#atypical regression
zyrxs-circus · 4 months
Caregiver Tips: how to take care of an atypical regressor
Know what they need And what's the best way to find out? Asking them. What things do they like doing when they're little? What things make them feel bad? What would they like you to do? Some atypical regressors hate being reminded of how they're not their usual age, while some love it when you treat them like a little kid. Communicate with your little, and I assure you they'll be a lot happier.
What makes them atypical? Is it the age they regress to? Do they behave differently than most other regressors? Do they hate regressing? Do they not stand when people patronize them? Do they simply not like cutesy stuff? Depending on what it is, your little will need a different treatment. Talk to them, spend time with them, and see what makes them feel best.
Ask their boundaries What petnames can you call them? Do they want you to treat them like a baby, or like you do normally? Do they need strict rules, or they'd rather have more freedom? If you can, ask them this when they're big, just in case any question you make upsets them.
Make some rules Based on their boundaries and little age, they'll need different rules. Do Not use what typical caregivers use, because it'll likely be different. For example, when I'm little my cgs let me watch any horror movie, as long as it's not +18; this isn't because they're bad carers, but because I like horror and can handle it just fine even when little (although, I usually just watch Paw Patrol...XD). If your little likes something most other kids don't, and they won't get hurt by it, I say go ahead and let them do it! If you're concerned for their safety, you can be with them while they do. (Extra tip: if your little likes cursing, let them curse! It'll be worse to upset them by scolding them when they do (unless it makes You uncomfy ofc))
Reassure them Many atypical littles feel invalid, and really out of place in the agere community. You need to remind them how being different doesn't mean they're doing something wrong, and how you love them just the way they are. No matter what they like, how they talk, if their regressions helps them or triggers them...all littles are valid. No matter what<3
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This is the thing people find hard to get their head around. Gender ideology isn’t progressive, it’s extremely regressive. A girl who strays too far away from “Barbie” is regarded as “trans.” A boy who strays too far away from “G.I. Joe” is regarded as “trans.” Or at least the incoherent “nonbinary,” which is part of the trans “umbrella.”
You might think they’re kidding. They’re not.
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i am incredibly tired of what the conversation around “afab autism” has turned into. it’s important to spread awareness about people’s experiences with autism that don’t fit into the typical mold in the media, and to support those people because they are frequently not recognized by doctors due to having “atypical” signs of autism. but at this point, the discussion has turned into blatant gender essentialism, in which *all* people who were afab and *all* people who were amab can be fit into simple, undeniable categories due to socialization and biology. 
this is especially frustrating when it reinforces stereotypes about women (and let’s be honest, cis people often say afab when they really mean women), except this time in a progressive light. so-called “afab autism” is often presented as being somehow better than the traditional signs of autism that are associated by these people with those who were amab--people with the signs of afab autism are more sensitive, more honest, more moral, more loyal, etc. i see so many posts that make wild generalizations off of the symptoms lumped in as “afab autism” that neurodivergent people as a whole are more enlightened than neurotypicals due to high empathy, a sense of justice, and all the other signs described in the screenshot above.
i fit in an interesting place in this discussion (which is to say, i have no place) because i was afab but i display many more of the signs of typical “amab autism” (i hate to use this terminology so much bc it’s regressive, but i mean the assumptions that this segment of the autistic community associates with people who were amab). to respond to the broad generalizations of the screenshotted IG reel comment: i am sensitive to sounds and textures, i suspect i have alexithymia but have literally no way of knowing bc idk how others even experience emotions, i have low empathy, i have no appreciation for what is typically considered beautiful, i am sensitive to change, and i am that unfortunate person who plays devil’s advocate (not about serious issues, i don’t mean to give the wrong impression). 
because of the ways my autism presents itself as a person who was afab, i have been called cruel, selfish, callous, rude, you name it - all for not being able to think and feel in the socially acceptable way. so it’s extremely hurtful to feel the same sentiments coming from my own community, where i should feel supported rather than excluded and dismissed. especially when it’s all in the name of “positivity” for a group that i’m supposed to belong to, even when i don’t want to.
it’s true that autism can present differently in people who were afab, i don’t deny it. but the key word is *can* -- autistic people are not a monolith! and they are especially not a monolith that can fit easily into binary gender essentialist beliefs.
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black-butler-meta · 28 days
Why Ciel Being a Minor is Crucial
Something that constantly catches my attention as I read Black Butler is the emphasis on Ciel being a child. It’s brought up constantly in how other characters perceive him, and it also presents itself at times within his behaviors, particularly during traumatic events. It’s intentional and vital to the story and the themes and messages within it would not be the same if Ciel were an adult.
Ciel’s childlike nature and presentation is an integral part of the overall story and his development as a character. It serves three purposes:
It symbolizes that he is not yet past the trauma he endured when he was younger.
It serves to contrast against his more mature qualities and how others underestimate him because of it.
The presence of both mature and immature qualities provide symbolism for the transient stage of adolescence and how adults respond to it.
For the first point, Ciel’s persisting youth serves as a symbol of being stuck in one’s past trauma. He is thirteen years old, and yet he looks younger, likely due to his time in captivity where malnutrition was one of the many cruelties he endured. Additionally, he maintains some child-like characteristics within his personality and actions, such as being carried often by Sebastian, having Sebastian watch over him as he falls asleep, and an avoidance/ignorance around sex/sexuality. His childlike behavior is heightened during traumatic events, such as witnessing the slaughter of children within a replicated space of where his trauma occurred (Book of Circus arc), his near-death experience with Sebastian where he had to be forcibly restrained to receive treatment (Green Witch arc), as well as when he has PTSD nightmares. He comes across as very sheltered and avoidant of topics around sex, which at least partially correlates to his cultural upbringing within Victorian era England; however, his blatant lack of awareness of sexual topics/concerns pushes even beyond his cultural restrictions into the atypical (this will be expanded upon in a separate post).
Most, if not all, of these moments show a behavioral age regression in response to trauma. He may be 13 in the present, but the scared 10 year old still lives within him.
Age regression is typically divided into two types: voluntary and involuntary.
Ciel demonstrates both of these. He demonstrates voluntary age regression by allowing Sebastian to carry him around, as well as explicitly ordering him to watch over him while he sleeps. Although I’m not entirely sure on what are considered typical butler duties, one might even see the act of dressing and washing as babying, although this also seems an appropriate duty since I’m sure Ciel never had to dress himself as a young child. Still, none of us can deny that the act of dressing and washing are an intimate and personal form of care between Ciel and Sebastian, regardless of what side of the ship/no-ship fence you’re on. The number of frames/scenes of Ciel being dressed/undressed are evidence enough that these moments hold weight for both characters. Within all of these situations, Ciel is in control; he decides how he wants to be treated, and anyone who oversteps that boundary is met with hostility (e.g., Sebastian attempting to spoon feed him). By contrast, the involuntary age regression occurs during moments of trauma, which was already described above.
Either way, the childishness of Ciel communicates the message that while trauma may happen in a specific place and time, the impact of it is lifelong and takes years to overcome.
For the second point, it’s also important to recognize that while Ciel is childish in many ways, this youthfulness of him is always put in contrast to other aspects of him that are very mature. He’s an earl and has the responsibilities of an adult, the heaviest of which is to fulfill the Queen’s orders as her watchdog. Additionally, his intelligence and wry humor are very mature for his age, partially thanks to Sebastian’s influence and education - we saw on the flashbacks how little he knew at first and how much Sebastian had to teach him. If it weren’t for the childlike aspects present (physical smallness included), he could easily pass as an adult character.
The fact that he is technically a teenager and not a preadolescent is an important one. He knew early on that he would be perceived as a younger than he was due to his small stature. In order to carry out his vengeance, Ciel knew he had to integrate adult society. He had to work particularly hard to grow up as quickly as possible, which was why he allowed Sebastian to educate him so strictly. It worked; the queen recognized his position and maturity and allowed him to take his place as her watchdog, granting him the ability to pick up his father’s mantel and become part of the dark, seedy (and very adult) underworld.
However, it goes without saying that his youth is never forgotten amongst the adults that surround him. He is constantly looked at/treated as a child by others, including his enemies, and as such, they think they can either manipulate him or don’t see him as a threat. Ciel uses this to his advantage to best his enemies with his superior intelligence and Sebastian’s supernatural skills. He’s throwing their assumptions of him back into their faces. He isn’t a child; not anymore, and especially not after what he went through. Within the world of Black Butler, children are often treated as less than human, not worthy of respect or autonomy. They’re often compared to tools, dolls, or animals. Children are ‘things,’ created by adults and for adults. It’s a beautiful irony that it’s the cruelty of adults that has transformed Ciel into the very thing that’s going to destroy them (i.e., the adults responsible). Their hubris and the fact that they underestimate him due to his youth will be their downfall.
Of course, the conversation of whether Ciel is a child or adult is, in a way, a false dichotomy. The reality is that he exists somewhere in the middle; Ciel is neither fully a child nor fully an adult, and it’s this power struggle between his trauma and the world he lives in that provides symbolism for what it means to be an adolescent. Adolescence is a transitory period that is often overlooked or de-emphasized, particularly in western culture. Adolescence is often lumped in under the category of “child” with emphasis on the younger years of childhood, especially when it comes to topics of sex/sexuality (again, this will be discussed in a separate post). As such, there’s an invisible divide that exists in western culture between being a “child” and being an “adult.” This, of course, does adolescents a disservice, as adolescents are also going through major physiology changes, as well as dealing with a change in expectations from those around them. It’s a combination of adults restricting personal autonomy and self-identity for the adolescent paired with the pressure/expectation of the adolescent to behave as an adult and provide adult-level results.
This is what makes Ciel and Sebastian’s relationship so interesting. Due to the nature of the contract, Ciel is the one in control, rather than Sebastian. It’s a strangely balanced relationship between them, where Ciel is the master and Sebastian is the servant; and yet, at the same time, Sebastian is the mentor/guardian and Ciel is the mentee/apprentice. Sebastian is able to teach and establish rules that follow his role as his butler and play along with the game of upholding Victorian values (mostly), but in the end, Ciel is the one who has the final say on what happens. In this sense, their dynamic grants Ciel the autonomy and control that he craves, while also providing him with the support that he continues to need. In this way, Ciel is able to exist in both spaces at once: being a child in some ways, and being an adult in others. Both are central to who he is, and both are important.
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[PT: SympathyQueer]
SympathyQueer, a queer stance that does not give sympathy to the shitty people on this world. Bigots, Groomers, Predators, PRATS, etc. and does not welcome them into one’s own personal spaces. This stance is similar to Eepyqueer(link) where one does not wish to participate in discourse, and if someone chooses to drag them into it they will take actions such as blocking. (Emoji combo: 🔪❌)
Note: This term is based off the song Sympathy(link) by Luluyam.
This Stance is…
Pro-LGBT / Pro-Mogai / Pro-Liom
Pro Xenogenders and Neopronouns
Pro systems (in general)
Pro Alterhuman (of all forms)
Pro Atypical Dysphoria
Pro Age Regression
Pro Good Faith Idenities
Pro Paras (+ recovery for harmful paras)
Anti exclusion
Anti harm
This stance is NOT…
Pro Proshippers (and the many names)
Pro Radqueers
Pro TransID/TransX
Pro MUDs (those who coin mental disorders)
Pro Mixed/Pro Contact Harmful Paras
Pro harassment
For any form of bigoted groups
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[V1 ID: none yet]
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[V2 ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @blankqueer, @radiomogai, @liom-archive, and @accessmogai
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regal-rosebuds · 2 months
Who Is Regal Rosebuds?
ꔫ I am hosting a tea party, I assume that's what you're here for! Allow me to introduce myself:
ꔫ I am Rosie!! I use she/he/they, along with some neos, and identify as a little-leaning flip! You don't have to call me that though, I love love love nicknames! Call me whatever you'd like!!!
ꔫ My tea party has lots of different teas to taste and pastries to try!
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ꔫ Sometimes, when I'm big, I write posts educating people on age regression and terms involving it (a masterlist of those posts can be found here! Or I post comforting cg posts. Or even worksheets that I created!
ꔫ Sometimes, when I'm small, I post small things -- things I feel, things I think, things I'm doing! This often comes with a whole lot of stimboard and headcanon reblogs!
ꔫ I've been in the community for quite some time now, while I don't know everything, I feel that I know quite a bit! I love answering questions, please ask them! I've even helped run a few agere discord servers, and I own one right now! More on that in a bit!
ꔫ My likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. differ a lot between whether I am big or little! However, here are a few things that are consistent:
I love a royal aesthetic! Princesses, princes, knights, gold, castles, etc.
And I love to chat!
ꔫ Some stuff about big me:
I am 18 years old and studying biology in uni!
I'm an avid anime watcher, kdrama watcher, and reader!
I game A LOT.
I think of myself as well-spoken/written, caring, outgoing, detail oriented and as a leader!
ꔫ Some stuff about small me:
My small age is quite variable, but it typically falls around 3!
Some animals I get associated with when small are mouse, bunny and koi fish!
I typically get a bit more soft-spoken/written, sensitive, and needing leadership!
While I'm definitely big on "typical" little stuff like Bluey, coloring, and stuffed animals, I also have a variety of "atypical" interests which are usually just what I am currently into while big but in the lens of someone tiny!
ꔫ Pint-Sized Palace (or PSP) is my age regression discord server! As you may be able to tell, there is a medieval fantasy theme! There is a link on my blog with an invite! Truthfully, right now, it is very small and often times quiet, but I hope to foster a good community that I can be proud of! All of the staff have worked in agere servers before and we'd love to have you.
ꔫ My asks are always open and I encourage you to use them, even if it is just to say hi! This also goes for my reblogs, comments, and messages! I'd love to make some tumblr friends and, more specifically, some agere friends!
ꔫ If you have read this far, thank you very much! I did not anticipate to be so long-winded with this, but that's alright. Anyhow, I'm excited to continue on with my posts and hope that you all may get to know me better as well!
ꔫ P.S. Don't feel obligated at all, but this is my Ko-Fi! I appreciate you!
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redacted-coiner · 6 months
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Arisso70scade & Arisso80scade
[PT: Arisso70scade & Arisso80scade]
Arissocade(link) subterms specifically under Arissocade where you feel like / wish you were in the 70s/80s caused by an involuntary disconnect due to alterhumanity, psychosis, IRL Attachments, being an alter that differs from the body, age regression, atypical dysphoria, etc. This is not a for "fun" label or a voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️", this also doesn't override the external decade you live in and is to merely acknowledge the disconnect.
These identities are NOT transid or radqueer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, races, or disorders. (Because these terms also understand you can't change these things).
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[Arisso70scade ID: none yet]
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[Arisso80scade ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @arissodic-archive, @acetrappolaswife, @kiruliom, @lovesongmogai
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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I've never been able to find flags representing general identity dysphoria and identity euphoria, there are ones for specific identity dysphorias and identity euphorias (gender dysphoria and euphoria, and for atypical (identity) dysphoria) but none for general identity dysphoria/euphoria/incongruence. So I made some.
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identity incongruence and identity concurrence
Identity incongruence refers to a disconnect between someone's identity and their body, how they are perceived, and/or how they think and behave.
The yellow on the flag represents social (identity) incongruence, which refers to the disconnect between how one is seen and treated by others and their identity.
The light red/pink represents body/physical (identity) incongruence, the disconnect between one's identity and the body their in, this may how the body looks, functions, or both.
The blue represents mental/mind (identity) incongruence, the feel that one's own thoughts, actions, and/or emotions don't align "correctly" with one's identity.
The gray represents general feelings of disconnection.
The purple is for sense of self
The identity concurrence flag is just the colors inverted and messed around with. The addition of black and white represents absence of disconnection. Identity concurrence does not necessarily mean someone is experiencing identity euphoria. Identity concurrence is just the absence of disconnect, it can feel like basically nothing to some people.
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Low, middle, and high identity euphoria
identity euphoria, refers to a positive feeling someone may get when their body, how they are perceived, and/or how they think and behave aligns with their identity.
the colors are yellow for social (identity) euphoria, red for body/physical (identity) euphoria, mental/mind (identity) euphoria. The gray was changed to a purple to represent feelings of harmony with one's self. The increasing saturation is for increasing levels of identity euphoria.
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Fluctuating identity euphoria and No/absent identity euphoria
Fluctuating identity euphoria is when someone's levels of identity euphoria change, and/or what they are experiencing identity euphoria about changes.
The no/absent identity euphoria flag, is basically the same story as the identity concurrence flag, however I made it dark and muted.
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Mild, moderate, and severe identity dysphoria
identity dysphoria, refers to distresses and discomfort someone may get from feeling like their identity and body, how they are perceived, and/or how they think and behave are at odds.
the colors are yellow for social (identity) dysphoria, red for body/physical (identity) dysphoria, mental/mind (identity) dysphoria. The increasing darkness is for increasing levels of identity dysphoria.
It's worth noting that while identity incongruence is often the reason for identity dysphoria they are not the same thing, as identity dysphoria specifically refers to distresses and discomfort, that identity incongruence by its self does not have.
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Fluctuating identity dysphoria and No/absent identity dysphoria
Fluctuating identity dysphoria is when someone's levels of identity dysphoria change, and/or what they are experiencing identity dysphoria about changes.
The no/absent identity dysphoria flag, is basically the same story as the identity concurrence flag, however I made it brighter.
These flags were made with our system in mind and our experiences with identity dysphoria, however they can be used by anyone with that finds they helpful. Such as but not limited to other's in systems, trans singlets, otherkin and similar, age and pet regressers/dreamers, people with atypical (identity) dysphoria, dysphoric cis people, and many more.
HOWEVER DO NOT USE THESE FLAGS IF YOU CALL YOURSELF "transrace", "transabled", "transharmful", or any similar labels.
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zyrxs-circus · 4 months
Shoutout to regressors who are So Uncomfortable with regressing they try their best to avoid it every time
You're doing your best, and I'm proud of you
You're allowed to be tiny, but you're also allowed to not want to. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise<33
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thelogicalghost · 1 month
okay someone needs to fucking explain Fallout worldbuilding to me
I'm a writer and my friends and I get maybe a little obsessed with worldbuilding. Like, famously had a three hour heated argument over theoretical Chinese empirical expansion, obsessed. So I tend to think a lot about worldbuilding when I interact with fiction.
I never played the Fallout games as a kid, I know, sue me, but there was cultural osmosis cause I'm still a video game nerd who hangs out with other video game nerds. So I understood that Fallout takes place in a post-nuclear-MAD world with a 50's aesthetic. You get some scifi elements but it's all that old "classic" scifi stuff like robot butlers.
I assumed, therefore, that the Fallout series takes place in an alternate universe where the Cold War went hot. At the most, maybe it was, like 1975? And the people who designed the Vault stuff were just Old and liked The Good Old Days.
So I was watching the new TV show with my husband when he says, casually, that in Fallout, the nuclear apocalypse happened in 2070.
According to the Fallout universe, technology just ... went in a different direction after the Space Race, with little to no improvement in communications (so no cable TV or fax machines or internet) but had other big developments, like putting a colony on the Moon, and a lot of biomedical research, and robots with varying levels of AI.
This is absolutely bonkers.
But imo what's worse is the idea that culture either completely stagnated for over a century, or we hit a period of regression/nostalgia so hard it was virtually indistinguishable from that earlier time.
I'm sorry, but Fallout writers, what the actual fuck?!?
Let me list some of the immediately problems I see with this:
If you're saying all the scientists on earth focused entirely on robotics and medical technology, that STILL. DOES NOT. COVER. 120 YEARS. OF DEVELOPMENT. Especially in a modern fictional context!!!
Technological advancements drive cultural change, which drives technology. Even if we didn't get smartphones, there were changes, and even the most heavily nostalgic conservatives are not going to be the same now as they were 120 years ago. They might be worse, but still, they're going to be different.
Not to mention the culture that built the Vaults is one that's been living in a state of perpetual Cold War for multiple generations. They may be nostalgic for post-WWII picket fences, but that wistfulness is going to feel incredibly different than the relentless optimism that's at the core of the 1950's aesthetic.
This is also absolutely the wrong time period to pick if you're arbitrarily going to decide modern communication methods were never invented. The Cold War was a critical factor in the need for improved security of classified communication, as well as the quality and accessibility of propaganda. IMO a USA that never left the Cold War would have building-sized TV screen billboard ads before the personal home computer.
(funny enough the boom for chemical and biochemical science was already over at this point. There's a saying that WWI was the Chemists' War, and WWII was the Physicists' War, and that's very reflective of where innovators were looking, where funding was going, and thus, what technologies were being developed.)
The weirdest thing about all of this to me is that this is so atypical of all the genres Fallout is leaning on. The 1940's scifi aesthetic at the core of this concept is optimistic exactly because it came before the existential dread of the Cold War; it was that dread, in part, that punctured the post-war dream. Steampunk settings sometimes leap forward a century or two without technological advancement, but the cultural setting of Victorian England is very different and it's plausible that if ideas of the era like "aether" had been proven true, technology would have developed very differently. Then newer genres like Cyberpunk, the ones that came during and after the Cold War, almost always demonstrate how cultures have influenced each other, because the authors of the developing scifi genre had started to realize the future would be shaped by more than just ray guns and spaceships.
So yeah, it absolutely boggles my mind that this is a choice the Fallout writers made and have stuck to faithfully.
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By: Colin Wright
Published: Sep 22, 2022
The number of young Americans who describe themselves as “transgender” has exploded over the past decade, increasing by a factor of 20 to 40, according to gender clinic referral data and a recent Williams Institute report based on surveys by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Why? Jody Herman, author of the report, calls that a “bewildering question.” Clinical psychologist Erica Anderson tweeted that the surge “defies explanation. . . . Something is going on that we don’t yet understand.”
The two leading explanations are greater social acceptance and social contagion. Both are likely contributing factors, but I think the main reason is simpler. It comes down to a change in terminology.
Until recently, the term “transsexual” referred to people with a cross-sex identity, a desire to be the opposite sex or even a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. “Transgender,” the favored term now, is far broader. It encompasses mere nonconformity with rigid traditional sex roles. If you’re a tomboy or a feminine boy—if your expression or behavior is different from what is “typically associated” with your sex based on “traditional expectations”—you’re transgender. No wonder so many young people think they need medical help to “correct” their sex.
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This idea is propagated by important scientific and medical organizations:
• Planned Parenthood provides services to transgender patients at all its locations, and in 2020 described itself as America’s “second largest provider of gender affirming hormone care.” Its website defines “gender” as “a social and legal status, and set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts” and asserts that “it’s more about how you’re expected to act, because of your sex.” The “gender binary” is defined as “the idea that gender is strictly an either/or option of male/men/masculine or female/woman/feminine based on sex assigned at birth,” and “nonbinary” as a “rejection of the gender binary’s assumption that gender is strictly an either/or option of male/man/masculine or female/woman/feminine based on sex assigned at birth.”
• The American Psychological Association, which establishes the norms for clinical practice in the U.S., defines “transgender” as “an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.” The Endocrine Society, the world’s oldest and largest organization dedicated to practice and research in hormonal medicine, uses almost identical language. So does the American Psychiatric Association, whose definition of “gender expression” is “the outward manifestation of a person’s gender, which may or may not reflect their inner gender identity based on traditional expectations.”
• The CDC, which purports to be “the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health,” defines “transgender” as “an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity or expression (masculine, feminine, other) is different from their sex (male, female) at birth.”
Hospitals don’t even hide that they are medicalizing nonconformity. The Gender Affirming Health Program at the University of California San Francisco describes the “hormonal and surgical transition” considerations for “people who do not live within the binary gender narrative,” which they say includes people who identify as “genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and gender nonbinary.” The Children’s Hospital of Chicago says its patients include “gender expansive or gender non-conforming children,” which it defines as “children and adolescents who exhibit behavior that is not typical of their assigned birth sex.”
The equating of sex nonconformity with transgenderism arose incrementally, through a complicated regulatory process involving court decisions and bureaucratic guidelines that were presided over by transgender interest groups. Borrowed from the women’s legal movement, the nonconformity framing was designed in the early 2000s and solidified during the Obama era to empower judges and bureaucrats at the federal Office for Civil Rights to bypass rulemaking procedures and force schools, on penalty of violating Title IX, to defer to their students’ gender self-identification.
We should treat children who are different with compassion and acceptance. Transgender ideology does the opposite. When children say they’re transgender, that frequently prompts a visit to a gender clinic where a “gender-affirming” therapist may prescribe puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and even surgery to “fix” this perceived misalignment between “gender identity” (i.e., social roles and stereotypes) and the child’s biological sex.
As an ideological matter alone, this is regressive in the extreme. It repudiates decades of work by women’s-rights activists who rightfully gauged such notions as sexist and oppressive and fought to free nonconformists from social stigma. Subjecting children to body-altering surgery and drugs is a medical scandal of horrifying proportions.
[ Via: https://archive.ph/JLgus ]
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Religionists don’t like it when you quote their own scripture back at them.
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wordy-little-witch · 12 days
More age regression stuff for One Piece
Now with additional stuff!!!!
Buggy's favored activities while regressed are most definitely atypical. He doesn't have a set age range, given that he... honestly had to grow up so quickly even before Roger swept him into his fold, he doesn't know. All he does know is that sometimes words and coordination are harder, sometimes he'll be more stable, sometimes he's needy, but all the time he's ever so slightly on edge in some capacity. At best he's one mistake from a meltdown; at worst, he's a feral critter.
He really really really loves the trapeze. Big or Little, the motion and feelings are AMAZING. If Buggy is small and you can't find him, he's either hiding somewhere dark and small or he's high off the ground.
He's also a stimmy baby. Textures and colors and lights and motions, he's thriving. But once he hits his input limit, he hits it hard and it's explosive. It takes time for him to realize when Enough is Enough. ((Mihawk is the one to clock that... maybe this is more than simple, typical sensory seeking behavior. Maybe it's self stimulation and self soothing as well. ((Mihawk, looking at Buggy: Fellow Autistic????))/hj))
Buggy has a Way with animals. Whether that way is Good or Bad varies seemingly on the most comical result, but Crocodile's fruitwanis have seemingly decided that Buggy is one of Theirs and it's as hilarious as it is adorable as it is mind boggling. ((Later on, the humandrills decide much the same to everyone's absolute exasperation and confusion.))
It actually took him a Very long time to be open to pacifiers. The concept was foreign to him and he made do up until that point anyway so why even bother? It only was actually attempted after Mihawk realized a lot of Buggy's quieter days coincided with gnawing on things like his toys or fingers or, on one memorable occasion, Crocodile's coat hem. The germs alone left the swordsman shivering in revulsion. First came a teether, which was wonderful. But sometimes he'd catch Buggy still Antsy and unable to communicate it.
One impulsive decision later, he is handing a box over to Buggy after a meeting with a comment along the lines of "I debated the logistics of this for a deal of time before committing - at any rate, here, I believe this may prove useful if you are amenable to trying."
And it's a soft lavender pacifier with little pastel circus designs painted and sealed on it. Buggy is stunned. Buggy is flustered. Buggy is confused.
He's not against it, though.
Turns out, once you get past the weird feeling of something new, it's Perfect. Buggy turns out to definitely be varied, but when he's on the smaller end so far as he or others can tell, he is definitely a binky baby.
That first one from Mihawk is definitely his favorite though.
Not that the rest are forgotten of course. Baby Bugs has a fan club and they fight for Bragging Rights /hj
His favorite - and, frankly, first age appropriate - toy for his regression came from Shanks who will lord it over everyone ever that HE was the first favorite for quite some time, barring a Captain Shaped Hole in both their hearts.
His favorite outfit is from Alvida, which is technically not an outfit at all and was initially a gag gift. It's women's pajama shorts - pastel pink with blue polka dots - and a sleep shirt a size or two too big, baby blue with pink comic sans font saying "Candy Queen" across the chest. Neither have tags and both are INCREDIBLY soft. Buggy loves them. Comfort for regressing is Required and he doesn't always have to have That One Outfit to be small, but he always wants soft clothes when he's little and, if given a chance, wants his "candy c'othes".
Cabaji and Mohji fight over it to this day over who gives the best books or stories. It's a tie, and nobody has the heart to tell them that Ritchie actually picks the best books while they argue loudly in the children's section of book stores.
Galdino faces no contest of best blanket giver. He knits them himself and only uses Buggy Approved Yarn, stolen ethically from marine bases. He also unofficially hosts the best tea parties. Yes, he's smug about it.
But Witchy, you may ask. What does that leave for Crocodile?
Buggy's favorite nap spot is Crocodile - or near him at the very least. It's difficult for him to explain no matter the headspace, but Crocodile is currently the closest and most familiar behavior to what he knows and remembers - in all of the good ways. Crocodile doesn't often raise his voice; he is firm but gentle when correcting something; he's big, warm, and he will not hesitate to scoop Buggy up like a toddler. He's also got that good, healthy muscle that is equal parts firm and soft, his sand is cozy, and he lets Buggy "steal" his coat for Mischief and also snuggles.
Mihawk is the best at surprise gifts, and, to the surprise of almost everyone - himself included - he's the best at games, snacks and actually getting Buggy to calm down or relax. If Bug's in a good mood already, Mihawk is the beat at keeping the mood up and keeping Buggy relatively safe and steady. On rougher days, the swordsman's efficient and quick actions are comfortably steadfast, and he handles Buggy's tantrums, meltdowns, etc with grace. And somehow, even on the worst of days, Mihawk is Buggy's PERSON.
((And, on days where things are a little fuzzier, when Buggy's lips are a little looser, he confesses how Mihawk reminds him of Rayleigh in the good ways, how Crocodile reminds him of Crocus, how Shanks reminds him of Roger - how each of them have all the good, safe things he associates with that time without the ickier bits.))
Buggy is spoiled, because he DESERVES to be ((and because I wish I was, so blorbo is next best thing-))
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antirqlacey · 5 months
Oh hi! I’m an anti rq with atypical dysphoria too! I got age dysphoria as well as species dysphoria, I hate that RQs think that you have to try and “transition” when there are other ways soothe dysphoria (eg. Age dysphoric = age regression, species dysphoric = fur suit paw gloves/boots etc.) without being racist, ableist and all round gross.
I hope you have a wonderful day ^w^
HELLO!! i also have age dysphoria and species dysphoria along with another type of atyp dysphoria that i’m not sure what to call it hsbsbs but i agree that “transitioning” shouldn’t be the 1# way to soothe dysphoria .. my ways of soothing are mainly age regression + dreaming , ocs,and chronosian terms and as for species i like to talk about my desired species with my friends (mainly all of them are nonhumans which makes it much easier to soothe my dysphoria) ^^
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granulesofsand · 3 months
Subspace with Programming
🗝️🏷️ RAMCOA/OEA, CSA, ACSA, sexual themes, references to EEGs.
TL;DR We’re looking for a way to build healthy relationships with alters who have no base of safe-enough. We think subspace, sexually and not, will help.
We went to a presentation about altered states in BDSM, and they pulled up an EEG of the drop into subspace. This specific one was of a person suspended by piercings, showing the brain activity going up for rigging and suspension, and then dropping from tall yellow to short red as they slipped into the fuzzy subby state.
The presenters talked about a spike a while after the change, and that for this person it was a moment of processing. They had been using their subspace to grieve, and that was the moment they ran a list of important people they’d lost.
We got to talk to the researchers when they finished presenting, and we asked about altered states in people with already atypical states (age regression, developmental delays, systems).
BDSM in Healing
The author of one of the only recovery books about OEA talks about why their CDD clients shouldn’t participate in BDSM, and we’ve taken issue with that for a while. Similar to how autistic people do well with proper BDSM, traumatized systems also benefit from learning negotiation and safer sexual practices.
We’ve spoken to our therapist about the grey areas where it might be better to stay away (if a system has poor communication, if system members will take on sex or pain as a job, if there isn’t control over switching during scenes), and we agreed that there was no one-size-fits-all for approaching sexuality.
Most systems have an absolute boundary of no sexual interaction for littlies. In the book, there were two contrary opinions about that. One was that any sexual encounter resembling what the young ones survived was bad, because there was no way to prevent leakage from whoever was doing it. That was the author, Alison Miller’s.
The other was that sexual NPCs had allowed the young ones to meet their sexual needs from trauma, and the children could then continue their age-appropriate development. That was a survivor story, and they created the NPCs to give safe-enough touch that eventually led into safe touch (with no sexual component).
And I still come at it from a harm reduction standpoint; letting inside kids participate in sexual activities shouldn’t be the first step, or the second or the third, but there’s only so many angles some systems can try before that’s the best option.
After this point, orange paragraphs are details of abuse.
Harm Reduction
Our left sidesystem doesn’t have many obvious littlies. The group we came from didn’t find value in children outside of exploitation, and we were assigned adult identities. It takes several layers of peeling to find the childlike states in most of us, so we didn’t have as much fear of accidentally getting a child in front for sex stuff.
The Left still has programming, but ours is more focused on external presentation (amnesia, silence, reporting), and the traumatized insiders are hidden away.
The right side, however, is child-heavy. They also appear to be adults, but they know their actual ages are younger. The right is where our ‘good’ alters were placed, and that refers to the trafficked and ritually abused kids. The ones who respond to cues, who fit perfectly into the role the perps wanted.
Some of the young ones on the right are the sexualized pets, dancers, royalty. Also worth noting are the clumps of shattered fragments; the organs, the rotting body parts, the broken dolls. The majority of the Horrors (tm) happened to people on this side, and they’re all so heavily programmed that they continue responding when called.
Cues and Triggers
The ‘perfect’ ones, who weren’t shattered, show up at front for themes of bestiality, CSEM, and torturous sex. Since building trust, we’ve discovered who comes out for what (there’s a curtain of mist or smoke when people are hiding). We don’t try to expose them to any of those things, but there are situations that draw them out by similarity.
One of the most shameful events we’ve made front-accessible is when our family brought home the dog they have now. We were maybe 12 when it happened, in our bedroom, and we have the memory because a left-side alter wasn’t fully kicked from front. The dog was a puppy, he jumped on everything before he learned better. He was big enough for our size, and he hit a pressure point that cued out a younger alter. They got into position, expecting there to be adults with cameras to guide the encounter.
We were fully clothed for that, nobody else in the room, and the puppy wasn’t trained to do anything about it. The littlie was confused, the puppy was confused, the left alter was confused, and that was it. The puppy was immediately distracted by a noise outside, so we opened the bedroom door and he took off.
This happens with the littlies we can’t talk to unless they’re in the fronting realm, and who can only stay in the fronting realm while they have an active trigger. We have interventions, but those are focused on the safety of the ones we find. We don’t have a reliable means of encouraging alters to remain safe and work on their behaviors.
We’ve gotten better at having notecards and alarms that redirect them to notebooks and apps, and we have them learn how to summon a few creature alters to talk. More and more of the people on the right are working with us, talking to others and banding together.
Before BDSM
Once they start deprogramming, we look for the structures and controls that prevent them from moving around. After that, we bring them to a safe subrealm of wherever they were, have them decide what changes they want (while the older ones look into what changes they need), and rebuild their area. Sometimes we have to move them elsewhere because of environmental risks or other alters trying to reprogram in their area.
Movement is the easiest for us because we don’t have many low-level alters who care to stay as they were. Once we demonstrate safe communication, they pick it up on their own time.
It comes back to sexuality and trauma. We don’t make anyone do trauma work before they want to (or aren’t resistant to the idea), and that leaves some of us with programmed urges. There are rules specific to every area, which is why some of them are still actively violent, and try to herd people into healthier mindsets for every iteration.
It’s hard. We’ve tried forcing people into therapy (which went badly with every plan we’ve implemented), having them talk with a mediator (it’s apparently subcultural), banning violence (worked temporarily until they found workarounds), and restraining people (we can do it if they allow it, otherwise Big No).
Why We’re Considering It
Some of us (not just the young ones) seek out unhealthy dynamics, or have problems we can’t solve before each person is ready. Once we start, it looks like doing system therapy for that alter’s subsystem, and sometimes for the nested subsystems — which is the same process but on a plane none of us see.
We need genuine cooperation, or at least benevolent deceit. So we’ve been thinking about what that BDSM research would do for us, internally interpersonally and with NPCs. It would be the most developmentally appropriate alters first, seeing how altered states bode with our subsystem switching (I don’t think we can accidentally summon the littlies to internal places), maybe trying to use the university’s EEG equipment.
Then, if that goes well, trying the NPCs with safe-enough versions of what the older ones were doing (aiming to avoid sexual exposure beyond the environmental cues they already know).
There’s so many of us. Probably all of us have young self-states, and there are at least a few hundred actual littlies. The idea is to get the altered state that helps processing, led by another insider (or NPC). It’s harm reduction compared to how they are when we find them and how they remain before heavy healing. This might be a road to recovery without the same pits of previous diversions. Then we can get to the phase of actually educating them and showing them choices in states where they really get to choose.
Thinking feels like catching eels, so I’m gonna end this here. Point is, subspace sounds cool and we want to try it sexually for adults and nonsexually for children. We’ve had progress with pseudo-sexual methods with sexual alters before. Wish us luck.
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redacted-coiner · 6 months
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[PT: Arissovicade]
Arissocade(link) subterms specifically under Arissocade where you feel like / wish you were in the Victorian era caused by an involuntary disconnect due to alterhumanity, psychosis, IRL Attachments, being an alter that differs from the body, age regression, atypical dysphoria, etc. This is not a for "fun" label or a voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️", this also doesn't override the external decade you live in and is to merely acknowledge the disconnect.
These identities are NOT transid or radqueer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, races, or disorders. (Because these terms also understand you can't change these things).
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @arissodic-archive, @acetrappolaswife, @kiruliom, @lovesongmogai
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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pineappleciders · 1 year
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(all 'rw omori gangs' include mari!)
rw omori gang walking in on mom friend reader s/hing
reader confessing they relapsed to rw omori gang
rw omori gang with a sick reader
rw omori gang (minus mari) with an S/O who has bad luck with stairs
rw omori gang with a telekinetic S/O
rw sunny and basil with an S/O who likes to tease
rw mari and aubrey with a famous singer S/O
aubrey with an aristocratic S/O
rw omori gang when reader is trying to act tough before a scary movie
post omori route sunny with a reader who understands him
mari comforting her crying S/O
sunny and basil with a past hikkikomori S/O
hero, basil, and sunny with an S/O who has separation anxiety
rw omori gang with a teenage parent S/O
basil with a type one diabetic S/O
rw omori gang reacting to their crush liking somebody else
mari, aubrey, kel, and hero walking in on reader s/hing
rw omori gang with an S/O who was handicapped from an accident
kel, hero, and aubrey confessing to their crush
basil with an intelligent and pretty crush
kel with an S/O who loves nature
sunny, aubrey, kel, and hero with a reader who is fascinated with death
aubrey with a fem S/O who has anxiety
rw omori gang comforting their S/O on their period
rw omori gang walking in on reader trying to cry quietly
rw omori gang with a kind and understanding S/O
rw omori gang with a rich reader who spoils them
hero with an S/O who has BPD
rw omori characters (minus mari) with a reader who develops tics after the incident
rw omori gang with a tall reader
daphne with a crush who's a regular at the bakery
omori, sunny, and hero with a reader who acts like sweetheart
rw omori gang + kim with an S/O who has ADHD
sunny with a reader/S/O who age/pet regresses
rw omori gang with a S/O who has verbally abusive parents
rw omori gang with a S/O who collects trinkets and doodads
kel with an S/O who is head over heels in love
confessing to daphne
sunny, hero, and basil with a reader in atypical anorexia recovery
rw omori gang with a reader who loves video games
daphne and bowen relationship headcanons
sunny with an S/O who loves acting and musical theatre
capt. spaceboy x rococo x reader hcs
basil with a suicidal/depressed reader
reader who is an older sibling figure to kel, aubrey, basil, and sunny
mari, basil, hero, and sunny with a hospitalized S/O
rw omori gang with a slow reader
rw oblivious!basil x reader
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kel/basil crush headcanons
kel/basil playing basketball
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rw omori gang reacting to mari's ghost
how i think rw omori gang would draw themselves
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