#b: sigur
felinefractious · 28 days
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Marizpan Sigur
🐱 Kurilian Bobtail
📸 Rita Gindzeliene [Sigur]
🎨 Red Silver Spotted Tabby
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scotts-takes · 4 months
"Black Out See Saw" is the Climax Alkaloid Deserved
Top Songs from Enstars 2023 Number 1
I was blown away when the album art for Alkaloid was released a few months ago...
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This art is such a sharp contrast from their first album art, that shows how they have grown. The basic military style unit outfits have been replaced with regal commander-style ones. The basic emotions that are shown in the original are now much more refined- in particular, Aira has evolved from someone simply happy to be on a stage to someone who is confident in his place on it, Mayoi is putting himself more in center, and Hiiro's confident smirk has become more stoic, as he now has the experience to go with his skills.
All of this went away, however, when we actually got the Alkaloid Climax song...
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Sigh...it was the seasonal Halloween event for the year. Yes, the idea of incorporating hospital/illness and Tatsumi's relationship with it is an interesting story to tell...but Alkaloid deserved so much more, especially as the "Protagonists" for the !! era of Enstars. I was frustrated that the end of this era of Enstars for Alkaloid was wasted on a seasonal event, but was at least able to take solice in that Alkaloid gets 200 chapters of the main story dedicated to them, and we still had solo songs for each character to come from the album. December rolls around, and the album releases. After jumping through hoops to buy it, I throw my headphones on to give the album a listen. The first track, "DiZZineSS" is a weird 30 second preamble with no singing, not something I was expecting. However, it rolls directly into the first new song on the album
Black Out Sea Saw is a violent wall of sound, unlike anything else that has been done for Enstars before, and I can understand fans not liking it. The reason it sounds so different is because it was produced by TK of Ling Tosite Sigure, a 20+ year going Prog Rock group. I listened to the song 3 times before moving on, and waited for the MV release to come, as is usual with the "B" side track from Albums. And what we got was one of the most well constructed videos for Alkaloid fans, and the climax that I was looking for that wasn't provided by the Halloween song.
The video opens...strangly, especially if you haven't heard the song before. The opening is intentionally choppy and rough, almost like it was an unfinished song that still needed production. There is a weird reverb effect happening- which you can especially hear when Mayoi hits the high note, that led to a friend saying "it sounds like they recorded this in a bathroom or something". The other thing that really jumps out is how robotic and synchronized the movements of all 4 members are. This is a BIG deal. In just about every Alkaloid video, you can find little inconsistencies at various points- Aira is sometimes a bit slow to do something, Hiiro is sometimes a bit too fast, Tatsumi's movements are less athletic, etc. The robotic movements are all in perfect unison, especially at points where characters do things together, like make hand bridges. It's a sign of Alkaloid's growth as a unit- they started as a collection of rejects, and now they haver come together and become a great unit together.
As we go to the first chorus, the intensity of the song ramps up- it becomes FAST, yet every member is in perfect harmony. The dancing becomes more intense- and everyone stays perfect. And then we get to the final line "It's Error-Error", and things start to change- we start to see more finger movement, the motions become more flowing and less robotic (the robots are malfunctioning! error! error!), and more personality is shown by each member.
We then get a wonderful effect of feathers raining from the sky, before, and then we get to see everyone smile, including Hiiro with this soft and expressive look. (that I wish I was able to time slightly better when I took my screenshot!)
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Why is this important? Lets take a look at the first Introduction of Hiiro, in his first close-up in Kiss of Life
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It's a look of focus, of determination, and NOT one of joy. Hiiro NEVER smiles at any point in Kiss of Life except during the SPP- he maintains a focused look the entire time. Additionally, you can look at just about any Alkaloid video, and Hiiro rarely smiles- if anything, he just physically assaults the camera in every one of them! The final chapter of the main story is titled "Smile", which is a discussion between Hiiro and Rinne on what it means to be an idol, and Rinne telling Hiiro "Whenever I see you smile, it makes me smile too", with Hiiro responding that he will do whatever it takes to make people smile
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Hiiro wasn't able to smile in Kiss of Life, as his focus was on putting smiles on the faces of others. It's weird, because when he isn't preforming, a smile is basically plastered on his face permanently. He has a very loud and infectious laugh, and he's just happy to be doing anything at any time. On stage, for him, its different. And Black Out Sea Saw is the first time that Hiiro is able to not just smile, but show kindness in it, as opposed to simple joy or excitement. It's a MASSIVE step forward for him- the kind of thing that, you know, you might build a Climax story around?
And then, we come to the end, where the intensity of the song does not let up, before it all crashes to an end as the lights go dark and Alkaloid go still
To me, this is the Alkaloid Climax, the song that I will remember. They have gone from a group thrown together to a cohesive unit with a sound unlike anyone else in the franchise, and all of whom have had character growth. It's the one that they deserve going into the new era that is upcoming, and even has a level of finality to it, seeing as how it was released right at the end of the year.
Alkaloid deserved better than Undying Holy Love, and boy, did they get it...
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Ringrazio, per così dire, la sadica @vpervaffanculo
Rules: Pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people
T - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths
H - Hurricane - Bob Dylan
E - Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
U - Una Storia Sbagliata - Fabrizio De André
N - Now You're Taken - Mogwai
B - Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
E - Ekki Múkk - Sigur Rós
A - Anonimo - Lucio Battisti
R - Rock the Casbah - The Clash
A - Alison - Slowdive
B - Bluebird of Happiness - Mojave 3
L - Lullaby - Low
E - Enver - Offlaga Disco Pax
L - L'equilibrio - Scisma
I - Incenerate - Sonic Youth
G - Grace - Jeff Buckley
H - High and Dry - Radiohead
T - Transmission - Joy Division
N - No Time No Space - Franco Battiato
E - Ecstasy - Soviet Soviet
S - Stranamore - Roberto Vecchioni
S - Stella di Mare - Lucio Dalla
O - One of These Days - Pink Floyd
F - Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
B - Breed - Nirvana
E - E Penso a Te - Lucio Battisti
I - I'm the Ocean - Neil Young
N - Nuvole Senza Messico - Giorgio Canali
G - Goodbye Stranger - Supertramp
Non taggo nessuno perché di alcuni avrei paura a vedere gli abbinamenti
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gentle--man · 6 months
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❗Te-ai întrebat vreodată de ce sunt atât de multe cereri de sânge? De ce se pune mare preț pentru a dona?:) Sau de ce se încurajează acest lucru?
În România procentul de donare este la 2%‼️
Un procent extrem de mic pentru populația României. ❗
❗["Ce beneficii au donatorii de sânge?
➡️Salvezi 2 vieți✅
➡️Beneficiezi de un set de analize gratuit: RH, grupa sangvină, Hepatita B, C, HIV, leucemie, sifilis şi probe hepatice✅
➡️Îți crește imunitatea✅
➡️1 zi liberă✅
➡️Reducere de 50% la abonamentele pentru transportul în comun (autobuz și metrou)✅
➡️Bonuri de masă în valoare de 280 de lei"]✅
❗["Cine poate dona?
Poți dona dacă ai împlinit 18 ani, ai peste 50 de kilograme și:
➡️au trecut 48 de ore de când ai consumat alcool🍺
➡️au trecut 7 zile de când ai terminat tratamentul cu antibiotice🏥
➡️au trecut minim 8 săptămâni de la ultima donare💉
➡️au trecut 6 luni de când ai avut o intervenție chirurgicală, ai fost la dentist sau ți-ai făcut tatuaj sau piercing
➡️nu ai alergii
➡️nu ești răcit🤧
➡️nu ai avut hepatită, TBC sau alte boli infecțioase
➡️nu ai fost vaccinat în ultimele 2 săptămâni
➡️nu ești însărcinată și nu alăptezi👶
➡️au trecut mai mult de 6 luni de la avort
➡️nu ai relații sexuale (protejate sau neprotejate) cu mai mult de 2 parteneri, cu parteneri de același sex, cu un partener cu HIV, HTLV, atgHBS, ACHCV, SIFILIS, cu parteneri plătiți sau cu parteneri care s-au drogat
➡️nu ai avut relații sexuale ocazionale neprotejate în ultimele 6 luni"]
❗["Ce trebuie să fac înainte și după donare?
➡️Înainte de a veni la donare e important să fii odihnit, bine hidratat și să te bucuri de un mic dejun sănătos (fără grăsimi).
➡️Încearcă să eviți alimentele grase, băuturile alcoolice și fumatul.🚭🍺
➡️După donare e important să te rehidratezi și să nu faci efort fizic extraordinar în următoarele ore. În rest, n-ai nicio restricție."]
❗["Cât de frecvent pot dona?
➡️Legea permite donarea după un interval minim de 8 săptămâni, dar fără depășirea numărului maxim de donări permise anual. Bărbații pot dona de maxim 5 ori pe an, iar femeile de maxim 4 ori pe an.
➡️Recomandarea medicilor pentru refacerea completă a organismului este ca bărbații să doneze o dată la 2 luni și jumătate, iar femeile o dată la 3 luni.
➡️Medicul îți poate refuza donarea cu o frecvență mai mare decât cea recomandată, dacă aceasta îți poate pune sănătatea în pericol."]
❗["Există riscuri?
➡️Donarea de sânge este sigură (sunt folosite doar materiale de unică folosință), iar dacă medicul te acceptă la donare, înseamnă că nu există nici un risc pentru tine din punct de vedere al sănătății.
➡️În schimb, dacă medicul consideră că ar exista vreo șansă să fii destabilizat după donare, nu vei ajunge în acel punct. Dânsa/dânsul îți vor explica de ce trebuie să revii la un alt moment sau e mai sigur pentru tine doar să promovezi donarea de sânge :). Iar dacă nu poți dona, sigur ai un prieten care poate dona."]
❗["Cum este testat sângele meu?
➡️Testele biologice efectuate sistematic la fiecare donare cuprind:
➡️determinarea grupei sanguine OAB și RH-ului
➡️determinarea hemoglobinei
➡️depistarea sifilisului
➡️depistarea anticorpilor antiHIV și antiHTLV
➡️depistarea hepatitei virale B și C
➡️determinarea enzimelor hepatice (transaminazele)."]
❗["Cum se desfășoară donarea?
➡️Donarea de sânge constă în recoltarea unei cantități de 450 ml în timp de 8-10 minute. Când ajungi la centrul de transfuzie sanguină vei parcurge următoarele etape, menite să îți asigure siguranța și bunăstarea (e important ca tu să fii în regulă, pentru a putea dona):
➡️completarea chestionarului donatorului
➡️consultația medicală (verificare tensiune arterială, discuție)
➡️verificarea hemoglobinei
➡️consultația medicală finală (verificare hemoglobină și discuții finale)
➡️donarea propriu-zisă (recoltarea se efectuează doar cu materiale de unică folosință și nu presupune riscuri pentru tine)"]
(c) text Donorium
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forgyfr · 1 month
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This is art of my character Albert at a younger age. If you want to know more about him, you can look for information about him in my profile. Enjoy, guys :).
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awwhawk · 1 year
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Music Enjoyed Released in 2022 Meet Me At The Altar - Model Citizen EP (acoustic version) Runnner - Always Repeating Demos + Vines To Make It All Worth It single Acceptance - Wild, Free (deluxe edition) Mutemath - Play Dead Live Georgia Maq - Live At Sydney Opera House Brutalligators - This House Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Live In It Sun June - Somewhere (expanded edition) Spirit Of The Beehive - I Suck The Devil’s Cock (Nmesh’s Electric Ego Death Quadrathlon) Phantogram - Eyelid Movies (expanded edition) Slothrust - Parallel Timelines (Origins) Unwed Sailor - Live At CommVess EP Hot Hot Heat - Make Up The Breakdown (deluxe remastered edition) Bright Eyes - A Collection Of Songs Written And Recorded 1995-1997: A Companion + Letting Off The Happiness: A Companion + Fevers And Mirrors: A Companion + LIFTED Or The Story Is in The Soil, Keep Your Ear To The Ground: A Companion + I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning: A Companion + Digital Ash In A Digital Urn: A Companion Audio Karate - ¡Otra! Clipping. - Clbbng + Remxing 2.1 + Remxing 2.2 + Remxing 2.3 + Remxing 2.4 Militarie Gun - All Roads Lead To The Gun (deluxe edition) + Militarie Gun & Dazy - Pressure Cooker single + What’s The Furthest Place From Here? #6 split - Gimme Some Truth (John Lennon cover) We Were Promised Jetpacks - A Complete One-Eighty Anti-Flag - The General Strike (10th anniversary edition) Spanish Love Songs - Brave Faces Etc. + I Miss You (Doom And Gloom) single Run The Jewels - RTJ Cu4tro Sigur Rós - ( ) [20th anniversary edition] The Armed - Ultrapop: Live At The Masonic Thrice - Dead Wake/Scavengers (acoustic) + Open Your Eyes And Dream single + Summer Set Fire To The Rain (acoustic) single Protest The Hero - Palimpsest - Instrumentals Hopelifter - Anthemology (discography) Samuel S.C. - 94-95 (remixed & remastered) Reagan Youth - New Aryans Jawbox - The Revisionist Wire - Not About To Die (Studio Demos 1977-1978) These Arms Are Snakes - Duct Tape & Shivering Crows (rarities & b-sides) Idles - Five Years Of Brutalism + Crawl (DGG edit) Rival Schools - United By Fate (20th anniversary deluxe edition) Now, Now - Threads (10th anniversary edition) Botch - We Are The Romans (remastered reissue) + One Twenty Two single Copeland - Revolving Doors: An Orchestral Best-Of Metz - Metz (deluxe edition) + Metz/Adulkt Life split + Come On Down single You Blew It! - Grow Up, Dude (demos) The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die - Thank You For Being Here  Cursive - Domestica (remastered deluxe edition + Braces EP) Lincoln - Repair And Reward (discography) Darkbird - Ballad Of A Junebug Esmerine - Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More Gladie - Don’t Know What You’re In Until You’re Out Daniel Romano’s Outfit - La Luna DK The Drummer - Lockers Volume One (not sure if this officially released yet, may just be a glut of singles) + I Can Do That original score Martin Courtney - Magic Sign Calexico - El Mirador Sondre Lerche - Avatars Of Love Abby Gundersen - Out Walking Cold Gawd - God Get Me The Fuck Out Of Here Suitable Miss - In Color Fuss - We’re Not Alone Bull Shannon - Chill Power!!!!! Greg Puciato - Mirrorcell Origami Angel - Re: Turn + Depart Crosses - Permanent.Radiant Young Prisms - Drifter The Early November - Twenty Soulside - A Brief Moment In The Sun Gogol Bordello - Solidaritine + Super Taranta! (15 year anniversary edition) + Forces Of Victory single + Teroborona single Elway - The Best Of All Possible Worlds Pixies - Doggerel El Ten Eleven - New Year’s Eve Tits Up - Greatest Tits + Gaffa single Lady Pills - What I Want Permanent Mistakes - Demo 2022 Kavinsky - Reborn Pinegrove - 11:11 Eels - Extreme Witchcraft Editors - EBM A Country Western - When Was Yesterday single + A Country Western/They Are Gutting A Body Of Water split - An Insult To The Sport Chris Farren - Death Won’t Wait (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Stabbing Westward - Chasing Ghosts Craig’s Brother - Easily Won, Rarely Deserved  CF98 - This Is Fine Couplet - EP1 Sorry - Anywhere But Here Mint Green - All Girls Go To Heaven Kayleigh Goldsworthy - Learning To Be Happy + Live At Studio 4 Lannds - Lotus Deluxe + K-Town single Cliffdiver - Exercise Your Demons Pinch Points - Process Football, Etc. - Vision + Vision Remixes Slang - Cockroach In A Ghost Town The Flatliners - New Ruin City Of Caterpillar - Mystic Sisters Show Me The Body - Trouble The Water Punitive Damage - This Is The Blackout Knuckle Puck - Disposable Life Pinkshift - Love Me Forever Among Legends - Take Good Care With The Punches - Discontent Bayside - The Red EP + Rainbow (Kacey Musgraves cover) single + Go To Hell single Jeff Rosenstock & Laura Stevenson - Younger Still Pleasure Venom - Rebirth/Return After The Fall - Isolation Scott Sellers - 13 + Until It Hurts Sparta - Sparta Superchunk - Wild Loneliness Toro y Moi - Mahal Gregor Barnett - Don’t Go Throwing Roses In My Grave Katie Dey - Forever Music + The Kraken Kevin Devine - Nothing’s Real, So Nothing’s Wrong + Let Go, Be Dragged/Liar, Liar Voyag3r - New York Ninja - original motion picture soundtrack Thus Love - Memorial Jockstrap - I Love You Jennifer B The Tallest Man On Earth - Too Late For Edelweiss Archers Of Loaf - Reason In Decline Russian Circles - Gnosis Elder - Innate Passage Bedouin Soundclash - We Will Meet In A Hurricane Norma Jean - Deathrattle Sing For Me Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia Flogging Molly - Anthem Recreational Drugs - LP Andrew Bird - Inside Problems Purity Ring - Graves S. Carey - Break Me Open A Vulture Wake - Kingdom + Animal Future Teens - Self Help Too Bad Eugene - Distance The Album Leaf - Past And Future Tense + Say So single + Future Falling single + You Are single Cheekface - Too Much To Ask + Don’t Ask (b-sides) + Live At Baby’s All Right Smoke Or Fire - Beauty Fades Nervus - The Evil One + Microsmiling single White Lung - Premonition Momma - Household Name Tomberlin - I Don’t Know Who Needs To Hear This… Emma Ruth Rundle - Orpheus Looking Back + EG2: Dowsing Voice Moon Tooth - Phototroph + Carry Me Home (Blue Amp Version) single Frou Frou - Off Cuts (demos) Onelinedrawing - Tenderwild + Departure Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - Andy, Come Out + The Old 200 + For Coit And Killie Waxahatchee - El Deafo (soundtrack) + Waxahatchee & Wynonna Judd - Other Side single Praise - All In A Dream Breakup Haircut - Punk Dancing For Self Defence Mat Kerekes - Nova Soft Blue Shimmer - Love Lives In The Body Single Mothers - Everything You Need Ten Foot Pole - Winning Cigar - The Visitor Heart To Gold - Tom Sack - Ripper! Health - Disco4 :: Part II Ignite - Ignite Traams - Personal Best Angel Olsen - Big Time Dropkick Murphys - This Machine Still Kills Fascists (lyrics of Woody Guthrie) Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Seven Psalms instrumental + Blonde soundtrack + Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story soundtrack John Carpenter, Cody Carpenter, & Daniel Davies - Firestarter (2022) soundtrack + Halloween Ends soundtrack Emperor X - The Lakes Of Zones B And C Tears For Fears - The Tipping Point The Smile - A Light For Attracting Attention Courting - Guitar Music The Mars Volta - The Mars Volta Coheed & Cambria - Vaxis Act II: A Window Of The Waking Mind Comeback Kid - Heavy Steps Bad Breeding - Human Capital Old Gods - Give Them Color Tiny Moving Parts - Tiny Moving Parts Yard Act - The Overload Bodega - Broken Equipment + Xtra Equipment Wet Leg - Wet Leg Regressive Left - On The Wrong Side Of History Fresh - Raise Hell + Fresh Comes Alive! Bitter Branches - Your Neighbors Are Failures Plains - I Walked With You A Ways Suck - Ribbit Pulley - The Golden Life Swami John Reis - Ride The Wild Night Greet Death - New Low The Bruce Lee Band - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Ann Beretta - Rise + Ann Beretta/The Blacklist Royals split - In ReCOVERy The Suicide Machines/Coquettish split - Gebo Gomi Signals Midwest - Dent Metric - Formentera Skullcrusher - Quiet The Room 84 Tigers - Time In The Lighthouse Town Liar - Lies: One Through Seven Craig Finn - A Legacy Of Rentals Camp Trash - The Long Way, The Slow Way Joyce Manor - 40 Oz. To Fresno Mono - Scarlet Holiday + My Story, The Bukaru Story (An Original Soundtrack) Tangerine Dream - Raum Circa Survive - A Dream About Death And So I Watch You From Afar - Jettison Pom Poko - This Is Our House PUP - The Unraveling Of PUPtheband + Matilda/Robot Writes A Love Song (Live In Toronto 2022) Frank Turner - FTHC Flasher - Love Is Yours Camp Cope - Running With The Hurricane Bad Heaven Ltd. - In Our House Now Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork Just Mustard - Heart Under Porridge Radio - Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder To The Sky TV Priest - My Other People Preoccupations - Arrangements Odesza - The Last Goodbye + The Last Goodbye Remixes No. 1 Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave Sadurn - Radiator Tigers Jaw - Old Clothes Pianos Become The Teeth - Drift The Wonder Years - The Hum Goes On Forever Stay Inside - Blight Jack White - Fear Of The Dawn + Entering Heaven Alive Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There (deluxe edition) David Knudson - The Only Thing You Have To Change Is Everything + Undo/Redo [EP] Ways Away - Torch Songs Young Jesus - Shepherd Head Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down Strategies - Strategies Anthony Green - Boom. Done. + When I Come Home single Thick - Happy Now +  Love You Forever single Anxious - Little Green House + Sunsign single A Wilhelm Scream - Lose Your Delusion Gleemer - Here At All Inside Voices - Liminal Space Glacier Veins - Lunar Reflection Pool Kids - Pool Kids Mt. Oriander - Then The Lightness Leaves And I Become Heavy Again Caracara - New Preoccupations Peregrine - The Awful Things We’ve Done Gilla Band - Most Normal A Place To Bury Strangers - See Through You + Dragged In A Hole (Glove remix) + Love Reaches Out (Gift remix) + My Head Is Bleeding (The Pleasure Majenta remix) Porcupine Tree - Closure/Continuation Weird Nightmare -  Weird Nightmare + Weird Nightmare/Ancient Shapes split + So Far Gone single + Our Love Will Still Be There (The Troggs cover) single Iron & Wine - Lori Fairweather - Deluge Anberlin - Silverline L.S. Dunes - Past Lives Oso Oso - Sore Thumb + De Facto single Death Cab For Cutie - Asphalt Meadows The Mountain Goats - Bleed Out + The Jordan Lake Sessions: Volume 5 Black Star - No Fear Of Time Zola Jesus - Arkhon Cave In - Heavy Pendulum Be Well - Hello Sun Jesus H. Chris - A Catastrophic Break With Consensus Reality Their/They’re/There -  Their/They’re/There + Their/They’re/There/Pacemaker split - Them Dogs Hot Water Music - Feel The Void Alex G - God Save The Animals + We’re All Going To The World’s Fair soundtrack Damien Jurado - Reggae Film Star Rocky Votolato - Wild Roots Tim Kasher - Welcome To… Middling Age Dan Andriano & The Bygones - Dear Darkness Spice - Viv NewDad - Banshee + ILY2 single Lande Hekt - House Without A View +  Romantic single Murder By Death - Spell/Bound Brutus - Unison Life Fontaines D.C. - Skinty Fia Cassels - A Gut Feeling Sprints - A Modern Job + Literary Mind single Dead Cross - II Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory The Beths - Expert In A Dying Field + A Real Thing single The Darling Fire - Distortions FES - With Regards From Home Off! - Free LSD Crisis Man - Asleep In America Beach Rats - Rat Beat Short Fictions - Every Moment Of Every Day Lies - Blemishes/Echoes + Summer Somewhere single + Corbeau single + Camera Chimera single Black Midi - Hellfire + Cavalcovers Bartees Strange - Farm To Table Sharon Van Etten - We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong (deluxe edition) Pedro The Lion - Havasu Plosivs - Plosivs Drug Church - Hygiene Osees - A Foul Form
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pyrrhocorax · 8 months
Hi there was a playlist attached to one of your fics on ffn.net, I tried to find it today but it looks like your fics there are deleted :( do you still happen to have the playlist somewhere? I understand if you have moved on from that era of your digital footprint.
oooooh interesting! it does initially look like that everything is gone, but somehow i managed to. work around it??? and get back in there??? so i have access to everything and i am gonna. likely back everything up for posterity's sake. not sure where????? but i likely should re-upload all my really old writing somewhere. maybe orphan it on AO3 ?????? ?? idk i gotta think about it. so thanks for the head's up actually. i have def moved on from some of it in the sense that i wrote those stories as an extremely unstable mentally ill teenager with a laundry list of diagnosed mental/developmental disorders that i should have been institutionalized for that was deeply traumatized by a lot of things and trying to sort it all out. it was def a project of the times and my mental state/being a Youth. so i am not completely removed from it (why i left everything up -- writing helped me figure stuff out, but also helped a LOT of other people struggling with those same things, and that's what matters most to me, that i helped somebody who is struggling as deeply as i was back then, even if i've changed my interpretations of things since and would drastically re-write entire aspects of it if i re-wrote it today). and the way i view my writing is once it is in the public space it is no longer fully mine and my intent behind it is on the same level as another person's interpretation of my intent. i don't really remember what i write after i write it ngl, so it ceases to feel like it is fully mine to me once it's been a few months. ANYWAY rambling sorry my Assumption is that you are talking about Silence??? In which case, here is the soundtrack, Song - Band - any special time I used the song specifically Springleik - Gåte - Negative: Switch (Chapter 1) Curtigh - Punch Brothers - Positive: Siblings (Chapter 13) Packt Like Sardines in a Crush'd Tin Box - Radiohead - Negative Vault (Chapter 18) The Blind Leaving the Blind Mvt 2 - Punch Brothers - Denmark-centric chapters Fljótavik - Sigur Rós - Positive chapters Built For This - Ben Sollee - Positive: Every (Chapter 23), Iceland-centric And the Forest Began to Sing - Röyksopp - nature-centric chapters Singing with the Whales - Yukimi Yamamoto - Negative: Ships (Chapter 26) 3055 - Ólafur Arnalds - negative chapters Fel del Av Gården - Movits! - Positive: Siblings (Chapter 13), Positive: Hidden (Chapter 7) Tornado - Jónsi - negative chapters Everything Can Explode - The Ghost - positive chaoters Brand New Sidewalk - Nickel Creek - Neutrality: Equilibrium Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men - general theme You Are - Punch Brothers - the song Denmark sings in Positive: Skype (Chapter 25) i also remade it for you here: Youtube Playlist (says there is one thing missing for some reason?) Spotify Playlist (unfortunately missing a few songs too) also spoilers under cut for a new project i am going to be working on in the near future below b/c it is relevant to Silence, if Silence was important to you.
the next project i am going to write is a direct sequel to Sendlingur og Sandloá (era 2 pyrr writing, versus silence is era 1, we're currently beginning era 3), if you have ever read it. technically speaking, the few main things I still really like about Silence (unusual non-linear narrative structure, nor being mute, some of the philosophic arguments it makes, etc) and some of the events of Silence are "canon" prequel events to what happens in SOS. Silence isn't a prequel to SOS, but Silence is essentially the prototype version of SOS in that without Silence, SOS would have never existed and SOS was directly built upon Silence's corpse. i mean death of the author and all of that, but there isn't any denying that if you analyze the two works i think that is a very easy conclusion to come to. the new project i'm currently formulating is essentially taking SOS and those aspects of Silence i think are still valuable now that i am nearly twice as old as when i wrote it, and putting them both into a blender and seeing what happens when i reconstruct them. you will not have to read Silence or even SOS to read it, but if you have read either or both you'll go AH YOU MOTHERFUCKER at me, probably, a lot, when reading it. :/
ANYWAY SORRY FOR RAMBLING i am a ramblin sort of man lol.
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pentanguine · 1 year
Life and Such
I finished my grad program! I AM FREE from academia!! (except for the part where I want to work in academia)
I vanished into the woods last Saturday as a treat to myself, and I had the best time. I sat on a hill overlooking the lake and watched the sun sparkle in brilliant diamonds over deep blue water. I lay on pine needles soft as a bed and read a book, with no sound but the birds and the wind. I wandered alone through tall pines and passed so many vernal pools that spilled out onto the path. I saw a family of geese with fluffy goslings, and I met someone who complimented my Sigur Rós t-shirt (if you’re going to meet someone who compliments your Sigur Rós t-shirt, it’s probably going to be in the middle of the woods). The whole day was just soul-restoring. I hiked nine miles over eight hours and had an amazing time :)
Went for a picnic and a walk around a pond with @eclipsemidnight​ on Sunday, which was very nice (there were swings! and flowers!) and then I went to another pond after work one day and got devoured by mosquitos while looking at swans and herons in the reeds across the water
I actually have a lot of friends? Something I periodically re-realize about myself is that underneath the withering social anxiety, I’m actually sort of…social? I like people? I like having lots of friends? I have my close friends from college, a couple friends from my hometown, my roommates, and friends from my grad program, plus there’s a local trans group I go to periodically and a weekly trivia night I go to, and that’s like…a robust social life? On occasion I am overwhelmed by all the social commitments I have? But they’re fun, because I like all these people and want to keep them in my life? Every sentence here ends in a question mark because this is so wildly outside of how I see myself, but compelling evidence indicates that I have many friends and enjoy being social with them. Wow.
I’m just not very ambitious. I like my chosen field, and I’m excited to work in it, but I really just want A Job, any job. Meanwhile my classmates are pursuing high level research instruction positions etc, and…I just don’t really care what I do. I want a job I enjoy that I feel like has some meaning in the world, and I want to do it quietly and well and forget about it when I leave at the end of the day.
My roommate pointed out a while ago that I only eat three vegetables (spinach, brussels sprouts, and broccoli, with an honorable mention to asparagus), and so I’m embarking on a Quest to try a new vegetable every week. This week it was peppers, specifically red bell peppers, which were…decent. At first I just threw them in a pan with some eggs to make some kind of scramble, which was ok, and then I tried olive oil and some herbs, which was…also not delicious, but fine. I’ll eat them again, but I think I need to experiment with method.
Park weather is upon us!!! which means that at every conceivable opportunity I’ve been haring off to patches of trees with a good book and stretching out in the sunlight. The sudden advent of park weather also coincides with the end of school for a) me!! and b) the college whose students always clog up my commute to work, meaning that the structure and texture of my days has improved dramatically
I’m obsessed with Enter Shikari’s new song Jailbreak, which sounds like it’s designed for building up the crowd into a fucking awesome mosh pit, but I dearly wish moshing had weight classes, because while I love running and jumping around and slamming into things, most people in the pit are twice my body weight and that’s not fun dancing/proprioceptive stimming, that’s dangerous. In the meantime I’m just throwing myself around my room and annoying the neighbors
I’m trying to have new and varied hobbies, and part of that is spending less time reading books, which is entirely…uh, novel for me. I am very much the kind of person who’s sort of a book first and a human second, and reading is such a default part of my life I don’t even really think of it as a hobby. Historically my instinct is “read!” every time I have even a second of free time. But I want to have other hobbies and do new things! I have never organically wanted this before so it’s a bit bemusing, but I am starting by trying to embroider more and also make some really shitty baby zines.
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the-wolf-poet · 1 year
The Alphabet as my Youtube Suggested Songs
A: Attention - The Academy Is... B: Becoming Closer to Closure - Of Machines C: Cada Mes - Andrés D: Dark Days - Nihilist Abyss E: Eulita Terrace - Really From F: Foxholes and Deities - Sianvar G: Give Unto Me - Evanescence H: - I: In Circles - Holding Absence J: June Gloom - The Like K: - L: Lost Library - Omori OST M: - N: Needed to Do Today - Frontside O: Ocelot - Foxing P: Postcards and Polaroids - Sleeping with Sirens Q: Quaainterlude - Death Spells R: Rokutousei no Yoru - Aimer S: Spiral Born Black into the Upwards Night - Pretend T: Tom’s Diner - Suzanne Vega U: Unravel - TK from Ling Toshite Sigure V: Vanity’s Fair - A Lot Like Birds W: World’s End Valentine - Omori OST X: - Y: You Are the Moon - The Hush Sound Z: -
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felinefractious · 2 months
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Kijo Sigur
🐱 Kurilian Bobtail
📸 Rita Gindzeliene [Sigur]
🎨 Red Classic Tabby Bicolor
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eriellesudario · 5 years
Afram Ísland – My Trip to Iceland
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“Anyone can go to Japan or USA, but not everyone gets to go to Iceland”.
While everyone has ambitions to visit Asia or the Americas, I’ve always wanted to visit Iceland. This dream started around mid-2016 when I was on Instagram, seeing some of Mark Forrer’s work.
At first, it was the travel photography aspect that inspired me to make the trip. Then I found out LazyTown was made in this country and it gave me more of a reason to visit.
Just saying, convincing my parent to let me go here wasn’t easy since they have no idea what Iceland is. I kept using multiple of my cards to do the trip. “Do it for my birthday!”, “Christmas???”, “I have a (former) friend who’s going and we plan to go together“, “Graduation Trip?!“. Eventually, the trip happened… not because of my persistence, not because I was able to save up money… because 2 of my parents’ old co-workers in the Philippines shared photos on Facebook.
Yes… it was their old co-workers that convinced them to go to Iceland.
So after 1 year of saving up $6000 AUD, some “pocket money” from grandma, and getting recommendations from Instagram and online friends, we were off to Iceland!
What do I know about Iceland?
All I knew was that Iceland is a country in Europe. It’s where LazyTown was made and produced. And it’s a good place to go if you’re an aspiring travel photographer.
I barely know any Icelandic artist. I didn’t know who Bjork or Sigur Ros was. All I knew were Greta Salome, Matthias Matthiason, Sylvia Erla, Unnur Eggerts, and anyone who was either involved in LazyTown or Eurovision.
Yeah… my knowledge about Iceland is limited.
It wasn’t until I was talking to a few people who either visited or lived in Iceland + some YouTube channels to learn more information about their geography.
First Impressions
When I first arrived in Iceland, I was somewhat happy that it was finally cold (I was in the UK prior for a few days). The bus ride from Keflavik to Reykjavik was somewhat scenic as it’s not many buildings, more on landscapes.
The architecture of the buildings was interesting as it’s all stone. It somewhat reminds me of some houses in the Philippines. You rarely see modern looking houses.
One thing that caught my eye is that it never gets dark in the summer. I’m a night owl and staying up till 12-1am and just seeing the sun beginning to set… it’s something you don’t see every day.
The Travel Photography aspect
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The main reason why I’m in Iceland is to take photos.
I like photography and at least most of the areas you visit, it makes a really good photo. Even downtown Reykjavik, it’s very photogenic if you know where to look.
Not only the iconic landscapes are beautiful but also the buildings.
But I also liked venturing outside of the main town and visiting the iconic spots. From all the places I’ve visited such as Kirkjufell, Skógafoss, Sólheimajökull glacier, and etc, I was looking forward to seeing the iconic US Navy DC-3 Plane Wreckage at Sólheimasandur.
The LazyTown Aspect
I’m now a casual LazyTown fan since 2018.
I used to be a hardcore fan but I went down to casual because life got in the way. But it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten the facts I’ve learned and the show that I still love and enjoy till this day.
Originally – I wanted to go to the transport museum in Borgarnes. The problem is that I can’t drive and a taxi service no longer exists. So plan B – WALK AROUND REYKJAVIK!!!
What fans don’t seem to realize is that there are much more spots to hit if you do a “LazyTown Pilgrimage” around the city. In fact – there are 4!!!
1. Rocket studios (where Jol í Latabae was recorded)
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2. Landsbókasafns Íslands – Háskólabókasafns (National Library of Iceland – University Library)
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3. The National Theater
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4 ROK – Magnus Scheving’s restaurant
But the most memorable part of this trip was when I met Máni Svavarsson! He was really nice and we did talk a lot. I have so many stories but that will be in a video for another day.
The tourist aspect
And of course – as this is a graduation trip, I’d want to see what Iceland has to offer. The best thing about this part is that since everything almost in walking distance, there will be a surprise right around the corner.
For me, that was the cat cafe called Kattakaffihúsið. I NEVER KNEW THERE WAS A CAT CAFE IN REYKJAVIK!!!!
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Blue Lagoon was also nice! Warm though… but it was nice and relaxing that I can see why it’s the “go-to” place in Iceland.
Nám er Gott (Learning is Good)
Asides from the touristy, fandom-y, and photography aspects that Iceland has to offer, I did get to learn something new each day. During one of my tours, we learned that the glaciers in Iceland are melting and if things don’t improve, all the glaciers will melt after 200 years.
It’s kinda a shame since I want to go to a glacier cave that I’ve seen in a few travel photos and videos. When I was climbing up, you can see small puddles and rivers cutting through the ice as the water is 2 degrees warmer than the ice itself. The black ash/dirt helps insulate the glacier but it’s not enough to keep it cool forever.
Funny enough – the museum was NAMED AFTER HIM (Kjarvalsstaðir – Kjarval’s place).
Each day was a new adventure
Not gonna lie, but each day, I’ve got to see something new or unexpected. Going to Iceland was like the trip of my life. I’ve appreciated every moment when I was there and I wish I could stay a little longer.
There are places and things I wished to visit such as the Kolaportid Flea Market or ACTUALLY GO to the Transport Museum in Borgarnes. Maybe also see the Northen Lights (but that’s only during winter)… but who knows, maybe next time.
But overall, I enjoyed my time in Iceland. I do hope I’d get to come back again in the future! For now, it’s back to saving money for the next great adventure.
I’ve filmed a lot of my trip here in Iceland, detailing more of what just happened. So expect multi-episode daily vlogs appearing on my YouTube channel soon.
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blakeboldt-blog · 5 years
Best Albums of 2018
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Highest honors:
"May Your Kindness Remain," Courtney Marie Andrews.
"Negro Swan," Blood Orange.
"boygenius," boygenius.
"Good Thing," Leon Bridges.
"Port Saint Joe," Brothers Osborne.
"By the Way, I Forgive You," Brandi Carlile.
"Hell-On," Neko Case.
"Chris," Christine and the Queens.
"Freedom," Amen Dunes.
"Double Negative," Low.
"Be the Cowboy," Mitski.
"Dirty Computer," Janelle Monae.
"Sparrow," Ashley Monroe & "Interstate Gospel," Pistol Annies.
"Golden Hour," Kacey Musgraves.
"Ventriloquism," Meshell Ndegeocello.
"SASSAFRASS!" Tami Nielson.
"Hope Downs," Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever.
"Soil," serpentwithfeet.
"Clean," Soccer Mommy.
"What a Time to Be Alive," Superchunk.
High honors:
"Invasion of Privacy," Cardi B.
"Head Over Heels," Chromeo.
"Last Building Burning," Cloud Nothings.
"Look Now," Elvis Costello & the Imposters.
"Passwords," Dawes.
"God's Favorite Customer," Father John Misty.
"Sweetener," Ariana Grande.
"See You Around," I'm with Her.
"Dying Star," Ruston Kelly.
"Vide Noir," Lord Huron.
"Dirty Pictures (Part 2)," Low Cut Connie.
"Girl Going Nowhere," Ashley McBryde.
"Room 25," Noname.
"Wide Awake!" Parquet Courts.
"Honey," Robyn.
"Young Romance," Roosevelt.
"The Window," Cecile McLorin Salvant.
"Devotion," Tirzah.
"Isolation," Kali Uchis.
"A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships," The 1975.
"Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino," Arctic Monkeys.
"Tell Me How You Really Feel," Courtney Barnett.
"Hollywood Africans," Jon Batiste.
"7," Beach House.
"The Mountain," Dierks Bentley.
"Find a Light," Blackberry Smoke.
"Sex & Cigarettes," Toni Braxton.
"Black Velvet," Charles Bradley.
"All Nerve," The Breeders.
"Camila," Camila Cabello.
"The Thread That Keeps Us," Calexico.
"Caution," Mariah Carey.
"Twin Fantasy," Car Seat Headrest.
"Everything Is Love," The Carters.
"She Remembers Everything," Rosanne Cash.
"Wanderer," Cat Power.
"Desperate Man," Eric Church.
"Providence Canyon," Brent Cobb.
"Historian," Lucy Dacus.
"Cactus," Elise Davis.
"Scorpion," Drake.
"Encore," Anderson East.
"The Crossing," Alejandro Escovedo.
"Ruins," First Aid Kit.
"High As Hope," Florence & the Machine.
"Nearer My God," Foxing.
"The Now Now," Gorillaz.
"Anthem of the Peaceful Army," Greta Van Fleet.
"Mr. Jukebox," Joshua Hedley.
"My American Dream," Will Hoge.
"Hive Mind," The Internet.
"Primal Heart," Kimbra.
"Go to School," The Lemon Twigs.
"I'm All Ears," Let's Eat Grandma.
"Wouldn't It Be Great," Loretta Lynn.
"Among the Ghosts," Lucero.
"One Stone," Trixie Mattel.
"The Tree," Lori McKenna.
"All the Things That I Did and All the Things That I Didn’t Do,” The Milk Carton Kids.
"Other Arrangements," Parker Millsap.
"Golden," Kylie Minogue.
"Kin," Mogwai.
"Tearing at the Seams," Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats.
"Last Man Standing," Willie Nelson.
"Volunteer," Old Crow Medicine Show.
"Liberty," Lindi Ortega.
"Oxnard," Anderson .Paak.
"C'est La Vie," Phosphorescent.
"The Tree of Forgiveness," John Prine.
"All Aboard," Punch Brothers."Daytona," Pusha T.
"Loner," Caroline Rose."Care for Me," Saba.
"Sunset," Amanda Shires.
"Years," Sarah Shook & the Disarmers.
"Route One," Sigur Ros.
"E.G.O.," Lucie Silvas.
"Bloom," Troy Sivan.
"Lush," Snail Mail.
"FM!" Vince Staples.
"Karma for Cheap," Aaron Lee Tasjan.
"13 Rivers," Richard Thompson.
"Record," Tracey Thorn.
"Life Is Good on the Open Road," Trampled by Turtles.
"Western Movies," Traveller.
"WARM," Jeff Tweedy."Offerings," Typhoon.
"In a Poem Unlimited," U.S. Girls.
"Restoration: Reimagining the Songs of Elton John and Bernie Taupin," Various.
"Bottle It In," Kurt Vile.
"Healing Tide," The War and Treaty.
"Heaven and Earth," Kamasi Washington.
"My Dear Melancholy," The Weeknd.
"Greetings from the Wild Frontier," Wild Feathers.
"Yolk in the Fur," Wild Pink.
"One Drop of Truth," The Wood Brothers.
"The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs," Wye Oak.
"There's a Riot Going On," Yo La Tengo.
"Suspiria," Thom Yorke.
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whatsonmedia · 4 months
Variety's Best of 2023: 10 Albums You Can't Miss!
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Lucy Dacus, in her balladic anthem "True Blue," captures the essence of music's power to make us feel understood. Reflecting on 2023, key albums from diverse artists like Olivia Rodrigo, Brent Faiyaz, and Doja Cat resonated deeply. Whether navigating shared emotions or providing the perfect beat for challenging times, these albums formed a sonic connection with listeners. Variety's music staff, including Jem Aswad, Thania Garcia, Steven J. Horowitz, and Chris Willman, share their top 10 lists, offering a diverse range of musical experiences from the year. Explore their recommendations to catch up on the standout albums that shaped 2023. 1. Brent Faiyaz - 'Larger Than Life' Fusing Neo Soul with contemporary vibes, Faiyaz delivers the pinnacle of Neo-Neo Soul. The album, featuring A$AP Rocky and Missy Elliott, echoes D’Angelo and Mary J. Blige, embracing both sexy grooves and hip-hop DNA. https://open.spotify.com/album/26rTTXIEtEeSTan28AiLaV?si=CuaD3rRzTY6B-siC4ymktg 2. Jamie XX - Live at Forest Hills Stadium, Queens, NY, June 16 Jamie XX's dynamic DJ set showcases eight years of musical evolution. Laden with ricocheting beats and eclectic samples, it offers a kaleidoscopic hour of music, highlighting his song-focused approach. A must-listen, evolving with each performance. https://youtu.be/K-l3xiboV-0?si=oFdBRfiJd0ko_iZi 3. Doja Cat - 'Scarlet' Doja Cat's evolution shines in 'Scarlet,' her first full-on hip-hop album. Blending soft textures with hard-hitting raps, the album explores a unique sound. Doja emerges as a fearless, sex-positive rapper, leaving behind her quirky beginnings for a bold, empowering musical journey. https://open.spotify.com/album/6DmPNcfpkXBVRJsEIJY9tl?si=BWM_Tj57TZiQ3m8KPSe6Xg 4. Sam Smith - 'Gloria' Sam Smith's fourth album, 'Gloria,' marks a musical rebirth. Departing from familiar heartbreak ballads, Smith embraces an adventurous mix, including dance anthems and the sexually charged "Unholy." A wild night out that redefines Smith's artistic identity. https://open.spotify.com/album/3Uq1jNGnD412ZvCb6j2DKV?si=-5txT1YQTxeYeLRh0BVW1Q 5. Christine & the Queens - 'Paranoia, Angels, True Love' Héloïse Letissier's experimental-pop masterpiece unfolds over 20 songs and nearly 100 minutes. Collaborating with Mike Dean, the album offers synth-pop, Portishead menace, ballads, and more. A slow reveal of Letissier's pristine voice complemented by Dean's groovy touch. https://open.spotify.com/album/2Yg3Rha1y4PDlIWh5vy6rJ?si=WcYqvhmgTlGZABNYFUimqA 6. Kali Uchis - 'Red Moon in Venus' Kali Uchis blends R&B, dance, Latin, and hip-hop into a lush and luscious third album. While the music exudes chill vibes, Uchis surprises with impactful lyrics. 'Red Moon in Venus' is a sensory experience conjuring visions of luxury with an occasional jolt. https://open.spotify.com/album/5OZ44LaqZbpP3m9B3oT8br?si=TZ1ZbTfjSsyeIWlaQ0tnUg 7. Caroline Polachek - 'Desire, I Want to Turn Into You' Polachek's collaboration with Danny L. Harle reaches new heights, creating a lush backdrop for her powerful voice. After Chairlift and songwriting for Beyonce, Polachek embraces her true self, delivering innovative melodies and captivating vocals. https://open.spotify.com/album/22PkV1Le9P3X4RY4xtmK0q?si=IVZ4PSF2R2mFNY_T2SUFmQ 8. Scowl - 'Psychic Dance Routine' EP Bay Area rockers Scowl captivate with a blend of hardcore and melodic rock. The EP showcases their ability to mix genres seamlessly, offering a fearsome yet melodic sound. Also Scowl excels both in concerts and on this gripping EP. https://open.spotify.com/album/6D01SHeT4jDonHaDkKn8a7?si=rNLSH02RSC-E3DnFszImqQ 9. Sigur Ros - 'Atta' Iceland's otherworldly-sounding group, Sigur Ros, enchants with 'Atta.' The album, spanning an hour with seamless transitions, immerses listeners in a majestic soundscape. A mesmerizing experience reminiscent of nature's time-lapse. https://open.spotify.com/album/4QHM0MaR2dPDWIaKhTt7hd?si=Cr8EY4tzShm4aaAMdHjhJw 10. Uncle Waffles - 'Asylum'/'Solace' South Africa-based DJ, Uncle Waffles, emerges as a rising star with three albums in under two years. However, her Amapiano-leaning sound is both propulsive and undemanding, featuring mid-tempo grooves and captivating vocals. An artist to watch, rocking festivals worldwide. https://youtu.be/ld8BFbJ_N8o Read the full article
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blogovision · 4 months
blogovision 2023 100-150
100. Gabriels - "Angels And Queens" (35) 101. French Police - "BLUE" (34) 102. Cat Power - "Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert" (34) 103. Mui Zyu - "Rotten Bun For An Eggless Century" (33) 104. Foo Fighters - "But Here We Are" (33) 105. Rolling Stones - "Hackney Diamonds" (33) 106. Algiers - "Shook" (32) 107. Being Dead - "When Horses Would Run" (32) 108. Sigur Rós - "Átta" (32) 109. Shame - "Food For Worms" (31) 110. Paris Texas - "MID AIR" (31) 111. Death And Vanilla - "Flicker" (31) 112. Youth Valley - "Lullabies For Adults" (31) 113. Jpegmafia / Danny Brown - "Scaring The Hoes" (31) 114. Kylie Minogue - "Tension" (30) 115. Anna B Savage - "In|Flux" (30) 116. Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter - "SAVED!" (30) 117. Corinne Bailey Rae - "Black Rainbows" (30) 118. Deus - "How To Replace It" (30) 119. Spirit Possession - "Of The Sign..." (29) 120. Godcaster - "Godcaster" (29) 121. Khanate - "To Be Cruel" (29) 122. Raye - "My 21st Century Blues" (29) 123. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - "PetroDragonic Apocalypse" (29) 124. Blanck Mass - "The Rig" (29) 125. Be Your Own Pet - "Mommy" (29) 126. El Michels Affair, Black Thought - "Glorious Game" (29) 127. Tamta - "Identity Crisis" (29) 128. DAIISTAR - "Good Time" (29) 129. Alice Longyu Gao - "Let’s Hope Heteros Fail, Learn And Retire" (28) 130. Xiu Xiu - "Ignore Grief" (28) 131. The Clientele - "I Am Not There Anymore" (27) 132. Nothing But Thieves - "Dead Club City" (27) 133. Bar Italia - "The Twits" (26) 134. Carly Rae Jepsen - "The Loveliest Time" (26) 135. Kelela - "Raven" (26) 136. Janelle Monáe - "The Age Of Pleasure" (25) 137. A. Savage - "Several Songs About Fire" (25) 138. Jamila Woods - "Water Made Us" (25) 139. Liturgy - "93696" (25) 140. Mary Ocher - "APPROACHING SINGULARITY: Music For The End Of Time" (24) 141. WAEVE - "The WAEVE" (24) 142. Troye Sivan - "Something To Give Each Other" (24) 143. Einar Solberg - "16" (24) 144. Marthe - "Further In Evil" (24) 145. Chiyoda Ku - "Selecta Perspective" (24) 146. Irreversible Entanglements - "Protect Your Light" (24) 147. Rickie Lee Jones - "Pieces Of Treasure" (24) 148. Drake - "For All The Dogs" (24) 149. Liela Moss - "Internal Working Model" (24) 150. Aversions - "You Wanted The Bike" (24)
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stirideazi · 5 months
Terapii perfuzabil: ce sunt, cum funcționează și ce beneficii au
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Terapiile perfuzabil sunt tratamente medicale care constau în administrarea intravenoasă a unor substanțe nutritive, cum ar fi vitamine, minerale, antioxidanți sau aminoacizi. Aceste substanțe ajung direct în fluxul sanguin, ocolind barierele digestive și metabolice, și pot avea efecte benefice asupra sănătății și stării de bine.
Ce tipuri de terapii perfuzabil există?
Există mai multe tipuri de terapii perfuzabil, în funcție de scopul și compoziția lor. Unele dintre cele mai cunoscute și utilizate sunt:
Terapii perfuzabil pentru restabilirea echilibrului hidro-electrolitic și acido-bazic. Acestea sunt indicate în cazuri de deshidratare, pierderi de lichide și electroliți, tulburări de aciditate sau alcalinitate a sângelui, intoxicații sau infecții.
Terapii perfuzabil pentru alimentare parenterală. Acestea sunt folosite în situații în care pacientul nu poate sau nu trebuie să se alimenteze pe cale orală, de exemplu în caz de intervenții chirurgicale, boli gastro-intestinale, anorexie sau malnutriție. Perfuziile conțin glucoză, proteine, lipide, vitamine și minerale necesare organismului.
Terapii perfuzabil cu înlocuitori de plasmă. Acestea sunt soluții care au rolul de a crește volumul sanguin și de a îmbunătăți circulația, fiind utile în caz de șoc, hemoragii, arsuri sau traumatisme.
Terapii perfuzabil cu vitamine și minerale. Acestea sunt cocktail-uri care conțin diverse vitamine și minerale esențiale pentru organism, cum ar fi vitamina C, vitamina B, magneziu, zinc, seleniu etc. Scopul lor este de a stimula sistemul imunitar, de a combate stresul oxidativ, de a îmbunătăți performanța fizică și mentală, de a preveni sau trata anumite afecțiuni.
Ce beneficii au terapiile perfuzabil?
Terapiile perfuzabil pot avea numeroase beneficii pentru sănătate, în funcție de tipul și doza de substanțe administrate. Unele dintre efectele pozitive pe care le pot avea sunt:
Hidratarea și reechilibrarea organismului
Creșterea energiei și a vitalității
Întărirea sistemului imunitar și a rezistenței la infecții
Reducerea inflamației și a durerii
Ameliorarea simptomelor de oboseală, depresie, anxietate, migrenă, alergii, astm etc.
Îmbunătățirea aspectului pielii, părului și unghiilor
Prevenirea sau tratarea unor boli cronice, cum ar fi diabetul, hipertensiunea, artrita, osteoporoza etc.
Încetinirea procesului de îmbătrânire și a degenerării celulare
Ce riscuri și contraindicații au terapiile perfuzabil?
Terapiile perfuzabil sunt în general sigure și bine tolerate, dacă sunt efectuate de personal medical calificat și în condiții de asepsie și antisepsie. Totuși, ca orice tratament, pot exista și unele riscuri și contraindicații, cum ar fi:
Reacții adverse la substanțele administrate, cum ar fi alergii, greață, amețeli, transpirații, palpitații etc.
Complicații la locul de puncție, cum ar fi infecții, hematoame, flebite, tromboze etc.
Supradozaj sau hipervitaminoză, în cazul administrării excesive sau necorespunzătoare a unor vitamine sau minerale
Interacțiuni cu alte medicamente sau suplimente pe care pacientul le ia
Contraindicații în caz de sarcină, alăptare, boli renale, hepatice, cardiace, sanguine etc.
De aceea, este foarte important ca terapiile perfuzabil să fie prescrise și monitorizate de un medic, care să țină cont de istoricul medical, de analizele de laborator și de starea generală a pacientului.
Cum se desfășoară o ședință de terapie perfuzabil?
O ședință de terapie perfuzabil durează între 30 și 60 de minute, în funcție de tipul și cantitatea de substanțe administrate. Pacientul este așezat confortabil pe un pat sau pe un scaun, iar asistenta medicală îi introduce un cateter într-o venă periferică, de obicei la nivelul brațului. Apoi, se conectează perfuzia cu soluția dorită, care curge lent în fluxul sanguin. Pacientul poate citi, asculta muzică, vorbi sau chiar dormi în timpul ședinței. La final, se scoate cateterul și se aplică un pansament steril la locul de puncție. Pacientul poate pleca acasă imediat după ședință, fără a avea nevoie de repaus sau de alte restricții.
Unde se pot face terapii perfuzabil?
Terapiile perfuzabil se pot face în centre medicale specializate, care dispun de echipamente și personal adecvate. De asemenea, există și posibilitatea de a face terapii perfuzabil la domiciliu, dacă pacientul nu se poate deplasa sau preferă să beneficieze de tratament în intimitatea propriei locuințe. În acest caz, este necesar să se asigure condițiile de igienă și siguranță, precum și supravegherea medicală permanentă.
Cât costă o terapie perfuzabil?
Costul unei terapii perfuzabil variază în funcție de tipul și doza de substanțe administrate, de numărul de ședințe necesare, de locul unde se efectuează tratamentul și de alte servicii incluse. În general, prețul unei ședințe de terapie perfuzabil poate fi între 200 și 1000 de lei, iar un tratament complet poate ajunge la câteva mii de lei. Unele clinici oferă și pachete sau abonamente avantajoase pentru pacienții fideli sau pentru cei care doresc să facă terapii perfuzabil în mod regulat.
Terapiile perfuzabil sunt tratamente medicale care pot avea efecte benefice asupra sănătății și stării de bine, dacă sunt efectuate corect și sub supraveghere medicală. Ele pot fi folosite pentru a trata sau preveni anumite afecțiuni, pentru a stimula sistemul imunitar, pentru a îmbunătăți performanța fizică și mentală, pentru a încetini procesul de îmbătrânire și pentru a îmbunătăți aspectul pielii, părului și unghiilor. Terapiile perfuzabil se pot face în centre medicale specializate sau la domiciliu, în funcție de preferințele și posibilitățile pacientului.
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arhitectulvesel · 7 months
De ce este esentiala expertizarea tehnica pentru o constructie?
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Lumea expertizei tehnice este vasta, cuprinzand domenii precum evaluarea seismica, extinderea sau etajarea constructiilor, evaluarea starii tehnice, obtinerea autorizatiei de construire, aducerea constructiilor in legalitate, reabilitarea termica, recompartimentarea spatiului interior sau verificarea sigurantei post hazard. Intr-un cuvant, pentru orice modificare adusa unei constructii existente, expertiza tehnica devine esentiala. Desigur, exista exceptii, precum lucrari de mica anvergura, cum ar fi refacerea finisajelor sau inlocuirea tamplariilor. Servicii Cadastru Ce tip de Expertiza Tehnica este necesara? Situatiile care impun o expertiza tehnica sunt variate. Vom explora cele trei tipuri de expertize tehnice cele mai intalnite pentru persoanele fizice: a. Evaluare Stare Tehnica Expertiza de evaluare a starii tehnice a unei constructii existente implica un studiu specializat, abordand aspecte cheie precum: - Respectarea cerintelor de proiectare conform reglementarilor tehnice; - Executarea proiectului conform specificatiilor; - Calitatea lucrarilor efectuate; - Identificarea neconformitatilor sau degradarilor. b. Extindere/Etajare (Mansardare) Casele vechi pot fi mici pentru nevoile actuale, generand dorinta de extindere sau etajare. Expertiza in acest caz implica: - Analiza posibilitatii tehnice si cantitative a lucrarilor propuse; - Identificarea deficientelor existente si oferirea de solutii pentru a respecta normele legislative. c. Schimbare de Destinatie cu Recompartimentari Expertiza pentru schimbarea destinatiei si recompartimentari analizeaza implicatiile asupra structurii existente si ofera solutii pentru a mentine stabilitatea imobilului. Rezultatele Expertizelor Tehnice Analizele realizate determina siguranta imobilului, identifica potentiale deficiente si ofera solutii de interventie. Prin aceasta, constructia devine conforma cu legislatia in vigoare. Expertiza Tehnica: Ghidul Deciziei in Achizitia unei Locuinte O expertiza tehnica devine esentiala inainte de achizitionarea unei locuinte, furnizand detalii privind siguranta imobilului, necesitatea de interventii si estimarea costurilor. Aceasta devine cruciala pentru a lua decizii informate, evitand surprize neplacute. Concluzii Expertiza tehnica este indispensabila in diverse situatii. Inainte de achizitionarea unei locuinte sau demararea unor lucrari, consultarea unui specialist prin Expertiza Tehnica ofera beneficiarului toate informatiile necesare pentru un proiect sigur si functional. Vezi si: - Expertiza Tehnica: Cheia unei Constructii Sigure si Functionale - Expertizarea Tehnica a Constructiilor - Proiecte case cu mansarda – 101125 - Uniunea Europeană va finanța elaborarea documentației tehnice pentru 18 proiecte din domeniul aprovizionării cu apă și canalizare și eficiență energetică - Proiect de casa high tech -100763 Read the full article
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