#because ND is not just disorders
kasumingo · 6 months
So tired of mfs going "everyone wants to be lgbt/neurodivergent now!! stop using our language!!"
it's as if the internet gave people ability to explore themselves and realize there is something going on, especially when they congregate together in groups that share those traits
It’s as if these words describe their experience and helps them in one way or another
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autismcultureis · 16 days
autism culture is i love being outside during spring and summer but im really sensitive to light and glare so i’ll go outside for 10 minutes and get overstimulated and go inside and have a migraine for the rest of the day when all I wanted was to go out and relax and connect with nature
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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(shaking you, wailing, frothing at the mouth, etc.) miguel is a heavily-traumatized person and. like. i really just cannot stress enough that that influences just So Much Of How He Acts, man.
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petewentzisblack1312 · 10 months
the reason antipsych really appeals to me even as i am hesitatn about it is that i am in this paradoxical state as an insane person where i am too sane about my insanity and it led to many professionals dismissing my (usually correct) judgement. like i am cognizant of my delusions. there is a part of me that is like, you are delusional right now, but that doesnt stop me from believing it. when i explain this to a mental health professional, they tell me this is not delusion. i dont know how to tell you this but when you are unable to sleep because you are struck by the thought that your arm that is attached to your body may be an escaped convict that is out to get you the knowledge that that is illogical and impossible is unhelpful even coming from yourself.
like as soon as you are able to reflect on yourself with any level of self awareness and come to the conclusion that you need help you do not need help. it can only be forced onto you unwillingly. you can only be coerced into it. this is such a carceral system.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
btw when i criticize NTs who say that they’re ND as a joke or because they’re not actually seeing the neurotype for what it is, i am not criticizing NDs who self-dx. i am explicitly talking about NTs™ who think being ND is a joke or a quirk and not a real divergence in neuropsychology
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adhbabey · 10 months
where's my motherfuckers unable to accept their disorder/disability and have a lot of shame and self hate??? like i need you right now. i want none of that positivity shit, give me the grit, how do you get through this?
and if you have overcome it, tell me what's up. what did you need to get through it?
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the-habitat-sysblog · 5 months
Don't tag your post about "DID" or whatever with #neurodivergent. That is not your fucking community, FREAK.
good afternoon, anon; please learn the definition of the word "neurodivergent". you will realise that DID and related disorders result in brain function that is atypical. this is quite common knowledge!
not only are dissociative disorders most definitely under the neurodivergent umbrella, but so are bipolar disorders, psychotic/schizo-spec disorders, personality disorders, and all those other things you might like to pretend are not.
please do not use your time to spread misinformation! this community already faces ableism - you contributing to that ableism does not help anyone. take care! 🤍
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griponthenews · 7 months
Not necessarily a new take but I dislike it when certain fans take a pair of characters and point at the quiet/clever one and go "they're the autistic one" and then point at the sociable/energetic one and go "they're the adhd one" without actually thinking about it further
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magioffire · 1 year
remember when i thought i didnt have adhd because when i took adhd meds i thought i was ‘getting high’ off of it and always heard that if you ‘got high’ off adhd meds it meant you definitely didnt have adhd
well that feeling of ‘getting high’ was actually me misinterpreting the euphoria of finally having a more normalish brain function and being able to be productive as a euphoric effect of amphetamine and not the functional level everyone without adhd normally exists at all the time lol.
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theexodvs · 8 months
"If the cult of Eros is a religion, does it have a holy text of some sort?"
"Yes. Its adherents regularly point to the DSM-5 when confronted with compulsive sexual behavior disorder and pornography-induced erectile dysfunction, as if the absence of these conditions from this document necessitates an absence from reality."
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autismcultureis · 1 month
Autism culture is having the same damn verbal responses to everything because you don't know what else to say in most situations and can't tell if/when you need to respond.
Put me out of my "slay" "swag" "so true" "so real" "FKSJTJQLGBANGNNQBGNAK" misery it has been too fucking long someone give me something else to say
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disembowl · 2 years
idk man I just think there's something about how people will defend depression, anxiety etc etc but be really quiet when it comes to mood disorders and the like
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theendofmybody · 2 years
i need to personally fight whomever popularized the idea that rsd is just an inherent trait to adhd. like huh. could a significant portion of people with neurodev disorders having symptoms that would otherwise be considered very similar to bpd be indicative of how poorly those who cant conform & produce as theyre expected to are treated? no no your brain is just broken :)
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justagaycryptid · 2 years
Caught in a constant loop of seeing a post about neurodivergence that I strangely relate to and then asking myself “am I nuerodivergent?” and then going “no I am merely relating to this on a surface level and I do not really get this in the way that its meant to be gotten because I am not actually neurodivergent” and I keep going like that forever.
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lord-shitbox · 1 year
ok maybe im literally insane
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modernbaseball · 1 year
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