#be seen and lived in'' again! Yes! Those With Eyes weave the tapestry created by the seven/six and the reality they create
abyssalpriest · 23 days
Ahhh I was sitting thinking on Lev's connections to various sun deities and which ones involve him and which don't. They vary between him himself, his sons, him originally now someone else, his archetypes, he uses some names occasionally, he shares other names, some are conceptual Sun Things he's tied to as a sun deity, etc....
But you know. I wasn't expecting to get thrown into a copy of... what is this?? Rig Veda?? On to a page he opened months ago when I tried to open a different file, and now I'm getting schooled on Surya
#Godddd. All the Seven Versus Six stuff is fucking wild. Because that's like. Lev's thing lmfao#The Six That Are Seven. The shatkona is a diagram of 7 points. Seven rays of the Sun. seven horses on the charior#chariot. reading through this part and it keeps saying like ''those who know tell me'' and ''those who have good eyes will know'' and I'm#like yeah. lmfao. I know. This is the Sun King - the king of Six=Seven#But also. Surya AFAIK is just a name he uses. Or I presumed before reading this that yeah that's someone in his lineage or someone#he oversees or knows that's Surya... But now I'm like. We're you once Surya? Don't smile at that#Anyway. I do love how Lev's approaching this with me by just entertaining various configurations of truths that are true when#isolated but not the full picture and then just. reconfiguring them. I need to keep reading but#I mean. I need to keep reading to form an opinion on Surya but all I know is this whole talk on the six and seven like bruh#OK. Well. It's at least your family yeah that's very signature lmfao#Especially getting into ''the seven were created at the same time. Six of these are connected like twins. Although they function#independently they were created at the same time and have the same origin.'' like yeah. I mean. Yeah. They're paired#The shatkona shows they're paired in three groups and it's really really significant to understand that they originated#from the same point that's like Key Gnosis lmfao that the shatkona display of the seven... They're intermingled. They are separate#and they are from the same point. Oh yeah. ''the learned ones use seven different types of thread to create the universe that can#be seen and lived in'' again! Yes! Those With Eyes weave the tapestry created by the seven/six and the reality they create#is the one perceived and lived in because outside of that is the source of the six and the six exist both inside each other and creating#themselves as a whole in - anyway#ramblings //
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espeonage1995 · 5 years
When the Red Strings are Attached
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Chapter 1: When Two People Reconnect
Author’s note: Finally, first chapter is out! And the beginning might be emotional, but I promise at the end and the next chapter will be more funny. Hope you guys enjoy! 😊💕💕🌸
Disclaimer: Some of the scenes and references are from the movies, tv shows, games, etc. Like Friends, Pixelberry’s Choices App game, and more. I don’t any of those.
Tagging: @princessstellaris @blightarts @mind-reader1@brightpinkpeppercorn @scgdoeswhat @queenaryn @itsagoodluckkiss @sophie-summer @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@endlessly-searching-for-you @sceptilemasterr @daniela2510 @choicessa and @mysteli .
Although many people can recalled The Red String of Fate tied two people together and are destined to meet, this legend isn’t specifically limited to “couples” or “soulmates”. Sometimes, the Red String of Fate will weaved a path to those who will cross paths make history and to those who will help one another, which will soon create a scarlet tapestry from the red thread we are born with.
What if we assumed that this whole thing would applied to six different people, who may or may not known each other for a long time? And that once they crossed paths...how would their lives change?
Perhaps...we will take a look at them right now and see how their fates concurs...
It all started in a local restaurant called Red Lotus. A tall, dark hair man dressed in his waiter uniform had just enter the back, taking out the trash. By the time he tossed out the last plastic bag into the dumpster, another guy, wearing the same uniform, ran up to him. “Dude, Aaron! I need you to do me favor!” The other waiter yelled in a pleading tone. “What is it, James?” Aaron asked him. James clasped his hands together and bow down, almost as if he was begging for forgiveness or something. “Can you take over my shift, tonight? It’s an emergency!” “Again?” The dark hair waiter raised his eyebrow questionably, “What’s the emergency this time?” “...Ok. Maybe not that kind of an emergency, but it’s still important,” James confessed but continued on, “I have a date with this girl I met last week, and I just got asked out at the last minute.” “Seriously?!” “Please, please?! I really like this girl and I promise this’ll be the last time I’ll ask you for it. I’ll even let you keep the extra tips from my shift!” Aaron blankly stared at the younger waiter for a few minutes before sighing, “Alright. I’ll take over. It’s not like I have anything else to do at this moment.” “Thanks, man! I owe you one!” James patted the dark hair on the back and quickly sprint back to the door. The latter followed behind and went to the front where all the tables are bustling with many people. Many of them were comfortable and enjoying the lively atmosphere while digging into their meals and/or beverages. Smiling and feeling the confidence, the dark hair waiter quickly grabbed his notebook and pen and went to the table he’ll be serving at. “Good evening and welcome to Red Lotus,” Aaron flashed a smile, causing the couple at the table to look up, “My name is Aaron and I’ll be your server for the night. May I recommend some of the specials we have for this evening?” Meanwhile at the other side of the restaurant, a bartender with auburn hair and wearing a sunglasses is pouring drinks and eventually served them in the glass for the two young women right in front of him, sitting on the other side of the bar counter. One of the women has dark hair with red strands, and the other has light brown hair with blonde ombré. “Here you go, ladies! One sunrise tequila for the gamer girl and one passion fruit cocktail for the teacher.” ��Thanks, Flint!” The girls slowly took a sip of their drinks and savor the concoctions before their eyes glint from the taste. “Mmm...I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this,” the women with dark hair and red stands exclaimed, “You’ve outdone yourself again, Flint!” “Thanks, Mel. Just doing my best for my friends here. Especially, you,” The bartender quickly winked at her, causing the latter to giggled, “So how’s the gaming company treating you? They finally let you create your own Game app for an IPhone, right?” “Yep,” Melody, or rather Mel as Flint called her, replied, “Except that they expect me to follow this stupid theme of theirs for the new game app. I mean, who wants to create another game that involves birds again? They already did it for Angry Birds and Flappy Birds!” The gamer girl groaned while her friends started laughing at her reaction. “...At least you’re going somewhere with your new job,” The light brunette with blonde ombré told her, “I’m still stuck in that private tutoring company.” “...Still haven’t found another job, yet, Maisy?” Flint asked her sympathetically. “Not yet,” Maisy replied, “It’s hard to find a teaching job these days. Despite the pay, I really like the tutoring company that I’m working at, but I just want to do something beyond that. Besides, I’m getting tired of getting rejected after ten more interviews.” Melody and Flint glance at her sadly before the former gave Maisy a hug. “You’ll find something, Maisy. Don’t worry.” Before the brunette can reply, a guy with dark brown hair wearing a blue jacket over a scrubs entered the restaurant and sat at the bar counter next to the girls. “Hey, Ryan. How’s your day at the hospital?” Maisy asked him. “It’s fine,” he told her, “Just the usual tasks of taking of the patients again.” “You want your usual scotch on the rock, Ryan?” “Not tonight,” The dark brunette told Flint, “I have an exam coming up tomorrow morning and need to concentrate. If you can make anything non-alcoholic, it’ll do.” “Got it.” Flint quickly gather the ingredients to make Ryan a drink before the latter interrupted him. “By the way, you’re going to have to prepare yourself for a strange encounter at twelve o’clock right at the front door.” “...Wait, what?!” On cue, the door to the restaurant burst opened, causing everyone to become startled and stop whatever they’re doing before looking at the front entrance. From there, they saw a young woman with blonde hair and pink strands looking around frantically while wearing a white wedding dress. Yes. That’s right. She’s wearing a wedding dress at a local restaurant, clearly all by herself. “...What-?” “...the-?” “...HELL?!” Melody, Maisy, and Flint stammered at the scene (with the bartender dropping the glass and letting it shattered to the floor) finally breaking the scene while Ryan was just staring at it cooly. “...Told ya.” Meanwhile, everyone else,both  customers and waiters, were murmuring among themselves. “What is she doing wearing her wedding dress in a place like this?” “No idea.” “Were we expecting a large party tonight?” “I don’t think so. If there is, boss would’ve told us soon.” Aaron, who was waiting at the table nearby the group, finally managed to break out of his shock and calmed down a bit. “...Okay. I’ve seen a lot of strange things happening in this restaurant, but this...” he motioned to the bride, “...takes it to the next level.” Out of curiosity, Melody stood from her stool and glanced over at the bride before her eyes widened. “Oh my god. I know this girl!” Melody told her friends before waving her hand at the mysterious bride, “Chelsea? Chelsea over here!” The bride, now known as Chelsea, turned to Melody and gasped. “Oh my god. Mel, it’s you! I finally found you!” The blonde quickly throw herself after the gamer girl and hugged her tightly, nearly suffocating the latter to death. “Easy...easy...” Melody choked. “Oh, sorry sorry!” Chelsea quickly let go of her, “It’s just that I’ve been looking all over for you in the city. I even checked into the building you lived but you weren’t there. I was about to give up until there’s this cute guy wearing some sort of hospital outfit passing by and told me that you might be here, and you are! You are!”
Everyone else turned to Ryan with a blank expression in their faces, knowing that he was the one who sorta lead Chelsea here since he’s the only one not affected by the sudden scene. The dark brunette just merely shrugged it off.
“...Well, c’mon and have a seat with us,” Melody gently lead the blonde to the bar counter where her friends are at and let her sit at the stool next to the former, “By the way, everyone, this is Chelsea. She was an old friend of mine. Chels, these are my friends. Maisy, Flint, Aaron, and Ryan.”
“Hi there.”
“Nice to meet you.”
The rest of the group started exchange greeting Chelsea, who greeted back gratefully with a slight smile before settling down a bit. The gamer girl continued with the conversation.
“So...are you gonna tell us what’s going on or are we going to be waiting for some bridesmaids and a groom?” At that, Chelsea started bursting into tears, which shocks and confused everyone, especially Melody. And come to think of it, Melody noticed that Chelsea’s makeup is messed up and her eyes are red from crying, so she gave the blonde some napkins nearby and have Flint to bring a glass of water for her. It took Chelsea a moment to calmed down and finally found her voice to speak but was still stifling into tears.
“I’m sorry but...it’s just that something bad has happened before the wedding,” the blonde blubbered out while trying to dry her tears, “You remembered a while ago how I told you that I was going to get married to my fiance, Colton?”
Melody thought for a moment, “Yeah. Yeah I remembered how you told me that,” then the dark hair girl’s face soured, “I also remembered how you didn’t invite me to your wedding.”
“...Okay, I was hoping that wouldn’t be an issue,” Chelsea replied nervously to that, taking a sip of her water before continuing, “That aside, I was getting dressed for the wedding. Ready to walk down the aisle while everyone was watching. Just like I dreamed off. But then, I received a text from one of my friend, saying that Colton was cheating on me. At first, I didn’t want to believe it. I mean...we’ve been together for so long and I was certain he was the one for me. Then I decided to confront him about this to see if it’s true or not, even though it’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding. And that’s when I saw him...making out with another woman!”
That was when the blonde woman started crying again, leaving everyone else in the group felt sympathy for the woman and disgusted at what the guy did to her. Even Mel started to feel bad what her old friend was going through.
“Oh god…”
“Alright. That guy is a total bastard,” Flint declared with the guys nodding in agreement. Maisy went over to the crying woman and gently placed her hands on her.
“Do you know who was that woman your ex was having an affair with?”
Chelsea shook her head, “No, I don’t. I was too shock by all of this that I didn’t even get a chance to look at her face. Though, by the way she was dress, I could tell that she could possibly be one of my bridesmaid but that was it.
“...Oh, but it doesn’t really matter who it was. I was so stupid!” Chelsea whimpered before burying her face in her hands, “What went wrong and what’ve I done to deserve this?”
At this point, none of them could’ve give an answer to the situation. It’s been one of the craziest, miserable night so far.
Couple hours later, the gang invited Chelsea to stay over their apartment for the night. She managed to change into a more comfortable clothes Melody and Maisy lent her and decided to take her mind off for a bit by watching Avengers on the flat screen tv with the others. However, the used-to-be bride received a phone call not so much later and is currently yelling through her phone, whom everyone can assumed must be her ex-fiance.
“Good god, this is becoming more like Rules of Engagement. Only with more drama,” Flint commented.
“I don’t want to hear anymore of this, Colton! You betrayed me!” Chelsea cried out while the others sat at the couch looking concern. The movie was paused so they can hear what was going on. “What? That’s your excuse? Well, I wished you would’ve told me that-! Y’know what? Forget it. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Hell, I DON’T EVEN WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE ANYMORE!”
Chelsea turns off her phone and threw it across the wall, shattering it into mechanic pieces, frightening the five friends in the room. They can see that her violet eyes are glowing red in anger.
“And she have finally evolved into a Gyarados,” Ryan commented.
She calmed down a bit and sat on the couch next to Aaron, who slowly back away from her, mainly because of her rage earlier.
“...Sorry you guys have to see that,” the blonde told them, “I...I never been this frustrated to someone other than my sister.”
“...You have every right to be,” Maisy reassured her, giving her a comforting hug, “What he did...was unforgivable. You did the right thing by ending it with him.”
“Still doesn’t make me feel any better,” Chelsea replied.
The light brunette nodded in understanding. “Is there anything we can do for you?”
“...I don’t know. But I do want to lay down and be alone right now,” Chelsea got up from the couch and head up to a room, making Maisy’s head quirked up.
“Um...Chels. That’s actually-” The door slams shut, making her flinch, “My room,” the light brunette sighed “Guess I have to sleep on the couch this time.”
When she said that, Ryan started smirking, “Y’know. There’s still some space in my room, maybe you can come over and-”
“Don’t even go there, Walker,” Maisy glared at him.
“I really feel bad for the poor girl, though,” Aaron told them while sympathetically glancing at Maisy’s room where Chelsea is in, “She’s been in a committed relationship for while and this happens. That’s a lot for anyone to take in.”
“What do you think she’s going to do now?” Flint asked in concerned.
“Well, Chels and I did discuss a bit before that break up happens,” Melody answered rather uncomfortably, twirling her hair with her finger a bit, “She’s going to stay here for a while and is planning to go back to her old apartment to pick up her stuff. However, it’s the one that she and her ex shared, and with the state she’s in, I don’t think she wants to go back.”
“So...you’re volunteering to do that for her?” The waiter asked.
“...Honestly, I’m starting to feel weird about that. I mean, it’s been a while since I saw her, and…” the gamer girl paused for a bit before deciding to change the subject, “Anyway, can at least one of you guys come with me and help me bring her stuff back? Just to make it less awkward for me.”
“Sorry, but I already told I have an exam tomorrow. Plus, I have to go back to the hospital for work,” Ryan replied.
“Wish I could help you, Mel, but someone already made an appointment with me for the private tutor,” Maisy told her.
“And I have morning shift at the cafe,” Aaron added.
Melody sighed in disappointment. At that, Flint stepped in, “I don’t have anything to do tomorrow, so if you need someone to take you there...I’m your guy.”
“Thanks, Flint. I appreciate it,” The gamer girl smiled weakly at his offered. Although she tried to hide it, it’s clear to everyone else that she’s still feeling uneasy at this.
The next day...
“So…” Flint finally break the silence as he and Melody were walking their way to Chelsea’s old apartment, “What’s the history between you and Chels?”
“...I don’t want to talk about it,” the gamer girl replied bitterly.
“C’mon Mel. Chelsea is going to be staying at your place for a while. The rest of us might as well get to know her a bit while we can. Besides, I could tell that there’s this tension between you two. More from you than her.”
“Stop using that bartender talk on me.”
“Not until you tell me.”
Melody bit her lip in silence before she decided to speak.
“Chelsea and I used to be so close as kids. Kinda like how Maise and Aaron are,” the gamer girl revealed, “We always hang out with each other and help each other when one of us is down. But...we fell apart in high school.”
Flint raised an eyebrow at her in curiosity, “How so?”
“Well for one thing, we became different,” Melody explained, “Maybe it’s partly because we became interest in different things. Me in video games. And Chels in fashion. That didn’t bother me much. No, it’s from a crowd she’s been hanging out with. I mean...some of them were bitches. And I feel like she change because of that. She became a person I don’t even know anymore. We drifted apart during high school graduation. And now that’s she’s back...I don’t know. I feel everything is rushing back to me when I see her again. Plus, why now?”
The bartender pondered for a moment before giving his answers, “I don’t know for sure, but to me, it seems like she needs a shoulder to lean. Someone she can trusts and turn to. And that’s pretty much you.”
Melody scoffed once they reached the apartment, “Yeah, right. That can be anyone, I’m not the only one who lives here.”
“And yet, she still turns to you.” Flint pointed out as he knocks on the door and then they both wait for an answer.
“Whatever, let’s just get over this. The sooner the better.”
For a few seconds, the door opens revealing a woman around their age with a short, dirty blonde hair, who stared at them cautiously.
“...Can I help you, two?” she asked.
The two friends stared back at her in confusion and the auburn hair turned to Melody.
“Question. Is Colton a guy or a girl?”
The gamer girl ignored him. “Um...Hi. I’m Melody and this guy is Flint. We’re Chelsea’s friends and we’re just here to pick up her belongings.”
It took the other girl to ponder and nodded in realization, “Oh, I see. Then, c’mon in. My name is Leah and as for Chelsea’s stuff is on this side of the room. I believe there’s not a lot for you two to carry anyway.”
Melody and Flint went inside and went to the space where the boxes are stacked up, labeled “CHELSEA”. They could see that some of the box contain some fabric, scissors, threads, and other essentials for clothing. One of them oddly appears to be smaller than the others, which caught the gamer girl’s attention and she carefully picked it up.
“So…” Melody started the conversation while absent-mindedly examine the box, “How did you and Chelsea know each other?”
Leah hummed for a bit, “Well...Chels and I worked at this designer place and we’ve known each other since college. I was one of her bridesmaids for her wedding but it was called off last night because she ran off. She must’ve had a cold feet or something.”
“Cold feet, huh? Interesting,” Mel’s eyebrow raised up suspiciously at Leah’s story, “So tell me, Leah. As her friend, did you ever attempt to call her, text her, or at least email her just to check on her? Or find out why she left?”
“Hey, I was exhausted last night. It was a rough time at the wedding because you-know-what,” The dark blonde girl turned to Mel, “Wait a sec, were you at the wedding last night, because I don’t think I ever saw you.”
Suddenly, the dark hair girl’s blue eyes started twitching in annoyance and Flint had to put his hand on her shoulder just to calm her down.
“Then did you, by any chance, heard from anyone that there’s a possibility that her ex-fiance cheated on before the wedding?” The bartender asked the woman in a calm, serious tone.
Leah tilted her head in confusion, “Really? I never heard that from anyone.”
Neither friends really buy that, since they both can tell that the oblivious tone she’s using is fake.
“Hmm. I see,” Flint nodded and eyed her suspiciously, “Y’know, I really find it strange that you, of all people, are in Chelsea’s apartment since it belongs to her and her ex. And it’ll be one thing, if she called you to pick up something from here, but considering she didn’t call anyone else who’s her family or that sick bastard...I find it weird. Plus, Chels never mention any one of her bridesmaids’ names except that one of them is the one he cheated with.”
Melody quickly lean towards Flint’s ear and whispered, “And clearly, this woman right in front of us didn’t even attempt to hide evidence. I mean, look at the clothes she’s wearing. That shirt looks too big to even be a woman’s size!”
For a moment, Leah sighed and held her hand up in defeat and gave them a serious expression.
“Alright. I admit, you two caught me. But I really don’t see why you two are making a big deal out of this.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because we care about her and you’re the one went behind her back,” Mel sneered at the dark blonde.
“That might be true but the truth is, Colton and I have a thing for each other and did kinda date for about four months.”
“Yes yes. That long. And too be honest, Colt is getting tired of her and tried to end it himself. Though, I can see why. Despite being so sweet, Chelsea is really a klutz and can be really annoying and dense when she’s around other people. I’m not sure why you two are friends with her, but I think it’s about time that she starts to grow a pair.” All of sudden, something snaps inside Melody and her face started to turn red full of rage. Before anyone can say anything, she grabbed a water bottle that’s nearby a desk, opened it, and splashed the contents on Leah, who gasped in shock.
Now, it was Leah’s turn to glare at the two friends in rage. While the gamer girl glared back at the woman, Flint started to trembled.
“...Oh shit.”
Meanwhile back at the apartment, Chelsea woke up from her nap due to the noise that sounds like a blending machine. She slowly got out of Maisy’s room and saw the said woman helping Aaron making a drink while Ryan was setting up the gaming consoles on the Nintendo Switch. The trio looked up, noticing the blonde’s presence.
“Hey you’re up!” Maisy chirped and paused the blending machine and went over to guide Chelsea over to the machine, “How are you holding up?”
“About the same,” the blonde replied before looking around, “What time is it?”
“5:30pm,” Ryan answered.
“...Really. I was out that long?”
“Apparently, so. You needed rest after what happened last night,” the lighter brunette explained, “Why don’t you go freshen up a bit while we’re setting up for dinner?”
“So that’s what all the noise is,” The blonde woman mumbled while rubbed her eyes sleepily. She then eyed on the blending machine containing a yellow, fruity looking drink, “What’s that you’re making there?”
“Pina colada.”
“What’s in there?”
“Um...there’s pineapple, rum-“
“Oki, gimme!” Chelsea snatched the pitcher from Maisy, who was startled, and starts drinking the content through the straw. Then, Aaron walked by and quickly snatched the pitcher of the alcoholic drink from the newcomer.
“Easy with the potion, new friend, this one’s pretty strong,” The dark hair warned her before turning to his childhood friend and whispered, “Make the non-alcoholic version, quick!”
However, Maisy ignored him. Instead, she have Chelsea sit down at the kitchen table and gave her a reassuring, determined look.
“Chelsea, listen. We know you’re going through some patches right now. And we may not know you as much as Mel does, but we can tell you’re a good person. So, we’re going to help you get through this and I think the first step you should is to turn a new leaf. Set your priorities straight again.”
The guys quickly joined in the conversation in the kitchen.
“Yeah. Melody told us you’re into fashion and that you’re currently working at a department store,” Aaron added.
“She even told us you want to create your own design and sell them to the public someday. Is that true?” Ryan asked and the blonde nodded.
“It is,” Chelsea hummed, “Though, my manager isn’t expecting me back until next week. Maybe I could brainstorm some ideas to keep my mind off until then. Plus, I need a new place to live.”
“That’s a spirit!” Maisy smiled, clasping her hand together, “See, at least you have a plan figured out.”
“Yeah...I do. Although I don’t know if I’ll be able to get over him, I can’t let that bring me down,” the fashion designer let out a small smile at her new friends, “Thanks you, guys. I feel a little better now. You really are good people. I can see why Melody likes you.”
“Well, we tried.” Aaron replied.
“...Come to think of it, where’s Mel and that bartender friend of yours?”
Meanwhile on the streets…
Both Melody and Flint were running for their lives from that witch, Leah, who managed to chased them out of the apartment to the streets and is gaining up on them.
“Did ya have to use the move, Splash, on that pathetic bitch?!” Flint yelled at the gamer girl, both in fear and anger.
“Hey, at least compare to the other Pokemon who uses it, it’s SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!” Melody retorted.
They reached to the nearby building where the construction site is going on. Leah was about to grab one of them when she suddenly knocked against the ladder nearby. The ladder managed to regain balance. However, it had a bucket of white paint on top, which tipped over and spilled white content on the dark blonde girl, ruining her hair and her outfit. She then started screeching how much of a mess she is, which made Melody and Flint laughed in triumph and satisfaction.
“Ha! Karma’s a bitch, yo!” The bartender shouted before high-fiving the gamer girl.
Unfortunately, their triumph was short last when another bucket of paint was spilled on them, this time in red. The construction worker looked over and saw what happened, giving them apologetic look.
“Oops. Sorry about that!” “Aw dammit!” Melody cried out when carefully wiped the red paint from her eyes without stinging herself, “This was my favorite Pikachu shirt!” “...And clearly, I spoke to soon,” Flint grimace while trying to wiped the paint from his sunglasses.
Back at the apartment, the remaining trio are showing Chelsea how to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch with the newcomer playing as Princess Peach. All of the sudden, the door slammed open, causing everyone to turn around and sport bewildered faces when they see the state the gamer girl and the bartender are in.
“Oh my god,” Maisy stammered. Ryan, on the other hand, made a joke.
“Did you two auditioned for that horror film based on Stephen King’s novel? Because I got to say, you two made a good Carrie and Tommy...covered in pigs blood.”
“Shut up, Walker!” Melody glared at him.
“No seriously. What happened to you two?” Aaron asked them in concern while throwing them couple of wet towels.
“Well..” the gamer girl started, “We stopped by at Chelsea’s apartment when-“
“-when all of a sudden, that affairing bitch went full ‘REEEE’ on us and then this happened!” Flint shouted furiously, putting an emphasis on the REEEE sound that sounds like a dying bird, while scrubbing the red paint off himself with the towel, “Turns out that she is the bridesmaid who made out with the ex. Toxicating shrew she is!”
“Dude, chill. We get that you’re angry considering that you’re already red,” Ryan pointed out, earning a glare from the auburn hair. On other hand, Melody held out the small box (surprisingly, she still has it in her hands) to Chelsea, who received it questionably.
“Here, this is all we can get from your old apartment,” The dark hair woman told her old friend with a frown on her face, “Now you can go ahead and tell your friend, Leah, that you’re going back to your old apartment yourself to retrieve your stuff because Flint and I are not going back there to deal with her again!”
That gotten Chelsea to widen her eyes in shock. “Wait. Leah’s the one who-?!” then she shook her head, “Y’know what. I rather not talk about that now. Did you really went to my apartment to move my stuff here?” Melody stared at the floor in silent for a minute before crossing her arms and speaking again, “Well...they’re not going to move itself and it’s not like I have anything else to do- GAH!”
The blonde woman lunges herself at the dark hair and hugged her tightly and gratefully, not caring if she get any paint on herself, “Oh Mel, thank you so much! You didn’t have to do that!”
“Seriously, I owe you one,” Chelsea told her, giving Mel one of her brightest smile for the first time, “I know you and I have drifted apart, but to be honest, I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”
“You haven’t,” Mel asked her.
“Of course I haven’t. Despite everything, I still think of you as my best friend. And if you like...maybe we can start over?”
Melody pondered silently for a moment before smiling a bit and nodded, “Yeah. I like that.”
The two best friend hugged each other while everyone else stared at the scene with smiles on their face.
“You think everything will be okay with these two?” Maisy asked the bartender, which he nodded and gave out a confident grin.
“I know it will. Trust me.”
Maisy nodded and whispered, “By the way, you still need to take care of the paint chaos otherwise people will think you murder someone.”
“Yeah yeah. You think I don’t know that!” Flint grimaced and went back to his place to take a shower while the others laugh at his reaction.
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rinrinp42 · 6 years
Becoming Grim Chapter 2
Here’s the second chapter!  In which questions don’t get answered until they do, relationships are hard, and some people show up.
Kravitz slipped from behind the tapestry, once more in his vest and jerkin, medallion on display. He glanced around and sighed. Good, no guards. He turned and took a step towards his rooms when a hand landed on his shoulder. He stiffened.
"Dear Heart, thou hast been visiting Kleeck once more," his mother spoke from behind him.
Kravitz spun around to face her.
"I, I don't know what thou mean-" he started.
She interrupted him by running a hand through his straightened hair, magic warm on her hand. A modified Seeming weaving into his hair, solid unlike a regular version of the spell.
"Thine feathers were on display," she told him with a wistful smile.
Kravitz ducked his head, peeking through his lashes at the elaborate style her own hair was in and the mostly hidden braid holding a gold bead and feather.
"Where we in the Haugskold, thy dreads would proudly show them," she told him, placing a bejeweled hand on his cheek.
"Kleeck says thou still shine like obsidian," he told her.
Delight lit up her face before it shuttered, and her hand dropped.
"Wife," a harsh voice barked from behind Kravitz and he flinched, "Boy! What are the two of you doing in the middle of the hall?"
"My Lord," Kuori's voice was flat, "we were discussing which instrument Kravitz shall learn next."
His Lordly Father snorted in disdain.
"Nothing will come of it, why bother?"
Kuori's arm twitched, as if she were about to reach for a weapon that was no longer there.
Kravitz had never seen her zweihänder but Kleeck had sketched it out once, showing Kravitz how Kuori looked as the Sorcerer Queen of the Haugskold before his Lord Father had taken her.
He imagined his Lord Father did not think of said zweihänder when he spoke to Kuori thusly.
And yet, his mother stayed her hand, taking a breath before answering.
"It is enough to fill his time. Or would you rather he go to the Slums?"
His Lord Father sneered at that and stalked closer.
Kravitz woke with a start, as The Raven Queen's favorite, oversized raven cawed at him.
Oh, it was, he had fallen asleep. He.... didn't really do that in the Astral Plane, though Shadowfell was always an exception to the rule. He slipped from the ger, squinting at the false sun Hades had weedled for upon marrying his wife. The day cycle was determined by Persephone, but it still aligned with the Material Plane in some spots.
He needed to go, he had to explain things to Taako.
He stretched and gave a pat to one of the ravens as he headed out of Shadowfell and into the Astral Plane proper. He nodded to a few of the Guards, old souls who had sworn themselves to the good of the Astral Plane and the souls within, who would remain loyal to The Raven Queen as long as she held the well being of said souls as a top priority.
With nary a thought, Kravitz ripped a tear to the Material Plane, and Taako's house, open and stepped through.
He was immediately tackled by his boyfriend, the elf wrapping around him and burying his head in Kravitz's shoulder.
"You didn't come home," the elf mumbled, and Kravitz silently cursed even as he wrapped his own arms around Taako.
"I, uh, spent the night in Shado- in the Astral Plane. I, I didn't think you wanted me here, and, I, uh, had to think about some things-"
Taako shook his head.
"Don't care. Just don't, don't do that again, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," Kravitz promised, what else could he do?
Taako pulled back, determinedly ignoring how he wiped at his eyes. Kravitz let him keep the fantasy.
"You are probably starving my man. Let ol' Taako whip you up something."
"Taako, about last night-"
"Nope. We are having brunch and moving on."
Kravitz swallowed and nodded. He wasn't going to make Taako listen to his stupid past. He'd just.... deal. He'd done it before.
It was a strange few days after that, with Taako being clingy and refusing to talk about it and Kravitz both not wanting to push and desperately trying to forget the memories the medallion had brought up.
And then there was Lup.
"I don't give a shit if you are The Raven Queen's favorite, I will kick your ass if this keeps up," she snarled at him before their next bounty.
Kravitz gave her a startled look.
"I, I don't-"
"Listen here jackass, I can and will get Lucretia to put a Ward around Taako's house to keep you out."
"Lup, what are you-"
"How you're treating Koko!" she exploded at him, "He's walking on eggshells around you so you won't fuck off again!"
Kravitz paused at that, replaying Taako's actions since he got back and cursed himself again. Of course Taako was trying to keep him from running off, it was just like how he'd doted on Lup once she got her body back.
Gods he was an idiot. Kleeck would have whapped him upside the head for this. "Bards - and yes, a conductor is a Bard - must observe the feelings their music creates." He hadn't even thought about why Taako was so clingy, about what he had brought up for the elf.
"We have a job," he told her, his voice sharp as he swept past, his flesh melting into bones, "keep the personal out of it."
She glared at his back.
Later, Kravitz stepped through a tear and wrapped his arms around Taako, burying his face in Taako's updo.
"I need to have a long talk with The Raven Queen," he mumbled.
Taako turned in his arms, gazing up at him, slight panic in his eyes.
"But first I need to explain what happened before."
"No, Taako's good out here," the elf protested.
Kravitz shook his head.
"I don't, I'm not ready to share all the details, but you deserve to know," he said.
Taako was silent at that.
"When I was a child, my mother was married to a very powerful man. She hated him dearly, but for all her strength and magic, he outclassed her. He, he didn't treat us or those who relied on him in any decent way. My mother was as much a possession to him as any jewel. We, my mother and I, along with my mother's lover and my mentor, led a rebellion against him. We won, and he was gone. But now these medallions that are just like the ones he made us wear are popping up in these necromancy cults."
"You don't like to talk about then, do you?"
"No, it, it wasn't a good time. My mentor, Kleeck... Kleeck was all but destroyed."
A tug on his Soul and a raven's caw in his mind. He sighed.
"I have to go, but Taako?" he cupped Taako's face in his hands, "I will always come back to you, okay? And if I can't? Then I know you would find a way to get me back. You already did it once."
Taako smirked at that.
"Damn right I did."
Kravitz smiled at him and placed a kiss to his forehead before giving him a proper kiss. And then he was striding through a tear, flesh melting away.
"Where did you disappear to?" Lup asked with a facimal of a scowl, "I had to argue with the Guards to be able to even get that necromancer out of the Stockade. They don't even like me!"
"They just don't know you," Kravitz said, nodding to one of the Guards hovering around.
:She knows not the past of this realm,: they told him.
Lup's lich-like form flickered in confusion.
"What was that?"
"Val wished to tell me something. :She'll get there.: Don't worry about it."
With that he led the way, stepping into one of the wrinkles of space in the Astral Plane that would take one to Shadowfell. The trick was knowing how to even find one outside the Appeal Gate. The Soul in Lup's grip transformed into a ghostly figure even as her jaw dropped.
"Skin, love, it's rude to walk about Shadowfell in work forms," he told her, even as his own flesh formed around him.
Lup obeyed numbly.
"I didn't know this was here," she mumbled, glancing at the gers, the various Celestials wandering around, the Souls who had bargained with The Raven Queen for something or other that meant they were kept from the Sea of Souls, and the Guards who no longer looked like people shaped light.
"Did you think The Raven Queen held court in the Stockade?" Kravitz asked, looking at her from the corner of his eye.
"I, I guess I didn't think about it."
Kravitz hummed at that.
"Arawn is with her," Persephone said as she slid up next to them.
Lup gave the Celestial a wide eyed look.
"She knows you are coming and the Three Judges are holding court outside. This must be very important," she peered up at Kravitz through her flower crown, eyebrows raised.
"It really is. Ellyjobell will most likely join us as well," Kravitz glanced at the Guard as the once-gnome stepped into line with him.
The grim look on her face was only made worse by the scar she still bore that nearly bisected her face.
Persephone gave a startled look to the pair of them and fell back.
Kravitz led the way into the Hall where The Raven Queen and one of the Celestials were leaning over a map. Arawn was a more than capable warrior, and was more willing than some of the other Death Celestials to fight for the Souls in their possession and the well being of the living.
The two glanced up as the group entered.
"DID YOU SPEAK WITH TAAKO MY OWN?" The Raven Queen asked, the hint of her smirk only visible when one knew where to look around her great headpiece.
Kravitz rolled his eyes.
"Yes, I did. But if we could focus on the important part?"
Arawn chuckled at the two of them.
Kravitz flushed before motioning Lup and the necromancer forward.
"This is one of the recent necromancers we have found with that mark. And this one was willing to make a deal."
The Raven Queen grew serious at that.
Nessus quaked at that before straightening.
"We serve an Old God, one that predates even you," Nessus sneered, "the High Priest realized the whispers for what they were once we all heard the Story."
The Raven Queen regarded him for a moment.
"What?! When Nerull takes his rightful place, you will be ousted from power and placed under Him, where you should be! When that day comes his loyal servants will be rewarded and I will be free!" Nessus ranted.
Kravitz swung is scythe around with a flourish, bringing it to a rest on Nessus's throat.
"Speak like that again and your sentence will become a Destruction instead of Imprisonment," he spoke casually.
Nessus froze at that. The large raven that shadowed The Raven Queen most of the time chortled.
Ellyjobell stalked to the door and jerked it open.
"Henzio! Shava! Get in here!" she barked.
Two more Guards slipped into the Hall, nodding at the reapers and giving short bows to the goddess before focusing on Ellyjobell.
"We're done with this trash, take it back to the Stockade."
The Aasimar and Elf nodded and grabbed Nessus, effortlessly dragging him away. Once they were gone, Ellyjobell turned back to the rest.
"So," she said, her voice falsely cheerful, "the Cult of Nerull is back. What are we going to do?"
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snowmadien · 7 years
The Dragon and His Fairy
Summary: He was the feared Iron dragon who lived alone in his vast kingdom, however when he finds an injured fairy his whole world is thrown into a spin.
Rated T (This might change)
Chapter 7
A/N Super sorry for the long wait on this chapter but here it is! Speical thanks once again to @spikerr for being my amazing beta!
Lily stared in awe at the great Wind Kingdom of the West. After being in a land void of any life, it was incredible to see the vast number of people concentrated in a small area. Many of the buildings were carved from the white and dark blue stones that scattered the area others were formed from the rich red clay that lined the river. As he went through the beautiful city, he stopped to admire some of the various shops and merchant stands that lined the sides of the street. He made a mental note that he would stop by some of them to pick up various items. As he made his way towards the castle, he was stopped by two armed guards.
“Halt! Who wishes to enter the Wind Castle?” A guard barked out. Lily didn’t say a word as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white stone with the Wind Dragon Sigil on it. It was given to him by the dragon who lived in the castle, allowing him the unique privilege to enter the kingdom when ever he wished without being stopped or asked questions.
“Excuse us. We didn’t know that you were a friend of the Queen, please go right in.” The guards immediately dropped their spears and allowed for Lily to pass through. He noticed that there were double the guards than before when he came in the spring for a visit. The inside of the castle was magnificent, large banners hung from the ceiling while various tapestries and large paintings hung from the walls. Everything was made from the different white stones the surrounded the land from the high ceiling to the floor.  He felt small in comparison to the massive architecture when he remembered that it wasn’t only for looks, it was for the dragon who lived here as well.
When he opened the door to the throne room, he wasn’t greeted by the usual white dragon, rather by a young blue haired maiden who was sitting on the throne still a bit too large for her. She was speaking to her exceed/consultant, Carla. The young girl looked to see who was entering and her face went from serious to joy.
“Lily!” She squealed with excitement. She leaped off the throne and ran to hug the smiling exceed. Similar to Gajeel when he was in human form, the young girl had white scales dotting her body and two elegant horns sprouting from her blue hair.
“Queen Marvel,” he hugged back tightly, he was quite fond of the Sky Maiden.
“My word, this is an unexpected visit from you Lily,” Carol smiled, thankful it wasn’t the annoying blue tom cat from the Southern dragon kingdom.
“Lady Carla,” he bowed, earning a snicker from Wendy and Carla rolling her eyes.
“Is Gajeel with you?” Wendy asked. It had been a few years since she had seen Gajeel, and the last time they had met they were at the Dragon King Festival in fire kingdom.
“No your grace, he isn’t. He is currently preoccupied with a fairy.” He explained, Earning a curious look from Wendy.
“What on earth is a fairy doing that far north?” Carla exclaimed.
“Hunters, she somehow managed to transport herself from the southern Fairy Kingdom to ours.” He said as the trio made their way to a more secluded part of the castle. He explained to them all what had happened and why he was here.
“The Wind Roses are just beginning to bloom, so please take as much as you need to help her,” Wendy said, smiling but then frowned when she realized something.
“Lily, how are you going to get back to the North? Wouldn’t the passageway be frozen over by then?”
“Well, I was planning on asking if either one of you know of a skilled mage that could teleport someone?”
Both Exceed and girl shook their heads. “There has been some trouble here in the kingdom; mages are being attacked and kidnapped just about every night. Many people claim that this could be the Kingdom of Grimm trying to gain more wizards to force them to fight for them. This has lead to many mages leaving the country or going into hiding altogether. Wendy has increased security and create sanctuaries for them, but it hasn’t stopped the attacks.” Carla explained.
Lily felt a pit form in the bottom of his stomach; it would be another five months before the cave thawed out enough for the ice to thaw. He’d have to find a way home, and the sooner, the better.
“But you are more than welcome to stay to wait out the winter Lily,” Wendy offered, smiling sadly up at her friend.
“Thank you, I would like to rest, it’s been a long flight from the north,” He asked, feeling the toll of several non-stop days worth of traveling finally catch up to him.
“Sure, your personal room is always open to you.” Carla smiled. Lily bided the two a farewell and made his way to his room
Meredy used one hand to pull the scarf around her neck tighter as she used lacrima infused binoculars to scan the frozen iron forest. She and Ultear were currently tasked with scouting the never ending forest for the elusive iron dragon and the royal fairy. Both were wearing warm white and silver camouflaging clothing charmed to mimic the scent of the forest to prevent the dragon from finding them.
“It’s been three days since he was last spotted near the edge of his kingdom,” Ultear reported to a communication lacrima, “As for the Fairy, we’ve assumed that she is being kept in his cave.”
“Keep looking! Once you’ve located his cave, then finding that fairy will be nothing for you two.” Master Hades ordered.
During those three days, the snow began to cover more and more of the land, creeping further and further down into the canyons below. Soon there wasn’t a single tree that wasn’t pure silver anymore and the ground no longer moss green and wheat gold.
“Yes, my lord,” Ultear nodded and turned off the communication lacrima. She had never ventured into the mythical Iron kingdom before, and the legends and stories about the land were nothing short of accurate. The winds felt as though it could tear them in half, and the cold even snuffed out the pathetic fire they had once tried to create. The Grimm Kingdom had their fair share of cold winters, but they now felt more appealing than being here.
Night slowly began to fall, and the winds and clouds began to vanish leaving nothing but the freezing cold. As night came the sky burst into beautiful colors, dancing and weaving their way across the heavens.
“You know for a place this cold and desolate it can be quite beautiful,” Meredy smiled as Ultear fished out some food from their backpacks. For the first time in three days, they had been able to clearly see most of the valley from their high mountain perch. As Meredy looked across the valley she noticed something different from one of the mountains, there was a dim light coming from the entrance of the cave, and something large was blocking most of the light escaping from it.
“Ultear, look at that mountain over there!” She pointed, “Do you think-?”
Ultear rushed and grabbed her binoculars from the backpack.
“We found it,” She whispered. Lying out in the front of the cave was the Iron dragon king himself. He seemed to be speaking to someone, but she couldn’t see who it was until she zoomed in a bit more. Nestled between the dragon’s front legs was the tiny fairy holding a cup of something warm. She was covered head to toe in warm clothing and was smothered with heavy furs and blankets. The iron dragon dipped his nose down and nuzzled the fairy gently, and she smiled before planting a kiss on his nose. He said something to her that made her face turn cherry red.
“Now that is interesting.” She muttered, from what she saw was that there appeared to be a deep connection between the two.
“What do you see?” Meredy asked she was getting both excited and impatient with what her mentor was seeing.
“We will need everyone here to pry her out that dragon’s claws,” She explained. Just before she put the binoculars down, she saw the dragon change into a puff of smoke, and when it vanished the fairy was wrapped up in the arms of a man, kissing him passionately. Ultear nearly dropped her binoculars from the shock.
“Ultear what’s wrong what do you see?” Meredy asked as she saw Ultear’s face turn from joy into thunderstruck.
“Not only can he turn human, but they are in love,” She whispered darkly, “This is going to be much easier than I could imagine.” Never in her life did she ever think that dragons could turn human, even if they still retained some dragon features. Yet without being fully covered in scales to block most attacks, they were left mostly defenseless.
“Mark the cave on the map and get the transportation lacrima ready. The King will need to know about this immediately.”
“You Majesty wait! We need to discuss the arranged marriage between Princess Levy and-” Queen Elizabeth spun on her heels to face her consort Doranbolt, who nearly ran into his Queen. He could feel the anger oozing from her as she dared him to challenge her authority
“There will be no talk of this wedding until my daughter is home! Is that clear?” She shouted.
“Your Majesty please-” He begged.
“No! I am going out, you will be heading the meeting with Lady Lockster and Lady Balsherion this morning, and do not utter a word that I am gone is that clear?” She snapped at him. Doranbolt bowed his head, realizing how hopeless it would be to talk her out of the unholy idea.
“Yes your grace.”
“Good, now go.” She ordered before taking off into the clear summer morning.
Queen Elizabeth flew to the west side of her kingdom where the large summer mountains stood proudly. Large oak and elm trees decorated it's peaks, along with pine and various other species of trees. The cave she was looking for was well hidden by a huge waterfall surrounded by a rainbow of stones shining brightly against the early morning sun.
“Lightning Dragon King Laxus, it is I Queen-” She was cut off by a thundering roar that shook the very cave itself.
“Why are you here?” A voice growled from the cave.
“I wish to discuss-” She began.
“I’ve told you what I would give and nothing else. You wanted Levy to have power, so I will give her that. All I asked was to have half of your pathetic fairy kingdom. You agreed that if I married her, I would have it all, so now what is that you want?” He cut her off. With each word, a booming step came nearer and nearer until she was face to face with a gold and black dragon looming over her. His gray eyes hard and cold, watching her every move.
“No, this isn’t about the treaty, I can assure you that great Dragon King. What I wanted was your help in making sure that none of the other families get in your way.” She smiled. The dragon raised an eyebrow but allowed her to continue.
“My informant has told me that Lady Belshiron has sent her only daughter Erza Scarlet out to bring back my daughter. If she succeeds, then Levy can null this marriage as you didn’t save her from the Iron dragon.” The lightning dragon began to growl at her words. “Bring back my daughter now. If not, everything that you want will be taken from you.” She ordered. However, the lightning dragon began to laugh at the attempt the Fairy Queen was making to order the dragon around.
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dvbermingham · 4 years
Chapter 5: Toro
This time, we were led down a different set of stairs, no aquarium set in the walls. It was as though the hall and stairs had been swapped out. Though I didn’t feel submerged, I still felt a slight concern that I somehow stumbled into the Eschquarium itself.
We reached a door at the bottom of the stairwell leading to Senju’s office. It was stiflingly hot, like the inside of a microwavable pizza snack. Senju offered Matsuzaka a seat across from his desk.  On Senju’s lap rested a sea turtle, which he stroked lovingly, caressing it’s flippers, tapping its shell to inspect its integrity.
Behind Senju were two men, both seated, both calm as soup. One wrote in a little hand-held journal. I took a position at the back against the wall. Senju’s men didn’t seem to notice anything in the room had changed from before we entered.
“We haven’t had a chance to chat, Mr. Matsuzaka. I’m very happy you’ve chosen to accept the position. I like to refer to it as daiymo, an older term, perhaps, but still relevant. As you well know, the world of sushi, is ultimately a feudal one. Strict hierarchies, fealty to the lords who reign up on high. Those who exist in the restaurant industry tend to thrive in such relationships.” Senju eyed his new subordinate, stroking his turtle all the while. “A fascinating creature, is it not? Don’t worry, it won’t drown. It can live up to seven hours outside the water. Can you live both inside and outside of water, Mr. Matsuzaka?”
“No sir, unfortunately not.”
“If I were to throw you in the ocean and ask you to hold your breath, would you do it?”
“Yes sir.”
“How long would it take you to drown?”
“About one minute sir. Maybe two.”
“That’s what I thought. It takes an amphibious creature to run a sushi empire. You cannot be able to swim with the fish, then come back to land without forgetting how to breathe the air. You must live underwater and above water.”
“Yes sir.”
“For instance, if your eyes were as astute as mine, if your gills were at all part of your body, if you were an amphibian, you might go for a swim out from the shores of Battery park, swim for a mile or so along in the southeastern direction and see through the muck and the spillage and the dead things and the poo and notice about two dozen bodies suspended from the floor of the harbor, their feet tied to large stones or cement.  You would still have the stamina to inspect closely, see any scars around their necks, any stab wounds in the abdomens, all the tiny mutilations I’m so fond of. And most of all, you would not be afraid, because amphibians don’t have fear. Why don’t amphibians have fear?”
“Um, because, sir, they are animals.”
“Animals can’t fear?”
“Are we not animals?”
“Mr. Matsuzaka…I do not like contradictions. Which is it?”
“Which is what?” squeaked Matsuzaka.
“Amphibians don’t have fear because they’re fucking ancient! Ancient things don’t think we way we do. They only care about two things: eating and fucking. What a life!
“Look at George. Look at his face. Look how calm he is, even in this strange place”
The turtle flailed.
“Don’t you feel a kinship with him? I’m certain we are related. Far far back, in the days of the mudskipper. When we were amphibious! Can you imagine? Maybe someday people will revert back to their amphibian brains. Then we would truly get something accomplished here, eh!?” “I look forward to serving you, sir.”
“Enough bullshit. I am here to talk about Ersatz. The fat fuck de facto leader of the Partition. Have you ever spoken with him?
“No sir.”
“Have you ever met him?”
“No sir.”
“Are you sure?”
“Almost, sir.”
“Ersatz is the most dangerous man in New York City. He is responsible for countless terrorist attacks on our restaurants, and quite likely even his own, of course only through his blaming the attacks on the guild  does he drum up resentment against the Guild. He is often seen dining at the restaurants the night before they’re destroyed. A hideous display of arrogance, if you ask me…nothing more than a fetish. Though he’s quite fat, he squeezes into spaces like a thin man. Rarely does the chef recognize him. That’s how he could so ostentatiously flay Takuto.”
“So…you need him killed?”
“Ha! Please,” Senju rose from his seat, taking his turtle with him, stroking atop the head. “I’ve been trying that for years. Besides, that’s a little advanced for a man so new to the position. I’m just explaining that this man is your enemy. That he is out to destroy that which you have sworn to protect. No, your job is to maintain our network of chefs and their Neo-feudal fealty to the Guild and hence the Imperial Sushi Council. Your job is to provide them with the most highly regarded tuna money and power can buy. You!” Senju had suddenly directed his eyes towards me. “Where is your tuna?”
“Right over there, sir.”
“Don’t leave it there. Pick it up!”
“Sorry sir.”
“What’s your name?”
“Lou Mastiff sir.”
“Lou Mastiff. Strong name for a strong fellow. You come from a long line of strong men?”
“I don’t recall sir.”
“Well was your father strong?”
“Yes sir.”
“Were your uncles strong?”
“Yes sir.”
“Was your grandfather strong?”
“He got polio in his twenties, but before that I think he was.”
Senju grimaced. “Polio, eh?”
“I think so sir.”
“Good. Now guard that tuna. And don’t let it drip on you. It’s making a mess.” Senju went to the corner and placed the turtle in a clear plastic box that extended out from the wall. He closed the door and pressed a button, and the turtle was vacuum-sucked into the depths of the building, back to its makeshift habitat.
“I don’t mean to redirect the conversation without your consent, Boss Senju, but if you would allow me to speak freely, I would like to express some concerns.”
The boss sighed, and returned to his desk. “You may.”
“I am a chef. I work well with others who have been in the restaurant business, who have worked in kitchens, who understand what is expected of them. I have experience with violence, as any chef, but I am unfamiliar with politics. I don’t know much about the guild, other than what Takuto had taught me, but he didn’t have much time to teach."
“What is your point?
“My point is I’m worried I’m being set up to fail.”
“Set up to fail? As in…I want you to fail? That it is my intention for you to fail?”
“I just mean, perhaps you are desperate for someone to fill the vacancy, and I am your last resort. And as such, I’m destined to fail.”
“You’re destined for something…” he murmured. Then, after taking some time to think, he spoke:
“Do you know why I hire Sushi chefs as my regional bosses?”
Matsuzaka shook his head.
“Because to be a great sushi chef, you must appreciate the details, however small, of every individual action. You must see, more precisely than anyone else, the ways in which our actions weave a tapestry of experience that extend beyond the immediate. The faintest expression of citrus, the finest brushstroke of shoyu, the complement of temperatures between rice and fish — a sushi chef aspires to create food as perfection. The wild tuna alive at sea is a being of supreme lineage, a creature out of time and space, at once consuming and consumed by the primordial ocean, found now on display for your customer, form from the formless. And let us not ignore the symbolism of the rice, the chais-lounge for the ocean divine, resting in seductive curvature before it’s final journey. Then, as surely as the cycle of birth and death, the sushi is devoured, gone, the height of experience suddenly and forever in the past. The sushi chef knows his work is never complete. What he creates is swiftly destroyed, and so on and so on. He will never reach the end because man’s hunger is never sated. The hunger returns again and again, day after day, and the chef abides. The chef is the conduit between desire and offerings, between the ocean and the land. The chef is the Amphibious.
“I fully understand, Boss Senju.”
“There is simultaneous simplicity and complexity in everything we do, depending on how you chose to perceive it, how well your eye is trained to pick up on the details. A murderous villain is every bit as complicated or as simple as a perfectly executed nigiri.”
“Clarity is could not be greater.”
“We are all asked to do things we haven’t done before, or we have no interest in doing.  We do these things because of this little thing called destiny. Your decisions up until this point in you life, like it or not, have landed you in my office at this very moment, precisely at the time when I need someone like you to set their mind to a task and execute. You do believe in destiny, don’t you Mr. Matsuzaka?”
“Once in a while.”
“Good enough.”
“Well, in that case, if perhaps I could get a small overview of what the situation is, so I can do a better job of figuring out the best way to handle it?”
“What, like an oral history of this guild and the Imperial Sushi Council and all the rest?”
“I guess that would be helpful. Sure.”
“Well, I don’t know if I have time for that. There are quite a few turtles swimming around inside the walls of this place that need my attention. They find areas that aren’t especially clean and often difficult to escape. I do however have some historians and biographers on the payroll. I’m sure they can help you out. Steve!”
One of Senju’s men jolted awake. ”Yes boss.”
“Get Mr. Matsuzaka something to read about our Guild, would you? An overview of some kind? Anything?”
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curedeity · 3 years
Burning Aries
Summary: Hyoma watched a fragment of a star fall from the sky, and knew he had to leave the village again. (Hyoma in season 3)
Pre-Notes: If you know anything about me you can probably guess where this is going. You’re all in for a wild ride, so enjoy!
    The sky was too vast to ever count every star in it. It wasn’t like they could all even be seen from Earth anyway. There was a certain beauty then, in star maps that attempted to capture the nighttime, even though they’d never be completed.
    It wasn’t a beauty Hyoma could naturally recognize, he’d always liked finished things. Clear directions in which to go, a role to play. If life was a series of chance encounters that every individual person could influence, then shouldn’t they fall into predictable patterns, predictable roles? Shouldn’t life already be complete, always, in a way?
    Hyoma liked looking at the twilight anyway. Mostly for constellations, the most complete part of the sky, the one with stories weaved into them. It was a common pastime in Koma Village, with a certain outcropping of rocks always available to whoever couldn’t sleep and wanted to count the stars instead.
    Nothing interesting normally happened when Hyoma stared at the tapestry of space. After all, most of these things were too far away for him to see their movement. This night was different.
    As he stared out, he saw a blinding streak of light cut through the sky, and suddenly it was falling towards him. 
    So bright.
    He felt like he might burn up inside, and then rise again, like the phoenix Ryo pretended to be.
    The heat tore at his skin, and he was surrounded by its brilliance.
    And it was gone, in the blink of an eye, before his lips could even part to scream.
    So Hyoma went home, and went to sleep.
    Hyoma wasn’t one to disbelieve his own memories. He had lived in Koma Village for all his life, and had never doubted that there were supernatural forces in the world. Weird things happened, all one could do was accept them and maybe try to rationalize them. Denial did no one any favors.
    The next day, Hyoma went over to the house where Hokuto lived. It was nice that people were returning to Koma Village again, it meant that he didn’t feel so weird living alone in his house in the middle of the town. 
    Hokuto’s house was filled with old texts that the elders of Koma Village had collected over the years, and as the new protector of the village, Hyoma had full access to them.
    “So, it was a light you saw falling from the sky,” Hokuto mused from where he was perched on the table as Hyoma looked through the rows of books for something that could help him. Though, perhaps looking for a specific text when the idea he had in mind was so broad wouldn’t be that helpful. He barely even knew what he was trying to figure out.
    “Yes, I’m sure it must mean something,” Hyoma said. He knew what a story about a star falling from the heavens sounded like, which was why he refused not to take this seriously.
    “I think I have the answer for you actually, let me grab a book,” Hokuto jumped off the table and padded over. Hyoma took a step back in surprise, that was very fast. He had expected to be spending the next week reading these old tomes.
    This would either be very good or very bad. Though, Hyoma had already recognized that. He had received a sign from the cosmos, so whatever happened next would surely be dramatic.
    “Take a look at this,” Hokuto grunted, pulling over a book. Hyoma picked it up and flipped through the pages to the one Hokuto directed him to.
    And then he stared at it.
    And stared.
    He opened his mouth and no sound came out. He closed it, then opened it again, but same result. 
    He had recognized the similarities, but had never expected anything like this.
    “Yes, this seems to be the new foretold star fragment,” Hokuto nodded gravely.
    Hyoma had been told stories of the star fragment since he was a small child. It was the most common tale in all of Koma Village, and every child could recite it by heart. Hyoma had always been a bit obsessed with it though. He had loved going to the Green Hades, and imagining what it must’ve looked like when the star fragment had first landed, molten earth. He dreamed of the star fragment some nights, and it always was in his daydreams.
    It was the reason he had first begun stargazing. He had always hoped that someday he might also see a phenomenon like the one that had ended up creating beys.
    And now he had.
    As Hyoma finally recovered enough to continue reading the page, he felt his heart sink. Of course, the coming of a new star fragment couldn’t just be good. That was how things worked, in balance.
    Hyoma’s role as guardian was primarily to protect Koma Village. As the birthplace of beyblade, Koma had many secrets that could end up changing the course of history. It was his job to make sure people like Doji could never receive that power again.
    And sometimes, protecting those secrets, protecting the art of beyblade, meant that he would have to leave Koma Village.
    Hyoma loved his home, more than he could put words to sometimes. He had memorized practically all of the mountain range surrounding Koma, and he felt such peace traversing it every day. He liked saying hello to his neighbors when he woke up. He liked bringing back fish and passing them out to the other families. 
    When Hyoma had left to go compete in Battle Bladers with Gingka, he had missed home every day. He had looked up at the night sky and saw how the city lights had obscured the constellations he was so used to. How tree branches hung covering up different areas. How everything was different to home.
    And all he had wanted to do sometimes was return.
    But he couldn’t have returned, not until he had supported his friend, not until they had retrieved L-Drago.
    And now, Hyoma had another reason to leave home. And once again, he couldn’t deny it, couldn’t argue. He packed his bags, bid Hokuto goodbye, asked his neighbors to look after his house, and set off.
    If the world was going to end, then it was Hyoma’s job to stop it. He was the protector after all.
    The train station was only a few hours away with all the paths through the mountains Hyoma had learned, but Hyoma stretched it into a two day journey.
    Sue him, he was clingy!
    He couldn’t procrastinate in the forest forever though, and eventually he brought his train ticket. He kept himself from looking out the window as the train rolled away, away, away from the home he held so dear.
    Metal Bey City was his destination, of course. If there was anyone who would be able to help him deal with the end of the world it would be Gingka. 
    The last time Hyoma had received a call from any of his old friends, it had been to go find Ryuga. He couldn’t blame them, from the sounds of it the next few months had been a mess of activity. But, he couldn’t deny that he was excited to see Gingka again.
    And the others of course.
    As the train rumbled into the station, Hyoma found it harder and harder to breathe. He probably should’ve called ahead of time or something. Why did he consider it appropriate to just show up randomly, what if they were busy?
    Well, he was a bit distracted by the end of the world.
    He got off the train subconsciously, his bag slung over his shoulder, and stared out into the city that he had gotten to know so well during Battle Bladers.
    It felt unfamiliar.
    He missed home, he missed certainty. But at least his role to play was still clear. He was here to inform his friends about the end of the world, to lead them in a charge to stop it. He could do that.
    First stop, the Beypit.
    He used to have the way there memorized. Madoka was always quick to invite them into her home, and Gingka seemed to practically live there. It was nice to have a place where Hyoma knew he could go to meet his friends back then.
    He had forgotten the way now, and had to pause multiple times to consult the map for directions.
    It was weird, Hyoma could have an entire mountain range memorized, but the path to one shop had slipped his mind. That was just how time worked, he supposed.
    Finally, he managed to find the old store. On habit, he reached down and tried to pull the doors open. They had never seemed to be closed whenever he had visited, Madoka always seemed willing for company.
    The door didn’t budge.
    Hyoma took a step back and looked at the store. There were no lights on, and there was a closed sign up. He rapped his fist against the door three times, waiting to see if Madoka would answer him, but there was no sign of life inside the shop.
    What was Hyoma supposed to do now, the certainty that was the Beypit had crumbled beneath him. Everything had changed, and it had been so long, how could’ve he expected everything to be the same?
    Hyoma turned around and looked at the WBBA tower looming in the distance. That’s where he could, Ryo would be able to help him connect with his friends, and maybe even give him some advice.
    Ryo had been one of the adults that had taught Hyoma to blade, teaching him alongside Gingka. He had spent multiple nights over at their house eating dinner, and Ryo always seemed willing to listen to Hyoma’s problems.
    It was easy to forget sometimes how imperfect Ryo was as an adult, and when recognizing those imperfections it was hard to remember how much Ryo could be helpful.
    “People are imperfect creatures constantly trying to better themselves, failure or not, what makes a good person is the effort they put in,” one of Hyoma’s favorite books had once said.
    Hyoma had always found it hard to forgive imperfection when he recognized it, but maybe so long as he kept working at it he himself was a good person.
    Hyoma had never been inside a government office before, and he found himself lost. How did he find out where Ryo was? There were so many people bustling around, probably more people than even lived in Koma.
    He walked up to a desk, with a person just a few years older than him sitting behind it.
    “How can I help you?” They asked.
    “I’m looking for Ryo Hagane, I need to talk to him,” Hyoma responded. Maybe they could just tell him which room Ryo was in.
    “You’re here to speak with the director?” They checked, and it took Hyoma a moment to nod. It still seemed a bit surreal that Ryo had become director of the WBBA. It was definitely not something Hyoma would’ve ever been able to predict him doing, the man had always been a bit too goofy and free spirited to imagine him sitting behind a desk, away from the forest, as Hyoma was now. “Can you tell me your name?”
    Hyoma didn’t know why they would need it, but he responded anyway, “Hyoma.”
    The receptionist nodded, and grabbed a phone, speaking into it so softly that Hyoma couldn’t hear it over the background chatter of dozens of people walking through the building. He fidgeted uncomfortably, he wanted to be back in the forest with its quiet, recognizable sounds.
    “Alright, take the elevator down this hallway, first one on your right, and go up to the top floor. After that two doors down on your left will be the director’s office,” the receptionist directed him, and he thanked them before getting on his way.
    The elevator was clear, so Hyoma could look out while it brought him to the top floor. He watched the city grow smaller and smaller beneath him, and he could almost see the mountain range that was his home in the horizon.
    It was his favorite view here so far.
    The elevator dinged and Hyoma exited, counting the doors (well, door) to reach Ryo’s office. He knocked on the door only to have it swing open at his touch, and he was met by Ryo rising to greet him.
    “Hyoma, it's been a long time!” Ryo smiled at Hyoma and wrapped him in a hug. Hyoma could only return the affection, he had missed Ryo as well.
    Though, Hokuto was probably a better adult influence on his life in general.
    “It’s good to see you too Ryo,” He greeted, and gave Hikaru who was standing at the sidelines a small wave. She worked for the WBBA now, wasn’t that right?
    Good for her, he felt bad that he hadn’t been there to support her during her battle with Ryuga.
    “So then my boy, what brings you to the city?” Ryo asked, directing him towards a couch to couch to sit down while Ryo leaned on his desk. 
    Hyoma paused for a minute, trying to figure out how to explain the situation without more confusion than necessary, before finally settling on, “Well, a new star fragment appears to have fallen to earth, and a prophecy says that might bring about the end of the world.”
    He expected more questions, or some denials. He hadn’t expected Ryo to respond with, “oh, so you saw the fragment as well?”
    “Uh, yes,” Hyoma stumbled through his response.
    Hikaru coughed from the wall she was standing next to. “Sir, it appears that we forgot to call Koma Village when we were researching the star fragment and legendary bladers.” She sounded… so embarrassed. Hyoma had to swallow down the hysterical laughter bubbling in his throat.
    Ryo buried his face in his hands. “Sorry Hyoma, we do know of the situation and have been trying to manage it, but it seems like we’ve been missing a few steps,” He laughed awkwardly.
    So, they already knew about the star fragment, and the world ending, and… possibly more than Hyoma did. That was…
    Hyoma had come here expecting to be the bearer of this information, and now he found his arrival was never even necessary. It kind of stung, that he had done this for nothing.
    “So, you know about the prophecy then?” Hyoma checked.
    “Yes,” Hikaru nodded. “With the end of the world at the hands of Nemesis possible, we are looking everywhere for the legendary bladers needed to stop them. Gingka, Madoka, and some others have gone off in search. Both Kyoya and Gingka have awakened as legendary bladers as well.”
    Of course they had, of course. The universe seemed to have the same ideas as Hyoma sometimes. If anyone would be able to stop the end of the world, it would be Gingka. Gingka who left the village to retrieve L-Drago. Gingka who stopped Hades City. Gingka.
    “Well, that’s something,” Hyoma mumbled.
    That something, right now, was awkward.
    “Hyoma, I have to ask, how did you know about the star fragment?” Ryo asked.
    “Well, I saw it one night, streaking across the sky. The next day I discussed it with Hokuto and he managed to direct me to the prophecy. Those old books do have everything,” Hyoma responded. He supposed he shouldn’t have assumed that Ryo also wouldn’t have known this, the new star fragment would’ve been visible in many countries, and Ryo had also had access to the same tomes Hyoma had.
    “I’m pretty sure there’s an old recipe book hidden among them,” Ryo grumbled, obviously remembering the hell that was trying to dig through the collection of knowledge of Koma Village.
    “Such knowledge must be protected,” Hyoma nodded seriously, and couldn’t help but smile as Ryo cracked up.
    Some things didn’t change, and one of those was that his best friend’s father had the worst sense of humor.
    He spent another half hour there, Hikaru and Ryo making sure they all had the same information. They each managed to add a bit to the other’s repertoire of knowledge, so this trip wasn’t a whole waste.
    If only Hyoma knew what to do now. 
    He exited the WBBA building and sat at a bench outside as he thought. Should he just go back to Koma Village? Leave this situation up to Gingka to solve? Gingka was always the one who seemed to solve these problems, Hyoma could only watch from the sidelines.
    “Hey,” A voice snapped him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Hikaru standing in front of him. “Want to grab a coffee with me?” She offered.
    “Sorry, I’m gay,” Hyoma deadpanned, and couldn’t help but cackle at the eyeroll that earned him.
    “And I’m a lesbian Hyoma, you know this, you know what I was really asking,” she sighed. Hyoma had never interacted with Hikaru a lot, but they had always got along at tournaments. He loved trading barbs with her.
    And it wasn’t like he had anything better to do than get a coffee with an old friend, so he stood up and let her lead him to a cafe.
    They sat at a table and waited for their orders to be ready. Hikaru leaned her cheek in her hand and seemed one second away from falling asleep. He really couldn’t blame her if for the past week she had been having to deal with this situation and Ryo at the same time.
    “Are you enjoying your new job?” Hyoma asked. It had surprised him a bit that she had chosen to get a desk job, she had always been such a good and active blader. But if it was something she enjoyed, then he couldn’t judge.
    “Yes, it’s very fulfilling,” Hikaru responded, her voice perfectly flat. “Two weeks ago I had to order the director a replacement desk because he stood on it out of excitement and it broke.”
    Yeah, that was something Hyoma could imagine Ryo doing. Gingka had inherited a bit of his father’s wacky ideas, and lack of impulse control. Hyoma had gotten used to having to keep a hand on Gingka to keep him from running off into a dangerous situation without thinking.
    Now, Gingka was running into more dangerous situations, and Hyoma wasn’t even there.
    “So, do you want to tell me why you seem so gloomy?” Hikaru asked, fixing him with a piercing stare that should not have been allowed to come out of eyes with that many bags beneath them.
    Hyoma had forgotten that Hikaru was probably the most observant of the group, outside of Madoka. He had doomed himself. “There’s nothing really to discuss, I’ve just been thinking about how to stop the apocalypse,” he flashed her a quick smile.
    “Bullshit. That’s not all,” Hikaru accused him, but he was saved by their drinks being ready. Hikaru stood up to grab them, giving Hyoma a minute to recenter himself.
    Why didn’t he want to talk about his feelings in the first place? It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Hikaru, she had been a very good friend for all the time he had known her. Maybe it was just him.
    Either way, when she sat back down, he had a new batch of lies ready at his tongue. But before he could even speak one, Hikaru interrupted him. “Listen, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I’m not going to force you. But sitting on a bench outside the WBBA for ten minutes looking lost is not the sign of someone who is currently healthily managing their problems. I should know, I’ve probably done it before.”
    He hadn’t realized it had been ten minutes.
    Hikaru sat there waiting for him to respond, slowly sipping at her over-caffeinated coffee. Hyoma kept his face carefully blank, not letting his thought process show on his face out of practice. “I just, don’t really know what I’m supposed to do now,” Hyoma finally admitted.
    “Well, what were you expecting to do?” Hikaru asked.
    “I don’t know, what Gingka is doing now I suppose,” Hyoma shrugged. He had expected to be the hero, so of course he had taken cues from Gingka.
    “And I’m guessing you were expecting to be with Gingka too,” Hikaru teased, a small smirk tugging her lips.
    Hyoma instantly denied it, glaring at her as his face flushed. Hikaru giggled and covered her mouth, her shoulders shaking as she tried to repress it. It was nice to see her happy, at least Hyoma’s embarrassment served a reason.
    “At least you have a job to help out, I’m just stuck here now with Gingka already having left on adventure,” Hyoma complained, swirling the coffee in his cup.
    “You could go join Gingka,” Hikaru pointed out. “We know where he is, we could fly you over there.” It would be so easy to just agree, to go get to see his friend again.
    “It sounds like they already have it covered,” Hyoma admitted. Gingka and Kyoya were already legendary bladers, they were the ones fated to protect the world. Not Hyoma. “Seems like everyone is more prepared to deal with this than me.”
    Hikaru hummed and took another sip of her own drink. “Feels pretty much like shit, doesn’t it?” She asked, an ironic smile twisting her lips.
    “What do you mean by that?” Hyoma raised an eyebrow at her, hiding his surprise at her cursing.
    “Feeling useless. After all, Gingka and the others are so strong, amazing bladers, what could you even do to help?” Hikaru was no longer looking at him, but rather at her hands. Hyoma still repressed a flinch at her words. “You didn’t even make it past the first round of Battle Bladers, and the threat now is much bigger, what could you even do to help?”
    “I-” Hyoma started, perhaps to defend himself, perhaps to agree, before the meaning of her words reached him. “You’re talking about yourself.”
    Hikaru finally looked up and gave him a small smile, “you’re not the only one who feels useless Hyoma, I get it.”
    “But you’re actually helping, you’re working for the WBBA,” Hyoma countered. She was the one who was helping Gingka and the gang from the sidelines, not him.
    “Most of what I do is send messages back and forth among people actually doing stuff. I sit in a chair, I take notes, I organize files, I wait for someone to do something,” Hikaru argued back, shrugging a bit at her self-depreciation. He found himself shifting uncomfortably, and he supposed that was Hikaru’s point.
    “You could’ve gone and fought with them if you’d wanted.” Because that was the crux of it, wasn’t it? Hyoma hadn’t been here and no one had remembered to contact him. He wasn’t even given the option to help.
    Yet Hikaru flinched, and Hyoma couldn’t help but feel he’d trespassed in a place he wasn’t supposed to. “I don’t battle anymore,” Hikaru muttered.
    “Because you joined the WBBA?” Hyoma knew she didn’t participate in tournaments anymore, that would’ve looked bad as a WBBA employee, but that wasn’t the only form of battling.
    “No, I don’t battle anymore, at all,” Hikaru bit out.
    And Hyoma understood. He remembered facing off against the serpent, watching it chip off his bey piece by piece. Remembered how his spirit had shattered along with his bey.
    But he’d put himself back together and gone back to battling.
    Hikaru had put herself back together in a different way.
    “I’m sorry for pushing,” he apologized.
    “It would’ve come up eventually,” Hikaru shrugged, meeting his eyes once more and sharing an apologetic smile with him. “But you get the point right, even if we feel useless, there are still things we can do.”
    Hyoma could only nod, because he couldn’t deny the truth. “If only I knew what those things were.”
    “Well, I could use someone to go check out a tournament tomorrow. Gingka took everyone with him, so…” Hikaru smirked at him.
    Hyoma registered for the tournament the next day, waving to Hikaru as she walked away to watch from an observer’s booth. It was his job to challenge these bladers and see if any of them awakened as Legendary Bladers. He only hoped he was strong enough to give whoever they were a challenge.
    He was a bit surprised by how much fun he had during the battles. He couldn’t just pass through them easily, every blader here was giving it their all. Hyoma had forgotten how amazing the tournament atmosphere could be sometimes, when the roar of the crowd was almost drowned out as he focused just on his opponent.
    It was exhilarating.
    Before the third round Hyoma wandered out to get some food. He kept an eye on the other battles as he ate, taking notes of all their strategies. Aries would have a bit of a harder time against the stamina type of another, but it didn’t seem to have the best balance, so if he could just push it enough, driving it into the ground should work.
    As he made plans for each opponent, he almost missed Hikaru running towards him. “Hyoma, we have an issue here,” she said, not sounding out of breath despite the fact she must’ve run all around the stadium to get to him.
    “What is it?” Hyoma asked, his back straightening as he listened for any danger.
    “See the guy on the left screen, with bey Lynx?” Hikaru asked, pointing at the blader. Hyoma nodded, that blader had seemed like they might’ve given him a bit of a challenge. “That’s Johannes, he works for Nemesis.”
    Hyoma raised an eyebrow. “What’s he doing here?”
    “Probably the same thing we are, searching for legendary bladers.” Hikaru shrugged.
    “Do you plan on kicking him out?” Hyoma asked. He was sure that kicking people out of tournaments must’ve become one of Hikaru’s favorite powers granted by being a part of the WBBA.
    “Well, that’s up to you,” Hikaru stated. “You’re the next person to battle him, assuming he wins this.” At that moment, Lynx hit the opposing bey out of the stadium. “So really, if you want to beat him, he’s all yours, but if not I’ll just kick him out.”
    Hyoma hummed as he looked at the guy on the monitor. Hyoma wasn’t the best blader, he knew that, but if this guy was working for Nemesis, well then… “I might as well try my hand against him.”
    Hikaru nodded. “Good luck.”
    Hyoma made his way out to the stadium, wiping his face clean of any emotion. This was a challenge he would have to rise to, if he wanted to fight against Nemesis. This wouldn’t turn out like his fight against Reiji.
    Johannes stood at the other side of the stadium. He looked at Hyoma with complete boredom in his eyes, and Hyoma met his gaze. Without any comments, they waited for the match to start.
    “Let it rip!” Hyoma yelled as Aries spun into the stadium, rocketing around to deliver a devastating smash attack to Lynx.
    “And Hyoma comes out of the gates swinging! How will Lynx respond to this ferocious attack!” Blader DJ yelled.
    “No problem!” Johannes yelled, Lynx straightening up as if Aries’s attack had done nothing, then rising even more as Lynx’s spin track lengthened. “Beat Lynx!”
    And Lynx crashed into Aries, driving it further and further back. Hyoma gritted his teeth and watched his bey be pushed closer and closer to the edge of the arena.
    “Aries is a tight spot, how will Hyoma get out of this? Is the battle over already?” Blader DJ screamed
    “This isn’t even a challenge,” Johannes scoffed, and Hyoma grinned.
    “Now Aries!” And Aries’s spintrack spun, sending Lynx shooting right past with all the momentum it had built up. Hyoma had to admit, he didn’t like being underestimated, but it did come in handy sometimes, especially because he seemed to have fooled Johannes into thinking he battled like an attack type.
    “No Lynx!” Johannes panicked, and Lynx balanced itself at the edge.
    “Aries, Horn Throw Destruction!” Hyoma commanded.
    “Dodge it Lynx!” Johannes screamed, and Hyoma’s attack missed by a whisker.. The beys rocketed around the stadium, nearing the center again.
    Well, if plan A didn’t work, then Hyoma would just move onto plan B.
    “Just give up, you’re no match for my Lynx!” Johannes called as the beys approached to clash again.
    “If you think I’m going to surrender to a servant of Nemesis then you ought to think again!” Hyoma responded, and smirked as Johannes’s concentration snapped at the reveal that Hyoma knew who he was.
    Aries pushed Lynx back and drove it into the stadium wall. Hyoma smirked as Lynx’s spin strength was chipped away.
    “Lynx, beat it back!” Johannes howled, and Lynx pushed Aries away. “I suppose if you know who I am, then there’s no holding back.” Hyoma looked up to see Johannes giving him a wide smile. Hyoma could almost count his teeth. “Lynx!”
    And Lynx changed, delivering attack after attack onto Aries. Aries could barely even react or dodge, everytime he pushed an attack aside, another one came rocketing in.
    Hyoma gritted his teeth as his eyes flicked around the stadium, trying to find a way out of this barrage attack. 
    “There’s no hope for you, why even continue to fight?” Johannes gloated.
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