#baxter x mc week
minthe-drawings · 20 days
Day 3: Dance✨
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wordsofoleander · 19 days
🌸 answer me, my prince!
a suave prince with all he could ever ask for. a starry-eyed editor who longed for more. two unexpected penpals from vastly different worlds.
they were undoubtedly fated to meet, but never face-to-face.
❥ 735 words ❥ tags: au, fluff, slightly angsty if you blink, very very self-indulgent, no beta we die like chads, mentions of cove, qiu, and my ol2 mc! ❥ notes: the hyperfixation was so strong i emerged from inactivity. i finished the comic this fic shares a title with last weekend and refused to move on,,, made for #baxtermcweek (day 4 prompt: au), hosted by @minthe-drawings
He doesn’t realize how long he’s repeatedly been opening and closing the empty book chest until he slams it shut a little too loud, snapping him out of his reverie. His eyes dart left and right and his ears stay alert in case he accidentally woke anyone up.
He hears nothing, so hopefully the coast is clear. He opens the book chest again, and the letter he’s waited all night for sits perfectly inside, having appeared out of thin air. 
He needs not wait to carefully examine the envelope or admire its design (far more cleaner-cut and colorful than what he's received from others over the years) as he immediately gets to reading.
Prince Baxter Alexander.
You’re getting better at pressuring me to reply to you faster and faster. It scares me a little.
Regarding your story, I think what you did for their sake was quite admirable. I can’t even imagine going as far as to pretend to be Cove’s fiancée for his protection, let alone for 5 years! But back to you. Since you didn’t end up falling in love with each other, does this mean Lady Ysabel’s lover is much more good-looking than you are? Would you mind getting a portrait of the Laird Qiu for your friend?
Silly Iri.
(You’ve never asked me for my portrait. You wound me. Nonetheless, I forgive you.)
You of all people should be able to know that not every long-standing friendship necessarily has the potential to end in romance.
Like us?
We are a bit of a special case because I do not think of Ysabel every day.
(Oh, what am I going to do with you?)
Ever the type to give people the answers they want to hear now, are you? You’re surrounded by far more impressive people in your daily life, people you can actually talk to and see.  I highly doubt that you think of me every day.
(PS It’s way past midnight, so I should probably get ready for bed if I don’t want to be late for work. Sleep well, my prince.)
Irina Clarice, my sick twisted friend.
What? Is laying my entire self bare to you, heart and soul, in the written word last night not enough for you? After all the times I’ve spent my evenings waiting for your letters?
I specifically chose this time of year to get away from my parents under the guise of avoiding the heat and helping the monks at the scriptorium. Summer, after all, is the perfect time to do something crazy, pursue a new beauty, to start anew. I confess to you that I imagined nightly sneak-outs to rendezvous with someone who’s caught my eye, but all this time, I’ve been holed up in the scriptorium’s writing room, idly and politely waiting by the book chest on my desk in anticipation to see if you have replied to what I’ve written about my latest misadventures. Before I knew it, I’d already spent the entirety of my summer getting to know you. Now I do know you, and there is no one else like you anywhere else in the world. 
Tragically, we shall never have the chance to meet, so I don’t think whatever it is I’m feeling in my chest can be called love. My fate is sealed. 
Still, whenever the sight of someone so beautiful catches my eye, thoughts of you fill my head, and I become almost upset, complaining that no matter who I meet, they will never be anything like my Iri. So, my dear friend, do not tell me that I do not think of you every day. 
I do not recall you mentioning having felt this way towards your childhood companions, nor your devilishly handsome Xander from the antique shop,  so I shall regrettably but with dignity take this as a victory.
On a lonely night on the month of heat’s end, Your Baxter Alexander.
(PS Clarence and I are departing tomorrow at dawn for Golden Grove to attend Qiu’s wedding, just in time for the beginning of fall. Bringing the book chest with me would be far too bothersome for such a short trip. I expect to be away for about three to four days.
Even so, worry not your pretty little head and get a good night’s rest without my letters to bother you, Iri. I hope you do not miss me too much.)
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I can't decide if I want to do my OC or Swap AU for BaxterxMC week! I feel like everyone is doing OCs? Please help me I'm indecisive.
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hydrangeapartridge · 14 days
BaxterMC Week Day 3 : Dance
I am late but here is my contribution to BaxterMC Week!
Title: The Last Tango
Pairing: Baxter Ward x MC
Fandom: Our Life (games)
Written for BaxterMC Week. Thank you @minthe-drawings  for organising it!
Summary: You and Baxter are qualified for the finals of an inter-state dance competition that takes place just before graduation. During the competition, feelings are exposed as you prepare for what might be your last dance together.
NB: This fic mostly fits the prompt of Day 3 : Dance, but I tried to add elements of all the other prompts as much as I could (namely AU sort of, Birthday, Fight and Reconciliation). It was my little personal challenge. This is an AU where MC is Baxter’s dance partner for competitive ballroom dancing. It is second person POV and although I had a female MC in mind, I did my best to be very neutral when describing the reader. I hope you will all enjoy this short story I wrote for our favourite victorian-era emo man!
Rating: T
Word count: 4,200
Story under the cut. Cross-posted on AO3
Frustrated you stepped away from Baxter. Feeling flushed, sweaty and exhausted, you went for your water bottle. Stress was getting at you as you rehearsed one last time before the finals of the inter state ballroom dance competition. With your dance partner of four years Baxter Ward, you trained during your high-school years and competed in the American school of dance, Smooth category (akin to Standard in Europe), which consisted of four dances: American Waltz, American Tango, American Foxtrot, and American Viennese Waltz. You were both very good at this; your Waltz was perfect, your Foxtrot impressive, but Tango was your weakness.
Despite your coach’s best efforts and your intensive training, something was still missing for it to be smooth and just as perfect as your other performances. That was the dance you were just rehearsing; the one that got you frustrated. The competition was the last big event before you would graduate, a couple of months later. It was a big deal.
After taking a few gulps of water, your eyes fell back onto your dance partner. Baxter was running his fingers through his jet black bangs; a habit of his that you admittedly found charming. Unsurprisingly, he was wearing black pants and a white shirt. He always insisted he was dressed in black or white to compete, a trademark of sorts; something to do with his initials he once explained. From the beginning you agreed to match his aesthetic, quickly ending up being called “the monochrome duo” by the other competitors of the circuit.
You had quite a reputation, especially for your waltz routines. They were always impeccable. Tango was harder to handle for the both of you because it was much more visceral and suave. The dramatic part of it you both handled well, especially Baxter; he loved being dramatic. The rest however...
Your individual performances were technically on point, but you didn’t come together as well as when you were waltzing. You were sure it had to do with the proximity of it all.
You outgrew being shy about dancing close to a man many years ago, but still, there were moments in the Tango routine where you couldn’t help but tense up reflexively, despite repeating it over and over again. When Baxter splayed his palm between your shoulder blades, or when his hand came to rest under your thigh to lift you up, you were distracted each and every time. And it got worse with each rehearsal, the anticipation of it being impossibly nerve-wracking. You either stood to far away or too close to him, sometimes sending a deep red flush to creep on his neck when you brushed your lower abdomen too close to his hipbone. Baxter always assured you it was fine when you’d apologize, giving you one of his polite yet detached smiles, making the whole experience even more awkward for you.
To sum it up: you couldn’t connect with each other in the Tango. You felt like you were dancing next to each other and not together. There was an invisible wall between you, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it had to do with the silly little (huge) crush you had on your dance partner.
The coach called the rehearsal to an end, deeming you couldn’t improve much more before the deadline. You clearly weren’t favourites in the competition. Your only hope to win was a miracle or for the others to miss. And you didn’t want that. You wanted to win fair and square. Your coach reassured the two of you that doing your best was what mattered and Baxter, despite being fairly competitive, accepted that you weren’t up to the challenge with an unfazed fairplay. Compared to the way he maturely handled the matter, you felt childish in your frustration. If only you were better.
You gathered your stuff and the coach drove you back to the hotel.
Once back at the hotel, the three of you took the elevator. The coach got off on the second floor. Yours and Baxter’s rooms were on the eleventh. Baxter casually leaned against one of the walls, both of his hands in his pockets. You admire his relaxed pose, cursing him for how effortlessly good he looked. His boyish charm, the pretty mole on his neck. You never got tired of looking at him. Before he saw you ogling him, you felt the need to break the strange silence that fell between the two of you.
“Well, if we don’t win, there’s always next year” You half joked, half reassured.
Baxter’s eyes widened and his head quickly turned to assess you. You had clearly surprised him with that statement.
“Next year?” He parroted, his usually deep voice pitching higher. To his credit, he was quick to regain his composure and the pristine apologetic smile he gave you made your heart sink in your chest.
“I’m sorry if it wasn’t clear to you but I’m afraid that there won’t be a next year” He said, looking away, his hand running through his hair. “See, I don’t know about you but I am going to College on the other side of the country” He told you matter of factly. “And I’m not sure I’ll even be able to find time to pursue competitive ballroom dancing”
You were shocked. You knew he loved dancing, so hearing him brush away so casually the hobby he devoted so much time to was simply heartbreaking. And it felt personal too; he was not only dismissing dancing. He was dismissing you too, and the all time you spent together perfecting your moves. Your connection.
“I could apply to the same College. I’m sure I can pretty much study sociology wherever” You offered, shrugging like it wasn’t important, when in truth, it really was.
Baxter blinked at you owlishly before he shook his head, clicking his tongue. He had difficulty regaining his composure and pinched the bridge nose with his fingers in frustration.
“No” He told you bluntly, and you felt like you were about to cry.
“Why not?” You asked, almost pleadingly.
“You don’t understand. All of this-” He said, gesturing around the both of you “-was nice while it lasted. But we both knew it would eventually come to an end. You shouldn’t change your plans because of me; because of a simple hobby. I won’t allow it”
“But I lo-” You started, almost letting your true feelings slip. “I love dancing with you!”
He frowned, and didn’t reciprocate the sentiment. You felt like you had been completely delusional about this whole matter, and now the hard truth of reality came crashing onto you. It was heartbreaking.
Baxter was a perfect, poised gentleman. Smooth, smug; impossibly charming. As the years passed, your nervous crush on his pretty features turned into a more global and subsequent one. In this moment, you simply felt rejected. You were sad, but mostly you were angry that he gave up so easily.
You had been dancing together for four whole years. It had to mean something! Yet you realized despite all that time together, you didn’t really know him. You knew of him only what he allowed to slip through the rare cracks of his social and illusionary opened persona.
You could feel and anticipate his every moves on the dance floor like you knew him by heart, but once the music stopped, he closed the doors behind which he hid his true self. You felt stupid for even thinking that maybe you were friends. You were only the dance partner, and he kept you in that role with surgical precision. You never hung out together outside of dance practice. You never met his friends and barely saw his parents during competitions. Your gloomy mood whispered treacherously that you were probably nothing to him.
And yet his compliments when he praised your dancing, your looks (he kept saying you had nice legs), and even your personality, always felt so sincere. You couldn’t believe you affection for him couldn’t be at least a little bit reciprocated. Else he probably would have quitted dancing with you long ago.
By abandoning ballroom dancing, he also condemned you to either drop that hobby, or start anew with another partner. It wasn’t fair. You wanted to continue dancing with him. You never realized it would have to stop.
Silence fell back into the elevator. You refused to look at Baxter, for fear you would end up in a sobbing mess. Your pride didn’t allow it. The ride to the eleventh floor seemed excruciatingly long, and the second the doors opened, you bolted out and found shelter inside your hotel room.
There, you cried profusely.
You wished your family or your friends were here to support you, but you wouldn’t see them until the next day, when they would make the trip to see the competition. You felt alone and stupid, the stress of the competition and the uncertainty of the future aggravating your heartbreak.
You fished a packet of tissues from your suitcase, and your fingers brushed the silky fabric of a pouch you had forgotten about.
Inside, there was the present you bought Baxter for his birthday. Which coincidently was today. You had wished him a happy birthday in the morning (well more like at almost noon; the coach knew better than to expect Baxter to be able to properly dance earlier in the day), but planned on giving him the present at a later time, when you would be alone together.
You didn’t plane the day to end up like it did. It was never your wish to screw everything.
You blew your nose and wiped your tears away before opening the pouch to admire its content. Inside was a sleek black round music box, simple and elegant. You slowly caressed the ornated patterns on its wooden exterior, then took a deep breath grounding breath and stopped wallowing. You and Baxter were a team, and you didn’t want to stay on bad terms with him, especially before such an important deadline. You wanted to enjoy the end of the competition, and what would probably be your last dances.
Decisively you got up, packed the music box in its velvet pouch, and exited your room. You bravely marched to Baxter’s room and gently knocked on his door.
It took a few seconds for him to open, blinking slowly at you, like a cat waking up from a nap. He was obviously out of the shower, the tips of his hair a little damp. To aggravate you, his shirt was opened, giving you a detailed view of the pale expanse of his chest and of his narrow waist. You felt like you could die on the spot.
Baxter smirked upon seeing your embarrassment, shameless as ever. “Need something?” He innocently asked.
“Um… Can I come in? I’d like to talk” You stammered, looking at your feet.
His smile dropped. You hated how he could openly tease you one moment, and the next completely close off about his feelings.
Still, he silently stepped out of the way so you could enter his room. Once the door was closed, he leaned against one of the drawers, hands in his pockets while you opted to sit at the end of the bed, where there was an extra bedspread.
While you struggled to find your words, Baxter took the initiative, probably deeming it wiser to take the lead of the conversation. She he wouldn’t be surprised again.
“I must apologize for my behaviour in the elevator. It wasn’t proper of me. I should at least have kept this discussion for after the finals. Your feelings shouldn’t be shaken so just before such an important deadline”
His apology felt wrong. He put the blame on himself for your delusional expectations.
“No, I’m sorry for bringing this up” You said, looking down and fiddling with the pouch between your fingers. “It was naive of me to think we were on the same page about what would become of our duo in the future...”
Baxter sighed through his nose, crossing his arms in front of his pale chest. You didn’t know whether he was more upset with you or with himself. “I need to clarify that you are not the problem here” He answered your silent question. “You are marvellous, simply stunning. A bright young person, wonderfully talented and the best dance partner I could hope for”
His bold compliments sent heat to your cheeks and made your heart flutter. What an impossible charmer. But his words left you conflicted; if he found you so praise-worthy, then why did he insist so much on cutting all ties with you after graduation?
After his tirade, Baxter frowned, and his train of thoughts became much clearer as he spoke them up. “I am the problem here. I can’t go on with this after graduation, it simple isn’t possible. I am sorry I cannot live up to your expectations. I am a poor excuse of a dance partner, and that is why you shouldn’t concern yourself with what will become of me after graduation.”
You were left speechless by how little he seemed to think of himself. How could someone you appreciated so much hate themselves so?
“Sorry for being such bad company” He apologize again, making you feel even more sad for him. “I should have done my best to make your last competition a blast. Not this complete disaster.” He ended his monologue with a frustrated shake of his hands.
You wanted to hug him so badly. To chase away all his doubts and negative thoughts. But with how fragile and opened he was right now, half naked before you, you felt as if it would scare him away. Leaning against the wardrobe he looked like a cornered animal; exposed and vulnerable.
“You are the best partner ever” You gently told him instead. “Please don’t sell yourself so short. You deserve to have a great time tomorrow too and many more incredible dancing experiences.” You gripped at the front of your top, close to where your heart was aching. “I’ll treasure the memories of our exploits, even if I wished our partnership wouldn’t end.”
Baxter looked away. He clearly wasn’t convinced by your honest opinion. “You are too kind to me…” He whispered, rubbing his hand over his arm; shy.
“Maybe” You whispered while slowly getting up from the bed.
With deep brown eyes watching you, you slowly stepped closer to Baxter, and offered him the velvet pouch you brought with you.
“I’m so nice that I brought you a birthday gift. Happy birthday partner” You smiled, something probably too revealing of your feelings.
Baxter looked at you, visibly taken aback. It was the first time either of you gifted something to the other. He took the pouch between his long fingers, and quickly regained his footing, his polite side resurfacing.
“Why thank you very much. This is unexpected” He breathed, reverently running his thumb over the velvety fabric. “Unexpected and unnecessary, but still deeply appreciated”
He gave you one of his trademark smiles; the ones that made your heart skip a beat in your chest. “May I open it?” He asked, and you could only nod.
Carefully, Baxter pried the pouch opened, and reclaimed its content. He curiously inspected the object you gifted him. “My, this is very pretty” He said, admiring the wood carvings. “And in my favourite colour too” He chuckled and you blushed a little, the deep sound pleasing to your ears.
Baxter inspected the object further, and noticed it could be opened. So he did open it.
The second the lid of the music box lifted, the airy tune of Strauss’ Blue Danube filled the room, the melody simple but clear. Baxter’s eyebrows lifted up in surprise before his gaze softened; his expression nothing but fond.
“I guess this will be a marvellous souvenir of our time dancing together” He whispered, a soft smile on his lips. “I am sorry that I have nothing to offer you” He lowly told you, looking down, his bangs partially covering his beautiful brown eyes. Then, he suddenly perked up, like an idea struck him.
You watched curiously as he delicately put the music box down onto the bedside table, the music still playing. Then he turned to you, and elegantly offered his hand, palm up.
“May I have this dance?” He asked, and you gladly accepted, taking his hand and getting into the proper position for a Viennese waltz.
The cramped bedroom made it particularly difficult to waltz, but Baxter confidently led you around none the less. You giggling as he made you both spin too many times because of the lack of space, urging him to stop when you started feeling light-headed and dizzy.
Pressing your palms on his torso for support, you tried your best to regain your balance as you both came to a halt. His naked skin was warm under your touch. He didn’t seem to mind the placement of your hands, and when you looked up, your found his deep brown eyes hooded, and focused on your face.
One corner of his lips was upturned, and his whole expression made your heart beat faster in your chest. His gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips, and you couldn’t take it anymore, surrendering to his wordless invitation.
You pressed your lips to his. Your kiss was hesitant; fearing rejection, but Baxter’s lips parted under yours and soon you were both kissing eagerly. A content sigh escaped your dance partner when one of your hands came to caress the hair at the base of his neck. He pressed closer to you, one hand supporting you in the middle of your back, and the other finding your hip, his thumb even caressing the upper part of your thigh. Everywhere your bodies were touching, a feeling between an electric shock and a ragging fire ignited under your skin. Baxter deepened the kiss, and you followed his lead like you always did on the dance-floor, surrendering to his more experienced technique. The smell of his shampoo was intoxicating, and when you pulled away for air, you couldn’t help but follow that perfume in the crook of his neck. There, your lips found the mole that contrasted so much with his pale complexion. Baxter gasped as you placed a kiss atop of it, his whole body moving against yours in response, and his pulse fluttering under your lips.
You gave his neck more attention, and soon, Baxter’s hand came to rest on your shoulder, his head falling into the side of your neck to hide his blushing features. Under your palm, you could feel his heart beating fast.
“We shouldn’t” He whispered breathlessly.
He was right. You shouldn’t go that far on a medium class hotel room the night before a big dance competition, with a boy who didn’t want things between you to last. But hadn’t you made your move, you would have regretted it. You hoped you could bury this crush and treasure its memory now that you knew what Baxter’s lips tasted like.
Cradling his cheek with one hand, you brought Baxter’s forehead against yours; a gesture too tender for the horny young adults you were supposed to be. You placed one last peck on his lips, then on his nose, and he chuckled. It was the most adorable sound you ever heard. You would miss it.
“Let’s do our best tomorrow” You murmured, reluctantly stepping away from him.
He nodded. “The last dance of the monochrome duo. An ending surely full of flair” He teased, his thumb absent-mindedly caressing the wood of the music box before shutting it close.
A pang shot through your chest. You were now sure that you wouldn’t be seeing him again after this. He was clearly against it. You tried to hold onto the silver lining of things: it had been nice while it lasted. You did your best not to delve on the ‘what ifs’ and regrets you had; on the things you could have said or done differently.
“Tell you what” Baxter’s playful tone brought you out of your thoughts. “If we win, I’ll dye my hair black and white”
You laughed at that. That was such a Baxter Ward thing to do.
- - -
The following day, you ran on fumes. You barely slept the previous night, your thoughts occupied by a certain black-haired dancer.
Still, as usual, your waltzing and your Fox-trot went smoothly, earning you both great marks from the judges. You were at the top of the temporary ranking, side by side with two other couples. The rest of the competitors couldn’t hope to come back to the top, so you knew you would at least make it to third place, which wasn’t bad at all.
So it was with nothing to lose and an unexpectedly relaxed attitude that you got into position for the tango. You weren’t in for the win, you simply wanted to enjoy your last dance with Baxter as best you could.
The music started, and you energetically started dancing. The first step went smoothly, as always, and after the first dramatic turn, your eyes met Baxter’s. You stomach somersaulted and your heart beat faster at his hooded expression, opened and relaxed. Wanting. You carried on with the steps you thankfully knew by heart, but your gaze always sought back your partner’s, irresistibly drawn to him, an inexplicably strong pull connecting the both of you. With your blood pounding in your ears, you unapologetically pressed against him when needed, electric sparks coursing through your skin everywhere his body touched yours.
The middle of the routine and the lift you dreaded so much arrived without you noticing. You didn’t flinch when Baxter’s fingers splayed across your back, resting your weight on him with a new found trust. You didn’t tense when he grabbed the upper part of your thigh, and elegantly performed the next footwork, with a feline grace to your steps.
The whole routine flew by and you were so focused on your partner, mesmerized by his perfect performance that you forgot about the other competitors, about the audience, about the competition. You were in another world, where you could dance forever with the man you liked so much, his pretty eyes on you turning your thoughts to mush and setting your body ablaze.
The last dramatic note of the music took you by surprise, but you let Baxter dip you low, your arm reflexively circling his neck for support. But you knew he wouldn’t let you fall. You trusted him.
Breathless and sweaty, flushed and exhausted, you met those burning brown eyes again. His gaze flicked to your lips, just like the night before.
The loud clapping of the crowd brought you back to earth before you kissed him.
You were the last couple dancing, and soon, the judges gave their marks. You still hadn’t caught your breath when they announced you won, and the air escaped you once more. You did it! It was a miracle. Baxter and you fell into steps like you were one; unafraid, ending with a flair after the tempestuous events of the previous day. Knowing it was then end, you both gave it your everything, and crafted your best performance, as well as the most wonderful memory of this last dance.
Upon hearing the great news of your victory, you threw yourself into Baxter’s arms, your joy barely contained. He caught you, and you hugged him tightly, breathing the sweet fragrance of his cologne just below his ear. His smile was sincere as he beamed at you, making you spin in a victorious twirl while you laughed giddily.
He then gently put you down, and smoothed the lapels of his jacket with a chuckle.
“Well, that was unexpected” He said, smiling at you, a proud twinkle in his eyes.
“Better take your hairdresser appointment now if you want it done before graduation” You teased and he snorted, the sound inelegant but amusing coming from such a proper gentleman. He couldn’t hold back the laugh that followed, his fingers tugging at the collar of his shirt before he swooped his dishevelled bangs in a gesture you now knew by heart.
His composed appearance cracked under the joy of your shared victory, and before you, you noticed that his black tie was slightly crooked, so you took it upon yourself to readjust it. Baxter’s cheeks and ears reddened at the intimate gesture, and emboldened, you slightly tugged on the tie, bringing his face closer to yours.
“Congratulations partner” You whispered close to his ear. “If you ever want to dance again, on the floor or anywhere else, I’ll be in touch”
He gulped, eyes wide, face flushed a lovely shade of red. He wasn’t ready for you to act so shameless and you loved seeing his usually so composed attitude melt away as you gave him a taste of his own medicine.
To your immense satisfaction, he wrapped one arm tighter around your waist, his long fingers possessively splaying on your exposed back. It was hope. It was a promise.
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rui-drawsbox · 23 days
uhhhhh study?
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Day 2 — Date Night ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @minthe-drawings #BaxterMCWeek!
MC: Ai/Sky
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meowzilla93 · 21 days
BaxterMCWeek Day 1: First Meeting
Happy Birthday my darling Monochromatic Man big thank you to @minthe-drawings for hosting this!!
o((>ω< ))o
Baxter was incredibly bored.
Traveling with his parents was always a chore but being stuck at the Cypress, being unable to dance or find a way to entertain himself made things even more so boring. Whilst his parents where busy ‘making connections’ they had banned him from dancing so that he couldn’t get into any trouble.
This of course just made him all the more restless and more likely to look for a way to get into trouble. He had spoken with a few of the other children there, much in the same position as him, being told to ‘rest’ and being quite bored of it.
Hearing the music come across the grounds, Baxter was more and more tempted to find a way to escape the eyes of his instructors and make his way over to where the music sang to him. As he was trying to be as nonchalant as possible, he slowly made his way towards the edge of the crowd, making sure not to draw any attention towards himself.
Biding his time, Baxter simply waited for an opportunity to sneak away undetected, that was until a head of copper hair caught his attention; One that was making its way towards him.
Baxter was certain he had never seen the person before, the striking hair and the pair of mismatched pair of green and gold eyes making a definite impression on him in that moment. Paired with a smile that showed off their teeth, he could swear that they almost looked like a fox that had gotten away with doing sly. He could certainly understand the feeling.
As they made their way closer to him, he noted that this fox was as pale as he was, but their skin was marked with a smattering of freckles, unlike their tanned companion who was attempting to catch his attention as they got closer,
“Hey, so, this might sound weird, but what are you guys all doing here?”
Bright verdant eyes looked up at him, and before he was able to answer the admittedly ‘weird’ question, their fox-like companion chuckled before poking them in the ribs,
“Really, that’s the question you’re gonna go with? After the whole ‘perhaps we walked into an alternate universe’ spiel just earlier?”
Baxter couldn’t help but chuckle at that remark, causing both pairs of eyes to train themselves back onto him. This whole interaction was taking a different course than he anticipated, and it wasn’t something he disliked at all. Allowing a coy smile to cross his face, he decided to play along with their little adventure,
“We’re visitors who are in this town for a dance circuit. This dining area is reserved for our group only tonight. What is going on with you?”
As the shorter of the two chuckled uncomfortably, scratching their cheek, the Fox, as Baxter had chosen to label them, snorted at the reaction; Verdant eyes narrowed at the Fox before starting their apologies,
“Oops. We didn’t know that. There’s a soiree happening on the other side of the club for members and their guests, that’s where we came from. Please don’t tell on us.”
That caught Baxter’s attention; Leaning forward, he became more intrigued with he pair with each passing moment,
“I thought I noticed something that way. It’s been bothering me the entire evening. I was planning to check when it got darker.”
“Why wait?”
Baxter wasn’t certain he heard right, but as verdant eyes matched his own in wideness, he realized he most certainly did. Turning his head back to the Fox, he couldn’t get a proper sentence out,
“I-sorry. What?”
Cocking an eyebrow at him, the Fox tilted their head at him, eyes sparkling with mischief,
“Why. Wait? Seems most of the adults here are busy. Come on! We will sneak you into our soiree! Doubt anyone will notice.”
Baxter wasn’t a stranger to getting himself into trouble or any amount of mischief, but these days that typically happened on his own. A stranger offering to help him sneak out of a boring event? That was certainly a first.
Eyes narrowing at the mischievous Fox in front of him, he couldn’t find it in himself to deny the offer. Taking a quick look around the area, he was confident that no one was paying attention to a trio of kids hovering at the edge of the crowd, he decided that if he were to take up this Fox on this offer, he had better do it now.
“Very well. Lead the way.”
The sly grin turning into a wide smile, Baxter knew he had made the right decision. What he was not expecting, is when the Fox nodded to their companion to quicky make their way back to their soiree, was a warm hand gripping onto his and pulling him along.
Allowing himself to get pulled along, Baxter didn’t even look back to see if anyone had seen him leave. His mind was focused on the person ahead of him, the one with the hair coloured of fallen leaves and a personality that certainly matched the moniker he had given them in his thoughts. He was finally able to take in what his Fox was wearing; A flowy dark green dress with golden accents stitched into it, paired with gold, kitten heeled shoes.
He really could help but think that they belong in a forest, every part of their aesthetic and personality convincing him further. Before he could muse any further about the person who’s hand still held onto his own, the music had started to grow louder and they had finally arrived at the event he was planning to sneak off to later in the evening.
A chuckle pulls him further from his thoughts as he turns and looks at his Fox, who wore a truly happy and satisfied smile; Eyes twinkling with mirth as they let go of his hand and instead swept their own out towards the crowd in front of them.
“Welcome! To our Summer Soiree!”
“Why thank you. I feel honoured to have been given a VIP pass to it.”
Baxter teased, but before he could say anything further, his Fox’s companion was trying to catch their attention.
“Aug, hang on where are –“
Their tanned companion had a worried look on his face as he searched the crowd, and Baxter considered this his time to bow out from their adventure and start on his own.
“It looks like you are both busy. I appreciate the assistance in getting here, but I’ll be able to entertain myself from here.”
He tilts his head in goodbye and watches as crestfallen expression appears on his Fox’s face. He couldn’t deny that he wished he could spend a bit more time with them, but he knew when his presence was no longer needed, and knew how to make himself scarce.
“I -wait hang on.”
Turning their attention back to their companion, his Fox was speaking quickly and quietly, their companion clearly a touch agitated, but the Fox seemed to not be worried about a thing. Not wanting to disturb them further, he quietly stepped back and walked away, taking in the lights and ambiance of the Soiree that he had found himself at.
As he walked around, noting the similar foods, drinks and set up that they had; Nothing drastically different from where he came from, but he could tell the energy here was much happier. More enjoyable to be a part of. Unlike the cold and proper stiffness, he had to deal with at the events he typically has to attend. He found himself enjoying just experiencing the ambiance of the event, and soon he wanted to join in on it.
Making his way toward the dancefloor, he listened to the band slowly coming to the end of current song as he looked around for a potential partner he could enjoy a quick dance with before he had to find his way back to were his parents were no doubt going to start looking for him. His mind wandered to his Fox from earlier in the evening, silently wishing he could see them one last time before he disappeared; That was until he found them standing at the edge of the dancefloor, seemingly looking for a partner to dance with.
Rarely does fate give people the chance to get what they wish for, and Baxter wasn’t going to give up this chance. Walking up, he taps his Fox on the shoulder and as they turn to see who had tried to grab their attention, their face goes from questioning to ecstatic in quick succession.
“Hello! I wondered where you went off to!”
It warmed him to think that someone cared about him, someone who was basically a stranger to him, but it brought a genuine smile to his face. With a flick of his hand, he quickly explains himself,
“I do apologise. I didn’t want to take you away from your friend and you had done so much to just sneak me in already. I didn’t want to impose.”
He watches as his Fox cocks an eyebrow at him, clearly amused at the language he was using. He knew too well that he spoke more formally than most kids, but it was something he took in stride.
“Though, now that I have found you this time round, may I ask; Are planning on dancing?”
“I am if I can find anyone to dance with me. My friend is off on a search and rescue mission, so I’ve been left on my own to find a new partner.”
Baxter would be lying if he said he wasn’t elated at hearing that, but he quickly squashed down any excited emotion and simply held out his hand towards his Fox,
“In that case, we should dance. It’s perfect timing, a new song is just about to start.”
“I think that would be quite fun. Plus at least this way, you won’t disappear as soon as I look away this time.”
The Fox teased him as they placed a hand in his. Without any further words, he simply gave her a wisp of a smile and walked out to the dancefloor. Once they had found a spot, he went into his proper form for dancing, and was pleasantly surprised when his partner had done the same.
The confident way his Fox settled into position, he would be hard pressed to imagine that they hadn’t had lessons in the past, and had been regularly training like he had. As the first notes of the song played through the night, Baxter took the lead in the dance, effortlessly guiding them both into the night. As he continued to guide his Fox across the dancefloor, he couldn’t help but be elated at the knowledge that he had a brilliant dancing partner, deftly matching his steps and competently keeping pace with the music.
Baxter was thoroughly enjoying himself in the company of his Fox, comfortably finding a rhythm with them as they dance. But as all good things do, it came to an end far too soon for his liking. As the music came to an end, he politely stepped back, releasing the warm hands of his fox, before taking a bow.
“Thank you for dancing with me, and for bringing me here tonight. It was truly a lovely experience.”
His Fox smiled ever so gently at him; He could feel the softness of their gaze as he straightened out.
As they were about to respond someone called out to them, catching their attention, though Baxter couldn’t make out what it was. With a disappointed look, they turned back to Baxter, their look having changed to a sad one, almost apologetic. Baxter could gather easily what that meant and so, made his excuses,
“It seems that I have now overstayed my welcome. Thank you once again for your kindness.”
As he turned to leave, he could see his Fox try to reach out to him, but stopped themselves before it was too obvious for anyone else to notice. But he did, and that mattered more than he cared to admit for some reason.
He took a few steps, before turning back, his Fox watching him leave, he decided to leave on last parting comment, before disappearing from their lives,
“Oh, by the by, you have nice legs.”
As a red flush appeared on their cheeks, Baxter flashed a toothy grin at them before he disappeared into the crowd, feeling warm and accomplished in his adventure of the day. He hoped to remember this night, and his Fox for many years to come; After all, magical moments like these do not come often, and Baxter did not consider himself as someone to be gifted a moment like this again in the future.
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avalordream · 1 month
How I'd like to think they text:
Baxter: Good morning MC
Baxter: I'm at the market before work
MC: morning can you get me a peach
Baxter: I'll give you the heavens and the earth
Baxter: the stars and the moon
Baxter: but i just left and im too lazy to go back
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kayohhey · 20 days
Day 2: Date Night
Wanted to write a fic for them, I didn't have that much time today though and I'm not all that used to writing fajfafskfc.
Dates were a rare occasion for the couple.
With Jaden usually busy working on streaming and doing things for her games and Baxter always in his office helping out couples. The two weren’t all that free to have some time out together.  Outside of the occasional ‘sit on the couch and do nothing for an hour’  whenever they had the opportunity.
Today was different though.
The day before, the couple found out that they both had a rare day off. They scrambled to plan where to go. Eventually deciding to take the morning casually and then go out for dinner to a restaurant that recently opened up nearby.
It was a pretty expensive restaurant with a lot of good reviews despite it being relatively new to the area. Although Jaden and Baxter weren’t really struggling for money, they didn’t usually go out to expensive places like this. 
Morning had been relatively calm, Baxter and Jaden decided to sleep in. Baxter did have to slowly get dragged out of bed by Jaden once 12pm hit which she deemed around time to get started for the day. Which may or may not have gotten them a sleepy glare from the charming wedding planner.
Afternoon was spent on the couch, where they both ended up watching some trashy reality tv. They hadn’t really paid attention to it at the start but by the end of it both were arguing on which contestant would win.
“It’s clearly Liam who’s gonna win their hearts! I mean look at them, clearly lovestruck!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Marie is getting quite close with one of them.”
“Isn’t the purpose to steal both of their hearts?” Jaden asked, she wasn’t really paying attention when the rules of the game were explained.
“No, it is simply to get at least one of them to date you.”
Jaden looked a bit sad at that, “But then what happens to the other person? Will they just be left without a date?”
“That is unfortunately how this show explained its premise.” Baxter said to Jaden, who continued to root for their contestant.
Baxter’s pick eventually ended up winning the show, leaving a slightly sour taste in Jaden's mouth, but she eventually decided that it was just tv, reality show or not.
After a bit, the couple realized that night time was approaching, and so was the time they planned to get ready for their dinner date. The two dressed up in the fanciest clothes they owned and headed towards the restaurant.
The car ride was mostly silent, listening to the radio that was playing the same song for the hundredth time this month. Silence between them stopped being awkward at some point, no one knew when exactly it happened, but the lovers found some sense of comfort in the silence after a while.
Baxter eventually slowed the car down as they reached their destination. A deceptively small looking restaurant with a glowing sign titled “The Golden Plate.”
Jaden exited the car, her formal blouse and skirt flowing in the wind as they looked towards the location. “I honestly thought this place would be bigger.” She said, looking towards the man who had more expertise in fancy things.
“Appearances can be deceiving, and the size of the establishment rarely ever affects its quality.” Is all he said before offering his hand to Jaden as they walked towards the front entrance.
The inside was beautiful, a bunch of lights hanging from the ceiling and reaching the floor was at the center of rows of fancy tables and seats with wealthy looking couples all around. There was no doubt that this establishment was for those who had money to spend.
It didn’t take long before the two were guided to a table, the restaurant only took reservations so the wait times weren’t as long. The couple sat at their chairs and started looking at the menu.
Jaden may have slightly regretted going to a place like this after seeing the prices but she eventually decided that it was a treat for the both of them. They didn’t usually have this opportunity after all.
She did slightly chuckle after seeing a certain item on the menu.
Baxter, not being a mind reader, only gave his significant other a confused look. “Perhaps I have missed a sort of joke on the menu?”
“Oh I just saw that a bellini was on the menu. Reminded me of that time at the interactive play.” Jaden smiled fondly. She could never quite forget that night- which was the case for most moments when Baxter was involved. The man always got her to experience new things, and even if she had done it before he somehow found new ways for her to experience it. 
Her fiancé only gave out a sigh, “That baby bellini will never escape me will it?”
A quiet laugh escaped Jaden’s lips, “No, no it will not.”
“Alas, I do happen to be our driver. So I unfortunately have to skip out on it this time.”
The rest of the night was filled with small chatter, what eachother had been dealing with at their jobs, a few future plans for vacations, and other things. It never really mattered what they talked about.
Time passed quickly, and the couple eventually left the restaurant with slightly lighter pockets and mostly filled stomachs.
As they approached the car, Jaden spoke up, “It’s still pretty early y'know, do ya think we could go find a park or something?” She wasn’t quite done with the night yet. This was a rare occasion after all.
Baxter pondered the idea, his client did cancel out of their morning appointment tomorrow. It wouldn’t hurt to spend a bit more time outside. “Sounds like a splendid idea, do you perhaps have any experience with this area?”
All he got with that was a deadpan look from his soon-to-be wife. “We can just look it up.” She said, while pulling out her phone from her pocket. “There's a park that’s kinda nearby.” She showed her phone to him as he memorized the address.
“Great, shall we head towards it then?” Baxter gave a smirk while setting up their car’s GPS.
“Of course.”
After some driving around and a few wrong turns, they both ended up at the park. It was decently lit for how late it had been.
The two started to walk around on the path, passing the occasional late night walker. None of them said a word though. Jaden was lost in thought and Baxter was waiting for her to perhaps say something. Reserved to just look at the night sky as his partner thinks.
Minutes passed without a response, which eventually just lead Baxter to take the lead.
“Did you have any idea’s on- “ he didn’t even have enough time to finish his sentence before Jaden dragged him to the grassy patch.
Jaden hadn’t really thought it all through though, and midway through- maybe because of a combination of Baxter’s lack of preparation and Jaden’s heels on the grass, the couple eventually fell into the soft dirt. Leaving Baxter shocked and Jaden laughing.
“That’s certainly one way to give me a heart attack.” Baxter said after recovering from his surprise.
Jaden stopped laughing and smiled, “I used to do that to Cove a lot back when we were kids.”
“Give him heart attacks?” Baxter smirked as he turned to face Jaden.
He got a playful slap on the shoulder for that, “You know what I mean.”
The couple laid on the grass for a while after that, silently looking at the night sky. Their clothes were a mess by that point and they didn’t think about how they were ever going to clean them for their own sakes.
That didn’t really matter to them at that moment though. What mattered was that they were together, enjoying each other’s company. It may have taken them a comically long time to finally be together and the future ahead of them might not be too bright, but days like today always made it seem worth it.
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golden leaves pursue silver waves
fandom: our life: beginnings & always
rating: t
characters: baxter ward, main character
relationship: baxter ward/main character
My submission for the Level Up challenge hosted by @ficwip is a 30-day drabble collection. I used this list for my prompts.
Like all fairy tales, the twist is that the poison you let overflow now coats the summer cherries you offer to this boy with autumn at his heels. He eats it, and with that, you invite him into your life; two people are cursed that day with yearning.
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Just as if we’re Strangers on a Train
Written for OC x Canon week organised by @theocxcanonweek
Day 6 Prompt:
Touching Foreheads / Sci-Fi AU / “Can you stay? Please…”
Baxter/MC OC fic. Ao3 link here.
“He could laugh. Right now, he wasn’t expected to stay in character. The childhood sweetheart, that wasn’t him. But at this moment, as “Theodore”, wouldn’t it be alright to indulge, even just a little…”
[Of course, it wouldn't be me if I didn't take this as an excuse to write for Our Life www
The title is like, a sort of reference to the whole b/w era of romance movies that always have lovers meet on trains or train stations. I mean, iconic and all so…
Please also don’t think too hard of the “play murder” in this. I’m not very smart and I’m not even going to pretend there is a mystery to solve here lol.
Takes place a little before Baxter Step 4 but is not meant to fit into any canonicity, I really wrote this cause the idea just came to me.]
He finds himself freezing up, mouth agape. The couple he’s been hired by is no doubt wondering what the issue is, being silent for longer than a few seconds. Though, maybe they think it’s just him being in character, seeing as how the young woman standing right in front of him is matching him in shock.
There’s a sudden exclamation of shock, from someone Baxter recognises as one of the game masters from the start of this whole event, now costumed up. “Oh my, young lady! Isn’t that the boy from the picture you showed me earlier? Your childhood friend? What a coincidence!”
The shock was slowly draining from the young woman in front of you, a smile now taut and forced plastered on. “Yes, what a crazy coincidence. But it’s been so long that we may as well be strangers,” she steps closer and extends her hand, though in a way that seems like a private parody to Baxter and Baxter alone, echoing his long-forgotten introduction to her. But this wasn’t the tourist beach town of Sunset Bird, but a live-action-themed mystery game with everyone on it stuck on a moving train for the whole duration of the event. “I may as well reintroduce myself. Perhaps I’ve been forgotten after all this time, after all. Nice to meet you, Theodore. I’m Rosalind.”
How could he ever forget her face? Not when her tearful expression was forever seared into his mind. “Oh, Rosa,” His character card for Theodore had mentioned that he too, could never forget his childhood sweetheart. “Of course not! It’s been too long.”
He shakes her hand, trying to maintain his poker face. He’s basically on a job after all. This damn, blasted job.
The couple he had been hired by wanted a themed wedding, see? But a very specific themed wedding, based on the series of mystery live-action games. It was how they first met. The easy way would have been to just Google what the story and themes were about. But the company’s website was vague, and the couple had explained they wanted it to be an exclusive narrative to their players. So, the consummate professional aspiring wedding planner that Baxter Alexander Ward was, said he would attend one himself so he could best get the feel of it. The couple was excited to accompany him, though considering their love of it, he suspects they would have gone to this event anyways. 
The theme of this event was a murder on a train. It was an affair across a couple of days, the murder happening once everyone settled in and received their randomly assigned roles. His, a young rich nobleman - Baxter wanted to laugh when he received his card, landing a  role from a life he left behind - who had many regrets, prime of all not defying his parents to marry his childhood sweetheart Rosalind. 
Rosalind. He truly doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry. Rosalind was here, no childhood ocean boy or any of her friends in sight. Maybe for the best, no doubt they all knew of her heartbreak after he left…
The game master laughs, slapping him and Rosalind on the back. “Ah, always nice to see old friends reunite huh? Now come, let’s all head to the dining cart. Both of you must have lots to catch up on!”
They were seated across each other, considering that their characters likely would have wanted to catch up. They weren’t in private, still seated near the other dining cart seats, so they were likely still expected to be in character. So there was a relief, as they spoke back and forth, reciting notes from their character cards. That is, until…
“So, Theo,” The name mocking on her tongue. “I’m surprised to see you alone on this trip. No beau for the season? All here by your lonesome?”
“...I’m here on business, if you must know, dear Rosa. I’m traveling with Hemsworth,” Baxter points to a rather dainty young woman with a moustache plastered on sitting two tables away. The roles were given at random after all, so there were actually quite a few as characters who didn’t necessarily match who they were at all in person. That was one of his clients actually, though currently separated from her girlfriend-now fiancee. 
Rosalind hums, focussing back on her food and drink. Baxter couldn’t help himself. Part of him just had to know. Maybe it just felt easier as for all anyone knew, he was asking as Theodore after all. “And you, Rosa? No dashing men with lovely eyebrows or brotherly demeanours have swept you off your feet?”
“...No,” she’s meticulously cutting her steak, refusing to look up at him. “After you left and broke my heart, I don’t think falling in love was ever that easy again.”
He doesn’t know what to say, what he could say. Though he didn’t quite have to, as a young woman slips into the seat next to him - the other lucky woman to be wed, and begins to make small talk to them both. Her role was that of a ditzy heiress it seemed, slightly humorous as Baxter knew the young woman was a rather stern and straightforward lawyer from the times he had met her at his office. He’s infinitely grateful as her presence certainly elevated the tenseness, and Rosalind certainly didn’t stray from her character.
As it turns out, while the player behind Rosalind was here by her lonesome, Rosa herself was with a her uncle, who decided to branch out from academics to art.
There’s an exaggerated squeal from the heiress of what kind of art and lighthearted topic carried all the way till after dessert, when Baxter could finally make his escape.
He didn’t expect to get invested in what was going on, purely here as a learning experience of sorts after all. But with every player huddled as close as they can be in the narrow space of the train corridor, almost all in nightwear, peering over the poor fellow facedown in fake blood…
Well, maybe Baxter was a little more invested in this than he let on, now that it seemed that the game had truly begun proper. Fingers were pointed and the yelling of accusations had started. 
The murder victim was the academic turned artist who recently came into fortune via a rich client and wanted to work with Hemsworth and Theodore to open a gallery, so the duo playing the investors to said victim was immediately brought into the hot seat. But he and Hemsworth exclaimed they had alibis. It went in circles, from the person sitting next to him at dinner to the one who was mostly quiet throughout this so far.
An attendant insisted they all calm down and return to their rooms. They were still miles away from any kind of authority, so for everyone’s safety they should keep their wits about it. Of course, as players, they had been instructed to investigate in their own time to solve this whodunit, and as to not alert the murderer, they would have to do so discreetly or risk being silenced by the murderer…
As expected, the married couple to be had already decided to pair up, whispering to each other. Baxter was glad they seemed to certainly be enjoying themselves…
“Now why should just let it go when it’s obvious who did it!” A man cries out, jabbing his finger towards Rosalind. “She’s the only one who could have! They’re in the same cabin, you idiots! I say we lock her up in a  room now!”
Baxter finds himself speaking up, especially seeing Rosalind wince and take a few paces back in fear when all eyes turn on her. It was fine, wasn’t it? It was totally in character for Theodore to speak up and vouch for her…
“Now, now, my good sir. Didn’t you hear the attendant? He said to best let the authorities handle this, hm?”
“You’re just sticking up for her 'cause you’re sweet on her!”
“...She’s my old friend after all. Now, if it makes you feel better, I’ll stay in the same cabin with her. If I’m dead by sunrise, then you’d be right maybe.” 
The fellow gives Baxter the stink eye, before he calls out for a vote - leading to Baxter now being locked in a cabin with Rosalind. 
Locked with someone who he was technically in private with… No reason to stay in character…
“Would it be cliche if I say I think the loudest accuser is the murderer? Or who do you think killed my poor uncle?” 
“Ah yes, the million dollar question… Considering he was an academic who - from what I heard from every other passenger at least once - he seemed to have met them all at least once. Quite the social butterfly, hm, you uncle?”
She snorts, fully breaking character as she takes out her phone and begins to tap away. The rule was that no phones were out in the open, so at least this was fine…
“Letting your sister know that you’re all fine and dandy?” He recalls how protective her family was in general, her sister demanding that the youngest contact her nightly during their short trip summers ago.
“Cove, actually,” she’s typing away, a smile on her face. 
“Ah, so still as tight-knit as ever, then?”
“We’re not conjoined at the hip anymore, especially for stuff like this where he has to potentially be stuck on a train for days with strangers,” she finally halts and tucks her phone away. “Well, back to the matter at hand-”
She launches back into theories on the mystery, shutting the door on any other topics. Baxter doesn’t even attempt to try.
Rosalind’s uncle, as stated, was certainly a man of many connections. He wasn’t particularly grand as an artist, but he cashed in on many favours. Ones with rich and influential members of society were especially prevalent. He had taken Rosalind in, purely to have a hold in her whatever little inheritance her belated parents left her and to use her as a chip in negotiations - it was so easy to tempt many with a pretty girl yet to marry…
“Sounds like you would have a fair bit of motive, Rosa.”
“You think I did it as well then?”
“...No matter what, I’ll do my best to be by your side, Rosa.”
He wishes she would look his way, her eyes fixed to the scenery they were passing by. “Must be easy to say things like this huh, Theo? But promises, promises,” Her voice is shaky. “They’re just words you know? I think actions speak louder.”
“...Then what do you want me to do, Rosa?”
“Maybe you’ll just vanish again after this is all over… But at least, during this trip…”
She turns to him at last, eyes shiny with tears. “Can you stay? Please? Just pretend for me that you’re really just Theo, and don’t leave me alone…”
“...Of course. I promise.”
He could laugh. Right now, he wasn’t expected to stay in character. The childhood sweetheart, that wasn’t him. But at this moment, as Theodore, wouldn’t it be alright to indulge, even just a little…
It had been at least over a day since the murder. They were holding a meeting in the dining cart, the majority exclaiming they found evidence of who it was. It would seem the dramatics of the loudest person really were just signs of guilt as a majority were pointing to the man who had adamantly insisted it was Rosa.
“Y-You fools! It ain’t me, I didn’t do it!”
“Oh come on, you’re the only one with the shakiest alibi, and the murder weapon was hidden in your trunk!”
There was a chaos of voices. Baxter looks to Rosalind, who had been increasingly silent throughout the day as they snuck around and questioned guests and attendants alike. 
Ah. Maybe she figured it out.
“He’s right,” her voice, though softer than the yelling, cut through and silenced everyone. She walked forward, her confidence and stride like a Queen addressing her subjects. It’s no wonder they all turned to listen.
It’s no wonder she caught his eye, to begin with.
“He didn’t do it.”
“Then who did, lass?! You saying you killed him after all?!”
She shook her head, holding her breath, as if contemplating in the last few seconds. “It was…”
Rosalind turns to him. “It was you, wasn’t it Theo?”
The story goes that Theodore’s parents, who very much did not approve of the common girl Rosalind, had struck a deal with her uncle. A great sum of money to play a part in a scheme that would pull the lovers apart. Theo would believe she only wanted him for his wealth, and Rosa broken-hearted over a slew of letters of “him” declaring he loathed her.
How unfair, that life pulled them apart.
His parents had passed, not long after Rosalind had left to who knew where with her uncle. 
Theo had almost gone mad, upset at them - at himself. So foolish to believe the lies that were fed to him so easily. 
He was too ashamed to even look at the letters Rosa has sent him, trying to reconnect…
No matter. His parents dead. The other one at fault would soon be too…
There were horrified gasps on the unfolding scene. Very honestly, mayhaps Baxter was just ever so slightly intrigued when the game master handed him his card at the start. Theodore - the criminal of this plot, with a suitcase of hidden props. So maybe, ever so slightly, he decided to lean into the dramatics. The game masters were still in character, after all, not stopping him.
A “gun” pointed directly at Rosalind, and bitterness in his voice. “Why did you have to ruin everything Rosa? It was almost perfect!”
“What would murdering my uncle solve?! Instead of killing him, you could have just,” Her hands were waved in frustration, she was close to crying in frustration and sadness. “Reached out to me! Explain, said something! I would have listened! Instead, you kept quiet like a coward!”
“I needed to do something to redeem myself… I didn’t know how I could show myself to you again without…”
“I just wanted you to stay,” she had crumpled to the ground, tears falling. “Why do you always have to make yourself out to be a bad guy… You just… Had to stay in touch…”
It really could have been that easy, couldn’t it?
“I’m surprised she decided to reveal you!” One of the fiancees laughed. “I mean, sometimes in these games, the villain does get away with it, you know?”
Her other half sighs, peaking over Baxter’s shoulder to read his card. “Rosalind would have gotten a good deal herself too, if you got away with it. All her uncle’s riches would be hers and she'll finally be with the man she loved…”
“It must have simply been a matter of doing the right thing,” Baxter smiles, but his eyes were peeled to the train platform. The ending to their little adventure. But… Rosalind’s player was nowhere to be found.
It was almost ironic, for her to now vanish out of his life despite given a chance meeting. Or, perhaps it was like Rosalind declared…
All Theodore had to do was reach out…
He didn’t. 
Because Baxter Ward was a coward.
Besides, her number might have changed after all this time. 
We were nothing but strangers on a train, he insists. He busies himself, looking at the information on the next client. 
A Scott Adam and Jude Eckert.
Huh. He knew an Eckert, once upon a time… Summers ago…
He shakes his head again. Enough of this. All he had to do was focus on work. After all, what were the chances he’d run into her again, after all…
[I planned this fic before writing but as I wrote I think I lost the sauce…. Sobs….
Also pls lemme know if you spot any silly mistakes, tysm ilu]
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minthe-drawings · 17 days
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'Luckily for Scarlett, no matter what tempo, style, or pattern played--'
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animeomegas · 1 year
Incorrigible - Baxter x GN! Reader
For the other Baxter simps who have been filling my inbox with the good stuff, this is for you ;)
Baxter x GN!Reader - Set immediately after the epilogue, before MC goes back to their home.
Warnings: Very suggestive. This is not a/b/o btw. Also, idk why but I'm so embarrassed to post this kjdsfhsafsfg
It was strange to have found Baxter again after so long, only to have to return to your home less than a week later.
Staying with him in his apartment had felt so natural. If the last week had taught you anything it was that you and Baxter naturally orbited towards each other, like magnets powered only by chemistry and thinly veiled sexual tension.
Fate obviously wanted you together, and finally, finally, Baxter had given in.
But tonight was your final night staying with him, at least for now. No matter how much you didn't want to leave, you had responsibilities, work, a whole manner of adult things that needed tending to back in your everyday life. Not to mention Baxter had his own things to do, mainly a long list of new weddings to plan, something you certainly didn't envy him for.
But despite the fact that you'd already planned Baxter coming to stay with you about a month from now, you were upset to leave. You had to admit part of those feelings were probably left over from the last time you'd parted for a significant amount of time, but regardless of their origin, the feelings were real.
You had a sneaking suspicion that Baxter felt the same way; you'd gone to bed together an hour ago and still, neither of you had made any attempts to fall asleep. You were just laying on his chest, drawing patterns on the visible skin of his wrist. You could hear from his heartbeat that he was equally as awake.
Being this close to him forced a thought to pop up in your head, and you were too tired for your filter to stop it from being vocalised.
"I'm glad we haven't had sex yet."
You felt Baxter's chest freeze for a moment as he stopped breathing. You had caught him off guard, but only briefly, because the moment quickly passed and he soon resumed breathing and answered you.
"Oh?" he said, voice teasing. You could imagine the smirk that must be sitting on his face. "And why is that?"
Any embarrassment you felt at blurting out such a statement was overcome by the burning desire to wipe that smirk off his face.
"Because," you started, sitting up and turning around until you were hovering over him. You held yourself up with one hand and cupped his face with the other, before you slowly shifted the second hand down to his chin, before flitting your fingers gently onto his neck. As you reached his throat, he swallowed heavily, the smirk melting away, replaced by a light blush.
"Because?" he whispered, voice husky and eyes lidded.
"Because I have a feeling," you continued, speaking softly. "That the moment I get to touch you, all of you, I might-" you pressed a feather light kiss to his throat- "just-" you moved slightly further down and pressed another one on his warm skin- "become obsessed."
With the final word you pressed a kiss onto the mole on his neck, delighting in the way he shivered under you.
"If I got a taste of you now," you pulled away and ran your palm down his chest, deftly undoing the top three buttons of his pyjama shirt. His heart was beating wildly. "I'd need at least a week before I could let you out of my clutches."
"That would be quite the excuse to explain my absence to my clients," he tried to tease, but the breathlessness in his voice undermined him, as you slipped your hand beneath his shirt until your fingers were resting in between his pecs.
"Oh, believe me, Baxter, you won't be in a position to explain anything. That's a promise."
His gazed up at you with lidded eyes and you were struck by how beautiful he was. Baxter had a hold on you that you couldn't escape from. Something of a grin had settled back onto his face now, but you were more focused on the cloudy lust you could see in his eyes. Unfortunately, the moment couldn't last forever. His wild grin melted into something softer.
"I'll hold you to that," he said, gently pushing you away. He grabbed the hand on his chest with one of his and threaded your fingers together. You were forced to cease your ministrations and allow him to rebutton his shirt with his other hand. You understood his actions for what they were, though. He wasn't saying that he didn't enjoy your attention, quite the opposite, he was showing you that any further attention and your plan to wait might fall to pieces. "But as you said, now is not the moment."
You sighed loudly, but acquiesced, leaning away from him as much as your joint hands would comfortable allow. Baxter smiled up at you, cheeks still flushed.
"Don't look so disappointed," he grinned, leaning up to peck you on the lips. His lips were warm and soft and the spark the kiss lit underneath you couldn't be dampened by a little awkward nose bumping from the angle you were at.
You pressed forward and re-joined your lips when he tried to pull away. You pulled that trick three times until he was fully reclined onto the pillows and you were back to hovering over him.
Seeing no further space for escape, Baxter gently grabbed your chin with his fingers and pulled you back. Your lips disconnected with a sad, but satisfying noise.
"You're incorrigible," Baxter said, looking at you fondly. "Utterly incorrigible."
"You love it," you shot back, settling back down on his chest, recognising that the game was finished.
"I do," he replied gently, running his thumb along the back of your still conjoined hands. "Very much."
You were going to miss him, truly and deeply. You were going to miss the little snort laugh you could pry out of him on occasion, you were going to miss the way he turned to you in times of stress or anxiety, and you were definitely going to miss the way his skin felt against yours.
"Stop thinking and sleep," Baxter said suddenly, squeezing your hand. "For some reason you decided to leave before 9 AM so you need to rest."
You laughed at the disgust in his voice at the early time you'd chosen to depart.
"You don't have to get up with me, Baxter, I've told you that already."
"It's no bother," he said through gritted teeth.
You only laughed harder at the blatant lie, but you had to admit that you were looking forwarding to seeing a sleepy, disorganised Baxter see you off; it was his cutest side after all.
Baxter managed to pretend to be offended for a couple more seconds before he joined you in laughing, his chuckles jolting your head as he did.
As the laughter in the room died down, you both lay contentedly in the silence. Distantly, you could hear the cars passing outside and the sound of a neighbour's door closing on the other side of the corridor. His bedding was very soft and you idly noted that you needed to buy some nicer bedding for you bed, to entice him to stay as long as possible.
"I love you."
"I love you too," he replied, gently resting his cheek on the top of your head. "We won't be apart for long this time, I promise."
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Swap AU for @minthe-drawings' Baxter x MC week!!!
Day 1: First meeting
You stood on the shore, gazing out at the ocean and taking everything in. The smell of salt, the light of the sunset reflecting off the water.
The feeling of the warm hand placed so comfortably in yours.
Over the course of your long lifetime, so many memories had been made here on the beach by your childhood home. But if you had to pick your very favorite one, it was really no contest.
"Hey Baxter," you said, turning your head.
Your husband met your eyes, his trademark smirk playing on his face as he answered, "Yes, darling?"
You took a moment to study him. His hair was greying, not the same grey he had as a child, though that was present too -- he'd stopped dying his hair decades ago. Wisps of silver were highlighted in the soft waves that framed his handsome face. Crow's feet and laugh lines could be seen in the corners of his eyes and around his mouth.
Evidence of a life well lived.
Lifting his hand, you placed a kiss along his knuckles. You asked, "Do you remember the day we met?"
He laughed, an easy, bright, beautiful sound, then moved to take you in his arms.
"How could I forget?"
The thing was, you're sure that you both had forgotten lots of things over the years. Not because you didn't want to remember, of course, but because there had been too many things happen between you to catalogue them all. Maybe there was a kiss that you should have tried harder to hold onto, or an inside joke forgotten to time.
You'd spent over 40 years together. More than half of your journey was over -- you didn't know how many years you had left to make those kinds of precious memories, or how well you'd be able to save them.
"Tell me about it," you said softly.
Baxter kissed your forehead and began stroking your hair, then he did as you asked.
He told you all about how his family had moved to Sunset Bird when he was nine years old, and how scared he was by everything. Being in a new town, so close to the ocean that used to terrify him, it had all overwhelmed him. So that very first day, as his parents were directing the movers, he'd snuck away to the beach. He'd wanted to face his fear, to try to conquer it so it didn't eat away at him.
That's what he was doing when you approached him.
"I was so happy to see another child in the neighborhood," he said, moving to rub your shoulders. "And also scared that I wouldn't be able to make a friend."
"That's understandable, but I think it's safe to say you made one."
He laughed again, and when his laughter turned to a smile, he gave you a soft kiss.
"I think so too."
You wanted to share a million more kisses with Baxter. You wanted a million more days on the beach with him, a million more lifetimes with him.
As much as it broke your heart, there really wasn't any possible way to experience those last two wishes. But the first one, you thought with a grin, you just might be able to accomplish.
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orion4ever · 7 months
Hello! This is my first time requesting something (like ever), so please forgive me if I did something wrong :)
Could I request a step 1 Qiu x MC where MC is super interested in ghosts/paranormal things/haunted dolls, and is considered offputting/scary because of it (when in reality they're a total sweetheart)? Scenario/prompt is up to you! If it's not too specific to add on, MC could be super shy/only really open to him and Tamarack.
Thank you, and have a good day/night! ♡
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Author’s note: Hi, Thank you for requesting! The step 2 stuff is being delayed rn so It's good that I have a step 1 request rn! I don’t like keeping people waiting! This is a short scenario! Hope you like it!
Pairing: Step 1! Qiu Lin x Paranormal Fanatic MC
It was a week before Halloween, MC and Qiu were standing around Mrs. Murray’s room after school and talking about anything new, Qiu told MC about a sticker his dad bought for him and how he decided to put it on his bike helmet.
“It's super cool , it's a black cat with galaxy sunglasses!” he described, his finger drawing a cat shape in the air to further elaborate to his friend.
“That's nice of your dad to get it for you, You have to show it to me later.” MC replied, earnestly. Earning a bright smile from the young boy.
“I will , I can promise that!…What about you? Anything interesting you wanna show?” Qiu asked , curious.
Qiu and Tamarack were aware of MC’s interest in the scary and paranormal. With permission from both of them , MC had showed them lots of interesting little wonders that they had acquired: tiny bones you found in woods, ghost stories your mom bought etc.
MC showed some of their other classmates these trinkets sometimes too, but they would get scared and find the peculiar child off-putting or a little scary; wondering why you would even suggest playing Ouija board for indoor recess instead of coloring in a cute character or playing heads up seven up.
“Oh, uh! I do! Can I show you..?” MC asked , already slowly itching their little hand towards the zipper of her bag.
“Go ahead!”
MC dug both hands into their bag, using their knee to hold the bag high enough to retrieve this mystery item. The child pulled out a raggedy old doll, its once presumed brunette hair was tangled and covered in a mix of twigs and dirt, it had on an old style dress and a big bow on top of its head.
The first thing Qiu notes in his head is the singular shiny blue glass doll eye, the other eye is missing.
“I found this doll under a tree, I really hope it’s haunted” MC said with excitement , cradling the doll like if they shook it wrong it would curse their entire family for eternity.
“Pfft, why would you want it to be haunted?” Qiu asked with a bemused smile on his face, he didn’t ask to be judgemental; just curious.
MC shrugs. “I think it be cool.. , maybe the ghost could be somebody funl.” They answered with a small shy smile.
“Fair” Qiu replied. Qiu Lin wasn’t easily deterred and he enjoyed how passionate MC was about the paranormal and all the weird things that come with it,
“Hey! I have an idea, So there is this house up the hill, a few blocks away from Baxter’s house that is completely abandoned. It has families of spiders living in it!” He paused for a moment to gauge MC’s star-struck expression before continuing.
“Why don’t You, me, and Tamarack go and explore it? Show your new doll the house you know?”
MC answered. “Yeah, uhm maybe I can take my ghost-hunting kit and everything.”
“That would be smart, Never know when a ghost might decide they wanna eat us!” Qiu joked.
“…I don’t think ghosts can eat?”
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choicesoctober · 8 months
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I’ll compile a weekly masterlist by contributor and then a complete list at the end of the month. So here is week one’s masterlist.
If I missed your’s please let me know and I will get it on the list. Same, if I missed reblogging your contribution.
Intro: Ash Clark (It Lives, OC)
Intro: Ash Clark (It Lives, OC)
Fic: …Sometimes Not, Part 11 (TRR, Liam x OC)
Intro: Evie (HSS, MC)
Fic: All He Wanted (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Intro & Edit: Lindow Marcelino Redesign (HSS, OC)
Text Fic: Feeling Ancient (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Fic: First Date (CoP, Trystan x MC)
Fic: In a Pickle (OPH, Tobias x MC)
Text Fic: Roman Adventure (OPH, Tobias x MC)
Intro: Amber Burke (It Lives, MC)
Intro: Elissa Ryder (Nightbound, OC child)
Intro: Jason Ryder (Nightbound, OC child)
Fic: When Hunters Become Prey, Chapter 22 (Nightbound, MC)
Intro: Tyril x Reyna Headcanons (Blades, Tyril x MC)
Fic: And There Was This Cat (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Fic: One Day (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Fic: Drabble (OPH, Tobias x MC, Ethan x MC, Bryce x OC)
Picrew: Brienne of Riverbend Redesign (Blades, MC)
Edit: Iris of Riverbend Redesign (Blades, MC)
Edit: Jackie Winters Redesign (RCC, MC)
Intro & Edit: Jamie Baxter (HSS, MC)
Intro & Edit: Lola Williams (HSS, MC)
Edit: Lola Williams Redesign (HSS, MC)
Into & Edit: Ollie Bridgers (ILW, MC)
Edit: Dr. Sydney Valentine Redesign (OPH, MC)
Fic & Art: Obvious Secret (OPH, Bryce x OC)
Fic: Sculpting Desires (Blades, Mal x OC, Tyril x OC, Mal x Tyril)
Fic: Vintage Dreams (Blades, Mal x OC, Tyril x OC, Mal x Tyril)
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