netmors · 2 days
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STAR WARS: Eleventh Fleet AU
Hey-hey, I worked, caught a cold, got sick and that’s enough… …so, concept art for the Eleventh Fleet.
Ar'alani and Vah'nya's designs are fairly simple, but the problem with them in particular, and the Chiss in general, is their clothing and style. There are many official references, including those from Legends, but each artist still has his own vision regarding, for example, the shape of the fleet. Somewhere there is a strong homage to the design from the old canon, somewhere it was modernized, and in the latter they added the same “honor's chains”, which look a little strange on the laconic form. It seems to be in the Chiss style, but very impractical.
As a result, I am reworking the design of the expansion and defense fleet uniform, but more on that another time. Let's return to Ar'alani and Vah'nya.
At the beginning of the events of the "Eleventh Fleet", Senior General Ar'alani on his flagship "Vigilant" is increasingly confronted with the Grysks. A year will pass since her last meeting with Thrawn, when the invaders of the Ascendency space will openly attack the Chiss ships.
Such cat and mouse would continue for another year until the disappearance of another Night Dragon class war cruiser, subsequently leading to disaster in the heart of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Senior General will be one of the few superiors who, along with Ba'kif, can survive. Much of this will be down to Vanto and Ronan - unaccounted for variables in the Grysk's plans. The trust placed in Thrawn's "alien protégés" paid off in full.
The Senior General was often accompanied by Senior Navigator Vah'nya. "Vigilant" almost always accepted missions to search for missing navigators. Vah'nya not only guided the ship through the stars and darkness of outer space, but she was much better at rehabilitating rescued navigators, as well as leading the other navigators on the ship. Friendship with Eli played an important role in this.
Because of her "anomaly" as a Navigator who hasn't lost her powers into adulthood, many of the regulations and rules simply don't work for Vah'nya the way they do for other girls. And to be an “anomaly” for Sindikure is a very subtle walking on the edge of a charrik. And yet, to the dissatisfaction of some aristocrats and syndics, the girl manages to balance on it for quite a long time.
+ bonus Ba'kif timeline concept art.
Because I’m not entirely sure that I’m right, but I really wanted to think about what this gorgeous grandpa would have looked like during the Thrawn. Ascendency Trilogy. And I also reworked his “chains” and other form elements quite a bit. And yes, I’m more than sure that Thrawn adopted Ba'kif’s “style” in his time.
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leahikol · 1 month
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Ba'kif really needs a break.
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mirandemia · 11 months
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Thrawn: Don’t worry I have a plan!
Ar’alani , Ba’kif, Samakro :    :|
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thrawns-backrest · 9 months
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Ba'kif art! (Please don't repost/use without permission)
I designed a book cover version too because I thought it looked neat. As always, headcanons under the cut
These are mostly about the uniform because I'm obsessed with uniforms. I designed it after a navy admiral dress uniform because I like the clean white design with fewer belts. This is however not a dress uniform because of the chain style.
We know the Chiss wear chains instead of medals and this is my version of 'ribbon bars' for them - a more practical way to display awards. The catch here being that ribbon bars still display the individual award which isn't the case here. My inworld explanation is that when you get that many awards in the Chiss military, it doesn't really matter what kind of awards they are lol. It's also meant to resemble an aguillette to a degree.
One side of each chain is attached to a bar clipped to the uniform while the other attaches to another hanging chain hooked to the pauldron. I imagine this ensemble with white trousers worn over the boots in line with that whole navy admiral vibe.
As for hair color, my headcanon is that Chiss don't gray as a rule as humans do. It's something that affects a small part of the population and happens rapidly at an earlier point in their life. It's still considered fairly normal though and even desirable as rare features often are. (ie I really wanted to make Ba'kif the Chiss version of a silver fox so I did.)
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frc-ambaradan · 8 months
«"I have to admit, though, that I’d always looked forward to seeing how you looked in admiral white. I suppose I’ll never get the chance now.” “You were never likely to in the first place,” Thrawn said drily. “No one here would ever make me an admiral.” “I suppose not,” Ba’kif said.» Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
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I like how Ba'kif turned out. I kept the scar on his eye from Jeremy Wilson's poster for the Barnes & Noble edition of "Greater Good". It gives him a characteristic look. I like it :)
This is another drawing I made for my chiss video.
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reythemandalor · 2 months
Thrawn: You've come to the right person.
Ba'kif: Excuse you, we didn't come to you at all.
Ar'alani: Yeah, you just walked in here without knocking...
Thrawn: There was not time for you to figure out that you needed me. Fortunately, the walls are thin.
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hydr0phius · 4 months
Welcome back to more crack summaries and notes. Today it's Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, and I am absolutely distraught after reading it.
Linked: Chaos Rising and Greater Good
Starting out strong with this one aren't we, Mr. Zahn?
Samakro: please let this be a normal fucking side trip-
The Springhawk: *appears*
Jixtus: Not this mf again. Give me a damn BREAK-
Thrawn, over comms: If there are any Watith here, we have your prisoners.
Generalius Nakirre: I'm going to answer him.
Jixtus: Do NOT
Generalius Nakirre: If you're not going to tell me, I'll just ask him.
Jixtus: nO-
(word for word)
Generalius Nakirre: The Kilji path will prove superior
Thrawn, flatly: No. It will not.
Generalius Nakirre: Again, you dismiss our wisdom without even hearing it.
Thrawn: In my experience, superior wisdom can stand on its own merits. It does not require a warship to force acceptance.
Generalius Nakirre: You also bring a warship to this place.
Thrawn: But I do not claim to offer superior wisdom. Nor do I intend to impose my wisdom upon others.
(Thrawn, I love you dearly).
Jixtus, quietly in the background for the last five minutes of the comm call with Nakirre and Thrawn: Oh my fucking gods, DISENGAGE. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ANYTHING MORE ABOUT YOU-
Nakirre, internally during the comm call and Jixtus' warnings: WHY SHOULDN'T I FUCK HIM UP? HE'S ASKING FOR IT. IT WOULD BE SO EASY.
Thrawn: *blank stare on the bridge, facing Thalias*
Thalias: Look at him going into deep thought. *Turns back to Che'ri*
Thrawn, directly behind her now: So have you-
Thalias, jumping about a foot in the air: -STOP SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!
Thrawn: I wasn't????? Anyway, has Che'ri had anymore nightmares?
(He was sneaking but he doesn't know that lmao).
Lamiov: *sends Ba'kif a message about Thrawn*
Ba'kif: *Dropping absolutely everything and moving faster than his colleagues would if there was all out war because his Son is up to things*
^^^ All that was just in the prologue and I was nearly losing it lmao.
Thurfian: *makes a decision*
Thivik: *judgemental vibes*
Thrawn: *rattling off info about the paintings in the reception area of the Mitth crib on wherever it is that they were*
Thrass: How the fuck did you know all of that-
Lappincyk: Larawn. Has a nice ring to it.
Me thinking of that vine: Larawn James sjsjs
Lappincyk: Ok and what is Thrawn to you?
Thrass making a spur of the moment decision: He's my friend.
Thrawn, sitting down: :3
(That felt like a set up. Thooraki and Lamiov going "Thrawn needs someone who knows politics" and then shoving Thrass into his orbit).
Jixtus: I have information you'll want
Thistrian: let me consult with the Patriarch.
Thurfian: Tell them to feck off. We don't want anything to do with them.
Thistrian: o h
Ba'kif when he found out about the Magys: SORRY YOU WHAT- NO. WHAT POSSESSED YOU
Thrawn: :)
Samakro: I'll see this through. I'm in too deep.
Thivik what's on that datacard??? WHAT DID THRASS PUT TOGETHER-
All the Thrawn and Thrass interactions give me life.
Zistalmu: I got a divorce.
Thurfian: babe, please. :'(
Roscu: *blathering on & being all high and mighty while a fucking asteroid missile is lining her up*
Ziinda: Can you shut the fuck up?
Roscu: I- ok.
Thrawn: I'll see y'all later. Uingali and I are going on a trip for a bit.
Samakro: k, bye.
Samakro: Where are we???
Bridge crew: idk man??
Che'ri: I'm following him. He's in danger and we need to be there.
Samakro after a lot of talking with Thalias: Oh. ok.
Thrawn: Can you fire a charric?
Qilori: *nervous wreck* nO
Thrawn dragging him up out of his chair: You're about to learn.
Thrass, holding a chair & ready to use it: Yeah, that's right! Drop the knife!
The thief: *slowly puts the knife down, looking behind Thrass the whole time*
Thrawn standing menacingly behind Thrass ready to deck the thief like he did his accomplices: >:)
Thrass: Ok, Roscu, but if you did fire on us you'd be killing a Mitth Aristocra and his brother.
Thrawn: :0
Lappincyk: :D
Roscu: Damn, ok.
*after the Odo ceremony*
Thrawn: Are we actually brothers now?
Thrass: Yeah, if you want :3
Thrawn: :') ok
*cue secret sharing*
CEDF: *trying to keep the peace in the Ascendancy on Syndicure orders*
CDF and Family Fleets, with the indignant air of a 10 yr old Sephora girl: Oh my GODS, can you LEAVE? You have NO POWER here!!!!
CEDF: Ok, fuck you. *sorts out the fighting anyway then dips off to wherever they get sent to next*
Che'ri: I'm fine. I can cook my own food while you're gone, and Mid Captain Samakro can check in on me.
Samakro: *worried Dad being left with the kids for the first time noises*
Thalias: ok.
Che'ri: Niceeee
Samakro: *sweating bullets*
Thalias: You Borika?
Borika, fake accent on: You a cop?
Thalias: What-
Borika: *nice rancher lady*
Borika 0.5 seconds after Thalias mentions the Seekers program: *pulls a charric on Thalias once they're inside the house and drops the accent*
Thalias: Holy fu- HANg oN-
Fuck the Ascendancy too btw. The systems in place are shit. Those poor sky-walkers.
*Two families fighting*
Ar'alani having been sent to deal with it, angry admiral voice engaged: OI, STOP THAT
Ar'alani, fed up: Flicker all of them, then drag them away from each other
Wutroow: That's going to piss a lot of people off, Admiral.
Ar'alani: idgaf. They're being stupid and putting civilians in danger.
Wutroow: Then might I suggest dragging them back to different orbital levels? if they want at it again, they'll at least have to try.
Ar'alani: Excellent thinking. Let's do that.
Ja'fosk 20mins after they flickered everyone and are headed back to UAG: Ar'alani you need to stop hanging around with Thrawn so much.
Ar'alani: Ok but he's right.
Ar'alani: Y'all are just haters.
Ja'fosk: Just get back to UAG.
Ar'alani: Ok.
Ar'alani: *Firing on Dy'lothe's ship because he's ignoring her and possibly about to fuck up Thrawn's plan*
Dy'lothe: Acting on the Syndicure's orders-
Ar'alani: Oh, so illegal orders, then?
Dy'lothe: ...yeah
Ar'alani: ha.
Ba'kif: Here's Thrawn's latest plan. I'm giving you and anyone else you can convince permission to go and assist him.
Ar'alani on four hours of sleep: This is completely insane and could ruin our careers.
Ba'kif: So you'll do it, then?
Ar'alani: Of course!
Thalias: There's no bus to the spaceport-
Borika: I've got you, girlie. I'll drive you.
Samakro: Oh yes, you're Thrawn's big, strong protector.
Thalias: yes.
Samakro: :)
Samakro: So, here's Thrawn's plan.
Thalias: Fuckkkkk, that's insane.
Samakro: Yeah... anyway good luck with Thurfian. I'll wait here for you.
Che'ri: *possessed by the Magys*
Magys: You jest
Samakro: I do not >:)
Samakro: HELL NO-
Thalias: I pulled a charric on the Patriarch.
Samakro: WHAT-
Jixtus: And what question would that be?
Thrawn: The most critical one. Are you ready to surrender?
Everyone: oohhHhhoOhohoho, you've got some balls saying that, Senior Captain.
Can we appreciate how well Thrawn's plan went? They tore Jixtus UP.
Ja'fosk, pleased: How did Senior Captain Thrawn obtain such accurate information?
Samakro who was fully ready to admit that he fed Thalias false info because he thought she was a spy: o H, uH. Yeah he kinda just pulls things like that out of thin air, you know? I can't explain it.
Che'ri has now met both Kivu siblings AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I think she's going to figure it out if Thalias hasn't told her yet.
Everyone going into the chamber thinking Thrawn's going to get a promotion or something and then the Admiralty exiling him and stripping his honour chains sucker punched me in the gut. Thurfian's smugness did not help matters either. I could feel the anger from everyone in that scene.
Sorry the way the Aristocra had everyone lined up for serious consequences instead of the commendations etc they got in the end because Thrawn took all of the blame himself to keep them in positions where they'd be able to guide the Ascendancy's forces in his absence got to me oh my gods.
Ba'kif: We're telling you so that you don't kick up a fuss about the exile thing
Ar'alani: I would never!
(She would. She was going to)
Ba'kif: *explaining the Clone Wars*
Ar'alani: I'm not remembering all that. Happy for them, though. Or Sorry that happened.
(Not crack, just pain)
Ar'alani: Don't you dare leave before I say goodbye to you, Thrawn.
Thrawn: Of course not. That's not what friends do.
Timmy: *doesn't write their goodbye scene*
Me: *screaming*
Thrawn: It's only for six months. Perhaps a year.
Ar'alani: And then you come home?
Thrawn: Yes. It will be alright.
Me: It was not, in fact, alright. seventeen-ish years and then another nine missing out on Peridea is not 1, mate.
Ba'kif: it's a shame I'll never see you in admiral whites.
Thrawn: Nobody here is senseless enough to promote me to admiral lmao
Ba'kif: We have time for one final meal together, if you wish
Thrawn: If you don't mind, I'd like to eat alone. There's a bistro where Thrass and I used to meet. I'd like to spend my last evening on Csilla remembering him.
I'm not okay. Probably going to have new fics to write now. hhhhhhh. That was sad as hell at the end there.
Also these two trilogies just highlight how little Felony understands Thrawn, and I hope all of you understand after reading the books, how badly he massacred our boy in Ahsoka. It shouldn't be, "omg we got him in live action!" anymore. It should be, "who is that blue guy and why are we being given such shit quality shows and expected to like it when the characters that mean so much to us have been reduced to having less dimension than a cardboard cut out, and that a slug could move 1 kilometer at a faster pace than the supposed plot that's scarcely here?" Have some standards that aren't six feet under, please, everyone (this is not aimed at y'all who have seen this from the start <3).
Anyway! Onto the Imperial Era I go :D
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goga-je-pieroga · 4 months
"The key to a satisfying life is to accept those things that cannot be changed, and make a positive difference with those that can"
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising Timothy Zahn 2021
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anastasiiaosypova · 1 year
This poster probably should be on every ship of CEDF 😁
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Also works with pretty much everything 🤣
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Thank you for the idea @guestiguess
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
Chiss Officer: How...how many children do you have, sir?
Ba'kif tiredly: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
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admiral-arelami · 2 months
Chiss Deli
I would like to be the filling in a ________ sandwich.
a) Thrawn/Ar'alani
b) Thrawn/Thrass (canon)
c) Thrawn/Faro (aka the "Imperial")
d) Ar'alani/Faro
e) Thrawn/Flustered Clone!Thrawn
f) Just Ba'kif (Let's face it: the guy's such a unit, he's more of a big-ass pita wrap)
g) Ba'kif/Ja'fosk (aka the "Supreme")
h) Thrawn/Thrass/Ar'alani (canon) double-decker
i) All of the above, in no particular order of favorites
j) All of the above, together in one massive sub orgy
k) Another delicious variety not listed here
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leahikol · 7 months
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some of my chiss doodles
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mirandemia · 6 months
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Welcome home, Thrawn.
All the hugs for my favorite boy. bc @amukmuk wrote this lovely fic and just got me thinking that this man needs more hugs.
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thrawns-backrest · 4 months
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more chiss content, this time more doodly. Ba'kif and Ja'fosk in that order with headcanons under the cut
since we see so little of Ja'fosk in the books I've taken the liberty of slapping him with a heckton of headcanons
I love the idea of Ba'kif as the seemingly strict professional who's actually the more lenient and risk taking of the two. and then Ja'fosk with an unserious air who could actually tear you a new one and is the worse disciplinarian. completely misleading first impressions but also complimentary af
the red sashes have a decorative purpose and I've thought of making them a baldric for ceremonial swords. I like the idea of fencing as a traditional elite sport for the Chiss, I see Ja'fosk as an excellent fencer while Ba'kif outstrips him in the hand to hand disciplines because he's an absolute unit
in any case these two are definitely besties. half the time Ja'fosk's name is mentioned in the books it's in combination with Ba'kif's and you just know they work so closely together it's like watching two old geezers banter and bicker with each other
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frc-ambaradan · 11 months
Some "quick" sketches of General Ba'kif, Mid Captain Samakro and Syndic Thurfian...
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...when there's not enough material to draw upon, you gotta make it yourself 💪
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