#avatar of vengeance ( javik )
anderwhohn · 2 years
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"I believe the Zaeed human is a Prothean in disguise. I like that one. He and I have discussed conquering the galaxy after the Reapers are gone. Though I do not understand why he is always 'damning' his god."
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Man, poor Dr. Chakwas. What did this woman do to get all the deadly experimental technology shoved directly into the room next to the medbay with only one puny door standing in the way?
First of all, she's got the AI core in there, which considering the galaxy seems to be under constant threat of imminent techology based destruction from one group or another, has got to be a little anxiety inducing.
Then they find some mysterious talking Geth who may or may not want to kill them all, and the crew is like, where do we stash this dude? How about right next to the medical center?
Then they recover the body of "Dr. Coré," who just nearly murdered multiple crew members of the Normandy, and they're like, "Yup, let's dump this in here completely unsupervised. That's fine." And then EDI gets involved and a fire breaks out in there and Dr. Chakwas has really gotta be like, "For fucks sake, now what?"
Like, couldn't they have found some storage space for any of this that was next door to someone with more immediate defensive capabilities, like, I don't know, the genetically perfect Krogan, the merc slaughtering vigilante, the multiple extremely powerful biotics, or even, dare I say it, the Quarian tech expert? (Though to be fair, Tali probably would have destroyed most of these if left unattended with them.)
Hell, I'm surprised they didn't shove Javik in there, too. He may not be deadly tech, but at this point you might as well just stick the only known survivor and avatar of vengeance of an ancient race in there. Dr. Chakwas is used to potential death loitering on the other side of one unlocked door.
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bagog · 5 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 25: Hanar
Don't know where this one came from. A hanar challenges Javik.
Since the end of the war, Javik had spent his time exploring the galaxy. Heavily funded by a subsidy from the hanar government, there was hardly a system he had not visited within a few years of the relay network’s repair.
Still, the Citadel always called to him to return: the symbol of galactic dominance—now a symbol of galactic peace. Shepard had found out he was on the station, and the two met at a café in the presidium to catch up. They’d barely begun speaking when a hanar passing by seemed to double take, then floated past again. Finally, it floated right up to the table and addressed Javik.
“This one begs your pardon, but are you Javik?” The hanar seemed to hang in the air, body twitching and tendrils very still.
“Yes,” Javik replied, with more than a hint of annoyance to his tone. “I am Javik, the last of the Protheans.”
“Oh, this one knows who you are,” the hanar replied. “This one read Journeys with the Prothean, and A New Prothean History. You were primary consultant for both. They reference you heavily.”
“And what would you have me do for you, hanar?” Javik eyed Shepard over the table with two of his eyes.
“This one doesn’t require anything from you,” the hanar sounded aghast. “This one wants to say: how dare you show your face in public? This one’s people worship your kind as gods. They are not gods, and neither are you. You are not worthy of the worship the hanar people heap on you.” Its tendrils flounced in a derogatory display.
“It sounds as if you have your own people to convince, hanar. Not me.”
“This one’s entire civilization is based on the worship of the Enkindlers. This is a lie. All along, you were manipulating this one’s people from their earliest development to serve your own purposes!”
“Preparing you for the Reapers!”
The protrusion at the front of the hanar’s body crumpled briefly and the being let out an echoing ‘HA!’ “Some good that did. This one lost hundreds of friends in the bombardment of Kahje.”
“But you are still alive, we are all still here. If my people had not—”
“It was not prothean plans that saved the galaxy! It was a weapon you found from other races which came before.” The hanar scoffed again. Javik seemed like he was clenching a fist, jaw tightly locked.
“We helped your species to evolve,” he said, grimly. “It was you who decided we were gods. Your quarrel is not with me, hanar, it is with your own people.”
“Tell this one, what would your kind have done if the protheans had defeated the Reapers? What would become of the ‘evolving’ hanar, then?” Javik didn’t answer, but didn’t unclench his jaw, either. “At best, this one’s people would be subjects of the prothean empire, or slaves. Or worse: food. This one has read all about the prothean diet at the height of their power: salarians, hanar, drell.”
“When you were primitive!” Javik urged.
“They were primitive, but sapient.”
“You hold me responsible for all the supposed crimes of my people,” Javik spat. “And yet, I merely provide you with an outlet for your own militant anti-theism, the imagined trespasses against your kind’s natural evolution, and your fantasy for what might have happened if the Prothean empire had endured. I am only a single individual, hanar.”
“Very easy for you to declare yourself an avatar of vengeance for your people—oh yes, this one has read all about you, prothean—but then when it comes time to represent your people’s sins, suddenly you are ‘only a single individual.’” The hanar’s tendrils were trembling, now.  “This one is glad the Reapers destroyed your civilization. It deserved to be destroyed.”
Javik was quaking too, now, his shoulders now pulled up around his neck, like he was coiling to spring. “I was born decades after the fall of my people’s empire,” he said, measuring each word against his own fury. “I was not—”
“You fought to restore that empire!” The hanar rose in the air, just a matter of inches, “Still longing to go home again? That is what this one thought! The home you want to return to is vile.”
“That is not… I have…” Javik growled to himself, closed his eyes and breathed a moment. “What is it you would have me do? What ‘atonement’ would satisfy your anger?”
“Nothing,” the hanar shook its body back and forth. “This one has made it this one’s mission to turn the hanar people away from worship of the false Enkindlers. Every place you show up, every word you write about your own greatness, threatens my work. This one hates you. Stay away from Kahje, and stay away from the hanar.” With that, it floated a pace back, turned to Shepard. “Commander Shepard, this one is a big fan. This one advises you to keep better company.” And with that, it pivoted, and floated away as quickly as the mass effect field generator would allow.
Shepard didn’t say anything for a long moment, watching Javik’s features slowly soften as he fought to regain control of his breath.
“That… can’t have been fun,” Shepard concluded, at last. He drummed his fingers silently on the table.
“I… cannot be held responsible for all of my people. I will not apologize for them…” he said, almost to himself. He sighed, “But, I am alive, and I can afford to be target practice for jaded primitives. Even for crimes 50,000 years old…”
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simowis · 7 months
Talk between Vegeta and Javik 3
translated by DeepL and vetted by me.
Vegeta: …… My people… cannot simply be called barbaric. Our culture is one of war, and we select our talents on the basis of battle, but we are also aware of the importance of technology. It is not only the technology that we conquer and plunder, but also the scientists and technicians of the other races. They are treated well in our clan as well.
Javik: Your social model is also sustainable, and as the strong, it's perfectly normal to take technology and talent from the weak. It's just the frequency and extent that should be noted. Your race got wiped out because you and Freeza have a disparity in power.
Vegeta: Yes …… Back then, all of us together couldn't match his fighting power alone. He could blow up our home planet with the snap of a finger ……
Javik: That's why you were enslaved by him and died at his hands. It's part of natural selection that the strong can ravage the weak as they please.
Vegeta: We are the strongest sword in his hands. He only did this foolish thing because he heard the legend of this Super Saiyan and was afraid that if we resisted, he would be defeated.
Javik glanced at him: "Every Emperor fears an army revolt, and your fault was primarily that your race was built too solidly for him to hold. And indeed, the legend is true, Freeza had no problem making that decision at the time. Revealing his animosity towards you was his only mistake.
Vegeta: Or what? Are you saying that he could make other races turn against us? That's not possible, we Saiyans were the second most powerful in the universe. There's no way he could hide behind the curtain, he had to take care of us himself.
Javik: …… Stupidity. Look at this cycle of the Krogan. While no race can defeat them, they invented the genophage and worked together to solve the problem, cutting off the future of the race from this path of procreation. Although, in my way, it would probably be less trouble. I'd detonate the bombs I've planted on their planet, or create a meteor strike and orchestrate an 'unforeseen' planetary catastrophe to solve the race.
Vegeta: …… What's your point?
Javik: Freeza had the means to defeat you whenever he wanted. You could either sneakily evolve until you were far stronger than him. Or you could honestly hand over your soft underbelly to him and let him take it as he pleases. But as far as his level of caution and your lore …… are concerned, he will definitely choose to take action against you, it is inevitable.
Vegeta: ‘The extinction of my race is inevitable.’Is this your way to …… to make me feel better? Wasn't the fate of your people the same?
Javik: The Reapers and my people should be at an even greater disadvantage than the situation on your side, and since we still don't know the motives for their actions, we have no choice but to confront them. It's upsetting, but it's a fact that proves strength above all is the natural truth: we were weak, so we dead.
Vegeta: But you still fight.
Javik: Being the underdog doesn't mean being at the mercy of others, every prey fights back. Aren't you the same?
Vegeta: I know how to judge a situation …… and I have endured it for a long time.
Javik: Yes, and I envy the fact that you still had a chance to fight back.
Vegeta: You woke up at a bad time.
Javik: Yeah…… but I'm still the Avatar of Vengeance.
Vegeta: Even if you know you're throwing straws against the wind.
Javik: Until the very end.
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tyvani · 6 years
So, I still wanted to do Javik Week, but I also misunderstood and I thought the prompts started Tuesday. Whooops!
“Monday: Favorite Ship! This can be a romantic or platonic relationship. Who do you think Javik’s closest friend is on the Normandy? Who does he have feelings for? Who has feelings for him? Feel free to share your writing or art or just excited flailings. NSFW is definitely allowed, just please tag it so I’m not sharing alien butts with people who aren’t interested in that sort of thing.”
Favorite ship would definitely be Shavik (Shepard and Javik). It used to be T’Sovik, but guess I got way more into Shavik Ahah
I think Shepard honestly could be his closest friend, especially because of the beacon giving her the ability to understand Prothean and have a perspective to comprehend the message. But it would be something they would connect over. Besides that, I still think Liara might develop feelings for him, especially when he becomes such a big focus of her fascination, and when they get over their spats, they’d become very good friends, too. In fact, they’d probably get together if Shepard wasn’t interested. As for the others, I always saw Javik as finding it hard to fit into the Normandy, but if at least someone tried to include him in stuff, he’d eventually warm up to the others. He’d love Wrex and Grunt and Zaeed and would have so much fun going to the gun range. Hell, he’d probably be happy to go to Tuchanka and fight thresher maws with ‘em, too! Garrus and Javik would absolutely bond over their militaristic cultures, and I think he’d have a lot of respect for Samara, especially in being able to make such clear-cut decisions on who she is required to kill. The others, he might have a bit more difficulty bonding with, but as he comes to accept his place in this new galaxy, I think he’d come to find things he likes about the others, too.
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teryster · 4 years
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Javik oh Javik... sometimes all you need to stay alive is a very bitter dark matter bending avatar of vengeance u know PATREON ♥ / Commissions / Pass me a latte bro! / Twitch / Twitter
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hirasuki2121 · 4 years
Reasons why Shavik and not T'Sovik is my OTP:
Please read it fully before complaining about my little bad chatter about Liara. I really like Liara as she is, please don't get me wrong, but just read :)
Please excuse me for possible grammar mistakes, English is not my native language.
× Shep understands the prothean language: She is the only one who can talk with Javik in his peoples tongue. When Javik touches Shepard, he reads her nervous system and actually speaks with her in English.
× When Shep and Liara discover Javik's stasis pod, Shep is quite interested in the protheans and asks Liara to tell her more about them. But Liara says actually that Shep knows probably as much about protheans as she does, due to the beacon and the cipher. Shep knows even more than Liara, like the prothean language.
× Shep is a strong woman and a soldier like Javik, and Javik says that they have things in common, war is their sculptor. That Shep died and was resurrected, as Javik was in stasis and again awoken to fight the reapers.
× Shepard helps Javik develop his character, she helps him fulfill the only purpose of his life at that point, and that is vengeance for his people. He even appoints her as the avatar of victory, which was probably a huge honor for him and the people of his cycle.
× In the first scene on the Normandy, Liara asks Javik about the sensory ability of the beacons, Javik touches and reads Shepard, and not and never Liara.
× As for Liara, I don't want to sound like an a** or ignorant, but, I think the only reason why Liara and Javik could possibly be a couple is that she studied the protheans and that's it. But character-wise they don't match at all. Liara acts naive, childish and whiny. Don't get me wrong, I like her and consider her the best female friend of my Shepard, hell she even was the one that rescued Shepard after her death and that was a brave action. But Liara needs a sensible person, and Javik is the complete opposite of that (despite his sensory ability lol). Javik on the other hand needs a strong woman who understands him and can shoulder the big weight of his fate and the probably bad dreams that come with it, without breaking from it.
× Liara only sees in him a living exemplar of the species she's obsessed with and places him on a pedestal, while completely ignoring his personality, or rather wail about it, that she rather would have wished him to be a scholar, while Shepard sees him as an individual being and just likes him for who he is.
× Everyone misunderstands Javik's grief and bitterness as grumpiness and arrogance, except for Shepard, bc they talk objectively about everything without primitive and childish emotions.
× We often see in the game that Liara and Javik are bickering, even at the fandom in the fanart. And the fandom finds it charming. Well as for me, I hate such childish and naive behavior, I do not find something like that charming or cute or whatever, it annoys me. It's something kids in ground school do.
× Javik calls Liara "asari" every time until the end, only until Shepard intervenes after Thessia, bc Javik respects none of these primitives except for Shepard, bc she is a strong leader and his commander. But Javik does call Shepard by her name at least 3 times in the game (two times on the mission with the Aralakh Company, and in the last mission in the Leviathan DLC).
× Javik sleeps with Shepard. The devs could really have made a blossoming relationship with Javik and Liara in the Citadel DLC, like they had it done with GarrusxTali or the fling with JamesxAshley but they didn't.
But please consider this as my personal opinion and tinkering, I don't want to offend anyone and their ship. It's just my hc.
I have nothing against a little Shep-sandwich tho
You might as well reblog and add more reasons to it, but no primitive bickering please ;D
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honour matters. The silence is your answer."
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wearepaladin · 4 years
Every time discussion turns to the topic of honor I always remember a quote from one of my favorite games that I'm sure you're very familiar with. "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer." Nov Javik grows tremendously throughout the game after that quote, in my opinion, but it's still profound. I wonder if you've ever shared any thoughts on Javik as an Oath of Vengeance paladin, or on that quote in general?
I believe he even calls himself or Shepard the avatar vengeance. He’s a hero who failed/the Shepard who lost everything but lived to see the consequence. His whole arc is how to keep moving after loss, to either rebuild or end. He’s what happens when vengeance is all there is.
His quote is a statement of consequentialism versus nearly any other ethics. Do you bother with honor if the alternative is the end of all things? Of course, because there is always an end of all things, though in this case it was an unjust ending.
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embittered · 3 years
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this is an independent, selective, 18+ only roleplay blog for THE PROTHEAN AVATAR OF VENGEANCE, JAVIK of the MASS EFFECT trilogy, as penned by oddity (he/him). please read the following pages prior to interaction.
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dgcatanisiri · 4 years
Javik’s spiel about being the avatar of vengeance makes me think he should have, at some point, designated Shepard an avatar of some particular aspect. Maybe have it go off the Paragon/Renegade scale - the avatar of victory for Paragons, the avatar of wrath for Renegades, maybe.
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simowis · 10 months
Some ME good fanfic i've read
about Javik or prothean
will continue adding more in this page
 by Penumbra Eclipse on Fanfic, is a great account of the Prothean era. Beautifully written, imaginative in its unfolding of personal, social, ideological, philosophical ideas and the few lines of history mentioned by Javik, finished, English
·<To Come Full Cycle>
It remains only pain... Logically written, but hurt , a lot
story between Shepard and Javik, finished, English
AU, A story of humanity being in the cycle of the prothean, part of the 'subsidiary race' of the prothean, fighting against the reapers.The story of Shep, a renegade lighthouse of rebellion against the empire, and the fight against a common enemy that requires co-operation with Javik, the avatar of vengeance. The prothean empire depicts, harshly, a stern relationship between the two characters in opposition to each other, Russian unfinished
< Горе побежденным >
A class of swarm society depiction of prothean social formations, an epic depiction of the battle of zha'til, javik's full participation, the cautiousness and wisdom of the prothean empire, the bravery, the blood and tears, the deaths and sacrifices, the vengeance of the avatar, it's great! It's the kind of fanfic I've been hoping to read.
Russian, finished
<Chess and Language>
Interesting fanfic about shep and mordin. talking chess and language, now reading...Javik-related chapter 32-33
writer, good at discribe war. haven’t complete read his fanfic yet
someone recommand me this, for a resonable, logical discribtion more than in game. haven’t read it yet. maybe delete this later
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deadlymaelstrom · 7 years
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"Among my people, there were... avatars of many traits: bravery, strength, cunning. A single exemplar for each. I am the embodiment of vengeance. I am the anger of a dead people, demanding blood be spilled for the blood we lost. Only when the last Reaper has been destroyed will my purpose be fulfilled."
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bagog · 4 years
N7 Month, 2019: Day 1 - Messiah
That’s right, I’m actually gonna try to keep up this year by writing 10 of these each weekend. Hahaha, or that’s the plan anyway.
It was strange to see Javik without his armor, dressed instead in dark tunic that covered his shoulders but left a wide ‘V’ down his chest. It was black, with trim and highlights of gold, the same way Shepard had seen visions of the prothean’s formal armor in shared memories from the first time they met. Despite the ceremonial air of the garment, Shepard didn’t think he’d ever seen the old soldier look so… relaxed.
“Javik,” Shepard grinned, provoking no reaction out of the stoic man. “It’s good to see you, having a drink already, I see?”
“It is nearly 15:00,” Javik replied dryly.
“Yeah, I guess I just got off the shuttle from Earth, haven’t adjusted to station time, yet. Does this place serve breakfast?"
“I have only looked at the drink menu.”
“Why does that not surprise me?” Shepard called up the menu on his omni-tool and found something suitably breakfast to eat—some asari breakfast dish called limin’atar with spiced feleme and an orange juice. “So you’ve been on the station a while now, huh?”
“Yes.” Javik stared down into one of the Presidium parks, not meeting Shepard’s eye when he spoke.
“I was surprised when you contacted me,” but Shepard didn’t say it was because he honestly didn’t think Javik to be the ‘keep up with friends’ type. “Didn’t expect to see you on the Citadel.”
“This place has many associations for me. I never saw it in my cycle. I remember the stories my superiors told me when I was young, trying to reclaim the seat of the Prothean empire. How many great generals died trying to reclaim the Citadel for centuries.” His voice was as far away as his gaze. “The people of this cycle do not realize what it is they have.”
“Wow,” Shepard felt awkward, leaning on his elbows. “So why are you here?”
“My villa on Kaje is in a region where it will rain for the next five months,” he turned to Shepard with a wicked smile. “It was… gloomy.”
Shepard laughed out loud, letting his shoulders relax a little bit.
“Surprised you don’t just ask the hanar government for a second villa.”
“They have offered.” He took a deep sip from his drink. “I was not interested.”
“But plenty interested to accept the first villa.”
Javik stared, the closest he ever came to a shrug.
“It was you who convinced me to not to join my men, once the Reapers were defeated.”
“Seems like you’ve made the most of it.”
“As have you.” Javik adjusted in his seat, “Tell me how it has been for you, Commander, being the savior of the galaxy.”
“Most days I try not to think about it.” Shepard thanked the waitress when she delivered his food. The feleme looked particularly… spiced. A sip of the orange juice revealed it was certainly not made of oranges. “Of course when the Alliance or the Council wants to trot me out for an event, it can get sort of hard to escape. I’m sure it’s nothing compared to being ‘the last of the Enkindlers,’ though.”
Javik snorted.
“I have been a poor messiah to the younger races.”
“You and me both.” Shepard bit into a forkful of his breakfast. When Javik didn’t respond, Shepard looked up. His friend had a distant look in his eye. “Something bothering you?” Javik took a moment before answering.
“I am the avatar of Vengeance, tasked with avenging my people, my cycle. Once you defeated the Reapers, I ceased to have a purpose. It is safe to say, I have not found a new purpose being worshipped by the hanar.”
“Do they still… worship you?” Shepard grimaced.
“Not if I can help it,” Javik sighed. “Religion is insidious. I have no time for it.”
“You only say that because you are the religion,” Shepard teased.
“Their prayers are better reserved for you.” Javik set his drink down, “Tell me, Commander, how many of the people in the galaxy pray to you, do you suppose?”
“That’s something I’d really prefer not to think about.”
“You saved them.”
“You were right there with me.”
“Not at the end, not for the killing blow. You did that yourself.”
“It had to be done. I was in the right place at the right time. Anyone would’ve done the same.”
“No one could have done the same,” said Javik with an iron certainty. “Your name will be on the lips of people who have never met you for millennia.”
“That’s not really something I want.”
“And yet it is yours. Your burden, or your honor.” Javik touched the table gingerly, idly taking in the emotions of the patrons who had sat there in the past. He sighed heavily, “I wonder if it is the same with the hanar.”
“You don’t have to be anything you don’t want to be, Javik.” Shepard had stopped eating his food, leaning on his elbows again.
“Do you truly believe that is true about yourself?”
“Well… I suppose not. I can’t help what people think of me. And I can’t… exactly stop going to all the events and official functions. But I get to be more than that, too. I get to be a husband. I get to be a friend. I get to be retired.”
“How selfish to be the whole world to a people and still want to be more,” Javik almost smiled.
“Well, I figure the universe owes me at least that much, then!” Shepard laughed.
“To being a messiah, then:” Javik raised his glass. Shepard met him with his glass of orange juice. “And to being more.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
in mass effect canon, Javik’s people designate certain people as avatars of various abstract concepts, and he himself claims that he is the avatar of Vengeance.
the difficulty is that i honestly can’t think of a way to have that make sense here; this version of Javik has not had his society destroyed, at least of this writing, so he hasn’t gone through the same personality shifts. The idea for this portrayal of him was based on removing Javik from his traumatic circumstances and seeing him as the guy he would have been otherwise, warmongering conquerer and all.
now, I could make it so that Javik did come from one of the previous existing mega-empires I’ve mentioned in the past, and has revived its spirit in his Imperium, and is partly motivated by vindictiveness. the problem is that it still doesn’t fit, as he has no particular enemy to take vengeance ON; the chaotic setting itself causes the downfall of empires, and while there is some sort of secret society behind the chaos, its too dissolute for him to target. He has no one to blame or target.
So I’m thinking of designating him as an avatar of a completely different concept; such as Victory (which in canon, he names Shepard as, which may be a plot point here).
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benevolenterrancy · 5 years
They were soldiers, friends, comrades. He was an avatar. The last, final, angry throes of a people refusing to die, demanding vengeance. Who could understand that weight, that duty, that fury, that isolation?
Heavy with drink and the weight of being alone at a party, Javik finds himself gravitating towards the one person who just might.
because apparently even after ages of not doing anything in the mass effect fandom i still REALLY like this ship and felt ashamed that i’ve never posted a single one of my wips about them
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