#barefoot creek
Early Childhood - Outdoor Classroom
Springtime brings rain, and rain brings fun! Exploring nature at a young age aligns with children’s natural instincts to be scientists and explorers. The outdoors gives them an opportunity to use things they can physically see, feel, and experience to introduce science in a way that is meaningful to them. Here, the children enjoy the sandbox and barefoot creek after a rainy night by building and balancing on bridges, creating dams, and of course, playing in puddles!
"Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it is raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and, when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet; let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath it's shade; let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning as it wakes every living creature that divides its day between waking and sleeping."
--Maria Montessori
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mystical-moonmagic · 3 months
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If this isn't Joe desperately pining for Ox
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givemaycoffee · 2 years
5, 19, and 20.
😌❤️ Incredibly concise. My ADHD caboose could never. I appreciate you.
5. Favorite form of potato
Savoury Squirrel Bakes - a recipe from the official Redwall cookbook, which I received when I was like 8. It involves potatoes, cheese, and chives all rolled in egg and then breadcrumbs and then baked. Ridiculously delicious.
19. The veggie you dislike the most
PEAS. They’re wretched. They have no place in my kitchen.
20. Favorite Disney princess movie
So, putting my burning hatred for Disney as a company aside - how could you ask me to make this choice??? There are so many different feelings pulling me toward different ones. FINE. I guess I’ll say Beauty and the Beast. But I want you to know that I almost added a read more so I could explain why Pocahontas and Frozen 2 were very strong contenders and it’s going into my tags anyway.
Ask me more weirdly specific and unrelated questions!
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bathrobe-wizard · 29 days
any bears out there wanna come give me a tick check (romantic)
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if there’s ever a train that goes back to 2014 i’m gonna be the first one to board it
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drfausti · 2 months
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Aleksej Kornijenko for БОСИКОМ, December 14tzh, 2023. Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/840470072827260/permalink/2311556402385279/
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thegoblinpit · 10 months
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I grew up in the creek, so I put her there. This doodle is available on my redbubble :)
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penisliker-moved · 1 year
sometimss im like maybe i dont have anxiety maybe im just a scared little bitch (as if anxiety isnt scared little bitch dksorder) bc i dont get scared of like. the killers. well i do actually but thats not the point. but then i think of sometjing that scares me and i have a brief moment of rational thought where im like hey? thats thendumbest thing uve ever said
#i have this fear that ill be wading in a creek (my favorite activity) and a giant fish will come out of nowhere and itll ram into my legs#knocking me off balance and making me fall over backwards. and then i hit my head on a rock and lose consciousness and drown in the creek#and OBVIOUSLY. that probably wont happen but what if it did id be so fucking embarassed and skmebody would find me and be like lol idiot#and the worst part is i think abt this Everytime im in a creek im always like it could happen. even if the waters like an inch deep or if#its crystal clear im like it could be here...#its semi related to my OTHER creek fear which is that ill be waoking in a creek barefoot (my favorite activity bc like.. who wears shoes in#a creek LMAO)#but then id like step on a crawdad. or a broken bottle . and then id fall over backwards and hit my head on a rock and drown#that last part was a joke but i do get so scared somethings gonna get me......#im also so scares of leeches. in creeks#even tho i love.leeches and theyre so cool if a leech ever got on me i think id throw up#i was in th creek at my grannys house once with my cousins and my cousin maddie got out of the water and there was a black thing on her leg#abd i ws like omg what is thatttt lols... and then i looked closer and it was a leech#so i told her and she ws freaking out bc shes so scares of leeches andblood. so i pulled it off her and threw it into the water#and there was SO mhch blood??? for no reason??? n maddie fainted lol. but it ws awk bc obviously we wanted to leave the creek after that#but t get down to it theres like a little like. not quite cliff its not that tall but ledge isnt right. its taller than yr heas basically.#n you have to either climb that Or get rhrough the bramble and through a barbed wire fence#ya we were trespassing who cares. shut up.#but maddie ws rly shaky from fainting. so we had t stay there for like an hour while she got better and i had t run bsck to th house and#grab a bandaid andsandwiches (t help her get better quicker) But i rly didnt wanna get in trouble since i ws th one who pulled the leech#off so i ws just like haha yaaaa umm. lamp cut their foot on a rock 👍👍 and also we wanna have a picnic ?? with like 2 sandwiches. but its#ok#maddoe fainted bc shes scared of blood btw not bc of like mass blood loss. it.prolly wasnt even that much and my memory is just making it#seem crazier than it was#soo ya.#a2t
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rotting-rainbo · 2 years
southern gothic clothing >>>
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bluejay757 · 9 months
Lets talk about Simon and Betty
spoilers for episode 8
So a lot of people are throwing around some strong accusations about their relationship, some I can see where they're coming from, and a lot are really reaching.
As for the ones that I think are reaching, a lot of people are saying that Simon and Betty were a professor/student dynamic, except they weren't. Simon wasn't teaching a class he was a guest lecturer, and Betty, having read his work was interested. She was excited to meet him because she liked his research. Simon was constantly mocked in his field, if you actually read the newspaper clippings from "I remember you" you'll see that even after he found the enchiridion, he was made fun of. People were literally laughing at him and throwing things at him while he was giving his lecture. Betty likely was mocked too, it makes sense she was so excited to meet him, because this was her chance to meet one of the few people that actually shared her interest. She did not yet have a crush on him at that point in time.
I think after she got to know Simon on a personal level her fascination of him changed, as she no longer viewed him as a "celebrity" (I use that term loosely for a lack of a better word, I can't imagine his books sold that many copies, what with him being a laughing stock and him being genuinely surprised that Betty had read his work), but rather a colleague and equal. She even said that after their trip together she had grown to admire him as a person, so it's not like she had any kind of feelings for him prior to that. Now that's not to say her feelings towards him were completely normal, but there definitely wasn't a power imbalance between them.
A lot of people are saying Simon was selfish for making her stay behind, but he didn't make her. She chose to stay behind. She could have still gone on that trip, and continued to write to him and talk to him on the phone, but she chose to stay with him and go on different adventures. You're forgetting that Simon and Betty went on expeditions together all the time, it's not like she gave up her career for him, that would be a whole different story, but she made the decision to continue working in her field alongside him.
Also Simon couldn't have gone on that trip if he did want to because he wasn't offered to go, who ever it was that gave Betty that opportunity, wasn't anticipating on her bringing a friend, he also didn't have anything with him but like his wallet and keys you can't seriously expect him to go to another country with no luggage, no plane ticket, no money, no nothing. A whole part of Fionna's character arc is realizing that life's not a fairy tale, she was expecting something out of a romance novel and got a story straight from reality. Realistically the two options were for Betty to stay or to leave Simon. And I don't think her giving up her trip to Australia was a sacrifice, because there were other trips and opportunities after that, she traded that one trip for an entire lifetime of them, (or at least it would have been if war didn't break out)
And if you're gonna call Betty impulsive, call her impulsive because she went on a trip around the world with a man she had never met, not because she walked through a creek barefoot lmfao.
I'm not saying that Simon and Betty were perfect but there are other reasons to criticize them.
As for the actual problems with there relationship, none of them are their fault. Betty going literally crazy trying to bring Simon back was because of Magic Man and Patience fucking with her brain, a human being cannot handle the amount of magic she was given and it drove her to insanity. And Simon now, with risking everything to bring her back, she's literally fused with a chaos god and is going to live for eternity in that state, did you ever think maybe he wants to get her out of that for her sake? That maybe he wants closure and to say goodbye? Since he never got that chance. No it's not healthy for Simon to drive himself as far as he did to bring her back, but Jesus fucking Christ can you blame him for not wanting his fiance to suffer for literal eternity? They don't need to break up, they need therapy. I don't think their relationship pre-mushroom war was unhealthy, and I don't think it ever would have been unhealthy without Betty becoming Magic Betty.
Their relationship flaws are more so their own individual flaws that have bled into their relationship as opposed to ones caused by the relationship itself, that's an important distinction you have to see.
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frogchiro · 7 months
Froggie m'love ever since you mentioned GOTH (haha God Of The Hunt = GOTH) Gaz I can't stop thinking of him @.@ If you have time I would love to hear one of your rambles about him ♡
Got Of The Hunt!Gaz who loves play-chasing you through his forest♡ There are ofc no weapons involved since this is more like foreplay for both of you but the danger still makes you feel hot.
Just imagine being clad in only a loose, short, white dress, running barefoot through the quickly darkening woods, your breath hitching as you hear the echo of your lover's laugh. You curse slightly under your breath, a smile forming on your face; you know that this play is basically futile since Kyle will catch you anyway but does he really have to be so smug about it?
Before you can take the next turn right by a beautifull little creek you feel your body getting tugged and you tumble down onto the soft foliage with a loud 'oof!', your lover's smug and annoyingly handsome face right above you as he bumps his nose against yours.
"I won yet again Love! You need to get better if you ever wanna beat me hehe~" Kyle laughed at your annoyance and before you could retaliate with a smartass comment he captured your lips in his, his full, soft lips feeling divine against yours, his stubble tickling you making you giggle happily into the kiss♡
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doodlebloo · 25 days
*weakly, voice hoarse and barely audible* c!clingyduo were so young. so bright eyed. they were sixteen and they played in the creek and ran barefoot over the hills and nothing could hurt them as long as they had each other and c!Wilbur and L'Manberg. and in their minds they were going to win the war. it took them both multiple deaths to start letting go of that idea. years after the war they catch themselves still believing it
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a-fast-rebloger · 7 months
RIP to Elphaba and her water allergy I know she would've loved to walk barefoot around a creek
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bloodbuzz-ohio · 8 months
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Dawson's Creek (1998-2003) 3x11 Barefoot at Capefest
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drfausti · 3 months
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See https://www.facebook.com/groups/peintureacademique/permalink/7287770821343026/ :
"The Little Shepherdess (1892) "Oil on canvas, 160.6 x 114.0 cm" [Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada] -- Paul Peel (Canadian; 1860 - 1892)
Paul Peel (1860-1892) was the son of a marble-cutter and drawing teacher (John Robert Peel). He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy, Philidelphia (1877-1880 under Thomas Eakins); the R.A. Schools, London (1880); and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris (1881) under Gerome and others.
He returned to London, Ontario, and Toronto for a short time about 1890, but was chiefly active in Paris. He travelled widely in Canada and in Europe, exhibiting as a member of the Ontario Society of Artists and the Royal Canadian Academy. He later returned to Paris where he died in October 1892. Before his death he had achieved a considerable success for his technique in such academic subjects as 'After the Bath' (1890).
He was one of the first Canadian painters to portray nude figures, as in his A Venetian Bather (1889). At the time of his death Peel appeared to be changing his style toward Impressionism. However, he did not live to develop his art beyond its academic sentimentalism.
Source: The Art History Archive -The Paintings of Paul Peel
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podkidysh · 3 months
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I am long time think abouted humanization breek
I think Creek would walk around in just yoga pants and a barefoot.
And this rarely throwing on a shirt/T-shirt. And this really pissed off Branch
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