that-dreaming-dragon · 5 months
I don’t understand how or why, but when I lay on my side and just stretch my wings that are phantom, it feels So Good.
Maybe I’m just stretching my back muscles or maybe my spine. It is equally as likely as me actually stretching my phantom wings.
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Avian Sanses: What they've lived through
( Avians = Violence mentioned. Also mentions of a famine.)
Axe is the oldest. He lived through the two biggest events of aviankind– the Famine, and The Unsettling. He was old enough to remember both times, but did suffer a lot of damage to his skull during The Famine that now causes memory lapses. It also means he’s slow to speak, and struggles to turn thoughts into coherent sentences. This did not make him any less intelligent, and he’s something of a folklore among Ancestor Avian.
He’s more instinctual than the majority of aviankind, but also doesn’t have as much magic. He’s also adapted to be almost silent on his feet and use his hands, teeth and feet in battle, as well as his eiderlades.
Dust was only a fledgling during The Famine, so he doesn’t quite remember it. However, he lived through the entirety of The Unsettling and had to face the terrors. As a Peregrine Falcon, he was one of the frontline fighters– meaning he saw and suffered through more than any of his birthflock had.
The PTSD and trauma left him cold, quiet, and calculating. He has a couple, small burn scars on his face and there’s evidence of his tail feathers having once been burned.
Killer was lucky enough to just have foggy memories of The Unsettling– clutching onto Dust’s back, burying himself in Dust’s scapular floof is one of the most prominent ones. He doesn’t remember a lot about it but it tends to haunt his dreams.
He’s unreasonably territorial about things he decides are his, which is likely a side-affect of the things he’s seen and gone through.
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wyrmmaster · 8 months
Anthuria really does destroy those birds, bless
She was born with lightning in her eyes, fire in her feet, sheer undistilled virgin energy and a seething hatred for all aviankind.
Thus did she carve her name into the annals of history, Anthuria: Dancer, Destroyer of Birds.
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halbarryweekfeed · 10 months
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Opposites Attract/ Secret Relationship/ “You’ve never been good at keeping secrets.”
@itemreceived: Opposites Attract on Tumblr and Instagram
@cessmaga: Opposites Attract on Tumblr and Instagram
summersolitudee: Secret Relationship on Instagram
Fic (Ao3 users: please tag with Halbarry Week 2023 and use the collection!):
Entropy (Has Got Nothing on Us) by @roboticnebula
Snapshots of Hal and Barry’s life together.
Summer Halbarry Week 2023 by @ceeloilights
It starts in the Watchtower, where a love-stricken Green Lantern lounges. The rest is a blur.
Like Taking Candy From A Baby by UnknownUncut
Barry found out just how obvious he and Hal actually are.
Never Say Never by @chocolateteapotsvis
Barry’s face loses its color. “Oh, no.” “Oh, yes.” Hal almost feels bad, but that’s the point of this game: ambushing your nearest and dearest with information they should have known not to ask for.
Or: Hal, Barry, and half the Justice League play Never Have I Ever.
The Maxwell triangle by @wandeel
"Two complementary colours are diametrically opposed on the colour wheel"
Nesting Instinct by @oof-ouch-yikes-stripes
Project Angel is a military operation wrapped up in the same level of secrecy as Area 51. Its purpose is to train avians for use in specialized combat scenarios, and it's run by Morningstar, a man who cares less about helping the US government than acquiring the power necessary to get back at aviankind.
Highball was born and raised in Project Angel; it's home to him, and the only thing he hates about it is Morningstar himself. That may change when he's sent out to infiltrate a flock of avians in order to capture their Protector, a magic user that keeps the flock safe, and it turns out that there's more to the outside world than he had first thought.
Just the Two of Us (We Can Make It If We Try) by @layspotatochipabs
Barry had an incriminating picture of just him and Hal on his nightstand. He'd usually be scared of someone seeing, but no one ever visits his apartment, and if they do, it's never his bedroom. So what's the harm? Hal would never know.
Día 1: Relación secreta by HisoNao
Bruce, Diana y Clark se encuentran sorprendidos al saber que Barry tiene un novio con el que acaba de comprometerse sin que nadie de ellos pudiera darse cuenta. (English via Google Translate: Bruce, Diana and Clark are shocked to learn that Barry has a boyfriend that he just got engaged to without any of them realizing it.)
Peak Romance is Drooling on a Pillow by Lesbianstargirl
Barry Allen just may be the end of Oliver Queen. Literally. He has Barry contemplating murder. Ah, young love.
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myriadeyed · 3 years
Predatory birds that aren’t hawks
Something I’ve noticed during my time in the aviankind community is an overabundance of hawk and eagle therians, mostly red-tailed hawks, which I think is directly tied to the tendency for people to 1. confirm an avian theriotype and 2. feel a prey drive so they 3. immediately say they’re a hawk or eagle as if hawks and eagles are the only birds who hunt.
So, for any bird therians who are questioning and feel as though they’re a predator, here’s a few other birds to at least cross off the list before you land on red-tailed hawk:
Every other kind of hawk. Guys, there are over 200 species of hawk. Many are extremely similar to red-tails in terms of behavior and morphology, but have key differences that you might disregard if you’ve already decided you must be a red-tail because those are the ones you know about.
Owls. If you think you may be a nocturnal animal, you might want to look into owls before hawks. Hawks are strictly diurnal (active during the day). There’s also a few physical differences; smaller beaks, usually shorter tails, different-shaped wings and very different talons being a few.
Falcons. Falcons are actually unrelated to hawks and eagles. They’re more closely related to parrots and passerines like songbirds. Hunting methods often differ; many species of falcons hunt by attacking other birds mid-air. Many other falcons, though, have very similar behavior to hawks. So be thorough.
Fish-catching birds: kingfishers, herons, egrets, ospreys, cormorants, loons, albatrosses, some ducks, pelicans (no I am not kidding). Consider what kinds of prey your hunting urges are directed toward. Take notes on your shifts, especially beak shifts if you have them. Many of these birds have very different beaks than the hooked bill of a hawk. And if you feel a prey drive towards fish, you might want to look into one of these birds.
Insect-catching birds: rollers, swallows, flycatchers, potoos, bluebirds, warblers, wrens, swifts, waxwings. Again, think about what kinds of animals you feel urged to hunt, and the way you want to hunt them. Most of these birds fly after insects in the air and catch them mid-air. A lot of these birds are smaller, too, so that’s something to pay attention to shifts for. Don’t disregard these birds just because they aren’t as cool or bugs are icky.
Skuas. I’d put them in the fish-catching category but they also prey on terrestrial animals, steal eggs, and scavenge. They’re carnivores but will take any meat they can get.
Shrikes. Also a smaller bird, but I personally think these guys are pretty cool. If “impales smaller animals on thorns to save them for later” strikes a chord with you, maybe look into shrikes. Brutal, isn’t it?
This post is mainly for questioning bird therians who feel a prey drive, but if you’re questioning hawk just on the basis that you know you’re a carnivore, consider: vultures. I know, I know, ugly creepy birds who eat dead things. Well, I might be biased, but imo vultures are some seriously cool animals. I get the aversion though; I have a theriotype I didn’t consider at first because I had no beforehand opinion on it. Just because something isn’t your most favorite animal since childhood doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider it if it matches your shifts.
Now, I am not trying to convince you you’re definitely not a hawk. You very well might be. I just see a lot of bird therians not put a lot of time into questioning and just go with the easiest answer. And I know this happens from personal experience, as someone who used to think he was a red-tail himself (because it was the easiest answer).
As a bird and an ornithology nerd, I’d love to see more care taken with the questioning process - self-analysis can’t hurt, and you’ll definitely learn some cool stuff along the way even if you do confirm you’re a hawk! Remember, the three most important things in questioning: research, introspection, and take your time!
Good luck!
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Hewwo, I would kill for some wingfics
Check out our wings tag, plus these:
the stars in your eyes - Starrie_Wolf @starriewolf
10k. (Teen).
In this millennium, where technology is so advanced that aviankind can be completely interconnected despite the physical distance between the floating islands they live upon, the Underworld remains a mystery. Even in the Galaxy Garrison – aviankind's premier centre of exploration – few have ventured into the Underworld, where the water vapour weighs densely down upon their feathers and the oxygen-rich air threatens to set them aflame at any moment.
But Matt and Sam are missing, and Keith refuses to give up on them, even if it means venturing into the vast depths of uncharted territory down under, cut off from all communications with the Galaxy Garrison.
Unfold Your Wings as You Fall - Aer
10k. (General).
There's nothing Shiro wants so much as he does for Keith to fly with him.
Spread your wings for me - Starrie_Wolf @starriewolf
1k. (Mature).
“So, you need me like this, right?”
Focus, Shiro told himself. Focus.
It was hard, though – in all senses of the word – when that gorgeous boy from his art classes, whom he hadn’t quite worked up the nerve to approach yet, was reclined casually on the couch, completely naked, and watching Shiro expectantly.
When his art teacher had told him that she was arranging for someone to help him with his anatomy, this wasn’t quite what Shiro had had in mind.
The King and The Soldier - ProblematicJack
2k. (Teen).
Usual and unusual. No one can truly tell another what is usual and what is not, for it is different for each person. For one, the usual is working the night shift so that they can spend the day with their family and friends. For another, it’s waking up at four am to garden and watch the sunrise. And for one, the usual is wandering the streets alone, finding ways to get food during the day before returning home to their adoptive bird parents hidden away from the world.
Usual and unusual. Who knows?
- Kel
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lemon-yu-lemon · 5 years
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More aviankind! #dirkjake #dirkstrider https://www.instagram.com/p/B2b-bGUgq0T/?igshid=eqxh3692czs3
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starriewolf · 5 years
AU - Wingfic | Black Paladin Keith | Garrison Commander Shiro | If humans evolved from avians and not primates | Sheith Prompt Bang
In this millennium, where technology is so advanced that aviankind can be completely interconnected despite the physical distance between the floating islands they live upon, the Underworld remains a mystery. Even in the Galaxy Garrison – aviankind's premier centre of exploration – few have ventured into the Underworld, where the water vapour weighs densely down upon their feathers and the oxygen-rich air threatens to set them aflame at any moment.
But Matt and Sam are missing, and Keith refuses to give up on them, even if it means venturing into the vast depths of uncharted territory down under, cut off from all communications with the Galaxy Garrison.
Word count: 9,931
Art by @yainedraws​ can be found at here for banner and here for in-line art.
Many thanks to @sheith-prompt-bang​ for hosting this event!
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 5 years
the stars in your eyes
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DSFhZF
by Starrie_Wolf
In this millennium, where technology is so advanced that aviankind can be completely interconnected despite the physical distance between the floating islands they live upon, the Underworld remains a mystery. Even in the Galaxy Garrison – aviankind's premier centre of exploration – few have ventured into the Underworld, where the water vapour weighs densely down upon their feathers and the oxygen-rich air threatens to set them aflame at any moment.
But Matt and Sam are missing, and Keith refuses to give up on them, even if it means venturing into the vast depths of uncharted territory down under, cut off from all communications with the Galaxy Garrison.
Words: 9931, Chapters: 5/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Cosmo, Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Sam Holt, Matt Holt, Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Wings, If civilisations evolved from birds and not apes, Black Paladin Keith (Voltron), Garrison Commander Shiro
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DSFhZF
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chukular · 5 years
                                                              「 🔪 🔪 🔪 」
                  "I’ll do it in exchange for a biopsy. I’d like a sample of one of your lungs, preferably. It’s not often I have a mammalian respiratory system to work with...”
                  'It’ being a thorough medical examination. Shuu was first and foremost a doctor, after all, and an overwhelmingly famous one at that --- it was not so far a stretch for him to assume that most people that approached him while he was still dressed in his lab coat or carrying his box of medical supplies with him did so to ask for some sort of medical favour. The green-haired young man hardly looked like he was suffering from any sort of ailment, but birds were infamous for refusing to show any sign of sickness until they were physically incapable of pretending to be healthy. Humans had no reason at all not to want to adopt the habits of their betters, especially not after their subjugation at the talons of aviankind.
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                 "What do you want, exactly?? A checkup??”
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ao3feed--sheith · 5 years
the stars in your eyes
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DSFhZF
by Starrie_Wolf
In this millennium, where technology is so advanced that aviankind can be completely interconnected despite the physical distance between the floating islands they live upon, the Underworld remains a mystery. Even in the Galaxy Garrison – aviankind's premier centre of exploration – few have ventured into the Underworld, where the water vapour weighs densely down upon their feathers and the oxygen-rich air threatens to set them aflame at any moment.
But Matt and Sam are missing, and Keith refuses to give up on them, even if it means venturing into the vast depths of uncharted territory down under, cut off from all communications with the Galaxy Garrison.
Words: 9931, Chapters: 5/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Cosmo, Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Sam Holt, Matt Holt, Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Wings, If civilisations evolved from birds and not apes, Black Paladin Keith (Voltron), Garrison Commander Shiro
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DSFhZF
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that-dreaming-dragon · 5 months
Wing Problem TM
- When I try to sit back in a chair
- When I try to drive car comfortably
- When I try to SLEEP ON MY BACK
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the stars in your eyes
read it on the AO3 at the stars in your eyes
by Starrie_Wolf
In this millennium, where technology is so advanced that aviankind can be completely interconnected despite the physical distance between the floating islands they live upon, the Underworld remains a mystery. Even in the Galaxy Garrison – aviankind's premier centre of exploration – few have ventured into the Underworld, where the water vapour weighs densely down upon their feathers and the oxygen-rich air threatens to set them aflame at any moment.
But Matt and Sam are missing, and Keith refuses to give up on them, even if it means venturing into the vast depths of uncharted territory down under, cut off from all communications with the Galaxy Garrison.
Words: 4858, Chapters: 2/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Cosmo, Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Sam Holt, Matt Holt, Acxa (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Wings, If civilisations evolved from birds and not apes, Black Paladin Keith (Voltron), Garrison Commander Shiro
read it on the AO3 at the stars in your eyes
0 notes
halbarryweekfeed · 10 months
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Got Your Back/ Arranged Partnership/ “You think now is the time for this?”
@cessmaga: Got Your Back on Tumblr
@candy-san1: Secret Relationship on Tumblr and Instagram
@candy-san1: Got Your Back on Tumblr and Instagram
Fic (Ao3 users: please tag with Halbarry Week 2023 and use the collection!):
Día 2: Te respaldé by HisoNao
Barry estaba pasando una aburrida y solitaria noche hasta que un caballero de mascara esmeralda aparece para rescatar la noche. (via Google Translate: Barry was having a boring and lonely night until an emerald masked knight appears to rescue the night.)
Entropy (Has Got Nothing on Us) Ch2 by @roboticnebula
Snapshots of Hal and Barry’s life together.
"Just...how and why you did THAT ?!" by @wandeel
"You created an interplanetary conflict by cleaning a fork ?"
Just the Two of Us (We Can Make It If We Try) Ch3 by @layspotatochipabs
Bruce makes Hal and Barry attend a mission along with the rest of the League, in their civies, with masks, no less. It's gonna be their first time seeing each other out of costume, but they both have reservations. Will they even like each other? Hal's totally gonna ask Barry out after the mission, though.
Nesting Instinct Ch2 by @oof-ouch-yikes-stripes
Project Angel is a military operation wrapped up in the same level of secrecy as Area 51. Its purpose is to train avians for use in specialized combat scenarios, and it's run by Morningstar, a man who cares less about helping the US government than acquiring the power necessary to get back at aviankind.
Highball was born and raised in Project Angel; it's home to him, and the only thing he hates about it is Morningstar himself. That may change when he's sent out to infiltrate a flock of avians in order to capture their Protector, a magic user that keeps the flock safe, and it turns out that there's more to the outside world than he had first thought.
Peak Romance is Drooling on a Pillow Ch2 by @lesbiansforhalbarry
The Promise between two oblivious goofballs
Something Old, Something New by @chocolateteapotsvis
“How could I not enjoy my own wedding?” Because that’s what tomorrow is. Their wedding. Barry’s stomach does another little flip from acknowledging it.
Or: Barry’s gotten used to the idea of not getting married. Now they are, and Barry’s still catching up.
Summer Halbarry Week 2023 by @ceeloilights
It starts in the Watchtower, where a love-stricken Green Lantern lounges. The rest is a blur.
The Bet by @unknownuncut
Hal made a bet with Diana and Bruce. (Regrets, lots of regrets).
Halbarry Week So Far!
Day 1 Recap
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lemon-yu-lemon · 5 years
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Da boys, #dirkjake because im obssesed like that :y #dirkstrider is friken 3 Meters tall, aviankinds are basically ancient gods and theyre gigantic #jakeenglish is a mammalKind with weird fashion sense, hes 1.4 meters wich is really common height for his #kind so they https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MvrD8ABsB/?igshid=39er1t8e3t4s
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lemon-yu-lemon · 5 years
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#birddirk now an aviankind!Dirk everybody, aviankinds are also warriors, they are more in the air foces for obvious reasons and also in high ranks due to their amaizing strategies, but the can be found being amazing crafters too! Blacksmiths and whatnot. #homestuck #homestuckau #dirkstrider https://www.instagram.com/p/B039y5wg6cm/?igshid=ahb8qry441xe
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