#because he realised that something or someone must’ve made her feel that way
loveinhawkins · 1 year
When Lucas Sinclair starts to apologise for missing The Cult of Vecna, Eddie initially thinks that he’s hearing things.
Well, actually, the first thing he thinks is something along the lines of ‘what the fuck are you talking about?’
It takes him almost a solid thirty seconds to even vaguely remember his campaign; the last day of school before Spring Break feels dreamlike, as if it happened to someone else, as if he just watched everything through a fogged-up window.
“Jesus, Sinclair. I’ve got an ongoing list of folks who owe me an apology since, like, sixth grade, and trust me, your name’s not on there. Can pretty confidently say it never will, okay?”
Eddie sees Steve tilt his head ever so slightly from where he’s walking just ahead of them, like he’s listening in. Spots his faint nod of approval.
Eddie can’t decide if he resents it or finds it endearing—kind of gets the ridiculous feeling that Steve’s vetting him on behalf of the kids.
“Okay,” Lucas says, and he’s smiling, but there’s a sort of sombreness to it, too. “Still, I should’ve—”
“Hey, hindsight’s twenty-twenty,” Eddie says, firmly cutting off whatever self-critical bullshit he was about to hear. He knocks his shoulder against Lucas’s, adds a dry, “Like, I would’ve been a dick about it no matter what.”
Lucas laughs, but it’s muted. Then he takes a deep breath, and Eddie suddenly realises that he must’ve been using the apology to get himself started, to work himself up to what he really wanted to say.
“I’m… I’m sorry about… about Jason and… I thought I’d thrown them all off the trail, but—”
“Oh, don’t—don’t worry about it, man,” Eddie says faintly.
There’s a flash of Jason in his mind’s eye, the savage twist of his lip as he ran into the lake; he thinks of Lucas lying to his face, the danger of him being found out, and feels sick.
“Seriously, you could’ve told them… y’know. Wouldn’t have held it against you.”
Eddie doesn’t mention that him getting caught still feels inevitable, like he’s just waiting for the walls to close in.
But right now, at least, he can breathe a little easier. The shire might be burning, but there’s people leading him through it. He’s not alone.
Lucas looks appalled. “What? No, I couldn’t—I couldn’t do that to you.”
It’s said with such conviction that Eddie has to fight through a sudden tightness in his throat—doesn’t really know what to do in the face of such undeserved loyalty.
He settles on saying, “So, how was the game?” which is embarrassingly inadequate, but a genuine question nevertheless; the past few… Jesus, however long it’s been, he’s been in permanent need of a distraction.
Steve slows his walking pace—to anyone else it might’ve seemed subtle, but Eddie’s used to noticing such things. He somehow gets the feeling that Steve is no longer scrutinising him, not exactly; his posture’s relaxed and open, his forehead free of frown lines.
It’s more like he’s simply curious about Eddie’s behaviour. The way his eyes drift over, then down to the forest floor, then back again silently seems to say what are you thinking?
Or maybe Eddie’s projecting because he asks the very same question whenever a muscle jumps in Steve’s jaw.
“Oh, um…” Lucas says hesitantly. “I was on the bench for most of it, so—”
“Quit being modest.” The quiet whir of a tape being rewound; Max Mayfield comes up to Lucas’s side. “He made the winning shot,” she tells Eddie pointedly. “It was a buzzer-beater.”
“Oh, holy shit. Well done, dude.”
From the way Lucas is staring at Max with wide eyes, it’s obvious that he’s barely registered what Eddie’s said.
“How do you know that?” he asks. “You… you weren’t at the game.”
“I, uh.” Max looks down for a moment, fiddling with the headphones around her neck. “I listened to it on the radio.”
Lucas smiles so brightly. There’s an earnestness to him; Eddie spotted it a mile away, ever since that first day back at school, when all the new freshmen were anxiously lining up to get lunch.
Max softens—her arms are still folded, but she drifts a little closer to Lucas as they walk, all studied casualness.
(Oh, Eddie’s been there before: forced to run track in middle school Phys Ed, and the only saving grace was ‘just so happening’ to run at the same pace as any boy who’d smile at him.)
Eddie catches Steve’s eye, and this time Steve gives him a very deliberate expression, nodding fondly at Max and Lucas.
Look at them, he’s saying with his eyes, as if he and Eddie are on the same team, as if Eddie at all deserves to be let in on whatever shared history Steve has with these kids.
Eddie kicks at a stray twig. You’re not going to get a lump in your throat about this, damn it, don’t be stupid.
“S’gonna be historic, Sinclair,” he says. “Last time the Tigers won a championship was, uh, lemme think… twenty-two years ago.”
Lucas stops in his tracks.
“I know that,” he says, eyes shrewd, “but why do you know?”
Eddie raises his hands with a grin, it wasn’t me, officer. “What, I can’t repeat a few years without retaining a little school knowledge?”
“Oh,” Lucas says, and it’s like Eddie can see him mentally replaying every cafeteria speech. He grins back. “So you’re a hypocrite.”
“Maybe,” Eddie says. He glances further afield, where Dustin is animatedly explaining something to Robin and Nancy. “I know you’re not gonna give me shit for it, though.”
“Huh, guess you don’t really know me,” Lucas says, and Max snorts.
Eddie smirks. “And it’s, like, doubly historic since the last person to score a buzzer-beater was—”
He cuts himself off, because Steve abruptly turns to him, like they’re in alliance, and draws a hand sharply across his neck.
But Lucas is already hooked. “What? Who was it?”
Eddie gives Steve a helpless shrug. Sorry, man.
“I’m looking right at him,” he says.
Lucas rounds on Steve. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because,” Steve says, flustered, “that was your thing, Lucas, I didn’t wanna be all…”
He trails off with a vague hand gesture, and Eddie thinks he somehow gets what he means—smiles at the thoughtfulness of it.
“That makes, like, no sense,” Lucas says vehemently. His eyes practically have stars in them. “Damn it, we shoulda got a photo.”
Steve laughs in surprise. “All right, noted.”
“I mean, Wheeler works for the school paper, right?” Eddie says. “They’ve probably got old issues. Hey, Sinclair, you could have, y’know, side-by-side photos. Yours and then…” He waves a hand at Steve. “Ancient history.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Ancient, sure.”
“Oh, Lucas,” Max says, batting her eyes excessively, “I’d frame a picture of you. Pray to it every night.”
Lucas blushes. “Shut up,” he says, elbowing her gently; Eddie thinks that it’s the first time he’s heard Max Mayfield laugh.
Steve’s watching over them again, and his eyes go pensive when Lucas mumbles something like, “I wouldn’t mind a frame.”
The expression Steve has is something Eddie’s only seen once before, and it was on Wayne’s face. Eddie had privately dubbed it the ‘found something for your birthday’ look when he’d noticed it: him and Wayne on a road trip, Eddie not so secretly mooning over the secondhand acoustic guitar in the shop window.
“Your picture should be bigger, Sinclair,” Steve says, sounding both teasing and sincere. “My shot didn’t win a Championship Game.” In an undertone, he adds, “As Brenda so helpfully reminded me.”
Oh, Eddie’s not letting that go.
“Do mine ears deceive me? Did you take a date to a high school basketball game?” Eddie cackles. “You sure know how to woo ‘em, Harrington.”
“Hey,” Steve says defensively, “she could only make that day. Told her I had non-negotiable plans: it was either the game or it was a bust.”
Huh, Eddie thinks, that’s actually… really sweet.
Lucas looks torn between being embarrassed or touched. “You didn’t need to do that, Steve.”
“Sure I did. C’mon, you thought I was gonna go to every match and then miss the Championship?” Steve’s eyebrows furrow. “Where was Erica, anyway?”
… Ah.
“Mea culpa,” Eddie says. “She was, uh, at Hellfire.”
Lucas scoffs. “It’s fine,” he says. “Last time she was at a game, she kept shouting that she loved my tactics.” He looks out into the middle distance. “I was on the bench the whole time.”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah, I missed her being there.” He’s sporting a smile that’s somehow the perfect balance of fond and mischievous; it, quite frankly, has no business looking as attractive as it does. “We had, um, alternative commentary for every game. That kid should have a radio show.” He comes closer, adds in another aside, “Would’ve made the date more bearable if she was there.”
Eddie stifles a laugh, has a moment of respectful silence for Brenda.
Max and Lucas cut in front, keep walking until they’re almost out of earshot; Eddie hears Lucas faintly say something that sounds like, “Was I totally tubular?”, soon drowned out by Max’s laughter.
There’s a short silence.
“Thanks, Eddie,” Steve says suddenly.
Eddie blinks at him, quickly turns his genuine confusion into a bit. “What for, Harrington? My devastating wit? Devilish good looks?”
Steve shakes his head. He smiles for a moment, in on the joke, but then he looks over at Lucas and Max again, and… there.
A muscle jumps in his jaw.
“It’s just… they’ve got a lot to carry, y’know? So…” He shrugs. “Thanks.”
It’s said so quietly, so without fanfare.
Eddie’s hit with the realisation between one footstep and the next: that he’s earned Steve Harrington’s trust.
It feels… weighty.
But Eddie doesn’t mind it; he doesn’t think it’s going to crush his ribs. If anything it feels like they’re sharing a load.
“Don’t gotta thank me for that, Harrington.”
Steve smiles, pushing back his hair; Eddie’s brought back to the moment he did the very same on the basketball court, just as the ball sunk through the net, and Eddie decided fuck it, wholeheartedly embracing his hypocrisy as he jumped up and down with the band kids.
I cheered so goddamn loud for you, Eddie thinks.
He doesn’t say it.
But he keeps walking next to Steve. Feels a little young, a little bit like he’s running track—checking his pace just so he could see a boy smile at him.
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fleurrreads · 4 months
i was wondering if i could request a azriel x reader story where reader has low iron and passes out a lot? maybe how he helps reader or what he does when it happens in public/in front of the inner circle?
have a great day 💞💞
an: hellooo so i got a little sidetracked from low iron and made it a condition that reader has had since they’ve been young. i hope you like it nonetheless ♡ have a lovely day! also soft az has my heart ☹️
☆ hey angel azriel x reader
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The waft of coffee filling your nose makes your heart nearly swoon. You see Azriel from the corner of your eye, holding two mugs of coffee, thanking the owner and walking towards you. You could sit here forever you decided. The little coffee shop in Velaris — where everything started.
You remember the day you sat down in this very seat, ordering a refreshment and a small snack. You’d had a frustrating morning at the studio you worked, and needed to take your mind off of it when Azriel walked into the coffee shop.
Your heart nearly stopped as you took in his beauty. So flawless. His wings tucked neatly behind him as he made his way over to the owner, greeting her friendly and placing his order.
Just as you snuck another glance at him, you felt your head go fuzzy, eyes fogging slightly. Of course. Your system had such a great sense of timing. You don’t remember much of what happened next but as soon as you made eye contact with Azriel you were out.
You woke up quite quickly after, only being out of consciousness for a few minutes when you realise your body was warmer than normal, and a hand had rested on your shoulder keeping you upright. You glanced to the side and saw Azriel carefully watching you. He shifted slightly in his seat — completely facing you. “Are you alright? Does this happen often?” There was a little frown in his brows and you couldn’t help but stare at him in awe.
The shadowsinger you’d heard so much about. Murmurs and whispers of the high lord’s spymaster had travelled in the city since you were young. You never knew what he looked like but now it all made sense. The faint blushes on the girls’ faces when they’d speak so fondly of him.
“Oh- Yes I’m quite alright. It happens often.” You tried to brush off the situation, not trying to make too much of a scene. He surely must’ve been a busy man. “I didn’t mean to cause you trouble. Thank you for helping me. I faint quite often because of this condition I’ve had since I was young.” You explained, and saw Azriel’s complete focus while you explained that you were always okay and even the shop owners knew you well and looked out for you when you would stop by.
You think you saw a hint of relief on Azriel’s face. You smiled at him, rubbing your hands together out of nerves. “I’m glad that it’s not something too serious. You had me quite worried there for a minute.” You felt the burn on your cheeks, a bit embarrassed that the infamous shadowsinger had seen you in such a state. That wasn’t what you wanted for a first impression with him.
You sat together in silence before you realised your coffee was now cold and you’d have to get a new one. Azriel asked the owner to get you a new coffee and you sat in each other’s company, just feeling comfortable and peaceful with each other. You realised you hadn’t ever felt at ease with someone like that.
“It was nice meeting you today Azriel. Thank you again for helping me, and making sure I’m okay.” You couldn’t thank him nearly enough. He gave you a genuine smile. One he wasn’t sure he’d given in a while. “It was nice to meet you as well, maybe we’ll run into each other here again.” Azriel took your hand in his, and pressed a light kiss to the top of it. You swear you noticed a faint blush on his cheeks, but pushed it aside. You waved goodbye to him, and made your way over to your studio again.
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After that day you’d coincidentally meet him at the café all the time — running into him so often that it was weird not to see him there when you entered the café these days. You swear he was never here this often and you met him more often, you got to know each other and your feelings started becoming apparent. You liked him, a lot.
It’s now been a few months since that very day in the café and you’ve been introduced and welcomed in with open arms into the inner circle. You will admit meeting the High Lord and Lady wasn’t what you thought it would be. They were genuinely nice people. Everyone was. They weren’t as intimidating as everyone made them out to be.
You haven’t really told them about the fainting and the way you initially met Azriel. It didn’t feel necessary to you.
Well, until now. You’re sitting down at the table in Rhysand and Feyre’s townhouse when your feel your head spinning. You don’t even have to say anything as Azriel’s already picked up that something was different in your demeanour. In a matter of seconds he’s over to your side, an arm already outstretched infront of you for when you faint.
You don’t catch the worried expressions of everyone at the table before the world goes dark.
You hear faint murmurs and whispers as you try and get your mind back to your body. Azriel’s arm still protectively wrapped around your body. Safe. You felt absolutely safe with him. Rhys gives you a glance you can’t quite decipher with Feyre looking at you with slight worry in her eye. One you’ve seen many times before when she would worry about her family. Mor and Cassian seem like they’re holding their breath waiting for you to explain what just happened.
You sigh, grabbing a glass of water with shakey hands. “What just happened. Are you okay? Should we call Madja?” The questions are coming from everyone all at once and Azriel puts a reassuring hand on your thigh, rubbing smooth circles. You clear your throat, “It hasn’t happened in a while. It does happen frequently though. I’ve been having these ‘episodes’ since I was a child. No one could ever tell me what the cause was. Just that it was harmless.” You feel the tension in the room subside and turn into relief. A wave of relief.
“Thank the Cauldron. I thought I’d have to sacrifice Cassian to save you or something. Which I would still do one hundred percent. Even if it wasn’t necessary at all. Maybe then we’ll get some peace and quiet.” Mor says, eyeing Cassian with a smirk, poking at him. He slaps her arm away, “Oh please, like you’d ever get rid of me. You like me way too much.” He then turns to you, “I’m really glad that it’s not something troubling you or affecting you in a bad way.” He smiles gently, then goes straight back to bantering with Mor. “By the way, I’d sacrifice you first.” Mor sends a vulgar hand movement his way as the table erupts in laughter.
Azriel hasn’t let go of your thigh, his hand now resting comfortably. His shadows move from him to you, taking your hair in their little hands — almost as a way to calm you down and reassure you that you’re safe and fine with Az. Rhys looks at Azriel and gives him a look you can’t make out. A smile forms on Rhys’ face as he drinks from his glass.
Feyre takes your hand in hers as she scoots her chair closer to you. “If you ever need anything to make these episodes easier, don’t hesitate to let me know. Whatever you may need.” She taps your hand lightly, a comforting understanding between you. You nod, thanking her silently.
You turn to Azriel as everyone continues on with their dinner, to find him already staring at you. His eyes capturing a deep emotion you don’t quite recognise. You take his hand on your thigh in your own, squeezing it and smiling at him. “Thank you for always looking out for me. You’re the best, seriously Az.” You meant every word. He smiles one of his genuine smiles again. The ones that make your heart burn with desire and some other emotion you’re not sure of.
He looks to Rhys for a second and then back to you, that unknown emotion flashing in his eyes again. “Of course. You- you mean a lot to me. I’ll always look out for you angel.”
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reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! ★
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tiazvni · 1 year
what about y/n that had to block eren in order for her to try and be with someone else. eren and y/n were never together but erens just possessive asf and they have always had something going on. like y/n goes to a party with this new guy and eren confronts her about it shortly after realising that she is there with a different guy.
i know it’s similar to other works you’ve done but just the thought of eren making y/n so weak just from his presence like ugh.
of course we all know how it ends tho :)
none of that might have made sense but i’m begging u. please.
give in | eren jaeger
words : 569
warnings : fem!reader, black coded, possessive!eren, toxic!eren, fwb!eren
eren seethed as he watched your most recent instagram story from his burner phone. dick jumping in his pants when a picture of you, so sweet and soft-looking, filled his screen, taken mere minutes before he pulled up outside of your house.
you were getting ready for a date - a juicy tidbit relayed to him by one of his sources - and he couldn’t stand the sight of you looking so pretty for another man. not when you just had his dick down your throat last week.
he shrugged himself out of his car and reached your front door in quick strides, knocking on the hardwood with a heavy hand. you shouted to him that you were coming! - double checking your appearance in your mirror before rushing downstairs to greet who you thought was your date.
but no, it was just your ex-friend-with-benefits.
“what the hell, eren,” you huffed, glaring at him with those beautiful brown eyes that drive him crazy. “i thought i told you to stop showing up at my house unannounced.”
“nah, fuck that. where the hell do you think you’re going?”
you choked on your breath. “excuse me?”
eren took a single step forward, crossing the threshold into your living room as he stared you down. his dark eyes narrowed as he looked you over - noting your sleek hair that reached your waist in waves, sultry eyelashes, glossed lips, thick body wrapped like a gift in a black silk dress, and dainty feet with painted toes strapped in the sexiest pair of heels he’s ever seen.
it’s almost like you were trying to kill him.
“you heard me,” eren scoffed. “you thought i wasn’t gonna find out about you trying to give my pussy away, hm?”
“my pussy doesn’t belong to you, eren.”
“like hell it does. you must’ve forgot the way i had you crying last week, mamas.”
you tried not to shiver at his words, clit twitching in your underwear as you wracked your brain for the memory of how you both got to this point. having gone from childhood friends to perpetual fuck-buddies, eren’s toxicity has been a recurring theme throughout the entirety of your life.
from the moment you let him fuck you after a smoke session for the first time, agreeing to a simple no-strings-attached deal, you should have known he would be the one to catch feelings all too quickly. but like the silly bitch you were, you forgoed all of his red flags solely because of the way he made your pussy sore during missionary.
but last week was the last time. never again would you give in to his control like he so craved.
“see, this is why i blocked your ass. you act like you own me the second i get the slightest bit of attention from another guy, and i don’t have time for it.” you shove at his chest, hardly moving him an inch back. “get the fuck out of my house, eren!”
“nah, strip for me.” eren licks his lips, unbothered by your words or your attitude.
your breath hitches as he moves another step closer, smirking at the sudden flash of desire clouding your doe eyes. he shuts your front door behind him, eyes never leaving yours as he shifted the locks on your door back in place, watching as each click made your body jump.
“let me see what you’re so eager to show him.”
um i WILL be making a part 2 to this. i literally wrote this during my lunch break at work — i hope it’s to your liking!! <3 <3
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Homecoming Daydream Part 2
Summary: With the power of Ferrari’s ghost, Enzo or whoever officiated me with a Charles Leclerc’s in Jesus’ form. I pronounce you, husband and wife.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x reader.
Genre: Romance, fluff and smut.
Author's note: This is a multiple-chapter Toto x Reader fanfic. Noted that English is not my mother tongue so there will be mistakes.
Part 1: Homecoming Daydream
Y/n hadn’t lied before. She wasn’t nervous about marrying Toto. Like at all. 
At that moment, as she walked towards him, down the altar, she was overcome not by excitement but was overwhelmed with the sense of love. The sight of someone, and not just someone, he is, the man in her dream standing at the end of the aisle, patiently waiting for her. She felt like she must have been trapped in a dream, one that she silently prayed to never be woken up from. But as her tipped French nails poked into the palm of her hand, she realised that all these things were happening and they were indeed, 100% true. As she neared him, she could feel the nerves and butterflies disappear and be replaced by a warm feeling of peace and serenity. Like a homecoming. And she is indeed at home now and forevermore. 
All she could do was focus on the heartbeat hammering away in her ears. Then, Toto’s warm hand wrapped around her own. Then, his face – his beautiful dark brown eyes so invitingly warm and intense, she felt caught in his gaze. Then, his gorgeous smile, told her just how happy he was. And slowly her heartbeat steadied, the deafening pulse quieted and she was gently grounded back into the moment with him. I am home, she thought. 
And not a second too early, because as she caught Fred’s expectant gaze, she realized that they somehow must’ve gotten to the part where they would exchange their vows. Y/n cleared her throat. The words came so easily – because they were true. 
“Toto. I must say this and I know it’s not a very romantic way to start a vow but I had a pretty much okay life before I met you.”
There was a low rumble of laughter in the crowd. Y/n smiled and took another deep breath before she continued.
“It’s not fantastic, just average like anyone else’s life out there can be, and I guess I was fine with it. With the thought of being a loner traveller in this lifetime. With the thought of never being the chosen one. Everything ate me up and made me believe it that way. Until I met you. I never expected to meet someone like you. I didn’t even think of someone like you to ever set foot in my life. Slowly, I get to know the beautiful person you are, inside and out. To be so lucky as to fall in love with you. I’ve found my new home, you – right here. And I couldn’t be more grateful to spend my life with you.”
She saw the moisture shimmering in his eyes and was sure that her own looked pretty similar. He smiled, before nodding at Fred and taking a deep breath. 
“ Y/n, my life was pretty much like yours before I met you. Except for all the noise, the hustle lifestyle and the demands of everything in my life,... Too much that there were days I thought it was going to swallow me whole. That was until we came across. I didn’t know I could ever admire one’s eyes this much, and just hearing your laughter and being with you made me feel at home. You called me your home, Schatz. Well, you are mine, too. As you have given me your hands to hold, so I give you my life to hold from this day forward.” 
Her heart beat steadily throughout his vows, but the tears that had been on the verge of slipping before now streamed freely down her face. There was nothing she could do about it. It was as though her love for this man poured out of her body because there was simply too much of it to be physically contained.
She was vaguely aware that Lewis stepped forward behind Toto and handed him something. Toto took the box and flipped it open, revealing two rings. Y/n gasped and swallowed an incredulous chuckle at the size of the diamond inside. Toto hadn’t proposed to her with an engagement ring, since he’d done it spontaneously one night, while they were still wrapped up in bed together. After, she’d told him not to get one, since she found a single wedding ring would more than suffice. Really, she should’ve expected that he would go above and beyond with it, knowing he would go feral in choosing her the perfect ring, with the biggest diamond, of course. He smirked at her reaction and picked the ring from the box, looking at Lewis expectantly. His friend chuckled.
“Okay, I feel kinda silly even asking after all of that, but here we go. Toto, do you Y/n to be your wife?” 
“I do”, Toto answered, his voice even and earnest, despite his smile. Then he slid the ring in place and lifted her hand to his lips for a soft kiss. 
“I love you” he whispered. 
That steady pulse from before was replaced by a frantic gallop, her heart almost jumping out of her chest at the touch of his lips. 
“And Y/n, do you take Grandpa Toto here to be your husband?”
There was another rumble of laughter from the audience, Toto however, acted as though he hadn’t even heard the quip, his eyes glued to her face, her lips. Waiting to hear her answer. As if he still couldn’t believe she’d agree. Silly old man. 
“I do“, she said. Then she plucked the other ring from the box, a simple gold band, and took Toto’s hand.
“And I love you too,“ she whispered and slid the ring onto his finger. 
They stood there and stared at each other, both smiling and silently crying, until Fred cleared his throat and even his voice sounded suspiciously tight with emotion. 
“Well, then with the power of Ferrari’s ghost, Enzo or whoever officiated me with a Charles Leclerc’s in Jesus’ form. I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your wife now, Wolff.”
And then just only waiting for that moment, her husband did what he was said to do. 
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 Everyone cheered, as Toto released Y/n just slightly, still holding her in his arms, as she grinned up at him. ��Hey husband“, she whispered.
His heart felt like it had grown three sizes.
„Hey wife“, he answered, with a smile so wide it actually hurt.
The music turned up in the background and people jumped out of their chairs, charging towards them for hugs and kisses. Lewis was first since he stood right next to them. He clapped Toto on the back before twirling Y/n into one of his bear hugs, making her laugh as he lifted her off the ground. 
“Welcome to the fam, Mrs. Wolff or you prefer it as Mrs. Mercedes. Thank you for saving us from the wrath of him smashing  another pair of Bose’s headphones.”
“I’m more than happy too,” she answered with a wink towards Toto. 
Y/n’s friends and family were another matter, alternately sobbing blended with screaming here and there (happy scream, of course) as they essentially pried her from his hands. She looked over her shoulder at him and gave a little shrug while rolling her eyes, before trying to calm everyone down. As dramatic as them all, she felt whole with them here today. 
Half an hour later, most of the crying was done, and people had started mingling and dancing. And Y/n was finally back at his side, as he pulled her out onto the dancefloor for their first dance as wife and husband. 
„I missed you“, she murmured, sighing happily as she leaned into him, slowly swaying from side to side. 
He grinned.
„I missed you too, sweetheart. Almost broke that stupid rule and came to see you last night, but they almost sent a missing report so I pretty much couldn’t pull the trick of meeting at a secret place like Romeo and Juliet.“
“You want us to die. That’s not what I imagine a happily ever after ending is about, Toto. Did I just marry a crazy, old man?” 
“You did not say that.” He said, completely serious.
“Is that so?”
“Just so you know, wifey. This crazy, old man here fully intended to fuck you tonight. you look so perfect in this dress. Makes me wanna fucking ruin you.” 
She tilted her head as though she was weighing her options with a flushed face. 
“Hmm. That’s the kind of crazy I can handle. And you also aged just fine, husband. Also, you've already ruined me. I can't go five minutes without thinking about your hands on me, our bodies intertwined.”
Toto cursed quietly, already feeling himself harden in his suit. Not an ideal situation, with everyone watching them spin around in slow circles on the dance floor. 
“Oh, Schatz, you can’t say this in public without expecting me to get all hard up.”
Y/n hummed quietly and leaned closer, sliding her hand down his back and pressing her soft body against his torso.
“Rewards come to those whose patience, husband of mine. I promise you there will present for you to open tonight.”
After making the rounds, taking turns dancing with their friends and family, posing for photos and indulging in the food, Toto's patience was running thin. Although surrounded by family and beloved friends, Toto felt increasingly impatient. The wedding felt like an eternity and a huge distraction from the real reason they were all there: to witness Toto and his bride say "I do." He now started to wonder where his wife had gone since she disappeared 15 minutes ago. 
“Have you guys seen my wife?” Toto asked Lewis, Sebastian and George. 
“You really enjoy saying that, huh?“ George teased.
“I think she went upstairs to freshen up, maybe,” Lewis said.
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
"Zoro gets lost because he uses his red string of fate like a compass- and that's why Sanji always finds him" was one of the first things I posted and now it's real! I got three chapters and here's the first part below the cut. Click here to read it on AO3 if you prefer. each part is around 1.5k words. edit: part 2 here, part 3 here
Zoro has always been a simple man; one of actions over words and of tangible things over what he considers trivial. It’s therefore not surprising that, in a world where certain people are bound by fate, each in their own unique way- some rumoured to share markings on their skin, some with changing eye colours, or even some who feel phantom pains from across the sea- in such a spectacular world, Zoro doesn’t really linger on the red piece of thread tied to his pinky finger. 
The red thread hasn’t ever really been a question in his mind, it just was.  
As far back as he could remember, it’s just been there, infinitely stretching Northwards, unmoving and unseen by others. Subconsciously, he taught himself to use it as a compass to navigate his home island, Shimotsuki. He never had to remember to take it with him, and it reliably was always stretching in the same direction, which was perfectly convenient with the function he’d ascribed it. His odd way of getting around easily became second nature, a habit so deeply ingrained that he barely gave a second thought to the bright cord on his hand. 
He’s about eight years old when things change. 
The first day Zoro gets lost, he thinks he might’ve missed one of the steps he memorised, jaw tight with repressed irritation at being reprimanded for his lateness to practice. 
The second time he gets lost he’s in the forest, thick trees towering over him in all directions, and when the sun starts to lower in the sky, frustration bubbles up in his chest, tight and sour, stinging his eyes, threatening to spill out as he struggles to find his way back to the dojo. They must’ve cut down some trees or something, he scoffs to himself. 
The third time he gets lost, he’s pretty certain that someone must be playing a prank on him and moved the garden shed from its usual spot. There’s no other reasonable explanation -short of the shed growing legs- seeing as he’s such a natural at getting around. 
From then on, Zoro learns to accept that he lives in a world where people mysteriously move landmarks, buildings and roads around all the time. He tries not to take it too personally, being the target of all these pranks, but he does resent the time he wastes when getting around, as its precious time he could’ve been using to be training. Training to finally beat Kuina. 
It takes him weeks to realise that maybe the string on his hand isn’t pointing in the same direction anymore. 
Once he does notice, he notes that it periodically moves around- sometimes a bit, sometimes a lot, always right when he starts getting used to it damnit and no his sense of direction is just fine thank you. After the first couple of students at the dojo get their asses handed to them for teasing him about it, adults and children alike learn not to poke fun at the glaring, directionally challenged green-haired boy, no matter how often nor absurdly he gets turn around.  
The only person that Zoro reveals his little secret to is Kuina.  
He’s eleven, still a head or two shorter than her, and they’re taking a little break from sparring, sharing some homemade onigiri her mom made her. They’re sat in a tree’s shade, a pleasant breeze cooling their overheated skin, and she asks him about his infamously atrocious spatial navigation. He denies it at first, ears heating up in embarrassment, but after a couple more bites he decides if anyone were to know, it would have to be her. His friend. His only best friend. 
The young Zoro reveals that he’s not really sure why he gets lost in the first place- he's always relied on the thread- not landmarks or maps, as he’s now learned others do- to tell up from down, but one day it just moved. His north star moved, and has kept on moving these past three years, and he still doesn’t know why, just that it’s a real bother. 
“Your... thread?” 
“Yeah.” he eagerly stuffs his mouth with more onigiri. 
Her eyebrow raises quizzically. “I don’t know what you mean by that.” 
Zoro gestures to his pinky with a tilt of his chin and a wiggle of his finger. “You know. My red string. On my pinky.” 
“Zoro, I really don’t. I don’t see anything...” She furrows her brow, thoughtful. “But mom did give me ‘the talk’ last week- maybe this has to do with your soulmate!” Sensing a certain disinterest from her junior, she goes on. “Based on the examples I’ve heard about; I’d say it’s likely that the piece of string on your finger leads to your other half.” 
Zoro shrugs lazily. “Sounds like a drag, couldn’t this just be like, my inner compass or somethin’?” 
Her eyes crinkle at that, a grin splitting her face from ear-to-ear. “What inner compass, moron? You always get lost. And aren’t you the least bit interested in the person on the other end?” She pokes him in the chest. 
“Not really, no.” Zoro tries to brush off the taunt, lips pursed and palming his neck in a nervous tick. 
“Ok, think about it this way,” Kuina calls for his attention, “Somewhere out there, on this wide, wide sea- or a faraway island, I guess, there’s someone meant for you. Your person. Your equal. Isn’t that the least bit exciting?” 
The young boy’s scowl shifts into something softer, a pout. “I... guess?” He sighs. “I honestly don’t know- all I care about is becoming the best. Right now, Kuina, you’re my goal, you’re who I’m looking to. I don’t really care about this stranger, or fate, or anything like that. I’m gonna make my own destiny.” 
Her shoulders shake as she laughs. “Why am I not surprised- Zoro, all you think about are swords and fighting. You’re hopeless. I kind of worry for whoever’s stuck with you-” 
“Hey!” his nostrils flare with indignation. “They’re lucky to have me as a soulmate! I’m gonna be so strong- the strongest- and,” he slows down, realising she’d tricked him into caring, just a tiny bit, “a-and they’ll be the happiest soulmate ever ‘cause I’ll protect them.” 
She hums in agreement, amused. “And you’ll cherish them, right?” 
“Y-yeah...whatever.” he stands up abruptly, eager to change the topic and get back to training. “But my priority is to be the greatest swordsman- and don’t you forget it! I’ll beat you tomorrow for sure!” 
After Kuina’s death, thoughts of soulmates and red threads rarely ever cross his mind. 
At her funeral, he briefly wonders what’ll become of her soulmate, if she even had one, but it just brings bile to his throat. They’d never even met her- why did they even matter. They were the ones mourning her, the ones robbed of their beloved friend, daughter, rival- they were the ones left behind with a Kuina shaped hole in their chests. The bitter burn distracts from the heavy emptiness he can’t shake off, the cold wetness of grief seeping into his skin. He wholeheartedly leans into the fury, grateful for a target, a temporarily outlet for the howling tempest of emotions caused by the loss of his best friend. 
Zoro’s world zeroes in on becoming the best. Pushing himself to the limit. Sparring, training. Constant practice and meditation. After Kuina’s death, there’s no student at the dojo for him to look up to, no ever-progressing goalpost he can set as a target. If he stays, he’ll continue being a big fish in a little pond.  
Zoro leaves. 
He sails the East Blue, seeking stronger and stronger opponents, cashing in bounties to get by. The Demon of the East Blue, they start calling him. But he’s still the same boy who gets lost, the ghost of a red thread distracting his steps and getting him turned around as he travels from island to island. His odd navigating system is as familiar and mechanical as the way his muscles move when he uses his swords, so ingrained he rarely registers that he’s eyeing the thin, tightly corded rope in his peripheral vision. 
Arms tied back with a much thicker, tangible rope, body sore, throat parched and delirious from the burning sun, Zoro doesn’t have much to do in Shell Town’s military yard. For the first time in years, he lets himself contemplate the implications of what Kuina had explained to him- the implications of having a person out there meant for him. He wonders if they’ll ever meet- it seems unlikely if he died here. Which he won’t, of course. Because he’s going to be the world’s greatest swordsman, and not even death will keep him away from achieving his dream. Then- only then, will he maybe think of looking for whoever was stuck with him, he decides. It’ll be his decision. 
For now, he’ll just keep following whatever path he feels will lead him to greatness. 
And what an odd path he stumbles into. Zoro joins a pirate crew. He makes friends. They get into heaps of trouble, fighting the marines, a crazy clown, a creepy butler... Zoro is happy to test his mettle, to feel challenged once again, the rush of battle pulsing through his veins like the sweetest nectar, the comforting weight of his blades grasped in his hands and mouth. 
It’s been a couple of days since they left Syrup village now, and from her spot on Merry’s bridge, Nami has been giving him weird looks. 
“Did you hit your head?” 
He huffs, miffed at being bothered during his nap. “No. Why’re you asking?” 
“You haven’t been getting lost as much lately.” she smirks when she adds, “And I’ve seen you get lost on a smaller ship than this, once.” 
His eyes roll. Fucking witch. “Dunno what you mean, my sense of direction is great.” 
“And Luffy’s a great swimmer.” 
They glare at each other for a moment. Sensing she won’t get any more info from the swordsman, Nami turns away first and sighing, returns her full attention to manning the ship’s helm. 
Truth is, the thread had barely moved since they left Usopp’s home island, always pointing in the direction the Merry was sailing- not that Zoro had noticed. This rare situation enabled him to get the hang of the ship’s layout relatively well, and he’d been enjoying how easy it’d become to move around, even though he chalked it up to personal atunement to the Straw hats’ already beloved ship. 
A few hours before they get to the Baratie, he thinks it’s a funny coincidence that the thread is pointing in the direction the Merry is going. 
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ddejavvu · 1 year
rough time atm but i am momentarily back on my bullshit
once again, hybrid steddie. what’s new. BUT.
hybrid alpha wolf!steddie who are pretty much just a slightly tweaked version of their puppy!counterparts!! instead of just soft eyes and pouty lips when they want something, they’ll put out a subtle scent into the air too!! (they swear it works)
reader who adopts em from a shelter ofc, and even tho sweet reader is just a silly little human, she’s their silly little human <33. it’s like a shiny new toy to them - they wanted you as soon as you walked into the shelters doors (and eddie swears down that he put out a very very strong scent and that’s what must’ve lured you over to them, but steve swears it was how soft he was with you and the fact that he let you pet his ears so quickly and made his face go all pink and soft and honeyed that reeled you in, especially considering your more shy or reserved nature).
reader who (just like me fr) is a bit oblivious and ignorant without meaning to be. they can get away with so so much purely just because reader doesn’t really realise what they’re doing.
they know that technically scenting someone directly is a mate thing, they know, okay. but when one day, steve feels a particularly powerful burst of affection for you and he swipes and nuzzles his face over your neck to scent you hard, and all you do in return is giggle and squirm a bit cus it was tickly, eddies eyes go from mad/shocked, to knowing once he realises they can actually get away with something they’ve been dying to do. when they bring their spit and tongues into the occasion with licking and grooming through, that’s when they have to be smarter on the spot as you pull away confused. we’re just kissing you! it’s meant to be soothing!! try have a nap while we do it, swear it’ll help!
they scramble into ur bed with u as soon as they can - starts off with em just tumbling into it every morning to wake u up, and for talks every night before bed, until they go for the big one and manage to sneakily start sleeping in bed with you. and they’ll force their clothes and blankets on you casually all the time too, and before every outing they’ll beg for ‘big brave hugs’ because the outside world can be scary with so many people, and all they seem to want to do is nest stay in, and they’ll do some sneaky swipes of their tongues and rub themselves as much as they can get away with on you as a mark that anyone else needs to back off.
wolf alphas steddie who think you just scream mate. they try and treat you like an omega even if you’re only a human. sometimes they get frustrated because you’ll never go through heats, and a heat is like, a prime time for an alpha to prove and provide for his omega :(( so they decide to try and do it the human way. flashing their bodies a bit more, stretching their necks to show off their blank mating mark area hoping that you subconsciously know why, if worst comes to worst, they’ll try and get your kind nature to help them out. like, they plead that they just need someone small and soft and cuddly to belong to, and to care for, and it’s cemented officially if that someone has matching bites in their neck, so.. okay if we can’t bite you, please bite us instead :(( we know you won’t do it deep enough to count or to hurt, but please???
and if reader obliges it makes things worse bc she has teenie little fangs in her natural human teeth that if she tried hard enough, could pierce their mating glands
maybe one goes into rut before the other (whichever hasn’t been dealing with the situation the best), and readers just scrambling and lost. the other guiding her into exactly what to do, to go into the room with them both because can’t she hear him whimpering and making all that noise??? he needs her?????
n if reader goes along with it for whatever reasoning, it sends the other straight into a rut too. god help her if they try and knot her, the jealousy is something she’s never dealt with regarding them before because they’re so good at sharing, she’ll need to reassure one that he’ll get to knot while the other is trying to go to town and get her undivided attention - which will just further trigger their combative alpha tendencies even more. maybe one of em manages to sneakily bite down where her mating gland would be in a moment of delirious haze, and seeing the bruise that seems to last forever finally is enough for em. they’d definitely constantly be calling you hybrid omega related names, despite reader reminding them she’s not
[ie me having a tiny scenario in my head of the first time one of em tries to lay an omega nickname on her, and reader just tilting her head to the side -ironic omega move- and explaining that she’s a human, as if they weren’t painfully aware. equal parts endearing as it is frustrating. steve definitely just keeps repeating it. that frustrated almost stern stare he does with his hands on his hips. omega. steve??im human Omega. no, stevie remember im not— omega. till reader just gives in
cw: hybrid au with wolf hybrid!eddie and wolf hybrid!steve. don't like don't read, or block the tag 'hybrid au' below. hybrid au faq
this post is 18+, minors dni.
first of all i <3 u and i hope you feel better soon!!
second.. mmh. there is something so special to me about wolf hybrids!eddie and steve... especially steve mskgnsjfn he's so <3333
no bc they probably think they're like these big strong predator-type wolves, all sharp teeth and low growls, but you step into the shelter and by god those are two sweet puppies. ofc you tell them that sometime and they get all >:O WE'RE BIG STRONG ADULT MEN >:O and you're like yeah but you're cute :( and they can't say no to you </3
eddie 'putting out a scent' does it even work? do we know? i think it'd be funny if he was convinced he was actually doing something and if in reality he was just Sitting There :] but you wander over to their little area and steve smiles at you so you decide to say hi! and he's definitely very friendly and happy to meet you! he's cautious, bc while he's normally very proud of being a big scary wolf, he doesn't want to scare you. so he's ducking his head for you to feel carefully at his ears, and when you pet them he gets all blushy and pinkkk i'm going crazy :(( <33 eddie's probably more cautious, watching how you interact with steve and how you react to him n stuff before he gives you a chance to really meet him too, but by the end of your visiting hour you've got them hooked. whether you take them home that day or not, they're already yours.
no bc the first time they ever really purposefully scent you it does tickle!! steve just buries his face in your neck and smooshes and rubs and smears and it's so tickly and sweet that you can't help but giggle :') and he's a little surprised by it, too, so he and eddie just stare at each other like.. oh yeah <3
from then on, watch out. you're never free, you're never safe, there will always be a threat of someone's face in your neck. they do have to be careful with licking you, though, bc the first time they do it ur like.. wtf was that.. and they're like oh honey nothing :] it's just a hybrid thing, it's nothing special. is it okay? and when you know that it's instinct you're fine with it, but they're careful from then on just in case it weirds you out, which it doesn't after the first few times.
they're such bed hogs!!! every single morning they come and wake you up and steal your covers and every single night they come in and talk your ear off and snuggle you to sleep :') eventually, they just close the gap and spend the night in your bed, but I hope you have at least a queen because nothing else is big enough to fit all three of you. even if you do have a queen they're big guys and it's definitely a stretch, you'll have to cuddle really close to be comfy together :')
it's funny to you bc you buy them the clothes but they make you wear them all the time?? you're like steve i bought this 'cause i thought you'd like it. and he's pulling it over your head like babe i love it. wdym. this is my favorite hoodie. and you're ????????
if you ever have to go out without them, like to meet with your friends or maybe do some quick grocery shopping or whatever, they're alwaysss smothering you first, getting their stink all over you </33 it's just bc they're deathly afraid of losing you to someone else, bc obviously they love you so much and have since they first laid eyes on you, so who's to say that no one else would?
they'd never ever ever ever think you were less than or lacking just bc you're not an omega/hybrid in general, but they are bummed sometimes that they can't fulfill your needs like they could if you were one. but ofc never fear, they can always just treat you like an omega anyways! and i mean full on we will do everything to make you happy/comfortable/fulfilled, they would rip the foundation of your house off the ground and move it a million miles if you suddenly decided you wanted to live by the beach.
no honestly them stretching all the time and showing off for you doesn't catch your attention because you suddenly have a huge database on hybrid lore, it's because they're fucking hot lmfao. they're always flexing their necks around you for some reason?? and their necks look amazing. it's so easy to get caught staring at them and they're like holy shit it's working!! and you're like holy shit they're hot lmfao. and omg i have little teenie fangs too!!! they definitely fixate on them and u didn't hear this from me but they've jacked off thinking about you biting them with your little fangs before <3
mmf the thoughts in my head about their first heat/rut......... steve harrington's breeding kink is (i'm fairly certain) a registered and frequent AO3 tag, so if eddie gets to knot you first, just bc he happened to be the first one to stick his dick inside of you?? hell no. he's huffing and puffing and growling and groaning while eddie fucks into you like a jackhammer, and it's all you can do to keep your attention on steve long enough to console him. they're grumbling and snapping at each other but eventually eddie decides it's not up for debate anymore, and he's just going to make the most out of fucking you for the first time. so he's sucking at your throat, nipping at your neck, making out with you like his life depends on you swallowing his tongue, and you're practically gagging on it, looking up at steve with desperate, teary eyes, trying to promise him that he can go next. just the thought of eddie trying his damndest to take up all of your attention at once, fucking you so hard and so desperately while you try clinging onto the idea of comforting steve.... i'm actually drooling i think.
wolf hybrid steddie will not stop calling you omega related nicknames just because you aren't one... they can't be stopped, especially not when you are endearingly omega-like <3
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mikhailwrites · 3 months
Soaring Ever Higher 3 - Ghoap/Ace Combat 7 crossover
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Ghost still owes Trigger that drink. However, it's not so easy for RAF and SAS soldiers to meet by chance. Or is it?
Two months after returning from Colombia, Ghost finds himself in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Scotland, to supervise part of the SAS selection in the Highlands. He actually volunteered because it’s been either that or R&R, and he hates the leave much more than dealing with recruits.  
The weather is British or, well, Scottish, he supposes. Heavy clouds hang low, crying rivers over several dozens of trekking soldiers. Ghost doesn’t particularly mind; he would take rain and cold over humid heat any day. He’s on the tail of the group. He is casually noting who’s lagging behind, who’s breathless or sweating more than they should. For once, his mind takes a break, and he can take in the scenery. Harsh rocky terrain, hillsides covered in lush green grass and hardy shrubs. Ghost stops for a minute to take a few deep breaths, to taste the rain and the air. Momentarily, he looks back, just in time to spot… something flying in the distance. A bird, eagle, perhaps. But then it gets bigger and bigger, closing in fast. Soon, it’s clear that that’s no bird, or at least not one made of feathers and flesh. It’s a… jet? Every fibre in Ghost’s body tenses and senses focus on discerning if it’s friend or foe. It doesn’t make sense for it to be an enemy this far inland. How would they get here? And why? The jet closes in, rolling between the hills at high speed, manoeuvring with practised and deadly efficiency. Ghost realises the jet is flying even lower than he first thought. He can hear the aircraft now, too. The sharp, powerful whine will morph into a thundering roar once the jet passes.
As it closes in, Ghost frowns. That’s not the Typhoon. Nor the Lightning II. It’s bigger, sleeker, and weirder. And it’s dark, almost black. With three white strikes and claws painted on the tail fin. No way. Ghost’s breath hitches as the jet passes him. One person is sitting in the cockpit, and Ghost is pretty sure he knows them.
What are the bloody odds?
Later that day, when they return, and most of the people in selection end up immediately in their bed, he goes to the canteen, hoping to catch some locals there. He’s in luck; there’s an SAS sergeant currently engaged in a lively chat so that Ghost can pick up her Scottish accent. He gets a tea and waits patiently until she disengages.
He asks about the RAF bases around and is given a name: Lossiemouth Airbase. Apparently, the gal has some friends and even family there. Military runs in their blood or something. Ghost tries his best to be tactical and friendly at the same time, and he suspects he fails horribly in the friendliness department. It’s not that he’s a bastard or cold; no matter what people say, he’s just… not as good with words as he is with actions. It’s simple, really.
“You interested in a tour?” the Sergeant asks him with an easy smile, “I’m sure I could arrange something.”
“I’d like to meet someone stationed there,” Ghost admits.
“Right! Well, you should be able to get inside with your military ID. If yer lucky, you could even catch someone driving there who could take ye,” she shrugs and smiles, unperturbed by Ghost’s presence. It’s refreshing, but it makes sense; all sort of people try their luck in the selection; she must’ve seen weirder stuff than tall, broad and brooding Ghost.
He gets a couple of days off at the end of the selection. The last part are interrogations and he doesn’t need, nor does he want to be present for that. Instead, he hitches a ride to Lossiemouth.
His military ID gets him through the security checkpoint without any issues, just like the Sergeant said it would. After that, he’s a little lost. The base is big. It's not the biggest he’s been to, but it's big enough to warrant asking for directions. He also feels different. RAF is its own thing, with its own language and culture. Even though he only wears a plain black balaclava, he gets a lot of lingering stares. In the end, he chooses his victim: a wide-eyed young man.
He asks for the Strider squadron and then, specifically, for Trigger. The man, a Lance Corporal by the insignia on his shoulder, looks up at Ghost with poorly disguised surprise. “You a friend of Trigger’s?” he asks, searching Ghost’s plain attire for any indication of rank. He has a feeling he should be addressing the man as “sir”, but there’s no proof.
“Something like that,” Ghost answers without really answering, and he doesn’t clarify on his own rank, either. These are not his men, his people; why should he care?
RAF bloke nods and points to one of the large hangs further away. Ghost thanks for the help and goes on about his business.
The day is pleasant, with clear skies and sun that’s not too hot. It's a true rarity around here. As he nears the hangar, he notices the gate is open and, sure enough, there’s Trigger’s aircraft. Ghost strides across the tarmac, eyes set on his target. A shadow passes over him, and he pays it no mind. But then he’s startled by a deafening roar. He looks up, but the plane is long gone. Bloody madmen, these fighter pilots.
The path before him is clear, so he continues, noticing four Typhoons taxying on the runway. Nearing the hangar, he notices two people there. One is Trigger; his mohawk is easily recognisable. The other is a young woman with short, dark hair, clad in a grey overall and tinkering with something on the workbench.
Ghost comes nearer, stopping right at the entrance.
“Take a look at the starboard tail; it’s been acting up again,” John tells the engineer, motioning with his hands to illustrate the issue better. “I got a feeling it’s gonna jam one of these days. Maybe the frost issue, again?”
The engineer nods, scratching at her neck. “Listen, John, I know you love her. Believe me, I do, but it may be time to let her go. The tail, the flaps, the outer cockpit glass crack... I could go on. These issues? They’ve been stacking up lately. She will let you down one day, and I won’t be up there with you to fix ‘er up.”
“I ken,” Trigger sighs, brushing his fingertips over the edge of the wing; his voice is wistful. “I ken, Avril. But what am I gonna do?”
She cleans her oil and lubricant-stained hands and tosses the rag on the workbench nearby. “Fly something else, of course. The craft doesn’t define you. Do you think the brass doesn’t like you enough to get you the Lightning? Plenty of those down at Marham base. Or, hell, maybe some hush-hush deal to get a Raptor loaned?”
“I dinnae ken,” John shrugs, “that thing in Colombia is gonna stink for a while longer. Just… look at the tail for now. Please.”
“I’ll do the thorough maintenance, like I always do, love. Don’t worry. I’ll get the old Gray Ghost here all patched up and air-worthy,” the Scrap Queen smiles. “Just don’t go feeling sorry for saving someone’s life. You’re a good lad, John; don’t let the brass scream it out of you.”
“Thanks, Av, wouldnae still be here if not for ye.”
“That’s for damn sure,” she laughs as she picks up the toolbox and stepladder and goes around the plane. That’s when she notices Ghost, still standing by the entrance.
“Uh, John… you’ve got a visitor,” she calls out.
Trigger walks up from behind the jet with a mildly confused look. The frown deepens momentarily as he takes in the visitor in question. “Ghost? How did you... what are you doing here?”
Avril eyes him with sudden recognition; there’s a subtle smile on her lips as she pretends to focus on the machine.
 “I was nearby, and I still owe you that drink,” Ghost goes straight to the point. No greeting, no explanation. Simply stating the facts.
John visibly relaxes and chuckles. “That you do, but considering I stood you up, I guess we are even.”
“Duty called. Nothing you could do,” Simon shrugs. “So, I still owe you a drink.”
“Well, who am I to say no if you insist?” John inclines his head, blue eyes twinkling with mirth.
“I insist,” Ghost nods before he changes the topic. “I overheard her, something about old Ghost?” Ghost lowers his voice. He’s still unsure if he should feel offended or not. He’s not that old, after all.
Trigger takes a few seconds to connect the dots and then starts laughing. A bright, hearty laugh that causes Ghost to smile in return. Not that anyone could see it under the balaclava. “Come ‘ere,” Trigger leads him around the plane until he stops and points at something under the fuselage. Ghost looks, unsure what he should see there. Then he understands. Behind the front landing gear, on the cover that is now open, is writing in thick black lettering: Gray Ghost. “It’s her name. And thank you for spoiling that, by the way. I was saving that piece of trivia for when we’re at least the second, possibly even third, drink in.”
Ghost’s mind is reeling both because of the explanation and implication. “So... that Ghost saved this Ghost’s arse, eh? What are the odds?” Ghost shakes his head in amusement.
“Not massive, I reckon, but it is funny,” John agrees, then, suddenly, his smile freezes, “or... it’s fate,” he says in a low voice, almost whispering. The sparks in his eyes are proof enough that he’s only joking.
“Yeah, I guess as far as destiny is concerned, I could’ve ended up worse than a destined love made of steel and having some wicked angles and curves,” Ghost snorts, placing a palm on the nose. The metal is warm as the sun shines through the open gate. “I wonder where the ring goes.”
Trigger laughs, then feigns offence. “Oi! This lass is already taken! And you don’t have what it takes to be with her, anyway.”
“Oh, and what is that? Lack of common sense and self-preservation?” Ghost mocks him lightheartedly.
“Exactly! Anyway, I still have some stuff to finish here, so how about you walk around, see our lovely home, and I’ll meet you here at…” he looks at the wristwatch, “five?”
Ghost agrees and goes on to explore the base as suggested. He truly hopes they will get to enjoy that drink this time—that, and maybe something more.
Some useless trivia for you:
Soap, or, rather, Trigger, in this case, is flying Northrop YF-23. Two prototypes were made in the late 80's/early 90's to go toe to toe with (Y)F-22, one of them was painted charcoal grey and named Gray Ghost. And yes, that is one (but not the sole) reason why I decided he will be flying this cool af, weird-ass thing.
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Vodka-Lined Tears (One-Shot)
Pairing: Wyll Ravengard x Female Tav
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Work Summary:
"Tav was halfway through her drink when she realised that she must’ve made a mistake at some point. Perhaps a series of them."
Female Tav gets spiked at a house party and Wyll comes to her rescue.
College/Modern AU.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2755
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info.
so basically I've decided to write a series of unconnected modern/college AU one-shots for various BG3 characters. My Gale fic "You Brought Your Worst And I'm Right Here" was originally supposed to be one of them, but I realised that I couldn't fit everything I needed to into a one-shot, so it became a whole series.
I'm a Gale gal so probably most of these are gonna be Gale fics but I've got plans for more fics with Wyll, Shadowheart, Halsin and Karlach too.
warnings for spiking and possible attempted kidnapping/rape This is set in our universe so tieflings don't exist.
Tav was halfway through her drink when she realised that she must’ve made a mistake at some point. Perhaps a series of them.
Her first, and biggest, was coming to this party alone. It was a Friday night, and most of her friends were either busy or didn’t feel up to coming tonight. Wyll, who was usually up for dancing even when no one else was, had had a long week of classes and work, and had just wanted to sleep tonight. It was barely 11pm but Tav reckoned he was probably already in bed.
Her second was not being careful enough with her drink. At this point, she was pretty sure that some way, somehow, someone had managed to slip something into it. She had no idea how they’d done it. She had poured it herself, and she hadn’t set it down once. Perhaps she had been distracted while dancing.
In any case, there was something very wrong. She had only had 1.5 drinks and she was feeling dizzy and nauseous. The room was starting to spin. She needed to get out of here because she was sure she was about to throw up.
She stumbled towards the downstairs bathroom, but it was occupied. Desperate, she headed for the front door. There were a few people chatting in the doorway, and more still sitting on the front steps. She pushed her way between them, ignoring the indignant noises they made, staggered over to a plant pot and vomited into it.
There were noises of disgust from all around her. A few of the people shuffled back inside, not wanting to be near her. She retched again.
There was a dim hope that she would be able to throw up whatever drug she’d been dosed with, and then she’d be okay, but as she straightened up, the world began to spin again.
The only thing that kept her from falling was a person grabbing her arm.
“Careful, sweetheart,” came a man’s voice from behind her. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“M fine,” she slurred, trying to pull her arm away. He redoubled his grip.
“You’re not looking so good, sweetheart. Why don’t you come and lie down?”
Her stomach lurched. Was this the man who had spiked her, or just an opportunistic creep? Either way, she had no desire to go anywhere with him.
Unfortunately, her body no longer felt like it was obeying her commands. The man slipped an arm around her waist, trying to guide her down the stairs, away from the party, and her feet moved of their own accord.
“No,” she mumbled, “Don’t wanna…”
She wasn’t sure if he didn’t hear her, or if he was just ignoring her. It was getting hard to keep her eyes open.
“Hey!” A woman’s voice cut through the haze in her brain. The man stopped walking. “Is she alright?”
“She’s fine,” said the man gruffly.
“She doesn’t look fine.” It was another man’s voice this time. “Where are you taking her?”
“Nowhere. Just… finding a place to sit down.”
With great effort, Tav lifted her head. A woman was standing at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed over her chest. She had long dark hair and amber eyes that glittered dangerously. There were two men standing behind her, watching the situation carefully.
Tav made eye contact with the woman and opened her mouth. Her voice didn’t seem to want to work. It took her a few tries, but eventually she managed to gasp out, “Help.” The woman stepped forward immediately.
“Let her go,” she said icily.
The man didn’t react for a moment, seemingly assessing the situation. Clearly realising that this was more effort than it was worth, he let go of Tav, who stumbled forward into the woman. The man turned around, heading straight back into the party.
“Follow him,” the woman hissed at the two men, struggling to keep Tav upright, and they quickly obliged. She turned her attention back to Tav. “Are you alright?” Tav shook her head. “Thought not. Come on.”
With this woman’s help, she managed to sit down on the steps.
“What’s your name?” she asked gently.
“Tav…” It took a lot of effort just to get the word out.
“I’m Lia. Did that guy hurt you?”
“I… don’t know… I think… somebody put something… in my drink…”
Lia pursed her lips. “Is there someone I can call to come and pick you up?”
Tav fumbled for her phone, which was in her jeans pocket. Her fingers trembled as she typed in her passcode, and she hit the wrong buttons twice before it finally let her in.
She passed her phone to Lia. “Call Wyll... With a ‘Y’.”
Lia opened her contacts, scrolled until she found the name, and hit the call button. Tav slumped forward, putting her head between her knees.
“Hi, is that Wyll?” said Lia into the phone. Tav couldn’t hear Wyll’s response. “I’m here with Tav. She’s not doing very well. I think somebody spiked her.”
Although Tav couldn’t make out words, she could hear the frantic tone of his voice through the tinny speaker. Guilt hit her suddenly and surprisingly. It was late. He’d probably been sleeping. Now he was going to have to come and rescue her because she’d got herself into a bad situation.
Tears pricked at her eyes. Her head was already pounding, and a sudden wave of nausea made it worse. Beside her, Lia was reciting the address of the house they were at.
“Okay. I’m sitting on the front steps with her… Don’t worry, of course I’m not going to leave her alone. We’ll see you soon.”
She hung up and tried to hand the phone back to Tav. Tav didn’t react to having the phone pressed into her hand, so Lia slid it into Tav’s pocket.
A moment later, the two men who had been with Lia before reappeared.
“We lost him,” said one of them, sounding angry. “He gave us the slip.”
“How is she?” asked the other, in a much softer voice.
“Her boyfriend is coming to pick her up,” said Lia.
Not my boyfriend, thought Tav, although she didn’t have the energy to waste on saying it. It wasn’t like it mattered to Lia.
She lifted her head to look at the two men. Lia, noticing her sudden responsiveness, said, “Tav, these are my brothers, Cal and Rolan.” She gestured to them each in turn. We’re all gonna stay with you until Wyll gets here, okay?”
Rolan crossed his arms, frowning, but said nothing.  
Tav had no idea how long it had been when she finally heard the sound of a car pulling up. Had she passed out? She couldn’t be sure.
“Tav!” Wyll’s voice was like an oasis in a desert. She looked up to see him jogging towards them, a deep frown on his face.
“Wyll…” Tav couldn’t help but smile at him. That only seemed to make Wyll more worried. He squatted down in front of her and tilted her face to look at him.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Your hand is warm,” she said dreamily. He just blinked at her.
“I’ll take that as a no. Come on.” He straightened up and held out a hand to her. “I’m taking you to A&E.”
Tav shrank back, shaking her head. She hated hospitals.
“Just wanna go home,” she said.
“She’s sounding more coherent than she was when I found her,” said Lia. “I think whatever it is is wearing off. Hopefully.”
Wyll turned to look at Lia. His eyes darted to Cal and then Rolan, and then back to Lia.
After a long pause, he said, “Thank you for calling me. And for staying with her.”
“Well, I wasn’t just going to leave her alone,” Lia scoffed. “But you’re welcome.”
Wyll turned back to Tav. “I’ll take you home then. Come on.”
She grabbed onto a railing to try and pull herself up, but couldn’t get a good grip on it. As she struggled with it, an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her upright.
Her stomach swooped uncomfortably. Wyll was holding her pressed against his side, one arm firmly around her waist. She could smell the faded scent of deodorant he must’ve been wearing earlier, and it was dizzying.  
“Wyll?” she said breathlessly.
“Yeah?” He turned to look at her, his expression softening.
“Thanks for coming to get me. I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
“Don’t you dare apologise to me.” His voice was stern but gentle. “Come on. Hold onto me. Let’s get you home.”
Tav didn’t remember walking to his car. She didn’t remember the journey home either.
The next thing she knew, she was waking up in an unfamiliar bed, her head heavy and her stomach churning.
She rolled over to see that a bucket had been left beside the bed. She grabbed it with both hands and emptied the contents of her stomach into it. She didn’t stop retching for a long time.
When she finally felt like she had nothing left to expel, she set the bucket down. Her stomach muscles ached. There were tears in her eyes and sweat gathering along her hairline. She felt well and truly awful.
She sat up, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The curtains were drawn, but she could make out the shapes of furniture; there was a desk piled high with books; a shelf with several sports trophies arranged along it; an open door that led to an ensuite bathroom; family photographs lining the walls. Her heart gave a lurch as she realised where she must be.
There was a gentle knock on the door. After a moment, the door opened slightly and Wyll stuck his head in.
Of course, she was in Wyll’s room. She was in Wyll’s bed.
She’d been to his house before, even seen his room before, but never like this.
“Morning,” she said scratchily, trying to hide her embarrassment.
“It’s more like afternoon, actually. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been run over by a truck.”
“I left you some water and some painkillers.” He indicated to the bedside table. Sure enough, there was a tall glass of water and a blister pack of paracetamol.
“Thanks.” The glass was cool against her skin as she picked it up. She sipped the water gratefully, suddenly aware of how parched she was.
“Probably shouldn’t take the painkillers on an empty stomach. I can make brunch?”
Tav’s stomach rumbled. “God, I could marry you right now.”
Wyll laughed in surprise, eyebrows raised. “I… I mean. I’ll cook you something.” There was a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I make some mean pancakes.”
“Pancakes sound soooo good right now.”
“Pancakes it is, then.” He smiled at her. He looked good, dressed more casually than she normally saw him. He was wearing a white t-shirt that clung to his pecs and sweatpants that hung loosely around his hips.
She was suddenly very aware of how terrible she must look. Her hair was a mess and she’d been throwing up.
“Can I use your shower?”
“Of course.”
Once she was in the privacy of his ensuite, she felt like she could breathe again. It was no secret that Wyll came from money, and the neat, tasteful decoration of his bedroom and bathroom were emblematic of that.
The water pressure of his shower was much better than hers. It got hot far quicker too. She stepped under the spray, letting the water wash away the sweat and grime and anxiety that had been accumulating all night.
She didn’t have a toothbrush with her, so she borrowed Wyll’s mouthwash and rubbed toothpaste into her teeth with a finger. It wasn’t the most thorough cleaning, but her breath no longer smelled like alcohol and vomit.
Her clothes from last night weren’t exactly clean. She didn’t want to put them back on after everything, so she wrapped herself in a towel and stepped out into Wyll’s bedroom.
He had made the bed in her absence, and the sick bucket was missing. A spike of anxiety went through her about Wyll cleaning up her sick.
God, if he’d ever liked her, she’d probably killed any potential interest by now. She was such a mess and he was so put together.
On his bed, he’d laid out a clean t-shirt and some tracksuit bottoms that were only slightly too big for her. She decided to forgo underwear – she would wash Wyll’s clothes and return them – and dress herself in the clothes he’d left out.
Leaving his room, she was greeted by the pleasant smell of pancakes cooking. She made her way down the stairs, her hand skimming down the balustrade. It was made of real polished wood. Tav didn’t even have stairs in her flat, let alone wooden balustrades.
Wyll was in the kitchen, as she’d expected him to be. A song was playing on the radio that she didn’t recognise, and he was swinging his hips in time with the music. Tav leant back against the doorframe, enjoying the view of his little dance.
He skilfully flipped the pancake over, catching it in the pan. Tav clapped, and he spun to face her, one hand on his chest.
“You scared me,” he said with a chuckle. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to enjoy the show.”
“Cheeky.” He set the pan back down on the stove.
“Where did you sleep last night? I feel bad for turfing you out of your bed.”
“Ah, the sofa is plenty comfortable.” He tipped the pancake onto a plate. “Don’t feel bad.”
“We could’ve shared, you know. It’s a big bed.”
“Well, I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage.”
Tav made a small noise of indignation. “I know you, Wyll. And I trust you. Why do you think I called you last night and not someone else?”
“Well, I have a car.”
She shook her head, frustrated at the obfuscation. “You make me feel safe, Wyll.”
Wyll stopped moving. She watched his shoulders rise and fall with a single deep breath. Then he switched the hob off and turned to face her fully.
“Tav, I was really worried about you last night. I was terrified that someone had hurt you.”
Tav grimaced. “It was scary, but once you were there I knew no one could touch me. I knew I was safe with you.”
“Well, I appreciate it. I’m glad that you feel that way.” He frowned. “I’ll admit, the fact that this happened on the one night I decided not to come out with you made me feel… guilty… I should’ve been there to make sure it didn’t happen in the first place.”
She closed the distance between them and put her arms around his waist. He was startled for a moment, but hugged her back.
“You can be a real lunkhead sometimes, you know that?” she said. “You can’t just let me be grateful in peace.”
“I’m sorry.” He squeezed her.
“Don’t you dare apologise. No apologies.” She pulled back to look him in the eye.
“Sorry,” he said again, with half a smirk playing at his lips. She playfully smacked his shoulder. He just grinned back at her.
“You’re my hero. The brave Sir Wyll Ravengard,” she reached up to pinch his cheek, and he batted her hand away, “riding in on his noble steed to rescue a poor damsel-”
“Stopppp, god, you’re unbearable.”
“I feel like a good deed like that should be repaid with a kiss, no?”
He stared down at her. For a moment, it was like time had stopped. The radio was still playing in the background, but the only sound she could focus on was the slight hitch in Wyll’s breathing.
“Is that right?” he murmured, tilting his head towards her.
“Please.” All of the coquettishness was gone from her voice. She felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff.
“Well, how could I refuse?”
His hand came to rest against the curve of her back as he pressed his mouth to hers. His lips were warm and softer than she’d been expecting.
She leant into him, pressing her chest against his. He brought his hand up to her cheek, drawing her closer to him for one moment before leaning back again.
“God, woman, you’re going to be the death of me,” he said, smiling. “Come on, the pancakes are getting cold.”
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skymaiden32 · 5 months
Hi everyone! This isn't a very happy post, but it is very serious. Something happened yesterday and I just need somewhere to vent.
(No members of the Thunderfam are involved; it's about people I know IRL.)
I used to have this friend. My closest childhood friend. Our parents were also friends and had the two of us around the same time. I remember he used to have a lot of Thunderbirds toys. I guess that makes him the first friend I ever had in the fandom, even if we had no clue what fandom was back then. 
Something I should get out the way is that we grew up in a religious background, and we were in the same congregation as kids. Later on when we were teens, we had a trio with another boy, who beta-read my stories for me for a while. During COVID, all our religious activities moved online, and we drifted apart. I’ll call my former bff ‘Z’ and our other friend ‘J’. 
The longer the isolation went on, I started noticing that Z was no longer attending the online meetings, and whenever his parents were there they had these weird looks on their faces. Well, one day Z organised a Zoom call between the three of us and told us he’d moved out of his parent’s house and had converted to Islam. Me and J supported his decision, there were no hard feelings, and we promised to keep in touch.
Well, we did keep in touch for a little while. Z and I met up a couple of times, but that’s pretty much it. When the pandemic ended, me and J stayed in our congregation without him there. J got baptised and Z was there. J left for university, and my communication with him broke down as well, but that’s another story. At this point, I decided to change congregations for reasons unrelated to Z and J, which I’m not gonna get into here but let’s just say there were issues. I’m happy in my new congregation, but back to Z.
My mum and her husband are still in that old congregation to this day, and once I was there visiting them. That’s when I saw Z. He must’ve come with his dad. His mum wasn’t there for health reasons, which I’ll get into in a bit. That’s when he told me that he’d met someone at university. Mind you, he’d been at university for just about a year, and they were already engaged, talking about having kids, the works. He even told me they were planning on moving to another country. He showed me a picture of his fiance, and told me I’d be invited to the wedding. That was last April.
Now, I’m already annoyed at him because we’ve barely talked up until now, and any conversation we do have is by text, extremely short, and initiated by me. Honestly, if I hadn’t seen him in person, I doubt he would’ve told me he was engaged. I’m even more annoyed.
We get to his mum now. Z pretty much cut his parents off when he left, and his mother was understandably beside herself with worry. His mum is a lovely person. I adore her and when we were younger, she was like another mother to me. When I’d come round to his place she made me feel like part of that family. Hearing that Z’s hurt her so much really drives the wedge further.
Fast forward to yesterday. I wake up early because I had a congregation meeting at around ten. I open up TikTok. I see that Z has posted something, so I click on it. It’s a slideshow post with him and his fiancee goofing off. I look at the caption. It says, “marriage has changed me”.
She’s not his fiance anymore. She’s his wife. 
He said, to my face, that I would be invited. I wasn’t. I was heartbroken. I still am. Not because I was interested romantically, but because I’d realised I’d lost one of my best friends. I went to that meeting, because I needed to be around people I trusted after what I just saw. But I kept thinking about it over and over. Eventually, I decided that it was a lost cause, so I sent him a congratulations on TikTok, and blocked him. I made a vent post on TikTok too. It’s still up, but I may set it to private at some point. The bridge was already burnt; I just cut the rope because there was no way to repair it.
20 years down the drain. No one ever mentions how painful friendship break ups are. He was like a brother to me, but I can’t be friends with someone who treats me like that. Like those two decades didn’t happen. I honestly think I'll be upset over this for the rest of my life.
Z, if somehow you’ve found this post and are reading it, I want to thank you for the friendship we had while it lasted, and wish you and your wife the best. May you have many happy memories together...
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rosemary-oldsoul · 1 year
who failed you, darling?
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pairing: ot8; bang chan x fem!reader
genre: idol!au, fluff/angst
w.c: 658 (that’s a bummer)
description: and just like that they realized, wishes did not need to be heavy
a/n: jus some feels for all of you. The reader will make an appearance in part 2 if you all like this , her appearance is one of the main reasons I wrote this. also the reader is closer to Chan than the other members but yeah everyone knows her. <3
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It was just a question, not even a part of the script- just an alternative in case some parts get edited and there’s not enough screen time. A thoughtless question on their end but for the kids it was finally something they could answer earnestly. Unfortunately, some still didn’t have that liberty.
“Is there something you would like to wish for?”
As the eldest Chan was to go first but the answers, surprisingly, on request of the director were to start from Lee Know who had constantly been blinking his eyes the entire show
“I wish to be able to express in a way that is acceptable. I...have a hard time formulating sentences in a way that could give my thoughts meaning so I resort to doing things- through actions, but... I’ve come to figure out that not everybody’s emotions can be adjusted according to my difficulties. I’m not mean everyone. I’m just learning and it’ll take me some time, okay?”
since they were made to sit in a way where no one could meet others’ eye, it was safe to say Lee know had stopped his blinking until he was sure no tears would escape.
Chan hadn’t expected the question to be answered this way, it seems today they were going to be true to themselves.
“ah...” he was sure his ears were turning red, his nervous giggle had already appeared
“I wish to be gentle with my ways. Of handling mistakes, working hard, resting, sleeping. All of it. All of me. Just a few days ago someone told me that my words feel empty- that since I don’t heed them at all, they feel soulless. It was not offensive, just shocking because I felt sorry? I think. For myself? For others? because they deserve so much, no? For the love they give me. But I want this for myself, for my words to feel true to me. Yes. I wish to be good to be myself”
and just like that Minho’s head found refuge in his hyungs’ neck and the message was understood by all kids.
‘Oh, we’re all crying today’
Felix was already scrunching his nose when his turn came. His careful words did not agree with his heart -running miles, miles away to hide from confrontation.
“I wish there’ll come a day where I’ll bring justice to my dreams.Somewhere, at least, in some ways I still find myself in that room where I was eliminated. It hurt, not only because it was unnecessary but also because I was made to doubt myself, my abilities, and sometimes without realising I find myself working only for that, only to not get eliminated. It is unfair isn’t it? This used to be my dream once.”
In Seungmin’s mind it was unfair, their source of warmth was now hindered with wisps of tears, and trembling hands.
“I wish to smile freely some day. Since I love making people laugh it should be as easy for me to laugh, no? This is what I keep thinking whenever I hide my smile but for the longest time I was made to believe my smile is not good . Maybe because I never really said anything people must’ve thought I also feel nothing regarding it. That was my justification all this time. And despite thinking of myself as someone I can be proud of, make others feel proud, I’ve never really given myself or my insecurities any consolation. Yes , I wish I’d realised this sooner.”
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and you thought you would remember it forever,
eight boys huddled together, providing comfort to each other through silent words and held hands, failed to notice how it had all turned quiet for them.
fingertips on astonished lips, shushed whimpers all in an effort to give respect. To these young souls and maybe theirs ,who were robbed of a childhood they all deserved,
somewhere we are all to blame for each others tears.
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cakemousse · 1 year
if only
A hug was all it took for Chat Noir to understand the betrayal.
Rating: T,  Words: 2047, Chapters: 1/1
Read on AO3
this was born from me wanting to make chat noir silently suffer from his decision to let ladybug go aka missing ladybugsimp!chat noir hours and since i saw this art, let’s go
She would never admit it to him, but Ladybug adored this photo of herself and Chat Noir being so close together with smiles she believed could brighten even the darkest of days. 
Chat Noir had sneakily taken a photo of them when he told a joke so ridiculous she couldn’t stop laughing, and thus couldn’t stop him from getting closer and snapping a picture. 
Those were fun times. 
Fun times she deemed were long gone. 
Ladybug continued to stare at the photo on her bugphone, reminiscing the love she had lost because of how long it took her to realise her feelings for him. Because of how everything in the universe was telling her that their love was impossible, even though she was convinced that what they had or would have was the very definition of love itself. Because of how she gave up chasing it, even though her heart refused to stop fluttering at hundred kilometres per hour whenever Chat Noir sent a soft smile her way. 
Because her relationship with a certain classmate has changed. 
Adrien had started showing interest in her, for reasons she didn’t know, but he always looked drunk in love whenever he was around her. Very similar to a certain someone if she was willing to admit herself. 
Their journey to being a couple was a rocky one, but ultimately they were together now. 
She now had Adrien. The sweet, lovely, and pure-hearted Adrien that never failed to show how much he adored her, and she honestly shouldn’t be out here when she was due to meet him in a few minutes. 
Marinette really shouldn’t be doing this to him. 
But here she was, as Ladybug, sitting on the rooftop that Chat Noir had once decorated magnificently in hopes of confessing his love to her, and possibly even ending up as a couple by the time his declarations were done.
Oh if only Ladybug wasn’t so stubborn back then, how different would everything have been from then on. 
The more she thought about it, the more her vision blurred. 
That was in the past. She should leave it in the past. But she’s clinging so desperately to that beautiful memory. 
She just couldn’t let it go. 
The photo on her bugphone had also etched itself onto her mind, refusing to let her forget that it happened. 
Ladybug tightened her grip on the yo-yo, feeling her eyes burnt and her heart ached the more she basked herself in the current atmosphere. Maybe she should feel this, feel this longing that Chat Noir must’ve felt whenever he was with her. Feel his hopelessness, and now hers, that she can’t do anything to ratify the mess she got herself into. Feel this— 
Heading over to Marinette’s as Chat Noir probably wasn’t the best idea, but he’d be able to avoid fans on the way, and it was the fastest way to see her.
Ah, Marinette… 
Adrien was well aware of the time they had agreed to meet each other, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be at her house earlier than expected. 
Marinette’s always happy to see him whenever. She was just all pink cheeks and stumbled on her words whenever he showed up earlier than expected. Something about her room being in a mess or that she had lost track of time designing. Adrien always gave her his best smile and let her know that he could pack the room with her or that he would be more than happy to work with her on her designs together. To which she always flushed further, grabbing his hand and leading him to do whatever she had left undone. 
It’s the simple things like holding hands and spending time with her that made  Adrien’s heart feel so warm and full. He couldn’t wait to see Marinette, and he was nearing her house now. Just one more jump past that rooftop and— 
Chat Noir almost fell off the rooftop with how suddenly he stopped his jump. The red and black polka dot suit was hard to miss against the grey backdrop. Ladybug was sitting on the rooftop—her back facing where Marinette’s home was—and looking at her yo-yo, no, more like staring at it with how she’s not moving at all. 
Her posture looked different. Vastly different from how she normally was. Ladybug always had this larger-than-life, bright and confident aura to her, even when she was relaxing or when she was down. And Chat Noir knew that it was because she never lost hope. No matter the obstacle, she always faced them with her head held high, and she always triumphs. He was always there whenever she required a little assurance and push from time to time, and it had never failed to awe him as he witnessed the change within her. 
And if there ever was a slight change in her demeanour, Chat Noir would know—he did spend a huge amount of time watching and observing her when he was still head over heels for her. He could identify it straight away. And right now, she didn't have any of her usual demeanour present. 
Right now, she looked defeated, and Ladybug never looked defeated. 
Chat Noir couldn’t have her feeling like that. 
He’s early to Marinette’s anyway, he’d make sure his Lady’s feeling like her usual self before heading over to Marinette’s. 
Chat Noir vaulted over to where Ladybug was and was hit with a fresh reminder of the fond memories that came attached as a package to this particular rooftop. He was glad that he did not lose his best friend back then. 
He landed on the rooftop, and Ladybug did not seem to hear him as she hadn’t shown any signs of acknowledgement of his arrival.
She jumped and whipped around, slamming her bugphone shut, looking at him as though she were a deer caught in the headlights. 
There were tears in the corner of her eyes. 
This was worse than he thought. 
Ladybug placed a hand on her chest, “Oh, Chat Noir, it’s just you,” and quickly turned her head, probably to wipe her tears away. 
Chat Noir moved to sit beside her, facing Marinette’s home, and gently placed a hand on her shoulders, “Is everything alright?” 
Eyes freshly wiped of tears now looked at him, “Oh yeah, everything is going great!” 
“Do you want a hug?”
Ladybug immediately shut herself up and gaped at him. Then he watched as her face flushed pink before she tucked her face into her now raised knees, just like how she was seated on the Trocadéro after Shadowmoth stole the Miraculouses. 
“It’s fine, Chaton.” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” She nodded her head in her arms. “I’m just… trying to get some air. And I need to be elsewhere soon.”
He had to be elsewhere as well, but he couldn’t leave her like this. “Okay? Then I’m just going to stay here until you need to go.”
No response from her.   
Well then. 
He couldn’t do parkour with her to lift her spirits—that’d take too long as well—and he couldn’t make a fool out of himself if she was not looking up, she could listen but he couldn’t talk about his personal life without risking his identity. 
He could only talk about Plagg then. It’s not much, but he hoped he could cheer her up.
“You know, as much of a simple-minded cheese-loving gremlin Plagg is,” he leaned on his hands behind his back, “he’s actually a lot of fun to be with. You’ve interacted with him twice haven’t you, my Lady.” He wished that Plagg could take his place now because he knew that Plagg would know what to do to cheer her up, even if he had only interacted with her twice. He’s been around for aeons after all. 
“The first time I met him, I was so excited about being a superhero that I practically just got him sucked into the ring without him telling me everything about being Chat Noir. And now you know why I used Cataclysm so carelessly on my first try.”
He glanced at her to still not see much movement from her, but at least she hadn’t left. 
That’s a plus point. 
“But that day, I thought he was a genie! I don’t know about you, but I was so fascinated by him because there’s nothing like him! It’s weird how normal it is for us to have this cute little creature beside us all the time now. But Plagg, back then, was anything but cute, he was this mini monster that was trying to eat everything in my room! And you know how they can be if they don’t want to be caught. I think I’m made to be Chat Noir because I had to climb everything, effortlessly might I add, to finally catch him. Who knew I was a cat all along.”
Chat Noir knew that he was rambling, but if he could get her to cheer up by sharing his joy, he’d continue to ramble. 
“And despite this ball of destruction doing what he knows best, well, being a chaotic black hole, Plagg is always there for me when no one else can. He can be insensitive at times, but he tries his best. He’s seen my worst days and does anything he can to cheer me up. Like playing the pi—! Uh… I mean, we do things together afterwards. But sometimes, him just being there is enough for me. And… I hope I can be the same for y—”
Chat Noir suddenly felt the air knocked out of his lungs. He would’ve fallen backwards on impact if not for his hands behind him. 
He looked down to see her dark hair and her red suit with black polka dots leaning against him. 
Chat Noir’s relieved that he still understood her well. She needed the hug after all. 
Surging sideways, he wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer to him and laid his cheek on the crown of her head. 
She smelled so nice. 
Ladybug tightened her hold and they stayed like that for a while, basking in each other’s warmth and presence in silence. 
No words were needed for them to know that comfort was given and received by each other. That’s how they always have been. 
No words needed, to know that Ladybug would be alright after this. 
Ladybug shifted her head, now leaning her other cheek on his chest and pushing herself in, sighing at the increased contact. And Chat Noir? Well, he felt something brewing in his chest. He did not think it’d ever surface again. 
But it did. 
The rumbling started out small, but as she was directly on top of his chest, she knew what it was. 
And Ladybug did something Chat Noir didn’t think he’d miss. She traced her fingers behind his back, and it felt like that was the final key needed to unlock a full-blown purr from him.   
It’s a hilarious moment for both of them. It had to be because that’s how they joked and bantered around like always. Ladybug started chuckling when she felt the vibrations from his chest and giggled when she heard the purrs resounding around them. 
But for Chat Noir, it’s not a funny moment, yes his cheeks flushed at her laugh, but it isn’t exactly a funny moment for him.  
Chat Noir pulled back and covered his mouth with both hands, trying his best to cover his pink cheeks from her and stop the purring, but Ladybug saw and knew all. 
She continued giggling as she reached for his hair and pets, a gesture not often used, but a gesture he understood nonetheless. His hands were in her way to his chin. 
Ladybug rose and walked to the edge of the rooftop that was hidden from his view. “Thanks, mon Chaton, I feel better already.”
And with that, she zipped away. 
Chat Noir still had his hands on his mouth even though there was no one to hide his rosy cheeks from. He tucked himself inwards, feeling his heart rate increase as he couldn’t deny the revelation stuck at the forefront of his mind. 
Ladybug still had him in her tender hands. 
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Pet and Owner
Sweet as Sugar Masterlist
trigger warnings: restrained, gagged, pet whump, lady whumper, collared, dehumanisation, humiliation, captivity
When Myles opened his eyes, he found that he couldn’t see a thing. He tried to blink away the drowsiness, hoping it’d clear his vision, but the pitch black refused to dissipate, filling up the space like the thickest ink.
When he tried to move, he felt an odd weight on his hands, and heard the rattling of heavy chains. When he tried to call out, he realised there was something blocking his mouth. Duct tape?
Panic set in, and he began to thrash around. Muffled cries for help were drowned out by the concrete prison, and he eventually decided to try and conserve his energy by staying relatively still – apart from the horrible shivering he just couldn’t seem to stop.
Saccharine had drugged him. That was the only logical explanation, yet it seemed so wildly unrealistic. Why would she do that? She’d just said she would help with the loans, she invited him over, they were friends.
Unless… Unless by helping with the loans, she meant something entirely different. Myles felt his heartbeat skyrocket as the terrifying thought wormed its way into his brain. Saccharine was making him into a pet, then selling him for the price of all his loans, maybe even more. That would both get rid of the debt and make her some profit, and… and they’d never see each other again.
They weren’t really friends, were they?
Myles curled up on the floor, awkwardly trying to manoeuvre around the uncomfortable and rigid chains. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes, and he saw no point in trying to keep them at bay. He knew that the people he usually talked to as potential business partners weren’t fond of him, of course, just as he wasn’t really fond of them. God, his family wasn’t even fond of him. He’d considered Saccharine his only real friend, the only one who tolerated him despite having clearly stated that she would never take him as a partner. For how long has she been pretending? Had there ever been a time when she wasn’t?
The basement door creaked open, and Myles made no effort to lift his head off the ground. Someone flipped a switch, and the lights finally came on – soft purple, instead of the blinding white he’d been expecting. Saccharine did complain a whole lot about headaches, now that he thought about it. White lights would’ve just made it all worse.
Now that he could see, it was obvious that his cell was one of a few. There were at least three others from what he could see. Were they empty?
“Have you woken up yet?” Saccharine came into view in front of the glass door of his own little room, interrupting his thoughts. His wide eyes must’ve been enough of a response for her, because she swiped her card and made the door open without any further inquiries. She was carrying a little box with her, the contents of which Myles desperately wanted to avoid. He’d seen enough little training boxes in his life to know there was never anything fun inside.
The box had been set on the desk in the corner, and Saccharine sat down on the chair next to it. Her soft smile was the exact same as before, when they were still just two friends sitting across from each other at a cosy little table. Maybe even friendlier. It made Myles shiver.
“You must have so many questions,” she mused, crossing her legs and getting comfortable. A show of dominance in a situation where he had no chance to lessen the pain of the position his body had been forced into. “I will answer… some of them, I suppose. Starting with the easy and obvious ones, like, what happened? Where am I? What’s going to happen?”
Myles shook his head slightly. He didn’t care about any of that. He knew the answers to those questions. He only wanted to know why. She ignored him.
“I made you drink a spiked cocktail, which made you pass out and then be transported down here. Here is of course under my house, in my little pet training centre.” She took off the lid of the box, and took out a collar, making his heart drop. “As for what’s going to happen… I’m going to train you. You asked how I train my pets so fully and perfectly in the space of just a few months. I’ll grant you some insight after all.”
He whimpered behind the tape, pathetic and miserable. It only served to make her giggle.
“Don’t be scared, now. I treat my pets very well. It’s an intense training period, but it pays off.” She stood up and walked over to where he was still lying on the dirty floor, motioning for him to get up. “If you comply, it might not even hurt that much.”
Myles stayed down. He didn’t want to comply. He didn’t want to be collared. He wanted to get out and run for his life. The treacherous tears of hopelessness were threatening to make an appearance again, humiliate him even further in front of his former friend.
“Collaring is the first and easiest step,” she said gently. “I don’t even have anything to punish you with at this stage. It’s not a time to be stubborn and proud, it’s just… the first interaction between pet and owner. I don’t want it to be tainted by pain.”
The easiest step… with no pain… maybe it was that, or Saccharine’s sweet voice, but Myles found himself longing to please her. Just for a little while. He wouldn’t be able to during training, he knew that. And he had never been able to, out in the real world. Maybe this was his only chance of ever pleasing her.
He pushed himself up, slowly and anxiously.
“Good boy,” she praised softly, leaning down to get the collar around his neck. It was light, but constricting. Uncomfortable. He was never getting it off again. “There you go. Nothing to be afraid of.” She pet his head, running her slender fingers through his hair, scratching behind his ear like one might do with a dog. He felt his face heat up – still, it was so much better than pain. “I’m giving you the name Biscuit. I think it’s pretty cute.” She flicked the tag on his collar, and Myles thought it might have his new name on it. Maybe some contact info as well. A proper little pet.
He wanted to beg so badly, but the duct tape prevented it. Please, reconsider. You’ll never see my face again, just let me go. I didn’t realise you hated me, and I’m sorry. Saccharine wouldn’t get to hear those words.
She straightened her back and walked back to the box, taking out a bunch of cables and a remote. She sank the remote into her pocket and began detangling everything. Myles whimpered. He recognised those things as electrodes, and he recognised the remote as one of the top brands in the business. He’d seen one up close before; he’d seen one in action. That thing went up to voltages that could easily kill a person.
“Familiar?” She chuckled, making the poor man tremble even more. “Remember, sweet Biscuit. Being good means being safe. Not fully. You’re never fully safe with these things on. But it brings temporary safety, and I suggest you take advantage of that.”
taglist: @whumpsday @lonesome--hunter @hidden-dreamland @throwawaywhumper @kim-poce
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avenirdelight · 2 years
The One She Ends Up With
Andy Robertson & Jordan Henderson
Both Andy and Jordan like her. Now it's about who's going to have the courage to make a move and eventually end up with her.
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The music that played from the old jukebox on the front part of the pub travelled to every corner. The moderately small pub was packed. Laughs were shared, stories were exchanged, jokes were being thrown from all the groups that occupied the bars and tables. Everyone was dressed according to the dress code, red, as the birthday party Kostas was throwing for his teammates and colleagues was Liverpool-themed. Some of the lads had teased him about it, saying that he was trying a bit too hard to be a proper Red, which the Greek Scouse responded by saying, “I am a proper Red”, with his best Scouse accent.
The area near the bar was full of the younger lads; by how animatedly they were talking, you could tell that they were still talking about the big win last Sunday. The older ones were going for rounds of darts on one side of the pub, and on the opposite side, the girls were chatting away.
Jordan and Andy were kind of separated from all the groups. They were sitting on a little table near the big window, as they just finished their food, wanting to stay there for a while to enjoy a little bit of peace, before anyone could come and drag them to join the fun.
Their gazes were fixed in the same direction. Lucky for them that it was a little bit darker where they were, so nobody could notice that they were both staring at the girl with the red lacy blouse across the room. The only girl that wore red lipstick. The girl that, in their opinion, looked the most stunning tonight.
Andy glanced at his captain and he smirked when he realised that the captain was still staring at the girl, who was now laughing so elegantly at something her colleague must’ve said. It was the same laugh that they heard every day at the training ground; the laugh she gave Andy when he said something funny, the laugh she gave Jordan when he tried to be funny—the laugh that always made both men’s hearts skip a beat.
“You know what? If you don’t make a move on her, I will,” Andy said, breaking the silence that they had left hanging for a while.
Jordan shot his eyes at Andy with slightly raised eyebrows. He then furrowed them, forming creases in his forehead, when he realised what Andy had just said. “On who?” he asked.
“You know who I’m talking about.” Andy gave a brief glance her way. The only person at that table whom they had a clear view of from where they were sitting was her.
“You think I fancy her?”
Andy chortled. “Come on, I’ve seen you in love before. I definitely know when you fancy someone.” He gave Jordan a teasing look and Jordan slightly shook his head, bringing the smirk back to his face. “You do, don’t you, lad?”
Jordan let out a nervous laugh, not sure on how to answer the question. “Do you?” Jordan decided to ask back.
“I do.”
Jordan was surprised at how Andy wasted no time to answer and how confident he sounded. He could feel his heart slowly sink—he basically had just gotten the confirmation that he was not the only one who liked her. His guess was right, that there was a reason why Andy had been trying so hard to get her attention; it was because Andy liked her too.
“Go on, then.” Jordan tried to sound as casual as possible. The truth was, he was trying hard not to choke up, because there was a growing lump on his throat, making it a bit hard for him to speak.
“You’re okay with it?” Now Andy sounded surprised.
Jordan shrugged, dropping his gaze to his now-empty glass. If he had to be honest, the answer was no, he wouldn’t be okay seeing his friend dating a girl he liked, but he had his own reason on why he hadn’t made a move all this time.
“Sure, if you like her… Why not?” Jordan said. “I’m not ready for a new relationship. You know that, mate.”
“Oh, mate…” Andy sighed. “You won’t ever be ready if you keep telling yourself that. How many chances are you gonna throw away?”
It had been more than a year since Jordan broke up with his ex-girlfriend that he had dated for four years. Andy knew that Jordan had liked a couple of girls after the big break up, but the captain had never had the courage to make any move; he didn’t seem to even have the will to move on, letting himself be held up by the pain from the past.
Jordan just offered Andy a sheepish smile. Deep down inside, Andy felt bad for doing this to Jordan. But that girl… That girl had become the most important part of his days, the one that kept him excited on the training ground, and there was this voice in his head that kept telling him to make a move—that he was going to regret it if he didn’t. 
“I’m not joking, mate,” Andy said with a more serious tone. His captain was just sitting there with a quite dejected look on his face. “I’m really gonna do it.”
Jordan briefly tugged the corners of lips, forming a rather forced smile. He tried to stop himself from glancing her way once again, and looked up to meet Andy’s gaze instead. His heart clenched, noticing the hope in Andy’s eyes, as he realised that he was, like Andy said, throwing another chance.
But at least he was giving it up to his best friend.
So he smiled wider and lightly nodded his head. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll be rooting for ya.”
“So how was the wedding?”
She asked as she trailed behind Andy, who was walking to the kitchen. She stopped by the kitchen island, leaning on it, as Andy got himself a glass of water and immediately downed it.
Andy had just gotten back from his best mate’s wedding. He attended it alone; he’d asked her to come with him but she couldn’t since she needed to take her mum to the doctor. She’d gone to his place right after she’d dropped her mum home from the hospital. She was halfway through The Proposal when Andy had gotten home. 
“It was nice. The place was beautiful. Everybody had fun,” he answered. “The bride and groom were happy and, honestly, what could be more important than that?”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“And apparently they’re leaving for their honeymoon tomorrow, so I think we can cross them out from my birthday dinner guests list.”
“Really? Where are they going?”
“Uh… I think he mentioned it earlier but I forgot,” he said as he put on a thinking face. “Oh! They’re going to Bali.”
She gasped upon the piece of information. “They’re going to Bali for their honeymoon??”
“Yeah,” Andy confirmed before he took another sip from his glass. “What?” He then asked when he realised the surprised look stayed on her face.
“Nothing,” she shrugged as she wiped the look off her face. “It’s just…”
Andy furrowed his eyebrows as she hesitated to continue. He walked around the kitchen island and randomly placed his glass of water somewhere on top of it. “What is it?” he asked again as he reached her hand and gently pulled her closer.
“Nothing. I just… I just got a bit excited.”
“Excited that… My newlywed friends are going for their honeymoon?” He tilted his head and she laughed because he looked so confused.
“No!” Her hands travelled to his shoulders before she linked them behind his neck. “Excited that they’re going to Bali for their honeymoon. I, erm…” she paused as she dropped her gaze. “Honeymoon in Bali is kind of… My dream.”
Andy’s face changed in a swift manner; now he was the one who looked surprised. “Really?”
“Yeah…” she shyly smiled. “I’ve always wanted to go there, I mean, the island is like a paradise. And it’s in the other part of the world, so I wonder how it feels like to be there…” She paused before looking up to meet his eyes again. “And to be there with someone you love, it must be wonderful.”
Andy lightly nodded his head. “Well, I’ve never gone there either,” he said as he suddenly leaned down for a quick kiss. She felt her heart skip a beat when their lips met. It skipped a beat again when she noticed his little smirk when he pulled away. “But how about… How about a holiday to Bali? I’ll take you there.”
“Wait… What? Really?” Her eyes lit up.
“Yeah. You can start planning.”
She giggled out of excitement and tiptoed to kiss him again. “I love you,” she mumbled as she put the trails of small kisses on his jaw which made him chuckle.
“I love you,” he replied. “Right, I need to take a shower. See you in bed?”
He then left, leaving her alone in the kitchen with a smile still plastered across her face. She then went back to the living room to turn off the TV, but instead of going upstairs and getting ready for bed, she stayed there, sitting on the sofa.
Her eyes travelled to the frames of pictures Andy displayed below the TV on the shelf. Family photos, photos with his friends, photos with teammates, and the newest addition to the group was a photo of the two of them. Andy had wanted to put it on the centre, and he’d done it, but without him knowing, she had moved it to the far left, because she was too shy for her face to be in the centre. Their relationship was still relatively new, so there was no way that their photo should replace his beautiful family photo.
She never imagined all of this. Dating Andy, someone she’d been working with for years, someone she considered as a good friend, someone she loved to joke around with every day at work. She hadn’t been sure what this was all going to be when Andy asked her to go on a date with him or when he asked her to be his girlfriend months ago, but she was never going to say no. Because Andy was an amazing person and she couldn’t deny that all this time, she’d had a bit of a crush on him.
And she’d been really enjoying it. It was just exciting to love and to be loved again. And you couldn’t really blame her if she was excited to see what the future would look like.
Her heart was pounding hard on her chest and it felt like it could burst any second. She had asked everyone to get out of the room, it was the only way for her to calm herself down. She needed time for herself before the ceremony started.
She stood in front of the mirror, scanning every detail of her dress and make-up through the reflection over and over again. A sense of nervousness was wrapped around her heart, making her constantly worry of the possibilities of her wedding dress missing something, of her veil not sitting properly in her head, of her lipstick being smeared or her eyeliner being smudged. This was the biggest, most important day of her life, where she would marry the love of her life, so she needed everything to be perfect.
There were three knocks on the door and she was alarmed by it; she got tense in a split second, thinking that it must be time for the ceremony to start.
“Yeah, come in,” she announced.
But she was surprised when the person peeking out from behind the door wasn’t her maid of honour.
“Hey. Can I come in?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure. Hi,” she replied, suddenly getting excited from the surprise visit. “Wow... You look good,” she complimented him as soon as he walked in. He looked amazing in the deep maroon suit that she picked for all the groomsmen.
Andy chortled as he paused his tracks, gave her a little pose which drew a giggle from her, before he walked closer again. “Thank you,” he said. He stopped just a few steps from her and he couldn’t stop himself from scanning her from head to toe. “You look… Wonderful. Wow,” he breathed out.
“Thank you,” she replied and they both exchanged smiles.
“Listen, ermm… I’ve asked your fiancé’s permission to see you and I don’t want to take much of your time so I’m just gonna go straight to the point,” Andy began as he scratched his eyebrow with the nail of his thumb. He then put his hand back to his pocket and met her gaze again. “You’re gonna start a new chapter in your life and I thought that this is my last chance to say things I haven’t said to you.”
“Okay…” She was staring back at him expectantly. She had no idea what he was about to say. His slightly awkward manner and serious tone only added to her nervousness.
“I, uhhh…” Andy dropped his gaze for a second, mentally preparing himself once again as he took a deep breath, before looking up again. “I just want to say sorry. I realised that I never properly said sorry and there must’ve been things I did or said, you know, when we were together that hurt you, so I’m really sorry.”
Andy tucked his lips between his teeth as soon as he was done, hoping that he had phrased it good enough. Good thing he didn’t stutter, he was worried about that. He was also worried about how she would respond.
But his worry quickly melted away when a small smile reappeared on her face.
As she slightly shook her head, she said, “You have nothing to be sorry about. I did my parts too, you know, and we were just not meant for each other.” Andy tugged the corner of his lips upright and nodded his head, feeling himself washed by a wave of relief. Her hand reached his forearm to give it a light squeeze. “We’re good, Andy. I’m sorry too, okay?”
“Nah, you don’t need to say sorry. Thank you, really,” he replied before letting out a relieved huff. His chest felt a bit lighter after that.
“Thank you,” she said and Andy nodded again. “So… Did you bring her?”
Andy raised his eyebrows. But it didn’t take long for him to understand who she was referring to—his girlfriend. “Yeah, yeah, I left her to chat with the others. She’s better than me at socialising, she doesn’t need my help.”
“You have to properly introduce me to her later.”
“I promise.”
She grinned and Andy gave her a genuine warm smile. But then his smile quickly faltered when he saw her face fall.
“You okay?”
“I’m so nervous,” she breathed out, biting the inside of her lips. She turned on her heels and looked at the mirror again. For the hundredth time, she fixed her veil again, they never seemed to look right and it started to annoy her.
Andy’s face scrunched up as he shook his head. “No need to be nervous. Everything’s gonna go well, I promise,” he said in all seriousness. “Everything is perfect out there. You look perfect. And Jordan…”
The mention of her husband-to-be’s name caught her attention. She swiftly looked back at Andy. “What about him?”
“He, uh… Well, I went to him earlier just before I went here,” Andy chortled, briefly rubbing his knuckles to his nose. “Don’t tell him that I say this but, I’ve got to be honest,” he shrugged. “He looks quite dashing. And I know for sure, he’s gonna cry like a baby when he sees you walk down the aisle.”
Out of every memory that they had made on that wedding day—the ceremony, the vow, the kiss, the reception, the dances, the speeches, and everything that she’d tried to make a room for in her mind—nothing really topped the memory of her walking down the aisle. Andy had been right, Jordan had looked extremely dashing in his white suit, the most handsome she’d ever seen him, and he’d begun crying his heart out as soon as he’d seen her at the end of the aisle.
She’d almost choked up back then, and she still felt like choking up every time she thought about it, even now as she stared at their hands that sat on her lap. Their shiny silver rings looked beautiful and they always reminded her that she was actually married to the love of her life now. She’d never thought Jordan would be the one she ended up with.
Jordan, who had always been kind to her since the first day she worked at the club. Jordan, who always took care of her. Jordan, with his nice compliments and kind smiles. Jordan, who’d suddenly become a shoulder to rely on and a reason for her to smile. Jordan, whom she always cared about.
It was crazy how life could quickly change. She and Andy didn’t even last a year, they hadn’t even gone to that holiday she planned. The simplest explanations would be that they didn’t work out. Along the way, they’d come across many differences that they hadn’t had enough understanding to overcome. Work had started to get tense and even chaotic, becoming one of the factors of why things started falling apart, and they hadn’t done enough effort to make it work. And maybe they just had not grown enough love. The burning fire had died down quickly.
After the break up that had taken place in Andy’s house, she’d gone to her usual coffee shop, thinking that there was nothing that her favourite warm cup of coffee could fix. But of course, it couldn’t fix her broken heart, so she silently let some tears out, until Jordan unexpectedly stepped into the shop and that was basically how their story began.
It had taken a little while, but everything had fallen into place easily with Jordan. It was easy to understand each other, to put their differences aside and look for the things they could work together on. It was easy to picture their future together and make plans to make it come true. And when she said that loving Jordan was the easiest thing to do, she wasn’t joking.
“What are you thinking, wifey?”
Jordan’s voice tickled her ears, taking her attention away from the beautiful Bali sky that had been her focus for the last few minutes. She met Jordan’s eyes, who was staring at her so fondly; her heart skipped a beat at that. She was sitting in his lap, wrapped by his strong arm. She stared back at him as her hand went to the back of his head, feeling the softness of his freshly cut hair.
“Just about us,” she answered with a faint smile.
She lightly nodded. “I’m just… Grateful. That we’ve come so far, I mean… Look at where we are now,” she said, glancing to the distance where the sky met the sea. The sun was setting, creating the most majestic view. “Got married in Liverpool, having a honeymoon in Bali? We’re living our dream, aren’t we?”
Jordan let out a deep chuckle. He then nodded and smiled back at her. “Yeah, yeah we are,” he agreed. “Still can’t believe I’m at this point, to be honest with ya. Married to the love of my life.” He took her hand on his, brushing the ring on her finger with his thumb as he glanced at it.
Her smile widened as she rested her head on his. A moment later he tilted his head up to give a peck on her lips.
“I thank you for mustering up the courage to confess to me back then,” she said, holding Jordan’s face with her hand. “I guess the reason why I wanted to give you the chance was because you were honest from day one. You didn’t hesitate to open up to me and I appreciated that.”
Jordan bit his bottom lip as he tightened his arm around her waist, reminiscing the night where he poured his heart out on her living room, confessing about the love that he’d been hiding from her for a couple of years, as the rain had been pouring down outside. It had been a cold night that turned so warm because they shared their first kiss, which she had initiated.
“I had always been so afraid to love again, but you made me find my courage. All I knew back then was that I had so much love for you, and I needed you to know it,” he said. “I thank you for giving me the chance.”
“Because it’s you, Jordan. I’ve always trusted you,” she smiled. “And I didn’t even need to try to fall in love with you.”
“And now we’re gonna spend forever together,” he grinned, and this time she was the one who went in for a kiss. It didn’t last long as she couldn’t suppress her smile. “I love you, baby,” Jordan whispered.
As they stared deep into each other’s eyes, she answered. “I love you too.” 
i hope that wasn’t too long for you! i swear i was at like 900-words and then bam! 3500:’D i hope you enjoyed it though!
my asks isn’t always open, but when it is, please don’t hesitate to give me any feedback because i honestly need it. i need to know if anyone is actually reading or enjoying my stories... tell me what you’d like to read more, any themes, any players, please! thank you<3
My Masterlist🤍
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snowdrrops · 1 year
relationship: ruinene wc: 1.8k summary: rui and nene watch a meteor shower.
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Rui lived by the rules of technology his whole life. His heart beat in tandem with the keys of the codes he would stay up all night long perfecting. He brought dull, metal machinery to life with his skills and expertise in the field of technology. He made connections with lifeless objects, even though he probably would never admit it out loud.
His creations brought him a lot of pride. A smile would make its way onto his face after he'd invented something new, knowing that even if nobody wanted to perform with him, he had the ability to create objects to entertain the masses with.
But Rui himself knew that a crack had formed in his demeanour the very first time his ideas experienced harsh but juvenile rejection. He was still young and bubbling with youthful innocence when he had been turned down, and hadn’t known what to make of it for a while. That was until he had discovered his knack at invention.
It was akin to lightly smashing a mirror with a hammer; this feeling that would slowly build up in Rui’s chest when he had his guard down. It would seep into his bones and freeze his skin with its touch. Dig its claws into his heart until he was forced to admit that he had surrendered to it.
Rui could try to bury it deep in his mind where no one could find it. But whenever he caught glimpses of cliques of friends doing the most trivial of things, loneliness would eat at his heart. He knew that nobody would reach a hand out towards him, saying, “Hey, why don’t we start performing together?” Instead, all Rui got were mocking laughs and blinded criticism that derided his ideas.
And even though parts of him were accustomed to the judgement that he was constantly receiving from other people, the side of him that he tried his hardest to conceal begged to be accepted as just another performer in a regular troupe.
Rui still vividly remembered the week after his ideas had been rejected by a few classmates.
It must’ve been a Thursday, because the students were forced to stay an hour longer in school on Thursdays, which he partly disliked.
Rui was sitting in a secluded corner of the library, on his computer designing a new code.
His mind worked at a pace most of his classmates could only marvel and gawk at, and this made many of them green with envy. Perhaps another reason why he was considered an outcast.
He was so absorbed in whatever he’d been working on that he didn’t hear the chair beside him being pulled out, and someone settling into it.
Rui didn’t know specifically how much time it took for him to finish it, but when he did, the library was deserted and the rays of the evening sun filtered in through the half-drawn curtains.
It was only then he turned to look at the girl beside him, who had fallen asleep. Nene had her arms crossed on the table and her head was resting against them. Her eyes were peacefully screwed shut, the rhythms of her breaths coming out steadily as she slept.
Against the golden orange rays, Nene’s skin was sun-kissed and in Rui’s eyes, she was beautiful.
His breath caught in his throat as he gazed at the sleeping girl beside him. The girl who had been waiting for him to finish up his code so that they could walk home together. Not once did she complain as she waited patiently.
He realised with a start: Nene had always stayed by his side. When others poked and degraded his ideas, she stood by him silently. When Rui decided to create robots to work with during performances, she didn’t say much at all, and he initially thought that maybe Nene was trying to show her disapproval in that manner, until he realised that this was her way of showing her support. Standing by him quietly whilst his mind ventured to foreign and sometimes risky places it never went to before.
This was also the very first time Rui thought of love.
Around a week later, Rui asked if they could walk home together. Nene found it weird, given that they would usually bump into each other on the way, but she agreed anyway.
He greeted her at the school gate with a gift bag in hand.
She walked over to him, her curiosity piqued and wondering what he’d been up to this time.
Rui handed the bag over to her, an excited smile on his lips. “Go on, take a look.”
After a glance at him, she took a look inside to find that it was filled with grapefruits. Nene was still confused when she looked up to find Rui’s gaze locked on her.
“Why is this so sudden?” she asked.
“I like you, so I got it for you,” he casually answered.
Nene can’t decide between if she should smack him for being so blunt or to continue marvelling at him with a blush on her cheeks, so she settled for a, “Thank you.”
Rui held out a hand towards her and she accepted it willingly, ignoring the eruption of butterflies she felt when their skin touched.
They start walking in the direction of their homes, hands intertwined and hearts brimming with the promise of forever.
・❥ directory
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bbina · 2 months
i love ynbin so much 😩💗💗💗 they’re really giving friends to lovers, and i guess, unrequited love? because when wonbin was sure of his feelings for y/n, she wasn’t sure of her feelings for him 🥲 but honestly, wonbin would literally do anything for y/n, if y/n told him to “jump off a cliff”, he’d ask her “how high of a cliff should i jump off?” 😩 and do you know that saying “she/he fell first, but she/he fell harder” ? wonbin literally fell first and he fell harder 😭 y/n did fall for him, but i don’t think that she fell harder for him than he did for her, it’s so obvious in the way wonbin talks and acts around her, it’s so cute 🥺 he was literally the happiest boy existing when she confessed to him 💗💗💗 i believe that all along wonbin was hoping for y/n to come to him in ulsan, like if he really didn’t want to see her, he’d definitely just ignore her, but he didn’t, and he treated her so nicely, though it was awkward between them 😬, and i really found it endearing when y/n said to him “i’m yours” and he asked her “you’re mine?”, that part really stuck to me as it made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside 😩 like he probably felt so much relief when she said that to him, to him, that was probably his “i did it” moment ☹️ ALSO i thought it was really cute how wonbin got so happy when y/n gifted him jo malone 😭💗💗💗 like it wasn’t even the expense that excited him, but the fact that she literally gifted him something because she felt sorry towards him ☹️ and then he started calling her “baby” and took her out on a date awww 😭 and with y/n, it was really the “you don’t realise how precious someone is to you until they’re gone” 🥲 like when wonbin left to ulsan, it really hit her then how lonely she’s become and how much she needs him, wants him, admires him, and likes him, like her life slowly started to revolve around wonbin and she had no idea because she was too hooked onto sungchan ☹️ i don’t think she was scared of liking wonbin, i think she was rather confused as to why she was feeling this way towards him, because all along it was sungchan and then out of nowhere, wonbin came into the picture 😩 i actually felt bad for her because she was probably just so confused and didn’t know what to do, and i get the fact that she handled things with wonbin wrong when wonbin caught her hugging sungchan, but she was just too emotional to be in her senses, like she just spoke without thinking, what she said wasn’t false but the way she said it and the timing was what made it really hurtful for wonbin to hear ☹️ and it really broke my heart when she started crying, wonbin pulled her into a hug, like that hug must’ve been the most painful hug that y/n’s received because she knows that she won’t be in his arms for long, and she knows that she might not have a chance to be held by him again 💔💔💔 ANYWAYS, i’m getting too into this lmao but ynbin have gone through so much together, but they’ve managed to find themselves back together again, and of course with the help of y/n’s amazing brother, and their amazing friends 😊 ynbin are a great example why love is so beautiful but also painful 💗💔
- 🦌
bambi anon you literally took the words out of my mouth….. this is such a beautiful read i cant believe you got all this for a mf fanfic about wonbin 😭😭😭😭 NO WORDS…
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
I looked at the mods and stuff for guns in Mass Effect 1 and said “that’s a lot of words too bad I’m not reading em” and speaking of romance wishes god I wish Garrus was bi and poly existed in the game I would’ve both Garrus and Tali romanced so hard they were my ride or dies I took them everywhere unless I physically couldn’t or needed a specific a companion for a mission. Also I must’ve been really blinded by Ashley’s comments on aliens because it seems a lot of people liked her when I wasn’t really feeling her in one guess I gotta give her more of a chance.
(Also this is thebottomseareef I’m just on my main blog because I wanted to make a dnd/bg3 side blog to use on the app so it’d be more convenient and I wasn’t constantly logging into another account but I found out that you can’t send asks from side blogs so I’m just doing it from here because it’s easier)
"Too bad I'm not reading em" PEBCOQNXKQNDJSOJQSN yet you're still here reading my long ass posts, I'm honoured.
omfg yes, Garrus and Tali literally feel perfect in a poly yk? Like I've always took them with me on missions as a pair because their banter was so cute and they were the best balanced team for my character.
It is sad looking at older games and realising how much they hold themselves back just to appease their main demographic, like the legendary edition was two years ago and it would've made so much sense to make the aliens poly or bi. But they didn't because they didn't want to upset the majority of their demographic about the sudden change or getting into "Mass effect is woke now hmp! >:v" online scandal.
Like the romance is nice and every character is so sweet on their own, but something inside me dies each time I'm reminded this is strictly hetro and monogamous. Like I'd be having a blast cute moment with Kaidan then it hits me in the face that and I feel sad that all of this could've been missed if I had picked a male shepherd.
Games are evolving tho and that makes me happy. Especially shooter games bc we all know that's where the second most taxic gamers are, first being moba and souls-like games.
I'm happy that Liara is poly but also very shy and nervous around romance, that she admits this is not something she has ever done before. I'm glad Kaidan becomes bi because fuck yeah all the male shepherd deserves their beautiful bromance with him.
With Ashley, she is special. I like strong woman characters who are more aggressive. Like she truly embodies the soldier aspect of soldier while Kaidan feels more like a close friend with time. Ashley is someone who will punch a person if they were making you uncomfortable. She is someone who will march up to the cashier and tell them you asked for no pickles. Ashley would defend you in combat while Kaidan is more of a support.
She is more brash, confrontational. Punch first think later. Very protective and sweet in her own "no bullshit" kind of way.
With Garrus. He is so romantic and such a gentleman, my heart cannot take it. Like yk for a fact he is all starry eyed around you because you are a specter and he wanted to be one before. The way he thanks you all sweetly for letting him join your crew instead of leaving him with the annoying c-sec paperworks job. He is like RE1 Leon before he became jaded.
Tali is everything. Her genuine love for knowledge, for the craft and survival of her colony. She feels like a future ruler but before she became wiser. Tali is still in her wander and wonder phase while she travels the galaxy and gives her best to everything around her. She is earnest and very honest. Which is sad when she is met with suspicion for being too eager to help and study things.
Garrus and Tali would bond so much, shepherd would be the one keeping the both of them in check from forming a mad scientist cult that rescues kittens from trees.
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