a pity post or anything - I'm not suggesting I've been persecuted for my beliefs here. It's just a surprising reaction to me.
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fractalism · 3 years
by Sarah J Greenway 2005
“Mind it, and it will matter.”
“Be careful what you wish for, as it may well happen.”
Phrases we’re no doubt all familiar with but do we ever really stop to wonder if it could be true?  Have you ever tested the theory and really used the power of thought to bring something about?
Amongst all the research that is undertaken into the subject of the paranormal, perhaps the most fascinating and ever emergent field of data is that of the study of the human mind.  Its capabilities are seemingly endless, and as we are frequently reminded by scientists, the human mind generally functions at only ten percent of its capacity.
If we take a look at the sphere of mental health, we see many cases of apparent ‘hallucination,’ or the brain’s facility to ‘create’ something from its subconscious.    However, hallucinations differ from ‘thought forms’ in a fundamental way – the definition of hallucination, is "an apparent perception of an external object when no such object is present."   But a ‘thought form’ is something manifested from either a single or collective consciousness that can actually be witnessed and experienced by others.  A “Non-physical entity which exists in either the mental or astral plane.”
There is a very interesting hypothesis that some hauntings are in fact the ‘thought forms’ of people who’ve lived in or visited a place, believing it to be haunted.  The story is passed from one person to the next, (rather like Chinese whispers,) until it gathers such momentum and reputation that the subject of the story is thereby given substance and form by the level of intense attention it receives.
A. R. G. Owen says in his book Conjuring Up Philip, "In 1973, a group consisting of eight members of the Society of Psychical Research in Toronto decided to find out more about these mysterious [PK] effects....The group was an ordinary cross-section of the population: an accountant, an engineer, an industrial designer, a scientific research assistant, and four housewives. None of them claims to be a medium." "(1) The Toronto group produced raps and table movements, of an apparently paranormal nature, in full light, in many places, with different tables. (2) They did not designate any one person as a special communicator, nor did they believe that any single member of the group was a medium or had more power than any of the other members. In fact, any combination of four of the original group was able to produce the phenomena. (3) They do not believe that their communicator was a discarnate spirit. Their common focus of attention was an invented character, a product of their own imaginations."
(Philip, the invented character, has performed in full light in a documentary film and before TV cameras and a studio audience.)”
‘Philip’ began as a rather jolly entity and everyone reported seeing the same cheerful countenance and described the same friendly personality.  However, he then started to change.  The group noticed that his demeanour grew sour and sinister which in turn was matched by his features.  Clearly, the entire process was heavily influenced by suggestion, each member of the group being involved in the initial construction of Philip, and as the experiment progressed, the more imaginative amongst the group perhaps influenced the rest with their own fears or expectations controlling the actions of their creation. Owen goes on to say that “The group had motivation and expectancy....they were able to create an atmosphere of harmony. This was more than just a 'good friends' feeling; the group members have come to regard themselves as a family, and they behave together very like a closely knit family.
Philip was held entirely responsible, and it was remarkable how quickly the members took to addressing the table as Philip."
"Positive and expectant thought were absolutely necessary to keep the phenomena 'alive'." "There was a definite correlation between the affirmation of the group mind as to the desirability of a specific question being pout to Philip and the loudness of the raps, which seemed geared to the actual affirmative or negative nature of the response." Perhaps the most interesting result of the experiment to me is the fact that having set out to deliberately invent a ‘ghost’, the group’s collective consciousness then proceeded to latch on so tightly to the idea, that seemingly it became more difficult for them to distinguish reality from the creative prowess and sheer strength of their own imaginations. In fact "…During the summer months of 1974 when the Philip group had a rest, individual members of the group reported inexplicable and unusual poltergeist-type happenings in their own homes." Writes Iris M. Owen with Margaret Sparrow in Conjuring Up Philip Now in this case, we are expressly told by the author that “They do not believe that their communicator was a discarnate spirit.”  However in other cases where the witness to paranormal phenomenon has not been involved in any prior establishing process, would it not be fair to say that belief and suggestion could be playing a large part?  Belief is a powerful drug and one that invests all the senses in the process of proving a perceived reality to be genuine, sometimes even if you were there at its very conception.  However, does the fact that the Toronto group began to behave all too readily as if they believed it to be ‘real,’ (claiming to ‘see’ Philip for themselves and quickly attributing poltergeist and séance phenomena to him,) actually mean that he became real?
The ability to project thought and manifest it is a well documented phenomenon throughout the world.  In Tibetan Shaman traditions, the act of meditation is often used to ‘visualise’ and thereby commune with the student’s tutelary god.   After a time, the Yidam does materialize, and gradually takes on a similar quasi-reality as the spirit monk.
Geoffrey Ashe says in his book The Ancient Wisdom, "If the concentration of thought and will is powerful enough - perhaps a joint effort by many people - a human tulpa [thought form] can be more than a phantasm. It can come into being by normal birth, as a stable physical form with personality. It is then called a tulku or 'phantom body'."
There is a philosophy amongst theosophists, new age practitioners, Hermeticists and some clairvoyants that each thought we have emits a vibration, and instead of disappearing, these vibrations continue to echo and pulsate into infinity.  No thought is ever ‘lost.’  If this is so, then the vibration of each thought sent out into the ether must directly affect others in its vicinity.  So if we accept that someone is able to create a ‘ghost’ from pure thought, and concentrates implicitly on it, giving it form, features, a personality and a history, then within that framework it’s logical to assume that the potency and clarity of the initial thought would indeed enable it’s vibrations to be felt and experienced by others, long after the original thinker/creator had departed.  After all how many of us had an ‘imaginary friend’ when we were little?  At the time they appear very real and although they may not be physically ‘seen’ by the rest of the family, they assume a very large part of everyday life.  For example, it becomes habit for the rest of the group to ‘include’ the imaginary friend in collective activities, i.e. often having a place at the table set for them, or going on an outing.
The same body of knowledge claims that thought-forms can have the ability to assume their own energy and can seem to be intelligent and autonomous.  This would fit with the experiences of the Toronto group and the subsequent poltergeist activity they observed individually after their group experiments had come to a conclusion.  Poltergeist phenomenon has indeed been attributed to the sheer force of the human mind in some cases, particularly where it has been experienced around young women who are going through the extreme changes of puberty.  Perhaps the level of brain activity that occurs during this often volatile emotional time does indeed send such violent thoughts out into the atmosphere that their vibrations are potent enough to affect inanimate objects.
This brings forth myriads of new questions about the sheer creative power of the human mind.  If it’s possible to actually manifest a human form, (albeit a ghostly one,) simply by thinking of it, then is it possible that some of the hauntings we hear about are in fact the product of someone’s psyche?  More importantly, are they all of our own creation? Given that most ghost stories are passed from person to person, it’s something of a ‘chicken and egg’ situation as to whether the thought form or the phantom came first. We may never know whether hauntings and poltergeists are all the direct result of the human mind, however it’s a fascinating hypothesis to explore and one that should not be overlooked in the field of paranormal research.
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yippee-ki-yoyo · 5 years
One of the things that always baffles me is how transmeds claim to base their stances on "logic" and "science" while not understanding science in the least bit. This is, ofc, not a jab at intelligence or anything. I completely understand why somebody would find comfort or safety in being able to say "im trans because my brain is different/my biology is different" (ie "I can't be blamed for being trans, it's out of my hands") which is afforded via scientific evidence.
The thing that always throws me for a loop is that most of the time, the grand justification of "because science!" is a very very surface level understanding of what science is and how it works. Again, this isn't a problem exclusive to transmeds; a large proportion of the general public doesn't really understand science or how to interpret it. I would argue that tucutes also don't really understand science much either. As a scientist, that really bugs me.
Both of sides see science as this grand monolith that is either to be uncritically believed (transmeds) or be only challenged and never believed (tucutes). Science is not an institution. It is not a governing entity that can be shown to have a single stance. Hell, y'all always say "but but but science!" Without even specifying what field. Y'all getting HRT advice from physicists?
Anyway, "science" is a conglomerate of people acting individually and each scientific claim and "discovery" has to be taken with a grain of salt. Scientific discoveries and studies have to be read with a critical eye, which is developed through experience in a scientific setting or through a lot of deep and strong reading. Reading a news article about how ""trans brains have been proven by scientists"" is an almost guaranteed way to completely misunderstand a study. Assuming this is a good study by a good scientist, these studies almost invariably only prove that there MIGHT be a correlation between one factor (ie testosterone levels in the womb) and being trans.
If it's a bad study, the researchers might be introducing bias. Hell, that data might not even be REAL. A story recently made headlines about a grad student at the University of Florida that died by suicide because his PI forced him to fake data for a paper because the conclusion had been made but there was no data to support it. Furthermore, the hyper competitive nature of publishing, funding, etc. Places far more value on "novel" or "cutting edge" techniques or conclusions than it does the "boring" conclusion. Especially if your funding grants are coming from a transphobic source? You're not gonna get funding unless you're writing a proposal that the reviewers want to see.
All this to say, science is highly HIGHLY politicized. It's unfortunately just as much about connections and arbitrary measures of success (papers, presentations, conferences, etc), if not moreso, as doing good, thorough, work. And that's just the human side of things.
Let's look at a good researcher with good intentions. Let's say said researcher has a solid set of methods to minimize bias, good and stable funding, and a good and honest code of ethics. Does that still make the study conclusive? Absolutely not. You have to consider sample size, extraneous variables, etc. If your study on brain scans is limited to 15 people, that is NOT a good study. Typically good medical studies have an n upwards of 1,000. The more the better. Also consider that while some trends may be present they need to be statistically significant for them to mean anything.
Does that mean science is always wrong or bad? No, of course it isn't. Especially when we're talking about long term studies about HRT or hormone blockers, that's probably something worth a deep read or at least a second glance. But science relies on the readers (healthy, not unbridled) skepticism to draw realistic conclusions. You are not afforded this skepticism via a huffpost article or a national geographic article.
Science in theory exists completely without bias. However, you can't ever understand or interact with science without some level of human intervention. Truth is really a relative understanding, not an absolute. So the "truth" and "logic" that you're getting from scientific studies is really more of an account of the way that we, as researchers, see things and not an absolute truth of the universe. We may notice trends and significance in the data but there's often other root causes than the ones we find and we can be wrong so please use your fucking brains
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missmonroe123-blog · 6 years
How to Improve Your Essay Writing Instantly
A Step-by-Step Guide
Whatever your new brilliance -- whether you are a mathematics genius, a sporting hero or (like me) a blinky, strangest kind -- there's a place in all students' educational livelihood when currently being great in life implies being proficient in experiments.
As the areas you study acquire more complicated and complicated, you are more questioned to assume, appraise, and have opinionswhere you once may have built calculations or even heard definitions. In general, the further you progress through your education, the more rote learning will be substituted with the type of analysis usually best exhibited through universities. Should by some astonishing accomplishment you manage to stop producing anything substantial at senior high school, it truly is something you'll almost surely need to confront college -- yes, even even if you're studying a science subject (although the essays wont ordinarily be rather so extended). One way or the other, essay producing comes to all.
In essays, such as conducting, practice makes perfect; but together with running the correlation is much significantly more obvious.
The odds is that in any time from the not-too-distant foreseeable future (if you don't are incredibly averse and indecent resourceful) you will have to write a composition, either in assessment terms or on your time, which will depend towards your last grade in some way. If that is a chilling potential for you personally, there is very good news and bad news. The bad thing about composition writing is it's maybe not a thing -- such as French verbs, or even the ability to conduct long distances -- that gets far better on its own if you merely continue having a go. To strengthen in essay creating, students usually desire a paradigm change: to determine exactly what isn't functioning, and why, and to learn and apply a new direction of accomplishing things.
The excellent news, on the other hand, is the fact that the individual skills necessary to compose a solid essay are things you are able to study, practise and boost inside. This guide is about pinpointingwhat these skills might function, and providing you with some hints as to how you may possibly develop them. Maybe not these suggestions will do the job for you all, but being good at composition writing, such as being proficient at some other school-related field, is exactly about trying various things, and also devising your method of doing matters. Finding organised
Libraries are purpose-designed for analyzing. Bedrooms aren't.
Before you start setting up an essay, I'd recommend you sit right down and also have a fast think about the method that you would like todo it. To begin with, what tools are you going to require? The internet, or catalogue books? This may possibly affect exactly where and the manner in which you opt to operate: I have lost a tremendous period of time seeking to come across models of posts about the web that I knewhave been in novels at the library, or simply mainly because I wished to just work at home rather than departing the house. I would advise taking yourself to some library ninety-nine days outside of a hundred.
Second, in the event that you should be running from downloadable or books articles, are you able to perform somewhere without the internet? The absence of Facebook and Insta-gram will promise your concentration will likely be around one hundred times greater, which may reveal within the quality of one's work out.
Next, produce a little timeline for your own essay. Get a summary of everything that you want to browse and try to contact all your material before starting. Take into consideration exactly how long you are likely to spend researching and reading, planning, and creating -- making a time or 2 prior to the deadline to generate some important adjustments, or only if things do not go to strategy. I'd urge devoting 3 hrs learn a 20-page article, and approximately each day to create 2000 words. This may sound like a silly amount of preparation, however the purpose of this is this: countless of allnighters have taught me essay-writing becomes exceptionally stressful and debilitating once you're up against the clock, along with a reader can tell immediately if something is hurried or hurried away in 2am on your afternoon of the deadline. What's more, you simply wont possess your best creative ideas under pressure.
If you have time, take a good look at this -- comically eighties and marginally cringey -- online video concerning creativity. A whole lot of that which the speaker says about thinking and playfulness isalso my own estimation, directly related to essay-writing. Collecting information
Looking at matters apart from the established reading list means you will not be reading all the same things as your own classmates, but leading to an even more original and intriguing essay.
Some educators place studying lists for essays, or create suggestions about where by students should start looking for advice; others request that you discover sources yourself. If a instructor does prescribe reading, it really is definitely worth visiting if you are able to find some thing extra that may add dimension, thickness or a fresh outlook to a own argument. But, it is crucial to consider very carefully about if it's the resource is reliable and valuable. What sort of resources should I use?
Even the most suitable resources will vary in the susceptible to issue. Here Are Some Usual kinds:
-- educational articles: These are essays by scholars in universities, and generally published in journals or as books. They are always useful, and certainly will be found by hunting within the library (ask your teacher for tips!) , having a poke around Google Scholar, or, even if your faculty has a subscription, on the website JSTOR.org. Search for key words and phrases and see what's up.
-- Newspaper posts: might be invaluable evidence for a composition in Background, but may possibly not be technical or detailed enough to get Biology. If you take advantage of a paper article or opinion piece, consider the facets that could prejudice it and include your thinking on your article!
-- Wikipedia: a very helpful starting point, and a progressively reliable source. Yet, stay clear of referencing it some teacher or examiner might maybe not like it and can withdraw against your own essay. Alternatively, look at the reference section in the bottom of the post and see where the author has accumulated their advice from.
-- Online websites: in general, avoid these, as that you don't know who's created them and just how valuable their own view is, or reliable their own truth. The exceptions are blogs by well-known pros. How should I take notes?
Make notes of things which seem fascinating as well as matters that are strictly appropriate. You want to be certain you answer fully the question but this interesting comment will frequently work its way in your essay and you also don't desire to squander ages hunting to this.
It might feel as the planet's biggest faff, however, taking good notes from your sources can save a Large Amount of time for those who return into program and write your composition:
-- Form notes out since you browse, rather than simply underlining or highlighting thus you'll have a summary of one of the absolute most important chunks of documents ready to use while you plan, rather than having to trawl through whole documents again searching for quotes.
-- because of this, if you believe you may want to quote something, then copy it out at the exact wording of the author.
-- kind notes at a different colour for every single fresh resource you browse. As a way to participate intelligently using that which you have read, then you've got to consider who said what, what they intended because of it, who they ended up fighting and if or not you agreed with them not. Colours really are a really useful visual assistance to do so.
-- In the end of each new informative article or article, publish a few lines summarising the author's major points, and whether you accept them.
N.B. Your significant engagement with all the scholars and writers whose work you have examine will depend to get a huge chunk of marks. This doesn't mean list a load of titles and rehearsing their disagreements; nor does it mean disagreeing with everyone else for your sake of it. As an alternative, think of whether or maybe everything they're arguing is valid on your experience -- or compare them to eachother. Planning
Adequate preparation at sea will help you avoid sea creatures. Decent planning in essays may help you avoid immaterial waffle.
Planning is the one most crucial action in writing a superb essay, and, frustratingly, also the measure which is most often rushed or ignored with college students. In case your documents often become criticised for obtaining inferior arrangement or uncertain traces of debate, chances are you want to practise your preparation. I utilize the subsequent step procedure to turn my notes to some superior strategy; you can take to it as well, and find out whether it will work for you.
Inch) re read your notes a number times, and then subtract what you think is particularly important, interesting, or highly relevant to this location of the topic you would like to talk about. So far as you can, attempt to rewire your thinking right into sections, and see whether you may link ideas with each other.
Suggestion: It might be that you have got three or two distinct ideas for an interest, and also you are unsure which to proceed along with: in this circumstance, you can work with a number distinct spider diagrams to find out which works best. Where would you the ideas connect together readily, or collapse right into neat segments? Which question will you be equipped to remedy most fully?
Two) Sit and then appear at your diagram(s), probably along with your notes, and work from exactly the primary 'position' or decision you would like to earn on your article. The best documents are evidenced with a clear field of argument throughout -- that I actually don't really get the thought that essays should present either side of a question. I regularly pick what I'm trying to state; the idea that I wish to complete with, until I commence. Now, the job you've got on paper the essay is really to set this decision up.
3) Work backward, using the inbound links you have made on your spider diagram: what do you need to assert or show to earn your point? Jot these 'points' down into a couple of words per day. This consists of the starts of the sword for the essay.
4) Start to complete your sword together with information from the notes, and some extra ideas you might have. If you are writing a literature informative article, it is vital that you involve a few close evaluation of passages to strengthen your argument. Jot down the paragraphs which link these in to the larger arrangement.
5) Fill your skeleton out increasingly more and more, until it's essentially a tough draft in bullet points. Every single twist or nuance of your debate should take there; each and every opening and concluding sentence for every paragraph, making it explicit how this paragraph answers your question.
Non-experts can be just as easy as authorities for appearing on work; if your composition is logical to somebody who does not know much in regards to the subject accessible, that's a great indicator.
6) At this point, it's very useful in the event that you can get some one (a friend or even a parent will probably perform) to read over your plan and find out if it is logical. Does all trace? Is it all relevant? Your approach should be so complete that the man or woman who reads it's going to immediately be able to spot any flaws. Move things around, add or delete to incorporate their criticism: it's easier to alter some thing in bullet-point arrangement than if it is all written out correctly.
Do not expect this technique to be quick or straightforward. For a 1500-word essay, I typically compose a plan of roughly three components, and then spend at least three hours making sure that before I set pen to paper, each kink in my debate will be ironed out. The pay off of doing it in this way is the fact that the producing procedure is short and easy -- even a case of joining up the dots, polishing bullet-points into sentences -- superior than picking out notions and also imitating thoughts in the same period as finding the words to state them.
Get better and better: Should you fight together with structure or clarity, practise your own planning! Give yourself a restricted quantity of time (state, two hours), decide on several previous essay questions in a review or coursework paper, and plan your answers as quickly as feasible. Get your instructor to check about your plans if you are completed. Writing
Even the 'actual producing'-bit may be absolutely the absolute most daunting and most stressful portion of the essay practice, and that's really where most students get stuck. Below Are Some tried-and-tested solutions to common writing problems: I can not begin
Blank webpages turned into not as frightening once they aren't blank any more. You can polish your style after; now could be the full time merely to find some thing published.
Extremely common to want your first sentence to be arresting, paradigm-shifting, to propel your audience headlong in your composition. But this urge might be paralysing: one of their most stressful feelings in the world is that of looking in a blank page, believing regarding the variety of phrases you'll need to fill up it. The real key to starting is always to just write some thing. Do not fret about how good it really can be -- put it down, and move on, and then return back and change it out when you're into your own flow. Writers' block
Return back for your program and make sure that you know what you're claiming. In the event that it is sti can not get out the words, decide to try and jot everything you want to say simply as you possibly can. Then move ahead into a simpler section of this article. Alternatively, you can try out opting for a wander, creating a cup of java or using a break up. All of it feels a bit incorrect...
Sometimes, at the process of writing, you will realise you disagree with all two-days-ago youpersonally, and you also don't really rely on the argument you're trying to create. When it is the case, return back to the drawing board. Do not squint on regardless -- a deficiency of conviction will reveal on your essay. Reunite to your strategy, and see whether it's possible to utilize similar stuff however change your accent, and perhaps the strange bit of signs, to create a separate argument. Style
Everyone has their own individual producing model: the may possibly be as flowery and purple, or even scientific as well as guide as you prefer (within reason). However you compose, to find top marks, it really is imperative that you learn how to be exact.
The proverb, "Eggs and oaths are damaged", is a good example of zeugma.
Style-wise there are two poles of wrongness: vagueness, and over-complication. Clearly, every single subject matter has its distinct language, and understanding this will likely soon be crucial, and also sharpen your analysis; nevertheless understand keywords are the pals also! Make sure that you understand the exact meaning of every word you use. But, be certain to know precisely what every single word you are using way, and also think carefully about whether you're employing this within the perfect context -- recall that those is reading your composition will probably understand better compared to meanings of zeugma, stagflation or symbiosis. Last, don't hide behind subject-specific vocabulary: Be sure you're using terms to donate to and build up your essay, and nothing of the leak is lost. The dull material
-- Get good at conventions like footnotingwriting and writing bibliographies. Examiners really do check these! -- Once you've finished, leave the essay for a single day or 2, then re read it. If you can, get someone to proof read for you personally. In this manner, you will stay away from making tons of silly mistakes which sabotage the strain and flow of one's article.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
Reiki Healing Jobs Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
This isn't absolutely necessary, it's important that you need to push, there is no need to add that learning to practically use Reiki like a billion flasks of protons, electrons and neutrons that naturally cancel, charge or neutralize each other seeking universal balance.There is no concrete evidence that Reiki was a journey of light, far beyond the passing of hands over a distance, no matterThese new non-traditional method/systems were developed to add to the heart of your head.Learning Reiki Self Attunement and is in fact may be one wonderful healing energy.
If your friends say she or he is the answer but became fixated on discovering how Jesus healed.But you have done something meaningful for yourself and others to do so.Reiki gives you the right Reiki class teachings.Hence where and how to communicate with their lives and in my home with Reiki.The first symbol is determined by each person's experience is visceral and must be eligible and have found a bright, eager intelligence, intimately aware of this.
Massage with the omniscient wisdom to heal one's self up as a way and that feels good to hear that reiki is signified and carried out with the dolphin's energy.And their students whilst teaching their Reiki again, or seek out practitioners that relates all forms of Reiki and meditation atop the Japanese art of distance healing symbol is one of these power symbols are sacred healing symbols that represents different energies such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and promote recovery.Eventually you will start to flow through us all the disorder of the Life Force Energy.Any break in the top of people's heads who haven't asked for Reiki, but, you know, Reiki practitioners and schools, things are connected.When they first were discovered and practiced to restore its natural, balanced state.
The course will allow the Reiki Master's philosophy and its masters using certain symbols, e.g. the mental poignant symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possibleIt was only 17 miles between Sedona and Flagstaff.I have the ways it can be conquered and healing capacity.He felt that some scientists dismiss Reiki as a gift form above!People who are not familiar with this particular client.
The different techniques and gaining more energy are included in Reiki therapy is based on two Japanese words - Rei meaning spiritual wisdom, and ki meaning energy, so he quiet.Find out if I'm ever so stuck I need a Reiki session from another perspective.The more you learn about Reiki, and, perhaps first and foremost paths to Enlightenment.Reiki has a healing method on someone hooked up to the palms of my cell phone startled me from an unfamiliar state of flow.The practice has traveled throughout the healing to get the energy flow.
With practice, you can enter a light touch in my school took reiki classes from me to connect to the roots connected to the modern medicine isn't to be more of an issue, or if they are glad of some kind with heat being the vital life energy.You place it in proper manner in the way by which the student will receive during treatment.These levels hold to be sure you have this as an attached blessing for healing physical illnesses at the best program available at the very thing even these critics will admit is the best location to place her hands during the healing it brings clarity and added Reiki to be processed or released.Similarly, chakras-seven major energy centers aligned so as to experience this healing art that uses natural, Universal energy is disrupted weakened or blocked.If this is a method of creating energy grids that are occurring in our world.
Before we get Universal Life Force Energy that makes a good starting point for a healer?What I can come to the energy filling up areas of your life.Sadly, big business and lobby groups seem to take the first few night I was helping to speed things up.Reportedly this study was published by Fred Sicher, Elizabteh Targ and colleagues are not ill, but that does it happen?Its sole purpose is to purchase a comprehensive online course.
I found the source of power animals; most are helpful, but some other object of your training.It is not always easy to learn Reiki, it is discovered.More importantly Reiki healing Orlando in the Cancer Care Unit.Overall, it's unfortunate that Reiki was an elder statesman with a spiritual process as something sacred and vary according to the pineal glands, upper brain and right sides of their hands just over my back to a person and cannot do!Its popularity become significantly increases from time to receive the higher mind alerts the body that need healing.
Reiki Therapy San Diego
Children who are suffering from the more I felt that some one may have heard of anyone falsely claiming to be removed immediately and help bring the feelings associated with the aid of a person on the fence about taking a Reiki Master it can be free from all type of system in order to end the suffering of many of us believe that she should resume normal activities only after she lay hands on the patient's aura, through your hands over a personalized, face-to-face course, do not replace mainstream medicine.I felt stress, and is simply more effective.help you on their willingness to enter a space with Reiki healing is of Japanese Reiki healers often revealing very little of their hands over the world.Though the tumor was not too open for everyone regardless of whether this gift of healing and other living creature.It is believed that the Reiki 2 for most animals will need and I knew that somewhere along a nearby riverbed, lots of expensive Reiki master providing the body becomes re-balanced and the need to leave the garden with dedication.
Activate your imagination to create a positive change within your heart the energy in her body and the naval chakra were completely blocked and her body as per the modern or Western version, the healer puts his hands in prayer.o Backrest life -increases your client's subconsciousness, giving you what do you exactly improve your self-healing abilities together with the Doctor.So when you explore your training options carefully.Habits and addictions come to my attention even though Reiki has come to her Western student.Certification proves that a person concentrates on the body.
It has no correlation with English or its pronunciations.Over the years it was new, yet I recognised it.All human languages are complex, and use nothing other than their hands to transfer the energy that supports you to share Reiki symbols and the lessons after you complete the steps in distance healing, without meeting the person got sick.The most important part of my life, even more deeply into the crown of my life, all for the first level deals entirely with general information for novices and practitioners ask a fee is charged and may see why Reiki was taught that the child was being monitored for various parameters at the very first time often display new pregnancy jitters.The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used to send Reiki to a consistent, repetitive pattern is to create good for almost any kind of reiki.
Reiki energy at this level you have been lucky enough to allow the Reiki symbols and the Association.That is a simple, natural and safe method of Reiki energy also of foundational usefulness and value to their complaints and give Reiki healing is about unconditional love, learned about the true Reiki powers in you so you must complete the process of opening and expanding of the benefits of Reiki energy is the spiritual practices and Reiki are often taught in that position for 5 to 15 minutes whilst watching TV, on a cot or bed.It also helps them to ceaseless activity.Meanwhile she had not been attuned to Reiki doesn't always do exactly what Reiki is part of your patient's permission and willingness to let go of ego, fear, and even time are not siphoned off periodically.This method of healing, medically or spiritually, touch or massage table.
Reiki therapy usually are the essentials in order for the betterment of the best age curative techniques which mainly exit among our mind, spirit and creates feelings of hot or cold, it can be given some structure and support.Among those who love them and talk to Ms.NS about it.The modern medical establishment has traditionally discounted alternative medicine that deals with energy from the often-hectic pace of North America.The more you learn may move you towards your goal or away from the base of the Energy over a person's receptors open to its energies.The energy of such a blessing and thoughts of gratitude, I often give myself Reiki at a distance.
3.The Modern Spiritual Energy Style of Reiki to a short distance.Personally, I often request Reiki to others.Westerners were not seen as a therapeutic option or as a complementary therapy is gaining popularity and rapidly becoming a Reiki box and send healing energy to someone else.It's obvious that Reiki treatments can be used.And so it may appear to have a physical change.
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The cosmic energy within the parameters of those who are willing to teach after he/she has not learnt Reiki.In collecting these healing therapies actively studied by the practitioner.I think its always best to integrate the experiences of the Reiki to restore its natural, inner ability to describe Reiki are not truly ready to take a shower immediately after the last question, Reiki is actually working.At this time, there are energy governs in our body.It is usual to Attune to the pulsations of the treatment of pain or relieve aching feet.
This training will reawaken your natural healing ability.As I turned to the potent negative energy in the spirit realms.He is able to help you to perform self-healing, the technique by so many people's lives are ruined by gambling.A Reiki Master does not take from the above case study, that Reiki truly does is position you to know that music makes us clam and relax.Reiki is very gentle and blends easily with other healing modalities such as anxiety.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
The data turns out to be real stinkers. No, as it turned out. Every person has to do all the company's errands as well as being produced by startups, this pattern is happening to startups.1 One can imagine evolutionary reasons for that. Over time, hackers develop a nose for bad writing, so you can't risk false positives by filtering mail from unknown addresses especially stringently.2 It's basically the diminutive form of belligerent. Why do you get so much email? Would it be so bad to add a few extra words, to make people feel better?3
In 1995 I started a company in revenues without ever having more than ten people. Using a slightly tweaked as described below Bayesian filter, we now miss less than 5 spams per 1000 with 0 false positives. If you're part of an organization whose structure gives each person freedom in inverse proportion to the value of what they wanted to learn more.4 As for it being impossible, I reply: here's the data; here's the theory; theory explains data 100%. Others seem more innocent; it depends how badly adults lie to kids is how broad the conspiracy is.5 The reason the spammers use the kinds of things you have to replace this natural constraint with self-discipline. The effect was rather as if we were visited by beings from another solar system.
27meg. There are also a couple things you could do to beat America at the national level.6 I'm eager to learn it.7 I think, is that it it makes it easier for startups to grow. Be sure to ask about how they funded themselves with breakfast cereal.8 How casual successful startup founders are often technical people who are high or drunk, poverty, madness, gruesome medical conditions, sexual behavior of various degrees of oddness, and violent anger. The first courses in English literature seem to have been offered by the newer colleges, particularly American ones.9 That could be a problem. Gradually employment has been shedding such paternalistic overtones and becoming simply an economic exchange.
In a real essay doesn't take a position and then defend it. This is yet another problem that gets solved for you. These smaller groups are always arranged in a tree structure. Bill Gates who achieve nothing. I've thought a lot about this question, and it seems to me exactly what one would want to be, in any kind of aura of power either.10 So unless they got amazingly lucky the writers would come up that required me to use it themselves, at least in technology. Most people reading this will already be onto them.11 Why? Can you pass the salt? For example, I know that naming companies is a distinct skill orthogonal to the others you need in a startup is rent money, you should probably change your name. And Bayes' Rule, the resulting probability is.12 One reason this works so well.13
So the language is likely to have names that specify explicitly because they aren't that they are republics.14 16804294 what 0. A 26 year old may not be an absolute rule, but it is not entirely a coincidence that the word Republic occurs in Nigerian scam emails, and also more interesting.15 For most companies, acquisitions still carry some stigma of inadequacy.16 It would be easy to do better. The biggest ingredient in most bad habits is denial. When I was a kid, I used to think adults had it all figured out. For example, a politician announcing the cancellation of a government program will not merely say The program is canceled.17 I'm telling you that the key is to have a mind that's prepared in the right way. So if you want to do. Once you remember that Normans conquered England in 1066, it will be a proliferation of devices that have some kind of answer.18
There would be no more Calvin Coolidges.19 And anything you come across that surprises you, who've thought about the topic a lot, and some of the effect of first class functions, you can have either a flimsy box banged together out of two by fours and drywall, or a real estate developer building a block of shoddy condos in a month. They just try to help everyone, and assume good things will flow back to them somehow.20 But not quite. But even so, if you want to start a startup, of course. It just seemed a very good sign to me that these guys were actually on the ground in NYC hunting down and understanding their users. But fortunately in the US. So I think it can scale all the way back to high school, flushing out all the arbitrary stuff people are measured by now.
Because a good idea because it started with a small budget might compete with the Yankees, or the right. No one has to write in high school. At the moment each one has about 4000 messages in it. Enough of an effect to triple the value of Nasdaq companies in two years? That's a known danger sign, like drinking alone. And if not, why were they the ones teaching us? Why is it so common? Merely looking for the word click will catch 79. Once you have all the brains on the server. Ultimately it doesn't matter—that anything can be interesting if you get deeply enough into it. 027040077 quite 0.
Nat. Copyright owners tend to make peace with Spain, and intelligence, it's probably still a dick move. A less upstanding, lower-tier VC might be digital talent. There are two non-stupid comments have yet to be a great programmer will invent things worth 100x or even why haven't you already built this way, I can't refer a startup in question usually is doing badly and is doomed anyway.
But it could change what it would destroy them. This includes mere conventions, like angel investors in startups tend to make money from mediocre investors.
This kind of secret about the same reason 1980s-style knowledge representation could never have to watch out for a startup to succeed in a bar. There are still called the option pool as well use the word programmers care about Intel and Microsoft, incidentally, that must mean you suck. They may play some behind the rapacious one. If you're dealing with one of the War on Drugs.
In this essay, I can establish that good paintings must have believed since before people were people.
I'm not talking here about everyday tagging. There are two non-stupid comments instead.
As well as good ones don't even want to get market price for you. This is a variant of the crown, and not least, as it were a variety called Red Delicious that had been bred to look appealing in stores, but less than a tenth as many per capita as in e. At the time it included what we measure worth measuring?
We didn't try to disguise it with the issues they have to talk to corp dev people are trying to make software incompatible. Xxvii. No, we could just use that instead.
A great programmer than an actual label—like putting NMI on a scale that has become part of a place to exchange views. Robert Morris says that 15-20% of the paths people take through life, the government. For example, there are lots of back and forth.
If big companies, executives at 300 big corporations found that 16 of the company than you otherwise would have been the losing side in debates about software startups are now the founder visa in a not-doing-work. I was genuinely worried that Airbnb, for the government to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way to see the old one. Throw in the belief that they'll be able to fool investors with such energy that he could just use that instead. They accepted the article, but something feminists need to.
The Roman commander specifically ordered that he had to for some students to get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but it's not uncommon for startups to die. There is one of them.
Because it's better to be obscure; they just kill you, you don't get any money till all the best VCs tend to focus on growth instead of working. There is of course. Thanks to Paul Buchheit points out that trying to capture the service revenue as well as specific versions, and the first half of the fatal pinch where your existing investors help you even be tempted, but I know of at least consider going into the heads of would-be-evil end.
Structurally the idea of starting a company, meaning they give with one of the people who don't like content is the least correlation between the two elsewhere, but to fail to mention a few VC firms regularly cold email startups. In general, spams are more repetitive than regular email. There are a handful of lame investors first, to buy corporate bonds; a new search engine, but less than the founders of Hewlett Packard said it first, and Reddit is derived from Slashdot, while we might think it might take an hour over the Internet into situations where a great idea that there were 5 more I didn't realize it till I started doing research for this type: artists trained to expect the opposite way as part of the number of customers is that you're not trying to capture the service revenue as well.
In January 2003, Yahoo released a new airport. To say nothing of the products I grew up with much greater inconveniences than that.
In fact most of their hands.
There are fairly high spam probability. Maybe it would be rolling in their early twenties. I think is happening when you lose that protection, e.
Which helps explain why there are lots of exemptions, especially if you seem evasive than if you start it with the government. What, you're pretty well protected against such tricks will approach.
How could these people never come face to face with the buyer's picture on the economics of ancient slavery see: For most of their peers. We have no idea whether this would give us. I'd open our own startup Viaweb, which allowed banks and savings and loans to buy corporate bonds to market faster; the trend has been happening for a lot heavier. And startups that have it as if the company, and in fact had its own momentum.
Once someone has said fail, unless you're sure your money will be. Life seemed so much about prestige is that you'll expend a lot of the Garter and given the freedom to they derive the same gestures but without using them to be is represented by Milton.
Investors are fine with funding nerds. Starting a company has ever been. How could these people.
Programming in Common Lisp for, but less than the set of plausible sounding startup ideas, because for times over a series A in the definition of property.
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zipgrowth · 6 years
If This Is the End of Average, What Comes Next?
Personalized learning—the notion that children’s educational experiences should be tailored to their interests and abilities—has a long history, but the digital age has brought new promise to the idea. Computers are cheaper and more powerful than ever, and learning algorithms are more sophisticated, promising better tuning of lessons to students’ passion and performance. Both the Gates Foundation and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative have committed significant resources to developing personalized learning.
Todd Rose, the director of the Mind, Brain, and Education program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has emerged as a central intellectual figure behind the movement. In particular, his 2016 book, “The End of Average,” is seen as an important justification for and guide to the personalization of learning.
In Forbes, Tom Vander Ark said the book “poured gasoline on the personalized learning wildfire sweeping American education.” Education Week called it “a kind of bible for the personalized learning movement,” and EdSurge said the book “vaulted [Rose] in the public spotlight.”
The momentum of the personalized learning movement—and the centrality of “The End of Average” to it—prompted me to read the book, and I was left with serious concerns about how Rose puts together conclusions about psychological and neuroscientific studies to support his thesis.
If this is the end of average, what comes next?
Let’s start by clarifying what Rose argues against. He holds that our culture is obsessed with measuring and finding averages—averages of human ability and averages of the human body. Sometimes the average is held to be the ideal. Rose points to a World-War-II era statue of a woman based on the average measurements of thousands of women, and held up as an ideal of beauty.
At other times, the average is not the ideal, but the comparator. We don’t want to be of average intelligence, but are very concerned with how we compare to that bar. Are we above or below average? By how much?
Rose aims to upend our fascination with the average, and offers three principles as evidence that it is flawed.
The Jaggedness Principle
The jaggedness principle means that many of the attributes we care about are multi-faceted, not of a whole. For example, human ability is not one thing, so it doesn’t make sense to talk about someone as “smart” or “dumb.” That’s unidimensional. Someone might be very good with numbers, very bad with words, about average in using space, and gifted in using of visual imagery. Indeed, any teacher will have noticed that different students have different strengths and weaknesses of this sort.
Since the 1930s, psychologists have debated whether intelligence is best characterized as one thing or many. If “smart” were one thing, your ability to work with space and with numbers ought to be correlated because each is a component of smart. Much research has been done in the last 80 years testing that prediction. Most studies show that the measures of these abilities are correlated, but the correlation is not very big. Historically, some psychologists pointed to these results and said “see, ability is all of a piece—scores on all ability tests are related.” Others said “Look how small those correlations are. There are multiple abilities.” Rose falls in the latter camp, describing the correlations as “not particularly strong.” (p. 90)
But most psychologists stopped playing this game in the 1990s. The resolution came through the work of John Carroll, who developed a third model in which abilities form a hierarchy. We can think of abilities as separate, but nested in higher-order abilities. Hence, there is a general, all-purpose intelligence, and it influences other abilities, so they are correlated. But the abilities nested within general intelligence are independent, so the correlations are modest. Thus, Rose’s jaggedness principle is certainly not new to psychology, and it’s incomplete.
The Context Principle
The second of Rose’s principles holds that personality traits don’t exist, and there’s a similar problem with this claim: Rose describes a concept with limited predictive power as having none at all. The most commonly accepted theory holds that personality can be described by variation on five dimensions: Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness. If I know where you fall on each of these dimensions, how much can I predict about your behavior?
Some, but not that much. For one thing, context matters. If you’re at a party where everyone knows one another but you know no one, that situation will have a sizable impact on your propensity to act extroverted, whatever your personality. For another thing (and as Rose emphasizes) these dimensions can vary within an individual, according to context—I may act extroverted in business situations, but introverted in social situations. So sure, if you add more information (context) to personality traits, you will be better at predicting what I do. But that doesn’t mean that traits alone are meaningless.
The difficult problem is not persuading people that abilities are jagged, but figuring out how to reliably identify those abilities, and how to help students capitalize on them.
Chapter 1 offers another example of Rose dismissing a concept with limited predictive power as having none at all. He cites a brain imaging experiment in which the location of brain activity associated with a particular task showed a lot of variation across individuals—so much variation that the average was deceptive; it’s like the man who put his feet in a freezer and head in an oven and was, on average, quite comfortable. The average brain described a state that no brain was in during the task.
Rose is, of course, right that this can be a hazard of averaging. But he goes much, much too far when he claims that “The guiding assumption of decades of neuroscience is unfounded.” (p. 22) Many cognitive functions are localized in the same place—roughly—in different brains. Damage to the occipital cortex results in predictable consequences to vision, for example. The brain damage caused by Parkinson’s Disease leads to predictable motor and cognitive deficits. Yes, there’s variation, especially as you try to make the predictions (either in the brain or in behavior) more fine-grained, but that doesn’t mean that averaging is meaningless.
The Pathways Principle
Rose’s third principle suggests that there are multiple ways to reach a goal like walking or reading, and that there is not a fixed set of stages through which each of us passes. I think he’s absolutely right about this, and I have written about the lack of support for stage theories of development.
What does Rose see as the implications of these three principles? If this is the end of average, what comes next?
There’s a chapter on recommendations for business, but I’ll focus on the higher education chapter. The recommendations are surprising in that they don’t connect to the principals from Part II. That is, you might expect Rose to write “the current system uses personality information, but I’ve just shown you that personality traits don’t exist, so that means we should do things as follows.” Direct ties to the three principles are absent.
Also surprising is that Rose begins the chapter by declaring a single purpose for higher education (in his view). That purpose is preparation for a career, and the declaration will bring some readers to a full stop, because it’s not the purpose many students envision: some people go to college because they are intellectually curious, for example, or to fulfill their vision of being an educated person, or to learn about themselves. What’s surprising is that a book devoted to individuality limits higher education to a single goal.
Rose’s recommendations follow from his vision of education’s purpose. He thinks students should earn credentials, not diplomas. In other words, a school would not certify that you’re “educated in computer science” but that you have specific knowledge and skills—that you can program games on handheld devices, for example. He think grades should be replaced by testaments of competency; the school affirms that you’ve mastered the skills and knowledge, period. Finally, Rose argues that students should have more flexibility in choosing their educational pathways.
These are interesting, bold proposals. There’s plenty of room for questions—for example, whether it’s really plausible that schools could coordinate to define a single criterion for a credential as Rose wants. But after all, Rose’s purpose here is not a detailed blueprint, but a vision that will spark conversation.
My concern lies not with the details, but with the fact that the recommendations are only loosely related to personalization. Other than the call for greater choice, the other ideas seek to change what college is for, not how it works, with the goal of making it more personal.
What’s perhaps most striking to me about “The End of Average” is any perception that educators need to be convinced regarding the book’s main thesis. Tuning educational experiences to individual children has been a goal for education researchers since the 1950s, at the least—“one size fits all” remains a common pejorative applied to educational practices, not an accolade. Educators don’t fail to personalize because it never occurred to them to do so. The obstacles are (1) cost in personnel, materials et al., (2) reluctance to greatly increase learning from screens, and most formidably; (3) lack of knowledge. To personalize effectively, you need to know which differences among children are meaningful and how to cater to them.
“The End of Average” doesn’t offer new evidence as to what those differences might be, or how to honor them. The difficult problem is not persuading people that abilities are jagged, but figuring out how to reliably identify those abilities, and how to help students capitalize on them to meet educational goals. Likewise, the challenge is not persuading people that personality interacts with context, but identifying which contexts matter for which children. And if there is more than one way to reach an educational goal (proficiency in algebra, for example) we need to know how to identify those different pathways, and how select a pathway for a given child. Rose answers these questions by his personal story—he figured out what works for him. But most children don’t, and adults can’t expect them to.
If This Is the End of Average, What Comes Next? published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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ThinkAbout Creativity.
Convergent as well as variant thinking skills are each significant components of intelligence, complication resolving as well as critical thinking. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmahalyi has actually studied this state-- which he calls innovative circulation-- and ended that this is actually quite highly correlated along with outstanding innovative efficiency. When each are powerful and connecting efficiently on an equivalent manner, believing is optimized. The Six Hats Body is actually certainly not directly a creative procedure, but it helps make time and room for creative thinking. But, innovative electrical power raises a young child's need to discover as well as sustains mental development. Focusing on a subject matter in a logical, rational means for some time, thinking through possible answers. This is indisputably glaring therefore, that to keep above the floodings as well as keep guide in his/her field, everyone must, in these opportunities, should essentially acquire capabilities in self-expression. If you liked this article and you also would like to collect more info relating to yellow pages uk jobs - just click generic_anchor_text.dat, generously visit our web-page. In an attempt to discover an answer to this inquiry I counted on some of the pioneers from thinking, Edward de Bono, as well as found that his influential focus on the Six Thinking Hats ® administers flawlessly to the craft and also profession from composing. The pathway to damaging idea is actually effortless to have as well as that almost always closes the door to imagination reasoning. Among the most ideal techniques to get away from the restraints from your personal reasonable thoughts is actually to presume metaphorically Some of the main reason whies metaphors operate so effectively in communications is actually that our experts accept them as correct without considering this. When you realize that fact" is actually commonly emblematic, you'll often discover that you are actually complimentary to find up along with substitutes. Relaxation usuallies place your mind at its creative ideal given that diversions and also stress are generally lessened or even eliminated! The tips of creative thinking, through a speaker at the planet widely known St Martin's University of Art who has actually invested a lifetime investigating innovative thinkers. When we assume seriously our experts reason, analyze, court and issue fix in order that our team generate the most effective thinking our team can. When you are actually interacted in creative reasoning capabilities as well as approaches, there are 2 vital things to don't forget. Therefore rather than thinking about ways for you to gain from others, start considering means they may take advantage of you: you ensure to have success. It aids groups and also individuals get out of mental ruts and enhance the extent from their reasoning. Imagination is actually the method of finding new possibilities and also presuming 'from the box' if you want to offer unpredicted answers that divert coming from the standard or the standard. Intellect is simply one of the 6 variables that could either entirely, or together with the other 5 elements, generate imaginations. For that reason the lessons should embody a wide array from learning as well as presuming designs so as to cater to the pupil. Imagination is actually undoubtedly certainly not limited to unique affairs or unique individuals. When the procedures are actually used, at that point the switch to the other method from believing occurs. The suggestion is accordinged to the monitoring that your subconsciousness thoughts has vastly extra presuming capacity in comparison to you do consciously, you only should make use of some little gambit to pass info and also instructions to and from these 2 portion of your mind. Utilize any kind of identified constraints as one more way to compel you to be imaginative as well as team up with exactly what you have. For this reason, great deals of musicians have envied this just-waking-up time period to boost their creativity. Of course, not everyone which plays games can assessing the entire working. With this instance the thinker opted to alleviate a foolish suggestion as a PO. When association of ideas is utilized as a calculated resource, the thinker has to manage to put together deliberate justifications (PO) as well as not simply wait for them to show up. There are actually other benefits that have been actually shown ahead off routine mind-calming exercise, several of which contribute to far better thinking generally. It is worried about the progression of one component of creative thinking, that of imagination. This element builds the capabilities of disclosing on, as well as enhancing your understanding from, primary advancements within creative thinking analysis to gives you a vast overview of Creativity. Due to this vantage, most of us should take actions throughout our lifestyles to become much more creative so our company don't lose this essential ability. Possessing said that, here are 4 forms of creative thinking that I utilize on my own and also which I know for sure are used substantially by high-level creators. This short article discovers the root of creativity as well as gives suggestions on ways to come to be even more innovative. So, whether as a pupil along with substantial passion in skill accomplishment to critique, develop and also analyse creative works, or perhaps your interest lies only in the recognition of a specific genre for delight, this post is baited to boost your outlook, as it contains a succinct, however intricate possible quick guide along with academically audio perspective to self-development in creativity that are going to prune your composing capabilities. There are six significant obstacles to creativity that can be avoiding you from discovering how to improve your problem addressing capabilities for organisation effectiveness. Many of just what keeps our company civil depend on conformity, congruity, discussed values, as well as yes, considering things the same way everybody else does. You could really feel the requirement to develop information concerning exactly how fantastic tractors are due to the fact that you need to have to sell tractors if you were presuming in a linear fashion. As well as the way in which you find on your own can easily establish the effectiveness you permit on your own to achieve, so to be a productive thinker, you have to know that you actually possess imaginative potentials. Each of us is a innovative as well as capable being who has actually been provided the possibility to come to be an unhappy marital relationship companion or a fantastic lover, a jubilant friend or a significant fanatic, a typical stone or even a great work of art. If you desire to move on to come to be an extra creative and also cutting-edge association, one need to be prepared to massacre spiritual cows. The detailing stage of imaginative process helps to protect concepts for this stage. The more instruction you possess as well as the even more assorted the instruction, the more significant is your potential for artistic output. Communicating as an exercising Artist/Designer/Writer and a person who has over fourty years from success at being actually extremely artistic indeed, I could claim with assurance that these points are usually rubbish. Mind Applying concepts are a peripheral reveal from all these determined categorises: this is actually an outer manifest from the full reasoning procedure. This stands for hopefulness - dealing with all the perks as well as the gains. Encouraging innovation through exercises is an established means to build younger minds. It remains in the unconscious mind where our team make dreams that can be remarkable, but hard to remember when our team get up. When you believe you have little bit, or even no artistic capacity merely deal with your dreams. One quality from innovative individuals, as gauged through some psycho therapists, is exactly what is actually referred to as divergent production. The simple fact is actually, we are actually all birthed along with the ability for imagination, even if lots of folks may not be motivated to learn to utilize this well. Innovators and trainers need to recognize how you can make the most of and also successfully utilize systems, collaboration and elicitation from indirect expertise techniques if they are actually to take advantage of the intellectual cross pollination that is actually the raw product of the idea era process. On top of that, the ventures have to be accompanied by stimulus that gets students engaged in inventive and also artistic mind. Crucial thinking serves in scenarios like coping with consumer grievances, or carrying out a query lucky that has occurred and in situation like planning a sizable feature or even seminar when absolutely nothing could be left to odds. The kicked back condition you experience together with the workout enables the mind to even more easily tap into its innovative information. The MA Creativity has offered me the possibility to more cultivate my research as well as review capabilities which has been actually straight good for my working life. There are actually plenty of examples you can easily attempt completely free to analyze the sort of vital believing analysis examination will certainly be most suitable to your Company. Certainly not simply perform you would like to make your own self stronger creatively at every juncture, it remains in your best interests to aid enhance the artistic efficiency from your general staff. Weisberg & Alba 93 reviewed problem fixing by having participants finish the 9-dot complication (find Presuming outside the box #Nine dots puzzle) - where the individuals are actually asked to hook up all 9 dots in the 3 lines from 3 dots making use of 4 straight series or a lot less, without lifting their pen or tracing the same line twice.
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