#ask to tag further I guess
unendingexhaustion · 9 months
damn girl they weren’t kidding! that rigor can mortis!
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bionicboxes · 29 days
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a man with no name died last night and i woke up wearing his face
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belfryprepz · 3 months
Me and my gf got into a bad car accident today
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 4 months
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working on a lil something tee hee
+ a lil bonus butterfly kevin
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hibiscus-ships · 5 months
Btw, I'm sorry if I haven't been engaging with a whole lot of promos as of late. I make an effort to not be negative about ✨️The Community™️✨️ on main, but I will admit that I've been hesitant to engage with core parts of it due to a couple of incidents earlier last year. Thankfully, none of it directly involved me, but it's still like... yeesh. Being needlessly cruel to real human beings with feelings over fictional characters shouldn't be acceptable. And yet it sometimes feels like that's just normal here. 🌺
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gratisdiamanten · 5 months
Your Jos lore is the most fascinating thing in this whole f1 fandom 🙏💕 because there are so many people who jump into conclusions, just from the little mainstream facts.
But you indeed go into treasure hunt to collect the best facts
Ah thanks! I do it for the fun of it, nothing better than picking out something new.
To be clear I don’t even like him much after the end of his f1 career when his viciousness seems to poke through more and more. Overall I still think he’s a pretty shit person, but monsters are a thing in fairytales and Jos is not from a fairytale, he’s a real person who had a brutal childhood. Despite his best intentions towards Max he was still an abuser—that’s a real thing that happens, you don’t even have to be entirely malicious to harm your child deeply and repeatedly. I don’t dig into the domestic abuse records with his partners but there are those as well.
Ultimately I like to humanize people because it can show nuance because life is complicated and (presumably) we’re all adults here. There are also personal sources of interest for me that I don’t discuss broadly!
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cannibalisticskittles · 9 months
okay wait actually instead of falling into their camp, she probably lands in some random spot in the shadow-cursed lands bc its connection to the feywild is currently all fucked up
makes her way to the last light inn because it seems like the best place to find more information -- the only spot that might have actual, living people, really. meets jaheira. "oh my gods it's jaheira, hiiiii jaheira i love your work"
immediately involves herself in their problems because she Just Can't Fucking Help Herself. she hears that some refugees got snatched up by cultists, and that's all she needs to know; point her in the general direction, and off she'll go
so symon and company rock up to moonrise towers and start exploring until they're stopped by some half-elf guard who's really insistent that they don't go beyond this door they're guarding and come into the room with them, and the party is secretly ready to come to blows over it bc hey, they need to do shit here, when the guard stops and just says "wait -- dad???"
opens the door, pulls off their helmet, says "oh, thank gods, i was sick of wearing this face." swipes a hand across their face, dispels their disguise, and there's a bloody little tiefling standing there instead
"i have been looking for you EVERYWHERE, what happened?? actually wait, let's talk about this later, there's more important business right now"
opens the door and there's a small pile of burned bodies that she's been trying to drag out of sight
"the people i'm looking for are a floor down but i was, um, a bit less discreet than i meant to be and i haven't been able to make my way down there yet. could use some help with this, if you've a moment to spare. either hiding or storming the rest of the castle, i'm not picky! :)"
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akkivee · 1 year
hello!! i hope you're doing well! i used to be a huge hypmic fan. i mean, i still am! but, i've had other interests of mine occupy my brain for a while, and so i haven't interacted with it or the fandom. i always loved hearing your thoughts on the series, though, and since i've heard about season 2 of the anime coming out, i wanna dive headfirst into again! so, if you don't mind me asking, is there anything i've missed? the last thing i really remember happening was the mixed up drama track.
well!!! welcome back into the fray!!!!
fortunately mixed up was the last bit of canon that happened before it had restarted!! and so, to know where we currently stand, do listen to the chuuoku drama track, no one lives forever (translation)!!!!! the anime takes place after the 2nd drb, so while we aren’t sure if the anime will take place within canon, knowing what has happened might help once we get more info about the anime!!!
i also recommend catching up with the manga!!! tho the details are a little iffy for some, we finally got to see nagosaka’s hypnosis abilities in action!!! you can read the summaries on slug’s twitter, but their abilities are:
📿: can seal one person’s ability for the entirety of the battle
🌙: details are unclear but it is a very powerful attack that may have recoil
⚖️: can send abilities right back at the person, or deflect some damage if too powerful
🎋: causes enemies to laugh, making their raps very weak
🍮: uploads information about the opponent to his team’s brains so they know the right words to make their raps more effective
0️⃣: a future plant ability that gives him the power to control an enemy at a later time
if you enjoyed the stage, i don’t really remember where the stage was by mixed up, gomen 🙇‍♀️ but we’re entering the championship round in the stage with bb vs bat vs mtc which is dope imo lmao
happy re-establishing brain rot lmao 🤗
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catzgam3rz · 1 year
Ah welcome new honorary American/ j
Oh sweet know I can finally learn what the fabled “pep rally” and “homecoming” are (they are in the same vein as icecream truck in terms of being real to me I guess)
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
y’all have GOT to stop using ‘psycho’ & ‘psychotic’ when you mean ‘evil’ 🤡 it’s especially sus when people use it to talk about azula, a character who legitimately has a psychotic break of some kind. people who are psychotic & have experienced psychosis can see you. at some point it stops being about the cartoon villain & starts being about ableism in your language & views
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uglycourage · 2 years
I am officially on Hiatus from MIFIRA.
But, this is not new information. It just puts a name to the past few months of absence as well as where I'm at currently regarding the story
The lack of a laptop has been a bigger setback than I could have ever anticipated. Remember me saying a few months back that I looked forward to seeing how my writing differs when I'm hand-writing everything? I was so optimistic, so naive ... The reality is my thoughts rush almost constantly, always have. A keyboard can keep up with that, my hand and pen can not. Especially when I'm so deep into a story that already has an established flow to it
Beyond the above, what it also boils down to is -- its been impossible to come up with anything. I reread the story, I look at and add to my notes/outline. All of this, numerous times. Over and over again. The flow and motivation simply doesn't come, and I know better than to try and force it
Rest assured, the headspace for this story is not gone, it just doesnt want to come out.
I find that these sorts of things have a way of cycling back around. Maybe the less I try to chase after it, the better chances are of it returning?
In the meantime, I've lost myself to a brand new hyperfixation... a German mountain of a man I didn't know anything about prior to a month ago. Hoooooooly balls have I lost myself! I didn't think I could daydream about someone else as frequently, intensely or romantically as I do Mr. Ledger, but this is not the case, as I've so thoroughly learned
Maybe this is a good thing as it'll give Mr. Ledger a rest from my imagination so he can return as the Joker with a vengeance when I least expect it
I do believe in hyperfixation burn out... thinking or relying on someone or something so strongly and intensely that you not only lose interest in them/it quicker, but it ends abruptly and without warning. Mr. Ledger has been a daydream companion since he passed in 2008, popping in and out of my imagination and thoughts at his leisure
He's been working overtime the last 3 years. He needs a break.
I have no doubt he'll return
Does this all make sense? Or am I weirding you out?
((On an irrelevant side note, I finally figured out why I am the way I am. The mental health journey I embarked on this year isn't going the way I expected at all, but I'd never have learned the things I have about myself if the road wasn't so non-linear. If you're on a similar journey too, don't give up. Sometimes a breakthrough arrives just when you need it most)).
Back to this post-- I am writing bits and pieces of a story for my current hyperfixation, and there is a good chance I'll be posting that story when the time is right (if I can ever get over the cringe I personally feel writing RPF)
I'm mentioning all this for the sole purpose of reassuring you I've NOT abandoned MIFIRA, I've not banished it to the pits of hell, I've not assumed my uglycourage 2.0 form that has a persistent case of amnesia... ...err... um... err... what was I saying... beep boop, sneep snoop... doo doo doo... where am I , what year is it, WHO A R E Y. O. U. P E O P LE
Recap. My pulse still beats. I am officially on Hiatus from MIFIRA. New German guy hyperfixation make my brain and loins go brrrrrr! I'll probably pursue the story I have in mind. Doesn't mean I've abandoned MIFIRA. It's just that the focus/attention/motivation/flow is not there
I would rather write something than nothing at all, because at least then I'm working out that muscle. So, when Ch. 45 finally is ready to write, it will hopefully be a more seamless transition into it
I am sorry the news isn't better. I'm sorry my focus has a willpower of its own. But your girl hasn't forgotten you, your support, or this story
I'm Rick Astley, bitches.
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thecherrygod · 2 years
i am. making a mistake
#my posts#im. very depressed. in a bad state. and also ill and unsure if im actually becoming feverish. and its midnight#i. am struggling emotionally and with a class and with motivation and i guess im also underwhelmed#like i have. shit to do. and things id rather be doing. im doing none im just sitting there feeling useless#i. just told a classmate i didnt start my assignment at all yet not even read the material#and he said it makes sense you were a bit sick im sure youll feel better and be able to do it#and i told him that hes wrong bc i would have been able to at least read the material before getting sick#and that if i was doing okay i would still be in the same situation#i. i dont. think i should be having this conversation with him#i dont. know why im doing this. i want to kms#i mean he has talked to me once when he was struggling he broke the mental illness barrier but i dont think i should be passing it either#i feel like i should stop saying whatever the fuck i am saying idk why i started idk if its too late for that#editing my tags to ad more bc i dont want to make another postabout this#yes i made a mistake. idk how to reply without going further into the conversation#'you could do what you told me and do the text to speech thing you sometimes do when you struggle to focus' my guy. my man. i cant#idk what to tell him that isnt an 'i cant even start that i can only open the documents i cant do more than that' i made a mistake#idk how to lie my way out of this idk how to just say 'yeah i should do that' or something and thats it#i mean i guess i do want to have someone to tell them how im actually doing but i dont. think its the right thing to do#also i want to throw up and cry and die and if i knew where our thermometers were id check my temperature#yeah my brain is barely working so since i feel my options are actually answer or ask him to forget i asked#i am asking him to forget i asked#i do feel awful and stupid but i dont think actually replying is good and i dont have another way to do so
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sugutiva · 3 months
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— SYNOPSIS : classic overstimulation with jjk men.
— TAGS : gojo/geto/choso/toji x reader, smut, p in v, fingering, squirting (geto’s), size kink, dacryphilla, hair pulling, dirty talk, cream pie, unprotected sex, cursing, all lowercase intended !
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“ a sight i’ll never get sick of…” gojo snickers to himself. taking in the sight of his sticky cum that he plastered on the display and dips of your back. some ropes of cum trickle from your spine to the crack of your ass.
his cerulean eyes then travel back to your small body; shaking from the aftershock of your orgasm. “ tsk tsk, hope yer’ not too fucked out for me…” his big hand made home on your hip, while his other tapped your swollen mound with his tip.
all senses came crashing back to you when he slowly, but surely stuffs himself back in the expanse of your cunt. “ satoru…” your kiss-bruised lips grunt out. every nerve of your body felt like it was alive and blazing on fire.
sticky fat globs of cum trickles down to the base of your plump ass to your thighs and everytime satoru’s sharp thrust align with your body; a loud sticky ‘ pap’ sound resonates loudly throughout the room and his ears. impossibly turning him on even more.
“ haah, t-turning me on even more. think you can handle five more rounds after tis’?” one of satoru’s legs are propped up, so he’s able to maintain his rhythm and dive into your pussy even further. creating more of an absolute mess out of you.
“ mmph— oh fuuuck! i—it’s too much, s-stop!” your body moves on its own and one of your legs fly up to slap satoru in the ass. but gojo’s firm hand slides down to still your ankle against the bed, while the rocks of his hips doesn’t stop even for a moment. grounding you completely on the bed so you won’t think to run away.
the feeling of him stirring your insides up and leaving your brain a mushy mess is enough to fill your clouded eyes with salty tears. a particularly wet sob catches the man’s attention, and he lets your ankle go to tug at your hair.
“ you crying on me, princess?” his cocky voice booms above you, and through your unintelligible sounds your mouth makes, you beg him to shut up. the bed jostles and creaks with every mind shattering thrust he gives you.
you couldn’t contain yourself any longer, a particular thrust of his has your vision brightening and you cumming on all ten inches of him with a loud scream followed by you collapsing on the bed. despite your body tapping out on him, satoru’s pace didn’t rest for second, but his lips curled down into a faux frown.
“ we gotta fix that stamina of yours, princess.” he pouts at your body twitching from the overstimulation and rocking under him with every push of his hips. despite his expression, he fucking adores the sight of you helped underneath him, and at his will.
his nails dig deep into the fat of your ass, before he rocks you and the headboard forward with a loud moan. satoru comes a lot. if you weren’t on the pill, it would be no doubt that you’d be pregnant with a good handful of his children by now.
“ hey, yer’ not sleep yet? guess we can do another round.”
“ s-stop! suguru, stop. it’s— ’s too much!” you’re words are punctured from your throat with deep gasps and moans. a tight pressure builds in your lower stomach with every electrifying thrust suguru gives with his fingers.
your nerves feels as if they’re on fire and your body desperately screams for a break. but his arm shows no signs of stopping or slowing down; muscles flexing, hair messily sprawled around him, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth.
“ gonna squirt f’me yet?” suguru asks, the evident of your past orgasms trickling down his forearm. every movement of his fingers feels more alive than the last, and every touch against your g-spot has your vision brightening and the coil in your stomach tightening.
his fingers curling and thrusting are the only thing that your mushed brain can comprehend. “ h-haaah, it’s dirty… m’ gonna- gonna piss!” your hips tremble, but suguru’s hand is braced firmly on your waist. his pace doesn’t relent.
his fingers easily glides in and out of your wet, gummy warmth easily. your moans and the uncontrollable actions of your legs increases; still so sensitive of the last orgasms suguru gave you and the ones to come yet.
“ we’ll take a bath and clean the bedsheets. hmm?” he sprinkles the dips of your collarbone in lighthearted kisses. that damned unhinged grin still plastered on his face. you grab desperately onto his hair, eyes fluttering back into your head and mouth hung open.
“ fuh— fuck!” your hips still along with your legs when you feel your pussy spray like an open faucet.
“ there she goes. told you, you could do it.” he eyes the beauty of your fluids going everywhere, your thighs contracting and twitching from your post-orgasm.
your slick arousal is everywhere. his arm, your legs, the bedsheets, everywhere.
he gives your wet cunt a soft spank before licking the rest coating his hand. through your weakened state, you watch him.
“ proud that you can keep up with me, baby.” he removes his now spit coated fingers with a loud wet pop sound. “ think you can still squirt on my cock?”
“ h-haah. c-choso— baby, don’t think i can do it. ‘s too much!” you hiss out. you both fucked multiple times before, but to say you’re fully used to it, would be a stretch.
“ that’s it, baby. fuuuck, k-keep rocking your hips like that.” choso said, completely ignoring your desperate pleas to stop. his calloused hands traveled down to plant firmly on your hips, holding you in a way in which you can’t escape.
“ jus’ for you, cho.” you mutter out, before the action of you bouncing up and down on his lap increases viciously. the sinful sounds of your skin clashing down against his, all eight inches of him stirring up your insides, and both of your sweet moans combined together, sounded like a erotic song that choso would never get tired of hearing.
“ yea… that’s right,” he occupied his finger with the task of drawing tight circles on your twitching clit. he smiles in realization when you choke out a wet sob. “ just for m-me. all f’me.”
“ cho—mmph, choso!” your mouths hang ajar dumbly, nails planted firmly in his pecs; using him as the only thing holding you upright despite your weak knees. the way how your body trembled and shook, choso could tell you were close to passing out.
“ hm, that won’t do…” choso darkly mutters out before his hands resume their place on your hips. his grip boarding on painfully but your mushed brain can’t dwell on the pain. his feet planted securely on the bed, and his hips thrust up to meet your bounces.
the new depth of his dick molding your insides; kissing your cervix sweetly sent you on the brink of tears. “ ohh fuck! ‘s too much— i can’t, i can’t!” you babble out, salty tears rolling down your cheeks proving your pleading.
despite your desperate cries; you still bounce and down on his cock with his extra help. the wetness from pervious orgasms and his hips jerking up made the process easier yet still so unbearable. “ you can. like you said, it’s just for me.”
your eyes meet in deathly lock and from the way his pace increases you suspect that he’s close. “ squeezing me so tight… shit, ‘m so close, baby.” his hips growing sloppier by the minute. desperate to bring you to the high you deserve.
and with one more mouth watering thrust of his tip that he delivers against your g-spot; you come on him with a choked moan. your body goes slack against his but choso is not too far behind.
“ don’t tap out on me now— oh god.” you feel his dick twitching viscously in your warm walls. you feel a great warmth flood your insides and leak out onto your inner thighs and on his pelvis. your stuffed so silly of him.
“ toji— m-move! jus’ came!” you gradually panted out before swatting his hand away from your lower body. you feel his dick twitch eagerly inside you.
toji fingers tighten against your throat as a warning, before he manhandles you into a mating press.
you gasp at new feeling of him entering you even deeper. “ f—fuck you! damn… tyrant!” toji leisurely grins above you. and from the new angle; the lighting traces and enchants his sharp features even more. “ you already are,” he begins to snap his lower hips against your thighs.
“ ‘nd from the way this dirty cunt is clenching on me so tightly…” he dips his head down to where his scarred lip brushes against the shell of your ear. “ you fuckin’ love it, sweetheart.” his words sends hot pangs of pleasure to your heat, mostly accompanied by the sharp thrust of his hips.
toji can feel his own dick twitch inside of you. you’re so fucking tight— milking him tight and holding him snug deep inside. the lewd sound of him slamming inside of you resonates in the room, but the fucked out dumb look on your face is obscene.
“ tuh— toooji!” is the only thing your brain can comprehend. with your mouth hung open and eyes rolled so far in the back of your head. “ yer’ close already? tsk, barely broke the bed on this good pussy.” he says, deciding to completely ignore the evidence of your past fluids mixed together on the wrinkled sheets below.
toji’s broad body envelopes your smaller one completely. the sight of your feet on either side of his shoulder is the only sign of life underneath him.
your legs twitch, your wall spasms around toji, sucking him in and in and in. his sharp eye notices the bulge of your belly and with his calloused pressing down on it, is enough to come over the edge with a shrill cry.
“ haah, you seriously came without me fucking your clit?” he barks out a cruel laugh that echoes in your ears. and you desperately want him to shut up.
through your heated gaze you notice his abs contracting and twitching— a signal that he’s coming close. as if the bruising grip on your hips didn’t serve as an reminder either. “ fuck girl… ya’ really drivin’ me crazy…”
his sweaty bangs press against your equally sweaty forehead while he forces himself deeper in your inviting heat. and before you know it, cum trickles deeply inside of your body, the creaking and his groans in your ears are loud and the only things you can focus on before he slots his body on yours with a sigh.
“ take a small break now. ‘m not lying when i say i’m gonna break the bed on this pussy.”
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neverendingford · 4 months
#tag talk#had a new therapist appointment today. she seems nice and I think we'll probably get along.#I complained about growing up queer and christian and she complained about her bible thumping sister so I complained about my little brother#who is the same flavor of dogmatic religious and as long as it doesn't ever turn into her genuinely complaining about stuff to me we're good#I'm always bad at open ended questions like “tell me about yourself” but I can go off for an hour with a prompt like “do you have any kids?”#I woke up my laptop an hour ahead because it's so fuckin old it needs the time to wake up but my pc doesn't have a webcam so laptop it is.#I got a headset that connects with a bluetooth dongle because my pc network card doesn't have onboard bluetooth and it's nice#cause I don't have to worry about audio cords and I can walk around the house while still connected to call.#so many people I vc with have issues with headphones and mics unplugging all the time and I'm like hah I'm better than you.#anyway. we'll see how it goes. she was nice and wasn't sarcastic or passive aggressive so better than the first person I saw here.#and she actually responds to my comments and asks questions instead of just silently listening so better than my last actual therapist.#fourth time's the charm maybe. we'll see. I'm also in a place where I can get even more done myself with just a little external motivation#so even if she's not remarkably insightful I'm in a better place mentally so with a bit of external impetus I can get even more done now.#I picked weekly instead of biweekly because I will forget stuff so fucking fast if I pick biweekly and I can schedule it further away later#if I decide that's what I want/need/can handle. but yeah. new stuff#I still to call their dental department about a checkup cause it's been since 2019 since I got an actual checkup.#I brush and floss and mouthwash because I'm paranoid of having an issue without immediate dental care so I'm prolly fine#but it would be nice to be sure about it instead of just presuming and guessing.#once again thanks for socialized healthcare even if it is pretty garbage in the US it's absolutely better than nothing.#if/when I want gender surgery shit it'll probably be a whole-ass issue but for the entry-level shit it's very manageable.#anyway. I almost forgot about my scheduled appointment because when my brain is nervous about stuff it chooses to forget about it#which has cause problems in the past and certainly will again in the future but I remembered early enough that I didn't try and shower#cause deadass one time I had to hop out of the shower to take a scheduled Dr call cause I forgot about it#if my music hadn't paused I wouldn't have noticed.#no big deal just me talking about important medical treatment stuff buck ass nude full thang swangin#anyway. hopefully good things in the future perhaps.#I have to go shower for real now. byeeeeee
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krockat · 6 months
hey-- you know as much as i appreciate a funny anon as much as the next guy, and the occasional 'hey get your head out of your ass, here's where you can find perfectly good info' jab,
GOOGLE? how dare you insinuate i use Google for my searches. neigh. neigh, stranger.
as much as i may use Google for various services as it is an inescapable and allegedly (under investigation) illegal monopoly that has gored and vored most things i love and/or am in need of using;
i try not to dally with their results and thievery more than i need to.
why i so hot and sexily and sillily asked an open ended question in a tag on a rb'd post about degrease-ms.
i will take your peak and i will take it. but i SHANT stand for resorting to google searches on my own.
also sometimes it's just a fun time for the potential to get a take from an internet mutual or stranger coming at it with their specific take.
or a passive-active anon sending a passive-active link to me, like good samiratins like you :)
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batautism · 10 months
the fucking hospital is sending me to some form of obesity clinic im going to kill myself
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