#ask the swapped death au!
I hear you guys are in a killing game. Has anyone died yet?
"Ah, ya. Me, David, and Eden have...the others are alive! I think- I mean no one else is here yet..!"
(Excuse the lack of visuals, I'm working on it 😓)
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fyodorkitkat · 1 year
If the PM had somehow been the primary target of all of these plots instead of the ADA I firmly believe half of the situations could have been solved with Kajii. I understand he isn't popular but listen there is a reason he is who they pull out first with a hat trick when shit gets real.
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andr0nap-wf · 15 days
rotating the swap au in my mind:
archimedean albrecht and executor loid meet on the day of albrechts execution
loid manages to appeal his sentence because he sees potential in his work and offers to personally oversee the void research project to appease the rest of the judges
albrecht is spared from the jade light and comes out of the situation with a sponsor and the greatest whiplash of his life
shenanigans ensue
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
i feel like swap!light would be one of those artists whose albums are mostly very pop-y radio songs, but then will have one or two songs mixed in that have a wildly different tone
hes so funny i always imagined either:
super pop-y upbeat songs with horrific or startling meanings (“the vampire” deco*27, “not a devil” deco*27/pinocchiop, “envy baby/king” kanaria, “god-ish” pinocchiop, “this is the happiness and peace of mind committee” utatap, “tokyo teddy bear/the lost ones weeping” neru, among others)
vaguely threatening sounding songs that also incredibly pumped up (“my love is hellfire” slave.v-v-r, “bottom/mobius/bocca della verita” hiiragikirai, “lucifer” ¿?shimon, “imitation” flg4, “shadow shadow” azari, among others)
but he also reminds me a lot of the pumped up 2010s radio pop stars like kesha!
so probably some combination of all three?
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thedemoninmywalls · 20 days
What would a swap au look like?
i. um. huh. damn i like their normal dynamic too much XD here's an idea tho: aro is a succubus demon, tasked with seducing humans and stealing their souls...unfortunately she's kind of insecure and not very good at her job, feeling inadequate compared to the other demons she knows. oh and she has tentacles lmao lucien is a socially awkward human who has trouble making connections. He falls in love with the succubus sent to seduce him, but he also helps her work through her insecurities and fears, since he has some of the same issues. they're still kinky, but its overall a much healthier relationship...maybe i'll draw it sometime
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I apologize for the fact that I’m probably going to flood your inbox with these questions, but as a fellow autistic obsessed with the Captain Laserhawk show, I am eating this like the sushi on the cow hybrid. (No sexual implications intended. I am aro ace.)
Could you give some dialogue examples for Bullfrog?
Does he pray a lot, due to the cult-raised mindset?
Is the god of the cult Cursa? (From Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope.)
And what are the other characters like?
Listen pal, don't stop, you're just inspiring me to make more of this au!
As for your questions...
This AU's bullfrog is very stoic, complementing his closed-off nature, and whenever he is in a conversation, he's blunt, straightforward, and even a bit sassy at times. Think the Spy from TF2, but with less 'your mom' jokes.
(And yes, he does pray a lot.)
As for examples:
"Dear Polokus, give me strength" (Polokus used here as a placeholder)
"I do not see why zhis would be necessary for our mission.."
"Please, stay quiet, unless you WANT to get captured."
"...What have I done wrong?"
I... haven't played SoH yet (or the assassin creed games. Or BGAE. im barely getting past rayman 1, so keep that in mind), so IDK what Cursa is like. Will look her up tho!
As for the others, do you mean Dolph and Ramon? Or Sarah, Jade, Pey'r and Sam? I'll put some little descriptions of them down, just in case.
Dolph: Swave and sweet-talking newscaster, ex-soldier, and main face of Eden. Was chosen to be that face after getting his shit wrecked in the Wasteland War. Tries to act more extroverted and welcoming than he actually is. Has PTSD.
Ramon: Friendly albiet Trigger-Happy Vigilante that is well know through the lower castes of Eden as a Hero. Unlike Canon, he realised Eden's lies almost immediately and remembers a lot about Dimension X, and is deeply troubled about not being able to save his home.
Sarah: Former Eden soldier highly praised for her strategies and fighting prowess until she leaked hundreds upon hundreds of documents and pictures of Eden's... less palpatable actions. Still is trying her best to expose Eden for what it is. Quiet and uptight, but loyal to a fault and always willing to save people (unlike canon)
Sam: A former US military soldier and spy, like in canon, but he never got betrayed by Sarah and has worked with the resistance for many many years. Straightforward and militaristic in thinking, he has dedicated his life fighting against Eden, just like when he was working for America. He and Sarah were recently captured after trying to expose a major hybrid trafficking ring managed by Cody Rhodes.
The Monitor (Jade): Previously a Eden News journalist, Sarah has become a large part of Eden's survelliance system, monitoring every nook and cranny for any possible crime against Eden and protect his daughter. Luckily, this has granted her the ability to effectively "hide" people from Eden's panopticon, a power that she uses to set up a certain team..
Pey'r: A fighter for Hybrid Rights, an important soldier in the Wasteland War and a very well trained soldier to boot, Pey'r had adopted Jade when she was extremely young, after seeing her parents, two close friends of his, die in the middle of a crossfire. Even after Jade recorded him hiding outlaws from Eden when she was young, he still partly hoped, that one day, his daughter would help him with his work, even after he died.
(This is all subject to change, yadda yadda, at least Pey'r's not in love with his daughter now)
(Also sorry for the late reply! Had to think a lot about these questions.)
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eleonoraw · 8 months
Once upon a day, in some distant AU, Light and L have swapped bodies. What happens next?
Heh, this is very interesting situation, and I think that it's the best when it applies to the universe where Light is Kira and L, well... L.
So... they know each other already, but they haven't yet reached the moment when Light will be handcuffed to L and have his memories about the notebook erased. It will only last 24 hours (or for a week at maximum if someone preffers it for longer). It would be enough time for both of them to discover what they need without somehow jeopardizing their relationships with the people around them, or someone discovering their secret (they will find some great excuses for acting strange, I have no doubts, lol).
And once when the swap happens, they both get excited about it. For many reasons.
The first and main reason will be because:
L is convinced that he will finally find the weapon Kira uses to kill, and Light is convinced that he will discover L's identity and be able to finally kill him. Hm.
The moment they wake up in the morning (and realize what happened) they will think that victory is in their hands until they start worrying about their secrets being revealed (Light - his Death note, L - his real name).
Light's secret will remain safe, because L will see that Light has a diary hidden in a drawer and won't think much of it when he doesn't read any information about Kira in it and he will get bored because Light doesn't have anything really interesting written in there. He will find it a bit suspicious, but he will continue to search Light's room in other places (Ryuk is confused as to why Light is acting strange and can't hear him, but also doesn't try to make contact because the name above Light's head is double, his own, but also L Lawliet, which will be very confusing to Ryuk).
L's identity is also safe because his ID is hidden, Watari has it on safe place (which is the only source of information about his full name) and Light doesn't know this so he tries to search all the corners of L's hotel room and search all the files L has on his computer and wastes most of his time doing this.
As the end of the day (or the week) approaches, both will be frustrated that they didn't find the one piece of information they needed. And since they won't know when they will return to their own bodies, when the night finally comes, and they lie to rest on each other's bed, some other thoughts will flood their minds.
During the day, in addition to looking for information about each other, they will also try to get to know each other on a more intimate level (of course both will justify that they need to know everything about their enemy, because, reasons...).
They will also go through each other's search history and feel embarrassed when they come across various porn videos (I believe they both are curious gays). Then sooner or later the curiosity will prevail again and both of them will at some point undo their slits to see what's hiding inside 👀 (how thick and how big is the equipment, haha) (I mean why not??🤣) and maybe only at that moment they realize how turned on they really are (and I don't believe they will be able to resist the urge to "play" a little with themselves, or a little more 😏) that would be really funny xD (and hot🔥).
Partially disappointed that they failed to discover the information they needed, they will return to their own bodies when the time come. But somehow they won't be as eager to kill each other as they were before (but they will still know that it is something they will have to do in order to survive). Both will realize that they have some deeper feelings for each other, although they will still try to deny it.
But one thing that they will not know is that the first swap was only a warning, and the second will be permanent untill they stop being enemies and decide to help each other instead (could be some soulmate thing AU or something) ❤️
Very "romantic," I know.
Thanks for the ask anon, I hope it answers the question.
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blondeaxolotl · 8 months
With the new season right around the corner, I'm curious: Who are the P4 swapped with in your AU?
Swapping the P4 is probably the most difficult out of any swaps because there are almost like NO characters that fit their age-range and the ones that somewhat do, they already have roles Right now if I'm still unable to find characters that could work with their swaps and if I'm still unable to, I will have to get extra creative and swap them with eachother and im
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solisaureus · 10 months
Is Hades going to play a major role in the story? Imagine if he was like "oh thank it was your brother who died and not you", then Bianca's reaction.
yes hades will be making a prominent appearance. however personally i think that when he told nico that it would’ve been better if bianca had lived in the last olympian, it was just him being mean to manipulate nico’s emotions. i don’t think he actually felt that way
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obsessedwithegos · 1 year
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I had the base for this and the tattoo sheet finished a while ago but today I finally got around to giving him his clothes and doing the eyes and mouth references as well!
Here we are! Tael's references for canon after Emil's escape and Dahlia's capture and for Unholy Swap AU after his sacrifice and release! On the tattoo spreadsheet they aren't size accurate to each other or in any specific order! :3
[Link to better quality and full size ref] [Link to better quality and full size tattoo spreadsheet]
general: @emmettnet @blackberry-nightingale
Emil related: @whumpsday
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 months
"You're one of them! You were hiding to finish what your kind started!" Matthew froze at their hatred filled glares. He hadn't meant to reveal his actual form. That he was from the same planet the invading aliens had come from. The day filled with bloodshed, loss of so many lives. "Wait, please! I don't want to harm anyone!" He tried to plead with the angry mob forming around him. Though it was futile. To them, he was just as guilty for the invasion. Matthew was silenced when a rock was thrown at his head. Causing him to fall backwards onto the ground. With that, they swarmed around him. No one held back any punches. Bones were broken in the most excruciating way. Flesh torn at mercilessly. Matthew cried out to them. Begging for them to stop. That he wasn't like those who invaded earth. It only encouraged their attack on him. Once they finally let up on him, they stepped away from him. Though the malicious grins on their faces told that it wasn't the end of his torment. Not by a longshot. Matthew felt his heart drop when he heard a vehicle backing up to him. Were they going to kill him right then and there? For crimes that weren't his? Tears streamed down his face. Not because he was going to die. No. He was crying due to the possibility of never seeing his family again. Never seeing his wonderful children. Never seeing his amazing husband. He was going to die and they would never see him again. Matthew shut his eyes, waiting for them to go through with it. He was surprised when they had forced him to get up. Making him stand even though he couldn't on his own. His legs felt as if he were standing on thousands of tiny, red hot knives. It didn't click what they were going to do until they tied a rope around his wrists. The other end of the rope was tied to the vehicle. "Alright, let's have some fun. Hope you enjoy this." One man spoke, grinning in such a sadistic manner. They signaled the driver to start. They started to drive off slowly, forcing Matthew to struggle while walking through the pain. They eventually picked up enough speed that he was barely able to keep up. Until Matthew's body had gave out. Falling and allowing the car to drag him through the streets. The last thing he was thinking about was his family. His last thoughts before everyone went dark was. "I'm sorry, Carl. I'm so sorry I'll never see you again...I love you...I love the kids..."
Aww poor Matthew.
And thus
The prologue of the Party of Death😈
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echosong971 · 2 years
So like for your AUs, do you every think of songs that would fit with em? (RF, ghost!Cayde, etc.)
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pyreneese · 8 months
Once upon a day, in some distant AU, Light and L have swapped bodies. What happens next?
Funny answer?
Light really takes the Knife Game Song to heart in L’s body. He considers it an extra bonus that the body is so hopped up on sugar that his fingers are shaky.
Meanwhile in Light’s body, L decides Light would reeaaally love a tattoo. After much deliberation, he decides to tattoo Misa’s face and name onto Light’s chest. As well as send an email to the Toh-Oh dean which would most definitely get Light expelled.
Serious answer?
Light would 100% take advantage of the situation to learn as much information about L as possible. He’d have Watari’s trust and therefore access to most of L’s network. If there’s anything he’s missing, it would most likely be passwords and such. So his first task in L’s body would be to get those.
L would also take advantage of the situation. I could see him making tapes of Light ‘confessing’ to being Kira just so he has them in his back pocket while he continues investigating. Whether or not he finds out about the death note would be dependent on whether or not he could see Ryuk and/or Rem since it was Light’s hand who has touched the book. Either way, he could use his new leverage as Light to effectively interrogate Misa.
Since Light is in L’s body, he might try to confine L the same way L previously confined him. But I could see L retaliating by appealing to the task force and getting them to force Light not to do that.
Ironically I don’t think either of them would be immediately trying to return to their own body. It’s too much of an opportunity to have unfettered access to the other’s life, even if the risk to them is equally great. It would still be a cat and mouse game, just a very expedited and even more urgent one lol.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Death swap au. Would Percy become the champion of the Raven Queen?
Do you think that would change his relationship with Vex?
yeah, i think he would, and i think he would have a much more contentious relationship with her than vax did. i think he'd chafe under the hand of a god, and tbh idk if he'd ever get the deathwalker's ward to its exalted state.
i think it would take longer for him and vex to get together. i think that where vax clung to whatever pieces of life he could get his hands on, percy would see himself as a doomed man and not want to bring anyone down on a sinking ship. i think it would take a lot of forcefulness from vex to get him to see that she's willing to love him even if it means losing him.
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
Okay okay I absolutely love. Love love love - your Death Note Swap!AU. The art and the redesigns just - immaculate, and I love the fact you did a whole relationship chart too!! :00 I cannot wait to see more honestly -
Also Kira!L? YESSSSS I love him sm sm sm
college has been kicking my ass so i have less time to come up w ideas for pieces for it lol (input absolutely welcome in asks though no promises ill use the idea) but here’s a somewhat sea-pearl themed light concert outfit ehehehe…
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authordgaster · 2 years
can I hear more about the AM you are making? I saw you put an ask about it for avj and holy crap it sounds amazing! anything else you are willing or able to share?
I’m glad you asked! I’d love to share about DreamShift!
It’s inspired by the concept of swapping the roles and personalities of different Sanses, like in DreamSwap, SwapDream, etc etc, but instead applied the StoryShift twist, where characters shift roles and they retain the majority of their original personality.
The Sanses, and the order they were Shifted, are as follows: Geno - Dream - Error - Fell - Cross - Reaper - Nightmare - Ink - Fresh - Swap.
They create this lovely cast of personalities:
Dream!Geno (Life): a Geno that never got turned into Error, travels the multiverse to protect the lives of AU inhabitants. Has become a leader of his Multiverse’s equivalent to the Star Sanses (they’re not gonna call themselves that)
Nightmare!Reaper (Death): a Reaper that went mad and now goes from AU to AU to kill its inhabitants so he can “make all the noise stop.” Has a few followers, all of which are mass murderers in their own right.
Error!Dream (Hope): a Dream that got trapped in the Antivoid after a fight with Nightmare. He escaped before being completely Errorified, but his mind was still damaged by the experience. Travels to and destroys negative AUs, and has a savior/god complex. Used his powers to manipulate some inhabitants of the Omega Timeline to serve him before being banned by Core Frisk. (His eye sockets sometimes glitch out if he gets too emotional)
Ink!Nightmare (Despair): a Nightmare that got trapped in the void after a battle with Dream and wasn’t able to access negative emotions for a long time, becoming incredibly weakened. Eventually escaped and landed in HorrorTale, and was taken in by the HorrorTale skeleton brothers. Now protects negative AUs from Hope and uses HT as a home base of sorts.
Fell!Error (Error): a post True Pacifist Fell that got Errorified. He escaped but not before his Frisk Reset and a replacement of him was created. There was some confusion but he was welcomed to stay. He avoids multiversal conflicts and only cares about protecting UnderFell.
Fresh!Ink (Fresh/Freak): An Ink that got possessed by the Fresh parasite. It’s Fresh but more dangerous. His outfit in this multiverse is based off of Ink’s redesign rather than his classic look.
Cross!Fell (Flower): a FlowerFell Sans who absorbed the soul of his Frisk after monsterkind was freed from the underground and she perished. Now travels between AUs and works closely with Life.
Swap!Fresh (Blank): the last Fresh host before the parasite jumped to Ink. The only host to not become brain dead from being used as a host. Aimlessly wandered for a bit before being taken in by Life. Wants to save Ink.
Reaper!Cross (Black): was found in his dead and broken AU by Death and was taken in. Now works for the corrupted god. Abandoned his old jacket and cape(?) for a large black cloak. Still wants to find a way to bring back his AU. (His scar is under his left eye in this AU)
Geno!Swap (White): (based primarily off of @skesgo’s Reset!Blue) A Swap Sans who’s world was irrevocably damaged by his Chara’s countless Resets. The experience even turned his clothes black and white. Wears his brother’s jacket, the only part of his clothing with any color left, as a waist cape. Was rescued by and now works for Life. His right eye socket is a little cracked, but still functional.
Life, Death, Hope, and Despair create what I refer to as “The Big 4.” Basically the quartet of the most influential characters in the multiverse. We have a guardian and a destroyer who care about the AU more than the inhabitants: the roles of Ink and Error, and we have a guardian and destroyer who care more about the inhabitants than the AU: the roles of Dream and Nightmare. Despair, Hope, Life, and Death each fill one of those roles.
Freak took Ink’s body because he figured it was his best option for a host body that would be the most difficult to kill. Also his main weapons are Spray Paint Cans that can either shoot paint or be used like grenades. He keeps them in a Fanny pack that functions like a bag of holding.
If you have questions about any of the specific characters, or even questions for them, feel free to ask away!
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