#before midam there was them
susanoosama01 · 1 year
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They had this conversation every single day!
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despexco · 4 months
Sometimes I come across the supernatural subreddit and I’m just in awe. A lot of the takes are just bad. I usually ignore them because it’s Reddit. Of course the takes are bad.
The problem comes when they talk about anything Adam related. This is the second post where I’ve been someone say Adam *deserved* Hell because he was mean to the Winchesters one time.
What?!? In what world does that make sense? I get saying you hate him. I get saying you wish he wasn’t brought back. But saying the character deserved torture because he said a mean thing to your favorite protagonist? Are y’all okay?
I always feel the need to defend him, but of course my name on Reddit happens to be a variation of “Michael the Archangel”.
Why yes, I am a deranged Midam fan.
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michaelectras · 7 months
family dinner
Wherein food is had by all, and tears are shed by most
Written for @midamappreciationweek's day three prompt: family!
A few minutes past midnight, and they’re awake again. 
Baby hadn’t been crying this time, per se, but Michael seemed to be attuned to every single snuffle she made, so as soon as she began to whine lowly in her bassinet, he was awake to scoop her up and hold her against him. That, of course, meant that Adam woke up too, blinking blearily at the two of them. 
“Is she—” he begins, worried, but Michael’s sleepy silence is enough to calm him instantly. He’s holding her up, patting her back as she’s snuggled in her little orange blanket and Adam can see that her eyes are open.
“Oh,” is the only thing he can say before all his breath instantly deserts him.
And— here’s the thing. All newborn babies, Adam thought, looked the same. They were all red, wrinkly, scowly (though, Adam supposes, any child of Michael’s was doomed to be scowly) with no discernable features, and they all depended on the hormone soup made-to-order in postpartum parents to, like, survive and stuff because there was no way that they’d be able to attain that level of attention with their ‘cuteness’ (and lack thereof) alone. Three days ago, Adam had thought that that same logic would apply between him and his daughter— that she’d be little and ugly and red, and the only reason he’d think she was cute or special in any way appearance-wise (as a newborn, at least) was because of the parenting chemicals buzzing through his veins.
Adam of right now wanted to punch Adam of three days past in the face.
Because his baby is fucking adorable. She had a full head of soft black hair that tickled whoever she was laying on, and her face was fat and round and a shade of red that was giving way to a russetty tan. Her eyes— when they were open, like right now— were blue, deep blue, and they were massive, looking at Adam and— and even though he knew, objectively, she wasn’t seeing anything she’d remember, or recognise, in an hour’s time, it still sent tingles to the tips of his fingers to think that she was looking at him. One day, she’d look at him and know him, know that he’d always be there for her, that he loves her so, so fucking much and—
“You haven’t blinked in a while,” Michael observes sleepily.
And— oh, he’d forgotten to do that. Adam blinks, and, doing so, he feels something warm running down his cheeks. Tears, his mind informs him after a second. 
He redirects his gaze to Michael, and feels his heart leap, jumping through his ribs to his throat, clogging his throat up all over again. He blinks again— more tears— and meets Michael’s gaze, and a surge of affection rushes through his body, threatening to crash over his very being and drown him in a feeling he wishes he could convey to Michael. A feeling that, if Michael were with him properly, nestled up against his soul, grace spilling out from under every layer of his muscle, every layer of his skin, he’d be able to push towards him, envelop him in, making a cocoon out of his gratitude and his joy and his love, love, love, that he could lay over and around and into and beyond Michael, and then— only then— would his point adequately come across.
But they aren’t together. Not like that. Not anymore. And all Adam can do is get up, reach over to Michael and trace his thumb over lips bitten raw and skin that shone with historic radiance, and use one of his few breaths to whisper, “I love you. I love you, I love you so fucking much, I—” more warmth splashes down his face, and he feels his own lips tremble “—I love you.”
He plants a quick, chaste kiss on Michael’s bottom lip, just over where his own thumb was, and draws back to look up at Michael. Dark eyes (large, shaped like the baby’s) drift drowsily down to meet his gaze, and they shine with a sentiment that Adam knows would feel infinitely better wrapped around his soul.
“I love you too,” Michael murmurs, in the absence of his ability to do that, of their oneness, “I love you.”
Then— Baby, who had been content and semi-quiet until then, begins to whine again, scrunching her little face up and turning her head, lips tracing Michael’s collarbone as her squalls threaten to turn into wails. Michael’s own face settles into a deep weariness that, to Adam, seemed to have become his default expression for the past week or so.
“And she’s hungry,” he sighs, and begins to shuffle himself further up, reaching an arm out to feel around for his water bottle in the dark.
“Oh, wait— here—” and Adam grabs his own “—use mine.”
He passes the bottle to Michael, who flashes him a grateful look before taking a large swig of it, all while Adam supports the baby in his arms, shifting Michael’s shirt about and positioning her the way they’d been taught to do at the hospital centuries (a day) ago.
(“Remember,” the nurse had said, grey hair pulled back, wrinkles entrenched in her face and eyes twinkling in a manner that betrayed her to be infinitely younger than Michael and Adam both, “you guys are a team now. You have to learn how to work together, pull each other up by the bootstraps.”
And, Adam and Michael had looked at one another then, skin-to-skin and hopelessly far away. We know how to work together, Adam had wanted to cry, the problem is we aren’t together.”)
When Baby latched on, it was Michael’s turn to cry. 
“You okay?” Adam asks, propping himself up on both arms and shifting to sit on his legs. “Michael?”
“Fine,” his voice is hoarse, he’s definitely not fine. “I— I don’t know why I’m crying. I just am. This— I—” and Michael chokes, for a second, and closing his eyes doesn’t halt the flow of tears “—I didn’t expect to feel so much all the time.”
“Oh, Michael,” Adam breathes, and something deeper than his heart aches. Hormone soup, his med-school mind provides, and it makes him feel a bit better knowing that nothing was seriously wrong, but that doesn’t mitigate the shattering heartbreak of realising he couldn’t do anything to help. “I— I don’t—” I don’t know what to do, he wants to say, but stops himself at the last second, just as his tongue began curling around the words.
“I,” he tries again. Michael sniffs, and Adam runs his fingers through his hair. “What we’ll do,” he says, slowly, eventually, and Michael blinks at him, “is that I’ll give you some more water, and I’ll go refill your bottle and grab us some food. It’ll be like— all three of us eating. Family dinner.” Michael gives a small snort at that, and Adam mentally whoops triumphantly.
“Family dinner,” Michael repeats, a stray sniff ruining the deadpan tone he was clearly aiming for. 
“You okay with that?” Being alone for a bit?
“I—yeah. Yeah, I’m— I’ll be okay.” Be back soon.
And Adam makes good on that. He brings his water bottle up to Michael’s mouth, tilting it, letting Michael drink his fill, before leaning over and grabbing for Michael’s water bottle. Then he’s up, he’s out, padding about their apartment and tracing phantom footsteps in the dark until he reaches their little fridge, peering inside, pulling out the leftover chicken and rice and depositing it on a plate to put in the microwave. While it’s heating up, he grabs a pack of Oreos (hidden at the back of the top shelf of the corner cupboard, where Michael can’t reach and, ergo, can’t know of it’s presence inside his ostentatiously healthy home) for himself, and gets through one or two by the time the microwave goes off, its beeps ringing out in what startles Adam to realise was an otherwise still night, calm despite it all. The constant, urgent roar in his ears must’ve been the sound of his own blood in them. Outside, it’s pitch black and silent, and the quiet rush of solitary cars rushing down midnight roads is nothing but a faraway whisper, drifting into their apartment through the blackness surrounding them. 
Suddenly, Adam feels very, very alone.
So, he takes Michael’s plate out of the microwave and grabs a spoon to set down with it, and refills Michael’s water bottle with filtered jug water, and not the stuff from the tap (because, nowadays, Michael conserved energy by not complaining, but Adam knew him, and knew he hated the taste of tap water, so the jug had proved itself to be a wise investment). Gathers all the stuff— food, Oreos, water bottles, cutlery, and the mental checklist’s all ticked off— into his arms, and pads back down the hall and into their bedroom, where Michael’s still sitting up, staring into some distant nothing, and Baby’s still clasped to his chest. 
“Hey,” Adam says softly as he climbs onto the bed, careful not to spill anything.
“Hello, Adam,” Michael replies, sighing, leaning his head back to bump gently against the headboard. “Hunger is an entirely foreign concept to me, but from what little I do know about it, she shouldn’t still be hungry. It’s been fifteen minutes.” A pause. “And forty seconds, so almost sixteen minutes.”
Adam shrugs, passing Michael his own water bottle and pulling the duvet up around himself. “I heard that twenty minute feeds were pretty standard at this stage. Plus, she’s just come into a big, scary world, and newborns nurse for comfort too.”
Michael doesn’t respond, and Adam supposes he doesn’t need to. It’s a jarring shift, to go from a weapon, someone whose presence brought with it whispers of war and chaos and destruction, to something comforting. To have a being, so, so small and fragile and completely helpless, suddenly thrust into a strange world, depend entirely on you for survival, not for orders. For comfort, not for war.
“Hey,” Adam says again, just to get Michael to snap out of the world in his head, to look at him. He holds up the plate. “Do you wanna be comforted too?” Michael rolls his eyes, and that inspires Adam to scoop up a spoonful of rice, and move it around. “Here comes the aeroplane!”
Another eyeroll, but Michael opens his mouth, and Adam almost hollers in victory.
They continue like that, for a while. Adam having his oreos, feeding Michael, Michael taking frequent sips of water and feeding Baby, and Baby oblivious to the world (even as Michael has to swipe fallen grains of rice from her hair). It’s… peaceful. Surreal, definitely— the room is dark, and even when Adam’s eyes adjust all he can make out are stray silhouettes masked by the night, and the world is quiet beyond them, no noise daring to breach the tranquillity that envelops the three of them. It’s almost as though nothing dares to exist where it could disturb them.
When Michael finishes the rice and chicken, he switches the baby to the other side and his stomach audibly rumbles.
“Need more comfort?” Adam teases, leaning his head on Michael’s shoulder.
“I don’t know why I’m still hungry. I shouldn’t be.” Michael sounds sluggishly frustrated with himself.
“Hey, if you’re hungry, you’re hungry. Who cares about anything else.” Adam pops an Oreo into his mouth, then holds another one up to Michael’s lips. “Say ‘aah’,” he says around the Oreo, getting tiny crumbs all over the bedsheet and making Michael wrinkle his nose.
“Manners,” Michael chides halfheartedly, before taking a small bite of the cookie.
“See, when I get crumbs over things, it’s over the duvet, and it’s a problem. When you do it, though, you get them over the baby, and that’s perfectly fine.”
Michael dusts the little cookie crumbs out of Baby’s hair.
“No crumbs on her now. But your awful manners still exist. Who’s the problem, again, kid?”
Adam puffs out a laugh, and settles down to nuzzle his head against Michael’s shoulder, using a finger to smooth away their daughter’s dark, downy hair away from her face.
“She’s asleep,” he notes.
“She’s still eating,” Michael rolls his eyes.
“Ooh, hungry baby.”
“Baby’s been alive for less than four days and she’s already proven to have gotten her appetite from you,” it might be a teasing jibe, it might be a sleepy, halfhearted attempt at his signature sardonicism, tainted by the weight of his fondness, but whatever Michael means by it, Adam can’t help but melt.
She’d gotten something from him. She’ll have gotten traits from Michael, too. Because she was theirs, and she was real, unexpected and somewhat unexplained but so, so real, and their life together was shaping into what Adam thought, a thousand years ago, would be nothing but a bittersweet fantasy. 
She’s real. They’re real. Michael’s real, eyes heavy with sleep, sharing his exhaustion but so incredibly, irresistibly real that Adam can’t stop staring into them and—
“Are you okay?” the sudden alarm in Michael’s voice snaps Adam back into something resembling reality.
At first, he isn’t sure what Michael’s talking about. A split second later and he feels it; the sudden heat against his cheeks, the faint taste of saltwater against his lips. His hand lifts to trace down his face and it’s wet.
“Well, shit,” Adam chokes out a laugh, “guess we’re both emotional messes.”
“We can’t be blamed for it,” Michael attempts to justify (or, perhaps, it’s a statement more than anything). Then, he sniffs, “Stop crying, or I’m going to cry again, too.”
“Family dinner’s turned into family cry-time. Amazing. Well,” a pause. Adam looks down at Baby, whose eyes are half-open again, “almost family cry-time. She’s not crying.”
“And praise whatever power that exists in the world, now, that she isn’t. Don’t worry, she’ll cry her fill in an hour’s time.”
“She’s got terrible team spirit.” Adam pokes his daughter’s cheek (gently, of course; it’s more a stroke than it is a poke, really), and the skin is soft and warm and solid. “Hear that, Baby? Your poor old dads are here sniffling up a storm over you, and what’re you doing?”
Michael shuffles himself— and the Baby— closer to Adam, and lets his head fall atop the latter’s. “She’s eating dinner” he sniffs, ever the pretentious archangel of old, “don’t be critical. She’s doing so well.”
Adam can’t find it in him to tease Michael at that, can’t find the space to squeeze it through the lump in his throat. “Yeah,” is what he manages to murmur eventually, “she’s doing so, so well.” Then, he tries, “We’re doing so well.”
“We are,” Michael placates him, or affirms, and nuance is lost on Adam as songs of lines, and words, and worlds blur into a cacophony of right now. Into the weight of Michael’s head on his, into the smoothness of their baby’s hair, and into the chasm Michael left inside of him when he was forced into another form, a chasm slowly being filled with love, and terror, but love all the same.
Moments aside, Adam knew this wasn’t going to be easy. Hormones would wear off, life would settle in, and he was scared of the day where he would take this for granted, where this would become ‘normal’ and displace the years, the centuries of agony and the crushing loneliness of being alone in his body, that it took to get here. To get her. He wondered if the novelty would wear off quickly— he hoped it didn’t, hoped he could stay floating in a castle of cribs and sleepless nights forever.
Even if it did, though… Adam closed his eyes, felt the rub of Michael’s hair against his. At least they’d be together. They’d always be together, now, and there was proof of that. 
Yeah, they were here. They’d always be here. And, perhaps naively, that was all he needed to know things would work out just fine.
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adammilligan · 2 years
when jake abel was like yeah adam would be upset about michael's death but also he would LOVE the fact that michael betrayed the winchesters in the process. TO BE FUCKING HONEST
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paradisecas · 2 years
adam is smiling soooo hard when he says ‘i haven’t seen a burger in ten years’ he is just so happy to be eating that burger. i love him so much.
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Hi hello Bex Jasmine @angelcaswinchester congratulations again on the 6k!! Let's party this weekend. :D
So, based on your prompt list, have some jonasbrothersnatural! (I apologize in advance, but you know I would have to be physically restrained to not make things about Midam, sooo....)
Got lost in your halo (halo)
I just wanna know
Now who's in your head, in your head?
“Michael?” Adam sighed as he stepped up to the stereo system, rubbing a hand over his face. “Can we listen to something else?”
Letting the eyes of his projection settle on Adam, Michael considered the question. “Do you know all the lyrics, then?”
Another sigh. “No.”
“Then we should keep listening.”
“Michael... We really don't need to know all the lyrics by heart,” Adam complained, soul reaching out to Michael's grace in their chest just as his hands reached for Michael's projection.
“Jack said it's crucial for us to be able to sing along to all the songs,” Michael reminded him sternly. It wouldn't do to be only half prepared! What if people made fun of Adam for not knowing all the words? Michael would have to smite them, and that might spoil the fun.
“Yeah, but Jack has never even been to a concert. He's just saying what Claire told him, and she was probably trying to mess with him.” Adam sat down on the armrest of the chair Michael's projection was in. On instinct, Michael reached out to put a hand on his leg, and Adam's arm slung around Michael's shoulders.
In contrast, Michael's next words were far less gentle – they were true, though. “You've also never been to a concert.”
Adam gasped, then punched Michael's arm. “Hey, low blow!” He pouted, and, despite his clear discontent, moved to drape his legs over Michael's lap. “You know I just didn't have the money and stuff.”
“I know, but that doesn't change the fact that you know just as little about concerts as Jack does.”
“Buddy, I've spent more time on Earth than you two combined. I think I know a little bit more about everything.”
Michael raised an eyebrow. “Everything,” he said flatly, just so Adam would roll his eyes.
“Not literally. Shut up.” Another punch to the arm. If it were anyone else, Michael would have been offended, but he could feel Adam's amusement ripple through their bond, saw his soul shining brightly. He would forgive him just about anything.
Quite unlike his brother, who chose that very moment to appear in their living room.
“Sup, buckos.”
“Woah!” Adam jumped, his heart rate elevating as he scrambled up from the chair (or rather Michael's lap). “Jesus, you scared me!”
Michael glared at his brother. “What do you want?”
“Keep your angel blade tucked, bro, I'm just here to deliver a message.”
Michael had made no move to draw a weapon. Not that he would need one to fight, necessarily. “Going back to your roots, then,” he said dryly, tracking Gabriel's movements. Just because he wasn't a threat didn't mean he wouldn't cause chaos.
“Not so much messenger of God these days, you know.” Gabriel shrugged. “Then again, who's even God anymore, right?”
“No one,” Michael said. Since Jack had given up a good part of his power and had separated from Amara (now also powered down), there really wasn't anyone who could claim that title.
“Anyway, Sam said to tell you there'll be some kind of barbecue or whatever.” Gabriel shrugged.
“Some kind of...” Adam and Michael shared a look. “Okay. Do you know when?”
“Uuuuh, he probably mentioned it, but...” Another shrug.
Michael huffed. As an archangel, Gabriel's memory was extremely good. If he didn't remember, or didn't say anything, that was probably on purpose.
Maybe Sam wants us to call him, Adam said through their bond, so only Michael could hear him. We have ignored some of his texts.
We had better things to do. Michael didn't feel bad for ignoring the Winchesters in the slightest. Their relationship with Adam was still tender, more born of obligation than anything else, and he wasn't sure if it would ever become warm. Didn't really care if it would.
If it wasn't for Jack, Michael would have gladly forgotten the brothers' existence altogether.
“Okay, I gotta ask,” Gabriel said, weighing his head as he listened to the most recent song in the playlist, “what are you listening to?”
More to love when your hands are free Baby put your pom poms down for me Come on shake it up 1-2-3 Baby put your pom poms down for me
The song has changed while they'd been talking. Adam groaned. “Don't ask.”
“They're a very popular band,” Michael said, as much for Gabriel as to chastise Adam on his reaction.
“Yeah, boy band,” Adam grumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “Not for nothing, but you're starting to sound like Dean-o.”
As Adam's face scrunched up, his emotions whirled all over the place for only a moment. Them he clamped down on them. “Bullshit.”
“See? You should learn to appreciate all forms of art so you don't end up like your brother,” Michael told him.
“Half-brother. And I'm not like him at all, okay! For example – we got cookies. You want some cookies, Gabe?” Adam moved towards the kitchen, where he'd stashed the cookies he'd baked the day before. It took him a moment to find them, because the little tin box was, to his surprise, at the very back of the wall cabinet – just where Michael had put it. The intention had been for Adam not to see the box, and possibly to forget about it until the cookies were spoiled. This tended to happen with other things, where Adam would no longer think of them as long as they were out of sight, and Michael sometimes had to remind him of them.
With putting the cookies away, Michael had hoped to keep Adam (for once) from eating too many sweets.
Apparently it hadn't worked.
Gabriel grinned as Adam handed him the box. “That's why you're my favourite brother-in-law.”
“We're not married,” Michael said distractedly. The notion was absurd – neither of them technically existed, from a human legal standpoint. Adam's fake ID said 'Adam Miller', a fact he grumbled about on a regular basis. But he also didn't want to ask Sam for a new one.
Unimpressed with that answer, Gabriel raised a single eyebrow at him. “You keep telling yourself that, bro.”
Michael wasn't telling himself anything. It was simply a truth.
Annoyed, Michael tuned his brother out and listened to the music instead.
It's only human, you know that it's real So why would you fight or try to deny the way that you feel? Oh, babe, you can't fool me, your body's got other plans So stop pretending you're shy, just come on and Dance, dance, dance, dance, oh
Well. Maybe the music wasn't any better.
“... Castiel and Dean to invite us if they get married,” Adam was saying when Michael shifted his focus back to them. “But only if they have an open bar.”
“Not sure they'd invite Michael, honestly.” Gabriel seemed amused by the idea.
“Well, they just need to invite me. People can bring a plus one to weddings, right?”
“Ya know, usually a plus one isn't an archangel who lives in your head.”
Adam made a throwaway gesture. “Screw usual.”
Gabriel grinned. “Are you gonna invite them to your own wedding too, then?”
“We can't get married,” Michael repeated. Neither could Castiel and Dean. This was all very silly.
“Michael, you know marriages are basically just promises, right?” Adam asked, smiling but still with a tight lid on his emotions, inwardly.
“No. They're legal contracts that ensure mutual support and that both people take care of any potential offspring, as well as providing tax benefits. I looked it up.”
“... You what?” Gabriel asked, eyebrows riding high on his forehead.
Of course Michael had looked into it. It was a human custom, and since Adam had been rather vague about it even though he loved movies with weddings in them, Michael had taken it upon himself to get more information.
Instead of answering Gabriel's question, Michael said: “The benefits are superfluous for us, and neither of us legally exists, so a marriage is off the table. We also don't need a contract – we already have an agreement.”
While he spoke, a smile started tucking on Adam's lips, and even though he obviously tried to keep his amusement under lock, Michael could still feel it through their bond. “Yeah, I guess we do.”
“Okay, you lost me,” Gabriel admitted. “What agreement?”
Adam and Michael exchanged an amused look. “Oh, just something we came to while we were in the Cage,” Adam said lightly.
“A mutual understanding,” Michael added.
“And what was it you mutually understood?” Gabriel prompted, seeming impatient.
Another exchanged look. Adam was barely holding down a grin.
“Well. After careful consideration on both of our parts, we came to the conclusion that...” Michael made a dramatic pause, just so Gabriel would become exasperated. It worked. “... we like each other.”
Gabriel blinked at him.
“Admittedly, it was born out of the fact that we were the only ones in the Cage. If you discount Lucifer.” Michael shrugged.
“So what, did you make promise rings for each other? Friendship bracelets? What exactly is your relationship, anyway?” Gabriel frowned.
“Our relationship is very good,” Michael said, leaning back in his armchair. “Thanks for asking.”
Adam bit his lip to keep from laughing.
“But what is it? What do you call each other?”
Michael raised an eyebrow. “Well, I mostly call him Adam, since that's his name.”
Gabriel groaned in frustration. “Let me put this as clear as possible. Do you smooch or not?”
“I don't see how that's any of your business,” Michael said simply. Of course he knew what Gabriel was asking, but he had no intention of discussing such private things with him. Besides, his relationship with Adam could hardly be described in such simple terms as romantic or non-romantic. There was so much more depth to it that-
Without warning, Adam changed the song on the playlist.
We go together Better than birds of a feather, you and me
Ah. Michael liked this one. Adam had made jokes about the 'feathers' line and Michael's wings the first time they'd listened to it, but Michael had long since forgiven him. (Besides, it had been kind of funny.)
I'm a sucker for you You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly I'm a sucker for you, yeah Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
Adam grinned as he leaned back against the armchair.
He liked that one, too, even if he would never admit it.
I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things No one knows about you (about you) about you (about you) And you're making the typical me break my typical rules It's true, I'm a sucker for you, yeah
Maybe that song was a good summary of their relationship, actually.
All he knew was that if they played this song at the concert, they were both going to sing along loudly.
And that was all anyone else needed to know, too.
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theyonlyhadeachother · 4 months
i love midam sharing a body. i cannot get enough of it. its honestly one of my major dislikes when an author has them in seperate bodies.
no shame to anyone who does like them in seperate bodies, but it is so not for me.
like. that is THEIR body. its THEIR house.
youre telling me, after like 1200 years in the cage, where they were each others only solstice, they arent just a little codependent. they arent just a little bit nervous whenever they're seperate. that they dont find inherent safety and comfort in being able to feel each other's essence at all times.
and thats even before they were forcibly ripped apart by chuck. i cant even fathom how much worse it is after.
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aerialworms · 1 year
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+ bonus Midam :)
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(Shoutout to @bloodydeanwinchester​ for inspiring this, although I’m 75% sure this has been done before 😅 ID under the readmore!)
[Image ID: A series of screenshots of the Supernatural characters paired with the answers from a Buzzfeed quiz. The first image is the title of the quiz: “...would you fuck a clone of yourself?”
2. Sam Winchester, looking weirded out at his alternate self in 15.13 Destiny’s Child, answers “I don't want to fuck my clone because it would be gay sex and I'm not gay.”
3. Eileen Leahy, smirking at Sam in 15.07 Last Call, answers “I'm not gay, but I would actually totally fuck my clone.”
4. Jack Kline, looking baffled in 13.01 Lost and Found, answers “I'm gay, but I still don't want to fuck my clone, that's gross and weird.”
5. Castiel, looking scared as the Empty yells at him in 13.04 The Big Empty, answers “I don't want to fuck my clone because my self-loathing is THAT strong.”
6. Crowley, looking suggestively at Dean in a bar in 9.11 First Born, answers “I'd fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?“
7. Dean, handcuffed on the floor in Endverse Dean’s cabin in 5.04 The End, tells his alternate self “I'd totally do all sorts of weird things to my clone I'd be embarrassed to ask someone else to do.”
8. Arthur Ketch in 13.07 War of the Worlds, pretending to be his twin, Alexander, answers “It's basically the same as masturbating, right? So no big deal.”
9. Mary Winchester yells at Ketch “It's not the same as masturbating; it'd be like having sex with your twin. Wrong and bad!”
10. Good!Charlie Bradbury from 10.11 There’s No Place Like Home says “I would not have sex with my clone because what if my clone is evil.” except the “what if” has been crossed out.
11. Mustachioed Gabriel from the Casa Erotica DVD in 5.19 Hammer of the Gods answers “Not only would I have sex with my clone, I'd probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once because that's how pro-clone fucking I am.”
12. Chuck, in 11.20 Don’t Call Me Shurley, shrugs and tells Metatron “I'd totally fuck my clone because I want to know if I'm good in bed.”
13. From the start of 9.18 Meta Fiction, Metatron tells the viewer “To be honest, fucking my clone has always been my fantasy.“
14. Michael and Adam on their dinner date in 15.08 Our Father, Who Aren’t In Heaven. Their answer is simply “Yes.”
All the images are watermarked with the creator’s url, “@aerialworms”. /End ID]
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old-skulls · 5 months
i’ve said it before i’ll say it again: midam is the funniest ship in existence because the only canon ways to imagine michael are
1. as adam’s dad
2. as adam himself
and yet the ship is just. so genuine. WHO is doing it like them
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adammilligans · 7 months
I don’t think people understand how BIG of a deal it is that Michael wanted to stay with Adam after everything. Adam is a nobody! Some side character Chuck made so the story could continue. And Michael is the literally the viceroy of Heaven, a warrior, he led all of heaven into battle. Yet they’re so comfortable with eachother.
I could go on for hours about how long Michael and Adam actually were together in the cage, since time works differently in Hell. It would be at least 1200 years if not more. They kept saying 10 years, and you know that’s definitely not the case. 1200 years is barely anything to Michael, he’s lived for all of existence, yet Adam comes along and he all of that changes. Just compare his body language with S5 Michael and S15.
Also- back to the cage Michael and Adam had to sit there and watch as Sam and eventually Lucifer we’re both rescued before them. (That’s a whole other story)
Plus you can’t tell me that Michael and Adam wouldn’t of talked about what they’d want to do if they ever escaped the cage before S15. The entire diner scene was just so we the audience were familiar with them again. Especially after Adam asks Michael if he was going to return to heaven. If he was, he would’ve already left, they both knew the answer but after everything Adam was probably scared Michael would leave him.
Trying to figure out a way to type all of this out is a pain cause whenever I try and form actually words about them it comes out all jumbled but yeah im obsessed with these two.
Also im proud to say i totally run Midam tiktok. I get tons of comments from non-spn fans being totally confused on why the look the same 24/7 and it’s hilarious.
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azrael08 · 7 months
I know it’s been said before but Michael and Adam should’ve gotten more screen time, together or apart idc I just wanted them and their relationship to grow more.
And I sincerely appreciate everyone in the Midam community for creating an entire fandom in of itself about these characters who got so little character development and even less scenes together all just because a collective amount of us immediately saw their potential and how healthy their love fits together.
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midambang24 · 22 hours
Author signups for the 2024 Midam Bang end soon !! On May 5th, author signups close, and authors will no longer be able to participate in the event !!
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If you know anyone else interested in joining the bang, please please please tell them about it before submissions close !!
We hope that you all that are participating have a lovely time writing and drawing, and we can't see what all you guys create !!
-Midam Mods
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lab-trash · 8 months
Another Supernatural Human AU prompt, this time Midam. Well, also Destiel and Sabriel, but the Midam is the most important bit.
So, you know the classic human Castiel and Gabriel trope, where they run away from home because their family doesn't approve of their homosexuality? We're playing off of that.
Castiel and Gabriel managed to land these amazing brothers, Dean and Sam respectively. They know their past and understand it, despite having their own family as the most important thing to them.
Speaking of which, they like to make a habit of visiting their little brother, Adam, at least once a year. Usually not on a holiday even, just going to see him.
This year when they plan it out, they plan to get hotel rooms so that Adam doesn't have to host double the amount he usually does, and while explaining that detail, Adam brings up that he too has a boyfriend.
Castiel and Gabriel are prepared to meet their boyfriends' brother and his boyfriend, but who they aren't prepared to see is their brother Michael.
Michael wasn't the worst tormentor— that of course was Luci— but he was awful to be around. Especially if it was him and Luci together.
They're very shocked to learn that Michael is dating a man. After all, he was one of the reasons they ran.
Michael explains that Adam got to him in a way that no one else, of any gender, ever had before. They were in this together, forever. He explains that he tried to find Castiel and Gabriel Shurley, but learned they must've changed their names.
Castiel and Gabriel Novak are... well, their still hurt about their past, and shocked about their present. And it's weird seeing Michael so happy with Adam.
But now they get to catch up on all the shit that went down at home once Michael realised he was gay >:)
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michaelectras · 1 year
post-canon i think lilith should be resurrected too just so she can take michael to court for failure to keep up with her alimony payments. adam has to get a second job to afford an attorney
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adammilligan · 2 years
actually even though lucifer mentions adam in the 11x09 production script he DOESN'T in actual canon. like he makes no mention of adam whatsoever he just talks about how michael specifically is supposedly insane. so i mean. did michael hide adam so well that lucifer didn't even register his presence or something? did lucifer think michael's vessel's soul was just. not in there after michael said "adam isn't home right now" at stull? was michael using his grace to cover adam's soul so completely that lucifer couldn't see it at all. the fact that lucifer never makes mention of adam in canon is so interesting to me actually and the fact that lilith mistook adam for michael in 15x08 makes it even more so. it's like adam isn't even popping up on their radar at ALL.
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nexus-my-beloved · 3 months
elaborate on midam mirror sex, it always facinates me the different takes people have on midam sex (which sounds v weird lmao)
WOO BOY OKAY (sorry it took me a minute, decided that I needed my laptop out for this one) First off: Micheal absolutely always wants to see every inch of Adam and likely has no concept of how humiliating it could be in a sense, but that is probably just part of the appeal to Adam, okay. A mirror would mean that every part of Adam is visible to Micheal, and I just KNOW Micheal would make sure Adam stares at himself, so that's a thing of its own. I know it would make Adam nervous and I KNOW he'd realize just how much Micheal enjoys it if he felt any of Micheal's grace intensify (because let's face it - there is no way on this earth that Micheal doesn't just touch Adam with his grace sometimes and give him pure bliss. it happens.) Second: Whether they're in the same body or not, a mirror gives them the ability to always look at each other. If they're in separate bodies, sure - Adam can see Micheal looking at him in the mirror over his shoulder. But if they're in the SAME body - Micheal would be making severe eye contact in the mirror and it would be all of Adam's expressions, all of Adam's reactions, all to what Micheal is doing with what used to be just Adam's hands. Adam could see Micheal staring at him without the need for a projection. And Adam could watch every slow movement of Micheal touching, grazing his fingertips over skin or teasing in torturous ways that he knows Adam would love (because let's also be honest with ourselves - there is no way Micheal and Adam aren't doing this frequently. Adam was just a teenager before. There is no way he isn't still sort of in that horny phase where you're consistently needy, he would be insatiable. Micheal would be happy to please. Micheal might also be a tad needy. Rabbits.). Third: Something about watching your hands do things to you that you aren't in control of, that are shocking you with every touch, that are getting you off without you knowing what they'll do next, is probably a big thing to Adam. A turn on, sure. A kinky experience. But it's also an act of trust - that Micheal is allowed to take control, to share control of his body that he'd willingly let him into. It's an act of trust in the sense that Micheal could fully take over and do as he pleased, but he chose to co-exist with Adam, and not only that, but to do something as intimate as this when he's an angel, an archangel at that, who before likely had no concept of lust or love to a man when it was against god (Micheal could explain a million times how angels don't have genders, how they're wavelengths of celestial intent, but he was masculine presenting, and to any Christian that was considered homosexual, a sin for him to be with Adam. And yet he was.). It's the biggest act of trust for Adam to allow Micheal to do as he sees fit, using his own hands to make himself feel good in a way he can't expect, couldn't do on his own, because something about Micheal doing it makes it special - and sure, yeah, it's just really damn hot to watch Micheal's stare as he touches somewhere else and teases Adam within an inch of his life. I am also just a sucker for mirror sex with a lot of relationships, but midam especially gives me a certain kind of brainrot i cannot for the life of me explain to the fullest extent which it so deserves. (tysm for asking me :)))) )
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