#babs tlt
sexybread-png 1 year
have u drawn the 3rd house people before 0:
ive drawn ianthe before
but um >:) heres some more
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dve 3 months
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derseprinceoftbd 3 months
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howverychaotic 1 year
Ianthe looking at Babs
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naomistares 4 months
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ianthe's little cannibalism moment except it's not little, it's 15 pages long, enjoy!
(this took a total of 115 hours, waw, i am still sick as all hell, so feel free to leave me all ur thoughts in great details, i will read them.)
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vvienne 9 months
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knowing what we now do about pal's ideas about the permeability of souls casts this interaction in a fun new light
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theriverbeyond 9 months
way back in GtN, during Gideon&Babs' duel, specific mention is made to Naberius' proportions physically. Specifically that he was shorter than Gideon, with LONG long arms -- aka the perfect sport fencing build: a relatively small target (clavicle to sacrum, arms exception) combined with a long reach, will very efficiently prevent anyone from being able to touch you in a proper duel. and I'm thinking abt Ianthe "we'd fix him" the First and how Babs HAD to be the best with absolutley no room for anything less and I'm thinking about his physical proportions being perfect and like. the Third House definitely did that to him. very sinister. much to think about.
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eskildit 8 months
i know im always saying this but i fully believe that coronabeth wanted to fuck palamedes. at least a little bit. like she saw this scrawny lanky tall nerd and thought to herself, yeah id blow him. yeah id be down.
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griddlebait 8 months
RIP Naberius Tern you would have loved I鈥檓 Just Ken from the Barbie (2023) soundtrack
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zetaglobin 9 months
Thinking about Ianthe right after her ascension to lyctorhood, fighting like mad to keep Naberius under control. Thinking about Cytherea's remark to Ianthe: "You aren't completed, are you? I can feel him pushing...he's not happy. Mine went willingly, and it hurt for centuries. If I'm old news...you're fresh meat.'
Thinking about repeated mentions of Ianthe's shifting eye color on the Mithraeum and her constant struggle to keep her cav beneath the surface and get him to cooperate.
Thinking about her during NtN, where she seems much more in control, like she's finally quashed Naberius; reduced him down to a corpse and swordsmanship.
Thinking about how the exact opposite is true. Thinking about how the soul of a perfect tool has been performing the ultimate rebellion against its devourer. Not with a refusal to swing a blade, but with the acceptance to be digested. To be absorbed so thoroughly that not even a centrifuge could separate the components. A mixing of parts that Ianthe would find so repulsive and vulgar, even she couldn't rationalize the cost.
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frociaggine 1 year
also. we don't talk enough about how the og Canaan House gang were doing metaphysical experiments on people. just cramming a dozen souls into one person. five hundred into fifty. yes yes it's tragic that all the cavs died but also they were ALL taking those freshly resurrected batches and squeezing their souls like juice to make creepy priests. Anastasia I just want to talk
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ghostsandyoumightdie 9 months
Naberius, who had blood on his lips before his mother's milk.
Naberius, who became the perfect weapon, because if he didn't pretend he was choosing to be perfect they would have changed him until he was.
Naberius, who was such a deft hand with a needle and thread that even Ianthe envied him. Where did he find the time?
Naberius, who loved Coronabeth more than anything.
Naberius, who never thought the people he loved would cheat on him, and every single one of them did.
Naberius, who wasn't very interesting at all.
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scarlettelegy 1 year
naberius was doomed by the narrative this, babs is actually a tragic character that. what are you talking about, this man had a perfect life. i wish my biggest problem was getting eaten by two tall hot blondes. privileged, thats what he was.
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God, I can't stop thinking about what Camilla's internal dialogue must be like after GtN
She's such a quiet character and really seems to try to keep up a stoic appearance but like, man she really has a lot of shit going on and her development between GtN and NtN is so insane but still seemingly subtle.
I can't even begin to imagine what the final day on Canaan House must have felt like to her because in many ways she's kind of a weird mirror to harrow right?? Her Necromancer has just sacrificed himself to save her life, tragically failed at doing so, and now she's all alone trying her best to collect the bone fragment of the person closest to her? Clinging on to a plan b that, as far as she knows, could have already failed! The fact she even let Palamedes consider a plan b like this would be unthinkable for the Camilla of NtN! She's just incredibly out of her depth the entire time, probably trying her best not just to break down
Do you ever think she resents Palamedes for that day? Whenever she was looking at his bone fragments, or even when he was back and now in his mind it's like. The fact that he acts like she's the reckless one, that he keeps getting mad at her to take better care of herself, do you ever think she hears that and just. remembers picking up pieces of his skull?
Maybe that's why she's relieved when they get to perform grand lysis, she doesn't need to be scared that he'll risk his life for her again and he doesn't need to be scared she'll do the same, they both choose to die together and make something new, someone new that risks their life only for themselves?
Idk, I just think their whole story is so scary and beautiful, they really did go loud.
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finiel 9 months
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camilla won the first few hours of this poll i put out. exactly what i expected, and i am very glad about it (poll is still open and u should vote on who u want next btw)
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theriverbeyond 2 years
truly believe that whatever gender fuckery Ianthe has going on in NtN is the sexiest she has ever been and i for one cannot get enough of it. she puts out a lit cigarette on her own skin. she is a total bitch to everyone and also very upfront about her machiavellian intentions. she's a princess who never wanted to be a queen she's a boy she's a prince she's a daughter of the third. she's both "the good son" and the "lady of the first". she's a flesh magician and a lyctor which means she wakes up every day and intentionally chooses to look like an old rag hung up to dry. she's so incredibly bad at Doing Gender that it wraps all the way around the other side and she becomes both incredibly good and wildly sexy at it. she's constantly either making grandiose speeches that no one on the page cares about, screaming, or throwing up. just being openly gross & evil simply all of the time 鉂わ笍
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