#battery percent game
swampstew · 1 year
16%. When frightened, will your character "fight" or "flight"? (Damn, I need to charge my phone... thanks for the reminder!)
Lmaoo the way this game had me hunting for a charger🫣 thanks for playing Star🌟
Rowena - throws hands immediately. She spent too many years feeling afraid with no control over her life that she has zero chill when it comes to something threatening her safety. Kid’s training also taught her to kill first ask questions later.
Andrea - depends on how afraid she feels. She reacts emotionally and quickly, she’ll either run away faster than you can blink - or - she’ll slam a steel chair over the face of whatever is trying to scare her. Don’t try and prank her with jump scare tactics, will almost always end painfully for the prankster.
Candy - runs away. She’s not afraid to admit that she’s scared af. She has the most self-preservation out of everyone in the crew tbh!
Send me your phone battery my percentage to ask me about my OCs🐦‍⬛
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willowcrowned · 2 years
stuck in a grocery store parking lot with a dead battery and triple a telling me it’s gonna be eighty minutes. let’s do prompts! Send me a few words/a phrase or two, a few characters, and clarify whether you’d like it gen or romantic, and I’ll write you a drabble
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ultramantr1gger · 1 year
im so bored send mee some asks. or something
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mabelsguidetolife · 2 years
“chell is GLaDOS’ daughter!!! stop saying they’re in love!!!!”
……. that’s literally something the fans made up, though; fanon isn’t the same as canon
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anonymousewrites · 1 month
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Three
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Three: Sports Festival
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) participate in the Sports Festival, and Saiki has his receiver taken.
            (Y/N) stretched as they waited for the events to begin. It was PK Academy’s Sports Festival, and Class 3 was ready and eager to compete (except for Saiki). Everyone was way too into the event for his taste, but it wasn’t like he could change that.
            “Never give up, Class 3! Yeah!” shouted Hairo encouragingly.
            “Yeah!” repeated his classmates.
            “Quite saying ‘yeah,’ it’s annoying.”
            “Sports Day, huh? Humph, how stupid,” remarked Kaidou dramatically, “My strength is for use in combat. I shouldn’t waste it on silly games.”
            “You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re terrible at sports,” said Nendou.
            (Y/N) laughed.
            “Hey, Saiki!” called Hairo. “I expect great things from you!”
            Don’t expect anything from me!
            “Saiki!” (Y/N) ran up to him and gave him a large, closed-eye smile. “You’ve got this if you try!”
            “Thanks,” said Saiki (not as begrudgingly as he’d like to think). They seemed earnest, and he respected that (and them in general).
            “Nendou!” Hairo turned his exuberant attention to the tall boy. “You’ve got great athletic skills!”
            “Sure!” Nendou gave Hairo a thumbs-up. “You’re not gonna beat me this time.”
            “Nendou, he’s on our team, too,” reminded (Y/N), poking him.
            “(L/N)!” Hairo looked at them. “Keep bringing your energy!”
            (Y/N) gave him a peace sign and smile. “Sure thing!” They always had energy.
            “Also, Kaidou…!” Hairo attended to the blue-haired boy. “Uhm, well, do what you can.”
            Even Hairo’s optimism has limits.
            “What do you mean by that?!” cried Kaidou.
            (Y/N) patted his back comfortingly. “Give your best. I believe in you.”
            That’s probably less earnest than their other statements.
            “Don’t worry,” said Hairo, “All that matters is that our class wins!”
            “I’d rather just have fun,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki.
            Just like they said that day after the rain, they enjoy the little things. They called it “romance.” Saiki frowned as his heart beat a fraction faster as he thought of the word “romance.” That had never happened before. He wasn’t a fan.
            “The competition this year looks tough,” said Hairo. “First, Class 1. An intellectual group that has many students get top grades on tests! And Class 2. An athletic group that has the most students who belong to athletic clubs!”
            “Why does their class representative not have his shirt on?” mumbled (Y/N). They really didn’t need to see a random guy’s bare chest.
            At least someone here notices how weird this is.
            “Furthermore, Class 4,” continued Hairo, “An intellectual group led by Tanihara, who scored first-place in the midterms! The last one is Class 5. An intellectual group where an astonishing eighty percent of them wear glasses!”
            “You just like saying ‘intellectual,’ don’t you?” remarked Saiki. “And why did you have to give such long exposition?”
            “So we’ve got three intellectual classes, an athletic one, and…us,” said (Y/N). I don’t really know what’s special about us. Maybe we’re the “weird” class. A little mean, but it felt right.
            At least someone here knows how to get to the point.
            Over the loudspeaker came an announcement. “The first event is the boys’ 100-meter dash.”
            Saiki sighed.
            “Good luck, Saiki,” said (Y/N), smiling brightly.
            Saiki nodded at them.
            “Kuu! Go for it!” cheered Mrs. Saiki.
            “I’m recording you on a hard drive called my heart,” called Mr. Saiki.
            (Y/N) tilted their head. “Doesn’t he have a video camera?”
            “Out of battery,” answered Saiki.
            (Y/N) frowned. “How do you know?”
            “He didn’t properly charge it last night.” Saiki easily covered for himself. Before they asked anything else, he walked over to the starting line.
            “Go! Saiki! For our victory!” shouted Hairo.
            Saiki sighed, and as the gun went off, he ran out. He ended up in second place, but that was too conspicuous, so he let everyone catch up and instead finished third—acceptable, but more average. His team didn’t mind and congratulated him.
            “Great job,” said (Y/N) earnestly.
            Saiki nodded to them in acknowledgement.
            “That was incredible!” exclaimed Hairo.
            “Why am I getting so much praise for ranking third?”
            “Because friends congratulate each other,” said (Y/N).
            “You’re not my friends.”
            “Maybe one day you’ll actually convince me,” teased (Y/N). They weren’t put off by Saiki’s words. After all, the heart held the truth more than what he said.
            “Not bad, pal, although I can run faster than that,” said Nendou.
            “Well, right now it’s Kaidou’s turn,” said (Y/N). “Come on, Kaidou!”
            Yare yare, so energetic.
            Kaidou tried his hardest and ended up fifth place. He looked disappointed, so (Y/N) patted him on the back and told him he tried his best. He smiled slightly and stood up straighter.
            “What was that running?!” laughed Nendou.
            Kaidou slumped over again. (Y/N) leveled a steely glare at Nendou. He flinched and shut up. Saiki watched warily and reminded himself not to upset (Y/N). Evidently, they had an intense, protective side.
            “We have to somehow turn things around in the next event,” muttered Hairo determinedly, completely engrossed in the events of the sports festival.
            The loudspeaker turned on again. “The second event is the girl’s 100-meter dash,” announced the voice.
            “Well, I’m up,” chirped (Y/N). They were competing against girls since their team needed strength in that area.
            “Good luck.”
            Surprised, (Y/N) blinked. Their heart thumped for a second, but they recovered and just grinned. “Thanks, Saiki!”
            The gun went off, and (Y/N) ran the best they could, spurred on by the belief their friends had in them (even Saiki. Especially Saiki). They crossed the finish line second, moving the class up the ranking. Seeing the scoreboard change, (Y/N) whooped happily.
            “Great job, (Y/N)!” cheered Hairo, clapping them across the back.
            (Y/N) coughed as the wind was knocked out of them but laughed all the same. “Thanks, Hairo.”
            “The next event is the coed three-legged race,” announced the loudspeaker.
            Teruhashi was competing. Instantly, everybody swarmed around her and began to give her words of encouragement. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. It really was incredible the effect she had on people.
            “Good job,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) brightened. “Thanks!” For some reason, (Y/N) couldn’t help but straighten happily knowing Saiki had cover over to stand with them instead of hovering around Teruhashi. It was normal for him, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice it.
            From behind them, Teruhashi frowned for a moment before lighting up with a bright smile again. Why’s he over there with them?! Why isn’t he over here, telling me I’m going to do a great job?! I am going to win this! After all, I’m the perfect pretty girl, including in sports!
            I might want to blend in, but I still have my pride. I’m not going to fawn over someone… He subconsciously glanced at (Y/N) before forcing himself to focus on Teruhashi and her partner in the race.
            “Let’s do our best, Sawakita,” cooed Teruhashi.
            “O-Okay,” stuttered Sawakita, blushing nervously.
            “Let’s win no matter what!” Teruhashi took Sawakita’s hands into her own gently. I may not look it, but I hate to lose. Which is why I have to get first, to beat (L/N) and to have Saiki congratulate me!
            Yare yare. I don’t want to deal with this.
            “Hey, if we win, let’s celebrate alone, okay?” asked Teruhashi coyly.
            That’s one way to give him a reason to win.
            Sure enough, as soon as the pistol signaled the start of the race, Sawakita picked Teruhashi up and sprinted to the finish line. No one had a problem with it, and they won first place with no issue. As usual, the world smiled upon Teruhashi and let everything work out for her.
            “Aren’t they supposed to run on three legs?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded. It’s Teruhashi, though, so no one will get in trouble.
            “All right! Let’s keep it up and make a comeback!” said Hairo.
            “Ha! The scavenger hunt race is next!” laughed Nendou. “Who’s gonna do that?!”
            “You will,” said Saiki.
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N), deciding to ignore Nendou forgetting.
            “Oh, yeah. It was me,” realized Nendou as he walked over to the group of participants.
            “Go for it, Nendou!” cheered the redhead.
            “All right!” yelled Nendou as he picked up his list of items. “Oh, this is so easy.”
            “Looks like he knows where to get it,” commented Hairo, relieved.
            Nendou ran up to the class. “Hey, let me borrow that.”
            “You mean this?” Hairo held up his tennis racket.
            “No, that’s not it.” Nendou reached out and grabbed one of Saiki’s receivers.
            Saiki blanked and collapsed in exhaustion.
            “Saiki!” cried (Y/N) in concern, dropping to their knees next to him. They hadn’t anticipated such a reaction, but their worry covered up the strange moment.
            “What’s going on?!” questioned Hairo. “What happened?!”
            “I-I don’t know,” stammered (Y/N), “He just collapsed!” They gazed at him worriedly since he had an odd look on his face. He clearly wasn’t alright. “Nendou! Give me that bobble back,” they ordered. If taking it out hurt him, maybe it needed to be put back in.
            “Huh? Why?” asked Nendou.
            (Y/N) just snatched it from him and put it back in Saiki’s hair. It also went into his head, but they didn’t realize. They held their breath and waited.
            A moment later, Saiki’s eyes opened. He found himself staring up at (Y/N). Surprised and suddenly realizing he was close to their face, he sat up wildly and backed up.
            “Hey, hey, you’re safe,” assured (Y/N), putting a steadying hand on his shoulder for a moment. They removed it immediately after, not wanting to cross any boundaries. “I put that bobble back since you collapsed after Nendou took it,” they explained.
            Saiki breathed a slight sigh of relief. Obviously, his reaction to seeing them had been about the receiver. He thought he’d done something without his powers being dampened. Luckily, he hadn’t.
            “Are you okay?” asked (Y/N), their voice filled with concern.
            They didn’t care about the announcement of Nendou being last place in the scavenger hunt; they were just worried for Saiki. However, he stood up steadily, so (Y/N)’s apprehension abated.
            “I’m alright,” said Saiki. He was…glad they were concerned—somehow, them being worried about him felt nice instead of irritating.
            (Y/N) let out a breath of relief. “I’m glad.” They smiled. “You had me worried there.” They stood up and brushed the dirt off their knees. “Let’s get some lunch, you need to refuel after passing out.” When there was no response, they straightened. No Saiki. They frowned. “Saiki?” He’s wandered off. It’s not safe to do that after just collapsing. I better go find him.
            At the back of the school building, Saiki slid down the wall with his bento box. His hands trembled as he held the chopsticks. His strength was still uncontrollable, so he was avoiding other people because people might find out about his abilities and because he might hurt a friend. When Saiki heard footsteps, he was immediately on edge. It only got worse when (Y/N) walked around the corner. They were probably the person he least wanted to hurt other than his family.
            “Saiki,” they said, crouching down next to him. “You need to stop scaring me,” they joked. Their smile fell as they saw his shaking hands. Their gaze softened in concern. “Hey, you’re still pretty weak…Do you need help?”
            “I’m trying to eat. What is there to help with?”
            “At the rate you’re going, you’re either going to snap the chopsticks or drop your food,” teased (Y/N). Their expression turned serious. “But really, I can help. I know it’s kinda weird, but you need to eat, and I’m not going to just leave you without help.” Was it strange? Yes. But (Y/N) was Saiki’s friend. They would help him in any way possible.
            “Alright,” relented Saiki. He decided consciously that this was a good cover and a way for him to eat while his strength was uncontrollable, but there was also a comfortable feeling that surrounded him when (Y/N) was there to help. He couldn’t help but say yes.
            (Y/N) smiled and gently took the chopsticks into their hand. Bit by bit, they fed him his food. No words were exchanged; a calm silence enveloped them.
            The peace was unfortunately broken when Nendou rounded the corner.
            “Oh, hey, pal, pinky, we were looking for you. You guys missed the magician,” said Nendou. He noticed how (Y/N) was feeding Saiki. “Oooh, are you guys on a date?”
            (Y/N)’s faced warmed, and they laughed nervously. “No, I was just helping him out since he still isn’t feeling well.”
            Saiki nodded. Good thing (Y/N) thinks quickly. Otherwise, Nendou would tell the whole school we were dating.
            Yare yare, there’s that feeling again.
            “Oh, pal, are you still sick? Maybe you should head home,” said Nendou.
            I never thought he’d ever have such a good idea. Saiki nodded.
            The three of them went back in front of the building. Saiki’s friends annoyances were waiting there and bombarded him.
            “What happened?”
            “Where’d you go?”
            “Are you alright?”
            “Are you heading home?”
            “Are you sure you can go home alone?”
            “Don’t push yourself.”
            “Don’t worry about us, we’ll cover for you.”
            Yare yare. These guys…It’s very hard to go home now. Saiki was tempted to smile, but his “annoyance” was too grand.
            “You’re going to stick around, aren’t you?” remarked (Y/N).
            Saiki looked at them. How do they manage to read me?
            (Y/N) continued jokingly, “We’ve melted your icy heart! You cannot help but stay!” They laughed at themself.
            The corners of Saiki’s mouth twitched upwards for a moment, and he immediately decided not to entertain their conversation for fear of more reactions.
            “Alright, Class 3!” declared Hairo. “We’re having team competitions in the afternoon! The next event is the tug of war!”
            “I think he’s super excited because he wasn’t in any of the individual events,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki. “Have fun,” they teased.
            Yare yare.
            Saiki pulled on the rope with the rest of the boys in his class. However, he wasn’t giving much effort since his strength was far beyond the others’. Saiki even accidentally broke the rope. Due to the situation from earlier, he still couldn’t control his abilities and ended up winning the match for Class 3, though no one noticed it was him.
            “Great job, you guys!” congratulated (Y/N). They turned to Saiki. “You must be strong, Saiki! You were barely breaking a sweat!”
            Yare yare. They somehow cover for all my abilities while also noticing them more than anyone else. So strange.
            “Behold the power of Class 3!” declared Hairo.
            “To think that a match against humans got me this fired up,” murmured Kaidou dramatically.
            “Did you guys have lunch?” asked Nendou.
            “The rope is torn at the spot I was holding,” exclaimed Takahashi, “Could I have done this?”
            The four boys then posed with determined faces and crossed arms while the other classes looked on in wonder. However, Class 3 was still in third place overall. Two events remained.
            “Class 3 isn’t doing so hot, huh?!” questioned Toristuka challengingly, “Looks like Class 2 might win, huh?!”
            “So? I couldn’t care less,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Having fun with friends is more important.”
            Toristuka hurriedly continued his condescension. “Ah! See? We’re number one right now! Bam!” He smiled. “Well, I was last in the three-legged race, though.”
            Recalling how creepy he’d been, (Y/N) shivered.
            “I can’t believe you look so proud of it,” said Saiki.
            “Please don’t hold a grudge against me if my class wins,” said Toritsuka, still acting superior.
            “Seriously, I couldn’t care less about who wins, or about you for that matter,” said Saiki while (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
            “Sorry, but it’s Class 3 that’s going to win!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, I’ll get a buzzcut!”
            “We’re way behind them, are you sure we should be making bets?” questioned (Y/N), tilting their head blankly. They were all for some fun, but they weren’t sure this was their class’s best idea ever.
            “Are you serious?” asked Toritsuka, looking at Hairo.
            “That just shows you how determined I am!” said Hairo.
            “Hey, hey, if Hairo’s going to do it…We’ll get a buzzcut, too!” promised the other boys of Class 3.
            “Wait, wait,” said Saiki. He didn’t want to get roped in.
            “Count me in, too,” said Kaidou confidently, “Of course, there’s no chance of me losing.”
            “Kaidou, confidence is good, but sometimes realism is important,” remarked (Y/N).
            “Where is he getting that confidence from?” asked Saiki.
            “I’ll get a buzzcut, too,” proclaimed Nendou.
            “In your case, it won’t be a penalty,” observed Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “A proper cut that’s even all the way around may actually look better.”
            “That’s right! Our hearts are one!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, every guy in Class 3 will get a buzzcut!”
            “I’m glad it’s just the boys doing this,” commented (Y/N). They beamed. “I don’t have anything to worry about.”
            Saiki gave them a deadpan glare.
            “Aw, come on, you know I’ll still try to help you,” said (Y/N), waving a hand. They frowned. “All the same, I don’t think there are a lot of events left.”
            I’ll be making sure I don’t have to get a buzzcut with my powers, anyways.
            The loudspeaker turned on and announced, “The next even is the interclass beanbag toss.”
            Sure enough, as his classmates ran around and threw beanbags towards their basket, Saiki ensured that a good amount landed inside. Psychic powers came in handy occasionally.
            Hey, don’t say this is foul play. Nothing in the rulebook forbids supernatural powers.
            Once the time ran out, the beanbags were counted up, and the announcement was made.       “Class 1: thirty-three beanbags, Class 2: twenty-eight beanbags, Class 3: eighty-three beanbags,” reported the PA system.
            “Hey, we did pretty well!” chirped (Y/N). They smiled brightly, and flowers seemed to dance around them.
            “We got more than double the others!” shouted Class 3.
            “Er…” the announced paused awkwardly, “Class 4: one hundred beanbags.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened comically. “How did they manage that?!”
            Especially without psychic powers…
            “We used our heads. Look,” said Class 4’s representative pompously.
            His class had piled all the beanbags into one giant plastic bag and put that into their basket.
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped. “I feel like there should be a rule about that.”
            I might have powers, but this definitely feels like foul play.
            “Don’t call this foul play,” said Tanihara, “The rulebook doesn’t say that the use of a big bag is forbidden.”
            “They should’ve written a rule for that.”
            (Y/N) nodded fervently. “It’s out-of-the-box thinking, but it just feels unsportsmanlike.”
            “But there’s still the last event, the interclass relay!” declared an optimistic, determined Hairo. “The class in first place will get five hundred points. It means that if we’re in first place and Class 4 is in last, we can win! Saiki! I want you to be another leg!”
            “It seems refusing would just make things difficult,” the psychic observed.
            “I’ll try to get the baton to you quickly,” said (Y/N) brightly, trying to help as best they could.
            The classes organized themselves. When the pistol signaled the start, Kaidou began running as fast as he could (not very fast) while his classmates cheered him on. When he passed the baton to Tadashi, they were unfortunately in last place. This was repeated when Tadashi passed the baton to Nendou. Luckily, even though he ran very strangely, he was fast and got to first place. Teruhashi was next and could run quickly as well (another perk of being the perfect pretty girl). She passed the baton to Yumehara who managed to maintain a fast pace. Hairo was next to receive the baton. He handed it to (Y/N) while still in the lead. (Y/N) prepared to run quickly but tripped suddenly. They were in last place as they got back up and started sprinting.
            Saiki readied himself for the baton. I’m going to cross the finish line in the same place I started. In other words, we will finish in last place.
            Tripping someone isn’t foul play, either…As long as no one notices, that is… thought Tanihara.
            Now that changes everything. Can’t let him get away with cheating and sabotaging (Y/N) my class.
            “Saiki! Hurry!” called (Y/N) as they held out the baton.
            It flew from their hand to Saiki’s, causing them to blink.
            “I will,” said Saiki. It’s payback time for (Y/N).
            Class 3, indeed, all of the students, gazed in amazement as Saiki sped to the front of the group. He was almost at the finish line.
            “Yeah! Great job, Saiki!” cheered (Y/N).
            Saiki collapsed. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. His class gaped.
            Oh, that’s right. I can’t control my body well right now.
            (Y/N) walked over and knelt by him. Smiling kindly, they said, “It’s alright. You did your best.”
            Yare yare. I was trying to avoid a buzzcut.
            “Good morning, guys!” greeted Hairo. “Where are your buzzcuts?”
            He was sporting one himself. Behind him stood Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki. Nendou sported the same cut, but he somehow ended up with more hair than he began with. Kaidou was completely bald, and Saiki had a buzzcut.
            (Y/N) bit their lip to stop from laughing. “You boys only had to do that if we lost to Class 2, remember? We beat them.”
            Yare yare. Saiki had a feeling that (Y/N) wasn’t going to let this one go for a while.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 8 months
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest, Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: The Cabin in the Woods
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x Reader
Word Count: 3K
Series Summary: You live in a small town called Claw Creek, surrounded by a deep, dark forest. Since you were a kid, an urban legend of the creature in the woods has been told. If the distant howls at night and mutilated livestock are anything to go by, you fear the stories to be true.
Chapter Summary: You search the woods for the house you were taken to that night. It’s been hours and you’re lost. Your phone has no service, it is getting dark, and your dumbass didn’t tell anyone you were going on an adventure.
Warnings: mutual pining
A/N: A special thank you to @peyton-warren for being my lovely beta and soundboard for this. I really hope y’all enjoy this one. It was a tough one to write, Walter was so feisty!
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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When you arrived at the hospital, you had another nurse and colleague check out your head injury on your next shift. Armed with a clean bill of health and a brain bursting with unanswered questions, you try to go about your day. 
The entirety of your workday was spent having coworkers break you out of a trance. Every few minutes, you’d gaze off into nothingness until those around you noticed and snapped their fingers in front of your face. You kept thinking about the wolf and Walter, trying to piece the two together. 
After work, you change your clothes and put on your hiking boots. Even though the drive from the cabin to Liv’s house was short, that was in a vehicle. On foot, you will need to cover a lot of ground. You decided against driving your car down the road that splits the forest. 
If you parked at the entrance to the forest near the park grounds, you could easily sneak back to your car and bypass the curfew checkpoint at the tree line. Not that you planned on being out until nightfall. 
Parking your car in the gravel-filled lot, you tighten your scarf around your neck and start your journey into the woods. Walking takes you about ten minutes to get to the clearing where you and Olivia enjoyed wine coolers. It didn’t seem like it took you this long to get to the clearing a couple of days ago, but you don’t stay long enough to dwell on it.
Retracing your steps, you walk for another few minutes in search of the tree with the giant roots jutting out from the forest floor. After ten minutes of wandering, you think about giving up because daylight is in short supply. Looking down at your phone, you curse when you see the battery percentage looking back at you. Eleven percent wouldn’t get you far should you need to make an urgent call or use the flashlight since you forgot to bring one.
After another few minutes of traipsing through the forest, you trip over a large root and accidentally find your tree. Following the roots, you find the little alcove that you had planned to hide in during your game with Liv. You notice the setting sun as you turn to sit on the higher roots. 
Taking out your phone, you realize that it had shut off due to low power. Shoving it back in your pocket, you stand up and wipe a hand down your face. You’re pissed off, cold, and now have no way to contact anyone should you need to. Anger boils your blood as you stand in the now-dark forest.
Pacing for a few seconds doesn’t calm you down. You start to hear all the little nocturnal animals coming alive and usually, you would find this peaceful. However, you would give anything to hear a certain howl. But it’s just crickets, frogs, and owls out tonight.
You don’t know what else to do but…
“Fuck. Fuck! Fuuuuuuuuuck!” You scream out into the void, it would seem.
Until you hear a response in the form of a huff behind you. 
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When you turn around, you're only a little surprised to see the same wolf from before walking toward you. You stand still until it stops about a foot from you. You look down and study its paws, large enough to rip your throat out. But the wolf just sits down as a dog would and looks up at you before yawning, showing off its sharp teeth and long dusty-mauve tongue. 
If this were a dog, you would have reached out a hand to pet it. But the sheer size of it was enough to keep your hands to yourself. You didn't have to think about that for long before the wolf was back on all fours walking around you and nudging at your leg as it started to walk away. It doesn't make it far before it turns around to look at you.
"Oh, am I supposed to follow you or something?" You feel silly asking the wolf a question, but only less so when it huffs in response, "Okay. Following a wolf wasn't on the itinerary. But it isn't attacking me so whatever," You finish, mostly to yourself.
Following the wolf, you notice you are going in a completely different direction through the forest. Of course, the last time you were here was an inebriated adventure but you could've sworn you would go right instead of left. Either way, you're putting your faith in a four-legged carnivore so you stop thinking about what should or shouldn't be happening.
A light in the distance can be seen through the trees and once you reach it, you find yourself in front of a medium-sized cabin. There is a light at the little fence encircling the property. The black Ford F-150 that Walter drove is parked to the side in the driveway. You have to admit you didn't expect to see this place look so...normal. It almost looks quaint.
You shuffle on your feet and are suddenly too nervous to propel you forward. Whining at your side reminds you that you aren't alone. You absentmindedly reach your hand out to stroke the wolf's fur. Thick, coarse fur slides through your fingers. Glowing, yellow eyes look into yours and your fear starts to dissipate. The wolf licks at your hand and then takes off around the back of the cabin.
You think about shouting after it or running after it, but instead, you walk up to the fencing. You could swear you hear a door being closed in the back of the cabin, but you can't be sure and you don't want to snoop. Opening the latch to the gate, you walk through the front yard dragging your feet. Your fight or flight response makes an appearance when you hear movement in the house. 
'It's now or never,' you think, raising your hand to knock on the door. 
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Three sharp knocks and you shove your hands in your pockets, waiting for the door to be opened. You jump at the sound of something crashing to the ground and soon the light above the door is turned on. You hold up a hand over your eyes as the harsh fluorescent beams down on you in the dark of night. The door is opened and you take your hand down to see Walter standing there. You’re once again under the spell of him.
He stands tall at about 6’1", and his hair is a disheveled mess but it only adds to the sex appeal. His brows are scrunched together and it doesn’t look like he needs you at his doorstep right now by the scowl across his pretty pink lips. He’s shirtless, sweaty, breathing hard, and smells like a wet dog. The denim shorts he wears are tattered at the ends and his defined calves are on display. His bare feet are a bit dirty as if he’s been running barefoot.
Your eyes shoot back up to his, a faint glow makes his blue eyes look almost golden. He blinks a few times and the glow is gone, aquamarine replaces gold. 
You run through a mental checklist. Wet dog smell, check. Frayed shorts that were probably thrown on in a hurry, check. Golden eyes, check. You feel so stupid thinking about the last item. Walter’s hair color is the same as the wolf that brought you here. 
“Are you going to come in or are you going to just stare at me like I’m a–”
“Werewolf?” You blurt out, cutting off Walter’s sentence.
“Just come in, and I can explain everything,” He opens the door and steps aside to let you in, but you don’t move, “I won’t hurt you, I promise. Please come in?” 
His sincere tone and pleading eyes get the better of you. You sigh, chewing the inside of your cheek. Walking in, you step just inside the living room, giving Walter enough space to close the door behind you. You notice a side table knocked over, a lamp, and small knickknacks on the floor next to it. You turn back to look at him and his face is that of a kicked puppy.
Of course, it is.
“Look, I didn’t–”
“As much as I want to have this conversation right now, I can’t get over how much you smell. I’m gonna need you to take care of that ASAP. Go get clean and I’ll tidy up. And where is the kitchen? I need coffee if I’m gonna have this conversation sober.” You say, taking off your coat and laying on the back of the couch.
Walter walks you to the kitchen and watches as you busy yourself with the coffee maker. You tell him politely to get out of his kitchen and go shower. He opens his mouth to talk but closes it when he sees your eyebrows raise and your hand go to your hip. He simply nods and walks away. You hear him walk up the stairs and soon the faint sound of a shower being turned on before a door is closed.
You fill the coffee maker with grounds and water, setting it then make your way to the living room. Picking up the end table, you turn it right side up and set it on its legs. You bend down to pick up the figurines from the floor. You’re not surprised when they turn out to be two wolves, the larger one made of light wood and the smaller wolf a dark mahogany.
You hear the coffee maker sputtering and go in to check on it. Pulling out two mugs from their spot in the corner cabinet, you fill one and leave one for Walter, not sure if he even wants coffee so late at night. Did werewolves even drink coffee?
So, that’s it. You’re just entertaining the idea that werewolves not only exist but that you’re in a cabin with one. In the back of your mind, your grandfather’s tale of the Claw Creek creature demands attention. You were going over it when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
You bring your mug to your mouth to take a sip when Walter appears in the doorway, just as beautiful as when you saw him for the first time. His wet hair curls around his ears. He’s wearing a tighter-than-necessary heather gray henley, the front of it holding onto his pecs for dear life while the sleeves are pulled up to show off muscular forearms. A pair of jeans hug his meaty legs and boots cover his feet.
“You stare a lot.” His words break you out of your ogling and you finally pull down the mug from your lips.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Wolfie,” you comment, suddenly hyperaware that you may have just said something rude.
Walter’s chuckle surprises you, and you’re put at ease, “Wolfie?” He challenges, walking toward you.
You shrug your shoulders and stand your ground, looking up at him as he stops in front of you. He nods to the coffee maker and you step back to let him make a cup for himself. He takes a sip and hums at the flavor. He turns to ask you about it and you answer before he can open his mouth.
“Cinnamon. Just a few shakes and it takes away the sharp bitterness. Now, if you’re done talking about coffee, can we talk about how you can turn into a wolf?” Your frustration peeks through and Walter nods, leading you back into the living room.
Once you get to the couch, you set down your coffee on the table in front of you and turn to face Walter. He takes the cue and starts to speak.
“So, what do you want to know? Do you want me to go through my entire lifetime? It’s quite long, so far. Or start where I was attacked and bitten by someone I thought was a friend? Should I dispel werewolf myths about uncontrollable shifting during the full moon?” He rambles on, probably trying to confuse you or overwhelm you. 
Luckily, you’re already overwhelmed so his attempt is in vain.
“I have a couple of questions. The first one is: Do you eat people? The second one is: Could you follow my scent to find me?” you offer, pulling your leg up to sit on it while leaning against the back of the couch.
“I don’t eat people. I don’t think Werewolves as a whole, ever eat people. Attack? Sure. But no, I don’t crave human flesh,” he pauses, looking down at his hands, “How’d you know about the scent thing?” He’s suddenly super interested in his fingernails.
“I didn’t know about the scent thing. You just confirmed a hunch, is all,” You reach for your mug, bringing it closer to your lips before taking a sip, “One more question and I’ll release you from the hot seat. Are you safe out here? Like, I mean, with the animal mutilations in the town, they were talking about sending hunters out to look for whatever was doing it.”
“That wasn’t me, just so you know. I’m safe out here. I actually live in town, I just come here to shift and get some time away. No one comes out this way. This used to be an abandoned shack, but I fixed it up over the past years. Got electricity going and made it...wait. You care if I’m safe out here?” he presses, a toothy grin showing off his sharp canines.
“You saved my life, I can’t care about your wellbeing? I’m being nice, don’t push it, Wolfie,” you snap, a little harsher than you meant to. You did feel lied to, but he was being honest with you. You shake your head before insisting, “I’m sorry, I just...this is a lot. And I need you to know that I was really pissed off with you in the beginning, but I know why you didn’t tell me. Safety and all that. Maybe you can drive me back to my car so I can start the drive back home?” You were cut off by an intense yawn that came out of nowhere.
“Speaking of safety, you look like you’re ready to fall over. You’ve had all of about two sips of coffee and that yawn almost unhinged your jaw a bit there. Just, I won’t be able to sleep if I know you’re tired behind the wheel,” he admits, turning concerned eyes on you.
“You know, as a wolf, using puppy dog eyes on me should be considered unfair. And how do I know this is not some elaborate excuse to get me into your bed so you can have your way with me, huh?” you huff, squinting at him as his eyes glimmer in the low light of the room.
“Do you want me to have my way with you?” he leans back, head over his shoulder, and crosses his arms over his broad chest.
Your hand flies out to slap his bicep. You figure that was easier than giving him the answer that was on the tip of your tongue.
He rolls his eyes and gets up from the couch, pointing to your coffee cup in your hand and motioning for you to give it to him. He takes both of your unfinished cups to the kitchen and when he comes back, he heads for the stairs. “You coming, pup?”
“Pup? Is that because I called you Wolfie?” You stand up from the couch, tilting your head at him before walking to follow him up the steps.
“I don’t know, give me time and I’ll think of something better.” He winks at you and smiles when you duck your head.
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Once Walter shows you to his bedroom, you don’t hide your urge to look over everything in the room while he leans against the open door. You almost get upset when you see that his bedspread isn’t a large picture of a wolf’s face. Somehow you thought it would just fit in with his vibe. But the midnight blue damask comforter that covers the bed is actually way more fitting.
“Wait, where are you gonna sleep if I sleep in here?” You question as you sit on the bed and take off your boots.
“I figured I would sleep on the couch. I don’t need much sleep anyway. Unless that was an invitation…?” he smirks and is surprised when you look to be thinking it over.
“Can you stay in here ‘til I fall asleep? I don’t want to be alone.” you confess, looking everywhere but who you were talking to. You can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, but you also know you won’t sleep in a bed that’s not yours all by your lonesome.
“Are you alright? I mean, of course, you’re not. What am I saying?” he rambles, coming into the room fully and hunching his shoulders so he can seem less intimidating.
Walter walks over to the bed, pulls back the bedspread, and motions for you to crawl under the covers. Once you are comfortable, he turns on a low light on his dresser and turns off the overhead light of the room. Coming back to the bed, he sits at the edge and toes off his boots before you pull him to lie down next to you.
Turning to face him as he lays on his back, you stare at his face as he looks up at the ceiling. You’re interlacing your fingers so that you don’t reach out and trace his jawline when a thought pops into your head.
“When’s the last time you had a woman in your bed?” You breathe, mentally kicking yourself for not thinking longer before you voice your thoughts.
“It’s been a while. Years. I don’t really...mingle much.” He murmurs, eyes never moving from one particular spot.
You refuse to acknowledge the “lone wolf” analogy, instead, you steady yourself before putting a hand on his. “Thank you for saving me, Walter. Goodnight.” Taking your hand back, you close your eyes and let tiredness take its course.
“You’re welcome.” His soft voice is barely above a whisper, but it’s the last thing you hear before you’re fully asleep.
To be continued…
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A/N:  Wow, you mean to tell me I got these two folks in bed together and they’re both dressed still? What?! Don’t hate me!
**Tag List** 
@deandoesthingstome @cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily @titty-teetee @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @milknhonies @peyton-warren @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @cardierreh15 @viking-raider @imaslutforcuddles @ilovetaquitosmmmm @warriormirkwood @calwitch @meanlilbean @samahenoyrhye @openup-yourmind @juliaorpll78 @princessaxoo @toooldforobsessions @carrie80reads @liveoncoffeeandflowersss 
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁 
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lovestay-channie · 7 months
Recharging Kisses - Lee Minho
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Pairing: Lee Minho x gn!reader
Genre: fluffy
Summary: minho needs some extra loving as he has been preparing his comeback
Word Count: 804
Warning: n/a
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Comeback season can be pretty tough for Minho. The constant late night dancing sessions, recording and re-recording schedules, days long music video shooting, and schedules upon schedules upon schedules. There was a routine for these hectic days. Wake up at 7AM, have a busy day, and come back around midnight or 1AM. He wishes this season of time was less busy, but in order for everything to be perfect, it had to go this way.
He can’t help but feel bad for his poor fiance at home who barely sees him. All he hears them say is, “Have a good day at work… Let’s get you to bed… I love you, goodnight bubs.” He felt like such a bad partner who can’t be home for his lover. 
Thankfully, today was finally a day where the only thing they had to do was interviews. However, by the end of the day, Minho is drained. The constant same questions, being in the same room all day, only moving to change seating positions, go to the bathroom, or have a quick bite to eat. With it just being interviews, he is actually able to come home for dinner for once.
Minho enters his shared apartment to smell an amazing home cooked meal. He instantly scans his eyes over to the kitchen to see you jamming out to your music while cooking. A slight smirk creeps on his face. He loves to see you happy. He quietly sets down his backpack and takes off his shoes. With soft steps, he creeps up behind you. He looks over your shoulder to see what you were cooking: spicy chicken with rice and kimchi. A simple yet comforting meal. He then carefully wraps his arms around your waist. This causes you to slightly jump since you didn’t know he was home yet. “You scared me a little,” you chuckle. 
“Sorry,” Minho mutters into your neck. Your heart flutters at the affection you have been missing. 
“Aw, it’s okay,” you smile. You set down the fork and knife that was in your hand to turn around to face your partner. You snake your arms around his shoulders to give him a nice, warm hug. “Welcome home, my love.” 
You play with the ends of his hair. You know how hard he has been working lately. You feel so proud of him, yet you also feel so bad for everything he has to do to prepare for a new comeback. He loves his job, and you know that. But sometimes you can’t help but think every now and then that it’s too much for someone to handle. 
Before wanting to turn back to finish plating his meal, you place a sweet, soft kiss on his cheek. You go to turn around, but the arms around you tighten. You smile at Minho’s clinginess. Your lips meet his cheek again before attempting to continue what you were doing. “One percent,” Mihno sighs.
Giggles escape your throat at Mihno’s words. “What?” 
“I’m at one percent,” he says, taping his cheek. You roll your eyes and peck his cheek a few more times. “Hmm, three percent.” 
“Minho!” you giggle into his neck. 
“What? I had a long day, and I need recharging. Only your kisses can recharge me!” he exclaims. 
You smirk at his explanation. You love this side of him. He rarely admits that he needs some love to feel better. He normally likes to play a guessing game where you have to figure out what he wants because he won’t say it. Since he is so tired, he is vulnerable to saying what he wants. 
“Whatever you say, bubs,” you say before peppering his cheek with more kisses. Your lips move all around his face: his cheeks, forehead, nose, jaw, neck, everywhere but his lips. 
You look at Minho to see  a smile plastered on his face, “Hmm, 75%. I am almost at full battery.” 
“I think I have an idea to get you to 100%,” you say. 
“And how are you going to do that?” 
“Close your eyes and find out.”
He follows your instructions to close his eyes. Once his lids are shut, you delicately place your lips onto his. Your hands cup his cheeks to bring him a little closer as if he wasn’t already close enough. Light kisses like this show the love you have for each other. They are pure. It makes both of your hearts flutter with love. These kisses had all kinds of different meanings. Some kisses were saying ‘I love you’. Some were saying ‘I’m sorry, but I’m here now.’ Some were saying ‘Thank you.’ Words he has a hard time expressing sometimes, but you can feel them in his kisses. 
After several kisses, he pulls away to kiss your cheek. A final ‘Thank you’. 
“100% completed.” 
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avaelangel · 6 months
I am sad.
For unrelated reasons, but I am also concerned about what The Boys universe has in store for us. So here you go some random LiMoreou headcanons, because I want to feel something.
Warnings: cheese and no real time restraints.
They for sure do that couple hand-over-the-shoulders thing. Jordan does it while in male form, and Marie sort of adopts it when they're in the girl form. Jordan might be a bit startled about it at first, maybe even will change back just to be annoying. Marie will do one better and try to tackle them into bending down.
Jordan will probably try and teach Marie combat. She would be reluctant about it, but will come to a conclusion (maybe with Emma's help) that it's just a way for them to spend time together. It would be hard not to get distracted, though.
Marie at some point will try and get in between Jordan and something that threatens them in any way, regardless of what form they are in or who is the threat. This might happen when Jordan's parents come again.
They both would adopt each other's behaviors which would include being protective over Emma. Emma would be weirded out that Jordan cares, but will find it funny how them and Marie glare at any guy or girl that looks at her wrong.
Oh, there's no spooning rules for Marie and Jordan. Every night is different. Sometimes one of them can't really breath from the intensity of an embrace.
Jordan and Marie didn't have a shoulder to cry on growing up. After some time they both will realise that they have each other. I think, in both cases they will be good in soothing a crying love, but Jordan will think about solving the problem first and will need a moment to reaccess.
For sure would try to be the clingiest of couples if someone calls them gross.
Totally would have video game nights. Marie never had a console! Jordan has soooo much to show her.
First date in an arcade. Junk food, photobooth pictures and the most cursed plushies they could win for each other.
Jordan wears a lot of staples (t-shirts, tanks, turtlenecks of one color) which will find their way into Marie's closet. Maybe fun pants will immigrate too. Jordan will come stomping to raid Marie's closet then when that black sweatshirt with a skull disappears.
They are for sure going thrifting together. A million percent.
(this is a weird one, but) Jordan knows an abysmal amount of poetry from the days of chasing wrong people. When they start randomly reciting some Shakespear sonnet to Marie, she's so scared. But when Jordan does it to startle her again, Marie actually enjoys it. Jordan isn't bummed for long, because it starts a long conversation about literature.
Marie does indulge in Property Brothes marathons. She didn't get it first, but didn't say anything. Around season 6 she would actually understand the appeal.
That would spawn an idea to just hang out in paint stores and hardware stores.
Jordan for sure can put up a shelf and stuff. Once, they pulled out a fancy drill with a battery and Marie almost swoons for real.
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s0lam33y · 10 months
shuriri hcs [new and updated!]
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side note: these aren’t the same HCS that I uploaded on my old acc. Some may be similiar but anyway hope it’s obvious that I did better on these. enjoy them and reblogs/feedback is always welcome.
Timeline: about two years after the bpwf film.
Shuri’s convinced that they need a theme song when they go on missions but they have opposite music taste.
Shuri always makes corny ass vine references and it makes Riri cringe.
“Shuri, quit talkin’.”
Shuri practically lives in Riri’s dorm. She’s there so often that Riri kinda expects it.
Shuri cannnnot stand when Riri brings up the whole bulls game situation because she ends up fighting for her life.
Shuri loves to rest her chin on Riri’s head, if not her head then her shoulder.
Riri is the big spoon, all the time. Rarely, does she ever get spooned.
They’ve been told that they remind the lab staff of an old sassy couple because they always throw fake shade at each other.
Riri always up on herrrrrr, but shuri doesn’t mind at all.
Once they decided to play fight and Shuri forgot about her panther strength…Riri ended up with a bruise on her thigh.
Riri did not know how to work her kimoyo beads at first and ended up calling a council meeting once my accident.
Their height difference. That’s it.
they always some how matching? Not necessarily color coded but they always for some sort of matching accessories or shoes.
Shuri has no comebacks…at least not when needs them so she just agrees with what Riri says.
“Who’s the man in the relationship?”
“Your mother.”
“What she said.”
Riri asks dumbass questions in the middle of the night.
“You’d still fuck with me If I was a butterfly right?”
Riri taught shuri how to drive an actual car on the road and they damn near crashed Riri’s red barracuda.
Shuri’s always braiding her hair.
“Would you hold still?”
“Braid less tight, then maybe I would.”
when they go out together, Shuri’s social battery runs out so quick because she’s much rather be home.
When they go shopping, Shuri’s always carrying Riri’s bags.
“You the one with super strength not me.”
Shuri sleeps 60 percent of the time so when they hang out, half of it consists of naps and it rubs off on Riri.
Shuri always making some smartass comment about Riri’s height.
“I think ironheart would be more of a success if she was taller.”
“Literally fuck off.”
Riri is genuinely unhinged because she knows how fine Shuri is.
“Drop yo drawls, bruh.”
“Riri, we’re in a council meeting.”
“They can watch-“
“You can never be serious.”
“I’m being so serious.”
Shuri cannot take a compliment for some reason. Every time Riri says something, she gets kinda shy.
Riri ‘borrows’ Shuri’s clothes.
“Yo, can I get that hoodie?”
“I’ll give it back.”
“I know you won’t, but here….”
Shuri is so petty when it comes to her lab so Riri has her own area.
Shuri gets her mad on purpose to hear that Chicago accent. Trust she gets it.
Shuri’s a morning person and ends up having to drag Riri out of bed every single morning.
“Just get up.”
“The alarm went off an hour ago.”
Both of them love them some chains.
Riri’s unhinged, we know this but so is Shuri, just more subtly.
“We got five minutes till your next class starts.”
“I’m just saying, I felt like it was worth mentioning.”
“I missed a week of school cuz of you, TWO YEARS AGO….and I need that 4.0 GPA, I’m goin to class.”
Shuri cannot stay still when she sleeps and it pisses Riri off so bad but she doesn’t say anything about it. She’s also a blanket hog so Riri has no choice but to cuddle with her.
They argue over things that don’t really need to be argued over.
“For the last time…Chicago Pizza isn’t the best.”
“What’d you just say?”
“Chicago was not Micheal’s best song, you’re just saying that because you’re from Chicago.”
“Shuri, i want to have a peaceful evening.”
Never let them play Uno together because it ends up in some sort of argument.
“You only took two, take four-“
“I’m not taking four cards.”
“Fuck you mean, I put down a plus four.”
“Take it back, I’m not taking four cards, Rianna.”
The same way Riri takes Shuri’s clothes, the same thing happens with Riri.
“Is that my MIT sweatshirt?”
“It’s comfortable.”
“So it’s my sweatshirt?”
“I didn’t say that.”
As previously stated, Riri is UNHINGED…so trust that her comments make everyone turn around sometimes especially when Shuri’s done with training.
“And the jog was quite nice- are you paying attention?”
“Mhm mhm, y’all do ab workouts too?”
“My eyes are up here.”
“I know.”
“What was the last thing I said?”
Shuri hates hanging up the phone. She sleeps on the phone, eats on the phone and sometimes they just sit in silence.
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Repudiation - MITO
Pairing: ex boyfriend! MITO x gn! reader
Genre: angst (but with a “happy” ending)
Warning(s): mito is his own individual (no ian mentions), mentions toxic relationship, mito refuses to let you go, the m in mito stands for mad man, bonnie & clyde mentions (ifykyk), slight self harm mention
A/N: I got inspired to write this because 1. I love Mito and his involvement with The Other Side lore and 2. I read pt. 1 and 2 of Set My Wings On Fire by @nirvanawrites111
A/N: Is it fucked up that I was lowkey giggling while writing this?
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It was a quarter before midnight. The cold raindrops poured down from the sky, tapping against your black umbrella as you walked from your now ex boyfriend’s house. Your mind was racing although you were upset.. You weren’t as upset as you’d thought you’d be. It was more complicated than explained. When you and.. Him Mito broke up, you thought that hole in your heart could never be filled again. Too broken to fix. Too wounded to be cured. Even when you were in a new relationship, your mind was still in the past imagining that he was with you instead. You felt your chest start to close in on itself, your lungs burning, aching for a release as your eyes watered, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks like a waterfall. Fuck.
You grabbed your phone, smacking your teeth when realizing that it’s almost dead. You swallowed down your urge to scream and cause a scene despite the empty sidewalk you were occupying. You tried to think of a solution. Maybe call someone? Try to call a taxi? You only had 5 percent battery left. You go to phone a friend until you hear whistling through the rain. At first you didn’t think much of it until you recognized the tune of said whistling. A tune he created and would always mimic with his fingers or guitar.
It can’t be…
“I’ve been looking for you (Y/N)” his gravelly voice still gave your spine chills. You kept walking but you knew he would follow you like he always did.
“I know you hear me speaking to you (Y/N)” You sigh and stop walking with your back turned to him.
“How did you find me?”
“That’s not a nice way to greet your love now is it?”
“I love when you say my name angel” you could hear the cheekiness in his voice, making you more frustrated.
“What do you want?”
“There’s plenty that I want but I need you. I need to fix what we had” You scoffed.
“You need me? Even after everything you’ve done to me? I’d rather die”
“I visited death many times before darling so I know that’s an exaggeration from you”
“Can you just leave me alone? You’ve already ruined my life enough”
“If I really did ruin your life, you wouldn’t be standing to tell the tale, isn’t that right?”
“You’re fucking crazy.” You feel his eyes stare daggers into your back, piercing through your skin. Then he laughed but it didn’t sound joyful.
“I’d prefer the term, misguided, but I’ll play along with your game (Y/N) since I’m crazy” The air went stiff.
“Do you want me to show you crazy?” You flinched as you felt his warm breath brush against the nape of your neck, leaving goosebumps on your skin.
“Get off of me..”
“Answer my question~”
“No, I don’t”
“What a shame. I was going to show you what I did with the cunt’s body once you left the apartment” You turn around and face him, hoping you didn’t hear what you just heard.
“You what?”
“And you wonder how I always find you. A birdie told me that you had a boyfriend but I originally thought to leave you alone until I found out what the bastard did behind your back so I took matters into my own hands but I did get a little help” A wave of nausea hit you when he smiled despite saying the most corrupt thing.
“How did you.. Why?!” Mito wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in closely.
“Because you’re mine and I always protect what’s mine”
“I’m not yours anymore Mito. You can go to jail for doing this” He smiles wickedly again.
“As if the police would catch me and as long as you don’t say a word, everything will be fine. I didn’t train a snitch, did I?” His dark eyes bored into yours, making you look away from the intense gaze.
“No.. you didn’t but this isn’t right! You killed my ex and expect me to go back to you after doing that!” You tried to push him off but it was pointless, him being twice your size in every way.
“Why would I expect something that I know is going to happen? The old (Y/N) would fawn over it”
“Well I’m not the old (Y/N) anymore, I matured”
“For the worse, you lost the fun in you” He chuckled, frustrating you.
“No, I realized that being with you would cause me nothing but hell”
“But you were happier then, no?” You bit your tongue, unable to defend yourself. You were happier with him. He took care of you when he wasn’t spiraling out of control. He loved you intensely, in ways not even a normal person can mimic. He would carve his own heart out and give it to you to prove his love for you. Though it did scare you at first, not wanting Mito to harm himself to show that he loved you but as time grew, you embraced it.
“I was happier but it only for a little while”
“So you’re saying you weren’t happy with me?”
“That’s not what-”
“Look me in my eyes when you say that.” You look back at Mito, seeing an unrecognizable glint in his eyes, instantly swallowing your words.
“Just as I thought. You’re a bad liar (Y/N). You swear up and down the street that you hate my guts and wished I left you alone but you secretly love it. You love when you’re all I think about. You enjoy corrupting my mind, you’re not innocent in this.” He hisses but his expression wasn’t anger, he was amused. You were caught, you didn’t know what to say in rebuttal. No matter how many times you said no, your heart said yes. Your heart said go back into his arms and everything will be okay. You didn’t realize that you started crying until you felt Mito’s rough hands caress your cheek, wiping your tears.
“I just.. Felt lost after we split. I didn’t know what to do”
“Neither did I, which is why I kept looking for you. You complete me (Y/N) but you kept running from me”
“Because I was afraid that everything wouldn’t be the same again” He chuckled.
“Nothing in this puny little world could make me love you any less darling. You’re my angel, the piece that makes me whole” Your heart swelled at his words.
“All I ask for is you to take me back and we try again” He takes your hand and presses his lips against your knuckle, right on the small “m” scar on your right hand.
“I want to try again” You whisper, the dead butterflies coming back to life.
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wowbright · 6 months
Fic: Communication
Fandom/pairing: Glee, Kurt/Blaine
Event: December Klaine Fanworks Challenge 2023
Words: ~1000 words                                
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Elder Nixon games Blaine an opportunity to stay connected with Kurt.
Notes: This is part of my Mormon!Klaine universe. It takes place after Out of Eden, which I am still in the process of posting to AO3. It’s among the likely possibilities for their future. This takes place after yesterday's post, Paper Boats. Elder Nixon is Warbler Trent. Warning for dysfunctional family dynamics.
* * *
On their way back from an appointment on the south end of town, Elder Nixon turned his bike into the parking lot of the Media Markt and came to a stop at the bike rack.
“What are we doing here?” Blaine asked. “You need a new battery?”
“Nope.” Elder Nixon swung off his bike and parked it into the rack in a single practiced move. “We're getting you a new phone.”
“I don't need a new phone. Mine’s working fine.”
“Not a mission phone. Your own phone. So you can call Elder Hummel.”
Blaine's mouth fell open of its own accord. “But... But... That's against the rules.”
“Regeln, schmegeln,” Elder Nixon replied, which translated roughly to rules, schmules—well, assuming that schmegeln wasn't a real German word, and Blaine didn't think it was. “Come on. Let's go. No dilly dallying. We still need to make our next appointment.”
Blaine followed his companion in a daze. He'd heard of missionaries sometimes keeping secret phones, but it had never occurred to Blaine to do that himself. Partly because it was against the rules—not that Blaine abided by every single rule, but this one seemed fairly harmless and maybe even good, because it kept missionaries focused on their companions for emotional support instead of the outside world. And partly because he was terrible at keeping secrets, as evidenced by him blubbering out the entire story of him and Kurt to Elder Nixon after they got back to the apartment from their proselytizing and paper-boat-making in the park.
As they approached the phone department, Blaine's heart filled with hope. He could talk to Kurt again. He could hear his voice. They could send text messages to each other—stupid, silly, mundane messages that said little on their own, but added up to a connection—a real connection across an ocean of distance.
Blaine tugged Elder Nixon’s sleeve. “I can't.”
“You need help paying for it?”
“No. It's not that. It's...” Don't expect anyone to coddle you, Blaine. You're already going to have it so easy. You're going to be in Germany, one of the richest nations in the world. The food will be great and your electricity will always be on and you'll have clean, running water and a bank card that your brother will keep adding money to even though I've told him not to. It will be nothing like my mission. You're not going to lose forty-two pounds just by accident because you're sick half the time and the other half, all you have to eat is gruel. When I was a missionary, we even had to buy our own name tag, and now they just give it to you. And we had to wait until we were 19, live on our own for a bit and prove we were mature before we could go. The prophet's decision to lower the age to 18 was inspired, of course, but it makes it all the more important that you go into the situation with no expectation of anyone taking care of you. You need to be responsible for yourself. You need to give absolute obedience to your leaders. If you keep your focus one-hundred percent on the mission and not on your own petty wants, it will still challenge you enough to make you into the man God intends you to be.
Blaine had made it so long without his father living inside his head. But with Kurt gone, he was back in there, telling Blaine how to live and what to think and how to feel, making Blaine fearfully aware of what a disappointment he was to his family.
“I need to tough it out,” Blaine said.
Elder Nixon looked skeptical. “Says who?”
“Not everyone. I'm not telling you to tough it out, and I'm pretty sure Elder Hummel would be delighted if you didn't tough it out, and I personally know at least a dozen missionaries with their own phones—”
“A dozen? You know that ‘a dozen’ literally means ‘twelve,’ right? It's not just another word for ‘a few.’”
“I know what ‘a dozen’ means, Elder Anderson.”
“Wait. Do you have a phone? I mean, your own one?”
“No. But I don't need one. You do. You're sad and you're heartbroken for no good reason, because the guy who you're heartbroken over is totally in love with you and wants to hear from you.”
“I write him,” Blaine said defensively.
“Look. This isn't like popping caffeine pills or getting addicted to chocolate-covered espresso beans. Those things are harmful. But talking with the people you love? That's a good thing. And if you need me to put it in terms of metrics, Elder Anderson, it's distracting you from the work. I think, if you could actually talk to Elder Hummel, it would make you a better missionary.”
“That makes no sense.”
“It makes perfect sense. Remind me, how many people did you two baptize together?”
“Well, it depends how you count—”
“How many?”
“Sounds like talking with Elder Hummel makes you a better missionary.”
Blaine knew it was true. He had been a better missionary when he'd been with Kurt. He'd been more loving and patient, and he’d truly been able to listen to people—not like lately, when he missed half the things people said to him because their words got all garbled up in his grief over Kurt and flashbacks to painful conversations with his father.
Elder Nixon patted Blaine’s shoulder. “I'm not going to force you to buy a phone today. But I want you to consider it—not just in your mind, but in your prayers, too. I'll pray about it with you every day if that's what you need.”
Prayer. Elder Nixon was right. That’s what Blaine needed. Prayer was the thing that brought clarity to things. It was the beam from a lighthouse cutting through the fog.
So, without waiting, Blaine closed his eyes right in the middle of Media Markt. He prayed silently to God about his grief and his fear and the memories that shouldn't be so upsetting because they were only words, and they weren't even words that his dad had meant hurtfully—they weren't angry or abusive or belittling or any of the things Blaine had learned in health class to tell a trusted adult about—but still they cut into him like knives, peeling back his defenses and leaving him raw and wounded and never able to heal.
Blaine remembered Jesus with the woman at the well and again with the adultress and again with the little children, and he heard—not in his ears, but deep inside where the Holy Ghost spoke to him—That's not the way I love. I love with open arms.
Blaine opened his eyes. “I should get a smartphone, right? The messaging would be cheaper that way.”
Elder Nixon smiled.
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swampstew · 1 year
45%. What's something that turns this character on? And what's a definite turn-off?
You could do non-sexual or sexual turn offs/ons, whatever you would like.
Thanks for playing Elfie💕 I’ll do non-sexual first and then sexual under the cut🤭 sorry for the long answer I had a lot of fun reflecting on them!
Rowena - she appreciates people who can strategize and plan accordingly. She likes being able to envision an idea and figure out her place in order to best accommodate however she can. Being in a relationship with Kid and having Luffy as her Captain, let’s just say she really really appreciates having people like Killer and Nami around. She despises anyone who uses their authority/status to force her or her friends to do things against her/their will.
Andrea - loves having someone tell her what to do. She has ADHD and struggles with time management (and executive dysfunction when she’s not taking her meds) on her own, so it helps her a lot when someone tells her to do things, especially with tangible deadlines for important matters. She hates when someone tells her what to do (ironic) when it concerns things she doesn’t like, especially if it makes her feel like she’s not valued. In turn, she has a bad habit of…getting back at people that do things like that to her.
Example: not allowed to sit on Kid’s lap in public because Kid fears someone trying to hurt her in order to get to him.
Continuing example: flirting with other people in front of Kid to get back at him for letting random strangers sit on him or swarm him with attention so he can make it publicly appear that he doesn’t have any weaknesses anyone can use against him, like say, a love interest.
Candy - she’s honestly so fucking sweet, sweeter than anyone in my AUs deserve. She appreciates when people are transparent about their intentions and actions, which is hard to come by when being a pirate. She cannot stand when people try to manipulate her through deception or treat her like she’s naïve just because she chooses to be kind. She might be nice but she’s not stupid and is rightfully offended if that’s your first impression of her.
Send me your phone battery percentage to ask me about my OCs🎁
Spicy under the cut -
Sexual turn ons and offs
Rowena - highly enjoys being Kid’s sub. Yeah she’s had a rough few years being literally considered less than human - but with Kid she’s never been treated that way, in or out of the bedroom. He respects her (and her power) but he is a dom by nature so that’s how their dynamic naturally fell into place. Rowena has significantly less experience than Kid so she follows his lead entirely, and Kid respects all of Rowena’s boundaries. He might be the dom but as the sub Rowena has all the power. Plus she finds it very attractive when her giant man takes complete control (with her consent ofc) and she bends to his whims not because she has to but because she wants to; as she grows more confident in their sexual relationship over time, she becomes brattier and playful in their games to challenge him, which he fucking LOVES. For Rowena it’s ALL about trust and consent, and Kid cannot get over how much trust she has in him. They also both highly enjoy: breeding, cum play, orgasm denial, and on special occasions trying something new. Her turn offs are any kinks she considers dehumanizing or gross (scat, vore, piss, certain exhibitionism).
Andrea - she enjoys trying to flip the script on Kid and taking control. Silencing him into compliance instead of his usually loud and aggressive nature while doing the deed, acting like a brat and riling him up to let him know she wants him, playing cat and mouse until he can catch her and throw her down wherever they end up, she even enjoys a little bit of exhibitionism/public sex so long as no one she personally knows will see them. She does not like any kinks that she feels are gross or dehumanizing, and she does not appreciate accidental insemination. She promised to beat up Kid within an inch of his life if he accidentally knocks her up, and he has half a mind to do it just to see her try.
Candy - sweet on the streets, a freak in the sheets. Willing to try anything and everything, within reason. She particularly enjoys giving oral, overstimulation, sensory deprivation play, lots and lots of toys, and bondage. Does Not like sadomasochism, tried it once and it freaked her out enough that it took a week for her to even sleep in the same bed as Killer. It was the worst week of his life.
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mariacallous · 19 hours
On May 14, Washington slapped new tariffs on China in what looks at first glance like the latest round of a familiar trade spat. The White House imposed duties of 25 to 50 percent on a range of industrial, medical, and clean tech goods—including semiconductors, solar cells, batteries, steel, aluminum, graphite, magnets, syringes, and ship-to-shore cranes. Strikingly, the latest measures also include a whopping 100 percent tariff on electric vehicles, effectively shutting the U.S. market to Chinese-made EVs.
Seen from Washington, these measures also look like a political move as U.S. President Joe Biden courts blue-collar voters in industrial swing states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania ahead of the November presidential election. It’s unlikely, however, that Beijing shares this benign interpretation. Seen from China, the tariffs look like a serious escalation of the U.S.-China contest and are probably raising alarm bells. Here’s why.
1. Washington is playing the long game. Stories of how China has become the world leader in EV manufacturing and is flooding the world with cheap vehicles have flourished over recent months. At the global level, there certainly is something to this analysis. Chinese exports of EVs jumped by a whopping 80 percent last year, propelling China to the top of the global ranking of car exporters. Yet this does not apply to the United States, where China supplied just 2 percent of EVs sold last year. (U.S. consumers appear to have a distinct preference for South Korean, Japanese, and European EV imports.) In other words, a 100 percent tariff on a few thousand cars will not hit Chinese firms hard.
A closer look at the list of targeted sectors suggests that batteries, not cars, will be the real pain point for China. The U.S. market is important for Chinese battery firms, which supply around 70 percent of the lithium-ion batteries used in the United States. For China’s battery sector, this means that the impact of the latest U.S. tariffs will likely be huge: The usual rule of thumb is that a 1 percentage point increase in tariffs entails a 2 percent drop in trade. With tariffs rising from 7.5 percent to 25 percent, the rule suggests that Chinese battery firms’ U.S. sales could drop by around one-third—or by $5 billion when one includes the entire battery supply chain. With Chinese battery-makers already seeing their profits plummet amid softening global demand, this is certainly bad news for Beijing.
Crucially, batteries are also an area where the U.S. government is investing huge amounts of public funds, in particular through the Inflation Reduction Act, which seeks to boost U.S. domestic production of clean tech goods. Seen in this light, the latest U.S. tariffs are preemptive measures to protect a nascent clean tech industry and make sure that there is domestic demand for future U.S. production. This suggests that the United States is playing the long game here, with little chance the tariffs will be lifted anytime soon. On the contrary—the U.S. clean tech market could well be closed to Chinese firms from here on out.
2. The White House is trying to force Europe to come on board and impose similar tariffs on China. Biden is probably seeking to score electoral brownie points with a 100 percent tariff on EVs, making former President Donald Trump’s proposal for 60 percent on U.S. imports from China look almost feeble. (Not to be outdone, Trump just announced that he would apply a 200 percent tariff on Chinese-branded cars made in Mexico.) Yet the reality is that Biden’s tariffs will not prove game-changing in the short term: Their implementation will be phased in over two years, and supply chain adjustments typically take time. In short, the measures are unlikely to fuel a U.S. industrial boom in time for the November elections.
What will happen before the election, though, is the conclusion in June or July of the European Union’s ongoing anti-subsidy investigation into China’s EV makers. Rumors abound of a possible tariff of 20 to 30 percent on Chinese EVs. Such a prospect is probably unnerving for Beijing; the EU is the biggest export market for China’s EVs, absorbing around 40 percent of Chinese shipments. The United States hopes that its 100 percent tariff on EVs will compel the EU to not only follow Washington’s example in imposing a tariff on Chinese EVs but perhaps also consider a higher one. This bold strategy could well work. Europe is unlikely to enjoy having its arm twisted by Washington, but the bloc will also worry that Chinese EV makers could double down on their push to dominate the EU market now that they have lost access to the U.S. one.
Chinese EVs look set to be a key topic when G-7 leaders meet for their annual summit in June. The United States will probably try to cajole Germany, which has long been dovish vis à vis China, into supporting sharply higher tariffs. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has pointed to the fact that European auto manufacturers “sell a great many vehicles that are produced in Europe to China”—hinting at German fears that China could retaliate against EVs and internal combustion engine cars imported from the EU.
3. The tariffs are a serious escalation from Washington’s previous de-risking strategy. In recent years, U.S. de-risking has focused on reducing the United States’ reliance on China for crucial goods and curbing Beijing’s access to dual-use technology in a bid to avoid fueling the country’s military advances. To implement this strategy, Washington has so far relied on two main tools from its economic statecraft kit: financial sanctions (for instance, on firms linked to the People’s Liberation Army) and export controls (notably on semiconductors, which are dual-use goods found in most military equipment).
Washington is slowly realizing that these two tools are imperfect. China’s massive sanctions-proofing efforts mean that sanctions do not always deal a blow to Chinese firms, which may no longer be using the U.S. dollar (China now settles around half of its cross-border trade in renminbi) or Western financial channels such as SWIFT, the global payments system. Washington also understands that export controls on clean tech would not curb China’s ambitions in the field, as Chinese firms already have all the tech they need. This leaves only one option for U.S. economic statecraft: tariffs that leverage one of the country’s greatest economic assets—access to its market.
This is why the latest U.S. tariffs are likely raising red flags in Beijing. The United States is now severing access to its market in clean tech and other areas that China sees as crucial for its plans to become the world’s future economic superpower. If the EU plays ball, this approach would expose a central flaw in Beijing’s industrial strategy: What if the world’s two biggest markets—the United States and the EU—become no-go areas for Chinese firms dependent on exporting their vast production, leaving them with piles of unused goods? Few other markets are available for Chinese clean tech exports—outside Europe, North America, and East Asia, most countries lack the infrastructure for large-scale EV adoption, for example. This prospect may well keep Beijing’s planners up at night, with no easy solution in sight.
The question now is whether and how Beijing will react. Serious retaliation is unlikely, since the United States exports far less to China than vice versa. Given its current economic woes, China also has little interest in further weakening its economy—for example, by imposing export bans on critical raw materials, rare earths, or other crucial goods for Western economies.
As the latest skirmish in the battle for economic dominance between Washington and Beijing, the new U.S. tariffs raise a number of bigger questions: Will Washington succeed in its efforts to create a domestic ecosystem for clean tech? Will the United States and Europe manage to cooperate—or go their own ways in their economic relations with China? Will the United States continue to curb Chinese access to the U.S. market for the purposes of de-risking—and if so, in which sectors? There is probably only one certainty in the U.S.-China economic war: The conflict will continue well after the November elections, whatever their outcome.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from Canary Media:
With their roaring diesel engines, tugboats push, pull and guide much larger vessels into port and out to sea. They are small but mighty — and incredibly dirty, spewing huge amounts of toxic exhaust and planet-warming emissions every year.
Now, however, the humble harbor craft is going electric.
America’s first fully battery-powered tugboat recently docked at the Port of San Diego, where officials are working to decarbonize not just tugs but also diesel cranes and trucks. The electric tug was built over three years at an Alabama shipyard, then moved through the Panama Canal before arriving in Southern California earlier this spring.
“We’re ecstatic,” Frank Urtasun, the port’s chairman, told Canary Media. ​“This electric tugboat is a real game-changer that I think will have ramifications across the country.”
The 82-foot-long vessel is set to begin operating within the coming weeks, as soon as the shoreside charging infrastructure is completed, according to Crowley. The Florida-based company owns and operates the electric boat — named ​“eWolf” in honor of Crowley’s first tug, the early 1900s Seawolf — and everything that’s needed to keep it running.
The eWolf is launching as ports and cities around the world are pushing to decarbonize their industrial waterfronts.
Globally, the cargo-shipping sector accounts for around 3 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions every year. While giant, oil-guzzling freighters tend to draw more public scrutiny for their large environmental impact, many thousands of smaller vessels and workboats are also major sources of both carbon emissions and local pollution.
In the U.S., state and regional policies are increasingly requiring operators to slash emissions from vessels, cranes, forklifts and other diesel-burning equipment. About 39 million people live in close proximity to ports, many of whom are lower-income residents and people of color.
An infusion of government funding has recently emerged to support those efforts. The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act includes $3 billion for zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to announce the recipients of that funding later this year — along with the winners of a separate $115 million program under the 2022-2023 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act.
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nearly-magic · 3 months
i decided to rewrite a part of one of my oumami fanfic chapters because it was LACKING!! but im not gonna update it because i wanna keep the chapters as close to how they were when published, so that my writing skills can be seen improving lol- ANYWAYS heres the small bit of the chapter :3
"Hahahaa! Wooow, what a cool trick that was, Kokichi! Dumbass, heh," Miu joked.
"It's not like you're any better! Here, try doing what I tried to do," Kokichi hands the phone over to Miu. Miu quickly restarts the level, and immediately begins fumbling around.
While Miu was attempting the trick, Kokichi's eyes drifted away from the phone screen. They drifted over to Rantaro, and he couldn't look away. His eyes followed individual strands of his hair over to his piercings. Did he always have those in? Does he not have other ones? Do they not hurt after a while?
Then, his eyes shifted to Rantaro's face. The sun hit his face just right, he was more than just 'pretty'. His eyes were the most charming green he'd ever seen, like shiny polished emeralds with how they sparkled.
His outfit was different from what he wore in the killing game. Well, everyone's was, he didn't know why he highlighted his specifically. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt, which had some kind of brand logo in the corner. He still had his necklace thing however. I wonder if that has any sort of importance to him.
Kaede told a joke, which Kokichi didn't hear, but he watched how Rantaro laughed. His laugh made Kokichi's heart feel like it could soar the skies and touch the clouds, but he was brought back down to Earth when Miu celebrated, excitedly shaking Kokichi.
"Did you see that? I fuckin' did it! I'm a genius! A gorgeous one at that!" Miu yelled, making him cover his ears due to the sheer volume.
"..Huh? Oh! Yeah, awesome! You go girl! Guess ya proved me wrong!" Kokichi faked paying attention because he was focused on something else, something he considered more eye-catching.
"Lemme try now!" He tried to grab Miu's phone, but she pulled away before his fingers could even touch it.
"Wait, dumbass! I'll give you my phone in a second! You're so impatient!" Miu said with a smile. Her phone beeped, indicating it was on low battery.
"Hah! My phone's on five percent! Ah, wait, that means I can't use it either.. Well, I'm a fuckin' winner, cuz I did the trick and you didn't," Miu puts her phone away in her bag and Kokichi complained a little, slumping in his seat.
Everyone had finished their meals already. Miu stands up to go to the bathroom, almost getting tripped by Kokichi. She turns to yell a couple more swear words, then runs off.
Kokichi watches her go away. 'Guess I'll have to talk to these bozos now,'  Kokichi thinks, putting his hands in his pockets. He then unexpectedly feels something in one of them.
He pulls that something out, and discovers it's a piece of wrinkled paper. From before the killing game, presumably.
He unfolded the paper and all it said was 'lol, gay '. He could feel his face get warmer slightly.
He felt called out because of earlier. Not his fault that Rantaro was just that pretty.
He put the paper back in his pocket once he saw Miu coming back. He tried his best to conceal his blushing face, but to no avail. He saw Miu's face turn into a smug one, meaning she thinks she knows what's up.
Before Miu could say anything, Kokichi trips her again, completely throwing Miu off as she starts throwing friendly insults at him again.
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bamsara · 2 years
If you can spark enough support/donations (because it's expensive at 1000) can I suggest you get a Asus gaming laptop? They run extremely well my dad has had his for y e a r s and it's just started having battery issues but works at 100 percent capacity when plugged in. My own is just running well plugged or unplugged.
They have a wonderful fan system, large storage space, and should run great for art stuff since they are meant to run video games.
I was aiming for something like that but I'm trying to milk my laptop as much as possible. Even if its 4 years old and probably has heat and overuse damage, I saved up a pretty penny for it ages ago so I plan to use it until it doesn't turn on anymore
I actually have some money saved up, not to that amount yet, but a decent start because of wonderful people donating + budgeting my own bills/supplies/taking some money out of my escape-from-alabama-and-this-house fund. I can't right now but soon I hope to open commissions and finish the Kofi shop thing. Its not super urgent because the laptop is still kicking though
(Also that being said thank you again ppl who donate with Kofi and twitch and stuff but please please PLEASE don't feel obligated to do so vdbdnfng I will still make art and write stuff either way as long as I have wifi)
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