#atzi the sunbearer trials
bl00d-1n-wat3r · 1 month
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Ignore my blanket I didnt feel like editing out the bg out lol
BUT LOOK, I’M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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madafanz · 11 days
Atzi & Xio being silly kidz (also i love fashion <3)
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Thingz about Xio’s fit:
-Heavily “quiet-emo-goth-anime-queer-art-middle schooler” coded (i was that kid lol) almost gave a beanie tbh I might in the future
-zip up skeleton face hoodie
-lots of Easter eggs with the patches on their boots
- twilight is their fave pony :D
Thingz about Atzi’s Fit:
- Beaded friendship necklace from Xochi (they match although I gotta go back and fix Xochi’s now😭)
-headcannon she does roller derby/ skates & has heelys on lol
-Rainbow dash is her fave pony
Both have braces bc they’re kids & I like braces lol
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mimi-croissant · 1 year
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A bunch of goofy shit posts as Sunbearer Trials characters
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cringefailbooknerd · 1 year
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Ya’ll think she feels bad about blasting Teo out of the sky? Just kidding. I want to draw the characters from The Sunbearer Trials but I’m going to make a quick sketch of all of them first! Atzi was the obvious choice to draw first.
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artemx746 · 2 months
Literally the sweetest girl you've ever met (has injured many) x trans boy who started the apocalypse
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MARINO, signing and speaking: Now what are the three stages of life?
XOCHI: birth
DEZI, signing: what the fuck is this
ATZI: death
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thegodofswag · 1 year
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Skipped ahead so I didn’t lose the idea lol
It’s rlly bad but it’s supposed to be atzi when she blasted teo out of the sky in the first trial.
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nervoustoastthing · 4 months
Toast, stop making me want to start another book!! I already have like five books that i‘ve started reading. I can’t take anymore!!
anyways, please don’t stop posting about the sun bearer trials. hopefully that will keep my enthusiasm for that book high enough to actually read it once i‘ve finished the pile of half-read books on my nightstand.
I love the Sunbearer trials and I love even more that I make you wanna read it! It’s written by Aiden Thomas and takes place in a mythical world where gods and demigods walk freely among mortals. The main character is a 17 year old trans boy named Theo, the son of Quetzal. The second book will be coming out in September <33.
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thesunbearer · 4 months
Can I request general hcs for ocelo?
Uh yes
I was thinking of doing a head cannons post for each character so give me everything you've got.
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toasted-valentine · 5 months
Spoilers for The Sunbearer Trials
Alright, since Celestial Monsters cover just got released, gonna share some theories I have, mostly centered around Xio.
•Xio’s power is vengeance due to his parent being Venganza and he wears a bracelet for good luck to either evade Mala Suerte’s powers or try and prevent his own from affecting people.
•When people’s eyes go black is Xio’s powers affecting them, Ocelo losing it because Teo taunted them and they wanted revenge, Aurestela attacking Teo cause she’s angry at him for keeping Aurelio’s attention, Atzi angry she’s losing, Xochi upset she didn’t get to the stones in time. Along with that, Xio tells the story of how when a couple girls in his class were making fun of his hair they both ended up getting really bad lice and having to shave their heads, Xio wanted revenge so it happened. His powers make bad things happen to people he’s upset at and causes people around him to become consumed with a want for vengeance.
•Throughout the book it’s hinted repeatedly that Xio is not Mala Suerte’s son. It’s pointed out that he’s the only one of the kid’s who doesn’t have straight black hair, during the second to last trial the floor tiles have Venganza’s symbol on them, Xio doesn’t go to see a doctor about transitioning.
•Xio doesn’t medically transition because his blood is black and it’d give away that he’s an obsidian.
•Xio was trying to lose the trials on purpose so he can free the obsidians, but his powers affecting the other contestants was making it harder since the trials search the hearts of a person and Xio is failing to keep them from becoming spiteful and vengeful.
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bl00d-1n-wat3r · 1 month
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keydav · 6 months
Hello, I'm currently reading (a little over halfway through) The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas and I have some predictions, so I wanted to make a post about them! And also then I have a timestamped place with these and I can show I had them before I finished the book xD Who would I need to prove it to and who would care that much?? Uh don't worry about that part, prediction time!!
Just to reiterate, these are predictions, I don't know what's going to happen in the rest of the book and the only spoilers here will be for the first half or so!
Okay, first, I don't think Aurelio is fireproof. There might be something else wonky about his powers that have to do with the arm bands he wears all the time (maybe they're conduits, like Atzi's rings???), but he definitely isn't fireproof. After the second trial, where they caught the alebrijes, Aurelio was presenting his, it spat fire at him, and he flinched. Which you wouldn't do if you're fireproof!
I think Xio is hiding something about his powers, cause he's always cagey about them when asked and all we know is he is unlucky. He also never actually answered why he has a azabache bracelet, so I wonder if that has to do with it? Also whenever something goes well for him he says something like "that was pretty lucky" which I think everyone waves away because his dad is the dios of Bad Luck, but I feel like has got to he something if he keeps saying it?
And then, finally, I think that Mala Suerte is kinda set up to seem like the surprise "bad guy", cause he's the dios of Bad Luck and the description of him having, like, oiled back hair and the strings of teeth he wears, but I also think that would be too obvious? If there is a "bad guy" (which, you know, who's to say, there doesn't have to be one) I think it's more likely to be Diosa Luna. Anytime there's a character who is, like, the only person who can interpret the deity who is in charge of everything, I get suspicious (hello, The Owl House), and just the fact that she's basically in charge of this system that we know is, and Teo himself has called out as being, messed up. I don't trust it!!! Also (slight non-specific spoilers for Cemetery Boys) Aiden had a "twist" bad guy in Cemetery Boys, so I could see them doing that again.
Anyway, that's all I got right now! Please don't tell me if I'm right or wrong, I don't want to be spoiled, I just wanted to get my predictions out there!!!
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catboywizard · 2 years
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My current lineup in violet. I’m not trying to minmax or anything, just trying to pick pokemon I like with a good variety of types. I’m really happy with it atm.
Azula’s my ceruledge and in the #2 spot (I think the naming choice should be pretty obvious lmao) I caught her ages ago as a charcadet and then spent quite a long time farming sinistea chips to get the armor I needed to evolve her. Normally the more human like bipedal pokemon weird me out, but she’s just so badass it doesn’t bother me.
Percy is my quaxly and my starter pokemon. I usually stick with my starter in my party through the whole game. Originally I chose weed cat cause it’s final evolution is the one I disliked least, but I liked quaxly the most of the original 3 and realized I could just give it an everstone, so I restarted the game like 3 hours in. If it was a girl, I wanted to name her katara, but I knew the chance of that was low. I did end up with a boy and I of course named him after the iconic percy jackson.
Wednesday is my mimikyu, currently at #4. Obviously named after queen wednesday addams. While the pokémon in my party I’m most attached to is sylvie, mimikyu is my favorite pokémon species. I had one in pokemon sword who I named coco after the animal crossing villager (if you’re unfamiliar, look her up and you’ll see why) but I didn’t want to give the same name to a different pokemon.
Wednesday is my mimikyu, currently at #4. Obviously named after queen wednesday addams. While the pokémon in my party I’m most attached to is sylvie, mimikyu is my favorite pokémon species. I had one in pokemon sword who I named coco after the animal crossing villager (if you’re unfamiliar, look her up and you’ll see why) but I didn’t want to give the same name to a different pokemon.
Next up is Atzi, my raichu. Raichu was my favorite pokemon for a long time, up until I met mimikyu. I really struggled looking for a name for her for a long time, I originally named her electra but was really not happy with that. There are so few electric lady characters out there! But eventually I remembered atzi from the incredible sunbearer trials by aiden thomas, one of the absolute best books I read this year. She’s kinda a minor character, but I just love that book so much I had to choose it. (photos below to hopefully convince y’all to read this book)
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Last but not least is the most recent edition to my party, Griffin, my ditto. I’m not gonna explain the name choice here, iykyk. I went back and forth trying to decide if I wanted a ditto on my party. I love the Pokémon, but for a long time I really wanted a grass type in that spot, but I just couldn’t find any I really clicked with. Eventually I just gave in and decided that ditto was the one that I wanted and I should just go for it instead of holding myself back.
So yeah, those are my current pokemon! I’m very attached to them lol. As for game progression, I’ve done 6 gyms, 4 titan pokemon, and only 2 of the team star guys. But I’ve been doing so much exploring and collecting stuff that I’m pretty overleveled lmao. I understand why people complain about the technical glitches, but I’ve spent literally thousands of hours playing sims 3, so they don’t really phase me much. Overall I highly highly recommend the game, I have been having a fucking bast.
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cringefailbooknerd · 11 months
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Literally sold my soul to draw this but it’s the best thing I’ve ever draw :)
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kourtneyreilly · 2 years
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas is a five out of five stars. I loved it and it was hard to put down once the Trials started. The Golds who take part in the Trials are Ocelo, Marino, Twins: Auristela, Aurelio, Atzi, Xochi, Dezi and Niya. The Jades who takes part are Xio and our main character Teo Son of Quetzal. The Sunbearer Trials are trials that take place to decide who will be this decade's Sunbearer and who will be the one sacrificed in order to fuel the Sol Stone for the next ten years to keep the people safe from the Obsidians. The Obsidian God's were locked away when Sol sacrificed themselves to protect their people. If a sacrifice doesn't take place every ten years to refuel the stone they will be set free. The eight golds and two jades must compete in five Trials to see who Sol deems worthy enough of being Sunbearer and the one who is sacrificed to protect all others.
This boom had a lot of action which I loved and made it very interesting. I love books that are action packed. Some Trials were more interesting than the others. My favorite was probably the trial where Aurelio and Teo teamed up and won it. They were friends when little so it must have been nice being able to work together again. I also loved the animal one the animal that Teo collected was so cute. The trial they had to collect all the stones seems fun as well. The last one was pretty scary though especially Auristela's outburst at the end of it. By the end of the book I was crying. Teo, Nina and Xio were friends throughout the Trials but I always had a bad feeling about Xio. Something about him just seemed off. So I was surprised but not surprised by their betrayal at the end.
My least favorite character of the ten competitors was probably Ocelo. He just gives off bad vibes. It was Auristela at first to but I came to realize deep down she was just trying to protect her twin brother Aurelio and help him to become Sunbearer. She wanted this for him so their mom would deem him worthy and stop treating him so badly.
Outside the Trials my favorite scene was probably when Aurelio and Teo sneaked off the boat to get the candy to cheer up Niya. I loved when Aurelio touched Teo's wings it was cute. If you love books with God's, Goddesses, and their children I definitely recommend reading this. Also, I love the cover it fits the story perfectly.
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cringefailbooknerd · 10 months
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I like this a lot more than I like my first Xochi sketch
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